The holiday is the day of good deeds. Good deeds day


Creative works students of 3 - A class


One day alone magical night all the flowers have gathered. They argued for a long time about who will bloom first, who will be the second, and who will be the third ... Almost in the morning, all disputes were resolved and the time of flowering was set for each.

And suddenly one flower said:

And who will appreciate and protect us? Who will appreciate our beauty and benefits?

Flowers spent a lot of time pondering this question.

And then the snowdrop said:

You need to please a person with your beauty and fragrance. You need to appear first after a long winter, be long-awaited and gentle. Man will want to save me. So he will do with subsequent colors. A person will learn to take care of us. He must definitely learn to take care of flowers!

Let's take good care of flowers, because we are waiting for miracles in the spring. And primroses are the real miracles.

Savitskaya Elena

Save the primroses

Last year, at the beginning of April, my mother and I went for a walk in the forest. The trees were still dark, bare, without green leaves. There was almost no snow anywhere. And on the thawed patches, warmed by the sun, blue flowers - snowdrops - sparkled brightly.

Primroses: woodlands, snowdrops, lilies of the valley, violets are called the smile of spring.

Fragile petals, shimmering in the sun with bright colors, inform us about the arrival of heat.

When I saw the snowdrops, my spirits lifted. I wanted to pick a bouquet of flowers and bring it home. But my mother said that this should not be done.

If we and other people pick bouquets, our fields will be empty. Next year we will not be able to admire the primroses.

Nature must be protected. You can admire the flowers when you are walking in the field or in the forest. And bouquets need to be given from decorative flowers that a person grows himself.

Krokhina Ksenia

Snowdrops in the forest

Spring came. More and more often the sun began to appear in the forest, the singing of birds was heard louder. The snow began to melt. Everything around came to life and was transformed. The trees in the forest swayed slowly from the wind and seemed to whisper: “Spring. Spring came." And the forest dwellers rejoiced every sunny day, the arrival of spring.

In a clearing covered with snow, near an old oak tree, the first flowers appeared - snowdrops. Pure and delicate snowdrops amazed everyone in the forest with their extraordinary beauty. On thin stalks, white snowdrops seemed fragile and defenseless. But in reality they are brave and brave, because the first appeared from under the snow.

Snowdrops are the first spring flowers that amaze with their beauty and singularity. All the inhabitants of the forest admire and rejoice at the first flowers.

Ivan Zheltikov

People, take care of the primroses

As soon as the snow begins to melt, stubborn tender primroses sprout through the ground on the thawed patches. Neither freezing spring rain, nor belated snow that falls from the sky, nor frost can stop them. To see their true beauty and charm, you need to take a close look. They are so fragile and delicate, with a delicate aroma - spring primroses that can disappear if people do not stop destroying them. In the spring, townspeople go out into nature and begin to trample, pluck plants in large quantities... Delicate bouquets quickly wither and lose their charm, but this does not stop people.
At the sight of how vacationers collect bouquets of primroses, you need to convince them not to do this, but to take pity on nature, to preserve it for children and grandchildren. After all, these are rare fragile spring flowers that are good in their natural environment. You can also admire primroses in the forest, while taking pictures of amazing beauty. And then at any time of the year, looking at the photo, you can recall the scent of a wonderful flower.
People, take care of primroses, it is nice to see the first flower after a long winter! We must all understand that nature is generous to those who know how to value and preserve it.

Denis Nosov

Don't pick the primroses!

The starling is knocking without notes at my window,

veta opened at the yard,

And there are buds on the trees

Shine like flowers.

The last snow has melted

Streams run around.

The snowdrop is already sprouting

Spring is coming with us!

The snowdrop blooms

Captivates with its beauty

And you can't take your eyes off him,

So I want to rip it off.

To decorate the house

Fill the room with comfort and warmth.

Don't pick the primroses!

After all, if we collect them in bouquets,

Primroses will perish.

And all our land

She will remain poor.

And our future children

They do not know what primroses are.

Seregin Maxim

Spring Heralds

Winter is over. The snow has melted long ago. In the morning the birds began to sing loudly. Vika went for a walk. There she met her friends. The guys decided to go to the playground. On the way, the children looked at nature. They saw an unusually beautiful meadow with flowers. The children were surprised at the early flowers.

Rather collect, ”Natasha shouted.

And the guys began to pick flowers in bouquets for their mothers.

Vika read books about early flowers. She remembered. that they are also called primroses, heralds of spring. she suddenly cried out:

Stop for a minute.

Her friends suddenly listened.

I know what kind of flowers they are, - said Vika. These are snowdrops. The most fragile, beautiful and delicate.

Yes, it was they - snowdrops. These flowers are listed in the Red Book. Children began to admire such a beautiful meadow. Each child thought about his own. But they all realized that real spring had come and the earth was slowly waking up from winter sleep.

Victoria Piltyai


Spring has come to us with greetings

Tell that the world is awake

shine your light on us

For everyone to smile.

To all the trees in the world

Dress up in green.

So that the smile becomes wider

And a light sparkled in his eyes.

Birds to fly

And flowers to bloom

All the fields were green.

You and I were happy!

So that the flowers hatch

Unusual beauty.

We would all guard them

And they called them snowdrops.

Would you show love?

Yes, they showed love for them,

They did not lie and did not trample,

And if only they wrote poems about them.

Greetings to the first spring flowers from Victoria Piltyai.

Spring came

spring has come

Tulips are blooming

It smells of lilacs in the yard

And in the sky blue and bottomless,

Swallows are already flying.

The snow has melted in the yard

The hare threw off the white fur.

And the cherry blossoms in the garden

The smell is heard from everywhere.

The sun is shining in the sky.

He scatters the clouds in the sky,

All fields are in bloom

And welcome the spring.

Maria Firsova

Interesting tale

There was a little girl in the world. She had a magical dream. The girl wanted to grow an unusual front garden of flowers, so that all passers-by were happy looking at this blooming beauty.
Very carefully and diligently she planted small bulbs, watered them and waited for the sprouts to appear ...
And the onions, meanwhile, sat underground and argued. They were afraid of the unknown and big world, and could not decide in any way who would be bolder and the first to throw out the sprout.
Snowdrop was the first to decide. He was eager to see the warm sun and gentle spring.
He stretched with all his might from his bulb… sprouting… still stretching… but he didn't have the strength to break through the soil. He wanted to be an example for other flowers who were watching him with might and main. The next morning, the girl came to her front garden and again began to water the bulbs, hoping that the flowers would grow.
But the bulbs sat deep in the ground and did not want to appear in any way, they were afraid that they, like Snowdrop, would fail.
And suddenly ... the girl began to sing ... She sang such a magical song about spring, about the warm sun, about birds and butterflies fluttering merrily in the sky, her voice flowed like a ringing stream ... Snowdrop, having heard this beautiful fairy tale, decided to sing, no matter what began to break through the stubborn earth and see all these miracles with my own eyes. He reached out with arrows - his hands up, stretched still. He rested his roots on the ground and began to slowly rise. It was very hard for him, the ground was dense, Snowdrop was very tired, but he could not give up - all the other flowers were staring at him with all their eyes.
The song of the girl in a magical stream reached him, and he climbed with all his might.
As soon as the top of his head was exposed, something burned his head with a cold. The snowdrop cowered and wanted to hide, so as not to freeze and ruin his panama hat with white frills - petals.
"Come on, little one, do not be shy" - he suddenly heard the girl's voice.
Little Snowdrop gathered his strength, squared his shoulders and rushed forward. And he leaned out of the ground up to his waist!
The sun blinded him, and he narrowed his eyes. Melt water washed his face and Snowdrop opened his eyes wide. He saw a bright blue sky high above the trees and funny fluffy clouds in it. The clouds frolicked and ran across the sky. And from branch to branch, disheveled sparrows jumped one after another. They also felt spring and warmth.
- You are the most daring Snowdrop! You are the first spring flower !!! - the girl was delighted.
The sun stroked Snowdrop's head with warm rays. On his panama hat, the petals straightened and became very delicate and beautiful.
" Blimey!" - exclaimed the Flower, - “It was worth spending so much energy for this! It's incredible and wonderful world! How great it is here !!! ”, - and he laughed loudly.
The rest of the onions from the ground heard his ringing laughter and also rushed towards Spring.

Vlada Vasilieva

Old beliefs about spring flowers become relevant on the eve of the onset of spring, since they are a storehouse of information about the features of plants, about the nuances of growing and caring for them. Forms flower legends and opinions about which specimen will successfully fit into the design of a spring flower garden, with which relatives the flowers will be comfortable, which ones should be discarded.

The first flowers as a symbol of spring

Try to mentally imagine the image of spring: the silhouette of a young long-haired beauty with various flowers and herbs woven into curls will appear in your imagination. Perhaps you will see a beautiful forest landscape with a stream, thawed patches and the first snowdrops making their way from the bare soil.

Someone's associative series will lead to the vision of a bright festive event - beloved by the beautiful half on March 8, and someone will even feel the breath of the breeze carrying the aromas of herbs reborn after winter.

Definitely, your virtual picture will not do without colors. Can you remember the names of the representatives of the flora that bloom first? Check yourself and loved ones!

The desire to know the nature of the universe and get closer to the creator encourages humanity to move forward and shake the world with all the new scientific discoveries, including the achievements in the artificial cultivation of wild plants without reference to the season.

However, no matter how far people go in their experiments, they always rejoice at the appearance of the first flowers that made their way without their participation, and the legends invented about wild specimens fueled the general interest in spring nature.

A beautiful legend about the appearance of a snowdrop is associated with the first couple in love - Adam and Eve. It says that when the unfortunate lovers expelled from paradise wandered through the snow-covered desert in winter, Eve broke down and burst into tears of remorse. The heart of the Lord trembled, and in order to comfort his daughter, he turned her tears into living white flowers that grew despite the cold.

There is fairy tale, in which the snowdrop acted as a helper for the snow. Goddess Flora threw a ball for flowers, and the snow wanted to get on it. Snowdrop took pity on uninvited guest and carried it away, hiding it under a tunic. Now the silvery friend always warms the plant in frost.

Tragic legends in folklore are not uncommon, there is a similar one about the snowdrop. The vile Serpent once stole the sun, not wanting spring to come. However, there was a daredevil, a young youth who was not afraid to go down to the viper's lair and managed to free the fiery star. The price of liberation was the life of the young man - he died of wounds received in battle with the reptile. Drops of his blood seeped through the snow into the soil and in their place grew white flowers, reminiscent of the pure soul of a guy.

As soon as the people do not call a yellow primrose: a ram (due to the waviness and fluffiness of the leaves), a key from the summer (due to the shape of the inflorescence, similar to a bunch of keys and its sunny color).

The origin of the primrose explains the medieval tradition. Once the Apostle Peter, the permanent guardian of the gates of heaven, dropped a bunch of golden keys that opened the magic entrance, having heard the news that some sinner was trying to enter the Kingdom of Heaven without permission. The imprint of the key set remained on the ground where it fell, and there the first flowers sprouted. They have become living keys that unlock the doors to warmth and summer.

They also say that primrose is able to reveal hidden treasures.

If you happen to see a woman in the field in white robes with a golden shining key, hurry up to pick the primroses growing in front of you before her image disappears. These flowers will help you find even a treasure buried deep in the ground. They can be used repeatedly.

The British still believe that fairies, gnomes and fabulous elves are hiding under the petals of an amazing plant. If you hear the singing coming from under the flower cap, you can.

The ancient Greeks believed that primrose possesses medicinal property and helps paralyzed people recover. According to legend, this flower is the personification of the beautiful young man Paralysos, who died of love.

And in the Scandinavian sagas "primus" are the keys of the fertility goddess Freya, falling from her rainbow necklace and opening spring.

Various legends are not associated with anything delicate flowers lily of the valley:

  • tears of the sea princess Magva, rejected by the famous epic hero Sadko;
  • drops of the divine sweat of the ancient Roman warrior Diana, which fell on the grass during her escape from the enamored Faun;
  • the beads of the scattered necklace of the beautiful snow white;
  • the dwelling place of the wood elves;
  • the burning tears of the Mother of God, which she shed under the cross of her crucified son;
  • pearls into which the happy laughter of the enamored Mavka, a fabulous forest creature, has turned.

Many legends associate lily of the valley with love experiences, so for centuries it has been considered a symbol of love among different peoples.

The legend of the ancient Celts deserves attention, according to which a rare plant is the treasure of the elves, scattered around the world.

Once, young hunters accidentally noticed a magic man in the forest with a precious burden and followed him. They saw a whole mountain of pearls lying under a spreading tree. When one hunter touched the pearl hill, it crumbled. Forgetting precaution, the whole group rushed to collect the pearl balls, and with their noise attracted the elven king. Seeing the outrage, he turned all the pearls into fragrant silvery flowers ...

To this day, elves rub the lilies of the valley with napkins woven from moonlight and take revenge on the greedy representatives of humanity.

Legends and, are of interest to novice gardeners and breeders. After all, they help to better recognize the essence of an outlandish plant and understand how to properly care for it.

Iris is considered one of the first plants to appear on earth. The first "cockerel" attracted all animals, insects and birds with its beauty. They admired the wind and water, thanks to which the seeds of a wonderful flower scattered around the world, sprouted, and the gift of nature won the love of all the inhabitants of the Earth.

Iris adorns the coat of arms of blooming Florence, since these beautiful flowers have been growing around it from time immemorial. And they got their name from Hippocrates, who compared the plant with a rainbow along which the goddess Iris descended to earth. Since then, they talk about irises only about the flowers of Irida.

Ancient Roman and ancient Greek myths repeatedly mention "kasatika" as a rainbow flower that gives people hope. The Egyptians considered the "hohlatika" to be a symbol of eloquence. The Arabs called it the flower of sorrow and planted its variety with white inflorescences on the graves of deceased relatives.

In the beliefs of the ancient Slavs, irises grew in places where lightning hit during the wrath of the Thunderer God Perun, the popular name "Perunik" has survived to this day.

The Japanese have built a cult around the perennial - the whole country is famous for its iris gardens. The words "iris" and "spirit of a warrior" are denoted by the same hieroglyph; there is even a separate day dedicated to admiring the flower - March 5th. Magical iris talismans are made for boys, a healing broth - May pearls - is prepared from a mixture of plant inflorescence and orange. All household utensils are decorated with images of pointed petals of a rainbow flower.

An ancient Greek story is associated with the name of the rain flower. Hyacinth was a god, but his glory faded in the rays of Apollo's beauty. Hyacinth and the god of beauty Apollo were friends, and often competed in agility and athletic skill.

Once Apollo unsuccessfully threw a disc and hit Hyacinth, inflicting a mortal wound on his opponent in games. The young man's blood splattered on the grass, and blood-red fragrant flowers subsequently sprouted from the soil.

The appearance of the flower of sorrow is also associated with the Trojan War. Allegedly, at that time, two strong warriors Ajax and Odysseus declared the rights to possess the weapon of Achilles (Achilles) after his death. The elders gave the subject of the dispute to Odysseus, and the offended Ajax pierced himself with a sword, unable to bear the insult. The plant that emerged from the bloody drop of a suicide bomber resembles the first letters of his name - Α (alpha), Υ (Upsilon).

Oriental poets (Navoi, Firduosi) sang hyacinth as "curls of hurias" because of the softness and fringe of its petals.

Imagine spring garden it is impossible without this flower, because for a long time cultivation of tulips was considered an occupation worthy of noble, well-known persons. Legends about him are dedicated to coloring.

For example, the red tulip is considered a symbol of the faithful love of the Tajik girl Shirin and the poor stonemason Farhad.

When the time for marriage came for Shirin, she delivered an ultimatum that she would give herself to whoever would dig a canal from the river to her house overnight. Farhad rushed to carry out the task and almost finished the job, but the dastardly prince, claiming to be the girl's hand, deceived the poor fellow, saying that he had already agreed on the date of the wedding with Shirin. In despair, Farhad killed himself, hitting his head on a pickaxe, and from the soil irrigated with drops of his blood, scarlet tulips grew. Shirin remained a virgin, loving Farhad until her death.

Many try to test the superstition about yellow tulip: "If you open its bud, you will get happiness." They say that such an action was only once succeeded by a child who was simply sincerely surprised at the beauty of an unprecedented flower. The tulip itself opened the petals to the baby - and he was happy!

The British believe that tulips were once endowed with different shades by those who settled in the garden near old woman fairies. When she saw the little guests peacefully sleeping in the buds, she was not too lazy and planted a few more rows of plants.

Seeing the care, we dyed the tulips and gave them an unsurpassed aroma. After the death of the old woman, the garden was repeatedly destroyed by her greedy relatives. The fairies had to get out of the inhospitable place, and as soon as they flew away, the flowers ceased to smell.

Real spring came: the sun was getting warmer every day more and more, the snow was melting, and streams ran through the ravines, buds swelled on the trees. The hedgehog, after washing his face and having breakfast with carrots, went for a walk. The weather was so good that it was simply unbearable to stay at home. As soon as the Hedgehog came out, his eyes closed up from the bright light that flooded the entire clearing. Having got used to it a little, the Hedgehog walked along the path.

He walked slowly, he had nowhere to rush and wanted to enjoy the beauty of awakening nature to his fullest. He admired the play of sunbeams on the thawed patches, listened to the slender chorus of drops, watched the snow slowly but surely melt in the clearing. Having passed the clearing, the Hedgehog went deep into the forest. Winter still reigned in the forest: there were snowdrifts, it was cool and damp. The Hedgehog didn't like it in the forest, and he was about to turn back, but then he noticed that someone was swarming in a snowdrift, throwing snow into different sides... The hedgehog became interested, and he came closer. Imagine his surprise when a Hare was found in a snowdrift.

Hello Hare! - Hedgehog shouted joyfully. - With the onset of spring you!

With fright, the hare jumped out of the snowdrift and rushed to his house, but halfway he realized that his friend, the Hedgehog, had frightened him, and returned.

Hi Hedgehog. Well, you scared me. My heart almost jumped out.

Sorry, - the Hedgehog was embarrassed, - I thought you noticed me.

No, I was so carried away that I probably would not have noticed the fox. It's good that you came to watch. When you see a fox, you shout. - The hare dived into the snowdrift again and began to dig.

The hedgehog became very curious, and he asked:

And what are you doing?

I am looking, - muttered the Hare.

Looking for? And what are you looking for?

The hare did not immediately answer, he dug a little more in the snow, got out and sighed wearily:

And then no. You see, Hedgehog, I recently met with Belka. We chatted and she said that snowdrops were coming soon.


Yes! These are the flowers that grow under the snow. I was so happy to learn about them that I decided to give my rabbit ... these snowdrops.

Great! - agreed the Hedgehog.

It's great, it's great, but now I'm breaking the seventh snowdrift, but there are no snowdrops!

So what, - said the Hedgehog calmly, - you won't find it today, you will find it tomorrow, or when the snow melts all over.

That's the whole difficulty, - the Hare sighed so sadly that he almost cried, - I was so glad to learn about the snowdrops that I immediately told the hare about them and promised to give them to her today. She was so delighted, so delighted ... - and then the Hare wept bitterly.

It’s not good to promise what you’re not sure of, ”said the Hedgehog,“ but tears cannot help grief, let's go look for your snowdrops. Where can they be?

If they grow under the snow, - the Hare began to reason, having calmed down, - then you need to look for them where there is a lot of snow. And now the snow remains only in the forest.

Then let's go! -The Hedgehog commanded .- There is nothing to waste time.

Friends were looking for snowdrops all day. They dug in the snow. They looked under the trees and in the ravines; they dug through all the snowdrifts in the vicinity, but they did not find anything.
Already in the evening, returning home, the Hedgehog, in order to somehow calm the Hare, asked:

Or maybe Belka was wrong? Maybe there are no snowdrops?

I don't know, - the Hare sighed, - how will I look the hare in the eyes now? - He grieved, walking along the white edge of the forest.

The Hedgehog followed the Hare.

Strange, - said the Hedgehog, - in the morning there was very little snow, and now the whole edge is white again, as if the snow had passed.

I don’t know, - as if the Hare was talking to himself, - what I’ll say. She, I think, will be very upset to learn that I deceived her.

But you did not deceive on purpose, but out of ignorance, - objected the Hedgehog.

What's the difference - just sighed with a scythe.

Friends reached the Hare's house. At this time, a breeze blew and dispersed the clouds that covered the sky. Ascended in the sky full moon... In the bright light of the moon, the Hedgehog and the Hare saw a hare. She sat on the threshold of the house and smiled happily. Her half-closed eyes shone with happiness, and her ears hung shyly over her shoulders. The area around Zaychikha was full of snowdrops. The whole clearing and the edge of the forest were strewn with white flowers.

Thank you, - dropping a tear of happiness, said Hare, - I did not expect such a gift!

The Hedgehog and the Hare looked around and saw that the entire edge of the forest was covered with a carpet of small white flowers. They walked along them and did not even notice it.

And I did not expect, - the Hare laughed with joy.

It turns out that while he was looking for flowers in the forest, snowdrops blossomed around his house.

I am also very surprised, - the Hedgehog agreed.

Come on, - said the Hare, getting up, - I will give you tea with raspberries, otherwise you probably froze to death on the street all day.

Unlucky hunters for flowers, joking and laughing, went to the house of the Hare. They sat at the table for a long time, remembering how they looked for snowdrops in the snowdrifts, and drank tea at the same time, admiring from the window the view of the clearing covered with the first flowers of spring.