Shop Food Production How to Open Business? How to start your confectionery business.

Candy is a favorite delicacy of both children and adults. Candy production is great idea for business. The organization of this enterprise is a very exciting and profitable occupation.

To open your confectionery shop, the first thing you need to register with the IFTS. There are two options here: register as a llc or an individual entrepreneur.

In the first case, you will need more time and documents. But here you can make deals not only with physical, but also with legal entities. The second option will require a smaller tax.

In addition to registration, a beginner entrepreneur must collect whole line Documents: resolution of territorial bodies, Rospotrebnadzor, fire inspection. If the premises for the pastry shop will be rented, the fire resolution will not need.

Market Analysis and Required Equipment

To open your workshop, it is necessary to clearly decide on the type of products. It is important that the products differ from competitors.

To start a business, it is necessary to explore the main stages of cooking candy. They include: kneading the sweet mass, casting in special forms, cooling, applying glazes and packaging. It is important that the sweets must be stored for several days in stock and only then implemented.

Candy can be produced of various types: with icing, with filler, grill and so on. The chocolate base itself is made from natural milk and cocoa.

It should be noted that special equipment will be required to organize the workshop. It is possible to include temporing machines, refrigeration tunnels. The latter are used to apply the glaze. Confectionery is always maximally automated and mechanized. This will require considerable costs.

To date, lines for the production of candies of small power (150-200 kg per day) are very popular. For such a technological process, no more than 100 square meters will be required. m.

In addition to the equipment, you will need to purchase transport, premises for office or warehouse.

Molds are of great importance for quality products. They are made from polycarbonate and have a different configuration.

The last stage of the confectionery organization is to establish trade relations.

The organization of its own confectionery is quite simple idea from the point of view of implementation. However, in this area there are many nuances that need to be considered to have the desired level of profit.

Any business scope is attractive to work from the point of view of some aspects and is not too profitable from the point of view of others. Own confectionery is no exception. Among the disadvantages, first of all, the fact that this is a complex business (like any associated with the food industry) is allocated for a novice entrepreneur.

Among the main difficulties can be allocated:

  • Expensive rental or purchase of premises and equipment.
  • Lack of qualified workers.
  • A large number of restrictions that exist in the food industry.
  • High requirements for quality and taste of the final product.
  • High probability to get into dependence on suppliers.

However, the number of advantages is significantly higher:

  • Independence from other people's decisions.
  • High profits.
  • Creative implementation.
  • The presence of permanent communication with people.
  • The ability to uniqueize the product and make it unlike what competitors are implemented.
  • The ability to quickly conquer loyal and regular customers.
  • Relatively quick access to payback.
  • A large number of work formats.
  • High demand at any time of the year (complete absence of seasonality).
  • The ability to develop a large number of sales channels.

An interesting story about opening this business you can look at the following video:

What documents will be required

In order to register confectionery, it is initially necessary to choose the form of work - individual entrepreneur or a limited liability company. Despite the more complex and long, preferably the second option, since it will allow the new company to develop, and in the future to expand the network.

Among necessary documents You can allocate:

  • Certificate of registration of the company.
  • Registration certificate cash register.
  • Certificate of registration with tax authorities and social funds.
  • Permission from the sanitary and epidemiological service.
  • Certificate of passing the inspection by fire supervision by the bodies.
  • Permission to commission the production.
  • Document on the harmonization of the range.
  • Form with product test results for heavy metals.

In total, all checks and registration can take from 1 to 3 months. It is advisable to contact legal companies so that all the necessary package of documents has been issued correctly.

Types of services rendered

There is a sufficiently large number of existence of a company working with confectionery products. All of them can be combined with each other:

  • Production of cakes and pastries at home - This is a good option for a novice entrepreneur who wants to make money for more large-scale production on their own. As the advantages of such a form of business can be called minimum costs For opening. At the same time, for greater success in distributing products, it is best to emphasize on its naturalness.
  • Confectionery workshop It is one of the most expensive options (and at the same time the most profitable). The equipment can be both own and rented. Many companies start with renting equipment in a cafe or restaurant, and then buy their own - but this is a risky undertaking, since the entrepreneur will be more difficult to respond to the quality of its products. For the workshop, it is important to focus on the original, but loved by all recipes, as well as on the exclusive decoration of the cakes.
  • Cafe-confectionery From the point of view of production volumes less than the workshop. In addition, such a cafe can be implemented both own and third-party products. This format is largely reminiscent of a coffee shop with additional complexity - the need to have a space for the preparation of desserts and baking.
  • Confectionery shop It is one of the best sales channels after achieving a certain reputation, because for many people purchasing offline mode remain more convenient than the order via the Internet. In addition, prices here are lower than in a cafe, and therefore the flow of random buyers who want to have a snack will be significantly higher.

Each of the above options have their advantages and disadvantages. The choice should be carried out on the basis of investments, plans for the development and formation of assortment policies.

Development of an assortment

The range is definitely a key question when conquering a consumer. On the one hand, sweets and pastries are a practically universal product that everyone eats. But on the other hand, each person has their own tastes, and it is necessary to focus on the formation of an assortment matrix.

In order to achieve success, it is advisable to include in the menu following the following headings:

  • Cakes.
  • Cupcakes.
  • Cookies.
  • Bakery products.
  • Muesli, etc.

Initially, it should be started with the proven time of popular recipes (possibly with the addition of branded "raisin"). For example, from the cakes it is "Napoleon" and "Bird's milk", and from the cakes it is worth to give preference to macarunas, ekleram, potatoes and cottage cheese rings.

In connection with the trend on a healthy lifestyle, many people seek to choose not too calorie sweets, so when developing the menu it follows add a number of low-calorie recipes (or the ability to replace some of the ingredients of standard recipes).

Such a product will be exclusive - respectively, it will be in demand, and it will be possible to install a high price.

After reaching a certain level of profit, you can think about expanding production and make your chocolate, etc. The more wider the assortment matrix, the large quantity Customers will be satisfied with the choice and will become permanent. At the same time, it is important to change the sellable sweets, adding new and removing the most unpopular or non-profit (this is not always the same, since the product can use sufficient demand, but have too high cost).

Finally, it is important special attention Deliver decoration and packaging, as desserts should be not only delicious, but also attractive.

Select location and premises

As for the choice of location, it is important to understand that if we are talking About a cafe or shop, then confectionery should be located in a crowded place where the company will have a high probability to attract not only permanent, but also random visitors.

At the initial stage, it should be relying on such a factor as the rental cost. If the company has a small turnover, but its own equipment may think about providing him for rent.

An important requirement for the premises is the minimum set size of the area. So, if the entrepreneur organizes the work of his own shop, he must rent or buy not less than 200. square meters Square. For home production, rent is not needed in principle, but it is very desirable to register your business.

To get all the necessary documents, it is necessary to immediately take care of the ventilation system, ensuring water supply and the creation of additional rooms (for example, utility rooms and for storing workers' things).

Finally, the room should be renovated and not only functional, but also beautifully decorated: a pleasant atmosphere will encourage people to make more purchases than they initially planned. Accordingly, it guarantees the growth of the company's profits.

Equipment and principles of the organization of the technological process

In order to produce sweets in relatively large volumes, the equipment is best not to take rent, but to buy. To form a confectionery line, you must purchase:

  • Middle power furnace.
  • Studs.
  • Confectionery pistols.
  • Mixers.
  • Nozzles, etc.

The cost of all equipment is high enough, so at the initial stage, with a lack of funds, one of two outputs can be chosen - renting equipment or make production on an area of \u200b\u200bone of the cafes or restaurants.

Confectionery technology has a large number of features that inevitably attract the attention of various auditory services. The construction of the technological process will seriously depend on what assortment policy the entrepreneur is chosen (at the initial stage it is advisable to focus on 1-2 groups of sweets). To correctly build a process, you need:

  1. Determine the concept of production.
  2. Determine assortment policies.
  3. Denote the borders of the output.
  4. Purchase equipment is one confectionery line or a large number of diverse devices.

Required personnel

Depending on the selected format, various frames will be required to ensure the uninterrupted operation of the enterprise. In general, the company will require the following specialists:

  • Sellers.
  • Production director.
  • Confectioners (including confectioners-designers).
  • Purchasing Manager and Materials.
  • Drivers and movers.
  • Sales Manager.

It is important to take into account that the staff are a firm face and reflect its image. Therefore, it is advisable to come up with a certain form for them, which should always be neat and clean.

It is desirable that the entrepreneur himself worked in some posts within a few months after opening. So he will be able to understand what criteria should be relying on the selection of personnel on one position or another.

Product sales channels

For pastry shop there is a very large number of sales channels:

  • First, it is possible to implement products in corporate cafes or shops. A plus of such a method is to increase brand awareness. Of the minuses, it is possible to allocate that if the lease agreement is concluded for a short time, and the company will be forced to move, it will lose a significant percentage of its customers.
  • The second and no less important channel is own sitethat needs to competently promote. The entrepreneur should think about how products will be delivered, as well as the flexibility of payment systems, discounts, etc. Over time, it is advisable to implement an information CRM system that could track the behavior of buyers.
  • In the case of small business scales (in particular, if it comes to household production), sales can be possible through social networks.
  • Also, the company can engage in the manufacture of confectionery for solemn events - From weddings to children's holidays at school.
  • Finally, after the company becomes recognizable and gains a certain target audience, you can think about delivery of sweets in other cafes, restaurants and shops.

Project costs, profitability and payback periods

Like any project in the fod industry, the opening of the confectionery is quite expensive:

  • The main share of the amount of the initial investment will occupy the cost of acquiring equipment, which varies from 25 thousand dollars and above.
  • Rent: For placing in 200 square meters, the minimum rate for the month will be 120 thousand rubles.
  • Personnel wages: On average, employees earn 30-45 thousand rubles, depending on the region, subject to work full time.
  • Communal payments and purchase of raw materials. This item is especially important because the taste and quality of the final product will depend on the quality of raw materials. That is why saving on this parameter not allowed.
  • Part of the funds will take repair and decor of the room, as well as attracting customers.

As a result, the sum of the initial investment will be from 2-3 million rubles. At the same time, the profitability of such a business is at the level of 25-40 percent (depending on the selected format), and payback period ranges in the range from 2 to 3.5 years. Net profit will be about 100-200 thousand rubles per month.

Thus, the confectionery organization is complexly implemented, but a very profitable project that can flexibly change and develop with an increase in the number of customers and sales.

In Russia, the chocolate market is developing rapidly. From 2013 to 2019, chocolate consumption volumes increased from 6 to 8 kg per year per person. Despite the tendency to proper nutrition and healthy image Life, sweets and candy continue to buy: for themselves and family, as a gift for a holiday. Business for the production of chocolate pays off for months and brings stable profits to the owners.

Chocolate business business ideas

There are two models of the technological process: home or industrial chocolate production.

Choosing the first option, you can start the business of the house in the kitchen, investing the minimum of funds to the equipment. But this business will not officially be registered, so the responsibility for work without registration in the FTS and paying taxes will lie on you.

In the second case, you will have to comply with the requirements of verifying instances, rent and prepare the workshop, hire employees and establish a streaming release of chocolate products.

Handmade chocolate making

"Chocolate boutique" is a concept that came to Russia in 2016. Luxury chocolate is sold in the boutique handmadeMade by home recipes. Owners of such establishments make a bet on the uniqueness of products, yielding to large shops in production volumes.

The assortment of chocolate boutique includes:

  • dark, white and milk chocolate in tiles;
  • chocolate with fillers - fruit and berry;
  • truffles;
  • candy with non-standard fillings;
  • gift sets out different species chocolate.

Customers can order individual sets, chocolate fountains and even candies with engraving.

The fashion trend of gourmet boutiques is a combination of incompatible tastes. Manufacturers of luxury chocolate are offered as a filling of ginger, chili peppers, candied and even bacon. They sell fragrant candies exclusively in original packaging.

Handmade chocolate - Otrada for gourmets, so he will always find his buyer

Making fruits in chocolate

Strawberry, Apples and Bananas - Fruits, Surchase round year. In combination with chocolate, they form a unique delicacy. The advantage of business for making fruit in chocolate is minimal competition in the Russian market. Disadvantage - pronounced seasonality. In winter, the cost of fruit is increasing, and the demand of buyers falls.

Possible way out of the situation - Rent areas in urban mallTo work even in the cold season, in place with maximum permeability. Advertising can focus on the saturation of products with vitamins.

There is nothing good fruit in chocolate: neither children nor adults do not stand before this delicacy

Production of chocolate figures

The technology of making chocolate figures is simple - hot chocolate is poured into the forms, then cooled to solidification and remove halves. The edges of each can be adopted carefully and glued together. Figures decorate cakes and pastries, they are given for holidays to children and adults.

For the preparation of a chocolate butterfly or openwork lace needed:

  • melted chocolate;
  • glass bowl for heating;
  • silicone forms.

Instead of molds, you can use any items: cups, stacks, spoons, paper sheets and others. Combining different types of chocolate and adding food dyes, confectioners give figures a unique design. Manifest a fantasy and an unprecedented result will not make yourself wait.

Chocolate figures are ordered to decorate wedding and anniversary cakes

Where to start: Business registration

Chocolate production relates to food IndustrySo be prepared for numerous checks from the SES and Rospotrebnadzor. Register a business before starting work by selecting one of the forms - LLC or IP.

Advantages of the status of an individual entrepreneur:

  • registration for 5 working days;
  • minimal state duty when making a business;
  • minimum documents.

The main disadvantage of the IP is responsibility to lenders to all property. If your property has an apartment, and debts have accumulated in business, be prepared for the fact that the property will be put up for sale.

Proms of opening Ltd.:

  • financial responsibility within the framework of authorized capital;
  • a member of Jurlitz can get out of it by alienation of the share of the company;
  • the company can be sold or transferred to the gift if necessary;
  • in case of suspension, the organization does not transfer contributions to pension and insurance funds.

The shortcomings of LLC - a complex registration procedure and the need to make statutory capital from 10 thousand rubles, as well as state duty 4 thousand rubles. For registration of the company.

When registering, select the tax system, comfortable for you. Small enterprises should consider simplified mode (USN 6 or 15%). Planning to open major production, think about ENVD (fixed tax on imputed income). The size and procedure for paying taxes depends on the selected system.

Table: Comparison of tax regimes

Tax regime Limits
Revenue The average number of employees The average annual cost of funds Kind of activity Capital Structure
Open With no restrictions
Eskhn With no restrictions With no restrictions With no restrictions Agriculture With no restrictions
ENVD With no restrictions 100 people With no restrictions The share of other organizations no more than 25%
SSNO 6% 60 million rubles. 100 million rubles. Except for some activities
UPO 15%
PSN. 60 million rubles. 15 people With no restrictions There is a list of activities Only for IP

Get permits in Rospotrebnadzor and Fedsor, as well as the conclusion of the SES on the possibility of starting work. Subscribe a sanitary book, even if you do candy in minimal quantities.

Organization of homemade chocolate

An exclusive home confectionery can compete with large-scale production due to the quality of products, the use of natural components and verified chocolate recipes. Working yourself, pay close attention to the quality of the product. Experiment with combinations of tastes, offer customers a variety of products. Lack of business at home - the inability to officially register the company.This is due to the fact that the kitchen room should be removed from the housing stock to organize food production in it. All risks associated with informal entrepreneurship, in this case you take on.

Reception and manufacturing technology

Observe the recipe I. technological process In the manufacture of chocolate - the taste and life of the finished product depends on this.

The simplest chocolate recipe at home:

  1. Mix 5 tbsp. Cocoa spoons, 7 tbsp. Sugar spoons and 150 ml of milk in a bowl. Bring the mixture to a boil on slow fire, continuously stirring.
  2. Gradually add 1 tsp. Flour and 50 g. butter. Continue stirring the composition until homogeneous mass.
  3. Hot chocolate burst into shapes, pre-sprinkled in it stuffing (wafer crumb, nuts, raisins).

Choosing chocolate, customers first of all pay attention to appearance and taste quality

When chocolate cools, it can be used. Store homemade candies can be 2-6 months at temperatures up to 17 degrees. Transfer chocolate is allowed only in vehicles equipped with cooling systems.

The weight of the candy should not exceed 3-6 g. So that the client can put it in the mouth entirely and try, not biting.

Requirements for the room

Technical conditions for chocolate production determines GOST 31721-2012. In the document, you will find information on the number of ingredients for the manufacture of different types of cocoa based products, as well as equipment requirements and workshops. Despite the lack of registration and checks, try to comply with the maximum requirements of the standard. The room should be ventilated, with artificial temperature regime and low level humidity. The optimal temperature for storing chocolate is up to 17 degrees.

Buying equipment and raw materials

Home confectionery can be opened with minimal investmentsif you work to order and enjoy kitchen equipment. Purchase raw materials for chocolate production:

  • chocolate mass or cocoa;
  • cacao butter;
  • sugar;
  • vanilla;
  • emulsifiers;
  • milk or cream.

Buy high-quality ingredients. For saving, replacing cocoa palm oil, and cocoa - cobrom, you risk the taste of future chocolate.

At home, use a coffee grinder to grind cocoa beans into powder

With business development, start purchasing professional equipment:

  • high power juicer for cocoa oil;
  • grinding machine for removing excess moisture;
  • temper for rapid chocolate crystallization;
  • diverse forms and stencils.

The cost of the home kit for the production of elite candy does not exceed 150 thousand rubles.

Sales and advertising company

First time sell candy to customers directly. To do this, create groups in social networksMake attractive photos of products and place ads. Invite a group of friends and acquaintances, set up targeted advertising for competitors group members.

When you develop a business and open the kitchen outside the house, having received permission from the SES, agree with trading networks and coffee shops that have no cooking, and deliver candy for sale. The main thing is to follow the terms and storage conditions.

Financial calculations

Home production does not require special costs and pays off within a few months.

Table: Business opening costs

Table: Systematic costs

Planned income

The cost of one handmade exclusive chocolate tile - 200 rubles, the cost of its manufacture - 25-35 rubles, depending on the filling. On average, in a month you can sell 200 tiles, outcome income - 40 thousand rubles. Net profit per month - 15 thousand rubles, payback period domestic business - 5 months.

Business Plan for Chocolate Production Industrial Scale

Industrial production is different from home. You will not be able to cope with the volume of manufacture, you will need to attract employees. Equipment for a full-fledged workshop is more expensive in tens of times, and manufacturing technology is more complicated than home.

For the company first, hire the technologist. It will be responsible for the process of making chocolate and work as a formulation. Purchase raw materials only after the study of each recipe.

To obtain chocolate, cocoa beans are roasting, grinding and mixed with the remaining ingredients in the horse-machine, and after - the tiles are cooled and form

The process of cooking chocolate in the workshop is automated and includes steps:

  • dosing of components;
  • initial mixing;
  • mixing in the horse-machine up to 3 days;
  • heating of chocolate mass to 50 degrees;
  • fill in forms;
  • cooling up to 33 degrees and shutter speed 40 minutes;

Production different varieties Chocolate varies with the initial set of ingredients and adjustments to technology. To prepare a porous chocolate, it is enough to add air when loading raw materials to conch, and more cocoa powder will have to use for Gorky.

Select room

For the organization of a chocolate workshop, there is enough room with an area of \u200b\u200b60 square meters. m. Requirements for the workshop:

  • is not part of the housing stock;
  • equipped with ventilation;
  • there are sinks with cold and hot water;
  • walls are decorated tile up to 1.5 m from the floor;
  • the remaining part of the walls painted paint.

So that the tiles and candy are perfectly smooth, buy in the workshop of the molding machine

Indoors equip the place under the warehouse of products with optimal temperature, as well as the office and the workshop directly with the equipment.

Buying equipment

The cost of purchasing equipment fluctuate in the range from 1 to 10 million rubles. Industrial equipment for chocolate shop:

  • ball mill for mixing ingredients;
  • boiler for extracting oil;
  • mixing machine for mixing;
  • refrigeration equipment;
  • temper for chocolate crystallization.

In horse-machines, chocolate mass is kept with constant stirring 24-72 hours


  • conveyors;
  • ventilation system;
  • thermostats;
  • planetary pumps;
  • hoods;
  • molding equipment;
  • packaging unit;
  • printing machine for manufacturing wrapper.

Acquisition of raw materials

Chocolate is made from cocoa beans, which can be purchased in Africa, Australia, Asia. Three varieties of beans suitable for chocolate production are distinguished:

  • "Creole" - selected first-class beans;
  • "Alien" - average quality;
  • "Pumpkin" - low-grade beans.

Cocoa beans pass three stages before turning into powder:

  • roasting at a temperature of 150 degrees;
  • separation of liquid and husk;
  • grinding into powder.

In addition to powder, buy cocoa butter, sugar and milk, as well as components for fillings, if you plan to make candies.

Do not save on ingredients: the more natural components, the higher the quality of chocolate

Personnel search

For the normal functioning of the workshop, hire employees. Make sure that everyone has valid sanitary books.

The composition of workers:

  • manager;
  • accountant;
  • technologist;
  • confectioners;
  • driver;
  • cleaner.

Employees enter into contracts on non-disclosure of the company's recipes.

Assortment formation

Large confectionery factories use a similar formulation, and their production volumes do not allow to produce exclusive chocolate with small parties. In a small workshop, you can make chocolate on the original recipes, varying the composition of the components and the filling.

Together with the technologist, appreciate the possibility of production, calculate the alleged volumes of production. Develop your own technical conditions. Based on the planned procurement of raw materials, make a menu. Subscribe them and place on the company's website or in a group in social networks.

The range of luxury chocolate boutique usually includes candy and handmade cakes, as well as beautifully packaged gift sets

Possible sales and advertising channels

Chocolate lovers (82%) buy a favorite product in supermarkets at the same time as the acquisition of other goods. At the same time, 21% of them are willing to specifically go to the store for chocolate. More often than others are chosen by dairy tiles, less often - bitter. White chocolate loves only 4% of buyers. Chocolate boutiques are gaining momentum with exclusive varieties of beloved product.

Probable product sales channels:

  • supermarkets;
  • grocery stores outside networks;
  • stalls, tents;
  • coffee houses, cafes;
  • fair, exhibitions.
  • shops, coffee shops;
  • internet, social networks;
  • city \u200b\u200bmagazines;
  • issue your own catalogs;
  • sponsoring events.

To your goods not get lost on store shelves, do not suck on the original packaging and memorable advertising

Business calculations

Calculations are shown on the example of a workshop of 60 square meters. m., equipped with everything necessary and licensed.

Table: opening costs

Table: Regular costs

Expected income

The cost of one chocolate tile is 100 rubles, the cost of its manufacture - 20-35 rubles. On average, only 5,200 tiles, final income - 520 thousand rubles can be sold only through trading networks for a month. Net profit per month - 260 thousand rubles., Payback period of home business - 2 years.

Business profitability reaches 200% even when using natural components. If you replace cocoa powder and cocoa oil cheap analoguesShe will rise 1.5 times.

Work on franchise or own brand

You will need impressive capital to start your chocolate manufacturing business from scratch. There is an exit. If you doubt your abilities, buy a franchise. Famous chocolate factories working in franchise:

  • "Shamel";
  • Podarilli;
  • Frade.

Advantages of the franchise:

  • work under a well-known brand;
  • proven production technology;
  • the ability to buy equipment with a discount / lease;
  • consulting assistance;
  • business mechanics;
  • feeling work in the team.

Franchise flaws:

  • the need to pay the franchise seller Monthly reward - royalty;
  • high cost of business;
  • overestimated requirements for an incoming partner;
  • the need to comply with the conditions of the franchisor.

The buyer of the franchise always risks running into an unscrupulous company, which instead of the existing mechanisms efficient work Gives only a couple of instructions for doing business.

Franchise "Konfael" allows to provide stable momentum and makes it possible to obtain higher profitability compared with the business created with a clean sheet

Errors Newbies

Beginners in chocolate business are often mistaken. The key problem is the underestimation of consumer requests. Especially sinning by these manufacturers in small cities. They bet on the uniqueness of the product without paying attention consumer qualities. As a result, the client receives exclusive candy in an expensive packaging, and it turns out to be indefinite. Naturally, the client does not come again. In general, in the provincial cities, people are presented to the quality of food quality overestimated requirements, which is the key task of the entrepreneur.

Deciding to organize a chocolate business business and having enough funds, do not doubt. Rate the market in your city, analyze the demand of potential buyers. Calculate costs and income and start work. If you doubt your abilities, choose a popular franchise and act on proven methods of professionals.

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How to start opening a confectionery, in demand assortment, what documents are needed, the requirements for the room, the composition of the equipment, the calculation of the initial investment.


Confectionery is an enterprise catering, the main share of the menu of which makes up sweets and pastries. Almost all dishes are prepared here, however, some assortment positions can be purchased (for example, tile chocolate). Confectionery are located in stationary rooms, the products in them are implemented through the counter.

It is necessary to divide the audience by category depending on the time of visiting the establishment. In the day and morning, it will mostly be office staff, businessmen, people of travel professions, who decided to have a snack during work. In the evening, it will most often come on those who are going home and want to buy dessert to dinner.


Approximate menu groups:

  • sweets;
  • bakery products;
  • beverages;
  • cakes;
  • karavai;
  • cookies;
  • candy;
  • croissants;
  • cakes;
  • sweet pies;
  • buns;
  • gingerbread
  • patties;
  • sandwiches.

Mostly the range is predominantly baking and desserts - cakes, cakes, buns, gingerbread, sweet pies.

Required documents

The organization of the confectionery shop will require the execution of a number of documents:

  • sanitary and epidemiological conclusion on the compliance of production sanitary rules and regulations;
  • sanitary passport of the object;
  • assortment list of products manufactured (as an application to a sanitary and epidemiological conclusion);
  • program of organization and conduct of industrial control over compliance sanitary rules and the implementation of sanitary-anti-epidemic (preventive) measures in the production of confectionery products;
  • certificates of product compliance with requirements regulatory documents;
  • contract for disinsection and deratization of the premises;
  • documents on KKM - CCM registration card, passport version of the model KKM, a contract for maintenance Kkm;

The optimal form of organizational and legal ownership is a limited liability company, a form of taxation - USN 15% (income minus expenses). OKVED:

  • 55.30 - activities of restaurants and cafes (with tables for visitors);
  • 15.81 - production of bread and flour confectionery products of non-fixed storage;
  • 52.24.2 - Retail Confectionery.


It is impossible to start activity without a prepared premises, which must comply with the requirements of the SES presented for catering.

The most preferred places for the location of the confectionery shop: urban transport junctions, metro stations, trade and business centers, premises in the immediate vicinity of buildings of auto and railway stations, historical areas of large cities, popular areas among tourists (if relevant for the city) , lively residential neighborhoods.

Cooking confectionery occurs in the workshop, in which all the necessary equipment will be located. Must be provided the following workers zones:

  • for the processing of eggs;
  • for sifting flour;
  • for kneading and fermentation of the test;
  • pantaya I. refrigerators compartment daily storage of products;
  • for cutting, proofing and baking confectionery;
  • for washing dishes, containers, inventory;
  • preparation of finishing semi-finished products;
  • confectionery finishes;
  • pantry and cooled camera of ready-made confectionery;
  • expedition (in case finished goods Will be implemented not only in the cafe).

In this case, the total number of rooms can be only 2-3.

Necessary equipment

The entire process of cooking confectionery can be divided into several stages:

  • sifting flour;
  • preparation (kneading, fermentation) test;
  • cutting (molding) products, baking;
  • registration (finishing) of confectionery products;
  • preparation of syrups, creams, sweets, whipped proteins.

To fulfill the above steps, the following equipment is required:


Name model

Basic functionPrice, vol.
Preparation of flour 21,7
Zam dough 51,1
Preparation of biscuit dough 90,1
For proofing of test and confectionery blanks 19,6
Cooking confectionery 23
Mixing ingredients 22.17
Grinding ingredients 21,7
Baking products 34,8
Quality control of YIITS 1,3
Creamping 68
353 470 rubles

Optional equipment:

The final set of equipment, which is necessary for opening, depends on the scale of activity, may vary depending on the range of products produced, production volumes.


For work requires confectioners and / or pastry cooks. 2 in shift. The formulation of the menu dish is developing a technologist. Optimal graph Personnel works - packed (2 after 2 or 3 after 3). Opening hours of establishment - from 10 am to 10 pm (it is worth considering the location of the workshop).

Required capital investments

The following attachments will be required for the start:

  • purchase of equipment - 663.47 thousand rubles;
  • registration in infus, opening an account, other expenses - 50 thousand rubles;
  • repair of the premises according to the requirements of the SES- 300 thousand rubles.
  • Purchase of raw materials - 50 thousand rubles.

The final amount of starting attachments in the shop for the manufacture of confectionery products is 1,063,470 rubles.

The activities of the confectionery is a high-margin, average markup for products of 300-400%, net profitability is 20-25%, the payback of investments is 18-24 months.

It is also worth noting that this type of activity is subject to seasonality: in summer, a traditional decline in sales is observed. Peak is accounted for in front of big holidays - New Year, March 8.

Today it is not secret information that any business that is associated with the sale and sale of food products is very profitable. It's all about his organization. If you come to it competently, the business can be made cost-effective and high-speed in the shortest possible time.

Confectionery business is very profitable and stable - it is possible to earn throughout a long period of time. If the choice fell on this niche and there is a desire to begin its work on the production of food, it is important to know how to open a confectionery shop. It is necessary to explore the main directions and features of this type of trade.

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Drawing up a confectionery business plan

In order to compile a business plan, you must necessarily take into account key expenditure articles that are necessary to create this kind of enterprise.

To open this business, you will need cash:

  • on the registration of the enterprise;
  • rent or purchase of the room;
  • audit accounting and accounting services;
  • obtaining all the necessary licenses and permits;
  • advertising;
  • purchase of the necessary equipment;
  • payment of work performed by staff;
  • activities for the organization of sales.

The design and registration approximately need a month and a half. With the proper maintenance of such a business, the time that will be needed for payback is approximately 1 year. This is due to the fact that there is a sufficiently large number of major confectionery companies that have long established themselves in the market. In addition, there are many supermarkets and grocery stores with them. Therefore, it is necessary to earn the name of your company.

Of the cash, it is necessary to expect that the cost of the cash register may be 12-16 thousand rubles, and the rest of the equipment will cost approximately 250-300 thousand rubles. Optional equipmentwhich may be needed (confectionery table, racks, refrigerated cabinet and scales), can cost another 100 thousand rubles. The cost of renting premises is about 22 thousand rubles per month if the confectionery will be in a not very good and geographically disadvantageous room. The accommodation of the confectionery shop in the center will cost about 44 thousand rubles. per month. Prices were given for the city of Perm.

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The first steps that are needed to open a confectionery shop or shop

It is important to understand the fact that leading your business in the field of food is a fairly risky business. According to statistics, in most cases it leads to the unfavorable end of the work of the enterprise and, in some cases, even to problems with the law.

All this can be avoided if it is thoroughly refer to the design necessary documents For bakery. Do not save on the state registration of the enterprise. The choice must be done on such organizational and legal forms as LLC or IP.

For confectionery cases, it is recommended to open an IP. Such business is most often individual or family. However, at the initial stages, production volumes are mostly small. First of all, it is necessary to take care of providing your own brand with trust and recognizableness, which will take time.

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Rent or acquiring the necessary premises - Help with the choice

The next step after the confectionery business is registered and all documents will be prepared, you need to start the selection of premises for trade and production. It is necessary to decide whether it will be renting or acquiring the necessary area. It is worth saying that many entrepreneurs are advised not to hurry with the purchase of the premises, because even if it is suitable for all requirements, the building can be placed at the most intended place. It is important to understand that profits depends on the number of potential buyers who will need this product.

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What to pay attention to when choosing a premises for confectionery

It is recommended for the first time to find options for lease of the required premises - this will help to avoid high costs in the first stages of the work of its company. The selected place must comply with all the standards of the sanitary and epidemiological service that is for the food product group. A person who wants to start his business must definitely clarify information on how much the room meets such requirements. Most often, large industrial installations are used when the confectionery shop is used.

The next thing to pay attention to is the permissible load of the network. It is important to clarify whether it will be enough for a full work if it can withstand the work of the whole technique.

Speaking about the necessary area for the future enterprise, it is worth understanding that she should be such to put everything technical equipment For workshop and counters for the store. Buyers should be comfortable enough and spacious so that they have a good impression after they visit your bakery.

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About what you can not forget when conducting confectionery business

An important point when opening such a business is keeping accounting, which needs to pay special attention. The best option is the one when the confectionery owner conducts this procedure independently at the place of sale and production.

All products that were manufactured for a certain period of time must be considered piecewise and by weight. Do not forget what you need to control the expiration date of the goods produced. In the event that the term expires or has already expired, products need to be immediately removed from sale.

Products should not fall on other people's counters retail stores In the city - you need to constantly keep it under control. When accounting for expenses and intended profits, you need to understand the possible availability of additional costs that may turn out in the production process: crumb, deurbation and scrap.

In order to prevent large losses in production, confectionery, which have lost a freight look as a result mechanical damageIt must be written off at cost.

Next so an important stage - Advertising. It is she who worth paying quite a large amount of attention. It is necessary to make a marketing study and determine the type of competition in the market in the region. Only after that it will be possible to know the type advertising campaignThe degree of coverage and its frequency.

Products that will be made by the confectionery shop should be original. It should differ from competitors' goods in best sideAnd advertising can emphasize the benefit of the products offered. One of the fairly common types of advertising that many of the confectioners choose is a tasting or presentation. It is possible to conduct this kind of event right on the street or in specialized sales points.