Features of refrigerating chambers for cottages and country houses. Refrigerating equipment (installations) for storing vegetables and fruits Cold chambers for storing berries

Refrigeration equipment for storing vegetables and fruits.

The company HolodSpetsStroy is engaged in the design and construction of industrial chambers for storing vegetables and fruits using new technologies - we try to maximize the shelf life of "live" goods. In order to preserve the quality and nutritional value of fruits and vegetables, we equip our storage facilities with specialized refrigeration equipment.

Vegetable storage

You can order the construction of vegetable stores from us, as ready-made solutions and individually selected for your needs using modern high-quality equipment, which we will specially select for you.

During the development process, all factors affecting the quality of the freshly harvested crop will be taken into account.

The building of the vegetable store is designed depending on the method of storage of products - in bulk or in containers. Any is a complex, responsible process, therefore, it is necessary to entrust the work to experienced specialists and our company always performs the work with high quality.

During the construction of both fruit storage and vegetable storage, another important factor is taken into account - the creation of a favorable microclimate during storage. For this, it is necessary to provide for a ventilation and artificial cold system, select refrigeration equipment with a microclimate control function.

Fruit storage

In the fruit storage that we are planning, you can store apples for up to 12 months, pears for up to 8 months, grapes for up to six months. Our facilities can rightfully be called the latest word in science and technology in the storage of fruits and vegetables. The products are passed through a conveyor, sorted by size, quality and cleaned.

There are 3 types of controlled atmosphere (gaseous environment):

  1. Traditional Controlled Atmosphere - oxygen content 3-4%, and CO2 - 3-5%.
  2. Low oxygen content LO (Low Oxygen) - 2-2.5% oxygen and 1-3% CO2.
  3. Ultra Low Oxygen (ULO). The O2 content in the chamber is less than 1-1.5%, the carbon dioxide content is 0-2%.

We possess various technologies for storing vegetables and fruits in a controlled atmosphere:

The technology for the rapid reduction of oxygen concentration is called RCA (Rapid Controlled Atmosphere) - when the chamber is loaded, the O2 concentration decreases to 2.5-3% in 1-3 days. The so-called ultra-rapid reduction of the oxygen level ILOS (Initial Low Oxygen Stress) occurs in the chamber in a short period of time. In practice, the technology is implemented simultaneously ULO + ILOS for storage the best varieties apples. The oxygen content decreases from 21% to 5% within 8-10 hours from the moment of loading. The composition of the atmosphere is kept at the level of 0.9% - oxygen and 1.2% - carbon dioxide. The atmosphere is controlled by a computerized control system. After 7 months of storage, better preservation results can be achieved compared to traditional gas in a fruit storage.

LECA (Low Ethylene Controlled Atmosphere) is a technology where the ethylene level in the chamber is reduced using a catalytic ethylene converter.

For the design of storage rooms for vegetables and fruits with RGS, the following factors must be taken into account:

  • ensuring the correct selection of refrigeration equipment (refrigeration capacity, refrigeration circuit, air exchange rate, air cooler surface).
  • storage of fruits in chambers is carried out at temperatures from 0 to +4, as well as relative humidity of about 90-95%.
  • the tightness of the chamber must ensure the greatest gas tightness.

Technological refrigeration equipment for controlled atmosphere storage rooms:

  • RSA nitrogen generator
  • Adsorption device carbon dioxide CO2 (scrubber)
  • Ethylene converter / purifier
  • Ventilation and protection in cold rooms
  • Atmosphere control station (SKA)
  • Measuring instruments
  • Optional equipment
  • Sealed refrigerating chamber with bumpers
  • Refrigeration system

Growing vegetables and fruits on the site is not a blessing? Nowadays, when the market and store shelves are filled with fruits full of unhealthy chemicals, feast on own products pure pleasure. But if you are lucky and your harvest is great, how do you store a large amount of provisions? There is only one way out - to buy refrigerator cabinet for vegetables and.

How does refrigeration equipment for storing vegetables and fruits work?

A refrigerator is not an ordinary household refrigerator that can be seen in every home. The main principle of the device is the formation optimal conditions storage of a certain type of food. As you know, vegetables and fruits have low resistance to the development of pathogenic bacteria and other microorganisms. In addition, they are characterized by a slight loss of water, as a result of which the presentation of the fruit deteriorates, and total weight decreases. All these unfavorable factors can be easily solved by using a refrigerator.

Refrigerating chambers for storing vegetables and fruits work according to the principle instant cooling... After "shock" cooling in the unit chamber comes quite comfortable for the stored products temperature regime... Moreover, the temperature is set automatically, depending on the type of fruit. In general, the range is 0 + 14 ⁰С. It is at this temperature that all chemical and biological reactions in fruits slow down. Moreover, citrus fruits and carrots have completely different temperature regimes. For example, for grapes they set 0 + 2 ⁰С, for 0 ⁰С, apples - 0 + 4 ⁰С, bananas - + 7 + 12. In addition, the refrigerator must be set to a certain level of humidity to prevent spoilage of your vegetables and fruits. Long-term storage of food is impossible without ventilation.

Thus, the refrigerating chamber for vegetables and fruits is a sealed device with automatic system regulation and control of temperature, ventilation and humidity. Therefore, just bring the harvested fruits to the unit, lay them out into compartments and set the necessary parameters according to the type of product.

Refrigerated cabinets are used not only in everyday life, but also for sale in stores, supermarkets for display or storage.

How to choose a household refrigerator for vegetables and fruits?

For home use, it is optimal to purchase a cabinet-type unit with one or two doors. Doors can be metal or glass. The first thing you should pay attention to when buying is the dimensions of the refrigerating chamber. It is worth considering where the device will be placed, and take into account the specifics of the room. Don't forget that as you carry the camera through the doorway.

Pay attention to the presence of parameter adjustment. Most the best option- refrigeration cabinet with several zones with the ability to control the temperature in each of them. The absence of zones will allow you to set only one temperature regime in the entire chamber.

Consider the amount of refrigeration equipment. You should calculate the approximate amount of food you intend to store. The minimum volume found on the market is 35 liters.

If we talk about the materials from which the refrigerator is made, then the most durable, especially in conditions of increased moisture, is a product made of stainless steel. Unfortunately, the cabinet made of metal covered with paint quickly loses its beautiful appearance.

Cool & Store manufactures and installs refrigerated chambers for storing vegetables and fruits... How to keep freshly harvested fruits and vegetables healthy and fresh? Of course, put in cool place... What for? And then, that all living processes in tomatoes, apples, carrots and other fruits of our gardening work slow down sharply at a temperature environment below +15 degrees Celsius.

There is also a lower limit of the ambient air temperature, during the passage of which all vegetables and fruits begin to freeze, that is, their organic structure deteriorates. It starts at zero degrees. Thus, refrigerator for storing vegetables and fruits should optimally support the mode 0 / + 10 degrees. In this case, the maximum long storage vegetable products.

In addition to temperature, an important role in the high-quality storage of vegetables and fruits in the refrigeration chamber is played by such a factor as humidity and the presence of an inflow. fresh air... Here we are helped by special valves that regulate the flow of fresh air, and therefore humidity into the refrigerating chamber. After all, it is no secret that inside any refrigerating chamber the air is dehumidified due to the fact that the moisture contained in it falls out in the form of frost on the internal evaporator (radiator grill) or on the wall of the refrigerator. As a result, if you do not take measures to control and regulate air humidity, inside the refrigerating chamber or even an ordinary household refrigerator, over time, fruits and vegetables dry out, shrivel, giving moisture to dry air.

Refrigerators for storing vegetables and fruits - prices

Like all other medium-temperature refrigerating chambers of our production, cold rooms for storing fruits and vegetables are made of PVC sandwich panels, with a thickness of 32 mm, filled with extruded polyurethane foam, which has a thermal resistance twice as high as compared to expanded polystyrene used in work with metal sandwich panels. This means that the same heat (cold, in this case) saving we obtain with an almost twofold decrease in the thickness of the filling of the walls of the chamber. Prices for refrigerators for fruits and vegetables are determined individually depending on required sizes and camera parameters.

Refrigerated boxes for fruits and vegetables

Refrigerators for fruits and vegetables are often seen similar to cellars and cellars - that's why we complete our refrigerating chambers special boxes for sorting products stored there. Storage boxes are drawers made of food-grade plastic, having perforations for the movement of air inside themselves. These boxes allow you to ventilate the vegetables and fruits lying in them and prevent them from suffocating. Thus, by purchasing chambers for storing fruits and vegetables from the Cool & Store company, you are guaranteed to provide your "wards" with a comfortable stay and a long life!

How to buy a refrigerator for storing vegetables and fruits

Buy a refrigerator for vegetables and fruits in "Cool & Store" as easy as shelling pears. Call us by contact numbers or fill out the contact form on the website, and we will call you back and discuss all the details.

Fruits and vegetables are very valuable food products, since they contain an irreplaceable complex of vitamins, enzymes and other biologically active substances necessary to maintain human health.

The country produces about 4 million tons of fruits and vegetables annually. However, storage losses of these products are more than 30%. As a result, in the winter-spring period, more than 50% of fruits and vegetables are supplied from abroad. Thus, the country is highly dependent on imports for these valuable foodstuffs necessary to preserve human health.

The main reason for such high losses in our country is that outdated technology of conventional cold storage... It does not provide long-term preservation of products, and losses in some cases reach 40%. In addition, the remaining part of the products has low nutritional quality and presentation.

The best preservation of fruit quality with minimal losses can only be ensured by storage technology in a controlled atmosphere (RA). It should be noted that in our country for the name of this technology, the previously unsuccessfully introduced term "controlled gas environment" and its abbreviation -РГС are still used. The term “controlled atmosphere” is more consistent with the essence of the technology, since the same composition of gases as in the atmosphere (N2, O2 and CO2) is maintained in the chamber, only their ratio has been changed. Thus, the concentration of O2, in contrast to the usual atmosphere, decreases from 21 to 1-2.5%, and the concentration of CO2 to 1-3.5%.

A decrease in the concentration of O2 in the refrigerator and an increase in CO2 leads to a significant slowdown in all metabolic processes in the fruit. As a result, their shelf life is extended by 2-3 months, losses are reduced by 2-3 times and their taste and taste are preserved as much as possible. nutritional properties... Apples and pears can be stored until next harvest. In countries with developed horticulture (Italy, Holland, Belgium, Germany, England, USA, etc.), almost the entire commercial harvest of apples and pears intended for consumption in fresh, is kept in the RA.

The values ​​of O2 and CO2 concentrations depend on the type of product, growing conditions and other factors. The technology is constantly being improved. Ultra-low oxygen (ULO) technology is currently being used in other countries. Abroad, and already in our country, instead of RA, the term ULO is often used.

To implement this technology, it is necessary to have the necessary tightness and appropriate technological equipment... It includes a nitrogen generator, a CO2 adsorber and an automatic equipment system.

The nitrogen generator is designed to initially reduce the concentration of O2 in the chambers, the adsorber ensures periodic removal of the CO2 released by the product, and the automatic control system periodically measures the concentration of CO2, O2, temperature and, based on this, turns on the appropriate equipment to correct the modes.

As nitrogen generators for this technology, membrane or adsorption gas separation plants are most widely used today. Membrane installations are based on the use of membranes with selective permeability for O2 and N2, and adsorption - on the use of molecular sieves selectively adsorbing one of these gases.

Adsorbers are used to remove CO2. of various designs based on an adsorbent that absorbs this gas with regeneration by blowing clean atmospheric air.

Over the past five years, storage technology in the Republic of Armenia has been increasingly applied in our country. This is done both through the construction of new refrigerators with RA, and through the reconstruction of existing refrigerators, or simply industrial buildings for this technology. Each of these options has advantages and disadvantages. So, during the construction of a new one, it is possible to obtain chambers that are optimal in size and height, the presence of a commodity processing hall with an expedition and unloading locks, and to implement placement on the technological floor above the transport floor.

Using the lungs metal structures and heat-insulating "sandwich" - panels can significantly speed up the construction process. Modern panels have high thermal insulation properties, durable, fireproof and hygienic. Several domestic firms produce PPU panels that are not inferior in quality to foreign ones. When building a refrigerator from panels, it is much easier to achieve the required tightness of the chambers, which is necessary for the implementation of storage technology in a controlled atmosphere. As domestic practice has already shown, a refrigerator with RA for 2500-5000 tons can be built in 3-4 months.

Reconstruction of an existing building for a refrigerator with RA is cheaper, since there are no costs for zero cycle and enclosing structures. However, not in all cases it is possible to implement optimal layout, since there are restrictions on the height of the cameras.

When reconstructing an existing building or constructing a new one for the implementation of storage technology in the RA, one should take into account the specific requirements for fruits and vegetables to maintain high in the cells (88-93%). Therefore, it is very important to correctly calculate and select refrigeration equipment with the appropriate circuit, refrigeration capacity, air exchange rate, technical characteristics air coolers, type of expansion valve, air speed, etc. Some foreign refrigeration companies, in particular Helpman and Goedhard, produce structurally optimized for long-term storage of fruits and vegetables.

The unit cost per unit of capacity for the construction of a new refrigerator depends on the project, i.e. the size and number of chambers, the presence of a commodity processing hall, expedition, unloading locks, the technical level of the cooling system and a controlled atmosphere. This figure can be from 40 to 70 euro cents per 1 kg of stored products.

The cost structure for the construction of a refrigerator is also determined by the above factors: on average, the cost of civil works make up 25-30%; for metal frame, roof and profiled sheet - 15-18%; on panels, doors - 25-30%; refrigeration equipment - 15-18%; for RA equipment - 10-12%.

Per last years LLC "Infrost" and LLC "Innovations-M" have implemented several projects for the construction and reconstruction of refrigerators from the RA: LLC "Koshelevsky Posad" of the Samara region (2400 tons), OPH "Central" Krasnodar Territory(800 tons), LLC Khladko of the Volgograd region (1300 tons), the enterprise Vyselkovskoye of the Krasnodar Territory (2500 tons), OJSC "Dubovoe" of the Tambov region (800 tons).