Proper nutrition To throw the weight. Lose weight with mind: food for a week for a slim figure

Proper nutrition is an integral part of the life of slender and taut people. Slimming on hard diets gives a quick, but only temporary effect: first the extra kilograms are with difficulty go, because the existence on two apples can not be called a full-fledged life, and then the dropped weight is returned back, also with a plus. As a result, another attempt to lose weight ends with a set of more couples-three kilograms distinguishing from goal, dizziness, irritation from constant hunger and problems with the gastrointestinal tract. Very often, because of the wrong slimming, metabolism slows down, which further prevents to lose weight, since it makes the body suppress fat even with normal, balanced nutrition.

"Diet is a small stage of life through which you need to go to find the perfect figure" - so many people think, not even realizing that temporary restrictions will not change the food habits, and at the end of the diet everything will return to the circles, recommendations and tips of the nutitologist by themselves We will discuss, and the habitual surplus of calories per day is not going anywhere, because of what the weight will still be to grow without stopping. While proper nutrition is not a way that guarantees a loss of 10 kg per week, but guarantees psychological tranquility, the lack of strict restrictions, good health and good health, part of which is normal weight. With proper nutrition, the failure of fast food, fatty and fried occurs not within a period of a period of time, and for life, that is, it is important to realize that if such a way is chosen - then you need to go to the end, and not to achieve the very The nearest goal is the loss of extra kilograms - to turn again on the power path "What will have".

Allowed and prohibited food in the menu

Even in such a seemingly strict nutrition system, there are no specific product lists, which can be, but what is not. It more depends on the method of preparation, but you can select some food from which it is better to abandon when switching to proper nutrition, especially for weight loss:

  • Fast food
  • Chips, Sukhariki
  • Sugar in pure
  • Marshmallow, Marmalade, Wafers
  • Jam
  • Fried on oil products
  • Bakery products from wheat flour of the highest grade
  • Yeast dough
  • Yogurts with fruit flavors, milk cocktails
  • Ice cream
  • Shopping sausages and other ready meat dishes

The simplest solved products that are the first to come to mind are:

  • Various cereals and legumes (rice, buckwheat, Bulgur, Nut, lentils, peas, etc.)
  • Vegetables (cabbage, beets, lettuce mixes, cucumbers, tomatoes, etc.)
  • Non-fat meat (chicken, turkey, veal)
  • Honey, bitter chocolate in moderate quantity
  • Fruits and berries (apples, pears, strawberries, cherry, peaches, plums, kiwi, pineapple, mango, etc.)
  • Dairy products (cheese, cottage cheese, kefir, milk, etc.)

Product alternation during the day

It is believed that it is not important for weight loss that and when you eat, but how much. But the proper nutrition implies the rational distribution of proteins, fats and carbohydrates during the day so that the body is easier to digest food and produce energy from it.

Thus, there are all sorts of carbohydrates for breakfast - porridge, fruits, cereals, in the first half of the day you can afford a little sweet, as carbohydrates (especially complex) give a feeling of satiety for a long time and stock energy for the whole day.

Fats are no less necessary for the body, but very calories compared to proteins and carbohydrates (9 kcal per 1 g of fat), so consuming fats (for example, nuts) stands during lunch, so that until the evening spend the calories that they give. Fats are involved in the formation of connective tissues in our body and affect the condition of hair and skin.

Protein - building material for muscles. An animal protein is considered the most valuable, since it is a set of amino acids full for better assimilation by the body, while plant protein is absorbed by man much worse. The protein helps the body to recover, so it is better to eat protein food (for example, eggs or cottage cheese) is better for dinner.

The snacks are necessary in order to doubt the feeling of hunger and get additional energy to the main meal, so for these meals, carbohydrate products are best suited.

How to go to proper nutrition. 5 steps to healthy food

Sharply go to the right nutrition is very difficult, especially for people who are used to feeding in McDonalds, so it is better to approach it gradually.

1. Morale preparation and motivation

Whatever it was strange, it is not necessary to begin with a refusal of sugar, not with a refusal of any food after 18.00 and even more so without cutting the daily consumption of calories, but from psychological training. At this stage it is worth comprehending the importance of changes in life, their long-term and further prospects. Clear installations on things like proper nutrition \u003d health, proper nutrition \u003d long life, proper nutrition \u003d delicious food and so on, help realize the need for at least the predominance of healthy foods in the menu and make the transition most painless.

It is worth starting from reading various articles and studying forums where people share their experience in the proper nutrition, talk about the advantages and cons of such a system, their tricks and tricks that helped them first do not break away. As they say, warned, it means armed. In addition, excellent changes in the figure and appearance, whose photo-proofs are always attached in such recalls, is mounted for a long time, because the stories about 20 kilograms dropped over the year of full nutrition without hunger strikes can not be not surprised. Who wanted to check it on yourself?

It is worth setting yourself to the fact that the first time will not be enough favorite tastes, but everything you can find a replacement, especially food. The world of healthy food is much more diverse than it may seem at first glance. Do not be afraid to try a new food or adjust your favorite recipes for new requirements, and everything will turn out! The most difficult period to be survived with changes in the power system - the first 3 weeks. At least at this time it is necessary to gain strongest motivation and the desire to reach the goal, so that at the sight of the first hamburger does not pounce on it. But it is not necessary to punish yourself for the slightest departments from the planned plan, it can lead to even greater breakdowns. One chocolate is not able to pay all the benefits from at least two-week proper nutrition, and the human factor should always be taken into account. After 21 days, it will be much easier, the pack of chips will cease to be the most desirable thing from the grocery store, and the taste preferences will be changed by themselves.

After the theory has been studied, psychological preparation is completed, and the need to change in life is increasingly needed, you can go to practice!

2. First steps on the way to proper nutrition

Tuned to changes, seen on the perfect figures of girls on PP, and then what? And then we introduce adjustments to your own life! At first, it will be enough to stop taking buns at 3 o'clock in the morning, try to replace sweets on the fruit and not fry food on the oil, teach yourself to a full breakfast (coffee and sandwich not in the bill!), To drink more water and finally stop moving.

Do you begin to count calories? There is no definite answer. If one of the goals for proper nutrition is weight loss, then most likely worth it. Then it will not hurt to acquire with cooking scales and set a special application for calorie counting on the phone: just need to enter the product name (or scan QR code) and its weight, and the program will produce independently. Calorie, proteins, fats and carbohydrates are automatically calculated in calorie counters, and you can install your norm for one or another. It is much easier than to lead all the records and calculations somewhere in notes or notebooks, because it may soon bother.

If the transition to proper nutrition occurs at the state of health or recommendations of the doctors, then you do not need to score your head with superfluous counts. It is enough that the food consumed is more or less useful, and its amount is determined intuitively.

3. Grocery basket

Before going to the store, it is better to make a list of products that need to buy, and in accuracy to him. Even a person with the most developed force of will sooner or later does not stand in front of a chocolate bars, which is dust somewhere in the closet, it is easier to live when there are nothing to break at home. It is not worth going to the store for products even with a harvested list, this will lead to unplanned "harmful" purchases. Cleaning your diet should be gradually: not from the first day to replace everything on chicken fillet and white cabbage, and each time it is a little abandoning unwanted food, so as not to bring the body to stress.

The first time you can buy products as always, without thinking about what is harmful, but what is useful, and then at home to evaluate your usual food. For the second time, you can already create a list by a pattern of ordinary purchases, just slightly correct them to a healthier way. Within a month, you need to try to add more vegetables, fruits, dairy and protein products to the basket, clean out of purchases are too fat and sweet food. A real maste-heve on proper nutrition is frozen vegetable mixes, which are very quickly and just prepared, and the variety of vegetable mixes on the counters of supermarkets will not leave anyone indifferent!

4. Getting used to the new menu. Development of culinary abilities

The presence of a house of new products is a reason to master new recipes. Maybe there was never an attempt to prepare the risotto or the simplest PP cake on a special occasion? It is impossible to limit the whole life only with boiled buckwheat and salatik from cucumbers, you need to try new dishes, good, everything has long been invented and thousands of articles and entire blogs are devoted to the right nutrition, which is described in detail every step of cooking a dish.

At first, the kitchen will become the most important part of the house, because it is there you can create your culinary masterpieces. Over time, flavoring will change, the work of taste receptors will improve and, due to the lack of a large number of taste and artificial adhesive amplifiers in the diet, the usual food will seem tastier, and its taste is saturated.

5. Achieving the goal and complete cleaning of the diet

A few weeks or months of such a regime came awareness of the need to reconsider the power, the basket was filled with food corresponding to the right nutrition, culinary skills pulled up, and harmful food seems no longer so tasty. At this stage, it will be more and more likely to get on that the choice of products occurs on the machine, the hand itself stretches to more or less useful products, the craving for sweet decreased, and the thoughts of food take away less and less time and, in general, the proper nutrition becomes a way of life , not, hard. The goal is achieved!

Power circuit. Daily consumption of calories

The classic proper nutrition scheme implies 3 basic and 2-3 additional meals. This breakfast, lunch, dinner and 2-3 snacks. For breakfast, about 25% of the day calorie daily rate should have, lunch is also 25%, dinner - about 20%, 1st snack (2nd breakfast) - 15%, 2nd snack (afternooner) - 10%, and On the third snack, you can leave 5% of the daytime can be left, for example, for a glass of kefir before bedtime. In any case, the number of food intakes can be adjusted depending on the daily activity and the day mode.

In order to calculate the daytime calorie norm, you can use the Formula of Harris-Benedict. It implies the calculation of the basic level of metabolism (calories, which spends the body to maintain vital functions, for example, the preservation of heat or digestion) and, depending on the activity level, it issues an exemplary amount of calories.

It looks like this:

Boom \u003d 88.36 + (13.4 x weight in kilograms) + (4.8 x growth in centimeters) - (5.7 x age) - for men;

Boom \u003d 447.6 + (9.2 x weight per kilograms) + (3.1 x growth in centimeters) - (3.4 x age) - for women

The resulting number (boom) must be multiplied by a coefficient of 1.2 to 1.9, depending on the level of physical exertion:

  • The minimum level of activity is 1.2 (boom x 1,2);

This coefficient is suitable for people who are not engaged in sports and have a sedentary work, for example in the office.

  • Low activity level - 1.375, that is, boom x 1,375;

Low level of activity corresponds to people who go to 10,000 steps daily or engaged in light sports 1-2 times a week.

  • The average activity level is 1.55 (boom x 1,55);

The 1.55 coefficient will suit people in fitness 3-4 times a week.

  • High activity level - 1.725 (boom x 1,725);

This level of activity implies 5-6 times a week sports training

  • A very high level of activity - 1.9, that is, boom x 1.9;

A very high level of activity in people who are engaged in daily exhausting loads or are engaged in physically hard work (for example, builders).

The resulting number is simply the result of an equation that does not take into account the individual characteristics of the body, as well as errors in choosing the level of activity level. To maintain weight, you can try to deviate from the specified value by 10-15% per minus for one week, then evaluate your condition and compare the digit on the weights with the initial, then feed on the calorie rate from the formula, after which it is 10-15% . After these experiments, you need to compare figures on the scales at the end of each week and choose how many calories it is necessary to organize.

As already mentioned, the number from the Harris-Benedict formula is suitable for maintaining weight. To reduce or set the mass, you need to change the resulting value by 10-20% to a smaller or most side, respectively. Do not deviate from the norm more than 30% to not harm health.

How to drink water

Haha! Well, yes, and it happens! No less important on proper nutrition to drink enough water. Everything is much easier than with food, however, you should stick to a few simple rules:

  • It is worth drinking water at the rate of 30 ml per 1 g of weight,
  • In the morning you need to drink on an empty stomach at least 1 cup of water
  • You should always drink water 20 minutes before meals
  • It is not advisable to drink food and drink in the next 20-30 minutes after meals
  • Tea, coffee, juice also drinks, but they will not replace ordinary clean water
  • You need to learn to distinguish hunger from thirst and in no way confuse them

Menu for a week


Breakfast: Oatmeal with banana.

String: Apple.

Dinner: Stew vegetables with turkey.

Snack: Breads with solid cheese.

Dinner: Cottage cheese with fruit or greens.


Breakfast: Yogurt with fresh fruit.

Snack: Banana.

Dinner: Cheese soup with champignons.

Snack: Vegetable Salad.

Dinner: Stew with veal vegetables.


Breakfast: Lazy oatmeal.

Snack: Handful of nuts.

Dinner: Soup with rice and meatballs.

Snack: A pair of loathing, a little dried fruit.

Dinner: Cheesecakes.


Breakfast: Oatmeal with cheese and peanut paste.

Snack: 2 peach.

Dinner: Rice with vegetables and chicken.

Snack: Beet salad.

Dinner: Fried eggs and salad.


Snack: Breads with cheese.

Dinner: Fish cutlets with cheese and buckwheat.

Snack: Terching carrots.

Dinner: Cottage cheese casserole.


Breakfast: Fruit salad refilled by yogurt.

Snack: Cereal bar.

Dinner: Risotto with turkey.

Snack: Breads with avocado.

Dinner: Baked chicken fillet with cheese, salad.


Breakfast: Lazy oatmeal.

Snack: Corn grains.

Dinner: Soup with vermicelline on chicken broth.

Snack: Orange.

Dinner: Baked fish, nuts and vegetable salad.

It is worth it to repeat that the proper nutrition is not a diet, but a lifestyle that will help support health. To stick to the right nutrition - does not mean constantly lose weight, because weight loss occurs due to the consumption of fewer calories than usual, and not by replacing harmful products useful. It is necessary to live, and not live to eat!

The main mistake of many thinness is that they perceive the correct power menu as another diet - the stage through which you need to go through. Then, getting rid of excess weight, they completely forget about the recommendations of the nutritionist, reappear. And deciding, they begin again.

Proper nutrition is not just a special menu and portion size, but rather a useful habit, which has become a lifestyle. The decision to say goodbye to fast food and semi-finished products should be not temporary measure, but a solid categorical "no" forever.

This is the menu, a competently composed of a nutritionist for every day, will help to lose weight, plus to remain slim for many years, to prevent the development of a multitude of experienced diseases associated with overweight. The main positions of the proper power menu must be learn to the izubok:

  • To overclock the metabolism, Menu dictates eating food at least 5 times a day Small portions. Fractional food allows the body to fully assimilate the nutrients received, spend the energy from them to the processes of life and not feel hungry. Nutritionists warn: no food for longer than 4 hours is subconsciously perceived as a signal to accumulating fat, so do not cut the menu to a minimum, passing the meals;
  • Half dishes in the menu - salads made of fresh vegetables and fruits. Required daily consumption of complex carbohydrates, because the cashie cleans the body, normalize the operation of the digestive system. The source of the protein will become meat, and dairy products will provide you with calcium, support the microflora. Do not forget about, a handful of a day is enough. As you can see, the menu for each day is obtained diverse;
  • The correct way of cooking is fundamentally important.Refuse roasted in favor of steam or baked dishes in foil. Let the menu be as easy as possible - salads without mayonnaise, minimum salt, oil. Dinner follows no later than 20 hours, and the evening meal is the lowest calorie from everyone;
  • Drink at least 2 liters of pure water per day, Starting from two glasses in the morning on an empty stomach. Water is necessary to split fats, withdrawal of harmful substances from the body. Tea, coffee, compotes, juices diverse the menu, but these are liquids, they will not replace water;
  • Be sure to consider calories, making up a menu for every day. At first, this lesson will seem boring and inconvenience to you, but soon you will remember the caloric content of frequently consumed products, automatically control the portions. On average to support the current weight of a woman need to make a menu on a 2000 kcal per day, and to lose weight, need to reduce the diet of about 1200-1500 kcal.

Perhaps in the first days of the menu limitations will seem pretty hard to you, but only against the background of previous food freedom. Proper nutrition is very quickly in the habit, and the improved silhouette will become an additional motivation.

Allowed and prohibited menu products

Make up the proper power menu for every day will be much easier, having a list of useful and unwanted ingredients before your eyes. So, the green light in the daily diet is on for the following products:

  • Dietary meat, low-fat bird varieties - veal, rabbit, turkey, chicken;
  • Shrimps, mussels, squid, all varieties of fish (Of course, salmon or halves should be included in the menu infrequently)
  • Chicken eggsboiled screwed or in the form of steam omelet;
  • Everything not starchy vegetables, not very sweet fruits;
  • Dark rice;
  • Tofu cheese;
  • Milk, fermented milk products Fatty no more than 2%. Sweet yogurts are excluded from the menu, even low-calorie;
  • Breadcooked from the flour of coarse grinding and bran with the addition of solid cereals;
  • Bean culture - peas, beans, lentils.

Subject to proper cooking and small portions, all positions of the list must be the basis of the menu for every day. In a separate group, nutritionists make products, allowed conditionally, that is, infrequently, once a week:

  • High starch vegetables - Potatoes, beets, corn. They are added to the menu only in boiled form;
  • Sweet hearty fruits - bananas, persimmon;
  • Honey, black chocolate allowable to use as a dessert;
  • Cream, sour cream, butter (10 g) will make the menu richer, but it is important not to get involved;
  • Occasionally in the morning Treat yourself to a piece solid cheese, a glass of natural juice.

It is not necessary to completely exclude these products, let the menu remain diverse. Alternation of high and low calorie dishes creates so-called metabolic swing, stimulating fat burning.

Finally, we will study the list categorical food tabups of the new menu:

  • Any smoked and pork. Very satisfying, they contain heavy fats that are not absorbed, but settle on the waist;
  • Bread and buns from wheat flour;
  • Mayonnaise, all store sauces We must leave the daily menu forever;
  • Milk chocolate, juices from packages. No benefit from them, and the sugar content terrifies;
  • Sweets, salt, sugar, carbonated drinks. Refusing only from them, you can lose weight for a month;
  • Alcohol. It will not be reduced to all efforts due to high calorie and negative effects on the body.

The number of prohibitions of the correct menu was not so big. The complexity is only that all products from the last list are addictive, it is hard to refuse them. But there is nothing to do, lose weight and be healthy much more important than to eat salad with mayonnaise, right?

Product alternation during the day

One week is enough to love healthy light food forever. The main thing is to observe the principle of alternation in the menu, otherwise the boring oatmeal will be tired of the third day, longing will again appear in the cutlets. You have to correct the routine of the day to accommodate five trapes from the updated menu:

Time List of recommended products
7:30 breakfastFiber and complex carbohydrates Provide energy for the entire long day. It can be any porridge, cooked on the water, and a cup of tea with lemon;
10:00 Second breakfast.Light squirrel food - The basis of the menu, it will support all the processes of life at the maximum mark - a piece of low-fat bird with steam vegetables, cottage cheese. Optionally, it is possible to replace the protein with fruit or cookies;
13:00 LunchFull feedstocking food, necessarily comprising the first and second dish. Correct non-fat soup, with minimal potatoes, and better without it. Garnish weld without salt, accompanied vegetable salad;
16:00 afternoon bookTime for little pleasure: if you did not eat sweet on the second breakfast, treat yourself. Or replace dessert low-fat yogurt In the days when a little relaxed in the morning;
19:00 DinnerCarbohydrates eaten at this time no longer have time to seek to night sleep, so give preference proteins.

If in the evening, well, I really want to eat, you can drink a glass of low-fat kefira or prokubvashi, the menu does not reborn. You do not stand kefir cookies with cookies: deciding to eat only one, it is very difficult to stay from the additive, and there the process risks unmanaged.

So-called "Night Zhor" is the enemy number one, very interfering to lose weight. And do not forget to drink clean water, now she is your best friend.

The main methods of treatment of overweight and obesity include adherence to a diet with an elevated content of fiber, vitamins and other biologically active components, restricting the use of carbohydrates, as well as physical exercises.

The dietary table number 8, recommended by obesity to persons, is aimed at the reduction of subcutaneous fatty fiber and improving metabolism. Note that this diet is shown in patients who have no concomitant diseases of the digestive organs, liver and cardiovascular system that require special power modes.


The total calorie of the diet is 1800-2000 kilocalories. The diet is designed for people leading a sedentary lifestyle, however, in combination with an increase in physical activity, this kind of nutrition allows you to lose weight for 2-2.5 kg.

The main emphasis in this diet is made to limit the consumption of sugar and products, its containing, powerful carbohydrates, animal fats, as well as products exciting appetite.

The maximum amount of salt is 5 grams per day, you can drink up to 1 liter of pure water. Butter is not prohibited, but limitedly portion - up to 15 g per day. Vegetable oils are added to the dishes. The consumption of flour products is limited to 150 g per day, but if the weight does not leave for a long time, the amount of bread and other flour products are reduced to 100 grams.

For cooking, you can use cooking, allowing, quenching, preparation for a couple, occasionally baking and roasting without adding fats.

There is no less than 5-6 times a day.

What is impossible?

When compliance with the medical diet number 8 from the menu must be completely excluded:

  • white bread, jerky and puff pastry;
  • strong broths, soups of dairy, including with pasta, rice or semolina, potato soups, first dishes from legumes;
  • fatty grade meat and fish, fatty sausages and sausages, smoked, meat and canned fish;
  • bold cottage cheese, cream, saline cheese;
  • meat and culinary fats, fatty and sharp sauces, mayonnaise, mustard, horseradish, spices and spices;
  • rice, semolina cereals, pasta, as well as all legumes;
  • all salty and pickled vegetables;
  • grapes, bananas, raisins, figs, dates;
  • sugar, candy, jam, honey, ice cream, kissel, cocoa, chocolate;
  • grape and other sweet juices, sweet kvass, alcohol.

What can I?

Therapeutic diet number 8 allows many products, that is, the restrictions in the nutrition can not be called too complicated. In particular, you can:

  • Products made of coarse grinding, rye bread and wheat with bran. Portion - 150 g per day.
  • Soups can be boiled predominantly vegetarian, using vegetables and cereals in small quantities. Several times a week, vegetable soups on low-fat meat or fish broth with meatballs are allowed. Portion - 250 g per day.
  • It is best to eat vegetables in raw form, all varieties of cabbage, fresh cucumbers, radishes, salad, zucchini, pumpkin, tomatoes, turnips and carrots. You can prepare dishes from boiled and sweened, baked vegetables. But potato dishes, beets, carrots, trousers, green peas are allowed in limited quantities - no more than 200 g per day. Also for the side disk, you can use crumbling porridges from buckwheat, pearl and bark.
  • You can cook oatmeal, cook pasta, casserole, puddings with the addition of vegetables and fruits, but remember - there are such products in small quantities.
  • A non-fat varieties of meat welded with a piece with subsequent extinguishing, baking or frying are allowed. Beef, veal, chicken, rabbit and turkey meat - can, but a maximum of 150 g per day. Beef sausages, boiled languages, liver - too, but also limited. Only low-fat varieties can be from the fish and not more than 150 g per day. Mussels, shrimps are allowed, but not more than 200 g per day.
  • Once a day you can eat 1-2 eggs, boil them screwed or prepare protein omelets with vegetables.
  • Milk, kefir, prokobivash and other dairy products are allowed in the menu, as well as low fat curd. You can also have low-fat sour cream and non-war cheese.
  • From the appetizers you can rinsets, salads made of fresh and sauer vegetables (sauer vegetables need to be rinsed), the caviar of vegetable, seafood salads, meat, or, waste, jelly beef, low-fat ham is allowed.
  • Facial fruits, berries, jelly, mousse, compotes without sugar.
  • Podliva on weak vegetable permeals and broths, you can add greens, vanillin and cinnamon when cooking.
  • Tomato and white sauce with vegetables.
  • From drinks you can have tea, coffee both black and milk, juices from vegetables, harsh fruits and berries, wild rose.

Approximate menu from calculating 1800 kcal per day


  • Muesli with dried fruits and with low-fat milk (200 ml)
  • Carrot stew (200 g)
  • Slice of low fat cheese
  • Hibiscus tea
  • Snack: Melon (200 g)


  • Vegetarian soup from sauerkraut (250 ml)
  • Rye bread (30 g)
  • Bulgarian peppers stuffed with meat minced meat and rice, stewed with vegetables (tomatoes, onions, carrots) (300 g)
  • Cranberry Morse (200 ml)
  • Afternoon person: 2 pears (200 g)


  • Fig (150 g) with seafood (60 g)
  • Vegetable Salad (Salad Leaves, Tomatoes, Bulgarian Pepper, Green Bow) with vegetable oil (200 g)
  • Rubber Big (200 ml)

Recipes for the Healing Table

Spinach protein omelet


  • 3 protein
  • ½ cup of milk
  • 70 g of ice cream spinach
  • 30 g cheese Suluguni
  • 1 tbsp. l. Pipe oil

Step 1. Spinach fry on cream oil.

Step 2.. Beat proteins with a pinch of salt, add milk and beat again.

Step 3.. Pour to a heated pan with spinach, stir.

Step 4.. Leave for a minute on high heat so that the omelet grabbed. Then the fire is reduced to medium and cover with a lid.

Step 5.. Before feeding to sprinkle with grated cheese.

Vegetarian soup


  • ½ Fork cabbage
  • 200 g sauerkraut
  • 2 Lukovitsy
  • 2 tomatoes
  • 2 sweet peppers
  • 2 carrots
  • 3 liters of water
  • salt and pepper
  • bay leaf
  • greens

Step 1. Cabbage, tomatoes, onions, pepper and carrots wash, clean, finely cut.

Step 2.. Put vegetables in a saucepan, pour water, bring to a boil. Cook until carrot is ready.

Step 3.. For 10 min salute, pepper and add a bay leaf. Before feeding, add greens.

The vinaigrette


  • 1 Sveokla
  • 4 things. Potatoes
  • 1 carrot
  • 2 salted cucumber
  • 2 eggs
  • 4 tbsp. l. vegetable oil

Step 1. Swim screwed eggs. Boil until the cooler, potatoes and carrots.

Step 2.. All cool and cut into cubes.

Step 3.. Cut cubes salted cucumbers, drain the liquid.

Step 4.. Mix everything, fill with oil. You can add a naked greens.

Bay fisher

Photo: Million Menu

  • 2 kg of red fish
  • 2 Lukovitsy
  • 2 carrots
  • 1 \\ 2 lemon
  • 1 Sweet Pepper
  • celery and Parsley Root
  • 1 package agar-agar

Step 1. Head and fins to pour cold water to boil on average fire and cook on low heat for three hours. All the time to remove the foam.

Step 2.. An hour later to add carrots, onions, celery and parsley root to broth. Even after half an hour - put sliced \u200b\u200bpieces of fish. Cooking for another half an hour, then get fish, bones, as well as vegetables.

Step 3.. Choose from the soup set of meat and chop it finely. Fish is also cutting with beautiful pieces.

Step 4.. Share on the bottom of the dishes, where you will do the bay, decorate with pieces of boiled carrots, greens, bell pepper, lemon.

Step 5.. Broth strain 2-3 times. Enter the agar-agar into it. Pour fish broth with vegetables. Put in the refrigerator for 10 hours.

Beef Language with Green Beans


  • beef Language - 500 g
  • green beans - 350 g
  • 1-2 h. L. Mustard

Step 1. Green beans large cut and boil in salted water for 4 minutes.

Step 2.. Boil beef tongue, better for a couple.

Step 3.. Serve tongue with mustard and side dish.

Peppers stuffed with seafood and vegetables


  • 8 peppers
  • 500 g of seafood cocktail
  • 3 carrots
  • 3 tomatoes
  • 1 small zucchini
  • 300 g cheese
  • pepper black, salt
  • vegetable oil without smell

Step 1. People clear from seeds and fry in a pan from all sides in vegetable oil.

Step 2.. It is possible to cleanse the oil and carefully clean from the skin, you can under the jet of cold water.

Step 3.. Seafood defrost.

Step 4.. Vegetables clean and finely cut, carrot to lose.

Step 5.. Fry vegetables, separately fry seafood with crushed garlic slot.

Step 6.. Mix seafood and vegetables, add folded cheese, pepper.

Step 7.. Start the finished mass of peppers, bake them in the oven.

Excess weight is very easy, but it's hard to get rid of it. How to be? Is it really impossible to lose hateful kilograms? Maybe. The main thing is to choose a technique that you can hold for a long time. These can be low-calorie diets and hunger strike. You can perform these methods under the supervision of specialists or yourself at home. They will definitely reduce weight. But the effect will be temporary: while you hold them.


Merchant Hungry, you lose not only the fat component of your body, then muscular. Weight gain - rapid. You only need to drink water and tea green variety. The body is well cleaned from harmful elements:

  • slag;
  • allergens;
  • toxins.

Keep in mind that the method is unsafe. Adheres to more than seven days is not recommended. The maximum hunger strike is 3 days. We do not advise you to resort to this technique. But if you still decided, it is better to start a hunger strike from 1 day. Time without meals is well spurned metabolism.

The principle of the low-calorie diet also lies in the limitation. Cumulative nutritional value of the day diet should not exceed 1500 kcal. Carbohydrates and fats must be consumed in minimal quantities.

Both methods are very hard to withstand, if you do not have a good power. Therefore, we strongly recommend that you adhere to a completely different approach.

How to eat to lose weight at home? This question should be interested. Only with a competent approach to the preparation of the diet, weight loss will not be temporary. Kilograms will leave gradually and constantly.

Basic postulates of proper nutrition

Holding to the right approach to the formation of the diet, you make your body healthier every day. Weight goes away, and cheerfulness and energy come to shift. Diet and hunger strikes reduce the mass, but after they end, the weight of the boomerang returns backwards (maybe even come with a doubled value).

Food only with low calorie products - incorrectly. It is necessary to simply control the amount of products consumed and their percentage (together).

A properly compiled ration, which is permanently respected - the key to success. The third part of it must be proteins of animal origin. Everything else is vegetable food.

Do not torment yourself. Refuse unloved products. Drink what you really gives pleasure (but taking into account the right approach). Fans of meat at all the road is open. With proper cooking (cooking or for a couple) and use (with vegetables), you can easily reset weight.

Do not follow "named in the books" of calorie content. It is individual and depends on the number of man's movement per day. Calculate it for your mass.

Do not eat products with plenty of fat and glucose. In order to recycle them, the body needs to spend a lot of energy.

Strict adhere to the rules for the combination of products. For example, it is impossible to eat meat with carbohydrates and milk.

Constantly drink. Only not juices, but purified water. The number is considered as follows: 30 ml of water multiply by the number of kilograms of your weight. The calculated rate includes tea, soups and other liquids. Fifty percent of the received norm should have to be water.

The power mode is not just a combination of words. The body should know when it will be fed. The number of meals should not be less than 3. Between them, resort to light snacks.

Food with proper approach

Before considering the menu, we will tell a little about the products. So, how to eat to lose weight at home? We eat this:

First - meat. It does not apply to "healthy" meat, for example, pork and other fatty varieties. Meat for proper nutrition is a bird, veal, beef. Sausage, sausages, smoked products - enemies, the use of which should be avoided. Fat and skin with pieces need to be removed. Quenching with a small amount of oil, cooking with a pair or water - this is how you should cook.

Second - a fish. Include it in the diet is needed more often than meat. The cooking method is the same. Fish varieties must be low-fat (pike perch, polytai, cod, perch).

Third - eggs. Eggs - Caloric Product. But they must be. The product is very heavy to digest. You need to eat no more than 3 pieces (per week). For weight loss, it is better to include quail eggs in the ration, which is much more useful of chicken.

Fourth - milk products. More precisely, the basis of the ration - fermented milk products (cottage cheese, ryazhenka, kefir). Sour cream and cream are allowed in minimal quantities (but rarely).

Fifth - animal fats. We are talking about both butter and other fats. Fats are necessary for the proper operation of the body systems. Five grams per day will be enough. The needs of the body will be replenished, the process of weight loss will go more efficiently.

Sixth - vegetable oil. Try to cook without oil. But if the recipe requires, then let it be soybean, olive, corn or sunflower. The best oil is cold spin oil. Slimming is best prepared in a double boiler.

Seventh - Vegetables. It is necessary to use greens (kinza, celery, green onions, dill), cabbage (broccoli, color, white), pepper, cucumbers, onions, tomatoes, garlic. Only potatoes are not allowed. Even a large number of listed vegetables will not harm the figure.

Eighth - Fruits (berries). They are a source of vitamins. Dried fruits are allowed. Most good fruits grown in our climatic conditions.

Ninth - Cereals and Pasta. How to eat to lose weight quickly? What croups? It is wheat, rice, millet and buckwheat. Pasta must be a solid variety. Portion of cereals (macaroni) - 200 grams.

Tenth - bread. The amount of bread per day is 30-40 grams. Instead of the white bread, the highest grade is needed to eat cereal or cut. Baking use is unacceptable in the process of weight loss. It can only afford it at the stage of maintenance and then in very small quantities. Be sure to comply with the temporary rhythms of food intake (harmful should be used in the morning hours).

Eleventh - Sol. Solit food need a little less than usual. For taste it is better to use seasonings: pepper, nutmeg, mayorran, coriander, curry, soul, carnation, Melissa, ginger.

And finally about sugar. It is completely excluded. Sugar is empty and completely useless calories.

Menu that leads to a decrease in weight

The menu for every day of the correct supply for weight loss includes the following options.

Breakfast options:

  • oatmeal (Composition: Milk, Oatmeal, Kuraga, Raisin), Milk (Glass), Eggs Skump (2 pieces);
  • fish cooked in the battery; puree potatoes and milk (glass);
  • muesli and milk, eggs (1 piece), juice fruit.

Options for second breakfasts:

  • yogurt, 2 banana, orange;
  • degreased cottage cheese and sour cream, apple;
  • pancakes stuffed with cottage cheese and milk.

Lunch options:

  • chicken noodles (soup), buckwheat and mushroom porridge, pumpkin and tomato salad, juice (glass);
  • ear, sliced \u200b\u200bvegetables, meat chops, juice (glass);
  • borsch, zrazy (tomato and cheese), buckwheat porridge, cocoa.

Call options:

  • sandwich (bread and cheese), milk (glass);
  • salad (tomatoes and sour cream), juice;
  • yogurt and any fruit (seasonal).

Versions of dinners:

  • chicken chicken, chopped vegetables, green tea;
  • greek salad, fish cutlet, milk;
  • salad of boiled vegetables (vinaigrette), boiled chicken, green tea.

If the food reception menu contains juice, then you should know that these are not shopping juices, but home, with a small amount of sugar.

Features of nutrition

Health and nutrition according to the rules stand on one stage. Therefore, be sure to follow the above principles and remember the peculiarities of new food behavior.

  1. Eat for a day 3-5 times.
  2. Eat a variety of foods. Monthlyness is excluded.
  3. For one comprehensive week, fish eat more meat.
  4. Alcohol is excluded.
  5. Do not eat preservatives.
  6. Instead of sweetened drinks drink mineral water.
  7. Always prepare fresh dishes.
  8. It is prohibited: chocolate, flour, marshmallow and ice cream.
  9. Do not overeat.

Sport and Slimming

Sport will spur the process of weight loss. The main thing is daily loads. Do not torment yourself with hourly workouts, it is enough to spend on exercises for 5-20 minutes.

The competent trainers in the fitness area say that during classes, it is necessary to comply with nutrition guidelines. Namely:

  1. A competent approach to weight loss assumes that a person is always poured. Inside, the human brain perceives the same as malnutrition.
  2. For a thin waist, eat vegetable products for dinner.
  3. Do not eat before sleeping.

A good stimulant of the correct slimming is cardorative. They continue one and a half hours. During this time, subcutaneous fat is transformed into muscle mass.

Keep calm. Nervous condition is not a weight loss assistant.

Always expand the outlook in the food area. The strongest and well-known athletes know about the power rules almost everything. More than any doctor of a nutritionist - for sure.

The maximum effect is achieved in such cases:

  1. The diet contains proteins and carbohydrates.
  2. Carbohydrates, during training, give the energy charge of the brain and muscles. Consuming carbohydrates, we help the body to spend energy and burn fat reserves.
  3. Proteins during classes will serve as amino acids for your muscles. The protein energy will not be allocated, but the protein synthesis will start immediately after workout.
  4. If the amount of fats in the diet of less than 3 grams.
  5. Fat greatly slows down the digestion rate of food and the work itself of such an organ like the stomach. If you enable fatty food in your plate before classes, then during training you will feel nausea and colic.

Before training, you need to eat:

  • omelet (taken only proteins) and oatmeal;
  • meat (turkey, chicken or just breast) with bread (only coarse grinding), rice;
  • beefstex (non-residential) and potatoes.

For the time of meals:

  1. Soup, salad in large portions need to be energized 2 hours before classes. Food for the specified time digested and the stomach will become empty.
  2. Kashi and cottage cheese - half an hour before training.
  3. In the case when you have a desire not only to reduce body weight, but also grow muscle, before training, eat fruit with a protein drink. Reception time - half an hour before classes. There is a fruit with a low glycemic index: strawberry, an apple, a pear. Drinking a drink from serum squirrel.

For better mobilization of fat from cells, 30 minutes before classes drink strong green tea or coffee. Then he burns a lot of fat and less amino acids, glycogen and glucose. As a result, during a workout, you later than usually feel fatigue. And after training you will not be a headache. The effect of strong tea (coffee) lasts about 2 hours.

After training, nothing needs to eat. The body is distracted to digest food, and not to destroy fat deposits. If you are bad from hunger, then it is better to drink a glass of ordinary milk or a protein cocktail.

After classes (after 20 minutes), the body actively consumes carbohydrates and proteins. Recovery occurs, as well as muscle growth. Calories do not go into fat mass.

After training it is better to drink liquid carbohydrates. For example, grape or cranberry juice. More coaches advise to replenish the body with proteins. Better if it is a protein cocktail. It is necessary to drink it immediately after graduation. Replace the cocktail will be able to conventional eggs of eggs. You can also eat any protein food. The main thing is that it was a small portion of the protein product (with your palm). Milk, yogurt, fatty pork, cottage cheese - not the best option for food after training. Drink chicken breasts (without skin), but not legs.

In addition, after training sessions, chocolate products, tea, which chocolate are excluded. The reason is that drinks contain caffeine, which negatively affects the operation of insulin.

Output! Train in the morning. Drink to coffee training (tea). And after classes, take a break at 2 o'clock, and drink coffee only after the specified time.

Now it is clear how to eat before and after training. And what can you drink? The drinking mode is as follows: Before performing training exercises, be sure to drink water (1 cup), during classes, drink it in 20 minutes in small sips.

If your training is tightened for an hour and more, then use special drinks athletes. They are useful, since their composition contains useful elements. It is allowed to drink fresh-suffered juices (only natural).

If you do not give any particular importance to drink, the likelihood that the training does not work out due to the lethargy of the body.

And further. No need to drink only during thirst. When you feel it, your body will already be dehydrated. Why is this happening? Because training in an intensive pace makes the harrow receptors and the gastric path less sensitive. Drink need constantly.

To bad symptoms include:

  • headache;
  • thirst;
  • lack of appetite;
  • fatigue;
  • dry lips;
  • irritability;
  • dry mouth.

If you observe at least two of these symptoms, be sure to immediately drink water immediately. If completely nemogue, interrupt training classes.

If you still do not want to lose weight, look at yourself from the side and analyze. Perhaps you do not understand the principles of the human body, so incorrectly satisfy its needs. Or think that you perform everything right, but it is not. You do not know which food groups exist and how they interact with each other.

Summarize. Lose weight at home is possible. Just day after day to eat and train physically.