How to make a decorative mirror with your own hands. Self-decoration of the mirror

One way to give your home a personal touch is to decorate it with DIY items. A wide field of activity opens up when decorating. The most ordinary item can be turned, at least into an original one. For example, mirror decor turns an ordinary piece of glass into a stylish and original thing.

Basic principles of decorating mirrors

Do-it-yourself mirror decor is made using the most various materials, including those that usually go to the dumpster, and if bought, they cost very little. For example, tubes from old newspapers or magazines. In some cases they are used without staining, in others they are dyed. It is more convenient to paint in the form of a spray - it is applied in an even thin layer, staining occurs many times faster than when using a brush. You can also use broken chinaware, a mirror, colored glass, shells, pebbles, rhinestones, glass drops, buttons, ropes, plastic bottles, branches, wooden planks and sticks, plastic spoons and other strange things.

All this wealth is usually glued onto transparent silicone. It is sold in hardware stores, is available in small tubes or larger cartridges for a construction gun. It is more convenient to work with a gun - it is easier to control the effort and get the right portion of glue, which is problematic with an ordinary tube.

Please note that silicone is acidic and neutral. Acid until it dries, it smells very much like vinegar and you can only work with it in a well-ventilated area. Neutral silicone sealant doesn't smell like anything but costs more. Still acidic, until it hardens, it can corrode the paint that is applied to the decor. When buying, pay attention to the setting time. This is the time during which you can still fix something, move it. As soon as the glue begins to polymerize, nothing can be done - it is covered with a rigid film. The average time for the formation of a surface film is 10-20 minutes, but there are also more “long-lasting” compositions.

There are two decorating techniques:

  • The decor is outside the mirror. In this case, a base is cut out of thin fiberboard or thick cardboard, which is larger than a mirror in size. In shape, it can be any - round, square, arbitrary shape. The decor is glued to the base, after the glue dries, a mirror is inserted into the finished frame.
  • Decorating the mirror around the edge. In this case, the glue and all fragments are applied directly to the mirror surface.

It seems that there are small differences, but the design looks different in different techniques. The second allows you to get an openwork decor of the mirror, which, as it were, is illuminated by a reflection.

Examples of round and oval mirror decor

First, let's talk about the decor that is "built" around the mirror. The circle is beautifully decorated. You can make a sun, a flower, a star, etc. out of it. Lots of options. Most often, the decor is also built in the form of a circle, but it can be a square, a multi-beam star, or any arbitrary shape.

From sticks or tubes of paper

You can decorate a round mirror with chopsticks for Chinese food or tubes twisted from sheets of a newspaper or magazine. If the tubes are rolled up from a newspaper, they will have to be painted. Made from thin, glossy magazine-printed paper, it can be used without dyeing. Sticks can also be painted, you can leave it as is.

For painting, find acrylic paint of the desired color in a can, lay the tubes on a sheet of unnecessary paper, paint on one side from a distance of 20-25 cm. After drying, turn over all tubes / sticks and apply paint on the other side.

The next step is silicone. Apply glue to the back of the mirror. You can - with a short strip (so that you don’t have time to freeze while you lay out the rays), you can drop it. If a backside mirrors are not protected by anything, silicone must be neutral. The acid will dissolve the amalgam and the mirror will be damaged. Put the rays on the glue, wait until the glue grabs. After 24 hours, you can safely hang a unique mirror in place.

The mirror can be with or without a rim - your choice. Instead of sticks / straws, you can use strips of glass, wood, plastic, etc.

From plastic spoons

In this embodiment, a circle of a larger diameter is cut out of thin fiberboard or thick cardboard. how much more - choose for yourself. Lay the mirror in the center, circle it with a pencil or marker. The decor should not protrude beyond this line.

We take plastic spoons, cut off the handles from them, and glue the scoops around the perimeter of the mirror. There are three or more such layers. They look like petals. When gluing, try to place them very tightly to each other so that the substrate does not shine through. They can be set straight or slightly rotated to one side.

For better effect, they can also be dyed. The paint can be with a metallic effect, you can paint the entire decor in one color or in different ones.

After the frame is ready, glue a mirror to the center on the same silicone and admire. After drying, you can hang on the wall.

Using the same technique, you can decorate the mirror with buttons, shells, branches cut into circles. different diameters. They even use trailers and models of cars. They are painted in some unusual color and also arranged in a circle.

The decoration of this mirror is toy cars

Something similar can be done with a rectangular mirror. In any case, it will look good with branches and buttons cut into circles. The rest of the options are unlikely.

From plastic or cardboard rings

You can decorate the mirror with the help of rings. They can be cut from plastic pipes or glued from cardboard. The sizes of the rings can be of the same diameter or different, their width is about a centimeter or a little less.

If the rings are made of cardboard, you will need a base on which we will fix them. Suitable for these purposes plastic cover slightly smaller diameter than a mirror. We will glue the first row of rings to the sides of the lid. The second and all subsequent ones are attached to them. One of the rings of the first row is additionally fastened with a screw with a ring. We will then hang our mirror on it.

After the whole structure is glued together, we take the sequins and glue them to the ends of the rings. The work is painstaking, it takes time and patience. It is easier to hold and move sequins with tweezers and better with thin tips. This mirror decor is universal - in winter it is associated with a snowflake, in summer - with the sun.

Using the same technology, rings are glued from plastic pipe. But they do not need a base, as they themselves are quite rigid. From them we assemble a ring of the desired diameter, glue it. When choosing an adhesive, make sure that it is designed for plastic. In fact, there is a special glue gun and glue in the rods for it. It is much more convenient for them to work, but you can adapt to ordinary silicone.

The edges of the rings do not need to be pasted over with something. They look good on their own. But in this case, they must first be processed from bumps and burrs that remain from the saw. If they were cut with special scissors, there will be almost no irregularities, but the edge will still be straight, and the rounded one looks better. The ends are processed with fine-grained sandpaper. Then they are wiped from dust, degreased (wash in water in detergent, wipe dry or dry). Only after that you can start working with glue.

From the rope

We take a thick rope. It can be synthetic or hemp. For larger sizes, you can even use a rope. From cardboard or fiberboard, we also cut out the base, which is larger than the size of the mirror. A thin layer of glue is applied to this base, a rope is laid out coil by coil.

In this case, it may be better to first glue the mirror in the center, and “wind” the ropes around it. So it turns out recessed in the frame.

Mirror decor

It is not always desirable to make a border around the mirror surface, and the decor that is applied to the mirror turns out to be more voluminous due to reflection. Therefore, basically another rule applies here - there should be free space between the decor elements. These techniques will allow you to decorate a square or round mirror - almost no difference. The main thing is to choose the right pattern or decoration method.

transparent stones

The most simple technique- pick up the decor you like, place it along the edge of the mirror. First, you can decompose without gluing - so that there is an opportunity to correct something, move it. When the result satisfies you, we apply a drop of transparent silicone to each fragment and return it to its place.

This mirror design looks best with the use of transparent and translucent stones. They can be colored, transparent, plain.

hand-painted decoration

For this work you will need special materials. You will need:

  • Glass outline. This is a transparent or colored composition in a tube with a sharp spout. It is applied to glass and mirror in the form of a thin strip. Usually outlines the contours of the picture, which is why it is called so. The contour on glass can be with roasting and without. Naturally, at home it is easier to use those without firing.
  • Stained glass paints. They differ from ordinary ones in that after drying they become transparent. They are applied with brushes or squeezed out of the tube into the contour, after which they are distributed using the same brushes, swabs, cotton swabs.
  • Glitters. These are shiny small fragments in the form of hexagons, stripes, circles, etc. used in decoration. Can be added to paints, varnishes (including for nails).

You will also need common materials: alcohol for degreasing, cotton wool, cotton buds, brushes (preferably with artificial bristles), toothpicks. You will also need a drawing that you are going to transfer to a mirror, carbon paper, adhesive tape.

We put a carbon paper on the mirror, put the drawing on top, fix it with adhesive tape, circle the drawing along the contour. Carefully remove paper and carbon paper. We take a tube with a contour and circle the applied lines. Nearby is a solvent, cotton swabs and toothpicks. They remove the flaws that appear during work.

Next, the contour should dry. This takes several days, and you can speed up the process with a regular hair dryer (not a building one). After the contour has dried, we take stained glass paints, pour a little bit into the contour, spread it with brushes, fix it with toothpicks - so that there are no unpainted places inside the contour. After the stained glass paints dry, they become transparent. If you wish, you can add glamor with the help of glitter - sequins.

The mixture of the two described technologies looks very good - painting and stones. One example is in the photo above. The work is painstaking, but it turns out very beautifully.

Beaded mirror edging

In this technique, it will not work to use ready-made drawings - there are a lot of accidents and it is far from always possible to predict the result. But it's important to have a picture of what you want to see (or a prototype photo) in your head. This work will require transparent glue (the same silicone), multi-colored beads, stones and other decor that you plan to use. You will also need masking tape and brushes, toothpicks.

We stick adhesive tape on the mirror at some distance from the edge. It separates the finish from the rest of the surface. The border does not have to be exactly, it can be of any arbitrary shape. The width of the decorative border is usually not very large, since the wide one looks rough.

We apply silicone to the separated area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe mirror surface with a snake. At one time we spread a small piece - a strand of 5 cm. Quickly distribute the glue over the entire surface. You can do this with a piece plastic bottle. We pour beads on a sheet of paper, and from it we scatter over the glue. We straighten with a brush, toothpicks. Don't use your fingers, it's hard to clean. We apply glue further, continuing the decoration. As soon as you have gone around everything along the contour, remove the adhesive tape and leave to dry.

Full dry time depends on the silicone, but is usually 72 hours or more. Then nothing will spoil your work, and you can hang it neatly in a day.

Several practical advice. If you want to get diagonally displaced stripes of different colors (as in the photo), apply glue in the same areas. So you get a clearer separation of colors and the work will move faster. If the borders should be blurry - with a smooth color transition - different colors lay the beads on different pieces of paper, sprinkle it slightly shaking from side to side. Well, immediately after application, you can fix everything with a brush or a toothpick.

Beautiful mirror frame

This method of decorating the mirror has already been described - we take the decor and glue it. But not on the mirror surface itself, but on the frame. The frame can be made from the same piece of fiberboard, or you can buy a mirror in a plastic (for example) frame.

From a mosaic

To create a mosaic, you will need pieces of a mosaic, you can use fragments of ceramics or colored glass, mirrors. You will also need glue (silicone) and ceramic tile grout (can be white, colored).

From fiberboard (cardboard will not work, as the decor will turn out to be heavy), cut out the frame for the mirror, place it in the center, outline the outline. Next, apply strips of glue to the frame, lay it out on it mosaic tiles or pieces of glass.

After everything is laid out and the glue has dried (three days), they take the grout, dilute it to a state of thick sour cream (the proportions are written on the package). This composition fills the gaps between the tiles. When all gaps are filled, the excess is removed with a damp cloth. To prevent the mosaic from looking dull, you need to remove all the grout so that the tiles are clean. And you need to do this before the grout dries.

This mirror decor is perfect for the bathroom. The décor is washable and fits well with the design concept of the bathroom. Such a mirror will look especially decorative if the mosaic is matched to the tone of the tile.

How to make a mirror decor, so that it would be the most beautiful, most creative, most own mirror. Only with your own hands, using design ideas.

There is hardly a house in which there is no mirror. It reflects our loved ones, expands the space, creates the illusion of large and bright rooms, noticeably and stylishly decorates the walls of our house.

Therefore, the mirror is given so much attention from interior designers and us, lovers of decorating your home with a beautiful and stylish decor, which you can do with your own hands.

We will decorate:

  • bamboo sticks
  • broken dishes
  • shells
  • Dry cleaning hangers
  • wooden rulers
  • costume jewelry
  • thick paper

bamboo sticks

An idea from Meet Michelle, a “self-proclaimed artist,” as she calls herself, and here are her own photos, which perfectly show how to decorate a small round mirror with bamboo sticks.

By the way, such sticks are sold in the garden center or flower shop. Although it can be replaced with ordinary wooden barbecue sticks, however, the design with such “import substitution” will look not so chic.

broken dishes

It is always a pity for a broken vase or figurine, such a beautiful frame for a small round mirror will give porcelain a worthy chance to continue its luxurious life.

They say that you can not use broken dishes. Designers from Du it Yorself magazine do not suggest using broken dishes as dishes, but suggest using them as a beautiful mosaic for decorating a mirror.

And you need to cut pieces of such a mosaic with a professional tool, in this case, these are cutting disc nippers for all types of mosaics.

The pieces stick universal glue according to a pre-drawn pattern, round fragments of a mirror are added, and mother-of-pearl pebbles, beads, etc.

Rubbed with ordinary grout for tiles, excess grout is removed with a wet cloth.


Heather Kendall showcases her work on her website and sells them through her online store.

For work, she uses acrylic paints, a glue gun and a lot of shells that she collects on the ocean with her sons.

Dry cleaning hangers

Although this decorating technique requires the help of the entire hostel, the result is extremely worthy.

thick paper

Highly budget idea, which is used in a good hotel.

From jewelry

Such a mirror will definitely decorate the interior, and it is also nice to see your face in such a frame. There are a huge number of photos of such decor on the Internet, and they are all magnificent. The embodiment of this idea depends on the presence of these very brooches, earrings in your chests. Namely, this mirror decor involves the use of chains, which are quite inexpensive in needlework and sewing accessories stores.

More about decorating mirrors in the article

Currently, a mirror is an essential attribute of any living room, the purpose of which is not only to admire your reflection. The mirror is also important element decor and decoration of any interior. Often, industrial mirrors cannot fully emphasize the individuality of a room's design. And here do-it-yourself mirrors come to the rescue.

Naturally, if we talk about the decor of an old mirror made by hand, we should not mean a forged frame or a frame made, for example, of mahogany. There are many ideas for decorating mirrors using readily available and relatively cheap materials that will allow you to make an original decorative element.

AT modern house or an apartment, almost every room is equipped with mirrors: an entrance hall, a bathroom, a bedroom or a nursery. Depending on the location in the house, the purpose of the mirrors may be different, but they are united by the fact that modern man just can't imagine life without a mirror. This household item should be in the living room, although many believe that this is not the case.

If the room is spacious enough, the absence of a mirror in it can of course be justified, but the presence of this household item in small spaces can visually expand the space of the room.

Room decor with an unusual mirror

Do you like this frame-sun for a mirror? A detailed lesson in this article is.

These 3 very stylish mirrors can also be made with your own hands - follow the link for a detailed master class -.

At first glance, it seems that all the mirrors are similar to each other. You can avoid this by doing the decor of the mirror with your own hands. Consider below the most common decoration options.

The decision to equip the walls of a room with mirrors often leads to problems caused by the need to purchase a product of a certain size, shape and design in order to harmonize with the interior of a particular room. Decorating mirrors with your own hands helps to solve this problem.

It should be noted that this work will require not so much skill and skills in a certain area as the presence of developed imagination and good taste, as well as a creative approach to business.

Wall decoration with small mirrors

unusual shape or mirror frame - perfect solution for an empty wall in a room

Such curly mirrors are easy to make yourself - you need to choose a shape and order cutting

Composition of 16 mirrors

A feather-shaped mirror is a great solution for a relaxation area

7 rules for decorating with interior mirrors

When using mirrors as an element of decor, you must follow the following rules:

  1. Products are better to choose the same size, preference given to small and medium mirrors.
  2. If a mirror object It has irregular shape, it should not be framed.
  3. Rounded or square mirrors are advised to enclose in a beautiful frame.
  4. To make the composition look like a single whole, it is best choose the same frame.
  5. It is most important to use the same frames for products of different sizes.
  6. When creating a composition of mirrors on the wall, you need to try not to create excessive clutter - sometimes in order to create a harmonious image, 5 mirrors with spectacular frames are enough.
  7. Frames look great, which echo the decor of the room as a whole.

ADVICE! For example, a frame made of wood blends perfectly with a wooden table. In general, as professional designers say, the design that is made by hand with the use of imagination and creativity will look spectacular.

Mirrors are capable of visual expansion of space small rooms(for example, in "Khrushchev"), however, often this will require more than one mirror.

  • Three, six, or even ten items various forms and sizes will achieve the desired result. In an interior made in classical style, for such mirrors, voluminous frames made of stucco are suitable.
  • Modern trends in the design of rooms are ideally complemented by narrow mirror frames of various geometric shapes, sometimes with patterns on the surface.
  • When using lamp lighting, a bright reflection in the mirrors will contribute to the visual expansion of the space.

Large mirrors for the living room

You can order the production of "curved" mirrors and place them on one of the walls (in the form of applications or a single size in the form of a square).

Light walls will perfectly decorate the mirrors differing in shape and size. Such a “row of windows” will enliven the room and brighten it even more.

Mirror above the fireplace

A beautiful large mirror ideally placed above a sofa, table or fireplace. However, the combination of this household item with other mirrors should be abandoned.

DIY wooden frame for a mirror

The tree looks great in almost any interior. It is very popular and time tested natural material. Wood products have excellent operational characteristics and attractive appearance. That's why The wood is ideal for use in DIY mirror decoration.. Square or rectangular household items are well framed with ordinary wood borders, but you can and should experiment with round and oval mirrors.

Mirror sun from branches

Original for any interior will look like this called mirror-sun. It is made using blocks or twigs of wood, plywood frame, primer, special glue, aerosol, sandpaper, and a glue gun.

How to make a sun mirror:

  1. To begin with, branches are glued with wedges around the entire perimeter of the frames, and alternating long and short, so that it looks like rays from the sun.
  2. Each bar is necessary hold for 15-20 seconds, so that it sticks well.
  3. After waiting for the glue to dry, it is necessary to remove its remnants with sandpaper, and then apply a primer and leave for 1 hour.
  4. Then you need to cover the frame with paint or varnish.

Decor with dry branches

Twigs can be replaced with wooden clothespins. So, a few minutes - and the decorative frame-sun is ready!

Clothespin mirror frame

paper decor

round and small mirrors can be decorated using an egg carton. This solution is very original and requires very little effort. It will be necessary to cut out each individual cell, glue the flower and paste over the mirror with them.

Egg carton mirror frame

DIY bathroom mirror decor

By decorating an object is understood the achievement of form and colors, in harmony with the style in which the interior of the room is made, as well as with its purpose. When decorating a mirror in the bathroom, it is necessary to ensure moisture resistance and strong fixation of decorative elements.

Decor of an old bathroom mirror - acrylic painting

How to decorate an old bathroom mirror:

  1. To get started you need wipe off the previous coating from the surface of the frame. For removing old paint use paint remover - it's not expensive and available at any hardware store.
  2. Then priming occurs in order to prepare the basis for the glue.
  3. After that, glue must be applied to the places of future fastening of beads or shells. Decoration can be carried out randomly.

The original design idea is a frame made of metal rulers, which are also arranged in the form of a sun.

Mirror frame made of metal rulers

The standard rule for decorating walls with mirrors: if the products are voluminous, then there should be few of them. For example, to decorate a large mirror, you can glue toy cars to it by painting them on top. One product decorated in this way is enough for the room.

Original frame for a mirror from old toys

Fantasizing and using ordinary objects that are in this moment at hand, there is an opportunity to decorate the mirror so that it looks unique and at the same time keeps a piece of the enclosed soul and warmth.

Also in the bathroom, a backlit mirror looks very relevant - it is very easy to make it with your own hands. Here is the detailed one.

Decor mirror shells

Before starting work, make a pattern of shells by attaching them to the surface to be decorated. The composition may or may not have symmetry. Make the most of your imagination when creating a drawing.

  1. To avoid contamination of the glass of the mirror, it must be sealed with masking tape. After that, you can begin to glue the shells on the frame. For complete drying of the glue, you need to wait for several hours.
  2. After making sure the glue is cured, start painting the frame.
  3. Coloring is carried out in several layers, which are applied every 20 minutes to let them dry out a bit.
  4. The layers are carefully applied so that they are as thin as possible.

This design of the mirror with the help of shells will decorate any room, the interior of which is made in the "classic" style.

You can also make decorative candlesticks from shells - a detailed lesson:.

Mosaic mirror decor

To decorate the mirror in the bathroom with your own hands, you can use glass or ceramic mosaics.

Bathroom mosaic mirror

If you want to make such a mirror yourself - here is a detailed one.

Frame decorated with sequins

Such original mirror for the bathroom, you can do it yourself by simply ordering curly cutting of mirrors

Decor of a round mirror with a frame of pipes: Master class

A very stylish and modern frame for decorating a round mirror can be made from ordinary polypropylene pipes for water supply.

Frame for a round mirror made of pipes

This will require:

  • plastic pipe;
  • a saw powered by electricity;
  • skin;
  • glue gun.

Assembly technology

Step 1

  • We cut the rings with great care. However, they must have the same width, otherwise ready product will look messy.
  • Therefore, a “trimming” electric saw with fine teeth is ideal.

In the absence of such a saw, you can use the miter box.

We take polypropylene pipes for water supply - you can choose any diameter at your discretion

Step 2

  • Immediately before gluing, cuts on each ring processed with fine skin to avoid burrs.
  • Since our task is to produce an accessory that has a beautiful appearance, every little thing in it should look neat.

We lay out the rings in any shape you like

Step 3

  • Rings fasten together glue gun , which will provide an inconspicuous fastening. The gluing of the rings can occur in different ways, a different method can be used than in the photo.
  • The shape of the composition can be both square and oval. It is recommended to make it in the shape of a mirror.

We glue the rings together with a gun

Step 4

The mirror is also glued to the rings with a glue gun exactly in the middle. It should be noted that all elements must be cleaned of dust particles and degreased before gluing. You can hang the finished product on the wall by the rings.

So, you can make a product that combines 2 or 3 mirrors, and to give a greater effect, it can be supplemented with a glass vase or table.

Master class: Mirror with lace

A paper lace frame looks very unusual and homely. It can be purchased at any store where disposable tableware is sold.

We need:

  • Paper lace for cake.
  • Double-sided tape.
  • Round mirror.
  • Coating paper.
  • Aerosol paint.
  • Scissors.

Technology step by step

Step 1

Take some cake paper lace and paint it with spray paint. Dry well for 1-2 hours.

We paint lace with spray paint

Step 2

Cover the back of the mirror with double sided tape. Then cut off the protruding end of the tape.

Apply double sided tape to the mirror

Cut off excess tape along the contour

We are filming protective film

Step 3

Remove the protective film and place the mirror on the previously dyed paper lace and press well.

We make external mounts for the mirror

Place a mirror in the center of the lace and press the tape well

Hanging a mirror on the wall

will remain finishing touch, attach it to the wall.

Such frames look especially beautiful if there are several of them!

Master class: Mirror decor with petals

The frame for the mirror can be decorated with artificial petals, they are usually sold in bags in everything for decor.

Mirror decor with petals

For this we use:

  • Petals of artificial silk flowers.
  • Glue gun.
  • Round mirror (or oval).
  • Spray paint (any color).

Work order

  1. We paint the frame white paint, .
  2. We start from the outer edge, with a hot glue gun, glue the petals.
  3. And so, row after row, we lay the petals.
  4. Insert the mirror into the frame. Your amazing mirror is ready!

Glue the petals row by row with hot glue in a circle

Finished mirror with petals

Master class: Mirror decor with gold leaf

An unusual and modern mirror will turn out if its edges are decorated with gold leaf. If you did not find it, you can take the usual thin foil.

Mirror decor with gold leaf

We need:

  • Glue gun.
  • Mirror of any shape.
  • Foil or gold leaf

Decor technology

  • Take the foil and tear it with different figures.
  • Use a glue gun to glue the edges of the mirror with pieces of foil or gold leaf, adjusting it tightly, one on top of the other.
  • Let dry 1-2 hours.

Glue the foil onto the mirror with a glue gun

The number of mirrors in each house is different, but it is impossible to imagine a situation without them at all. The functionality of this piece of furniture is beyond doubt.

But in terms of aesthetics, not all mirrors look as good as possible. Therefore, if the house has a mirror in old frame or without it, it's worth trying to fix it. We share simple but effective ideas for transforming a mirror.

1.In a ceramic environment

If the bathroom is planned to be renovated, then the mirror can be mounted directly in ceramic tiles. Fix it to the wall with a suitable adhesive, and then proceed with the laying of tiles or mosaics.

2. With memories of summer

To decorate the mirror, use small river or sea pebbles. It can be glued directly to the mirror with silicone adhesive. If this option is not suitable, cut out the base on which the mirror is glued from thick cardboard, and the upper part with a hole for it. Glue the top part with stones, and then glue both parts together.

3.Original plastic frame

Ordinary disposable plastic spoons become an excellent material for decorating a mirror with your own hands. To make the frame look even more spectacular, we recommend covering them with acrylic paints.

4. For the most economic

The frame for the mirror, which can be made in just a matter of minutes, is made from ordinary wooden clothespins. They can be pre-painted. Just attach the clothespins to the mirror.

5. In stained glass style

Such a mirror, reminiscent of stained glass techniques, is easy to make on your own. To apply dark lines on its surface, use special paint for glass or black tape.

6. Futuristic mirrors from the future

To fix several mirrors, you can use a single base. For example, wooden. Just glue the mirrors with silicone glue.

7. Return to nature

Short branches will be an excellent material for decorating a mirror, especially if they are painted in a bright color. They can be glued directly around the perimeter of the mirror or on the frame.

8. In a nautical style

A frame for a mirror made of thick rope will perfectly fit into the interior in nautical style. Additionally, it can be decorated with shells or pebbles.

9. Spring is coming

Artificial flowers will help create a delicate frame for the mirror. Also, the composition can be supplemented with green leaves and fruits. Everything you need for such a mirror decor with your own hands can be purchased at a florist shop.

10. Beads and shells

The combination of beads and shells in the decor of the mirror creates an unforgettable effect. Such an interior detail will harmoniously look in the room. beautiful lady any age.

11. A new look at the usual tree

To make such wooden frame you need a thick branch. It will need to be cut into thin slices, which are then used as decoration.

12. Affordable paper decor

The most affordable and affordable option for decorating a mirror with your own hands is the use of paper strips. Glue paper strips to the cardboard base, and a mirror on top of them.

13. Decor for the kitchen

Cutlery that has not been used for a long time will become an unusual material for decorating a mirror. An ordinary plate can be used as the basis for this composition. Both a mirror and cutlery are glued to it.

14.Mirror for needlewomen

Those who are fond of sewing or embroidery will definitely like a mirror decorated with spools of thread. Just glue multi-colored coils around the perimeter of the mirror.

15. Bright frame from old magazines

Reading magazines can be useful when decorating a mirror. Cut the page into two or three parts, twist each of which into a tube. It remains only to glue the paper tubes to the mirror or frame.

16. New life for an old T-shirt

Cut the knitted T-shirt into several fairly wide strips and weave a pigtail out of them. Then glue it around the perimeter of the mirror, leaving the edges free, and hang it on the wall.

17. Edible decor

Legumes, cereals, pasta can be made into an unusual material for decorating a mirror with your own hands. Apply a generous layer of glue to a flat frame and sprinkle edible decor over it. After drying, we recommend covering the decorative composition with acrylic varnish.

18.Useful buttons

Mirrors for the most sporty.

Old rackets can also act as a frame for a mirror. Finding a ready-made, suitable mirror can be problematic. But cut suitable size and shape can be made in a workshop specializing in working with glass.

20. More shine

Decorative glass pebbles are used to decorate a regular frame. You can buy them in stores specializing in the sale of goods for animals. Most often they are used to decorate aquariums.

We live in an era of formation and popularization of the author's design of premises of any type. The standard finishes of apartments and household items are no longer fashionable. The real chic is the presence in the room of hand-made items - planters, vases, lamps and chandeliers. Well, a mirror in a beautiful frame, which was created by the owner of the house, is a real masterpiece!

Do-it-yourself designer frame for a mirror - the advantages of such a mirror design are obvious - you can choose the size of the frame and its design in accordance with common style interior, and the mirror will not resonate with the environment, it will become an integral part of it.

What materials can be used

The decor of any piece of furniture with your own hands is a game of fantasy and imagination. But in this case it is very easy to “overdo it” and overdo it, carried away by creativity. For finishing and decorating a mirror, it is better to use one type of material. For example, if you decide to make a frame from the remains of ceiling plinths, then you do not need to add parts from another material to the design. They may be structurally incompatible and difficult to connect, and the construction may be heavy.

The frame for the mirror can be of a familiar design, or it can also be made in the form of stucco molding from any materials at hand, in the form of a mosaic directly on the surface of the mirror itself. There are a lot of design options for this item, and the most important thing is to choose one of the ways.

How and from what to make a frame for a mirror

Before you start working on an author's frame for a mirror, you need to carefully consider all the steps, prepare everything you need during work - materials, accessories, tools, measure the mirror and, of course, make a sketch of the future masterpiece. To create a sketch, you need a pencil, an eraser, a ruler, a triangle and a pattern, a drawing paper of the appropriate size. It is better to create a drawing and a drawing in full size and “in color” so that you can “try it on” on a mirror.

To work, you will need a table and tools - a saw or a knife, wire cutters and a hammer, glue, paints, brushes, finishing elements(beads, shells, buttons, mosaic glass), if they are to be used, construction stapler or small cloves. Small parts should be laid out in containers so that they do not crumble and do not interfere with creativity, and for brushes it is best to prepare a glass or a jar of solvent so that they do not dry out.

Advice! To create a frame, the remains of construction or finishing materials- drywall, facing tiles, plinth, rail.

In design studios, you can see mirror frames from the most unusual materials- clothespins, cutlery, knitting needles, inexpensive jewelry, tiles with images of family members printed on its surface, from fragments of broken porcelain dishes, plastic, packaging from discs, sweets or cigarettes, from sequins and disposable spoons, newsprint or magazine paper, dried flowers . The flight of fancy in how to decorate a mirror with your own hands is absolutely unlimited, as long as the materials are combined and look harmonious with the interior of the room.

frame from ceiling plinth

Very often, after repairs, trimmings of skirting boards, wallpaper and other finishing materials remain in the house. Zealous and creative owners never throw away this "garbage", but create real masterpieces from it, which can be both boasted and proud of. For example, a frame for a mirror from ceiling plinths turns out to be very beautiful, and it is very simple to make it.

The material is quite inexpensive and durable, it is easy to cut and glue, in most cases the ceiling plinth is already beautifully designed. In addition, it can be painted with almost all types of paints and even “aged”.

To work with the plinth, you will need a jigsaw or a regular file, a ruler and a pencil, acrylic paint, brush, glue, putty, plaster is best. To protect the desktop, it is necessary to prepare a covering material - it can be old newspapers or wallpaper trimmings.

From the plinth, you need to prepare the frame parts in accordance with the dimensions of the mirror. You can pre-attach the mirror to the base of plywood or thick cardboard. It is much easier to attach the frame to the base than to the glass surface. The details of the frame must match not only in size, the pattern on the plinth must be adjusted so that the lines of one part smoothly merge into the lines of another.

After the glue has dried at the joints of the frame, you need to cover its surface with putty to hide the traces of gluing and “refine” the pattern. After the putty has completely dried, you can start painting. There are a lot of ways to finish such a frame - you can highlight the pattern on the plinth with a contrasting color, you can artificially age the frame with paint, or you can paint it in one color, in a classic style.

mosaic frame

Creating a mosaic is an amazingly fascinating type of needlework, art. A mosaic frame for a mirror is sophistication, uniqueness and practicality in one bottle. The advantages of such a mirror design are ease of use, low cost of materials, because you can create a mosaic even from fragments of broken dishes. Fragments of dishes, and fragments of tiles, jewelry, colored glass are suitable for work.

The mirror is attached to the base, it can be a sheet of plywood or chipboard. The base must be larger than the plane of the mirror. Mosaic elements will be attached to the protruding part of the wooden base with glue and a glue gun.

In addition to a special gun, you will need pliers to form parts of the mosaic, and a special grout that will fill the gaps between the fragments. You will also need a spatula for applying grout, a soft sponge to remove traces of grout from the surface of the frame, and, of course, imagination and a little patience.

Unusual mirror frame design ideas

Not everyone likes the simplicity in the design of the mirror. Many seek and find non-standard solutions design of this piece of furniture. For example, they decorate frames of an unusual shape with rhinestones, coins in country style, vintage or Provence.

To decorate a mirror in the style of a la America of the 60s, small pieces of colorful textiles, cereals or pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, which are glued to a wooden or plastic base, are suitable.

Advice! The frame pasted over with figures of fish, shells and colored pebbles will remind you of a vacation by the sea. But in order to “hold” such heavy objects on the base, you need to use a “serious” adhesive base, paint primer or double-sided tape.

Serious materials require a serious approach to working with them. An unusual shape of jewelry will require a longer time investment. The voids between the elements must be filled with sealant or putty so that dust does not accumulate between them. And caring for such a frame will be more difficult, because many materials cannot be washed with water and detergents.