How to make a car from improvised materials. How to make an electric kart for a child in retro style Homemade toy cars from improvised materials

Any materials are used for work. Based on the age and gender of the child, you can choose the right product.

Toddlers up to 3-5 years old love to ride in the car, feeling protected from all sides. At the age of 5-7 years, it is interesting to play with crafts, inventing the course of events and various adventures. Older children want to create something bright and unusual, for decoration or a gift.

Crafts can be divided into three types:

  1. Volumetric;
  2. flat;
  3. Edible.

Volumetric cars

Volumetric designs, suitable for girls and boys of all ages. Cars can be large for riding or small for play and decoration. They are made from: a cardboard box, a toy box, a toilet paper roll, a notebook sheet, stationery, pasta, beads and other accessories, fabric, foam rubber, a plastic bottle, plasticine, matches, wooden blocks, cones.


Most often, flat machines are made in the form of a picture, an application. Quite crumbs work with colored paper, older children can use: cereals, beads, plasticine, leaves of different trees and bushes.


The most exciting process is to cook a delicious craft. Children enjoy playing cook and look forward to the result. For such crafts, everything that is in the refrigerator is used, you just need to give free rein to your imagination. An oven-baked machine with banana wheels looks not only beautiful, but also appetizing. Cucumber cabriolet or pear bus, to accustom the child to vegetables and fruits.

Car from a cardboard box

Every home has a cardboard box for appliances. If there is a choice, then stop it on the most durable, suitable size.

Suitable materials and tools: scissors, adhesive tape, paints, colored paper, hot gun. First you need to cut off the top three blades, fix the fourth one motionless with adhesive tape, parallel to the floor. Strengthen the bottom of the case, also with adhesive tape, this will extend the life of the toy. Cut out five identical circles from the pieces, these are the wheels and the steering wheel. Two squares, approximately 5 by 5 centimeters, will serve as the connecting part of the steering wheel and body. If there is cardboard left, you can do tuning, for example: voluminous door handles, mirrors, bumpers. All parts are painted or glued with colored paper. Draw a dashboard with multi-colored buttons. After all the manipulations, proceed to the assembly. All parts are attached with a hot gun: wheels, steering wheel, door handles. The car is ready!

Roll convertible

Quickly and easily, turn a cardboard toilet paper roll into a toy man convertible. This craft can be fun to play with or put as a figurine.

To do this, you need: an empty roll, scissors, felt-tip pens or paints, glue. In the middle part, cut an oval with scissors, without cutting a few centimeters on one side. Bend the resulting part inward, in the form of a seat. On a white sheet of cardboard, draw five circles, 2-3 centimeters in diameter, these are wheels and a steering wheel, decorate and cut them out.

To make the wheels and steering wheel spin, you can use toothpicks as a connection, be sure to break off the sharp ends and cover with plasticine. Before assembling, decorate the frame and glue small parts, for example: headlights, door handles, exhaust pipe. All these little things are pre-cut from plain or colored paper.

Application of cereals and colored paper

Such a picture will decorate any room, not just a children's room. Make a car out of paper and cereals to please children of any age.

For this we need: a cardboard rectangle, any color will do. Colored paper or typewriter printed on a printer. Silicate or PVA glue, brush and various cereals.

Let's start by forming a machine out of paper. After drawing the body, wheels, steering wheel, bumper and other additional parts on colored paper, cut them out and glue them to the base. Gradually applying glue to the right places, generously fall asleep with cereals, for example: wheels with buckwheat, glass semolina, body with peas or lentils, navigate by the main color of each detail.

The background can be decorated with multi-colored pasta. Leave for several hours in a horizontal position, so that the glue dries. Pro hours and crafts is ready.

All-terrain vehicle from a plastic bottle

The plastic container is very strong and easy to use. You can draw on it with a felt-tip pen, easily cut with scissors, and make holes with a hot nail. An all-terrain vehicle made of a plastic bottle can swim, fly, and of course move across plains and mountains.

In an empty plastic bottle, on the side, cut out an oval, about two-thirds of the entire length. After making holes in the four caps and base, secure the wheels with toothpicks. From another bottle, cut the upper part without removing the cap, form the blades, this will be the propeller. Fix it with an elastic band and matches, making holes in the tail, the end of the body and the propeller cover, connect these parts. For tuning, you can use stickers. The all-terrain vehicle is ready!

edible craft bus

Often children do not like vegetables and fruits, a little trick in the form of a game will help solve this problem. The simplest and most delicious bus is made from a pear.

With a knife or spoon, cut out windows and door shapes. Make wheels from carrot circles, sprinkle with raspberries or other berries, and the edible car craft is ready for use.

Important! Do not forget that all sharp and small parts cannot be used in crafts for children under the age of seven.

Crafts in the shape of a car, an exciting journey into the world of fairy-tale fantasies for different ages. Any natural material, cardboard, paper, fabric, wood is suitable as a basis. The connecting element will be stationery glue, laces, toothpicks, plasticine, a hot gun. The process of creation reveals new facets for the child and teaches how to turn dreams into reality.

Making a car with your own hands is a task worthy of a real man. Many think, some are taken, only a few are brought to completion. We decided to tell the stories of cars made, as they say, on the knee. We will talk about the work of professional bodywork studios, including A: Level or ElMotors, another time.

The case of the masters of the East

Most homemade people are in the so-called developing countries. Not everyone can afford an expensive car, but everyone wants to. And in these countries they look at copyright, let's say, in a peculiar way, not in a European way.

It's easy to find videos on the Web about a whole factory of "self-made" supercars in Bangkok. These are ten times cheaper than the original. Now it is no longer working: apparently, the German journalists who shot the video about home-made people did them a disservice, and local authorities thought about the missing licenses of the “masters” and the safety of the machines they riveted. Of course, these crafts were not specifically crash tested.

Interestingly, in principle, the Thais withstood supercars - they made space frames from metal profiles and pipes and "dressed" them in fiberglass bodies. In most cases, do-it-yourselfers simply take old cars, cut off the “extra” body panels and hang their own. This technology is used to build, for example, this replica of the Bugatti Veyron from India. An ambitious project, right on the basis of the saying "to love - so the queen, to steal - so a million." The author and owner used an old Honda Civic as a basis. And he tried - outwardly, the copy turned out to be worthy: it is not without reason that the audience is so attentively examining it.

Another Indian, a former actor and current social reformer, concocted a parody of the Veyron from the Honda Accord. It turned out terrible. Another one was based on Tata Nano. Let me remind you that this is officially the cheapest production car in the world with peculiar proportions. Very weak and slow. However, the author of this project is clearly not devoid of a sense of humor, because Veyron, on the contrary, is one of the most expensive, powerful and fastest production cars.

Supercars from junkyards

The Chinese do not lag behind their Thai and Indian counterparts. The young worker of the glass factory, Chen Yanxi, did not parody someone else's design, but made his own, the author's. And even though his car looks decent only from a distance, and drives only 40 km / h (the installed electric motor no longer allows), I don’t want to laugh at Chen. Well done for going your own way. More often it happens otherwise.

Three years ago, 26-year-old Chinese prop designer Li Weilei was so impressed with the Tumbler Batmobile ("Acrobat") from Christopher Nolan's The Dark Knight that he built it. It cost him and four friends 70,000 yuan (about $11,000) and only two months of work. Lee took steel for the body from a landfill, shoveling 10 tons of metal. To help offset the costs, he now rents out his Tumblr for photo and video shoots for just 10 bucks a month. But tenants must be prepared to roll the “replica” manually. The car cannot drive, since it has neither a power unit nor a functional steering wheel. In addition, in China, only cars produced by certified manufacturers are released on the roads.

Another Chinese craftsman, Wang Jian from Jiangsu province, made his own "copy" of the Lamborghini Reventon from an old Nissan minivan and a Volkswagen Santana sedan. And he also dragged metal from the landfill. He spent 60,000 yuan (9.5 thousand dollars) on this business. The car has a carburetor engine, it smokes mercilessly, it lacks an interior and even glass, but the author himself likes the result, and the neighbors believe that Jiang's car copies Lambo quite accurately. The author claims that he is able to accelerate on his supercar up to 250 km / h. No one dares to dissuade him.

As you can see, most of all do-it-yourselfers love to copy Ferrari and Lamborghini. Externally. Inside this car by Mr. Meat from Thailand is a quarter-liter Lifan motorcycle engine.

The most funny and touching creation - the Chinese farmer Guo from Zhengzhou. He made a Lambo for... his grandson. The car has children's dimensions - 900 by 1800 mm and an electric motor that allows you to accelerate to 40 km / h. Batteries of five batteries are enough for 60 km of travel. Guo spent $815 and six months of work on his brainchild.

A Vietnamese car mechanic from the province of Bac Giang created a semblance of a Rolls-Royce, using the "seven" for this. I bought it for 10 million VND (about $500). Another 20 million spent on "tuning". Most of the money went to metal, electrodes, and a Rolls-Royce-style radiator grill ordered from a local workshop. It got rough. But the guy is famous. A real Rolls-Royce Phantom in Vietnam costs about VND 30 billion.


In the expanses of the former USSR, traditions of self-building are also strong. In the Soviet years, there was a movement called "samavto", which united enthusiasts of home-made cars and motorcycles. And there were many of them, since in those years it seemed that it was easier to assemble a car with your own hands than to buy it - despite the total shortage of spare parts and bureaucratic obstacles. And what interesting projects were born in those years! Yuna, Pangolina, Laura, Ichthyander and others... Yes, there were people. However, they remained.

A few years ago, I wrote about the brainchild of a Muscovite, Evgeny Danilin, called an SUV that resembles the Hummer H1, but significantly outperforms it.

I immediately recall my old acquaintance with Alexander Timashev from Bishkek. In the 2000s, his ZerDo Design workshop created a whole series of interesting homemade products, the first of which was the Barkhan, also a semblance of a Hammer based on the GAZ-66. Then came the "Mad Cabin" (Mad Cabin), a type of American hot rod, made from the cab of an army truck ZIL-157 - "Zakhara". .

The Crazy Cabin was followed by retro-style homemade products - the so-called replicars, speedster and phaeton. And for them, Kyrgyz craftsmen made not only bodies and interiors, but even frames.

Creating crafts for parents with kids gives an excellent result: there is an active development of abstract thinking, finger motor skills, creative skills and, of course, imagination.

It will be interesting for every boy to learn how to make a simple craft in the form of a cardboard car for children. Therefore, the task of caring parents is to suggest the right direction for the creative process, acquire the necessary materials and stock up on a great mood for an exciting game with their kids with cars.

racing cars

Cars made of paper, as well as cardboard, occupy a special place among crafts for kids. Entertaining daily crumbs with toys from the store is quite an expensive pleasure. In addition, the same toys quickly bother the child. Therefore, we offer to take advantage of the master class without unwanted financial investments.

You will need toilet paper rolls, which should be pasted over with colored paper. As soon as the adhesive composition dries, it is necessary to make a rectangular cutout on the rolls, not cutting to the end on one of the sides, and bending the paper, it will be like a driver's seat.

You can color this seat on the inside using a marker. Using a snow-white shade of cardboard, you need to cut out a circle and stick it on the side opposite from the seat - this is the steering wheel, which should also be painted.

Decorate your car with applications made of a contrasting shade of paper. Glue the wheels with bolts or plastic container lids.

Now you know how to make a racing car out of cardboard with the car-themed crafts tutorial above.

fire trucks

To create such crafts, you will need matchboxes and multi-colored paper. Four boxes should be glued together. The created design must be pasted over with red paper. Another matchbox must also be glued and then glued at the top of the turret.

Using plasticine, you should create a flasher, a mount for a ladder formed from pre-glued matches. Next, you need to supplement the machine with windows, as well as headlights, using paper in a yellow tint.

origami car

Adherents of Japanese art will appreciate the beautiful crafts on the theme of origami cars made of cardboard. This technique was invented when the car did not exist. But progress is constantly moving forward, and now many schemes for folding origami products have been proposed. These are voluminous options, and schematic figures, and a fairly accurate view of the model.

Consider in detail the instructions for making a Volkswagen car with your own hands. For this purpose, watch a video on a resource called origami car.

So, a scheme involving the assembly of such a car is considered to be a personal development of Esseltine, who presented it to those who like the art of origami.

It is important to understand that the expected result when creating voluminous origami products can be obtained by using a special paper sheet for such crafts. It has the required rigidity for ease of manufacture and creation of folds, while the finished car will perfectly keep the given shape.

Cardboard convertible

The original convertible, as in the photo of car crafts, can be made independently using triangular modules. Folding should start from the hood. Its width should reach eight modules, we are gradually moving on to the manufacture of glass.

In order for the paper structure to withstand many modules, as well as thin elements, we use an adhesive substance, and instead of the bottom, we arrange cardboard paper to which the parts are glued. This trick will enable the product to acquire maximum strength.

Papercraft Kits

If you are wondering what kind of car it is possible to make in kindergarten, then papercraft kits will help you. They are templates for cutting out parts, which later, by bending and gluing paper parts, turn into machines of extraordinary beauty, reminiscent of a real car.

Similar models can be used to decorate a toy track drawn on thick paper. In this version, it will completely resemble the real one, as various cars will ride on it, so much like large prototypes.

We create paper auto schemes

Do you want to collect children's papercraft cars, but there is no way to purchase ready-made templates? Then Runet to the rescue! Here you will find countless recommendations on how to create cardboard cars, diagrams that help you create and cut your favorite model.

The series offered on the pages of magazines include a variety of service cars, without which it is impossible to imagine exciting children's games: a tractor, an ambulance, an excavator, a dump truck and many others. Collectors of vintage cars will be delighted with different versions of the 20s. It was during these times that a car was considered a great luxury.

For competent and quick assembly, you will need a minimum - cut out automotive elements from cardboard, on which the drawing will be printed.

Pay special attention to non-painted elements, that is, snow-white places are areas for gluing. It is on their surface that a small amount of glue should be applied when you bend them, and also attach the elements.

Choose the simplest white glue, as it will not leave any marks on the product, but it will hold the attached elements firmly.

It is not known, probably it is your child’s hobby of collecting paper cars that will become the most interesting and entertaining hobby for many years, will provide a unique opportunity to fully understand the nuances of mechanics, and will help to fully learn how to understand how a real machine works.

It is possible that if parents support their children's passion for cars, it is possible that they will take an active part in choosing a suitable profession for their baby.

Photo crafts cars

Children's toy cars are the most popular toys among toddlers. The boys enjoy playing with cars. You can also see girls playing with cars. This toy has a positive effect on the development of the child. With the help of these toys, fine motor skills, imagination, logic and motor apparatus develop.

Due to the variety of types, cars are perfect for role-playing games - children will be able to feel in many roles: a passenger, a racer, a super hero, etc.

How to choose the best toy for your baby?

When choosing a toy car, you need to pay attention to the following:

Types and photos of models of toy cars

The simplest to manage and at an affordable price are mechanical. They can ride only if the child himself rolls it. There are many models: military, construction, cars and trucks. There are also toy cars of different brands: from VAZ to Porsche. These toys are suitable for small children.

Inertial cars - such models are started from a key, a lace or from a reverse gear and drive for some time on their own.

Electric cars are started from electrical sources: a battery or a battery. Such toys are more expensive, but have a lot of advantages.

With wired control - the remote control is connected to the toy with a wire, and this is not comfortable for the child, since you will have to follow the machine all the time. These models are designed for kids up to 5 years old.

School-age children will be happy with toy cars on the remote control. Modern models are also popular: constructors, transformers, shifters and anti-gravity. Such models offer an interesting game, and this helps the development of the child. RC cars can be interesting for adults too.

Anti-gravity electric cars can drive on any flat surface - even on the ceiling. Such cars will appeal to many: both adults and children.

Flip-flop cars - when faced with obstacles, they turn over, and then return to the wheels and continue to drive. Playing with such cars is quite fun.

Cars-constructors provide the kid with many opportunities for fantasies. With such models, the child can change the shape or create their own models of cars. They help the child develop imagination, fine motor skills and logical thinking.

Transforming cars can change the mode of transport. It differs from the constructor in that to change the view, the toy does not need to be disassembled.

  • Collectible cars are more often interesting for adults or schoolchildren who collect car models.


When choosing a toy, you should pay attention to the quality of the material from which the toy is made, as well as durability. The material must be environmentally friendly. The paint should be free of smudges and should not smell.

  • If the machine is made of wood, then pay attention to the processing of the product to prevent the appearance of splinters.
  • Plastic cars should be made of high quality plastic and should not release toxic substances into the air.
  • Models with sharp corners should not be bought, as they can injure the child. Cars with loud and sharp sounds can frighten a child.

    How to make a toy car with your own hands?

    A simple machine can be made from improvised materials. To make a simple car, you will need: a milk carton, straws or toothpicks, lids, glue, scissors and colored paper.

    You can create any model: ambulance, fire truck, truck or dump truck. You can also change its shape and colors. Homemade toys develop the baby's imagination, as they do not look like models of real cars.


    Soft cars are the safest and often serve as rattles. These toys will help kids develop fine motor skills. Suitable for children up to 6 months.

    Rubber toys are used for bathing. They have no moving parts and they are quite durable. Suitable for children from 6 months to 3 years.

    Plastic cars are the most common among these toys. With the help of plastic, you can get quite realistic models with parts of any size. Suitable for children from 1 year old.

    Metal cars are the most durable and realistic, but the most expensive. Such cars are often collectible. Suitable for children from 3 years old.

    Photo of toy cars

    • We also recommend viewing:

    How to make a typewriter - diagrams, patterns, scans of homemade paper cars (85 photo ideas)

    All parents benefit from educational activities for their children. It would be good for every father to make toys with his own hands together with his children, setting a positive example for them. One of these toys can be a toy car.

    What car to make

    To choose a suitable type of craft for manufacturing, you should soberly assess your strengths and means. If a teenager decides to do this process on his own, then he should start with simple ideas for do-it-yourself cars.

    To get started, you can choose crafts made of cardboard and paper. They are relatively easy to make and the supplies and tools are readily available. You only need scissors, glue, and cardboard.

    How to make paper cars if there is no design experience at all? Where should I start, and what are the next stages of work? These issues need to be taken seriously. The child must learn to set a task for himself, and be able to solve it.

    Cardboard racing car

    Consider how to make a machine with your own hands. This will require:

    • cardboard cylinder;
    • scissors;
    • colored paper, and ordinary;
    • stationery buttons;
    • a set of markers;
    • white and black cardboard.

    The body of the machine will consist of a cylinder, it is pasted over with paper of any color. 4 black wheels and 4 white wheels are cut out of additional cardboard.

    Additional cardboard circles are glued to the end parts of the car so that there are no through holes in the cylinder. Glued mugs can be painted with felt-tip pens.

    The wheels are fastened with pushpins in the center of the circle, and their ends are bent from the inside of the cylinder. A small hole for the driver should be cut on top of the finished body. The finished machine is painted with felt-tip pens.

    Electronic machine with remote control

    Remote control cars are very popular with children. If the store did not meet a suitable model, then you can assemble it yourself. Today, in every house where there are children, there is a lot of toy trash. In it you can find suitable parts and bodywork.

    You will need the following:

    • wheels;
    • frame;
    • electric motor;
    • different screwdrivers.

    Assembly process

    Most likely, some parts will have to be purchased. It refers to the control system. If a home-made machine has a simple control panel, then it will be easier and more economical in terms of costs. When installing radio controls, you may have to spend more money on parts.

    Having distributed the assembly plan, and the dimensions of the device, you need to start assembling. In the chassis, there must be wheels. The product itself should be without errors, and easy to move. Good grip for the machine will provide wheels with rubber tires.

    There are two types of motor. Its choice depends on the user who will manage it. If this is a child, then you need to install an electric motor. It will cost less, if possible, it is removed from a broken toy car.

    If the machine is intended for adult users, then you can put a gasoline engine on it. It will cost an order of magnitude more expensive, and caring for it will be more difficult.

    Wired control will limit the movement of the machine. It is preferable to choose a radio unit, then the product will be able to move independently of the wires. But the movement will also take place only in the radio reach zone.

    The choice of body is determined by taste preferences. The variety of models today is simply huge, everything is limited by imagination and budget.

    Having prepared all the elements, it is necessary to proceed with the installation. The chassis is mounted first, with wheels. Next, a motor is installed on the frame, and a radio receiver. The antenna is attached to the body. If all components were bought in a store, then installation instructions should be attached.

    Batteries are attached last. After debugging the engine, the body is attached to the chassis. The final touch can be decorations from various stickers. The car is ready!

    Homemade complex type machine

    You can give another instruction on how to make a radio-controlled car. This will require:

    • Body of any model;
    • Powerful 12V battery;
    • radio control;
    • Charger;
    • Soldering tool and all necessary components for it;
    • Electrical measuring instruments;
    • Rubber blanks, for bumpers;

    Mounting process

    The process of step-by-step assembly of the machine is much more complicated than the previous type. Suspension elements are assembled first. Then a gearbox with plastic gears is assembled.

    For its installation, a thread is made in the body. Next, the motor is connected to the power supply, and its performance is checked.

    Radio circuits are mounted in such a way that overheating does not occur. Sometimes a radiator is attached to them. At the end, the body of the model is assembled. That's all you need to make a radio controlled car.

    In order for a home-made car to have maneuverability and good speed, one should try not to overload it with unnecessary details.

    The presence of headlights and dimensions looks nice, but for their fastening it is necessary to carry out wiring. As a result, this will complicate the design and assembly.

    Photo of homemade cars

  • Paper cars (diagrams, scan, pattern, templates, video)

    In this master class, we will show you how to make a paper car with your own hands. Absolutely all techniques are presented here - from simple origami to the most complex modeling.

    Tools and materials Time: 1-5 hours Difficulty: 7/10

    • paper;
    • a printer;
    • scissors;
    • glue.

    A small instruction on how to use this assembly. If there is a download link under the picture, click on it, save it to your computer. If there is no link under the picture, then save the model you like right away. After that, it remains to print the models, cut and glue.

    List of all cars:

    Paper models of cars

    paper race car

    IMCA racing car

    Download (color version|black and white)

    Red racing car

    Download (color version | black and white)

    Sportcar Kodak

    Racing Zhiguli

    Pescarolo Courage C60 (Something 123) in 3D

    Download patterns

    Paper fire truck (diagram)

    We present to your attention the best model of a fire truck with full instructions and a detailed description:

    Download template with instructions

    fire department vehicle

    • Download
    • Model of the fire truck TATRA 815 in 3D (patterns and layouts)
    • Download

    Truck models of paper cars

  • Truck UAZ 452
  • Download
  • Truck KAMAZ
  • Download
  • Truck UAZ 3303
  • Download
  • Truck GAZ 69
  • Download
  • Dump Truck Caterpillar 785 3D(Modeling)
  • Download
  • paper police car

    • Police car VAZ 21099
    • Police car VAZ 2104
    • Police car VAZ 2121
    • Police car VAZ 2131 (Niva)
    • Police car (DPS) VAZ 2114
    • Police car (DPS) VAZ 2112
    • Police car (DPS) VAZ 2109
    • Police car UAZ HUNTER
    • Download
    • Police car VAZ 2121 (Niva)
    • Download

    Paper models of VAZ cars

  • Car VAZ 21011 Cuba Taxi
  • Download
  • Car VAZ 2121 (Niva)
  • Car VAZ 21011
  • Car VAZ 2112
  • Car VAZ 2126
  • Car VAZ 2113
  • Car VAZ 2115
  • Car VAZ 21011
  • Download
  • Car VAZ 2102
  • Download
  • Car VAZ 2121 (Niva) (tuning)
  • Download
  • Car VAZ 2106 (tuning)
  • Car VAZ 21061 (1976) (tuning)
  • Paper sports cars

    • Download
    • Chevrolet Camaro car
    • Download
    • Ford Focus car
    • Download
    • Sports car Lamborghini Miura
    • Download
    • Ford Fiesta car
    • Download

    Paper war machines

  • Military vehicle GAZ 69A
  • Download
  • Military vehicle GAZ 66
  • Download
  • Military vehicle MAN 10t Feuerleit ECS in 3D (modeling)
  • Download
  • Tanks T-34 and others (7 types)
  • Download
  • Paper models of cars of foreign cars

    • Volkswagen T1(Hippie van)
    • Download
    • Ford Mustang 3D
    • Download (archived color and black-and-white model)
    • Mitsubishi L200 Triton
    • Download
    • Subaru
    • Download
    • Subaru Impreza-WRC-2000
    • Download
    • Subaru BZR
    • Download

    Paper models of cars of the USSR

  • Car UAZ 3741
  • Download
  • Car GAZ 2705
  • Download
  • Car GAZ 3110
  • Download
  • Car GAZ 2752
  • UAZ HUNTER car
  • Motorcycles

    • Motorcycle Honda-CB750
    • Download
    • Motorcycle BMW R16
    • Download

    Paper origami machines (diagrams)

  • origami racing car
  • Such cars were popular in the USSR. Posting a video:
  • origami tank
    origami car

    Creative machines - paper crafts (full instructions)

    We accumulate quite a lot of tubes after using toilet paper. And if earlier we threw them away, now we decided to make crafts out of them. These are some amazing machines. Do you want the same? Let's get started!

    We will need:

    • Scissors or knife
    • tassel
    • Toilet paper tubes
    • Acrylic paints
    • Cardboard
    • White and colored paper (for decoration)
    • Small nails or buttons
    • Pencil

    How to make paper cars (instructions)

    • 1) We cook as many tubes as we want to make machines
    • 2) We paint the tubes with acrylic paints. While waiting for them to dry, you can move on to the next step.
    • 3) We draw circles with a simple pencil (we apply any round object and circle it) - these will be our wheels. For one machine you need 4 large circles and 1 small one (for the steering wheel)
    • 4) We paint over the circles with black paint, the middle - with white
    • 5) Cut a hole in the middle of the tube - this will be our seat. We glue the steering wheel and attach the wheels with nails or buttons
    • 6) And the last, and also, the most exciting, we cut out various decorations from paper and glue them on our supercars :)

    That's all! We hope you find the model you like!

    What to do with a child: 5 super do-it-yourself games for car lovers

    Toy cars are not necessarily an attribute of a nursery for a boy. Many girls play them as much as boys. If your little car enthusiast has already run out of ideas on how to play cars, offer him one of the options that we have collected in this article. Or maybe more than one: all the ideas on how to play cars with a child are perfectly combined.

    DIY games: garage-parking for cars

    In addition to being a great idea for a game, this parking lot will help solve the eternal problem with cars that constantly get under your feet. Making this do-it-yourself car game is as easy as shelling pears.

    You will need a wooden box and a tube made of thick cardboard. You can use a tube from cling film, cardboard rolls from paper towels, etc.

    Cut the cardboard tube into equal lengths along the width of the sides of the box, and glue them together to fill the box. As the “back wall” of the garage, you can use a sheet of cardboard.

    Is it boring for a child to just carry cars on the carpet? Make new games with cars with your own hands together with him: for example, such a track. It looks like a real one and can sit right in the nursery on the floor.

    Print templates for junctions, curves and straights, combine them into a complex route that looks like an intersection of city highways, and you can arrange races. You can download road templates here.

    To make it more interesting to play cars with a child, complete the road with models of houses from the constructor. Or use cardboard boxes to make two-level roads.

    Another version of the track for playing with cars is the Eco-Track stickers. This is a whole roll of "road" based on adhesive tape.

    The adhesive properties of such a road allow it to be fixed both on a flat floor and on furniture, but after removing the tape, no dirty marks remain.

    The track comes with road markings and road signs, so during such a game with cars, you can gently teach your child the traffic rules for a pedestrian in the city.

  • You can buy Eco-Track stickers here.
  • Idea how to play cars with a child: racing track for cars

  • On an inclined plane, the cars start together, but they do not reach the finish line at the same time. The most technically advanced car will be the winner! Making such a game with cars with your own hands is as easy as shelling pears: all you need is a cardboard box and a little spatial thinking.

    Read also: Children's outdoor games come from our childhood

    If a child, in addition to passion for cars, loves Lego. Car guides, Start and Finish marks can be assembled from it. Do-it-yourself play will be even more interesting.

    • Idea how to play cars for boys: racing platform

    This design looks more complicated than the previous ones, but it is also simple to manufacture. And it's unusual and fun to run cars down sloping chutes. See for yourself.

  • How to play cars with a child: do-it-yourself games, video
  • You can build such a game with your own hands from a couple of pizza boxes.
  • Read also: Funny intellectual games for children from 3 to 13 years old
  • Read also: Fun experiences: what to do with a child in the kitchen (video)
  • Read also: Games in the house: what to do with a child in bad weather
  • How to make a motorized car

    hello to all lovers make homemade cars of the available parts from broken machines! Today we will tell you how to make a motorized car.

    This model of a toy car is an air car (it is structurally similar to the "Machine on a Rubber Motor"), that is, it will be set in motion with a propeller. If desired, it can be put in a boat, which will float very briskly.

    We make a machine on a motor

    To create an air car, you will need the following parts:

    If you're ready, let's start crafting!

  • Solder the wire to the batteries and connect them in series, that is, solder the "+" of one battery to the "-" of the second, and so on.

    Connect batteries to create a series circuit

    Fasten them together with rubber rings. Thus, you should get an ode to a 6 volt battery.

    Finger batteries connected with rubber rings

    Alternatively, you can replace the AA batteries with one or two more powerful ones, then you either don’t have to solder, or you need less.

  • Connect the toggle switch to the batteries, and then connect the electric motor to this electrical circuit. Turning on - turning off the toggle switch, check if the motor is working.

    Connect an electric motor to the battery

  • After we proceed to the creation of the body of the machine. To do this, cut out the rectangular base of the machine from the foam and mark the locations of the wheels.

    Cut out the body of the machine

  • With a knife, make indentations in the foam to the thickness of the tubes put on the wheel axles.

    Prepare wheel mounts

  • Cut out two thin plates from the foam that will fix the wheels. Screw them on.

    Fasten the wheels with screws

  • From the foam, cut out the mount for the electric motor and secure it to the base of the machine.

    Cut out motor mount

  • Attach the electric motor to it with rubber bands and a thin hairpin or nail, as shown in the figure.

    Attach an electric motor

  • Cut a screw out of a plastic bottle. Bend its blades. Make a hole in the center and insert the screw onto the electric motor, securing it with a fixing ring from the stem of a ballpoint pen.

    Attach a homemade screw to the motor

  • Secure the batteries with rubber rings and turn on the toggle switch. The air car must go.

    Airmobile READY!

    • For a better understanding of the process of designing an air car, we suggest watching the video master class "How to make a car on a motor"
    • How have you not read it yet? Well, it's useless...

    How to make a toy electric car with your own hands

    Let's make a toy electric car with a propeller today. This electric car will run on four AA batteries and a small electric motor that will rotate the propeller. It is this propeller that will make our toy electric car move forward. So, to make a toy electric car, we need four AA batteries, two pairs of wheels that you can remove from old broken cars, we also need a switch and a small electric motor that you can buy in a store, or if you have broken car on the control panel, then borrow this important detail of our homemade from it. Also prepare a few self-tapping screws, an elastic band for tying banknotes, a few wires and a dense foam, from which we will cut the body of the machine.

    We make a self-propelled electric car with a propeller

    We solder four batteries in pairs and tighten them with an elastic band to make one power source. We connect two wires to it, and connect a switch to their second ends. We include an electric motor in the same circuit. Now the switch can turn it on and off.

    From foam we make the base of the machine. In a rectangular piece of foam, cut out holes for the wheels. Then we connect them with a groove for the axle of the wheels. We insert the wheels and apply a thin plate of foam. We fasten it with self-tapping screws.

    We do the same with the second pair of wheels.

    We turn the base of the machine over and check the ease of movement. If necessary, cut the hollows for the axles so that the wheels spin freely.

    Next, we fasten the shank to the base of the toy electric car with a self-tapping screw, on which we will fix the electric motor with the help of rubber bands. Using the same rubber bands, we fix the batteries in the front of the toy car.

    We cut out the propeller blades from a dense film, and put them on a plastic sleeve, which, in turn, we put on the electric motor roller.

    All our self-propelled toy electric car is ready. Now you can turn on the switch. The electric motor will begin to rotate the propeller, and the electric car will rush forward under the action of this propeller.

    The explanations are of course not very detailed, but I think you, young technicians, have grasped the essence, and you can bring the matter to mind. By the way, if you wish, you can come up with some kind of booth to hide the batteries.

    In general, all envy from your imagination. Good luck!

    The most inventive parent-made toys for kids

    Helpful Hints

    Some parents like not only to buy various toys for their children, but also to make interesting toys with their own hands.

    Very often, a do-it-yourself toy is simpler and more interesting than factory ones. In addition, these toys are safer, as they are usually made from paper, cardboard and wood, which is much safer than plastic.

    Here are the most interesting ones:

    Homemade toys (photo)

    Smart board with keys, phone, locks, wheels, key chains and letters on magnets.

    Many people know that children can play with any thing that interests them. It can be beads or a smartphone - everything that can be studied.

    A jack-of-all-trades crafted this wooden truck for his kids.

    DIY soft toys

    • And here is a board in the shape of a ship, on which you can find a calculator, locks, a string and much more.
    • One parent decided to improve their child's playhouse by decorating the walls with light switches, doorknobs and thread.
    • Children's drawings turned into real soft toys

    DIY toys at home

    Children like to build a railway, so parents made such a colorful railway with toy cars and trains for their child.

    Almost anything can be made from cardboard. And if you add adhesive tape and felt-tip pens or paints (gouache or acrylic paints) to cardboard, you can create houses, car parks, tunnels and palaces.

    DIY cardboard toys

    The child has accumulated a lot of cars, and the parents decided to make him an excellent convenient parking lot out of cardboard and acrylic paints.

    Realistic plush toys depicting baby animals

  • A dollhouse based on the popular video game Super Mario.
  • It all starts at the top of the structure, where the princess is surrounded by cotton wool clouds.
  • Next comes a pipe under the water, where the algae are made of beads.
  • Then you can choose one of two directions through the pipes: to the world of mushrooms or to the very bottom to the main villain.
  • DIY toys (photo)

    Ball constructor

    • Parents spray-painted the necessary parts (pipes and fixtures) and then attached them to the fence so that they could shoot small balls and beads through the pipes.
    • 20 toys that only the rich can afford

    Homemade toys for children

    Experiments with liquids and sand

    The parents attached several tubes to the perforated fibreboard, and a funnel was attached to the upper end of each tube so that liquid could be easily poured or sand would be poured down through the tubes.

    To better see the water flowing through the transparent tubes, you can pour it into several containers and add food coloring. So for each pipe there will be water of a certain color.

    DIY toys from improvised materials

  • Cardboard labyrinth
  • To make this toy you will need:
  • - cardboard box
  • - scissors or utility knife
  • - a set of sticks for children's needlework (can be replaced with cardboard)
  • – paints or stickers (to decorate the maze)
  • – hot glue (with glue gun)
  • - a coin of medium or large diameter or a cap from a plastic bottle
  • - pencil.
  • 1. Take a suitable box and, if necessary, cut off one side so that you can build a maze inside it.

    2. Prepare a set of sticks for children's needlework or just cut the cardboard into strips. As you create the maze, you will cut these strips with scissors.

    3. Before starting the construction of the labyrinth, it is better to draw it with a simple pencil, and then glue strips of cardboard or wooden sticks to the drawn lines.

    4. Begin hot glue the cardboard strips or sticks edgewise to the drawn lines, trimming them where necessary.

    5. To make “traps”, circle the coin with a pencil and use a clerical knife to cut a circle into which a ball, bead or ball can fit. Cut out the traps so that the bead or ball can get past them.

    If you want to keep the bead from falling to the floor, bend (and trim if necessary) the sides of the box, and insert it inside another box (see image).

    How to make a toy with your own hands

    A toy car park made from a box and toilet paper rolls

    • You will need:
    • - box or crate
    • - toilet paper rolls
    • - PVA glue or hot glue
    • - scissors
    • - Acrylic paints (optional)
    • You need to glue the cardboard sleeves inside the box.
    • If necessary, cut each sleeve in half and then carefully glue.
    • From above you can make a helipad.

    Decorate the craft however you like. You can use acrylic paints and stickers.

    A rare kid does not dream of driving his own car with a motor, participating in real competitions with friends, winning races and getting admiring glances from others. And for sure, any dad or grandfather thought about the idea of ​​​​making such a miracle on his own, because buying an electric car in a store costs a lot of money. But how much effort and cost is it worth to make a children's electric car with your own hands and is it worth it to start? Let's try to understand the experience of many successful designs.

    What is an electric car for a child

    A children's electric car is a great joy for any kid or even a teenager. Outwardly, this is usually a smaller copy of a real car - a sports car or buggy. It, like an electric car for adults, is equipped with an electric motor, transmission, suspension, steering and braking systems, only of a simplified design. Dimensions of products can differ significantly for children of different ages, there are models with passenger seats and even with a trunk.

    Driving a children's electric car is not difficult from a very early age, because you do not need to make any physical effort at all, and on the contrary, confident driving skills are acquired from childhood.

    Unlike gasoline, the electric drive does not create such a load on the frame of the machine, it works quietly and requires virtually no maintenance, except for regular battery charging. The absence of rumble and smoke allows you to drive even around the house.

    What is the difficulty of creating a children's electric car from scratch

    The main design goal when creating a children's electric car is to ensure the reliability of the product with optimal dimensions and weight. A heavy apparatus of solid size will be unbearable for a child and his mother, and will also cause a lot of trouble with transportation in an elevator and storage. Also, for a bulky body, you need a more powerful engine and a larger battery, and this again entails weighting and requires strengthening the frame and chassis.

    The design of the body or frame, on which all components and mechanisms are supported, is the work of engineers. And therefore, when assembling a home-made children's electric car, you can significantly simplify your task by using a ready-made design for a children's car with pedals or a conventional push car.

    With this assembly option, we will know the type of the finished machine in advance and we can choose the design and model that are most attractive to the child. Such a solution will look more aesthetically pleasing, and, importantly, you can win several kilograms of weight.

    If, nevertheless, the search for easy ways is not for us, or it is planned to get a powerful base with the possibility of further conversion into a teenage kart or buggy, there are a variety of drawings on the Internet that can be used to make a children's electric car.

    But the best option would be to make your own, taking into account the selected components and materials. Having basic design skills, you can create an optimal model for all characteristics, and even design it to the order of a young driver.

    Manufacturing sequence

    First, let's decide on the design, because for children, appearance is very important. There are no restrictions here, and if we make the body ourselves, you can copy it from any children's or adult car. In addition, you can develop a design in the form of an airplane, a ship, a rocket, or some kind of animal.

    We will think over the type of control, steering and braking mechanism, choose components from those available on the farm or available for sale.

    It is desirable to make the frame more compact, taking into account the dimensions of all nodes, with a reliable docking of elements. Thus, the car will be stronger, more maneuverable and lighter, this will allow you to get by with a simpler motor and battery.

    What to make a body

    Styrofoam, plastic, sheet metal, and even plush toys are suitable for creating a mold.

    Traditionally, baby car frames have been made from steel or wood by dads for centuries. But now more modern materials are available, in no way inferior in design to metal. For example, from PVC pipes, you can easily cut and solder a solid base that can withstand a solid weight, vibrations and shocks: cutting and soldering this material is not difficult, the corners will be smooth, safety, and the structure will not make noise when driving.

    We select an electric motor

    The engine for an electric car can be selected from any equipment powered by 12-24 volts, for example, car motors.

    For the smallest children - on pushcars - a wiper motor is suitable, which develops decent traction at a speed of 1-2 km / h with a power of only 7-20 watts.

    For a fast ride, engines from 100 W will already be required, for example, from a cooling fan. A screwdriver motor is also perfect, which can be used in conjunction with the “native” gearbox and speed controller.

    Battery selection

    The power source can be used ready-made, with a nominal value of 12-24 volts, for this purpose the following are suitable:

    • automotive or motorcycle (lead);
    • from a computer uninterruptible power supply (gel or AGM);
    • from a screwdriver (nickel-cadmium or lithium).

    You can also assemble a battery from available cells, such as telephone batteries or 18650 cells used in the same screwdrivers and laptops, by soldering them in series and placing them in a suitable case (or winding them with electrical tape).

    Organization of the engine power supply

    To power it, it is enough to connect the wires from the battery to the electric motor through the switch button, but on powerful engines this will lead to jerks when driving. And if the speed of a machine with a screw-driven motor can exceed 10 km / h, then the device will try to pick it up from a place, striving to stall or even rear up.

    An excellent option would be to connect a two-stage button or accelerator pedal with the first position through a resistor, and the second position directly. The starting current will be much lower, which will extend the driving time to full discharge.

    But it is best to use a PWM controller, you can use the same screwdriver, or assembled on your own. With pulse-width control, the speed varies very smoothly, and without loss of torque.

    The regular button of a screwdriver with increased loads and long driving can overheat and fail. So it's better to immediately improve the smooth running by installing an enlarged heatsink on the microcircuit, and take care of its good airflow.


    Charging should be chosen depending on the battery used. On sale you can find any chargers, both for certain batteries with a specific rating, and universal, with adjustable voltage and current.

    Steering and braking options

    When designing a frame, the first thing you need to think about is how to drive children's vehicles. This will require a real steering mechanism with a good margin of safety, especially for more "adult" models. It can be done following the example of tolocars, when the wheels are fixed on one rigid axle and are attached to the base with a bushing under the steering wheel.

    You can also build an automobile trapezoid, which, although more complicated, has a number of advantages:

    • smaller turning radius;
    • high strength;
    • compact design;
    • the possibility of mounting the wheels on a spring suspension.

    It is very desirable to perform rubbing joints on bearings: in addition to wear resistance, we will get quiet operation of all nodes.

    For braking, you can simply short the motor contacts: again, it is better to use a two-stage contact through resistance when pressed gently.

    The clamping of brake pads or rubber bands to the rear wheels is also suitable; this method can still serve as a parking brake. For high-speed models, you can resort to mountain bike disc brakes, but this is more for street competition than for daily rides.

    Electronic gas pedal

    An ordinary button mounted on the steering wheel or under the foot of a small driver will not cause as much delight as a real gas pedal; since there are not so many ready-made electric pedals on sale, and the price for them is not small, the question arises of how to make an accelerator yourself.

    Making a gas pedal (like a brake) is not at all difficult. Here you will need a plate made of plastic, plywood or metal, which will have to be fixed to the axis at an angle of about 45 °. To return to its original position, attach a spring or even an elastic band.

    The traction control itself can be installed directly under the pedal, and for smooth speed control - through a small lever.

    And since everything is for an adult, you can’t do without a reverse. Here it is enough just to connect a toggle switch that changes the polarity of the motor power supply. Since reversing at full speed is unlikely to suit a child, resistance is connected in series with the engine in the reverse circuit, for example, a 12 V bulb (20-50 W power), which can imitate a reversing lamp of a real car.

    The choice of gearbox, transmission and wheels

    To transfer rotation to the wheels, a reduction gear is needed, and a gear from a screwdriver is quite suitable. True, the bushings used in it will have to be replaced with bearings of the same inner diameter, since side loads will lead to rapid wear. For other types of engines, you can use a belt or chain drive with different diameters of pulleys or sprockets.

    It is better to choose soft wheels, even inflatable ones, from a children's bike or stroller. Wheels from carts, presented in different sizes in hardware stores, are also suitable.

    The motor is conveniently placed in front of one of the rear wheels so that the pulleys or sprockets are aligned. We attach the pulley to the wheels with bolts, pre-centering.

    For better cornering, the rear wheels should spin independently. The drive in this case goes to one wheel. When upgrading, it is easy to deliver an additional electric motor, powered in parallel with the first one.

    Moving parts must be covered with a shield for safety reasons.

    Connecting the remote control to an electric vehicle

    For a very young child who has not yet mastered driving skills, you can organize a ride under the control of parents - through a remote control on a small wire. The question of how to set up the remote control for dad, who has assembled an electric car, will not be difficult: we connect to the regulator contacts from two wires, at the end of which we connect a button or a remote control from several.

    If you do not want to run after the car on the playground, but want to control it from a distance, you should think about how to install a remote control on an electric car. There should not be any difficulties in our time, because even if you do not have knowledge in the field of electronics and radio engineering, you can purchase a ready-made remote control with remote contacts and even with drive mechanisms that are easy to make the wheels turn.

    By the way, to turn the wheels, you can connect a car door electric lock. And if at first he will serve his parents, then at an older age the child will receive a large typewriter on the remote control, the cost of which in the store is very serious.

    Making a comfortable chair

    You can’t ride on a hard chair for a long time, the comfort of the baby mainly depends on the execution of this detail. It is not necessary to buy a ready-made chair, since it does not require special time and money to manufacture it. It is enough to cut a small base and back from plywood, attach them to the body and sheathe the surface with any material.

    As a stuffing, you can stop on foam rubber, take a piece of an old coat or fur coat. But especially for solving such a problem, the latex filler of car seats is valuable, which is not difficult to find at disassembly. In addition to incredible softness, the material will provide seat ventilation, which is very useful in the heat.

    How much will the venture cost

    A big plus of self-production is that you can use any parts available on the farm. And the whole structure can be planned in advance for any budget.

    In the case of reworking the finished machine, it is only necessary to install a motor and organize a chain drive. The wear of the motor will be small, so you can stop at a used one, the price of which starts at 250 rubles.

    Bicycle sprockets are suitable, along with a flail they can be found on the market and will cost from 200 rubles. For a belt drive, the pulley can be made by yourself, from plastic or wood, fixed to a drill for scrolling and cutting the groove with a file. The belt is taken ready-made - from any technique, or a round strip is cut out of the car chamber.

    The battery will cost from 350 to 1000 rubles. Even its minimum capacity is enough for half an hour of driving, and stops for communication with friends will stretch the pleasure for half a day.

    Simple charging - another 200 rubles.

    Self-construction of the frame will require a minimum of 450 rubles, the wheels will cost another 300 rubles. Plus wiring with a speed controller, bearings and various small things - this is another 350 rubles.

    In total, the purchase of everything from scratch will cost the inventors of the car from 2100 rubles. But this is all relative: the costs will vary depending on the configuration and design of your particular children's electric car.

    Modernization and tuning of children's electric car

    If the electric machine is already available and the child begins to grow out of it, tuning the children's electric car is relevant. You can make the device look more mature and serious, and even improve its driving characteristics.

    To make the body more voluminous or to make it yourself is quite convenient from mounting foam, which can be shaped with a stationery knife and sandpaper. Next come the standard procedures for puttying and painting.

    Modernization of the chassis may consist of adding springs or rubber inserts to the suspension for shock absorption. Ball bearings are installed in friction points.

    It is also possible to tune the power section by replacing the motor with a more powerful one or by changing the gear ratio of the transmission, for example, by replacing the sprocket. Alteration of the throttle regulator in some cases can add a little to the speed. You can also increase the "maximum speed" by increasing the drive wheels - by replacing or, for example, by wrapping rubber around the tread from the chamber.

    You can always replace the battery with a more capacious one or deliver more cells to the free cavities of the body.

    Inside some remotes, manufacturers provide for adjusting the signal strength, and if you have been thinking about how to increase the range of the remote, try to find a small knob for a screwdriver inside and turn it slightly, measuring the maximum response length.

    Let's cast aside doubts

    For decades, parents all over the world have been giving their children handmade motorized cars, and today, when stores are inundated with ready-made parts and affordable materials, it becomes much easier to make such a miracle of technology.

    All you need to get started is a simple design of sufficient strength with an eye on the future adult version. Further, using the experience and recommendations, which are full on the Internet, we assemble a model commissioned by a young motorist. Over time, ideas will come, what and how to improve.