Orange house tree: growing in a pot. Orange tree (photo)

Many of us remember well the times when every self-respecting housewife tried to grow a real lemon at home: she took care of the plant, watered and cut it for many years, hoping to pick the cherished fruit. But everything is changing, and sweeter citrus fruits have replaced the traditional lemon - today we’ll talk about how to grow Orange tree at home.

If we talk about the irrigation regime, then indoor orange it is not much different from its wild-growing relatives, preferring moderate watering: you can not flood the plant, but the drying of the earthen coma will not do him any good. In the autumn winter period when the majority indoor plants are at rest, watering should be significantly reduced by moistening the soil once every 7 days, or even less often - 2 times a month.

The homemade orange tree is a light-loving plant - in order to make the plant bloom, and eventually bear fruit, it must be provided with enough sunlight. Mature plants easily tolerate direct rays, but young, fragile oranges, it is better to protect them from the burning rays of the sun.

Based on the foregoing, we can conclude that an orange at home is best placed on an insulated, heated loggia facing the southeast or south side.

orange tree care

Caring for an orange tree is largely due to its homeland - this plant came to us from the subtropics, therefore, does not like excessively high temperatures. In the summer, the culture feels great if the temperature range is maintained at 20–24 degrees Celsius, however, a homemade orange is able to withstand short-term increases and up to +30 degrees without loss. With the coming of winter temperature regime must be brought in accordance with the season, and lowered to 14 degrees Celsius.

When growing an orange tree, it is important to provide it with proper care: at home, it should be sprayed daily. It is especially important to adhere to this requirement in the summer, when the air around warms up to a temperature of +25 degrees and above. If the room is cool, spraying an orange at home is carried out much less frequently - about 1-2 times in 7 days. With the advent of winter, this procedure should be completely abandoned - otherwise, rotting of the leaves can be provoked.

How to care for an orange so that the plant can feel comfortable and delight you with fruits? Everything is very simple - it is enough to ensure its existence in accordance with conditions close to its historical homeland:

  • with the arrival of spring, as soon as you notice the first signs of the imminent appearance of buds, raise the temperature to +18 degrees;
  • for the whole summer, a pot with an orange tree can be taken out on Fresh air, providing him with regular watering and spraying, not forgetting to shade from direct sunlight (especially true for those specimens that are not yet 3 years old);
  • the orange tree is extremely sensitive to the slightest changes in conditions - from fluctuations in humidity levels to the position of the plant relative to the light source. Try not to turn the pot more than once every 10 days, and no more than 10 degrees.

Fertilizer and watering

1 time in 14 days you need to feed an orange - at home ideal option will become a complex tool for citrus crops. Caring for the plant, in accordance with the stated rules of dressing, should be during the growing season (from May to September). From the first days of October, any top dressing should be stopped - in winter, the orange lives in some semblance of suspended animation, being in a state of complete rest.

It is also important to ensure the optimal level of humidity - if it is insufficient, the tips of the leaves may dry out on the plant. As for root irrigation, the earthen ball should be kept slightly moist, avoiding excessive moisture stagnation or, conversely, drying out.

Pruning and crown shaping

If not regularly pruned, an orange will usually not bloom. Moreover, the crown of such a plant has an unattractive appearance. A flowering orange must go through all the stages of formation: flowers are formed only on branches of a certain age and order. In other words, if the crown is not formed, and the tree grows unpruned, the plant will not bloom.

Active formation of the crown occurs before the tree reaches 3 years. At young plant you should leave a few of the strongest shoots of the first order, shortening them to 20 cm in length, and cut off all the rest. Branches of the second order are shortened by the same length, and the third and fourth orders involve cutting only 5 cm. That's all, the formation of the crown is almost over. You just have to remove weak shoots at the beginning of each next year, gradually giving the orange crown desired shape and proper look.


During the first 3 years of life, the tree should be transplanted into a larger container annually, then this procedure is carried out once every 3 years.

Try not to transplant a fruiting orange at the time of the formation of the ovaries and the pouring of fruits - it is better to carry out this procedure before the start of the growing season. Relocating your orange to new pot, do not forget about the organization of a high-quality drainage layer.

Protection against diseases and pests

No matter how old your tree has been growing, it is equally likely to be attacked by pests or disease-causing infections. True, weakened plants, which were not provided with optimal conditions existence. If we talk about diseases, then the greatest danger to oranges is root rot, scab, sooty fungus. All of them are provoked by excessive watering, therefore, in order to prevent the development of ailments, you need to follow the recommendations for care.

If we talk about pests, then the most frequent "guest" on oranges is an annoying scale insect. If you notice traces of her presence, immediately spray the tree with the appropriate insecticides.

As you can see, growing an orange at home is not at all difficult, you just need to follow the recommendations of professionals, and your citrus pet will live next to you for many years, delighting you with its fragrant flowers and delicious fruits.

. At the same time, there is another type of orange tea - tea with orange flowers. I must say that the benefits of tea with orange flowers are no less, and in some cases even more than.

Orange flower tea has the most beneficial effect on nervous system person. Today in Europe, teas that include orange blossoms are considered one of the most effective natural remedies for insomnia and nervous tension.

Unfortunately, you probably won't be able to make your own orange blossom tea. Well, the orange tree does not grow in our latitudes. Of course, you can use, but there are not many flowers on such a tree. You can go on vacation to a hot southern country and stock up on orange blossom there. However, in this case, you are unlikely to succeed, because the orange flowers must be properly dried, otherwise they will not bring any benefit.

However, you should not despair. Fortunately, there are many tea companies in the world that produce ready-made teas with orange flowers. To date, in Russia, the easiest way to purchase the following brands of teas with orange flowers.

All professional orange blossom teas can be divided into two groups. The first includes teas in which orange blossoms are just food additives to tea, for example, black or green. In the second group there are teas, which are exactly flower teas without the addition of tea in the traditional sense of the word.

Teas with orange blossom as an additive

TeaHelios "Tea Orange with Flowers"

Brand teaHelios« TeaOrangewithFlowers"is a black tea with the addition of orange blossoms. It is recommended to brew this tea like regular black tea.

Tea "Constellation of Love"

Tea "Constellation of Love" is produced by the Finnish company "Aaro Forsman". "Constellation of Love" is a green tea with the addition of orange blossom and hibiscus, as well as pieces of papaya and apples.

Tea Mabrok "1001 Nights"

Tea from the world famous Ceylon company "Mabroc Teas (PVT) Ltd" is an amazing blend of black and green teas with the addition of rose petals, orange flowers, sunflower and cornflower, as well as natural strawberry extract.

Tea "Orange flower"

Tea " orange flower» Elitchai brand includes semi-fermented Chinese oolong, or red tea, orange flowers and.

Proper brewing of this tea requires two teaspoons of dry tea per 300 ml of water, boiling water and five minutes of time. Only if all these conditions are met, “Orange Flower” tea will turn out to be golden in color, sweet in taste and will smell fragrant with the aroma of blossoming orange.

Flower orange teas

TeaSidroga- "Orange Blossoms"

Sidroga is a German-Swiss company specializing in the production of natural teas. Tea "Orange Blossoms" is available in the form of portion bags.

Curiously, the taste of Orange Blossom tea depends on how many times it is brewed. The company's specialistsSidrogaIt is recommended to brew this tea three times. All three times hot water but not boiling water. Brewing time is five minutes.

After the first brewing, Orange Blossom tea has a rich honey aroma. After the second brewing, the aroma of tea becomes more delicate. After the third time, it fully corresponds to the aroma of a blossoming orange tree.

In addition to Orange Blossom tea, the Sidroga company produces another type of tea, which also includes flowers. This is tea Sidroga Apple with Cinnamon. Wellness».

Tea Sidroga Apple with Cinnamon. Wellness» is prepared on the basis of dry apples, orange flowers, hibiscus and cinnamon. Just like Orange Blossom tea, this tea is indispensable for nervous strain and stress.

Tea Fleurs d`Oranger "Orange Tree Blossoms"

Tea brand Fleurs d`Oranger "Orange Tree Blossoms" includes blood orange flowers. Tea comes in bags and must be brewed with hot water.

general information

Orange is a very common and ancient citrus plant. The orange tree is not found in the wild. Presumably, the orange began to be cultivated around 4000 BC. in Southeast Asia. In ancient chronicles, he is mentioned earlier than others. citrus plants. In China, orange trees have been cultivated since 220 BC. Later, this culture spread to Egypt, North Africa, and the Mediterranean countries. The first Europeans to taste the orange were the soldiers of Alexander the Great. In Europe, from the 11th century, it was first grown sour orange brought by the Moors to the Mediterranean. Later, in the 15th century, the Portuguese crusaders brought an orange tree with sweet fruits from Palestine, so for a long time they were called "Portuguese fruits". At first, sweet orange was bred only in the gardens of aristocrats. They paid a lot of money to have an orange tree not with sour, but with sweet fruits. Juicy beautiful oranges were to the taste of noble persons and were served at the table as an exquisite delicacy. Orange trees planted in tubs adorned the gardens of the noble nobility in the summer, and for the winter they were removed to specially built premises - greenhouses (oranges). Orange in French "orange"; the name comes from the Arabic "naranji", which means "golden". French Renaissance gardeners managed to candied orange fruits right on the branches, so that the nobles, walking in the garden, could feast on ready-made candied fruit, removing them from the orange tree. The orange tree came to America in 1493, during the second voyage of Christopher Columbus to the shores of the New World. The native Indians liked the delicious fruits of the orange very much, and during their migrations across the expanses of America they lost orange grains, which unwittingly contributed to its spread. There are many interesting legends associated with the orange. One of them claims that it was not the apple, but the orange, that was the forbidden fruit that caused the expulsion of our forefathers from paradise. When Eve, succumbing to the temptation of the tempting serpent, ate the orange fruit from the tree of knowledge and offered Adam to taste it, the archangels blew their trumpets and showered her head with snow-white, fragrant flowers of the orange tree. But then came the "punishment of justice." Adam and Eve were expelled from the Garden of Eden, and a cherub was placed at the entrance to prevent their return. In the Middle Ages, artists in their paintings often depicted an orange as a forbidden fruit, and only later - an apple. Fragrant white orange flowers were a symbol of chastity and purity of the brides of the last century. And still today in many countries of the world during wedding celebration Traditionally, the bride's head is adorned with a wreath of delicate, fragrant orange flowers. In Russia, the fruits of orange were first tasted in the 17th century and the taste and aroma of "golden apples" were appreciated. The cultivation of orange is also of interest to lovers of indoor gardening. But the orange plant is quite whimsical and, without sufficient experience, it is not so easy to achieve its fruiting in the room. Indoor varieties there are relatively few oranges, but they all produce wonderful fruits, varied in terms of flavor, color and size. The most common and well-established is the old good variety of orange Washington Neyvl. It belongs to the so-called "navel" indoor oranges. Navel room oranges are usually the largest and sweetest. They have traces on the lower part of the fruit, slightly protruding from the peel of the second immature fruit. Among the indoor sweet varieties of indoor orange, there are so-called "red" oranges. This variety of indoor orange is smaller in fruit size, has a reddish color of very juicy pulp. These include the following varieties of oranges: Doblefina, Tomango. An interesting thin-skinned Temple orange, bred by breeders as a result of crossing a red orange and a tangerine. The fruits of this orange tree are distinguished by high palatability. In the collections of botanical gardens and experienced amateur citrus growers, there are other orange varieties suitable for growing in a room: Valencia, Gamlin, Gomozasa, Parson Brown. Less common in indoor gardening are hybrids of the orange tree with lemon (limonange) and mandarin (tangor), but the cultivation of these indoor citrus fruit trees is of undoubted interest to citrus growers. The content of a room orange is not much different from a traditional room lemon.

Landing (transfer)

For this purpose, take a pot of any material, the main thing is that the upper diameter should not exceed 10-15 cm, the height is approximately the same. At the bottom of the pot should be one or more small holes to drain excess water when watering. At the bottom of the pot, and this can be a plastic bucket, a wooden, ceramic, glass container, place expanded clay as drainage, or sand, and best of all, charcoal, which can be taken from an extinct fire in the forest, in a city park. The thickness of the drainage should not exceed 3-5 cm. Then sprinkle the drainage a little with wet sand. To transplant an orange seedling, a specially prepared soil of the “Orange” type is required, it is presented in our section “Soils and fertilizers for indoor plants” - “Soils for indoor plants”. Or prepare the soil yourself: the land for transplantation must be taken in the forest or in the park, under the old deciduous trees except oak, chestnut and poplar. It is necessary to take only the upper, most fertile layer of soil, 5-10 cm thick. Add sand to this land, preferably river sand, a little ash, and more humus, if available. The proportion is as follows: two glasses of hardwood, a glass of sand, three tablespoons of humus and one tablespoon of ash. Stir all this in any bowl, add a little water to get a thick creamy mass that will fill the entire volume of the pot well, leaving no air voids near the orange roots. Six months later, the orange must be transplanted into a pot larger by 5 cm in diameter. Spray the planted orange tree and water it with a slightly pink solution of potassium permanganate (potassium permanganate), and then place it on a window sill, bay window or balcony prepared in advance so that the surface of the orange leaves is directed towards the light. Young orange plants should be repotted annually, at the end of winter; adult orange plants - after 3-4 years, by transshipment.


Indoor orange is propagated mainly by grafting onto seedlings or by air layering, since cuttings are difficult to root, and in some varieties they do not take root at all. Poncirus trifoliate cannot be used as an orange rootstock, because due to its biological features it is completely unsuitable for indoor cultivation of citrus fruits. A novice citrus grower should keep in mind that, having sowed a seed of any variety of indoor orange and grown a fruit-bearing tree from it, he will have to wait a very long time for the harvest - most often 10-15 years. The resulting orange fruits are most likely to be of poor quality, because in this case, varietal characteristics, as a rule, are not inherited. So seed propagation orange is not recommended.


An orange tree should be kept on a southern sunny window. In summer, it is recommended to take an orange out into the open air - into the garden, onto the veranda, balcony, placing it in a place protected from the wind. It should be remembered that with a lack of sunlight, the fruits of the orange tree have high acidity. In winter, when there is little light, and the daylight hours are short, the orange plant needs to be highlighted, increasing the length of the day to 10-12 hours. During this period, if possible, it is better to keep indoor orange at a lower air temperature, which will favorably affect the spring flowering of the orange tree.

Air temperature

Indoor orange is more cold-resistant and photophilous than lemon. Only a south-facing window is suitable for keeping an orange tree - this is fundamentally important, since on the north side an orange tree develops more slowly and produces a few fruits of a sour taste. Orange loves direct sunlight, especially during the fruit ripening period. With enough heat and light, orange fruits become sweeter. In summer, it is advisable to take the orange tree out into the open air - this will provide it best height and development. But, in the early days, especially at noon, the orange tree should be darkened with gauze so that the orange leaves do not suffer from sunburn.


Orange should be watered as the top layer of soil dries, preventing the clod of earth in the pot from completely drying out. To determine soil moisture, do not be too lazy to take a little surface layer of soil with three fingers daily and squeeze it. If the earth sticks together, then it is not necessary to water, if it crumbles under the fingers, then it is time to water. It is necessary to monitor the condition of the soil daily (especially in summer) so that the whole earthen ball does not dry out in a pot from high temperatures and bright sun. The question of where to get water for irrigation, and what it should be, is also very difficult, and therefore we will dwell on it in detail. In a city apartment drinking water practically unsuitable for watering citrus plants, since it contains a large amount of compounds of alkaline earth metals and chlorine, which together and each individually cause great harm to the orange, causing leaf spot (chlorosis), alkalization of the soil, disrupt metabolic processes. Many authors recommend boiling tap water, but this does not always immediately lead to desired result, extra hassle often scares off potential window fruit growers, so I recommend taking hot water from the tap. Such water contains less chlorine and is softer. In addition, water for irrigation must be defended for at least a day in open vessel to completely remove chlorine, which is extremely harmful to citrus fruits. In a rural house, water can be taken from a well, but it is better from a lake or stream and left in a room for heating. Rainwater now contains a lot of harmful impurities, so do not collect it to water the orange tree. In any case, wherever water is taken, it must be left for at least a day in an open vessel at room temperature and only then water the orange. In winter, the orange is at rest, its growth processes are inhibited and, accordingly, it needs less water. Therefore, the intervals between waterings should be increased.


It must be well remembered that in addition to watering, an orange, at least once a day, especially in summer, should be sprayed with water from a spray bottle or in any other way to create moisture, to wash off dust from the orange branches, so that the leaves of the orange tree "breathe". At least once a month, it is advisable to put an orange tree in a bath, cover plastic wrap earth in a pot and treat the entire crown with cotton wool and soapy suds. Then you don't have to deal with heavy pest control. At the same time, do not forget to tie the stem of the orange tree below with gauze or a bandage so that the soapy water is absorbed into the fabric and does not enter the soil.


In winter, the orange is not fed, in the spring and summer the orange is fed - once every two weeks. Any top dressing should be done only the next day after watering, i.e. when the soil in the pot is damp, otherwise you can burn the roots. Pour fertilizer under the plant until the solution begins to flow out of drainage holes. To feed an orange seedling, you need fertilizer like "Orange", it is presented on our website "Soils and fertilizers for indoor plants" - "Fertilizers for indoor plants". Feeding adult plants with a fish ear, at least one meter high, once a month enhances the fruiting of an orange tree. They do it this way: 200 grams of fish waste or small unsalted fish are boiled in two liters of water for half an hour. Then dilute the solution cold water and filter through cheesecloth. This fertilizer must be used together with the Orange fertilizer mentioned above.


Enemies for an orange are sucking and gnawing pests, as well as fungi and viruses. The most common pests are: spider mite; shield (false shield). They are controlled by chemical and biological preparations, which are more acceptable in open soil conditions of subtropics and greenhouses. It is advisable not to use pesticides in apartments. The signs of damage by a spider mite are as follows: white dots appear on the old leaves on the underside, and the reddish mite itself is visible to the naked eye. If you touch it, it starts to move quickly. Young orange leaves are twisted into a "boat" and entangled in a white cobweb. To combat the tick, tobacco dust, garlic, laundry soap are used. Take 1 tablespoon of tobacco dust and pour a glass of boiling water, insist for 6 days. Add 10 grams to the resulting tincture laundry soap and spray the plant 3 times with an interval of 6 days. Garlic is used as follows: one head of garlic is kneaded, poured into a glass hot water and insist for 2 days. The solution is filtered and spraying is carried out in the same way as above. When an orange is affected by a scale insect, brown-gray shiny rounded formations, 3-5 mm in diameter, are visible on the surface of young and old leaves. They are located along the veins on the top and bottom of the leaf, as well as on the branches themselves. In the initial stage, these growths are almost transparent, whitish in color and poorly visible. With a strong lesion, sticky gum appears on the surface of old orange leaves, and in the late stage they are covered with a black sticky coating, which is very difficult to wash off with water. From scale insects, water-oil emulsions effectively help. One teaspoon of machine oil is stirred in one glass warm water, add 40 grams of laundry soap, 2 tablespoons of washing powder. Before processing, the soil in the pot is covered with plastic wrap, the stem is tied at the bottom with a bandage. This is done in order to prevent the emulsion from entering the soil. Processing is done with a cotton or gauze swab. A water-oil emulsion is applied to all surfaces of orange branches and leaves. After 3-4 hours, wash everything off under the shower, making sure that the emulsion does not get into the soil. Processing is carried out 3 times with an interval of 6 days.

orange blossom belongs to the rue family. How wild plant flower growers are unknown. As for the homeland of origin, most scholars lean towards South China. The main growing areas are the Mediterranean, Middle and South America, South Africa, East Asia, Australia. In Russia, the more famous and often used name is "orange", which comes from German, which means "Chinese apple" in translation.

orange blossom belongs to an evergreen tree, some species have thorns. At home, it can reach 2-2.5 meters. The leaves are dark green in color, rounded at the base and with a pointed apex, oval elongated. Has 2-3 periods of growth. The leaves of the plant live for about 3 years. orange blossom bisexual, white color, 5-petal, located in the sinuses with brushes or singly. In the crown of an orange tree, fruits are formed on the shoots of the passing year. The main crop is removed from the branches of 4-6 orders. Unlike a lemon orange blossom more light-loving and thermophilic. When forming fruits, it especially needs a bright location.

Orange fruits have a spherical shape, have a dessert taste, dense orange peel and fragrant, juicy sweet and sour pulp. Orange fruits contain sugars, lemon acid, vitamins, pectin and nitrogenous substances, fiber, carbohydrates, phytoncides, minerals (potassium, calcium, phosphorus), and in the peel of fruits - essential oils. Orange seedlings are used as rootstock for lemons. Oranges do not have a distinct dormant period; therefore, they simultaneously grow, bloom and bear fruit throughout the year. Like lemons, they have 2-3 growth periods during the summer.

All varieties of orange grown in the world are differentiated by the color of the fruit (yellow, red), as well as by the speed of fruit ripening (early, mid-early, late). The following varieties are most suitable for home culture: Gamlin, Korolek, Pavlovsky, Washington Navel. The last two are especially common. Washington Navel refers to an early ripe variety with oval or spherical fruits with orange-yellow or orange-red smooth or rough skin and orange flesh. This variety is well propagated by cuttings. Plants grown from cuttings bear fruit the next year.

In comparison with others citrus orange more photophilous, it is better to place it near the south window. The plant can also overwinter in a room, but it is better to give it a rest at a temperature of 6-8 ° C. Orange does not withstand excessive soil moisture, requires regular watering. In summer, it is necessary to water abundantly, but to prevent stagnation of water; in winter, watering is limited, especially if the plant hibernates at a low temperature.

At a temperature of approximately 0 ° C, when the plants are at rest, they tolerate almost complete shading for 3-4 months without any damage. Such a significant shade tolerance of oranges in winter time helps to safely breed them in rooms. orange blossom has the main pests: aphids and scale insects.

It first appeared in China over two decades ago. It was brought to Europe by the Portuguese, and today this popular citrus fruit can be found on the streets of many seaside cities with subtropical climatic conditions, both on our continent and on the American, Australian, etc.

Today it is fashionable to grow various exotic plants, including the orange tree, which will not only perfectly decorate any interior, but will also be fragrant, conveying its tart and pleasant smell.

And how pleasant it is to watch how it will grow, bloom and bear fruit! Just a little patience, a little effort - and the orange tree will more than thank the owner with lush color and delicious orange "balls".

The method of growing such a non-standard plant in the house, although not entirely simple, is possible. You just need to eat delicious fruit, select the bones from it, and then plant them in a small pot, which must be immediately placed in a warm, sunny place.

Once a day, you need to water the future orange tree, the care of which involves daily watering for rapid seed germination.

After about fifteen days, the first sprouts appear, on which, as a rule, there are one or two leaves.

When a tree about fifteen centimeters high is already growing in a pot, you need to think about transplanting it. To improve subsequent growth, experts advise transplanting the sprout into a deeper container.

It is very useful to periodically fertilize the soil, sometimes you can water the orange tree at home with ordinary tea leaves left over from tea.

Gradually, the exotic guest begins to gain height, and when she has already reached half a meter in height, you can tie her to some kind of peg stuck in a pot.

After waiting for the orange tree to finally get stronger, you can begin the grafting process, which is necessary for the plant to develop normally and bear fruit at home.

It must be remembered that the graft must be done from another tree that has repeatedly borne fruit. In order for the plant to develop normally and begin to delight with its orange fruits, it is necessary to organize artificial irrigation, as well as periodically feed it with special fertilizers, which are now widely sold in specialized stores. Moreover, such top dressing, according to experts, greatly improves the taste of fruits, which are somewhat bitter under indoor cultivation conditions.

However, lovers of home plants need to know that the orange tree is a rather whimsical plant that requires very careful care. And it is not a fact that it will delight its owner with fruits earlier than in ten years, and sometimes a tree may not bear fruit at all.

But there is no need to despair, especially since watching how the planted greenery grows and rises with my own hands a tree is a huge and incomparable satisfaction.