How to make a florarium with succulents. Florarium is easy! Do it yourself

Behind such an unusual extravagant name lies an equally extravagant alternative to standard plastic plant pots. Floriana is often called a flower terrarium. Transparent container in different variations is ideal for growing the most fastidious plants. A home mini-greenhouse will decorate any nondescript corner in the house.

Ideas for florariums

With the help of bright decorative elements and the right plants, you can create a beautiful composition that will delight the eye for many years. There are many options for decorating a florarium. We will consider the most popular of them.


This is the best option for those who are just starting their acquaintance with the world of plants and who do not have the opportunity to devote too much time to the florarium.

To create a mini-desert, a special geometric container without a narrowed neck or a small round jar for an aquarium is suitable. The ground can be decorative sand of different colors and shapes (large or small), small pebbles or ceramic particles.

From plants, succulents, Kalanchoe, cacti, agave and melaphora are suitable. They are not picky about care and watering. In spring, water recharge can be done once a week, and in winter - once every two weeks. It is better to place this mini-greenhouse on the windowsills, because the given group of plants loves the sun's rays.

A tropical forest

A wonderful opportunity to test your creative skills and recreate the wild forest of the Amazon. For maximum effect, a voluminous flower showcase (it is also called a paludarium) is suitable, where you can plant several types of different large plants at once, and for a miniature, you should choose a small container with an open top.

The soil should consist of leafy soil or a combination of sand and peat. This will help maintain the desired humidity of the florarium. Such plants will be a beautiful background: small ferns, dwarf ficuses, begonias, crotons, asparagus. You can also decorate the overall picture with realistic animal figurines and a small polymer clay waterfall.

The mountains

The name pretty much speaks for itself. The main idea is to create an alpine landscape. It is worth turning your attention to ivy, cacti, seleginella. They do not require special care. It is enough to maintain the temperature necessary for these plants and water them as the soil dries. For the soil, organic matter or large pebbles are suitable. Stones of various shapes can be an excellent imitation of rocks. For an aesthetic effect, you should look at slightly narrowed containers.


This is a special type of florarium, which involves the cultivation of orchids. Installing such a pleasure will require a little more time and effort, but it will fully justify its effect. The container must be equipped with heating and proper air supply. The background for plants can be other brothers of different colors or large stones. Do not forget that the front of the florarium must remain open so that you can see the composition from all sides.

Florarium with moss

The popular funny plant has over 10,000 species. To create a stylish florarium, you can use several of them at once, where some will serve as a background, while others will be the main part of the composition. Sphagnum moss is the ideal choice. With it, you can make an imitation of spruces or other trees. The ideal soil for moss will be an acidic environment.

in a light bulb

One of the most original design options for the florarium, where not only plants, but also the appearance itself become its central part. A burnt-out old light bulb will turn into a stylish element of decor in a matter of minutes. Such a miniature plant terrarium can be placed on the smallest hanging shelf.

For the soil, fine disinfected sand is quite suitable, and for the base - moss, succulent, craspedia flowers, dried branches, shells, pebbles. The main thing in creating such a florarium is the accurate and gradual transformation of a light bulb into the desired vessel.

Creating a flower terrarium with your own hands is a great opportunity to save money and get involved in the creative process. To decorate the florarium, it is necessary to prepare all the necessary items in advance: a container (a vase, an aquarium jar, a bottle or another chosen option), soil (it must match the plants), drainage (expanded clay, sand or pebbles), plants, decorative details for decoration, filtered water , tools (small spoon or spatula, tweezers, sprayer, scissors). Next, you need to do everything in turn:

1. First you need to carefully prepare the container. To do this, pour boiling water over it and wash it well.

2. Then you need to pour drainage, the height of which should not exceed 4–5 cm. Expanded clay, fine sand, pebbles for an aquarium or stones can act as it. On top of it, you can put a few tablets of activated charcoal (grind into powder in advance). This will help protect the soil from chemicals that may come with the water.

3. Wet soil from 4–10 cm must be poured over the drainage. It can be mixed organic matter, fine sand or a ready-made substrate.

4. Gently level the prepared soil with a small spatula or spoon. With it, form small pits (recesses) for the selected plants.

5. Plant the desired plants with tweezers and lightly cover them with soil. It is very important that they do not touch the walls of the container (in order to avoid decay) and do not displace each other.

6. Spray plants with filtered water and check soil moisture. If it is not enough, water it.

7. Decorate the composition with decorative elements (driftwood, stones, polymer clay figurines, dried twigs). This should be done last, because the basis of the florarium should be plants, and the background should be decor.

Such a simple master class can be done not only alone, but also with family or friends.

Florarium - photo

The design of home florariums has become a fashionable trend in recent years. And this is quite justified - because you really want to bring a piece of nature into the everyday atmosphere of the apartment, and even in such an original form. To learn more about how to arrange a florarium with your own hands, what containers and materials you can use, we suggest visiting the photo gallery with many pictures of successful work. Watch, inspire and decorate the interior of your home with these beautiful compositions. Happy viewing!

Not every apartment has a place for fresh flowers in pots and vases, and in modern life there is often not enough time to plant and care for indoor plants. An excellent solution for those who love plants, but do not have the opportunity or time for their full-fledged cultivation, florist designers have invented, these are florariums. Many modern interiors feature miniature bottle gardens, which are a stylish decor, a great alternative to potted flowers and a splash of green in a room.

A manual for making a florarium with your own hands can be found in this article. Here is a list of plants suitable for miniature compositions, as well as the most popular types of "bottle gardens".

What is a florarium

For the first time, a kind of modern florarium appeared in the eighteenth century. Then one biologist tried to grow exotic flowers and plants in an environment unusual for them, and in order to create the necessary microclimate for them, he placed the seedlings in a glass closed vessel. It turned out something like a greenhouse or greenhouse, this prototype is still used in botanical gardens or greenhouses today.

Today's fashionable florariums, in fact, are glass, acrylic or plastic vessels. The main requirement is that sunlight or artificial light can penetrate transparent walls, because without light, as you know, plants are unable to live.

Any container is suitable as a vessel for the florarium, it is desirable that it has a narrow neck or a lid - then it will be easy to create a suitable microclimate inside.

You can decorate your home with purchased florariums, or choose any containers available in the house for making a mini-garden:

  • old fish tank
  • a terrarium left in the house from a newt, spider or toad;
  • beautiful bottles of unusual shape;
  • jars for spices or cereals;
  • glass or plastic vases;
  • glasses, glasses and other utensils with transparent walls.

Advice! It is better for novice florists to choose containers for a florarium with a wider neck or with a lid, because planting plants through a narrow hole in a vessel is quite difficult, but it should also turn out beautifully.

The main task of the florarium is to maintain the microclimate to which plants are accustomed in nature. It is thanks to this that tropical flowers, capricious plants that need high and constant humidity, various mosses and succulents can be grown inside the vessels.

If you equip the florarium with a heating system and a light source, you will get an independent bio-environment in which the most whimsical and capricious plant species can exist.

Attention! If a florarium with a lid is used, it must be regularly ventilated. This is necessary in order to avoid the accumulation of condensate on the walls of the vessel.

Depending on where the florarium will be located, choose the shape and type of vessel. So for window sills, a florarium-showcase is preferable, having a lid or a hole in the upper part. Such florariums are easy to maintain, because access to plants is free, they can be watered, fed and transplanted at any time, without the use of special devices and tools.

Those florariums that have a long neck and a small hole are more difficult to maintain. But inside such vessels, the same microclimate is constantly maintained with its own temperature and humidity. It is in such closed containers that tropical and capricious plants are planted, accustomed to a warm and humid environment.

Florariums of any type fit perfectly into modern designs, they are simply indispensable in cramped rooms and studio apartments, where there is simply no place for ordinary fresh flowers. A mini-garden in a bottle will also be a great solution for busy people who do not have time for complex plant care.

Varieties of florariums

As noted earlier, plant terrariums mimic the habitat of various plants or flowers. Therefore, it is necessary to create a florarium based on the requirements of those plants that were chosen to create the composition.

Inside the glass florarium, you can create a microclimate of the tropics, a desert or a deciduous forest, in beautiful jars they recreate the atmosphere and relief of mountains, rocky cliffs, the resulting landscapes are often decorated with various figurines, stones, bright shards and other decorative elements.

Attention! It must be understood that a certain microclimate created inside the florarium dictates its own requirements for soil composition, temperature, irrigation regime and degree of illumination.

Composition "Rainforest"

This florarium composition is based on natural tropical forests with high humidity and constant hot temperatures. To achieve naturalness, plants in the florarium are planted in several tiers, thereby repeating the structure of the selva: forbs, shrubs and tall tropical trees.

In order for the composition inside the florarium to be clearly visible, the foreground must be left open, gradually increasing the height of each "tier" of plants. To "populate" a glass container, it is not at all necessary to look for expensive and rare exotics; ordinary store-bought indoor flowers, which are always freely available, are quite suitable.

Important! It is necessary to buy miniature, dwarf or slow-growing plants so that the composition in the florarium pleases the eye for as long as possible.

The soil of tropical plants love complex, consisting of several fragments. For beginners, the following composition of the earth is suitable: leafy soil, peat, coarse sand. All soil components must be mixed; additionally, colored soils are used for decoration.

Exotic plants love humidity - inside the florarium should be about 75-90% moisture. Therefore, it is better to plant these plants in closed-type florariums or install a small container of water inside, and then decorate it with stones or dry moss.

As miniature copies of tropical plants, you can use indoor flowers such as:

  • ordinary ivy;
  • fern miniature;
  • begonia;
  • phytonia;
  • asparagus;
  • chamedonia;
  • slow growing bamboos.

All these plants need approximately the same soil, temperature and humidity conditions and frequent watering.

Important! Such plants need a fairly high temperature - about 25 degrees. They also need to be sprayed frequently and watered regularly.

Florarium of succulents

For those who have very little free time, or who regularly go on business trips, leaving their home for a long time, a composition for a florarium in the form of a desert or semi-desert is perfect.

The basis of such a florarium are unpretentious succulents: cacti, fat women, agaves, Kalanchoe or euphorbia. All these plants need the same sandy soil with good drainage. They perfectly tolerate both high and low temperatures (most succulents are comfortable even at +13 degrees). A florarium with cacti and fat women does not have to be watered often, and they grow quite slowly - which is great for compositions in a jar.

In nature, succulents live in deserts or semi-deserts, so sand is suitable as soil for them. It is better to take sifted clean sand, not too large a fraction. Multi-colored layers of sand, pebbles or beautiful pebbles at the bottom look very impressive in a transparent vessel.

Although it is believed that florariums are more intended for tropical plants, desert dwellers also feel great in cramped vessels. Only containers for succulents are better to choose with a wide neck or open at the top - after all, they do not need excess moisture.

Even a child can create a composition from desert plants, this is a great solution for beginner florists. All you need to do is take a jar or vase, fill it with sand, decorate with a couple of stones and plant plants. Caring for a florarium with a desert inside is even easier: in summer, water every 7-10 days, in winter, reduce watering to once a month (succulents sleep at this time). Desert plants are accustomed to the sun, so they will be comfortable on the hottest window of the apartment.

Advice! If you need to go on vacation or on a business trip, you can not ask your neighbors to water the florarium with succulents - they perfectly withstand the "drought", many species of these plants even begin to bloom under such stress.

Mountain landscape in the florarium

In real nature, mountain flora can be divided into two types: plants that cover rocky slopes, fill stone plateaus and peaks, and those that grow in the foothills.

Based on this, we can say that a combination of succulents and tropical plants, which have already been mentioned above, is perfect for a mountain composition. When creating a rocky composition in the florarium, you need to make several levels (at least two). From above the "mountains" are planted with desert plants that are unpretentious to the composition of the soil, and at the base of the "slopes" tropical plants that love moisture and nutritious soil can be planted.

Important! Be sure to arrange good drainage in the florarium so that different plants feel equally comfortable in tight spaces. For these purposes, pebbles, pebbles, expanded clay or broken bricks are suitable.

To create a mountain florarium, it is enough to find a couple of beautiful stones with sharp edges and textured chips - they will imitate mountains. Plants can be planted in small containers that are easy to hide behind stones - this way it will be easier to care for them.

Florarium with moss

An excellent option for creating a living composition in a glass vessel is moss. More than ten thousand species of moss are known, in nature it grows everywhere: in the mountains, in the North, in humid forests, there are varieties of moss that can develop even in hot deserts.

Due to this unpretentiousness of moss, it is great for creating beautiful and durable compositions in vases and indoor florariums. Often, mosses are used to decorate existing compositions, covering various gaps with them and decorating unsightly areas. However, florariums filled with only different species of this plant also look quite impressive.

Advice! It is not necessary to buy moss in florist shops, it can be found in the forest, in the country or near the pond. To transplant moss, its upper part must be carefully cut off, leaving the roots in the ground - this way the plant takes root better in a new place.

Moss loves soil with high acidity, so to plant it, you need to purchase special soil or take it at the place where the plant was cut. To make the florarium look full, its bottom can be covered with a thick layer of ordinary soil or sand, stones can be added - a couple of centimeters of acidic soil will be enough for the development of moss roots.

Caring for such a florarium is very simple: the moss only needs to be regularly sprayed with water. Ideally, the moss should always be damp, but not too wet.

Plants for florarium

The requirements for plants for florariums are simple:

  • miniature;
  • slow growth;
  • unpretentiousness;
  • good tolerance of neighborhood with other species.

Almost every plant can be adapted to the conditions of the florarium. For those that grow quickly, the roots are cut during planting. Capricious create suitable conditions. Flowers that need special soil or separate watering are planted in miniature containers.

The most suitable for florariums and quite affordable plants:

  • orchid;
  • fern;
  • cacti;
  • selaginella;
  • arachniodes;
  • peperomia;
  • pilea;
  • tillandsia;
  • calamus cereal;
  • saxifrage;
  • asplenium.

All these plants can be found in any flower shop.

How to make a florarium with your own hands: a step-by-step master class

To make a florarium in a vessel with a narrow and long neck, you will need skill and special tools, such as tweezers, bamboo or wooden sticks, a brush, a funnel for soil, a syringe for irrigation, and others.

For beginners, terrariums with a wide neck or a large hole in the top or side of the vessel are more suitable.

You can create a spectacular decorative element for your home in just a few minutes. For this you need:

Advice! After a layer of sand, it is recommended to lay activated charcoal in tablets (you can crush the tablets or replace them with charcoal), it is covered with soil on top. This will protect the plants from fungal infections, in addition, the coal will absorb excess moisture and filter the water.

Making a fashionable and stylish accessory for your home is not difficult at all - all you need is an ordinary glass jar. Step-by-step instructions will be clear even to a beginner, and you can clearly see the process of making large florariums in this video:

If you are tired of growing indoor flowers in ordinary pots, we offer the opportunity to create a home mini-greenhouse - a flower florarium. This rather original solution will allow you to easily create excellent decorations for any room. Now you will learn how to make a florarium with your own hands and you can even read the step-by-step instructions for completing this task.

What is a florarium: a variety of compositions in glass

The florarium is a real mini-greenhouse, where live plants are planted in glass containers of various shapes and sizes. Usually, several types of flowers are combined here at once, and a wide variety of decorative ornaments are used: from stones to cartoon figures and rhinestones. Thanks to such additions, it is possible to create very attractive living compositions that can decorate any room.

Did you know? The tradition of creating florariums dates back to XIXcentury. In those days, shop windows and salons were decorated with similar compositions, since glass containers looked more attractive than clay pots or wooden tubs.

Another feature of florariums is that by creating them, you create a special ecosystem with your own hands. After all, usually, for this purpose, semi-closed vessels are used, in which, with the growth of flowers, the humidity of the air increases significantly. Thanks to this, even tropical plants can be grown in florariums, which practically do not take root under normal conditions. Moreover, caring for plants in a florarium will not be difficult, since they themselves will accumulate moisture for themselves, and weeds appear very slowly in such an ecosystem.

Features of the arrangement of the florarium

The question of how to make a florarium includes a lot of aspects of creating a home greenhouse, which, in particular, relate to the choice of a container for planting plants, and the selection of the plants themselves. Below we list the main points that should be considered when creating a composition in jars with your own hands.

Choosing a place for a florarium

The placement of the mini-greenhouse will depend on the size of the container for the florarium, and what kind of flowers are planted in it. Since a large aquarium cannot be placed on the windowsill, it is worth choosing a plant for it that can successfully grow in partial shade. But when planting succulents, the place for the florarium should be as lit as possible.

Another aspect is the combination with the interior. Best of all, such mini-greenhouses look in the foreground, as they attract attention not only with the upper part of the plants, but also with the filling of the pot (some "inhabitants" are able to successfully develop even in white sand or special aquatic soil). It is best to put it in the middle of the table so that you can look at the flower arrangement from all sides.

What plants are suitable for florarium?

Plants for the florarium must be selected very carefully, paying attention to such aspects:

  • tolerance of high air humidity, which will inevitably be present in the semi-enclosed space of a glass container;
  • plant size (each flower should not grow more than 20 cm, although if your container for the florarium is very small, then the size of the plant should be the same);
  • slow growth of plants, which will allow for a long period of time to maintain the original appearance of the composition;
  • the compatibility of colors with each other in a decorative aspect, as well as in growth rates and care needs;
  • if you want to see flowering plants in your florarium, then also consider their tendency to rot after the flowers wither (violets, azaleas and cyclamens, which are best grown in open pots and in well-ventilated places, differ in this characteristic).

To make it easier for you to cope with the task of choosing a plant for the florarium, here is a list of the most suitable ones:
  • ferns.
  • Fittonia.
  • Crotons.
  • Arrowroot.
  • Selaginella.
  • Alocasia.
  • Dieffenbachia.
  • Calathea.
  • Cereal calamus.

Flowering plants can also be used to decorate a glass container, however, in this case, special ventilation devices will have to be installed next to the florarium, due to which the humidity inside the vessel will decrease.

Cacti are not the most ideal option for a florarium, unless we are talking about tropical varieties that can grow even at high temperatures and humidity. In this case, it is better to plant succulents in an aquarium, many of which have an external resemblance to cacti.

Important! In such compositions, special moss for the florarium is often used, which, in addition to its decorative value, allows you to retain moisture inside the container.

Orchids are also well suited for the design of such compositions, however, in this case, you will have to use special florariums, on which heating, a barometer and a fan are already installed.

Choosing a place and a glass container for a florarium

Mini gardens in glass can be placed in almost any transparent container, which does not have to be glass (plastic products are in no way inferior to glass). It is only important that when filled with sand and other elements, the strength of the material can withstand the load and not crack. If you want to create a geometric florarium, you can plant flowers in an interestingly shaped chemical flask or bottle. By the way, bottle florariums are the most popular, since their creation requires the most effort. There are also such types of florariums as:

However, it is not recommended to create a completely closed florarium, since not all plants are able to endure the absence of fresh air currents. Even if the container you have chosen for the florarium has a lid, it will need to be removed periodically.

How to choose the soil for the florarium?

For plants in the florarium, loose soil that has a neutral acidity is best suited. Therefore, the easiest way is to buy a ready-made soil mixture for ferns in the store, which is distinguished by the indicated properties. But still, it is more rational to focus on the needs of each flower. For example, when growing selaginella, do not allow lime to be present in the ground.

Another important nuance of preparing the substrate for the florarium is the absence of the need for its fertilizer. After all, if there are a lot of nutrients in the soil, the plants will quickly grow and spoil the attractiveness of the composition. Also, the soil should be light, so as not to lead to decay of the root system of flowers. If you are preparing the substrate yourself, then use equal parts for it:

  • peat;
  • perlite;
  • vermiculite.

In order for the acidity of the resulting soil mixture to be acceptable for plants, 1 tablespoon of dolomite flour can be added to it. If you are planting cacti or succulents, add some coarse sand or fine gravel.

Features of placing a plant in a glass container

Before planting plants in a container, it is important to decide where you will put it. If it will be located near the wall, then all the "inhabitants" should be placed so that the composition is attractive only from one side. For example, plant higher types of flowers behind, and leave moss in the foreground. But it is best to plant the plants in a centered manner, since the florarium will still have to be rotated periodically in relation to the light source in order to ensure uniform growth and orientation of the flowers. In this case, the tallest plants are planted in the middle, and the lower ones are placed around them.

Important! If you create a fairly large florarium (for example, an aquarium), then the flowers in it can be placed directly in pots, which are simply decorated with moss or shells. If they are planted directly in a glass container, then it is also necessary to create a drainage layer in it, the ratio of which with the rest of the substrate should be 1:3.

When planting plants in the florarium, consider the following rules:
  • the plant container must be clean, as when using an old aquarium, they can become infected with various diseases;
  • do not try to plant many plants at the same time, because close plantings will provoke flowers to stretch up;
  • select plants for composition with the same need for light, soil and moisture.

Rules for the care of the florarium

Care of the florarium is practically not required, since inside the glass container it creates its own, independent ecosystem, which provides itself with moisture. However, some important requirements should still be observed.

What should be the lighting?

If you created a florarium with your own hands from succulents, then they will need a lot of light, but it is important that it does not hit the plants at a right angle (such placement can cause burns on the leaves). Usually, all tropical plants that are suitable for growing in florariums tolerate partial shade very well, so they can safely develop even in the far corners of the room.

Florarium or plant terrarium is a small home greenhouse, a transparent container made of glass or plastic, inside which plants grow. Dry air in the winter season, lack of lighting, cold on the windowsill from window glass and lack of time for regular care often put an end to the dream of having your own tropical garden with moisture-loving and heat-loving species. It is the florarium that is the ideal solution for those who love exotic plants, but the climatic conditions of an ordinary city apartment do not favor their breeding.

What is a florarium

As a rule, the florarium is made of glass or dense translucent plastic, there are also completely wooden models or combined ones, with transparent inserts. Unlike a terrarium, a florarium necessarily has a narrowed inlet at the top or side to ensure a microclimate inside the container. Often this hole is completely covered by a lid. Special containers for growing plants are used, as well as all kinds of glass bottles, jars with lids, large bottles of wine, bowls with a narrowed hole, laboratory flasks.

The main purpose of the florarium is to maintain a more or less stable level of humidity and temperature, as in a greenhouse. Special equipment for heating and lighting can make the florarium independent of the source of natural light and heat. All this allows you to grow the most whimsical plants in a container that require certain conditions and care. if the florarium is completely closed, it is necessary to ventilate it regularly so that condensation does not accumulate on the walls.

For plant terrariums, rectangular aquariums, terrariums for turtles, snakes and other animals, round large vases, bowls, even ordinary glass cups or glasses are used. This option is also called a showcase florarium. Access to plants here is open from above, which means that it is necessary to strictly observe the temperature regime, regularly water and spray, and prevent drafts if the plants need it.

Another important advantage of florariums is their compactness, which is especially important for owners of small apartments and small window sills, where there is not enough space for large flowerpots. A variety of plant compositions in the terrarium look very stylish and extraordinary, especially in comparison with standard pots with houseplants.

It is worth remembering that no matter how slowly the plants grow, sooner or later they will become crowded in a small container. Then the flowers can be transplanted into pots, and the florarium can be filled with a new composition.

Variants of florariums

  • glass jars, vases and glasses of various shapes and configurations

Any bank can become a "home" for green tenants

  • bottle version, the most difficult to manufacture, since it is difficult to plant plants and care for them through a narrow neck

Advice! You should not choose a container for a florarium by beauty or size. Both in an aquarium and in glassware, you can create real masterpieces even in the smallest space. Moreover, miniature containers with 3-4 plants inside look the most unusual.

Florariums can be located in different ways: they are mounted on walls, placed on a table or window sill, hung from the ceiling, etc.

The filling of the florarium can also be completely different, but you need to choose for the joint cultivation of those representatives of the flora that require the same conditions. This allows you to create real natural areas in miniature in glassware: a mountain landscape, desert plants, tropics or a piece of dense forest.

Creation of a florarium

When creating a florarium, the following items and tools will come in handy:

  1. glassware or aquarium,
  2. drainage to the bottom (pebbles, broken bricks, coarse sand, etc.),
  3. earth, sand or soil (depending on the plants used),
  4. ordinary planting tools (if the container is large) or tweezers, as well as a blade, a crochet hook and a spoon attached to long sticks (when the florarium is made in a bottle),
  5. water in a syringe or spray bottle for irrigation,
  6. decorative ornaments (beautiful stones, colored sand, figurines of animals or fairy-tale characters).

Florariums are easy to make with your own hands according to the following instructions:

  • Initially, you need to prepare a glass container for the florarium. It is advisable to wash it well and degrease it with alcohol or vodka inside.
  • Activated charcoal should be placed at the bottom of the container so that it is responsible for the absorption of harmful organic substances, the freshness of the soil and the prevention of mold and mildew. Instead of activated charcoal, you can use ordinary drainage for indoor plants, but in large quantities, since there are no holes in the jar or bottle through which moisture would escape.
  • Soil is placed in the container, which should correspond to future green inhabitants: if a mini-desert is created, ordinary sand can be used; if you need space for the tropical jungle, it is better to purchase a ready-made substrate. You can find out about the needs of different plants in specialized stores where these plants are sold. For a decorative effect, layers of soil can be alternated with small layers of multi-colored sand.
  • Next, you can proceed to the "settlement" of plants in a container. To do this, they are removed from the bowls, they try to clean the roots to the maximum and root them in the prepared soil. If moss is chosen for the florarium, it is worth putting a special substrate for mosses on top of the general substrate, as they love acidic soil.
  • After planting and watering, as well as cleanliness on the walls of the florarium, you can start decorating. It all depends on the creator's imagination: someone strews the entire surface of the earth with decorative pebbles, makes a miniature bench or a windmill, and someone appreciates minimalism, practically without using decorative techniques.

Advice! There are several options for how best to organize the space inside the florarium. Some phytodesigners advise planting all flowers at the same level so that they receive the same amount of light, heat, water, etc. However, in such a small space, all the components necessary for development will still be received by all plants, and therefore it is better to think about the decorative component.

If the florarium will stand in the center of the room, it is desirable that the composition is even, and a beautiful view opens up from all sides. If the florarium is leaning against a wall or window, you can make several levels: those plants that are further away are placed a little higher.

How to choose plants?

Thanks to the variety of succulents, you can create your own unique piece of the desert.

The first acquaintances with leave unforgettable impressions. AND a whole bunch of emotions:

  • Astonishment;
  • Delight;
  • The pleasure of seeing magnificent flowers;
  • And also the desire to have such beauty in the apartment, in the house.

Scientists attribute orchids to the centenarians of our planet. Their age exceeds millions of years. Much has been known about them for the last 3-4 thousand years.

orchid family has more than 20 thousand:

  • Great gifts;
  • They have been deified for many years and used to make potions and potions;
  • And they are even depicted in state symbols.

Types of florariums and their use in the interior

Florarium is actually terrarium for plants.

Known other names:

  • Composition of flowers (individual flowers), located (placed) behind glass;
  • A container made of glass or transparent material with plants and decor items placed inside it (figurines, multi-colored stones, shells, colored soil, and others).

Succulents are used quite often. These are plants that can store and retain moisture in the leaves and stems. They grow in dry places (deserts, mountains).

Increasing interest in the creation of florariums is occupied by exotic and rare plants.

O features of florariums and difference from a typical terrarium:

  • The presence of a narrowed hole (window) on the top or side of the container. It provides the necessary microclimate for the plants inside. It turns out something like . Plants are comfortable;
  • They can be covered with a lid. Fully or partially.

Time changes many things and concepts. Including flowers. Few flower growers will show window sills filled with various colors. We will gladly show you original solutions with well-known and rare exotic specimens:

Photo of a florarium in the form of a polyhedron.

The interior of the premises becomes richer and more interesting with living plants. And the use of florariums provides additional opportunities. Most often they are created:

  • And just beautiful landscapes you like with original plants.

Advantages and disadvantages

The orchid is not without reason one of the most valuable, beautiful and unique plants. A florariums with orchids are in special demand. The price of such gifts is decent.

To create such a florarium of orchids yourself is a special fashion among flower growers now.

When creating various florariums with their use the habitats of these plants must also be taken into account. Especially the conditions of these places:

  • Tropical forests and mountains. Year-round high temperature;
  • Frequent rains (high humidity);
  • There is a lot of sun around. But under the open scorching sun they are not.

Florists knowingly pay attention to florarium for orchids:

Florariums give a wide scope for creativity.


  • Plants continue to grow inside the container. They will probably need to be placed in larger containers after some time;
  • And create a new composition;
  • There are certain difficulties in planting and caring for a plant with narrow bottle necks.

But approach the selection of orchid species will have to be quite careful:

  • First of all, because of their size and features of the content. Their compactness makes it possible to have a solid collection;
  • For large and vigorous specimens, it will be difficult to find appropriate containers;
  • Maintaining temperature and humidity is of particular importance. The installation of thermometers and hygrometers allows you to monitor the condition inside the tank.

By the way! This is not an obstacle for enthusiastic flower growers. Especially for orchid lovers.

How to do it yourself?

Not so often you will see ready-made compositions in specialized stores. And even the beautiful solutions you see lead to the desire to create something similar yourself.

Or the best. Especially after seeing copies from friends. Yes, and on the Internet. Especially if at home there is something to make them from. The following is step-by-step instructions for creating a florarium on your own.

Necessary items and materials

For the manufacture of a florarium, various materials can be useful:

Suspended florarium in a flask.

Advice! To create complex and voluminous containers, flower growers install thermometers, hygrometers, fans and additional lighting.

Primary requirements

When creating florariums, you expect that it will delight for a long time. That's some rules (requirements) must be taken into account:

  • Choose small plants. And still slowly growing;
  • They must match the selected containers;
  • Plant close care plants. For which , and the temperature will be suitable. Like orchids. Or similar ones.

To create a florarium, the smallest species of orchids are used.

Important! There are some interesting situations. Plants were selected according to taste. But plants need different types of soil. Create zones with different ground. If capacity permits.

What types of orchids are best suited?

Many flower growers successfully use various plants for florariums:

  • cacti;
  • Various fittonia;
  • violets;
  • ferns;
  • Salaginella;
  • Cyclamens;
  • stone rose;
  • young;
  • Single options look more modest. But enthusiastic flower growers do not always agree with this.

Flower growers carefully use orchids for florariums. It is more convenient to do everything with small plants:

  • . More often its miniature varieties;
  • . He is;
  • Even .

In the spring. Better with unopened buds.

Orchids occupy a special place among plants for the florarium. Here you can just try to create suitable conditions for species that are quite demanding and capricious to the conditions of detention.

The orchid can be accompanied by variations of fittonia, fern and sphagnum moss.

Manufacturing technology

Florarium you can get in different ways:

  • Choose the right container. It must be clean, disinfected and fat-free (alcohol). Steaming is also suitable. Walk it carefully. To prevent cracking:
    • For this, ready-made cans (bottles, glasses and others) are suitable;
    • If you want to create a container yourself:
      • Select and cut the desired shape of the part. Made of glass or clear plastic. Plastic is easier to work with. And safer;
      • With the help of glue and sealant, create a structure according to your plan.

Creation of a container for the florarium.

  • Create drainage. Fill with expanded clay, pebbles. 2-3 cm layer. Add fine fractions of charcoal (activated charcoal tablets);
  • The thickness and composition depends on the type of orchid and the size of its roots;
  • Plant orchids and other plants in recesses. Compact the soil for other plants and water lightly. Add soil;
  • Lay moss and decorative items.


Your attention for such orchids should be focused on creating a humid temperature regime. With good and correct lighting. Moderate and timely watering.


Accommodation in an apartment

Such art should be worthy of appreciation. Your family and friends. So find the right place. To decorate the interior.

AND be sure to consider:

Placement of orchids in the florarium

  • Mark the orchid itself so that leaves do not touch the walls of the container;
  • Their contact with the surface of the container contributes to the formation of condensate. This can lead to.

Plants should not touch the walls of the florarium.

Important! Wipe the inside of the container with dry wipes (towels). And outside from dust. To allow light to reach the plants.

Irrigation Features

The shape of the container itself will tell you how to water it correctly. And with what tools?

  • Flower growers use miniature watering cans (with a long spout) and;
  • It is convenient to water selectively with syringes;
  • Preference is given under the root;
  • Increasingly, indoor automatic watering systems are used - flasks with an elongated neck.

How often?

Water orchids when the substrate is completely dry. And humidity in closed vessels is maintained longer.

depends on many factors:

Temperature regime

  • Temperature inside the tank adjustable according to the type of orchid;
  • In closed containers air the plants 2-3 times a week;
  • To prevent the formation of condensate on the walls of the container. And even worse - overheating of plants.

Why should not be placed in direct sunlight?

  • Direct sunlight causes leaf burns. They can even lead to their death;
  • They are life-threatening orchids. Transparent containers even enhance their burning effect.

Direct sunlight can cause plant burns.

How to ensure the flow of fresh air?

Various forms of containers determine the conditions for providing fresh air to its inhabitants:

  • Side holes allow you to do this without much effort;
  • Lids need to be opened periodically.;
  • Installing mini-fans inside the container is often practiced by flower growers.

What is an indoor florarium with orchids?

Under the closed florarium means fully enclosed container. It creates its own microenvironment:

In a closed florarium, the orchid will feel bad.

How many lives?

Orchid in the florarium cannot live forever. Although advertised many long-term. In sealed containers. What trade can't do!

It really depends on the plants and their strength.. And your care. You can replace grown plants. And create new options.

Useful videos

Watch a video about how the florarium works:

Video instruction for creating a florarium with your own hands:

How to properly plant plants in the florarium will tell the following video:

The video below is devoted to the features of keeping an orchid in a florarium:


The hobby for creating florariums is gaining popularity. Very great opportunities and a wide field for creativity:

  • A options with tropical beauties you will admire and admire for a long time. Especially if they are made by hand. And others will appreciate it;
  • But orchids in them require special care and taking into account the characteristics of each type;
  • Be sure to listen to the recommendations of experts and flower growers with experience!

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