Flowers bloom in the evening before our eyes. Orange, lemon and other citrus fruits

Flowers-night lights for the balcony

  • heliotrope;
  • Carnation;
  • matthiola;
  • heiranus.

According to the site Arguments and Facts

All parts of the plant can smell. Most often, we pay attention to the aroma of flowers, but fruits, leaves, stems, and roots also smell. And sometimes it is completely different in the same plant, as, for example, in valerian. Some green "perfumers" actively release their fragrant substances in the sun, others begin to smell fragrant in cloudy weather or even at night, and still others respond to touch. Smells are pleasant and unpleasant, subtle and sharp, attractive and repulsive.

Aroma garden. What bushes do romantics and butterflies choose?

A very peculiar strong aroma, for example, is inherent in large-rhizome geranium. To some it may seem exciting, but to someone - too harsh. This is natural, because the perception of smells is individual, and the fragrant composition of this plant is very complex. It contains both woody notes, and fruity, and - quite unexpectedly - notes of musk. Moreover, the aroma appears with a light touch to the bush. Like a plant warning: this is my territory.

By the way, this type of geranium is very unpretentious and, growing magnificently in uncomfortable places, is able to mask the most unsightly corners. At the same time, it cannot be called an aggressor: the roots do not cling to the soil too much, and the shoots break off easily, so the plant is easy to keep within the bounds of decency. Aroma Queen. How to grow lavender in the garden Read more

The aroma of lemon is loved by many: it evokes associations with purity and freshness. It is remarkable that it is inherent in the leaves of many plants that have nothing to do with citrus fruits. For example, lemon balm, lemongrass, some varieties of thyme, basil. But a particularly strong citrus aroma, moreover, with different shades, publishes a monard.

Plants that bloom at night are amazingly fragrant.

It is no coincidence that in England one of its names is bergamot, and one of the species is called so - lemon monard.

Experts find shades of bergamot, orange and amber in the aroma of clary sage (and those who cannot decompose this fragrant range into components simply enjoy it). When this tall (up to 1.5 m) beautiful biennial grows in the garden, passing by, you constantly want to touch it with your hand. In response, he seems to welcome you, enveloping you in a cloud of marvelous aroma.

Clary sage. Photo: From the personal archive / Olga Uvarova

What intoxicates dope

Datura, which is often called dope, is unusually attractive due to its luxurious exotic flowers. Some believe that their subtle exquisite aroma can intoxicate, intoxicate and cause hallucinations. This plant is really very poisonous and can drive you crazy. But it is not at all the smell of flowers that intoxicates. Datura will not do harm if you do not taste it. Although, oddly enough, such a desire may arise! The fact is that when pruning a bush or collecting seeds, both leaves, and stems, and prickly fruits begin to emit a very pleasant soft, I would even say, appetizing aroma ... of roasted seeds. Only much softer and sweeter, tastier. But in no case should you be tempted! Perhaps it is in him that the main insidiousness of dope lies.

Datura: flowers and fruits. Photo: From the personal archive / Olga Uvarova

Why do plants smell?

Aroma is a kind of language of plants, with the help of which they send signals to insects and animals: we have blossomed, we are ripe, we are fading, we are dangerous or useful. Once upon a time, our ancestors (even before they became intelligent and acquired speech) understood this language. But in the process of evolution, we noticeably lost our sense of smell. Nevertheless, smells continue to talk to us, sending information directly to the subconscious - where images and sensations are born. Therefore, some of the aromas disturb us, others soothe, others excite or tire. They refresh, beckon, cause appetite, create an atmosphere of celebration or slight sadness.

Nature is full of wonders. And one of them are flowers, especially rare specimens. They include whole line plants that open their petals only after sunset.

Night flowers ... They bloom in dark time days and fill tired streets, gardens and coasts with an alluring aroma, giving them mystery and enchanting light.

Flowers that bloom at night

Mirabilis - blooms in the evening and blooms all night until dawn. Has a sweet smell. Its uniqueness lies in the fact that on one plant the flowers come in different shades, and in the process of growth they can drastically change their color (yellows can turn pink, and whites can turn purple). This plant is used in folk medicine as a remedy to help relieve swelling and heal wounds. It is also used to make food coloring.

Lotus Brahama-Kamal - the flower of the gods, grows in India and China, met even at the top of the Himalayan mountains. It opens immediately after sunset and lives only one night. There is a legend in the east that in a house where the night lotus blooms, happiness and good luck will triumph. It is also used in folk medicine in Tibet, as a remedy for diseases of the urinary and reproductive systems.

Epiphyllum is the queen of the night, you can often hear another name - "Dutch pipe". Belongs to the family of cacti common in Central America. It blooms very rarely, at night, and only before sunrise. Sometimes a bud can ripen for a whole year.

Hylocereus is a nocturnal white flower with a rich smell. They call it a night cactus because of its similar shape. It blooms for only a few hours, and then fades. But after 40-50 days, instead of it appears exotic fruit- pitaya ("dragon fruit" or "strawberry peach"). Grows in central America.

Brugmansia - in other words - dope. His flower is pretty big size, similar to a gramophone and endowed with a sweet aroma. Flowering is continuous, during the day the buds are closed and sluggish, and at night they open, gain freshness and delight others. The plant is classified as a poisonous species, in ancient times it was used to destroy enemies, so be careful!

Oenothera is also known as the "night candle".

42 plants with blue flowers

Its flowering is yellow, white, scarlet and purple. Like most night flowers, it has a bright color and a cloying smell. But there is a slight difference - it blooms until noon, which makes it possible to pollinate with the help of insects, after which the buds close, and new ones appear in the evening.

Mattiola ( night violet) - a flower with a honey aroma. It is planted near the house, gazebos or benches to fully enjoy the charming smell. The cold-resistant beauty can have many shades (from pale pink to bright purple), loves the sun's rays and is absolutely not afraid of the shadow.

Flowers-night lights for the balcony

Exquisite and unusual, night flowers can be grown at home. To decorate balconies, low-growing plants with delicate flowers are suitable:

  • heliotrope;
  • Carnation;
  • matthiola;
  • heiranus.

Flowers blooming at night create an unusually romantic atmosphere. They carry some kind of magic and mystery. Therefore, if you want to make an amazing flower bed or decorate the garden in an original way, do not forget about the lovers of the night, they will become the highlight of your yard.

Among the best indoor plants, we would like to highlight for you the most fragrant ones that will improve the microclimate in the house and cheer you up. They are very healthy! Just by inhaling their scent, you cleanse your lungs, so it becomes easier for you to breathe, like after walking through the forest. Let's see what are the best houseplants!


In order for your geranium to grow healthy and fragrant, it needs a lot of sun - ideally, a south window without any shading, even without a loggia outside the window. If she feels a lack of light, there will be few leaves, and the aroma itself will no longer be the same.


Jasmine can also be cultivated at home, although it is more popular with our summer residents. With timely feeding and shaping, you can grow a fragrant bush that will delight you for many years!

Orange, lemon and other citrus fruits

Citrus fruits grow well in room conditions only with ideal lighting from the south window, with regular top dressing and without drafts in winter, as they are heat-loving plants. They smell just amazing!



All people with lung diseases and those who find it difficult to breathe due to problems with this organ are advised to plant eucalyptus at home. Also, eucalyptus can be a real lifesaver if your windows face a busy road or you often inhale exhaust fumes.


Gardenia is an incredibly beautiful tropical plant that has a bad reputation for growing at home, because it is considered moody and requires constant attention. Nevertheless, the smell of her flowers is simply amazing.

Stephanotis or Madagascar jasmine

Stephanotis is perhaps one of the most delicious plants in the world. When it blooms, the whole street smells like heaven has come down to earth. In a garden or park, it grows up to 3 meters in height, but at room conditions it will be a small and insanely fragrant bush.

Muraya paniculata

In Japan, where this plant comes from, it for a long time was intended only for the emperor and his family.

Aromas of the evening garden: a selection of the best varieties of fragrant flowers

For about 400 years, no one in Japan knew that it even existed, because it was grown in closed gardens. Now it is available to everyone around the world as a houseplant.


Begonia is a very common indoor plant in Russia, but few grow it properly. Ideally, a begonia in a small pot has hundreds of flowers! Begonia must be protected from drafts and kept warm, then it will delight with a whole bouquet and wonderful aroma.


Some varieties of orchids smell insanely delicious (for example, Corsage Orchid, Oncidium Orchid). The main thing is to choose the right variety. Caring for such an orchid is no different from the usual, but because of its rarity, it costs 2-3 times more.


We are used to growing oregano in the garden, but at home it looks no less beautiful because of its “fluffy crown”, and it smells just fine. It is the perfect plant for the kitchen!


Another very moody plant that smells good is passionflower. All those who decided to grow it had to go through a long journey of trial and error. Since the plant loves an exceptionally humid and warm sub- and tropical climate, it will have to be tinkered with.


This extraordinarily beautiful, delicious-smelling and at the same time also a liana plant, which has an unusually bright color, is called hoya (wax ivy). In the format of a houseplant, it is not yet very popular in Russia, but it can be grown.


White Brugmansia, as well as other types of Brugmansia, are an excellent choice for a large planter in the living room on the floor. Tropical plants of the genus Brugmansia from the nightshade family are very popular with Spanish gardeners.

Plumeria (plumeria)

Plumeria is not very common among indoor plants, simply because not everyone knows how delicious its flowers smell. Plumeria needs to be repotted annually, which is easy enough, but you need to buy a larger pot each time.

Short sayings and beautiful phrases about flowers for no reason

Women are like flowers ... Someone is allowed to bloom a short time, and someone passes from age to age, preserving the beauty and aroma for many years from the moment of blooming and flowering until the saddest hour of falling petals.

Still, it’s nice to receive flowers, it’s so simple, unexpected, when you think that this is a simple day, and not a holiday at all, and then in the morning you receive a bouquet of flowers, immediately your mood rises, you shine like that all day ... thank you ...

I didn't tell him that I liked purple roses. It's too personal for me.

She had never been given flowers for no reason before. She felt at that moment as if she had been given the whole world.

She: damn it, they bring flowers to the grave more often than you do to me ... He: and what do you offer me?

I will give you flowers… You will die from allergies!!!

There is more life in the rapidly withering petals of a flower than in the overweight thousand-year-old blocks of granite.

Where flowers degenerate, man cannot live.

Desires are the flowers of love, and pleasures are its fruits.

The beauty of a flower: - in one flower.

Never listen to what the flowers say. You just have to look at them and breathe in their scent.

For other women, a bouquet of roses is not enough: they also demand that a man change the water in a vase.

One rose given by a poor student expresses more than a huge bouquet given by a millionaire.

I got a lot of flowers for my last birthday! True, everything is in Odnoklassniki ...

Instead of complaining about the thorns of a rose, I rejoice that a rose grows among the thorns.

Beloved girls are given flowers, not tears!

Flower lover! You have become inconspicuously a slave to chrysanthemums.

Roses instill love for nature, and thorns instill respect.

I do not believe women who say they are indifferent to flowers. They just didn’t get them from the men they loved…

A simple chamomile given just like that will say much more than a scarlet rose given for a birthday!

A favorite flower is, first of all, a rejection of all other flowers.

Happiness is not in the number of roses given, happiness is in the person who gives them ...

Men distinguish between two types of flowers: - roses and "what are these called?"

Chrysanthemum - the last chord in the autumn symphony of colors - has long conquered the whole world with its beauty ...

Let the book of life open only the most beautiful pages for you, the river of hope flows joyfully, the flowers of love bloom along the banks!!!

If you find the keys to a woman's soul, take care of her, be for her like a flower gardener!!!

If a husband gives his wife flowers for no reason, then he just saw this reason.

Of course, I understand that flowers are a waste of money, they quickly wither and that's it ... but damn it, it's so nice when they are given!

Every woman likes to be given flowers until she finds out that others are given diamonds.

Better one modest flower and many feelings.

Flowers as a gift… A trifle, but what a nice one!

Agree, because a girl with a bouquet of flowers is much more beautiful than with a bottle in her hands ...

Calling a woman a flower, do not forget to choose the right fertilizer!

Flowers, like people, are generous for kindness and, giving tenderness to people, they bloom, warming hearts, like small, warm bonfires.

Love... is like a rose flower. Just as beautiful and just as unpredictable.

I prefer a man to be good in bed!

A beautiful night candle or Oenothera is a wonderful addition to your garden.

I will buy flowers for him...

Artificial flowers do not smell. So artificial relationships do not bloom.

Flowers bring the greatest joy when they are presented not on a birthday and not by a messed up husband, but ... just like that!

I often gave her flowers, and you know what I understood: - in a relationship, a man is just an intermediary. Some women sell flowers to other women through you.

On a date, tell your girlfriend she's pretty and then f*ck the bouquet in the face. Girls love flowers, warm words and strong men.

Fragrant indoor plants

You can enjoy the aromas of exotic flowers throughout almost the whole year at home. There are many fragrant houseplants. Each of them has its own unique smell and you can easily choose home flower to your taste.

Among the many plants that people grow in their homes, there are species that are completely odorless or with a faint, almost imperceptible aroma of fresh foliage or cut wood. An ordinary person does not distinguish such weak odors. It is these species that are recommended to be used as houseplants for offices, because it is no secret that some people have a headache, and everyone has different tastes.

All fragrant indoor plants can be divided into two large groups:

  • only the flowers are fragrant
  • all parts of the plant smell, the smell intensifies when damaged

house plants from first group only during flowering please with aroma. This group includes some orchids, stephanotis (Madagascar jasmine), roses, gardenias, some cacti. It should be noted that almost always among the representatives of the same genus of fragrant flowering plants there are those that do not smell. Breeders have taken care to please all customers: among the many hybrids, you can always choose an orchid completely odorless or with a pleasant exotic aroma.

Stephanotis or Madagascar jasmine is a semi-shrub liana that prefers well-lit windows. White stars of flowers have an exquisite aroma. The plant requires support and careful regular care.

Gardenia quite a tough plant.

The most magnificent flowers that bloom only at night

She loves light, heat and moisture, but does not tolerate being in direct sunlight. This flower needs high humidity, therefore, it is not always possible to successfully grow this tropical beauty in an ordinary apartment.

Eucharis or amazon lily has a very pleasant, delicate aroma. It's perennial bulbous plants with large dark green leaves. From time to time, an umbrella appears on the plant with 5-6 flowers, similar to a narcissus. The flowers have an exquisite and delicate aroma.

inflorescences Hoyi(wax ivy) have a strong sweet smell that intensifies in the evening. This unpretentious drought-resistant liana with leathery leaves and long shoots blooms annually. Does not require any complex care, but young plant does not bloom.

Muraya while rare in homes, it is a small shrub that can be shaped like a small tree. Its flowers are very fragrant, they are white and seem to be covered with wax. Flowering can last all year round.

Abelia blooms with a small cutting, has a pleasant delicate aroma, somewhat reminiscent of the smell of a lemon flower. It is an ornamental shrub that blooms for a long time and is very plentiful. mature plant it is better to give in a large room.

At oleander very fragrant flowers, prolonged inhalation of their aroma can cause a headache. Pink or white flowers of this evergreen shrub are very beautiful, the plant is quite unpretentious.

jasmine sambac- liana with large quantity flowers, blooms continuously from May until about September. Requires pruning and support, flowers do not last long.

Co. second group include houseplants, all parts of which have a pronounced aroma. An example is the well-known pelargonium (geranium). If you rub a leaf of zonal pelargonium, you will feel a strong pungent smell. Some people like him, some don't. If the plant is not touched, there is no smell. Pelargonium fragrant will fill the whole room with its aroma, even if its shoots are slightly disturbed.

These plants include citrus fruits, myrtle, araucaria. All plants used as spices have aromatic properties: mint, rosemary, lemon balm, oregon, noble laurel.

citrus trees(lemon, orange, calamondin, mandarin) are often grown at home. All parts of plants have a pleasant aroma: leaves, shoots, and flowers.

Araucaria- one of the few conifers that can be grown in the house. It has a pleasant coniferous aroma and saturates the air with phytoncides.

Plectranthusor room mint valued for its unpretentious care and decorative appeal of leaves with a pleasant mint aroma. Its flowers are small, lilac or white. Some species have a pungent odor and are used to repel moths.

Myrtleevergreen with leathery leaves and single or numerous white flowers in short racemes. Myrtle leaves and shoots are the source of an essential oil widely used in perfumery and medicine.

It would not be superfluous to recall that when placing fragrant plants in the house, you should definitely think about which flower to put where. It is better not to keep fragrant flowers in the bedroom, for other rooms it is important to choose the right fragrant plants. Smells affect well-being and create mood. Some soothe, others, on the contrary, give vigor and strength. For which room to use plants, only your own feelings will tell.

ENOTERA(Oenothera) - bright rhizome herbaceous plant of the Cypress family, flowering, from 30 to 120 cm high. The genus includes up to 100 species of summer, biennial and perennial plants, stunted and tall, growing mainly in Europe and Central America.

The evening primrose garden flower has a very original name: "aspen", "onager" - according to the Latin name, "night candle", "evening primrose" due to the unusual flowering. The effect that it produces is comparable to a fairy tale and its incredible flowering is long remembered.

The stems of evening primrose, straight or creeping, are rigidly pubescent. Oval-elongated leaves on a short petiole, very similar to the ears of a donkey, are arranged on the stem in the next order. Large flowers with a delicate smell of pink, white, lemon yellow and even blue color are collected in loose inflorescences.

Evening primrose flowers bloom just before dusk, and so quickly that in a matter of minutes you can see how the bud will spread its silky petals. The flower does not live long - just one night. In the morning, her flowering bushes have time to visit insects, after which they will wither, but in the evening new buds will open with bright fiery lights. Like candles, they will burn against the backdrop of the setting sun. It is for this unique feature that the beautiful evening primrose is often called the "night candle". Flowers can also bloom during the day if the weather is cloudy or planted in the shade. And so all summer. On site a faded flower a hard box with seeds will form, which will ripen by September and will remain viable for up to 4 years (see photo of evening primrose).

In addition to the decorative nature of the species, there is one species among evening primrose "Oenothera biennis", which has a thick fleshy root, which is used as a vegetable and which is called as "rapontica" or "rapunzel".

The main types of evening primrose:

  • Oenothera biennial (O. biennis L.) is a tall (up to 2 m) plant widespread in cultivation with bright lemon flowers that have a delicate aroma that intensifies in the evening.
  • Oenothera Missouri (O. missouriensis) is a spectacular low-growing perennial 30-40 cm, with large fragrant cup-shaped flowers of golden yellow color.
  • Fragrant evening primrose (O. odorata) is a mountain plant that blooms with yellow flowers that emit a strong aroma, especially in the evening.
  • Evening primrose shrub (O. Fruticosa) - perennial, completely winter-hardy, grows in the form of a tall (up to 90 cm) bush. It has strong, well-branched stems, small dark green leaves that turn crimson with the onset of autumn, and medium-sized (up to 3 cm) bright yellow flowers.
  • Oenothera quadrangular (O. tetragona) - perennial, winter-hardy ... The bush is erect, 45-70 cm. The bluish-green leaf, oval, acquires a reddish color with the onset of autumn. It blooms for a long time with yellow thyroid inflorescences, in bunches, with a pleasant aroma, from June to August.
  • Beautiful evening primrose (O. speciosa) with pink fragrant flowers, native to South America. Less common in culture, not very stable in our climate, but quite spectacular.
  • Evening primrose (O. acaulis) is absent in our flora, but this herbaceous perennial with a tap root grows well in Russia.
  • Evening primrose Drummond (O. drummondii) is a seasonal annual.
  • Evening primrose (O. pallida) is a seasonal annual.

Popular varieties:

  • "Fryverkeri" - golden yellow inflorescences, red buds and stems, 40 cm.
  • "Hohes Licht" - beautiful canary-yellow inflorescences, 60 cm.
  • "Sonnenwende" - a variety with golden yellow inflorescences, dark green leaves, 60 cm.
  • "Evening Dawn" - golden flowers with a red tint, pleasant aroma, height about a meter.

Enotera: photo of flowers.

Enotera: growing conditions and care

Evening primrose is sun-loving, prefers a sunny location, although it grows well in the light shade of trees. The flower is undemanding to the soil, it can fully develop both on cultivated garden soil and on soil with a high content of clay and sand. All species are drought tolerant. Excess moisture leads to rotting of the roots, which means the death of the flower. Therefore, the ground near the bushes must be systematically loosened and the ubiquitous weeds removed. Water only during dry and hot periods when the soil dries out a lot. The evening primrose flower is frost-resistant. V garden soil hibernates without any shelter. With sufficient care does not get sick.

Evening primrose reproduces easily seed way and self-seeding. If at the end of September the seeds are not collected, then they, having spilled out of the boxes, can spread by ants far from the mother plant. Therefore, it is not surprising if, in the spring, primrose sprouts are found in the most inappropriate corner of the garden.

Vegetative propagation of evening primrose is the most convenient and easiest way. In May or autumn, the bushes are divided into divisions and transplanted to the planned place. The evening primrose plant tolerates transplanting well, even when it blooms.

When planting a crop, it must be borne in mind that adult specimens occupy an area of ​​\u200b\u200babout 1 m2. To make the flower look neat and compact, its side shoots shortened by half. From this procedure, the plant looks neater, and much more buds are tied.

Using evening primrose in the garden

Tall evening primrose species are usually planted in the background of any flower garden. They pair beautifully with rudbeckia, bluebell, daylilies and the annual delphinium. Undersized specimens look great on alpine slide next to ageratum, lobelia, alyssum.

There are not many plants that bloom at night. Usually they are rather unpretentious and cannot boast of luxurious buds.

However, they are distinguished from daytime flowering plants not only by their ability to please the eye after sunset, but also by their strong, intoxicating and very pleasant aroma, which only becomes stronger with the onset of dusk.

This shrub is also commonly known as "burachok". The plant is short, herbaceous. Height can vary from 20 cm to 40 cm. Strongly curly shoots grow widely, intertwining with each other. On the shoots there are flowers - small, with four petals. Their colors are very different - white, pink, lilac, purple, purple, yellow. The flowers, although unremarkable in appearance, bloom very densely and create the appearance of a dense carpet.

Alyssum is annual and perennial. It can be grown in open ground on the site, and in the room or on the balcony. It is unpretentious, does not need abundant watering, and weeds do not grow under a thick carpet of flowers and leaves.

Important! Although the beetroot does not bloom at night, but blooms constantly, what makes it a night flower is that light flowers able to reflect the moonlight under cover of night, which makes the flower beds seem illuminated. In addition, the honey aroma of alyssum becomes most vivid and distinct at night.

The flowers of this unusual plant are not in vain called "angelic trumpets". In shape, they are similar to gramophones - oblong-tubular, bell-shaped. The flowers are quite large - in length they can reach from 15 to 30 cm, and be about 17 cm in diameter at the widest open part. And the color can be very different - white and pink, yellow and orange, blue and red.
Brugmansia is a tropical herbaceous woody plant. In its homeland, in Latin America, it grows in the form of a small tree, but in our country it looks more like a sprawling large shrub with a wide crown. The leaves are large and egg-shaped. Young stems quickly become covered with smooth bark. And large flowers bloom one at a time on thin and long peduncles. They always hang down. On one plant during the flowering period, there are usually a lot of flowers, this number can exceed a hundred per bush.
What is remarkable about this beautiful tree is that on hot sunny days, Brugmansia flowers look a little sluggish, half-closed and practically odorless. But as soon as the night coolness falls on the ground, Brugmansia awakens, blooms, its flowers open and begin to exude fragrance.

Since the plant is tropical, it is not grown in mid-latitudes. The breeding method is predominantly tubular.

For the summer, this queen of the night can be taken out into the yard, to the garden plot, cottage, and she needs to spend the winter in a glazed loggia, since a temperature drop below +10 ° C is detrimental to the flower.

Important! be careful-brugmansia is poisonous! This plant is isolated from the Datura genus and all its parts contain dangerous hallucinogenic substances. Of course, it is unlikely that you will begin to use Brugmansia, but it is better to protect it from children in order to avoid taking a “taste test”.

The plant is also called matron's evening, or hesperis.
This is a biennial herbaceous plant, the stems of which reach 1 m in height. They are covered with dark green oblong leaves and are crowned with delicate inflorescences. Night violet flowers are small, with four petals. There are mainly two colors - white and lilac, but today new two-color varieties or varieties dyed in shade have been bred.
Hesperis flowers are very fragrant in the evening and at night. During the day, this smell is not so obvious, but at night it opens up in many shades and fills the garden with intoxicating sweet fragrances. Flowering at the matron's party is not too long - it begins in late May or early June and lasts about a month and a half. Sometimes this period is reduced if the weather is hot and dry. Although the evening loves to grow in areas brightly lit by the sun, it does not tolerate heat and ceases to bloom.
The soil of the night violet prefers light, especially sandy, well-drained soil. Stagnation of moisture for the plant is unfavorable. The flower tolerates frosts well, for the winter it needs shelter only if there are severe frosts and the snow has not fallen.

This plant blooms only in the second year, but it looks very decorative in the garden, looks good in flower arrangements.

Appeared in the European expanses thanks to Columbus. The plant is herbaceous, unusual, beautiful and very fragrant. It grows in small bushes 30-40 cm tall. It has erect stems, large leaves and small star-shaped flowers that bloom heavily from the first days of summer until the beginning of autumn.
The plant, although perennial, is thermophilic and middle lane it is rarely possible to keep it for more than one year. Although it is worth recognizing that some gardeners manage to grow the same fragrant tobacco in their flower beds for up to 10 years.
The color of flowers depends on the type of plant and can be white or red, pink, crimson or yellow. However, the flowers with the most faded color have the brightest aroma. Red buds smell the least. And although fragrant tobacco blooms throughout the day and night, its aroma becomes most noticeable just after sunset. The smell is very unusual, spicy, intoxicating. And he is definitely worth it to plant fragrant tobacco in his area.
In care, the plant does not cause much trouble, except that it likes regular watering and moist soil, as well as a lot of sun. It is unpretentious to soil fertility, but it is better to cut wilted flowers - this will stimulate the appearance of new buds.

flower of the gods- so in India they call this unusual night plant. This lotus is mountain, it is also called bitter. It grows high in the mountains at an altitude of 4.5 thousand meters above sea level, where it is always very cold.
Lotus Brahama-Kamal is so named after the Hindu god of creation Brahma. Its white large flowers delight the human eye with their flowering for a short time, as the lotus blooms only one day a year and only at night.
With the onset of twilight, its petals open - and this is a very rare occurrence. In India, it is even believed that if you are lucky to see the blooming Brahma Kamal, this is a sign of success and good luck in all matters.

This is a classic park plant, although now somewhat out of fashion. But in vain, because Matthiola (or Levkoy) is suitable for various flower arrangements v landscape design.

It is a spreading herbaceous plant, the stems of which reach a height of about half a meter. It has oblong linear green leaves with jagged edges, and small and rather faded flowers are collected in loose racemose inflorescences.
Mattiola blooms densely. The flowering period lasts all summer, from June to the end of August. During the day, the flowers are closed and look wilted, making the plant less impressive. But in the evening and at night, its brushes bloom, the flowers open, and an intoxicating honey aroma spreads around, which is not heard during the day. Flowers are white, purple, lilac and pale yellow.
Mattiola is quite unpretentious in care. The soil likes medium-fertile, watering - moderate. These flowers are great for decorating the site, they are often planted near terraces or in the garden, in park areas and squares, near benches and gazebos in the recreation area, along paths and alleys. In the evening, their spicy aromas are especially pleasant, so matthiola is often used as aromatherapy.
It is considered a night view - it has completely nondescript small flowers, which during the day do not smell at all and are completely closed, but at night the brushes bloom and are fragrant. Popular garden view slightly different. It has larger inflorescences that are open even during the day and have only a faint aroma that does not change with the onset of night.

Therefore, the two-horned matthiola is used as an aromatic night plant, and the left one is used as a decorative park plant.

Important! Mattiola cannot be planted in those areas where other representatives of the cruciferous used to grow, otherwise the flower will hurt and the main pests of this family will affect it.

Night beauty, or mirabilis, is a herbaceous plant from the nyctagin family. It happens both annual and perennial. It grows as a spreading tall bush, reaching 1 m in height.
Mirabilis leaves are ovate or oval, opposite, petiolate. From above, the sheet plate looks glossy, smooth and shiny. The color is dark green, but a lighter vein lies in the center of the leaf.

The flowering period begins in May or June. At this time, flowers bloom on the shoots in the axils of the leaves. They are bell-shaped or dome-shaped with fused petals. Flowers can be dyed white, pink, purple, crimson and yellow colors. Moreover, there are species that can have flowers on one bush that contain several colors or shades at once on the petals of one flower.
The heat-loving night beauty easily tolerates heat and drought. She is able to wait out hot days without harm, during which she needs infrequent watering - once a week will be enough. But mirabilis is afraid of cold weather. When the temperature drops to -5 ° C, the plants die. Therefore, in some regions, these bushes grow like annual plants, and in the southern and warm regions they are simply well insulated for the winter. Since the root tuber of the night beauty is close to the surface of the soil, the mulch layer should be thick and really warm - about 15 cm of fallen leaves and spruce branches.
Large, dense and sprawling green bushes of the night beauty are often planted in flowerbeds as a background. During the day, this dense greenery does not distract attention and allows you to admire other flowers. But in the evening and at night, when the buds of all other plants are closed, mirabilis blooms and smells sweet, becoming a real decoration in the garden.

The cactus hilocereus deserves special attention. It comes from warm Central and South America and belongs to the liana-shaped epiphytic cacti - this means that in the wild it grows on the trunks of large trees.
The stems are long, can reach several meters in especially large representatives. They can be placed either vertically or looking down. Hylocereus grows very quickly and often forms a sprawling bush of many long and creeping three- or four-sided stems. Its spines are very soft, resembling a bristle. Aerial roots appear on the stem.

At proper care and favorable conditions, hilocereus can bloom, and in any season, except for winter. It is noteworthy that the flowers of this cactus are phenomenal in size - one flower can reach 40 cm in diameter. And the fewer flowers on the plant, the larger they will be. The flowers are predominantly white, with oblong petals and large golden yellow stamens in the center.
The peculiarity of hilocereus is that its huge flowers bloom only at night, look very bright and emit a pleasant and delicate aroma.

At the end of the flowering period, the hilocereus cactus gives an unusual fruit - pitahaya, pitaya, or dragon fruit. However, when grown at home, the plant does not bear fruit.

Did you know? has a delicate pleasant taste, and the weight of the fruit can range from 150 g to 1 kg. Moreover, in hilocereus, not only the fruit is edible, but also the flowers that give it. From the flower petals, a delicious fragrant tea is obtained.

This cactus is often grown in pots on the windowsill. He is unpretentious and undemanding. But it grows very quickly - a transplant is required annually and is carried out in the spring. When the cactus becomes very large, they try not to disturb it to the maximum. Only the roots that appear above the surface of the earth become a signal for transplantation.

This beautiful flower has many names: primrose, onager, evening primrose and night candle. It is both short and tall. The growth of evening primrose ranges from 30 cm to 1 m. It can also be annual, biennial and perennial.
Evening primrose has long shoots, which can be either straight or creeping. On them are located on short petioles oblong oval pubescent leaves, similar to donkey ears.

Evening primrose flowers are quite large. They come in lemon yellow and white, pink and even blue. But in the dark, they will create a glow effect, which is why the plant began to be called a night candle. Flowers have a pleasant sweetish aroma, sometimes grow singly, and sometimes are collected in loose inflorescences.
In evening primrose, all buds are one-day-old. They bloom with the onset of twilight, and this happens so rapidly that you can watch how, in a couple of minutes, right before your eyes, the buds unwind, straighten and begin to smell fragrant. But during the day they wither and fall. New flowers open the next night. Since the opened buds bloom for a couple of morning hours, during this time the insects have time to pollinate them.

The flowering period of evening primrose lasts all summer, when the plant pleases with evening bright candle-flowers. Sometimes the buds can open even during the day, provided that the weather is overcast and the sun does not appear due to dark clouds.
In the flowerbeds, a night candle is usually planted in the background, since large and dense green bushes are rather unremarkable during the day and do an excellent job with the role of a plant background. And at night, when all the other flowers are “sleeping”, evening primrose, on the contrary, “lights up” with lights.

Did you know? The presence of a biological clock in flowers was used by Carl Linnaeus to create flower clocks. They consisted of several sectors, in each of which a certain species grew. Interestingly, the clock was quite accurate, it was possible to determine the time with a half-hour difference from the real one.

Another cactus with beautiful large flowers, which is also known as phyllocactus.

Grows in the form of a spreading bush. The stems are long, flat, fleshy, leaf-like. Spines are located on the edges. The branches are most often creeping and curly, which is why the plant is mainly grown as an ampelous one. Aerial roots often appear on the stem.
At good care epiphyllum in spring-summer period blooms with very large flowers, which can be up to 40 cm in diameter. The color is white, cream, pink and red.

Phyllocactus can bloom both during the day and at night. The buds are very pleasantly scented and have a long flower tube which makes them funnel-shaped. The flowers are so beautiful that the people often call the epiphyllum an orchid cactus.
Phyllocactus is most often grown indoors, however, even in an artificial environment, it is able to bloom beautifully and even bear fruit if it is possible to provide it with cross-pollination. The fruits of this cactus are quite edible, have a pleasant fruity taste and aroma.
The plant blooms in spring, and each individual bud lasts about 5 days. At this time, you can not transfer the epiphyllum or change its location, otherwise it will drop the flowers. If during the flowering period the cactus is regularly fed and cared for, then in the fall it can please with repeated flowering.

59 times already

For several years in a row, I have been growing a biennial evening primrose in my garden, or it is also called night beauty or a night candle. I remember buying seedlings of some flowers, and my grandmother gave me seedlings of this evening primrose as a gift. I planted it in the shade under an apple tree, where nothing ever grew, because I didn’t like the foliage at all, and I hadn’t heard about this flower until that moment. What was my surprise when the two-year-old evening primrose not only grew but also bloomed.

It bloomed in the evening and unfortunately the first days I could not catch the moment of opening the flowers. But she struck me so, from some sluggish green leaves, a bush about a meter long with large lemon color flowers. It burned in the night like a candle, it’s not for nothing that people call it the “Night Candle” for a reason. But what was my delight when I first saw how the flowers of the night beauty, evening primrose, begin to open at sunset.

I saw this only on TV, when they showed a flower blooming in a quick shot. The bud burst, and as in a fairy tale, the pistil began to rotate and the petals untwisted and opened. I called all my relatives and we began to observe the further blooming of the biennial primrose. The bush was literally moving all over, and before our eyes, here and there, large, fragrant, bright yellow flowers of a night candle were opening. In the garden, only admiring cries were heard: “Look, this one opens, and here is another one ...”. We stood in the garden until dark, until the last flower blossomed. Probably this fabulous evening remained in the memory not only of me, but also of my loved ones.

The next day we were already waiting for the sunset to see this spectacle again and experience a storm of emotions. We took a video camera with us and recorded this fabulous performance on it. So what happened from an ugly duckling, a charming swan grew up.

By lunchtime, evening primrose flowers close. And in the evening the tale repeats itself again. Evening primrose blooms from June to October, until the first frost.

There are many different surprises in nature. One of them is night flowers. They bloom at night and fill the air with their lovely fragrance..

Night flowers are truly a miracle of nature. They open their petals at night. The most popular ones are listed below.:

  • Vechernitsa

The mystery of the night flower Mirabilis begins with the name. From Latin "mirabilis" is translated as "amazing." Surprises with a variety of colors and unpretentious care. If you plant several different types mirabilis nearby, then next year the color scheme will change. Blooms will be different colors on the same bush. Due to the fact that the plant blooms at night, it is called the "night beauty". It blooms in the evening and blooms until the morning, exuding a pleasant aroma.

Mirabilis lives for several years, provided there are no harsh winters. In regions where winters are quite cold, it is considered an annual.

Mirabilis can be propagated in many ways:

  1. seeds
  2. By dividing the bush
  3. cuttings
  4. Digging up the root for the winter

seed propagation the simplest and most efficient. In the southern regions, mirabilis propagates by self-sowing.

The division of the bush can be produced provided that the bush has a well-grown root. Dig up the plant and divide the root with a shovel or knife. Separated parts are planted in different holes.

Propagation method by cuttings extremely complex and not always effective. As a rule, I use it when there is no other way to preserve the look of the plant. To do this, take a stiff shoot. The cut on the shoot is dried, dipped in a growth stimulator and allowed to take root in water or in the ground.

Dig up the root for the winter in regions with cold winters. The root is stored in sand, observing the level of humidity. This method is rarely used. Because it is extremely rare to save the root due to the difficulty of maintaining the necessary moisture. The root either dries up or rots.


Vespers is otherwise called Hesperis due to the fact that it blooms in the evening. The leaves are entire and pinnate. Hesperis flowers can be purple, yellow or white. Evening bush can reach 75 centimeters in height. The flowers are small in size.

Evening frost-resistant, unpretentious plant. Vespers blooms for about two months. Flowering depends on weather conditions.

If the winter is not snowy, then the evening should be covered with leaves, spruce branches. Otherwise, when severe frosts the plant may die.

Propagated using seeds. They are bought in the store, or assembled independently. It also reproduces well by self-sowing.

planted late spring and summer or autumn. But it will bloom only next year.

It is necessary to plant the evening at a distance of 30-40 centimeters. The plant is photophilous. The soil for planting an evening requires fertile and loose.

amazing plant revealing its beauty at sunset. Also has the name Night Candle and Oslinnik.

Oenothera is annual, biennial and perennial plant. perennial varieties evening primroses grow in warm regions. Flowers come in bright yellow, white, blue and red..

Height can reach 30-120 centimeters. It all depends on the variety of evening primrose. Stems are erect or creeping.

Mattiola is a member of the cruciferous family. The plant has a straight stem and bright green leaves. Matthiola flowers on racemose inflorescences, come in blue, white, yellow and purple. Has a wonderful aroma. Therefore, it is planted next to the terraces.

There is a special rule that should be followed when planting matthiola.

You can not plant a plant on a site where cabbage, or another representative of cruciferous, previously grew.

In such places, mattiola can be affected by a fungal disease or other ailment, which will lead to the death of the plant.

- a beautiful shrub. Gardeners love it for its unpretentiousness and ability to bloom from spring to autumn. The leaves are small, oblong in shape. The flowers have four petals and come in white, yellow, pink and purple.. They are small in size, but with good care, alyssum flowers can become larger every year.

The shrub loves the sun, open areas.Alyssum can be watered infrequently and tolerates heat well.. But frequent watering can lead to the death of the shrub.

Since the plant grows very quickly, it must be planted at a distance of 30 centimeters from each other.

Night flowers can hardly boast of large, delightfully shaped flowers.. But they have common feature, which attracts many gardeners. This is an unforgettable alluring fragrance that can be enjoyed all night long.