How to write a letter of thanks to an employee, manager or business partners - examples of the text. Letter of thanks for cooperation

Letters of thanks for the help provided are one of the types of service letters. Their name speaks for itself, there is no need to explain what is meant by it. But what should be the text for the help provided? After all, in the end, this is an official paper, and not just a message in social network or a nod in person. In this article, we will tell you for the help provided, and give examples to make it easier to understand the compilation.

Courtesy code

Business communication has its own characteristics. It does not tolerate familiarity and excessive emotionality. At the same time, special forms are intended to express certain feelings in it. A letter of thanks for the assistance provided (a sample will be presented below) is a common practice of establishing partnerships, as well as a guarantee of pleasant cooperation.

When should you express gratitude in the form of a letter?

Of course, it is not worth compiling a whole paper for some minor trifles. In this case, the text of the letter of thanks for the assistance provided will not exceed a single line. But still, it is not necessary to wait for something completely large-scale either - the usual cooperation is more than suitable.

Why thank?

Practice shows: in the post-Soviet space, they have not yet been popular for the assistance provided. Perhaps due to the fact that the mentality does not dispose to such a form of expressing one's feelings. And in vain: it has many advantages.

First of all, this is a great way to stand out, be remembered. Secondly, it is the key to further successful cooperation. And thirdly, it is simply polite and pleasant. It will also be pleasant to receive it in the form of a letter and to the person to whom it is sent.

How and what to write?

Letters of thanks for the help provided are written almost in free form. The most important thing about them is to show your appreciation, not make demands.

Depending on the scale of the assistance provided and other nuances responsible for how official the letter will be, you will need to follow these rules:

  • Always write your message first. In a strict, solemn letter of thanks, this may be a characteristic "respected", but in a simpler, friendly note, you can fully use a personal address by name and patronymic without any epithets.
  • As for the personal nature, there are two tips: on the one hand, not to complicate the text of the letter of thanks to sponsors for the help (or to anyone else) with turns and pretentiousness, on the other hand, to arrange everything almost pompously. Which one to stick with? The second option is more suitable for a letter from the organization, while a letter of thanks to the organization for the assistance provided personally from the specified citizen is much better perceived if it is drawn up according to the first advice.
  • Typing on the computer is optional. It is quite possible to write for the rendered or support of a different kind by hand. Even if you choose to print text on a PC, it is recommended that you install an italic or calligraphic font that sets up a friendly "thank you" rather than a strong notice.
  • Do not be afraid to use epithets anyway and write really nice words. Although letters of thanks for the help provided are considered a business style of communication, they have no place for dry officialdom, but more important is sincerity, otherwise they will seem like a necessary measure.
  • Tell us what you are grateful for and how important it is to you. It's not as difficult as it sounds.

Examples of

After a theoretical introduction, we come to much more illustrative examples.

Some people advise making thank-you letterheads ahead of time. Not a bad idea, but you need to remember that a letterhead means a prepared font, background, frame. You shouldn't make a form like a model for a contract, in which you only need to fill in the name and surname of the recipient, this gives the unfavorable impression that the sender is stamping such "thanks" without really caring about them. The purpose of the correct letterhead is to think over which letter would be the most pleasant to read and understand.

For sponsors

A letter of thanks to sponsors for their assistance is presented below for an example.

"Dear Nikita Petrovich!The administration of the Yekaterinburg Theater of Young Talents sincerely thanks you for your sponsorship in organizing the city competition for young directors.

The success of the project would have been impossible without your contribution, and we thank you so much for helping us to implement such a large-scale event, which, without a doubt, raised the cultural level of our society and allowed many children and adolescents to express themselves.

We wish you and your team continued success, successful projects, prosperity in all activities and assistance of partners.We hope that you will realize all your ideas.

Sincerely,Mikhail Sorokin and the collective of the Yekaterinburg Theater of Young Talents ".

Sample No. 2

"Alexander Igorevich!The public program “Wellbeing to Every Home” expresses its sincere gratitude to you for your support. We guarantee that all financial assistance provided by you will be used to clean up the buildings of nursing homes and, in addition, to purchase the required medicines in order to improve the condition of people of retirement age.

We admire your mercy, which will make the lives of those who need our help a little better.

We wish you not only prosperity in business, financial well-being and career growth, but also that all the goodness and happiness that you helped bring to the world of the disadvantaged will return to you and your family in multiples.

Respectfully,Ivan Surikov ".


A letter of thanks to the deputy for the assistance provided can be sent to the chairman The State Duma in the name of the relevant official or be a personal appeal to the person who provided support. Its content is also different: from gratitude for a specifically indicated resolved issue to generalized gratitude.


"Chairman of the State Duma A. Koreshkov

A letter of thanks for the help provided.

I would like to express my gratitude to the Deputy of the State Duma Andrey Sergeyevich Mashkov, who always responds to the requests of the townspeople, resolves issues in a timely manner and generally contributes in every way to the improvement of our city.On my own behalf, I want to wish him all the best and every success.

Sincerely,resident of Yekaterinburg Vyacheslav Mironov ".

Personal appeal

"Dear Eduard Semenovich!Thanks a lot to you from our whole family for solving our housing problem. Thank you for your responsiveness and we wish that your good will not go unnoticed, and that you and your loved ones will always be happy!

The Mironchuk family ".

The organization

A letter of gratitude from the organization for the assistance provided can be sent both to the general director of the company and to an individual employee. It can also contain an appeal to the entire team that has shown special assistance in this or that matter.

In addition, letters of thanks from one organization to another have their own characteristics: often after expressing gratitude for support, at the end, a clarification of agreements, an offer of further cooperation, advertising, etc. are written. Papers of this kind are more related to business communication, since gratitude mingles the business benefits of each party.

Below is an example of such a thank you letter.

"Comrades!Let me express my gratitude to you for the welcome you have given to a representative of our company. We hope that all the agreements reached at this meeting will be fulfilled.We also look forward to a pleasant cooperation with you!

Sincerely,the collective of the organization "Kosmotur" ".

From an individual

"To the General Director of LLC" Darena ".

Letter of thanks.

Many thanks to your employee, Mikhail Sergeevich Aravtsov, who quickly and efficiently solved my question.I hope you will reward his services.

Best regards, Nikita Skvortsov ".

Frequent turns

As you can see, some revolutions are repeated in all samples. They are typical for all securities of the type under consideration.

  • "I express my gratitude";
  • "I want to express my gratitude";
  • "thank you for your assistance / help / support";
  • "we want to say thank you", etc.


It would seem, what does the interview and the writing of letters of thanks have to do with it? But the West is already instilling new traditions in us. A letter of thanks after a past interview is becoming more and more widespread.

The fact that in the post-Soviet space many have not even heard of this is even a plus - you can stand out among competitors on workplace, be remembered in the eyes of the employer, show yourself with better side, which means, most likely, to get a vacant position.


In addition to these properties, a thank you letter after the interview can fulfill another purpose, namely, to help correct mistakes made during the interview. Of course, it will not be possible to smooth out gross blunders, but it is very possible to finish saying something, to send the file mentioned during the meeting.

Three times when you need to write a thank you letter after an interview:

  • if you are really grateful;
  • if you really want to get a job;
  • if you do not want to get a position, to explain the reason for the refusal.

Differences between Western practice and the usual letters of thanks

When a Russian person mentions a letter of thanks, something similar to a solemn letter arises in his head. Perhaps that is why there are problems with writing it - it seems that there are so many requirements and if you make at least one mistake, everything goes awry.

But this is not the case. In most cases, it is enough to actually express your gratitude, write to whom, from whom and why the paper was drawn up. A good example there are not framed A4 sheets, but simple notes written by our Western colleagues, in them the essence is briefly and clearly expressed and there are no unnecessary elements.


In this article, we tried to tell as much as possible about how to write a thank you letter. It also has enough examples to figure it out. They clearly illustrate what this paper should be. There is no need to write according to patterns - sincerity in such a matter speaks for itself.

One important advice: if you don’t want to thank, you don’t see the need for it and you don’t feel grateful, it’s better to really don’t thank.

Letter # 1

The administration of the Theater of the Young Spectator expresses its sincere gratitude to you for sponsoring the organization of the children's theatrical competition "Theater Stage".

The implementation of such a socially and culturally significant project for our region would have been impossible without your participation.

We sincerely hope that only successful projects, professional well-being and financial growth await you and the team of your company.

We wish you an easy realization of all your ideas.


Peter Ivanov.

Letter # 2

Dear Victor Alexandrovich,

The management and coaching staff of the "Champion" sports school are sincerely grateful to you for the financial support provided in the holding of the regional championship "Olympic Future".

We hope for your further interest in popularizing healthy way life and the importance of sports among children and youth in our region.

We would like to wish you success in your work and new victories!


Peter Ivanov.

Letter No. 3

Dear Victor Alexandrovich,

The public organization "From hand to hand" expresses its sincere gratitude to you for the help provided. We guarantee that all the money donated by you will be spent on the improvement of nursing homes, as well as on the purchase of necessary medicines for single pensioners.

We admire your mercy, thanks to which the life of disadvantaged people will become a little more comfortable and happier.

In addition to professional success, our entire team wishes you that your generosity will return to your family a hundredfold.


Peter Ivanov.

Letter No. 4

Dear Victor Alexandrovich,

Volunteer organization "Kind Heart" from the bottom of my heart thanks you for purchasing New Year gifts for pupils orphanage"Baby".

Let the sincere joy of children left without parental care become your talisman in life and help you make all your plans come true.

Separately, we want to thank you for your human mercy, which is so necessary for all people.

Our team wishes you unlimited happiness and good health.

We look forward to new cooperation.


Peter Ivanov.

Letter No. 5

Dear Victor Alexandrovich,

The orphanage management is in a hurry to sincerely thank you for sponsoring a trip to Germany for our pupil Maria Ivanova and her guardian Anastasia Koroleva.

Thanks to your help, the girl underwent the necessary medical diagnostics and the appropriate treatment was prescribed.

We sincerely wish you good health and success in all spheres of life.


Peter Ivanov.

Letter No. 6

Dear Victor Alexandrovich,

I would like to appeal to you on behalf of the entire management, employees, as well as pupils of the orphanage "Solntse". Over the years, you have repeatedly sponsored the needs of orphans, and only thanks to your support, we were able to purchase several computers, sports equipment, office supplies and clothes for our children.

We are sincerely grateful to you for your kindness, and sincerely hope that all your plans will come true.

As you yourself understand, children deprived of parental care can only count on the support of caring people. Therefore, we will be sincerely grateful to you for any help in the future.


Peter Ivanov.

Letter No. 7

Dear Victor Alexandrovich,

I, as the head of the municipal institution "Mercy", express my sincere gratitude to you for organizing and sponsoring a trip to a health camp for children with cerebral palsy.

During the week's trip, children who, due to their physical condition, cannot lead an active social lifestyle, not only improved their health, but also acquired new impressions and acquaintances, which is extremely important for their psychological health.

Our team expresses its sincere gratitude to you. We want to wish that in life you are surrounded by the same kind and generous people as you are.

In the future, we hope for cooperation with you, as well as for your help in the implementation of socially important projects.


Peter Ivanov.

Letter No. 8

Dear Victor Alexandrovich,

The Directorate of the Solntse Orphanage would like to thank you for your sponsorship, thanks to which we were able to purchase four new computers, a printer and ten chairs for classrooms.

Please accept our sincere admiration for your kindness and generosity.

We wish you, your family and your company success and prosperity.


Peter Ivanov.

Letter No. 9

Dear Victor Alexandrovich,

I hasten to express my admiration for you and thank you and your company for the invaluable support of the municipal institutions of our city, which provide assistance to disadvantaged people.

Such a generous and merciful person like you would like to wish you inexhaustible health, unlimited success and great happiness.


Peter Ivanov.

Letter No. 10

Dear Victor Alexandrovich,

The directorate of the Solntse orphanage expresses its heartfelt gratitude to you and your company for the assistance rendered to our graduates.

Thanks to your gift, the holiday of children who leave the walls of our institution has become much brighter and happier.

In turn, we would like to wish you and your team good health and unlimited happiness.

We sincerely look forward to further cooperation with you in the interests of orphans.


7 original and non-standard examples texts of the letter of thanks for cooperation. Choose the best option and edit for yourself, all texts can be downloaded in word. What a perfect thank you letter should be - simple tips to help you write the best letter of gratitude for your cooperation.

A letter of thanks is recognized by many experts as one of the varieties of business letters. Usually, given view letters are used in collective organizations related by profession or study. The closest, by definition, to a letter of gratitude is the well-known diploma, which is usually awarded in schools and sports circles for achievements.

A letter of thanks can be addressed to both a specific person and the organization as a whole, for example, for fruitful cooperation. In this article, we offer several options for writing a thank you letter for cooperation. The texts of the letters are given below.

The order of writing such letters is discussed in the article:.

1. The text of the letter of thanks for cooperation, addressed to the employee.

Dear Zinaida Valerievna!

Surely you know that our young company cannot yet boast of significant work experience and rich pedigree. But our company has something much more significant: these are employees like you!

Let me express to you warm words of recognition and gratitude for the fact that you have been honestly working for the good of our company practically from the very first day! Our team remembers how you, together with everyone, steadfastly overcame all the difficulties of the initial stage of development of our common brainchild; how they helped less experienced colleagues with kind advice and supported with a warm word at the right moment.

Largely thanks to you, our company is now developing rapidly and opens up tempting horizons for all of us. Your mind, your experience, your kindness have played tremendously important role for the common good!

We are sincerely interested in continuing cooperation, we wish you warmth, health and love!

2. An example of the text of a letter of thanks for cooperation, addressed to the staff

Dear colleagues, employees of our wonderful Hypermarket LLC!

On behalf of the Board of Directors, we congratulate you on the successful achievement of your business goal this year! Our common success is great!

For a whole year, you have worked courageously, selflessly in order to fulfill the tasks assigned to you. And you did it! Thanks to your common efforts, your collective spirit, our company will enter New Year one of the most prosperous in the city.

We appreciate you and sincerely wish you warmth, love, family comfort and high salaries!

Sincerely, general director.

3. An example of the text of a letter with gratitude for cooperation addressed to partners

Dear partners!

I express my sincere gratitude to you for our fruitful cooperation! Our joint efforts have led us to a natural business victory! I believe that in the future we will be able to preserve and continue our partnership.

I wish you health, personal prosperity, new mutually beneficial projects and conquering even more unapproachable heights in our difficult business.

4. Example of a letter of thanks for cooperation to a partner

Dear …!

We really appreciate the cooperation with your company over the past 5 years.

We are well aware that the success we have achieved in last years Is the result of painstaking teamwork, constant daily interaction with your specialists. Thanks to your openness, your desire to understand and satisfy the needs of your partner, your focus on improving performance, our relationship is growing stronger every year, and we are conquering new heights in mastering the attention of consumers.

We express our gratitude to you for the joint work and look forward to further strengthening the existing relations and the growth of indicators achieved in the course of joint activities.

We wish your company prosperity and success!


5. An example of a text of gratitude for cooperation with the partner's team

Dear ...!

On behalf of our company, we express our deep gratitude to the _________ team for mutually beneficial cooperation and support provided during promotional events aimed at developing new customer channels. The selfless work and integrity of _______ employees have resulted in amazing results. Our company entered a new sales market thanks to the professional approach of the ________ organization's team to the advertising campaign of our product.

We sincerely hope that this interaction between our companies was not the last, and we look forward to strengthening and expanding partnerships in the future!


6. An example of an official letter of thanks for cooperation to a partner


LLC "___" represented by General Director _______ expresses gratitude to the staff and management of LLC ___ for successful long-term cooperation. Over the years of interaction, the relations between our companies have strengthened, thanks to the common interests, the best results in work have been achieved. We express our hope for the further development of our relationship and access to new level cooperation with closer relationships.


7. Text of a letter of thanks to the supplier for cooperation

IE ___ expresses gratitude to ___ LLC for long-term cooperation and uninterrupted supply of products to the warehouses of our company. The professionalism of your specialists, attention and understanding of our needs have ensured the most positive history of the relationship between our companies.

We hope that partnerships will only get stronger over the years, and no obstacles will stand in the way of strengthening relations between our companies.


Video - How to Write the Best Thank You Letter

Any employee can receive a letter of gratitude from the organization, such gratitude is expressed in case of good work. This is a business document containing words of gratitude, and the reason can be different: high-quality service, a job well done, successful cooperation, assistance or assistance. A non-commercial business letter is addressed to one person or a whole team.

What is a Thank You Letter

An individual person or a team can receive a letter of gratitude. This emphasizes the importance of people, their merits. Such a letter can be a response to a congratulation or an invitation. The letter of gratitude meets all the requirements of the business style, it has the main parts: the head of the document, the appeal, the main text, the paper is accompanied by the signature of the head, the seal is put. The letter is written on company letterhead, has a clear form, is one of the types business communication between people.


A letter of thanks is considered business document, but some deviations from the rules are allowed here. The cap is indicated if necessary, it is not required element... It gives the information of the person (or people) to whom gratitude is expressed. The appeal follows. Then words of gratitude are placed, which consist of template phrases. And at the bottom left, a signature should be put with the basic data of the person expressing gratitude: the full name, title of the position is indicated. All this is often drawn up on letterhead on behalf of the manager.

You can download samples of thank you letters on the Internet:

  • for cooperation;
  • an employee;
  • organizations;
  • teacher;
  • to the doctor;
  • student;
  • for help;
  • for charity;
  • thanks to parents, veterans, volunteers, etc.

Spelling patterns can be as follows:

  • Option 1:
    • The company (name) gives heartfelt expressions of gratitude and sincere gratitude to the company (name) and the heads of enterprises for the high-quality and timely delivery of furniture (other goods).
    • We express our confidence in the preservation of the existing friendly relations, we want to express our hope for further mutually beneficial, fruitful cooperation.
    • Position, signature, full name.
  • Option 2:
    • Dear (name, patronymic)!
    • We express our gratitude to you for your many years of work, you make a huge contribution to the development and prosperity of the company!
    • On the day of your 50th birthday, we wish you inexhaustible creative energy, the accomplishment of all undertakings, further success, good health, joy, happiness!
    • Best regards, (position) signature, full name

What they are grateful for in the letter

The design of the letter of thanks is done for a job well done, assistance provided, support. If people financially sponsored or were suppliers of equipment, furniture, other necessary things, they can be sent gratitude by e-mail for help with the expression of deep gratitude with warm words that will cheer up the addressee, move them to new good deeds.

For conscientious work

Some people devote many years to their work, they put in all their efforts, work conscientiously. They thank the employee of the organization with such a letter, it must indicate the name and patronymic of the person, how much he worked in the organization, what merits were during this time. Compose a text that will mention the person's personal and professional qualities, projects that the person has worked on. The purpose of a thank you message is to make a person feel good, to raise his strength to a new level, so it is important to write it correctly.

Example of a letter in which the employee is thanked:

  1. Dear (name, patronymic)!
  2. We express our gratitude to you, sincere gratitude for the fact that you have been working with us for 15 years, making a huge contribution to the development of the company!
  3. On the day of your anniversary, we wish you inexhaustible creative energy, success, good health, happiness, creative achievements, material wealth!
  4. Job title, signature, full name.

Thanks for the work

The immediate supervisor should write a thank you message to the employee, and then sign it. In the text, they write an appeal both to one person and to the whole team of the company. Expressed if the project was completed on time or even earlier. If the team worked harmoniously and successfully, after which the company received a large profit, then the letter will also be a good form. Sample structure:

  • Dear (name, patronymic or collective such and such)!
  • Taking this opportunity, I would like to thank the employees of the company (name) for the service provided, the high quality of work, efficiency and timely assistance in resolving pressing issues.
  • I look forward to further long-term, fruitful cooperation.
  • Yours faithfully, (surname, name).

For the help provided

Expression of gratitude to business letters often follows how any assistance was provided to a company or a specific person from another organization, or natural person... Help is expressed in moral support, the organization of an event. Help often comes in the form of sponsorship funding for a company or person in his new project.

  • Dear (io)!
  • The [name] administration expresses gratitude for the sponsored assistance in organizing the anniversary of the humanitarian university. The performances of the musicians were at the highest level, and the light performance was extraordinarily beautiful! We express our special gratitude to you, because the successful implementation of this project would have been impossible without your participation.
  • We wish you and the entire team (company name) health, interesting ideas, and their successful implementation, good clients, growth of professionalism.
  • Yours faithfully, (name, surname).

Thanks for cooperation

This type of letter is very common, it is sent to people both within the company itself and to various business partners, it can be given at the official delivery. Sample structure:

  • Dear (name, patronymic)!
  • We highly appreciate the collaboration with your company. We are well aware that our success is due, first of all, to the companies offering our services, to successful cooperation with you. We wish you and your company success and prosperity!
  • Respectfully yours (name, surname of the chief).

For sponsorship

Very often companies express their gratitude to their sponsors for their help, support, while writing a letter looks like everything previous options:

  • Dear (name, patronymic)!
  • The administration of [name of institution] expresses gratitude for the sponsorship provided in organizing the regional competition children's creativity... The successful implementation of this socially significant project would not have been possible without your participation.
  • We wish you health, interesting ideas and their successful implementation, further prosperity of the company.
  • Yours faithfully, (name, surname).

Thank you letter writing rules

A letter of thanks is an official style document, so it has clear standards and rules for filling out:

  1. The cap is located at the top right, but options are allowed without it.
  2. There must be an appeal either to one person or to a group of people.
  3. The main part consists of formulaic, standard phrases that are based on compliments and warm words.
  4. At the end of the letter there must be a signature of the person who drew up this paper. In this case, the name and surname are indicated, there may be a mention of the position, a personal signature is put.


This is a mandatory element that is present in any official paper. Since a letter of gratitude is a document, there is always an appeal, often accompanied by the word "respected". A person is called by first name and patronymic; surname can rarely be added. If gratitude is sent to the entire team, then write "dear colleagues (name of the organization)".

Letter details

Requisites can be presented in a letter to a minimum: only the name of the organization, the position of the person who draws up the document. But there is an option when the details are specified in great detail:

  • name of company;
  • position of expressing gratitude;
  • organization address;
  • phone number, fax number of the organization;
  • INN / KPP, other important details;
  • the date;
  • thank you number.

Compiler Information

This paragraph of the letter does not take up much space. At the end, the position of the person expressing gratitude and his full name are simply indicated. There may also be a signature. In some cases, they write in detail: the name of the organization, the position held by the person giving thanks, his full name and an abbreviated signature. If a letter is intended to parents, then the indication of the position is not needed, just the name is enough.

Thank you letter

How to write gratitude correctly? Due to the fact that a written gratitude is an official document, its content is always formulaic. It necessarily includes standard expressions of gratitude. The personal qualities of the people to whom this letter is sent are emphasized. Standard phrases are perceived as mandatory, but people are still pleased to receive such paper.

How to express gratitude correctly

You can thank someone using simple but effective phrases. In this case, you should not wait for a more convenient opportunity, it is better to do this at any given opportunity:

  1. Let me express my gratitude for ...
  2. Our company would like to express our sincere gratitude for ...
  3. Thank you for the congratulations on the anniversary of the company ...
  4. I would like to thank you for ...
  5. We are very grateful to you for ...

How to avoid formulaic phrases

It is clear that a letter of thanks is an official paper that consists of common phrases, turns of speech, but you can try to avoid stereotyped expressions or reduce their number a little. It is not necessary to speak in general terms, it is better to concretize this case: to mention real people, their merits, actions, professional qualities, etc. The letter does not indicate the mistakes of colleagues, the shortcomings of their work, they try to emphasize only positive sides... Better to use more sincere words, phrases "from myself".


I ask you to express gratitude to my social worker Khasanova Madina for her sensitive and conscientious attitude towards her very important work... We are all very very grateful to her and treat her with respect.
Somkovskaya A.V.


Thank you for helping us through difficult days.


I, Brileva Galina Konstantinovna, want to express my gratitude separately to Klimova Valentina and the entire team of the organization "Center for Social Services of the Moscow Region".
Of tens of thousands of souls, sometimes there is one to which you will reach with your soul and it will immediately become easier for her and again life will be illuminated with light.
Thank you for being there. I wish you happiness and health for many many years.
Sincerely and with great respect for your work.


I would like to express my gratitude to Naydina Aleftina Sergeevna for her sensitive attitude towards me, for her decency and respect.
Products are delivered on time, always of high quality.
I am very grateful to her.
Respectfully yours, V.F.


I would like to express my gratitude to the social worker Kirsanova Tatyana Gennadievna.
An honest, grateful and orderly person. Will bring food on time, everything is always fresh. I really appreciate her work and her kind attitude towards me.
I thank Olga Evgenievna for concern about us and organization in work, which helps the old man to survive in our difficult time.


Thank you for your sincere attitude social worker- Naydenova Aleftina Sergeevna.


I am very grateful to Galina Petrovna! Thanks a lot to her!
Any request will always be fulfilled. I always look forward to visiting her.
Thank you, dear Galina Petrovna.


I, Valentina Georgievna E., express my deep gratitude to the Center for Social Services of the Moscow Region and, in particular, to the social worker - Aleftina Sergeevna Naidinova, for her responsible and kind-hearted activity.
I am 84 years old, I have been using Aleftina Sergeevna's services for 5 years. During this time, I did not have a single reason to be dissatisfied with the services provided.
You can say a lot of words of praise, but I will briefly highlight the work being done, from which the conclusion suggests itself:
1. Aleftina Sergeevna conducts all work strictly in accordance with the Agreement, in a timely manner and responsibly.
2. It is especially pleasant that everything is done kindly and taking into account the age of the recipient of the services.
Thanks again for everything!
Best regards, Valentina Georgievna.


I would like to express my gratitude to the social worker - Lyubov Sergeevna Gaidova.
She is always attentive and polite, responsibly treats her work, faithfully fulfills my instructions and never postpones them "for later", has time to do everything on time, and this is a big plus in work. The products from the store are brought fresh immediately.
Lyubov Sergeevna can always keep up the conversation, on a positive note, if necessary, she will cheer you up, and your soul becomes warmer and more joyful.
Respectfully yours, Svetlana Arturovna Golovata.


Many thanks to the director of the Center for Social Services of the Moscow Region, Sergei Anatolyevich Moskvin, as well as to his deputy, Alexander Alexandrovich Nazarov, for the allocated funds for a gift to a disabled child for the New Year. The child really liked the gift.
I also express my gratitude to our social worker Yegorkina Elena Vladimirovna for the attentive attitude towards our family.
Happy New Year to you, happiness and health!
Best regards, Valentina Rybnikova.


I express my deep gratitude to the director of the Center for Social Services of the Moscow Region, Sergei Anatolyevich Moskvin, as well as to his deputy, Alexander Alexandrovich Nazarov, for the funds allocated to carry out repairs in my apartment after the fire.
I also want to thank the head of the department of Reutov, Vera Anatolyevna Golovkina, for the prompt response to my statement.
And also, I thank my social worker Evgeny Vladimirovich Dorodnov for the high-quality repair.
Respectfully yours, Kutuzova Maria Nikolaevna.


I, Demchenko Nina Nikolaevna, want to say a big thank you and express my gratitude to Klimova Valentina.
She began to visit me recently, but my house was filled with light and warmth. Always smiling, energetic, businesslike. Always resolves all issues instantly. You can rely on such a person in difficult moment... This quality is worth a lot.
I would like to express my gratitude to the staff of the Center for Social Services of the Moscow Region.
I wish you success and prosperity.
With great respect to you, Demchenko N.N.


Thank you from the bottom of my heart for the fact that my mother, Tamara Pavlovna Tyumeneva, who is almost 88 years old, is served by a social worker - Galina Trifonova.
She supports her mother with deeds and a kind word. Such people are very valuable in society.
Thank you, Galina, huge!
Babenko Nadezhda.


I would like to thank the social worker - Dmitrieva Svetlana Alekseevna.
She accurately and conscientiously fulfills her duties. The attitude is always gentle, correct. Any arrival of Svetlana Alekseevna becomes a holiday for me.
Thank you, Svetlana.
Neiman Boris Genrikhovich.


My wife and I are disabled. We are served by a social worker - Natalya Ivanovna Konevega.
We would like to thank her for the good service. She is attentive, always ready to help us in everything. He takes his duties very responsibly!
We also want to thank the entire team of the Moscow Region Social Service Center.
Sirenin Mikhail Vasilievich.


I, Galina Konstantinovna Brileva, want to express my deep gratitude to Valentina Klimova separately and to the entire staff of the organization of the Center for Social Services of the Moscow Region.
Of tens of thousands of souls, sometimes there is one to which you will reach with your soul and it will immediately become easier for her and again life will be illuminated with light. Thank you for being there. I wish you happiness and health for many, many years.
Sincerely and with great respect for your work, Brileva G.K.


I would like to express my gratitude to a very wonderful, attentive, kind social worker - Galina Petrovna.
I am very grateful to her for her attention to listen to all my troubles and sores, and to take care of me.
Semyonova M.A.


I sincerely express my gratitude for the good and conscientious work of the social worker Natalia Alexandrovna Suvorova.
She is a very good-natured and sensitive person, her health and happiness in her personal life.
Respectfully yours, N.S. Efimova


From Konkova Zoya Ivanovna for social worker Gaidova Lyubov Sergeevna the following lines are dedicated:
"To our Lyubushka"
There is food, there is milk
Tea, water too.
You are our Lyubushka now
All friends are dearer.
Fed, watered,
Told the news
Paid all bills
We are now without sorrow.
I didn’t get angry, didn’t murmur
I did what I needed
You are our nurse
You are our joy.
We look forward to seeing you
Of your arrival
We know you won't leave us
In any weather.
I have left to wish
Great happiness to you
So that on the horizon of life
There was no bad weather.


I, Kolisnichenko Nonna Nikolaevna, have been using the services of the Center for Social Services of the Moscow Region since 2013, after the death of my only son.
I am 87 years old and the services provided by your social worker, Galina Petrovna Alexandrova, suit me very much.
I am very grateful to her for her kindness, attention, sensitive attitude to the state of my health.


I sincerely express my gratitude, for the good and conscientious work, to the social worker Natalia Suvorova.
She is a very good-natured and empathetic person. I wish her health and happiness.
Respectfully yours, N.S. Efimova


I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to the social worker Krykhtina Marina Leonidovna, who makes my life (a disabled pensioner) much easier by helping me.
The purchase of food, medicines, various consultations on social issues, if necessary, escort to the clinic, execution of various documents, household chores - this is not a complete list of those services that she provides me constantly and competently.
I believe that such workers need to be encouraged.
Because their help is vital for older people who have given their time and energy to society.
I would also like to thank all the employees of the Center for Social Services of the Moscow Region for organizing such assistance.
Best regards, Nelly Pavlovna Amyachkina.


I, Dubinina Lyudmila Semyonovna (84 years old), a disabled person of the 2nd group.
I am served by a social worker Zakerova Gulnara Abdurashitovna. Always calm, kind, affectionate, asks about my health. He carefully fulfills my every request. I loved her like a loved one, I treat her with great respect.
I would like to thank the Center for Social Services of the Moscow Region for taking care of the elderly and disabled.
Respectfully yours, Dubinina Lyudmila Semyonovna.


Galina Petrovna, a social worker, has been serving me for many years.
I am very pleased with this, she is such an honest and hardworking person.
I, a former employee of the Ministry of Emergency Situations - the head of the group, myself used to work well, so I really appreciate people like Galina.
I am grateful to you for such an employee.
Respectfully yours, M. A. Semyonova


For the second year I have been under the care of Lyudmila Pavlovna Strakhova. A year ago, I was still so cheerful, at 79 years old, that I considered the help from the Center for Social Services of the Moscow Region not so important to me.
Today, when I will soon be 80 years old, I feel how I will need this help in the future.
When you live alone, without a family, you become especially grateful to the person who visits you regularly, to whom you can always ask for advice.
Lyudmila Pavlovna is a person of amazing kindness, responsiveness, warmth and patience.
She is a real protection for me.
Best regards, Galina Nikolaevna.


We, V.N. Abramova and Abramova M.N. (two sisters), one of us is a disabled child, we express our gratitude to Anastasia Dmitrievna Ionova for her kindness and responsiveness to us.
Anastasia Dmitrievna takes great care of us. Helps and supports in everything, regardless of time.
We thank your organization for such a responsive employee.
Respectfully yours, M. N. Abramova and Abramova V.N.


I, Dyakova Polina Iosifovna, would like to express my gratitude to the social worker Ermolaeva Lidia Anatolyevna. For a sensitive attitude towards me, an elderly person (95 years old).
Thank her for everything she does. And thanks to your organization!
Respectfully yours, P.I.Dyakova


Dear Galina Petrovna Alexandrova,
Thank you very much for your kindness, care and commitment!
Such social workers as Galina Petrovna Alexandrova should be appreciated. She is very executive, she has been working as a social worker for many years (over 20 years). I've only heard good reviews about her.
She became a hope for me, a kind adviser.
Respectfully yours, Tamara Vasilievna Gosudareva.


Dear Lyubov Sergeevna Gaidova (social worker of the Center for Social Services of the Moscow Region).

There is food, there is milk
Tea, water too.
You, our Lyubushka, now
All friends are dearer.

Fed, watered,
Told the news
Paid all bills
We are now without sorrow.

I didn’t get angry, didn’t curse,
I did what I needed to do.
You are our nurse
You are our joy.

We look forward to seeing you
Your arrival.
We know you won't leave us
In any weather.

I have left to wish
Great happiness to you
So that on the horizon of life
There was no happiness

So that the sun always shines
Filled with happiness
And so that from good friends
There was always participation.

And great love to you,
In a life without sorrow
And so that your children
They loved you, they did not forget to kiss.

Konkova Zoya Ivanovna


I, NN Bekleshova, want to express my gratitude to Anastasia Dmitrievna Ionova for her responsiveness, kindness and attention to me.
This person comes to my house, and regardless of his time, he helps in everything. Even when I don't ask her about it.
She herself sees what needs to be done, how to support. Accompanies me everywhere.
I am very grateful to her.
With great respect, N.N. Bekleshova


I would like to thank Nadezhda Ivanovna Krylova for her sensitive and informal approach to my work. She is very attentive.
I was pleasantly surprised that such a person works in the Social Service Center of the Moscow Region.

Respectfully yours, G. S. Kaloshina.


I, Anna Andreevna Demchenko, a disabled person of the 1st group, declare gratitude to the social worker Vera Petrovna Tyulenina for responsible and high-quality service.
I am sure that other disabled people with whom Vera Petrovna works have the same opinion.
I ask the management of the Center for Social Services of the Moscow Region to acknowledge the work of this social worker, namely, for the increased, responsible and high-quality service to us, the doomed.
Best regards, A. Demchenko.


I am very glad that I can express my gratitude in writing to my social worker Krykhtina Marina Leonidovna. For her caring, attentive attitude towards me, an old and sick woman, the widow of a WWII veteran.
Marina Leonidovna brings me groceries, buys the medicines I need, pays receipts for utilities, and every six months she takes to the MFC a report for the utilities provided to me.
I thank her and wish her and her family peace, calm life, prosperity and good health from the bottom of my heart.
Thanks to the leaders of the social services for such attentive, caring workers.
Rumyantseva T.K.


I would like to thank the social worker Uglova Irina Vasilievna. She has been serving me for over 20 years. During this long period of time, apart from gratitude for the good, sensitive and attentive attitude, there are no complaints. She is very attentive and diligent.
For my 92 years, I can forget something, and Irina Vasilievna will always remind and prompt.
It's good that she has such a memory and always prompts correctly.
I am very, very grateful to her.
I thank all the employees of the Center for Social Services of the Moscow Region for such sensitive and attentive employees who bring great help and provide such understanding. May God grant you all health and many years to come.
Loginova M.V.


I would like to thank Olga Lebedeva. Wish her health and happiness in life.
She is a very responsive, professional worker, she knows her job perfectly well.
Thank you for such people.

Pavlova Tamara Mikhailovna.


I, Belyaeva Evgenia Viktorovna (disabled group 2), express my gratitude to Ermolaeva Lidia Anatolyevna for her responsiveness, kindness and attention.
I am very pleased with her work and attitude towards me.
Thank you for such an employee.


I, Kishchenko E.V., I am 90 years old, have been in your service for many years.
I am immensely grateful for your service. Thank you for being.
I am served by a social worker Zakerova Gulnara Abdurashitovna, I want to express my deep gratitude for her sensitive attitude towards the elderly.
This is a wonderful person. She is very punctual, decent, benevolent.
Gulnara, keep your attitude to people the same.
I wish success to the Social Service Center of the Moscow Region. You have a wonderful team.

With gratitude, Elena Vasilievna.


I, Valentina Dmitrievna Torzhkova (disabled group 2), express my gratitude to Lydia Alexandrovna Ermolaeva for her sensitive and conscientious attitude towards me.
She takes great care.
Thank you for such a social worker.


I, Dyakova P.I., I am 95 years old. I would like to thank your "Moscow Region Social Service Center" for such social workers as Gulnar Abdurashitovna Zakerova.
This is a person with a capital letter. I am very grateful to her, for her big heart. There are no words that can be said about her.
She respects old age, very kind.
I'm a war veteran. Gulnar Abdurashitovna always congratulates me on Victory Day, as well as on my birthday. I am very grateful to her for that.
Thank you for such a wonderful person

Sincerely, Dyakova P.I.


I express my deep gratitude to the social worker, Galina Petrovna Alexandrova. If I had not had it, I would have completely disappeared. With her mere appearance in the apartment, the mood immediately rises and I want to live at least a few more years. Many thanks, happiness, health to her leader, Irina Aleksandrovna Kusakina.

Shevchenko Lyudmila Stepanovna.


I, Nesterova Sofya Vladimirovna, express my gratitude to the social. employee Galina Petrovna Alexandrova.
She has been serving me for over 15 years!
With its attention, sensitivity, care, kindness, it prolongs my life, and I am already 90 years old.
Galina Petrovna provides me with food, medicines, pays for utilities. Help me wash, wash the floors. He will bring water from the well.
In the spring, when I fell on the street, injured my leg, she came to me 2 times a day every day. She fed me, supported my leg. And I quickly got to my feet. I am very grateful to her. Thanks a lot to her.
Galina Petrovna deserves gratitude and encouragement.


I express my gratitude to my social worker, Uglovoy Irina Vasilievna, for the invaluable help she gives me.
She pays utility bills, provides me with food, medicine and other things, which in terms of quality and quantity completely suits me. I am pleased with her work and attitude towards me.
Irina Vasilievna is polite and courteous, she is simple and friendly with me. Supports morally, listens patiently.
I wish her health, strength, patience and prosperity.


I thank the social worker, Uglova Irina Vasilievna, for the good service, attentive treatment, for the kindness and diligence of all my requests.
I would like to thank all the staff of the Social Service Center.
All the best to you.


I sincerely and from the bottom of my heart express my gratitude to Tatyana Kartushina for good and conscientious work.
I wish her good health.

Sincerely, Efimova Nadezhda!


I sincerely thank my social worker Lyudmila Pavlovna and her leader Kusakina Irina Aleksandrovna for taking care of me, a non-working pensioner.
Thanks to the help of the service social protection, I feel protected. I always feel warmth and real care.
We need such workers. They will support with kind words in any situation. They will help you buy what you need when you need it.


I am very grateful to my social worker, Olga Andreevna Lebedeva, for her attitude towards me, attention, patience and sensitivity.
I am a disabled person of the 1st group, I could not do without the help of a social worker.

Sincerely, N.A. Kuleshova


I express my deep gratitude to my social worker Uglova Irina Vasilievna for a very warm, sincere and attentive attitude towards me.
She always fulfills all my requests and orders. She is very tactful, always in a good mood, which is transmitted to me, a lonely pensioner.
Thanks to your organization for helping us, lonely, elderly and sick people, without which it would be mentally and physically difficult.

Sincerely, Lyapicheva L.E.


I would like to thank the social worker Olga Andreevna Lebedeva for helping with the service.
Olga Andreevna has been serving me for over 5 years. Always understanding, conscientious, honest and polite in communication. I am satisfied with everything. Always advise something, listen.
Thank you for your work and patience!

Sincerely, Nutcracker.


I sincerely express my gratitude, from the bottom of my heart, to the head of the Social Service Center, Irina Aleksandrovna Kusakina, for her sensitivity and attitude towards people with disabilities. She always understands and tries to help. I wish her the most important thing - health, happiness and success in her work.
Respectfully yours, Nadezhda Sergeevna Efimova!


We, Belyaeva Evgenia Viktorovna, Bulacheva Marina Aleksandrovna, Ryzhkov Gennady Vasilyevich, express our deep gratitude to Saykina Marina Viktorovna and Yegorkina Elena Vladimirovna for organizing and accompanying us (invalids of the 1st group) to the Cathedral of Christ the Savior on July 3 to the relics of Nicholas the Wonderworker.
We are grateful to the leadership of the organization for their reverent attitude to the mental needs of people with disabilities.


I, Lyuboslavskaya AS (disabled group 2), express my deep gratitude for the fact that there is such an organization - ANO "Center for Social Services of the Moscow Region". And I also thank the social worker Olga Lebedeva for the good service.
She is always attentive, polite, responds patiently and convincingly to any whims on my part, a 92-year-old woman.
Always executive in any request.
I express my deep gratitude to you all.


I would very much like to thank our social worker, Olga Andreevna Lebedeva, for the good service at home.
She is a very executive, attentive person. Whatever I ask, he will buy everything. As to my home. If there are no medicines in our area, she travels around the whole city and it turns out that we always have the necessary medicines.
On days when she does not serve us, sots. the employee calls on the phone and asks about our well-being, will support, talk and always wish good health.
Thank you very much to her and your organization for your work!
Don't leave us without help and support.

Zhuravleva A.A.
Zhuravlev S.S.


Olga Lebedeva has been serving me for over 6 years.
I was very lucky! She is very sympathetic, kind, conscientious, sensitive, with understanding about her duties. He comes to the rescue whenever necessary, buys good quality food and medicine.
Thank you very much for her work!
A.G. Venchlovskaya


I was served by social. employee Orlova Tatiana Vladimirovna.
I would like to note that for 5 years now, this extraordinary woman has been caring for me, tk. I don't go anywhere because of problems with my legs.
Tatyana Vladimirovna is a very responsible, honest, sensitive and cheerful person. She is also diligent and attentive.
She comes to me twice a week, but if I ask her to come to me additionally, she never refuses.
When Tatyana Vladimirovna comes, it is for me like the light in the window, like the sun. And my mood takes off immediately and I become the most happy person in the world. I can't imagine how she manages everything. Such a big load on her, and like me she has 18 people and everyone needs to please. We are old people, I am 72 years old, and the other ward is even older than me. And her sun and warmth are enough for all of us fastidious.
I thank God that he sent me this joy, in the person of the administration of the Center for Social Services.
I am grateful for the right frames.
Protect and encourage them, set them up as an example to others.
I am very happy with everything, tk. it couldn't be better.
With great respect to you. Thanks for work!


I am very glad that I can express in writing my gratitude to the social worker Krykhtina Marina Leonidovna for her caring, attentive attitude to me, an old, sick woman, the widow of a WWII veteran.
Marina Leonidovna brings me groceries, buys the medicines I need, pays receipts for utilities, and every six months she takes a report to the MFC for the utilities provided to me.
I thank Marina Leonidovna and sincerely wish her and her family peace, peace of mind, prosperity and good health.


I would very much like to thank Olga Andreevna Lebedeva and wish her health and happiness in life.
She is a very sympathetic, professional worker, she knows her job perfectly well, namely, to serve old and sick people. Always cheerful, beautiful and smart.
Thank you for such people.


I would like to thank Nadezhda Ivanovna Krylova for her sensitive and informal approach to her work, she is an attentive and obligatory person. I was pleasantly surprised that such an employee works in the social service.


I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to the social worker Krykhtina Marina Leonidovna, who makes my life much easier, the disabled pensioner, and the help provided to me.
The purchase of food, medicines, various consultations on social issues, if necessary, escort to the clinic, execution of various documents, household chores - this is not a complete list of those services that she provides constantly and with a sense of the matter. I believe that such workers should be encouraged, since their help is vitally important for the elderly, who in their time gave their strength to society.
I would also like to thank the entire social service for organizing such assistance. And it would also be just great if the social service could organize a free volunteer service to help the elderly in need, and partially relieve social workers.


I am very grateful to the social worker Nadezhda Ivanovna Krylova for her conscientious and attentive work. Serves me for over 5 years. I am very happy with everything. Responsibly treats his work, with understanding and responsiveness. Thank you very much.


Olga Andreevna has been serving me for more than 6 years. I am very lucky, she is very sympathetic, kind, conscientious and empathetic. He treats his duties with understanding, comes to the rescue when necessary, buys food and medicine. Everything is very high quality. Thank you very much for her work.
A.G. Venglovskaya


Irina Vladimirovna has been taking care of me for 2 years. Apart from words of gratitude, I have nothing. I cannot even imagine such a sincere and simply childlike attitude to myself. A huge gratitude just asks outward in relation to such a wonderful person. There would be more such people in social services.


Many thanks to the social worker Dzhalilova Irina Vladimirovna for the help provided to me and my son, a disabled person of the 1st group, Mishenin Anatoly Gennadievich.
For the delivery of all food products from the store and from the market, and timely assistance with all services.
We are very grateful for everything.



My social worker Korneeva Nina Aleksandrovna. I am very grateful to her for her help, she helped me get a disability group (since she is not a walker), achieved an increase in my pension, brings me fresh food, that I will order everything, she brings and buys. Pays for utilities. I am very grateful and grateful to her for her conscientious attitude and am very pleased that I have such a social worker.
Isaeva E.A.


I really want to thank our social worker, Elena Andreevna Filyaeva, for such an important and necessary help for us. Elena Andreevna is our assistant, she makes life easier for us. The work of a social worker is not easy, and only a sincere approach and respect makes their work irreplaceable.
Thank you for the cordial attitude, for the delicacy in communication, commitment, tact, for the fact that none of our requests remains unfulfilled.
Best regards, V.Yu. Babchenko


I, Efremova Larisa Dmitrievna, 80 years old, still live thanks to the care, careful, attentive attitude towards me from the social worker Olga Aleksandrovna Malova.
She is a rare person, kind, sympathetic, honest and hardworking, caring.
I live alone, so I just need her help and care. She fulfills any request and work flawlessly.
She is very hardworking, responsive, affectionate, attentive.
Thank you so much. Good luck with her work and personal life.
Many thanks and gratitude to you for the selection of such employees, for the fact that you all together take care of the elderly and prolong their life.
Respectfully yours, L.D. Efremova


I am very pleased and grateful to my social worker Valentina Alekseevna Shikunova.
An attentive, kind, sympathetic person. Conscientiously fulfills his duties, never fails.
Thanks to her for everything, as well as to your organization.


I, Zoya Ivanovna. Elena Nikolaevna, a social worker, serves me.
I express my gratitude to her for her attentiveness, kindness and fulfillment of all requests.
She helps with paperwork, consultations with doctors. Products buys good, high-quality, related products, on request, always needed.
Always give the right advice.
Many thanks to the entire organization for the attentive staff.


I am very lucky to be served by a social worker Repina Larisa Valentinovna.
She is a very sympathetic, kind, qualified specialist in her field.
I am a visually impaired person, I group, poorly seeing, and Larisa Valentinovna helps even in my studies at the University of Physical Education.
in our village, she is highly respected for her benevolence; residents, even whom she does not serve, turn to her. Never refuses to anyone.
Thanks to your organization for a good cause.


I, Alexandra Nikolaevna Kochnova, want to express my gratitude for the hard work and patience to my social worker Fedkina Tatyana Sergeevna.
People like her should work with us. Tatyana Sergeevna is responsible, sensitive and good person... She takes her duties very conscientiously and with understanding. When necessary, she will always come to the rescue, regardless of time. After visiting her, it immediately becomes easier to live. Thank you to your organization for such social workers and for taking care of us - retirees.


Dzhalilova Irina Vladimirovna has been taking care of me for 2 years. Apart from words of gratitude, I have nothing. I could not even imagine such a sincere and simply childlike attitude to myself.
A huge gratitude to ask to come out in relation to such a wonderful person.
There would be more such people in social services.


Orlina Zinaida Alekseevna, my social worker, has been serving me for more than one year.
I am very glad that I have a responsive and decent social worker. He always buys fresh products, what I order - he brings everything, even goes for my orders to the Agrogorodok at Pyaterochka. With her, I can talk about everything, she will always listen to me and give advice, if necessary.
I am very grateful that we have such an organization where such kind social workers come from.
Respectfully yours, T.A. Nesterova


Podgrushnyaya Svetlana Borisovna has been serving me at home since January 2017. For all the time she has shown herself as a conscientious, honest employee. She is responsive, communicative, polite. The products and other related products are of high quality. Always advises how to proceed in problem situations... Her help makes my life easier. Thanks.


I want to say a big thank you to my social worker Loberg: for her conscientious attitude to work. She is trouble-free in her work and does everything on time - bringing me both medicines and food. A sensitive and sympathetic person. Thank you for such a social worker and for the fact that in our city there is such an organization that helps so many people.


I would like to express my gratitude for the conscientious work of my social worker Tatyana Nikolaevna. Tatiana is attentive, kind, there are never any misunderstandings in payments for purchased products and medicines. We thank the organization for the selection of such workers.


Many thanks to Loberg T.S. for your attention and care. Good help in all matters.


I am very grateful to your organization represented by Lyudmila Vladimirovna for invaluable assistance in caring for my paralyzed brother Yu.P. Silkin. She, with infinite patience and kindness, does all the necessary manipulations - washes, feeds, changes clothes, etc. In addition, she talks to him, and this is very important in such a disease.
We are incredibly lucky with such a kind, sensitive, conscientious and intelligent woman.
I wish your entire organization good health and financial well-being.
Best regards, E. Sokolovskaya


For the second year, your social worker Irina Vladimirovna has been serving me. During this period, in her work, she showed herself towards me as a sensitive, sympathetic and decent person. All the duties that relate to her, she performed perfectly. Given her business and positive quality, Irina Vladimirovna deserves gratitude.
Alekseeva V.A.


I would like to thank Anastasia Dmitrievna Ionova for her good work. Very attentive and conscientious employee. Always kind. Arrives at the agreed time. Finds time to learn about the state of health and well-being. Always brings fresh food. I am very pleased with the service. Best regards, Z. V. Silova


For many years my mother and I, Tatyana Sergeevna Khrunova, have been served by a social worker Irina Vladimirovna Dzhalilova. We are very pleased that it is she who works with us. She is interested in her work, which sometimes even becomes unclear to us when she has days off and when she rests. Irina Vladimirovna devotes all her strength, her time to her wards. She takes care of all aspects of our life, delves into everything, even what she is not obliged to do. And at the same time, she is so benevolent, so caring and human that we can already consider her a member of our family. Thank you so much.


Social worker Lyudmila Vladimirovna is in charge of my service. I am very pleased with her. Thank you for your work.


I would like to say gratitude for the work of social workers, and, as they say, there would be more such people. They do a lot for us, such old, capricious, sickly people.
It seems that without your organization, it is unlikely that we would be alive and well, we live like in a fairy tale. May God grant that native people are attentive, like employees of your organization. My social worker Lyudmila Vladimirovna is sensitive and helps in any business.
Thanks to your organization.


I would like to express my gratitude to T.S.Kulagina, such a kind and sympathetic assistant in all matters, she instantly responds to any request and will always offer her help. I was in the hospital for 1.5 months, she visited me all the time, bought food and medicine. Once again, great for such a conscientious, responsible worker, assistant in all matters.
Many thanks to your organization, health and goodness to all of you.


For all the time I have been served by Dzhalilova Irina Vladimirovna, she has never refused me anything. She will always bring everything, talk, give smart advice, she is very competent in everything, both in treatment, and when buying food, manufactured goods. She will always talk, calm me down if I'm concerned about something. I am very happy with the service. Thank her very much.


Me and my mother N.M. Korosteleva social worker T.S.Kulagina has been serving for more than 6 years. She treats her duties conscientiously.
Thank you so much for everything.
Sincerely yours, V.A. Korostelev


The service is very good, I am satisfied. The organization's employees are great!
It’s safer for me to live with the social worker Lyudmila Vladimirovna, I am always looking forward to her with joy. Thanks for work. There is a lot of work: dumplings from the society of disabled people, a clinic and everything that is needed. I am disabled, 90 years old, very grateful.


I want to write thanks on behalf of my relative - Chernushkina E.S., thanks to the social worker Tatyana Sergeevna. A very good, sympathetic woman, not only does she bring food to the 86-year-old woman, sometimes she does not answer the phone, and since I myself am an invalid, I always call Tatyana Sergeevna and ask her to go to my aunt to see if she has everything ok (although not dipped) - never fail! Thanks to her and to you, her boss! Good luck in everything!
I am writing for my aunt Chernushkina E.S., because she is 86 years old and she almost does not see anything, and thanks very much asked me to write!


I, Galina Ivanovna Tyumerina, are very grateful to Soya Larisa Valentinovna for serving a disabled person of the II group. She has been serving me for a very long time, she is very polite, she will never say an extra word and will always bring whatever you ask for. Always ready to eat, look after me. I was very sick, and she literally saved my life. I thank her very much, I wish her health and all the best.


I, Alexey Aleksandrovich Poplaukhin, want to express my deep gratitude to Irina Aleksandrovna Kusakina for the social worker provided to me, and to your General Director for a well-organized and delivered work in general. Social worker Vera Petrovna is the most caring person in the world. She is very good at watching over me, an elderly person. It helps not only with deeds, but also with words. Thank you very much.


I, Valentina Ivanovna Larkina, want to thank Lyudmila Vladimirovna for her difficult, but very the right job... He does his job competently, conscientiously, attentively! Well done! Thank you.


I, Savenko L.V., a disabled person of the 1st group, I want to express thank you words and deep thanks to my savior - social worker Tatyana Sergeevna Kulagina! If we had more such people in our country, the world would be different. A sincere person, sympathetic, will listen to you, although she may not be interested in it at all, and in general, if it were not for her, I would literally be "swollen with hunger"!
Thanks to your entire organization for having such people! I wish you all success and health!


I am very grateful for the assistance, for the mental care and attention to the disabled person of the 1st group. Your employees are very correct and sympathetic to the wards. Many thanks to your entire organization for such attentive staff.
Respectfully yours, I.S. Sedykh


I, Minasueva Lyubov Stepanovna, am in the care and service of your Center for Social Services of the Moscow Region. I wanted to thank my social worker, Lyudmila Vladimirovna, and your organization for a good job, serving such sick and helpless people as we are. Your employees are responsible for their work. Lyudmila Vladimirovna will provide all food and other needs, listen, sympathize, advise, help with the housework.
I am very grateful to her and your organization for the fact that there are still people who can support an elderly, sick person in difficult times, support, help.
With deep respect, Minasueva L.S.


I am very grateful to Lyudmila Vladimirovna that she is not only an understanding person, able to communicate with an elderly and very unhealthy person, but also very kind, attentive, responsive. I am very glad that fate (in the person of your organization) brought me to her. Best regards, N.K. Pisareva


I would like to thank the employee of your Center, Matveeva Nadezhda Yurievna, for her sensitive and benevolent attitude towards me. I want to say thank you for the care, attention and psychological relief shown to me in a difficult time for me.
Respectfully yours, Lyudmila Alekseevna Nepapysheva.


Director of ANO "TsSOMO" Moskvin S.A. from a disabled person of the II group of 6 degrees Efimova Nadezhda Sergeevna.
I sincerely express my gratitude to Kartushina Tanechka for a good, conscientious work, I wish her the most important thing health, happiness, and success in her work.


I am Yakubovskaya V.K. I am very grateful to Svetlana Kluenkova, very attentive, calm. At my request, he goes to the pharmacy and the workshop. The products are of very high quality. Many thanks to ANO "TsSMO" for such an employee.
With great gratitude for your help to disabled people, Yakubovskaya.


Sergey Anatolyevich!
Vera Petrovna Tyulenina works at your Center for Social Services in the Moscow Region. When she accepted me, I practically did not leave the house, my legs gave out, I had family and financial problems. After discussing all my questions with me, she suggested starting the group's design and restoring my health. I flatly refused, knowing that I would not be able to go to the doctors, but she insisted and we began to quietly do things. She supported me, helped me to go out into the street. It is incomprehensible, but by hook or by crook we prepared a package of documents and I will soon go to the commission. My apartment is now being cleaned, I began to take care of myself, I have a purpose in life.
Sergey Anatolyevich, where do you find people like Vera Petrovna Tyulenina? Warmth, care, respect for a person - it's worth a lot. I would like to ask you to acknowledge the work of V.P. Tyulenina. Best regards, A.Yu. Basansky.


I express my gratitude to the social worker of the city of Reutov - Babenko Elena Yurievna, who is very responsible and professional in her work. She is an experienced and attentive employee, a soulful person. You helped us renovate the apartment!
Thank you very much!
Best regards, Alexandra Fedorovna.


Dear Sergey Anatolyevich! I am an endocrinologist at the Polyclinic No. 1 of the Balashikha GB named after A.M. Degonsky, I want to express my sincere gratitude to the social worker Klimova Valentina Vladimirovna for her kindness, tact, and indifference to my charges, my patients. I would especially like to emphasize her intelligence in relations with the medical staff of the medical institution, because we are all doing one difficult task together.
Best regards, V.A.Kochetov


I, Lyudmila Alekseevna Nepapysheva, express my deep gratitude and gratitude to social worker Matveeva Nadezhda Yurievna, who always does her job in good faith and with high quality.
Despite her busy schedule, Nadezhda Yurievna will always find time to support her with a kind word and help in difficult situations.
Nadezhda Yurievna is a sympathetic, attentive, kind and sensitive person.
There would be more such people and workers in the social. structures.
Nadezhda Yurievna deserves only respect and encouragement from the leadership.


A disabled person of 1 (first) group of 3 (third) degree of restriction, Gennady Ryzhkov (your ward), applies to you. With kind words I THANK your employee Elena Yurievna Babenko for the QUALITATIVE work performed to repair my kitchen.
Yours faithfully Ryzhkov G.V.


Thank you to O. V. Kimyachyova. for the good service and attention to me. All products are very good.
Thank you so much for your work.
Kanashina A.F.


General Director Moskvin S.A. from Tretyakova A.E. (disabled person of group II, who is serviced by the department of social services of the city of Zheleznodorozhny)
I express my deep gratitude to the employee of your center Kirsanova Tatyana Gennadievna who serves me for her sensitivity, attentive attitude towards me, perfectly fulfilling all my requests and instructions. I ask you to thank Tatyana Gennadievna on your own behalf for the excellent work.



S.A. Moskvin, Director of the Center for Social Services for the Population of the Moscow Region We thank the social worker Kovalenko Victoria for the good service. Matveeva T.D.


For a long time I was going to write and express my gratitude to your company and especially to your employee Olga Abubakarova. She patronizes my mother Filippova Vera Trofimovna. I am simply delighted with Olga's professionalism. She is a truly kind, patient, sympathetic and sincere person. I have many examples confirming this characteristic of Olga. We are in constant contact with her and quickly resolve issues related to caring for an elderly person. I am sure that such employees as Olga Abubakarova are the most valuable fund of your company. She is undoubtedly worthy of all respect and encouragement!
Best regards, Andrey Alexandrovich Filippov.


Matylina Lyudmila Alekseevna congratulates the staff of ANO "TsSOMO" on their professional holiday - the Day of the Social Worker. She wishes you success in our hard work, happiness and good mood. She also expresses her gratitude for her work to her social worker, Nadezhda Ivanovna Krylova.


I, Glukhova Zoya Petrovna, for health reasons could not congratulate Elena, who serves me, but better late than never. I congratulate her on the international holiday on March 8. I wish health to her and her family. She brings everything I order in any weather on time and all the products are good quality. She is kind, attentive, responsive. Thanks a lot to her.


Director of ANO "Center for Social Services of the Moscow Region" S.A. Moskvin from Savelyeva E.G.
I would like to express my gratitude for the service of the social worker Bravoy L.V. I would very much like to see more such responsible workers. He works with soul and respect for sick and old people. I ask you not to replace it with anyone. Respectfully yours, E.G. Savelyeva May 2016


To General Director of ANO "TsSOMO" Moskvin S.A. from the home front worker Bolyavina V.N.
Thank you for the social worker Irina Vladimirovna Dzhalilova. For cleaning windows for Victory Day - May 9.
For excellent service, constant deliveries of groceries, medicines, help around the house and accompaniment to the clinic. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. Bolyavina V.N.


I express special gratitude to the head of the ANO Center for Social Services of the Moscow Region, Sergey Anatolyevich Moskvin, for the high level of professionalism, willingness to help those in need, as well as for his assistance in organizing an event dedicated to the International Day of Disabled Persons. I sincerely hope for further cooperation with you and with the entire staff of the Center for Social Services LLC.
Respectfully yours, President of the International Charitable Foundation "Give Love to the World" Member of the Central Council of the All-Russian movement "Mothers of Russia" Elena Vladimirovna Volokhova.
Volokhova Elena Vladimirovna


I would like to express my sincere gratitude to the Director of the Center for Social Services of the Moscow Region, S.A. Moskvin, for the financial assistance provided.


I, Roy Kaina Antonovna, Balashikha, am a ward of your Center for Social Services in the Moscow Region.
Your employee Natasha Karsanova is attached to me and I want to say a huge thank you for such a wonderful gift to me, for this wonderful girl, there are very few people like her now, her amazing ability - to do good, bring a good mood, always treat with the concept and understanding, try to fulfill any request.
She is always very neatly dressed, always with a smile, after her visit the mood rises, she knows how to listen to you and suggest something.
I beg you to somehow encourage her from your organization, so that she knows that she is appreciated. People like Natasha must be protected. Thank you for Natasha.
I would also like to express my gratitude to your employee Marina Viktorovna Saykina, who helped me fill out all the documents for attaching to the service. Very attentive and friendly woman. Thanks for all.
I wish you and your employees good health for many, many years and success in your noble cause. Sincerely yours, Roy.


I would like to express my gratitude to the social worker Komyacheva Olga Viktorovna. Olga Viktorovna is very attentive to her work, she does her work in good faith. A very responsible employee.
Kanashina A.F.


I want to say a huge thank you to Olga Evgenievna Privalova from the bottom of my heart for writing an article about me and my husband, about our family. Not only did she write such a wonderful article, she also got the article published in our local newspaper. I also want to express my gratitude to social worker Kirsanova Tatyana for her sensitive attitude towards us, she is very conscientious and respectful.
Galkina I.F.


Letter of thanks.
I would like to express my gratitude and appreciation to the social worker Fayzulova Lidia Ildarovna, who works in the social service center of the Zheleznodorozhny micro district. My health condition does not allow me to walk and take care of myself, to fully conduct household... The daily help of a social worker is currently an imperative for me. Today, this help is provided to me by Fayzulova Lydia. Lydia is a person who not only conscientiously treats her duties, but also does everything accurately and quickly, sometimes even ahead of my requests. In the hands of this woman, as they say, "everything is on fire," therefore, for all the time that she is with me, Lydia, in parallel, for example, with the help of cooking or exercising exercise therapy, is able to remake with the so-called. a healthy person has a lot of "trivial" little things that are invaluable help for me. There was no case that Lydia was late, showed tactlessness or disrespect towards me. You can always consult with this social worker on almost any life issue and Lydia will tell you, she will offer her help, and promptly solve the questions and problems I have.
I ask that the leadership of the Center appreciate the work of Lidia Ildarovna Fayzulova, and further, whenever possible, encourage the high-quality work of a social worker.
E. G. Pudova


I express my deep gratitude to the real and professional, benevolent social worker Kirsanova Tatyana Gennadievna.
For her noble, attentive attitude towards sick people.
Everything that she does is honorable and noble, not every person can do such a difficult job, but she does everything at the highest level. Thank you very much. 2nd March 2016 Tanyusha's birthday! I sincerely congratulate you on a wonderful holiday, Happy Birthday!
Let the years go by - it doesn't matter
May health always walk by
May happiness fly like a bird on its wings
And the heart does not know worries and resentments.
I would also like to thank again Sergei Anatolyevich Moskvin for the New Year's gift that you gave us. I would like to thank the Head of the Center for Social Services, Olga Evgenievna Privalova, for the selection of personnel for us sick pensioners.
Shorykhalina Lidia Stepanovna.


I express my deep gratitude to Kirsanova Tatyana Gennadievna for her sensitive attitude towards me, a disabled person of the II group. He will always bring what we ask. Neat, polite in communication. It is a great pleasure to receive the brought products from her hands. I really appreciate her work, I wish her good health. Also thanks to Sergei Anatolyevich Moskvin for gifts for the New Year.
I also thank the employee of the office Olga Evgenievna Privalova for the attentive attitude and care towards us, sick people.
Rozhkova Alexandra Fedorovna


I, Roy Kaina Antonovna, 79 years old, live in Balashikha. I would like to express my gratitude to the employees of the Center for Social Services of the Moscow Region of the population of our city for their work in serving people who need it, for their attention, care and willingness to help in everything. You know, it's so nice when you are warmly congratulated on the New Year with a card with marvelous verses and a box of chocolates. The mood rises and you understand that someone needs you.
This is the general director, Sergey Anatolyevich Moskvin, and his friendly, amazing, friendly team, incl. Ekaterina Andreevna Bulanaya, Marina Viktorovna Saykina, Natalya Nikolaevna Karsanova (who comes to me, my guardian angel), Olga Vladimirovna Simyakina and others.
Extraordinarily friendly and attentive people. Low bow to them and deep, from the bottom of my heart, gratitude for the warmth, sensitivity and understanding.
I am very glad to be so wonderful needed by people the organization is in your structure.
Dear Irina Klavdievna, thank you for your attention, I wish you all the best and brightest, strong health and further success in your noble cause.
Happy spring holiday - March 8th.
Kaina Antonovna


We express our deep gratitude to the professional and attentive social worker Dergacheva Nelly Viktorovna, in a critical situation for our grandfather, Nelly Viktorovna provided timely assistance. Now we are calm for our grandfather, thanks to the work of this wonderful worker.
We would also like to thank Olga Evgenievna Privalova, an employee of the office, for her attentive attitude towards clients.
The Trunov family


To the Center for Social Services of the Moscow Region to Sergey Anatolyevich Moskvin from Pensioners Kozlova Anna Kuzminichna and Kozlov Ivan Ivanovich.
We express our heartfelt gratitude to Dergacheva Nelly Viktorovna. For several years, we have known her as a conscientious, hardworking, honest and decent social worker. We have been retired for a long time, the length of service for the two is about 90 years. Labor veterans. Health has long been undermined. Now we need your help. It's good that social services exist. We are lucky that you sent Nelly Viktorovna to us. One could dream of such a social worker. She is a wonderful person. He delivers food to us on time, and whatever we order. When she comes to us, we are glad, because we know that she is our joy and we hope for her that she came and brought us some news. She is cultured, literate, charming, always neat, beautiful, with a beautiful soul, no fakes.
She treats us very well. After all, we are hopeless. In all we desire, we have no one. And she has a family at home. And this is not easy. You need to do everything at home. Moreover, we now live in difficult time... The whole west is attacking our Motherland, we must not panic, because we have Nelly - the most charming, the best, the sweetest to us.
With sincere respect to the Center for Social Services and to you personally, Sergey Anatolyevich Moskvin.


I am a client of your Center and I would like to express my deep gratitude for the work of your organization as a whole, as well as for the work of the social worker Aleftina Sergeevna Naydina. With A.S. Naidina we cooperate in accordance with the agreement on the provision of services by your Center.
Naydina's work can be called ideal, all contractual obligations are fulfilled on time, responsibly and with strict accountability. I have not a single comment about her work. I am 82 years old. Our cooperation is long enough, and what is important, A.S. has a very restrained and calm character, which is very important when working with elderly, old and sick people. "In my time" such people were called "a knight, without fear or reproach."
Eichina V.G.


I, Pavlova Antonina Ivanovna, and all my relatives thank Sayatina Nadezhda Alekseevna, sots. worker for the excellent service of my father Ivan Mikhailovich Pavlov, a war veteran born in 1925. I want you to thank her and give her a reward for her good work.
Pavlova Antonina Ivanovna


I express my deep gratitude to S.A. Moskvin. for the provided material, so necessary assistance. I wish you good health and success in your hard work.


I would like to express my gratitude to the social worker Olga Viktorovna Kimyacheva. Serving us since 2013, she is very attentive to our needs. Performs work in good faith. Olga Viktorovna is a friendly and very responsible employee.
Obukhova R.I.


I express my gratitude to the employees of your organization:
1. Fedkina Tatyana Sergeevna - nurse;
2. Repina Larisa Valentinovna - social worker.
For their attentiveness, to me personally, for their responsiveness and for their cordiality.
At any time of the day or night, be it weekdays or weekends. I have never heard the answer - we cannot, no, etc.
And this is very important for us aged people. Because it is reliable.
I beg you, the leadership in your person, Sergey Anatolyevich, to note the work of Fedkina T.S. and Repina L.V.
Goncharova G.G.


I would like to note the work of Fedkina Tatyana Sergeevna - a nurse and Repina Larisa Valentinovna - a social worker.
Always polite and attentive. They treat their work with a soul, professionally. I firmly know that whenever I turn to your employees, I am sure that I am in in good hands... They will always help. I ask you, Sergey Anatolyevich, to commend the work of such workers as Fedkina T.S. and Repina L.V.


Letter of thanks.
Dear Sergey Anatolyevich!
I would like to express my gratitude for the conscientious work and responsiveness of your employees: social. worker Korneeva Nina Aleksandrovna and honey. sister Podgrushnaya Svetlana Borisovna. They always carry out their duties with kindness and a smile. With your help, you make our life easier.


Let me express my deep gratitude to you for the social service and, in particular, especially thank Galina Petrovna Alexandrova, a social worker. It can be seen that she loves her work, treats her wards cordially, cheers for them with her heart. Alexandrova Galina Petrovna friendly, obligatory, helpful, very experienced. Many thanks also to Irina Aleksandrovna Kusakina for the excellent staff and organization of the work of the social service.
Respectfully yours, veteran of labor, disabled of the II group, professor Gosudareva Tamara Vasilievna.
Tamara Vasilievna


Thank you again for your help, with my income and the rise in prices for essential goods. Your help is very significant to me. Thanks a lot.


Dear Sergey Anatolyevich!
I received financial assistance in the amount of two thousand rubles


Dear Sergey Anatolyevich! Thank you for your financial assistance. This money helped me, went to replace the plumbing tap in the kitchen. As I am disabled of the (third) group III, I receive a pension of 6 thousand rubles, such a pension is not enough even for the most necessary expenses. I live alone, there is no family. Thank you very much!
Malkova Stella