List of 7th State Duma deputies. Federal list of candidates for deputies of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation of the seventh convocation

Emergencies Ministry warned Muscovites about snow and gusty wind Since March 30, two-thirds of the employees of the Moscow City Duma Administration have been transferred to remote work The Moscow City Duma supported the decision of stores on a separate time for pensioners An overpass with a length of more than two kilometers will be built as part of the North-Eastern Expressway More than 3 million square meters of non-residential real estate is being built in the Troitsky and Novomoskovsky administrative areas Over 9 thousand screens in the metro began to notify of precautionary measures in Moscow Controllers and cashiers of the IDC undergo a medical examination before the shift Operational headquarters for the control and monitoring of the situation with coronavirus: the disease can be severe in young patients Ground transport in Moscow began to be disinfected at terminal stations In the Moscow metro, cars and tunnels are treated with a special disinfectant every day. A series of online excursions around VDNKh will be launched in Moscow Moscow courts of general jurisdiction operate on weekends Schoolchildren can now undergo subject diagnostics online Moskva trains began to run on the Nekrasovskaya and Bolshaya Koltsevaya metro lines In accordance with the Decree of the Mayor of Moscow No. 34-UM dated March 29, all residents of the capital are obliged not to leave their place of residence / Muscovites who lost their jobs will be paid 19,500 rubles a month In the event of a forced stay in public places, citizens are required to maintain a distance of at least 1.5 m Former head of the Moscow City Electoral Commission Valentin Gorbunov dies Shopping complex "Sadovod" is closed until April 5 Moscow transport will operate from March 28 to April 5 according to the weekend schedule On March 31 and April 1, the free educational forum "PRO_Marketing" will be held online

The capital's parliament has doubled the number of telecommuting staff since March 30. Including the assistants of the Moscow City Duma deputies were transferred to remote work. This was announced by the Chairman of the Moscow City Duma Alexei Shaposhnikov (faction of the United Russia party).

Larisa Kartavtseva, chairman of the MHD Commission on Healthcare and Public Health, considers it useful that a number of retail chains make a priority time for older customers. She added that there are many examples of responsible stores that are working on various preventive measures to reduce the spread of the virus across the country.

Moskomarkhitektura approved the project of an overpass from the tracks of the Oktyabrskaya railway to the Yaroslavl direction of the Moscow railway. The total length of the overpass will be more than 2 km. This will improve the road situation both in the district and in the city.

There are more non-residential buildings in New Moscow, of which more than 70 have been built only for social purposes in 7.5 years. Thanks to the appearance of new objects in the annexed territories, over 100 thousand jobs have been created.

Audio messages on coronavirus prevention measures are also broadcast on escalators and on 177 road signs.

Cashiers and controllers of JSC Central PPK, who work at stations and on trains of the Moscow Central Diameters (MCD), undergo a medical examination before the shift. “More than 2 thousand bottles of hand sanitizer, more than 11 thousand latex gloves and over 50 thousand medical masks have been purchased for the IDC cashiers and controllers. Another 150 thousand masks will be purchased, "- said the press service of the Moscow Department of Transport.

The age of 40% of patients connected to artificial lung ventilation devices in the capital does not exceed 40 years, and among people under the age of 60 this figure reaches 64%. Statistics show that the disease is severe not only among the older generation. Thus, 45% of patients with severe lung damage are people under 60 years of age. Those under 40 years old - 15%.

“Moscow buses, electric buses, trolleybuses and trams are now being disinfected while working on the line - additional treatment of the cabins is carried out at the terminal stations. Thus, vehicles are disinfected not only in parks and depots, but also on routes, ”the press service of Mosgortrans reports.

Ticket vending machines are washed once an hour, and door handles and checkout areas are washed once every one and a half to two hours. The tunnels are processed using special washing machines. In total, it is planned to flush 600 km of tunnels, 364 hauls, 108 dead ends and 33 connecting branches.

While the main exhibition of the country is temporarily closed for guests, you can walk through the pavilions and watch educational video materials online.

In the courts of general jurisdiction of the capital, duty judges and staff of the apparatus will work in the amount that will be sufficient for the functioning of the court, taking into account specific circumstances.

Students of Moscow schools from 2nd to 11th grade can undergo online diagnostics for free. This opportunity was provided by the Center for Independent Diagnostics of the Moscow Center for the Quality of Education (MCCE). The results will be known the next day after passing the test.

Another 14 new-generation Moskva trains were launched on the Nekrasovskaya and Bolshaya Koltsevaya lines of the Moscow metro. Innovative trains began to run after the opening of the stations Yugo-Vostochnaya, Okskaya, Stakhanovskaya, Nizhegorodskaya, Aviamotornaya and Lefortovo. They were earned for passengers on March 27th.

Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin signed a decree introducing new measures to counter coronavirus. Residents of the capital, regardless of age, must comply with the self-isolation regime. Muscovites are allowed to leave the apartment only in cases of emergency medical care, travel to work, trips to the store and pharmacies to take out the trash, walk their pets at a distance not exceeding 100 meters from the place of residence.

Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin made a decision on a regional compensation payment. The total amount of unemployment benefits (scholarships) will be 19,500 rubles per month. This will be one of the measures against the background of the fight against coronavirus, which Sergei Sobyanin announced on the evening of March 29 on his official website.

In accordance with the Decree of the Mayor of Moscow of March 29, while on the streets, in shops, in transport and in other public places, citizens are obliged to maintain a social distance - to be at least 1.5 m from other people.

“Today Valentin Gorbunov is gone. Since the mid-1990s, he headed the Moscow City Electoral Commission and made a huge contribution to its formation and the conduct of a large number of elections to all levels of government, "Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin said on Twitter.
“Valentin Pavlovich and I often worked together, fruitfully interacted through the Public Headquarters for Election Observation in Moscow at all levels, in terms of legislative activity,” the Chairman of the Moscow City Duma Alexei Shaposhnikov wrote on his Facebook page. - Bright memory! My condolences to family, friends and colleagues ... "

Earlier, on the territory of the complex, special measures were introduced to sanitize and disinfect all rooms and surfaces.

From 11:00 to 17:00, four sessions are prepared for the audience. Representatives of the largest Internet companies will speak at them. To take part in the forum, you need to register at in the "Training" block.


1. Mironov Sergey Mikhailovich, date of birth - February 14, 1953, member of the Political Party A JUST RUSSIA, Party chairman.


Regional group number 1 (Republic of Adygea (Adygea)

1. Loboda Alexander Pavlovich, date of birth - October 8, 1956, member of the Political Party A JUST RUSSIA, member of the Central Council, Chairman of the Council of the regional branch of the party in the Republic of Adygea.

2. Our Murat Guchipsovich, date of birth - February 7, 1966, member of the Political Party A JUST RUSSIA

3. Novarchuk Vladislav Vladimirovich, date of birth - December 1, 1963, member of the Political Party A JUST RUSSIA, member of the Council of the regional branch of the party in the Republic of Adygea.

4. Siyukhov Stanislav Khadzhimusovich, date of birth - January 19, 1958, member of the Political Party A JUST RUSSIA, member of the Council of the regional branch of the party in the Republic of Adygea.

Regional group No. 2 (Republic of Altai, Republic of Tyva, Republic of Khakassia, Altai Territory)

1. Terentyev Alexander Vasilievich, date of birth - January 1, 1961, member of the Political Party A JUST RUSSIA, member of the Presidium of the Central Council, Chairman of the Council of the regional branch of the party in the Altai Territory.

3. Gruzdev Alexander Anatolyevich, date of birth - December 10, 1962, member of the Political Party A JUST RUSSIA, member of the Central Council, Chairman of the Council of the regional branch of the party in the Altai Republic.

4. Suslova Lyudmila Alekseevna, date of birth - June 10, 1965, member of the Political Party A JUST RUSSIA, member of the Council of the regional branch of the party in the Altai Territory.

6. Filyagin Andrey Nikolaevich, date of birth - June 26, 1967, member of the Political Party A JUST RUSSIA, Chairman of the Council of the regional branch of the party in the Republic of Khakassia.

7.Vakaev Vladislav Alexandrovich, date of birth - December 21, 1975, member of the Political Party A JUST RUSSIA, Secretary of the Bureau of the Council of the regional branch of the party in the Altai Territory.

8. Mindibekova Lyudmila Anatolyevna, date of birth - June 10, 1957, member of the Political Party A JUST RUSSIA.

9.Seren-Hurak Vladimir Dorzhuevich, date of birth - September 26, 1961, member of the Political Party A JUST RUSSIA, member of the Council of the regional branch of the party in the Republic of Tyva.

10.Obidin Alexander Alexandrovich, date of birth - November 13, 1987, member of the Political Party A JUST RUSSIA, a member of the Control and Auditing Commission of the regional branch in the Altai Territory, a member of the Council of the local branch of the party in the city of Barnaul, Altai Territory.

11. Rechkova Elena Aleksandrovna, date of birth - July 20, 1986, member of the Political Party A JUST RUSSIA, a member of the Council of the local branch of the party in the city of Biysk, Altai Territory.

Regional group No. 3 (Republic of Bashkortostan)

1. Omarov Gadzhimurad Zairbekovich, date of birth - February 23, 1962, member of the Political Party A JUST RUSSIA

2. Shagimuratov Konstantin Nilovich, date of birth - January 29, 1975, member of the Political Party A JUST RUSSIA, Chairman of the Council of the regional branch of the party in the Republic of Bashkortostan.

3. Anokhin Sergey Vladimirovich, date of birth - July 17, 1956, member of the Political Party A JUST RUSSIA.

4. Khisametdinov Ramil Zainitdinovich, date of birth - March 31, 1975, member of the Political Party A JUST RUSSIA.

5. Badretdinov Valiakhmet Minniakhmetovich, date of birth - February 19, 1953, member of the Political Party A JUST RUSSIA.

6. Uldanov Vladimir Valerievich, date of birth - April 7, 1984, member of the Political Party A JUST RUSSIA.

Regional group No. 4 (Republic of Buryatia, Irkutsk region)

1. Egorova Larisa Igorevna, date of birth - October 18, 1965, member of the Political Party A JUST RUSSIA, member of the Central Control and Auditing Commission, Chairman of the Council of the regional branch of the party in the Irkutsk region.

4. Matkhanov Irinchey Eduardovich, date of birth - February 25, 1965, member of the Political Party A JUST RUSSIA, member of the Central Council, Chairman of the Council of the regional branch of the party in the Republic of Buryatia.

5. Gaskov Alexander Yuryevich, date of birth - July 30, 1959, member of the Political Party A JUST RUSSIA, member of the Council of the regional branch of the party in the Irkutsk region.

6. Garmaev Bair Bazarovich, date of birth - December 2, 1965, member of the Political Party A JUST RUSSIA

7. Pashinsky Sergey Mironovich, date of birth - March 5, 1962, member of the Political Party A JUST RUSSIA, Secretary of the Bureau of the Council of the regional branch of the party in the Republic of Buryatia.

8. Bukholtseva Oksana Vasilievna, date of birth - November 19, 1970, member of the Political Party A JUST RUSSIA, member of the Council of the regional branch of the party in the Republic of Buryatia.

Regional group No. 5 (Republic of Dagestan, Republic of Ingushetia, Kabardino-Balkar Republic, Karachay-Cherkess Republic, Republic of North Ossetia-Alania, Chechen Republic)

1. Gazzaev Valery Georgievich, date of birth - August 7, 1954, member of the Political Party A JUST RUSSIA.

2. Denilkhanov Sultan Abuevich, date of birth - January 1, 1950, member of the Political Party A JUST RUSSIA, member of the Central Council, Chairman of the Council of the regional branch of the party in the Chechen Republic.

3. Davdiev Kamil Magomedovich, date of birth - August 2, 1972, member of the Political Party A JUST RUSSIA, member of the Council of the Chamber of Deputies, Chairman of the Council of the regional branch of the party in the Republic of Dagestan.

4. Voitov Alexey Ivanovich, date of birth - May 2, 1968, member of the Political Party A JUST RUSSIA.

5. Kuchiev Gary Yurievich, date of birth - December 28, 1958, member of the Political Party A JUST RUSSIA, member of the Presidium of the Central Council, Chairman of the Council of the regional branch of the party in the Republic of North Ossetia - Alania.

6. Akbaev Renat Anzorovich, date of birth - November 21, 1979, member of the Political Party A JUST RUSSIA, member of the Central Council, Chairman of the Council of the regional branch of the party in the Karachay-Cherkess Republic.

7. Martazanov Abdulmazhit Kadirovich, date of birth - January 10, 1980, member of the Political Party A JUST RUSSIA.

8. Paizulaev Murat Magomedovich, date of birth - August 21, 1966, member of the Political Party A JUST RUSSIA

9.Nastayev Alisoltan Magamedovich, date of birth - July 3, 1954, member of the Political Party A JUST RUSSIA, member of the Council of the regional branch of the party in the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic.

10. Gerbekov Ruslan Askerbievich, date of birth - April 7, 1965, member of the Political Party A JUST RUSSIA, member of the Council of the regional branch of the party in the Karachay-Cherkess Republic.

11. Archakov Isa Khusenovich, date of birth - January 1, 1953, member of the Political Party A JUST RUSSIA.

12. Akulinichev Sergey Vyacheslavovich, date of birth - November 21, 1971, member of the Political Party A JUST RUSSIA, member of the Council of the regional branch of the party in the Republic of Dagestan.

Regional group No. 6 (Republic of Kalmykia, Astrakhan region, Kaliningrad region)

1. Shein Oleg Vasilievich, date of birth - March 21, 1972, member of the Political Party A JUST RUSSIA, member of the Presidium of the Central Council, Chairman of the Council of the regional branch of the party in the Astrakhan region.

2. Fedorov Pavel Nikolaevich, date of birth - August 7, 1952, member of the Political Party A JUST RUSSIA, member of the Central Council, Chairman of the Council of the regional branch of the party in the Kaliningrad region.

3. Manzhikova Natalia Sergeevna, date of birth - September 8, 1955, member of the Political Party A JUST RUSSIA, member of the Central Council, Chairman of the Council of the regional branch of the party in the Republic of Kalmykia.

4. Titov Alexey Valerievich, date of birth - November 14, 1981, member of the Political Party A JUST RUSSIA.

5. Omarov Zairbek Gadzhimuradovich, date of birth - December 1, 1988, member of the Political Party A JUST RUSSIA.

Regional group No. 7 (Republic of Karelia, Leningrad region, Murmansk region)

2. Petelyaeva Irina Vladimirovna, date of birth - January 28, 1959, member of the Political Party A JUST RUSSIA, member of the Central Council, Chairman of the Council of the regional branch of the party in the Republic of Karelia.

3. Perminov Alexander Alexandrovich, date of birth - February 18, 1979, member of the Political Party A JUST RUSSIA, member of the Central Council, member of the Council of the Chamber of Deputies, Chairman of the Council of the regional branch of the party in the Leningrad region.

4. Makarevich Alexander Gennadievich, date of birth - November 23, 1962, member of the Political Party A JUST RUSSIA, member of the Central Council, member of the Council of the Chamber of Deputies, Chairman of the Council of the regional branch of the party in the Murmansk region.

5. Katorgina Veronika Sergeevna, date of birth - September 18, 1969, member of the Political Party A JUST RUSSIA, member of the Council of the regional branch of the party in the Leningrad region.

6. Norkina Lyubov Mikhailovna, date of birth - September 21, 1959, member of the Political Party A JUST RUSSIA, member of the Council of the regional branch of the party in the Leningrad region, Chairman of the Council of the local branch of the party in the Volosovsky district of the Leningrad region.

7. Izyumov Roine Laurevich, date of birth - February 24, 1994, member of the Political Party A JUST RUSSIA.

Regional group number 8 (Komi Republic, Arkhangelsk Region, Nenets Autonomous District, Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous District)

1.Epifanova Olga Nikolaevna, date of birth - August 19, 1966, member of the Political Party A JUST RUSSIA, member of the Central Council, member of the Council of the Chamber of Deputies, Chairman of the Council of the regional branch of the party in the Arkhangelsk region.

3. Saladina Tatiana Alekseevna, date of birth - January 28, 1964, member of the Political Party A JUST RUSSIA, a member of the Council of the local branch of the party in the city of Syktyvkar, Komi Republic.

4. Stepanchenko Valery Ivanovich, date of birth - September 7, 1950, member of the Political Party A JUST RUSSIA, member of the Central Council, Chairman of the Council of the regional branch of the party in the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug.

5. Pryalukhina Larisa Fedorovna, date of birth - October 24, 1966, member of the Political Party A JUST RUSSIA, Secretary of the Bureau of the Council of the regional branch of the party in the Nenets Autonomous Okrug.

6. Polyakhov Viktor Pavlovich, date of birth - June 13, 1964, member of the Political Party A JUST RUSSIA, Chairman of the Council of the local branch of the party in the city of Vorkuta, Komi Republic.

7. Rulev Andrey Sergeevich, date of birth - February 16, 1966, member of the Political Party A JUST RUSSIA, Chairman of the Council of the local branch of the party in the city of Koryazhma, Arkhangelsk region.

8. Zhdanova Yulia Sergeevna, date of birth - September 7, 1982, member of the Political Party A JUST RUSSIA, member of the Central Council, Chairman of the Council of the local branch of the party in the Oktyabrsky territorial district of the city of Arkhangelsk, Arkhangelsk region.

Regional group number 9 (Republic of Crimea, city of Sevastopol)

1. Bryachak Mikhail Vasilievich, date of birth - April 6, 1957, member of the Political Party A JUST RUSSIA, member of the Presidium of the Central Council, Chairman of the Council of the Chamber of Deputies, Chairman of the Council of the regional branch of the party in the Republic of Crimea.

2. Bekker Oleg Efimovich, date of birth - March 30, 1965, member of the Political Party A JUST RUSSIA, member of the Council of the regional branch of the party in the Republic of Crimea.

5. Vasiliev Denis Igorevich, date of birth - April 6, 1991, member of the Political Party A JUST RUSSIA.

6. Voropai Mikhail Viktorovich, date of birth - October 31, 1989, member of the Political Party A JUST RUSSIA.

7. Bilan Victoria Leonidovna, date of birth - July 4, 1988, member of the Political Party A JUST RUSSIA.

Regional group No. 10 (Republic of Mari El, Chuvash Republic - Chuvashia, Ulyanovsk region)

1. Nikolaev Oleg Alekseevich, date of birth - December 10, 1969, member of the Political Party A JUST RUSSIA, member of the Council of the Chamber of Deputies, member of the Council of the regional branch of the party in the Chuvash Republic.

2. Emelyanov Mikhail Vasilievich, date of birth - May 9, 1962, member of the Political Party A JUST RUSSIA, member of the Presidium of the Central Council, Chairman of the Council of the regional branch of the party in the Rostov region.

3. Glushchenko Natalia Vladimirovna, date of birth - July 28, 1970, member of the Political Party A JUST RUSSIA, Chairman of the Council of the regional branch of the Political Party A JUST RUSSIA in the Republic of Mari El.

4. Molyakov Igor Yuryevich, date of birth - January 29, 1961, member of the Political Party A JUST RUSSIA, member of the Central Council, Secretary of the Bureau of the Council of the regional branch of the party in the Chuvash Republic, had a criminal record - part 3 of article 129 "Libel" of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.

5. Semenov Sergey Pavlovich, date of birth - October 29, 1960, member of the Political Party A JUST RUSSIA, member of the Council of the regional branch of the party in the Chuvash Republic, Chairman of the Council of the local branch of the party in the city of Novocheboksarsk, Chuvash Republic.

6. Kulakov Alexey Vladimirovich, date of birth - October 4, 1983, member of the Political Party A JUST RUSSIA, Secretary of the Bureau of the Council of the regional branch of the party in the Ulyanovsk region.

7. Zabolotskikh Andrey Vladimirovich, date of birth - October 28, 1968, member of the Political Party A JUST RUSSIA, member of the Council of the regional branch of the party in the Republic of Mari El.

8. Khasiev Said-Akhmed Yakubovich, date of birth - May 5, 1968, member of the Political Party A JUST RUSSIA.

Regional group No. 11 (Republic of Mordovia, Penza region, Tambov region)

1. Bychkov Alexander Petrovich, date of birth - September 19, 1961, member of the Political Party A JUST RUSSIA, member of the Council of the regional branch of the party in the Kaluga region.

2. Kolomytseva Lyudmila Viktorovna, date of birth - June 2, 1969, member of the Political Party A JUST RUSSIA.

3. Pashinin Viktor Ivanovich, date of birth - February 12, 1955, member of the Political Party A JUST RUSSIA.

4. Kuznetsova Svetlana Anatolyevna, date of birth - May 14, 1974, member of the Political Party A JUST RUSSIA, member of the Central Council.

5. Plakhuta Valery Anatolyevich, date of birth - March 12, 1963, member of the Political Party A JUST RUSSIA, Chairman of the Council of the regional branch of the party in the Penza region.

6. Geraskin Timur Vladimirovich, date of birth - March 17, 1970, member of the Political Party A JUST RUSSIA, Chairman of the Council of the regional branch of the party in the Republic of Mordovia.

7. Demkin Alexander Valerievich, date of birth - May 14, 1975, member of the Political Party A JUST RUSSIA, Chairman of the Council of the local branch of the party in the city of Penza.

Regional group No. 12 (Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), Trans-Baikal Territory, Kamchatka Territory, Magadan Region, Chukotka Autonomous District)

1. Tumusov Fedot Semyonovich, date of birth - June 30, 1955, member of the Political Party A JUST RUSSIA, member of the Presidium of the Central Council, Chairman of the Council of the regional branch of the party in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia).

3. Grigoriev Yuri Innokentievich, date of birth - September 20, 1969, member of the Political Party A JUST RUSSIA, member of the Central Council

4. Damdinov Tsyrendorzhi Tsybendorzhievich, date of birth - April 22, 1959, member of the Political Party A JUST RUSSIA, Chairman of the Council of the regional branch of the party in the Trans-Baikal Territory.

5. Puchkovsky Mikhail Leonidovich, date of birth - July 18, 1959, member of the Political Party A JUST RUSSIA, member of the Central Council, Chairman of the Council of the regional branch of the party in the Kamchatka Territory.

6. Novikov Igor Anatolyevich, date of birth - February 23, 1972, member of the Political Party A JUST RUSSIA, member of the Council of the regional branch of the party in the Magadan region.

7. Podlesny Evgeny Vitalievich, date of birth - August 15, 1969, member of the Political Party A JUST RUSSIA, Chairman of the Council of the regional branch of the party in the Chukotka Autonomous Okrug.

8.Sargydayeva Olga Nikolaevna, date of birth - January 7, 1974, member of the Political Party A JUST RUSSIA, member of the Council of the regional branch of the party in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia).

9. Gabyshev Mikhail Semenovich, date of birth - April 25, 1972, member of the Political Party A JUST RUSSIA, member of the Council of the regional branch of the party in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia).

10. Markova Elena Vladimirovna, date of birth - February 2, 1989, member of the Political Party A JUST RUSSIA, member of the Council of the regional branch of the party in the Trans-Baikal Territory.

Regional group No. 13 (Republic of Tatarstan (Tatarstan)

1. Bilgildeeva Rushaniya Gabdulakhatovna, date of birth - January 9, 1966, member of the Political Party A JUST RUSSIA, member of the Central Council, member of the Council of the Chamber of Deputies, Chairman of the Council of the regional branch of the party in the Republic of Tatarstan.

2. Mingazov Zakariy Ilyasovich, date of birth - October 11, 1957, member of the Political Party A JUST RUSSIA, Secretary of the Bureau of the Council of the regional branch of the party in the Republic of Tatarstan, Chairman of the Council of the local branch of the party in the Yelabuga region of the Republic of Tatarstan.

3. Vildanov Damir Nasyrovich, date of birth - January 2, 1954, member of the Political Party A JUST RUSSIA, Chairman of the Council of the local branch of the party in the Nizhnekamsk region of the Republic of Tatarstan.

4. Fayzullina Aigul Rashitovna, date of birth - August 29, 1978, member of the Political Party A JUST RUSSIA.

5. Uminsky Tadiy Vladimirovich, date of birth - February 6, 1979, member of the Political Party A JUST RUSSIA, had a criminal record - part 2 of article 297 "contempt of court" of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.

Regional group number 14 (Udmurt Republic, Kirov region)

1. Doronin Sergey Alexandrovich, date of birth - January 2, 1965, member of the Political Party A JUST RUSSIA, member of the Central Council, Chairman of the Council of the regional branch of the party in the Kirov region.

3. Shudegov Viktor Evgrafovich, date of birth - December 5, 1952, member of the Political Party A JUST RUSSIA, member of the Central Council, Chairman of the Council of the regional branch of the party in the Udmurt Republic.

5. Kargapoltsev Vladimir Alekseevich, date of birth - July 28, 1953, member of the Political Party A JUST RUSSIA, Secretary of the Bureau of the Council of the regional branch of the party in the Kirov region.

Regional group number 15 (Khabarovsk Territory, Amur Region, Jewish Autonomous Region)

2. Glukhov Igor Stanislavovich, date of birth - August 6, 1975, member of the Political Party A JUST RUSSIA, Chairman of the Council of the regional branch of the party in the Khabarovsk Territory.

3. Zimin Kirill Vyacheslavovich, date of birth - October 27, 1975, member of the Political Party A JUST RUSSIA, Chairman of the Council of the regional branch of the party in the Amur region.

4. Dudin Vladimir Nikolaevich, date of birth - December 23, 1955, member of the Political Party A JUST RUSSIA, member of the Central Council, Chairman of the Council of the regional branch of the party in the Jewish Autonomous Region.

5. Levitsky Sergey Vladimirovich, date of birth - January 1, 1961, member of the Political Party A JUST RUSSIA.

7. Maryin Igor Vladislavovich, date of birth - January 26, 1966, member of the Political Party A JUST RUSSIA, member of the Council of the regional branch of the party in the Amur region.

8. Yurkin Mikhail Yurievich, date of birth - August 24, 1971, member of the Political Party A JUST RUSSIA, member of the Council of the regional branch of the party in the Khabarovsk Territory.

Regional group No. 16 (Krasnodar Territory - Krasnodar single-mandate constituency No. 46, Krasnodar Territory - Krasnoarmeysky single-mandate constituency No. 47, Krasnodar Territory - Tuapse single-mandate constituency No. 49, Krasnodar Territory - Sochi single-mandate constituency No. 50)

1. Torosyan Igor Georgievich, date of birth - December 13, 1963, member of the Political Party A JUST RUSSIA, member of the Council of the regional branch of the party in the Krasnodar Territory, Chairman of the Council of the local branch of the party in the Tuapse district of the Krasnodar Territory.

3. Danilchenko Denis Alexandrovich, date of birth - August 9, 1970, member of the Political Party A JUST RUSSIA, Chairman of the Council of the local branch of the party in the city of Krasnodar, Krasnodar Territory.

4. Erokhin Mikhail Viktorovich, date of birth - August 20, 1978, member of the Political Party A JUST RUSSIA, Chairman of the Council of the local branch of the party in the city of Novorossiysk, Krasnodar Territory.

5. Yukhnenko Roman Anatolyevich, date of birth - February 29, 1988, member of the Political Party A JUST RUSSIA.

Regional group No. 17 (Krasnodar Territory - Slavic single-mandate constituency No. 48, Krasnodar Territory - Tikhoretsk single-mandate constituency No. 51, Krasnodar Territory - Armavir single-mandate constituency No. 52, Krasnodar Territory - Kanevsky single-mandate constituency No. 53)

1. Rudenko Andrey Viktorovich, date of birth - May 13, 1967, member of the Political Party A JUST RUSSIA, member of the Central Council, Chairman of the Council of the regional branch of the party in the Krasnodar Territory.

4. Karpekin Vladimir Dmitrievich, date of birth - December 20, 1951, member of the Political Party A JUST RUSSIA.

5. Zenina Nadezhda Nikolaevna, date of birth - October 14, 1967, member of the Political Party A JUST RUSSIA.

6. Bushkova Tatyana Olegovna, date of birth - July 8, 1985, member of the Political Party A JUST RUSSIA.

Regional group number 18 (Krasnoyarsk Territory)

2. Nosovko Gennady Sergeevich, date of birth - March 10, 1975, member of the Political Party A JUST RUSSIA.

3. Trikman Nikolay Vasilievich, date of birth - February 1, 1951, member of the Political Party A JUST RUSSIA, member of the Central Control and Auditing Commission, Chairman of the Council of the regional branch of the party in the Krasnoyarsk Territory.

4. Markert Maxim Andreevich, date of birth - July 14, 1977, member of the Political Party A JUST RUSSIA, member of the Council of the regional branch of the party in the Krasnoyarsk Territory.

5. Lympio Alexander Sergeevich, date of birth - May 26, 1986, member of the Political Party A JUST RUSSIA, Secretary of the Bureau of the Council of the regional branch of the party in the Krasnoyarsk Territory.

7. Beschastnov Maxim Dmitrievich, date of birth - October 4, 1977, member of the Political Party A JUST RUSSIA.

Regional group number 19 (Perm region)

2. Ohanyan Hovhannes Armenakovich, date of birth - October 29, 1961, member of the Political Party A JUST RUSSIA, member of the Central Council, member of the Council of the regional branch of the party in the Perm Territory.

4. Eisfeld Daria Alexandrovna, date of birth - April 19, 1970, member of the Political Party A JUST RUSSIA, member of the Central Council, Chairman of the Council of the regional branch of the party in the Perm Territory.

5. Alikin Vladimir Nikolaevich, date of birth - August 12, 1948, member of the Political Party A JUST RUSSIA, member of the Council of the regional branch of the party in the Perm region.

6. Domozhirova Ksenia Valerievna, date of birth - August 24, 1988, member of the Political Party A JUST RUSSIA, member of the Central Council.

Regional group No. 20 (Primorsky Territory, Sakhalin Region)

1. Finko Oleg Alexandrovich, date of birth - May 23, 1941, member of the Political Party A JUST RUSSIA, member of the Central Control and Auditing Commission.

2. Kozitsky Alexey Anatolyevich, date of birth - June 25, 1974, member of the Political Party A JUST RUSSIA, member of the Central Council, Chairman of the Council of the regional branch of the party in the Primorsky Territory.

3. Taran Eduard Olegovich, date of birth - October 13, 1968, member of the Political Party A JUST RUSSIA, member of the Central Council, Chairman of the Council of the regional branch of the party in the Sakhalin region.

4. Mishkin Valery Nikolaevich, date of birth - September 21, 1955, member of the Political Party A JUST RUSSIA, member of the Council of the regional branch of the party in the Primorsky Territory, Chairman of the Council of the local branch of the party in the city of Nakhodka, Primorsky Territory.

5. Kolodkin Alexander Vladimirovich, date of birth - August 8, 1971, member of the Political Party A JUST RUSSIA, member of the Council of the regional branch of the party in the Sakhalin region, Chairman of the Council of the local branch of the party in the Korsakov urban district of the Sakhalin region.

6. Iovets Vladimir Borisovich, date of birth - September 1, 1957, member of the Political Party A JUST RUSSIA, Chairman of the Council of the local branch of the party in the Tymovsk urban district of the Sakhalin region.

7. Shkalygina Tatyana Aleksandrovna, date of birth - April 14, 1976, member of the Political Party A JUST RUSSIA.

Regional group number 21 (Stavropol Territory)

1. Kuzmin Alexander Sergeevich, date of birth - November 22, 1961, member of the Political Party A JUST RUSSIA, member of the Central Council, Chairman of the Council of the regional branch of the party in the Stavropol Territory.

2. Lysyakov Alexey Alekseevich, date of birth - November 10, 1969, member of the Political Party A JUST RUSSIA.

3.Kuzmin Kirill Alexandrovich, date of birth - January 29, 1986, member of the Political Party A JUST RUSSIA, member of the Central Control and Auditing Commission, member of the Council of the regional branch of the party in the Stavropol Territory.

4. Bolkhovitin Evgeny Vasilievich, date of birth - September 27, 1946, member of the Political Party A JUST RUSSIA.

5. Gorlo Sergey Alekseevich, date of birth - March 14, 1969, member of the Political Party A JUST RUSSIA, member of the Council of the regional branch of the party in the Stavropol Territory.

Regional group number 22 (Belgorod region)

1. Selivanov Yuri Alekseevich, date of birth - June 28, 1940, member of the Political Party A JUST RUSSIA, member of the Central Council, Chairman of the Council of the regional branch of the party in the Belgorod region.

2. Selivanov Alexander Borisovich, date of birth - February 4, 1964, member of the Political Party A JUST RUSSIA.

3. Kirillova Evgenia Vadimovna, date of birth - April 2, 1990, member of the Political Party A JUST RUSSIA.

4. Mikhailenko Alexander Viktorovich, date of birth - January 18, 1957, member of the Political Party A JUST RUSSIA, member of the Council of the regional branch of the party in the Belgorod region, Chairman of the Council of the local branch of the party in the Rakityansky district of the Belgorod region.

5. Bocharnikov Sergey Ivanovich, date of birth - May 24, 1988, member of the Political Party A JUST RUSSIA, member of the Council of the regional branch of the party in the Belgorod region.

Regional group No. 23 (Bryansk region, Kursk region)

1. Chetverikov Alexander Vladimirovich, date of birth - June 8, 1972, member of the Political Party A JUST RUSSIA, member of the Central Council, Chairman of the Council of the regional branch of the party in the Kursk region.

2. Avagyan Rubik Vaganovich, date of birth - October 17, 1991, member of the Political Party A JUST RUSSIA.

3. Tkachev Artem Nikolaevich, date of birth - April 29, 1978, member of the Political Party A JUST RUSSIA.

4. Kurdenko Sergey Nikolaevich, date of birth - October 6, 1959, member of the Political Party A JUST RUSSIA, Chairman of the Council of the regional branch of the party in the Bryansk region.

5. Kurakin Anatoly Alexandrovich, date of birth - January 7, 1960, member of the Political Party A JUST RUSSIA

6. Moiseeva Olesya Valerievna, date of birth - August 14, 1986, member of the Political Party A JUST RUSSIA, member of the Council of the regional branch of the party in the Kursk region.

Regional group number 24 (Vladimir region, Ivanovo region)

1. Belyakov Anton Vladimirovich, date of birth - October 18, 1972, member of the Political Party A JUST RUSSIA, member of the Central Council, member of the Council of the Chamber of Deputies, Chairman of the Council of the regional branch of the party in the Vladimir region.

2.Popov Pavel Veniaminovich, date of birth - July 20, 1967, member of the Political Party A JUST RUSSIA, member of the Central Council, Chairman of the Council of the regional branch of the party in the Ivanovo region.

3. Markov Timur Aleksandrovich, date of birth - August 9, 1980, member of the Political Party A JUST RUSSIA, Chairman of the Council of the local branch of the party in the Sudogodsky district of the Vladimir region.

4. Marinin Andrey Vladimirovich, date of birth - August 28, 1971, member of the Political Party A JUST RUSSIA, Secretary of the Bureau of the Council of the regional branch of the party in the Vladimir region.

5.Sivokhin Dmitry Vladimirovich, date of birth - January 30, 1975, member of the Political Party A JUST RUSSIA, member of the Council of the regional branch of the party in the Ivanovo region.

6. Pronina Natalia Gennadievna, date of birth - December 1, 1961, member of the Political Party A JUST RUSSIA, a member of the Council of the local branch of the party in the Aleksandrovsky district of the Vladimir region.

Regional group number 25 (Volgograd region)

1. Mikheev Oleg Leonidovich, date of birth - November 1, 1967, member of the Political Party A JUST RUSSIA, member of the Presidium of the Central Council, Chairman of the Council of the regional branch of the party in the Volgograd region.

2. Surova Ekaterina Olegovna, date of birth - July 22, 1980, member of the Political Party A JUST RUSSIA.

3. Medvedeva Tatyana Pavlovna, date of birth - May 2, 1957, member of the Political Party A JUST RUSSIA

4. Mikheev Alexey Olegovich, date of birth - May 21, 1991, member of the Political Party A JUST RUSSIA, member of the Council of the regional branch of the party in the Volgograd region.

5. Kalashnikov Dmitry Vladimirovich, date of birth - January 23, 1971, member of the Political Party A JUST RUSSIA, member of the Council of the regional branch of the party in the Volgograd region.

Regional group number 26 (Vologda region, Novgorod region, Tver region)

1. Chepa Alexey Vasilievich, date of birth - November 22, 1955, member of the Political Party A JUST RUSSIA, member of the Presidium of the Central Council, Chairman of the Council of the regional branch of the party in the Tver region.

4. Yasakova Irina Gennadievna, date of birth - April 4, 1965, member of the Political Party A JUST RUSSIA, member of the Council of the regional branch of the party in the Vologda region.

6. Teltevskoy Alexander Dmitrievich, date of birth - September 1, 1961, member of the Political Party A JUST RUSSIA, Chairman of the Council of the regional branch of the party in the Vologda region, Chairman of the Council of the local branch of the party in the Velikoustyug district of the Vologda region.

7.Alexey Afanasyev, date of birth - March 25, 1963, member of the Political Party A JUST RUSSIA, member of the Central Council, Chairman of the Council of the regional branch of the party in the Novgorod region.

8. Leontyeva Elena Vasilievna, date of birth - December 1, 1957, member of the Political Party A JUST RUSSIA, member of the Council of the regional branch of the party in the Tver region, Chairman of the Council of the local branch of the party in the Toropetsky district of the Tver region.

Regional group number 27 (Voronezh region)

2. Klimov Vitaly Nikolaevich, date of birth - October 1, 1954, member of the Political Party A JUST RUSSIA

3. Izmailova Svetlana Viktorovna, date of birth - October 9, 1971, member of the Political Party A JUST RUSSIA.

4. Rymar Artem Sergeevich, date of birth - April 16, 1976, member of the Political Party A JUST RUSSIA, member of the Council of the regional branch of the party in the Voronezh region.

Regional group number 28 (Kaluga region, Lipetsk region, Oryol region)

3. Ksenofontova Larisa Vasilievna, date of birth - December 18, 1969, member of the Political Party A JUST RUSSIA, member of the Presidium of the Central Council, Chairman of the Council of the regional branch of the party in the Lipetsk region.

4. Safronov Alexander Petrovich, date of birth - April 2, 1957, member of the Political Party A JUST RUSSIA, member of the Central Council, Chairman of the Council of the regional branch of the party in the Kaluga region.

5. Perelygin Ruslan Viktorovich, date of birth - May 8, 1982, member of the Political Party A JUST RUSSIA, Chairman of the Council of the regional branch of the party in the Oryol region.

6. Trushkov Alexander Vitalievich, date of birth - December 29, 1971, member of the Political Party A JUST RUSSIA, Secretary of the Bureau of the Council of the regional branch of the party in the Kaluga region, Chairman of the Council of the local branch of the party in the city of Obninsk, Kaluga region.

8. Obukhov Mikhail Vitalievich, date of birth - May 6, 1977, member of the Political Party A JUST RUSSIA, member of the Central Council, member of the Council of the regional branch of the party in the Kaluga region.

Regional group number 29 (Kemerovo region)

3. Mishenin Evgeny Nikolaevich, date of birth - July 13, 1958, member of the Political Party A JUST RUSSIA, a member of the Council of the local branch of the party in the city of Prokopyevsk, Kemerovo region.

4. Zaitsev Alexander Vyacheslavovich, date of birth - April 27, 1982, member of the Political Party A JUST RUSSIA, member of the Council of the regional branch in the Kemerovo region, Chairman of the Council of the local branch of the party in the Kuznetsk district of the city of Novokuznetsk in the Kemerovo region.

5. Tselykovsky Evgeny Vladimirovich, date of birth - June 7, 1973, member of the Political Party A JUST RUSSIA, member of the Council of the regional branch of the party in the Kemerovo region.

Regional group number 30 (Kostroma region, Yaroslavl region)

1. Kashirin Anatoly Anatolyevich, date of birth - December 9, 1958, member of the Political Party A JUST RUSSIA, member of the Council of the regional branch of the party in the Yaroslavl region.

2. Petukhov Sergey Anatolyevich, date of birth - August 6, 1966, member of the Political Party A JUST RUSSIA, Chairman of the Council of the regional branch of the party in the Kostroma region, Chairman of the Council of the local branch of the party in the city of Bui and the Buisky district of the Kostroma region.

3. Khabibulin Sergey Ravilievich, date of birth - March 30, 1970, member of the Political Party A JUST RUSSIA, member of the Council of the regional branch of the party in the Yaroslavl region, Chairman of the Council of the local branch of the party in the city of Pereslavl-Zalessky and Pereslavl district of the Yaroslavl region.

4. Ershov Andrey Nikolaevich, date of birth - February 11, 1967, member of the Political Party A JUST RUSSIA, member of the Council of the regional branch of the party in the Yaroslavl region, Chairman of the Council of the local branch of the party in the city of Rybinsk and the Rybinsk district of the Yaroslavl region.

5.Plyusnin Alexander Nikolaevich, date of birth - August 13, 1973, member of the Political Party A JUST RUSSIA, member of the Council of the regional branch of the party in the Kostroma region, Chairman of the Council of the local branch of the party in the city of Galich and the Galich district of the Kostroma region.

6. Olga Nikolaevna Sekacheva, date of birth - December 23, 1964, member of the Political Party A JUST RUSSIA, member of the Council of the regional branch of the party in the Yaroslavl region, Chairman of the Council of the local branch of the party in the Borisoglebsk district of the Yaroslavl region.

Regional group number 31 (Kurgan region, Tyumen region)

2. Khlebnikova Marina Vitalievna, date of birth - December 15, 1983, member of the Political Party A JUST RUSSIA.

3. Semenov Viktor Anatolyevich, date of birth - May 6, 1961, member of the Political Party A JUST RUSSIA, member of the Central Council, Chairman of the Council of the regional branch of the party in the Kurgan region.

4. Morev Sergey Nikolaevich, date of birth - December 3, 1976, member of the Political Party A JUST RUSSIA, member of the Council of the regional branch of the party in the Tyumen region.

5. Bukharov Alexander Olegovich, date of birth - September 25, 1987, member of the Political Party A JUST RUSSIA, member of the Council of the regional branch of the party in the Kurgan region, Chairman of the Council of the local branch of the party in the city of Shadrinsk, Kurgan region.

6. Kobyakov Oleg Nikolaevich, date of birth - December 11, 1969, member of the Political Party A JUST RUSSIA, member of the Council of the regional branch of the party in the Kurgan region.

7.Sumin Dmitry Vasilievich, date of birth - November 24, 1982, member of the Political Party A JUST RUSSIA.

Regional group number 32 (Moscow region - Balashikha single-mandate constituency number 117, Moscow region - Kolomensky single-mandate constituency no. 119, Moscow region - Lyuberetsky single-mandate constituency no. 121, Moscow region - Podolsk single-mandate constituency no. 124, Moscow region - Serpukhov single-mandate constituency electoral district No. 126)

1. Bagdasarov Semyon Arkadievich, date of birth - November 20, 1954, member of the Political Party A JUST RUSSIA, member of the Central Council.

3.Alekseeva Alla Anatolyevna, date of birth - September 28, 1962, member of the Political Party A JUST RUSSIA.

4. Chistyukhin Igor Vasilievich, date of birth - October 16, 1970, member of the Political Party A JUST RUSSIA, member of the Central Council, Secretary of the Bureau of the Council of the regional branch of the party in the Moscow region.

5.Samokhin Sergey Ivanovich, date of birth - July 11, 1964, member of the Political Party A JUST RUSSIA, Chairman of the Council of the local branch of the party in the city of Vlasikha, the city of Krasnoznamensk and the Odintsovo municipal district of the Moscow region.

Regional group number 33 (Moscow region - Dmitrovsky single-mandate constituency № 118, Moscow region - Krasnogorsk single-mandate constituency № 120, Moscow region - Odintsovo single-mandate constituency № 122, Moscow region - Orekhovo-Zuevsky single-mandate constituency № 123, Moscow region - Sergiev Posad single-mandate constituency No. 125, Moscow region - Shchelkovo single-mandate constituency No. 127)

1. Romanovich Alexander Leonidovich, date of birth - October 15, 1952, member of the Political Party A JUST RUSSIA, member of the Presidium of the Central Council, Chairman of the Council of the regional branch of the party in the Moscow region.

4. Alksnis Viktor Imantovich, date of birth - June 21, 1950, member of the Political Party A JUST RUSSIA.

5. Volnushkin Alexander Nikolaevich, date of birth - February 13, 1978, member of the Political Party A JUST RUSSIA, member of the Council of the regional branch of the party in the Moscow region, Chairman of the Council of the local branch of the party in the city of Solnechnogorsk, Moscow region.

6. Kovtun Vyacheslav Anatolyevich, date of birth - May 27, 1970, member of the Political Party A JUST RUSSIA, Chairman of the Council of the local branch of the party in the city of Sergiev Posad, Moscow region.

Regional group number 34 (Nizhny Novgorod region)

1. Bochkarev Alexander Anatolyevich, date of birth - January 10, 1972, member of the Political Party A JUST RUSSIA, member of the Central Council, Chairman of the Council of the regional branch of the party in the Nizhny Novgorod region.

2. Razumovsky Alexander Vasilievich, date of birth - April 19, 1952, member of the Political Party A JUST RUSSIA.

3. Shein Anatoly Alekseevich, date of birth - April 14, 1956, member of the Political Party A JUST RUSSIA, member of the Council of the regional branch of the party in the Nizhny Novgorod region, Chairman of the Council of the local branch of the party in the city of Dzerzhinsk, Nizhny Novgorod region.

4. Bogdanov Igor Mikhailovich, date of birth - September 18, 1952, member of the Political Party A JUST RUSSIA, member of the Council of the regional branch of the party in the Nizhny Novgorod region, Chairman of the Council of the local branch of the party in the Leninsky district of the city of Nizhny Novgorod.

5. Lychagin Kirill Alexandrovich, date of birth - May 21, 1990, member of the Political Party A JUST RUSSIA.

Regional group number 35 (Novosibirsk region)

1. Ageev Alexander Alexandrovich, date of birth - March 4, 1976, member of the Political Party A JUST RUSSIA, member of the Central Council, Chairman of the Council of the regional branch of the party in the city of Moscow.

2. Ivanov Danil Sergeevich, date of birth - March 2, 1983, member of the Political Party A JUST RUSSIA, member of the Council of the regional branch of the party in the Novosibirsk region.

3. Kubanov Anatoly Anatolyevich, date of birth - March 29, 1972, member of the Political Party A JUST RUSSIA, member of the Central Council, Chairman of the Council of the regional branch of the party in the Novosibirsk region.

4. Umerbaev Igor Ravilievich, date of birth - March 9, 1969, member of the Political Party A JUST RUSSIA, Secretary of the Bureau of the Council of the regional branch of the party in the Novosibirsk region.

Regional group number 36 (Omsk region)

1. Gorovtsov Dmitry Evgenievich, date of birth - November 6, 1966, member of the Political Party A JUST RUSSIA, member of the Central Council, Chairman of the Council of the regional branch of the party in the Omsk region.

2. Kravtsov Alexander Vladimirovich, date of birth - July 7, 1963, member of the Political Party A JUST RUSSIA, member of the Council of the regional branch of the party in the Omsk region, Chairman of the Council of the local branch of the party in the Tevriz district of the Omsk region.

3. Dubovsky Evgeny Yurievich, date of birth - June 20, 1967, member of the Political Party A JUST RUSSIA, Secretary of the Bureau of the Council of the regional branch of the party in the Omsk region.

4. Provozin Alexey Nikolaevich, date of birth - July 17, 1972, member of the Political Party A JUST RUSSIA, member of the Council of the regional branch of the party in the Omsk region, Chairman of the Council of the local branch of the party in the Central Administrative District of the city of Omsk.

5. Ivanova Natalya Nikolaevna, date of birth - March 31, 1989, member of the Political Party A JUST RUSSIA.

Regional group number 37 (Orenburg region)

1. Frolov Vladimir Ivanovich, date of birth - July 30, 1954, member of the Political Party A JUST RUSSIA, Chairman of the Council of the regional branch of the party in the Orenburg region.

2. Asyaev Faik Insafovich, date of birth - July 14, 1967, member of the Political Party A JUST RUSSIA, member of the Council of the regional branch of the party in the Orenburg region.

3. Kulakhmetov Kairat Zhaigunusovich, date of birth - January 30, 1978, member of the Political Party A JUST RUSSIA.

4.Kuryndin Valery Fedorovich, date of birth - November 16, 1953, member of the Political Party A JUST RUSSIA, Secretary of the Bureau of the Council of the regional branch of the party in the Orenburg region.

5. Kalvan Vyacheslav Aleksandrovich, date of birth - August 9, 1949, member of the Political Party A JUST RUSSIA.

Regional group No. 38 (Pskov region, Smolensk region)

1. Tarnavsky Alexander Georgievich, date of birth - April 20, 1960, member of the Political Party A JUST RUSSIA, member of the Central Council.

2. Lebedev Sergey Alexandrovich, date of birth - August 12, 1956, member of the Political Party A JUST RUSSIA

3. Bryachak Oleg Mikhailovich, date of birth - January 18, 1980, member of the Political Party A JUST RUSSIA, Chairman of the Council of the regional branch of the party in the Pskov region.

4. Atroshchankov Mikhail Valerievich, date of birth - November 28, 1971, member of the Political Party A JUST RUSSIA, Secretary of the Bureau of the Council of the regional branch of the party in the Smolensk region, Chairman of the Council of the local branch of the party in the Vyazemsky district of the Smolensk region.

5. Pozdnyakov Vasily Alexandrovich, date of birth - April 10, 1985, member of the Political Party A JUST RUSSIA, member of the Council of the regional branch of the party in the Smolensk region.

Regional group No. 39 (Rostov region - Rostov single-mandate constituency No. 149, Rostov region - Nizhnedonsk single-mandate constituency No. 150, Rostov region - Taganrog single-mandate constituency No. 151, Rostov region - Southern single-mandate constituency No. 152)

2. Kosinov Sergey Alexandrovich, date of birth - October 29, 1960, member of the Political Party A JUST RUSSIA, Secretary of the Bureau of the Council of the regional branch of the party in the Rostov region, had a criminal record - part 2 of article 211 "Violation of the rules of traffic safety and operation of vehicles by persons driving vehicles" of the Criminal Code of the RSFSR.

3. Lugantsev Mikhail Borisovich, date of birth - June 16, 1961, member of the Political Party A JUST RUSSIA, member of the Council of the regional branch of the party in the Rostov region, Chairman of the Council of the local branch of the party in the city of Shakhty, Rostov region.

4. Karabedov Andrey Georgievich, date of birth - December 11, 1977, member of the Political Party A JUST RUSSIA, a member of the Council of the regional branch of the party in the Rostov region, a member of the Council of the local branch of the party in the city of Novocherkassk, Rostov region.

5. Kozhin Alexander Olegovich, date of birth - November 4, 1957, member of the Political Party A JUST RUSSIA.

6. Walter Boris Alexandrovich, date of birth - June 16, 1978, member of the Political Party A JUST RUSSIA, member of the Council of the regional branch of the party in the Rostov region, Chairman of the Council of the local branch of the party in the city of Bataisk, Rostov region.

Regional group No. 40 (Rostov region - Belokalitvinsky single-mandate constituency No. 153, Rostov region - Shakhtinsky single-mandate constituency No. 154, Rostov region - Volgodonsk single-mandate constituency No. 155)

1. Pakholkov Oleg Vladimirovich, date of birth - September 23, 1971, member of the Political Party A JUST RUSSIA, member of the Central Council, had a criminal record - part 3 of article 129 "Libel" of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.

2. Noskov Dmitry Nikolaevich, date of birth - October 30, 1980, member of the Political Party A JUST RUSSIA, member of the Council of the regional branch of the party in the Voronezh region.

Regional group number 41 (Ryazan region, Tula region)

2. Grebenshchikov Sergey Valerievich, date of birth - September 8, 1981, member of the Political Party A JUST RUSSIA, member of the Central Control and Auditing Commission, Chairman of the Council of the regional branch of the party in the Tula region.

3. Pupkov Sergey Viktorovich, date of birth - May 16, 1970, member of the Political Party A JUST RUSSIA, member of the Central Council, Chairman of the Council of the regional branch of the party in the Ryazan region.

4. Lyablin Andrey Alekseevich, date of birth - May 10, 1969, member of the Political Party A JUST RUSSIA, Chairman of the Council of the local branch of the party in the Moscow district of the city of Ryazan, Ryazan region.

5. Kuznetsov Anatoly Mikhailovich, date of birth - November 23, 1963, member of the Political Party A JUST RUSSIA, Secretary of the Bureau of the Council of the regional branch of the party in the Tula region.

6. Grebenkova Irina Gennadievna, date of birth - October 2, 1989, member of the Political Party A JUST RUSSIA, member of the Central Council.

Regional group number 42 (Samara region)

2.Maryakhin Mikhail Ivanovich, date of birth - February 13, 1977, member of the Political Party A JUST RUSSIA, member of the Central Council, Chairman of the Council of the regional branch of the party in the Samara region.

4. Razuvaev Alexander Evgenievich, date of birth - October 1, 1962, member of the Political Party A JUST RUSSIA, Secretary of the Bureau of the Council of the regional branch of the party in the Samara region.

5. Zolotarev Petr Anatolyevich, date of birth - June 10, 1957, member of the Political Party A JUST RUSSIA.

6. Vorotnev Vyacheslav Alexandrovich, date of birth - September 23, 1979, member of the Political Party A JUST RUSSIA, member of the Council of the regional branch of the party in the Samara region.

Regional group number 43 (Saratov region)

1. Velikaya Natalia Mikhailovna, date of birth - November 13, 1969, member of the Political Party A JUST RUSSIA

2.Sarsengaliev Toktar Ayanbaevich, date of birth - May 29, 1965, member of the Political Party A JUST RUSSIA, a member of the Council of the local branch of the party in the Marksovsky municipal district of the Saratov region.

3. Platoshina Galina Gennadievna, date of birth - May 8, 1961, member of the Political Party A JUST RUSSIA, a member of the Council of the local branch of the party in the Balashovsky municipal district of the Saratov region.

4. Dementyev Mikhail Yuryevich, date of birth - November 10, 1950, member of the Political Party A JUST RUSSIA, member of the Council of the regional branch of the party in the Saratov region, Chairman of the Council of the local branch of the party in the Dukhovnitsky municipal district of the Saratov region.

5. Mironov Pavel Vasilievich, date of birth - September 1, 1986, member of the Political Party A JUST RUSSIA, a member of the Council of the local branch of the party in the Leninsky district of the city of Saratov, Saratov region.

Regional group number 44 (Sverdlovsk region)

1. Burkov Alexander Leonidovich, date of birth - April 23, 1967, member of the Political Party A JUST RUSSIA, member of the Presidium of the Central Council, Chairman of the Council of the regional branch of the party in the Sverdlovsk region.

2. Chereshnev Valery Alexandrovich, date of birth - October 24, 1944, member of the Political Party A JUST RUSSIA

3. Zhukovsky Andrey Alexandrovich, date of birth - July 28, 1979, member of the Political Party A JUST RUSSIA, member of the Council of the regional branch of the party in the Sverdlovsk region, Chairman of the Council of the local branch of the party in the Leninsky district of the city of Yekaterinburg.

5. Ionin Dmitry Alexandrovich, date of birth - January 25, 1985, member of the Political Party A JUST RUSSIA, member of the Council of the regional branch of the party in the Sverdlovsk region, Chairman of the Council of the local branch of the party in the Kirovsky district of the city of Yekaterinburg.

6. Danilov Igor Nikolaevich, date of birth - May 17, 1974, member of the Political Party A JUST RUSSIA, member of the Council of the regional branch of the party in the Sverdlovsk region, Chairman of the Council of the local branch of the party in the Zheleznodorozhny district of the Sverdlovsk region.

7. Pavlyuchenkova Anastasia Yurievna, date of birth - March 16, 1991, member of the Political Party A JUST RUSSIA, member of the Central Council, member of the Council of the regional branch of the party in the Sverdlovsk region.

Regional group No. 45 (Tomsk region, Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Yugra)

1. Serdyuk Mikhail Ivanovich, date of birth - May 20, 1976, member of the Political Party A JUST RUSSIA, member of the Central Council, Chairman of the Council of the regional branch of the party in the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Ugra.

2. Galina Grigorievna Nemtseva, date of birth - June 12, 1975, member of the Political Party A JUST RUSSIA, member of the Central Council, member of the Council of the Chamber of Deputies, Chairman of the Council of the regional branch of the party in the Tomsk region.

3.Vats Anatoly Stepanovich, date of birth - March 17, 1963, member of the Political Party A JUST RUSSIA, a member of the Council of the regional branch of the party in the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Ugra.

4. Kiseleva Ksenia Sergeevna, date of birth - August 19, 1983, member of the Political Party A JUST RUSSIA, member of the Central Council, Secretary of the Bureau of the Council of the regional branch of the party in the Tomsk region.

5. Makushin Valery Nikolaevich, date of birth - November 4, 1956, member of the Political Party A JUST RUSSIA, member of the Council of the regional branch of the party in the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Yugra, Chairman of the Council of the local branch of the party in the city of Uray, Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Yugra.

6. Pavlovich Viktor Antonovich, date of birth - April 8, 1952, member of the Political Party A JUST RUSSIA.

7. Tretyakov Denis Vladimirovich, date of birth - October 4, 1982, member of the Political Party A JUST RUSSIA, Chairman of the Control and Auditing Commission of the regional branch of the party in the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Ugra.

Regional group number 46 (Chelyabinsk region)

1. Gartung Valery Karlovich, date of birth - November 12, 1960, member of the Political Party A JUST RUSSIA, member of the Presidium of the Central Council, Chairman of the Council of the regional branch of the party in the Chelyabinsk region.

3. Shvetsov Vasily Georgievich, date of birth - April 10, 1961, member of the Political Party A JUST RUSSIA, member of the Central Control and Auditing Commission, Secretary of the Bureau of the Council of the regional branch of the party in the Chelyabinsk region.

5. Mukhometyarova Olga Ivanovna, date of birth - February 9, 1971, member of the Political Party A JUST RUSSIA, member of the Council of the regional branch of the party in the Chelyabinsk region, Chairman of the Council of the local branch of the party in the city of Zlatoust and the Kusinsky district of the Chelyabinsk region.

6. Viktor Sergeevich Vychuzhanin, date of birth - February 23, 1984, member of the Political Party A JUST RUSSIA, member of the Central Council, member of the Council of the regional branch of the party in the Chelyabinsk region.

8. Pankratov Nikolay Viktorovich, date of birth - January 1, 1961, member of the Political Party A JUST RUSSIA, Chairman of the Council of the local branch of the party in the Satkinsky district of the Chelyabinsk region.

9. Sorokina Ramzia Nurovna, date of birth - November 5, 1968, member of the Political Party A JUST RUSSIA, Chairman of the Council of the local branch of the party in the Soviet district of the city of Chelyabinsk, Chelyabinsk region.

Regional group No. 47 (City of Moscow - Babushkinsky single-mandate constituency No. 196, City of Moscow - Leningrad single-mandate constituency No. 198, City of Moscow - Medvedkovsky single-mandate constituency No. 200, City of Moscow - Tushinsky single-mandate constituency No. 206, City of Moscow - Khovrinsky single-mandate electoral district number 207)

1.Khovanskaya Galina Petrovna, date of birth - August 23, 1943, member of the Political Party A JUST RUSSIA, member of the Presidium of the Central Council.

4. Alekseev Alexey Olegovich, date of birth - December 10, 1977, member of the Political Party A JUST RUSSIA.

5. Aleinikova Victoria Viktorovna, date of birth - September 10, 1979, member of the Political Party A JUST RUSSIA, member of the Council of the local branch of the party in the municipal district of Zapadnoe Degunino in Moscow.

Regional group number 48 (Moscow City - Kuntsevsky single-mandate constituency № 197, Moscow City - Nagatinsky single-mandate constituency № 201, Moscow City - Novomoskovsky single-mandate constituency № 202, Moscow City - Cheremushkinsky single-mandate constituency № 209, Moscow City - Chertanovsky single-mandate constituency electoral district No. 210)

2. Tatarinov Ruslan Vladimirovich, date of birth - September 21, 1970, member of the Political Party A JUST RUSSIA, a member of the Presidium of the Central Council, had a criminal record - part 1 of article 116 "Beating" of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.

3. Nikonorova Ekaterina Vasilievna, date of birth - June 19, 1951, member of the Political Party A JUST RUSSIA, member of the Central Council.

4. Vasiliev Sergey Ivanovich, date of birth - October 24, 1974, member of the Political Party A JUST RUSSIA, member of the Council of the regional branch of the party in the city of Moscow, Chairman of the Council of the local branch of the party in the municipal district of Teply Stan in Moscow.

5. Kochetkov Vladimir Valerievich, date of birth - December 15, 1969, member of the Political Party A JUST RUSSIA

6. Kazenkov Oleg Yurievich, date of birth - October 20, 1975, member of the Political Party A JUST RUSSIA, member of the Council of the regional branch of the party in the city of Moscow.

8. Averkiev Pavel Borisovich, date of birth - March 18, 1980, member of the Political Party A JUST RUSSIA, Chairman of the Council of the local branch of the party in the Altufevsky municipal district of the city of Moscow.

9. Sharko Valeria Mikhailovna, date of birth - January 29, 1990, member of the Political Party A JUST RUSSIA.

Regional group No. 49 (City of Moscow - Lublin single-mandate constituency No. 199, City of Moscow - Orekhovo-Borisovsky single-mandate constituency No. 203, City of Moscow - Perovsky single-mandate constituency No. 204, City of Moscow - Preobrazhensky single-mandate constituency No. 205, City of Moscow - Central single-mandate constituency number 208)

2.Krasilnikova Olga Konstantinovna, date of birth - June 27, 1977, member of the Political Party A JUST RUSSIA, member of the Central Council.

3. Sviridov Ilya Timurovich, date of birth - December 24, 1980, member of the Political Party A JUST RUSSIA, member of the Presidium of the Central Council, Secretary of the Bureau of the Council of the regional branch of the party in Moscow.

4. Simonyan Christina Vladislavovna, date of birth - April 21, 1978, member of the Political Party A JUST RUSSIA, member of the Council of the regional branch of the party in the city of Moscow.

5. Sorokina Daria Nikolaevna, date of birth - January 13, 1990, member of the Political Party A JUST RUSSIA, Chairman of the Council of the local branch of the party in the Brateevo municipal district of Moscow.

6. Miller Dmitry Georgievich, date of birth - July 27, 1995, member of the Political Party A JUST RUSSIA, Chairman of the Council of the local branch of the party in the Chertanovo Tsentralnoye municipal district of Moscow.

7. Avdeev Viktor Evgenievich, date of birth - April 26, 1979, member of the Political Party A JUST RUSSIA.

Regional group No. 50 (city of St. Petersburg)

1. Nilov Oleg Anatolyevich, date of birth - May 8, 1962, member of the Political Party A JUST RUSSIA, member of the Presidium of the Central Council, Chairman of the Council of the regional branch of the party in the city of St. Petersburg.

2. Drapeko Elena Grigorievna, date of birth - October 29, 1948, member of the Political Party A JUST RUSSIA, member of the Presidium of the Central Council.

4. Ushakov Dmitry Vladimirovich, date of birth - November 13, 1980, member of the Political Party A JUST RUSSIA.

5. Aleksashin Anatoly Alekseevich, date of birth - May 5, 1949, member of the Political Party A JUST RUSSIA.

6.Kovalev Alexey Anatolyevich, date of birth - September 15, 1963, member of the Political Party A JUST RUSSIA, a member of the Central Council, a member of the Council of the regional branch of the party in the city of St. Petersburg.

7. Popov Sergey Alekseevich, date of birth - May 15, 1948, member of the Political Party A JUST RUSSIA, member of the Council of the regional branch of the party in the city of St. Petersburg.

9. Plotnikov Alexey Ivanovich, date of birth - June 4, 1980, member of the Political Party A JUST RUSSIA.

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Appendix to the Resolution of the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation dated December 15, 2011 No.

Political party "Fair Russia"

1. Mironov Sergey Mikhailovich

2. Levichev Nikolay Vladimirovich

3. Dmitrieva Oksana Genrikhovna

4. Lomakin-Rumyantsev Alexander Vadimovich

5. Tumanov Andrey Vladimirovich

6. Levin Leonid Leonidovich

7. Grachev Ivan Dmitrievich

8. Drapeko Elena G.

9.Lakutin Nikolay Afanasevich

10. Ilkovsky Konstantin Konstantinovich

11. Kharlov Vadim Borisovich

12. Tumusov Fedot Semenovich

13. Shudegov Victor Evgrafovich

14.Aksakov Anatoly Gennadievich

15. Terentyev Alexander Vasilievich

16. Rudenko Andrey Viktorovich

17. Mashkarin Vladimir Petrovich

18. Zubov Valery Mikhailovich

19. Ohanyan Hovhannes Armenakovich

20. Goryacheva Svetlana Petrovna

21. Kuzmina Alla Vladimirovna

22. Epifanova Olga Nikolaevna

23. Selivanov Yuri Alekseevich

24.Belyakov Anton Vladimirovich

25. Mikheev Oleg Leonidovich

26. Chepa Alexey Vasilievich

27. Mitrofanov Alexey Valentinovich

28. Pakholkov Oleg Vladimirovich

29. Ozerov Andrey Alexandrovich

30. Krutov Andrey Dmitrievich

31. Bryachak Mikhail Vasilievich

32. Chetverikov Alexander Vladimirovich

33. Gorovtsov Dmitry Evgenievich

34.Doronin Sergey Alexandrovich

35. Vanchugov Roman Anatolievich

36. Romanovich Alexander Leonidovich

37. Moskalkova Tatiana Nikolaevna

38. Shein Anatoly Alekseevich

39. Ponomarev Ilya Vladimirovich

40. Mizulina Elena Borisovna

41. Petrov Sergey Anatolievich

42. Emelyanov Mikhail Vasilievich

43. Hasanov Jamaladin Nabievich

44. Dmitry Gudkov

45. Muzyayev Adnan Abdulaevich

46. ​​Burkov Alexander Leonidovich

47. Chereshnev Valery Alexandrovich

48. Nosovko Gennady Sergeevich

49. Kazakov Alexey Valerievich

50. Zotov Igor Lvovich

51. Gartung Valery Karlovich

52. Shvetsov Vasily Georgievich

53. Greshnevikov Anatoly Nikolaevich

54. Ageev Alexander Alexandrovich

55. Gudkov Gennady Vladimirovich

56. Khovanskaya Galina Petrovna

57. Nilov Oleg Anatolyevich

58. Petukhova Natalia Removna

59. Dmitry Ushakov

60. Serdyuk Mikhail Ivanovich

61. Lysyakov Alexey Alekseevich

62. Bychkova Evdokia Ivanovna

63. Samiev Ildar Rafikovich

64. Parakhin Vladimir Vyacheslavovich

Political party "Liberal Democratic Party of Russia"

65. Zhirinovsky Vladimir Volfovich

66. Ostrovsky Alexey Vladimirovich

67. Igor Lebedev

68. Nilov Yaroslav Evgenievich

69.Didenko Alexey Nikolaevich

70. Kalashnikov Sergey Vyacheslavovich

71.Slutsky Leonid Eduardovich

72.Seleznev Valery Sergeevich

73.Svishchev Dmitry Alexandrovich

74. Napso Yuri Aisovich

75. Sukharev Ivan Konstantinovich

76. Starovoitov Alexander Sergeevich

77. Kirill I. Cherkasov

78. Sergey Marinin

79. Abramov Ivan Nikolaevich

80. Markin Andrey Leonidovich

81. Semyonov Vladimir Vladislavovich

82. Kulieva Vasilina Vasilievna

83. Kropachev Alexander Sergeevich

84. Ovsyannikov Vladimir Anatolyevich

85. Nosov Dmitry Yurievich

86. Markin Eduard Vitalievich

87. Kalyuzhny Ruslan Valerievich

88. Drozdov Ilya Yurievich

89. Furgal Sergey Ivanovich

90. Chirkova Irina Alexandrovna

91. Gubareva Natalia Viktorovna

92. Zolochevsky Vitaly Sergeevich

93. Dmitry Litvintsev

94. Karginov Sergey Genrikhovich

95. Zhuravlev Sergey Valerianovich

96.Sirotkin Sergey Nikanorovich

97. Lugovoy Andrey Konstantinovich

98.Savelyev Dmitry Ivanovich

99. Ananskikh Igor Alexandrovich

100. Ivanov Sergey Vladimirovich

101. Zhigarev Sergey Alexandrovich

102. Kurdyumov Alexander Borisovich

103. Dengin Vadim Evgenievich

104. Zelinsky Yan Viktorovich

105. Elena Afanasyeva

106. Sviridov Valentin Valentinovich

107. Degtyarev Mikhail Vladimirovich

108. Ischenko Anton Anatolievich

109. Subbotin Konstantin Sergeevich

110. Taskaev Vladimir Pavlovich

111. Balberov Alexander Alexandrovich

112. Shingarkin Maxim Andreevich

113. Zhurko Vasily Vasilievich

114. Weinstein Sergey Evgenievich

115. Svergunova Margarita Nikolaevna

116. Sobolev Viktor Vasilievich

117. Andrey Svintsov

118. Rokhmistrov Maxim Stanislavovich

119. Volchek Denis Gennadievich

120. Tarasyuk Vasily Mikhailovich

Political party "Communist Party of the Russian Federation"

121. Zyuganov Gennady Andreevich

122. Komoedov Vladimir Petrovich

123. Afonin Yuri Vyacheslavovich

124. Alferov Zhores Ivanovich

125.Savitskaya Svetlana Evgenievna

126. Melnikov Ivan Ivanovich

127. Kashin Vladimir Ivanovich

128. Cherkesov Viktor Vasilievich

129. Novikov Dmitry Georgievich

130. Taysaev Kazbek Kutsukovich

131. Yushchenko Alexander Andreevich

132. Tychinin Andrey Dzhafarovich

133. Markhaev Vyacheslav Mikhailovich

134. Reshulsky Sergey Nikolaevich

135. Bifov Anatoly Zhamalovich

136. Kashin Boris Sergeevich

137. Andreev Andrey Anatolievich

138. Robert Kochiev

139. Likhachev Vasily Nikolaevich

140. Peshkov Victor Petrovich

141. Sapozhnikov Nikolay Ivanovich

142. Shurchanov Valentin Sergeevich

143. Mikhail Mikhailovich Zapolev

144. Yurchenko Sergey Ivanovich

145. Pozdnyakov Vladimir Georgievich

146. Kharitonov Nikolay Mikhailovich

147. Obukhov Sergey Pavlovich

148. Mikhail Nikolaevich Berulava

149. Kulikov Oleg Anatolyevich

150. Alexey Kornienko

151. Victor Ivanovich Goncharov

152. Shtogrin Sergei Ivanovich

153. Arefiev Nikolay Vasilievich

154. Aparina Alevtina Viktorovna

155. Muravlenko Sergey Viktorovich

156. Romanov Petr Vasilievich

157. Pautov Victor Nikolaevich

158. Sergey Ivanovich Vasiltsov

159. Gavrilov Sergey Anatolyevich

160. Ruslan Georgievich Gostev

161. Ponomarev Alexey Alekseevich

162. Sergei Georgievich Levchenko

163. Rulkov Evgeny Adamovich

164. Nikitin Vladimir Stepanovich

165. Komotsky Boris Olegovich

166. Sobko Sergey Vasilievich

167. Mamaev Sergey Pavlinovich

168. Ivanov Nikolay Nikolaevich

169. Vadim Potomsky

170. Razvorotnev Nikolay Vasilievich

171. Vasiliev Nikolay Ivanovich

172. Russian Alexey Yurievich

173. Avdeev Mikhail Yurievich

174. Ryabov Nikolay Fedorovich

175. Tarnaev Alexander Petrovich

176. Voronenkov Denis Nikolaevich

177. Lokot Anatoly Evgenievich

178. Abalakov Alexander Nikolaevich

179. Kravets Alexander Alekseevich

180. Denisenko Oleg Ivanovich

181. Chikin Valentin Vasilievich

182. Ikonnikov Vasily Nikolaevich

183. Pletneva Tamara Vasilievna

184. Simagin Vladimir Alexandrovich

185. Nikolay Kolomeytsev

186. Kolomeytsev Viktor Andreevich

187. Bessonov Vladimir Ivanovich

188. Fedotkin Vladimir Nikolaevich

189. Kalashnikov Leonid Ivanovich

190. Romanov Valentin Stepanovich

191. Alimova Olga Nikolaevna

192. Ezerskiy Nikolay Nikolaevich

193.Dorokhin Pavel Sergeevich

194. Soloviev Vadim Georgievich

195. Vasily Starodubtsev

196. Tetekin Vyacheslav Nikolaevich

197. Sinelshchikov Yuri Petrovich

198. Nekrasov Alexander Nikolaevich

199. Kulikov Alexander Dmitrievich

200. Rashkin Valery Fedorovich

201. Kumin Vadim Valentinovich

202. Smolin Oleg Nikolaevich

203. Potapov Alexander Vladimirovich

204.Dorovin Evgeny Vladimirovich

205.Sokol Svyatoslav Mikhailovich

206. Bortko Vladimir Vladimirovich

207. Shirshov Konstantin Vladimirovich

208. Agaev Vakha Abuevich

209. Taranin Victor Ivanovich

210. Ivanyuzhenkov Boris Viktorovich

211. Nikitchuk Ivan Ignatievich

212. Rodin Vladimir Romanovich

All-Russian political party "United Russia"

213. Krasheninnikov Pavel Vladimirovich

214. Rakhmatullina Zugura Yaganurovna

215. Kachkaev Pavel Rurikovich

216. Yusupov Marsel Harisovich

217. Degtyarev Alexander Nikolaevich

218. Fakhritdinov Irshat Yunirovich

219. Batalova Rima Akberdinovna

220. Makhmutov Anvar Anasovich

221. Viktor Klimov

222. Murzabaeva Saliya Sharifyanovna

223. Mardanshin Rafael Mirhatimovich

224. Abdulatipov Ramazan Gadzhimuradovich

225. Hajiyev Magomed Tazhudinovich

226. Shikhsaidov Khizri Isaevich

227. Kurbanov Rizvan Daniyalovich

228. Hasanov Magomedkadi Nabievich

229. Safaraliev Gadzhimet Kerimovich

230. Amirilaev Adam Bashirovich

231. Balashov Balash Kurbanmagomedovich

232. Shkhagoshev Adalbi Lulevich

233. Gekkiev Zaur Dalkhatovich

234. Starshinov Mikhail Evgenievich

235. Pivnenko Valentina Nikolaevna

236. Kuzminykh Tamara Gavrilovna

237. Osipov Vyacheslav Konstantinovich

238. Efimov Vitaly Borisovich

239. Shkolkina Nadezhda Vasilievna

240. Khadartsev Makharbek Khazbievich

241. Morozov Oleg Viktorovich

242. Kabaeva Alina Maratovna

243. Gilmutdinov Ildar Irekovich

244. Kogogina Alfiya Gumarovna

245. Irek Borisovich Boguslavsky

246. Bariev Marat Mansurovich

247. Ilyasov Radik Sabitovich

248. Khairov Rinat Shamilevich

249. Sidyakin Alexander Gennadievich

250. Abubakirov Rishat Fazlutdinovich

251. Galimardanov Marsel Magfurovich

252. Delimkhanov Adam Sultanovich

253. Kosachev Konstantin Iosifovich

254. Sergei Ivanovich Neverov

255. Prokopiev Alexander Sergeevich

256. Gorovoy Nikolay Ivanovich

257. Choir Gleb Yakovlevich

258. Ivan Ivanovich Demchenko

259. Tkachev Alexey Nikolaevich

260. Schlegel Robert Alexandrovich

261. Sergey Krivonosov

262. Ezubov Alexey Petrovich

263. Skorobogatko Alexander Ivanovich

264. Kravchenko Valery Nikolaevich

265. Pimashkov Petr Ivanovich

266. Vorobiev Andrey Yurievich

267. Valery Trapeznikov

268. Klimov Andrey Arkadevich

269. Em Yuri Pavlovich

270. Murga Andrey Yurievich

271. Govorukhin Stanislav Sergeevich

272. Moiseev Mikhail Alekseevich

273. Pekhtin Vladimir Alekseevich

274. Maksakova-Igenbergs Maria Petrovna

275. Skoch Andrey Vladimirovich

276. Senatorova Elena Nikolaevna

277. Bocharov Andrey Ivanovich

278. Lakhova Ekaterina Filippovna

279. Anikeev Grigory Viktorovich

280. Konkov Dmitry Sergeevich

281. Pozgalev Vyacheslav Evgenievich

282. Karelova Galina Nikolaevna

283. Kostunov Ilya Evgenievich

284. Zhuravlev Alexey Alexandrovich

285. Romanov Anton Vasilievich

286. Zhukov Alexander Dmitrievich

287. Kolesnik Andrey Ivanovich

288. Mikhalev Boris Vladimirovich

289. Alekseeva Tatiana Olegovna

290. Vladimir Gridin

291. Valuev Nikolay Sergeevich

292. Fokin Alexander Ivanovich

293. Timchenko Vyacheslav Stepanovich

294. Oleg Dorianovich Valenchuk

295. Iltyakov Alexander Vladimirovich

296. Naryshkin Sergei Evgenievich

297. Petrov Sergey Valerievich

298. Bortsov Nikolay Ivanovich

299. Kabanova Valentina Viktorovna

300. Terentyev Mikhail Borisovich

301. Shakkum Martin Lucianovich

302.Sablin Dmitry Vadimovich

303. Lysakov Vyacheslav Ivanovich

304. Lipatov Yuri Alexandrovich

305. Yazev Valery Afonasevich

306. Bulavinov Vadim Evgenievich

307. Safin Marat Mubinovich

308. Makarov Andrey Mikhailovich

309. Karelin Alexander Alexandrovich

310. Manuilova Irina Viktorovna

311. Dorofeev Sergey Borisovich

312. Popov Sergey Alexandrovich

313. Schrader Victor Filippovich

314. Elena Leonidovna Nikolaeva

315. Kovalev Nikolay Dmitrievich

316. Rudensky Igor Nikolaevich

317. Makarov Nikolay Ivanovich

318. Borzova Olga Georgievna

319. Kaminsky Alexander Viktorovich

320. Pligin Vladimir Nikolaevich

321. Moskvichev Evgeny Sergeevich

322. Alexey Knyshov

323. Stepanova Zoya Mikhailovna

324. Khinshtein Alexander Evseevich

325. Gutenev Vladimir Vladimirovich

326. Bokova Lyudmila Nikolaevna

327. Pankov Nikolay Vasilievich

328. Prokopenko Timur Valentinovich

329. Olga Yurievna Batalina

330. Petrov Alexander Petrovich

331. Yakushev Valery Vasilievich

332. Arshba Otari Ionovich

333. Klintsevich Franz Adamovich

334. Kidyaev Victor Borisovich

335. Babakov Alexander Mikhailovich

336. Maximova Svetlana Viktorovna

337.Savelyev Dmitry Vladimirovich

338. Kvitka Ivan Ivanovich

339. Karpov Anatoly Evgenievich

340. Ekaterina Yurievna Semenova

341. Balykhin Grigory Artyomovich

342. Burmatov Vladimir Vladimirovich

343. Belousov Vadim Vladimirovich

344. Kretov Alexander Vladimirovich

345. Shvetsova Lyudmila Ivanovna

346. Krupennikov Vladimir Alexandrovich

347. Dolgikh Vladimir Ivanovich

348. Gonchar Nikolay Nikolaevich

349. Isaev Andrey Konstantinovich

350. Resin Vladimir Iosifovich

351. Panina Elena Vladimirovna

352. Gabdrakhmanov Ildar Nurullovich

353. Sergey Vladimirovich Zheleznyak

354. Zvagelsky Victor Fridrikhovich

355. Nikonov Vyacheslav Alekseevich

356. Maria Alexandrovna Kozhevnikova

357. Zharkov Anton Viktorovich

358. Elected Anatoly Borisovich

359. Sokolova Irina Valerievna

360. Resnik Vladislav Matusovich

361. Khorolya Dmitry Ottovich

362. Potsyapun Vladimir Timofeevich

363. Slipenchuk Mikhail Viktorovich

364. Gadzhiev Murad Stanislavovich

365. Umakhanov Umakhan Magomedgadzhievich

366. Khamchiev Belan Bagaudinovich

367. Yury Vasiliev

368. Mukabenova Marina Alekseevna

369. Erkenov Akhmat Chokaevich

370. Ponevezhsky Vladimir Alexandrovich

371. Shemyakin Vladimir Leonidovich

372. Chindyaskin Sergey Viktorovich

373. Shtyrov Vyacheslav Anatolyevich

374. Aguzarov Tamerlan Kimovich

375. Hayrullin Airat Nazipovich

376. Sibagatullin Fatih Saubanovich

377. Shoigu Larisa Kuzhugetovna

378. Abroskin Nikolay Pavlovich

379. Agaev Bekkhan Vakhaevich

380. Maksimova Nadezhda Sergeevna

381. Vakhaev Khozh Magomed Humaydovich

382. Selimkhanov Magomed Salamovich

383. Saraliev Shamsail Yunusovich

384. Alla Samoilova

385. Nikolay Fedorovich Gerasimenko

386. Kobzon Joseph Davydovich

387. Remezkov Alexander Alexandrovich

388. Tolstopyatov Vasily Vasilievich

389. Karmazina Raisa Vasilievna

390. Pushkov Alexey Konstantinovich

391. Glubokovskaya Elmira Huseynovna

392. Zerenkov Valery Georgievich

393. Boris Lvovich Reznik

394. Bozhenov Sergey Anatolyevich

395. Oleg Lebedev

396. Romanova Lyudmila Valerievna

397. Markelov Mikhail Yurievich

398. Savchenko Oleg Vladimirovich

399. Isaev Yuri Olegovich

400. Chizhov Sergey Viktorovich

401. Yakovleva Tatiana Vladimirovna

402. Ten Sergey Yurievich

403.Burykina Natalia Viktorovna

404. Volkov Yuri Nikolaevich

405. Sergey Anatolyevich Poddubny

406. Fedyaev Pavel Mikhailovich

407. Valery Galchenko

408. Kulik Gennady Vasilievich

409. Bryksin Alexander Yurievich

410. Tarasenko Mikhail Vasilievich

411. Kononov Vladimir Mikhailovich

412. Alexander Borisovich Vasilenko

413. Gerasimova Nadezhda Vasilievna

414. Fabrichny Sergey Yurievich

415. Rodnina Irina Konstantinovna

416. Esyakov Sergey Yakovlevich

417. Fedorov Evgeny Alekseevich

418. Krasov Andrey Leonidovich

419. Bulaev Nikolay Ivanovich

420. Kazakov Viktor Alekseevich

421. Kuzmicheva Ekaterina Ivanovna

422. Isaev Mikhail Alexandrovich

423. Sergey Kancher

424. Karlov Georgi Alexandrovich

425. Barinov Igor Vyacheslavovich

426. Marina Yurievna Nazarova

427. Vasiliev Vladimir Abdualievich

428. Ogorodova Lyudmila Mikhailovna

429. Zubitsky Boris Davydovich

430. Vladimir I. Afonskiy

431. Shaidenko Nadezhda Anatolyevna

432. Valeev Ernest Abdulovich

433. Tretyak Vladislav Alexandrovich

434. Kolesnikov Oleg Alekseevich

435. Alexey Bobrakov

436. Dmitry Fyodorovich Vyatkin

437. Tereshkova Valentina Vladimirovna

438. Daniil Volkov

439. Yuzhilin Vitaly Alexandrovich

440. Vasily Borisovich Shestakov

441. Petrov Yuri Alexandrovich

442. Zavalny Pavel Nikolaevich

443. Simanovsky Leonid Yakovlevich

444. Ledkov Grigory Petrovich

445. Yarovaya Irina Anatolyevna

446. Natkho Raziet Hamedovna

447. Pinsky Victor Vitalievich

448. Rostislav Ernstovich Goldstein

449. Viktor Mikhailovich Zavarzin

450. Vasiliev Alexander Nikolaevich