How beautiful to close the well in the country. Self-finishing a well: practical tips

The well can rightly be called a symbol of civilization. Since the advent of hydraulic structures, people have abandoned the nomadic lifestyle and switched to a settled way of life. There was a source of water at every house adjoining plot. But if earlier it was used directly for household needs, now it is also used for decorative purposes, decorating the overall design of the estate, a private house.

Design features

The finish of the structure is selected depending on the style of the entire site, and should be combined with the exterior of the main building. It can be made from the following materials: savage stone, wood, concrete, plastic, brick, plaster, using other raw materials. The main thing is that the building material is wear-resistant, does not deteriorate from temperature changes.

When considering the design of the facility, attention should be paid to the need for periodic maintenance of the spring, namely, cleaning and disinfection. Accordingly, access to the head should be free, and decorative elements should not interfere with the implementation of auxiliary work.

Ordinary facing materials can look rather dull, so wells are often painted with multi-colored paints, decorative painting is done, which you can freely do on your own, even in the absence of painting talents, it is enough to use stencils. In addition to painting, you can use floristry, create a composition of flowers around.

The design can be used for water extraction or for decorative purposes.

If practical application is considered, then it is necessary to protect it from sewage getting inside, for this the head is made higher, a blind area is poured around, it is covered or a roof is installed.

Structures can be used both for receiving water and for its removal, they are called infiltration and absorbing, respectively. They are depressions in the ground that reach the aquifer. They can go several hundred meters deep (artesian wells). Depending on the type of soil, the required volume of produced water, its depth, landscape, as well as technical capabilities, it is possible to equip key, log, bore wells. There are also decorative models that are used mainly for aesthetic enjoyment. Consider in detail the existing types:

  1. Key. Construction work does not take much time, material costs are minimal. The main condition is the presence of a source on the surface. For ascending springs that come to the surface due to a violation of the integrity of waterproof rocks, a concreted round or square platform is made, deepened by 20 cm. If the key is downward, then an additional filter is installed.
  2. Mine. It is constructed subject to the occurrence of water at a depth of up to 25 meters. It consists of a cap, a shaft, a water intake level. Depending on the type of the last of the listed parts, all designs are divided into incomplete, complete, perfect with a sump.
  3. Tubular. Both shallow and deep wells are drilled. It consists of interconnected metal pipes. A filter is installed from below, a hand pump is installed from above. For shallow wells, pipes of the same diameter are used. Small wells are also called Abyssinian, Norton, deep-water - artesian.
  4. Decorative. They are used to decorate the site, as well as to mask engineering communications, in isolated cases - like a well with drinking water. They can be additionally decorated with a roof on which ampelous plants are planted.

Well design and functions

  1. Before starting the construction of the structure, it is necessary to draw up a project. You can do it yourself, download it from the Internet. It consists of several stages: General provisions. They include engineering and geological data, technical indicators, goals pursued. At this stage, it is decided what function the structure will perform:
  • If it acts only as a decor, then it remains to choose a suitable place for installation, decide on construction materials, cladding.
  • For the spring, which will be used for drainage, hydrogeological studies of the soil are carried out. If it is water-absorbing, filter models are installed, where moisture is poorly absorbed - accumulative.
  • Wells that serve as a source of water (plumbing option) also require preliminary studies related to determining the depth of the aquifer.
    2. Graphic part. It consists of drawings of the main components, the appearance of the building, the roof plan, if any, recommendations for finishing, the technologies used, the location of lighting fixtures, electrical outlets (socket, light bulb).
    3. Specification. It includes materials and equipment used for construction.

Tips and precautions when building a well yourself

Construction is fraught with danger, since when digging a mine, a person is in a limited enclosed space. Having decided to build a structure with your own hands, you should adhere to certain safety rules, which boil down to the following points:

  1. The construction site where the work will be carried out is fenced. Then it is cleared of unnecessary elements that may accidentally fall into the mine. It is forbidden to place heavy devices near the recess. The load they create on the soil can lead to rock collapse.
  2. Sometimes hazardous gases enter the mine, in which case forced ventilation is installed. To check for foreign matter, an open source of fire is lowered down.
  3. When deepening, there is a lack of natural light, so it is necessary to have additional light sources, for example, a flashlight mounted on a helmet, a powerful spotlight aimed at the bottom of the dug hole.
  4. Be sure to provide personal protective equipment - boots, gloves, suits, helmets.
  5. An observer must be constantly present near the mine, who, in the event of an emergency, takes measures for the emergency lifting of workers.
  6. As the mine walls deepen, they are periodically strengthened.
  7. Before starting work, the mechanisms used are checked for serviceability.

There are many folk ways in which a choice is made. You can use dowsing, use a dowsing frame, look around and find a swarm of insects that hover over the source. However, in order to correctly determine the very place, it is enough to adhere to certain rules:

  • The building must not interfere with the use of other objects, such as flower beds, finished or planned buildings, garden paths.
  • On the site, you should choose the most elevated place, this will avoid the ingress of rainwater and soil saturated with it.
  • The lowest place must be planned for a compost pit, septic tanks, treatment facilities.
  • The distance from the well to the cesspool should be taken into account, it is more than 15 meters.
  • The structure should be located close to the house, but not too close, the minimum distance exceeds 8 meters.

You need to make a choice on your own, especially if specialists are hired to do the work, who not only don’t care where to dig, the main thing for them is how to make it easier, so they will recommend the place where the soil is softer.

Choice of finishing materials

Work can be done using different building materials. Each of the options you choose has its pros and cons. In order not to make a mistake, to make the right decision, it is necessary to evaluate the components used.


Wood can be called a classic material, it is suitable both for finishing shafts and as a basis for heading, well pillars, and roofing. With its help, decorative finishing is performed, for example, carving, painting, complemented by a drawing, an image.

Wood cladding has its own characteristics:

  • The material is inexpensive. It can be found on the market, in hardware stores, at sawmills.
  • The raw material is malleable. Allows you to create beautiful structures that harmoniously fit into the overall style of the cottage. Tools for work can be found in almost every home.
  • For landscaping, you can use ready-made finishing products, for example, imitation of timber (false), lining, blockhouse. Such components can significantly reduce the time spent on work, get an excellent result.
  • The design can be additionally decorated with original carved elements.
  • It is better to install a roof over the mine, which will protect the recess from precipitation, leaves, and other foreign objects. Plus, it's a great decorative item.

Ennobling a storehouse with a tree is a great option. However, the building material has two important drawbacks - poor resistance to a humid environment, it is a good food base for pests. Therefore, before using raw materials for cladding, it must be treated with special varnishes, antiseptics.

Brick and its varieties

There are several types of such building materials - silicate, ceramic, raw. You can finish the building with any of the above. For example, red brick will give the object a bright color, it will look good in a summer cottage. A versatile material is the burnt clay option. It can be both overlaid with a finished head, and completely lined up.

For the construction of a brick wall or its sheathing, it is necessary to adhere to certain rules:

  • The arrangement is made only from raw materials that have a full-bodied structure.
  • The material absorbs moisture, so the surface must be periodically treated with waterproof varnishes. Apply a layer of plaster, when it dries, rub in additional cement.
  • For work, it is desirable to use the same building material with which the house is lined outside.
  • The masonry is made both round and square. For the first option, less raw materials are used.
  • The width of the masonry should not exceed the size of two bricks (25 cm).

A rock

Stone structures are popular. To decorate a building with such material is much more expensive than the options considered. But the result is worth it. The result is a stylish structure with increased wear resistance.

The main characteristics of such a cladding are as follows:

  • For work, you can use both natural and artificial stone.
  • For decoration, small rounded stones and large cobblestones are used.
  • The material is used to finish the shaft and head.
  • If the work is done with high quality, the building will last more than a decade.
  • To emphasize the structure, you can lay out a path to it from the same building material, install a roof covered with metal tiles from above.

Finishing materials and their combination methods

In addition to these options, you can use plastic or siding. The set up is fairly fast. Looks good porcelain or ceramic tiles. It can be smooth or rough, matte or glazed, antique. Separately, clinker tiles, consisting of burnt slate clay, can be distinguished. Over the years, this material does not change the external structure, is resistant to moisture, resembles brickwork.

If you choose the option of ordinary painting and plastering of the structure, then you do not need to use wood, brick or stone for cladding. It is enough to clean the surface of the concrete ring, plaster it, cover it with a primer layer, and paint it. Also, plaster is often used for brick buildings, and painting in its pure form - for wooden ones.

Metal and forged elements are mainly used for pillars and roofing. Combined structures are often made, for example, heads made of wooden slats for a barrel, tied with metal rings.

Design and style

Landscape design is a composition of all elements located on the site, whether it is engineering, biological or cultural aspect. Each path, flower garden, buildings must correspond to a certain style. Therefore, the finish of the well should not contradict the general appearance of the site.

There are many actual design options for the well. It all depends on the design style, for example:

  • Russian. It is a wooden frame, where a manual gate is used as a lifting mechanism. From above it usually has a roof covered with wood shingles. The surface has carved decorations and painting.
  • Medieval. Facing is made of natural stone (cobblestone, granite). Roof supports are made of metal, complemented by forged elements. The roof is in the form of a tent, dome, has a metal coating.
  • Oriental. Combines wood and stone. The highlight is the roof, which has a non-standard look, characteristic of Hindu, Chinese pagodas. For greater effect, a pond or a decorative waterfall is arranged nearby.
  • Modern. It is used mainly for decorative buildings that imitate various structures in a reduced version, for example, a mill, a tower.
  • Nautical. Decorate with ropes that wrap around the outer surface of the base. The handle of the gate is changed to a steering wheel, a bucket - to a barrel. Nearby are rounded fragments of rocks, shells, an anchor.
  • Alpine. A characteristic feature is the absence of racks. The design is due to the fact that the source was used in mountainous conditions. The lower part is faced with stone, and the roof with wood.

A well built in a country house or near a house is a popular building. However, the concrete ring coming out of the ground has an unfinished look and does not look aesthetically pleasing. In addition, water from open structures is suitable only for irrigation. The situation will be saved by the installation of the house. It protects the mine from various kinds of pollution, ensures safety, especially for small children. There are two types - open and closed. The superstructure can be built with your own hands. For clarity, let's consider a master class in which the procedure for building a house with a gable roof is described in stages:

  • First of all, we prepare the base around the mine. We remove part of the soil to a depth of 20 - 30 cm, fill in a layer of rubble, tamp it down.
  • For round heads we measure the diameter, for square heads - the width. These data will allow you to calculate the dimensions of the manufactured structure.
  • The next step is to make the frame. To do this, it is enough to use a beam with dimensions of 5x10 cm.
  • We cut off two more beams, the length of which is half from the side of the frame. We fix them perpendicularly on two parallel bars of the frame in the middle. At the top we connect with a skate.
  • We proceed to the installation of rafters. To do this, the upper ends of the racks are cut off on both sides at an angle of 45%.
  • On the side of the door, we attach a board with a width of more than 40 cm to the frame, it will serve as the basis for installing the bucket.
  • We mount the finished structure on concrete rings, fixing it with bolts.
  • We install the gate, fasten the door to the frame.
  • We sheathe the protruding part of the mine and the house itself with boards.
  • At the final stage, you can decorate the building.

How to build a canopy for a well

These structures are not limited. They can be round or rectangular, have one or more slopes. A canopy is installed directly on the house or in the ground, concrete, brick, and other bases. So, in order to build such an add-on, we will analyze in detail the following step-by-step master class:

  • We are preparing the base. Pillars can be installed on a columnar, tape, monolithic foundation. Since the upper part is light in weight, there are no strict requirements for the base, and two shaped pipes or rounded logs are enough for support.
  • After installing the supporting pillars, professional pipes in their upper part, you can put a finished metal roof, build a frame with your own hands. To do this, in the upper part, we attach the boards of the carrier strapping to the vertical posts.
  • We proceed to the collection of the roof truss. It is better to assemble it on the ground, install it ready-made.
  • After installation, we sheathe the farm with OSB board.
  • We cover the roof with metal tiles, corrugated board, and other materials.
  • We sew up the pediments with clapboard, plastic.

In modern summer cottages, decorative wells are increasingly being installed, which are not only sources of water, but also decorate the local landscape. The article talks about the types of suitable finishing materials and common techniques for decorating wells, including decorating with flowers. The information presented in the article will help you choose the design style of the well, turning it into a highlight of the garden.

The style of the well must match the surroundings. Source

Possibilities of use

A well log house can have several purposes:

    fresh water source. The structure hides a well or mine drilled in the area, protecting the water from dirt, leaves and insects.

    Hiding technical details. On the territory of a suburban area there are many structures that can spoil the impression of design, and which are not always convenient to hide behind vegetation. Sewer hatches, storm wells, watering barrels and other similar communications are ideally hidden under a decorative well log house.

    Building for technical purposes. In the well, you can arrange an inventory warehouse or hide hoses for irrigation.

    landscape design element. The image of the traditional element of the Russian court is a godsend for modern decorators. The well is played up in dozens of different ways, from arranging a flower bed to building a fountain in it.

Decorative well log cabins that imitate real ones are made in several ways and have the following differences:

    Construction type. The building can be open (without a canopy) or look like a tower with a gable roof.

The well can mask technical structures Source

    According to the method of lifting water. The classic building is a wooden (most often log) frame with a gate fixed between the supporting pillars. A bucket (if there is one, it is often wooden, decorative) is fastened with a rope or chain. Less common is a well-crane with a pole that acts as a lever.

The choice of finishing material

You can make a decorative well in the country from almost any material, as long as it is able to withstand weather changes. The most popular for the construction of a decorative well are the following materials:

1. Wood

A traditional material that is not abandoned in modern design. If you want to decorate the site with a wooden decorative well, you need to take into account the following details:

    lumber- a practical solution for the construction of a well, affordable and easy to implement; The amount of lumber needed depends on the size and complexity of the structure.

    For the base decorative well log house (box) can be taken any lumber, and decoration is carried out using high-quality wood.

Wooden well in ethnic style Source

    The best finishing material is considered oak and larch wood, as the most moisture resistant and strong. Pine, alder or elm is quite suitable.

    for sheathing can be used as planed boards, and round timber sawn along.

    can be folded a copy of a real log house made of rounded logs or timber, using the corner connection "in the paw". Such a structure will look good with a roof, also assembled from wood.

    nice option - four- or six-sided frame, folded from a bar.

    Wooden decorative trim very varied. To decorate the well, details with carved patterns are used, animal figures are cut out.

    Lumber selected for work impregnated with protective compounds(antiseptics, tinted impregnation). It is useful to cover the finished structure with several layers of varnish, this will protect it from the damaging effects of atmospheric moisture.

Figured carving decoration Source

On our site you can find contacts of construction companies that offer landscaping and construction of small architectural forms. You can directly communicate with representatives by visiting the exhibition of houses "Low-Rise Country".

2. Brick and ceramic tiles

Brick cladding gives the well log house a spectacular look, such a structure attracts attention in any environment. For decoration, several types of material are used:

    Usual building brick(Red). Such material needs additional finishing.

    ceramic brick. Universal material with a presentable appearance, dense structure and long service life. On sale there is a material of different shades, which greatly expands the design possibilities. When using ceramics, it is important to remember that they are hygroscopic (the ability to absorb moisture). You can protect the masonry from destruction by covering it with a hydrophobic varnish.

    silicate brick. Budget alternative to expensive ceramics; The material is available in a variety of colors.

Brick cladding of a well Source

Ceramic tiles can be the best solution for decorating a communication element or a concrete head of a water intake shaft; the result will delight with beauty, practicality and durability. In order not to exceed the planned budget, ceramic tiles can be replaced with tile battle and lay out a mosaic from it. The implementation of this option will take more time, but the price will be many times cheaper, and the design of the well will be exclusive.

3. Stone

A decorative well, trimmed with stone, always pleases the eye; stone cladding looks impressive and stylish. This method of facing a decorative well has the following features:

    Material selection. Both natural and artificial stone are widely used.

    Style selection. There are two main types of cladding. In the first case, the stones are carefully selected in shape and size, achieving the perfect result. The second option involves the creation of a natural, natural effect - stones (pebbles or cobblestones) of different sizes, shapes and colors are used. This finish fits well with some styles.

Facing with natural pebbles Source

    Details. The unique design of the well can be emphasized by laying out a path to it from the same stones.

4. Other finishing techniques

To give a certain style to a decorative well log house, less common techniques are also used:

    Plastering and painting. This method is most often used in the design of brickwork. It is recommended to use not only ordinary cement, but also facade decorative plaster (mosaic, bark beetle). The decorative mixture, if desired, can be tinted to the color you like, give an unusual texture and thereby create an original design.

    Use of metal. Metal finishes (using forged elements) are a less common option. Beautiful wells are obtained by using metal in combination with wood or polycarbonate, when constructing a roof frame. In order for the decorative effect to please you for many years, you need to take care of protecting the metal finish from rust by covering it with paints and varnishes.

Well with forging elements Source

Ways to combine finishing materials

Some of the most original decorative wells are the result of a combination of several materials. Each of the parts of the well can be made in different ways:

    well box. It can look like a four- or six-sided log house, round and non-standard options are popular. The walls of the log house are made of wood, sheathed with boards or lined with stone, tile or brick. Often a combination of stone and wood, wood and metal is used. This design of the well in the country allows you to emphasize the individuality of the summer cottage.

    pillars. For them, logs with a smooth or carved surface are selected, varnished or tinted with waterproof paint in natural shades.

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About the variety of forms of decorative wells in the following video:

    Top part(roof). The classic option is a gable roof, but more complex designs are not uncommon (when the well needs to be maintained in a certain style). Shingles, shingles or plowshares are used as a wooden covering. You can often find a roof made of shingles or polycarbonate; looks colorful as a straw cover. So that the structure does not stand out from the general style of a suburban area, the material of the roof of a residential building is used for its roof.

    Base. The space around the well log house is paved with stone, tile or poured with concrete. Another option - the lawn is sown with lawn grass.

    Environment. The well will not be harmed by the neighborhood of a low shrub, lush flower beds, a bench and a decorative pond.

Well with a fountain Source

Style selection

To date, there are several relevant ways to design a well. When deciding to install such a decorative element, it is worth starting from the general design style of the site and the residential building. Popular designs include:

    Russian style. Recognizable from children's fairy tales, a wooden frame, equipped with a manual gate. The decorative structure is crowned with a roof made of wooden shingles (the modern version is made of sheet metal). Such a well looks impressive thanks to carved decorations and paintings made with paints and varnishes.

    Oriental style. For such structures, wood and stone are used (plastic and galvanized steel will destroy all aesthetics). Oriental flavor is provided by a non-standard roof. It is made complex, in the form of a Chinese or Japanese pagoda. A bucket made of natural wood, a small pond next to it (possible with a bridge) or a decorative waterfall will help to increase the effect.

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About the decorative waterfall well in the following video:

    Country style (Provence). Popular and easily reproducible (unlike oriental) style. Such a building is decorated with a wicker fence, a small bench (for Provence - with an openwork back), a stylized wooden cart wheel. Will fit into the style and nest with a stork.

    Medieval style. A method of designing a decorative well log house that is gaining popularity. Such a building is lined with natural stone (pebbles, cobblestones or granite); the rougher it looks, the better. The place of wooden poles is occupied by metal supports with forged elements; the roof is made of metal, often in the form of a tent or dome. Oddly enough, colored polycarbonate also found its place in the medieval roof decor (obviously, as a reminder of medieval stained-glass windows). To complete the perception of the style, the area around the well is laid out with the same rough stone.

    Modern decorative style A decorative well for a garden reproduces the shape of any building in miniature - a mill, a farm house, a fairy-tale tower.

Well in oriental style Source

    Sea style. Fans of original solutions will appreciate the decorative well, wrapped around the perimeter of the base and each pillar with marine ropes. The gate handle is replaced with a stylized steering wheel, an ordinary bucket with a wooden barrel. Shells placed nearby, sea pebbles and a couple of anchors will help to complement the image.

    Chalet style. If the residential building and the design of the site are made in the Alpine style, the chalet's well will become a decoration of the garden. Its decoration uses a combination of natural stone and wood; the surrounding area can be laid out with stone or decorative patterned tiles.

Flowers decoration

The most obvious, time-consuming and beautiful way to draw attention to the well is to decorate it with flowers. This type of decor has its own rules:

    Location selection. Flowers are planted not only at the foot of the well or on the surrounding land. An original and eye-catching effect can be achieved by placing flower arrangements on the roof of the building. The brightest and most unusual flowers will look good in flower pots suspended from the roof. Plants with lush inflorescences, planted at the base, will create the effect of "drowning" the well in flowers.

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About the carved house for the well in the following video:

    Choice of colors. Plant varieties are selected so that they can bloom, replacing each other throughout the warm season.

    Details. An alpine slide or a multi-level flower bed will look good next to a well log house.

Flower well decoration is an extremely popular option. In addition to it, you can use other, no less interesting tricks:

    Addition. A bench installed next to the well will turn this section of the garden into a comfortable resting place. If the bucket and the frame of the well are given over to the flower beds, then its sides, finished with a board, can also serve as an alternative to a bench.

    Lighting. A win-win technique that allows you to effectively highlight both the structure itself and the area around it. Decorative lighting can be implemented with beautiful lanterns suspended from the roof and LED spotlights embedded in the ground or path. Pole lanterns with directional or diffused light are also suitable.

Stylish decoration with flowers Source


The well has long been one of the most familiar details of country life. Until recently, its purpose was purely utilitarian - autonomous water supply. Today, wells serve not only as a source of water, but also as a source of creative inspiration. Owners of summer cottages and personal plots are still happy to install well log cabins; a professional landscape designer will help you choose the right place and turn the building into a harmonious element of the garden.

Many summer residents and gardeners, and not only, always have one important problem, especially on a hot summer day. This is watering your crops and plants.

Someone, if possible, tries to have access to a centralized water supply, while someone thinks about their own well on their site. At the same time, many do not even have any idea how and where to dig a hole for a well.

In this case, it is necessary to adhere to certain rules and a clear plan, it is also necessary to rationally plan the entire process of work. Then you can dig a well yourself.

But, before you start work, you need to make a well diagram for yourself. All stages of work must be carried out strictly according to the drawing of the well, which is considered the main project.

What features you need to know in the process of digging a hole

Digging a deep hole for a well is half the battle, it is important what water will be in the well. And it should be clean and transparent, without sharp and unpleasant odors, without foreign tastes, but this does not always happen.

Therefore, the most important place is for digging a hole, and it is advisable to dig where there are deposits of groundwater. It is worth noting that groundwater can have different depths of flow underground, in addition, the quality of water at different depths will be different.

Also of no small importance for many owners of private houses is the location of the well itself in relation to the house, and therefore people try to dig a well as close to the building as possible, which is highly undesirable.

It is necessary to dig a well strictly in compliance with all safety rules and regulations, or you can turn to the services of professional specialists in this field who have everything you need to carry out this kind of work.

As a rule, digging a hole for a well can be performed by only 3-4 qualified specialists.

It should be noted that groundwater can have different levels of deposits - from a minimum level of 15 meters to a maximum of 50 meters. At the same time, you may encounter a very important problem, the fact is that in the process of digging a hole, you can stumble upon a thick layer of earth made of clay, which is very difficult to dig, stones also add particular difficulty to this process. They are quite difficult to extract from the ground and transport to the surface.

However, it happens that the earth becomes very hard, and it is very difficult to extract stones from them to the surface, then sometimes the question is raised about stopping further work on building a well with your own hands.

Of course, in this case, you can use special equipment that will facilitate the work of extracting the soil, but you still have to manually dig until water appears in the well, while it is necessary to trim the walls for mounting round concrete rings that go down into the pit.

But at the same time, it often happens that it is not always possible to drive special equipment into hard-to-reach places to facilitate the work process.

How to determine the best location for a well

As a rule, to determine groundwater, the presence of wells in the immediate vicinity of neighbors is taken as the basis, they can always clarify the depth of the well, however, at a distance of only 1 km, groundwater can have different depths.

In exceptional cases, it is necessary to drill an exploration well for the presence of groundwater, however, this method of determining water is very complicated, but this method is considered the most effective in determining the presence of groundwater.

How to choose the right time to dig a hole

Determining the time required to dig a hole for a well is also not an unimportant detail, because the taste of water depends on it. So, for example, it is not advisable to dig frozen ground during the seasons of cold and frost, but at the same time, water does not arrive in the lower layers.


It is not recommended to dig a hole during the thawing of the snow cover, as well as during the flood, this is due to the fact that in the lower layers the soil is still well frozen, while its upper layers are in an excess of moisture.

The best option for the time when it is necessary to dig a hole for a well is the end of winter and the beginning of spring, since it is during this period that groundwater is at its lowest point.

Thus, you can find the most necessary depth for your site.

Well construction safety

Important importance must be given to safety when creating a well. And it is not necessary to strictly follow all the rules, because there is a high risk of getting some kind of serious injury or damage in the process.


  • it is necessary to work in personal protective equipment, and this is a helmet, gloves and overalls.
  • you need to make sure that the inventory tool with which you have to work is working.
  • be careful and careful, do not rush.
  • when removing the soil, use a strong bucket, which must be hooked onto a carabiner with a rope, in no case tie the bucket with soil to a regular knot, since there is a high probability of the bucket breaking and falling to the bottom.
  • you can’t go down to the bottom of the pit without a safety rope, this is necessary in case the digger below gets any serious damage or methane poisoning, then an urgent and quick evacuation of the victim will be needed.

Mine digging work

Almost every well pit, without exception, is dug vertically down in a section of about two meters no more. The overall dimensions of the pit are given along the circumference of the concrete rings with a small margin.

The process of creating a well can be performed by a team of no more than 4 people, where you can change in turn during the work.

Of no small importance is the pit for installing the very first concrete ring, while in the pit the walls should be even and slightly rounded, and the bottom itself should have a flat surface.

After installing the first ring, they dig further under it, after which they put the second ring on it and under their weight they will sag. And so it is done until the first water appears, and then the dirty water itself must be removed from the pit.


As soon as the water begins to rapidly fill the pit, you must immediately stop work and leave the well pit.

The connection of concrete rings occurs as follows. As part of each ring there are special steel rods, as well as loops, which are interconnected by connecting bolts.

In the process of water arrival at the bottom of the pit, it is recommended to tightly lay small stones of medium size, after which, to level the floor of the mine, it is covered with fine gravel or crushed stone. At the same time, they can play a kind of role of a cleaning filter, so that when rising to the surface of a bucket of water, soil particles do not come across.

Not the least importance must be given to the removal or removal of the soil raised to the surface. After that, you can proceed to the manufacture of the head, which can be done in any form.

At the same time, recently it has been considered very popular to have a beautiful and unique headband that can decorate your patio as a decorative element.

Therefore, if you are planning to make a well in the country with your own hands, you will have to put in a lot of time and effort, but the end result is worth it.

If for some reason you have any difficulties, then in this case you can seek the help of professionals. Also in this article there are many illustrated bright photos of the well, perhaps something will be to your liking.

DIY well photo

A well in the country, and sometimes near the house, is a necessary thing. But just a concrete ring sticking out of the ground with some kind of cover does not please the eye, and the comfort of use is below average. To remedy the situation, it is required to ennoble it and put a gate that will facilitate the rise of water. Ready-made well fences are for sale - with a roof and a gate, but they either have a solid price or look pathetic. Therefore, most often a house for a well is built with their own hands. Then you can apply your imagination and arrange everything the way you need.

Types of well houses and their tasks

The primary task of the well house is to protect water from the ingress of various substances - dust, foliage and other similar contaminants. This requires a tight-fitting lid. Open wells are possible only for technical water - for irrigation. Water from them cannot be used for other purposes. So if you plan to at least wash the dishes, the well should close tightly.

Protection from precipitation of any kind is also necessary: ​​rain and melt waters carry very dirty water with fertilizers dissolved in it, animal waste, various garbage and impurities. Its entry into the well is fraught with serious pollution. To protect against precipitation, a canopy is made, most often a gable - it is easier to remove precipitation.

Another task of the well house is to protect from outsiders or, in any case, to ensure safety for children. To do this, hecks are made or locks are cut in.

To make it easier to raise water, racks and gates are installed - in the simplest case, a rotating log with a handle to which a chain is attached. And all this together should still please the eyes of the owners, but at the same time require minimal maintenance.

open or closed

As you can see in the photo, the well house can be open and closed. It’s cheaper and easier to make it open: the well ring can be finished with stone or wood, the lid, racks and canopy - made of wood or metal - whichever costs less. Materials for such a structure require a minimum. There is only one “but” - in winter, water can freeze in such a well. If you do not plan to use it in cold weather, no problem.

But for winter use, an insulated well house is required. But even then it can be made open:

  • buy a polystyrene "shell" for the well - they are of the right size, fix it, and put the finish on top of it;
  • make the overlap of the ring and the cover from several layers of wood, and lay the boards in different directions, blocking the joints.

Another option is to make a closed house. It is slightly larger than the well ring in size. The existing air gap is already a good heat insulator, but protection can be further improved - by laying gaps with foam, for example.

What to do

The choice of appearance sometimes takes a long time. The beautiful half of humanity is especially “suffering” with the desire to decorate the well, going through numerous design options and spending a lot of time doing this. In fact, everything is simple: if there is a house, and the well is nearby, it is worth decorating it in the same style and, if possible, in the same color. Agree, it looks good.

What if the house is brick or plastered? Choose a finish that matches your style. If this is one of the first buildings on the site, just do it the way you like.

Often the question arises: to make of metal or wood. Wooden ones look really nice. But without proper care, they quickly lose all their attractiveness and become gray and ugly. If you are not afraid of the prospect regularly, at least once a year, renew the protective coating (remove old paint, then repaint), make it from wood. If this is not for you, make it out of metal. The whole structure or just the frame - your choice. What is a bad option: a frame made of galvanized metal profile, sheathed with siding. Especially if the house is finished in the same way.

As you can see, there are a lot of options. First choose the type - open-closed, then the materials and finishes to your taste, understand the design, make a house for the well with your own hands.

Canopy for a well with a cover - an open house

Structurally, the device is simple: there are two racks located one opposite the other. They serve as a support for a canopy, and a gate is attached to them - a device for lifting buckets of water. A drawing of an open house with dimensions, see the photo below.

Please note that the posts can be dug in after the well ring has been finished. Depending on this, the order of work changes, but the design in any case remains the same.

How to make a canopy

First, the canopy is assembled. Make two side triangles according to the required dimensions. In the drawing above, only an approximate spread of the two extreme points is given. More can be done if necessary. The length of the canopy depends on where the racks will stand - close to the well ring or behind the casing. The approximate dimensions of the canopy with a ring diameter of 100 cm are shown in the photo below.

Dimensions of a well canopy for a diameter of 100 cm

It is possible to assemble the structure from a galvanized profile, a metal profile pipe or a wooden beam. To prevent the profile from bending, it is reinforced at the door attachment points - you can put a wooden block or a metal corner inside.

To ensure that rain does not get inside, the expansion must be made much larger than the size of the ring - at least 20 cm on each side.

If the racks are attached directly to the concrete ring, the procedure is slightly different. First, a frame is assembled that encloses the ring. In the photo, it is made of a board 30 mm thick. Racks are also made of the same board, the place of attachment to concrete is reinforced with overlays. They also play a decorative role.

If the canopy turned out to be heavy, it is advisable to use a beam of greater thickness, otherwise it will not withstand the load.

After that, the previously assembled roof is attached to the racks. It is possible to make triangles immediately on the spot, but it is more convenient to prepare them in advance, assemble the truss system, and hoist them on racks in finished form.

Next is the finish. Sew up with a board, clapboard, roofing material. Just keep in mind that the boards, if used raw, will dry out after some time, gaps up to 5 mm thick will form between them. Then there is no question of any hygiene: both rain and dust will fall ... Using a dry board is also not very good - in wet weather it will swell, the flooring will “go in a wave”. In general, if you want to have clean water, build a house with doors - closed. There are more chances to save moisture from pollution.

Do-it-yourself closed house for a well

We are talking about such a variant of shelter for the well - with a door. If you still make a cover inside, it’s sure that dust will not get in.

A frame is being built, then it is put on the head of the well and fixed with anchor bolts.

  1. support post made of 100*200 mm
  2. short support posts from the same beam 100 * 200 mm
  3. fixing bar 30*60 mm
  4. triangular beam

We assemble the frame, with the help of short bars we fasten it to the ring. After we proceed to the assembly of the pallet. Assemble the flooring from a board of 30 * 100 mm or so. The frame is sheathed with boards or sheet material, such as waterproof plywood.

To keep the doors well, you can put additional jibs. We hang doors - one or two, as desired. To make it easier to navigate, below are drawings with dimensions.

According to the same scheme, you can make a roof for a metal house. If available, you can use a profile pipe. It is easier to attach finishing material to it.

How to make a fully enclosed frame

You can also hide a concrete ring in the house. In this case, the gate, as a rule, stands separately, and then the frame is assembled. Choose the dimensions so that the design freely covers the ring. Height - 20 centimeters higher than your height: so that you can safely bend over and get a bucket.

We take profiles from thick metal, galvanized. From the guide we assemble two identical frames - the “floor” and the upper level of the ring. They are connected by racks (profile for racks). It turned out a cube with filled sidewalls.

At the guide profile, we cut the sides, leaving the “back” intact. So you can make a triangle. We fix the rack, which is equal to the height of the entire house. If you want to have equal slopes, the rack is attached in the middle. You can make the far slope steeper, then the stand is moved 15-20 cm from the center.

We attach the notched profile to the fixed rack. We get one of the elements of the truss system. We perform the same operation on the other side. We connect the resulting tops of the triangles with a crossbar.

From the side of the door, we add racks - on both sides. It is better to strengthen them - put wooden blocks inside and fasten them with self-tapping screws.

We fasten the roofing material, for example, a profiled sheet, sheathe it with plywood. Soft tiles are then laid on plywood and nailed - who has what technology. The "foot" and sides of the roof are finished with any material. If you want - you can use wood - clapboard, imitation of a log or timber, if you want - siding.

In this case, the same materials were used as when facing the house: so that everything looks like a single ensemble.

Another video example of an assembly from a drywall profile in video format.

Making a well ring with your own hands

If a cap or canopy is made, the gray concrete ring remains visible. The view is not the most attractive, and I want to decorate it.

stone finish

The most popular way to decorate a well is to finish it with stone - pebbles or medium-sized rubble. If everything is more or less clear with the finishing material - to buy or assemble, then the question of what to cling to remains. There are several recipes:

We offer the third recipe for how to line a well with stone in video format. The composition of the mixture here is very similar, but before applying the solution, a mesh is fixed on the ring. With this technology, nothing will definitely fall off.

An interesting variant of the hinged cover on the well is proposed in the following video: it leans back almost completely, but whether such a device is needed is up to you.

Photo options for finishing wells