We make a holder for welding. Welding holder and features of choice Homemade electrode holder

Doesn't happen for work. Even such a seemingly insignificant detail as a holder for welding machine should provide high-quality electrode retention and convenience.

The following designs can be used for welding machines.


An electrode holder of this design (spring or lever) is the most common and simple product.

The price of the clothespin holder is the lowest in comparison with parts of other designs. The use of this type of holding device allows you to quickly and safely perform welding work, while the quality of the weld will always be at a high level.

Fork trident

A simple device that makes it easy to fix any diameter.

Great care should be taken when using a trident due to the large uninsulated area of ​​the product.

The main advantage of a holder of this design is the possibility of self-production.


It is used exclusively when welding metal in a protective gas environment.

The device has a long service life and correct use allows you to perform work of the highest quality.

Non-burning holder

This type of device allows you to perform work using almost 100% of the length of the welding electrode. The flameless holder consists of a cylindrical handle (2), into which a metal pin (1) is mounted on one side.

The electrode is fixed by welding its end part to the contact pin.


Screw electrical holders secure consumables well and have good contact and uninterrupted power supply.

The contact surfaces have an anti-corrosion coating. At correct operation The device will last for many years.

How to choose the right electric holder

When selecting a holder, you should pay attention to the following characteristics:

  1. Size and weight of the device. The weight and dimensions of the holder are very important. When working for many hours, the extra 50 grams of the device will be felt. In this case, it is better to purchase a compact and lightweight design. If you have a choice, give preference to light and small parts, provided they have the same characteristics.
  2. Specifications. The holder must match the current strength. Failure to comply with this requirement will result in burnout of the contact part. If the contacts burn, further use of the device will be impossible. You can determine whether a device belongs to a category based on current strength by the markings that are applied to the non-replaceable part of the product.
  3. Quality of insulating material. To ensure safe performance of work, you should select a holder with a high-quality insulated handle. Plastic of sufficient thickness is used as a dielectric in almost all parts to reliably protect the welding machine operator from exposure electric current.
  4. Price. You can buy a holder for a welding machine from 100 rubles, but the quality of a cheap model will not differ. Branded copies sell for several hundred dollars, but for everyday work there is no need to purchase holders at that price. It is enough to purchase a product in the middle price category to provide yourself with a high-quality tool for welding metals for a long time.

An inexpensive device can be purchased as a spare part. If the main device fails, if you have an additional holder, you can continue working without a serious time delay.

The best holder models

To purchase an electrode holder for a welding machine and not be disappointed in its quality, you should choose models that have been used by welders for a long time and do not cause negative emotions in them.

Negative reviews most often occur about Chinese-made products, but low-quality products can enter the domestic market from other countries.

1. ESAB Handy 200 (200 A) - is in great demand among professional welders.

The item has high performance characteristics, which do not decrease during the entire period recommended by the manufacturer. The product was made in Sweden, so you can count on European quality.

The Handy 200 weighs 550 grams, but given the good insulating coating and high-quality clamp, the slight increase in the weight of the holder compared to other models is quite justified. Handy 200 is a screw holder, which allows you to perform welding work efficiently and safely.

When using the device, you can weld metal with electrodes with a diameter of 2.0 to 4.0 mm. The cost of the product on the Russian market is about 500 rubles.

2. Sibrteh 500A - inexpensive, but quality tool domestic production, which can be used up to 500 A.

The Sibrtech 91455 500A holder is a clamp-type device in which the working electrode can be replaced quickly.

The product has reliable plastic insulation, which can protect the operator from the effects of electric current. You can buy it for 300 rubles.

3. ESAB 500 is a holder from a well-known Swedish company that has been producing high-quality products for more than 100 years. The esab electrode holder can be used for welding work with current up to 500 A.

The main advantage of ESAB 500 products is their ultra-light weight, which is only 200 grams. The cost of the product on the Russian market is about 3,000 rubles.

4. Germany type 300 A - ideal for welding with currents up to 300 A and electrode diameter 2 - 4 mm. Thanks to the special corrugated design of the device’s handle, it is possible to achieve a reliable hold in the hand. The model is distinguished by high-quality plastic insulation and relatively low weight.

For a professional welder, and even for an amateur, a good electrode holder is the key to comfortable and comfortable work welding process. When purchasing a holder, you need to know how to choose a much-needed item for welding work, what points you need to pay attention to Special attention, so that later problems would not arise when using it.


Let us briefly consider the design of the electrode holder. Several important factors depend on the design of the device:

  • quality of welded joints;
  • master's labor productivity;
  • convenience and safety of work.

inexpensive electrode holder

A standard type holder is a tool consisting of several parts: body, clamp, handle, moving parts. But different kinds may have some structural features. More details below.


Let us briefly consider what types of electrode holders exist. Electrode holders are divided into universal And specialized. The production of both groups is regulated by GOST standards. For homemade ones, see the separate subheading below.

The universal electrode holder is the most popular, as it allows welding in various spatial positions.

There is also a more detailed classification:

1. Clamping clothespin holder (spring or lever) characterized by a simple design and low price. The main disadvantage is weak fixation of the electrode.

This type can be made in two modifications:

  • simple is distinguished by its compatibility with most types of welding machines and the complete absence of uninsulated zones;
  • automated provides high quality seam, significant energy savings and automatic arc ignition.

Clothespin holder

2. Screw Electrode holders allow the cathode to be firmly secured. The main disadvantage is the need to constantly unscrew and tighten the screw in the clamping device when changing the material for welding.

Screw holder

We suggest watching a video where the user compares two holders, a screw one and a clothespin, and makes a choice in favor of the screw one.

3. Tool design non-cinder type is designed in this way: the electrode is not fixed with a clamp, but is welded to the end of a rod with an insulated surface and completely melts during the joining process. Then the next rod is taken.

4. Quite popular among welders of any level is trident fork.
However, this type, made in a simple modification, poses a serious threat to the health of the master due to large quantity unprotected parts.

Homemade “fork” holder

5. The collet holder is used in argon arc welding torches.

Rotary holder

6. The electrode holder with a rotary type clamp allows you to quickly and reliably fix the rod at only one angle.

In addition to the above types, aggregates are also distinguished special purpose, which are used to create a certain type of seam.

A good electrode holder should:

The electrode holder must meet the following mandatory requirements:

  1. Reliability and confidence of fixation electrical conductor of any diameter in the required position.
  2. Possibility of fast angle changes electrode exit.
  3. Good and complete contact.
  4. Security quick replacement electrode.
  5. Durability use.
  6. Ease device.
  7. Insulation of live parts.
  8. Possibility of welding in hard to reach places.

How not to buy a low-quality holder for a welding machine

Live parts of a quality device must be made of copper and protected with insulating material. Some unscrupulous companies manufacture live parts from steel and then coat them with copper. Thus, the parts become very hot and burn quickly.

They look like copper and it is difficult for a non-professional to visually distinguish them from “all-copper” parts. There is one surefire way that requires a magnet. It is necessary to bring a magnet to the part being tested; if the parts are magnetic, then they are made of steel.

Copper jaws of the holder

Popular manufacturers

Let's move on to popular manufacturers of electrode holders.

Telwin is a world leader in the manufacture of welding machines, cutting systems and chargers. The Italian company offers holders under the same brand.

Spring electrode holders for welding work from a German company are distinguished by the following characteristics: high-strength and heat-insulating handle; rigid fixation of the dynode in four positions; ergonomics; strength; versatility of use.

Company Trafimet founded in 1974 in the Italian city of Vincenza. The manufacturer offers spring-type tools with the following technical parameters: light weight of the unit; reliability; ease of use.

Russian company “Svarog” produces inverter equipment. Holders from this manufacturer are manufactured in compliance with all state standards; allow welding in all positions, as well as in hard-to-reach places.

The Swedish concern is one of the world leaders in the production of equipment, materials, accessories, protective equipment and other accessories for welding. The wide range also includes screw-type electrode holders, characterized by maximum safety and quality of work. See the video above.

Head office and production of the enterprise EWM located in the German city of Mündersbach. The company specializes in the manufacture and sale of a wide range of equipment, including electrode holders of various types.

Russian trademark BRIMA occupies one of the leading positions in the market of equipment, components and materials for welding. Electrode holders are designed for three groups of consumers: household, professional and industrial.

Company SANTOOL– a reliable manufacturer and supplier of quality welding products. The equipment is produced under several trademarks. The devices have a reliable fixation, electrically conductive parts are insulated from accidental contact.

Russian enterprise Skrab sells products under its own brand of the same name, and also supplies professional equipment from leading manufacturers. The equipment is used in many fields of activity.

SIBRTECHdomestic manufacturer high quality tools and equipment. The company offers clamp-type electrode holders. When working with units, it is important that the electrically conducting parts do not come into contact with the product being welded or with human hands. For products from this manufacturer there were comments, watch the video above and below.

Holder SKRAB 27601

How to operate

A few words about how to properly use the holder for welding electrodes. The use of an electrode holder implies not only its direct use, but also proper care behind him. Clamp follows to keep clean, this ensures tight contact of the jaws with the rod, and, accordingly, eliminates burning and extends service life. It is also necessary to avoid burning the remainder of the electrode (cinder) to the very jaws of the holder for the same reasons.

Useful video

Watch the video showing the procedure for replacing a Sibrtech holder by an amateur. At the same time, you will see a review about the defects of this product, what to look for when choosing and purchasing.

Homemade holders for electrodes

Design "Trident" simple and uncomplicated. There are quite a few ways to assemble this type, the simplest one is presented below.

The body of the “Trident” is like a rod with three prongs; It is made by bending and welding reinforcement made of carbon steel with a diameter of 8 mm. The middle rod is also bent, its function is to fix the rod in the holder.

The most difficult thing is to organize high-quality contact between the cable and the holder. To do this, you need to bend the tube divided into two halves. The tube acts as an electrical terminal. The first half secures the cable, and the second half supports its insulating braid. The terminal is also tacked by welding.

To insulate the handle, you can use a piece of reinforced durite sleeve, which is placed on the heated fittings.

Here is another option on how to make a fork holder. The photo is clickable, to enlarge, click on the image. How to make such a holder is described in more detail on this website.

Type “Corner” has a similar device to the “Trident”. The main difference is that instead of two spring contacts, a metal corner is used here, and the electrical conductor is held by one tooth, not three.

“Advanced” option homemade instrument assembled from scrap materials. The master will need a pipe with a diameter of 15 mm. and 250 mm long, to which a 3 mm thick plate is attached. and 25 mm wide. The plate is then rolled into a ring with a diameter of 50 mm, the ends are straightened and used for clamping. At the point where the cable is attached, the tube is compressed and a hole is drilled for a bolt that clamps the cable tip. The handle is made of durite.

Rating: which electrode holder is better

We understand that the issue of choosing a holder is subjective, who likes what. But nevertheless, we believe that when choosing, it is worth taking into account the opinion of the majority. Therefore, we will make a survey about the best electrode holders. We invite you to vote and express your opinion on which holder is the best for you. You can select two answer options at the same time.

It is a very important process in production, construction and everyday life. Along with the choice of welding machine, it is necessary to pay attention to the electrode holder for. On this moment There are a huge number of clamps that differ from each other in design, weight, etc. In addition, you can make a welding holder yourself. In this article we will talk about how to make a holder with your own hands.

The electrode holding device is a very important component, although its design is quite simple. The following are some requirements:

  • proper dielectric and thermal insulation must be ensured;
  • the wire must be fastened securely;
  • reliable retention of the rods must be ensured;
  • The cinder should be easily replaced with a new rod.

Factory fastener models

Before considering a homemade electrode holder, you should learn about factory models. There are several types of them.


A very convenient type of clamp, it is light and compact. The electrode here is easily replaced with a new one. The collet handle is well protected from electrical and temperature influences. The disadvantages include high cost and limitations on operating current. You should also not leave a short stub, as this can damage the handle.

It is important to remember that as the length of the electrode decreases, the current passing through it also increases.


The most common type of restraint devices. Depending on the operating current and diameter, the holder can be different sizes. The clothespin can be used when working with almost any current value. The contact with the rod is good, and with the help of the handle you can easily get rid of the cinder. The disadvantages of clothespins include a larger design and a more complex process for replacing the electrode.

Fork (trident)

Currently, holders of this type are not commercially available; they can only be found on secondary markets. The fork differs from previous types in its simple design. The electrode is almost completely gone, the cinders are very short. But, perhaps, these are all the advantages of the trident. The trident does not match, which causes high level its risk of injury. In order to remove the rod from the fork, you must use additional tools, such as a hammer or pliers.

DIY welding holders. How to make a welding holder?

If desired, you can make a homemade holder for welding. Maybe, homemade models and are inferior to factory ones in quality and reliability, but they can also be used. Such holders are enough cheap analogue expensive factory models. Here we will look at the designs of homemade holders of various types.


We talked about this type of retainer above when we described factory models of retaining devices. This model is easy to make yourself. The trident consists of three pieces of reinforcement welded together in a certain way. In order to protect yourself from electric shock, you can put a piece of rubber hose on the handle.

Despite the simplicity of the design, it is necessary to use a homemade holder with extreme caution, as there is a risk of injury during operation. Due to the fact that the reinforcement is constantly covered with scale, it must be cleaned in order to obtain a good result. Scale affects the loss of current, thereby impairing contact and making the welding process less efficient.

Metal corner and reinforcement rod

This option is more effective than the trident. Here the contact of the rod with the holder increases, which has a positive effect. But a homemade holder for electrodes of this type has the same disadvantage as a plug - the electrode is difficult to remove.

Fork with spring

Modernized version of the fork. The trident (fork) with a spring must be made of high-quality material, which will improve the quality of the welding process. A homemade holder of this design has a spring-loaded finger instead of one reinforcement rod, which makes it easier to replace the cinder with a whole electrode.

Despite the apparent simplicity of the design, the holding device for the electrodes (holders) is a critical component. It must meet certain requirements:

  • Reliable dielectric protection of the operator;
  • Thermal insulation of the handle;
  • High-quality wire fastening for the welding machine;
  • Ability to withstand currents measured in hundreds of amperes;
  • Strong grip of the electrode;
  • Easy replacement of the cinder with a new electrode.

The last two points actually contradict each other, so the design of the electrode holder is always a compromise. Professional welders never stop arguing about the advantages and disadvantages of certain holder designs.

We will consider both factory and homemade holders electrodes.

Factory made holders

Homemade designs


This is simply a welding classic. There is hardly an electric welder who has not held in his hands a “fork” welded from three pieces of corrugated fittings. A piece of rubber hose or a handle from a bicycle handlebar was usually used as a dielectric handle. Sometimes they just made do with rag tape.

The option is the simplest to manufacture, however, it is quite inconvenient and dangerous during operation. The most a big problem- removing the cinder. Due to the design features, the electrode was used almost completely - this was always presented as one of the advantages.

Collet (clamping) version

Technical development previous version holder. Instead of threaded connection a spring clamp is used. The obvious advantages of the design are the ease of changing the cinder to a new electrode. Again, a compromise option. The more powerful the spring, the more force is applied to replace the electrode.

But at the same time, the reliability of contact, and therefore, limit value current – ​​increases. Conversely, operating comfort reduces the current load.
No less important is the second connector, which supplies current to the welding object - ground.

It does not need to provide thermal and electrical protection. But the contact must be extremely reliable. Otherwise, due to resistance, the current strength decreases and welding efficiency decreases. It is best to choose a copper or brass clamp. The cable attachment should be as close as possible to the point of contact with the metal.

If there is sparking at the place where the earth clamp is attached, in addition to current loss, you can get stuck to the workpiece. This will ruin both the clamp and the metal being processed.

Welding machines have always been improved. They changed in appearance, design and operating features. Accessories for working with them have also been constantly improved. For example, a holder for a welding machine. This device has simple tasks - ease of use and reliable fastening. The purpose of the holder is to secure the electrode in it.

Despite simple design, the electrode holder for the welding machine performs important role during the welding process. Today, welders have options regarding the choice of toolholders. You can use both new inventions like clamps and old ones like fork holders. Holders for welding machines can be either factory-made or home-made.


The most famous welding electrode holder is the fork or trident. It was very popular among Soviet welders. It has a very simple design, but far from the most advanced. Currently, manufacturers of welding equipment do not produce such holders. But you can still find it at flea markets. It is prohibited in production due to safety regulations, as the welder has a risk of injury. In addition, such a holder provides poor contact with the electrode. To remove the cinder, additional devices are needed, which is also inconvenient.


Popular design - such holders are produced in the most different forms and sizes. Accommodates almost any current and electrode size. But the design is not very convenient, since the lever sticks out. Among the disadvantages, it can also be noted that this version of the holder is very voluminous.


A very common type of holder. Well protects the master from temperature and electrical influences. However, its price is quite high. It has some limitations, for example, the size of the permissible current that can be passed through it.

The best companies that produce holders:

  • Abicor Binzel. A company from Germany that has proven itself to be excellent. The holders are reliable, made from quality material, provide good fixation of the electrode. However, they are often counterfeited, so there is a risk of purchasing a fake.
  • Esab. Company from Sweden. The holder provides reliable fixation of the electrode, which can be fixed in the mounting holes without play.
  • Trafimet Eagle/Falcon. Italian company. They produce quite light, reliable and comfortable holders. The fastenings and fittings are reliable.

The electrode holder can be homemade. But before you start making a holder for a welding machine with your own hands, It is advisable to know the basic safety rules.

How to make a welding holder with your own hands? There are several types of designs available for self-production. However, the simplest is the trident


The most common homemade look holder. It is a trident made of corrugated iron. Making such a holder is very simple. To do this you need copper wire. Copper is used as a material because it has high temperature melting. To make it, you need to take a copper wire on which to wind soft wire. To compact the wire, it is advisable to tap it with a hammer so that it is flattened as much as possible and pressed against the wire. You need to form a trident from individual rods. Then the trident is welded to the part of the wire that is wrapped. An improvised handle can be made by insulating part of the winding

But this design has significant drawbacks. It is very dangerous to the health of the welder. It does not have very good contact, and rust regularly appears on the iron fittings, which needs to be cleaned off. The cinder is difficult to remove.

There is an improved trident design - a rod that is welded to a metal corner. This type of design is more reliable and holds the electrode well. However, it is still difficult to knock out the cinder

Trident with spring

Made of stainless steel, which ensures good contact. But the materials for such a holder are not cheap.

There is also a collet holder, but it is difficult to make it yourself.

Which holder will be better? Handmade or factory made? It depends on the purpose for which it will be used. If, for example, you weld a metal rod to a fence at your dacha, then a homemade one will do. If for some more important task, then it is better to stay with the factory one. Professional welders almost always choose factory ones, because such an electrode holder provides easy fixation of the rod, allows you to maintain a stable current flow and is generally safer for the worker.