How to make rubbery ficus branched. Formation of the crown of a rubber ficus, how to cut a plant at home

You will need

  • - sharp knife or secateurs;
  • -alcohol, peroxide and any other disinfectant solution;
  • - soft cloth
  • - basin with water.


Best time for pinching ficus - spring. It is in the spring that new shoots form most quickly. Wounds, which are inevitable with such procedures, heal quite easily in the spring. This reduces the risk of plant disease. Therefore, before the end of February or the beginning of March, the plant should not be touched.

Wait for the ficus to reach optimal height. Disinfect your knife. It can be wiped with alcohol or doused with hydrogen peroxide. The knife must be very sharp, since the ficus trunk is quite difficult to cut. You can ignite the knife over the fire for several minutes. Pinching can be done in two ways. If you are satisfied with the current height of the ficus and at the same time its upper shoot is thin enough, cut it off just below the growth point. In this case, you can make a straight cut.

Too much big ficus needs to be cut differently. Determine desired height and find a leaf or branch that is below that point. Cut the ficus 5-8 cm above this leaf. The cut in this case should be oblique. Its bottom is at the level of the kidney, on the opposite side of the trunk. The top of the cut should be directly above the kidney.

Use a soft cloth soaked in water to wipe off the milky juice from the trunk. The rag cannot be wringed out, it must be thrown away. The water itself will stop the further secretion of the juice. The ficus does not require any more treatment of wounds, they will perfectly heal themselves.

Wait a month and feed the ficus. After feeding, it should begin to grow rapidly. You can transplant it into a pot of a larger diameter (so that the old pot freely enters the new one). But this can not be done, it is enough to change part of the soil in the first year. After the first successful operation, you can continue to form the crown of the ficus. For this next spring pinch in the same way side shoots.


Ficus juice is poisonous. It is better to pinch and cut this plant with gloves. Try not to get the milky juice on the mucous membranes of the nose and mouth.

Keep in mind that after pruning and pinching, the ficus trunk does not grow.

Helpful advice

When starting to form a crown, keep in mind that not all ficuses tolerate this well. Wounds usually heal quickly, but not all plants develop side shoots easily. Therefore, watch the ficus before pinching the next shoots. If it is your ficus that does not particularly want to branch, you can do lush crown another way. Just plant several cuttings in one pot.

A ficus plant initially produces only one stem. But over time, the flower begins to awaken, grow, branch, and here your competent intervention will already be needed. Rubber ficus can be an exquisite decoration for your home or work office. The main thing is to know how to make the ficus give lateral shoots, how to pinch it so that the branched lush crown you need is formed. Explore this side of the issue indoor flower over time, it turned into an original interior detail that will attract the eyes of your guests.

Before figuring out how to pinch a ficus correctly, every grower wants to make sure that such a procedure is necessary and find out what results it gives. At first, homemade ficus grows only upwards and does not require crown formation. However, the older the plant gets, the more important it is for you to master basic principles its clippings.

If nothing is done in advance, your young green specimen will bush randomly. You can not pull with this anti-aging procedure. Otherwise, the ficus will grow incorrectly, branch in the wrong direction, or give not quite the density that you expected. It is quite possible to make a branched crown of a ficus, for this you just need to learn how to properly pinch a home plant.

Choosing the time for the procedure

How to make a ficus branch and how complicated is such a set of measures? The result will certainly satisfy you if you not only study the forced principles of the procedure, but also determine what time of the year is best to carry it out. You can get a branched crown from a ficus, but it’s better to start pruning in spring period. With the onset of spring, the plant wakes up, all vital processes are activated. If you start pinching the flower at this favorable time, the pruning procedure will not be too stressful for the plant: all the “wounds” will heal instantly. In addition, it is in the spring that young buds form on the stem of the plant and side shoots develop.

That is why there is no more suitable time for the formation of a ficus crown than the spring period, or rather the end of winter - the beginning of spring. Remember, it is unforgivable to delay this procedure. If you start pruning homemade ficus in the middle of spring, the result may not be of very high quality. The thing is that when sap flow is active, shortening the branches can wake up the flower and stimulate its growth as a whole, but the new side shoots will be too thin.

Pinching instructions

How to pinch a ficus and how to learn to do it right? To give side branches, start the grafting procedure when the flower grows a little. Preparatory moments also have great value. For example, be sure to disinfect the knife with which you are going to shorten the branches. If desired, use alcohol or hydrogen peroxide. The sharper the knife, the easier it is to cut the branches, and in indoor ficus they are usually thick. Whatever method of pruning you prefer, you first need to pay attention to the condition of the plant.

Let's say you like the height of a ficus, but its top shoot has grown too thin. In this case, take a knife and make a straight cut, simply removing the fragile shoot. But the first method is effective if we are dealing with a young houseplant. When a similar procedure needs to be carried out with a mature home flower, it is worth resorting to a slightly different technique. Follow all the necessary steps in stages, and the result will be more than satisfactory. What exactly does the process of crown formation in an adult ficus consist of:

  • first, determine for yourself which point on the stem, in your opinion, should be the top. After that, make an incision at a distance of 8 cm from the sheet. It is desirable that it be oblique, and its upper point should be directly above the kidney;
  • for proper pinching of a ficus plant, you need to take a small cloth, moisten it in water and gently wipe the trunk from milk, which spreads along the stems after pruning. In no case do not wring it out and do not use it again - the matter must certainly be thrown away. Some flower growers believe that it is recommended to lubricate the cut points with the compositions made, but ordinary water will actually be enough. With its help, you will stop the further secretion of vegetable juice, and the wounds of the ficus will soon heal;
  • what to do to get the pinching of the ficus, and the side shoots acquired new form? It is very important at the end of the procedure to ensure proper care of the plant. If all the steps are done correctly by you, with the onset of next spring, pinching can be continued. This time, you will give a stimulus for the growth of side shoots.

Every grower can force a ficus to branch. Pinching will give the plant an incentive to actively grow and form new and new shoots. Over time, the flower will begin to bush, if everything is done correctly and at the right time.

Further care

How to make the ficus actively bush, beginner flower growers ask.

After pinching the crown, it is very important to provide proper care for the plant.

First of all, it will be needed about a month after the removal of the branches. It doesn’t hurt either - this is another effective way to get side shoots to develop. For those whose home ficus has already acquired an impressive size, such a need can be a real problem.

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Or ficus elastica at home, it is necessary not only to properly care for it, but also to form a crown.

Ficus belongs to tropical plants, reaching 40 meters in nature. It wraps around all nearby trees thanks to aerial roots, which eventually form a banyan tree.

Indoors, rubbery ficus grows from 50 centimeters to one meter per year. If the flower is properly looked after, then it will give an additional leaflet per week. Due to the fact that the plant does not bush much, but constantly stretches in height, it is necessary to constantly restrain its growth by pinching or pruning. Do not try to transplant the flower into a spacious pot so as not to disturb its growth. This will lead to the growth of the root system, but the bush itself will stop growing.

How to form a crown at rubbery ficus without pruning

There are ways in which the ficus is forced to branch lateral shoots and at the same time do not resort to pruning:

  1. It is necessary to tilt the trunk lower and fix the top with ropes to a support inserted into the ground. Such an action will affect the kidney, which will be at the very top. It will give growth to a strong branch. The top of the ficus will stop actively reaching up. If you gradually level the trunk of the ficus, then you can achieve the growth of a few more additional branches. The procedure is best done with young trees, they lend themselves well to it.
  2. You can make an incision a third of the depth of the trunk above the sleeping kidney. Manipulations are carried out only with a disinfected knife. In this place, the bark is removed. As a result, the root nutrition of the awakened kidney is weakened. This operation is called kerbovka. It is carried out only in the spring.
  3. Artificial plant hormones, cytokinins, can stimulate branching. With their help, the apical dominance of the apex is replaced by the lateral axillary dominance. Also, these hormones prevent the leaves from falling down.

Pruning ficus rubber at home

Prune the ficus preferably in the spring, when it is actively growing. If you do the procedure at another time, then only the upper kidney will wake up, and the bush will become one-sided. Before pruning a ficus, you must wait for its height to be at least 70 centimeters. If there is no desire to change it, then just pinching the top is enough. When the rubber bush is excessively high, then it can be cut above the desired branch above 5 centimeters. When pruning, you must understand that after it the bush stops growing in height, so you must determine for yourself how deep it should be, since nothing can be corrected later. Getting Started with Pruning rubber ficus at home, you should know:

  • the procedure is carried out with well-sharpened tools, it is enough to treat them with alcohol or ignite with fire;
  • thin shoots are cut only with a straight cut, but the trunk itself is cut obliquely;
  • if you make an incision, then on the one hand it should pass directly above the kidney, and on the other hand it should go out at its level;
  • for pruning, it is best to use a knife and a pruner to avoid injury to the ficus; thin branches can be cut with scissors.

After manipulating the plant, it is important to remove all the milky juice that has come out. It wipes off with a damp cloth. If this is not done, then the juice freezes and clogs the vessels, which stops the growth of the rubber-bearing ficus.

Another important point! When a plant needs a transplant, it should be postponed after pruning for two weeks, as the procedure causes stress in the ficus. It will also contribute to the branching of the ficus. To do this, use a larger pot by 3 centimeters with a mandatory good drainage layer. In an adult ficus plant, they simply change the top layer.

To stimulate the active growth of additional shoots, the elastic is fed mineral fertilizers. Before top dressing, the soil must be moistened.

As soon as additional shoots appear on the plant, they are pinched to make the crown dense and compact. To achieve the desired direction, the shoots are adjusted with a wire. You can plant a rooted top in one pot, which will additionally help form a beautiful crown.

How to get an unusual crown of rubbery ficus

If everything is in order with your imagination, then you can form a crown at the plant according to your taste different kind. We bring to your attention its most common forms:

  1. Standard. This shape is like a small tree. To get it, you need to strengthen the stem and remove all the foliage to the place you need. After a while, the support is removed, and the stem is shortened to 5 centimeters. The tops in the second and third internodes are pinched, and the lower branches are removed by a third. This pinching and pruning is done regularly to maintain desired shape crowns.
  2. Ficus weave. If you want to get a pigtail or spiral, then two or three young plants should be planted in one pot. The shape of a spiral is made from two stems, carefully and gradually twisting them together. A pigtail is woven from three ficuses. When performing ficus weaving, it must be borne in mind that over time the stems will thicken, so it is not worth pulling the stems strongly between each other. All branches that appear on the sides are removed.
  3. Fence. This form is obtained when placed in a container in a row and with the same interval of young ficuses. To maintain the desired shape, they are fastened together with a rope or a dense thread. To prevent the appearance of scars, sometimes loosen the fastening. In places where the stems are interconnected, the bark is removed, the juice is wiped off and the plant is fastened with a film. Then you need to rotate the composition to the sun.
  4. Circular lattice. To get this shape, you need to plant young plants in a circle.
  5. Spiral stem. A spiral can be grown if, as it grows, carefully wrap the trunk around the support. All branches on the sides are removed.
  6. Original. If you plant a coconut column in the center of the composition, and ficuses grow around it, then over time the aerial roots of the plant will braid it with sufficient moisture. As a result, a monolithic structure is formed, it will look like a banyan tree.

Many flower growers are interested in how to cut a ficus to create a crown in the most unusual, curly shape. When cutting, you should follow certain rules and nuances, and then the flower will get an original, well-groomed and beautiful look. Ficus is great for those who prefer a creative approach to growing. indoor plants.

Gardeners are debating whether it is possible to cut the ficus at home yourself, and how to form it so that the plant has normal growth. Many flower lovers successfully trim at home if there is a desire to give it some form or if it is necessary for sanitary reasons.

For each type of pruning (a lush small bush, a branched crown) there is a certain rule. Before you start trimming, you need to decide what result is expected. Not every variety of ficus (with a single shoot pruned) will continue to grow well.

A rubbery ficus that has been pruned will be able to continue growing with 1 shoot. Plants with short inter-nodal distances can be pruned. It is necessary to make a horizontal cut above the bud with an oblique shoot that has a thin or still green appearance. Whatever type of ficus is pruned, you do not need to leave large stumps. They can be sources of plant infection with fungal diseases.

Sanitary pruning of ficus is carried out at any time. This must be done in order to prevent poorly developed, broken and dried shoots from infecting the entire ficus with an infection.

A rejuvenating type of pruning is usually performed when the flower has dried shoots that have appeared as a result of a long absence of watering and drying out of the soil (this is especially true for dwarf plant species). When the trunk freezes in the upper part, you need to cut it “under the stump”. Root growth ficus will quickly be able to resume its growth. After a while, you will need to take the stem in order to grow the plant in a standard or artisanal form. The main thing is that he would have at least a few shoots. You can create a lush crown if the shoots are properly shortened or tweezed.

Sanitary pruning and rejuvenation of ficus

Pruning a flower for sanitary purposes is not carried out to give the plant an attractive shape. This is necessary to get rid of unhealthy and weakened branches. This procedure can be performed at any time of the year. Ficus should be constantly monitored and all dry branches that have been attacked by harmful insects should be eliminated. This is necessary in order not to spread the infection to strong and healthy branches.

Anti-aging pruning will help if for some reason indoor ficus began to dry, or the upper part was frostbitten when the plant was kept in inappropriate conditions.

It is necessary to cut the branches, leaving only a stump. Ficus will recover thanks to the shoots from the roots. This method is suitable for dwarf plants such as brown ficus. unpretentious plant no less in need of care and maintenance than the capricious. Only then will it please everyone with its beautiful view.

Having correctly formed the plant, you can make it grow in an arc, in the form of a bush or trunk. Flower growers who have a lot of experience behind them are able to perform very complex types of pruning. This may be a form of sculpture, it is permissible to arrange the top in the form of an unusual composition. The physiology of the plant should be taken into account so that the crown is properly formed, the flower continues to live and grow.

New shoots almost always arise from the buds - axillary and apical. The second type of shoots is located above the attachment point of the leaf petiole to the stem part of the plant. The apical kidney has more fast development, but the lateral buds develop more slowly.

The ideal period for pruning is in the spring, when the plant begins to actively grow. Pruning in autumn or winter can cause the flower to continue its growth, twisting on its side. In this case, even the most perfect care will not help him.

When cutting the plant, the cut must be done above the kidney. At the same time, on thicker branches it should have a beveled appearance, on thin ones it should be straight. When cutting off the side shoots, one should take into account the direction of growth of the bud over which the cut was made.

The outward-facing bud is left to receive a shoot that will emerge from the crown. Places of cuts should be wiped with a wet cloth until the juice is completely absorbed, then sprinkled with a small amount of charcoal.

To trim ficuses at home, you need to prepare the following materials:

  • some charcoal;
  • medical alcohol;
  • potassium permanganate.

Start pruning ficus at home should be in the last days of March. To prevent the plant from growing too tall, it is necessary to trim its top.

Before starting work, all tools should be disinfected so as not to infect the plant and not harm it. For good growth axillary kidneys and shoots, it is necessary to cut the crown every year. This procedure will help them stay healthy.

The crown must be cut from the inside and from outer side if inside the crown has shading, and the shoots growing inside are too overgrown. It is necessary to regularly get rid of flabby leaves and shoots that have thrown off all the leaves. The main shoot should be pruned once a year to a height of 15-25 cm. Removed shoots should remain with no more than 6 leaves.

Ficus growing at home is sometimes formed in longline form. But in order to implement this idea, only an adult flower is suitable, which has a well-formed central trunk.

You need to follow the following pruning sequence:

  1. 1 When the plant has grown to right size you can cut off the top.
  2. 2 If a trunk with 2 levels is planned, the ficus crown is divided into 3 parts: the 1st and 3rd parts are placed on top (levels with a spherical shape), the 2nd part is between the levels where all shoots are removed.
  3. 3 When forming the 3rd level, the crown is divided into 5 parts. 1st, 3rd, 5th parts are future upper levels(they are made spherical), the 2nd and 4th parts become the gaps between the levels at which all shoots are removed.
  4. 4 Levels can be drawn from top to bottom, but the top of the stem is not removed until the plant has reached the required size.

Ficus does not require much attention. It is only necessary to get rid of all regrown shoots on the bare area of ​​​​the trunk, cut off the shoots that grow inside the crown and drown it out. Can be made from ficus big figures, resembling an animal, a cube, a pyramid or a ball.

Ficus crown formation

Many people who have such a wonderful plant at home are interested in how to properly cut the ficus. Usually the crown is made of 2, 3, 5 standard tiers. You need to leave a lot of shoots (the distance between them should be about half a meter), and cut the rest shorter.

You can form any number of tiers. For outdoor ficus, it is permissible to make several tiers, it can grow up to 3 m and above. You can also cut it in a circle, a semicircle, or give it a different shape.

From ficuses small size excellent original sculptures. Creation simple forms requires only timely pruning of the bush. To carry out complex shape, you will need to apply a wire frame. To do this, it is necessary to plant at least 3 plants in one container and weave their trunks together.

Usually ficuses, having the form of vines, are launched in an arc. It is suitable for mountain, arrow-shaped and dwarf plant species. It is necessary to put a fine mesh frame in the pot, forming an arc, and direct the shoots along it. Over time, the vines will braid the entire frame of the base.

How to form a ficus crown with a bole? Ideal for this purpose young plant with a pronounced main stem.

The formation of a ficus in the form of a bole is carried out in this way:

  1. 1 On the main trunk of the plant, regular pruning of all side shoots is performed, leaving only a couple of pieces at the top of the trunk.
  2. 2 When the plant reaches required size(25-35 cm in height if it is placed on the windowsill, and 55-90 cm if on the floor), pruning of shoots on the sides stops.
  3. 3 Next is pinching the top of the plant.
  4. 4 When the branches on the sides are very elongated, you need to remove them above the kidney, looking outward.

Some are faced with a problem when the trunk is not very stable. To make it stronger, you need to tie it to a peg, which is then easily removed. All sections should be wiped with a damp cloth and sprinkled with crushed coal.

How to pinch a ficus?

You can form a ficus by pinching, which is a very important procedure in terms of plant care. You should know the rules so as not to harm the flower.

For pinching, you need to prepare:

  • a basin of water;
  • rag;
  • any disinfectant;
  • sharpened knife.

Spring will be the perfect time for pinching. It is at this time that shoots appear faster. Wounds that can be inflicted during this procedure will heal very easily in the spring, and the plant will be less likely to get sick.

You should wait until the ficus grows to the desired size. Before the procedure, you need to treat the instrument with alcohol or another disinfectant. For work, it is necessary to choose a well-sharpened knife, since the trunk of this plant is very difficult to cut. You can pinch a ficus in 2 ways. If the height of the plant suits you and the top shoot is not very thick, you need to cut it a little below the point where it grows.

If the plant is tall enough, it needs to be trimmed in a different way. Determine the required height, find a branch that is located below this point, and cut 6-9 cm above this branch. In this case, the cut will be oblique. Its bottom should be placed at the level of the kidney, on the other side of the trunk, and its top should be located just above the kidney.

Using a wet rag, you need to wipe off the juice that has dripped on the trunk. After that, the rag must be removed without squeezing it into a cut. Water itself will prevent the further release of juice. This completes the treatment of ficus wounds, then the plant itself will tighten them.

After 30 days, you should feed the plant. After that it will restart fast growth. Some transplant ficus into a pot that has a larger diameter, which is not necessary. It will be enough just to change the soil the first year.

After the end of the procedure, the formation of the crown of the plant continues. This is done next spring by pinching off the shoots that are located on the sides. When cut, ficus secretes juice, which is quite poisonous. When cutting and pinching, gloves should be worn. The main thing is that the juice of the plant in no case gets on the mucous membrane of the mouth and nose. After pinching and cutting, the ficus trunk will not grow.

When forming a crown, you should be aware that not every variety of ficus will be able to normally endure this procedure. Most often, wounds heal quickly, but side shoots do not always grow quickly. Therefore, you should observe the plant before pinching other shoots.

The crown can also be formed by another method, for example, by planting several cuttings in a container at once.

Happy pruning and gorgeous ficus!

Ficus is a rather unique flower, because unlike other indoor plants, it only grows upwards. Not every grower will be happy with this fact. Indeed, in this case, you will have to regularly trim to give the ficus the necessary shape. However, not everyone can do this task, because only a few know how to cut a ficus.

Plant features

One of the well-known representatives of the mulberry family is the rubber-bearing ficus, which is usually attributed to the ficus genus. The habitual habitats of this plant are India, as well as southern part of Indonesia and western part of Africa. In countries with a more severe climate, this flower received wide use as ornamental plant. However, it is valued not only because of its attractiveness, because large varieties This ficus is used as a raw material for the manufacture of rubber.

Instances that grow in natural conditions have impressive dimensions, which can be 40 m in height. Moreover, they often form supporting roots. The latter are distinguished by the fact that they penetrate deep into the ground, where they take root. More compact is the home-grown rubber ficus, since most often it reaches a height of up to 10 m. After planned pruning, this variety begins to look even more miniature.

Beneficial features

Ficus rubbery is interesting for many not only because of its decorative properties, because when it is grown indoors, you can maintain a healthy environment. The cleansing effect is provided by the leaves, which filter the air, like a pipe. As a result of such filtration, oxygen-enriched air is obtained at the outlet.

Many growers are attracted to rubber ficus and the fact that it does not create problems in care. Instances grown at home do not form flowers, and at the same time they are demanding on growing conditions. The main thing is to make sure that the plant is protected from direct sunlight, as well as to conduct regular watering and periodically arrange a warm shower for it.

Ficus Growth Physiology

Ficus rubber can be given any shape. To do this, you just need to properly trim it. As a result of this operation, from a nondescript plant, you can get unique home decoration. Moreover, even a novice florist can master this task, but first you will have to familiarize yourself with the rules of pruning and adhere to them.

The change in the shape of ficus Benjamin occurs due to new shoots that usually appear from the kidneys. Ficus has only two of them:

  • apical (located at the very top of the bush);
  • lateral, or axillary (located in the axils of the leaves, where the leaf petioles are closely adjacent to the trunk).

The apical bud shows the fastest growth, ahead of the lateral buds, which develop very slowly or show no signs of development at all. It is enough to remove the upper kidney so that the lateral kidneys can begin to develop well. Usually shoots begin to grow in different directions. As a result of such manipulations, the plant begins to change its crown.

Before proceeding with the formation of the crown, it does not hurt to find out what time of the year is best to do this.

Many people think that The best time to do this is in the spring and they will be right. The crown formation planned for this time of the year allows you to give the plant more splendor, since it is in the spring that ficus are created best conditions for growth. Using a similar approach, the grower can grow a Benjamin ficus that is well developed, with fully formed shoots in all directions.

It is undesirable to transfer pruning of Benjamin's ficus to a later time, for example, autumn or winter, since in this case the shoots will develop within a specific area. This will cause the ficus to look skewed. It should be borne in mind that at this time of the year the ficus begins use nutrients , which he accumulated in the shoots. As a result of pruning shoots in the fall, you will leave Benjamin's ficus without these supplies, endangering its survival.

During the formation of the crown, it is necessary not only to change the length of the shoots, but also to adjust the direction of their further growth. For this purpose, special tensioning devices are usually used.

Crown formation without pruning

Do not rush to pruning rubber ficus. First, it is worth considering whether there is an urgent need for this. There is also an easier way to form a crown, which involves changing direction and securing the necessary shoots. This approach to the formation of the crown allows you to minimize injuries to the plant, which can continue to grow, delighting the owner with a beautiful view. After waiting some time for the branches to take a new position, the fixing devices are removed.

During cutting, take into account the age of the plant. This operation brings the least harm to young bushes. You need to be more careful with older plants: since their shoots are not very flexible, shortening them and other similar actions can seriously injure the plant.

Ficus rubbery: how to form a crown correctly?

The rules below designed for single ficus bushes, forming in one trunk.

In general, pruning rubber ficus is a simple undertaking. The main thing is that you must strictly follow all the rules for its implementation. Yes, it must be very careful with milky juice, which is dangerous to humans due to its toxicity. To avoid undesirable consequences, this work must be carried out with protective gloves.

Formation of an unusual crown

If necessary, even a novice grower can give a rubbery ficus quite original form.

In the process of pruning ficus Benjamin or rubber, be sure to take care of so that the braid does not subsequently open. To do this, it is recommended to tie the trunks using soft threads. It is best if it is woolen. Usually dressing is carried out every two months.

In some cases, for the normal development of ficus, the installation of a support is required. In this case, you can easily see how effective and original the appearance of rubber ficus plants will be.


Ficus rubber, however, like other representatives of this family, are best known for their decorative effect. However, this does not mean that the grower will not have to take measures for this. If you know how to form a crown of ficus Benjamin, then with rubber-bearing species you can handle it easily.

You should know that only those specimens in respect of which it is carried out look most striking. regular pruning. After all, the beauty of the ficus can be ensured by the formation of the crown. Novice flower growers can also beautifully cut Benjamin's ficus at home, because ficuses are very compact plants, so there are no particular difficulties with this operation.

How to properly form a ficus crown