Types of roller shutters. Types of roller shutters - classification of protective structures by function and material

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Types of roller shutters

Types of roller shutters: what types of roller shutter systems are offered by manufacturers

Roller shutters are gradually becoming commonplace in human life. They are increasingly found in a wide variety of places: in the center of a huge metropolis and cottage villages, on modern buildings and facades of old houses. What types of roller shutters exist and how do they differ from each other? You will learn detailed answers from our article.

By what parameters are roller shutters classified

It is quite simple to understand the huge range of roller shutters if you get to know their classification more closely. The various types of these protective devices are shared by:

  • at the place of installation;
  • protective characteristics;
  • manufacturing method;
  • installation method;
  • canvas material and other parameters.

Let's take a closer look at the main of the listed criteria.

Window or garage

The division of roller shutters into window or garage shutters is rather arbitrary. The exact dimensions of the canvas, at which the window roller shutter becomes a garage, is not indicated by any manufacturer. Moreover, in modern shopping centers, windows can be much larger than the opening of a conventional garage for a small car.

For roller shutters, a profile of lesser thickness and height is used. In most cases, manufacturers offer slats for windows with a height of 39 to 45 mm.

For garage structures, a larger profile is used. Its height ranges from 55 to 77 mm.

The use of different profiles for window and garage shutters is caused by:

  1. Various requirements for burglary resistance.
  2. The unequal ability of these products to withstand wind loads.

Vandal-proof or standard

Vandal-proof roller shutters are made of a profile of increased thickness with additional stiffening ribs. Such structures are intended for installation in places without constant video surveillance or visual control. They are also irreplaceable in disadvantaged areas with a bad crime situation.

The anti-vandal canvas is difficult even to bend, even more so to break. It withstands stones thrown at it or blows from heavy objects with dignity.

Standard roller shutters are made from a thinner profile. They are used in private homes and commercial purposes for installation in secured shopping and office centers.

There is also another type of roller shutters - fireproof. Such products are capable of blocking the spread of open fire for a long time. Fire-prevention shutters are installed in those places where a fire is fraught with disastrous consequences. For example, in chemical plants or storage facilities for flammable substances.

Rolled and extruded

According to the type of production technology used, roller shutters are divided into extruded and produced by roller rolling.

Roller rolling technology is used to produce thin sections. A special press extrudes a profile of the desired section from long and narrow aluminum sheets. Rolled roller shutter profiles are cheaper than extruded profiles.

Extrusion or extrusion is a technological process for the production of long, complex sections on an industrial scale. An extruded profile is obtained from molten aluminum by forcing it through special holes - dies.

Extrusion allows to obtain in large quantities a strong profile with thick walls and additional stiffeners. All anti-vandal roller shutters are made exclusively from an extruded profile.

Built-in or outdoor

There are several ways to install roller shutters on a window or doorway.

If the protective box is inside an opening or a building, then this installation option is called built-in.

In the case when the box is mounted on the outer wall of the building (room), this method of installation is called external.

The built-in roller shutter installation method provides more reliable protection. This is because there is no access to the protective box from outside the building. It is impossible for an outsider to get close to him in order to break the structure.

The outdoor method of installing the roller shutter system is simpler. It is often used when the owner of the premises wants to complete installation work in a short time with minimal impact on the structure of the building.


Roller shutters classification is quite extensive. These protective devices are divided in many ways:

  • type of material and method of installation;
  • production technology and the ability to resist hacking;
  • place of installation and method of control.

At the same time, all roller shutter systems work according to the same principle and are distinguished by increased structural durability.

Roleton staff will guide you through the range of roller shutters on demand. Contact us to purchase these useful and very practical protective devices at low prices.

18 September, 2016
Specialization: Capital construction works (foundation laying, wall construction, roof construction, etc.). Internal construction work (laying of internal communications, rough and final finishing). Hobbies: mobile communications, high technology, computer technology, programming.

Recently, roller shutters have become very popular. Moreover, this term refers to two products: protective structures that prevent unauthorized entry into the room, as well as fabric roller shutters on windows that protect from the sun, but they do it very effectively.

In today's article, I will just talk about each of the mentioned varieties in more detail.

Varieties of roller shutters for windows

There are two types of roller shutters on sale, which are shown in the diagram below.

These types differ significantly from each other in purpose, technical characteristics and operational properties. I'll tell you about each of them in more detail.

Roller shutters on windows for protection against penetration

I will start my story with protective shutters, which are responsible for the safety of your home and the safety of property acquired by back-breaking labor. By their purpose, they are akin to window bars, however, unlike the latter, they do not spoil the appearance of the building facade and do not interfere with contemplating the surroundings.

The window protective roller shutter in the open position leaves the window opening open, but if necessary, it can be closed in a matter of minutes, protecting the property along with massive steel doors and reliable locks. At the same time, an attacker not only will not get inside, but also will not be able to damage the glass.

To choose the right model, you need to pay attention to several important factors:

  1. Manufacturing material.Now on sale there are varieties made from polymers, wood and aluminum.

If you really want to turn your home into a fortress, I advise you to opt for the latter variety. Aluminum lamellas of protective roller shutters have the same strength as steel ones, but due to their high corrosion resistance (inertness to moisture), they retain their operational properties longer.

Plastic and wooden roller shutters are decorative. They can only protect from direct sunlight, immodest looks from the street and extraneous noise. Wooden roller shutters, by the way, very effectively complement the appearance of the facades of timber houses.

  1. Control method.By this parameter, all existing varieties of protective structures can be divided into several types, which can be seen in the table.

Control type Description
Inertial belt Roller shutters that open and close manually. Such mechanisms are used to equip products whose web weight does not exceed 15 kg. Typically, such roller shutters are used to equip small openings and niches (including inside the house). I once used such a roller shutter to mask the pipes in the toilet.
Reduction-cord The mechanism for opening and closing the protective structure completely repeats a similar unit used to control roller blinds and blinds. In this case, the maximum roller shutter curtain weight should not exceed 20 kg. The control unit can be installed inside and outside the protected area.
Cord-wrench It is operated by hand, but thanks to the gearboxes it can be used to open and close the roller shutter curtain weighing up to 80 kg. For control, a handle is used, which is inserted into the hole of the mechanism (all this is somewhat similar to an ordinary meat grinder).
Spring-inertial The protective shutter control drive is equipped with a spring that facilitates the opening of the curtain. In the closed position, the actuator spring is stretched, and to open the structure, simply release it from the latch. With such a folding mechanism, you can use roller shutters, the canvas of which weighs up to 100 kg.
Auto The roller shutters are raised and lowered using a drive connected to an electric motor. The cost of such models is quite high, but they offer maximum convenience and significantly expand control capabilities. Protective structures can be controlled by a signal from the remote control or work according to a schedule.

It is also important to take into account the method of installing protective roller shutters, however, I will talk about this a little later when it comes to the technology of mounting the purchased products.

Decorative roller shutters

There is one more group of products - fabric roller shutters for windows. They are rectangular textile fabrics that are attached to a cylinder located at the top of the window block.

When open, the fabric is wound onto a shaft using a manual mechanism (chain) or an electric motor. Having unfolded, the roller shutter completely covers the glass, regulating the access of light to the room.

The photo shows a fabric roller shutter on a window window.

Unlike conventional curtains and curtains, textile inner roller shutters for windows have the following advantages:

  • the product retains its appearance, flowering and shape throughout its entire service life;
  • roller shutter fabric is well protected from moisture, temperature fluctuations and ultraviolet radiation using special impregnations;
  • the material does not accumulate static electricity, so it does not attract dust flying in the air.

Fabric roller shutters can be installed on the whole window opening, window frame or separately on each sash. A weighting bar is attached to the bottom of the fabric strip, which prevents the fabric from curling into a tube.

There are models of the described products that have side guides. They are ideal for fitting sloped roof windows. The guides installed at the glazing beads prevent the fabric from sagging in the open position.

Roller shutters are made from various types of fabric. On sale, I met products made of linen, cotton and synthetic materials. The texture of roller blinds is also very diverse. The most popular are:

  • velvety and smooth fabrics;
  • shiny and matte products;
  • embroidered curtains decorated with drawings and photographs;
  • dense and translucent fabrics.

To satisfy the needs of customers to the maximum, decorative roller shutters can be decorated with tassels, braid, fringe. You can easily select an option that is completely suitable for the interior of your apartment or house.

Varieties of roller shutters by mechanism design

Regardless of the type of fabric used and the size of the canvas, all textile roller shutters are divided into two groups according to the type of control mechanism:

  1. Open system.The shaft and control mechanisms are located in the upper part of the window and are not decorated with anything. A canvas is wound on the shaft, which, when closed, forms a neat cylinder (which gave the name to the structure).

In specialized stores, you can buy roller shutters that differ from each other in the length and diameter of the shaft, the width and appearance of the lower weighting fabric, as well as the length of the fabric wound into a roll.

Naturally, the more fabric and the more massive the cylinder, the more powerful the control mechanisms will be and the higher the price of the product. Although, in any case, buying such a model of roller shutters will not ruin you.

  1. Closed system.As in the previous case, the curtain is screwed onto the shaft, but the latter is installed in a box (as in the case of protective roller shutters), and the lower weighting agent is usually attached to the guides.

This design makes it possible to place the roller shutter as close as possible to the glass surface, and also prevents the curtains from sagging when opening the window for ventilation (or if the window unit is installed at an angle in the attic). The guides can be installed on the glazing beads, as well as along the edges of the window opening.

Varieties of fabric roller shutters according to the level of light protection

Fabric sun blinds are divided into several types according to the level of light transmission. To choose the right model, I recommend using the following table.

Variety Description
Transparent roller shutters They are not intended for protection, but for diffusing sunlight coming from the street. Typically, these roller shutters are used in conjunction with conventional curtains or curtains. They play the role of a decorative element in the design of the room.
Dimaut Special fabric curtains that allow light to pass through, screening out thermal energy (infrared part of the solar spectrum). They are used for additional temperature control in living rooms and industrial premises. They are often used in greenhouses and conservatories to protect plants from overheating.
Blackout Textile roller shutters, completely impervious to sunlight. Most often they are mounted in bedrooms, presentation rooms, rooms with home theaters, and so on. With their help, you can completely isolate the room from the light flux from the window.
Day Night Double-layer fabric roller blinds, consisting of stripes with different transparency. By changing their position relative to each other, you can flexibly adjust the lighting in the room.

Varieties of fabric roller shutters by control type

Another important point that is important to pay attention to when choosing textile roller shutters is the way of controlling the curtains. There are the following options:

  1. Chain cord - installed on the cylinder from either side and activates the folding and unfolding mechanism of the web.

  1. Spring holder - is installed on the lower weighting bar and serves to fix it in the desired position between the window glazing beads. To fold it, it is enough to release the lock, after which the roll will be reeled off automatically due to the stretched spring.

  1. Electric motor - in this case, the roller shutter shaft is driven by a motor, which, in turn, is controlled by a remote control, timer, light level sensor, and so on.

Installation of roller shutters

Now let's figure out how to install roller shutters on windows with our own hands. I'll start with the installation of protective roller shutters, and then I'll tell you about fixing fabric rolls on plastic windows. However, if you have wooden window blocks installed, the technology will not change.

Installation of protective roller shutters

I would like to note right away that protective shutters must be installed in strict compliance with the technology approved by the manufacturer. After all, it depends on how well and reliably they will perform the task assigned to them to protect your property.

Installation methods for protective roller shutters

Before installing, or better - before buying protective roller shutters, I recommend deciding on the technology for installing the product in the window opening. In this case, manufacturers offer several options:

  1. Outdoor installation. The most common mounting method. For its implementation, it is not necessary to modernize the slopes of the opening in any way, changing it in accordance with the roller shutters. A box with a canvas and a shaft is installed above the window opening, and the guides are on the sides.
    When closed, the canvas completely covers not only the window block, but also the entire opening, as it is flush with the surface of the front wall.
  2. Internal installation. The control mechanism and the box for storing roller shutters in the open state are built into the window opening, and not on the wall surface.
    Thus, the roller shutter fabric will not protect the entire window opening, but the window block itself. It is important to take into account the direction of opening of the window sashes. They should swing open to the side opposite to the one where the box is mounted (the reason, I hope, is clear).
  3. Combined installation.In this case, a special recess is made to install the box in the upper part of the window opening. Usually, this method of installation is resorted to in cases where the installation of roller shutters was initially provided for by the building construction project. Otherwise, the scope of work will be too large.

The combined method is good in that it allows you to conveniently position the box (it will not spoil the facade of the building or the interior of the room), but it will not interfere with the opening of the window sashes.

All roller shutter installation schemes are shown in the illustration.

Below I will discuss the specifics of each installation method.

Preparatory stage

Before starting work, you need to take some measurements:

  1. Measure the dimensions of the window opening diagonally (distance between opposite corners). The difference between the values \u200b\u200bobtained should not exceed 5 mm. Otherwise, there will be a skew and the canvas will not close.
  2. Check the sidewalls of the window slopes. They must be strictly vertical. The deviation should not be more than one and a half millimeters per meter of length.
  3. After that, you should make sure that the finish of the slopes is solid, there are no uneven areas on the surface, crumbling putty, chips and other defects. If deficiencies are found, they must be eliminated before starting installation.

For installation work, you will need the following tools:

  • puncher for making holes in concrete;
  • screwdriver with a set of nozzles for it;
  • rivet gun;
  • scissors for cutting metal;
  • pliers and cloth;
  • screwdrivers and wrenches;
  • level, tape measure and marker.

If you are going to install protective shutters at a height of more than 1.5 meters, then take care of the presence of scaffolding or a reliable ladder. If you intend to install a device with control electronics, take another multimeter, indicator screwdriver and insulating tape.

To seal the joints, you can use the sealant installed in the assembly gun.

The last thing to do before starting installation is to make sure that the roller shutters delivered to you are complex. The photo below will help with this.

Installation of roller shutters

I am telling you how to install protective roller shutters:

  1. I am preparing the side rails for installation.To do this, I use a tape measure and a marker to outline the holes into which the dowels will be driven. They should be located 10 cm from each edge of the plank, and then along its entire length with an interval of 40 cm. The recommended hole diameter is 8 mm.

If the installation is carried out on a window opening, then two shelves of the guide must be drilled at once, after which the upper hole must be expanded to 11.8 mm in order to then insert a decorative plastic plug.

When overhead roller shutters are mounted, the holes can be shifted closer to the outer edge of the guide bar.

  1. I am preparing a box for installation, in which the roller shutter canvas will be stored in the open position.To do this, I attach the cover of the protective structure to the sidewalls, after which I drill them through with a drill with a diameter of 4.2 mm. They are needed to install rivets.

Then I drill holes in the sidewalls through which the box will be fixed on the wall. Their location depends on the installation technology. For outdoor installation, holes are drilled in the rear wall, for internal installation - in the side ones, and for combined installation - both there and there.

The diameter of the drill used, as in the previous case, is 8 mm. You also need a hole in which the drive mechanism will be attached.

Also, if outdoor installation is supposed, you need to cut the box a little with metal scissors, so that later it can be easily docked with the guides.

  1. I notice the wall for attaching the protective roller shutters.To do this, a pre-assembled structure must be attached to the window opening in which it is installed.

For outdoor installation, the entire frame should be located on the front wall; for other installation options, it is located on the upper slope and sidewalls of the opening. Immediately you need to check the correctness of the installation of the guides vertically, and the boxes - horizontally. It will be useful to compare the diagonals so that the difference between the values \u200b\u200bis no more than 2 mm.

Having done all this, you need to use a marker to put points on the wall that correspond to the holes made in the guide rails and the roller shutter box.

  1. I drill holes for installing roller shutters. To do this, you need to remove the frame along which the marking was made, and then use a puncher to make holes at the points made in advance. Insert plastic dowels of the appropriate diameter into the holes obtained.

Immediately I advise you to make a hole for the drive. Depending on the design, its diameter can be from 1.2 to 2 cm (see the documentation for the roller shutters). A spring is inserted there.

If the protective roller shutters you have purchased have additional locking elements on the outside, you also need to mark and drill holes for them. They are usually located at the bottom of the two vertical guides.

  1. I install the frame of protective roller shutters on the wall.To do this, first of all, you need to remove the protective film from the guides and the box. Then install the frame in place, aligning the holes made in the guides with the dowels inserted into the wall.

After that, you need to take the screws and screw them into the dowels through the drilled holes, fixing the guides on the wall or inside the window opening. It is better not to hammer in the screws to avoid damaging the product frame.

  1. Install roller shutter controls.The opening and closing mechanism is fixed inside the building through a hole made in the wall. For this, holes are placed on the wall into which the tape layer is attached.

  1. I install the main roller shutter canvas.To do this, on the perforated shaft, spacer rings must be set in increments of 40 cm. On the end (lower) profile of the canvas, crossbars are installed on both sides. Then the web is wound down from the shaft onto the guide strips. In the upper part, the springs of the unlocking mechanism are installed and fixed in the shaft holes.

  1. I install the decorative box cover.First, you need to remove the protective plastic film from it, and also clean the inner surface from dirt (if any). Then fasten it through the pre-drilled holes with rivets.

Then limiters are installed on the end profile of the protective sheet, and all technological holes are decorated with plugs. To make it stronger and more airtight, I recommend placing them on a silicone sealant (transparent).

In conclusion, it remains just to check the functionality of the mechanism. After that, you can proceed to the installation of interior decorative fabric roller shutters.

Installation of decorative roller shutters

There are many varieties of fabric decorative roller shutters, but they are installed according to the same principle (with the exception of some features). I will describe it using the example of installing a structure with an open mechanism and manual control.


It is best to buy curtains that are sized to match the window opening you have. However, in some cases it may be necessary to reduce the roller shutter width. This is done as follows:

  1. First, I measure the dimensions of the window. It is necessary to set the distance between the outer edges of the horizontally installed glazing beads that hold the glass unit. This will be the length. Width, respectively, the distance between the vertical glazing beads.
  2. Then I unfold the entire roller shutter, remove the canvas from the shaft and cut off the excess part from the cylinder. The shaft length should be equal to the width value obtained in the previous paragraph. After that, end caps with projections for the brackets are put on it.
  3. I cut the lower weight bar. Its length should be 8-10 mm longer than the shaft length. For cutting, it is better to use a hacksaw for metal with small teeth. Then plastic decorative caps are put on the ends.

  1. I cut the canvas to the desired width. It should be equal to the length of the shaft minus 1.2 cm. For cutting, it is better to use not scissors, but a sharp clerical and metal rail. It must be applied to the marks made, and then held with a blade, avoiding stops (so that there are no chipping).

  1. I fix the canvas on the shaft. For this, a narrow strip of double-sided tape is glued to the shaft, from which the upper protective layer is removed. Then you need to bend up 5 cm of the canvas, and then glue it to the tape so that the upper cut falls exactly along the axis of the cylinder. You can then roll the web onto the shaft, leaving about three-quarters of the length.

  1. It remains only to insert the bottom edge of the curtain into the weighting rail. For this, there is a special recess on it.

Mounting the roller shutter with self-tapping screws

The most common and simplest way to attach a roller shutter to a window is to use self-tapping screws. I tell you what and how to do:

  • i apply the assembled fabric roller shutter to the window block (or window sash), after which I expose the structure strictly horizontally using a water level or focusing on the upper cut of the window block;

  • on the window profile with a pencil, I make marks in those places where the fastening corners of the structure will be fixed;
  • then I remove the mounting brackets from the shaft and apply them to the marked places;
  • i mark on the window block the places where the self-tapping screws that hold the entire structure will be screwed;

  • i remove the corners and drill holes in the sash with a screwdriver;

  • i assemble the curtain mechanism (for this you need to insert plastic capsules into the mounting corner, which are pressed from above with a side plate);

  • i insert the chain into the roller shutter control mechanism in such a way that one of its edges hangs down at a distance of 10 cm (the wider part of the bracket should be located upwards);

  • i insert the assembled control unit into the holding capsule so that the groove inside coincides with the spring of the mechanism;

  • then a side decorative cover is put on the assembled mechanism (the chain must be passed into a special recess on it);

  • the assembled element is mounted on the wall, focusing on the previously marked and drilled holes (after installation, you can cut the chain to the desired length and connect it into a ring);

  • after that, you can attach the roller shutter shaft to the bracket with the mechanism, mark the place of installation of the second fastening element, and then fasten it with self-tapping screws;
  • after that it remains only to insert the roller blind.


Now with the word "roller shutters" you will not get confused in concepts and will immediately understand what is at stake. And you will also be able to independently perform the installation of these products, because the above is a detailed instruction with a description of several technologies. You can get more information in the video in this article.

Leave your opinion on the information in the material in the comments.

September 18, 2016

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Roller shutters are a robust screen consisting of narrow transverse slats that resemble traditional horizontal blinds. It performs a protective function, closing various openings from unauthorized entry. In working order, the structure completely covers the opening. If it is necessary to open it, it is enough to use a special mechanism and the protection will twist into a compact roller shutter. In the lowered state, the screen is held by a special lock, so it cannot be moved away without a key.

Roller shutter advantages

The advantages of using such protection include:

  • High efficiency in countering illegal entry.
  • Providing heat and sound insulation.
  • Blockage of sunlight.
  • Neat appearance.
  • Simple folding mechanism.

The effectiveness of protection of this structure is comparable to that of a grill, but at the same time, when assembled, it does not block the view and does not create obstacles to penetration through the openings. This is especially important if the device is installed on a door or window with the ability to open the sash.

Where are roller shutters used?

The scope of using roller shutters is practically unlimited. They are installed to provide protection:

  • Doors.
  • Windows.
  • Gate.
  • Trade showcases.

This technical solution is suitable for installation in commercial premises such as shops, banks, etc. They are often installed on private houses and summer cottages, as well as apartment windows on the first floors. Relatively recently, the use of roller shutters began to close the plumbing niches where pipeline communications and meters are located. To provide access to such cavities, it is possible to use small inspection hatches, but they differ in their compact dimensions, therefore, they limit the convenience of work that can be carried out in a niche. Using roller shutters to close communications, you can lift them at any time and get full access. Of course, they do not always fit perfectly into the interior of the bathroom, but due to their functionality they completely cover this drawback. Plumbing screens serve as a decorative function and are not intended to provide protection against intrusion, since this is not necessary.

Perforated shutters have been developed specially for financial institutions, which makes the screens translucent. Such designs belong to a higher price segment. Usually they are used in rooms where it is required to provide reliable security with the ability to inspect a closed opening. In this case, access inside is prevented, but the guard on duty will always be able to visually assess whether an outsider is in the protected area.


The roller shutter design is quite simple. They consist of the following parts:

  • Canvases.
  • Protective box.
  • Vala.
  • Guide.

The canvas is a screen consisting of a set of horizontal lamellas tightly pressed against each other. They are not rigidly connected to each other, therefore they can be rolled into a roller shutter. Despite the fact that the lamellas are not fixed immovably, they have a strong adhesion to each other, so it is quite difficult to destroy the screen even with the use of a crowbar.

The structure includes a protective box. It has small dimensions and is located in the upper part of the opening. Inside it is a shaft on which the roller shutter is wound. Its presence protects the device from contamination and the development of corrosion processes when the screen is in a twisted state.

Roller shutter guides are two plates with special slots, which are located on the sides of the opening. The screen moves along them, like on rails. Their presence prevents the possibility of its bending. The guides also provide even movement when twisting and lowering.

Control types

Roller shutters differ among themselves and in the way of control. According to this criterion, they are of two types:

  • Manual.
  • Automatic.
Manual control

Such roller shutters are equipped with a special mechanism that is triggered by the use of physical force. It is necessary to go directly to the opening and use a special tape or crank drive to screw the screen onto the axis. This is a very reliable method that does not require any difficulties in production, therefore such a technical solution is accompanied by minimal costs.

Automatic control

Automatic roller shutters are more expensive. When choosing in their favor, no physical effort is needed. It is enough to press the stationary button located on the wall or in another convenient place. The mechanism will be triggered by an electric drive and the roller shutters will close or open.

It is also possible to control it using a remote control. This technical solution is more expensive and therefore not always appropriate. For the mechanism to operate, an electrical connection is required. In the event that the power supply is lost, then a battery power supply can be provided, which makes it possible to operate several more cycles. For cheaper automatic devices, manual control is provided in case of a power failure. A huge advantage of using electric roller shutters is the ability to open them simultaneously. It is enough to press the button once and all openings will be cleared from the screen. In the same case, if manual control is used, then each window and door requires separate attention.

As for remote control, it can work in several technologies. If a remote control with an infrared transmitter is used, then in order to trigger the mechanism, it is necessary to issue a command in the immediate vicinity of the shutters, directing the remote control directly at the receiving sensor. This technology is completely identical to that used on TV remotes. Radio control is more convenient, but also expensive. In this case, commands are transmitted even through walls, and the remote control does not need to be directed towards the roller shutter.

Installation methods

There are several possible ways of installing roller shutters on the opening. They can be conditionally divided into three types:

  • Outer.
  • Interior.
  • Combined.

Carrying out outdoor installation is the simplest and does not require special preparation of the opening. The roller shutter box is simply screwed with anchor bolts to the facade wall directly above the opening. On the sides, guide strips are installed, after which the structure can be operated. Everything looks pretty neat, and most importantly, installation takes a minimum of time. It should be noted that this method is not the most reliable. With a crowbar, an attacker can hit one of the guides and pull it out of the wall. Then the screen can be pushed aside like an ordinary curtain or blinds. Despite this drawback, this method is very popular, since the loss of useful space inside the room is excluded. The whole structure is completely outside.

It is much more reliable to conduct internal installation. In this case, the work is carried out using the same technology as for outdoor installation, but already indoors on the inside of the opening. This method is far from ideal, since it spoils the interior. The box with the rolled roller shutter is on the wall, so it looks out of place. With this installation method, hacking is more difficult. The advantages of this technical solution include the presence of the mechanism in a warm room and the absence of contact with dampness. Thanks to this, the mechanism will work equally effectively both in summer and in winter. Those who faced the difficulty of opening the external roller shutters when they are icy are ready to switch to internal installation with pleasure, despite certain interior drawbacks of such a solution.

A good alternative is combined installation. In this case, the box is located inside the opening. This requires a more complex setup. The disadvantage of this solution is the reduction in the actual height of the opening by 10-15 cm, which depends on the parameters of the box. For doors this is not a problem, but in the case of a window, the efficiency of light penetration is lost. To solve this problem, a combined installation is sometimes carried out, preparing a special niche at the top of the opening, hiding it in the ceiling.

Manufacturing materials

Roller shutters can be made from:

  • Become.
  • Aluminum.
  • Plastic.
  • Wood.

Steel lamellas are the most reliable. They are made from galvanized or painted profiles. They are very common due to their durability and relatively inexpensive cost. There are also armored screens, in which the slats are made of thicker metal. They are installed in banks and other financial institutions where there is a high risk of hacking and penetration.

Also meet aluminum screens. Such lamellas are inferior in strength to steel ones, but weigh much less.

Plastic roller shutters are also quite popular. They are used on small window openings, which often, even in the event of damage to the protection, will still not allow an intruder to penetrate due to their small dimensions. Also, plastic slats are suitable for installation in a bathroom to close a niche with communications.

Wooden screens are very rare. They look beautiful and are often used not only for protection against burglary, but against the penetration of sunlight. They have good sound insulation, so they can be used in city apartments with windows facing busy streets.

Detailed classification

Classification of roller shutters from the company "Estok"

Types of roller shutters

Roller shutters are a modern means of protecting windows, doors and any other spaces. They are able to protect property and valuables from theft, as well as protect the premises from bright sunlight and the noise of city streets.

There are various types of roller shutters on the market today, depending on material of manufacture , installation method and destination .

They are distinguished by the installation method:

    roller shutters that are mounted directly in the opening ( built-in roller shutters );

    roller shutters, which are superimposed over the opening ( overhead roller shutters ).

It is considered that built-in roller shutters are more reliable, because they cannot be bent or turned out. In addition, such roller shutters look in a door or window opening. more attractive and elegant .

According to the material of manufacture, modern roller shutters are divided into the following types:

    Plastic roller shutters
    Plastic roller shutters are intended for installation in small openings. They cannot provide a high degree of reliability, but they have excellent decorative qualities and ease of use... They are able to protect the room from the bright sun, noise or prying eyes. But from professional hacking plastic roller shutters will not protect.

    Steel roller shutters
    Roller shutters made of galvanized or painted metal profiles are today the most common... Such roller shutters provide a high level of security and reliable protection against unwanted guests and intrusion.

    Aluminum roller shutters
    Aluminum roller shutters are practically similar to steel ones in terms of their operational and protective qualities. However, they are lightweight and cheaper.
    They are often used on the ground floors of apartment buildings or to protect shop windows.

    Armored roller shutters
    Armored roller shutters are made of high strength aluminum or steel profiles. They guarantee the highest level of protection against intruders. Armored roller shutters are usually equipped with electrically and remote control... They are installed in financial institutions, as well as in buildings and premises in need of increased security.

    Perforated roller shutters
    A separate type of modern roller shutters is the so-called perforated structures. They are made from a metal profile with transparent plastic inserts or simply through holes of various shapes. Perforated roller shutters are more expensive, but at the same time more functional and beautiful type of protective structures. They are installed where regular ventilation or visual contact between individual rooms is necessary. Perforated roller shutters are also often used to protect shop windows.

According to their purpose, roller shutters are divided into window , garage , plumbing and etc.

Plumbing shutters designed to hide various technological equipment such as pipes, meters or valves in bathrooms.

Window shutters are installed in window openings of various shapes and differ compactness ... Even when wound on a shaft window shutters take up very little space.

An excellent alternative to traditional garage doors and grills are garage shutters .

Thus, at present there is a huge variety of designs and types of roller shutters.

Most demanded horizontal roller shutters often installed in door and window openings:

    In financial institutions, banks,

    In private houses, apartments and cottages,

    In the field of trade - in shops, trade pavilions, kiosks,

    In office buildings.

Roller shutters for home or office are very easy to use, protect against intrusion, vandalism, and are undemanding to maintenance. In addition, roller shutters are inexpensive, have a variety of colors and a variety of design options, often play the role of a very stylish element of the exterior decor, giving the house exclusivity and originality.

The most demanded today are vandal-proof /protective roller shutters .

Protective shutters - this is perhaps the most popular model among successful businessmen and just good owners. Durability, safety, compactness, elasticity and ease of management - the list of such flattering characteristics can be continued indefinitely ... That is why protective shutters they are successfully used on the facades of houses.

Another type of roller shutters - roller shutters ... They differ from protective roller shutters a wider and stronger profile, while the principle of their work does not differ. Rolling shutters are ideal for private garages, retail and storage facilities. The indisputable advantage of this type of roller shutter is space saving: they do not depend on the lintel and the engineering infrastructure of the room. In addition, roller shutters save not only your nerves, but also money: this type of roller shutter is much cheaper and more compact than its counterparts.

And the last type of roller shutters - roller shutters ... They perfectly combine strength and attractive appearance. This is an excellent solution for banks, offices, cafes and restaurants, as well as underground garages and parking lots.

Operation and installation of roller shutters is distinguished by a variety of choices. So, there are two options for their work: mechanical and manual ... In the latter, the roller shutters open and close with the direct application of human efforts, another option protects you from any kind of activity, except for pressing a magic button or lever.

It is easy to explain why roller shutters are so popular: legends about the practicality of roller shutters are just right. They are easy to use and cost-free, easy to clean and require little or no repair. Roller shutters and rolling gates are very popular with individuals and industrial enterprises. If you care about your business, then roller shutters are the right choice for a serious company!

How and where to order

Tel . : +7-495-589-8676 , +7-925-514-6896 , +7-925-514-6897 .
E-Mail : [email protected] ,

Here you can always order installation and really inexpensively buy ready-made roller shutters.
Here you will find:

    electric or mechanical roller shutters of different colors, functions and prices - for balconies, gates, windows or doors, etc.,

    calculation of the approximate cost,

    roller shutter systems , will take into account all your wishes, measure and calculate the cost,

    the speed of order fulfillment, which pleases all our clients,

    the quality of our roller shutters - mechanical or with an electric drive - is excellent and time-tested!

Recommended useful articles about roller shutters:

Types of roller shutters (detailed classification)

: +7-495-589-8676 , +7-925-514-6896 , +7-925-514-6897 .
E-Mail : [email protected] ,

You can always order the installation from us and buy really inexpensively ready-made roller shutters .
Here you will find:

    electric or mechanical roller shutters of different colors, functions and prices: for balconies, for gates, windows or doors, etc.,

    calculation of the approximate cost,

    excellent service - our specialists will help you choose the right roller shutter systems , will take into account all your wishes, measure and calculate the cost,

    the speed of order fulfillment, which pleases all our clients,

    the quality of our roller shutters - mechanical or electric - is excellent and time-tested!

Rollers (eng. roll - roll, Russian shutters ) - a kind of blinds made in the form of a roll, two guides and plates sliding along them. There are also names roller shutters, roll shutters, roller blinds, roller shutters, protective shutters.

Roller shutters installed in window, door and garage openings and are designed to protect the premises from burglary, adverse weather conditions, noise, dust, light and prying eyes. The main characteristic of roller shutters is the emphasis on the protective function for openings. Usually, the installation practice involves installing roller shutters outside to protect the glass from breaking and directly from intruders.

Based on materials Wikipedia

Recently, in our country, people have often equipped external doors in their living quarters, which were previously sheathed with strong steel sheets. However, you can also enter the room through a window. Therefore, special steel gratings are used to ensure safety. Roller shutters have become very popular today. These devices require special attention, so this article provides detailed information about them. Qualified construction specialists talk about the types of roller shutters, the advantages and disadvantages of these devices, as well as the materials used for manufacturing.

What are roller shutters

High-quality roller shutters are used to protect window openings from showers and strong gusts of wind. High durability is a sought after quality for homeowners living in relatively difficult climates. If no one lives in the house for some period, it is advisable to protect yourself from possible damage and unwanted intrusions. Roller shutters will serve as a wonderful means of protecting a country house. Such mechanical devices perform remarkably well in the protective functions of window and door openings. These roller shutters are easily assembled into a specially equipped cavity or drum due to the ability to roll into a roll. To drive such a device, you can use an electric drive or a conventional motor.

Let's consider the main advantages of roller shutters:

  • Compactness;
  • Aesthetic appeal, good external qualities;
  • Simplicity in care and maintenance;
  • The appearance of the entire building does not deteriorate;
  • Good soundproofing.

Various openings can be equipped with such devices, which are considered universal and very convenient to use.

Roller shutter design

Conventional window or garages can be opened vertically by rolling the protective sheet into a roll. In addition to conventional rectangular products, asymmetric options are installed that reproduce the triangular or arched shapes of window openings. Tilt mechanisms are used to provide protection for a variety of glass structures such as conservatories and roofs. Metal roller shutters are most often installed at the checkout counters of trading platforms, window openings on the first floors, in offices or residential premises. Roller shutters are often used as office partitions or as elements for decorating the exterior of a building.

The main functional features include:

  • Possibility of protection against penetration, burglary, or prying people;
  • Providing protection from destructive natural factors or too bright sunlight. Providing a normal microclimate in a room, greenhouse or equipped arboretums;
  • Reducing electricity costs by conserving heat indoors in the winter season and ensuring coolness in the summer heat;
  • It can be used as an element of the aesthetic design of a building. Roller shutters help to decorate the facade well.

All roller shutters are assembled according to the same principle and consist of a curtain and a roller shutter profile, a shaft on which the curtain must be rolled, as well as a special box for protection, side covers with guides that increase the rigidity of the box and the strength of the structure as a whole. The lamellas, thanks to which the profile is formed, can be made of plastic, aluminum and steel. The most popular are considered non-corrosive and the most durable aluminum lamellas.

According to the type of profile, protective roller shutters are divided into two subcategories:

  1. Roller rolls, contributing to increased sound insulation and heat conservation, characterized by increased lightness.
  2. Extruded high strength products.

How to choose the right roller shutter

First of all, you need to decide on the purpose of the roller shutters. Each buyer should have a good understanding of why he is going to use such elements. Therefore, the standard produced roller shutter systems are subdivided into several subtypes in accordance with the protection indicators:

  • Р1 - high noise insulation, prevention of dust, wind, it is not visible what is in the room;
  • P2 - performs a similar function, but on large areas up to about 16 sq. m .;
  • P3 - in addition to all of the above, they can provide protection against burglary for about 20 minutes;
  • Р4 - Protection against natural factors and burglary for about 25 minutes;
  • P5 - the duration of protection against burglary can be 35 minutes;
  • P6 - 50 minutes;
  • P7 - full protection against penetration.

Qualified technicians will be able to determine the most appropriate protection class for each individual example.

Also, when choosing suitable roller shutters, you need to pay attention to the area of \u200b\u200bthe product. The dimensions of the window opening are selected with a special type of profile. Experienced specialists can go to the right place to take a measurement, and then make a suitable design of roller shutters for an individual order.

Products also differ in the type of control, mechanical and electric drives are used. Manual systems are much cheaper, but their use is possible only in some situations. Electric mechanical elements cannot always cope with heavy roller shutters installed on garage doors or other large-sized structures. For all types of control, certain restrictions on size and weight are set.

You should also consider the following factors when choosing:

  • A type of installation;
  • Material used as filler for lamellas;
  • Locking device design;
  • Location of locks;
  • Color or pattern on the canvas, etc.

To select the most suitable version of roller shutter systems for installation on window openings in a residential building or office, you need to take into account all the above-mentioned features of the systems. Experienced construction professionals are always on hand to help homeowners find the most suitable product for their customers' purchasing power and functional requirements.

Roller shutter control systems

Mechanical control systems are among the most economical. They differ from automated ones in less exactingness. A correctly installed mechanical drive will almost never create difficulties with controlling the canvas if a short circuit occurs, or the electricity in the house turns off.

Several distinct varieties of mechanical control systems can be considered:

  • Ordinary belt drive;
  • Integrated gimbal;
  • Special rope reducer;
  • Spring-inertial system.

The belt drive is considered to be the simplest mechanism for opening roller shutters. This mechanism is best suited to aluminum structures. Its maximum weight is about 15 kg. The principle of its operation is as follows: one edge of the belt is fixed on a pulley mounted on the shaft, and the other is placed on a belt layer, which is mounted in the interior of the room. It is enough to pull on the tape for the roller shutters to open or close.

The main advantage of such systems is their affordable price. The disadvantages include restrictions on the weight of the installed canvas.

Cardan mechanisms are installed on medium-weight systems weighing up to 36 kg. The mechanism is controlled with the gimbal handle. The roller shutter can move vertically or horizontally depending on the direction of rotation.

The advantages of the cardan mechanism include affordable cost, reliability, the ability to install an additional automatic lock. Disadvantages: impossibility of output through the wall if the glass unit and the box are installed at the same level.

A special rope reducer makes it possible to set the roller shutter in motion by changing the degree of rope tension using a specially equipped handle. The profile can be mounted on a cardan shaft with a spring that helps to rotate the profile blade. This is how you can most conveniently control the structure. This type of control is considered the most suitable for heavy systems, the mass of which can reach 100 kg.