Etching of printed circuit boards. Etching a printed circuit board (cheap method) The better way to etch printed circuit boards

Gardeners often approach the selection of seedlings extremely responsibly, trying to plan planting with maximum precision to obtain maximum benefit from the plants. They take into account not only the climatic conditions in their region, but also lighting and soil characteristics. However, sometimes owners of suburban areas are interested in what to water the tree with so that it dries out quickly. This method, of course, can hardly be considered humane, but sometimes there is simply no other way out.

For example, if there is an old tree on the site with a trunk diameter of more than 30 cm, but it cannot be cut down because there are other structures or plants nearby. The only way out in this situation is to dry the tree using special chemicals.

There are many ways to ensure that a tree on your site dries out quickly. However, the most common of them are those that involve the use of chemicals. preparations intended to destroy plants. And no matter how harmful these products can be, they nevertheless allow you to complete this work as quickly as possible.

More specifically, the following chemical methods of destroying trees are distinguished:

  • watering plant tissues with chemical compounds;
  • coating leaves with special preparations;
  • grafting that kills trees;
  • placing the drug in the ground next to the trunk;
  • complete destruction (including the stump);
  • applying a chemical to the bark.

Important information! Note that most of the chemicals described below affect the root system of trees. When choosing a specific composition, be sure to take into account the composition of the soil. There are products that act on the bark or living tissues of plants.

Ideally, the tree should be cut down altogether and the remaining stump properly treated. This way you can get rid of the tree as quickly as possible. Be that as it may, first let’s get acquainted with the most effective means and features of their use.

Popular chemicals for killing trees

If you intend to use chemicals, you must select the most suitable suitable option. Below is a list of the most effective (according to summer residents) chemical agents.

  1. Sodium nitrate. As a rule, it is used to destroy stumps, but in our case it should be applied not only to the tree trunk, but also to the ground. To get the desired effect as quickly as possible, it is advisable to inject sodium nitrate into the hollow. In about a year, the tree will be completely dry - then it can be burned. And if you water the soil with this saltpeter, the tree will dry out only after a few years.

  • . It is very reminiscent of the previous remedy, but still somewhat different from it. For example, ammonium nitrate is made from urea, which is extremely dangerous for plants and can greatly accelerate the decomposition of wood. This contributes to the fact that root system quickly transforms into good fertilizer. It is advisable to uproot the trunk, which is already clearly drying out or has dried out, and treat the exposed root system again with this chemical.
  • Picloram. Very effective remedy, which is used to spray or water the soil to kill plants. When exposed to picloram, the root system is inhibited, and the tree, as a result, dies.
  • "Mikado RK". Clopyralid and picloram are systemic substances

  • "Roundup", "Tornado". These herbicides are used more often than others if it is necessary to quickly destroy a tree. Effective for eliminating both deciduous and coniferous plantations.
  • Arsenal, Arbonal. These preparations are distinguished by the fact that they penetrate directly into the wood, so they are recommended for use in forest thinning. At the same time, these products are also actively used in agricultural plantations.
  • Note! A tree is still a living organism, which should be killed only in extreme cases. Don't get too carried away with this procedure.

    Now, having familiarized yourself with the main chemicals, capable of quickly drying out wood, let’s consider which processing methods are most popular. Some of these methods involve the use of one or another of the drugs described above.

    Prices for ammonium nitrate

    ammonium nitrate

    The main methods of destroying trees with chemicals

    Let’s immediately say that there are many such methods, so we will consider only the most effective of them.

    Method number 1. Application of chemicals to living tissue

    The tree bark is an obstacle due to which herbicides cannot penetrate the vascular tissues of the plant. Therefore, in order for the product to reach its destination, make downward cuts on the surface of the trunk, but do not tear off the bark. Use a small ax for this. As a result, notches and cuts should be made along the entire circumference of the trunk.

    Use the herbicide you have chosen after making the cuts - apply it to the wood tissue.

    Note! Do not use herbicides in spring time, since the juice that will ooze from the cuts will prevent the chemical from being absorbed.

    Method number 2. Watering the soil with herbicides

    Individual preparations can be used for uniform application to the soil surface. After rain or artificial watering, the herbicide will enter the root system. To concentrate the chemical in one place, you can resort to installing barriers in the ground (for example, concrete).

    Note! This method It is advisable to use in cases where it is necessary to destroy several or many trees at the same time.

    Method No. 3. "Killer" injections

    They are very close in their principle of action to method No. 1, and differ only in that they are used to introduce chemicals into tissues. special devices. The maximum effectiveness of the methods is achieved if a targeted effect is applied around the circumference of the trunk in increments of 5-10 cm. Injections are made at a height of approximately 1 m from the ground. The method is used for trees whose trunk diameter exceeds 5 cm.

    Step 1. First, prepare a drill, as well as a drill for it, the diameter of which is 5-10 mm.

    Step 2. Make holes 4-5 cm deep as described above. It is important that the drill is at an angle of 45-50° relative to the ground surface when working.

    Step 3. Take a simple pharmacy syringe, fill it with a product whose active ingredient is glyphosate (for example, “Ground”, “Tornado”, etc.), or, alternatively, pour the chemical directly into the holes. The concentration of glyphosate in the product must be at least 200 g/l.

    Herbicide "Ground"

    For example: to dry a tree with a trunk diameter of 35 cm, you will need 35-40 ml of a product in which the concentration of glyphosate is 360 g/l.

    Step 4. Seal the holes with earth to hide traces of injections, remove the shavings and see if the drug leaks out (the latter is good because it dries for a long time and is clearly visible on the bark). Soon enough the plant will begin to dry out.

    Note! You can use other herbicides, but it is still better to give preference to preparations with glyphosate, since they are immediately inactivated by soil microflora after the root system dies.

    Heavier herbicides based on sulfometuron-methyl or imazapyr, on the contrary, after the death of trees, penetrate into the soil and often kill plants located nearby. Although you can take care of the barriers described earlier.

    Method number 4. Treatment of leaves with preparations

    This method is very popular when destroying bushes whose height does not exceed 4 m. It can be used from the beginning of spring to the end of summer (more exact time depends on the specific herbicide). The effectiveness of the drugs is noticeably reduced if the weather is dry and hot, and the tree suffers from moisture deficiency.

    If preparations are applied to the leaves of crops with large annual growth, this can lead to the appearance of excess growth (the only exception is certain extremely susceptible species). If you use this method, it is not necessary to impregnate the barrel with chemicals.

    Method No. 5. Simultaneous destruction of trunk and stump

    Here, first, the tree itself is removed using an ax or chainsaw, and then a chemical is produced. stump removal (more details on this at the end of the article). If you use this method, apply the herbicide only to a fresh stump. If the trunk diameter is large, treat only the outer edge of the stump (no more than 5-10 cm), including the cambium - inner fabrics Most of these trees are already dead.

    If the trunk diameter is less than 10 cm, apply the chemical to the entire cut surface. Apply the drug immediately after cutting the tree - this way the effectiveness will be maximum.

    Method number 6. Processing tree bark

    Measure 30-35 cm from the ground surface, make a mark on the trunk and process the area below this mark chemical preparation. It is advisable to hold the event in spring or summer. Before applying, mix the product with oil, then treat the bark until it is completely saturated. What is typical is that this method is applicable to all trees, regardless of what type they are and what size they are.

    Greenhouse cleaning work begins with clearing debris and washing the structure. And the first stages are carried out even before the onset of frost. Read more about this in.

    Herbicide prices


    Below are some helpful tips to help you remove your unwanted tree.

    1. The person who destroys trees with chemicals bears full responsibility for the final effect.
    2. Remember that the accuracy of the application can be improved by adding a coloring agent to the herbicide. Trees that have been treated this way are much easier to track, so you are less likely to miss them when re-treating them (if necessary).
    3. Trees can “cork” cuts and damage, thereby protecting themselves. In other words, a protective layer is formed around damaged tissues, which can reduce the effectiveness of the drug used. For this reason, when using method No. 1, the chemical must be applied immediately after making the cuts.

  • The herbicide released from the tree can be absorbed by nearby plants. This should also not be forgotten.
  • Some trees may have one vascular system(this is a consequence of root fusion). This often happens between members of the same species, but not always. Be that as it may, the herbicide can be transferred from the tree being destroyed to one that is not subject to destruction.
  • Note! It is believed that on the eastern side the root system grows to the height of the crown, while on the western side it grows to ½ of this height. You can use this rule of thumb.

    Alternative Methods

    There are also several alternative ways, allowing the tree to dry out quickly. Let's look at the most effective, and therefore popular, ones. For the convenience of visitors, the information below is presented in table form.

    Table. How else can you treat wood to make it dry?

    Methods, illustrationsDescription of actions

    It has long been known that salt destroys vegetation when it enters the soil. Therefore, salt can easily destroy the roots and the tree itself. It is advisable to use a salt solution if you are concerned that the vegetation near the tree may also be destroyed. Water the soil with the solution while it absorbs it. The salt concentration depends on the size of the tree (the larger it is, the more it should be).

    You can block the flow of moisture and oxygen to the roots - to do this, you just need to fill them with concrete to the very base of the trunk. After 2-4 weeks, the roots will die, and the tree itself, accordingly, will begin to dry out. This method is advisable if a path is planned to be built in place of the tree.

    The method resembles the previous one, but is more attractive and environmentally friendly. Place a layer of mulch (from 15 cm) over the roots and up the tree itself. This way you will partially block the flow nutrients, and the tree will slowly begin to die.

    Note! By the way, if the roots are blocking the sewer line, you can use Root Destroyer (if you can find it), which you just need to flush down the toilet. This way you will only kill the roots that have penetrated the network, but will not harm the tree.

    When the tree dries out, it is cut down and burned. But after this, roots remain in the ground, which can also cause a lot of trouble. Below is a short guide to mechanically removing a stump.

    Video - How to remove a stump using a chemical method

    Removing part of the surface layer metal product by using chemical reaction called etching. This technology has been known to man for several millennia; along with embossing and blackening, it was used to finish metal parts of weapons and household utensils, jewelry and ritual objects. Nowadays, metal etching is used in arts and crafts, for electroplating, and for creating images and inscriptions on metal products.

    The essence of the method

    Before etching, a protective coating that is resistant to the etching substance (mordant) is applied to those areas of the metal surface that should not be etched.

    Next, the part is exposed to an acidic environment or immersed in a container with an electrolytic liquid. The longer a part is processed, the larger the layer of metal that is corroded by the aggressive environment. Metal etching can be carried out in several stages, this is the so-called multilayer etching.

    Etching images on metal is carried out both in industrial and at home conditions.

    Metal etching methods

    Based on the materials used to corrode the metal layer, there are such methods of etching metals as:

    • Chemical (liquid). Acidic solutions are used. Does not require complex equipment or expensive materials. During operation, fumes that are harmful to health are generated.
    • Electrochemical. An electrolyte solution is used and passed through it electricity. It is characterized by a higher speed of the process, more accurate execution of the details of the design, and economical consumption of working fluid. Does not form harmful fumes
    • Ion plasma (dry). The surface layer is evaporated by a beam of ionized plasma. Used in the production of microelectronic components.

    The ion plasma method requires high-precision and expensive equipment and is used only in industrial production conditions. The liquid method, electrochemical metal etching and even electrochemical engraving are available at home.

    By using galvanic etching You can make your own printed circuit board that is almost as good as an industrial one.

    Galvanic metal etching

    The galvanic method of etching compares favorably with the liquid etching method because there is no need to use acids that produce harmful fumes. Depending on the workpiece material, different electrolytic solutions are used:

    • Steel and iron - ammonia and iron sulfate
    • Copper and its alloys (bronze, brass) - copper sulfate
    • Zinc – zinc sulfate.

    To carry out the process at home you will need:

    • Galvanic bath made of non-conductive material.
    • 5 volt DC power supply.
    • Metal cathode (same metal as the workpiece.)
    • Wire hangers for the workpiece and cathode. The workpiece should not touch the walls or bottom of the bath.
    • Two conductive rods longer than the bathtub.

    One rod is connected to the negative terminal of the power supply and the cathode is hung on it.

    The other rod is connected to the positive terminal and a product that will serve as an anode is hung on it.

    When voltage is applied, the process of electrolytic transfer of metal from the product to the cathode begins. It will occur from surface areas not covered with protective varnish.

    Artistic metal etching

    Artistic metal etching is carried out using both galvanic and liquid methods.

    With its help, masters of folk crafts and simply home craftsmen obtain highly artistic images on edged weapons and firearms, all kinds of forged and cast utensils. For craftsmen making designer hunting and household knives, etching has become an almost mandatory finishing element. Especially popular are hunting scenes, Arabic, runic or abstract geometric patterns. Many craftsmen combine metal etching with bluing, giving the design a bluish, black or yellowish tint.

    To transfer images, both the method of coating the part with varnish and glossy paper are used. Another method is also used - gluing the part with tape. Using a hot needle, scratch the lines of the design, after which, using tweezers, carefully remove the tape from the areas to be etched. Remains of the adhesive mass must be washed off with a solvent.

    Before etching, the part should be thoroughly degreased.

    Metal surface preparation

    Before starting etching, the surface should be prepared. This will ensure:

    • High process speed
    • removing metal in an even layer.

    During surface treatment, all mechanical and chemical pollution. For it, use a warm soapy solution, any detergent. After the surface has dried, it must be wiped with a rag soaked in solvent or degreaser. This will remove any remaining liquid and oil films.

    It is good to combine chemical treatment with mechanical treatment:

    • mirror polishing
    • sanding with sandpaper. Used when polishing is unavailable. You should make sure that the skin always moves in one direction and that the marks from it are strictly parallel.

    Mechanical treatment will significantly improve appearance products after etching.


    There are several methods used for this operation. What unites them all general principle: protection of part of the surface from the corrosive effect of the mordant, but distinguishes the substance used to apply the design.

    Nail polish

    Popular and affordable way. Has some disadvantages:

    • The high viscosity of the varnish makes it impossible to draw small details and fine lines.
    • Requires a steady hand and drawing skill.
    • It is very difficult to correct incorrectly applied parts.

    Primer or bitumen varnish

    Primer GF 021, XB 062 or bitumen varnish is used. First, the entire product to be etched is coated with the substance. Next, use a thin pen or marker to transfer the contours of the drawing. From thin wire or a rod of soft alloys, a needle should be made by sharpening the end of the wire.

    Those areas of the image that must be etched are scratched down to the metal. Care should be taken to ensure that the primer does not chip.

    Glossy paper

    In addition to glossy paper (you can buy it in craft stores, or you can just cut a sheet from a magazine), you will need laser printer, an application for working with images and an iron. The image of the drawing should be mirrored and printed in full size. The image is applied to the surface and ironed several times. After the workpiece has cooled, the paper is washed off warm water, and the toner remains on the surface of the part. Rear and side surfaces those that cannot be etched must be protected with varnish or plasticine.

    The main advantage of the method is that it can be accurately transferred the smallest details Images.

    The main disadvantage is that you can only work in this way with flat or cylindrical workpieces. The method is very popular in the manufacture printed circuit boards.

    Steel pickling

    In addition to the artistic etching of metal, which allows one to obtain exquisite images on steel surfaces, steel etching is also used to remove scale and oxide films. In this case, the requirements must be observed with particular care technological process in everything related to the concentration of etchant solutions and the exposure time of the part in the mordant or in the electrolyte bath. Over-etching during such an operation is extremely undesirable.

    When etching steel, both liquid and electrochemical methods are used. The mordant is prepared on the basis of strong acids, such as hydrochloric or sulfuric. Particular attention should be paid to thoroughly degreasing the surface. A missed oil or grease stain can render the workpiece unusable. To protect parts of the workpiece that are not subject to etching, I use varnishes based on rosin, turpentine, and tar.

    These components are highly flammable, so you should be especially careful and careful when working with varnish. After etching is completed, the unetched areas of the workpiece are cleaned of the protective varnish with a solvent.

    Mordants used for steel

    Nitric acid is very popular among home picklers. It is used as the only base for mordant, or in a mixture with tartar or salt. A metal etching solution based on a mixture of nitric and hydrochloric acid is very chemically reactive and should be handled with extreme care.

    For processing hard and special grades of steel, mixtures of nitric and acetic acid are used. The processing is carried out in two stages. First, a special preliminary mordant is prepared - glyphogen, which is a mixture of water, nitric acid and ethyl alcohol. The part is kept in it for several minutes. Next, the workpiece is washed with a solution of wine alcohol in distilled water and thoroughly dried. After this, the main etching is carried out.

    For pickling cast iron, solutions of medium concentrations of sulfuric acid are used.

    Pickling of non-ferrous metals

    Based on their atomic weight and the physical and chemical properties of the substance determined by it, they select their own for each metal and alloy. the best way acting specifically on him, a mordant.

    Both pure copper and copper alloys are etched using sulfuric, hydrochloric, phosphoric, and nitric acid. To increase the reaction rate, chromium or nitrogen compounds are added to solutions. At the first stage of etching, scale and oxide film are removed from the workpiece, then proceed to the actual etching of the metal. Be careful when etching copper at home.

    Aluminum and alloys based on it stand out among other metals in that they are etched using alkaline rather than acidic solutions. For molybdenum, alkaline solutions based on sodium hydroxide and hydrogen peroxide are also used.

    Titanium stands even more apart - at the first stage of preliminary etching, alkali is used, and at the main stage, acid is used. For titanium I use the strongest acids - hydrofluoric and concentrated sulfuric and nitric. Titanium blanks are etched to remove the surface layer of oxides immediately before electroplating.

    For etching metals such as nickel or tungsten, use water solution hydrogen peroxide and formic acid.

    PCB etching

    A blank for a printed circuit board is a sheet of textolite, coated on one or both sides with a layer of copper foil. The purpose of etching printed circuit boards is to create conductive traces from copper foil in exact accordance with the drawing. The tracks are covered with a protective varnish, the rest of the foil is removed by etching.

    At home he uses several methods:

    1. Ferric chloride. The reagent can be purchased at a chemical store or made independently. Iron filings should be dissolved in hydrochloric acid. Before use, the solution should be kept until the iron is completely dissolved and mixed thoroughly.
    2. Nitric acid.
    3. An aqueous solution of sulfuric acid mixed with tableted hydrogen peroxide.
    4. Copper sulfate with the addition hot water and sodium chloride. This option is the safest, but also the longest. Throughout the entire process, the pickling temperature should be maintained at least 40 o C, otherwise the pickling will take many hours.
    5. Electrolytic method. You should take a dielectric container (cuvettes are good for developing photographs), fill it with a solution of table salt, place a board and a piece of copper foil there, which will serve as a cathode.

    After etching with the liquid method is completed, the board should be thoroughly washed with a soda solution to extinguish any remaining acid.

    Etching process for other materials

    In addition to metals, other materials are also subjected to etching. The most common type of glass etching is decorative purposes. Etching is carried out in hydrofluoric acid vapor, the only one capable of dissolving glass. At the preparation stages, preliminary acid polishing of the surface of the product is carried out, then the outline of the future image is transferred to it. Protective coatings for glass are made from a mixture of wax, rosin and paraffins. After applying the protective coating, the workpiece is dipped into an etching tank.

    The use of hydrofluoric acid creates a beautiful matte structure on the surface. To obtain a smooth, transparent surface, concentrated sulfuric acid is added to the etching mixture. To obtain a relief, deep pattern, the operation is repeated.

    Pickling safety precautions

    In metal etching, extremely active substances are used. chemically substances - strong acids, alkalis and their solutions. If handled incorrectly, they can cause serious injury and damage to property.

    Therefore, when working with them, you need to take special precautions and strictly follow the safety rules when carrying out work:

    • Work is carried out only in the presence of good ventilation, preferably a fume hood.
    • It is mandatory to use personal protective equipment: rubber gloves and an apron, thick work clothing, a respirator, and a protective face shield.
    • Do not place jars containing acids and alkalis on high shelves and cabinets.
    • When diluting acids, ACID is POURED into WATER, and never water into acid.
    • When working with acid, have a soda solution on hand, and when working with alkali, have a weak vinegar solution to wash areas of the skin where drops of the solution accidentally fall.
    • When working using the galvanic method, before starting work, carefully inspect all electrical equipment used for absence of mechanical damage and insulation integrity.
    • Have a working fire extinguisher on hand.

    If the etching solution comes into contact with the skin, immediately wash the affected area with an appropriate neutralizing solution. If acid or alkali splashes onto clothing, it should be removed immediately.

    If the etching solution gets on the mucous membranes, you should immediately seek medical help. Delay in such cases can cost health or even life.

    Before poisoning cockroaches, think about what was the source of the infection.

    During the active migration of the Prussians, it will be possible to escape from their neighbors only by cleanliness, spreading poison, etc.

    If the neighbors have nothing to do with it, and the culprit is garbage and dirt, it’s worth taking time and starting the fight with general cleaning and throwing out trash. Hunger and cold are the main enemies of arthropods.

    Cockroaches, both in a private house and in an apartment, love to eat waste left by humans. Is it possible to exterminate cockroaches at home so that they never come back? Let’s consider further.

    In order to properly and effectively kill domestic cockroaches, you need to find out how long ago the Prussians chose the apartment.

    In case of detection of excrement in cabinets, observation of individuals not only at night, but also during the day, as well as the presence of remnants of discarded chitinous cover in the cabinets, complex treatment will be required.

    Chemical agents in combination with traps will help to effectively and quickly poison all individuals.

    Fighting with one drug is useless and takes a long time. After a couple of weeks, the Prussians will adapt to the insecticide and stop reacting to it.

    A simple method will help you assess the extent of the infection:

    • For 5 nights, turn on the lights in the kitchen and count the approximate number of pests escaping.

    If each time you count more than 10, the apartment needs emergency treatment; in a month you will see not 5, but 35 arthropods roaming around the kitchen in search of food.

    Cockroaches, like no other insect, are fertile. Missing a pregnant female means giving birth to another fifty individuals.

    The alarm should be sounded if insects of different sizes are detected.

    Small, large, molting nymphs, larvae, pregnant females - entire populations that will soon not allow life with their presence.

    If there are single individuals, you should not relax. Today he is alone - tomorrow there is a whole “army”.

    If the new residents are just planning to settle in with you, how to poison the cockroaches then?

    It is enough to set traps and treat the apartment around the perimeter with one of the insecticides listed below.

    Try to find out from your neighbors on the site about the presence of pests. Perhaps they began active extermination, and the migrants decided to move to you.

    In this case, the only correct action is to change the grille to vent to fine mesh, sealing holes and cracks connecting your apartment and your neighbor’s.

    An insecticide wouldn't hurt either.

    For bullying to be effective

    Before poisoning cockroaches in an apartment on your own or by yourself, you should take a number of measures to increase the efficiency of treatment:

    1. The apartment should be cleaned: do not brush off the dust, but thoroughly wash every corner;
    2. Remove trash and rubbish from the house, wash the buckets with a chlorine-containing product and dry them dry;
    3. Put things in order kitchen cabinets: remove spilled cereals, tie up loose bags with bulk products;
    4. Wash the sink, wipe dry;
    5. Clean the siphon in the drain hole;
    6. If possible, unscrew the baseboards and remove crumbs and debris;
    7. Move the refrigerator and kitchen furniture away from the wall, remove accumulated debris.

    After thorough cleaning, you can poison the cockroaches with acid and egg yolk, any insecticide, or set traps.

    We will find out below what means will help to poison cockroaches from the apartment forever, without harming the health of household members and animals.

    How to fight: known methods

    Prussians run into the house through any cracks. It is not difficult for them to get through:

    • Through sewer pipes;
    • Along the ventilation hole;
    • Through concrete floors between floors;
    • Through small cracks in the walls and floor.

    Whatever product you choose, the effect will only be after at least twice treatment. Even experienced exterminators cannot always remove the Prussians in one go.

    If the creepers have bred inside household appliances, freezing will help. Filling with a spray or aerosol will lead to damage to the device.

    There is a wide range of means to kill cockroaches in an apartment yourself:

    • Gels and crayons;
    • Aerosols and sprays;
    • Powders and dusts.

    It is safe and effective to catch Prussians with bait placed inside the house. Traps work as an additional method to kill insects.

    Gels and crayons

    Gels are the most popular among consumers. They are characterized by low toxicity to humans and high degree effectiveness against arthropods.

    Gel-type insecticides do not have a pronounced odor that would disturb the quality of human life.

    The product is easy to apply, does not run off due to its gel texture and does not stain furniture or wallpaper. After successfully getting rid of the Prussians, simply remove the product with a damp cloth. There will be no greasy marks or shine left.

    Readers of the site write to us

    Subject: We got rid of cockroaches! Thank you!

    From whom: Vlad Burov(vl**** [email protected])

    To whom: Admin


    Oh, we are tired of cockroaches in our apartment!

    They are so disgusting, and it is difficult to eradicate them. My wife tried a lot of things! Nothing took them :(

    I was fed up with all this and I took up the matter myself.

    And I accidentally discovered it on one site.

    Without thinking twice, I did as it advised. And literally after 5 days we were able to live in peace!! We don't have any cockroaches anymore!

    Please give it to others, maybe it will help them too!

    The insecticide is applied around the perimeter of the apartment and along back walls kitchen furniture. Treatment is carried out at least 2 times, with an interval of 10 days.

    The Prussians will begin to die on the 5th day. The principle of action of the drug is based on the sticky texture into which the insect gets caught. Running from place to place, the creeper leaves particles of the toxic agent.

    He himself dies after thoroughly cleansing his limbs. Brothers die for a similar reason, having received a dose of the chemical from a red-haired relative.

    Why is the treatment carried out twice? The insecticide has no direct effect on the eggs. In 10 days, new individuals will hatch and begin to actively develop.

    In order to increase the effectiveness of disinsection (this is what baiting of cockroaches is called), the gel is applied twice.

    The following have earned the greatest consumer trust:

    • Globall;
    • MaxForce;

    Mortality of individuals occurs within 2–5 days, and the effect lasts up to 3 months. The drugs are approved for disinfestation in kindergartens, schools and catering establishments.

    Crayons are a time-tested remedy, ideal as a preventive measure. It works on the principle of gel and dust, but requires regular reapplication.

    The famous chalk pencil “Mashenka” helps exterminate entire populations of insects.

    Aerosols and sprays

    Aerosols are classified as drugs with an average degree of effectiveness. With regular use, the result will be, but in the case of a one-time treatment, there is no point in waiting for a miracle.

    Spraying insecticide Special attention given to cabinets and kitchen cabinets. Be sure to treat heating radiators, dark and secluded corners of the apartment. The product is applied to the pre-washed trash can outside and inside.

    After the event, leave your accommodation. Windows and balconies must be closed. Ventilate and carry out wet cleaning It is recommended no earlier than 3 hours later.

    The following will help you cope effectively with the Prussians:

    • Raid;
    • Clean house;
    • Raptor;
    • Karbofos.

    Most aerosols have a detrimental effect not only on adults, but also on larvae.

    When carrying out disinsection, protect your respiratory system from inhaling toxic substances. If you feel a suffocating cough and tearing, provide yourself with access to fresh air.

    If you feel unwell, do not drink water or eat. This way you will prevent the poison from entering the gastrointestinal tract.

    Dusts and powders

    Sprays are prepared from powdered chemicals. Then it is applied to the areas where barbels live with a sprayer.

    The dry substance is scattered around the perimeter of the apartment and in kitchen cabinets. It is advisable to treat areas with high humidity.

    The insects will go to quench their thirst and get their paws dirty. Cleaning will lead to the inevitable entry of poison into the body and sudden death.

    Peretrum powder is in great demand among consumers. The base includes chamomile flowers.

    The product is safe for both people and pets. Even if the drug enters the respiratory tract, an allergic reaction will not occur.

    Electric and glue traps, repellers

    A safe, effective and result-guaranteing method - electrical traps. The action is based on the destruction of crawling individuals by a discharge of electric current.

    Death occurs instantly. The tray for collecting dead specimens is easy to clean and wash. The device does not pose any threat to human health.

    Ultrasonic repellers can protect a large house from insects.

    The radius of action of the emitted wave extends to hundreds of meters. The device is worth spending money on, especially for residents of country houses.

    Simple trap houses are designed for apartments where there is no invasion of arthropods, and sometimes stray Prussians run through from the neighbors.

    The bait located inside will definitely arouse the pest’s curiosity, and he will get into trouble.

    Homemade folk remedies

    Before killing cockroaches in an apartment yourself using insecticidal preparations, study the list of available recipes that are no less effective, but at the same time safe and economical.

    Grandmothers know how to poison cockroaches boric acid . The balls, tasty for the Prussians, are scattered around the house, in the habitats of arthropods. It's easy to prepare the poison:

    1. Mix boron acid with vanillin and flour;
    2. Add a raw egg and a little powdered sugar;
    3. Add water until you get a thick consistency.

    Knead the dough and form into balls. Place the finished pieces in the apartment.

    Before killing cockroaches with acid and eggs, clean up and block the arthropods' access to water. Lack of food and drink will cause insects to eat the poisoned pellets.

    Prussians react sharply to strong aromas. They cannot tolerate homemade geranium, lemongrass and fragrant essential oils.

    Eucalyptus, lemon balm and juniper are used as aromatic oils. A few drops added to the water while washing the floors will contribute to the exodus of the Prussians from the house.

    Vinegar and ammonia solution repels arthropods and forces them to leave their usual habitat.

    The diluted solution is used to treat buckets and wipe the floor. The unbearable aroma will drive away arthropods.

    Calling an exterminator

    If independent measures do not bring the desired result, seek help from special services. Don't trust companies that offer to do work at a bargain price.


    • what insecticide is used for disinfestation, what is used in the work: a cold or hot fog generator;
    • find out about the availability of a warranty period and the provision of relevant documents confirming the fact of processing;

    The exterminator must have access to the basement and attic to determine where the insects are coming from.

    During the treatment, residents leave the apartment along with their pets and plants. After a few hours, the homeowner carries out a wet cleaning of the room to wash off the remaining insecticide from the furniture and dishes.

    The chosen method will be beneficial if the rules for using the chemical are followed.

    The effectiveness will be many times higher if the primary sources of infection are eradicated: garbage, food waste and high humidity.

    Preventive measures applied once every six months will protect your home from pests.

    At the opening of the Kyiv book exhibition-fair for the Day of Knowledge, Deputy Prime Minister of Ukraine Vyacheslav Kirilenko said that in September the Verkhovna Rada will consider a bill banning Russian books, reports. Restrictions, in his opinion, should apply to those book publications that “do not recognize Ukrainian statehood.”

    Chairman of the Union of Writers of Russia Valery Ganichev said that this ban “will close every opportunity to study history and general culture.” “This means declaring war on culture, unity and literature, declaring war on Pushkin. In my opinion, this is absolute ignorance, barbarism and stupidity,” he said. In his opinion, Ukrainian and Russian culture constitute a great unified whole.

    Writer, critic and publicist Platon Besedin said that “taking into account the excessive zealousness of the Ukrainian government,” classics up to Dostoevsky may well be banned. In his opinion, the upcoming ban is a systematic and conscious effort to eradicate everything Russian on the territory of Ukraine.

    Until recently, such plans looked like a complete utopia: the entire east of Ukraine was Russian in language and culture. But events recent years showed that a significant part of the youth, through the education system, managed to be torn away from this all-Russian community and turned into rabid Ukrainian nationalists.

    “How effective, in your opinion, are such bans in modern conditions - when everything prohibited is available via the Internet? What consequences would such a ban have?” - the Regions.Ru correspondent asked the clergy with these questions.

    Archpriest Simeon Antipov , dean of the Kuvandyk and Mednogorsk districts, rector of the Church of the Intercession Holy Mother of God in Kuvandyk, noted that he never ceases to “be surprised at the strange actions of Ukrainian leaders - and they seem to be serious people, statesmen.”

    “I don’t like to put labels - there are a lot of smart people, including, statesmen, - but this is some kind of stupid idea - there’s no other way to say it. How to ban literature that is on the Internet? Probably, soon the Ukrainian authorities will propose to ban the Internet in Ukraine. Of course, this is nonsense,” he continued.

    “Well, where can Ukraine get away from Russia? Okay, let's ban Russian literature. But in what source of world culture before 2000 will you find recognition of “Ukrainian statehood?” The Ukrainian authorities do not understand that they are cutting off the branch on which they are sitting. But even there there are sensible people who understand where everything is going. The Ukrainian authorities are rapidly losing authority. Even those who previously supported them no longer approve of them. Why is it necessary to drive a new wedge between us? In my opinion, the Ukrainian authorities are simply paying off “thirty pieces of silver” for the West. Russophobia is the only product they can now offer. Annoying Russia once again is all they can do. But Ukrainian people He’s already fed up with the dish he’s always being treated to, and will soon chase this government with a filthy broom - together with the Right Sector,” the priest concluded.

    Archpriest Alexander Ilyashenko , rector of the Church of the All-Merciful Savior of the former Sorrow Monastery on Novoslobodskaya, noted that “of course, this ban will lead to the fact that the residents of Ukraine will become acquainted with Russian culture to a much lesser extent.”

    “Not everyone has the Internet, not everyone looks for such literature there. We will soon see the devastating results of this ban. I think such a step is evidence of stupidity, narrow-mindedness and impotence; not only the anti-Russian, but also the anti-people essence of Ukrainian political figures. And if this is a sign of weakness, let’s hope: the Ukrainian people will find the strength to put at the head of the country people who are truly smart and who think not about the immediate situation, but about the real benefit for their people,” he concluded.

    Priest Dimitri Lin , a cleric of the Church of St. Nicholas on the Three Mountains, believes that this is how the Ukrainian authorities demonstrate their “patriotism” to extreme nationalists.

    “I hope it won’t come to the point of real bans on Russian books, and this is just a “play for the public.” Perhaps some restrictions will be introduced on modern journalism. There are authors who constantly raise the “Ukrainian question,” and given the painful national consciousness of a significant part of Ukrainian society, such restrictions are possible. As for the classics and other literature, I think it won’t come to a ban - in addition to the “hot heads”, there are also sensible people in Ukraine,” he continued.

    “This idea of ​​the Ukrainian authorities is, of course, ridiculous. Valery Nikolaevich Ganichev correctly said: our Russian culture is triune, it consists of the cultures of the Great Russian, Little Russian and Belarusian peoples. We also should not forget that Little Russian literature is a component of Russian and even Russian culture. Therefore, we must appreciate Gogol, who wrote about Little Russia and entered Great Russian literature, Taras Shevchenko and other wonderful Ukrainian authors. Their works may have a unique national flavor, but together they created great Russian culture. I am sure that a little time will pass, and these strange statements will be treated in the same way as we now treat the statements of some figures of the Soviet era,” the priest concluded.

    I recently discovered it on the Internet new method printed circuit board etching, different from classical methods etching, moreover, this method does not have the characteristics of traditional ferric chloride And ammonium persulfate shortcomings. Ferric chloride, with its unwashable stains on clothes and, as a result, damaged things, may not have suited many people for a long time. Also ammonium persulfate, not everyone has a separate table for etching at home - soldering, most likely most people, like me, do it in the bathroom. Sometimes, as a result of careless actions with ammonium persulfate and drops getting on clothes, small holes form over time and things become damaged.

    Someone might say, I’m happy with persulfate because of its etching speed, but the new etching method makes it possible to etch boards, I think, at no less speed. Yesterday I etched the board in half an hour, the design was drawn on a quick fix marker, the narrowest paths were 1 mm wide, no undergrasses were noticed. The photo of the board is below, though after I tinned and soldered all the parts onto the board, just to show that even narrow traces are obtained without undercuts, I think this is enough. But I would like to immediately note that the drawing transferred to a printed circuit board using the LUT (laser ironing technology) is preserved better; according to people’s reviews, when etching with this method, even narrow paths 1 mm wide turn out consistently well.

    Now let's get down to business. For the board measuring 35*25, which I etched, I used the following ingredients: bottle of pharmacy hydrogen peroxide 50 ml, cost 3 rubles and 1 sachet of 10 grams food citric acid , costing 3.5 rubles, salt teaspoon(used as a catalyst) of course free of charge, any you have in your kitchen will do, even iodized ones. Exact proportions are not necessary here; we make something like this: pour in enough hydrogen peroxide to cover the board by 5 mm, add 10 grams (in my case a bag) of citric acid and add a teaspoon of salt .

    There is no need to add water, the liquid that is in the peroxide is used. If you plan to etch a large board, then we increase the amount of ingredients in the same proportions relative to hydrogen peroxide, as indicated above, also so that the board is hidden by 5 mm. By the end of etching, the solution will turn bluish. During etching, we move the board in the container, because gas bubbles will accumulate on the board, interfering with etching.

    Towards the end of etching, remove the board from the solution with tweezers and inspect it. If we draw a picture with a marker, I recommend drawing in several layers to avoid small undercuts on narrow paths, but ferric chloride and ammonium persulfate will give us the same effect. The remaining solution from etching can be poured down the drain, followed by a large number of water. Store the solution for reuse, I don’t think anyone will, it’s always easier to make a new solution if necessary than to wait longer when etching with an old solution.

    Saving time and money compared to old methods is obvious to everyone, I think. You can also use concentrated peroxide sold in hairdressing stores or hydroperite tablets, but here everyone will have to choose the ratio of ingredients themselves, since I haven’t experimented with them. As promised, I’m posting a photo of the board etched using this method; I made the board in a hurry, though.

    A little more about this one useful thing, How vertical baths. If uniform and high-quality double-sided etching is required, vertical baths with solution mixing are convenient. Stirring is done by inserting a tube from an aquarium aerator into the bath. Also vertical bath minimum evaporation area. In addition, there will be no sticking dirt if the solution is old and littered. I wish you successful etching without any undercuts. I was with you AKV .

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