The owner of the apartment is making repairs in the common corridor. Door to common room

Often the common corridor is large, and a certain recess leads to your apartment, that is, a narrow part that ends with your door. Many people simply block this part with a metal or some other partition. In simple words make a vestibule that leads to the apartment - is it legal? And you can just take it and block the corridor? Let's figure it out...

I also have such a deepening, and I also think about this issue. Moreover, the neighbors have already installed partitions on top. BUT is it legal?

What does the law say?

It is necessary to refer to two articles - the civil code and the housing code of the Russian Federation.

  • Article 290 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation

apartment owners in apartment building belong on the right of common shared ownership of the common premises of the house, bearing structures home, mechanical, electrical, sanitary and other equipment outside or inside the apartment serving more than one apartment.

  • Article 36 of the LC RF

The owners of premises in an apartment building own, on the basis of common shared ownership, the premises in this building that are not part of apartments and are intended to serve more than one room in this building, including inter-apartment landings, stairs, elevators, elevator and other shafts, corridors, technical floors, attics, basements...

Reducing the size of common property in an apartment building is possible only with the consent of all the owners of the premises in this house through its reconstruction.

In simple words, the corridor is part of the common property that belongs to all the owners of the apartments in this house. And you, alone, cannot put up a partition that will block the access of other residents of the house to this area. It's illegal! A partition is any wall, made of any material, with a door that has a lock and a key, that is, no one except you can get there.

You may be allowed to put up a wall only at a general meeting of tenants, when all tenants agree. This is controlled by articles - 44, 45, 46, 47, 48.

That is, in fact, you need to ask permission from all the tenants of the house, and not just yours. landing, as is often the case.

Is it possible to take ownership?

Such a seizure of a part of the common use, you may be allowed! However, you will not be able to arrange this area in any way, this is also controlled by the law. That is, to fence yourself off from neighbors (with their consent, you can), but to issue ownership and add to the living area of ​​​​your apartment - no!

Controlled by article - 290 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation (paragraph 2).

However, in rare cases when redevelopment or reconstruction of the premises is impossible without joining the common area, it is possible to join to private ownership. However, this happens only during the restoration and restructuring of buildings (Article 40, Civil Code of the Russian Federation).

What you need to know more

  • As you understand, it is impossible to arbitrarily block the corridor with a partition. However, if you put up a wall and install a door without a lock (that is, anyone can open it). Then there will be no barriers for other residents, and such a partition can stand legally. This must be understood!

  • It is also not enough to “ask permission” to install a partition at a meeting of homeowners, you need to notify the regulatory authorities, such as the housing inspection authorities, about this. Doing this is a MUST!
  • A partition is possible only if there is ownership of the apartment, for this you need the appropriate documents, they can be requested by the housing inspection. It is they who confirm that you have a part of the entire area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe house. If you are renting, you cannot make such decisions! This also needs to be remembered.

On this I will say goodbye, I think this information was useful for many. Read our building site.

Reading time ≈ 3 minutes

The common corridor is the face not only of you, but also of your neighbors. In many apartment buildings there are various common corridors that differ in size and shape, as in photo in our article. Almost always appearance of this room gives an answer to the question of who lives in the apartment. The common corridor is the worldview of the residents, their financial situation and an indicator of relationships. This room is used by everyone, left in it outerwear, shoes, prams and bicycles.

Repair of a common corridor with neighbors It is customary to do several times less often, non-living repairs in the corridor of each apartment. Of course, to agree with the neighbors about cleaning things, buying materials that will be used for repairs and their colors not always easy, because each person has an individual vision of an ideal corridor. In addition, you need to find everything else necessary tools for repair work.

Repair materials

Overhaul is quite an expensive pleasure, so cosmetic will be quite enough to carry out renovations in the common corridor. When carrying out repairs, you should definitely consult with your neighbors so that there are no disagreements and you do not have to pay an amount that exceeds half of the costs (if the common corridor is designed for 2 apartments). First you need to carefully plan the repair work and only after that acquire everything necessary materials in the right quantities.

In a building supermarket, you need to purchase mounting foam, linoleum, perforated corner, wall paint, color for it, impact drill, putty, dowels and screws, electric mixer for the manufacture of mixtures and mortars, a screwdriver, etc. Of course, you don’t need to buy all this if you have such items on the farm.

Repair work

First you need to use a spatula to remove all the paint that has peeled off the walls and ceiling, and also remove the plaster that has sprinkled. Carefully cement, plaster and putty areas of the ceiling and walls that are in poor condition. It is necessary to give at least one day for everything to dry.

Old lamps should be replaced with modern lamps daylight. If there is an old electricity in the corridor that is not functioning, then it should be removed, but not on your own, but with the help of electricians from the Housing Office. Doors to apartments can be changed independently, because each family may have different financial capabilities. The floor should also be washed and allowed to dry completely.

For wall painting, it is best to use acrylic paint, because it does not stain clothes, and is applied to the surface easily and quickly. The paint must be applied in two layers. If the wooden floor has gaps, then they need to be filled mounting foam, and then, after drying, cut off unnecessary parts of them. Then it remains only to lay the linoleum and fix the plinth.

I support previous speakers. If you do not have an agreement with all the residents of the floor, you have the right to demand that they fulfill your conditions for changing the position of this partition or its demolition. I do not know for sure whether this partition falls under the definition of redevelopment. If so, then it is also given to legitimize it in the relevant institutions.

If they do not agree to an amicable solution, then the road to you is first in the Criminal Code.

Here I came across. Interesting. You may well have problems with your claims.


Corridor work...

Interview with a lawyer from the firm "Afanasiev and Partners". We thank Irina Kuznetsova for the transcript of the recording.

In the houses of the Nevsky Syndicate, there are usually corridors and halls with a decent footage. These corridors can be attached to apartments by many equity holders. This material is about the features of this process.

- Dmitry, tell me, how competent is the installation of an iron door from the elevator platform to the common corridor?

Such installation of the door is not only legal, moreover, the demolition of this door is prohibited by the rules fire safety, because This door prevents the spread of combustion products. Installation iron door on the common corridor and the castle is recommended by the Ministry of Internal Affairs as effective method countering thieves, both apartment and those who like to steal the contents of apartment shields and cut cables.

However, the installation of a lock on this door must comply with fire safety regulations.

- What are these rules?

According to clause 52 of the Rules, the door should open towards the escape route, i.e. outward from the corridor to the elevator platform. Another point, the door from the inside should open without a key.

- Is it possible to put cabinets in the corridors?

You can not make built-in wardrobes in the corridors, this is prohibited by SNiP 2.01.02-85. However, the SNiP does not say anything about regular cabinets, then the norm from clause 4.6 applies, which prescribes to have a free passage with a width of at least 1 meter. It should be noted that half of the doorway is still subtracted from the width of the corridor. In other words, if in a corridor 2 m wide you can put a cabinet 60 cm deep against one of the walls.

- Quite often there is a case when neighbors living at the end of the corridors block part of the corridor with their door, can this door be demolished as arbitrarily as it was installed?

You can demolish it, only it will be a criminal offense under Art. 167 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. I know of more than one such case. Then the actions of the neighbors who blocked the corridor cannot be considered unauthorized without an analysis of the situation.

“But haven’t the neighbors made for themselves a part of the common property in kind?”

Common misconception. Allocation in kind to the installation of the door in general has nothing to do. Separation in kind is a section of common property and it comes into force only after state registration (Article 219 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation), because. corridor belongs to real estate. It is forbidden to allocate a part of the corridor in kind, but this only means that you cannot transfer part of the corridor to your property, but it does not mean at all that it is impossible to take part of the corridor for yourself. It may surprise the layman, but legally property, possession and use are different concepts. So, in order to take possession and use of part of the corridor, neighbors may have completely legal grounds.

- What then is the legal basis for installing doors in the corridor by neighbors?

According to Art. 36 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, corridors are the common property of all tenants-owners. According to Art. 37 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, the share of the tenant in the common property is proportional to the area of ​​\u200b\u200bhis apartment. According to Article 247 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, a participant in shared ownership has the right to provide for his possession and use of part of the common property, i.e. and a corridor proportional to its share.

In other words, if the neighbors have the right to a part of the corridor area, which is indicated in Art. 247 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, then having fenced off this part for themselves, they take into use what they are supposed to.

- But after all, for some owners it may turn out that their share falls on the "passage part" of the corridor!

The corridor in all parts remains passable, because its purpose is to be a passageway to the apartments, so even if you fence off with a neighbor for a couple, you both use your part of the corridor. Then, according to the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, the premises should be used for their intended purpose, if the corridor branch is intended to approach certain apartments, then this corridor branch should be used only for this.

- Let's look at an example. At my site, the area of ​​​​the common corridor is 35 square meters. meters. The total footage of all apartments on the site is 464 sq. meters. My apartment has a footage of 88 square meters. meters, and the neighbor's apartment has 62 sq. meters. Does this mean that we own 6.6 and 4.7 of the area of ​​the corridor?

Right. Once again I will indicate the formula for calculating "my" share in accordance with the law.

Share Area = Corridor Area * Area of ​​Your Apartment / Total area of ​​apartments on your site.

- Is it true that then we can claim with a neighbor for 11.3 square meters. meters from the corridor?

- Okay. Another example. At the other end of our corridor there are 2 apartments of 58 and 68 sq. meters. Neighbors, as I understand it, have the right to 9.5 square meters. meters, but can capture up to 13.5 square meters. meters. Can this be regarded as damage to other owners?

Maybe. It turns out the situation provided for in paragraph 2 of Art. 247 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. The rest of the owners could not get possession and disposal of a part of the common property in the form of the due part of the corridor, then they are entitled to monetary compensation. Appraisers usually evaluate 1 sq. meter of non-residential premises as a benefit of $5 per month. Another question is that offended neighbors cannot recover this money.

- Why not recover damages from those who use more than they have the right to?

Because the "invaders" of the corridor will rightly declare that, according to Art. 36 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, the corridor belongs to all the owners of the house, and not just directly to their neighbors. Therefore, compensation must be divided among all the owners of the house, and only a share of it is due to the neighbor - usually 1/300 part. Needless to say, this will not even pay for the state. filing fee?

We are not saying that the "invaders" of the corridors have a very simple way to legitimize their position through the General Meeting of Owners. After all, from the moment of filing a claim to judgment will pass 3 months, not one meeting can be held here.

- How can corridors be seized through the General Meeting of Owners?

So you can capture not only the corridors.

General Meeting of Owners in accordance with paragraph 2.3 of Art. 44 of the LC RF has the right to transfer common property for use to anyone. True, for such a decision, you need to have 2/3 of the votes of all owners in accordance with paragraph 1 of Art. 46 LCD RF.

Now let's think for ourselves, there are usually much more residents living at the ends of the corridors than those living right at the entrance. Then the apartments at the ends of the corridors are usually made larger by designers, and according to paragraph 3 of Art. 48 LCD RF vote at the general meeting "meters". We clearly have more than 2/3 of the owners interested in legalizing their ownership of the corridors.

Moreover, to make such a meeting is elementary, now Art. 47 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation provides for the form of holding a general meeting in absentia. Just in mailboxes a decision is thrown, the owners sign them and throw them into another box.

- And if you still fail to get the required majority of votes?

Then everything depends on nothing more than the strength of the nerves of the "invader" of the corridor. I know the precedent when the neighbors captured not a lot, not a little, but 1/2 of the corridor. The court ruled five times that the neighbors should return the proper part of the corridor to the rest. Only the "invaders" did not even appear in court. Litigation of only one case usually takes 5-6 months. And only six months later the bailiff appeared with an order to remove the partition. The "invaders" simply unscrewed the bolts of the partition and brought it into the apartment. The bailiff wrote down - the court decision was executed. Half an hour after the bailiff left, the "neighbor-invaders" put the partition back. And so five times. The plaintiffs spent years, and the defendant was only minutes and still got his own. They wrote to the press - to no avail, the bailiffs were only offended, because. they have nothing to do with it, that's the law. Then the "offended" neighbors simply decided to break the partition without a trial, the police came to the roar and a criminal case was initiated under Art. 167 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.

- And if the door of the neighbors blocked the common electrical panel?

Whether the door is blocked by the shield does not matter. There is no equipment that is allowed to be serviced by anyone other than a certified HOA electrician. He should be given access in the event of an accident. Residents to spend electrical work prohibited in the PUE. Another question is if there are counters in the shield. If yes, then access to the counter must be provided, because. The meter is serviced by the owner himself. Otherwise, how to pay for electricity? Usually in such cases, the counter is transferred to the apartment or directly to the partition on which the door is placed.

- What to do if the door closes the window to the smoke exhaust shaft?

Provide a window of the same area above your door. I must say that SNiPs do not regulate the form of such a window, so there are two main options. You can simply make a square window above the door about 50x50 cm in size and put a grill in it. And you can do it by analogy with clause 1.74 in SNiP 2.08.02-89. It’s just that the partition on which the door stands should not reach the ceiling and the gap left should have an area of ​​​​at least 2500 square meters. cm. With a typical corridor width of about 2 m, this is a gap of about 12-14 cm from the ceiling. AT ventilation window you can set up a grid.

- What if the door closes the fire valve?

The easiest solution is to give the extra key to the concierge and write his phone number on the door. Another option is a reinforced glass door insert that firefighters can smash and open the door.

You can agree on the transfer of the crane, but it takes a long time and costs money. There is an easier solution. We put an electromagnetic lock in the circuit of which the fire sensor is connected, which solves the problem. In the event of a fire, the door will unlock. We should not forget that the sensor needs air communication with the main corridor, so a small vent. a window is also needed. Pleasure costs about $ 80, but for several apartments it is not so bad to have an electronic lock that does not allow picking a key. Recall that according to the statistics of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, 40% of apartments are opened with master keys.

- Is it generally possible to put doors in corridors according to fire safety rules?

There is no ban on this in the Rules, but there are requirements for doors standing in the way of evacuation. The corridor door must open outward into a common corridor and open without a key from the inside and have a clearance of at least 0.8 m in accordance with SNiP 2.01.02-85. In addition, the corridor door should not interfere with the opening of other doors.

- I wonder if the action of the neighbors to block the corridors was a redevelopment for which sanctions are provided for in the new Housing Code of the Russian Federation?

No, the new Housing Code of the Russian Federation provides for sanctions for redevelopment of residential premises. The corridor is non-residential. There is not even a reconstruction of the premises, because. in the definition of Gosstroy given in VSN 61-89 (r), the signs of reconstruction are changes in the construction volume and area. The door volume and area does not change.

- Don't you need the consent of the HOA to install the door?

HOA is an organization hired by the owners to operate the house and nothing more. It has nothing to do with property relations between the owners of the HOA.

- How so? In paragraph 2 of Art. 137 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation states that the HOA has the right to provide common property for use!

The laws must be read to the end, the owners can entrust the HOA to dispose of their property, without this order, the actions of the HOA are illegal. In Art. 146 states that in order to make decisions on the transfer of rights to common property, it is required to obtain 2/3 of the votes from all owners. Quite often, the HOA tries to pretend to be the owner of the house, although this is nothing more than a group of plumbers and electricians hired by the tenants. Not to mention that any owner can leave the HOA simply by submitting an application in accordance with Art. 143 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation and no decisions of the HOA are valid for him.

- And if the owner is already bound by an agreement with the HOA?

The owner at any time may terminate the contract with the HOA on the basis of Art. 782 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, but this does not relieve him of the obligation to pay utility bills in the amount established in the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.

- And then what should the neighbors do when a consensus is not found?

Agree. Negotiation is the most efficient way. For negotiations, as well as for courts, it is better to call professionals. Save time, and the matter is very simple. The services of a lawyer in such cases are usually $100-$200.

September 9, 2017

What to do if the neighbors have fenced off part of the common corridor?

Inhabitants apartment buildings often encounter situations where one of the tenants arbitrarily fences off part of the territory for his own needs, which blocks other owners from accessing the common shared property, for example, access to a common corridor.

Such disputes are extremely rarely resolved through negotiations, and therefore the question arises: what to do next if the violation is not eliminated voluntarily and the violator behaves aggressively, not wanting to comply with the law.

The procedure for disposing of common property of residents of an apartment building

If we talk about the eligibility of tenants in relation to property and premises intended for common use, then each tenant has the right to use, own and dispose of property in an amount proportional to the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe apartment, while it is prohibited to allocate part of it in kind or refuse it. This right is enshrined in Art. 289-290 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.

The owners of apartment buildings, as follows from Part 1 of Art. 36 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, on the basis of the right of common shared ownership, they have the right of ownership of the common property of the house, which is intended for joint use by residents - stairwells, corridors, platforms, vestibules, porches, etc. Any actions with this property alone are not allowed, permission from all owners must be obtained in accordance with Art. 247 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, part 3 of Art. 44 LCD RF.

Typical situations of violation of rights
There are many examples of unauthorized seizure of public property. One of them - a neighbor fenced off a common pantry, dryer or other room in such a way that other residents lost access to part of the room and the possibility of its full use.

None of the residents has the right to arbitrarily seize part of the common property in an apartment building, except in cases where such a right is granted to one of the residents on the basis of a decision of the general meeting of apartment owners in such a building.

Examples of unauthorized seizure of common property:

  • restriction of access to the common pantry;
  • installation of doors and access restrictions on the roof;
  • restriction of access to basements;
  • installing a door or restricting access to a common wheelchair / dressing room / common hallway.

As Art. 304 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the owner of property has the right to demand the elimination of any violation of his right, even in cases where such a violation does not deprive him of the right to own property. In case of capturing part of the corridor or another common territory the rights of the owner to its full use are violated.

If the reconstruction carried out by the tenant concerns the common property of the tenants, then for the reconstruction to be carried out it is necessary to obtain permission from all owners of housing in the house (part 1 of article 40 of the LC RF). If there was no such permission, you can safely convene a meeting and raise the issue of removing obstacles by the violator.

What to do and where to start to prevent violation

First, where to start is to try to hold a collective meeting of all residents and bring up for discussion the issue of removing obstacles to the use of common property. In practice, such meetings rarely give a positive result, but this is necessary to fix the very fact of the violation, about which an appropriate decision is made. At the end of the meeting, it is better to draw up a document that must be signed by at least several members of the general meeting.

next step there will be a photo and video recording of the violation, the materials of which will be used as confirmation of the fact of unauthorized seizure of public property.

At the third stage it is necessary to carry out work to collect information and information about the violator himself in order to be able to display the collected data in the application, which will be prepared in the fourth stage.

At the fourth stage an application is prepared and sent to the authorized body to consider such administrative violations. As a rule, this is the Management Company or a special commission under the municipality. This authority may issue an order to a tenant who has taken part of common room, but in no other way can they force him to eliminate the violations.

Fifth stage if the tenant does not remove the obstacles - an appeal to the court. If the owners of common property have not reached a consensus on the use and disposal of it, then this dispute can only be resolved through a court (Article 247 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation).

All available documents relating to the conflict must be submitted to the court: photo materials, the conclusion of the authorized bodies and the Management Company, collective decisions of homeowners, etc.

The claim is filed with the district court at the location of the immovable property.

When drawing up an application, it is important to comply with the requirements of Art. 131-132 of the Code of Civil Procedure of the Russian Federation in terms of the content of the claim and the list of documents that must be attached to it.

The claim is paid by a state duty in the amount of 300 rubles, as a non-property statement.

Taken together, the measures taken will make it possible to bring the perpetrator to justice, obliging him through the court to dismantle objects that impede the common use of property.

Note: If the execution of the court decision continues, the bailiffs have the right to impose a serious fine on the tenant and forcibly, with the participation of the Criminal Code, eliminate the violation.

Help from a specialist

Most the best option there will be an appeal to a lawyer or a lawyer with a request to carry out work aimed at eliminating obstacles to the use of common property, as well as bringing the guilty person to administrative responsibility exclusively in the legal field and in a legal way.

Lawyer Kochenkov V.V. will help to significantly save your personal time and ensure the preparation of all required documents and evidence to protect your interests both in court and out of court.

In most cases, residents want to fence off and use to their advantage that part of the common hall or corridor that is directly adjacent to the apartment. We note right away that only homeowners have the right to such actions. It is enshrined in articles 36 and 37 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation. However, even the owners to exercise their legal right is not so easy: there are many legal nuances.

Where to begin?

Although Articles 36 and 37 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation state that common house property belongs to all homeowners, the first step is to carefully study the charter of an HOA, housing cooperative or an agreement with a management company. From these documents, it may become clear that stairs, halls, attics, basements, house territory and other property were transferred with the consent of the residents to operational management service organization. That is, it has the right to derive income from the operation of such facilities. In such a situation, it will be necessary to contact the board of the HOA, housing cooperative or UK. Their representatives will determine under what conditions you can install a partition and “cut” additional space. But, most likely, you will have to pay a monthly rent for using it.

If for managing organization the right to prompt disposal of common house property is not fixed, then no one has the right to take payments from the owner for its use (as opposed to the cost of maintaining it). But in the event that the HOA, housing cooperative or the Criminal Code considers that the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe corridor that you want to fence in exceeds your legal share in the common property, you will have to pay. How many meters you are supposed to, we will tell you in the second tip.

And, of course, after studying the charter of the HOA, housing cooperative, or the management agreement with the management company, it is advisable to contact these organizations and inform about your intention to install a partition.

We moderate appetites or negotiate with neighbors

If the hall is large enough, then most citizens are tempted to fence off their space to the maximum and use it for their own purposes - to place old furniture, equipment, bicycle, moped, etc. But you must also take into account the interests of other residents who also have the right to use the corridor. According to Article 247 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the owner has the right to provide for use a part of the common property of the house, proportional to the area of ​​​​the apartment occupied. And if you "captured" someone else's square meters, then the rest of the homeowners may complain and demand monetary compensation or a monthly rent for the "surplus". Some principled citizens, especially if they are supported by the leadership of the HOA, housing cooperative, and the Criminal Code, may even sue you.

So be sure to talk with the owners of the nearest apartments and try to make your neighbors your like-minded people. If you can convince them, then they will agree to take on part of the cost of installing the door, and it will be possible to fence off a larger area.

We examine the corridor: carefully, counters!

Quite often, conflicts with neighbors arise if you are going to fence off a part of the corridor where the electrical panel is located for all apartments on the floor (without metering devices). In this case, tenants who disagree with your plans may refer to the lack of access to common house equipment. But their claims are unfounded: from the point of view of the law, only a certified electrician can service the electrical panel. And in case of emergencies, he only needs to provide access to the equipment.

It is quite another matter if switchboard there are metering devices. Then to provide access to the meters is a completely legitimate requirement of the owners. But there is a way out here, although it will result in additional expenses for you - metering devices can be reinstalled in apartments. There are more cheap option- make duplicates of the entrance keys and pass them on to neighbors whose counters were outside your door.

The most difficult situation- when there is a fire hydrant in the corridor. Representatives of the fire inspectorate usually categorically prohibit fencing such objects. But there is a way out here too. For example, you can install a door with a glass insert, which is easy to break in case of danger and provide access to the fire hydrant.

The problem is resolved more easily if there is a concierge at your entrance. Then the spare keys to the door are handed over to him for safekeeping.

Organize an absentee meeting of owners

If you do not want future litigation with the HOA, housing cooperative, management company or other owners who consider the installation of the door illegal, then before installing it, you must organize a general meeting of owners apartment building. This, of course, will turn out to be a waste of time and nerves for you. But, if the decision of the meeting comes into force, no one will be able to make claims against you anymore.

It is necessary to hold a general meeting in absentia, since with the in-person option you are unlikely to collect a quorum (two-thirds of the total number of owners must be present).

The agenda can include not only your specific question, but also other problems that concern residents. You must notify all apartment owners of the meeting ten days in advance. This can be done by registered mail with delivery notification (which will cost a pretty penny), or by posting information on the stand on the first floor. Then, on a certain day, send out documents with the text of questions to other tenants, indicating by what date (usually a few days) they can express their opinion. After that, it is worth walking through the apartments and collecting papers. More than 50% of the votes must be "for" a positive solution to your question.

According to the Society of Consumers of St. Petersburg and Leningrad region, about 90% of partitions in the common corridors of houses are now installed with certain violations of the law. In 30% of cases, their installation was challenged or is now being challenged in court.

So, if you act at your own peril and risk and have not secured the decision of the general meeting of tenants, be prepared for the fact that at any time you may receive a notification from the HOA, housing cooperative or management company demanding to dismantle installed door. If you do not do this, then the organizations involved in the operation of the house can go to court. And if he takes their side, then you will be obliged to liquidate the partition at your own expense. Serious problems can also arise if you suddenly want to sell an apartment. The door will either have to be dismantled, or still hold a general meeting of residents and obtain permission to install the partition after the fact.

Text: Svetlana Kovalenko Photo: Alexey Alexandronok