What are the consequences of inducing damage to the customer. How to find out who caused damage with needles and candles

Corruption is a type of negative program that was induced with the help of black magic with a deliberate purpose. She calls mental disorder and often becomes the cause of severe somatic illness. The ritual is carried out to harm a person, to destroy his life, up to and including extermination to the grave. Such dangerous charms are often resorted to by people suffering from envy and greed, explaining their motives by the fact that he is not as lucky as his friend, relative or colleague, more money calling, he is more successful and happy. Therefore, he must be harmed so that life does not taste so sweet. Vengeful jealous wives and mistresses, insidious mothers-in-law and mothers-in-law often use such black methods in order to get rid of the one who allegedly intervened in their life without asking.

Who is corrupting

Malefactors arm for this purpose by various means. They curse the rival's family to the seventh generation, turn to fortune-tellers, gypsies for help, sparing no time and money. Novice witches stock up on special books on black magic, actively looking for such information in order to conduct rituals on their own.

The main experts in inducing black corruption are people who, with the help of conspiracies and rituals, call on the Lower Forces to attack a person in order to harm him. These are sorcerers, black magicians, to whom customers of the negative program turn for help.

Less often, damage to health is induced by novice witches for practice, in order to see how well the found or invented ritual works on the victim. Such damage is done to people who attract the attention of the magician because of their defiant behavior.

In everyday life, damage in the form of a lining, where a negative program is recorded, is brought into the house by secret enemies, who are accepted as close friends. Behind their actions is envy or personal goals that can be achieved by getting an opponent out of the way at any cost.

Mothers-in-law, because of jealousy, can torment their daughter-in-law with various damages that affect the health of the mother of her grandchildren. It manifests itself in the defeat of the reproductive system, and this leads to a deterioration in the quality of life of the entire young family, because spouses at this age have many energy attachments and resemble connecting vessels.

Former sexual partners can cause damage for the sake of revenge. It is a common practice to harm at a distance through a photo. In this case, rune magic is used, with which you can deliver a strong sudden blow. It can be weakened only with the help of well-built protection, which is available to people practicing esoteric programs. All lovers of destroying someone else's energy system must remember the punishment that awaits each person for the attack and the evil that it brings.

What awaits a person for causing damage

Homegrown witches do not understand that performing rituals requires not only knowing how to direct evil, but also obtaining special permission from the Lower Forces in order to cause damage and not receive punishment for this.

Punishment for the use of the Lower Forces overtakes not only the one to whom the negative is directed. The impact comes both to the pest itself and to its close environment, and it is quite difficult to avoid this.

Damage is especially powerful on superstitious people, adherents pagan traditions, since their energy is weakened due to excessive suspiciousness, self-hypnosis and vulnerability, a tendency to depressive moods and despondency. Skeptics can also fall under the influence of corruption when they acutely feel that something is happening in their lives against the rules and against the laws of nature.

Black negativity is less likely to appear on baptized people who deeply believe in God, because pectoral cross, icons, prayers and regular trips to church protect against such evil interference. Corruption is terrible with disastrous consequences, because of it it can develop fatally. dangerous diseases, including cancer. The enemy, inducing such evil, dooms the opponent to torment, loneliness, poverty, misfortune, and even death. In cases where the energy potential of the victim is stronger, the negative returns to the aggressor, and he gets sick from this. Do not forget about karmic punishment. Any evil is punishable and must be worked out.

What types of damage can be detected

Rassorka, razluchnaya, ostuda are used to breed two sexual partners. This type of damage is often ordered by mothers-in-law or mothers-in-law who do not accept the chosen ones of their children. Wives and mistresses resort to this method of negative message, trying to quarrel a beloved man with a hated rival.

Damage to fornication is done on both a man and a woman in order to prevent starting a family. Those suffering from this type of damage have many sexual partners, which leads to the appearance chronic diseases sexually transmitted.

Damage to death has many options. It rarely leads to sudden death, because it is difficult to kill a person full of energy, with a well-functioning endocrine system. More often, such damage exhausts the body with strange symptoms and weakens the immune system, which leads to chronic diseases.

Damage for money is often done by envious neighbors, if more lucky man behaves provocatively. Relatives can order it to punish success loved one. You can determine the presence of such damage by how suddenly problems with money began, despite the fact that until recently cash flow was never-ending, and incomes exceeded expenses.

Damage to a house or apartment can be determined by the behavior of the inhabitants living in it. In a damaged apartment there will be signs of destruction and negativity. They are dirty, cobwebs hang everywhere, the walls crumble, the wallpaper falls off, despite the best efforts of the owners to maintain cleanliness and order. If they damaged the house, animals and flowers will not live in it, the economy will be conducted. Family members will constantly quarrel. Often drunken companies gather in such houses, they fight, shout and cry there. Such rooms need to be cleaned, listening to cleansing prayers in them for a long time, washing the floors with holy water, hanging bunches medicinal herbs that have magical properties.

Symptoms of spoilage in humans

A person who has undergone an energy attack will have signs of damage that are easily distinguished by an experienced person. To suspect damage, it is enough to study its symptoms once. These include:

  • decrease in working capacity;
  • frequent dizziness;
  • severe apathy and tendencies to depression:
  • increased drowsiness, especially during the daytime;
  • thoughts of suicide;
  • discord in love and family;
  • permanent financial losses;
  • frequent headaches;
  • sudden mood swings;
  • increased sweating;
  • sensation of chilliness and coldness in the bones;
  • a strong attraction to the person who made the love spell;
  • decrease in sexual energy;
  • emergence of dependence on bad habits especially to alcohol.

If you know these signs, then it is impossible to miss the negative intrusion into the energy shells. To confirm its presence, damage diagnostics are needed.

How to confirm negative

Damage is diagnosed using different methods. The presence of a negative program can be checked different ways. Damage can be determined using matches. To do this, you need to take a box that has not yet been used by anyone, pull a match out of it, ask the Universe: “Do I have damage?” Then set fire to it, wait until it burns and throw it into a glass of water. Thus, several burnt matches are thrown into the water. If at least one of them drowns, which she should not do, then there is damage to health, and it must be eliminated.

Any kind of fortune-telling indicates damage. Most detailed description damage gives a layout of Tarot cards. This is a parlor type of divination. It can be ordered as a type of service and get a full breakdown of all events.

Corruption is detected when diagnosing the victim church candle. When negative, the candle crackles, smokes and shoots. This is a true confirmation that there is damage.

A chicken egg is rolled through the chakras, and then they break it and look at the state of its contents. You can suspect spoilage if the protein or yolk looks like it was briefly dipped in boiling water and began to curdle.

Damage can be recognized from dreams, since warning signs can be given in a dream, giving clues to the presence of a negative program, as the human subconscious mind tries to warn consciousness about the existing danger. Spiders, cobwebs, chases, break-ins, persecutions, vampires are exact indicators of the presence of damage on a person.

A cat can detect the presence of damage. This magical animal protects a person from negativity, including magical actions. It will annoyingly spin around the corrupted owner, lie down in the place of the affected chakra, trying to take away the black energy. If she manages to drag the essence onto her body, such a cat leaves home forever.

How is a negative program transmitted?

A lining is a thing that is negatively affected by magic spells and rituals. For the "stuffing" of things, magicians use black slander, cemetery land, dead birds and animals, hair, nails, stick needles. At the same time, such a lining is thrown into the house of the one to whom the message is directed. The transfer of a thing can be issued as a gift or tossed into a bag or pocket. What can be a lining:

  • enchanted food and drink;
  • clothes;
  • accessories;
  • antiques;
  • jewelry;
  • sharp objects;
  • toys;
  • homemade dolls;
  • books;
  • Photo;
  • cosmetics;
  • mirrors;
  • flowers.

You need to know the signs of linings so as not to miss their presence in your life. Punched coins and charmed banknotes with incomprehensible inscriptions or signs are used to spoil poverty. A suddenly discovered missing personal item can become a lining on which there is damage. Chicken feathers and dirt can suggest a magical ritual.

Can damage be prevented?

The main signs of damage can appear in a person with any energy. The strongest psychic can break through the mental sheath, if there is a desire. Black magicians claim that by destroying energy protection once, they can do it for as long as they want to do it.

Considering this fact, a person who has once experienced the impact of a negative program with the presence of an essence must learn not only to independently expel the essence, for which one should understand how it manifests itself, but also be able to put an additional mirror protection, which will reflect the blows of the enemy.

When there is a war, a potential victim can choose 4 ways to protect themselves:

  • Go into a deaf defense, surround yourself with mirrors, lay your home with magic bricks and wait until the magician gets bored and switches to another object.
  • Start actively attacking yourself using rune magic.
  • Create a false energy shell where the enemy will send his vain blows.
  • Go under the protection of the Christian egregor, which helps to defend themselves if they have caused damage, and continue to attack.

Each of these methods has its own advantages and disadvantages, and each person chooses the method that suits him best.

If damage is caused by an amateur, then it can be easily identified if you know the signs, and quickly eliminated. Most often, magic salt and holy water are used to eliminate weak spoilage. Salt can be sprinkled on the lining found, holy water can wash away the essence or expel it away.

Is it possible to eliminate the symptoms of a negative program yourself?

Curable damage occurs only with initial signs. old negative programs are so fused with human energy and change the worldview of the individual that they are no longer removed. Many people who have a strong energy potential live with spoilage for many years. Its presence is reflected in habits, actions, behavioral patterns.

Operation “Help Yourself Get Rid of Corruption” often ends in a worsening situation if an amateur takes on the job. The essence can leave the body for a while under the influence of the applied prayers and conspiracies, and then return back through the hole in the biofield that was made when it left its familiar place.

A person must not only expel the essence from himself, but it is best to do this on the street, and not indoors, but also quickly carry out certain manipulations to seal the hole that has formed. Examine the following symptoms that indicate that the entity has left the body:

  • The person starts to break down. His arms, legs and body move involuntarily, discomfort is felt.
  • After the ritual, a strange weakness is felt, as if someone is pumping out energy.
  • Sleepy.
  • There is a feeling of relief after suffering.
  • Passes irritation on surrounding people.

With such symptoms, it is too early to rejoice and fall asleep peacefully. You need to do breathing exercises using visualization techniques to find a hole in the aura and close it, and then collect raw energy from space to fill the voids that have formed.

If you know how spoilage manifests itself, but you see that there is no way to get rid of it yourself, because it progresses at home, you need to contact a spoilage removal specialist. This is done by clairvoyants who see exactly whether there is an entity or not.

Psychics who own several diagnostic methods and have studied several practices that allow them to carry out the expulsion and destruction of the essence can help.

White magicians can in some cases remove the symptoms of damage.

A person who specializes in black damage will be able to see how damage manifests itself and eliminate it faster and better than other masters. He has the permission of the Lower Powers to work with the entities and can release from their presence by terminating the black contract on the harm done. Contact the contacts given on our website, we will help remove damage and put protection.

The determination of the person who caused the damage is done by simple magical rites. So, you can find out not only the gender of the enemy, but also his name. Do not be surprised if the next day after the ritual, the offender knocks on the door.

In the article:

Why know who did the damage

If you have become a victim of a black witchcraft rite, then you need to find out who has a negative impact. This is no less important than.

  • Some want to know their offender for revenge.
  • Others - to know the enemy in person and protect themselves from contact with him.

The second reason is the correct one. Take revenge on the sorcerer who managed to bring severe damage is not always logical. This may entail another magical attack from his side. And if the sorcerer has a good magical defense, then all your magic will be reflected from him and come back.

Therefore, the only reason to know the enemy in person is to protect yourself in every possible way, break contact with this person and do away with the influence of this magician.

Ways to determine who cursed

You can find out who caused damage or the evil eye by four categories of rituals:

  • Rituals that allow you to see the sorcerer in a dream. In this case, you need to be able to properly tune in to receive information through dreams.
  • Appeal to the Higher Forces. If you can correctly address the spirits, and they agree to help, then soon the offender will betray himself, or the spirits will point to the enemy.
  • Rites that involve the use of magical attributes and performing special actions with them.
  • Rituals in which the main search tool is a sample of the energy of the sorcerer himself. In any case, when magical effect the magician leaves some of his material, so his energy can be used for searching.

How to find out who caused damage in a dream

This is one of the most common and easy methods of exposing enemies. It will make it difficult to find out the name of the enemy or common features faces. If everything is done correctly, you will be able to see the full face of your sworn enemy.

Before going to bed, relax, get rid of intrusive thoughts. Do not try to mentally guess the image of the enemy. It will be confusing. Leave all your guesses behind and concentrate on wanting to know who was trying to attack. When you can relax, quietly say:

I walk in rows, I look with my eyes.
Among the bright rows there is Saint Samson.
In the name of God, eternal and living,
I say the holy word
Saint Samson, show me a prophetic dream.
May Saint Samson show me my enemy,
Through a dream, a prophetic face will show it to me.
Living and holy Trinity, help,
Lord Jesus Christ, bless my dream,
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

After pronouncing the text, immediately go to bed. Rest assured, at night the image of the offender will appear. In order not to forget anything in the morning, put a notepad and a pen by the bed in advance. As soon as you wake up, do not touch your head (so as not to drive away the memory of the dream) and quickly write down everything you saw.

Appeal to higher powers to identify enemies

You can find out who is really an enemy, and who could cause damage and the evil eye, both simple and complex methods. The result of the ritual will depend on your capabilities.

Black magic will help you find the enemy

You can determine the person who caused the damage using black magic. This rite is not very complicated, but quite dangerous. Therefore, it is not advised to conduct it for those who are new to the canons of black magic or are just starting their journey in the knowledge of the world of witchcraft.

To perform the ritual, come to the cemetery and find the old nail. It's best to pick it up from someone's grave. But remember, it is undesirable to touch the object with your hands. Therefore, prepare in advance a piece of black matter in which you can wrap the find. Pick up the nail, pick it up and drive it under the door at the entrance to the house. During the action, say the text:

Let my enemy come in three days,
and if he does not come, he will die in six months.
Cemetery, coffin, nail,
waiting for you, invited guest.

The person who performed the witchcraft effect will very soon appear on the threshold, since with the help you can not only call the offender to yourself, but also damage him. If you suspect a specific person and want him to come to you with repentance, then change the text of the spell:

(Name) if you don’t come in three days, you will die in half a year.
Cemetery, coffin, nail.
I'm waiting for you invited guest.

Help of the dark forces in the capture of the sorcerer

The dark forces that the magician turns to can help to catch the enemy. They can point the victim to the one who dared to send damage or the evil eye on her. Required:

  • large capacity full of boiling water;
  • 7 rusty keys.

Late in the evening, lower the prepared attribute container with boiling water and exclaim three times:

Whoever wants to bring harm to the servant of God (name), bring the devil to his house. There will be no peace for an evil man, the devil will drive him out of his chambers. Amen.

An enemy deprived of rest from the very early morning will already be standing at your door in the hope of talking.

Candle - a magical attribute that will open the veil of secrets

Candle wax is often used in magical rites to determine the presence of damage, evil eye, curse and identify who could have so much influence on the fate of the victim. Fill a bowl with water and arm yourself with a wax candle. The use of candles from another material is unacceptable. There will be no effect from the ritual.

A simple way to determine the enemy yourself

The prepared wax should be heated well so that it melts, then pour it into a vessel filled with liquid and repeat the text:

I pour wax into water, I pour out the name of my enemy.

After all the wax has been poured out, let it cool and take a closer look at what happened.

The stronger the damage induced, the more information you can get.

  • Often on wax can appear letters, which will symbolize the initials of the one who tried to harm.
  • Numbers will indicate how long ago the ritual was performed.

Sometimes the figures can be quite strange, symbolizing the profession of an enemy or his hobby.

How to find out who caused damage with needles and candles

With the help of this ritual, you can tell exactly who is causing damage. It is necessary to purchase several wax candles in the church. One of them must be set on fire, and the other must be broken. Melt the broken piece in a container over the fire of a burning candle.

Pour the hot wax into a bowl filled with liquid. Place the second candle nearby and let it burn out. Take a close look at the resulting image. AT rare cases it completely repeats the image of the sorcerer who caused damage.

If you see an object on wax in front of you, then determine what kind it is. An individual of this sex and made a negative impact. After that, take three sharp objects (you can use needles) and stick them into the image. Sticking each needle, repeat the words:

Point in the water! Water - under the canopy! Who wished evil to the Servant of God (name), he will come to my doorstep! Don't hesitate, show up! Servant of God (name), show yourself! Amen!

The used container is placed near the entrance for the whole night. It is best to cover it with former matter. The next morning, the enemy will make itself felt. He may not come to visit, but he will call or meet on the street.

How to recognize the offender using his energy

The use of such a method is reasonable only if it is possible to recognize different energy material. There are many practices that allow working with bioenergetics. Some of them are pretty easy to master.

First you need to learn how to accurately determine what kind of energy surrounds you. Or rather, whose. The sorcerer must feel the invasion of alien energy into his biofield. In order to master this skill, try to learn to recognize your own energy and distinguish it from someone else's.

It is akin to natural body odor, fingerprint, voice and appearance. All this is unique and individual. The easiest way to get to know yourself better:

  • meditating a little every evening;
  • relaxing;
  • imagining the energy enveloping you in a dense cocoon.

Gradual visualization of the biofield will make it possible to feel it well, to understand its structure, temperature, maybe even color.

When inducing damage, a magical energy strike is sent, which violates the structure of the natural protective cocoon. If you can visualize your protective shell and check its integrity, then soon after the damage is done, you will find a breach in your protection.

Any magical blow is a powerful energy message (in this case, a black magician). The sample of alien energy in the field will be significantly different:

  • by color;
  • density;
  • sensations;
  • temperature.

Usually the affected place (organ) begins to hurt, become inflamed, and on the physical plane it is easy to feel the magical blow. But if you visualize yours again, you can feel the energy of the enemy at the point of impact. Tune in to it, try to catch all its features. Now there is the main evidence for the capture of the ill-wisher.

You will need a stone -

Misfortune can happen to every person, one of such unpleasant incidents, perhaps, will be damage or the evil eye. Absolutely all people can be under the influence of the forces of evil. Everything that is planned begins to go wrong, as planned, relationships do not develop either in the family or at work. Just a streak of bad luck? Or the evil eye? We need to recognize what is going on.

How to recognize damage or evil eye

If there are any doubts and suspicions of a possible curse, then you should immediately deal with this. There are signs inherent in the person on whom the spell has been spoken.

Reasons for such thoughts can be

  1. Drowsiness. When you wake up, you always want to sleep again. Getting out of bed, a person longs to lie down and lie like that all day.
  2. Lethargy and chronic fatigue. Very similar to the first point, but still different.
  3. Irritability. For no particular reason, the individual becomes enraged and angry. He is annoyed by everything that happens around him.
  4. Loss of interest in life. There is no incentive to do what you love or work. Nothing motivates at all. I don’t want to start work, I don’t want to eat / drink too.
  5. Constant colds, feeling unwell. Following all the rules healthy lifestyle life, a person is still constantly sick.
  6. Constant conflicts with colleagues, in the family, with loved ones and friends. Love for them never disappears, but quarrels are inevitable. They sometimes appear in the most empty place, but flare up as quickly as a fire in the forest.
  7. Feeling short of breath.
  8. Insects, rodents and other signs of evil spirits appeared in the house.

There are many ways to find out about damage. If at least three of the above signs are present, then one should proceed to any of several rituals.

Determination of spoilage with a golden ring

For the simplest, you will need several items: gold wedding ring, water. Let the ring soak in the water for five minutes. Right hand the end of the ring must be drawn along the cheek from the earlobe to the tip of the nose. If a white line remains after the ring, then there is no evil eye. If a black line remains, then the curse is present and you need to start fighting it.

Determination of spoilage using a chicken egg

Divination with the help chicken egg also very efficient. It must be fresh and not cooked. The egg must be twisted at each temple, held from the chin to the middle of the ribs, and applied to the forehead.

Determination of spoilage with St. John's wort

The well-known herb - St. John's wort has magical properties, our grandmothers knew about this from childhood, they used it for divination at Christmas time. A bunch of this grass should be divided into as many equal parts as there are corners in the house, counting each room.

Spread fresh grass in each room, and pay attention to the degree of drying. If the greenery dried up in the bedroom earlier than in other rooms, then someone harmed the aura. The removal of this scourge should not be long in coming.

Coal can help to identify damage very quickly. Take three small coals and throw them into the water, if they drown, there is an evil eye.

Why do you need to know who did the damage

If it is already known that the evil eye has cursed you, then you need to "know the enemy by sight." It is very important. There are different reasons for all people to find out who their enemy is. Some “thrive” for revenge, others want to protect themselves from contact with a person, and others dream of finding out why the person harmed them.

It should immediately be warned that taking revenge on the sorcerer is a stupid and useless thing, since it is energy-consuming and you can make yourself worse. The sorcerer can have magical protection, everything that is sent to him from you will simply simply return like a boomerang.

The only one the right way just shield the mage from yourself. It is important to break all ties and stop any communication. Do not demand an apology and leave without explanation.

It is important and necessary to do this, because if you delay, then the magic will intensify, and will harm even more.

Ways to determine who cursed

There are many such methods. All of them differ in technique, performance characteristics. Complexity can vary from the simplest rite to the most complex ritual.

You can choose absolutely any option, but you must proceed from your skills and talents. To open the veil of secrets, there are many ways.

What are the methods

  1. Appeal to the Higher Forces. This requires a lot of energy and strength, an unprepared person may be devastated at the end of the action.
  2. Meeting with the offender in a dream. The simplest and least costly way. It is important to tune your brain to the "wave" you need and get ready to receive a stream of information.
  3. Rites with magical attributes.
  4. Rituals emanating from religion. Many different nationalities and gods, it is possible to overcome the slander with the help of these higher powers.

Ritual to see the offender in a dream

Before going to bed, take a cool shower, relax, massage the back of the head to relax the tension of the whole body. Also, it will not be superfluous to do a little warm-up before going to bed, stretch the lower back, for example.

It is advisable to change bedding and night clothes in which you sleep so that the old energy does not interfere with sleep. Before falling asleep, do not assume who could be your offender. It is important to fall asleep without unnecessary thoughts, completely relaxed and calm, then you will be able to see the outlines of the face or the entire face of the enemy.

It is important to say the following words before going to bed

“I walk among people, they devour with their eyes,

I understand that they don't know anything.

I see the holy blessed face in the crowd,

He points to the old man who is faceless.

It is important to open the heart and let it out

The one who sent the cold into my soul.

May I see your face. Amen".

Now you can fall asleep, in the morning, if everything is done correctly, you will remember the face of this person who wishes you harm.

Appeal to higher powers to identify enemies

Turning to such forces can be dangerous both for health and for the spiritual world, but if there are no options left, you should proceed with just such a ritual. The result, as mentioned above, depends on your skills.

Use of black magic

Turning to higher powers using black magic is quite easy, but dangerous. It is strictly forbidden to conduct it for those who are completely unfamiliar with it. If you still decide to take up this method, then you should close all the windows in the house, turn off the lights and light candles, animals should be removed from the room in which the ceremony will be performed.

Strangers are not allowed in the house. This ritual is similar to divination for a betrothed-mummer. Sitting in front of a mirror, you need to hold the second counterpart to the first. The candle must be lit between the mirrors.

Saying the words:

“Come and show yourself. Open my eyes to your image. Envy brought you to me, it will also drive you away.

Repeat this phrase three times. Later, in complete silence and silence, peer into the mirror that is opposite. The main thing is not to make sudden movements and just look. To an unprepared person this can affect his mental state, so you should be careful.

Ritual on an iron nail

If it doesn't help, then you need to go to the cemetery. The hardest thing to be there is to find an old nail, at night this is not an easy task. With bare hands touching this iron is strictly prohibited.

Go home, drive a nail into the jamb of the door of your house, saying the spell:

“You won’t come in three days, which means you’ll die in six months. Come and show yourself, I'm waiting for you here."

Soon this person should be on the threshold of your house. It happens that a person you suspect will call or somehow manifest himself in an unexpected way. If you suspect certain person, you should pronounce his name, but if he does not come, then he will not be the enemy.

Divination on a candle

You will need: a church candle, a faceted glass of water, half full. Put a candle there and light it, sprinkle with salt and say:

"Do not forgive forgiveness, only come for selfish purposes."

Say three times. Let the candle burn out in a glass of water so that the fire goes out from contact with water.

During the week, keep a close eye on your guests, the enemy will not be able to apologize for a spilled mug of tea, for example. He will only make any requests, feel uncomfortable with you, but still communicate, as he is subject to conspiracy.

With natural wax

For this ceremony you will need a tall, white, wax candle and a small container of water room temperature. Pour the wax from the candle burning at an angle into the container, whispering the cherished words:

"Wax knows the whole secret, he will read your name."

Then start looking at the shapes.


Letters - the initials of the conspirator

The numbers are his approximate age.

Flowers, sun, heart - your enemy is a woman

Domestic animals (cat, dog, chickens) - your former lover the person with whom you had a relationship

Wild animals (wolf, fox, elk, lion) - man

Using the abuser's energy

This method requires certain skills. An individual must distinguish his native energy from alien. To do this, you need to properly deal with your thoughts, meditate every day, find a balance with yourself with yourself. Yoga classes help a lot.

If these skills are well mastered, it will be very easy to identify someone else's energy and begin to weaken it.

Any magical blow of a black magician, whether it be bad thoughts, spells, is reflected in a person's karma. He feels this burden and heaviness. Heaviness, density, temperature, color all begin to change in your aura. Usually, pains begin, and tumors begin in the part in which the "point of the curse" most of all hit.

A very strong stone known to all magicians is black tourmaline. Attach it to silver chain and keep it separate from everything. Having identified and tuned in to the energy of the black magician, ask questions that interest you.

Mark the sides of the stone, for example, right - yes, left - no. Ask a man or woman whether you know this person, whether you have a close relationship, how long have you seen each other, whether you will see him tomorrow. With the right questions, you can easily understand who your enemy is.

Don't try to call the curse back to the mage, just shield yourself from the person.

Christian ritual

It is suitable only for baptized and believing people. The ritual includes the following steps:

  1. Cross pectoral, worn around the neck. In a church or temple, we buy seven tall candles and the image of Jesus Christ and the Virgin, if desired, another saint.
  2. Take holy water, cross yourself and leave.
  3. At midnight, before the images of the saints, light the purchased candles and put water in a container in front of the icons.
  4. Say the well-known prayer "Our Father"

And then the following words:

"All saints, listen,

Our Father will help me

I believe all the forces of evil will not be able to resist.

And I will stand against my enemies, against myself.

There can be no stronger spirit ... ".

Drink three sips of holy water.

Before the candles, start saying:

“Wishing no harm to anyone and redemption, I ask for one thing, your servant of God (servant of God), after the time of candles has passed, see me doomed to loneliness. Amen".

Drink water again.

In complete silence, concentrate on the flame of the candles, wait until they go out, and go to bed. Discard the cinders before this. The guest will arrive to you in the next few days.

Ritual with keys

It doesn't get easier. Very unusual but effective. Seven rusty keys and a pot of boiling water, all you need. They must be thrown into boiling water with the following sayings:

“Whoever wants to inflict harm on me, the servant of God (name), will not know peace. You won’t know peace until death until you show yourself.”

The next day, wait for the conspirator on the threshold, as he will be completely deprived of peace and will not be able to stop thinking about you.

Determining an ill-wisher with an egg

The egg helps not only to find out if there is damage on a person, but can also give an answer to an exciting question: who wants evil, who is the customer of death? Ask the egg itself about this, and then break it into a container of water. Sit down and press your chin to your chest, put a glass of water on the crown of your head. After 8 minutes, carefully examine the contents.

  • Nothing has changed - you are not haunted by the evil eye, no one is jealous, everything is fine.
  • Protein threads appeared - damage or evil eye, the more threads, the stronger.
  • Protein threads at the very bottom - the enemy is hiding, hiding from prying eyes, including yours.
  • There are air bubbles in the threads - a conspiracy for money, financial well-being.
  • The yolk is cooked - a seal of loneliness or a crown of celibacy, the inability to have children.
  • Air bubbles in the yolk - addiction to alcohol will intensify, possible serious consequences.
  • The yolk is not fully cooked - long torment, illness, bad weather in the soul.
  • Black specks - a sudden death of one's own or a loved one.

Ritual with oil

Essential oils are required. Each spoilage has its own smell, temperature and color. Essential oils are also used in meditation, so if a person does it, it will be very good. You can use for the ceremony "Rose", "Saffron", " Tea tree"and" Fir.

Before meditating, put an aroma lamp, light a candle, come to calmness. There should be no extraneous living creatures in the room. Alone with yourself you need to spend 30-40 minutes.

This will help you not only recognize the face of the offender, but also improve your health, cleanse your aura, and find peace in this activity. The posture should be as comfortable as possible, but at the same time, you need to ensure that the back is straight, the arms are relaxed, the legs are obedient.

Close your eyes and try to relax your body from head to toe. Direct your attention to tense areas of the body. If that doesn't work for you, don't worry, leave it as it is. Breathe in the aromas of oils deeply.

Attune your attention to the mantra OM. You can also choose any other mantra that you like best. And when you notice that you have begun to think about something else, just calmly return your attention to the starting point.

Beware of attempts to reflect emotions (feelings), desires that arise in the soul. Accept these things without getting involved in them.

Now focus, listen to your body, your mind, someone else's energy will show you its owner, will reveal this secret to you, the main thing is to do everything right and not overload yourself with unnecessary thoughts. Do not try to compare your "suspects" in your head, nothing good will come of it.

Ritual with needles and candles

Candles (2 pieces) must be bought only in the church and nowhere else. Light one with a match, break the other into two parts. In a small container over a burning candle, melt the broken piece. Pour the melted wax into a bowl with a watery liquid. The second candle should burn out quietly. The resulting image may resemble the image of a sorcerer who caused damage.

Now three needles will help. Put your hair in them. Stick them into the resulting image and say the spell:

“The tip is in the water, and I am in trouble. Come and show yourself, spellcaster. Needles hurt, but you remember me.

We should wait for news. The used container is placed at the doorstep for the whole night, in the morning water is placed at the window, and so on until the guest arrives or calls.

With the help of coal

This method is practiced in Eastern Europe and is very powerful and simple. All you need is water and coal or a burnt candle, but preferably the first, of course. State your name, which was given to you at baptism.

This is very important, since often the names do not match, for example, Oksana, and at baptism Xenia. Dip the coal into the water. If he drowned, it bad omen. But you should not be afraid, damage is induced that does not lead to death. It is also possible that it can be aimed at a child or a husband.

The very last piece of advice is to turn to a witch or fortune teller. Spreading the cards, looking at the photo, she will give answers to all the questions that worry you. The main thing - . And also it will help remove damage and determine its type, danger to life and family, will provide assistance necessary for any person.

Victims of sorcerers and black magicians are offended. They suffered, suffered all sorts of losses, and the one responsible for their misfortunes rejoiced in life. Not fair. But retribution comes sooner or later. Let's see how the customer feels after removing the damage. This is useful to know for those who solve their problems through black magic. And the question is not idle. After all, many talk about the return. You have probably already read that the black ritual will be followed by retribution. And not everyone can handle it.

The relationship between the energetics of the victim and the customer

It should be understood that it is impossible in our world to be isolated from other people. On the thin plan we are constantly interacting without feeling it. Only the fields overlap in different ways. stranger does not cause a special reaction in the aura. And the one that affects our emotions necessarily transfers part of its own field to ours and vice versa. This principle will help to understand how the customer feels after removing the damage.

The fact is that for the time being his evil was kept and worked in the field of the victim. When a successful rite of reprimand has passed, this blackness is forced to return to its progenitor. Some magicians say that they send the negative into the Universe or annihilate. In fact, all the same, part of it falls on the head of the customer. And how to behave so as not to take back the damage will be considered below. By the way, by raising the level of one's own energy, the former victim repels the customer from himself. To do this, it is recommended to use the influence of the moon to your advantage.

How does the customer feel after removing the spoilage

Let's go directly to the person who brought evil to the victim. He will definitely feel that it has returned back. You know, real witches understand exactly what happened. And ordinary evil people feel it at the subconscious level. Anxiety descends on them. The victim may come in a dream. All sorts of thoughts run through my head.

The customer's legs themselves lead to the one to whom he wished trouble. Sometimes he doesn't understand why. But that's not all. His luck is turning aside. What used to be simple and easy, now falls out of hand. The mood is spoiled. Within three days - a week, the customer receives a real damage. But she's not exactly normal. It is called self-guided. That is, his own malice begins to gnaw at this person.

To understand how the customer feels after removing the damage, imagine the state of a person who cut off his own hand. And the point here is not in the loss of a limb, but in the realization of the fact that life will no longer be the same through its own fault. This thought (unconscious in most cases) gnaws at a person like a ferocious wolf. Constantly torments, forcing to make mistakes and blunders. Nervous system suffers the most. Then the person gets sick at best.

The return depends on what kind of damage the customer caused. Often his sin falls on loved ones. What he wished for the victim himself receives.

To remove this negative is both difficult and simple at the same time. You need to repent. And the one who tried to kill (damage - the destruction of fate) another, is he capable of this? Infrequently.

The second way is to return the damage. To do this, the sorcerer (customer) comes back to the victim and asks for something in debt. Doesn't matter. The main thing is to take clean energy, and return damage. Some pretend that they have repented, asking for forgiveness. But this is also a trick. If the victim says "I'm sorry", there is an exchange of energy. The pure one leaves the victim, the damage returns to its place.

How to protect yourself from the sorcerer?

Everything is simple. Do not give anything to anyone after the cleansing ritual. The rule must be strictly observed for three days. It is even recommended to put money on the counter in the store. Do not hand over anything.

If the customer comes to repent, say: "God will forgive." And send it home.

By the way, in order not to fall under the influence of damage again, it is necessary to constantly increase the level of one's own energy. Cleansing and filling practices are suitable for this (the link is a free practice, catch it while it's available).

Not everyone knows how to behave properly. Share recommendations with your friends. Let them be warned.

Is there always a backlash against a black witch? Is it possible to transfer the reverse blow of damage to someone? And if the one who caused the damage is no longer alive? Can a witch be forgiven?

The reverse blow in magic to black witches and sorcerers is inevitable! The law of magical retribution is one of the highest karmic laws. Anyone who has engaged in corruption, love spells, or other similar types of black witchcraft will be punished in accordance with the severity of their offense.

But punishment does not always follow the same pattern. Its severity, content and time frame are determined not by people, but by someone more important than you and me. One witch will be hit back as soon as her victim seeks help and undergoes treatment, of which there are many examples. But some black sorcerers and black witches have gone so far in their skill that they know how to avoid instant retribution. They think that their crimes will go unpunished. Poor little creatures! After the death of the black witch, her damned soul is doomed to such suffering that she would prefer to receive something like months of torture with a red-hot iron during her lifetime. But this will happen only when the soul receives retribution in full and then understands what's what.

Sometimes people ask me questions like this: "Is there any protection against a kickback? Can a witch, for her own safety, substitute one of her close relatives or an outsider for a kickback? If so, then the laws of magic are not so strict?"

Just, the laws of magic are very strict. But they are not as primitive as some people think. The process of retribution for black witchcraft does not always fit into a simple circuit: damage removed - the aggressor received a reverse blow. Magic is a complex, multifaceted science, there are a great many situations and, therefore, schemes in its practical branch.

The transfer of a reverse strike to someone and even to something is quite possible, and such a scheme is actually practiced. True, infrequently, since this technique is far from being possible for every witch. But the bottom line is that magical laws are only part of the general karmic laws. This is precisely the key point. According to these laws, first, Higher power they do not allow the true righteous to be harmed by witchcraft or that the black witch substitutes him instead of herself under the reverse witchcraft blow. And, secondly, the aggressor will still have to answer and pay for all his actions. Payback does not always happen exactly "in this life", it can come later. Yes, you can contrive and get a temporary reprieve. But so much the worse for the aggressor, because the degree of his guilt multiplies, and the punishment will be much more severe and painful.

For people who believe that "we only live once," in general, many things "do not converge." They do not understand what the meaning of life is, why there is so much injustice in the world, why children die, what is the meaning of torment and suffering... A huge number of questions arise without logical answers and the conclusion suggests itself about the "cruelty of the Lord." And then people go to some church and pray to the Lord "to be less cruel to them." But as soon as a person learns about the essence of the karmic teaching and realizes that our souls repeatedly incarnate in new bodies, and the circumstances of past lives determine the life of the soul in its current incarnation, everything in the world suddenly becomes understandable, logical and fair. Including the fact that not always black witches get hit back right there, here and now.

I also hear such questions from my patients: "And if the person who did the damage to me is no longer alive, is a cure possible? Who will receive a reverse blow?" Figuratively speaking, the removal of damage from the next victim will add a fair amount of firewood to the cauldron in which the black soul of the aggressor is brewed. This is, of course, a metaphor, but I hope you understand me correctly.

Is it possible to forgive a witch if, having received a blow back, she came with repentance? This is very important question concerning witchcraft practice, so I will try to cover it as accessible as possible.

Any operation to remove damage or a curse entails a process of witchcraft retribution - the aggressor receives a backlash and experiences very tangible suffering. Therefore, very often, after performing healer rituals related to the elimination of corruption, the aggressor comes to his victim within the next few three days after performing the ritual. What is the purpose of this visit? Naturally, the witch wants to return everything to its place, get rid of the so-called "sorcerous writhing" (suffering resulting from a reverse blow) and make her victim re-sorcerous damage.

But there is another option: the aggressor can come and just ask for forgiveness. The disadvantage of such a situation for the witch is that, in this way, she openly admits her involvement in your troubles and exposes herself. However, the witch at the same time expects to play on your kindness and your scrupulousness. Isn't it true that if a person comes to you with a confession and asks for your forgiveness, you are unlikely to refuse him. And this is where you lose! The witch instantly gets rid of the reverse blow, and you will again be left with your witchcraft damage, which is now much more difficult to remove. Repeated damage is always more difficult to deal with. By the way, witches try not to specify what exactly they ask for forgiveness for. You will ask: "For what?" To this, the witch, most likely, will "dodge": "Well, just, I'm sorry!"

Now the most important thing. In no case don't forgive the witch! Answer like this: "May God forgive you!" Do not say anything else to her, repeat this phrase monotonously for each request for forgiveness, and the witch will leave without salty slurping.

Another important question: if you use conspiracies (to eliminate the evil eye, damage, etc.), where there are phrases about the return of everything bad to a person who wishes us harm, will we not be punished for lynching? The fact is that in the mentioned conspiracies the name of a specific person is not used, but there are phrases about "punishing the adversary", or wording like: "and whoever starts to spoil my conspiracy, that, they say, will get the first number", etc. No "lynching" occurs in this case, since witchcraft damage automatically back to the aggressor. After all, there is only one way to return: on which path the damage came, it leaves on the same path, no other paths have been beaten. There is a certain connecting bridge between the sorcerous aggressor and his victim, and this bridge was built by the aggressor himself when he was engaged in inducing damage. Whether the master of magic, when treating a patient, sends a return blow to a specific address or omits this moment, it does not matter: the damage will still return along that very bridge. Let's just say that if Yuri Gagarin had not said the famous word "let's go" at the launch of the rocket, the rocket would still have taken off.

The law of the reverse magical strike was not invented by people, it is one of the highest laws of fair retribution. With regard to use in defensive plots formulations on the topic of throwing damage back to the offender, I will explain it this way. The magician reading the conspiracy only mentions the law of retribution, so to speak, "refers" to it when he reads, for example, such words: "What adversary sends damage to me ... would break her bones, drag her veins together ... and she would not try anything, neither herbs, nor roots ... ", etc. However, the reverse magical blow hits the offender, regardless of whether there were any requirements for punishing the offender in the healing countermagic plot. I, like many of my other colleagues, do not use any special methods in order to return the corruption to its creator. In the process of treating an injured person, this happens automatically and is hardly amenable to any conscious adjustment by a specialist.

Corruption or a curse cannot simply "disappear into thin air"! If such a program is created by someone, it must be implemented, so that someone will definitely suffer. Let me remind you of the saying of Confucius, who was once asked whether it is possible to return good for evil? "No," answered the sage, "good is repaid for good, and evil is repaid with justice."

For more information on this topic, see my article:

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