How to send a curse. How to bring damage to a person? Black magic

To take revenge on the enemy to harm him, to punish the ill-wisher and the friend who betrayed - the magical way of revenge is more delicate, and it is very difficult to determine the customer of the slander. How to curse a person?

To cause damage with a long-term effect or to make a simple evil eye, which does not have irreversible consequences even for a beginner. An experienced magician or witch will tell you how to curse a person at home. How to prepare for the secret ritual?

Damage and evil eye on the enemy

How to effectively curse a person? The search for weapons always depends on motives. If a person needs revenge or a feeling of hatred overwhelms him and does not allow him to free himself from the shackles of rage, then it is impossible to induce damage without preparation. Cursing the victim is only half of the whole action, but not every customer of damage is ready for the consequences of a secret magical ritual. In Orthodoxy, in Islam and even in Buddhism there is the concept of karma, spiritual retribution and justice. The magical debtor - the person who brings the evil eye, will return evil a hundredfold. Therefore, you need to know not only how to curse a person with words, but also how it threatens that which curses, that is, the customer.

The Bible or the Quran does not directly prohibit magic, but it does not support influence either. magical powers on the fate and life of man. Finding out how to curse an enemy is not difficult, and choosing the right ritual will not be difficult at all. Cursing a person you hate is easy, but being prepared to endure the consequences is much harder. Protect a loved one from strangers magical influence, you can remove the homeowner or return the husband to the family with a simple slander.

Only proven rituals without special attributes are allowed to be carried out at home. Experienced magicians are advised to wait with complex rituals, so as not to harm their own energy. Cursing is easy, but defending against the force of a rollback will be difficult. It is not worth waiting for righteous lightning after the ritual, but it is also unreasonable to neglect your own safety. How to curse an enemy from a distance?

How does the curse work?

How can you curse a person? Curses are performed on certain days when the position of the heavenly bodies helps to enhance the effect of the ritual. If you make a slander on a big holiday or Lent day, then such magic will work for a long time and will not require replenishment. How stronger desire harm an enemy, the faster the curse activates. Corruption does not work without emotional nourishment, so it is much more difficult for an outsider to speak to a victim.

Only lapel rites help from the curse.

Amulets do not save if the damage is already running and harming the victim. It is best to make a lapel rite before the manifestation of irreversible consequences. The health and interpersonal relationships of the victim suffer the most, so cleaning the home or workspace is a must for every successful person.

The effect of the curse depends on the type of damage that the ill-wisher brought. If magic harms all spheres of life, then it will not be possible to turn it against the customer without the help of a magician. Damage that interferes with the achievement of personal goals and does not allow the victim to enjoy life:

  • photo damage;
  • evil eye on health or slander on permanent illnesses;
  • damage to infertility and disharmony of personal relationships;
  • slander for money;
  • curses for the whole family, slander on the house and workplace victims.

The choice of weapon depends on the type of curse.

A simple ritual or ceremony will remove damage, which will be combined with cleaning a house or apartment. Works the most negative program- cursed, which is fixed on the personal belongings of the victim. It will not work to get rid of such an evil eye without destroying the charmed object. You can use special rituals to help detect traces of magic in your home or work.

Why damage for a long time doesn't show up? You can bring a complex program that systematically destroys the life of the victim. A slight malaise and minor problems at work slowly flow into serious illness whose cause cannot be determined. A novice who has not previously used magic for his own revenge is able to correctly impose a curse. Is it possible to curse a person with words? The answer is unequivocal and accurate, of course. Words can heal and kill, but for every deed there will be retribution.

Removal of spoilage

The manifestation of maternal fear, the anxiety of the head of the family, the oppressive situation in the house - there are a lot of signs of damage. It is difficult to consider the current program, especially for a person without experience in the fight against spoilage. It is not easy to cure the consequences of a slander with words and rituals, the life of the victim and the well-being of his family depend on it. Prayers to Holy Mother of God strengthen the protection of a person and give him the protection of higher powers. Words cannot describe how powerful such a prayer can be.

Energy cleansing rituals should be done with awareness of what is happening. Victory over enemies depends not so much on the Most Holy Theotokos, but on the sincere faith of the victim. Returning a love spell or canceling deadly spells with a prayer is the easiest and most safe way. Full texts with prayer words contain portions of Holy Scripture. The power of the Virgin will protect the victim from damage in the future and give her the strongest protection.

What should atheists do? Knowledge and faith are different concepts that need to be clearly separated. If it is possible to send damage without faith, then it will not work to destroy the current curse without an idea of ​​\u200b\u200bhigher powers. There is faith to be pursued. There is a pledge of female and male happiness. To find out the difference between what forces one should believe in, and which are only an illusion, a person must independently. Magic has no exact answers as to what to do next. Magic is just a tool that by nature does not carry either bad or good.

To remove the damage, you will need a ritual, after which protection is necessarily placed. The threat of new corruption cannot be completely prevented, but with the help of amulets and amulets, the victim repels the attack of the enemy. It is impossible to induce a negative program by accident. Corruption is a purposeful impact on someone else's energy.

Consequences of the secret ritual

Every person who undertakes to use magic must know how to protect himself and avoid the consequences of severe damage. How to curse the words of a person and at the same time protect yourself as much as possible.

The ritual will be useful if you prepare for the secret action in advance. A day or two before the ceremony, it is necessary to conduct a ritual to protect one's own energy. Saving yourself from the consequences of induced damage is a paramount task for an experienced magician or a beginner.

An independent slander differs from the work of an experienced magician, a period of exposure. Accurate and reliable will be only the ceremony, which was carried out according to all the rules. Simple attributes will help to cause damage:

  • the item of the victim;
  • a photograph of a person who interferes with the achievement of goals;
  • candles and water from the temple;
  • a handful of cemetery land;
  • runes and staves.

The ritual will be carried out only once or several days in a row, depending on what result the customer expects. It is excluded to perform the ceremony on a pregnant woman. Such magical manipulations will harm not only the expectant mother, but also the baby. Before carrying out the ritual, one should say “I overcome the enemy, I deprive you of happiness, let yours go away, but mine will remain.” It would be useful to read "Our Father". After being cursed, you don’t need to visit the temple, because this means canceling your own conspiracy.

What should be expected from the other person? The consequences of damage are manifested not only on the victim, but also on her close circle. Children and loved ones suffer. Protecting the enemy's family from the impact of the program is almost impossible. Before depriving another person of happiness and harmony, you should think twice. It is difficult, and sometimes completely impossible, to reverse the slander, and then the people cursed by someone will suffer immeasurably.

How to curse a person?

There are offenses that cannot be forgiven. Is it possible to curse a person for no reason and remain clean from the effects of negativity? There is an offense that does not have a retroactive effect from the words of repentance. Without knowing anger and despair, it is easier for a person to judge how dangerous damage is. Anyone who has not suffered will not be able to understand the motives of the customer cursed. You cannot convince a person who has not been betrayed and interfered in his life, why the secret ritual of retribution is the only alternative and way out of this situation.

A slander can help a person. Life is not built only from positive moments, and for any mistakes such as damage and curses, an answer comes. Knowing what sacrifices will have to be made, a person decides to spoil. What is needed for the ritual? A person who is bored with life in agony takes desperate and radical actions.

Rituals will help send a slander to an enemy or a former friend:

  • rite on the grave ground;
  • ritual according to the photo of the victim to death;
  • evil eye on the disease;
  • ceremony with a black candle.

A certain ritual or spells can be seen in a dream, listening to your own subconscious. It is better not to ignore hints in a dream. A black coffin seen in a dream promises a bad outcome of damage, from which you should protect yourself in advance. If something good happens in a dream, you should not be afraid to commit damage. It depends on the motive of a person who has a desire to speak an enemy to death or a severe illness, how much the ritual will change.

To see the face of an ill-wisher before dawn in a nightmare is bad news. As soon as the conspirator wakes up, he should speak

"I need protection, revenge is dear to me, the path is laid for me, and the enemy is blocked."

The plot is repeated before the ceremony. Excessive anxiety and unrest should be calmed down. If you curse the enemy with fear, you will not end up in trouble.

Damage to health

The whole process of plotting will take no more than an hour of free time. The force that a person turns to will help to destroy the energy of the enemy for the desired results. What rite is the most powerful? The enemy should not feel the corruption before it squeezes the last out of him. vitality, therefore, the ritual is carried out in secret and without publicity. Magicians say "one hand speaks, one soul pays." Any chosen rite is powered by the power of the customer, from his emotions and motives.

The problem of any rite is the chosen attributes. Skimping on items that enhance damage is not worth it. The necessary rite is supplemented with the things of the victim, which store the energy of a person or his photograph. Universal proclin is carried out independently using attributes:

  • a piece of dark fabric (mostly black);
  • ordinary knife;
  • Holy water;
  • church candle.

To be able to harm another person and shorten his life are two different cases. If the thirst for revenge outweighs the risks, then there are no barriers to the ceremony. First of all, the conspirator needs to visit the church and put a candle for the enemy (for the repose of the soul of a still living person). After going to the temple in the late afternoon, a person goes to the cemetery. The main part of the ceremony is performed at the grave of the deceased with the name of the victim.

From the chosen grave, you need to take some earth and wrap it in a piece of cloth. A small repayment is left on the tombstone - the dead do not like to be disturbed. You need to leave the hotel and leave the cemetery without turning around. At home, a handful of earth speaks:

“You, Mother Earth Cheese, (the name of the deceased) fed, you covered him with your cover. Cover, Mother Earth, and a living slave (name of the enemy). He should not be in my house at my table, on my beds, on my beds. Mother Earth Cheese, tear it and crush it, drive it out of your mind, swallow it with your womb. Just as the dead will not move their hands from the graveyard, they will not turn their heads, they will not move their legs, so you, the slave (name), lie down, dry and die, if you don’t leave this house, you won’t disappear from my eyes. I curse you, I knock you out, I cut you out, I beat you out, I turn you from my house. May it be so".

The plot is repeated exactly 9 times. The charmed piece of cloth and the earth must be baptized three times with a knife. At the end of the ceremony, you need to go around your own home with cemetery land, stopping at every corner and door. To protect one's own home, one speaks

“I need it so much, it’s easier for me, let go and don’t hold on.”

The main feature of magic is its versatility. There are no two similar rituals, just as there is no guaranteed result. Destroying someone else's happiness, it is worth considering how you can build your own well-being on the ruins of dead joy?

To understand what a curse can lead to, let's consider the complex physio-bio-energetic system of a person. All its parts are closely related. Therefore, each of them is of particular importance. Before coming close to the question: “How to curse a person and what can happen to him after that?” - Let's get acquainted with such concepts as fate and karma. After all, the negative sent with the help of magical rituals is fraught with danger not only for the one to whom it was intended, but also for his descendants.

Philosophical concept of the important

So let's talk about fate. This is a chain of events and facts that arise in a person's life in connection with his certain character traits, actions, deeds. All episodes that occur with a person in society are quite closely related to the structure of his physio-bioenergetic system. It attracts those events that it can accept, and is responsible for those actions to which it can respond appropriately.

Karma is a rather broad concept, unlike destiny. It covers all the earthly lives of the individual, including the history of his genealogy. Karma can be corrected, but no one has yet succeeded in completely changing it. That is, if you made a mistake in past reincarnations, then the act itself cannot be changed. But it is quite possible to mitigate, change the negative impact on a person's current life. "What does that have to do with a curse?" - you ask. The most direct. This is food for thought for those who are going to inflict negativity or have already received it in retaliation.

How is the process going?

A curse can be compared to a bunch of thought, which is emotionally sharply sent to the victim and digs into his unprotected energy shell. Methodical destruction begins. The human energy structure falls into a chaotic state, all of its subtle bodies get confused and conflict with each other. Alien energy, like the tentacles of an octopus, penetrates into all important centers physical body human, causing destructive actions. This can be expressed in a sudden deterioration in health, financial collapse, tragic events in the life of a person. Worst of all, it can be passed down from generation to generation.


One more thing: esotericists are convinced that when such a destructive program is removed, there is a high probability that the negative can return to the instigator of actions. This directly concerns those who think: "How to curse a person?" After all, if the charge was sent by a person with remarkable energy, using magical rituals, then the victim may die. And if the victim is lucky enough to get rid of the negative in time, then he will return with a vengeance to the author of the damage and can take his life.

Is it possible to curse a person accidentally?

Imagine an ordinary domestic quarrel. For example, a brother and sister share a TV remote control. None of them makes concessions. Unable to stand it, the sister throws the remote control to her brother and shouts out in her hearts: “Damn you!” Of course, the young man will not fall ill immediately on the spot and die. But the negative will be fixed in his subconscious. And if you add sisters to this, then the curse can begin to act like a time bomb.

It would seem that a lot of time passed, and both forgot about this incident. My sister is doing great with her studies and in her personal life. She easily steps up the steps to her success. But his brother has a different situation: he periodically finds himself in various unpleasant situations, health problems arise every now and then, and his personal life is not very successful. In this case, we can say that a person was cursed by accident, on emotions, and now this program is working. What to do in this case?

Fortunately, healers have their own rituals that will help save young man from the curse. True, for this you should contact a proven magician. He will perform a ritual cleansing of negativity, and his sister may be advised to visit the church temple to confess and deliver her relative. The master of his craft will surely explain to the culprit of what happened, how you can curse a person by accident and what to do in this case. Under any circumstances, you should be careful in your statements and wishes to the interlocutor. There is also the so-called spontaneous curse, without the use of magical tools, but based on fierce hatred. Unfortunately, this is facilitated by the terrible tragedies that have occurred in people's lives.

For example, in the world of esotericism there is a case when a woman verbally cursed the killer of her child. She considered the measure of criminal punishment for the offender not tough enough. Therefore, she cursed him right in the courtroom, putting all her indignation, pain, anger and despair into a verbal message. So the death wish worked through a short time. On the third day, the offender died of a heart attack. But this does not mean that such negativity will work for everyone. How to curse a person? It must be a powerful energy message. Such a desire should be accompanied by a sufficient release of emotions towards the offender.

Magic rituals

Professionals in the field of esotericism believe that if a negative charge was sent by a person with the help of magical rituals, then this is fraught with even greater danger. AT modern world a deliberate curse can be created by oneself if there is the necessary energy for this. Otherwise, you can contact a specialist in magic. However, the whole danger must be realized by the person who curses the other. The individual must remember: whatever way he chooses, the negative is able to spread not only to a certain person, but to his entire family.

This is how the esotericists themselves explain it: a person who has received a curse and has not had time to get rid of it throughout his life can involuntarily pass it on to another soul along his lineage. And such a chain can last a long time, forcing people to think about why they are unlucky in finances or why newborn female children in their family die. After all, the victims themselves did nothing wrong. Is it possible to curse a person with words if he does not deserve it? Practitioners believe that this happens. This is the case when the negative will disappear with the death of its owner, not spreading to the next generations. In this case, the higher powers themselves decide whether the cursed person is really guilty and whether it is worth punishing the rest of the family members, dooming them to a family curse.

How to bring negativity at home?

Magicians and psychics believe that this type of damage is imposed when there is no other way out. For example, the enemy paid off justice, crippled your fate with humiliations, took away the health and life of dear people. It is not possible to legally punish such a person, but it is not in your power to forgive him either. There is also no financial opportunity to order this service from a professional magician.

Then the question arises: how to curse a person at home? Experienced people warn that this can be resorted to, but only if you are in full health, feel a surge of strength, and have an acute desire for revenge. The ritual itself is quite simple. However, certain emotional vibrations should be created for it. it necessary rule for those individuals who think about how to curse a person with words at home.

What should be done?

First, you must be alone in the room. Secondly, you need to have with you a photo of the offender and a pre-written text: “In the name of the great Darkness, I curse you (name). Amen! Forever - damn you (name) Amen! You suffer endlessly! Amen! Exhaust from the curse, bend from the curse (name). Go to painful hell. Amen!"

It is recommended to read this with an angry, derogatory tone, as if you are injuring this person in various places. In this ritual, low-frequency emotions are important: anger, hatred, aggressive mood. You need to repeat the action for 5 days, and the words should be pronounced until you feel very tired and satisfied. To enhance the effect, you can use the runes, if you own them. If everything is done correctly, then the curse will gain power and work within 2 weeks from the date of the last ritual. It should be noted that the article does not agitate readers for the implementation of specific actions. After all, higher powers always advise to forgive your enemies, not stooping to curses. Remember that any negative sent will always return to you, multiplied at times. But the choice, as you know, always remains with the person.

As you read our article, the reader should have a completely fair question: what if he or his loved one turned out to be the victim? If a person is cursed, what to do in this case? First of all, it is advisable to have a diagnosis by a professional if the following signs are noticed: a series of various troubles, a protracted “black streak”, diseases that cannot be diagnosed, hereditary alcohol (drug addiction), an ongoing series of deaths in the family, causeless

It is impossible to remove the curse from yourself on your own, since this requires a huge potential of energy. The necessary power is possessed only by experienced magicians who have been practicing for more than one year. Each specialist has their own method of removing the curse. It all depends on his direction in magic. The victim is only required to follow the necessary recommendations exactly. A cleansing crisis can occur from one day to several weeks. During the removal of negativity, physical changes often occur in the human body: headaches, indigestion, heat body, apathy. You can enhance the effect of treatment yourself with a special text.

From all curses

This is the name of a prayer that will help recover from the inflicted negativity. It can be read at night for as long as the victim deems necessary:

"I, (name), call on my angels and all the bright Divine energies that will save me from various curses! I ask you, Higher power Forgive me - if I suddenly ever intentionally and unwittingly cursed in my life. I am aware of these mistakes and I burn with Divine fire all this negativity committed by me in the past and present! From now on, I forever forbid the dark power to use my curses in their unholy deeds!

As I created these curses, so I destroy them! (repeat three times). Also, if on me, (name), there are curses inflicted by other people, I also deprive them of energy and strength! I burn them with the eternal fire of the Universe! May the Higher Forces fill me with their light and relieve me of all negativity! I free all people from my curses! I myself (myself) free myself from all curses!

With all my heart I wish all people love, kindness, light and happiness! I put all my energy into this! Let the forces of light rule the world, and the forces of darkness disperse! (repeat three times). As a sign of my serious intentions, I send rays of light and love to all beings of the planet, space and the Universe! May my desire be heard and felt by all beings, in all dimensions and spaces! May my words be heard by all the angels and the Creator himself! From now on, I forever deprive my thoughts and words of any destructive energy! Also, let my words and good intentions become a shield for me from all curses! Let them burn as soon as they touch the protective shield! (repeat three times). May it be so! Amen".

We hope that our article has fully revealed the problem of the curse and its effect on a person. We also advise you to think carefully before resorting to this magical service. After all, the Russian proverb says: "Do not dig a hole for another - you yourself will fall into it." We wish peace and good to all readers!

How is the spoilage of the needle

To induce damage, you will need a needle, its size does not matter. Buy it without haggling. Also, when buying a needle, you can’t take change, so let’s pay the money. If possible, do not talk to the seller. It is better not to talk to him at all, as well as with other people.

While you go for the needle, mentally, concentrate on the goal. Save up and increase, within yourself, the desire to punish your enemy. It is desirable that the ritual be carried out on the same day that the needle was bought.

The time of the ritual.

Spoiled needle , like other rituals designed to impose a negative program, are done on the waning moon. For greater effect, you can accurately determine the day of the week and the hour. About how to determine exact time for magical operations, you can read in the article - "Time for witchcraft."

The slander should be pronounced 3-5 times. During the pronunciation of the slander, it is necessary that your breath touches the needle. When you pronounce the name of the victim, mentally visualize her image.

After everything is done, stick the needle in the victim's door frame or place it under the threshold. This must be done as quickly as possible. Ideally the same night. Try to do everything so that the needle is not noticed. Remember, if the needle is thrown away by anyone, spoiling the needle will lose its power.

If you find a needle near the entrance to your home, you must do the following. Take her, just don't with bare hands, then break with hex:

How to Curse a Person Part 2 - Practical Techniques

Attention! Article " How to put a curse on a person"is for informational purposes and is published as information about one of the esoteric practices of black magic. The site administration and the author of the article do not bear any responsibility for the consequences that occurred as a result of the application of this information in practice (read more in the legal clause).

So, in the first part of the article - "How to send a curse" we examined theoretical issues. In the second part, we will consider purely practical methods of inducing a curse on a person. As you remember, at the end of the first part of the article, three types of curses were identified - contact, non-contact and ritual curses. Since the ritual curse is a separate rather large topic, which also requires great qualifications from the master, we will not consider it, but we will dwell on the contact and non-contact methods in more detail.

Before reading the second part of the article, we strongly recommend reading the first, otherwise you may not understand many points related to the techniques of cursing a person - “How to send a curse Part 1».

How to put a curse on a person - a general approach

In a practical sense, the curse of a person is presented as a process consisting of several elements. The first element is a psychological attack, which allows you to convey a negative program to the victim and awaken in him the ideological picture of the curse. The second element is the statement in the mind of the victim of the ideological picture of the curse on a conscious and subconscious level, as if the victim's awareness of the fact that she is cursed, accepting this as a given. The third element is the direct action of the negative program, in the consciousness of the victim. At the same time, the negative program receives energy for destruction directly from the ideological picture of the curse in the person’s head, i.e. subsequently, the energy of the magician is not required; it is necessary only at the first stage. And finally, the fourth element is finishing. In order for you, dear reader, to understand what I am talking about, I will give an example.

Imagine that you put a curse on a person, let's say it was a curse in the face (more on this below), then to use the finisher, somewhere in a week you call the victim by phone or send SMS, email (the method is not important) and say " You're cursed, remember that!"

Why is a supplement needed? The fact is that each person's susceptibility to curses is different, there are more, there are less susceptible people. So, finishing off, as it were, reactivates the ideological picture of the curse in the head of the victim, not allowing him to get rid of it. Such an element of a person’s curse as finishing is not always used and is not obligatory element, however, when used, it can greatly enhance its effects.

In general, the process of casting a curse on a person will look like this:

Damage can be induced different ways, but one of the most dangerous forms of negativity is photo cursing. Such a magical rite cannot be instigated by chance, it is done intentionally to cause harm to another person.

Some consider curses to be a form of negativity that can arise on its own in a place where a person has died a violent death. In reality, this is not entirely true. Death itself, without the participation of a person, cannot cause the emergence of negative energy. Another thing is if the dying person, on his last breath, cursed someone or something. In this case, damage will really arise, and it will have simply incredible destructive power. But in this article we will talk about another form of negativity that is directed at a person intentionally, due to any negative emotions, for example, because of envy or a desire to take revenge.

Photo damage is popularly considered a very strong negative magic, which is extremely difficult to get rid of. Popular rumor, as in most cases, has a very weighty basis. The negative, induced through the image of the picture, very strongly settles in the body and energy plan of a person, therefore, for complete purification, several long sessions with a professional sorcerer may be required. If damage is induced to death or a serious illness with the help of a photograph, then it is completely impossible to get rid of it on your own, therefore, if the diagnosis shows a strong negative impact, you should not try to deal with it yourself, especially if you are not familiar with magic.

You can believe in damage or not, this is a personal matter for everyone and it is pointless to prove something to someone. Another thing is that when a person feels negative on himself or sees it on his loved ones, there is no trace of skepticism.

There are many different photo damages that are aimed at causing various harm to a person. Some of these programs can greatly spoil the health of their victim, others bring with them a series of failures that cover all areas of a person’s life, from work to relationships with a lover and family.

Negative magic is indeed easiest to induce with a photo of the target. Any practicing sorcerer will tell you that a picture is not just a small piece of paper with a person imprinted on it. A piece of your energy remains in the photo, to which you can convey the necessary information. severe damage it is difficult to direct even with the help of a fresh picture, however, even a person who is far from any magic can harm you.

In some cases, just staring at a photo with anger, envy, or other negative feelings is enough for the emotion to take physical form. Of course, such accidental damage cannot do much harm, but there is nothing good in it either, and several small negative effects at once can, nevertheless, bring various troubles.

AT various types damage provides for various manipulations with the photo, which must be carried out by the performer. Most often, the necessary information is first transmitted to the picture through a black conspiracy, and then the photo is torn to pieces, burned, buried in a cemetery, and the ashes are scattered in the wind. In other words, the image is physically destroyed, which is the consolidation of the induced negative.

In addition, a dark rite with a photograph in which a pin is used is very popular today. In the process of pronouncing the words of the conspiracy, the performer must pierce with a pin those parts of the victim's body where problems should arise. For example, if a magician pierces a person’s heart with a needle, then heart disease will manifest itself, if the head, then head disease, an injection in the eye - blindness, etc. In such a rite, even an incomplete picture can be used. If you have only a photo of the head, then all other parts can be drawn on the attached sheet of paper, the negative effect will not become weaker from this.

The easiest way to harm a person with their photo is to simply bury the photo in the grave where the person with the same name as the victim is buried. Such simple manipulations will lead to severe diseases. If you want to bring your enemy to the grave, then for this it is enough to put his picture in the coffin of the deceased.

Of course, none magical ritual does not give a 100% guarantee of results, there are too many individual characteristics both the victim and the perpetrator. Some people, for example, have an innate good health and strong immunity to magical interference. To harm them, you will have to use more reliable and effective means.

Damage to the photo of a rival

If for some reason you want to use a more reliable method than burying a picture of the enemy in the cemetery ground. Then this simple magic ritual will suit you.

Put a pot of water on the stove, wait until the water boils, throw a photo of the rival into boiling water and read the words of the conspiracy: “The body of God’s servant (the name of the rival) will burn from now on, her blood will boil in her veins, and then come out completely, she will never rest find. May what has been said come true. Amen".
After pronouncing the words of the conspiracy, the picture must be boiled for five minutes, then removed and dried, and the water poured into the toilet or into the trash.

This magical ritual must be carried out during the growing moon, as your task is to bring sacrifices to life. negative energy which did not exist until now. This is not the strongest rite, therefore, in order to guarantee the opponent's troubles, it must be carried out daily, throughout the entire lunar cycle. The picture will not withstand more than one or two boiling and will dissolve in water, so you need to stock up on photos of your victim in advance so that they are enough for right amount rituals.

Ritual for spanking the enemy

For this magical rite you will need an aspen rod, which you will have to cut yourself. Put the prepared twig in cold water all night. The next day, take the rod out of the water and let it dry. This whole procedure must be carried out with a rod for 12 days. On the 13th day, wrap the photo of the enemy in red silk, put it on the floor and beat with a rod, reading the words of the conspiracy: “Beyond the distant mountains, behind the dark forests, the iron sea stretches. On that sea, a stone pillar stands from the earth to the very high sky. A wooden man stands on that pillar, and speaks to everything in the world: stones, trees, iron, go to the servant of God (name of the victim), torment her, stab her, beat her, flog her. As the bolts of locks are strong, so my words are true and sculpting. May it be so. Amen. Amen. Amen".

How to damage yourself: 4 ways

Chakra blocking is the simplest and most effective damage on your own

Inducing damage requires at least basic knowledge about human energy and the chakra system as a whole.

If damage as such is the placement of a negative program in the biofield of a person or simply a breakdown of the aura, its artificial thinning, then the impact on the chakras occurs in other ways.

The easiest way is to act through them, blocking the natural energy exchange in the body.

In order to do it yourself, you will need:

  • wax candle;
  • safety pins with multi-colored heads: 7 pieces.
  1. First lay the image of the victim on the candle, so that the wick is just above the head of the image, and the end of the candle is just below the inguinal region.
  2. Without lighting a candle, stick 7 pins into it, making sure that the color of the head matches the color of the chakra.
  3. While doing the manipulations, keep your concentration on the object and the forthcoming torment.
  4. When all 7 pins are in, light the wick.

As the candle burns out, the pins will fall out.

Your task at this time is to clearly imagine and understand that with each new pin, the work of the corresponding chakra is destabilized.

Nothing needs to be said here.

The only point is to wrap all leftovers after work in natural fabric and bury under a dry tree with the words

“As the dead does not bear fruit, so you do not know joy. Ordered!”

Point on your own: use the energy that is around

In order to harm someone, it is not necessary to create powerful multi-way combinations and complex rituals.

There is already a lot of pain, envy, ingratitude and despair in the world. All that is needed is to enter this flow, to become a part of it.

This is not difficult, but it requires the ability to detach from what is happening, to clearly understand that all the emotions that you experience are not yours. This is the collected pain of the Earth, of all people.

As you enter this flow, imagine your victim.

If possible, imagine her energy system as vividly as possible and direct all this dark dense energy to a person.

Try to see how the energy bonds in the body are broken, how thin areas appear on the aura.

The main thing is not to overdo it and do not lose control so that all this blackness does not hit you.

How to damage yourself from a photo

Photo damage has always been considered one of the strongest, although it can be brought on by yourself.

At first, when photographs were rare, people thought that with each picture a person loses some of his energy. But it turned out that it was something else.

A photograph is an almost absolute image of a person, and with the help of a ready-made image, it is easier for a magician to tune in to an object. Less effort is spent on this process, and the communication channel is much stronger.

How to damage a photo?

Paradoxically, you can do harm even if you don't have any magical abilities.

To do this, you need to bury the photo in the cemetery.

This will not lead to death, but the person will be sick for a long time, and his affairs will go down.

In order to bring a person to the grave, in addition to manipulation, there must be certain abilities for black magic.

If you are a good healer, then, most likely, the effect of your manipulations will not be much, although there are also so-called generalists.

So, for damage to death, you will need:

  1. Find a fresh (up to 30 days) grave with the name of the victim in the cemetery;
  2. Take the black handkerchief;
  3. Pour the earth from the grave into it;
  4. Pierce the photo of the victim an odd number of times, putting all the anger and hatred into the action;
  5. Then fill everything with candle wax, as if sealing;
  6. Bury on the grave;
  7. Go home the other way without looking back;
  8. When you reach the third crossroads, throw over your left shoulder the pre-stored coins with the words Turn around

How to damage yourself with runes

If you want something powerful, radical and simple, use runes. There are a lot of runic corruption formulas on the Internet, but here is just the case when the number of runes in the formula is not always proportional to the quality of the work. In order not to suffer for a long time with the selection of a stav, use the ancient and proven formula - triple Vunyo in a straight position. Mentally apply three runes on the forehead of the victim or on the heart area. This is a very strong rune.

And an excess of its destructive energy acts on the human body, and allows you to cause damage on your own.

How to bring damage to the offender with the help of the Dark Forces?

Every person has an enemy or a person who often brings a lot of trouble. There are a number of rituals that can help punish the offender. Sending such damage is not easy, but the result will not keep you waiting. Remember that these rituals are strong black magic, and its use may not be safe for you.

Corruption using volt

If you cannot make a lining or give something to the offender, then use an effective way to induce damage using a figurine - a volt. To do this, mold a small figure of a person from wax or clay (you can add nails to it, wrap it with a piece of the victim’s clothes). At 2 am for 9 days, set fire to 9 black around the volt wax candles and whisper the text:

I entrust fate (name) to the devil, I call misfortunes to him! Let money, love and grace leave him and not a drop remain! To live (name) as unlived, to suffer, suffer and wash with bitter tears, wipe off with food! Let the black river wash away his peace! Let the black wave leave a void! And take away from life (name) love and kindness! My word is strong! Key, lock, tongue. Be like you said!

On the last day of the ritual, the volt is buried in the cemetery at any unmarked grave. If this ritual is interrupted or carried out incorrectly, then all its action will turn on the sorcerer himself.

Eternal companion for the enemy

In order for everything to go wrong with the enemy, and everything was upside down, attach an eternal companion to him, who will spoil everything. To do this, choose the path that your enemy always walks on. It must be a clear path from one point to another. Follow him, and every nine steps say:

The devil is following you! Sticks, drinks all your blood! Be my way.

Now the devil will definitely not lag behind the victim and will not only ruin her life, but also drink all the energy and strength.

How to make damage and kill female beauty?

Sending damage to a woman is easy enough. There are many rituals that allow you to eliminate an opponent, mutilate her body and soul. These rites are not strong enough to bring a person to the grave, but they can disfigure the victim's appearance.

Mirror as a gift

Linings were made by our ancestors at all times. It's pretty effective way elimination of victims and inflicting damage or evil eye on them. In order to carry out the ritual, you need to buy a new mirror. The old will not work, as it contains a lot of your energy, and the item will need to be presented to a woman.

At night, on the waning moon, sit in front of the window, pick up a mirror and say:

As the moon wanes in the sky, so your beauty will quickly melt. As the stars fade, so will your youth fade. As the moon grows old, so you will not escape rapid old age.

The ceremony is held for 3 nights. You can't skip days. After the mirror is spoken, it must be presented to the victim. Make sure that it is passed from hand to hand.

Before the victim takes it, no other person should touch it.
If you cannot give the lining to a woman, then toss it quietly into her bag. The more often she looks into this mirror, the faster her beauty will fade.

conspiracy for obesity

In order to disfigure a woman with the help of a witchcraft rite, you will need:

  • a piece of lard (with bristles);
  • dense black threads;
  • image of a woman;
  • black candle;
  • old needles.

Late at night, go out into the yard, light a candle, put a photo of the victim in front of you and place a piece of lard on it. It is best to choose a piece that is not very thick so that it can be sewn with threads to the image. Now stick a few needles into these attributes with the words:

So that you (name) are like a pig. For men to avoid you. So that you (name) be alone all your life! And she toiled, and suffered, and wiped her bitter tears from her face!

When the plot is uttered, take away all the attributes and bury them in the wasteland. After a few days, damage will begin to act.

An effective method of punishing a homeowner

To bring damage to a person in this way is within the power of a black magician with good experience or a very large supply of energy. You should use this knowledge carefully, because in case of an incorrect payoff, the entire negative program will pass to you. Initially, prepare the following attributes for the ritual:

  • any thing of a homeowner that can be pierced (a piece of clothing that she often wears);
  • nominal icon victims;
  • two wax candles;
  • 13 new needles.

The ritual is performed at midnight, at 16-19 lunar day. Light one candle and put it on the table. Another - melt and drip 13 times on the face of the saint depicted on the icon.

Until the rite is completed, pay off the Black forces and get their approval to conduct the ritual. pierce ring finger and drip blood on a burning candle. This must be done by whispering:

Here you are, demon, my payment, for my request.

When the ransom is completed, bring each of the 13 needles in turn to the fire and heat them well, saying:

It's me, the witch (name), at midnight I spoil the face of the holy corruption, in the name of Satan I spoil it, and the devil will spoil the face of my rival (name) for this. So that the face of the slave (name) is strewn with sharp arrows, so that purulent ulcers, and terrible hernias appear on it. So that she knows bitter sorrow, and terrible suffering, and terrible sorrow. May it come true what is said.

Insert them one by one into the victim's clothing. If it catches fire, put out the flame with your left hand.

The next day, take coins, two bottles of vodka, water, yesterday's attributes and go to the cemetery. Find an unmarked grave there. Put alcohol on it and a disfigured icon with a woman's personal item. Leave quietly and don't look back. When you reach an intersection, stop. Put an open bottle of alcohol here, throw money over your left shoulder and say:

To you, the eternal Mistress of this churchyard.

At the second road crossing, bury the used needles and pour water over the top while whispering:

This is for you, bloodthirsty demons, terrible demons. I give you, I treat you. And you will repay me with deeds, endow my rite with power.

Now go home and don't look back. This is a very powerful corruption that will forever make the opponent unhappy and bring her many diseases.

How to bring damage to a negligent neighbor?

Not all neighbors are kind and friendly people. Sometimes there are times when they make life just unbearable. This rite is not very dangerous for the performer. Therefore, beginners can use it as a practice.

For the ritual, arm yourself with one candle. Set fire to it and imagine that it is your neighbor. With all the anger that has accumulated in you, bite the candle several times. You need to do this from time to time, reading the text:

This is not a candle I bite, this is the life of a servant (s) of God (name) bites.

In total, you need to bite the wax at least 13 times. After that, tilt the candle parallel to the floor and whisper:

As I turn this candle over, so I shorten the life-being of the slave (s) (name). As my candle is crooked, so the life of the slave (s) (name) will go crooked. As the candle burns out, so will the slave (a) (name) burn out. May it come true what is said.

Now return the candle to its original position and place it on the table. Let her burn freely. And after that, collect the rest of the wax and throw them under the doorstep of your neighbor.

Strong rite using personal items

You can bring damage at home on your own using this ritual. He is very strong and effective, but no less dangerous. It is strictly forbidden to conduct it if you are not sure of your own capabilities.

If you hesitate, it is better to postpone this venture or trust a professional sorcerer. With the help of this rite, you can punish any enemy, offender or homemaker. Not a single person who stands in your way will be able to resist the power of this corruption.

Sit on the floor, light 5 black candles around you and say the text "Our Father" in reverse:

Nima! Ogavakul to san ivabzi, He eineshuksi ov san idevveni; Mishan mokinzhlod meyalvatso ym and Ezhokya, ashan iglod man ivatso i; Send man jad yynshchusan shan belkh. Ilmez an and iseben an okya, Yaovt yalov tedub hell, Yeovt Eivtsrats Tediirp hell, Yeovt yami Yastityavs hell! Heseben an isse, Jerzy Shan Yechto.

Now pick up the victim's personal item (it can be a ring, a chain, something that a person always carries with him). Imagine that she (he) is standing next to you. Concentrate all your dislike, resentment and say 5 times:

Antichrist, almighty evil descend! Turn your guise upon me, your servant! I fight in suffering and malice! Take away the pain, and exalt the hatred! Let it serve you, for I offer a sacrifice! Help yourself and me to destroy the creature of God, which is called (the name of the enemy). Curse my enemy! May Satan bring eternal torment upon him. Let there be Hell on earth!

Attributes should be buried at the enemy's house or in the forest if you do not know exactly where the victim lives.

Ritual with the summoning of the Devil

This is a ritual of black magic, which should not be performed by beginners and even sorcerers with experience, unsure of their own abilities. In order to perform the ritual, go to the roadblock at exactly 12 o'clock at night and take some salt with you in a small bag. Stand at the crossroads, open the bag and say out loud:

I call on the powers of Hell! Come help. Bring damage to the enemy. Devil and devil from the underworld, bring your strength, take the enemy to the grave. May (name) have neither health nor happiness! His fate is pain and bad weather! I’ll salt the threshold, I’ll poison happiness and life! I open the road from Hell to (name) threshold!

It is best to pour the prepared salt under the threshold of your enemy that same night. Very quickly, damage will work, and the enemy will be punished. It is forbidden to leave at least a little salt for yourself. Also, you can not store it until the next time. If you leave the product with you, then everything that was prepared for the enemy will pass to you.

If you decide to spoil, weigh the pros and cons before doing it. If you have even a shadow of doubt in your soul, it’s better not to take up the ritual at all. It will be much worse if you interrupt in the middle of the ceremony. In this case, the awakened forces can bring down all their anger on you.

A person who is about to impose a curse should think about the consequences of such a step. After all, a curse is a conscious negative impact, committed with the help of special magical phrases, that can lead to illness, the collapse of material well-being and even the death of the one to whom it is addressed.

The history of curses has its roots in the ancient world, when there were many Gods, each ancient tribe lived in its own way and turned to shamans and sorcerers on all life issues. In order to maintain their power, the priests and sorcerers cursed those who disobeyed on behalf of the Gods, expelled them from the tribe and deprived them of all communication. Naturally, it was almost impossible for the exile himself to survive, and the death that befell him was considered a confirmation of the effect of the curse.

Later, with the advent of Christianity, the church also continued to use the instrument of cursing in order to assert its dominance over the world. Anathema was imposed on all unbelievers. The heretic was expected to be excommunicated from the church and denied the salvation of the soul after death.

In parallel, folk beliefs, preserved since paganism, spread knowledge about the power of curses of witchcraft, tribal and curses of individual nationalities (for example, gypsies).

The natural sciences, which discovered the concept of the materiality of thought, confirmed the theory of the effect of curses as thoughts and word forms energetically enhanced by negativity that can affect the life of a guilty person and accelerate his death.

Types of curses, characteristics

Interested in how to curse a person, an inexperienced person is faced with many options for magical effects. Such a variety made it possible to build a certain classification of curses according to the subject (the one who uses them):

  • Witch curse. This type done by practicing magicians and sorcerers.
  • Family curse. It is also called parental when the effect of magic extends to the entire clan or a certain branch (curses a direct relative - mother, father, grandfather, grandmother, etc.)
  • Religious curse. The fate prepared for the unbelievers and those who do not observe the dogmas of religion (in different beliefs).
  • The curse of the "evil". When a person is cursed by an offended beggar or wretch. This includes gypsy curses.
  • household curses. Voiced in conflicts and quarrels between people connected by everyday life (relatives, spouses, neighbors).
  • Self-damnation. Constant negative slander against himself, launching a program of self-destruction. Only constant work on oneself and seeking help from a specialist (psychologist, psychotherapist) will help here.

In a fit of strong negative emotions, anyone can impose an effective curse: a wife on an unlucky husband: “You ruined my whole life so that you die!”, A mother on a naughty daughter: “It would be better if you were not born!” “I don’t have a daughter anymore, be damned!”, Friends in the heat of a quarrel “May you be empty!”. Angry cursing phrases fly out of the mouth unconsciously, but the threat from the words is great.

Much stronger are magic spells, specially prepared and used consciously, as do black magicians, witches, gypsies who are aware of the consequences. Equal to them in strength, perhaps, are the curses expressed by a person on his deathbed.

Curses also include such forms of negativity as damage, evil eye, conspiracy, love spell. All of them use words charged with dark energy, enhanced by specially selected magical attributes (photographs, candles, needles, pieces of clothing, hair, blood of the victim).

How to avoid the boomerang when casting a curse

Intervention with the help of energetically charged words in someone else's fate often entails a backlash when the desire for negativity intensifies and returns to its sender (boomerang effect). Then a carelessly pronounced curse turns against the person who gave birth to it. You can avoid the “reverse” (a term in the occult) if you control your emotions and prevent a splash of negativity in relation to other people.

There is no protection against the return of negativity as such, even among magicians. But they are protected from someone else's negative energy when casting a curse on someone if they themselves do not seek revenge against the addressee (they just do the job). After all, often deceived wives, angry at their husband for treason, take his photo and carry it to the sorcerers, asking to punish the infidel and his passion.

If you really regret the curse and do not have malicious intent, forgiveness of the person against whom the cursing words sounded will help get rid of the opposite effect.

You should only apologize sincerely and clarify what exactly you are asking for forgiveness for.

Finally, I would like to help those who suffer from the effects of the curse or may suffer in the future. Words spoken with malice towards you will not have any effect if you do not support the quarrel in response. Smile at a person and wish him happiness and health - you will see how all the negativity will immediately dry up, or the curser will be silent in mid-sentence.

A strong swear word is well suited to protect against gypsy damage: a mat prevents the introduction into a trance state, which is often practiced by people of this nationality, and gives strength to resist the onslaught of a verbal flow in an incomprehensible language.

If the conflict has already taken place, and you are very worried about the words you heard, do not try to contact your opponent in the coming days, let alone let him into the house and give one of your things - this way you will only consolidate the curse imposed on you and help the enemy to avoid the "reverse". Better go to church, temple, light candles for the health of this person, confess and pray.