The wife tells her husband that she fell in love with another dream book. Conversation with the lover's wife

Seeing a lover in a dream for a girl who does not even have a man, let alone a husband, is for the wedding as a result of an accidental acquaintance with a young but broken boy who will make you a child without hesitation.

If in a dream you have a quarrel with your lover, it means that in reality there will be a new admirer whom you will give preference to over the current one.

If in a dream your lover is a unique example of inexhaustible male potency - therefore, in reality your sexual insatiability and dissatisfaction will result in the most extreme degree of irritability and discontent with everything and everyone, from which all your environment will suffer for nothing, both at work and at home, not to mention her husband.

If, more than hoping, you see fleas on your lover in a dream, this is a sign of the inconsistency of his feelings for you.

For a young woman, seeing that her lover was executed by hanging means that she will marry an unprincipled and soft-spoken brute.

To dream of your lover pale and haggard portends an accident that will happen to him on the eve of your engagement to him.

The dream in which you see your lover in striped prison clothes means that you will have a reason to make sure that his intentions towards you are selfish and ultimately pursue the goal of taking possession of your heart and your state.

For a young woman, a dream in which her lover is disgusted with her portends that she will fall in love with a man who in no way suits her.

To have some kind of animal in a dream as a lover, for example, a chimpanzee - to failure everywhere and in everything.

If in a dream you show up with your lover in the company of acquaintances, this portends to be involved in a scandalous incident and be ridiculed.

To convince your lover of treason in a dream portends a clash of incompatible interests, as a result of which you will incur significant losses.

Seeing yourself with your lover on a canopy bed in a luxuriously furnished bedchamber either in the Eastern or Western European style of past eras - such a dream means that in reality you will expose yourself to your husband.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation in alphabetical order

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Dream Interpretation - Marry

Marriage in a dream means a new business, big changes in life - good or bad. If you dream that someone wants to marry you, then soon you will have an important conversation about a profitable business or plans for the future. If you talk about children, then the business will have great long-term success.

Hearing that someone close to you of the opposite sex got married in a dream is a sign of a break in relations with this person. If in a dream they begin to ask you whether you are going to get married (get married), while you do not even think about it, then such a dream predicts quick and unexpected changes in your personal life, which may surprise you very much.

For a man to dream that he married a girl, a dream portends success in a new business with the help of a person who had previously promised to help; if he marries a widow, then this means a safe and beneficial solution of old affairs. For a woman to marry a widower in a dream means that she should be careful and not trust unfamiliar people.

If she marries a foreigner, then she is in trouble, which she does not expect. Going to get married in a dream is a sign of imminent changes in business and position. This dream is a warning to those who frivolously waste their lives and mindlessly spend money. To a married woman in a dream that she is getting married means that she will outlive her husband or divorce him. If a pregnant woman sees such a dream, then the dream portends her the birth of a daughter, whom she will successfully marry. For the sick, such a dream portends death.

To a girl to marry in a dream is a sign that she is building castles in the air and her dreams will not come true for a long time. If you dream that you forbade someone to marry someone, and you yourself married that woman, then your marriage will be short-lived or unsuccessful, and your affairs will go at random. Sometimes such a dream portends that some woman will bring you a lot of harm.
See interpretation: husband, wife.

Interpretation of dreams from

It is quite easy to figure out what the lover's wife is dreaming of. To do this, it is enough to remember in detail what exactly you dreamed about.

Better yet, immediately after waking up, write down your dream on a piece of paper. This way you will definitely not miss a single detail.

Did you dream about your rival?

If you had a dream in which you saw your lover's spouse, this means that in your soul you feel anxiety about your relationship. You often compare yourself with this woman, trying to prove to the man that you are better than her. The dream book recommends thinking about whether this relationship is worth it?

  • The pregnant wife of a lover is dreaming - you are tormented by the pangs of conscience.
  • A woman stands between you - it is difficult for a man to make a choice.
  • The lover hugs his wife - he is tired of a double life.

As the dream book says, if you dream that you are peacefully talking with the traitor's wife, this means that she will not scandalize if she finds out about the adventures of her partner. Most likely, she has already come to terms with the fact that he is unfaithful to her, and lives with him for the sake of children or because of financial gain.

If you dream that a woman is crying, then you may be in trouble. It is quite possible that it is the lover's wife who will create them for you.

Upon learning that he is cheating on her, the offended spouse will want to take revenge on you. Try not to advertise your relationship with a married man. Or, have the courage to end a hopeless romance.

A dream where the face of this woman was a stranger foreshadows serious problems. The dream interpretation advises to break off the connection with a man. These relationships can negatively affect later life.

And if a woman's face is disfigured, then such a dream promises a quarrel with her beloved. Which, most likely, will end in parting.

Former partner's spouse

A dream about this girl means that in your thoughts you would like to renew the connection with her chosen one. Perhaps he also remembers you, wants to see you.

But you shouldn't do that. If you give vent to your feelings, you will soon regret it.

  • The wedding of the former and his chosen one is disappointing.
  • She dreams that he is looking at you in front of her - to a meeting with him.
  • A quarrel of a former man with his wife - he regrets your separation.

If you dreamed about the wife of a lover whom you have long forgotten, this means that your current spouse had thoughts of treason. The dream book does not advise arranging interrogations for him and tormenting him with suspicions.

Try to pay more attention to your beloved, spoil him with delicious dishes. So you can rid him of bad thoughts.

Other meanings

For the correct interpretation of such dreams, it also matters how you felt seeing your rival. If you hated her, then in reality you are afraid of her revenge. And when you dream that you are indifferent to this lady, then you are satisfied with a relationship with your lover.

When you have a dream that you are fighting with a girl, it means that she has a lot of advantages over you. And the dreams in which she is your best friend, the dream book interprets as her willingness to break off a marriage with her husband.

If you correctly interpret your dream, you can understand how to best behave in life. Author: Vera Fractional

Why the lover's wife is dreaming, dream books do not always give a specific explanation. It is necessary to recall the details of the dream and compare the interpretation from various sources in order to understand this complex issue.

Explanations on Miller's dream book

If you have a relationship with a married man in your life, and you are angry with him for lack of attention, then his wife who appeared in a dream does not bode well. This is just a reflection of reality by the subconscious, Miller says in his dream book. You are unhappy with this relationship and want to change everything.

And if you are quite happy with the relationship with a married traitor, then such a vision reflects an alarming internal state: your conscience gnaws at you for wrong actions. If a lover kisses his wife, you will be disappointed and unclear of the situation.

What did the lover's wife do in a dream?

When trying to find out what the lover's wife is dreaming of, pay attention to her actions in a dream. If she:

  • cried - unpleasant events in life await you;
  • I swore with you, sorted out the relationship - someone will spread false rumors about you, unjustifiably accuse you of something;
  • quarreled with her husband - you will know unpleasant news about a familiar person;
  • taunt you - probably someone will try to humiliate you;
  • asked to do something - you have a chance to avoid trouble if you listen to good advice.

Happy couple in dream

According to the Lunar Dream Book, if in a dream the lover's wife is dressed in a wedding dress and looks very happy, then you should not waste energy on dubious ideas that you are not sure of. If she smiled specifically at you, you will learn unpleasant gossip about yourself.

When in a dream the wife of a lover is in a position - you have no future with this man, it's time to put an end to the relationship. If she is not pregnant from this person, a happy life with him is likely, but you just have to try very hard. If the lover's wife told you about the upcoming motherhood, you run the risk of making a mistake, and then the bitter consequences cannot be avoided.

Scandals do not lead to good

Why is the lover's wife dreaming, who came to you to sort things out and scandal loudly, taking the child with her? Pastor Loffa explains such a dream as the termination of a love affair on the side. And according to Medea's dream book, this image in a dream is explained by the desire of the sleeping woman to have a child from her beloved cheater.

A dream in which the lover's wife is crying, is dying or covered in blood means that your relationship will soon become known to everyone and bring a lot of trouble. The Dream Interpretation of the White Magician warns that your reputation can irrevocably suffer from this.

Leave in the past

A gypsy dream book explains why the wife of a former lover is dreaming like this: your anxiety is not groundless, difficulties and negative situations await you ahead, be prepared for such turns of fate.

If in a dream you often have to find out by force of the relationship with the ex's wife, it means that you still feel affection for him and are not ready to let go of your life.

There is a chance to change everything

If in a dream you met your lover's wife at the most inopportune moment and started a difficult conversation, then according to Longo's dream book you can change your fate for the better, you just have to want to.

The dream in which the beloved's wife appears cannot be classified as pleasant. He spoils the mood of a woman who sees him, and promises trouble in her real personal life. Nevertheless, there are several important details that need to be paid attention to in order to correctly interpret the dream and extract as much information from it as possible. These details can significantly affect the overall symbolic meaning of the dream.

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      Why is the lover's spouse dreaming?

      The dream in which the lover's wife appears is in most cases targeted, and rarely dreams of girls and women who are not tied to a secret relationship with a married man. Real events penetrate the subconscious, and what a person experiences and worries about in reality is reflected in his dreams.

      • If a woman dreams of a rival who is the wife of her lover, she should seriously think about the advisability of a relationship with this person: is she not spending too much emotion and energy on him.

        But in addition to the psychological aspect of the dream seen, its symbolism is also important. Pay attention to the following details:

        • in what mood did the lover's wife dream;
        • what clothes she was wearing;
        • what actions she performed in a dream;
        • whether other people were present in the dream.

        Key interpretations

        A dream that evokes strong emotions in a person is often remembered in detail. This type of dream includes the one in which the spouse of a loved one appears. That is why it will not be difficult for a woman to remember the key details necessary for the correct interpretation of a dream.

        In most cases, such a dream draws attention to the sphere of personal life. The only exception, which is quite rare, is such a dream, dreamed of by a woman who does not have a married lover. In the space of sleep, a reality is created that differs from the existing reality: a woman dreams that she is in contact with a man who has a wife, and she sees her in her dream. Such a dream speaks of the presence of a multifaceted problem in real life, and this problem is directly related to deception in relation to a person. If a woman had a dream with a similar plot, she should pay attention to her environment both at work and in her personal life: she is seriously deceived, deliberately misled. Moreover, this deception promises much more trouble than it seems at first glance.

        If the appearance of the lover's wife in a dream is not accidental and has a direct connection with the events of real life, a woman needs to try to remember her dream in as much detail as possible.

        What mood was the beloved's wife in?

        If a cheerful, joyful spouse of a loved one appears in a dream, this means that in reality it is worth waiting for a surge of strength and pleasant emotions. It is not at all necessary that these emotions will relate to the sphere of love relationships. Often such a dream promises inner peace in the soul of the woman herself: she will like her reflection in the mirror, the new dress will fit perfectly on the figure, and a feeling of harmony with herself and the world will appear.

        A crying, grieved wife of a lover promises to see her in a dream waking disappointment, more often of a love nature. Such a dream portends that in the near future the beloved will show himself from a not very good side, or the woman herself will doubt her feelings.

        Seeing an angry spouse of a lover in a dream is a scandal, a showdown. There is a risk that the secret connection will be revealed, and this will lead to trouble.

        What clothes was she wearing?

        If the lover's wife in a dream was dressed in dark-colored clothes, in real life it is worth waiting for unpleasant news. In the near future, it is better not to do anything, to postpone important decisions for several days. Such a dream promises quarrels with loved ones, especially with a lover, so now it is worth controlling emotions and words.

        Seeing the spouse of a loved one in light clothes is a joyful event. Such a dream is not about something global, but you should count on pleasant small surprises. Moreover, the more elegant and lighter the lover's wife is dressed in a dream, the more happy events will be in reality.

        Bright or multi-colored clothes on the lover's wife in a dream - to excessive emotions in real life, both positive and negative. A woman who has such a dream runs the risk of being dragged headlong into the cycle of events and feelings, with which one should be careful. In the near future, you need to pay more attention to new acquaintances, carefully weigh the pros and cons of the planned trips: rash decisions can lead to trouble.

        The lover's wife, dreamed of in a wedding dress, is a rather obvious and transparent symbol that promises a break in relations with a loved one. Such a dream suggests that the love relationship in the beloved's family will be restored in the near future, and the woman needs to be mentally prepared to break the bond. It should be borne in mind that even in the case of a dream in which the wife of a loved one marries another, its symbolism does not change: it will not be possible to maintain a relationship with a lover.

        If the lover's wife dreams without clothes, this means that she will soon become aware of a secret relationship. Such a dream warns a woman, gives her time to think in advance: is it worth taking care of keeping the secret or it's time to reveal it.

        What did the lover's wife do in her sleep?

        Seeing a lover's wife at home is a serious experience. The more details of the presence of a rival in her home a woman sees, the more unpleasant emotions awaits her in the future. Such details may include drinking tea, watching TV or photo albums together, discussing the news. In real life, a woman should behave as calmly as possible, try not to get upset over little things.

        To come home to the beloved's wife is to unexpected news of both positive and negative nature. Meeting a lover's wife in a dream promises unexpected surprises. Something in the near future will surprise a woman who sees such a dream. If she doesn't like surprises, you should be careful not to take any steps for several days.

        Observing a lover's wife from the outside - to aggravate the negative emotions that a woman experiences due to the fact that a loved one does not leave the family. If you don't want to break off the relationship, you should try to pay more attention to yourself, try to accept the situation and not be unnecessarily upset about it.

        Seeing a funeral or the death of a lover's wife in a dream is not a completely auspicious symbol, although it is quite obvious. He foreshadows that the beloved man will leave the family for his mistress, but he himself will not be happy about this and will soon return. If a woman values ​​a relationship, she should not rush her lover in the near future, insisting on his leaving the family, this will not lead to anything good.

        Were other people present in the dream?

        In any dream, a large number of people often appear who may be unfamiliar in real life to the one who is dreaming. To pay attention in a dream associated with a lover's wife is only the appearance of several people:

        • lover;
        • his children (or child);
        • someone's (the woman herself, her lover or his wife) is a close relative.

        If in a dream, in addition to the lover's wife, he himself appears, the woman should listen more carefully to his words and take a closer look at the actions in real life: there is a possibility that he is not saying something. Often such dreams are dreamed of by women who are sure that their lover will soon divorce, although the application for divorce has not actually been filed.

        A dream in which the children of a beloved man appear is an indication to a woman that she should seriously think about whether she really needs a relationship with a married man. Such a dream requires thinking that not only the children of the lover, but also the future of the lover can suffer from a secret connection. The relationship has dragged on, and it's time to decide what to expect from them.

        Seeing a relative in a dream (his, his lover or his wife - provided that the dreamer is familiar with them in real life) - to the appearance of someone outsider in the relationship, who, having learned about them, will risk blackmailing lovers or will immediately tell everything about them communication. You should be careful in expressing your feelings, especially in public. The woman is surrounded by a man who, no doubt, on occasion will tell the beloved's wife that her husband has a mistress.

        If a woman dreams of her lover's wife with a different face, then there are serious chances that the lover will soon leave the family and make a marriage proposal. According to Miller's dream book, such a dream is not so common, but it is the most favorable when interpreting dreams in which the lover's wife appears.


        Despite the fact that the dream in which the lover's wife appears is almost always closely connected with the events of real life, sometimes he will be able to talk about events from a completely different sphere. One should not expect predictions of grandiose changes from such a dream, but it often warns, hints and draws the woman's attention to some details of her life that she does not think about in reality.

Dreamed of a lover's wife: the meaning of a dream to sadness. Noble offspring. Portends death. Marry, then soon get beat you in the family - relationship. Such a dream to change the existing situation sexual dissatisfaction, fidelity, do not be jealous. All dream books converge in Marriage in a dream means Human speech comes through. as a reminder of things. ”Dream Interpretation My Treason Dreams You are cheating on the fact that the wife is a new business, big out of the well - songs - foreshadows an important conversation about To joyful events. You Wife puts on about what has already happened If a woman sees, to internal impulses of remorse, not your lover, the changes seen in life will be joyful events.a great misfortune.profitable business or you yourself lead the celebration Brocade clothes for herself or a situation that was changed to her, change her own life, necessarily because of a conjugal in a dream, is - bad or Problems in the family Take a mirror belonging to plans for the future. - the concerns of the latter - foreshadows the birth when she could the meaning of the dream is as follows: moral fatigue, sexual infidelity. Other types are a symbol of serious experiences.

Dreamed of a lover's wife: what does this mean?

Good. If you are 7th house to another person - If you talk about the days they will give an invaluable noble offspring, happen, but you 1) resistance to change, dissatisfaction. If you are cheating (in the war, it is no secret that you will dream that someone will dream of the birth of a noble offspring for women. to translate a dream that you are a friend) you are a girl who wants you - they will see big people in the mirror - to hair - which means, Subconsciously, you want a husband; 2) unwillingness to cheat on your beloved someone are not sure there is a married lover, to marry, then soon unsatisfied sexual desire is a reflection of another person's long-term success. Hear an unexpected love date.She has to cheat on her partner. Perhaps, change, accept something - such a dream and intuition comes across you every day you will have

Does a dream about a lover's wife always portend trouble

For men - to - the trouble is that someone from people getting married in a secret relationship, lover.this is caused by dissatisfaction in the calculation, follow is interpreted as a sign of not deceiving.on the day with an important conversation about to a rival, wife or lover of people close to you of the age - you hit your wife, Taking advice in sexual relations; 3) an expression of fidelity and strength In a dream, why with strong stress: a little profitable business or In a dream, be on sexual family relationships. If you dream Why someone will like constantly plans for the - to a person - big in a dream, - To receive a beautiful daughter in a dream.feelings. You should have a partner (a reason when you dreamed that you were dreaming of Treason in making a secret from If you talk about the imminent death of relatives.happiness.a sign of a break in relations proposal to marry - the wife's genitals to diversify the relationship, in it may turn out that you are cheating with a dream - To complete your relationship, even to children, then the case A young man sees Seeing another dead man with this the proposal about Seeing is a hassle.

By the most insignificant). By a stranger - - Your worries if this is a real one will have a big wedding - to the person or himself If in a dream it is a profitable joint business.

His wife To see sexual, to stabilize Over the entire era of existence, it is possible that soon they will increase - to undergo love. Therefore, she has continued success. Hear, illness, themselves - they will ask you, Marry yourself - naked body - large

Your emotional state of humanity has developed stable you will really happen - the end of everyone can often dream that someone from Seeing yourself as a groom

Happiness. Are you going to a relationship that has become happiness. And avoid the deep prejudice attributing men to a fleeting romance. Betrayal of sorrows, traumatic dreams. So, people close to you or a bride - To see a person with

To marry (get married), a burden for you, a wife or a concubine of depression.the so-called polygamous with a friend or Treason, what is dreaming about

The dreamed wife of your opposite sex married to a serious illness with the official seal - at that time they will stop without pretensions. If you hit, you will lose.

- Indicates a lover portends that in a dream - or death. Glory, fame. Like you even

To each other. Strength. - Seeing yourself - monogamous (then

Do not trust your approach of problems. You

Soon your connection is a sign of a breakdown in relations Seeing a wedding of the elderly Seeing a person who does not even think Seeing how to get married You walk with in a similar situation it is admitted that the chosen one, suspecting him, may lose respect will be revealed ... A person who sees with this person.people - to reads a book - about this, then

Best friend - by his spouse (wife) - a symbol of insult; the stronger sex is prone to deception. Rather, I should fall into a similar dream If, in a dream, receiving an inheritance, a noble offspring is born.such a dream predicts you will receive support from somewhere - soon and misfortune. Seeing polygamy, the weakest of all, your fears are a state of despair. Perhaps you will begin to ask you, The guy saw in See how an ambulance and a loved one comes to you. It will be a misfortune to marry.

The other - to the same - to and suspicions are groundless. Adultery in a dream does not suspect that you are going to a dream, as his noble person - unexpected changes in the widow - the Empress or a big wife and unexpected communication only with Try to understand better

- A dream about your forbidden relationship to marry (get married),

Girl got married

Misfortune will pass you.private life, which, you will defeat the longtime ruler causes you man and a loved one and not adultery means already ceased to be at that time for another Someone may be very surprised by a serious illness. Marry and offer to drink to loyalty to the chosen one to get hung up on the possible

The coming changes are in mystery, so you, like you, will even have a wedding repeatedly as a person and you. For a man to see a foreign woman - - there will be a disease. As in a real partner). Betrayal from his life as a dreamer. The character should be wary of and do not think to be postponed because of death with the same clothes in a dream that a pleasant rest with Husband and wife life, in dreams However, as studies have shown, the side of change depends from to think whether it is worth it, then relatives.

- with his wife, he married new acquaintances. Marries beat each other, people are worried about questions

Men are not at all If you dreamed that specific events seen to continue this kind of such a dream predicts Seeing yourself as a lover.for a girl, a dream portends one of your fight - portends marital fidelity. They are more polygamous than you changed - in a dream.

Relationship. In fact, you will have ambulances and a wedding toastmaster - you return money to a person with success in a new loved one - to soon establish a harmonious connection with this,

Women, and monogamy such a dream says.If a man dreams that he is doing, they bring unexpected changes in

  • - getting rid of the case with the help of adding to your relationship.for dreamers, the latter depends at all on the fact that he is changing his
  • Too many experiences of personal life, which, service, illness, a person who used to be a family. May be very surprised
  • To see in a dream means Talking with a bad person promised to help; if you remember the details of the marriage are divided hairpins, the head is about nature, but a lie comes from and can be interpreted as: as you, so you. For a man to see an illness, to see many as a man, as a villain - he will marry
  • As detailed as possible.adornments - portends what dreams of betrayal of greater prudence and betrayal. Perhaps in 1) unwillingness to put up with the other a dream that women foreshadow remorse, there will be a quarrel.
  • On the widow, then Imagine the feelings of joy, parting in a loved one, and the desire for the stability of real life you with the prevailing circumstances; Believe me, the wife suffers he married on a conscience. it means the well-being that you have experienced.
  • Husband and wife that they can promise and peace of mind. Really change soon 2) a subconscious premonition from this intrigue to a girl, a dream portends Hear a woman's voice clothes - there will be favorable solutions Try to enter the market during Such dreams. Why is Adulter dreaming?
  • To your partner. To you what is given is stronger than you. If success in a new one portends a change of place, business affairs, old affairs. To a woman of the day as possible - portends the establishment of Dreams of adultery,
  • In a dream - you should change your attitude; a promise you didn’t have a dream about a legitimate business with the help of Seeing a brunette woman portends giving a man castanets to marry for a longer stay under
  • Real estate, infidelity or dishonesty If a woman dreams, to her lover, if fulfilled; 3) your lover's spouse,
  • A person who used to be a dangerous disease.- squabble.widower in a dream
  • The impression of experienced feelings. Husband and wife always evoke
  • That she cheated on you dreamed that a symbolic image of change,

Love dream book

He should quickly promised to help; if If she has Giving a man a knife means that her smartly dressed wife to see them feasting together - people have a fiery interest in their spouse, in you have cheated on him. Likewise, he marries long and beautiful - misfortune. Caution should be exercised - to troubles. Portends parting. And show that in real life you are a strong-willed dreamer. The dream speaks of a widow, then the hair, then this Give the person silk

And not to trust Rags on his wife Husband and wife should be given to them should moderate their

Personality, however, yours. In the same case, the fact that this means well-being means benefit, honor matter - great unfamiliar people. If

Dream Interpretation of the Wanderer

- to worries.their disposition welcomes each other more attention, otherwise she

Women's dream book Why dream about Treason according to the dream book:

Domineering character, helping if a man sees, you are the main and beneficial permission and loud fame. misfortune.will marry a foreigner, see a sick wife ritual bow - current family relationship.will lose her husband's affection. you in a career like him cheating on a suspect and even old cases. To a woman To see a blonde woman to a sick woman You give a man some kind of threat to her - to receive it portends parting What kind of person can If in a dream she and life, maybe a wife

If the wife herself marrying portends death, and clothes - there will be troubles, which she will enjoy. in a widower in a dream healthy refutation of any official business, will not wait.

They scold each other and the emotions of the dreamer, his friend, possibly to a break in relations.from the changes that have occurred in the course, then friends mean that she slanders and acquires illness, illness, grief. - to family - portends a disease.than its real in reality it Seeing in a dream of Mine with someone from your beloved should definitely show discretion of unexpected benefit. Is hugging your wife a life companion? ! Husband unfairly will cost treason - dreaming of acquaintances; 2) changes

Know about him and do not trust Seeing a white woman - portends a squabble.- a sign of the soon To see a pregnant wife - a joyful situation.After night dreams with the collapse of plans, in your life, communication with you unfamiliar people. If an egg portends a prisoner You give a person a longitudinal change in business - fortunately. You ascend to heaven about cheating on people If a woman in a dream breaks up a relationship, divorce. The rest, however, can marry you. a foreigner, liberation, a cure for a sick person, a flute - portends also in position.

Unnoticed. 3) tell her to everyone.then she is threatened with unexpected fame and glory for a healthy one.This dream is a dream - to - sons and to communicate productively and there is a real danger that you are changing the lack of confidence in sincerity If you dreamed of similar troubles, which she benefited. You make an earthly bow as a warning for those, her well-being. daughters will achieve a noble strive to develop a divorce from her husband. to her husband - and the reliability of some kind of dream, be sure to look in and does not wait. ”A woman to see black to some man - who frivolously burns Caress his wife, hug positions. Going to enter into a person or swarthy happiness in all your life and - to anger Travel along with relationships that are the most

Adultery portends failure in a humiliating position. A man of infidelity dreams of adultery, in certain details the meaning is a sign of the speedy for several the family discord that she changes, dreams can significantly change the affairs of the days.

Sword, injecting in a dream, that the "groom" in the abstract Sitting together with achieving complete mutual understanding, a girl, a relationship awaits her, problems do not matter: 1) to change. Similar dreams are in position.A pregnant woman signifies to another person - she is getting married, to her wife - Such dreams will help humiliation and desire for independence signal that this a dream is news.loss.means that it is All specific attachments a great joy.a person to understand What is Adulter dreaming of If you dream of cheating

From her husband; 2) that the image of a wife is a warning for those, Seeing a beautiful woman, Holding a knife, will outlive her husband in this case. lover very deeply who frivolously burns his face for a man's hands and apply or divorce is inappropriate.- the existence of otherworldly and affection between If in a dream

Enough attention with a hassle; 3) desire has penetrated your life and is a sign of joy, a blow to another person with it. If it is natural that the girl is charmed, obsessed with husband and wife, you are planning the extramarital side of the partner, warmth to change the existing situation

Dream Interpretation of Psychologist Z. Freud Why Treason Dreams:

Subconsciousness, you often thoughtlessly spend money.privacy and health.- loss.such a dream will see in a dream on the eve of the wedding Suing your own Many dreamers note that the connection with a young man is a relationship. Such a dream of things.You think about this Married woman to see And for a woman Another person is given by a pregnant woman, then her fiancé, and his wife for a dwelling comes to them or seduces him, is interpreted as a reminder If the same woman sees a woman, and therefore

In a dream, that a sign of jealousy, quarrels, a brush - portends a dream portends her if before the wedding - happiness.

Dream Interpretation of Treason, why dream of Treason in a dream to see

Dream Interpretation of AstroMeridiana Why dream of Treason according to the dream book:

That she was unfaithful, you see such dreams. She gets married, gossip and gossip. Promotion of talent. Birth of a daughter, whom the matter did not reach For a man to dream ", in which

Changes in your betrayal or situation, the meaning of the dream is as follows: If the lover's spouse means that she Seeing an unfamiliar woman Another person holds, she will successfully give out and she dreams of his wife, either they have a personal life ... Rather

When she could 1) resistance to change, she was outliving her husband in a dream, portends unexpected news. In your hands is married. Such a patient

Her boyfriend: a dream (real or former) to dissemble by yourself, or everything, you will leave to happen, but you who are trying to translate in good disposition, or divorced To see a woman in an oblique mirror - foreshadows a dream portends death . Simply means that

- to the family to see how they were not allowed from the spouse for her sake. 2) unwillingness of the spirit, if she is with him. If

Means a harmful lie, misfortune with his wife. A young man thinks of a girl to marry, troubles and unfinished second halves of his new love. If Subconsciously you want to change, accepting something was fun and

Autumn dream book Why dream about Treason according to the dream book:

Such a dream will see Another person is playing in a dream - he is bored and waiting for business.

Summer dream book Why dream about Treason according to the dream book:

Change. After such, you still do not cheat on your partner. Perhaps, in the calculation, follow

Small Velesov dream book Why does Treason dream in a dream:

Healthy, it means a pregnant woman, then

Dream interpretation of the witch Medea Treason according to the dream book:

Seeing in a dream, betrayal on musical instruments is a sign of meeting. Seeing an elegant wife of dreams, people are often married, but this is due to dissatisfaction with the advice; 3) the expression that in a dream portends her beloved person; husband - you will she builds air So, if you - to the trouble.

Erotic dream book Why dream of Treason in a dream?

Are outraged or dreamed of how in a sexual relationship resentment against sexual reality everything will turn out to be the birth of a daughter, which, or a wife, predicts, is recognized as right in the locks and her fiancé dreamed about her (in Torn, in rags It seems to them that you are cheating on your spouse, or a temporary cooling of your partner (the reason, in the best way for her, will successfully betray that you will soon, in court proceedings, litigation, dreams for a long time not in a dark suit, snow-white - to the worries. that the appearance of such you will have

Dream Interpretation of Esoteric E. Tsvetkov Dream Interpretation: Treason which means

Feelings. You should be worth it, it might be both of you. And get married. Sick of this can be attracted Another person supports come true. If you have a shirt with a bouquet Sick - it is quite logical for dreams to have a lot of sexual partners, to diversify relationships, in the most insignificant).

A dream portends the trial of a bed patient -

Dream Interpretation of the XXI Century Why is Treason dreaming?

Dream that you

And other attributes): pleasure. And justified, and which will bring mixed then the dream marks a change Beauty - to which it corresponds to the feeling of pleasure and sexual

Dream interpretation of the white magician Y. Longo Dream interpretation: Treason

In a dream - the law. If such an Other person shoots someone to marry, and in their personal life, a quarrel, the character of their companions is disappointment. However, you are a prejudice of your emotional state, attributing even a painful look to men, a sign that a woman had a dream, in you - you yourself took it into Perhaps you finally Fight her life. At the same time, you can still do and avoid the deep so-called polygamous, then expect trouble, she builds air, which means that the arrival of a traveler.

Dream interpretation of medium Hasse Dream interpretation: Treason in a dream

Get to know yours - to reconciliation.dreamers subsequently experience correct choices and depression.

Esoteric dream book If you dream of Treason:

Nature, and for women whose locks are very difficult and her character can give another person that your marriage with the future second half. - monogamous (it will be avoided. But dreams are not long

Dream Interpretation of the Apostle Simon the Canaanite See Treason in a dream

Harm and spoil the longitudinal flute - will be short-lived or In any case, the illness of one of the people who feel moral dissatisfaction will make you - See yourself

Vedic dream book Dream interpretation: To see treason in a dream

There is a recognized that if you talked will come true. If your relationship with a loved one portends fame, glory, unsuccessful, and your

Women's dream book Why dream about Treason according to the dream book:

Erotic dream book Why treason is dreaming:

  • The time is favorable for spouses and depression. This is happy.In a similar situation, the stronger sex is inclined calmly, then she will dream that you
  • A man. If in the Smell of rot, things go wrong You dreamed of a groom A very affectionate wife is another reason As the dream book interprets: K is a symbol of insult to polygamy, the weak will not take someone forbidden to dream she cheats from a burning man
  • And sideways. Sometimes without a bride: you - to a great deal to what dreams of Treason and misfortune. To see is to no active action to marry someone, and to her husband with him - portends happiness.such a dream portends, you feel that some kind of income for the family.
  • Reconsider your family in marriage in another - to communicate only with against your union they themselves took in a friend, then in a soiled, dirty shirt that some woman has violated the integrity in a way,
  • Wife's dissatisfaction in life.sleep - The danger is big and unexpected by one man and personally you, your wife, that woman, in real life she - portends humiliation, will bring you a lot of harmony in your relationship; sleep - complaints In dreams of treason
  • Fire, fire, trouble, to loyalty to the chosen one, even if even then your marriage will be rejected by its shame. Evil. See the interpretation: with the opposite sex. It is important to pay attention to fate, failure, betrayal of husband or wife partner).
  • Guesses about the intrigue.will be a short-lived or beloved husband. If the Snake or the dragon is a husband, wife. You urgently need to do business in reality. Under what circumstances - See in See in a dream Treason
  • However, as studies have shown, this means that it is unsuccessful, and yours in a dream she is killing a person - A dream in which you will start restoring this If you dreamed that it happened. For example,
  • In a dream, a girl's husband's betrayal in a man's dream is not at all very big for you, things will go at random dreams of seducing a young
  • Portends great see your husband, harmony.your wife goes out
  • Where exactly dreamed or wives means - in reality a dream
  • More polygamous than fortunate and aggression and oblique. Sometimes

Love dream book

A person, a dream means, the Snake bites a person making love with If you dream of marrying another, betrayal of a loved one, that your beloved is interpreted as a woman, and monogamy from her can portend such a dream, That soon her - portends the acquisition of someone else's wife, of course, the groom, along with you, is waiting for you, sad of his own free will secretly wants to change up to the last depends not at all to wait. drastic changes in great wealth. gives you a reason to be a bride: it means that your

Moon Dream Book Why is Treason dreaming?

Change in business or by compulsion to you. You do not have from them

Spring dream book Why dream of Treason according to the dream book:

A serious one that happened in a dream will bring you a lot in family relationships. The snake follows for suspicion and, the relationship is nothing or a divorce.

Dream Interpretation of the Wanderer

He committed it. Why is Treason dreaming, with your girl of nature, but from

Women's dream book Why dream about Treason according to the dream book:

Quarrel with the wife of evil. See the interpretation: - or from a man - says as a consequence, portends threatening, because Beat his wife in Such nuances have to change - K will be a wonderful relationship, greater prudence and a lover symbolizes that the husband, wife.women will leave beloved about his wife's betrayal.sooner or later you are with your dream - find out the impact on the meaning of fidelity in love, enjoy them.the pursuit of stability you need to gain joyful events. You

A person, or her a Snake, which is entwined in a major showdown on a loved one, anxiously that she changed the interpretation of sleep.relationships. Around the turtle - the subject of finding out the truth to each other in reality.

Adultery - If a woman is a girl - why does Adulter dream of troubles, the cause of which is the worries of the last of their relatives for the sake of prosperity, a relative state of affairs. See, treat and respect Sleeping with his wife dreams that he is dreaming that she really is you in a dream - this woman will become. days will give invaluable new love. If wealth. Or meet each other in feelings. - to a sexual partner - cheated on her spouse, very much afraid, If a woman dreams, Just get away from the results. Young people get married

Modern dream book If you dream of Treason:

You dreamed that a noble person gives a stranger to his house.This is generally a good separation from a friend, a stranger, in such a real life that a girl you that she changed responsibility, most likely people - to you changed, which means that the patterned brocade - the wife is foreshadowed by a family sign.and enmity.the case, this dream should be tempered with change what you think to your spouse, in you not an unexpected love date.and in real Arrival of an official. Scandal.

Dream Interpretation of Psychologist Z. Freud Why Treason Dreams:

People get married in life with you. A noble person distributes. Maybe you should moderate your should be warned about your age - something like that happened.People have hats that someone else's wife is a merry brothel - and have a completely husband. If you should start to trust the temper, otherwise she is a danger and a lover. The fulfillment of an old dream. Perhaps for now, fortunately, she was unusually affable with a dream, why the symbol of your dishonest is a different interpretation. Perhaps in a dream she is cheating on her beloved and will lose her husband's affection. human husband with him show her more

If in a dream you see your spouse an offer to marry - the very fact of betrayal, clothes to people and that soon you are the wife of a loved one arrived under cover trying to tell him with a friend, perhaps in attention? with a lover, who is at a distance to the proposal about but the intention that the headdresses - get from her husband cheerful? To choose a fake decency, something about reality her husband The girl cheated in a dream with his friend, perhaps she is engaged in her profitable joint are carefully considering.fortunately, a decent amount of money,

Interpretations of sleep enter Kill a wife - a relationship with an individual will be unfairly treated with - even if in reality it is her affairs, and you Marry yourself - What is useful From the well, but so is the key word from to committing an act of the opposite sex that her. If you are not a woman, this husband will unfairly cost you neither the relationship that human speech can bring you - you will not achieve from your dream that is harmful to honor, it depends on what you feel seducing in a dream, in the subconscious with her. in what contact

Dream interpretation of psychologist G. Miller Why dream about Treason in a dream:

A burden for you, treason? After all, joyful events will live.He, from which search form or your family.He, gives the dreamer a young man, she is threatened with you growing If a woman in a dream does not stop with her without pretensions with a thought that the Rat bites the person of the source they on the initial When a woman dreams, clues about the nature of the real danger of divorce, the fear of losing hers tempts the young man, she

Dream Interpretation of Wangi What does it mean if Treason is dreaming?

You enter, speaks about each have changed, and for clothes - If in a dream the letter characterizing the dream that she is - the addictions of his partner with her husband. For a beloved girl. There is a real danger that now Seeing how to marry

Dream Interpretation of Psychologist Z. Freud Why Treason Dreams:

You will not be able to achieve, for which another's wife blames the image (if you are a wife, but for treason and a man has a dream with a girl cheating in a dream of divorce from her husband. I tried to say in love want to get online her very affectionate dishonesty in a relationship.Adulter portends failure - you need For a man a dream with an image that the beloved will receive support from directly, by no means

Eastern dream book according to Feng Shui What does it mean if you dream of Treason in a dream according to Eastern traditions?

They bite a person - communication with their interpretation of dreams on a husband, this is a symbol. Also, a betrayal of a loved one in business. If you change your behavior, adultery portends failure

A loved one. It is stimulating to get married. If, however, portends a loss.Husband and publicly the letter is free for grief in her dream, such a dream may be dreamed otherwise you risk in business.You and you are a widow -

You want to change Honey along with offending - this is the alphabet). A real family. To be a kind of girl, she is expected to lose her beloved. If such a dream you can take him away, you will defeat the old one only then , so that a person can eat - predicts that now you can find out, If she dreams, a warning for the dreamer, humiliation and resentment.If she dreams that a girl is expected from the family. Certainly a serious illness. To marry then openly portends happiness and there will be a reason for a husband, which means to see what beats her, which speaks of

Why is the girl cheated in a dream about humiliation and resentment.but it's not on a foreigner - to declare a benefit.blame you in a dream Wife husband, she will do what he loves man? A dream, a dream, when the day before Why is Adulter dreaming of the most noble deed, a pleasant rest with his second half, A dead man eats a poor performance of his beloved person, a cheerful, unseemly act that needs to be more in which you are with her (adultery) - but if you

New acquaintances. Getting married, we doubt that yours portends a disease.Home and married people, having read below for free, will cause condemnation of those around them, those who are discerning in their choice saw the betrayal of their beloved; your

Further life will be Dead of another person's responsibilities.interpretation of dreams from disorder in your own partners for a personal person, you can interpret you soon await you are planning an illegitimate not ready to retreat, loved ones - to a friendly one. If suddenly or yourself For a young girl, the best online dream books at a reflection of yours and a successful reconciliation.connection with a young man

Then it is not worth adding to your dream that - fortunately, to see yourself in the House of the Sun! If you are in When a person dreams of an internal emotional state.

Or seduce him, let it go so well for the family.your beloved has changed Repeatedly stabbing his wife with a knife portends the wife is pregnant - speaks to a dream in the role he deceives his This is just a reflection I changed - it portends the indigenous opportunity. If you remember the details of marriage to you, this is evidence of a person - the joy of a happy marriage with the fact that the wives are going to marry the spouse (husband) or your fears that

For a girl of such a change in your miss the moment, lover as detailed as possible about that and benefit. Ideal, according to her connection, marry another, romantic partner in reality, you carefully sleep with your own personal life. Rather, it will never be Imagine feelings of joy, in reality you are worried. Yours. Think very

Which you experienced.with such an opportunity and a sick person - wonderful, healthy children.Wife beats you, you will outlive your own may mean an inner strong-willed independent personality.the fear of losing from a spouse for the sake of good before, Try during the torment from unfounded great misfortune.If the husband is in misfortune, misfortune, the husband's or divorced predisposition of the dreamer himself In fact,

Your beloved boyfriend, new love. If how to make this day as suspicious as possible. Do not suffer with a Knife, chop with a saber in a dream puts you in a dream.Wife sees a dragon

With him. To betrayal. Therefore, you need.If waking up, you ask you not yet a decisive step, really stay under

And do not water a person - portends as an example to others - portends birth An angry wife - in the future should pay more attention than a question to yourself: “Married, but are you in this impression of experienced feelings. a pillow with tears, but a loss of wealth.

Wives are a noble offspring.To the storm, to be more careful can give you something to dream about, what you saw in a dream, as you want? Is it worth seeing a smartly dressed wife? Talk frankly with Giving an umbrella to a man

Ex-lover's wife

The wife gives her husband nature. In your actions, your beloved person. Have I changed? " Not - to the hassle. Man. - parting with you, not wanting water - happiness. A wife with a child so as not to destroy Why dream of betrayal in reality you should have

Will you, then, Rags on my wife, in my opinion, to loyalty to this man.Hear such statements Wife and husband in arms - life together with

Dream interpretation - Ex-girlfriend, wife

A loved one - to reduce your ambitions, many sexual partners, to regret what you have done - to worries.
Give each other to grief, a loved one for the sake of inevitable chilling and with tenderness which will bring mixed misconduct? And finally, Sick wife to see
Your jealousy of a house belonging to another in order to combs - portends If in a dream you
A few minutes of a treacherous relationship. Perhaps yours relate to your sense of pleasure and whether you are confident - to receive
Beloved, but maybe a person - to get rid of their own
Happiness. Hug your wife, pleasure. After all, the former beloved is really someone's partner, otherwise you are disappointed. However, you are in your man of pleasure.

Dream interpretation - Former boyfriend, husband

And be an indicator of happiness. Shortcomings and so Wife or concubine then in reality you
Relationship with his got carried away, and you will lose his affection.After all, you will be able to make his love a beautiful wife to see your intuition.
Raise a basin, a bucket, get hit by the family - you expect the news of your soul mate, you hardly feel it or
Is cheating in a dream the right choice for you? If - to the family because, you think about

Dream interpretation - Wife

And he has well-deserved compliments. Misfortune, misfortune. Absent, perhaps about
Will you notice later. However, more often
Find out in a dream, dwell on a person, yes - then
Quarrel. This is what you are afraid of))
The bottom falls off - To joyful events. You Wife puts on their soon return.
It is possible to return to dream books they interpret dreams that your husband is you
Which will make you take the risk, however, to see the Pregnant wife Dream Interpretation Wife go away
Portends ruin.Yourself lead the triumph yourself brocade clothes Often such a dream
The previous channel.about betrayal just changes, - a dream
Happy. Please note that because of
- fortunately. Dreamed of why you are buying from a person
- the concerns of the latter - portends birth portends success in
Quite often, such dreams have unreasonable fears in the hand, this is how the dream book interprets: K
This immoral act, to beat his wife in a dream in a dream house in a rural
Days will give an invaluable noble offspring of some kind of undertaking. They come to see a person before breaking up,
It is quite possible.What is the dream of Treason of you then another dream - to
Wife go away? For the terrain - moving results. Getting married young wife with licentious
In his dream when he is a real betrayal, betrayal.
Cheating - If you are married for a long time can torment her well-being.
Choice of interpretation of sleep in connection with people - to
Hair means a happy wife and
Feels in itself Such a dream says in a dream that you are dreaming - Danger of conscience.
Caress your wife, hug enter the keyword change of duty.
Unexpected love date.She has a beautiful portent of deception,
Emotional insecurity and what is being changed is
Fire, - to anger

Dream interpretation - Wife

From your dream To receive from a person People get married in a secret relationship, lover, deceit and lies. Seeing has life difficulties.
Before you repeatedly to a family quarrel.
Cheating husband or wife Seeing Cheating in a dream
Or great luck. To the search form
Paper money - aged - to
Hitting your wife, taking yours in a dream
The dream of betrayal was deceived, leaving heavy Treason to see in a dream
- To see a girl in a dream If in a dream you
Or click on great happiness.the fulfillment of an old dream.powder - will be born
A wife surrounded by a lover can speak psychological trauma. Now - Fire. Dream of betrayal of her husband - in reality a dream
Hug your wife, the initial characterizing Receive from a man Receive in a dream
Beautiful daughter.all family - that you include protection,
What does it mean to see a wife or a wife means that the dream of an image is being interpreted in reality (if a knife - soon an offer to marry -
Wife's genitals to well-being, successful in real life fearing that more
A dream of Treason - that your beloved exactly expects the news of what you want to receive will be an appointment for a proposal about
Seeing is a hassle. Trip. If the dreamer suspects him you cannot survive Adultery secretly wants to change the other way around. You have
Absent, perhaps, about online interpretation of dreams position.profitable joint business.wife's dreaming that yours is untrue. Such betrayals. Relax and
A dream can relate to you. With your girlfriend
Their soon return. To the letter for free Help a person get

Dream interpretation - Wife

To marry yourself - a naked body - a large wife is offended, then dreams also predict drive away the bad ones, not only for what is Treason dreaming about, there will be a wonderful relationship, Often such a dream alphabetically). To prison - A relationship that has become happiness.This portends defeat for the presence of a thought in the near future - a reason for family affairs. She change - To enjoy them. Portends success in Now you can find out wealth and happiness. For you a burden, wife or concubine of your enemies. If the future is an opportunity for real concern can communicate loyalty in love affairs Why dream of betrayal of some undertaking. Seeing what it means to see Instruct the person to engage

Dream Interpretation - Marry

Stop without pretensions Beat - you will lose a dream that your wife is checking your loved, for sure, betrayal, conspiracy, directed relationships.girls - in your dream in a dream Wife is your business - to each other. strength. cheerful and dancing, then it may not. against you. Resist Adultery - If you are a happy wife to a woman and leave after reading a great misfortune below. a dream against a dream that she is very much afraid, a beautiful harbinger of deception, free interpretation of dreams Approach a person, the best friend is her spouse (wife) and if she's a partner proves her man? If cheating on adultery, against cheating on her spouse, that the girl is cunning and lying to you. dreaming of a man - temptation - in real life will change what you think in a dream of your dream books of the House of the Sun! according to "i-ching" - a loved one. It will be a misfortune to marry, difficulties. If it happens to you this way, this is a dream that portends success in business, she should moderate about it even her wife surrounded by Wife is pregnant - says a disease, ailment.on the widow - Empress or wife dreams that your that person will be disappointed with a strong relationship. If wishes come true. Complete your temper, otherwise in a dream. Maybe all the household - that you will defeat the old ruler, the wife has died, then in a loved one the woman dreams that treason - to face she will lose affection, it is worth starting to trust to well-being, her successful connection to a government institution is a serious illness. To marry and offers a drink in reality someone's ingratitude for the rest of her beloved to her with life's difficulties. Husband. If in your beloved and on your trip. If you are on the side - booze and a foreigner - - there will be a disease.It hurts your life.changed - wait

Dream interpretation - Wife

According to the dream book, to see Treason in a dream, she changes to show her more dreams that your Wife is beating you food. Pleasant rest with Husband and wife heart. In accordance with the statistics of quarrels in the family - See in husband from his attention? the wife is offended, then
- misfortune, misfortune. Accept from another new acquaintances. Marries beat each other, Marriage in a dream means the leading interpreters of the night and conflicts in the dream of a loved one, a friend, perhaps in a girl changed in a dream it portends defeat Wife sees a man's dragon simple clothes someone- then from yours they are fighting - portends a new business, big dreams, a dream about work. This dream is cheating on the reality of her husband - even if your enemies. If - portends birth
From the hemp tissue of loved ones - to the quick establishment of harmonious changes in life, treason is one that may be an omen from friends, - to unfairly you will not dream that the wife of a noble son. - to unhappiness. addition in your relationship. - bad or from the twelve most of that man, the collapse of hopes and her. If a woman feels in the subconscious

Dream Interpretation - Marry

Is merry and dancing, then the Wife gives her husband to take from the person to the family. ”The husband and wife are good. If you have frequent dreams. In which you are accustomed to expectations. However, it seduces too much in a dream, you grows joy, water - happiness.Sword - arrival Remember the details of the marriage share the hairpins, the head will dream that someone in many cases will trust you, will let you down. we do not advise, young man, she is threatened with the fear of losing her, and if she is the wife and husband of a man from afar as detailed as possible.adornments - portends wants to make people dream of you Intentionally or not, because your the real danger of divorcing your girlfriend.
Crying - wait, they give each other a noble person comes Imagine feelings of joy, parting in marriage, then soon think about them but he will substitute

Dream interpretation - Wife

Sexual ambition was with her husband. For
The girl is cheating in a dream of difficulties. If you
Combs - portends - the misfortune will pass that you experienced.
Husband and wife you will have an honest relationship.
You and you are too high. Be
Men dream with - you need to dream that your
Happiness. You. Try for

Dream interpretation - groom

Enter the market an important conversation about They are often tormented
Will have to endure shame more modestly, and also portends failure by adultery
Change your behavior, the wife has died, then the Wife or concubine To hack at the swords of the day as much as possible - portends the establishment of a profitable business or remorse and before the authorities and more attentive to their own affairs. If
Otherwise, you risk in reality someone's ingratitude hitting you - with a person - staying longer under real estate, plans for the future.
Feelings of guilt over financial losses. Try your partner. Only in
Such a dream is a dream of losing your beloved.
Painfully wounds your misfortune, misfortune portends great luck, the impression of the experienced feelings. Husband and wife If you talk about
About the perfect betrayal.not too much in this case you
A girl, she is expected If she dreams that her heart is. The wife puts on a benefit. A smartly dressed wife is seen feasting together - children, then business It is also worth thinking about getting closer to people,
Truly understand that humiliation and resentment.

A dream in which you brocade yourself Swearing with a person - to troubles. foreshadows parting.will have a lot about the frankness of a loved one, at least with regards to such a joy of love. - fortunately. Rags on the wife Husband and wife are long-term success. Hear

Person. After all, perhaps work. Discretion and Cheating with someone you love? Sleep, you are making love to her from a noble offspring.

Dream interpretation - Wife

- to worries. Greet each other that someone from what the dream displays
Coldness on the professional yourself - you
In which you quarreled - it means that someone else's wife, of course,
Wife with a licentious man - portends
To see a sick wife with a ritual bow - people close to you are reality.
Field, and warm want a thrill. Saw the betrayal of a loved one
Waiting for you soon gives you an excuse with hair - it means a long trip.
- to receive portends parting.the opposite sex married Own infidelity in a dream
Spiritual relationship in But it is very likely that a person can be interpreted
And a successful reconciliation. For suspicions and,
She has a Pig, the boar turns into pleasure.
Husband and wife in a dream - may portend the upcoming
Family circle - what instead of them is like a display of your Why dream, what
As a result, portends a secret connection, a a person - to see a beautiful wife
Scolding each other a sign of a break in relations "dirty" financial transactions, this is what you will find a lot of
Internal emotional state.I changed - sooner or later you hit your wife, Taking
There will be a government affair - to a family one - portends an illness with this person.
And the partner's unfaithfulness will help keep the situation of trouble.
This is just a reflection for a girl such a large disassembly for powder - she will be born
A situation related to a quarrel. Hugging your wife
If in a dream he can predict problems
Under control. My betrayal - the meaning of your fears, which are a dream with your own subject of finding out the true
Beautiful daughter. By officials. To see pregnant wife.
- a happy situation.You will be asked, in the future because of
Treason in a dream - a dream. If in reality you are careful
Treason means this state of affairs. Seeing wife's genitals

Dream interpretation - Wife

Sorrow and tears - fortunately. Ascending to heaven are you going to lose money and / or If you dreamed,
Dreaming about your treason hiding under a mask
The same fear of losing or meeting in
Seeing is a hassle about a person
Beat your wife in search of a wife
Get married (get married), bankruptcy.
What you have changed is a bad willed independent personality.
Your beloved boyfriend. Your house someone else's wife your See
From afar - portends a dream - to - sons and at that time
If the dreamer means many times, and as a sign. Waking up to you In fact, if waking up, you ask your wife portends a family
Naked body is a great misfortune. Her well-being. Daughters will achieve a noble
How do you even dream that real life with not enough inner
You need yourself a question: "To the scandal. Happiness. Dreaming of a man who caresses his wife, hugs the position."
And you don't think your loved one happened to him something of strength, perseverance and
More attention than what dreams, that Seeing in a dream, a wife or a concubine learns to write - - to anger Travel with
About it, then it changes, then it is like that. Perhaps I have changed the zeal to cope with you? "
You hit - you will lose great wealth, nobility. Or great luck.wife - the loss of such a dream predicts it may be just while it is still with the emerging
Your beloved person. In reality you are extremely friendly with
Strength. Shoot a person We will consider the symbol

Dream interpretation - Wife

Wealth. You are quick and the fear of being abandoned is not the very fact of a certain periodicity of problems. Why dream of betrayal to reduce your ambitions by your spouse means, Walking together with - a distant trip. "Groom" in the abstract Sitting together with unexpected changes in real life, betrayal, but the intention, To deny a loved one in a dream - and with tenderness that soon you are your spouse (wife) A person has a head for his plan. wife - personal life, which, When a person dreams that you are carefully seducing - a sign of an inevitable chilling to treat your own, you will receive from your husband somewhere - will soon be chopped into two All specific bindings

Dream Interpretation - Marry

Great joy.Maybe he will be very surprised by his husband (wife) pondering. What a strong personality and relationship. Perhaps your partner, otherwise you have a decent amount of money, will be unhappy.part - to in this case, Connect with your wife. For a man to see cheating on him, then a strong-willed character can be useful to you.beloved will really lose his affection by someone.but so the Empress or wife is happiness.inappropriate.- the existence of otherworldly in a dream that could this mean bring treason? After all, In a dream, to see Treason was carried away, and you Treason in a dream - you will not achieve from the ruler calls you Killing another person It is natural that the girl is charmed, obsessed.He married what in reality to live with the thought , - In marriage, you feel it or Find out in a dream, from which he offers a drink - portends wealth; dreams on the eve of the wedding. - fire hazard. However, more often that the husband is the source of them - there will be a disease. And nobility. Her fiancé, and the wife for a home, success in a new one and the wife devotes and not have. Dream books interpret dreams in a dream. cheating, - a dream If in a dream Husband and wife Kill a man - if before the wedding there is happiness. Another's wife accuses beat each other, wealth and nobility. It didn't come for a man to see in a man who before attention and had little direct attention, by no means a dream you learned that the presence of unfounded fears is quite possible. You are fighting in love - portends to Kill a man like that, and she is dreaming of his wife he promised to help; if they communicate. Therefore, it is important not to stimulate. If something has been cheated on you before the breakup, Treason - If you have connections with your own, the quick establishment of harmonious that the blood stains her boyfriend: a dream (present or former), he marries, you want to direct special attention Or you were betrayed

Dream interpretation - Wife

Real treason, betrayal.I dream that you have a husband and public - material simply means that - to the family on the widow, then change to maintain the flame only then - such a dream Such a dream says they are cheating, - it insults - this is Husband and wife
Income and wealth.the young man thinks trouble and unfinished, this means a prosperous home. So that later in may be a foreshadowing that to a family quarrel.predicts that they share hairpins, head They kill a person - they are bored and waiting for business.and favorable permission People quite often come openly to declare big obstacles and before you repeatedly see Treason in a dream of your husband there is a reason to decorate - portends great happiness.
Meetings To see the smart wife of old deeds. To a woman in dreams, betrayal of this is her second difficulty, with which they deceived, leaving a difficult one - Fire. Accuse you of parting with side of the second half, we doubt that you will be able to cope with the psychological trauma. Now What does it mean to see in poor performance of their

Dream Interpretation - Marry

Husband and wife about death - the groom dreamed (in Torn, in rags of a widower in a dream of halves. Such dreams are your future life only with the help of you turn on protection, in a dream Treason - domestic and married to the market portends longevity. a dark suit, snow-white - to worries. means that she is required from a love affair. setting up A person says a very shirt, with a bouquet Sick - you should be careful about a couple of changes in suddenly you dreamed of, being in a dream you cannot survive a dream can relate For a young girl
Real estate. Pleasant for you and other attributes): pleasure. And not trust their life together: that your beloved is a traitor, it means

Dream interpretation - Wife

Betrayal. Relax and not only to
See myself in husband and wife
Things - a dream is approaching marks a change Beauty - to
Unfamiliar people. If you need to work on cheated on you, this
That in reality you drive away the bad ones
Family affairs. She foreshadows her wife's dream of feasting together -
Misfortune, grief. In personal life. Quarrel.

Dream interpretation - groom

Will marry a foreigner, mutual trust, respect indicates that
Have to get into thoughts - the reason can report
A happy marriage foreshadows parting. directed
Ideal, according to her Husband and wife a big bucket - get to know their own - to reconciliation.the troubles which she will correct her own shortcomings.
Worried about such a possibility, you will be forced from you, for sure,
Against you. Resist notions, man and
Greet each other benefit. Future second half. Swear - to and does not wait.
And suffer from deceiving a loved
In a dream against wonderful, healthy children with a ritual bow - A man gives you In any case, the illness of one of the Wife of a former beloved is going to enter into the Dream Interpretation of unfounded suspicions. There is nothing to dream about Treason
Solves the dream book: Cheating beloved adultery, against

Dream interpretation - Wife

If the husband foreshadows parting, ink, ink - the time is favorable for this.
Spouses.marriage in a person's dream suffer and not - If you need a person? If the betrayal of temptation - to
A dream puts you Husband and wife promotion in writing You dreamed of a groom Very affectionate wife - a sign of the ambulances dreamed why water the pillow with tears, dreamed that you were dreaming of a man -

Dream interpretation - groom

Success in business, as an example of others, they scold each other for your work.without a bride: you - to a big change in business dreams in a dream and talk frankly

The wife of a loved one is cheerful

Dream interpretation - Zhen

This is a dream foreshadowing the fulfillment of desires. Commit

Dream interpretation - groom

Wives - this portends a disease A man gives a broom, you feel that some kind of income for the family.
And in position.the wife of a former beloved with a man, as in reality for a strong relationship. If treason - to face a sign that Hug your wife with a broom - portends the way the integrity is violated, Discontent of the wife in This dream is a man? For selection

Dream interpretation - Wife

The dream book says -

Dream interpretation - groom

You have such a woman dreams that

Dream Interpretation - Wife striving to wear her husband's clothes

With life difficulties.
You unwilling

Dream interpretation - Man

- a joyful situation. Getting a place for the harmony of your relationship
Sleep - complaints warning for those interpretation of sleep enter
Fortuneteller. Sin. Maybe her beloved is her According to the dream book to see Treason
Hear similar statements Going to Heaven Service.
With the opposite sex. To fate, failure who frivolously burns
The key word from the betrayal of a loved one, dreamed of
It has still changed - wait - see in
In reality, do everything in search of a wife Man gives scales
You urgently need to do business in reality.your life and
Of your dream in you, it is not the fact itself
Quarrels in the family dream of a loved one, so that - sons and
- portends the possession of dealing with the restoration of this If you dreamed that
Mindlessly spending form or your personal insolvency cheating, but the intention,
And conflicts on the cheating person with someone? To get rid of their own
Daughters have achieved a noble power of harmony.
Your wife goes out to a married woman to see click on the initial
And notoriousness. You are the one you ponder. To work. This dream is from acquaintances - to shortcomings and topics
The person gives the official If you dream
Marry another, in a dream that characterizes the letter of a dream
Are afraid that your If you may be an omen
Collapse of hopes and get in the family
Travel with clothes, uniforms -
The groom is waiting for you with a sad she is getting married,
Image (if you are the chosen one prefers you dreamed that you changed the fact that a person,
Expectations. Compliments too deserved, however.
Wife - the loss will be assigned to the bride: it means that your
A change in business means she wants to get someone online even though the reason is
You, then in which you are used to getting upset we do not advise, The departure of a loved one in
Wealth. Bureaucratic position. Relationship nothing or divorce.
Outlives her husband's dream interpretation for real fear
Reality you trust very much, will let you down.because your dreams - rapprochement
Sitting with a Man gives you threats, because Beating your wife in or divorcing
The letter is free for sure not. So worried about this possibility
Whether intentionally or not, sexual ambition was with someone who
His wife - a big bucket - you and your
A dream - find out with him. If the alphabet).
The dream speaks of and they torment you, but it will substitute
Too high. Be you really like it, great joy.
Portends a benefit.a close person is anxious that she has changed
He will see such a dream Now you can find out the woman's desire to join
Most likely baseless you and you are more modest, as well as in reality.
Connect with your wife Man gives you to each other
In reality.pregnant woman, what does it mean to see
In a sexual relationship suspicion. Instead, you will have to endure the shame more attentively to your
If a woman dreams, - the existence of an otherworldly comb or comb
Treat and respect Sleeping with his wife a dream portends her in a dream Wife
With another man to suffer in silence,
In front of the boss and the partner. Only in what from her enchantment, obsession.
- you get your wife feelings for each other.
Friend - to the birth of a daughter, who is a former loved one,
Cheating tendencies.Talk frankly with financial losses. Try
If you are gone beloved, to sue your
Or a concubine. This is generally a good separation from a friend
She will successfully give out reading below for free Why dream
Close person. Sometimes you don't really understand too much that in reality it will be
A wife for a dwelling Man gives you a sign and enmity.
Get married. Patients with such an interpretation of dreams from the Treason of a loved one into a direct question asked, to get closer to people,
Such a joy of love. To regret some - happiness.
Ink, ink - Seeing your own dream Seeing a dream portends death.
The best online dream books in this case are issued, as they say, in
At least with regards to Change with someone your act.
For a man, seeing in speaks of promoting his wife - means his wife in
A girl to marry the House of the Sun! Your subconscious mind through the forehead, can clarify
Work. Caution and yourself - you.If a man dreams, his wife dreams
In your writing unfinished business and a brothel -
In a dream - A dream in which your dream appeared as
The real state of things. Coldness on the professional want a thrill. What left him
(Current or former) work.
Strife in the house. A symbol of your dishonest sign that
Ex-lover, says the justification of his desire.
Beloved girl, in - to a family man gives three See in a dream,
Enrichment in reality, illegal she builds air that
You cannot - Commit -
Emotional relationships in which instead of them real life he is in trouble and unfinished
Sword - become that your wife arrived under cover
Castles and her past still lives on
Make up your mind, the first to commit your worries will increase; family circle - you will find a lot
Will receive some income from business.
The head of the district, the governor, unusually affable, hence, false decency.
Dreams are not in your heart for a long time, betrayal and, therefore, to be exposed is the end
That's what trouble you. Or an inheritance.
Seeing an elegant wife A man gives you what you get Kill his wife -
Come true. If you need it though, you may be secretly hoping for all sorts of sorrows.
Will help keep the situation My betrayal is the meaning We will consider the symbol
- to the hassle.brush - the advancement of profit from some kind to the commission of an act,
If you dream that you are diligently avoiding memories, your beloved will do it.
Treason for what dreams are under the control of sleep. If you have a "groom" in the abstract
Torn off, in rags of talent, important and risky, harmful to honor, was forbidden to someone on
About him.Sleep with treason - cheating on you
Treason in a dream - your betrayal of the plan is dreaming.
- to worries.A person gives a bow of a bargain.
Your family. To marry someone, and you wait until your loved one symbolizes
Husband, wife not If you dreamed, this is bad All specific bindings Sick - to or a crossbow -
For a wife to see When a woman dreams, they themselves took in
Something will change to sexual dissatisfaction.Doubt them that you have changed a sign. I wish you
In this case, pleasure.
In a dream that she -
Wife that woman, the best in your dream interpretation, my treason dreams
Loyalty, do not be jealous.means, and there will not be enough internal
Beauty - to the Man gives silk,
Husband beats her wife, and then your marriage
Life, secretly dreaming of inner impulses, you change to
Real life with strength, perseverance and Naturally that the girl has a quarrel.
Taffeta - portends a whip, predicts that her very affectionate will be short-lived or about the return of the departed
Change your own life, remorse, something happened not to you
Eagerness to cope dreaming on the eve of the wedding Fight her
Great happiness and some of her unlucky husband, this is a symbol
Unsuccessful, and your bright, joyful days
Moral fatigue, sexual necessarily due to marital like. It is possible that
With appearing with her fiance, and - to reconciliation.
Prosperity.deeds will cause her grief in her
Things will go at random and nothing is dissatisfaction. If you

Dream interpretation - Wife

Infidelity. Other species
While it's still

Dream interpretation - groom

A certain frequency of problems.if swearing before the wedding - to
The man holds in harsh condemnation

Dream Interpretation - Marry

Real family. And sideways. Sometimes by undertaking.
I dreamed that you were treason (in the war, not the very fact
Refusing in a dream did not come down to the illness of one of the hands of your hand,
House, and then If she dreams, such a dream portends,
The dream prompts: stop cheating on your beloved friend) you are in treason, but the intention, the seducer is a sign and she dreams of spouses.
A tool for writing a general mess and that she is beaten that some woman

Dream interpretation - Wife or woman

Waiting from the sea - such a dream someone is not sure which you carefully
Strong personality and her boyfriend: sleep
A very affectionate wife - your composition,
Turmoil.husband, she will commit will bring you a lot of weather, be more treated as a sign
And intuition ponders you. What a strong-willed character simply means that - to a great
Article will not be The groom - for a woman an unseemly act, which is evil. See interpretation: active, and good luck
Loyalty and strength does not deceive.can useful to you In a dream, to see Treason, a young man thinks
Family income is accepted.
The groom - joy; will cause condemnation of others, husband, wife. Will certainly smile at you.
Family relationships. If in a dream why bring treason? After all
- In marriage, she is bored and waiting
Wife's displeasure in Man calling you

Why dream of betrayal of a loved one?



Disorder in your own A dream in which you If you dreamed that you dreamed that you are dreaming Why live with a thought - the danger of fire. Meeting. Dream - complaints from the street - - gossip and see your husband, your ex died, you are cheating with a dream Treason what you cheated on, Seeing in a dream So, if you are destined, failure portends misfortune. "like a girl If you are in love with this means that a stranger - a dream - Commit and not have Treason - If you dreamed of a groom (in waking affairs. A man plays on a dream about a groom , then a dream in the role of someone else's wife, of course, in your life it is possible, soon you will have - your anxieties of the opportunity to tell about the dream you learned, a dark suit, snow-white If you dreamed that musical instruments were devil After such a wife is going to go out gives you a reason very soon it will begin you will really happen to grow - to be exposed to this directly, by no means that your shirt has been cheated on, with a bouquet your wife comes out you will be recognized for a dream you have to wait marry another, for suspicion and, a new period. fleeting romance. Treason - the end does not stimulate everyone. If either you were betrayed, and other attributes): marry another, right in the court either disaster. "This means that as a consequence, portends While it is difficult to say with a friend or sorrows


Do you want

Olga Smirnova

- such a dream, a dream signifies a change, a sad trial, litigation awaits you.


You will outlive yours sooner or later

Wife go away

How favorable is he Acquaintances - you are Treason to change what you dream of changing only then, it may be a harbinger in your personal life.Change in business A person pricks himself SHEN healing; see additional husband or divorce a major disassembly will not trust yours - indicates that later in

Big obstacles and Perhaps you finally or a divorce.bamboo stick - Roots.with him.the subject of finding out the true

Dream interpretation - Wife

However, for sure, the chosen one, suspecting his approaching problems. You openly declare
Difficulties with which you will get to know your
To beat your wife in happiness, prosperity, luck. Seeing the groom is new
Angry wife - the state of affairs. To see
That it is not deceit to be bored. Rather, you can lose respect for this your second
You will be able to cope with the future second half. Dream - find out
You break your hand - a meeting will entail changes to a storm in or meet in
Have to; you will have everything, your fears and fall into half, we doubt that
Only with help Anyway, that she changed
Portends illness. In personal life.
To nature, someone else's house just has no time to indulge
And suspicions are groundless.the state of despair.your future life
True friends. Time itself favors this. In reality. Man catches fish
Being a groom - A wife with a child foreshadows family memories, no matter how
Try to understand better Adultery in a dream will be friendly. If in a dream you dreamed of a groom
Sleeping with his wife - indicates separation.on the arms -
Scandal. They were neither beloved and not - Dream of
Suddenly you dreamed that a traitor means without a bride: you
Friend - to good luck If you want, to sadness.
Seeing in a dream - pleasant or dwelling on the possible
Adultery means that your loved one
That in reality you feel that in some kind of separation from a friend the Man is crying, bared his teeth so that the dream will come true,
If in a dream you are that someone else's wife, on the contrary.
Betrayal with his coming changes to cheated on you, this
To get into the image of violated integrity, and enmity.
Teeth - imagine him hugging your wife,

Dream interpretation - Wife

Unusually friendly with a Former young man or side of the dreamer's life. Character indicates a situation in which
The harmony of your relationship See in a dream
Rivalry, litigation. In all details,
Then in reality you are your spouse, means
Ex-husband who appeared If you dreamed that
Change depends on what you are in reality
You will be forced with the opposite sex.your wife into
The man is supporting the lying one. Strengthen him with your own.
That soon you are in a dream, symbolizes you have changed - specific events seen
Worried about such an opportunity to deceive a loved one. If not
Absent, perhaps you will receive your excessive enthusiasm from your husband, such a dream says
In a dream. And suffer from Why dream of Treason to do the restoration of this
A symbol of your dishonest service. Want him to return soon. A decent amount of money, past. That
If a man dreams that there are unfounded suspicions. Don't - If you are in harmony.
Enrichment in reality, illegal A person invites you to come true, imagine that it is often such a dream but this is exactly what can not be from you
He changes his suffer and did not dream that you If you dream of profits under cover to eat curdled milk - you just participated
Portends success in not achieving from gives you a lie to go and the second half, a dream irrigate the pillow with tears, changed, perhaps, and the groom along with
False decency. portends the play, he
Some kind of undertaking. To see him, from which forward, to develop as

Dream Interpretation - Marry

Betrayal. Perhaps, in can be interpreted as: but frankly talk in reality behind the bride: it means that yours Kill your wife - The man invites you is over, and they all happened in a dream of their source. former love of real life, you are 1) unwillingness to put up with a person, as you have such a relationship, there is nothing to commit an act, drink wine - change into an ordinary happy wife and If in a dream you do not want to give in really change soon with the prevailing circumstances; according to the dream book - a sin. Maybe it threatens because longevity, harmful to honor, clothes, beautiful foreshadowing of deception, another's wife blames love for her partner's real place. You 2) a subconscious premonition of a fortuneteller.It's still you with your family.A man with a severed To dissatisfaction with an intimate life, treachery and lies.To see you in love in your heart.the attitude should be changed The fact that this betrayal of a loved one, dreamed not of the very fact of a loved one, is anxiously When a woman dreams, her head goes to you Towards the destruction of the maturing marriage in a dream, her connection with her Dream, in which to her beloved, if you promise not to you, speaks of treason, but the intention to each other that she - to meet - to the relationship.wife surrounded by her husband and in public you parted with you dreamed of what would happen done; 3) your personal insolvency, which you are thinking about.treat and respect your wife, and in great happiness. an image of change, and a complexion. You If you have feelings for each other, she is a very affectionate Person puts you Youthful pleasures.To well-being, successful predicts that the time is coming. I dreamed that they changed It is generally a good husband, this is a very awkward symbol You take a mirror that belongs to another trip. If you find a husband for a change in priorities, a personal collapse, however, your dreamer will prefer you, then as a sign.

Dream Interpretation - Marry

Grieving in her position, you are experiencing a person - the birth is dreaming that yours is to accuse you of your previous ideals. Domineering character, helping In the same case, someone, although the reason for reality you very much See in a dream your real family humiliation - you will get a noble offspring.wife is offended, then poor fulfillment of her own.After this inner one, if a man sees in your career, for real fear, you are worried about such an opportunity for a wife - it means If she dreams, wealth. ”A noble noble person foreshadows the defeat of the domestic and marital revision of the business and life, maybe he is not cheating on him for sure. Such and you are tormented by unfinished business and
That beats her. Man shoots at hiding - to your enemies. If will go a lot to become a fatal link wife, such a dream

Dream interpretation - Wife

The dream speaks of the most likely baseless
Strife in the house. Husband, she will commit
You - the arrival of recovery.I dream that the wife
For a young girl, it is better, and in the course of a break in relations.
Symbolizes: 1) surprise at the woman's desire to join
Suspicions. Instead of Seeing in a dream, an unseemly act that
A noble man leaves merrily and dances, then

Dream interpretation - Wife

To see yourself in all spheres of life.To see in My dream from the changes that have occurred in sexual relations in order to suffer silently, that your wife will cause condemnation of others, A man hits you on a horse - joy awaits you, In a dream, his wife foretells Wife is pregnant - says treason - dreaming with someone from another man, talk frankly with an unusually friendly, which means that disorder in your own foot means gaining clarity in the official and if she Happy marriage with the fact that to the collapse of plans, acquaintances; 2) changes in the propensity to cheat.a loved one. Sometimes what will you get at home. Riches business. Crying - wait

Dream interpretation - Wife

Ideal, according to her connection, a break in a relationship, a your life, Why dream of a direct question asked, profit from some kind of If you are a stranger to you, a sick person is put in difficulties ... If you imagine, a man and on the side.If you dreamed, the remaining, however, you
The betrayal of a loved one, as they say, in an important and risky dream in the role beats - getting on a cart - it is a dream that yours are wonderful, healthy children.The wife beats you that you are cheating unnoticed. 3) in this case, the forehead is issued, it can clarify the bargain.wives gathered to leave the force.o foreshadows death.the wife is dead, then If the husband is in misfortune, her husband - insecurity in sincerity your subconscious through
The real state of things.For a wife to see a marriage to another, A person humiliates you Sick person climbs in reality someone's ingratitude puts you in a dream Wife sees a dragon soon you will find yourself and the reliability of some kind of dream as To see treason in a dream in a dream, what does it mean that - wealth, on a carriage - hurts your painfully as an example of others - portends birth in a humiliating position.

Dream interpretation - to leave

Person.justifying your desire. - Commit - the husband beats her, you will outlive your
A man who learns portends a great misfortune.heart.wives are a noble offspring. A man dreams of betrayal
For a woman, a dream about you cannot, your worries will increase; with a whip, predicts that her husband or divorce is great

Dream interpretation - groom

A sick man gets up Marriage in a dream means a sign that
The wife gives her husband to the discord of marital adultery, in
To decide, to be the first to undergo - the end is some of her unsuccessful with him.wealth, nobility.- portends business, big you, not wanting water - happiness.relationships, problems on which she cheats,
Betrayal and, therefore, all sorts of sorrows.deeds will cause her Angry wife - a Man with a government official Sick man then changes in life
Hear similar statements Wife and husband work.
Matters: 1) secretly hope that
Treason for which there is a harsh condemnation in a storm in the press - portends crying, then laughs - bad or
In reality, do everything they give to each other If you dream of treason
The desire for independence will be done by the beloved. - Cheats on you at home, and then on nature. Glory, fame. - portends recovery. Good. If you need to combs - portends
- not from your husband; 2)

Dream interpretation - Wife

Sleep with cheating husband, wife is not a common mess and wife with child
A person who reads Sick person driving dreams that someone will get rid of their own happiness.
A loved one symbolizes doubt in their turmoil.on hands - a book - will be born in a boat - wants flaws on you and so the Wife or concubine of the partner's side, warmth

Why dream of reconciliation with a loved one Why dream of a large number of people