Protection from heat - we glue the sun-protection film on the window. Protection from heat: choosing a mirror film on windows How to stick a reflective film on a window

And because of her, it is simply impossible to be at home, you have to save yourself in all possible ways. One of the easiest options is window protection. Let's figure out how to glue the sun protection film on the window.

Choose a film and stick it on the window


In the store now you can find several types of window coverings and each of them will serve for specific purposes. In total, three main types can be distinguished.


Such a film is designed to make the glass stronger and darken it at the same time. It is well suited for those whose apartments are located on the first floors. So you save your home from prying eyes and secure it.


It is mainly used for interior doors and partitions. But it can also be used on. For example, for windows in the bathroom or toilet. In addition, it also has the ability to reduce the intensity of sunlight.

Sun protection

Usually it is done with a mirror effect in order to minimize the penetration of sunlight into the apartment and heating. On hot days, it will be a good addition to light or blinds.

The main advantage of such a film is that it does not darken the glass and does not reduce visibility from the inside, while it is no longer possible to see what is inside the room from the outside.

Advantages and disadvantages

Any product during operation has both pluses and minuses.


  • Thanks to it, the room does not heat up on hot days, so with this coating you will not need to use cooling appliances and you can save on electricity.
  • In winter, on the contrary, it will keep the heat inside and prevent the glazing from cooling down quickly. This effect is achieved thanks to aluminum spraying.
  • It protects wall coverings, floors and furniture from fading due to direct sunlight.
  • It does not get dirty and does not accumulate dirt, unlike curtains.
  • Products with different shades, such as bronze or gold, will look very stylish on the outside.


  • The product is very thin and easily damaged during installation.
  • A cheap option can ruin your glass. Under the influence of the sun, the coating literally dries to the glass and is then very difficult to remove. Therefore, when choosing the best sun protection, it is important to consider not only how to properly stick the sun protection film on the window, but also what quality material to choose.
  • It does not save from prying eyes in the evening, because the glass will be translucent due to internal lighting. Therefore, if you live on the first floor, it will not work to remove the curtains.

How to apply sun protection film on windows

You will need

  • Pure water. We advise you to use bottled water as it does not contain impurities that can remain as sediment on the glass.
  • Lint-free fabric. Similar fabric can be found at a hardware or automotive store.
  • A streak-free glass cleaner.
  • Rubber and metal spatulas.
  • Spray bottle with soapy water.
  • Sharp scissors.
  • Stationery knife or blade.
  • Big ruler.
  • The film itself.

Before sticking the sun protection film on the window in the room. This is especially true for those who have pets. So you can avoid getting wool on the glued surface. Repair work or asphalt laying on the street can also interfere with installation, since flying dust will cause a lot of problems with pasting. We advise you to wait for the completion of the repair.

Observe a certain temperature regime. The optimum temperature for such work is 25 degrees Celsius. If the room is cold or there is a draft, then the glue will dry for a long time. Also try. Thanks to this, the product will lie evenly and neatly.

Glass preparation

To begin with, the glass must be thoroughly washed with soapy water, and then cleaned with a special liquid to remove all stains.

Pay special attention to edges and corners. If they have strong contamination, then they must be removed with a metal spatula or scraper.

Inspect the glass for lint and hairs. Because of them, unpleasant bubbles may appear.

Pasting process

After cleaning, cut the material. Do not forget to leave allowances of 3-5 millimeters around the edges, which will be cut off later. You need to cut with very sharp scissors or a blade. If the roll is very narrow and it is not enough for the width of the entire double-glazed window, then the product will have to be glued end-to-end in an inconspicuous place.

For greater convenience, place the material on a pre-prepared surface, such as a board that you do not mind scratching. Then put a ruler on it and take measurements, after that, holding the ruler, draw a blade along it. So you will achieve a perfectly even cut line.

To determine which side to apply solar control film to a window, look at the material on the roll. The protective layer, on which small instructions can be written, always adheres to the adhesive side. It must be applied to glass.

Now spray on the glass with a spray bottle. Remove the protective layer from the cut blank and carefully attach it to the glass. Now it is important to evenly and accurately distribute it around the entire window perimeter, a rubber spatula will help you with this.

Moisten the product on the reverse side as well, so that the spatula slides better and does not accidentally tear the coating. It is necessary to smooth the material from the center to the edges. The stronger the pressure, the more moisture will come out and the work will dry faster.

Trim off excess material and leave the surface to dry. All is ready.

The detailed process can be seen in the video.

Elimination of defects

Even if all the rules are followed and the work is done accurately, you may encounter some troubles. There are several ways to resolve them.

  • If you notice bubbles on the finished surface, then you can try to distribute them with a spatula to the edges. However, this does not always help. In this case, pierce this area with a needle and smooth the material.
  • Don't be afraid of muddy spots. It can be a soapy solution, which, under the influence of the sun, will evaporate through micropores.
  • In the hot season, you may encounter the problem that the product sticks to the glass very quickly and unevenly. To avoid this, wet the adhesive surface with plenty of water.
  • A large amount of debris and dust under the material cannot be removed. In this case, the work will have to be redone.

Care rules

In order for the product to serve you for a long time, you need to follow the basic rules of care.

  • Do not touch the film after installation for a month, otherwise it may slip. This also applies.
  • For cleaning, do not use aggressive chemicals, hard sponges and washcloths. They can leave stains or even damage the coating.
  • If solid contamination appears on the surface, it is better to carefully remove it with a rubber spatula.
  • Material prepared by: Julia Wegner

The use of a special sun protection film on the windows is a considered and rational solution for many multi-apartment and private houses, the windows of which face the sunny side of the premises. It is chosen, as a rule, for protection from sunlight and prying eyes.

Important! Toning with the help of such a film is an actual and even trendy solution that has become widespread in Europe and the CIS countries.

If a person lives on the ground floor, then you can hide the interior of the apartment from prying eyes with the help of thick dark curtains, blinds, but often with the use of all these means there are certain difficulties, because it is not always possible to hang heavy blackout curtains or order the installation of blinds on window.

Therefore, as an alternative to curtains and blinds, you can consider a film that can be glued to windows of any type. It can be glued without problems on your own - without resorting to the help of specialists.

Therefore, you can glue the sun-protection film on plastic windows yourself, savings arise already at the stage of purchase and installation of the product. Purchasing curtains or installing blinds is an expensive undertaking, while film sun protection material will be inexpensive. You can glue the mirror film on any type of windows: wooden, plastic, aluminum.

Companies that manufacture such protective film products claim that their products are gradually replacing bulky and uncomfortable blinds from the market.

The film has the following advantages:

  • The ability to control the level of illumination of the room.
  • Ensuring that indoor plants are protected from direct sunlight.
  • Ensuring the protection of curtains from UV exposure and fading (which is important if the curtains are colored).
  • Ensuring protection of furniture upholstery from fading.
  • A high level of security, protection of the home from burglary and unauthorized entry.

Important! You can glue the film on the windows yourself - it sticks by itself, so no additional adhesives are required.

Before gluing a protective film on windows, you need to figure out what kind of film material you should buy, because. Several types of such products are sold in stores at once.

Taking into account the requirements for the functions of the film material, the following types of products can be distinguished:

  • Automotive.
  • Architectural.
  • Decorative.
  • Protective.
  • Sun protection.

You can glue the self-adhesive film on windows made of wood or plastic. These products are made from polyester. This polymeric substance provides complete transparency of the film material, a high level of its elasticity, as well as decent strength.

If it was decided to glue the film on the window, then when choosing a model, it should be taken into account that products can have a different number of layers (single-layer, two-layer, multilayer materials), a different composition of each layer (for example, polyester and other types of polymeric materials), coloring pigment substances ( to give the product certain color characteristics).

It is not recommended to buy professional films for home use, since it is unreasonable to glue such a tint film on windows in a house, because it costs more, and all its functions will not be used anyway.

Professional film products have the following features:

  • The outer layer performs protective functions, the inner layers are working.
  • The protective layers are metallized, there may be several. Depending on the number of protective layers, the strength level of the product is set.
  • In the process of manufacturing metallized layers, aluminum, bronze, titanium, nickel plating can be carried out, in special cases - gold or silver plating.
  • In appearance, professional film materials can be matte, mirror, transparent, colored, snow-white, one-color, with an image or a decorative effect.

Before gluing a self-adhesive protective film on glass, it is necessary to understand the technology of its gluing. Work can be done if the glass is removed - so everything will be done better. If the window profile stands still, then there is a high probability of a deterioration in the quality of work and the appearance of peeling corners over time.

It is necessary to stick with the protective side outward - it will then reflect the sun's rays. If the film is glued with the reflective side inward, then it will not be able to perform even half of its functions.

What tool will be required?

If you intend to glue the film on the glass in the window profile, then you will need to use two scrapers at once. The first scraper is the standard one used to clean windows. It has a rubberized edge so no marks are left on the glass. The second scraper is for cleaning glass, so it is equipped with a sharp blade.

Also, if it was planned to glue the film on the windows from the sun, you will need the following set of tools:

  • Standard stationery honed knife.
  • Spray.
  • Paper towels or microfiber cloth.
  • A rubberized spatula or a wide plastic spatula so that it can cover a large area in one stroke.
  • Household detergent free of aggressive and abrasive substances.

On video: Do-it-yourself window tinting with mirror film.

What should be considered before gluing the film?

If there is no understanding of how to properly glue the protective self-adhesive film on the glass, then it is recommended to take a closer look at the following recommendations:

  • Work should be carried out at a positive air temperature (range - from +5 to +35 ° C). Otherwise, the adhesive composition will dry for a long time.
  • Humidity should also not be too low or high. If the humidity is above 80%, then it is not recommended to glue the film, because. after a while it will surely go away. If the humidity in the room is insufficient, then a sprayer is used to increase it.
  • Before gluing the film on the glass, you need to perform high-quality wet cleaning in the room so that as little dust as possible hovered in the air. The glass surface itself must be thoroughly washed and cleaned of dust before gluing.

Before you properly glue the film on the window, the surface to be treated must be prepared.

For this, the following is done:

  1. First you need to wash the glass with a non-aggressive detergent, then wash off its remnants with clean water along with dirt and dust.
  2. Then you need to use a scraper to remove dirt from the sealing parts of the window and the surface itself (in particular, you need to go around the edges and corners). If the window is made of wood, then you need to remove and clean the glazing beads.
  3. After washing, the glass surface must be thoroughly cleaned and wiped.

First of all, before gluing the film on the window, measurements are taken. It is necessary to consider cutting so that there is a minimum amount of waste.

If during measurements it was found that the width of the film is definitely not enough to process the entire window surface at a time, then it will be necessary to select the least noticeable joint. It is very good if it runs along the existing edge, and not in the area where the film material was cut.

Important! In the process of cutting, it is necessary to leave an allowance of 2-3 mm.

Before gluing a regular or stained glass film, it is necessary to moisten the glass with clean water (you can use plain water from a bottle) mixed with a small amount of baby shampoo.

  1. The protective layer is removed from the film material, while the film itself is placed on a flat surface. Care must be taken to ensure that different sections do not stick together. If this happens, the film material will no longer be usable.

Important! Before removing the protective layer, it is recommended to glue the edges with adhesive tape and fold the strips together. In this case, it will be possible to remove the protection as simply as possible.

  1. Next, carefully glue the film onto the glass surface, holding it by the edges. In this case, it should be taken into account that you first need to slightly moisten both the film material and the glass in order to make it easier to stick.

3. It is necessary to align from the center to the edges.

4. Using a clerical knife, it is necessary to cut off the edges that fall outside the glass surface area.

5. In the next step, you can adjust the location of the film material, if somewhere it is not located correctly. After there is no moisture left under the product, adjustments can no longer be made. Finally, use a spatula to drive out all the water.

After that, you need to leave everything as it is, for complete drying. The duration of this process can be 7-10 days. Gradually, the film material will begin to lighten and become more transparent, because. the water will evaporate.

Important! Air bubbles should not be removed, because they should disappear on their own.

How to choose the right film?

There are different types of window film available in stores.

If you decide to stick on your own, then when choosing a model, you need to consider the following:

  • The pasted film material will cause the level of lighting in the room to become lower. Therefore, it is recommended to choose the option according to your needs - models with varying degrees of light transmission are presented in stores.

  • If some kind of pattern is applied to the film material, then you need to choose it in accordance with the interior of the room. For example, if the interior is made in a standard style, then films with flowers and plants, stained-glass windows and other decorative elements may be suitable. If the interior is made in one of the modern styles, then geometric patterns and abstractions will be an excellent solution.

Important! Film materials are sometimes combined to produce interesting design solutions. But in this case, professionals should glue the film.

If professionals will glue the film, then the choice of material for the work should also be entrusted to specialists.

Usually they themselves offer a choice of several types of products that are suitable for performing certain functions.

There are different types of protective films in stores, the functionality of which can vary within serious limits. With their help, the protection of the premises from unauthorized access is guaranteed.

Film materials can have the following types of protective characteristics:

  • From weapons. If a shot from pneumatics or a traumatic pistol occurs, then the film material can easily withstand such a mechanical impact. Unfortunately, no film can protect against a metal bullet, but it can slow it down.
  • From hacking. The home or office is protected from unauthorized entry - the glass will be difficult to break, because the film material, if glued correctly, will be extremely difficult to damage. He can take long hits. The level of resistance, depending on the manufacturer of the product, will vary from 30 to 190 kg / cm 2.
  • From listening. Specialized models that significantly reduce the vibration of passing sound waves. If there is a conversation in the room, then it will not be possible to record it from the outside.
  • From fragments. High-strength film materials that trap fragments flying and penetrating windows.
  • From childish influence. The presence of this film material will allow you not to worry that the child will be able to break the window and fall out of it, or injure himself with fragments.
  • From heat loss. Models of this type are necessary to reflect ultraviolet and infrared radiation, so their use allows you to keep warm in the cold season, and cool in the summer months. The light transmission of such models is about 90%.
  • From fire. If a fire develops on the street, then it is guaranteed that the fire will not be able to pass through such a film material (relevant for private country houses).

Protection classes

All types of protective films can be classified according to their protection classes, which are determined by the thickness of the product:

  • A1 (thickness up to 0.24 mm), withstands a mechanical impact of 3.5 J.
  • A2 (thickness up to 0.412 mm), withstands mechanical stress of 6.5 J.
  • A3 (thickness up to 0.6 mm), withstands mechanical stress of 9.5 J.

The use of a protective film is a rational and correct decision if there is a possibility of situations that are dangerous for the home or the people who live in it. Such products are inexpensive, but are able to provide high-quality protection against burglary, unauthorized entry, exposure to fire, heat loss.

How to stick sun protection film on a plastic window (2 videos)

We glue the sun-protection film (20 photos)

In the summer, when the hot sun enters the house through window panes, many people have a desire to protect themselves from such exposure. In this case, a sun protection film would be an excellent solution.

It is worth noting that this method will help not only protect yourself from the sun, but also close the view well for strangers who sometimes look out of your windows. The use of film will be especially appropriate if you live on the lower floors.

Protective film properties

The sun protection film has a lot of advantages, which can be seen during application. The modern market offers its customers many different options that can be used for home, office or other premises.

To create sun protection properties, it is necessary to make layers of the following materials:

  • metal coating;
  • the use of aluminum;
  • titanium layer.

All these components are able to provide reflection of sunlight. The film absorbs heat, but the transparency properties of the glass remain the same.
This option is able to provide not only the protection of the room and the interior from ultraviolet radiation.

When using a film for pets, a comfortable stay will be created, the active growth of plants does not stop.

The properties of reflection and absorption of radiation by this material are 90%. With the help of the film in the room there will always be a normal temperature, protection from ultraviolet exposure is guaranteed.

Modern manufacturers produce options for various shades. Differences of many films consist in the degree of toning.

The main types are medium and high-performance options. The selection of each of them depends on the degree of exposure to solar radiation.

Mounting process

You can stick the sun protection film on the glass yourself.

  1. First you need to thoroughly wash the window on both sides.
  2. Further, using a spray gun, the film must be treated with a solution of soap (preferably liquid), diluted with water. Application should be on one side only. Thus, you can safely move the product on the glass until you achieve the desired position.
  3. Then the film must be applied to the surface. As soon as the product is fixed on the glass, you need to smooth out the defects with a spatula.

After that, the film must dry. The final step will be to remove excess material until the desired size is obtained.

In this video you can clearly see how to stick the sun protection film on the window:

In a multi-storey building on the top floor, it is not easy to escape from the heat and heat. Someone installs tinted windows, but not everyone has the opportunity to choose this option. Therefore, there is a completely modern and affordable solution - a mirror film for windows. What are the features of such a film, what types are there and how to glue it correctly, as well as other details and useful recommendations - you will learn about everything from this article.


Mirror film is perfect for any window. This is the best solution for those who want to live and work in comfortable conditions, as such a film allows you to keep the room cool. Now, in the heat and heat, you do not have to use cooling devices, which will significantly save on electricity. And in the winter season, such a film will easily keep the accumulated heat in the room. Misted windows can also be forgotten thanks to this modern material.

With such protection, you will be reliably protected from harmful UV rays, and the rooms will not overheat during the hot season. In addition, furniture that is closest to the window will not fade, wallpaper will not fade, paintings and house plants will always be in comfortable conditions.

As a rule, this material is made using polymers, due to which the strength of the glass itself is significantly increased. In addition, such a film will not allow passers-by to see what is happening outside the window, indoors during the daytime. But from the inside the street will be perfectly visible.

It is worth noting that despite the fact that all types of such protective materials for windows are considered tinting, the lighting in the room will be the same, and during the day you will not have to use an additional light source.

Such a solution for windows allows you to give any building a special look, make it more attractive. The material is completely non-toxic, does not emit any harmful substances. And thanks to the anti-reflective effect, the eyes will not get tired looking out the window.

If we talk further about the advantages of this product, then it is worth mentioning that thanks to the film, the pasted glass becomes impact-resistant. In addition, in case of breaking, there will be no dangerous fragments. It is important to note the fact that it will be almost impossible to break the glass from the outside. This will keep your home safe from thieves. For personal safety and unexpected situations, this is very important.

Another advantage of this product is that its price is quite affordable. Therefore, many prefer this particular material.


Today in specialized stores you can find a large number of different films that are designed to protect the window. Most often, there are conventional sunscreen options that are attached with an adhesive. And someone does it with tape. But there is also a self-adhesive film, which is much more practical to use.

Sun protection film can also be very different. Many of them not only protect from the sun, but also have other qualities.

  • It could be reflective model. Such a product is guaranteed to reflect at least fifty percent of the sun's rays. They are different: blue, bronze, silver or green. This option is considered to be very budgetary and average in terms of efficiency. You can find a similar product with high efficiency. Such a film is able to reflect the sun's rays by almost one hundred percent. You can always find all the detailed information on the product packaging to make the right choice.

  • Energy saving option- This is a protective film that reflects the sun's rays, and also filters heat. As a rule, this option is installed on the inside of windows.

  • There is also a protective or, as it is also called, shockproof model. As you may have guessed, the main advantage of this option is that the film will reliably protect the glass from any external damage and make the glass more durable. When broken, there will be no fragments, pieces of glass will remain on the film.
  • decorative the model will not only protect the premises from the heat, but also give a special style to a boring window. Such a film can be with a completely different pattern. It can be natural motifs, abstraction, geometric shapes and so on. There are even models that resemble a luxurious stained glass window. The surface of such models is often matte. The only disadvantage of this option is that it is unable to perform its functions one hundred percent. That is, such a film unevenly transmits and reflects the rays of the sun. Often come across decorative models without drawings. As a rule, they come in all colors of the rainbow, and you can choose any color in order to give the room an unusual and attractive look.

  • spatternaya It perfectly blocks not only the sun's rays, but also infrared radiation. Such a product not only absorbs heat, it reflects it, preventing it from penetrating into the room.
  • You can often find such a description - architectural film. Do not think that this is some special type of film. Often, manufacturers call so all models of such a protective material for windows.

How to stick?

Of course, professionals in their field will be able to quickly and efficiently cope with the work, properly pasting the glass in your apartment. In fact, if you know all the subtleties, then gluing the film on the windows is not so difficult. Pasting will not take you much time, but it will require extreme accuracy.

Usually this material is sold in rolls. Therefore, to begin with, you will need to cut the blanks. That is, cut the film in such a way that it is suitable for your window.

Remember that the workpiece itself should be slightly smaller than the glass. This will allow you to do better work.

Once the blanks are ready, you will need to prepare the surface itself. It is possible to glue the workpiece to dusty and dirty glass, but the work will be of poor quality and short-lived. Therefore, we recommend cleaning the glass and degreasing it.

Then carefully apply the adhesive to the glass itself. Such a tool may well be the most common soap solution. It will need to be evenly applied to the surface of the glass. If necessary, be sure to remove the residue with a sponge, which should be at hand. Experts recommend pouring such a solution into a spray bottle, which will allow you to easily and evenly apply the liquid to the glass.

Further, everything is simple - the film is applied to the prepared glass and everything is ready. Pasting is recommended to start from the top, from one corner. After the film is already on the window, it will be necessary to smooth out the “wrinkles” and correct irregularities and bubbles. Take any soft and dry rag, smooth the material on the surface of the window with gentle movements. You need to do this from the center, gradually moving towards the edges. Such a simple procedure allows you to lay the protective material on the glass as evenly as possible. Then everything must be left to dry for two to three days.

In the event that the film is self-adhesive, then it will be much easier to deal with pasting. How to properly prepare everything is described above. The only thing is that you will not need to apply an adhesive. On the reverse side of the film there is a protective layer that will need to be gradually removed during pasting.

It is not recommended to remove the entire layer at once. First, peel off the layer at the very top, carefully attach the film to the glass surface and stick it. You should get a strip of centimeters in five. Then gradually removing the protective layer of several centimeters, glue the base and slowly move downwards. To make the film lay down easily and correctly, you can use a silicone spatula. Gently smooth the surface with it from above, and slowly remove the protection from the back. In this case, it is important not to rush.

After you apply any of the selected types of protection to the windows, they will not need special care. Such a surface can be safely wiped with a clean cloth.

Most importantly, do not use chemical detergents, as well as products containing alcohol. These aggressive substances can damage the protective layer of the film.

As for which side to apply the film, there is no definite answer. Mirror versions of such materials are often mounted on the outside of the window. It happens that they paste over the windows from the inside. Some experts mount such products between glasses for greater strength. That is, inside the window structure itself, if the window model allows it.

Pasting with this material is recommended to be carried out at a comfortable temperature. The temperature in the room and on the street should not be more than thirty-five degrees. The best option is twenty-five - thirty degrees of heat. In the event that it is cool, then the pasting will not be of high quality, and the film will not be able to dry well. This means that the overall quality of work will be unsatisfactory.

Summer is getting hotter every year. This is especially felt in rooms whose windows face the sunny side. The problem with heat can be solved by installing air conditioners. However, for those who do not have the funds to purchase them, window film from the sun will be an effective and budgetary choice.

This article is about window tint film. The publication covers:

  • properties, characteristics of the material;
  • its advantages, disadvantages;
  • instruction how to do it right;
  • care tips.

Material characteristics

Solar window foil reflects sunlight. However, it cannot divert the rays of the sun completely, only partially.

The reflective film applied to the windows contributes to the fact that the room heats up half as much during the daytime. It also serves as additional protection. Those who are fond of growing home flowers glue foil on the windows from the sun to protect the plants from overheating.

How to stick sun protection film on windows from the sun?

Brilliant film on windows from the sun copes with its task only if it is applied correctly. If you do not follow all the principles of gluing, there will be little sense from it.

Before work, prepare the surface of the windows. On clean glass, the material will adhere better, last longer and reflect the sun's rays more efficiently.

Glass preparation

Before gluing the film at home, you need to clean the glass with a scraper. To do this, use a model with a rubber tip or another option combined with a sharp metal blade.

The glass is washed with water and diluted shampoo or liquid soap. For half a liter of water, you need about one tablespoon of the product. Scraper cleans stubborn dirt. The main focus is on the corners and edges of the frame.

Windows with wooden frames need more complex cleaning. Beads are removed from them, cleaned, and then put back on.

Instructions on how to glue

Do not know how to glue a protective reflective film? To do this, you first need to calculate its exact amount. Preliminary measurements of each window are carried out, and a pasting plan is drawn up. The master must decide how to do it in such a way as to minimize costs. On each side, you need to leave stocks of three centimeters, which are easily cut off after work.

After cleaning the glasses, the algorithm of work is as follows:

  1. A roll is rolled out on a flat and clean surface. The required amount of solar reflective film is cut off.
  2. Scissors or a very sharp knife cut out the desired canvas. If necessary, then the evenness of the cut can be traced with a ruler or tape measure.
  3. Glasses are moistened with soapy water, spraying it from a spray bottle.
  4. The protective layer is removed. In order to eliminate the effect of the glue for a short time, we recommend that the coating itself be strongly wetted with water. This will help to stick it easily, because the material will not stick tightly to the glass. Then the master will eliminate his shortcomings in time.
  5. The upper part of the cut is applied with the adhesive side. Then carefully, slowly, smooth out to get rid of air bubbles and creases.
  6. With a rubber spatula, carefully smooth the surface, removing the air under the bottom. If it still remains, lift the closest corner of the film and carefully paste it again, passing over the area with a spatula from above.
  7. When the film is completely pasted, it is again passed over with a spatula. This time, the master must remove excess water. You need to bring it to the edges of the coating.
  8. The remains and excess are carefully cut with a knife or scissors.

Care after gluing is as important as the application of the film itself. It must not be touched with hands, so that it does not change its location. Glasses should not be washed for a month so that it does not lose its protective properties.

After a month, washing is allowed, but ammonia should not be in the composition of detergents. We do not recommend using hard washcloths that can damage the material.