How to get rid of hornets? The best pest control methods. Hornets - how to get rid of them in the house How to get rid of hornets in the barn

Hornet (lat. Vespa, that is, wasp) is a one-year-old social insect. The discipline reigning in the swarm and the caste system subordinate its short life to a single rule: to do everything necessary for procreation. It is generally accepted that giant wasps are spontaneous in their aggression, but this is not the case, and the attack for the hornet is a way to protect the nest. Often, guarding possessions, the proximity of which a person may not even know, these insects attack the offender. In such situations, no matter how much you want to coexist peacefully, you have to make a choice in favor of the safety of your own family. There are several ways to deal with a hornet, suitable for home and garden.

The main reasons for the appearance of hornets on the site or in the house

The range of the hornet is quite extensive: almost the entire southern and northern hemispheres the globe. In our country, this insect is found everywhere, but especially large populations live in the European part and in the south. A key factor in the appearance of hornets is the presence of a food source. In particularly dry years, the founding queen travels considerable distances in search of food. It is possible that this journey may end in a garden-summer area or in the city.

The length of the hornet is usually 1.8-3.5 cm

On human territory, insects most often build nests in remote, quiet and dry corners: in attics, balconies and attics, in basements, garages, premises for livestock and poultry, non-residential sheds, etc. In rare cases, a home for a young swarm can become a former birdhouse, tree hollow or soil.

In areas with a warm climate, where the upper layers of the soil warm up well, hornets build their nests in the soil.

According to the type of nutrition, hornets are predators, however, they do not refuse plant food either, including any sugar-containing foods, berries and fruits (including rotten ones), flower nectars in the diet. Insects also like to feast on the sap of trees, such as oak and birch, so in search of a new parking lot, they can fly from an oak forest or a birch grove. Honey bees are a special delicacy for giant wasps. The proximity of the location of the apiary - common cause the appearance of hornets.

The hornets not only destroy the bees, but also take all the honey, pollen and larvae to feed the growing young.

Those who have dealt with hornets are aware of the tireless nature of these insects. There is even an opinion among the people that they never sleep, and this is not far from the truth. With enough food and no enemies (and natural enemies the hornet doesn’t have it anyway) in one season, a colony can grow from several hundred to several thousand individuals. Often, various aromas are lured to the human dwelling of giant wasps, among which there may be magnificent blooming flower bed, and rotting waste, such as meat or fish leftovers.

So, the reasons for the appearance of a hornet are as follows:

  • unkempt garden country cottage area from big amount pests (food source for hornets);
  • cluttered balcony, yard, etc.;
  • close location of the apiary;
  • young branches of trees not harvested in time;
  • an abundance of rotting waste: an open compost pit, trash cans without lids;
  • active flowering ornamental plants and fruit trees;
  • the presence of a forest, birch grove or oak forest nearby.

What is dangerous hornet

The bite of a hornet is extremely painful, it is much more dangerous than a wasp or bee. The fact is that the portion of the poison injected into the wound is relatively larger (about 2 mg, which is 2.5 times the amount left by the bee) and more toxic. In addition, when attacking, an insect can sting more than once. In most cases, a hornet bite is accompanied by toxic and allergic reactions. An interesting fact is that far from the mother's nest, the insect behaves rather indifferently towards humans. But approaching the hive causes him aggression.

During an attack or upon death, the hornet releases a special alarm pheromone that will quickly inform other family members of the danger. Therefore, it is strongly not recommended to kill an insect near the nest.

If we talk about sensations, then a hornet bite is usually compared with a hot nail sharply piercing the body.

How to understand that a hornet's nest has appeared nearby

The appearance of a hornet within a summer cottage or in a house should not always be taken as a full-fledged swarm invasion. Perhaps this is just a lost insect that has flown away from the nest in search of food, or a scout female preparing to establish a colony. In order not to provoke an attack, one should not show excessive aggression, trying to destroy the insect with improvised means. It will be safer to use a trap or spray insecticide and forget about the intruder.

But if the visits of insects have become regular, and they move several individuals at a time, it is worth assuming that their nest is somewhere nearby. best solution in such a situation will be the call of professionals.

professional service pest control will find and neutralize the nest of hornets

How to find a nest

When trying to find a nest on your own, you need to consider the risk associated with the search. You should stock up on antihistamines, keep an emergency phone on hand, and prepare protective clothing. In fact, there is no safe time of day for searching, insects remain active at night, although after sunset they are still less energetic. If possible, all activities should be postponed until the onset of cold weather, when most of the colony dies.

Hornet nests are characterized by an egg-shaped shape, in texture it resembles corrugated paper

First of all, it is worth going around all non-residential premises on the site: sheds, attics, garages, outbuildings. Then you need to inspect the territory: the external facade, trees, logs, poles, etc. If this does not lead to a positive result, you should listen carefully, because, as a rule, the swarm makes a lot of noise.

From the inside, the nest is a voluminous multi-tiered structure, where several hundred individuals can live at the same time.

Hearing can also help to find a nest in the house itself, because sometimes hornets settle in the thickness of the wall or under the floor, and therefore it is impossible to see them. The swarm emits a particularly loud rumble in the spring during the construction of the nest.

The most inaccessible nests are those located inside walls, cornices, window openings or under the floor

How to get rid of hornets

The hornet is an ambiguous neighbor: on the one hand, the sting, size and unpredictability, on the other, the destruction of pests. The question of the destruction of these insects usually arises in situations dangerous to life and health.

First of all, you should decide on the most the right time to destroy the nest. Unlike bees or wasps, hornets are active most of the day. At night, they are just as active as during the day, but there is one caveat - their reaction speed is somewhat reduced. The least risky approach to the nest is in the pre-dawn hours - from 3 to 5 in the morning. However, this advice is relevant only for late summer and autumn, but in the spring you should not start fighting at all. The fact is that the stage of laying a nest is associated with this time of year, insects build their new home almost without rest. Any attempt or even a hint to disrupt their plans will instantly turn into the aggression of a whole swarm. The safest period comes with the arrival of late autumn. By this time, a significant part of the swarm has died out naturally, and the remaining residents scatter or hibernate.

A small colony of hornets can make a nest even in the branches of a shrub or a low tree.

Safety measures for baiting hornets

It is extremely dangerous to remove a nest from a wall or ceiling on your own. Most of the techniques used in the fight against closely related insects (wasps and bees) will not work with hornets. For example, fumigating a swarm to reduce activity is most often ineffective and even dangerous, since it is impossible to predict the reaction of insects. Repelling with herbs, aromatic oils, citrus peels is also one of the dubious measures. Whatever method of elimination the choice falls on, whether it be folk or chemical, safety should not be neglected.

Security measures:

  • preparation of a protective airtight suit (beekeeper's overalls are suitable), tight-fitting shoes, a respirator, tight gloves;
  • collection of a first-aid kit, which must include antihistamines and anesthetics;
  • careful preparation of the territory: isolation of people and animals, and with insecticidal treatment and plants;
  • collection of all necessary fixtures and aids;
  • studying the instructions for the insecticide that is planned to be used, checking the expiration date;
  • mandatory cleaning of the territory after the measures taken to combat the hornet.

Folk methods of dealing with wasps

The choice of means depends on the location of the nest. For hornet burrows, the most common elimination technique remains the use of boiling water. The measure is rather controversial, because in the absence of experience or in case of failure, it will not be possible to avoid aggression from the swarm. The mechanism is simple: pour boiling water into the hole (5 liters is enough) and block the exit with stones, soil, insulating foam or cement. It is possible that over time it will be necessary to repeat the procedure, since it is impossible to determine in advance the size of the settlement.

An accessible nest hanging from the ceiling can be drowned in a bucket of water. The use of this method requires the maximum approach to the colony, so you should choose the right time - the predawn hours (the exception is spring, when the peak of insect activity is observed). A bucket of suitable size should be filled with water to 2/3 of the volume. Then carefully put it on the nest from below, which should completely disappear in the liquid, and leave it in this position for 20-30 minutes. In order not to hold the bucket all this time, you can prop it up with a ladder (boxes, chair). The method is quite effective, because the hornets die very quickly in aquatic environment, but dangerous at the same time.

More traumatic and at the same time effective method fighting is the use of fire. Suitable for burrows and hard-to-reach nests located in stone crevices home, foundation. Application: spray any flammable liquid (gasoline is suitable) on the nest and set it on fire. For the same purposes, you can use the burner. Cons: the attacked hornets will be extremely aggressive; Failure to follow safety rules may result in a fire.

Repelling herbs (for example, wormwood or pine needles) helps only in the fight against lone hornets. Such an impact on the colony will not lead to any result.

As a preventive measure, as well as for an integrated approach, you can make a trap with bait.

To make a trap you will need regular bottle volume 1.5 liters
  • cut off the top of the bottle with a clerical knife or scissors;
  • insert the top into the rest of the cone down;
  • pour liquid with bait on the bottom of the lower part;
  • using an awl (knife), make holes on both sides and thread a cord or wire through them in order to hang the trap.

Placing such devices in early spring will help in the fight against queen hornets, interfering with the construction of nests on the site. Any sugar-containing liquids are suitable as bait: jam, honey, ordinary sugar, or beer diluted in water (the smell of fermentation attracts wasps and hornets).

Video: do-it-yourself plastic bottle trap

Chemicals - Insecticides

The hornet's nest is a cone-shaped ball several tens of centimeters long. Most often, it is attached to the ceiling or walls, and getting rid of it is only a matter of technique. But there are times when hornets are placed in hard-to-reach places, for example, in a hollow tree or in the thickness of a wall. You should think in advance about the access path, you may have to use the services of builders. And if there is no desire to call a professional exterminator, chemical insecticides of a different spectrum of action are the most effective method elimination of giants.

To combat hornets, any insecticide with instructions "from wasps" or "from wasps and hornets" is suitable.

Smoke bombs

In the fight against the hornet, smoke bombs are not the first thing you can think of, but the effectiveness speaks for itself. This method is equally well suited for processing enclosed spaces (including residential) and open space(suburban area, camping).

Precautionary measures:

  1. When used in a residential building, it is necessary to isolate not only the treated room, but also the neighboring ones, since smoke can easily penetrate into them. The toxins contained in most types of fumigants adversely affect the health of people and pets, so you should refrain from settling until complete weathering. Indoor plants, cages with animals, aquariums are also subject to isolation.
  2. It is forbidden to allow people who are prone to allergies, suffer from diseases of the respiratory system, and also do not have a minimum experience with checkers to use smoke insecticides.
  3. Attics, garages, sheds, basements and other utility rooms should be pre-cleaned, take out supplies and all things for which smoke is undesirable.
  4. Careful study of the instructions will help to avoid mistakes.
  5. You should turn off the fire alarm in advance.
  6. After use, thoroughly wash your hands and face, gargle, and change clothes.

A significant plus of smoke bombs - for their use you do not need to get close to the nest

Before use, it is important to close all outlets, repair cracks in the walls and floor, because hornets can easily hide even in small cracks. Then you need to prepare a container with water, where the checker is placed. Some manufacturers produce checkers that begin to spray smoke after immersion in water, others - with a wick that requires ignition. As soon as the device has started working, it is necessary to leave the premises.

To use checkers indoors, it is recommended to use two people: the first one carries out the placement and arson, the second controls the process from the outside.

The most effective checkers:

  • Mukhoyar smoke bomb;
  • G-17 smoke bomb.

Aerosols from wasps and hornets

In the fight against hornets and their nests, aerosols are not the safest option, because spraying them requires close contact with insects. However, half the battle is right choice. The main thing you need to pay attention to when buying is the shape of the valve. Modern hornet aerosols are equipped with a special nozzle that allows you to spray the substance at a distance of 5 meters.

Bros insecticide is one of the most effective modern drugs

Aerosol application options:

  1. The nest (of any shape and in any location) can be destroyed using an aerosol with a remote valve. Before dawn, dressed in a protective suit, you should spray the product for 5-7 seconds in the direction of the nest (inlet, entire surface), then leave or isolate the room. If necessary, repeat the procedure after a day. You can start cleaning only when there is no activity in the nest and around it.
  2. You can get rid of giants using an aerosol with any type of valve using polyethylene film or bag. For the second option, it is important that the nest is isolated, has a regular round shape, and does not attach to several surfaces at the same time. Before dawn, it is necessary to carefully place the nest in the bag from the bottom up, quickly spray the insecticide into the hole formed at the top and immediately tie or tightly wrap the base of the bag with tape. The film should cover the entire perimeter of the nest, fixing the edges to the surface to which it is attached with adhesive tape. From the most convenient and safe angle, you need to leave a small hole through which the product is sprayed. Then it is also closed and secured with tape. After that, you should retire for at least a day, leaving the area in isolation.

Types of aerosols:

  • Klaus Insect Super and Aerosol Dr. Claus Fly;
  • Raid from flying insects;
  • Combat PowerSpray;
  • spray from wasps and hornets Wespex Quick;
  • BROS spray against wasps and hornets;
  • Super cobra;
  • Killing Power Extra and NEO Killing Power.

Aerosol insecticides have their advantages:

  • ease of use;
  • affordability;
  • security;
  • no unpleasant odor;
  • duration of action.

Liquid poisons and processing concentrates

Liquid poisons and concentrates are the largest group of hornet control products. They usually need to be diluted with water. The resulting solution can be filled with holes and nests. It is also added to traps as baits, and with the help of a spray gun it is sprayed into hard-to-reach places.

Sloppy hornet nests are much more difficult to destroy due to the lack of clear contours, because it is not always clear how many exit holes they have, and where an insect can fly out

Making edible bait with such products is the safest option for human health. This will require any food leftovers, such as minced meat or a rotting apple. Sugar-containing products such as jam, syrup or honey are also suitable. Having optimally positioned the trap, you should generously flavor it with poison and wait for the result.

Most effective types poisons:

  • Get (liquid concentrate);
  • Ram (liquid concentrate);
  • Delta Zone (microencapsulated suspension);
  • Xulat (microencapsulated suspension);
  • Dobrokhim Micro (liquid concentrate);
  • Medilis Ziper (concentrated emulsion) and Medilis Super (liquid concentrate);
  • Lambda Zone (microencapsulated suspension);
  • Solfisan (concentrated emulsion);
  • Tsifox (concentrated emulsion);
  • Deltrin (microencapsulated concentrate);
  • Taran (water emulsion concentrate);
  • Yuraks (emulsion concentrate).

Almost all products give a quick result, harmless to humans and animals.

Ultrasonic Insect Repeller

The principle of operation of the ultrasonic repeller is to emit low-frequency waves, the impact of which leads to a feeling of anxiety and panic in insects. As a result, further stay in the radius of action becomes impossible, and they fly away. Theoretically, a repeller can act on several hornets, but such a device cannot be considered an absolute liquidation measure.

Table: Pros and Minutes of Ultrasonic Repellers

Positive sidesNegative sides
the device is safe for humans and animalseffectiveness has not been fully proven
easy to use (portable and plug-in models available)shows the least performance in open space
environmentally friendlyrequires long-term use (the first noticeable changes are achieved after 1-3 weeks)
universal in use (it helps against both insects and rodents)the ultrasonic wave is able to refract on furniture, walls and other obstacles
does not interfere with household electrical appliancesyou may have to buy more than one device

Famous brands of ultrasonic repellers:

  • Zenet;
  • Air comfort (an improved version of Zenet);
  • Riddex;
  • Pest reject (ultrasonic and electromagnetic waves).

A low-frequency signal can have a negative effect on domestic rodents, therefore, before using the repeller, you should carefully read the instructions

Devices with the function of emitting electromagnetic waves are the most effective among this category of products, since their signal easily passes through walls. Modern household models are safe for health. It should be borne in mind that their work is carried out in the presence of electrical wiring.

Brands of electromagnetic repellers that have proven themselves: Defender, Pest Repeller.

insecticidal lamps

Among universal electroinsecticides in the modern market, lamps are the most popular. The secret is simple: efficiency. Work happens thanks to the ultra-violet emitters which are built in the case. The light waves emitted are designed to attract insects. An approaching hornet collides with a metal grid under voltage, after which instant death occurs. After death, the insect falls into a special tray located at the bottom of the device. These containers are removable, so they are very easy to clean.

Due to the energized grate, insecticidal lamps are dangerous for children and pets. Devices should be hung 2-3 meters from the ground.

Table: pros and cons of insecticidal lamps

The cost of insecticidal lamps depends on the power and configuration. Price range: from 1500 to 15 thousand rubles and more.

The body of insecticidal lamps is resistant to various weather conditions and temperature changes

Acoustic wasp and hornet repeller

Among the interesting novelties, an acoustic device has appeared that affects hornets and wasps. Completely safe for human health and humane to the insects themselves, it causes an instinctive fear in Hymenoptera before a foreign colony, because the principle of its work is an imitation of the hum of a swarm.

Acoustic repeller does not need additional service and replacement of consumables

Traps and baits that will work

Modern traps that go on sale are called salting traps. The question involuntarily arises about the effectiveness of such devices in relation to hornets, because their size is much larger than that of ordinary wasps, and most other flying insects. But do not worry, because these are universal inventions, designed also for giants. Various kinds of traps and baits will be a good auxiliary and prophylactic tool in the fight against hornets. You can buy them at any hardware store.

Table: pros and cons of traps

Photo gallery: types of traps

Osolovka Mukhoyar - an analogue of a home-made bottle trap SWISSINNO Wasp Trap traps use natural long-lasting bait Hanging Help trap - a kind of simple universal bait for flying insects Ordinary adhesive tape can be a good help in the fight against hornets
Wasp bait trap is an effective way to get rid of annoying insects

Prevention of the appearance of hornets

With a potential neighborhood with hornets The best way struggle is prevention. The most effective measures taken in the spring months, when fertilized females are in search of a new place of residence:

  1. The main reason to linger within a human dwelling is the availability of food. Garbage not removed in time, an open compost pit with the remnants of last year's harvest - all this attracts insects. Waste (especially food) should be carefully packed in plastic bags, and containers and tanks must be closed with lids.
  2. Destroying old nests and birdhouses will help to avoid the emergence of new colonies. Not all types of hornets settle in previously used hives, most prefer to start from scratch. However, the fact that another family is stationed will indicate to the insects the hospitality of the territory. It is also necessary to monitor the condition of the trees on the site, especially old ones with breaks in the trunk, get rid of stumps and throw out cut branches in time.
  3. It is necessary to regularly carry out the necessary repair work dwellings, preventing the formation of cracks and holes in the facade.
  4. If in past years a colony of bees lived on the site, then all traces of their stay should be destroyed, otherwise the hornets may be attracted by their smell.
  5. In early spring, hang bait traps or place an insecticidal lamp.

Everyone knows that hornets are dangerous to humans, but it is not always necessary to panic at the sight of one insect. It is necessary to understand when it is worth looking for means to combat the hornet, and when there is no reason to panic. Let's take a closer look at how dangerous a hornet is for a person and what methods can be used to exterminate it.

What a hornet looks like: description of an insect

The insect is an aggressive and large species of wasp up to 55 mm long. The hornet has a rather long sting (up to 6.5 mm), through which it releases poison that is dangerous to humans.

Hornets live in families, building a nest from a substance that is obtained by chewing rotten wood. Nests are built in calm, quiet places: in attics, attics, sheds, hollows, under hanging parts of the roof, on trees, fences. Sometimes nests are built in the ground. Most adults appear towards the end of summer or the beginning of autumn.

Did you know? It is difficult for many to distinguish a hornet from a wasp, although their differences are obvious. The size of the body of the hornet is twice that of the wasp. At the base of the abdomen and on the back, the hornet clearly stands out brown spot(the wasp cannot boast of this).

Why is a hornet dangerous?

In suburban areas, hornets are extremely dangerous if there is an apiary nearby. They feed on other insects, quickly master the road to the hives and eventually exterminate the colonies of bees, destroy the hives.

Many are interested in the question of whether a hornet stings a person. He rarely attacks people, only with a direct threat to the insect itself or its dwelling. But hornets sting not once, but many times, as long as there is enough poison. In most cases, the victim gets off with extensive swelling and an inflamed bite site. But if the poison causes an allergic reaction, the consequences can be dire. According to statistics, in 10-15% of cases, the body receives severe poisoning, which is accompanied by numerous hemorrhages, heart palpitations, and headaches.

Moreover, with a repeated bite, the developed antibodies may not work, then the poison will cause an even greater allergic reaction in the body. So, if a hornet nest has appeared on the site, it is advisable to get rid of it, especially if small children live with you.

Did you know? Giant hornets live in Japan, from the bites of which an average of 40 people die every year. The same number of those bitten end up in intensive care with swelling of the internal organs. The largest insects of this species live in Thailand and China.

How to get rid of hornets with drugs

On the question of how to deal with hornets, they often resort to the help of insecticidal products, which are sold in any gardening store. The choice of these drugs is huge. Many of them allow you to fight simultaneously with several types of insects. Therefore, focus on newer drugs. Among the funds available on the market, the following can be recommended.

Relatively safe and inexpensive drug based on karbofos(organophosphorus insecticide). It is also used to fight bedbugs, Colorado potato beetles, cockroaches. Sold in concentrated powder or liquid form.


A Dutch professional preparation that is usually sold only in bulk to specialized services. Buying this effective tool for personal use is not at all easy.


A tool on the basis of which a whole range of insecticides is produced: Fosban, Dursban, Xulat, Agran, Get, etc. Adhering to the desired concentration, these drugs can also be used in the fight against the yellow hornet.

One of the most popular remedies are preparations based on dichlorvos. But for the proper effect, you need to spray them directly on the nest. At the same time, it will not work to kill insects immediately. Usually, the product is sprayed into a plastic bag, which is quickly put on the nest, tying it on top.

Important! Often, for safety, it is recommended to pre-fumigate the nest with special stains or smoke, which slow down the reaction of insects. But this does not guarantee the desired effect.

By choosing suitable way how to destroy a nest of hornets, it is necessary to start the procedures only in special beekeeper clothes that cover the neck, face, hands, leaving no open areas on the body. Planned procedures should be carried out in dark time days. At this time, all insects are inside the nest and are inactive.

How to use a wasp and hornet trap

Some gardeners fight this insect by setting special traps for it. True, they will catch only individual working individuals, and the nest itself, where insects live and breed, will remain untouched. Therefore, it is possible to use the trap only in those areas where a large wasp has not made a home for itself. Please note that there is no apiary nearby, otherwise honey bees will fall into the trap.

Important! Before you start fighting hornets, you need to understand what benefits they bring to your garden and garden. A family from one nest is able to clean the nearby area from harmful insects (caterpillars, butterflies, bedbugs, beetles) by about several hundred individuals per day. Therefore, if the hornets do not pose a danger to people or the apiary, it is not worth starting a fight with them.

Buying a trap

To combat hornets, you can buy ready-made traps and hang them in places where hornets live. IN specialty stores you can purchase special reusable plastic jars with several tiers and holes for insects to enter. The structure is designed in such a way that they can no longer get out. As a rule, special tools for bait are also sold in the kit.

There are traps with a soft plastic body that are designed to trap a small number of insects. In this case, you can buy several of these containers and hang them around the perimeter of the dangerous area.

Special adhesive plates are also offered on the market. They hang where hornets appear most often. Insects sit on them, stick, and since they cannot come off, they die. This trap is used only once.

How to make your own trap

You can also make a trap yourself from an ordinary plastic bottle of 1.5–2 liters. It must be cut in the middle, the upper part without a lid must be turned over and inserted into the lower part filled with bait. As a bait, a mixture of beer with sugar or honey is used, on the aromas of which hornets fly. Climbing inside, they can no longer get out and die there after a few days. Such traps begin to be hung from mid-spring. At this time, the first scout hornets appear. If there are a lot of insects, but there is no nest on the site, you can hang several similar traps on it.

Did you know? When starting to destroy hornets on the site, one must approach this wisely. Due to excessive vigilance and thoughtless struggle with these insects, their numbers have been significantly reduced. In some regions, hornets are even listed in the Red Book. There are penalties for destroying them.

Destruction of hornets by improvised means

Insects are also fought in other, less complicated ways.

Boric acid

Boric acid or fly agaric decoction can be used both in traps and simply in cans placed around the site. To prepare a decoction, take a tablespoon boric acid or three fly agaric caps, pour them with a glass of water and boil. 10 g of honey is added to the cooled mixture and poured into jars.

Poisoned Meat

Since the insect is inherently a predator, it can easily be caught for meat. To begin with, minced meat is prepared from suitable meat to lure the hornets. They place it in tin cans around the site, in boxes or empty hives with open entrances. Make sure that domestic animals do not have access to this meat.

It differs markedly from the usual wasp in size. The size of an adult is about 55 mm. The hornet is quite aggressive and its presence can bring you a lot of inconvenience. It will be even worse if their colony creates a nest in your yard. A little patience and caution - and you can get rid of them without outside help.

Safety First

Any advice on how to get rid of hornets will strongly advise you to take some safety precautions. Hornets become very aggressive when disturbed and may sting several times. Even if you are not allergic to their bites, an attacking colony will cause you serious harm. Therefore, if you are not confident in your abilities and have not learned what to do if you are bitten by a hornet, it is better to entrust this business to exterminators.

Looking for a pest

First you need to find a place where your new "neighbors" decided to make a "house" for themselves. The hornet's nest is shaped like a pine cone and appears to be made of clay. Hornets approach the location of their home very responsibly and choose only protected places. For example, under leaves, on a tree branch, on a balcony or window, in abandoned buildings and other places that are well protected from the weather.

Packing hornets in cellophane

No, this is not a joke, but really a method that tells how to get rid of hornets. First you need to dress properly. Put on old thick clothes, wrap your head with a scarf like a balaclava and put a hood over your head. Protect your eyes with ski goggles and your hands with thick gloves.

Buy a strong plastic bag that won't tear with little effort. The package must be installed so that when it falls, the nest hits the bag exactly, but the package does not break through, otherwise you will have to run away from a swarm of angry hornets.

Use long-handled scissors to cut off the branch on which the nest hangs, or cut off where the nest attaches to the branch. Fill the bag with insecticide, then close it tightly and discard, or better yet, burn it. During the procedure, you need to act quickly and carefully so that the angry hornets do not harm you. If the package breaks when the nest is destroyed, immediately leave the area and hide in a safe place.

We fill the hornets with insecticide

Another way to get rid of the unpleasant neighborhood of these insects is to treat the nest inside with an insecticide. Hardware stores offer a wide variety of sprays and aerosols to kill wasps, bees, or hornets. It does not make sense to choose a remedy for a long time, since all aerosols are equally effective. You can safely buy the cheapest spray can, and preferably two, and go to war with the pest. On the can, it must be indicated that this spray is suitable for the destruction of hornets. If this designation is not present, you only risk angering the insects. A very painful sting has a hornet. The sting, which varies from person to person, can cause inflammation, swelling, and burning pain.

It is best to handle the nest at night or at dawn. At this time of day, the hornets are very slow and not as aggressive. If you decide to poison the hornets at night, then do not use a flashlight, as bright light can wake them up and draw attention to you.

In order to avoid being bitten, wear the protective clothing described in the previous method on how to get rid of hornets. You can also protect your head with a wide-brimmed hat and a thin nylon stocking. Put a stocking over your hat and tuck the ends under your shirt. In addition, when working with insecticides, you need to wear a respirator. And after processing, quickly step back from the nest to a safe distance.

After processing, leave the nest alone for a few days. Hornets that will return to the nest will also die or leave it. After a few days, the nest can be knocked down and discarded or burned.

We set traps for annoying "neighbors"

Hornets in the country can do a lot of harm, especially if you have children or animals. Both of them, because of their curiosity, can get a painful bite. So if you can't find a nest with insects, go for another trick. There are several traps that allow you to get rid of uninvited guests on the homestead.

Trap #1

So, you already know how to get rid of a hornet nest in a drastic way, so try to cheat a little. To do this, you will need a plastic bottle, vinegar, detergent, string and some raw meat.

Cut off the neck of the bottle and insert it with the back side into the rest of the bottle. Make holes on both sides of the bottle and pull the rope through them, fixing it with two knots at both ends. Attach a piece of raw meat to the rope.

Pour a little vinegar into the bottle, after mixing it with detergent. Then place the trap in the area where the hornets are most likely to be found. Once inside the bottle, the hornets will not be able to get out and will drown in the solution. This is especially effective in the spring. When the uterus is looking for a place for a future nest. If you manage to destroy the queen, the whole hornet season will not bother you.

Trap #2

Another way to get hornets out. Pour water into a bucket, in which you first stir the sugar. Add vinegar and detergent. Put a bucket with this mixture in the place where the hornets accumulate. The sugar will attract their attention, but the soapy water will keep them from flying and the pests will drown. It is recommended to periodically repeat this procedure as a way of prevention.

It is best to make several traps and set them in different places around the entire perimeter of the site. So you completely protect your home from hornet nests.

Getting rid of the hornet in the room

If a hornet flew into your house through an open window, do not rush to go for a fly swatter. If you slap a hornet or crush it, it releases Chemical substance, which attracts other of his relatives. In insects, this serves as a peculiar way to call for help. Hornets arriving at this smell will be aggressive and ready to sting. Therefore, before getting rid of hornets indoors, arm yourself with a vacuum cleaner, and then point the tip of the vacuum cleaner and pull it inside. And then throw away the dustbin.

Remember, never crush a hornet in an open area!

Nest elimination operation

In order for the insects not to return, you should get rid of the nest completely. To do this, wear the protective clothing described above. Knock down the nest, place it in a large, strong plastic bag, and tie it off. If the hornets built their nest in ventilation shaft, it is better to use the services of a pest control.

For prevention purposes, close the gaps around the entire perimeter of the site. Thanks to this, the hornets will not be able to get into the house and build a nest inside.

After the nest is destroyed, do not forget to regularly inspect your territory and house. This is especially recommended in the spring, when insects are just starting to build nests.

In what case can the hornets return?

We figured out how to destroy their nest, but nothing prevents them from building a new one in the same place. If you liked the place, then the “uninvited neighbors” are most likely to return. To prevent this from happening, change this area a little. Cut off the branch on which the nest was hanging. Paint the wall they built it on. Or patch up a hole that the hornets love. As an addition, you can install reflective objects near the place where the nest was.

An excellent prophylaxis against hornets is an artificial nest. Since these are territorial insects, having found a “foreign” nest on the territory, they will never settle there. And that's all you need.

If you are allergic to a hornet sting or you simply do not express a desire to deal with them yourself, you can always seek help from a specialist. You can easily find the phone number of pest control services in the telephone directory.

As you know, the "disease" is better to prevent than to cure. Therefore, carefully examine the house for the presence of tidbits for hornets. Most often these are attics, attics and ventilation. Therefore, if there is a damaged ventilation grill hurry to replace it.

It's important to know!

When destroying a nest with insecticides, take care that children and animals do not inhale dangerous fumes.

During the destruction of the nest, prepare escape routes. Since in case of failure you will have to leave the territory very quickly, otherwise you risk becoming a victim of an angry swarm.

If you are not confident in your abilities - contact a specialist.

And if the hornet did bite you, accept the following measures. First, remove the stinger with tweezers. Then disinfect the bite site. You should also take an antihistamine tablet to avoid an allergic reaction. If after all the actions the state of health worsens, immediately go to medical institution or call an ambulance.

Good luck in this difficult pest control.

If you find that there are hornets in your garden and want to get rid of them, determine where their nest is. At night, spray the nest with an insecticide specifically designed to control wasps and hornets. Be sure to wear protective clothing made of dense fabric and do not get too close to the nest. If the nest is located far enough from your home, you don't have to destroy it. Hornets are an important part of the ecosystem as they prey on other insects and pollinate flowers.


Part 1

Find the nest

    With the onset of spring, check for small nests in your backyard. Hornet nests are easier to remove in early spring when they are small enough. At this time, the hornet's nest is about the size of a tennis ball and usually contains only the uterus and eggs, so that it can be easily washed off with a garden hose.

    • You will need insecticide to get rid of larger nests. By summer, the nests grow to the size of a basketball and contain thousands of insects.
  1. Wear protective clothing when searching for and destroying nests. At the very least, wear a long-sleeved shirt, trousers, thick leather or rubber gloves, and closed shoes. For extra protection, you can wear overalls and a beekeeper's hat with a mesh to cover your head and face.

    • If you don't have a beekeeper's hat, be sure to wear goggles and a head covering that covers your ears.
    • To prevent the hornets from getting under your clothes, use rubber bands or tape to attach the sleeves to the gloves and the legs to the boots.
  2. If you don't know where the nest is, bait the hornets and then watch where they fly. Lure hornets with food and watch them. When the hornets find food, they collect it and take it to the nest.

    • Try leaving bait outside, such as pieces of fruit or meat, and watch it from your window. After the hornets show interest in food, track where they fly and follow them. Eventually you will find their nest.
  3. Place the pointer at a distance of 4.5-6 meters from the nest. Hornets' nests are gray or beige, teardrop shaped, and can be as large as a basketball. Usually they hang on trees, although sometimes they are located on the ground. Once you find a nest, mark the location so you can find it next time.

    • See if the nest has a hole. Usually hornet nests have a single small exit at the bottom. If you get close enough to the nest to properly examine it, there is no way, you can use binoculars.
    • The insecticide should be applied at night, so mark the area with something light so you can see the landmark in the dark.

    Part 2

    Use an insecticide
    1. Purchase a sprayable insecticide with a spray distance of 4.5-6 meters. spray can with insecticide wasps and hornets can be purchased at a hardware store or a garden supply store. Examine the label and make sure that the spray can shoot at least 4.5 meters.

      • You will need a can with enough range so you don't have to get too close to the nest.
      • Use the can in accordance with the instructions that come with it.
    2. Treat the nest with insecticide at night. It is best to spray the hornet nest with insecticide about 2 hours after sunset. Hornets are less active at night and most workers return to the nest after sunset.

    3. Use the flashlight with the red filter to find the nest. Hornets can't see red light very well, so put some red plastic wrap over the lantern and secure it with a rubber band. Thus, you can light your way and at the same time do not disturb the nest.

      • A flashlight without a filter may attract the attention of insects.
      • Remember to wear protective clothing. However, remember that approaching a hornet or wasp nest is dangerous, and protective clothing does not make you invulnerable.
    4. Direct the spray of insecticide into the hole in the nest. After you find the landmark left earlier and the nest itself, try to make out the hole in its lower part. You can use binoculars to avoid getting too close to the nest. When you see the hole, direct a stream of insecticide at it for at least 5-10 seconds.

      • The nest must remain intact while you fill the hole with insecticide. If the hornets try to get out of the nest and attack you, they will fall under the jet.
      • Try to flood the hole with insecticide for a few seconds, but don't linger near the nest any longer than necessary. If you hear the rumble of angry insects, cover your head with your hands and hide in a shelter.
    5. Not earlier than one day later, check the nest and spray it again if necessary. Wait 24-48 hours and inspect the nest. If there are hornets left in it, return to the nest after it gets dark and spray it again with insecticide.

      • If the nest is large, you will most likely need to spray it 2-3 times. When you are sure that the nest is empty, knock it off the tree and cover it with earth.

Hornets never leave their nest unguarded. Aggressive insects attack people and animals that dare to approach their home, even if the victim was just passing by. An adult dies after 10-12 bites, and 3-5 is enough for a child. How to get rid of hornets that settled in the attic or in the yard? Destroy the nest. Act carefully and wisely, because angry insects pounce on a stranger instantly and do not retreat until they eliminate the threat.

Equipment and first aid

The hornets have a long and sharp sting that can pierce even dense denim. A person about to approach the nest should protect themselves by wearing a hazmat suit. These are worn by beekeepers when pumping out honey. Cover your face with a mesh helmet.

You will need tight long gloves, because a person with an allergy to hornet venom needs only one bite to cause Quincke's edema or anaphylactic shock. What if there is no special suit? Put on a few pants, a thick jacket and a sweater, wrap your neck with a thick scarf, leaving not even small gaps. Find an old hat and attach a piece of curtain to it, turning it into a makeshift safety helmet.

Put on rubber boots or high winter boots. No flip flops or sandals. Pants are tucked into socks and then into boots so that predatory insects do not have access to the body.

Before starting the operation, consider options for retreats. It is possible to put a barrel or an iron bath filled with water in the yard. A person attacked by hornets will be able to jump into a container of liquid and hide for 30-40 seconds. This is enough to make the angry guards retreat.

A person who has been stung by a hornet needs first aid. Act quickly to stop the spread of the poison throughout the body, so you should have on hand:

  • a bottle of peroxide, ammonia or calendula tincture;
  • packaging of an antihistamine drug, like "Suprastin" or "Diazolin";
  • a roll of cotton;
  • a bowl of ice wrapped in cloth.

A cotton swab dipped in an alcohol-containing agent is applied to the bite, the victim is given an antihistamine tablet to prevent anaphylactic shock. Then to swollen soft tissues apply ice to stop the swelling from spreading.

How to find a nest

There are a lot of predatory insects in the yard or near the apiary, but you didn’t manage to find the nest? You will need a tennis racket and a thin red thread. Get close to any hornet and hit it to stun. Choose a victim flying alone, otherwise the rest of the individuals will rush to the offender.

While the hornet does not understand anything, tie a thread to its paw or abdomen. Cut off a small piece so that it does not catch on a flower or tree, otherwise the insect will not reach the nest. Do a trick with a few hornets, and then follow where they go. The red thread will show where the queen hid and the nest itself.

Important: You can not take winged predators with bare hands. Only in rubber or thick fabric gloves, because an insect can sting at any time.

Little problem

In the evening, when it gets dark, you need to go to the nest and assess its size. Up to 700 adults live in some houses, and the height of such structures reaches 1 m. Only exterminators can cope with large families, but you can fight with small ones on your own.

If the nest is not larger than a soccer ball, it is recommended to drown it. Collect a bucket of water, grab a stepladder and approach the hornet settlement. Gently immerse the cocoon in the liquid without removing it from the branch or ceiling. Hold the bucket for 10-20 minutes, but it is better to put it on the stairs and wait.

The hornets will not understand what happened if everything is done quickly. The walls of the nest will dissolve in the water, and the insects themselves will drown before they can fly out.

Fire is the solution
Hornet cocoons, which are larger than a bucket, are burned. The procedure is carried out in the evening, when the insects become lethargic and not so aggressive. Pull a tight bag over the nest. The cover must be checked so that there are no holes in it. The neck of the bag is tied, the cocoon is cut off with a sharp knife from a beam or branch.

Important: Sometimes the hornets start to buzz and, trying to get out, sting the cover. Insects can get into the person cutting the cocoon if he leans his body against the bag or gets too close.

A rag soaked in ammonia will calm the striped aggressors. She is thrown into a bag, and the hornets subside after a few minutes.

A fire is lit on the street, into which they throw a nest along with its inhabitants. It is undesirable to remove the cocoon from the bag. It is recommended to move away from the fire by 2–3 m and wait until the house of the striped aggressors turns into ashes.

The socket located on the iron base does not need to be removed. If there are no flammable objects around the cocoon, it is watered with kerosene or gasoline. They wait until the liquid is absorbed into the walls, and then they put a burning torch inside from a wooden stick or newspaper. And they quickly move to a safe distance, because some individuals are able to get out and attack the person who destroyed their housing.

Insecticides against hornets
There is a third option for destruction dangerous insects. You will need "Dichlorvos" or another pesticide designed to combat wasps. Pull a huge plastic bag over the nest. Spray inside the poison, not sparing. Tie the plastic cover, wait until the hornets die.

The nest is cut off without being removed from the bag, and thrown into a landfill. You can burn it.
How to get rid of the hornets that settled in the hollow of a tree? Buy a can of a pesticide designed to kill wasps, prepare a solution of clay or putty. Spray the product into the hollow, and then quickly cover up all the holes from which the hornets can fly out.

Important: Liquid insecticides are injected with a thick needle into the tree trunk. The pesticide quickly spreads throughout the plant, droplets of poisoned juice fall on the paws and wings of insects, and they die.

Big danger

Large nests are difficult to drown or burn without irritating the swarm. First they destroy the insects living in huge cocoons, and then get rid of the structure.

Stage 1
It will take a lot of transparent plastic bottles volume from 2 to 5 liters. Make a cross-shaped incision in the lids, bend the plastic "petals" into the container to form a small hole.

Pour into the bottom of bottles sweet water with vanillin, jam or honey. Choose a bait with a strong scent that will attract adult hornets. Insects enter the container through a hole in the lid and stay inside because they cannot find their way out.

Traps with lots of striped aggressors are thrown into the fire. You can put a burning newspaper inside, completely closing the hole. Burning bottles is not recommended. Hornets float to the surface, and some aggressors are able to find a way out, dry off and attack the enemy.

Stage 2
When the number of adults decreases, they switch to larvae and young insects. Tin cans or other containers filled with minced meat are placed next to the nest. Not necessarily fresh. Ground chicken giblets or fish are also suitable.

The first 2-3 days, insects are attracted. Hornets carry meat to the nest to feed the young larvae. For 3-4 days, arsenic or Parisian greens are added to the minced meat. For 1 kg of meat preparation 10–20 g of poison. Mix and divide into jars.

Work with pesticides carefully, be sure to wear rubber gloves. Cans tightly closed, leaving only small holes into which an adult hornet will crawl. Baits are placed in hard-to-reach places. It is impossible for a pet or a child to try minced meat.

The poisoned treat kills the juveniles and the soldiers guarding the queen. The surviving hornets are destroyed by Dichlorvos. Insect repellent is sprayed inside the nest. Holes in the cocoon are sealed with putty or clay so that striped predators do not get out of the trap.
The nest with the dead hornets is taken out to the rubbish heap and burned.

good time

It all starts with a small cocoon that the queen weaves, guarded by several soldiers. In the spring, it is recommended to check the attic and other secluded places where insects could settle. If it was possible to find a mini-version of the nest, they pick it up with a stick in a plastic bag, and throw a rag soaked in ammonia inside. The tool destroys hornets no worse than synthetic pesticides.

Did the striped aggressors camouflage the cocoon well? If insects get along well with people, large nests are not touched until winter. Hornets leave their summer home before the onset of the first cold weather and hibernate. In December or March, the empty cocoon is removed and burned, and all the cracks in the room or in the attic are sealed with cement so that insects do not get inside.

Non-standard way

No time to lure and feed the hornets minced meat with arsenic? Aggressive individuals are lured out of the nest with a vacuum cleaner. You will need an old model with a fabric dust collector and a long tube.

The technique is turned on and brought closer to the entrance to the cocoon. Hornets, sensing danger, begin to attack plastic pipe, which sucks them into the dust collector. What to do with caught insects? You can quickly shake it out into a bag and burn it or leave it inside the vacuum cleaner by plugging the tube with a rubber stopper or a rag.

Hornets - dangerous neighbors. They are aggressive and big, and one bite predatory insect capable of killing an adult. You need to fight the striped invaders carefully, carefully considering each step. And if there are a lot of hornets, and they carefully guard the queen and the nest, it is better to call a team of experienced exterminators.

Video: how to destroy a hornet's nest