The meaning of the name angelina for a woman. What does the tender name Angelina mean? Angelina's love relationship

The gentle female name Angelina comes from the ancient Latin name Angelus, which in turn originated from the Greek word "angelos". It translates as "angel", "messenger", "messenger". This is a very pretty and rather rare name for girls. Not to be confused with related names Angelica, Angela, Angela.

Angelina is an extraordinary person: so, her name should define an angelic and docile character, which is not true. In fact, the owner of this beautiful name wayward, irritable and stubborn. She is temperamental, impulsive, kind and energetic, but she absolutely does not recognize authorities. Angelina lives in her own world, outside of which everyone remains human vices... Her world is filled with harmony and love, only she does not like to let strangers into it.

Characteristics of the name Angelina

Corresponding zodiac sign: Leo ♌.

Patronizing planet: Mercury ☿.

The dominant element of Feng Shui: Water 水.

Talisman-stone, mineral, metal: Lapis Lazuli, Turquoise.

Talisman-color: Blue.

Talisman tree: Olive 🍁.

Mascot plant: Knapweed.

Animal mascot: Owl.

The most successful day: Monday ☽.

Happy time of the year: Summer ☀.

Character traits: Independence, Self-love, Activity.

Spring Angelina ambitious, ambitious and stubborn, so she easily achieves what she wants. At the same time, there is so much unspent warmth and tenderness in this woman that she can surround her relatives and friends with her care. Due to her difficult nature, spring Angelina finds it difficult to arrange her personal life, so she most often gets married in enough mature age for a reasonable and reliable man who is ready to become her friend first of all.

Summer Angelina- a gullible, cheerful and vulnerable nature. It is very easy to deceive her, because she is used to opening up to people without thinking about the consequences. Because of her naivety, Angelina, born in the summer, suffers a fiasco in her first marriage, which she enters into early and thoughtlessly, guided solely by feelings. This woman needs to become tougher in relations with others, otherwise they will continue to use her location for selfish purposes.

Autumn Angelina reasonable, decisive and practical. She will make a strict, authoritative, respected and fair leader. But in her personal life, she is rarely lucky, since she absolutely does not understand men, which is why she suffers. Autumn Angelina attracts men who are used to living off their women, while Angelina finds a lot of excuses for such gigolo, just not to notice that she is simply being used.

Winter Angelina stubborn and intractable, which is due to her solid masculine character. Do not even try to convince her of anything, because she has her own adamant opinion on everything. It is rather difficult to call Winter Angelina a highly moral person, since if necessary, she will cheat without a twinge of conscience. But all the same, this woman does not hold good nature and participation, just not everyone knows about her sincerity and responsive heart.

The nature of the name Angelina

By a strange coincidence, in the family where the girl is called that, the parents get along badly with each other and often get divorced. This is not a regularity, but a common case. Little Angelina is very dependent on psychological comfort in the family. If parents know how to negotiate with each other and do not quarrel in front of a child, then their daughter grows up calm and obedient. She adopts most of the qualities from her mother and carefully remembers how she behaves with her husband and those around her. Otherwise, he becomes a very irritable, stubborn person, often capricious, in games with other children he always takes the position of a leader and manipulates them.

The secret of the name lies in the fact that Angelina herself forms her character, depending on her upbringing. She lives in a world of illusions, which she herself invented, and childish naivety often leads to the fact that a girl, and then a young lady, makes many attempts to change a crazy world full of injustice and cruelty. Growing up and changing ideals comes late. Only in adulthood, she finally refuses to remake others and begins to accept them as they are.

Slightly scattered and constantly hovering in the clouds, the owner of the name Angelina cannot stand the pressure at all. She is burdened by the performance of mandatory actions, which often affects her studies. Parents should devote a lot of time to their daughter in primary school playing around the learning process to instill a desire to learn. Such a girl is very trusting and good-natured, but not at all harmless. Anyone who runs the risk of testing it, repents for a long time.

Positive about the name Angelina: This is a confident and independent woman who achieves her goals only on her own. She is curious and interesting in communication, but often does not trust people, never shares her secrets.

Negative about the name Angelina: A woman named Angelina has such traits as irritability and stubbornness. She loves to command people, is often irritable, can offend a person or easily break off relations with him.

Hobbies and hobbies

A sociable girl named Angelina loves to be in the thick of things: to go to various exhibitions, social events, but she prefers to receive guests at home. She has excellent vocal abilities and good hearing, often plays any musical instrument.

Profession and business

Independent Angelina can hardly bear when she is given orders. Therefore, she often rapidly rises to the level of a managerial employee or chooses professions in which she does not have to constantly implement other people's ideas. For her good option work as a flight attendant, journalist, designer, creative direction. A girl with this name is a "free artist", perhaps even conducting a shady business.

Angelina can perfectly run a business on her own, unlike many other women, and all thanks to her qualities such as determination and independence. She does not need helpers, because she loves to lead, and the opinion of her partner will have to be reckoned with.

Mind and health

Angelina is a phlegmatic. She is well versed in people, while trying not to get into anyone's life, even if asked to do so. She firmly believes that everyone should be able to make decisions on their own and take full responsibility for them. Angelina's equanimity, coldness and restraint often alienate people who consider this woman narcissistic and selfish. In part, this opinion is true, but few people know that behind these qualities there is a kind and sympathetic nature that will not refuse to help anyone.

Angelina doesn't really care about her health, especially at a young age, which can negatively affect the development of the spinal region and the functioning of the nervous system. Angelina's health is very shaky due to constant anxiety and mood swings. As a child, she is prone to colds. If you do not learn how to cope with increased emotionality, then a set of chronic ENT diseases is possible by the time you reach adulthood. She should also pay attention to the functioning of the pancreas.

Love and sex

Temperamental and passionate Angelina dreams of true love, in which there is no betrayal and lies. At the same time, dreamers, philosophers and romantics are not her profile. She likes more decisive boyfriends who know what they want and boldly go to their goal. For the sake of such a strong and courageous man, Angelina is ready to go to great lengths. Angelina is always demanding and independent in love. After spending some time with a man and fully enjoying communication with him, she can completely forget about his existence. Attaches great importance to details: romantic and comfortable setting, additional surroundings, attentiveness and affection. Men do not bypass Angelina, but they are in no hurry to build a serious relationship with her, because they are afraid of her coldness.

Passionate Angelina prefers variety in her intimate life, therefore she is interested in experienced partners who can give her new emotions and sensations. She seeks to receive pleasure, while she does not forget about her partner. If her sex life does not suit her, then she will not tolerate this, but will break off relations with an old partner and find a new one. From physical intimacy, Angelina expects a feeling of happiness, as well as the joy of being. Monotony depresses her and makes her irritable.

Family and marriage

The romantically inclined Angelina is able to search for her soul mate all her life. To create a family, he is looking for a man capable of reciprocal generosity of the soul: attentive, gentle and caring. If in the first marriage he makes a mistake in the chosen candidate, then he cannot live with him, but embarks on new searches. She will give her love to a strong and successful man who can not only provide her with a comfortable life, but also protect her from all misfortunes. However, having found happiness in the family, a woman reveals herself in all her glory: she becomes ideal spouse- a loving, caring, devoted and great mother.

Angelina is a cordial and hospitable hostess, faithful wife, caring mother. An obstacle to family happiness can be her adherence to principles and uncompromising attitude. Therefore, in order to preserve the family, a woman needs to be diplomatic and gentle, and a man needs understanding and patience. Often Angelina is able to give up her ambitions for the sake of her family and become a housewife, the main objective which is to provide comfort, warmth and coziness to your household.

Angelina horoscope

Angelina-Aries ♈- cheerful, kind, friendly and sympathetic Angelina-Aries and cannot live a day without communication. She does not tolerate loneliness, she is always surrounded by many friends. This woman often idealizes others, which is why she herself suffers. Angelina-Aries goes headlong into a relationship, because she, like air, needs to be around close person who will surround her with love and care. She will give her chosen one true and all-embracing love.

Angelina Taurus ♉- you can always rely on a reliable, open and sympathetic Angelina-Taurus, because she will always help with advice and deed. She can easily be entrusted with any secret, because she does not tolerate gossip. For her partner, Angelina-Taurus will become a wonderful and faithful wife who will share with him all the sorrows and joys. The main thing is that her chosen one is a sincere, open and honest person who lives in harmony with his conscience.

Angelina Gemini ♊- this woman has a difficult character, which is not given to everyone. She is hardworking and executive, while she tries to diversify her leisure time by visiting friends. But even in fun company Angelina Gemini feels lonely. She is looking for the perfect love, so for a long time does not build a serious relationship. There is a chance that this woman will build a family at a fairly mature age, when she gets tired of waiting for her prince on a white horse.

Angelina Cancer ♋- shy, very timid, but at the same time incredibly charming and feminine Angelina-Cancer attracts male attention, but not everyone will be able to win her trust, let alone love. It needs a special approach that includes approval and praise. And in general, Angelina-Cancer should learn to relate to life more easily, become liberated and independent, only in this case she can find her female happiness.

Angelina-Leo ♌- this woman has a special charm that she cannot but win over to herself. At the same time, Angelina-Leo knows about her magnetism and knows how to use it. Moreover, such a quality as selfishness is inherent in her, so she does not consider the fact that she prefers to take, but not give, as something shameful. To those who point out this flaw to her, Angelina-Leo points to the door. In her personal life, she needs a man who will in every possible way encourage her cult of herself.

Angelina-Virgo ♍ Is a versatile person who is very demanding not only towards others, but also towards himself. Angelina-Virgo is always worried about her mistakes and mistakes, which negatively affects her nervous system... In addition, this woman absolutely does not know how to rest and forget, at least for a while, about her problems. She needs an active, energetic and cheerful man who can distract her from the gray everyday life and teach her how to relax.

Angelina-Libra ♎- tactful and diplomatic Angelina-Libra disposes to communication. She is open, delicate and non-conflicting. Thanks to her erudition, this woman will easily support a conversation on any topic. Angelina-Libra is an excellent listener and advisor. She needs the same sincere and good-natured person who will understand her perfectly and share her views on life. This caring and gentle woman is often happily married.

Angelina-Scorpio ♏- this is an uncommunicative and reserved woman who does not seek entertainment and bypasses noisy companies. She is demanding and strict, does not forgive mistakes to others. Public opinion for Angelina-Scorpio does not mean anything, so she does not seek to please everyone around. Men are afraid of her imperiousness and coldness, so it is extremely difficult for this woman to build a happy and harmonious personal life.

Angelina-Sagittarius ♐- cheerfulness, energy and optimism are inherent in Angelina, born under the sign of Sagittarius. She loves cheerful and noisy feasts, guests are always welcome at her house, and she herself does not mind spending time with friends. But an overly frivolous attitude towards life can lead to the fact that in the end Angelina-Sagittarius will be left alone with her problems, especially with regard to her personal life. After all, men view her more as a friend, and not as a potential wife.

Angelina-Capricorn ♑- practicality, seriousness and pragmatism are inherent in this woman. She is not prone to lengthy reflections on life and pipe dreams. On the contrary, all plans of Angelina-Capricorn are quite realistic and achievable. She spends a lot of time at work, so she often lacks both strength and desire for her personal life, which can ultimately turn into loneliness. Angelina-Capricorn should learn to separate work and personal life if she wants to find family happiness.

Angelina-Aquarius ♒- this woman knows the art of communication perfectly, which helps her both in the professional sphere and in her personal life. Angelina-Aquarius knows how to empathize, so many with their problems go to her. Despite the fact that this woman is well aware of her merits, she never uses them for selfish purposes. A beloved man and children occupy a leading role in her life, for their sake she is ready to forget about work and career.

Angelina-Pisces ♓- it creative person, which leads a bohemian lifestyle, in which there is no place for the realities of our time. So, Angelina-Pisces lives in the world of beauty and illusion, in the world of love stories, painting and theater. She is attracted by smart, tactful, intelligent and courteous men, devoid of arrogance and rudeness. In a relationship, Angelina-Pisces is gentle, caring, loving and loyal, which any real man will appreciate.

Angelina name compatibility with male names

Angelina and Dmitry- in this bright union, two independent and independent personalities converge, who do not know how to give in. As a result, their romance is very passionate, but often unpromising in terms of family life... Although if Dmitry and Angelina learn to compromise, then everything can work out.

Angelina and Alexander- this tandem consists of partners who complement each other in an amazing way. Their life together is like a holiday in which there is no place for loneliness and even more so for boredom. Angelina and Alexander are a wonderful union that will withstand any trials.

Angelina and Eugene- both partners have enough similar characters, which makes their tandem not only durable, but also stable. Evgeny and Angelina find a way out of any situation without any problems, and they always act together.

Angelina and Sergey- the domineering and capricious Angelina bears little resemblance to an angel. On the contrary, she tries to suppress Sergey, always and in everything imposing her opinion on him. In addition, she tries to control his every step, which sooner or later leads to the breakup of the couple.

Angelina and Andrey- Both Angelina and Andrei do not want to overwork to achieve their goal. They want to get everything, and at once, only here in real life this is hardly possible. Material difficulties and a lack of a sense of novelty in a relationship can destroy this tandem.

Angelina and Alexey- the strength of the relationship between Angelina and Alexei is under a big question, since a woman tries to assert herself as a leader, while a man fundamentally disagrees with this. The outcome of the development of such a relationship is not difficult to predict.

Angelina and Yuri- this contradictory union can be very strong, or it can disintegrate as soon as it is created. And all the fault is the independent characters of Angelina and Yuri, who are trying to surpass each other in all spheres of life.

Angelina and Ivan Is a happy, calm and stable union in which Angelina and Ivan value family, family values ​​and each other. Both strive to develop as individuals, so they are always interested in together, which is important for family relationships.

Angelina and Maxim- the impulsiveness and changeability of the mood of Angelina and Maxim first stimulate their relationship, bringing brightness and novelty to them, but over time, both get tired of an excess of passion. This pair lacks stability.

Angelina and Egor- energetic and strong in character Angelina and Yegor think, and, therefore, act in the same way. They will make not only a friendly and harmonious family, but also a promising working union, which is destined for prosperity.

Angelina and Roman- The relationship between Angelina and Roman is complex and contradictory, because a woman wants novelty and romance, but a man in this pair is not always ready to give her what she requires. Roman is closer to the heart of the life of a hermit, only now he realizes it too late.

Angelina and Vladimir- the stubborn Vladimir, despite his hard work, is not always able to provide the demanding Angelina with the way of life and the level of comfort to which she is accustomed. Because of this, the couple often have quarrels that can lead to separation.

Angelina and Denis- initially, the tandem of Angelina and Denis is developing very successfully: both partners complement each other, they are ambitious and ambitious. But soon the rivalry between them develops into open confrontation, which leads to a rupture.

Angelina and Artem- the multifaceted relationship of Angelina and Artyom is built not only on a feeling of love, but also on friendship, mutual respect and complete trust. It is quite natural that this union is strong and durable.

Angelina and Anton- the impetuous, impulsive and fickle Anton will not be able to become the ideal man for the practical, proud and independent Angelina, who will never forgive anyone for betrayal and lies. This tandem has no future.

Angelina and Mikhail- both partners are aimed at creating an ideal family, which will become a real stronghold of love and understanding. A responsible attitude to the choice of the second half leads to the fact that Angelina and Mikhail create a strong union.

Angelina and Nikolay- this couple is an example of the fact that it is not always possible to build strong relationships on sexual compatibility. Angelina and Nikolai, despite their passionate love, cannot live together and lead a common life, their views on the family are so different.

Angelina and Igor- freedom-loving Igor is sometimes quite selfish, and Angelina is proud and ambitious. She will not tolerate the betrayal of her chosen one and his frivolity, but will turn around and leave, even if the couple have children.

Angelina and Anatoly- Angelina's temperament breaks against the wall of calmness of Anatoly, but nevertheless, in this union there are often disagreements and stormy showdowns. But no quarrels can separate this loving couple, who quickly forgets grievances.

Angelina and Vyacheslav- common interests, family traditions, Angelina and Vyacheslav put trust and desire to create a real family at the head of their lives. They value their feelings, which only multiply over the years, making this tandem truly strong.

Angelina and Ilya- the man Ilya is hardworking and responsible, while Angelina is lazy and tries to protect herself from obligations. It is not surprising that against this background, serious disagreements often arise in the couple, which ultimately lead to a break in relations.

Angelina and Vitaly- in these relationships there is a full gamut of feelings - from passionate love to all-consuming hatred, so it is doubly surprising that Angelina and Vitaly manage to build a fairly strong and stable relationship.

Characteristics of the name Angelina.

When choosing a name for a child, remember that it will strongly influence his future life. If you plan to name your daughter with the beautiful name Angelina, then be prepared for the fact that a stubborn, wayward and very ambitious child will grow up in your family.

What does the name Angelina mean according to the church calendar

Name value by church calendar

There are many different interpretations of the name Angelina. Some of them argue that it appeared at the time of the baptism of Russia and meant the appearance of the Angel. Later sources decipher this name a little differently and claim that it means The messenger or Messenger of god... And although it is not originally Russian, in church books it is written unchanged in the way that most clergy translate it into Russian, as Angel.

Patron saint named Angelina

This name is patronized by the Reverend Angelina of Serbia. This woman was a representative of a wealthy Serbian family and from the very birth lived in luxury. But after she got married, her life changed for the worse and she had to spend a lot of time in exile away from everyone she loved.

But even in such a difficult life situation, she did not break down, and tried as best she could to help people in need. All her life she built temples and small churches and carried God's word to the masses. And at that moment when her life, it would seem, began to improve in her family, grief happened again - her son died. After this tragedy, Angelina of Serbia took monastic vows and became the abbess of the nunnery.

She spent the rest of her life in prayer for her family. After her death, in memory of her kindness, decency and patience, people proclaimed her Saint and began to worship her relics, placed in the same monastery in which she spent her worldly life.

The mystery of the name Angelina

The secret of the appearance of the name of Angelina is associated with Greek God Angelos. Since in those ancient times, the inhabitants of heaven could calmly descend to earth, he played the role of a messenger who conveyed the wishes and orders of the Almighty to ordinary people.

And when it came troubled times, and the Gods could no longer descend to earth, he entered into a relationship with an earthly woman and as a result of this, a beautiful, angel-like girl was born, who was named Angelina.

It was believed that she would play the role of God's messenger on earth, helping people not to succumb to temptations. That is why in those days they tried to educate girls who bore this name in severity, or, in general, immediately after birth, they were sent to a monastery.

What nationality is Angelina's name?

In the primary sources, the name Angelina is considered exclusively Greek, as it was there that they first named a newborn girl. This name was given to her because her father was the messenger of Zeus and Artemis, Angelos. And since in those days it was strictly forbidden to give to girls male names, then the name of the messenger of the Gods was slightly changed and made it feminine.

In addition, some sources attribute him to personal Russian names that are given to a person at birth or when he changes his name. This version is due to the fact that it was recorded in the very first church Christmastide.

Angelina's name: meaning and popularity

Angelina: value and popularity

If we talk about the popularity of the name Angelina, then we can definitely say that young parents like it. As practice shows, most often they are named girls in big cities and towns.

But in the villages this name is not very popular. Since for the most part people live there who are very careful about Russian traditions, they try to choose more familiar names for their children.

Meaning of the name:

  • A- high ability to work and diligence
  • N- caution in dealing with strangers
  • G- strong affection for family people
  • E- Confidence in your strength
  • L- compassion and kindness
  • AND- desire to make the world around you a better place

Angelina's name in English, German, different languages

The language of each nation is unique in its own way. That is why the same name on different languages sounds different. So that you can understand how you can pronounce this word differently, we offer you information on how Angelina will sound in English, German or French.


  • English- Angelina, Angie, Angel, Lina
  • French- Angeline, Angelina
  • Deutsch- Angi, Angie, Angel, Angel, Linnel
  • Spanish- Angelina, Helina, Angelino
  • Portuguese- Angel, Anginya, Zhelinika
  • Italian- Agnolina, Gandzhulina, Andzelina, Ginino
  • Serbian- Angelina, Ghana, Gela

How is Angelina's name spelled in the passport?

Spelling the name in the passport

If you are going abroad for the first time, you must check if your name is spelled correctly in your passport. In view of this, you should know that all words in this official document must be spelled out in Latin, which can be read in absolutely all countries.

The Russian name Angelina in the passport should be written as Anguelina... Also, in some countries, it is allowed to write Anguelyna and Angelyna... But still, if you do not want to have unnecessary problems, then give preference to the first example of writing.

Angelina: what is an abbreviated short name, diminutive pet?

Most people believe that the name Angelina has no abbreviations and affectionate forms... But in fact, the owners of this beautiful name can be called completely differently.

Affectionate forms:

  • Angelina
  • Little angel
  • Angelinka
  • Linochka

Short and abbreviated forms:

Angelina: the meaning of the name character and fate

As mentioned a little above, Angelina has a rather purposeful character, which sometimes pushes her to not entirely correct actions. Due to the fact that she is too ambitious, sometimes she goes to her goal, as they say, head over heels. That is why the adult Lina has practically no close people. But if you think that she cannot be friends, then you are deeply mistaken.

If she let someone into her life, she will treasure this person very much. Moreover, in the event of a strong quarrel, it is she who will take the first step towards reconciliation and admit that she was not quite right. Adult Gela belongs to the type of people who constantly need new emotions.

That is why she is constantly trying to find herself a new occupation and sometimes even tries extreme sports. But despite such a contradictory character, Angelina knows how to adapt to the one whom she really loves and respects. In view of this, in most cases, the life of the fair sex bearing this name is developing quite well.

Angelina's name: sexuality, marriage

Most of the Angelins are very temperamental. And if they don't like something, then they immediately express it to their partner. For this reason, they choose men for marriage who are able to give in and cool their ardor. Ideally, they see their partner as strong, courageous, financially secure and as silent as possible.

Of course, it is difficult to find such a person in life, so most often they choose a life companion for themselves, who simply suits them sexually, and try to restrain their emotions at least a little. If Lina falls in love with a modest man, then she does not hesitate to take the initiative neither in everyday nor in intimate relationships.

As practice shows, the fair sex with this name, get married early enough and most often for a well-known person. Since they are careful enough to let into their lives strangers, then marriage a month after the first meeting is unacceptable for such ladies.

Angelina's name: health and psyche

Angelines have a phlegmatic type of character, so it is quite difficult for outsiders to understand what emotions they are experiencing on this moment... Such external closeness and excessive restraint very often alienates people from them. Most often, they think that they are in front of an arrogant person who does not want close acquaintance.

In fact, Lina simply takes a wait-and-see attitude and tries to understand whether she can, in general, trust a new acquaintance with any of her secrets. If we talk about Angelina's health, then we can say with confidence that she will be a frequent visitor to doctors all her life.

Due to the fact that she constantly restrains her emotions and is a lot nervous, from time to time her body fails and this affects the work of internal organs. As practice shows, if Gela fails to curb her emotions in adolescence and adolescence, then as she matures, she will face large quantity chronic diseases.

What middle name fits the name Angelina?

Middle names that enhance Angelina's positive energy

You probably already know that everything that belongs to us carries a certain energy. Therefore, whether we like it or not, our patronymic also has both a positive and a negative impact on us. As for the middle name for Angelina, Alexandrovna is most ideal for such women and girls.

This combination will help to strengthen such positive features representatives of the fair sex as sincerity, calmness and hard work. If Lina will wear a patronymic Evgenievna, then persistence, irritability and vindictiveness will prevail in her character.

Middle names that enhance Angelina's positive energy:

  • Yuryevna
  • Arkadyevna
  • Vladislavovna
  • Bogdanovna
  • Valerievna
  • Ivanovna

Angelina: compatibility with male names

Angelines are quite contradictory personalities, so only those men who are capable of unlimited patience are suitable for partners. If such a woman chooses a guy with a similar temperament, then such a union will not last long.

Male names suitable for Angelina:

  • Alexei. Guys with this name will gently suppress the excessive ambition of their partner and this will contribute to a fairly calm relationship.
  • Ivan. A person with that name will be the most perfect couple for Lina. He will push her to self-development, thereby distracting from unnecessary thoughts.
  • Vladimir. Can give a girl the comfort she dreams of. If she can not notice the categorical nature of her chosen one, then such a union can turn out to be very strong.
  • Vyacheslav. As a rule, such men put their chosen one on a pedestal and do whatever she wants, for this reason such a union will bring pleasure to both partners.

When is the name day, Angelina's Day according to the Orthodox calendar?

As mentioned at the very beginning of our article, the Guardian Angel of Angelin is the Reverend Angelina of Serbia. In view of this, it is on the day of veneration of this Saint that the owners of this name are congratulated on their name day. Below you can see the dates on which you can congratulate your friends Angelin on the holiday.


  • the 14 th of July
  • July 30
  • 12th of August
  • December 23rd

Congratulations on the Day of Angela Angelina short in verse and prose

Congratulation number 1

Congratulation number 2

Congratulation number 3
  • My dear Angelina! I want to congratulate you on Angel Day and wish you many sunny days, joyful meetings with friends and warm and unforgettable evenings with your family. Always be happy, cheerful and beautiful!
  • My dear man, I want to wish you that your Guardian Angel always guides you on the right path and protects you from everything bad. I wish you that your soul never knows grief, and your beautiful eyes always shine with happiness.
  • Angelina, may your Guardian Angel give you the strength to rise high and achieve everything that you dream of. Be loved and desired and never forget that you are surrounded by people who are always ready to lend you their shoulder.

Tattoo with the name Angelina: photo

Tattoo number 1

Tattoo number 2 Tattoo number 3

Pendant for Angelina made of gold: photo

Suspension No. 1

Suspension No. 2

Suspension No. 3

Angelina's name: intuition, intelligence, morality

By their nature, Angelines are very smart. Since they have a high working capacity, they easily master everything new and, most importantly, skillfully use their skills in practice. Good intelligence allows them to always be better than others and to move towards their goals practically without obstacles. A small minus of Angeline's character is their intuition.

Due to the fact that they are very suspicious, sometimes they simply do not hear their subconscious and this leads to the fact that they have problems that require immediate solution... Although even this state of affairs does not particularly upset the owners of this name. Their natural charisma helps them cope with all difficulties and emerge victorious even from the most hopeless situations.

Angelina's name: hobbies, activities, business

Since Angelina loves to receive fresh emotions, then most often she tries to find herself a hobby that would allow her to see something new in front of her eyes all the time. That is why most often the owners of this name become the organizers of parties, birthdays, various presentations and social events.

In addition, such ladies love to play music, dance and, as strange as it may sound, drawing. As for work, most often Angelins choose professions that do not imply that they will have to clearly follow someone's instructions. Most often they all become flight attendants, bloggers, journalists, florists or designers.

If Lina decides to open her own business, then she gives herself up to her brainchild completely. As a rule, all of her starting helps her to improve her financial condition, thereby making her even more independent.

What sign of the zodiac does the name Angelina fit into?

Zodiac signs for Angelina

Most of all, the name Angelina suits girls born under the constellation Leo. Growing up, they turn into women who have the ability to attract the right people... Most often, they get along well in life and, whenever possible, always help their relatives and friends. Another suitable sign for Angelina are Libra.

In this case, the stars will help make the fair sex more calm, diplomatic and friendly. You can also quite calmly call this name of Aquarius. The energy of this zodiac sign will make Lina a more open and sociable girl, always ready to help the people around her.

Stone talisman to the name Angelina

Angelin's mascot is turquoise. It is believed that she has magical energy, which can develop in the one who carries her the gift of foresight. In addition, turquoise is an excellent defense against negative energy emanating from envious people and enemies.

True, you must remember that such a talisman must be changed periodically. If you notice that it has darkened a lot, then just throw it away and get another pebble.

Flower, plant, tree mascot for the name Angelina

Flower mascot - water lily

In addition to turquoise, an ordinary water lily can protect Lina from negative energy. In view of this, if you want her to constantly clean the energy, then do it at home artificial pond and grow this flower in it.

If you live in apartment building, then plant an apple tree near him. She, too, will protect you from everything bad, but unlike a water lily, her strength will grow as her height increases.

Totem animal named Angelina

Totem animals of Angelin are toads. Since the owners of this name strive for financial independence, they do everything so that the ladies have stable jobs and high wages. In addition, the totem animal very well charges Angelin with optimism and they stop getting hung up on their problems.

Numerology named after Angelina

Numerology named after Angelina

The numerological number of Angelin is two. It is she who has the greatest influence on the fate of the owners of this name, making them more docile and friendly. In addition, the deuce, just like a totem animal, attracts wealth and luck to a woman.

Nickname for the name Angelina

  • Little angel
  • Little fairy
  • Caprice
  • Sweetie
  • Yummy
  • Cherry
  • Positive

Famous people, celebrities named Angelina: photo

Angelina Vovk

Angelina of Wales

Angelina Varganova

Video: The meaning of the name Angelina - The secret of the name

This is a name of ancient Greek origin, meaning: angelic, angelic.

Angelina often born into a family where parents do not get along with each other and often disagree. To some extent, this leaves an imprint on the girl's character, more like the character of her mother. She is irritable, stubborn, loves to command other children, and will not yield to her mother in anything. It doesn't matter at school, goes there reluctantly. We can say that these girls are among those who are said to have raised themselves. Angelines do not count on anyone's help, relying only on themselves in everything. They are good, hospitable hostesses, they prefer to receive guests at their place, than to visit themselves, because they are too heavy to climb.

"Winter" - with a somewhat masculine character, if it is profitable for them, they can deceive, are stubborn, it is very difficult to convince them of something.

"Summer" is characterized by gullibility, which sometimes turns them into harm. They marry early, but often not very well. The same unsuccessful marriage is with the "autumn" Angelines. According to many qualities, men are suitable for them, whose name is Victor, Vladimir, Boris, Peter, Igor, Semyon, Eduard, with those who are called Kim, Stanislav, Stepan, Leonid, Gennady, Oleg or Anatoly, it will not be easy for them to get along.

The meaning of the name Angelina option 2

Angelina- from the Greek. messenger, the European version of the name Angela and Angelica.

Derivatives: Angelinka. Gelina, Lina, Angela, Gel, Gela, Ela, Gelusya.

Folk omens.

On Angelina, the harvesting of root vegetables begins: a vegetable garden - a woman's income; there is no use without leaving.


Angelina- a mysterious nature. The temperament is bright. A sharp mind, a cheerful disposition. But all this is far from immediately recognizable behind the external calmness and equanimity. It is dangerous to underestimate it - a person runs the risk of being made a fool. You shouldn't even offend Angelina. She is capable of sophisticated revenge.

The meaning of the name Angelina option 3

ANGELINA (ANGELA, ANGELIKA) - messenger (Greek).

Name Day: July 14 - Reverend Angelina, suffered for the Orthodox faith from Muslims (XV century).

  • Zodiac sign - Cancer.
  • Planet - Moon.
  • Color - light green.
  • The auspicious tree is the apple tree.
  • The treasured plant is a water lily.
  • The patron saint of the name is trout.
  • The talisman stone is chrysolite.


Angelina- an incarnate mystery. Passionate, temperamental, with a sharp mind, a cheerful disposition, she skillfully hides these properties behind a detached calmness, a half-smile, an inattentive, scattered gaze. It is dangerous to underestimate it - a person runs the risk of being made a fool. You shouldn't even offend Angelina, she is sophisticatedly vindictive.

The meaning of the name Angelina option 4

This name is of ancient Greek origin, means "angelic". Angelina- a mysterious nature. The temperament is bright. A sharp mind, a cheerful disposition. But all this is far from immediately recognizable behind external calmness and equanimity. It is dangerous to underestimate her - you risk being left out in the cold. You shouldn't even offend Angelina. She is capable of sophisticated revenge. Angelina gullible. Marries early, but not always successfully. Angelines are good hostesses. They like to receive guests, they themselves rarely go to visit, as they are heavy on the rise.

The name is the secret code of a person to his strengths. Knowing everything about the name Angelina, its owner will certainly become happy, because such a name is in itself a talisman and a talisman for good luck.

The meaning and origin of the name

In the name of Angelina, the word "angel" is clearly heard. It is Greek in origin and means "messenger", "messenger". It is known that in ancient times Zeus or Artemis was sometimes called that, but today it is associated, rather, with angels - with heavenly messengers who protect the owner of this name from all evil.

This name is common in many countries, so its form may vary slightly, but the essence remains the same. The names Angela, Angelica, Angela, Angelica are related to the name Angelina, since they go back to the same root, but are not the same name. Like Evangeline, it is related to the name Angelina, but not the same and meaning "good news."

The fate and character of Angelina

There is a mystery in the character of Angelina, which not everyone can solve. The first impression about Angelina is, as a rule, light, colored with romantic expectation. Angelina may seem absent-minded, even defenseless. Therefore, when Angelina demonstrates firmness of character, stubbornness or willfulness, it always makes an impression. Behind her external calmness is a fiery temperament, which is not expected from a woman with that name.

Angelina respects her interests and defends them to the last. Sometimes for this she can use not at all "angelic" methods - for example, resort to manipulation. Of course, Angelina will not just go to extreme measures. However, there is little that can stop her if Angelina considers herself wounded or decides to restore justice to a person close to her.

Angelina can be both a creatively gifted nature and a business lady. She often undertakes to protect those who cannot do it themselves, and achieves enviable results. The owner of the name Angelina turns out to be a lawyer, journalist, doctor who knows her business, as well as a generous philanthropist and benefactor. In this regard, Angelina can get carried away, since she has a responsive heart. She is inclined to help those who need it, and in sincere concern can forget about her own well-being. Working in a team is easy for her: Angelina gets along well with colleagues, knows how to turn ill-wishers into her supporters and does not depend on the opinion of gossips.

Angelina is trying to find an inner core and financially support herself, so as not to rely on the help of others, and also not to depend on her husband. In the depths of her soul, she sometimes lurks self-doubt. She values ​​friends only proven ones, in friendly relations she can give in the initiative, preferring quiet evenings at home to noisy meetings. She loves cozy gatherings and, as a rule, turns out to be a hospitable hostess, but the noise and superficial communication does not appeal to her. Angelina connects fate with a person who shares her views on life. Otherwise, Angelina's marriage is unlikely to be happy, since she will give up her position for the sake of family happiness Angelina can't.

The owners of the name Angelina are quite different in character, depending on the date of birth. Angelina, born in the summer, often really resembles an angel in the flesh. Excessive gullibility can go badly for her. Whereas the "winter" Angelina is not inclined to be deceived, and besides, she is reluctant to compromise. "Autumn" Angelina is softer than winter, but may not be so happy in marriage, and "spring" seeks to balance the qualities of "summer" and born in winter, which sometimes leads to internal contradictions.

The meaning of the name for the child: choose a name for the girl

As a little girl, Angelina resembles her mother in many ways and more often copies her behavior than imitates her father. But with age, she begins to show more clearly her paternal features. It is important for parents not to compete for the love of their daughter and not to deprive each other of authority in her eyes. Angelina is a sensitive, impressionable child, so it is very important for her to be in a prosperous family, to see how close people support each other. Otherwise, the quarrels of the parents will be deposited in the memory of Angelina for a long time and will leave a mark on her character.

Angelina is quite capricious and stubborn, so that at school she can not do well in all subjects. At the same time, she is happy to do everything that causes a lively response and interest in her. From childhood, by paying attention to their daughter's hobbies, parents can determine which path the girl will take in life. Very important role in her fate is able to play sports. In addition, Angelina is often fond of acting, can engage in expressive reading, become interested in oratory.

This name can be abbreviated in different ways: Angela, Gela, Gela, Lina. It is worth considering how the girl herself prefers to call herself, since the name helps her to form her personality and show best qualities character.

Characteristics of the name Angelina

What patronymic the name Angelina is suitable: the name Angelina has good compatibility with the names Arthur, Victor, Peter, Igor, Boris, Eduard, Alexander. It is easy to see that the letter "r" in the middle name adds stamina and self-confidence to Angelina.

Energy named: Angelina has a strong but unstable energy charge. Angelina's energy is like a splash from a stone thrown into the water: first - a reaction, and then - only circles diverging along the water surface. You can balance it with the help of name talismans.

Lucky number: Deuce.

Element: mobile, changeable Angelina is connected with water. The water gives her strength, so Angelina is recommended to have a rest at the sea. In the evenings, to take a break from worries, you can replace the shower with a bathtub with sea salt.

Zodiacal: the name Angelina is especially suitable for those born under the water signs of the Zodiac. However, those whose patron is Cancer should take into account the weaknesses of Angelina's "summer" character.

Stone amulet: peridot (or chrysolite). It is believed that it protects against questionable decisions and strengthens intuition.

Metal: silver. Silver-rimmed stones bring happiness to Angelina.

Color: green, especially its light shades, bring Angelina good luck and usually come to the face, regardless of the type of appearance. By the way, Angelina's amulet mineral, chrysolite, just has a transparent green color.

Patron planet: the fate of Angelina is ruled by the Moon, which is also closely connected with the element of Water.

Totem animal: a fish. More often - swimming against the stream.

Angelina's amulet plant: water lily flower, Thumbelina's house. In addition, the apple tree is considered to be Angelina's totem plant, so fresh apples in Angelina's house are good luck.

Notable representatives: Saint Angelina of Serbia, Angelina Vovk (announcer, one of the hosts of the program "Good night, kids!" (radiologist, professor, doctor of medical sciences, UN expert on the effects of atomic radiation).

You can see the example famous personalities: Angelina can achieve success in a variety of areas, but at the same time she is always distinguished by the desire to perform significant actions, make discoveries or change for the better the world... Therefore, Angelina is not in vain translated as "messenger": she really loves to bring good news.

Numerology of the female name Angelina

The two in the name Angelina symbolize flexibility and perseverance. There are few such people and all because of the qualities that, alas, not many have now. This is kindness, responsiveness, understanding. At the same time, she can, when required, show firmness and inflexibility to everyone. Angelina knows how to reasonably defend her point of view, without reducing the dispute to a quarrel and insults ... A more detailed numerological analysis of the name is possible.

All names alphabetically:

How to change the future, prevent mistakes, find out how correct it will turn out decision- the questions over which humanity has been struggling for many hundreds of years. A way to do this was found, and quite simple and accessible - to take a responsible attitude to the choice of the name and penetrate into its secret meaning, laid down in ancient times. Angelina, the meaning of the name, character and fate - how are these features related to each other, and how necessary is it for the baby's relatives to familiarize themselves with them even before baptism?

The meaning of the name Angelina for a girl is brief

It is difficult to meet a person who would not know that everything in life depends not only on luck and financial well-being, but also on what name the parents gave at baptism. Why exactly on behalf of the fate can change? It's simple - a secret mysterious meaning was laid into it thousands of years ago, which is able to prevent problems or difficulties in life, diseases, even troubles at work.

Angelina, the meaning of the name, character and fate - if parents are not too lazy to study all these features, they will certainly learn many interesting and even inexplicable details. You can take them into account in upbringing - this will help to cope with negative character traits that a baby may have from childhood.

The meaning of the name Angelina for a girl can be briefly found out if you dive into ancient greek mythology- it was from this wonderful and world-famous country that this name spread. It means - "messenger", "angel". Having learned the secret meaning, you can easily guess who exactly will patronize the baby.

What does the name Angelina mean for a girl according to the church calendar

In addition to studying special literature, which tells in detail about the origin of the name and notifies interesting legends or myths, it is imperative to study Christian books as well. It is the church calendar that contains the most reliable information that relatives who are worried and worried about the fate of their beloved child must know. You can also study the saints, which indicate in detail which saints will look after the crumb throughout their life and when she can celebrate the name day.

What does the name Angelina mean for a girl according to the church calendar? The meaning is exactly the same as in Greek mythology- "angel", "messenger". If you look at the calendar, you will notice that one more interpretation is added here - “good news”. Often adults rely on the fact that their daughter will certainly grow up as a good Christian, honor the divine commandments and follow the right way without collapsing or stumbling over troubles.

The secret of the name Angelina, name day, signs

Many parents believe that in choosing a name for their baby, it is important not only to give preference to the most beautiful or popular, but also to find out whether the saints will patronize her. It is from them that it often depends on how fast the girl will develop, whether she will be healthy and strong, what talents she will start to differ from from childhood. The secret of the name Angelina is precisely in the saints, who will certainly pass alongside them throughout their lives. She will be patronized by only one great martyr, her holiday is celebrated in July (14th). It is on this day that adults should carry gifts and, together with the birthday girl, praise sincere prayers to the highest guardian. She will certainly listen and help to cope with any troubles.

Angelina, the meaning of the name, character and fate - what details can be added to these features associated with the girl? Residents of rural areas are eagerly awaiting the day of veneration of the patron saint, because it is on this holiday that the gathering begins vegetable crops... It is not customary to do this before - it is believed that the saint will be offended and the next year will do everything to make the harvest bad.

The origin of the name Angelina and its meaning for children

One of the questions that arises in adults who dream that their beloved child gets only the best from life is how important is the origin of the name Angelina and its meaning for children. If you carefully understand the special literature, which slightly opens the mysterious curtain over the secrets of names, you can find out that the origin is assigned a very insignificant role here. Greater importance should be given only to the secret meaning - it is in it that features or details are hidden that may affect the future.

If the origin is not too significant, and does not play any role either in the upbringing or in the later life of the baby, then too much may depend on the meaning of the name. That is why you should not be careless about this information - you should definitely study the meaning in advance and try to apply your knowledge in practice. It only depends on this how successful the parents will be able to cope with upbringing, and whether their daughter will grow up as a worthy person, capable of arousing universal respect.

The character of a girl named Angelina

What qualities, positive or negative, are the characteristics of a girl named Angelina? Usually, there is almost nothing to reproach her for - she has a lot of advantages, but practically no shortcomings.

The main positive character traits of the girl:

  1. cheerfulness;
  2. willingness to always help;
  3. courage;
  4. hard work;
  5. good breeding;
  6. sociability;
  7. quick wits;
  8. kindness;
  9. caring for loved ones.

Angelina is also distinguished by her cheerful disposition, thanks to which she is constantly in the spotlight. She has many friends, and everyone appreciates her wonderful friend, who is always ready to lend her strong and reliable shoulder. Relatives can also be sure - Angelina will do everything to save loved ones from suffering or worries.

Of the girl's shortcomings, one can name a little absent-mindedness. She may forget to do urgent work, execute homework or mom's errand. Often, on public transport, she forgets her purse, so it is better for parents to teach the baby to carry valuables in safe pockets or leave them at home.

Sometimes it happens that a girl displays another unpleasant trait - resentment. Friends and comrades who are well aware of this flaw will certainly get used to it over time and, if possible, try not to offend their girlfriend.

The fate of a girl named Angelina

How unpredictable can the fate of a girl named Angelina be? Since childhood, the baby will begin to determine for herself the most interesting, in her opinion, specialties. She can stop at such professions.