Years of life Zeus. Zeus: Greek Pantheon Gods: Mythological Encyclopedia

Supreme God, Lord of Gods and People; The son of Titans of Kronos and Rei, hence one of his names is a crony. Lifting the domination of Krone and the God's Gods - Titans, Zeus lost power over the sea and the underground kingdom to his Poshondon and Aida brothers. Zeus left the supreme power over the world and managing all heavenly phenomena, primarily thunder and zipper, from here His epithets of Zeus-Rublzzz, Zeus-Techeganon.

Ya. Yordans Childhood Zeus

Zeus worshiped as a custodian of public order and family; He was attributed to the establishment of laws and customs. Olympus was considered permanent location of Zeus, hence the epithet of Zeus Olympian. Attributes of Zeus were aegis, a scepter, sometimes an eagle. As a donor of victory in wars and in the contests Zeus was depicted from the goddess of Victory Nick (Roman Victoria) in his hand. Zeus was considered the father of the younger generation of the Olympic gods: Apollo, Artemis, Ares, Athens, Aphrodite, Hermes, Hephaesta, Dionysus, Geby, Irida, Persephone, and Music, Harit and a number of heroes: Hercules, Perseya. From Zeus, there was no reason for the birth of ancient Greece. The most important places of Cults of the SNVS were dodon (Epir) and Olympia (ELIDA), where they were arranged in honor of Zeus Olympic Games. Separate episodes of the myths about Zeus are given in Iliad and Odyssee, Gomer, in the "Theogony" of the Hesiod, the "Mythological Library" of Apollodore. In the ancient Roman mythology, Jupiter corresponded.

Initially, in each region of Greece, a special deity, hearing heaven - thunder and lightning, was revered. When the total culture was formed, the local gods merged into the image of 3evs, who was changing the seasons of the year, sent a passing wind and gave clear days. When he shook the aegis, the storms and rains flew. Sometimes Zeus is identified with fate, sometimes he himself was suspended by Moyram - the goddess of fate. Zeus announced the presenter of fate through dreams, lightning and thunder, with the help of flying birds and the rustle of the leaf of sacred trees. He gave people laws, established state power, patronized people's assembly. 3EVS defeated the family and the house, followed the implementation of customs and rites.

The main sanctuary of 3evs was Olympia in Elide, where the temple of 3evs was located and the Olympic Games were held in his honor. According to the main version of the myth, 3EVS was saved by the mother from Croon, who swallowed his children, and covered her in reliable refuge. When 3evus grew up and matured, he rebelled against the father and the minor of his domination over the world. 3EVS forced Krone to across the swallowed children - his brothers and sisters.
Lowering titans to Tartar, 3EVS divided domination over the world with Poseidon brothers and aid. The wife of 3evs became Gera, who gave him Ares, Gebu and, according to some options, Hephasta. In addition, 3evs had a lot of children from other goddesses: from Letya - Apollo and Artemis, from Dememers - Persephone, from Maya - Hermes, from Diona - Aphrodite, from the Femis - Ore and Moira, from Evrinoma - Harites. He had a Zeus of children and from mortal women: Semele gave birth from 3EVS Dionysus, Alkman - Hercules, Leda - Elena and Pondhevka, Danae - Persea. In Dodon 3evs, he won the fertility by God, the Lord of Ether, who opened her will of the rustic leaves of the sacred oak. The wife of 3evs was considered to be Dion.

In Crete, 3ev was revered by the God of the Secret Forces of Nature. Creaters believed that 3ev was born Rey secretly from Croon in Crete. Ray was hidden Zeus in Crete, Nymphs Adrathery and Ida fell harmonized by His milk goat Amalfia. On Crete showed the grave of 3evs, he was honored in orgies as the dying and resurrecting God of vegetation. In Rome, the cult 3ev merged with the cult of Jupiter. In the ancient art, 3evs were depicted in the form of an almighty rule, squeezing on the throne with a scepter and nickname in her hands, with an eagle near the throne.

During antiquity, mythology had a tremendous impact on people, closely fit into life and religious customs. The main religion of this period is pagan politicalism, which was based on the numerous pantheon of the gods. The gods of ancient Greece were of particular importance and each performed its role. IN different regions There was a cult of one or another God, which was largely determined by the peculiarity of life and mistake. This article provides a list and description of the gods.

I thought the gods by hanging their anthropomorphic behaviral manners. Ancient Greek mythology had a clear hierarchy - titans, titanides and a junior generation of gods, which gave the beginning of Olympians. Olympic gods are the Supreme Covenants who lived on Mount Olympus. They were the greatest influence on the ancient Greeks.

The ancient Greek gods of the first generation are ancient essences, which gave the beginning to all living and inanimate, are considered the creators of the world. They entered into relationships, thanks to which other gods appeared on the world, which also belong to the first generation, as well as titans. The progenitors of all the ancient Greek gods were Scotch (MB) and chaos. It was these two entities that took the beginning of the entire primary pantheon of ancient Greece.

Primary pantheon of the gods of ancient Greece:

  • Nyukta (Nikta);
  • Ereb (darkness);
  • Eros (love);
  • Gaa (Earth);
  • Tartar (abyss);
  • Uranus (sky).

There are practically no description of each of these deities, since the Olympians have become key to the mythology of ancient Greece.

Gods, unlike people, was allowed to join family ties, Therefore, children were often fruits incest.

The deities of the second generation - Titans, thanks to which the Olympic gods appeared on the world. It is 6 sisters and 6 brothers who actively married among themselves and fought for power. The most revered titans are Kronos and Reia.

Olympic gods of Greece

These are children and descendants of children of Kronos and his wife Rei. Titan Kronos was originally considered the god of agriculture, and later - time. He possessed a harsh temper and thirst for power, for which he was cooked, neutered and sent to Tartar. The Olympic gods headed by Zeus came to replace his rule. The life and relations of the Olympians are described in detail in the ancient Greek legends and myths, they worshiped them, respected and brought gifts. Allocate 12 main gods.


The younger son of Rei and Kronos, is considered the father and the patron of people and the gods, personified good and evil. He spoke out against his father, overthrowing him to Tartar. After that, the power on Earth was divided between him and his brothers - Poseidon and Aid. He is a patron of lightning and thunder. His attributes were shield and an ax, later the eagle began to be depicted next to him. Zeus loved, but they were afraid of his karas, so they brought valuable gifts.

People represented Zeus as a strong and strong middle-aged man. Had noble features, dense chapels and beard. In the myths, Zeus was depicted as a character of love stories, deceiving earth women, as a result of which gave the beginning of a multitude of demigods.


The eldest son of the Kronos and Rei, after the overthrow of the titanium rule, became the God of the underground kingdom of the dead. I personified people as a man over 40 years old, which moved on a golden chariot, harvested with golden horses. He is credited with a terrible environment, for example, Cerber - Psa with three heads. It was believed that he owns the unpretentious wealth of the underground kingdom, so they were afraid and respected him, sometimes more than Zeus. He is married to Persephone, which he kidnapped, thereby causing anger of Zeus and the dememory sorrow.

Among the people, his name was afraid to say out loud by replacing it with various epithets. One of the few gods, the cult of which was practically not common. During the rituals, he sacrificed cattle with a black skin, most often than bulls.


The middle son of the Kronos and Rei, after the victory over the titans, was posing a water element. According to the myths, lives in the Majestic Palace in submarine depths, together with his wife amphitrite and the son of Triton. Moves around the sea on the chariot, harnessed by sea skates. Owns a trident having a huge power. His blows led to the formation of spring and underwater keys. On the ancient pictures is depicted as a mighty man with blue, like sea color, eyes.

The Greeks believed that he had a severe temper and hot-tempered, which was opposed to the calm of Zeus. The cult of Poseidon was distributed in many distinguished cities of ancient Greece, where the rich gifts were brought, including girls.


One of the most revered goddesses of ancient Greece. He was a patroness of marriage and marriage. Was tough, jealousness and large love to power. He is his wife and sister of his brother - Zeus.

In the myths, Gera is depicted as a power-loving woman, saturated disasters and curses on numerous mistresses of Zeus and their children, which leads to smiles and funny outcomes from their spouse. Every year she has bathing in the source of Canf, after which it becomes a virgin again.

In Greece, the cult of ger was widespread, she was a defender of women, she worshiped and brought gifts to help during childbirth. One of the first deities to which the sanctuary was built.


The second daughter of Kronos and Rei, sister Gera. The goddess of fertility and patroness of agriculture, so he enjoyed great respect from the Greeks. There were big cults in the country, it was thought that it was impossible to get a harvest without bringing the gift to Demeter. It was she who taught people to cultivate the Earth. A young woman was presented with a beautiful appearance with a color ripe wheat curl. The most famous myth is about the abduction of her daughter Aid.

Descendants and children of Zeus

In the mythology of ancient Greece, born sons of Zeus have great importance. These are the gods of the second order, each of which was a patron of this or that activity of people. According to legends, they often came into contact with earthly residents, where intrigue cliff and built relationships. Key of them:


In the people, he was called "radiant" or "shining". She was presented by the Zlattokutrome young men, endowed with extraterrestrial beauty of appearance. He was the patron saint of the arts, the patron saint of new settlements and the healer. Greek was widely revealed, large cults and sanctoes were found in Delia and Delphi. He is a patron and mentor music.

Ares (Arena)

The God of the Bloody and Hard War, which is often opposed to Athena. Greeks represented him as a mighty warrior with a sword in her hand. Latest sources are depicted next to the griffin and two companions - Erida and Enio, who sowed a discord and anger among people. The myths described as Aphrodite's lover, in the relationship of which many deities and demigods were born.


Patrone of hunting and female chastity. It was believed that the attachment of the gifts of Artemis will give birth in marriage and relieves childbirth. Often portrayed next to Lanu and Bear. The most famous temple was in Ephesus, later was the patroness of Amazons.

Athena (Pallada)

Highly paid goddess in ancient Greece. He was a patroness of organized war, wisdom and strategy. Later became a symbol of knowledge and crafts. Depicted by ancient Greeks, like a high and well-coherent woman, with a spear in his hand. The temples of Athena were erected everywhere, the culture of reverence was widespread.


The ancient Greek goddess of beauty and love, later was considered a patron of fertility and life. It turned out to be a huge impact on the entire Pantheon, in her power were both people and gods (except Athens, Artemis and Gesti). He was the wife of Hephasta, but she is credited with love intrigues with Ares and Dionysis. Depicted with flowers of roses, peace or poppy, apple. In her retinue included doves, sparrows and dolphins, and the satellites were Eros and numerous nymphs. The largest cult was located in the city of Paphos, located on the territory of modern Cyprus.


Extremely controversial God of ancient Greek Pantheon. He patronized trade, eloquence and dexterity. It was depicted with a winged rod, around which two snakes are locked. According to legends, he was able to myrchi, wake and sleeping people. Hermes are often depicted in sandals and a wide-headed hat, as well as with a lamb on the shoulder. Often, not only helped earthly residents, but also the intrigue, bringing citizens among themselves.


God-blacksman, who is the patron saint of blacksmith and construction. It was he who made the attributes of most gods, and also did zipper for Zeus. According to legends, he was gave birth to a ger without the participation of a spouse, from his hips to retaliation for the birth of Athena. It was often depicted broadly and ugly outwardly man, chrome on both legs. He was a legitimate spouse Aphrodites.


The youngest Olympic God, widely beloved by the ancient Greeks. He is a patron of winemaking, vegetation, fun and madness. His mother is the earthly woman of the seed, killed by the hero. Zeus personally endured a child from 6 months, giving birth from his hip. According to myths, this son Zeus invented wine and beer. Dionysus was honored not only the Greeks, but also Arabs. It is often depicted along with the staff having a hop and a bunch of grapes in hand. The main retinue is satire.

Ancient Greek Pantheon is represented by several dozen large gods, deities, mythical creatures, monsters and demigods. In the legends and myths of antiquity have many interpretations, since different sources were used when describing. Ancient Greeks loved and respected all the gods, they worshiped them, brought gifts and treated for blessings and curses. Detail ancient Greek mythology It was set forth by Homer, who described all major events and appearance of the gods.

Zeus-Rublizzz, Olymps, according to myths, loved many goddesses and mortal women. Dozens of children were born from them. We know how the son of the son of Zeus and Semela - Dionysis. In the list of others, many are named after Hercules. All are marked with names and approximately - by mothers. Hercules Sixth Born by the Myclenic Queen Alkmen, the First - Lisifer, the Fourth - Asteria. From whom others are not available.

But he had no herakla from the third wife - the goddess of the gera. And with her, by mythology, her brother Zeus lived in the instications of 300 years. But she also gave birth to Gefesta and Athena, and Ares and Gebu - generally from nature: a flower with deer fields and lettuce (latka). Such is mystical mythology - a fairy tale on the ages and millennia. In her, the Greeks believed and believe so far.

And what was the name of the son of Zeus, born from his hips?

It was Dionis. The above-mentioned God loved the beauty of the Semell in his youth, the heir to the king of Kadma (Bags, or previously cadmium - the main city of Ellala). Generously distributed promises to fulfill her wish, whatever it is. Confirmed the words of the wreath of gods, which is not taken to break.

But you need to know the goddess Gera well. She punished everyone who was approaching her spouse. In disfavor fell and seed, the future mother of the extramarital son Zeus. Gera acted as always, cunning. Initulating the Semell to cause Tsar Olympus to appear to her with excessive importance. Like, she should find out if he really gives herself? Let him prove his destination among Greece's gods.

This meant that the future father of the child should be able to erupt thunder and lightning as he called himself. He did that, fulfilling the request of the death female respected by him. But something went wrong: from the fire and the roar in the palace of the king everything began to burn and collapse. Already walked clothes Daughter of the king. And then the semen realized that she was destroyed by the stated request, which the goddess-villager suggested.

Wonderful salvation of Dionysus

And the seed, burning from a frantic flame, gave birth to no capable of surviving a child of Dionysus. But the father did not allow the newborn to die, closing from the fire instantly grew up juicy ivy. Later, the premature child was sewn into his thigh and took out from there when he fastened. Then sent Dionysus to her upbringing to his tet and her husband - the king atamant.

Now they decided to punish the spouse with a spouse hated gera. She made Atamant Mad. That in the fit of the rage began to twist everything and everyone in the house. I also managed to escape to the sea with Dionys. There she jumped into the water, and the boy saved his brother Hermes. Now already give to raising the nymphs.

Dionysis, later who made a lot of adventures and feats, ascended to the Olympic Pantheon, saved his mother. She, already under a different name, recognized as a celestial and ranked among the worshipers of the Lord of the sky and the Earth.

When the hero rose and became the god of wine and fertility, opened the cult of the divine chimney. There were also opponents of winemaking, because, as Plutarch pointed out, the festivities with the use of wine often turned into a vakhanalia in the current understanding of the word. Everywhere in the travels of God, the world was accompanied by the agility and faint satellites and gonutricate satires. From the Roman translation of the name of God Vakch, the word "Vakhatalia" - drunkenness, a breakdown. In Rome, where the Greek cult of Dionysus-Vakha passed, earth authorities I had to tighten such rags with laws. Not all the fans of God honed the ancient simple life postulate: "Copper Agan" - "Neighter measures."

Religion of ancient Greece refers to pagan polycamism. The gods played important roles In the device of the world, performing each function. The immortal deities were similar to people and behaved well in human: sad and rejoiced, quarreled and put up, betrayed and sacrificed their interests, chitrily and were sincere, loved and hated, forgred and Mstili, punished and milked.

Behavior, as well as the commandments of the gods and goddesses Ancient Greeks explained natural phenomena, the origin of a person, moral and moral foundations, public relations. Mythology reflected the representations of the Greeks of the world around them. Myths originated in different areas Ellala and over time merged into an ordered belief system.

Ancient Greek gods and goddess

The mains were considered the gods and goddesses belonging to the younger generation. The older generation, embodied the forces of the Universe and the natural elements, lost the domination of the world, without staging under the onslaught of the younger. Won young gods chose their home by Mount Olympus. The ancient Greeks of all deities allocated 12 main Olympic gods. So, the gods of ancient Greece, a list and description:

Zeus - God of Ancient Greece - In mythology, be called the father of the gods, Zeus-Roury, the lord of lightning and clouds. It is he who has a powerful force to create life, to resist chaos, establish order and fair trial on earth. Legends talk about the Divine, as a noble and good creature. Lady of Lightning gave rise to the goddesses of the op and music. ORs manage the time and seasons of the year. Muses carry people inspiration and joy.

The wife of the thumbs were hera. The Greeks considered it a bored goddess of the atmosphere. Gera is the keeper of the house, the patron of the wives, storing loyalty to the husbands. With the daughter of Ilitia Gera weakened pain in childbirth. Zeus was famous for his passion. After a three hundred years of marriage, the Lastly Lady began to visit ordinary women who gave birth to heroes from him - demigods. He was Zeus his chosen in different guides. Before the beauty of Europe, the Father of the Gods was pressed as a bull with gold horns. I give Zeus as golden rain.


Marine God - the Lord of the Oceans and Seas, patron sailors and fishermen. The Greeks believed Poseidon's fair God, all the punishes of whom were deserved people. Preparing for swimming, sailors have raised prayers not to Zeus, but the Lord of the Seas. Before entering the sea, smoking was raised on the altars to please the Sea Dejection.

Greeks believed that Poseidon could be seen with a strong storm in the open sea. His magnificent gold chariot appeared from a sea foam harvested by rapid horses. Lidh horses of the Lord of the Ocean received as a gift from Brother Aida. Poseidon's wife is the goddess of the noisy sea of \u200b\u200bamphthritis. A trident is a symbol of power, gave the deity absolute power over the marine depths. Poseidon was distinguished by a soft character, sought to avoid quarrels. His loyalty to Zeus was not questioned - unlike Aida, the Lord of the Seas did not dispute the championship of the thumbnail.


Mr. Underground World. Aid with his wife Persephone rules for the kingdom of the dead. Eldlas were afraid of Aida more than Zeus himself. To get to the underground world - and even more so, it is impossible to return - without the will of the gloomy deity. Aid traveled over the surface of the earth in a chariot, harnessed horses. The eyes of horses were burning hellish fire. People prayed in fear, so that the gloomy God does not take them into their abode. Pets of Aida Traglevary Dog Cerberian guarded entrance to the kingdom of the dead.

According to the legends, when the gods divided power and Aida got the dominion over the kingdom of the dead, the celestial remained dissatisfied. He considered himself humiliated and hid himself offended by Zeus. Open Aid never opposed the power of the thumbnail, but constantly tried to harm the fathers of the gods as much as possible.

Aid kidnapped the beautiful Persephone, the daughter of Zeus and the goddess of fertility Demeters, by making her his wife and government of the underworld. Zeus had no power over the kingdom of the dead, so refused Demetra in the request to return the daughter to Olympus. The saddened goddess fertility ceased to take care of the earth, the drought came, then came famous. The lord of thunder and lightning had to conclude a treaty with AIs, according to which Persephone will hold two thirds of the year in heaven, and a third of the year in the underground world.

Athena Pallada and Ares

Athena is probably the most beloved goddess of the ancient Greeks. The daughter of Zeus, born of his head, she embodied three virtues:

  • wisdom;
  • calm;
  • insight.

The goddess of victorious energy, Athena was depicted by a powerful warrior with a spear and a shield. She was also the deity of pure heavens, had the power to disperse the dark clouds with their weapons. The daughter of Zeus traveled with the goddess of Victory by Nick. Athenas called for a defender of cities and fortresses. It was she who sent fair state laws ancient Eldead.

ARES - Divine of Stormy Heaven, Eternal Rival Athens. The son of Ges and Zeus, he worshiped as the God of War. Warrior, filled with rage, with a sword or a spear - so painted ARES imagination to the ancient Greeks. God of war enjoyed the noise of combat and bloodshed. Unlike Athena, which is judged and honestly led battle, Ares preferred furious contractions. The God of War approved the Tribunal - a special trial on particularly cruel killers. The hill where the courts passed, named in honor of the warlike deity of the Mareopag.


God for blacksmith and fire. According to legend, Hephaestus was cruel to people, scared and ruined them by volcanic eruptions. People lived without fire on the surface of the earth, suffering and died in the eternal cold. Hephaesta, like Zeus, did not want to help mortals and give them fire. Prometheus - Titan, the last of the older generation of the gods, was an assistant Zeus and dwell on Olympus. Executed compassion, he brought fire to the ground. For the abduction of the fire, the thunder of Titan on the eternal torment.

Prometheus managed to avoid kara. Possessing the providic abilities, Titan knew that Zeus was threatened in the future death from his own son. Thanks to the promotion tip, the Lastnie Lady did not connect in the marriage alliance with the one who would give birth to the Son Oterceubius, and strengthened his dominion forever. The mystery of the preservation of the power Zeus gave Titan freedom.

Eldead has existed a holiday run. Participants competed with burning torches in hand. Athena, Gefest and Prometheus were symbols of a celebration, which served as the origin of the Olympic Games.


The deities of Olympus were characteristic not only of noble gusts, lies and cunning were often led by their actions. God Hermes - Plut and Thief, Patron of Trade and Banking, Magic, Alchemy, Astrology. Born by Zeus from Mayan Pleiads. His mission was to pass the will of the Gods to people through dreams. On behalf of Hermes, the name of the science of hermeneutics - art and the theory of interpretation of texts, including the ancients, occurred.

Hermes came up with writing, was young, beautiful, energetic. Antique images draw it as a pretty young man in the winged hat and sandals. According to Legend, Aphrodite has rejected the courting of the God of Trade. Grems is not married, although he has a lot of children, like a lot and beloved.

The first theft of Hermes - 50 Cows of Appollo, he committed it quite still at a young age. Zeus asked the baby a good "watch" and he returned stolen. In the future, the storms has repeatedly applied to the resourceful offspringTo solve delicate problems. For example, at the request of Zeus Hermes stole a cow in the Ges, in which the beloved Lint of Lightning turned.

Apollo and Artemis

Apolone - the Sun Games in the Greeks. Being the son of Zeus, Apolon winter time Purchased in the lands of hyperboreans. In Greece, God returned in the spring, carrying the awakening of nature immersed in the winter hibernation. Apolon patronized art, and was also a Music and singing deity. After all, together with the spring, the desire to create a desire to do. Apolona was attributed to the ability to heal. As the sun, the sun is expelled to darkness, so the celestial expelled the hands. The God of the Sun depicted an extremely beautiful young man with harp in his hands.

Artemis is the goddess of hunting and the moon, the patron of animals. The Greeks believed that Artemis made nightlings with niadas - patrons of water - and shed the dew on the grass. At a certain period of the history of Artemis was considered a brutal goddess, which ruins navigators. The Divine was brought by human sacrifices to achieve location.

At one time, the girl worshiped Artemide as a strong marriage organizer. Artemide Ephesis began to consider the goddess of fertility. Sculptures and pictures of Artemis depicted a woman with large quantity Pets on the chest to emphasize the generosity of the goddess.

Soon in the legends, the Sun of Helios and the goddess of the Moon of Selena appeared in the legends. Apolon remained the Music and Art Deity, Artemis - goddess of hunting.


Aphrodite worshiped as a patronage of loved. The Phoenician goddess Aphrodite combined two starts:

  • femininity when the goddess enjoyed love young man Adonis and the singing of birds, the sounds of nature;
  • mitality, when the goddess was portrayed as a cruel warrior, who obliges her successors to take the chastity vows, and was also a zealous keeper of loyalty in marriage.

Ancient Greeks managed to harmoniously combine femininity and militancy, creating a perfect image of female beauty. The embodiment of the ideal was Aphrodite, carrying clean, immaculate love. The goddess was portrayed as a beautiful naked woman out of the sea foam. Aphrodite is the most revered muse of poets, sculptors, artists of that time.

Son beautiful goddess Eros (Eros) was her faithful messenger and assistant. The main task of the God of Love was to connect the life lines of lovers. According to legend, Eros looked like a dirty kid with wings.


Demeter - the goddess-patroness of farmers and winemakers. Earth-mother, so also called it. Demeter was the embodiment of nature, which gives people fruits and cereals, absorbing sunlight and rain. Pictured fertility goddess with rusia, wheat hair. Demetra gave people the science of barking and crops grown by hard labor. The daughter of the goddess of the Persephone winemaking, becoming the queen of the underground kingdom, tied the world of living with the kingdom of the dead.

Together with Dememet, Dionysis was worshiped - the deity of winemaking. Dionysis portrayed a fun young man. Usually his body fluttered a grape vine, and in the hands of God kept a jug, filled with wine. Dionysus taught people to care for grape Lowami, sing violent songs, which later lay down the basis of ancient Greek drama.


The goddess of family well-being, unity and the world. The altar of Gesti was standing in every house near family focus. The inhabitants of Eldlats perceived urban communities as big families, so in the trunk (administrative buildings in the Greek cities) were attended by the sanctuary of gesty. They were a symbol of civil unity and peace. There was a sign that, if in a long journey to take coals from the altar, the goddess will provide his patronage on the way. The goddess also defended alien and suffering.

Gesty temples did not build, After all, she worshiped in every home. The fire was considered a clean, cleansing natural phenomenon, so the price was perceived as a patronage of chastity. The goddess has requested the permission from Zeus not to marry, although Poseidon and Apollo sought her location.

Myths and legends have been developing for decades. With each retelling of history, they turned new details, there were previously unknown characters. The list of gods increased, allowing us to explain natural phenomena, the essence of which ancient people could not understand. Myths passed the wisdom of older generations with young, explained the state structure, approved the moral and moral principles of society.

The mythology of ancient Greece presented humanity a lot of plots and images, which were reflected in the masterpieces of world art. Over the centuries, artists, sculptors, poets and architects drew inspiration in the legends of Eldlats.

All the ancient sources are unanimous, calling the mountain of Olympus, located on the border between Macedonia and Fessel, the inhabitants of the Gods of the ancient Greek Pantheon. On this top, which became the symbol of the Corplander, the Olympians ruled the world, remaining, nevertheless, not indifferent to human passions and stories and sometimes taking one way or another way in earthly passions. The addiction and even the whims of the gods were the initial item of many mythological legends.

Zeus, the son of Rei and Kronos, fed by the milk of the Goat of Amalfia under the protection of the nymph and the coronted, defeating the giants and titans, won the absolute domination not only about people, but also above the immortal. He brought magnifyingly on the throne with his attributes: zipper - personification and light, and destruction; Skipter - a symbol of the monarchy; Eagle - Bulletin; The auspices - the skin of amalfies, which served as unbreakable protection. Zeus was subject to all what was happening in heaven, in nature, in human society. He distributed good and evil on Earth, he opened the future. All public order was established by him, the king and the father of the gods and people. From the Union of Zeus with Hero, his sister and wife, were born Ares, the God of War; Heba, the deity of youth; Ilfia, the goddess of childbearing, able to multiply without participation male start.

In addition, Zeus entered into countless love Unions With many women, both celers and mortals. Other gods, demigods and brilliant heroes of Ellal appeared on these light ties.

One of the passionately beloved goddesses of Zeus was Metida, the goddess of wisdom, his first wife. After several unsuccessful attempts to reject the harassment of Zeus, Metid agreed to become his wife: as a result of the marriage union, Athena occurred. However, Zeus, fearing that Metyda gives him a child who will be stronger than him (he fought Gaya about this - the earth), swallowed his wife, and then, from his own head he gave birth to Athena.

In the meantime, a new spouse, Gever, reminiscent of the extramarital adventures of Zeus and to his abilities to give birth without the participation of a woman, made a light, without a male beginning, the son of Hephaesta - the deity of fire. When the time of birth came Athens, It is her consolidated brother Gefest Okawned Zeus's head with his huge hammer. So born, in full service, one of the most revered Greek goddesses.

No less famous in mythology union between Zeus and SummerFrom which Apollo happened, the Deity of Light, and Artemis, the deity of hunting. And jealous gera intervened in this love story, because of which a pregnant summer had to wander on earth for a long time.

Gera forbade any place on land and take the goddess to the sea. Only a small rocky island Business with In the center of the Aegean Sea, it is difficult to accessible due to strong underwater flows and therefore considered the floating island, let the summer shelter. It is here, not on land and not on the water, summer and gave birth Apolloon and Artemida. As a sign of gratitude, Delos received four columns - supports from the persimple of the goddess - supports, forever stopped his swimming. Over time, the most important temple dedicated to Apollon appeared on Deljo.

Diona, the daughter of uranium (for another version - the ocean) brought Zeus Aphrodite, goddess of love.

From the union with another sister Dememetro, goddess fertility and agriculture, Zeus made a light Persephone, the future goddess of the underworld and the spouse of Aida.

With Zeus combined marriage and Themis, goddess of justice and eternal order - in chronological order She became his second wife. In addition, the Femis played the role of the English Advisor: upon its proposal during Giantiahia Zeus covered the aegis.

Themis brought the Olympic lord numerous offspring, including three Ore., goddesses who have seen a change in the time and order in nature, as well as three Moyry, Goddess of human destiny, carriers of inevitable situations - life itself, good luck, happiness. It was believed that each person had his own "Moira" (fate), with whom his plan was contacted. Moir represented in the form of women who had a thread human life: One of them began to spin, the other spent the thread through all the vicissitudes of the fate, and the third, cut it, broke it into the fatal hour of the earth.

For nine consecutive nights in the pleasant edge of Pieria in Frakia Zeus copulated from the goddess of memory Mnemosina. As a result, a year later, young Titanide, the daughter of uranium and gay, made a nine daughters Music.

Three Harites (in the Roman version - graces) were born as a result of the marriage of Zeus with Titanide Euroman, the lower half of the body of which was fish, like our mermaids.

Harita, At the beginning of the deity of fertility, later became the goddes of beauty, joy and personification of female charms. They lived together with muses on Mount Olympus, connecting with them in the charming chore. In art, they were often portrayed by beautiful naked girls touching each other with their hands (two side figures usually look in the same direction, and the central one in the opposite). Harites, moreover, he managed mental and artistic creativity. In late antiquity, their cult was ousted by the cult of Aphrodites.

Zeus conquered the clarifiers, using his undoubted spells, but sometimes, in more difficult cases, resorted to the continued authority of Lord Olympus. His successes among earthly women who attracted him no less than the goddesses, often demanded a different kind metamorphosis.

So, for example, his beauty was captured by Zeus spouse Spartan king Tyndaray, Leda.

To her, Zeus appeared in the form of a modest swan. From Socia with the rule of Olympus Leda demolished the egg from which four children hatched: Cliqueneswho later became the wife of Tsar Agamemnon and the mother of Orest and Electra; Fine Elenawho married Meal and his frivolousity called the Trojan War; as well as two Dioskours ("Children of Zeus") - Castor and Phalidhevk (in Roman mythology - Pollux).

Well known Love Zeus to Danae. According to one of the most popular myths, the oracle predicted the Argos King acryption that his daughter was given a boy, who is not sick and kill his grandfather. Acrycius made a daughter in Copper Terem, but the Zeus fenced in it penetrated in the form of a golden rain.

As a result, born Perseus. Hearing the cries of the newborn Persea, acrycius commanded to plant daughter and grandson in wooden drawer And throw in the sea (is it not that myth became the basis of Pushkin's "Tales of Tsar Saltan"?). The waves carried the ark on the island of the sin, where I give and Persea saved a local fisherman. However, I will tell about Persee and his stories some other time.

Other love progress Zeus is associated with Alcmena, the wife of the tyaringian king Amphitrion, belonging to the Persea's family. I inflamed by passion to the beautiful queen, Zeus during the absence of a spouse accepted his appearance. Thus, alkman conceived Herakla.

Probably self famous history Zeus Metamorphosis is myth about Europe.
Once Europe, the daughter of Phoenix, King Sedon (or Tira) played with girlfriends on the seashore, when the beauty notifies Zeus. Turning into a bull, the Olympian appeared before the girl. Scared at first, the girl then Osmell, began to play with a bull and saddled him.

Unexpectedly, the bull rushed to the sea, and the girl, fearing to fall, grabbed his horns. Swimming with Europe on the back ended on the island of Crete. There, a cool source under the plane kick Zeus mastered the girl, as a result of which she gave birth Minosawho became king of Crete, as well as Sarpedon and Radamanta. Silent witness of this love act, Platan received the privilege from Zeus always to have a green crown.

Sometimes loving Zeus fell under the charm of young beautiful young men. We know about this from the myth of the Gamirend, the descendant of Dardan, the first king of Troy.
Ganymed., considered the most beautiful young men from mortals, pass a herd of her father in the mountains under Troy, when Zeus appeared in front of him. Zeus attracted Gamenad signs of attention - a root and hoop, and then took it to Olympus, where she gave the gift of eternal youth and made the gods vinorrelpe.

Insofar as antique mythology For the people who created it, was a kind of model and a model of behavior, whether the Moral was wondering in those days from ours. Take at least the Supreme Olympic - Zeus. What only, from a modern point of view, perversions, not to mention the polygamy, he was not only susceptible, ranging from the incest and ending with the mastery.
However, we do not judge the ancient Greeks and even more so created by their fantasy of the gods. It is better thanking them for the fact that antique mythology served as one of the main sources of inspiration of great artists whose works are represented by your attention in this and other my stories on mythology.

Thank you for attention.

Sergey Vorobyov.