Cleopatra, Queen Egypt: biography. Interesting Facts

Cleopatra VII (69-30 Gg. BC) - one of the most famous women in world history. Nobody called her beauty. On the contrary, they say that externally, it was completely unattractive, last and very small. However, the Egyptian Queen possessed an outstanding mind, insight, and perfectly owned to the sciences and perfectly foreign languages. All this, as well as fabulous loving, made Cleopatra desirable for many men. "Inimage", so called himself the queen and was right: in those days there was no woman, in something more decent, formed and wiser.
After the death of the Egyptian king Ptolemye XII in spring 51 years BC His ten-year-old son Dionis, who became Ptolem XIII, and the eighteen-year-old daughter Cleopatra entered the throne. Before this, according to Egyptian laws, brother and sister entered into marriage.
Young Tsaritsa was unbelievable. It is believed that Cleopatra was too selfish and independent. In addition, intelligent and versatile, it has been in European culture, which is why it was pretty boring in Egypt. Three years later, the actual head of the country, Enun Potin wished that the juvenile Ptolemy became the sole ruler of the state and, providing other royal dignitaries, expelled Cleopatra to Syria. There, the girl had to spend a long month until she got the opportunity to return to his homeland.
At that time, the mighty Roman conqueror Julius Caesar (100-44 BC) arrived in Egypt and demanded that the young rulers of the return of huge debts, who left their father after his death. Neither Ptolemy XIII, nor Cleopatra return debts were gathered, and in the head of the girl immediately born a hitrophic idea. In the same evening, having to go to the most beautiful outfits, she ordered the servants to wrap her in the carpet and bring Caesar as a gift. In the evening, the Queen presented himself with the Roman commander, and the next morning celebrated victory. The Roman fell in love with the young Cleopatra and promised not only to forgive her debts, but also to make her brother reconcile with her sister.
Eight months lasted war before Julius Caesar returned the throne with his mistress. During the war, the young king drowned, trying to escape from Egypt when he was saved from Caesar's troops. Since then, Cleopatra has become the sole government state.
In the gratitude of the Queen arranged a great journey through the Nile. Two months swam in loved on a huge ship, accompanied by four more ships, until they returned back to Alexandria.
Caesar came to continue his conquest. He was preparing to capture Dakia and Parphy and, expanding the eastern borders of the Roman Empire, to create a huge state to India itself. Caesar intended to get up at the head of this giant empire, and the wives identified an incomparable Cleopatra.
Caesar went to war, and the queen remained in his homeland, since a child had been waiting for several months. More than a year The omnipotent commander fought with the enemies and finally became the most frequent owner of the Roman state. Now, his warriors were preparing for a campaign to the East, and he called in Rome a mistress with a small son, whom Cleopatra called in honor of Julia - Ptolema Caesarion.
The Queen of Egypt Cleopatra VII arrived in Rome accompanied by a whole cortex of golden chariots, thousands of slaves who led entire herds of manual gazelles and cheetahs. The Egyptian ruler squeezed on the sparkling gold throne, which carried the tall, muscular slaves of Nubians. It was embroidered precious stones Dress, and the head wound the sacred golden snake. The Romans could not for a long time from such a dazzling luxury of the Egyptian queen.
A contented Caesar set aside a guest in a huge villa on the shore of Tiber. There Egyptian has spent more than a year. Contrary to all convictions of citizens, Cleopatra did not interfere in the affairs of the lover. All the time she spent with his son and Caesar, almost did not leave the residence and only enjoyed staying in Europe.
However, the hatred of Romans to a stranger increased. They said that she so tied Caesar to himself that he allegedly decided to become a pharaoh and transfer the capital of the Roman Empire to Alexandria. Rumors spread, the dictator did not deny them, for which he paid her own life. Julius Caesar was killed on March 15 44 BC. close comrades during the meeting of the Senate.
Caesar did not leave direct heirs. When his testament opened, they found that he was appointed by the successor, and Oktaviana's nephew, and the son of Ptolemae Caesarion did not say a word. The frightened Egyptian queen gathered in one night and sailed to his homeland.
In Egypt, it was restless, and in order to somehow save the country from the Roman troops impending on her, Cleopatra entered a love relationship with another Roman commander Mark Anthony, competing with Octavian for dominion over the Roman state. Simple and coarse, however, the passionate and female female Charmaid handsome Anthony madly fell in love with the charming Egyptian and, forgetting about the legitimate wife, he spent all the time with a new mistress. The spouse of Anthony from burning slightly and suddenly died. Widovel wished to conclude a new marriage with the Egyptian queen. Octavian was against. He suggested in the wives Anthony his own sister - smart, educated and good octavia. Mark Anthony soberly regarded his political interest and agreed. However, immediately after the wedding, the commander sailed to Syria, where at that time there was a brilliant Cleopatra. The fact that the lover tied his life on the other, she did not like. To console the beloved, Anthony in 37 BC He married her, in fact, becoming twojulen.
As wedding gift Anthony was presented with his beloved Cyprus, Fianch and Kilicia. In 34 BC. Cleopatre was assigned the title of queen kings. She gave birth to the Anthony of the Son and Daughter.
Three years have passed, and Octavian decided to end the coast in the country. He went to the war to Anthony. The fleet and the opponent's army were defeated, Anthony himself committed suicide, rushing on the sword. Cleopatra was captive by Octavian and expected his participation in the palace. The approximate conveyed to the Queen that Octavian was removed to arrange a triumph in Rome and spend it in chains throughout the city.
This shame and humiliation of the Egyptian government could not bear. She secretly sink into his tomb, rebuilt a few years ago, ordered the servant to bring a poisonous snake and wrapped it around her neck. After a few hours, Oktaviana brought a message from Cleopatra. In it, the last Queen of the Ptolemaev dynasty asked her to bury her next to her last husband - Mark Anthony, not far from the Tsarist Palace.

Cleopatra is the last Queen of Egypt from the Macedonian dynasty of Ptolemyev.

Cleopatra was born in 69 BC, allegedly, in Alexandria. Her father was Ptolemy XII Avlet. Mother it may have been a concubine. According to Strabo, Ptolemy Aleta had only one legitimate daughter of Brenike IV, the Queen in 58-55 to our era.

As for childhood and adolescence Cleopatra, nothing is known about them. Of course, the events of 58-55 were impressed at her, as a result of which her father was overthrown and expelled from Egypt. The queen was the sister Cleopatra Brenike. However, Ptolemy XII still returned to power not without the help of the Roman governor of Syria Gabinia. He began a fierce struggle in which his daughter Krenika died. Ptolemy was held in power only thanks to the Romans. After watching such a reign of his father, Cleopatra did a lot of conclusions for himself, it became a lesson for her. Subsequently, she used all the means to get rid of their opponents and from all who stood on her way, including the younger brother Ptolemy XIV in 44 BC and Arsino's sister.

We do not have Cleopatra images, there are only her verbal descriptions.

Unfortunately, there are no reliable images that could transfer its exact physical appearance. If you believe the profiles on the coins, then Cleopatra was a woman with wavy hair, close-up, protruding chin and a nose with a hubber. It was distinguished by a powerful charm, an attractiveness that was very well used for seduction. Everything else, she had a charging voice and a brilliant, sharp mind. Cleopatra was a real Polyglot Question: In addition to the native greek She owned Egyptian, Aramaic, Ethiopian, Persian, Hebrew and tongue of troglodites, the people who lived in the south of Libya.

Ptolemy XII, dying, left the testament. According to him, the throne passed Cleopatre and her younger brother Ptolemy Xiii, who was 9 years old at that time. With his brother Cleopatra was combined with a formal marriage, because in Ptolemyev's customs, a woman could not reign independently. The title, under which Cleopatra rushed into the throne, sounded like a philopatol, that is, a goddess, loving father.

As soon as Cleopatra and her brother went to the throne, the struggle began. At first the queen rules alone, removing his brother, and then he won. In this he was helped by the European Patin, the commander Achilles and the educator of Theodot. However, Cleopatra, who disappeared in Syria, did not give his hands, she created the army there and broke the camp in the Egyptian border. In the same place with his army, her brother was located, who in every way blocking her entrance to the country.

Just during this period, Rome intervened in the fight. Pompey, whom Julius Caesar won, asked the Egyptian king about help. However, the young Ptolemy III, more precisely, his advisers, expected to get from the winners of mercies. Therefore, they decided to kill Pompey. However, the king was calculated. Caesar was not pleased with this, he was angry with this violence and buried the pompi's head at the walls of Alexandria, where the sanctuary of Nemesis was erected. Caesar said that henceforth he would be a judge in the spore of the kings, and him as the queen was interested in Cleopatra, which he expected to make his puppet, obliged to him.

When Caesar arrived in Egypt, he immediately aroused Cleopatra to himself in Alexandria. However, it was very difficult to penetrate into the capital, because she was guarded by the people of her brother. Her fan of Apollodor came to the help of Cleopatra. He secretly kept the queen in a fishing boat, and then carried by Caesar, hiding her in a large bag for bed. Caesar was captive by Cleopter, which became bitterly complaining about his oppressants. Caesar returned to the testament of Ptolemy XII, according to which the throne belonged to Cleopatre and her brother. The 13-year-old king naturally did not like it, he was furious.

Soon the uprising broke out, in which Caesar still managed to win. The king of Ptolemy drowned when escape in Nile. Cleopatra became the undisputed government of Egypt, while it was formally dipped with a marriage with his young brother Ptolem XIV. After serving Caesar, Cleopatra in 47 BC The Son was born to our era, which was called Caesar. In history, he is known as Caesarion.

Cleopatra was a charming and clever woman. She used her appearance and his mind to in love with the people you need

Soon Caesar caused Cleopatra to Rome to conclude an alliance between Rome and Egypt. The people were extremely broken down by the fact that Caesar has a patronage of Cleopatra, which served as one of the reasons that accelerated his death.

After Caesar was killed, Cleopatra returned to Alexandria. Here, after some time, her brother Ptolemy Xiv dies and, whom she also poisoned.

At the age of 29, Cleopatra met 40-year-old Roman commander - Mark Anthony. It happened in 41 to our era. The acquaintance circumstances were not very pleasant. Anthony planned to organize a campaign against Parfyan, but he needed a lot of money for this. He sends an officer of Quinta Delliya to Alexandria to demand Cleopatra to his kilicia. Anthony wanted to blame the queen in the fact that she allegedly helped Caesar's killers. Apparently, he hoped under this pretext to get from it as more money For a hike.

Cleopatra was also smart and cunning. She designed in advance about the preferences of Anthony, about his pleasures, vanity and love for external shine. As a result, Cleopatra carefully prepared for a meeting with him. She arrived on a vessel with murcled feed, purple sails and silver padded oars. The Cleopatra herself squeezed in Aphrodite's outfit, on both sides of her boys stood with appeals, the ship was ruled by the maid in the form of nymph. The ship was moving along the Kidn River under the sounds of Flute and Kyfar, shrouded in the smoke of incense. Cleopatra invited Mark Anthony to himself for a luxurious feast. Of course, all this could not charm him. He fell in love with the queen. Their romance lasted 10 years and became one of the most famous in history.

After the death of Cleopatra in 30 to our era, Egypt became the Roman province.

The name of Cleopatra is known to everyone - it was not only an outstanding government of Egypt, but also an amazing woman. From the date of her death, more than two thousand years have passed, but they still remember it, as one of the personalities that have changed history.

Cleopatra was not beautiful by measure Ancient Egyptnor s modern canons. However, she managed to fall in love with two powerful Roman commander and completely submit them to their influence. She was an unusual woman and possessed an extraordinary intelligence.

What else was remembered Cleopatra?

  1. Cleopatra remained in history as the most famous government of Egypt. But it is worth noting that it came from the Dynasty of Ptolemyev, who migrated from Greece during the reign of Alexander Macedonian. Thus, Cleopatra, although born in Egypt, was not at all an Egyptian, but a representative of the ancient Greek dynasty.
  2. Who knows about other Cleopatrah? No one! But the famous Egyptian queen was the seventh in the dynasty that bears the name of Cleopatra. A lot of her father is known - he was the ruler of Egypt with Ptolem XII. But the identity of the mother still remains a mystery. There is a version that she was the unified sister of the king himself, as relations and marriages between brothers and sisters in this dynasty were the norm. It is completely exactly that Cleopatra was not a legitimate child of Ptolemy XII, since he officially recognized only one daughter - Brenika IV.
  3. The name of Cleopatra, when she climbed the throne, sounded so - the TEM philopacitor (θέα φιλοπάτωρ) that in translation means "the goddess that loves his father." After she added to the title also "Loving Fatherland" and began to be called FEA inexperienced Philopato Philopatris.
  1. Cleopatra possessed an extraordinary intelligence and was (spoke of nine languages, at a minimum). She was the only one of all the kings of his dynasty for 300 years to learn Egyptian. Before that, Ptolemy said only in Greek and did not bother themselves to study the language of the country in which the rules were ruled. In addition to Greek and Egyptian, she knew Hebrew, Ethiopian, Aramaic, Persian and even Latin.
  2. In addition to linguistics, she still studied mathematics, astronomy, oratory art and philosophy. Queen, again, the only one of all its predecessors took the religion and culture of Egypt. Before her board, Ptolemy was not interested in the gods and customs of their people.
  3. She married her brothers, such was the law in those times. Despite its uncommonness, Cleopatra could not rule alone, without a male co-guide. Therefore, she had to make a marriage at first with one brother, and then with another. But she did not feel safe, as the brothers all the time wanted to pick up her throne. After their death, she gave birth to her son and secured a carefree future, since he made the boy with his co-program.
  4. The younger brother Cleopatra and her first legitimate spouse did not want to put up with the power of the sister. Therefore, the war was unleashed between them, which forced the queen to flee into Syria. Ptolemy XIII entered into an alliance with Caesar, but did an invalid step and killed a noble Romanna Pompey. It turned away the Roman commander from his brother, and Caesar drew attention to Cleopatra. He helped the queen to overthrow the brother and return his throne.

  1. According to the legend, Cleopatra snuck into the chasar steps wrapped in the carpet. The lost Queen understood that he could change the arrangement of forces, only personally having met with Caesar. And she did not calculate - Caesar immediately carried away to her, although she was 21 years old, and he was already 52.
  2. According to rumors, Cleopatra is involved in the death of their brothers and sisters. The first brother Ptolemy Xiii drowned in the river during the flight, very well for Cleopatra. Arsinoe's sister was executed by order of the queen on the steps of the Roman Temple. And the younger brother died after poisoning at the age of 14. It was in hand Cleopatre, who at that time her son had given birth and could make him a co-guide. She was not needed an adult brother who could encroacitate her power.
  3. Her arrival as a mistress Caesar in Rome was triumphal. She was hated, but she was imitated, the Romans began to lay the hair like her and torsion pearl decorations. She was in Rome during the murder of her lover and was forced to run home to Egypt.
  4. Cleopatra has never been lost in the crowd. Her contemporaries celebrated an amazing charm and charm that source called the Queen. She was very good for himself - took dairy baths, had a scrub in arsenal, masks and shampoos from egg yolks and honey. Cleopatra loved incense and selected aromas of oils for different purposes.

  1. Both of her novels were scandalous, because men were already married and had heirs in Rome. However, after Caesar Cleopatra easily fell in love with his successor to Mark Anthony. For the first impression, she was dressed as Aphrodite and arrived on a ship, more reminiscent of the abode of the gods. She became his mistress and the right companion, with him hunted, saw wine and satisfied the feast.
  2. Mark Anthony and Cleopatra had three children. Gemini, girl and boy were first born, named Alexander Helios and Cleopatra Selena. Translated their second names mean the "Sun" and "Moon".
  3. Love between Mark Anthony and Cleopatra led to the fact that in Rome, the commander was considered a traitor. Octavian defeated the forces of lovers in sea battleWhat led to their escape and fall. None of the children of Cleopatra remained alive, and Caesar Caesarion's son executed his consolidated Brother Oktavian.
  4. Mark Anthony and Cleopatra, as agreed, after defeat, committed suicide. He rushed to the sword, and she, by assumptions, died from the serpentine poison. Historians still argue, as she managed to die in the locked room, which was guarded by the soldiers of Octavian. It is worth noting that this is not the only secret of her death. The grave of Cleopatra and Mark Anthony has not yet been found.

Cleopatra became the last Queen of Egypt and the representative of the Ptolemyev dynasty. After her death, Egypt, who was governed by Greek kings, but had freedom, became the Roman province. This amazing woman who died in 39 years old became a symbol of the fall of Egypt as the greatest civilization of the ancient world.

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Cleopatra lived over 2,000 years ago, but still remained in history as a very influential and powerful woman. She was the last government of independent and became famous not only to his life, but also death.

As the last representative of the Macedonian Dynasty of Ptolemyev, it is the rules of the country for almost three decades, first with his brothers, then with his son. She concluded unions not because of the force and army, but tricks and female charm. About Cleopatre went legends, because she has for short life (38 years) There were two novels with influential Romans - Julia Caesar and Mark Anthony.

What is the secret of Cleopatra? This article contains the most exciting facts from her biography!

Childhood and Youth Cleopatra

There are few significant sources about the life of this woman, since after death its image was very distorted by the Romans. It is known that she was born in 69 BC. e. And was one of the three daughters of Ptolemy XII, whose names remained in history. Her childhood was overshadowed by an uprising against his father, as a result of which his only legitimate daughter of Brenik died. He bequeathed his throne and her younger brother, since the woman could not rule alone.

She entered the throne at the age of 18 as a co-guarantee of his 10-year-old Brother Ptolemy XIII. Cleopatra VII collided with the problems of failing and soon escaped from Egypt due to disagreements with his brother. In Syria, she collected a huge army and returned to present the rights to his throne. Meanwhile, the war was in Rome between Caesar and Pompey, who disappeared in Egypt, but was killed by the orders of Ptolemy XIII.

Ptolemy wanted to get the location of the Romans, but Caesar, who arrived in Egypt and found out about the murder of the enemy, was angry with such a treachery. This took advantage of Cleopatra, in which Caesar was interested in a Roman puppet, which can be managed. He called a girl in Alexandria, and she conquered a mighty commander at first glance.

Cleopatra and Caesar

Despite the fact that Ptolemy was recognized by the king of Egypt, Caesar decided to bow down to the side of Cleopatra and return to the will of her father, where she was equally recognized as a government. According to the legend, he spent her friend in guarded Alexandria sleeping bag (In the films often refer to the carpet). The indignant Ptolemy XIII did not calm down and raised the uprising, which hardly managed to suppress in 47 BC. e. The young man himself drowned in the river, and Cleopatra signed marriage with another his younger brother, Ptolem XIV. After that, she went to Rome after Caesar.

By that time, they had already lived with Caesar together, and Cleopatra had a son Caesarion (little Caesar). It is worth noting that, despite all the negative descriptions of Cleopatra, its intelligence and natural charm celebrated all the contemporaries. She was not beautiful in the usual understanding, but possessed powerful energy and skillfully used his defense art. In addition, it was educated and clever, and even heard the polyglot - Cleopatra knew about 7 languages, given that at that time people were hardly owned by their own perfection.

Upon arrival in 46 BC e. In Rome Cleopatra and his son settled on the Caesar Villa, and her arrival accelerated a conspiracy against the Great Pontiff. There were rumors that he plans to make her second wife and lay the capital of the Roman Empire in Alexandria. In 44 BC e. Caesar was brutally killed right at the meeting of the Senate. Cleopatra and his brother immediately left Rome to Egypt. It is curious that her younger brother soon died, and, by rumors, not without the participation of Cleopatra. Now she had a son who could become her co-guide, and the opponent's brother was not needed.

Cleopatra and Mark Anthony

The queen was safe with the Son co-coster, however, in Egypt, the country was again, and the country was on the verge of Bunta. In addition, after the death of Caesar in the Roman Empire, the conflict between his killers and the heirs - the nephew Octavian and the companion of Mark Anthony. Soon they divided power in Rome, and drew attention to Egypt. Mark Anthony showed interest in Cleopatra and caused her to find out her attitude towards the murder of Caesar. The queen was prepared for the trip and arrived on a gilded ship, in the form of Aphrodites, which immediately conquered Mark Anthony.

At the time of their meeting she was 28 years old, and he immediately promised her defense and the crown of Egypt. She returned to Egypt, and he follows her, leaving the third wife and children. In 41-40, he stayed in Alexandria all winter, and after his return home Cleopatra gave birth to twins. His wife Fulvia aroused collisions with octavian people, and he was forced to return to clean up. However, soon Fulvia died, and Mark Anthony made married with Oktavian's sister Octavia.

For several years they have not seen each, in 37 BC e. Again met, and in the year Tsaritsa gave birth to a son. The Roman Empire began to perceive the Union of the Egyptian Queen and the Roman Consul as a threat to Octavian, and Mark Anthony himself was the initiator of rumors. He called Cesarion's official heir to Caesar and recognized all his children from Cleopatra. Also, the Roman has ceased to be interested in his army and the country, by most of the time spending in passions with the beloved. Octavian was convinced that his associate was under the rule of the Egyptian queen and carries a direct threat to his power.

Death of Tsaritsa

Mark Anthony remained in Alexandria, and in 32 BC. e. The Senate deprived him of titles and declared warcatre war. Already in 31 g. e. Between Mark Anthony and Octavian, the civil war was unleashed, which ended in the battle of the share when the fleet of the Egyptian queen was defeated. Lovers returned to Alexandria and began to appeal, passing an oath to die in case of defeat. They were tested on approximate poisons, looking for the most painless and fast. Meanwhile, Oktavian's troops reached Alexandria, and all comrades turned away from Mark Anthony.

In 30 BC e. Cleopatra closed with his servants in his tomb. Mark Anthony passed the news of her death, and he committed suicide, rushing to his sword. Meanwhile, the queen met with Octavian, but it did not affect him. She buried her lover and a few days later she was found dead in his own bedroom. By different versionsShe died of snake bite or kept poison in a hairpin.

Her, according to the will, buried Anthony made together with the body, but on this moment Their tombs are not found. In 2008, I managed to find Bust Mark Anthony in the Osiris Temple in Alexandria, but the research was not advanced further. Still, this mystery of 2000 years ago remains unsolved.

Cleopatra VII philopatorator (Dr.-Greek. Κλεοπάτρα φιλοπάτωρ). Born on November 2, 69 BC. - Died on August 12, 30 BC. Last queen Hellenistic Egypt from the Macedonian Dynasty of Ptolemyev (Lagidov).

Cleopatra was born on November 2, 69 BC. e. (Officially, 12 Year of the Board of Ptolemy XII), apparently in Alexandria. It is one of the three (famous) daughters of Tsar Ptolemye Xii Alert, perhaps from concubine, because, according to Strabo's observation, this king had only one legitimate daughter of Brenike IV, the Queen in 58-55 to N. e.

About childhood and adolescence, Cleopatra is not known. Undoubtedly, it was a strong impression of the troubles of 58-55, when her father was overthrown and expelled from Egypt, and the queen became his daughter (Cleopatra's sister) Brenike.

Restored on the throne by the forces of the Roman governor of Syria Gabinia, Ptolemy XII throws into a massacre, repression and murders (the victim of whom was Pala, including Brenike).

As a result, it turns into a puppet, which is held in power only thanks to the Roman presence, burdening the country's finance. Father's kingdom troubles presented a lesson to the future queen, which used all the means to get rid of opponents and from all standing on her ways - like, for example, from his younger brother Ptolemy XIV in 44 BC. e. And later from the sister of Arsinoe IV.

Cleopatra VII Egypt rules 21 years in consistently in co-burning with its brothers (They are traditionally formal husbands) Ptolem XIII and Ptolem XIV, then in actual marriage with Roman commander Mark Anthony. He was the last independent ruler of Egypt to Roman conquest and often, although not quite correctly, is considered the last pharaoh of ancient Egypt. Broad-mindedly acquired thanks to a love connection with Julia Caesar and Mark Anthony. From Caesar had a son, from Anthony two sons and daughter.

Sources for Cleopatre - Plutarch, Svetoniy, Appian, Dion Cassius, Joseph Flavius.

For the most part, an ancient historiography is unfavorable. There is an opinion that the outline of Cleopatra was carried out by the winner of Egypt, Octavian and his surroundings, sought by all the forces to blame the queen, presenting it not just a dangerous enemy of Rome and an evil genius Mark Anthony. An example is the judgment about Cleopatre of the Roman historian IV century. Averaliya Viktor: "She was so debauchery, which was often confused, and possessed such beauty that many men paid their death for possession of it for one night."

Tale of Ptolemy XII, who died in March 51 BC. er, passed the throne of Cleopatre and her younger brother Ptolemy Xiii, who was then about 9 years old, and with which she was combined with a formal marriage, since, according to Ptolemyev's custom, a woman could not reign on his own.

For the throne, she climbed under the official title θέα φιλοπάτωρ (Tea Philopato), that is, the goddess, loving father (from the inscription on the stele from 51 BC. er). The first three years of the reign were not easy due to a 2-year fault, caused by the insufficient spill of the Nile.

With the top of the co-guards, a dragged struggle of the parties began immediately. Cleopatra first the rules alone, removing the young brother, but then the latter took a revenge, leaning on the eunuha Potina (formerly someone like the head of government), the commander of Achilles and his educator of Theodota (Ritor from Chios).

In a document dated October 27, 50 BC. er, the name of Ptolemy appears emphasized in the first place.

In the summer of 48 to n. e. Cleopatra, who fled to Syria and confused the army there, at the head of this troop broke the camp at the Egyptian border, not far from the Pelusi Fortress. There is also located with the army and her brother, blocking her way into the country.

The turning point was the flight of the Roman Senator Pompey to Egypt and his killing with supporters of Ptolemy.

Cleopatra and Caesar

At this point, Rome interferes with the fight.

Pompey, defeated under farcal, in early June 48 BC. e. It appears at the Egyptian coast and asks the Egyptian king about help.

The young Ptolemy XIII, more precisely his advisers, hoping to achieve generous mercies from the winners, give an order for the murder of Roman. It was fulfilled, barely crowded the Egyptian land, in front of his whole environment (July 28, 48). But the king was calculated: Caesar, who in the pursuit of Pompei landed in Egypt, two days later, he was angry with this violence and buried Pompey's head at the walls of Alexandria, where the Sanctuary of Nemesis was erected.

Once in Egypt, Caesar tried to replenish his treasury with the help of debts that Ptolemy XII made Roman banker Rabiria during his hassle of restoring on the throne, and which Caesar now recorded at his own expense.

It writes that Caesar "did not decide" to turn Egypt into the Roman province, "so that some enterprising governor failed to rely on the province with huge resources for new stem."

However, Caesar declared its intention to make an arbiter in the dispute of the kings. Ptolemy XIII and without it was the actual ruler, besides the recognized Pompey. Therefore, Caesar was interested in Cleopatra, which could become a puppet obligated by him.

Soon upon arrival, he calls Cleopatra to himself in Alexandria. Peel into the capital guarded by Ptolemy people was not easy business - Cleopatre helped to make it her fan, Sicilian Apollodor, who secretly led the queen in a fishing boat, and then peeped Caesar, hiding in a large bag for bed (and not in the carpet, as it is embarrassed in films, see Cleopatra Carpet) . From this fact, we can conclude about the fragile build of the queen. Throwing to the legs of the Roman dictator, Cleopatra began to bitterly complain about his oppressants, demanding the Potina execution.

52-year-old Caesar was captive by the young queen, especially since the return to the testament Ptolemy XII corresponded to his own political interests. When the next morning, Caesar stated the 13-year-old king about this - he ran out of the palace in a rage and, having sinking with himself to the diadem, began to shout the native to the people that he was betrayed. The crowd was indignant, but Caesar at that moment managed to calm her, reading the testament of the king.

However, the situation for Caesar complicated. The detachment accompanied him, he had only 7 thousand soldiers; In Africa, supporters of the murdered Pompey gathered, and these circumstances were opened in the party Ptolemy hope to get rid of Caesar.

Potin and Achilla called the troops to Alexandria. The penalty of Potina Caesar could no longer stop the uprising. The troops, supported by citizens, outraged extortion and the leader of the Romans, received the leader when Ptolemy Xiii and his sister Arsinoe were fled. As a result, Caesar in September 48 BC. e. It turned out to be besieged and cut off from reinforcements in the royal quarter of Alexandria. Saving Caesar and Cleopatra only the approach of reinforcements led by Mithridate Pergammy.

The rebels were divided on January 15 47 to N. e. In the Mareti lake, when flight, the king Ptolemy drowned in Nile. Arsinoe was captured and was then carried out in the triumph of Caesar.

This followed by Joint Travel Caesar and Cleopatra on the Nile on 400 ships, accompanied by noisy festivals. Cleopatra, formally combined with another XIV Ptolem, actually became the undisputed government of Egypt under the Roman protectorate, the guarantee of which were left in Egypt three legions. Shortly after the departure of Caesar cleopatra born the Son on June 23, 47, which was called Ptolem Caesar, but who entered the story under him by Alexandrians nickname Caesarion.. Claimed that he was very similar to Caesar and face and posture.

Caesar fought with the king of Ponta Farnak, then with the latest supporters of Pompey in Africa; Immediately at the end of the war, he calls Cleopatra to Rome with his brother (summer 46 to n. er), formally - for the conclusion of the Union between Rome and Egypt. Cleopatra was highlighted by Villa Caesar in his gardens on the shores of the Tiber, where she took noble Romans, hurrying to witness their reference to the favorite. In the Republicans, this caused extreme irritation and became one of the reasons that accelerated the death of Caesar.

Even a rumor (transmitted by light and an indicative for general mood) that Caesar is going to take Cleopatra his second wife and transfer the capital to Alexandria. Caesar himself ordered to place the gold-plated statue of Cleopatra at the Altar Venus of the Prattel (Venus as the mythical ancestor of the genus Yuliyev, to which he belonged). Nevertheless, Caesar's official testament did not contain any references to Caesarion, which he thus did not decide to recognize his son.

Sovereign board of Cleopatra

Caesar was killed as a result of a conspiracy on March 15, 44 BC. e. A month later, in mid-April, Cleopatra left Rome and arrived in Alexandria in July.

Soon after, a 14-year-old Ptolemy XIV died. According to Joseph Flavia, he was poisoned by his sister: the birth of the son gave the Cleopatre of the formal co-guide. In this situation, an adult brother was completely overheated.

In 43 BC e. Hunger hit Egypt and two years in a row did not spill the Nile. The queen was concerned primarily with the supply of his capital, prone to Bunta. Three Roman Legion, left by the late Caesar, were inexped up to their conclusion.

The war between Caesar's killers, Cassie and Bruta on the one hand, and on the other hand, his heirs, Anthony and Octavian, demanded from Tsaritsa Vidiality.

The East was in the hands of the killers of Caesar: Bruut controlled Greece and Malaya Asia, and Cassius settled in Syria. The governor of Cleopatra in Cyprus, Serapion, helped Cassia with money and the fleet with the undoubted consent of the queen, whatever feelings she emitted to the killers of their Roman patron. She later officially renounced seranger actions. On the other side of Cleopatra, the fleet was supposedly equipped, as she then assured to help Caesarians.

In 42 BC e. Republicans were defeated under Philippi. The situation for Cleopatra immediately changed.

Cleopatra and Mark Anthony

Cleopatre was 28 years old when she was in 41 to n. e. I got acquainted with the 40-year-old Roman commander. It is known that Anthony as the head of the cane participated in the restoration of Ptolemy XII on the throne in 55, but it is unlikely that they meet at that time, although the Appian leads the rumor, as if Anthony became interested in a 14-year-old Cleopater at that time. They could get acquainted during the stay of the queen in Rome, however, before the meeting in 41, they apparently knew each other badly.

In the division of the Roman world, produced after the defeat of the Republicans, the East got an anthony. Anthony decides to implement the Caesar project - a big campaign against Parfyan. Preparing for a campaign, he sends the officer of Quinta Delia in Alexandria to demand Cleopatra to his kilicia. He was going to blame her to help Caesar's killers, apparently, hoping under this pretext to receive as much money as possible for a hike.

Cleopatra, to find out through Delliya about the nature of Anthony and above all about his pleasures, vanity and love for external shine, arrives on a vessel with murcled feed, purple sails and silver paddles; She herself squeezed in Aphrodite's outfit, on both sides of her stood boys in the form of Erotov, and managed the servant ship in the nymph's robes.

The ship was moving along the Kidn River under the sounds of Flute and Kyfar, shrouded in the smoke of incense. Then she invites Anthony to himself for a luxurious feast. Anthony was completely fascinated. Zaparina's harvested accusations were easily rejected, stating that the seradon acted without her knowledge, and she herself equipment fleet to help Caesarians, but this fleet, unfortunately, was detained with opposite winds. As the first manifestation of courtesy to Cleopatre Anthony, at her request, ordered to immediately execute her sister Arsino, who was looking for refuge in the Temple of Aphrodites in Ephesus.

Thus began a novel, laughing ten years old, one of the most famous in history - even though we cannot judge, what was the share of political calculation in relations with Anthony, who was needed by Cleopatra to implement his plans. For their part, Anthony only with the help of Egyptian money could contain his huge army.

Anthony, leaving the army, followed Cleopatre in Alexandria, where he spent 41-40 GG. BC e., indulging brewing and entertainment. For his part of Cleopatra tried to tie it as hard as possible.

Plutarch says: "With him she played in the dice, he drank together, was hunted together, was among the audience when he practiced a weapon, and at night, when he, in a slave dress, wandered and halled around the city, stopping at the door and The windows of the houses and showering the usual members of the hosts - the people of a simple titat, Cleopatra and here was next to Anthony, dressed in front of becoming. "

One day, Anthony, wondering to hit Cleopatra with his abilities of the fisherman, sent divers who constantly hit him on the hook a new "catch". Cleopatra, quickly unraveling this trick, for his part, sent a diver, who asked Anthony's dried fish.

As long as they have fun in this way, Parfyansky Tsarevich Parcor moved to the offensive, as a result of which Rome lost Syria and the south of Malaya Asia with Kilicia. Antagon Mattafius, hostile to the Romans Prince from the Hasmonaev dynasty (Maccaveyev), was approved by Parfyans on the Jerusalem Prerest. Mark Anthony held a short counteroffensive from Tira, but then was forced to return to Rome, where after a collision between his wife Fulvia and Oktavian's supporters, a peaceful agreement was concluded in the brunch. The collisions were caused by the fault of Fulvia, which, according to Plutarch, hoped to tear Anthony from Cleopatra.

At this time, Fulvia died, and Anthony was combined with a marriage with Oktavian's sister, Octavia. At the same time, in 40 BC. e. Cleopatra in Alexandria gave birth from Anthony twins: the boy Alexander Helios ("Sun") and the girl Cleopatru Selenu ("Moon").

Throughout 3 years before the autumn of 37 BC. e. There are no information about the queen. When Returning Anthony from Italy, lovers are found in Antioch in the fall of 37 years, and from that moment begins new stage In their politics and their love. Leva Anthony Festiy expelled Parfian.

Anthony replaces Parfyanskiy's own vassals or direct Roman control. Thus, the famous Herod when he support becomes king of Judea. Something similar happens in Galatia, Ponte and Cappadocia. Cleopatra from all this is directly benefited, as its rights to Cyprus are confirmed, which she actually owned, as well as on the cities of the Syrian and Cylitian coast Mediterranean Sea, Kingdom of Chalkidik in the current Lebanon.

In this way, Cleopatra managed to partially restore the default of the first Ptolemyev.

Cleopatra commanded countdown from this moment new era His reign in the documents. She herself adopted the official title θεα νεωτερα φιλοπατωρα φιλοπρις (Fea of \u200b\u200bNedores Phylopatris Philopatris), that is, "younger goddess, loving father and fatherland." The title was designed for the attached Syrians, who already had the queen (senior goddess) of Ptolemeevsky blood Cleopatru Fea in the second century BC. er, the title also pointed out, according to historians, Cleopatra's Macedonian roots, which was a weighty argument for the Greco-Macedonian ruling class of Syria.

Children Cleopatra and Mark Anthony

In 37-36 years BC. e. Anthony began a campaign against Parfyan, which turned the catastrophe, mainly due to the harsh winter in the mountains of Armenia and Mussels. Anthony himself barely escaped death.

Cleopatra remained in Alexandria, where in September 36 to n. e. The third child gave birth to Anthony - Philadelph Ptolemy. In Rome, they began to consider the Union of Anthony and Cleopatra as a threat to the empire and personally octavian. In early spring, 35 years old sent his sister Okthavia, the legitimate wife of Anthony and the mother of his two daughters - Antonia of the senior (the future grandmother of the emperor Nero) and Anthony of the youngest (the future mother of Germany and Emperor Claudia), - so that she joins her husband.

However, she barely reached Athens, Anthony ordered her to immediately return back. This happened with the participation of Cleopatra, which threatened the anthony of suicide if he adopters his wife.

Anthony wanted to take revenge for defeat in the war with Parfians: in 35 BC. e. He seized the Tsar Armenia Artavazd II, concluded an alliance with other artavad, the king of mussels atropatene and guided triumph, but not in Rome, but in Alexandria with the participation of Cleopatra and their common children.

A little later, Caesarion received the title of Tsar Kings. Alexander Helios was proclaimed by the king of Armenia and land for Euphrates, Ptolemy Philadelph received (nominally, since he was about 2 years old) - Syria and Malaya Asia, and, finally, Cleopatra Selena II - Kerenaica.

Not all of the complained territories were under real control of Anthony. Joseph Flavius \u200b\u200bargues that Cleopatra also demanded a Judea from Anthony, but received a refusal.

The news of the land distribution caused the strongest perturbation in Rome, Anthony clearly broke with all Roman traditions and began to play an Hellenistic monarch from himself.

Battle at stock

Anthony still enjoyed considerable popularity in the Senate and Army, but with its exits in the East Hellenistic spirit, challenged the Roman standards and traditional ideasHe himself gave an octavian weapon against himself.

By 32 BC e. The case came to civil War. At the same time, Octavian proclaimed her war of the "Roman people against the Egyptian Queen." Egyptian, which enslaved the Roman commander with his charms, depicted the focus of the entire Eastern, Hellenistic-Tsarsky, Alien Rome and Roman Virtues.

From the side of Anthony and Cleopatra for the war, a fleet of 500 ships was prepared, of which 200 Egyptian. Anthony led the war was sluggish, indulging in conjunction with Cleopter feasts and festivities in all passing Greek cities and providing octavian time to organize the army and fleet.

While Anthony, he tightened the troops to the west coast of Greece, going to cross in Italy, Octavian himself rapidly crossed the epirus and imposed an Anthony of the War in his territory.

The stay of Cleopatra in the camp Anthony, its constant intrigues against everyone, in whom she saw her ill-wishers, served the Anthony of the bad service, prompting many of his supporters to run to the enemy. The story of an ardent adherent Anthony of Kwint Delulia, who was still forced to run to Octavian, because he was warned that Cleopatra is going to poison him for a joke, which she found offensive.

The faders inquired Octavian about the content of Anthony's testa, it was immediately seized from the temple of Vesta and published. Anthony officially recognized Cleopatra to his wife, her sons - his legitimate children, and bequeathed to bury himself not in Rome, but in Alexandria next to Cleopatra. Anthony's testa is completely discredited.

Octavian, who was not a major military leader, found a Vipsania brand in the face of a competent commander, who successfully led war. Agrippa managed to drive the fleet of Anthony and Cleopatra in the Ambrian Bay and blocked it. Their troops began to feel the lack of food.

Cleopatra insisted on a sea breakthrough. At the military council, this opinion took the top.

The result was the maritime battle under the excium of September 2, 31 years BC. e. When Cleopatra was afraid that the victory elude, she decided to flee with her fleet, trying to save something else. Anthony fled after her. His crushed fleet surrendered to Octavian, and after that surrendered without a fight and a demoralized land army.

Death Cleopatra and Mark Anthony

Anthony returned to Egypt and did not undertake anything to continue to fight Octavian. However, he did not have any real resources for this. He was squatting his strength in the boots and luxurious festivals, and announced with Cleopter about the creation of the "Summary Union", whose members swore to die together. This union had to join their approximated. Cleopatra felt on the prisoners of the poisons, trying to find out which poison brings a faster and painless death.

Cleopatra was concerned about the salvation of Caesarion. She sent him to India, but he then returned back to Egypt. She herself one time thought about the flight plan to India, but when attempting to transport the trial through the Suez shelter, they burned the Arabs. From these plans had to refuse.

In the spring of 30 to n. e. Octavian moved to Egypt. Cleopatra tried to protect himself from treason with cruel measures: when the commandant Pelujus Seleevk passed the fortress, she executed his wife and children. By the end of July, Oktavian's troops appeared under Alexandria itself. The last parts remaining with Anthony, one after another moved to the side of the winner.

August 1, everything was over. Cleopatra with trusted maids Iraja and Kharmion locked in the building of his own tomb. Anthony passed a false news of her suicide. Anthony rushed to his sword. Soon his dying, the women were drawn to the tomb, and he died in his hands in his sobbatra sobbing him.

Cleopatra herself, closing the dagger in his hand, demonstrated a readiness for death, but he joined the negotiations with the messenger of Octavian, allowed him to penetrate the building of the tomb and disarmed it. Apparently, Cleopatra still kept the weak hope to seduce Octaviana or at least agree with him, and to keep the kingdom. Octavian showed less advocacy to female charm than Caesar and Anthony, and the women's spells for thirty and the mother of four children maybe somewhat weakened.

The last days Cleopatra is described in detail by Plutarch for the memoirs of Olympus, her doctor. Octavian dose Cleopatra to bury the beloved; Her own destiny remained unclear. She affected the patient and gave me to understand that he would definite himself with hunger - but the threats of Octavian to deal with the children forced her to take treatment.

Few days later Caesar (Octavian) and himself visited Cleopatra to console it. She lay on bed, depressed and depressed, and when Caesar appeared in the doorway, jumped up in one Hiton and rushed to his feet. Her long, not fallen hair hung with shreds, the face was wild, the voice trembled, her eyes were extinct.

Octavian robbed Cleopatra encouraging words and retired.

Soon the Roman officer of Cornelius Dolibella, a Roman officer of Cornelius Dolopatru, told her that after three days she would be sent to Rome for Triumph Octavian. Cleopatra ordered to transfer the letter in advance and locked with the maids. Octavian received a letter in which he found complaints and a request to bury her together with Anthony, and immediately sent people. The messengers found Cleopatra dead, in the royal dress, on the golden bed. Since the peasant with the pot of Frox was held before Cleopatre, who did not arouse suspicion of the guard, it was decided that a snake was carried in Cleopatra.

They claimed that two light bite were slightly visible on the hand of Cleopatra. The snake itself in the room was not found, as if she immediately entered the palace.

According to another version, Cleopatra kept the poison in the hollow head stile. This version is supported by the fact that both servants Cleopatra died with her. Doubtful for one snake killing immediately three people. According to Dion Kassius, Octavian tried to revive Cleopatra with the help of psyche, an exotic tribe, who was able to suck the poison harmlessly for himself.

Cleopatra's death on August 12, 30 years 30 deprived Oktavian shiny prisoners on his triumph in Rome. In the triumphant procession, only her sculpture was taken.

The receiving son of Caesar Octavian executed Caesar's native son from Cleopatra Ptolemy XV Caesarion in the same year. Children from Anthony went in chains on the triumph parade, then brought up Oktaviana Oktavia's sisters, Anthony's wife, "in memory of her husband."

Subsequently, the daughter of Cleopatra Cleopatru Selenu II was married to the Mauritan Tsar Yuba II, thanks to which Bust Cleopatra from Shershell appeared.

The fate of Alexander Helios and Ptolemy Philadelph remained unknown. It is assumed that they died early.

Egypt became one of the Roman provinces.

Exterior Cleopatra

The authentic appearance of Cleopatra is not easy to see due to the surrounding romantic flora and numerous moviestin; But it is no doubt that she had enough courageous and hard to disturb the Romans.

There are no reliable images that exactly without idealization would give her physical appearance.

Damaged bust from Shershell in Algeria (the Antique City of Caesare Mauritanan), created after the death of Cleopatra on the occasion of Cleopatra Selena II, her daughters from Mark Anthony, with the king of Maureti, II, transfers the exterior of Cleopatra in her last years. Although sometimes this bust is attributed to Cleopatra Selena II, Cleopatra VII daughter.

Cleopatre VII is attributed to Hellenistic busts depicting young attractive women with typical Greek people, but those who have made a bust are definitely identified.

It is believed that busts depicting Cleopatra VII are stored in the Berlin Museum and the Vatican Museum, but the classic appearance makes it suspect an image idealization.

The profiles on the coins show a woman with wavy hair, close-up, protruding chin and nose with a hubble (hereditary features of Ptolemyev).

On the other hand, it is known that Cleopatra was distinguished by a powerful charm, an attractiveness, perfectly used it for the seduction and, in addition, had a chant voice and brilliant, sharp mind. As written by the portraits of Cleopatra: "For the beauty of this woman was not that he called incomparably and amazes at first sight, but his appeal was distinguished by irresistible charm, and therefore her appearance, combined with rarely persuasive speeches, with a huge charm, which came to each Word, in every movement, looked into the soul. The sounds of her votes were caressed and pleased the rumor, and the language was exactly a multi-line tool, easily tuned to any way, - on any adverb. "

While the Greeks usually neglected the upbringing of daughters, even in royal families, Cleopatra clearly had a good education, which, imposing on its natural mind, gave excellent results.

Cleopatra became a real queen-polyglot, owning, in addition to the native Greek language, Egyptian (the first of his dynasty has made efforts to master them, maybe only with the exception of Ptolemy VIII of Fiscone), Aramaic, Ethiopian, Persian, Hebrew and the Language of Berberov (People who lived in southern Libya).

Her linguistic abilities did not go and Latin, although enlightened by Romans, such as Caesar, were perfectly owned by Greek.

The name of Cleopatra - Symbols, Hieroglyphic Writing, Transliteration

Cleopatra in movies:

♦ Cleopatra (CléoPâtre, France, 1899) - a mute black and white film, director Georges Meles, as Cleopatra Jeanne D'Essi;
♦ Cleopatra (Cléoopâtre, France, 1910) - a dumb black and white film, delivered by the play of William Shakespeare "Anthony and Cleopatra", Directors: Henry Andreani and Ferdinand Zekka, in the role of Cleopatra Madeleine Roche;
♦ Cleopatra (Cleopatra, USA, 1912) - a dumb black and white film, director Charles L. Gaskill, in the role of Cleopatra Helen Gardner;
♦ Cleopatra (Cleopatra, USA, 1917) - a dumb black and white film, directed by J. Gordon Edwards, as Cleopatra Ted Bar, the film is considered lost;
♦ Cleopatra (film, 1934) - Nominee for Oscar, as Klodett Colbers;
♦ Caesar and Cleopatra (film, 1945) - in the role;
♦ Anthony and Cleopatra (film, 1951) - in the role of Powlin Letras;
♦ two nights with Cleopter (film) (1953) - in the role;
♦ Cleopatra (film, 1963) - Nominee on Oscar, in the role of Cleopatra Elizabeth Taylor;
♦ I, Cleopatra and Anthony (film) (1966) - as Staras Paravas;
♦ Legions Cleopatra (1959) - as Linda Crystal;
♦ Asterix and Cleopatra (cartoon, 1968) - Cleopatra Mishlin Dax;
♦ Anthony and Cleopatra (film, 1974) - as Janet Sazman;
♦ Caesar and Cleopatra (1979) - in the role;
♦ Mad nights Cleopatra (film) (1996) - in the role of Marchell Petrelli;
♦ Cleopatra (film, 1999) - in the role of Leonor Varela;
♦ Asterix and Obelix: Cleopatra Mission (film, 2002) - the role of Cleopatra performed;
♦ Julius Caesar (film, 2002) - the role of Cleopatra performed Samuel Sardo;
♦ Roman Empire. August (film) (2003) - as Anna Valle;
♦ Rome (2005-2007) - HBO / BBC television drama, as Cleopatra Lindsay Marshal

Cleopatra in art:

Poem "Cleopatra" (Pushkin, Bruce, Block, Akhmatova);
Alexander Pushkin "Egyptian Nights";
William Shakespeare "Anthony and Cleopatra";
Bernard show "Caesar and Cleopatra";
Georg Ebers "Cleopatra";
Henry Ryder Haggard "Cleopatra";
Margaret George "Cleopatra Diaries" (1997);
Davtyan Larisa. "Cleopatra" (poetic cycle);
A. Vladimirov "Cleopatra rule" (musical drama);
Maria Hadley. "Queen Tsaritsa";
N. Pavlischev. "Cleopatra";
Theophile Gautier "Night, Dated Cleopater"