Test the theme of troubled times in history. History test on the topic "Trouble" (Grade 10)

2 "Time of Troubles"

Historians refer to the Time of Troubles ... years:

a) 1598-1605 b) 1598-1613

c) 1601-1611 d) 1603-1613

The Rurik dynasty ended after death:

a) Ivan the Terrible b) Fedor Ivanovich

c) Boris Godunov d) Mikhail Fedorovich

The first tsar who occupied the Russian throne not by inheritance, but as a result of election to the kingdom was:

a) Mikhail Romanov, b) Boris Godunov,

c) Vasily Shuisky, d) False Dmitry I.

In 1598 Boris Godunov took the Moscow throne on the basis of:

a) Wills of Fyodor Ivanovich b) Decisions of Tsaritsa Irina

c) Decisions of the Boyar Duma d) Decrees of the Zemsky Sobor

Which of the following documents was adopted later than the others:

a) Decree on lesson years, b) Sudebnik of Ivan IV

c) Decree on reserved years, d) Sudebnik of Ivan III

Leader of the peasant movement 1603-1604:

a) Lyapunov P b) Ileyka Muromets

c) Cotton clubfoot d) Zarutsky I.M.

a) Boyar Duma b) Seven Boyars

C) Shuisky V.I d) False Dmitry I

8 . The uprising of 1606-1607 under the leadership of Bolotnikov I.I. was suppressed after:

a) Defeats near the village of Kotly b) Surrender of Tula

c) Retreats to Kaluga d) Siege of Moscow

In the uprising of Bolotnikov I.I. did not participate:

a) Archers b) Peasants

c) Cossacks d) Posad people

The cross-kissing record of Tsar Vasily Shuisky, given upon his accession to the throne, contained a promise:

a) to abolish state taxes,
b) not to persecute the boyars without trial,
c) transfer part of state lands to the disposal of the church,
d) to make large land grants to the nobles

11. The meaning of the "cross-kissing record" of Vasily Shuisky was:

a) in the creation of a new authority - the Zemsky Sobor,
b) in the promise of the king to his subjects to observe the rule of law,
c) in the introduction of a new principle of succession to the throne,
d) in the establishment of the patriarchate in Russia.

12. By 1606 - 1607 applies to:

a) the reign of Vasily Shuisky,
b) the reign of False Dmitry I,
c) the activities of the Second Home Guard,
d) an uprising led by I.I. Bolotnikov.

13. During the Time of Troubles, intervention on the territory of Russia was carried out by:

a) the Commonwealth and Sweden,
b) Sweden and Prussia,
c) the Commonwealth and France,
d) Sweden and the Crimean Khanate

fourteen . Who during the Time of Troubles (beginning of the 17th century) was called the "Tushino thief":

a) False Dmitry II, b) Vasily Shuisky,

c) Ivan Bolotnikov, d) Ivan Zarutsky

15 . During the Time of Troubles, the coup of 1610, as a result of which Vasily Shuisky was overthrown, brought to power:

a) Mikhail Romanov, b) Boris Godunov,

c) "seven boyars", d) False Dmitry I.

16. Provisional authority created by the Second Militia during the Time of Troubles:

A) Seven Boyars b) Elected Rada

c) "Council of All the Earth" d) Supreme Privy Council

17 . The consequences of the Time of Troubles include:

a) the loss of Veliky Novgorod by Russia,
b) the conclusion of the "Eternal Peace" between Russia and Poland,
c) Russia's loss of Smolensk and access to Baltic Sea,
d) inclusion in the Left-bank Ukraine.

eighteen . As a result of the events of the Time of Troubles, Russia lost:

a) Smolensk lands, b) Crimea.

c) Left-bank Ukraine, d) the coast of the Caspian Sea.

19 . A consequence of the Time of Troubles is not:

a) Russia's loss of part western territories, departed Poland and Sweden,
b) economic ruin of the country,
c) disruption of the functioning of the authorities,
d) suppression of the Rurik dynasty.

20. The real name of the impostor who pretended to be False Dmitry I?

21 . arrange in chronological order the following rulers of Russia during the Time of Troubles.

a) Vasily Shuisky, b) Grigory Otrepiev,

c) Boris Godunov, d) Vladislav Sigismundovich

22. Match names and events.

1) Ivan IV A) standing on the river Ugra
2) Ivan III B) Russian-Polish war
3) Dmitry Donskoy B) Battle of Kulikovo,
4) Boris Godunov, D) oprichnina,
D) Time of Troubles

23 Establish a correspondence between the events of the Time of Troubles and dates.

1) hungry years and riots A) 1610-1612
2) campaign of False Dmitry I to Russia B) 1604
3) Seven Boyars B) 1601-1603
4) the uprising of I. Bolotnikov D) 1606-1607.
D) 1600-1612

24.. What are the causes of the Troubles?

Test on the history of Russia at the end of the XVI-beginning of the XVII century.

Option I

1. In 1589, in the life of the Russian Orthodox Church, a significant event. What is this event?

1) The first Church Council was held

2) Introduced the patriarchate in Russia

3) The Church reform was carried out.

4) Tsar Boris Godunov became the head of the church

2. The years of the reign of Fedor Ivanovich:

1) 1581-1598 2) 1584-1598 3) 1598-1603 4) 1584-1605

3. Which event does not belong to the reign of Boris Godunov?

1) the conclusion of peace with the Crimean Khanate; 3) Tyavzinsky peace with Sweden;

2) the beginning of Yermak's campaign in Siberia; 4) crop failure and famine in the Russian state.

4. Name the most important cause of the Troubles:

1) crop failure

2) intervention of the Commonwealth

3) Cotton's rebellion

4) the inability of the state to help the people in difficult times

5. Who did Grigory Otrepiev declare himself to be?

1) the son of Tsar Fedor Ivanovich; 3) the son of Tsar Ivan IV;

2) the nephew of Tsar Boris Godunov; 4) the son of King Sigismund III.

6. The consequence of the reign of Vasily Shuisky was not:

1) uprising led by Ivan Bolotnikov

2) the appearance of False Dmitry II

3) liberation of peasants from serfdom

4) Polish-Swedish intervention

8. Foreign interference in the internal affairs of Russia during the Time of Troubles was carried out by:

1) Denmark, Norway 3) Commonwealth, Sweden

2) England, Sweden 4) Turkey, Crimean Khanate

9. Who was one of the leaders of the First Militia?

1 ) K, Minin; 2) I. Bolotnikov; 3) P. Lyapunov; 4) P. Basmanov

10. The consequences of the Troubles do not include:

1) moral decline in society

2) violation of international trade relations

3) decline in agriculture

4) the emergence of new types of crafts

11. What was one of the arguments in favor of electing Mikhail Fedorovich Romanov as the new Russian Tsar?

1 ) he was related to Boris Godunov;

2) he had great political experience and an outstanding mind;

3) his father boyar Fedor (Metropolitan Filaret) played a significant role in the expulsion of the Poles from Moscow;

4) he was a relative of the last "legitimate" Tsar Fyodor Ivanovich

12. Correlate the phenomena and their consequences:

1) the introduction of the patriarchate A) the suppression of the Rurik dynasty

3) construction of fortresses B) return of the Baltic coast

4) decree on "lesson years" D) strengthening the economy

5) the death of Tsarevich Dmitry D) increasing the country's defense capability

1) 1589 a) the beginning of the invasion of foreign troops into Russia

2) 1597 b) the creation of the Second Home Guard

3) 1609 c) the election of Mikhail Romanov to the kingdom

4) 1612 d) the introduction of the patriarchate

5) 1613 e) decree on "lesson years"

14. Indicate the correct statements:

a) with the death of Tsar Fedor, the ruling dynasty in Russia was interrupted

b) the real name of False Dmitry 1 Grigory Otrepiev

c) False Dmitry 1 managed to stay on the throne of Moscow for a long time

d) the main military force of the movement of I. Bolotnikov was archers

e) the weakening of the central government led to the Troubles

f) the second elected tsar to the Russian throne was the Polish prince Vladislav

g) after the overthrow of Vasily Shuisky, an interregnum began in the country

h) in the summer of 1611. Russia found itself in an exceptionally difficult situation

“Shuisky mobilized the whole country and had an army of 100 thousand people. The army that left Tula was much weaker, so it was forced to retreat again to the Tula fortress. In June, they were besieged by Shuisky's troops. No one could enter the city, nor leave it. The king ordered to block the river Upa not far from the city.

to big camps.

same time.

Intermediate test on the history of Russia at the end of the 16th-beginning of the 17th century. Option II

1. An event that did not occur during the reign of Fedor Ivanovich:

1) the appearance of an impostor 3) the introduction of the patriarchate

2) war with Sweden 4) decree on "lesson years"

2. Years of the reign of Boris Godunov:

1) 1584-1598 2) 1584-1605 3) 1598-1603 4) 1598-1605

3. The events of the reign of Boris Godunov do not apply:

1) hunger 3) persecution of the Romanov boyars

2) Cotton revolt 4) introduction of patriarchy

4. The causes of the Troubles do not include:

1) a split in the ruling elite

2) government persecution of heretics

3) crop failure

4) suppression of the Rurik dynasty

5. During the Time of Troubles, the "Tushino thief" was called:

1) Kholopko 2) I. Bolotnikova 3) False Dmitry II 4) P. Lyapunova

6. Vasily Shuisky became king as a result of:

1) election by the All-Russian Zemsky Sobor

2) obtaining power by inheritance

3) seizing power by force

4) election by the Zemsky Sobor from Muscovites

7. Name the years of the uprising under the leadership of Ivan Bolotnikov:

1) 1606-1607 2) 1604 - 1605 3) 1598 - 1605 4) 1611 - 1612

8. What Russian city held back the siege of the army of the Polish king in 1609-1611?

1) Pskov; 2) Smolensk; 3) Nizhny Novgorod; 4) Izborsk.

9. In which city did the formation of the Second Militia begin?

1) Ryazan; 2) Yaroslavl; 3) Nizhny Novgorod; 4) Kostroma.

10. The consequences of the Troubles do not include:

1) the emergence of new types of crafts 2) moral decline in society

3) decline in agriculture 4) disruption of international trade relations

11. Which assembly of representatives of the people elected Mikhail Fedorovich as the new Russian Tsar at the beginning of the 17th century:

1) Boyar Duma 2) Zemsky Sobor 3) State Council 4) Seven Boyars

12. Match:

  1. I. Bolotnikov 2) Vasily Shuisky 3) Boris Godunov 4) False Dmitry I 5) False Dmitry II

a) with his habits, individual actions and orders, foreign relations ... he aroused many complaints and displeasures against himself in various strata of Moscow society, although outside the capital, among the masses of the people, his popularity did not weaken.

b) he was well educated, owned several foreign languages, had an excellent library. He abandoned the policy of intimidation and mass executions, but did not stand on ceremony with his enemies. The failures of his reign set the stage for the impostor.

c) “... was short, ugly, blind. In book teaching, he is knowledgeable, prudent and reasonable, stingy and unresponsive. He only favored those who whispered lies to him about people, but he listened to them with pleasure and joy.

d) his name remained unknown, but the nickname "Tushinsky thief" was assigned to him.

e) perhaps he was a nobleman and served as a combat serf for a large landowner. He was in the Crimean and Turkish captivity, from which he managed to free himself. On the way home he visited the Commonwealth. Soon he appeared with a letter of the "true king", on his appointment as the royal governor. All dissatisfied flocked to himMoscow tsar.

13. Set the correct match:

1) 1598-1605 a) defense of Smolensk

2) 1605-1606 b) the period of the "seven boyars"

3) 1606-1607 c) the reign of Boris Godunov

4) 1609-1611 d) the reign of False Dmitry 1

5) 1610-1612 e) uprising led by I. Bolotnikov

14. Indicate the correct statements:

a) Ivan the Terrible's successor on the Russian throne was Boris Godunov

b) one of the reasons for the Time of Troubles was the suppression of the Moscow dynasty

c) False Dmitry 1 was supported by the Swedish nobility

d) the rebels led by I. Bolotnikov made an attempt to capture Moscow

e) since 1608 the country had two centers of power with two capitals: in Moscow and Tushino

f) a peace treaty with Sweden, signed by V. Shuisky, served as a pretext for an uprising led by I. Bolotnikov

g) at the beginning of 1612. the first militia began to form

h) Kuzma Minin was one of the leaders of the First Militia

15. What event are we talking about?

By the beginning of 1611 food supplies in the city began to cut. Diseases and famine mowed down the townspeople. Many were killed or died from their wounds. Only a fifth of the defenders survived. Defectors appeared. The traitor Andrei Dedeshin pointed out to the Poles a weak point in the fortress - a wall built in autumn. Under aimed cannon fire, the wall collapsed. The enemy has entered the city. The capture of this city allowed Sigismund to claim the rights to the Russian throne.

Read an extract from a historical source and complete tasks 16-18.

From "Inquiry Speeches Selected from Moscow Natives".

“May on the 8th day, by the Moscow Judgment Order, the young clerk Matvey Denisov ... in

the interrogator said: he went out from Moscow, to the Sovereign Kingdom and Grand Duke Dmitry

Ivanovich of All Russia name ... with that: he came to him, in the Order, the son of a boyar Muscovite

Savva Tarakanov, this is the fourth day, but he said: which are boyars, and nobles, and children

boyars and merchants were in conspiracy with Ivan Fedorovich Kolychev, and

wanted to kill Shuisky Palm Sunday and then it didn't happen; one of their thoughts

Ivan was under torture and did not speak to any of them, therefore one was executed; and none of them

did not order to be executed: and they are plotting with their old conspiracy and want to kill him on

Ascension day from homemade; and on Nikolin's day, what kind of jam will be, he does not know.

And all sorts of boyar children and black people come to Shuisky, screaming and yelling, and

they say: what are they waiting for? Bread is expensive, but there are no crafts, and there is nothing anywhere

take and buy nothing. And he asks them for a deadline until Nikolin's day, and de

Skopin, that it is as if Skopin is going to him with German people, and the German is with him seven

thousand. The king seemed to have given four thousand, and also hired three thousand; and as soon as he

Moscow will come with strength, and de Shuisky will meet him with his strength and come

to big camps.

And there is news about Skopin in Moscow that he went from Novgorod .... And about

Sheremetyev they say that ... from Vladimir they are waiting for [him] to Moscow; and they say that

him ... all the Lower Force is coming, and they are waiting on dry land, how the water will drain and horse feed

will be in time. And behold, the Crimean Tsar goes to Ukraine, and de already left the land; and the news about

came to Moscow about two weeks, drove a messenger from the Polish cities, and whoever named, and that

does not know; but he heard about it not in the Rank, in the world ... "

16. Which impostor appeared during the period referred to in the source? Using

knowledge of history, name at least two other events that took place in the country at that time

same time.

17. Using the text of the document and knowledge of the history course, indicate at least three reasons

the beginning of the historical period, an illustration of which is the above document.

18. Give at least three results of the historical period in question.


Job number

Option 1

Option 2









Bolotnikov's uprising

Defense of Smolensk

16. Answer:

It may be indicated that

1) impostor - False Dmitry II ("Tushinsky thief");

2) events:

a) an uprising led by I. Bolotnikov (1606 - 1607);

b) the beginning of open Polish intervention (1609-1610)

c) False Dmitry's campaign against Moscow and camping in the village of Tushino (1608)

d) the collapse of the "Tushino camp" and the flight of the impostor to Kaluga.

17. Answer:

The following reasons may be given:

1) the consequences of the ruin of the country during the period of the oprichnina;

2) aggravation of the social situation due to the processes of enslavement of peasants;

3) suppression of the princely dynasty;

4) Poland's claims to Russian lands;

5) famine of 1601 - 1603.

18. Answer:

The following results of the Time of Troubles can be given:

1) the accession of a new Romanov dynasty;

2) saving Russian statehood;

3) the ruin of the central and western regions of the country;

4) temporary strengthening of the class-representative authorities - the Boyar Duma,

Zemsky Cathedral;

5) the deterioration of the international position of the state and the loss of a number of territories for

years of Troubles.

Test on the topic "Time of Troubles"

1. The Time of Troubles refers to

a) 1533-1598

b) 1598-1613

c) 1533-1613

d) 1598-1600

2. One of the causes of the Troubles was

a) accession to the throne of Ivan IV

b) Polish intervention

c) suppression of the legitimate Rurik dynasty

d) strengthening royal power

3. characteristic feature It was a troubled time

a) inaction of the Cossacks

c) lack of social tension

d) imposture

4. False Dmitry II was nicknamed by the people

a) true king

b) "Tsarevich Peter"

c) "Tsar Dmitry"

d) "Tushino thief"

5. Patriarch of Russia Orthodox Church during the Troubles

a) Nikon

b) Filaret

c) Hermogenes

d) Tikhon

6. Which of the following events happened in 1613?

a) an uprising led by I. Bolotnikov

b) the election of Mikhail Romanov to the kingdom

c) the beginning of the Polish intervention

d) accession of False Dmitry II

7. What did the Polish king Sigismund III strive for?

a) to assist the Russian state in suppressing the peasant uprising

b) annex the western Russian lands to the Polish-Lithuanian state

c) to involve Russia as an ally in the war against Sweden

d) provide material assistance to the ruined nobles

8. Match Date to Event

9. Match the term and definition



A) Zemsky Sobor

B) boyars

B) intervention

D) political crisis

D) imposture

E) Boyar Duma

1) the state of the political system of society, expressed in the deepening and aggravation of existing conflicts

2) military, political or economic interference by one or more states in the internal affairs of another state that violates its sovereignty.

3) Illegal appropriation of someone else's name, title for the purpose of deception.

4) the highest class-representative institution of the Russian kingdom from the middle of the 16th to the end of the 17th century, a meeting of representatives of all segments of the population (except for serfs) to discuss political ...

5) the supreme council, which consisted of representatives of the feudal aristocracy.

6) the highest stratum of society along with the great and specific princes in Russia from the 10th to the 18th centuries, which had land on the rights of hereditary property.

For each position of the first column, select the corresponding position of the second and write it down in the table with the selected numbers under the corresponding letters.

10. Name three historical figures who proved themselves during the Time of Troubles as patriots and defenders of their native land from intervention

1) Kuzma Minin

2) False Dmitry I

3) Vasily Shuisky

4) Dmitry Pozharsky

5) Ivan Susanin

6) Ivan Bolotnikov

7) Grigory Otrepiev

11. Arrange the following events in chronological order

A) the reign of Boris Godunov

B) the reign of Fedor Ivanovich

C) the reign of Mikhail Fedorovich

D) the reign of Vasily Shuisky

D) "Seven Boyars"

E) the reign of Ivan IV

12. What are the provisions reflecting the causes of the Troubles

1) the crisis of the feudal-serf system

2) the oprichnina of Ivan the Terrible, who showed society its lack of rights in the face of the tyranny of tsarist power

3) the presence of noble opposition

4) desire different social groups improve one's position

5) the idea of ​​the people that power in the country should belong only to the “natural king”, who belonged to the Rurik dynasty

6) the desire of the king to strengthen autocratic power

7) strong royal power

Answer:__ ____________________

13. What are the conditions conducive to the development of Troubles

1) crop failures, famine and pestilence during the reign of Tsar Boris Godunov

2) the rule of representatives of the Rurik dynasty

3) inaction of the Cossacks

4) the struggle of the boyars to limit the power of the king

5) strengthening the positions of the nobility

6) the fall of morality (according to contemporaries)

7) intervention of Poland and the Catholic Church in the internal affairs of Russia

Answer: _________________

14. What are the features that characterize the consequences of the Troubles

1) economic ruin and impoverishment of the people

3) the accession of a new Romanov dynasty

4) temporary strengthening of the role of class-representative authorities - the Boyar Duma and the Zemsky Sobor

5) serfdom was abolished

6) strengthening localism

7) strengthening the positions of the service nobility

8) strengthening the positions of the boyars

Answer: _________________

15. Read an excerpt from the work of the historian V.O. Klyuchevsky and name the name of the king in question.

“... He was elected to the kingdom, because he was the nephew of the last tsar of the old dynasty, Theodore ... The Cathedral swore allegiance not only to the tsar he had chosen, but also to his future tsar and their future children, seeing in his chosen one, if not hereditary, then hereditary sovereign ... Serving people they made a vow to be without controversy in any sovereign affairs.

Answer: ____ ___________________


1. b

2. in

3. g

4. g

5. in

6 b

7. b

Time of Troubles
Option 1

1. Beginning of the 17th century. for the Russian state was difficult. It's connected:

a) with a dynastic crisis;

c) with uprisings;

d) all answers are correct.

2. Specify the time period of the Time of Troubles:

a) 1598-1613;

b) 1584–1613;

c) 1607–1613

3. For the first time in the history of Russia, he was elected to the throne by the Zemsky Sobor:

a) Mikhail Romanov in 1613;

b) Boris Godunov in 1598;

c) Vasily Shuisky in 1606

4. In the Russian state, the process of enslaving the peasants continued. This is confirmed:

a) cancellation of St. George's Day;

b) the establishment of a 5-year term for the investigation of fugitive peasants;

c) prohibition for peasants to file complaints against their feudal lords.

5. Specify the time period of the reign of False Dmitry 1:

a) 1605–1606;

b) 1606–1607;

c) 1605–1607;

d) 1605–1612

6. Indicate the reason for the failures of the first militia:

a) lack of weapons among the militias

b) lack of unity in the camp of the militias;

c) the death of P. Lyapunov;

d) all answers are correct.

7. Match personalities and events:

8. After the abdication of Vasily Shuisky from the throne, power was in the hands of:

a) Boyar Duma;

b) "Seven Boyars";

c) Zemsky Sobor.

9. Leader of the peasant uprising of 1606–1607:

a) E. Pugachev;

b) I. Bolotnikov;

c) S. Razin.

10. With the death of Tsar Fedor Ivanovich, the dynasty ended:

a) Rurikovich;

b) Ivan Kalita;

c) the Romanovs.

11. The place where the troops of I. Bolotnikov set up a camp:

a) Tushino;

b) Aleksandrova Sloboda;

c) s. Kolomenskoe.

12. To combat the invaders K. Minin and D. Pozharsky:

a) created a combat-ready, well-armed army;

b) organized the collection of voluntary donations;

c) have the support of the government.

Option 2

1. The names of D. Pozharsky and K. Minin are associated with:

a) the second militia;

b) the election of Vasily Shuisky to the throne;

c) an uprising of serfs.

2. The Zemsky Sobor, which elected the tsar in 1613, included:

a) nobles

b) Cossacks;

d) archers;

e) black-eared peasants;

e) All answers are correct.

3. The name of the initial period of the XVII century. "Time of Troubles" is associated with:

a) with the struggle for power as a result of the dynastic crisis;

b) with the Polish-Swedish intervention;

c) with the decline of the country's economy.

4. False Dmitry I made an attempt to seize the Russian throne. He was supported by:

a) the Commonwealth;

b) the entire Russian population;

c) the Catholic Church.

5. Members of the second militia:

a) nobles c) Cossacks;

b) peasants; d) boyars.

6. The nickname "Tushinsky Thief" refers to:

a) to False Dmitry I;

b) Ivan Bolotnikov;

c) False Dmitry II.

7. The conditions under which the Swedish king agreed to help Vasily Shuisky in the fight against False Dmitry II:

a) save Russia from an impostor;

b) regain the Baltic lands;

c) to assist in the suppression of the peasant uprising.

8. The Russian Orthodox Church received independence and independence from Constantinople. It's connected:

a) with the establishment of the patriarchate in Russia;

b) with the schism between the Russian and Constantinople churches;

c) with church reform.

9. Specify the time period of the Seven Boyars:

a) 1605–1606;

b) 1610–1613;

c) 1598–1605;

d) 1606–1613

10. Leader of the assault on Kitay-gorod and the Kremlin in 1612:

a) Prince D. Trubetskoy;

b) Prince D. Pozharsky;

c) nobleman P. Lyapunov;

d) nobleman I. Pashkov.

11. Beginning of the 17th century. historians call:

a) "rebellious age";

b) Time of Troubles;

c) the era of palace coups.

12. Tsar Vasily Shuisky, deposed in 1610, was sent:

a) governor in Tobolsk;

b) to the Solovetsky Islands;

c) in the Trinity-Sergius Monastery.

Option 3

1. Contemporaries considered Boris Godunov :

a) an experienced politician;

b) "illegal king";

c) a skilled orator;

d) a talented commander.

2. Match events and dates:

3. At the meeting of False Dmitry I with his "mother" - the nun Martha - he was recognized by her:

a) for the complete external resemblance to Tsarevich Dmitry;

b) Martha pursued personal interests;

c) the boyars had a strong influence.

4. From 1601–1603 in the Russian state are connected:

a) crop failures, famine;

b) Polish-Swedish intervention;

c) an invitation to the throne of the Polish prince.

5. In 1613, the Zemsky Sobor elected Mikhail Romanov to the throne. Please indicate the reason for his choice:

a) Mikhail Romanov was statesman;

b) “Misha-de Romanov is young, he has not reached his mind, and he will be familiar with us”;

c) his candidacy was supported by the army.

6. The appearance of impostors in Russia at the beginning of the 17th century. connected:

a) with a dynastic crisis;

b) contradictions within the ruling class;

c) interference in the internal affairs of Russia by foreign states.

7. Vasily Shuisky turned for help against False Dmitry II:

a) to Sweden;

b) to Turkey;

c) to the Commonwealth.

8. Indicate what purpose the second militia pursued:

a) the liberation of Moscow and the creation of a new Russian government;

b) the liberation of Moscow and the taking of power into their own hands;

c) the liberation of peasants from serfdom.

9. "Seven Boyars" is:

a) militia to fight against interventions;

b) the government of Russia since 1610;

c) state court.

a) return to Kaluga of False Dmitry II;

b) the murder of False Dmitry II;

c) the entry of Polish troops into Moscow.

11. I. Bolotnikov during the uprising gave himself away:

a) for Tsarevich Dmitry;

b) for a relative of Boris Godunov;

c) the governor who saved Tsarevich Dmitry.

12. Consequences of the Time of Troubles:

a) recession economic development country;

b) the loss of part of the land in the west, including Smolensk;

c) the establishment of a new dynasty on the Russian throne;

d) all answers are correct.

Option 1

7. 1) - c); 2) - a); 3) - b); 4) - d).

12. but); b)

Option 2

3. but); b)

4. but); in)

5. but); b)

Option 3

1. but); in)

2.1) - b); 2) - a); 3) - d); 4) - c).

Test on the topic "Time of Troubles"

1. The Time of Troubles refers to a) 1533-1598 b) 1598-1613 c) 1533-1613 d) 1598-1600
2. One of the causes of the Troubles wasa) accession to the throne of Ivan IV b) Polish interventionc) suppression of the legitimate Rurik dynastyd) strengthening royal power
3. A characteristic feature of the Time of Troubles wasa) inaction of the Cossacksb) high international prestige of the countryc) lack of social tension d) imposture
4. False Dmitry II was nicknamed by the people a) true king b) "Tsarevich Peter" c) "Tsar Dmitry" d) "Tushino thief"
5. Patriarch of the Russian Orthodox Church during the Troubles was a) Nikon b) Filaret c) Hermogenes d) Tikhon
6. Which of the following events happened in 1613?a) an uprising led by I. Bolotnikovb) the election of Mikhail Romanov to the kingdomc) the beginning of the Polish interventiond) accession of False Dmitry II
7. What did the Polish king Sigismund strive for? III? a) to assist the Russian state in suppressing the peasant uprisingb) annex the western Russian lands to the Polish-Lithuanian statec) to involve Russia as an ally in the war against Swedend) provide material assistance to the ruined nobles
8. Match Date to Event


9. Match the term and definition


1) the state of the political system of society, expressed in the deepening and aggravation of existing conflicts2) military, political or economic interference by one or more states in the internal affairs of another state that violates its sovereignty.3) Illegal appropriation of someone else's name, title for the purpose of deception.4) the highest class-representative institution of the Russian kingdom from the middle of the 16th to the end of the 17th century, a meeting of representatives of all segments of the population (except for serfs) to discuss political ... 5) the supreme council, which consisted of representatives of the feudal aristocracy.6) the highest stratum of society along with the great and specific princes in Russia from the 10th to the 18th centuries, which had land on the rights of hereditary property.
For each position of the first column, select the corresponding position of the second and write it down in the table with the selected numbers under the corresponding letters.
10. Name three historical figures who proved themselves during the Time of Troubles as patriots and defenders of their native land from intervention 1) Kuzma Minin 2) False Dmitry I 3) Vasily Shuisky 4) Dmitry Pozharsky 5) Ivan Susanin 6) Ivan Bolotnikov 7) Grigory Otrepiev 11. Arrange the following events in chronological orderA) the reign of Boris GodunovB) the reign of Fedor IvanovichC) the reign of Mikhail FedorovichD) the reign of Vasily ShuiskyD) "Seven Boyars"E) the reign of Ivan IV
12. What are the provisions reflecting the causes of the Troubles1) the crisis of the feudal-serf system2) the oprichnina of Ivan the Terrible, who showed society its lack of rights in the face of the tyranny of tsarist power3) the presence of noble opposition4) the desire of various social groups to improve their class position5) the idea of ​​the people that power in the country should belong only to the “natural king”, who belonged to the Rurik dynasty6) the desire of the king to strengthen autocratic power7) strong royal powerAnswer:__ ____________________
13. What are the conditions conducive to the development of Troubles1) crop failures, famine and pestilence during the reign of Tsar Boris Godunov2) the rule of representatives of the Rurik dynasty3) inaction of the Cossacks4) the struggle of the boyars to limit the power of the king5) strengthening the positions of the nobility6) the fall of morality (according to contemporaries)7) intervention of Poland and the Catholic Church in the internal affairs of Russia Answer: _________________
14. What are the features that characterize the consequences of the Troubles1) economic ruin and impoverishment of the people2) increasing the international prestige of Russia3) the accession of a new Romanov dynasty4) temporary strengthening of the role of class-representative authorities - the Boyar Duma and the Zemsky Sobor5) serfdom was abolished6) strengthening localism7) strengthening the positions of the service nobility8) strengthening the positions of the boyars Answer: _________________
15. Read an excerpt from the work of the historian V.O. Klyuchevsky and name the name of the king in question.“... He was elected to the kingdom, because he was the nephew of the last tsar of the old dynasty, Theodore ... The Cathedral swore allegiance not only to the tsar he had chosen, but also to his future tsar and their future children, seeing in his chosen one, if not hereditary, then hereditary sovereign ... Serving people they made a vow to be without controversy in any sovereign affairs.Answer: ____ ___________________

1. b 2. c 3. d 4. d 5. c 6 b 7. b 8.

12. 2,4,5
13. 1,4,6,7
14. 1,3,4,7
15. Mikhail Romanov