Material on the topic: The scenario of the New Year's holiday for older children “A fabulous journey on New Year's Eve. Scenario for the new year for children at home

Modern New Year's interpretation of the fairy tale "Turnip" for the New Year's corporate party

Characters:host, Christmas tree, Santa Claus (DM), Baba Yaga (BYA), Snegurochka, Wolf, Fox, Hare, Mouse. Props - according to the scenario.

- In one distant abandoned forest, a Christmas tree grew. She grew, she grew, and she grew. Yes, she has grown up so slender, beautiful and tender, even now from the forest right to the podium. All dimensions are maintained, the posture is set, the outfit is swaying, he knows his own worth. Tired of Elka hanging around in the forest alone, she changed her image and leaned into the stars (at the same time, the Christmas tree is transformed and puts a star on her head).

- I was all green,
prickly, branched,
Was completely deserted
In that distant forest.
Now I'm all beautiful
Tall and slim
And happiness I
I will bring to any home.

- Suddenly I saw - someone scratches, hid, and formed in my soul.

Father Frost:
- I am the new Russian Santa Claus
Came from afar.
Quite tired
And all froze -
The road is not easy.
On the way there was a fluff:
Snegurka Merce took my away,
But I'm not an easy guy
Got Adidas on
He quickly attached skis to them
And here I am with you.
DM sees Christmas tree:
- Oh-ba, what kind of green splinter is standing in front of me?

- I'm Elochka - beautiful
I stand all alone.
You went to the holiday
Take me too!

Father Frost:
- She chatted, prickly, so be it.

- Santa Claus began to pull the Christmas tree. Pulls, pulls, but can not pull. DM began to call grandma.

Father Frost:
- Grandma, grandma, uuuu ...

Baba Yaga appears:
- I'm only 145,
Baba is a berry again.
I got up this morning
I drove it to my hair,
She brought the whole marafet.
Look, Grandpa is not at home!
The old stump has already rolled up.
He ran into the forest behind the Christmas tree.
For me to follow him.
I had to wear roller skates.
My roller skates are good skates.
I would never have caught up with the old man without them.

BYA sees a DM pulling a Christmas tree:
- Wow, what a flower stalk. Are you a botanist collecting a herbarium?

- I'm Elochka - beautiful
I stand all alone.
You went to the holiday
Take me too!

Father Frost:
- Don't sip, old lady! You don't see, I found the Christmas tree. Help me get it out!

Baba Yaga:
- Easily!

- And they began to pull the Christmas tree together. They pull, they pull, but they can't pull. They decided to call their granddaughter.

Santa Claus and Baba Yaga:
- Granddaughter, granddaughter! A-uuuuu...

The Snow Maiden appeared:
- I am the new Snow Maiden -
Girl-get it!
I stole the Merc from my grandfather,
Went for an encore.
But there was a problem -
My Merc is stuck in the snow
Now I'll be a goodie -
Help Grandpa!
The Snow Maiden sees DM and BYA:
- What kind of collection of old bones?

- I'm Elochka - beautiful
I stand all alone.
You went to the holiday
Take me too!

Santa Claus and Baba Yaga:
- Help pull the tree!

Snow Maiden:
- Easily!

- And now the three of them are pulling the Christmas tree. They pull, they pull, but they can't pull. They began to call Zhuchka.
Santa Claus, Baba Yaga, Snow Maiden:
- Bug, Bug! A-uuuu….

- I am an evil and terrible gray wolf,
I know a lot about green money.
I will scout any arrows
Frost instantly help
- Both, what kind of shooter?

- I'm Elochka - beautiful
I stand all alone.
You went to the holiday
Take me too!

All wolf:
- Help pull the tree!

- Easily!

- And they began to pull the Christmas tree again. They pull, they pull, but they can't pull. The Wolf offered to call the Fox.

- Lisa, Lisa!!!

I'm a beautiful fox
Modelka, anywhere!
Me in any company
You will always find.
Away - I'm a decoration,
It's warm in the forest
Think guys
How lucky grandpa!
- Oh, why are we flaunting?

- I'm Elochka - beautiful
I stand all alone.
You went to the holiday
Take me too

- Help pull the tree!
- Easily!

- And again they began to pull the Christmas tree. They pull, they pull, but they can't pull. The Fox Hare suggested calling.

- Bunny, Bunny!!!

- Jump and jump,
Jump and jump!
ICQ(ICQ) is silent!
Jump and jump
Jump and jump!
Sotik does not call!
- Oh, what are we rustling about?

- I'm Elochka - beautiful
I stand all alone.
You went to the holiday
Take me too

- Help pull the tree!

- Easily! Mouse! Mouse!

- Well, you are dark forest dwellers!

The mouse takes out an ax and cuts down the Christmas tree. D.M. takes Yolochka by the hand and leads to the center of the circle. All guests stand in a circle and sing a song for the Christmas tree.


Fairy tale "Kolobok in a new way"

Roles: (Grandma, grandfather, gingerbread man, Santa Claus, Hare, Wolf, Bear, Fox, Snow Maiden.)

Grandma and Grandpa talking
Grandfather: Grandma, you know that the New Year is coming soon.
Grandmother: I know, so what?
Grandfather: And the fact that the New Year is on the nose, and in the house at least roll a ball. Bake a bun.
Grandmother: Yes, from what can I bake you?
Grandfather: How from what? Forgot what? They gave us humanitarian aid, there should be flour

Grandmother: Oh, grandfather, I'm sorry, I forgot ... It became completely bad with memory. Now I'll go and bake. Only..
Grandfather: Well, what else?
Grandmother: So there is no firewood at all?
Grandfather: Here is sclerosis! So after all, the gas was carried out, forgot? Or do you remember this only when the receipt for payment arrives?
Grandma: It's true! All right, I'm going to the kitchen.
Grandmother leaves, grandfather sits down and reads a newspaper.
Grandma comes in.
Grandmother: Well, the bun is ready, I'll put it on the window, let it cool.
Grandfather (putting down the newspaper) That's good. In the meantime, I'll go and bring a Christmas tree from the forest.
Grandfather goes into the forest, and grandmother goes to the kitchen.

The bun is waking up.
Kolobok : my parents too! They put their child on the window. They don't think I can catch a cold!?
He climbs down from the window and looks around and goes to the mirror.

Well, who sculpts such koloboks? (shakes his head) Darkness! (puts on dark glasses, ties a dark scarf on the back of his head, looks in the mirror) Here!
Now it's different!

Knock on the door.
Kolobok: Who else is there? (opens the door, Santa Claus is on the threshold)
Gingerbread Man: What kind of natural phenomenon is this?
Santa Claus: I'm Santa Claus.
Kolobok: Who?

DM: What don't you like?
Kolobok: Grandfather, you are behind the times. Who walks like that these days? Is your razor broken, can't you shave? Here my grandfather has a modern vest, I can borrow it. (Santa Claus takes a razor, goes to the mirror and shaves off his beard) And your sheepskin coat is not modern. Take out my grandfather’s sheepskin coat, you’ll still be cooler. (Changes Santa Claus) And a hat, who wears such a hat now? You should have put on a hat with earflaps! Now they wear black, cool hats (they change their grandfather's hat). Now you have a normal outfit. And what kind of stick do you have?
DM (proudly) It's a staff!
Kolobok: What? Yes, with this stick, with your staff, only drive the raven. Better take a machine gun (gives grandfather a machine gun (or pistol) Like this! What do you have in your bag? (peeps in) Ugh, bunnies and bears? Who needs such gifts today. or a mobile phone. And look, grandfather, what did you come in? Only Chukchi ride reindeer! And a cool grandfather should drive a Mercedes. And where is your snow maiden?
D.M. Yes, I left it at home. The time is now, it is dangerous to walk at night.
Kolobok: Understood. Well, now you are a normal, cool Santa Claus!
D.M. Do you think that's how the kids recognize me?

Santa Claus leaves, and the gingerbread man puts on a fashionable jacket and goes into the forest.

Walks through the forest, towards the hare.
Gingerbread Man: Who are you?
Hare: I am a hare, and who are you?
K: And I'm a bun, don't you see, or what?
Z: Oh, bun! Wow you are so cool! Sorry, I didn't acknowledge it. Will you dance for me?

Against the wolf.

Wolf: Who are you?
K: I'm a bun, can't you see?
B: (licking his lips) That's the meeting! And I'm hungry!
K: What about me?
B: I'll eat you!
K: Well, yes! So I will climb into your mouth and climb! You smell from your mouth, ugh! Are you not brushing your teeth? Ashamed! There are so many toothpastes these days! Blendamet, Colgate. At least chew gum. Here's Orbit, chew on it.
The wolf takes the gum.

M. Who are you?
K: Well, damn it, and the animals went! They don't recognize me at all! Yes, I'm a bun!
M. Oh, little bun, it's good that I met you, and I'm hungry.
K: Listen, bear! When did you look in the mirror? Do you look? You need to go on a diet, and you rolled your lip on me! And anyway, why are you running around in the woods? You sleep in a lair and suck your paw, and you're here!
M: So I haven’t eaten in the summer, my stomach is growling (strokes my stomach)
K: So it's because you need to eat natural food, and not all these convenience foods from the supermarket.

A fox in a fashionable fur coat, in a beautiful hairstyle, all made up.
Gingerbread Man: Wow! I met at least one advanced animal in the forest! Who are you, fox?
L: Yes, I am Lisa Patrikeevna.
K: Listen, what do you wash your hair with?
L: Shaum Shampoo.
K: Cool! And your teeth are white!
L: So this is Blendamet.
K: What kind of perfume do you have!
L: So this is ZHADOR (the fox comes up to the bun and hugs him). Oh how delicious you smell!
K: So this is my deodorant, Menen Spitstick.
L: What a good one you have!
The bun moves away from her.
K: Well, you give me these tricks of yours! I know you, you will circle your finger in an instant!

L: Oh, I like you, I like you very much. You're so cool, I'm with you even to the ends of the world!

Second New Year's script from Julia is positioned as a New Year's script for teenagers. I can’t say how true this is, Yulia knows better, let me remind you, she is 13 years old, which means that Yulia herself belongs to this age category ...

It seems to me that such a New Year's scenario for teenagers is well suited for holding a class event at school ... Where everything should be pretty decent and restrained, but at the same time fun. And it will be fun! Because given in the script funny riddles and games that can amuse and not only teenagers. Therefore, friends, read on and take note of ideas for holding a festive event at home, at school or at work.

New Year's scenario requires preliminary preparation:

  • The guys need to prepare small festive performances,
  • props for games and competitions,
  • symbolic prizes and gifts for everyone, for example, calendars for the next year,
  • as well as prepare musical accompaniment

New Year's scenario for teenagers for a class event

Presenter 1:

- Good evening to everyone here.
Long-awaited New Year
we meet together.
There will be a friendly dance
and poems and songs.

Let the lights on the tree
burn brightly,
Happy Santa Claus everyone
bring gifts.

Presenter 2: Hello, everyone, let this New Year bring more joy!

Presenter 1:

Don't be afraid to get lost in love...

No need to be madly afraid - to fall in love,

You don't have to stick to morality,

For a long time, everyone has lost this morality ...

Something we are embarrassed forever, we are ashamed,

We are afraid to admit, we are afraid to get burned,

We suffer and hide our eyes from love,

And the heart is torn, bathing in blood ...

What will I say? And how will they answer me? …

And what will people in the world say? ...

And how will our whole life be built?

Question after question... you just hold on!

Years pass ... we live as best we can ...

We do not dare to succumb to sudden love ...

We are afraid to destroy everything that we have,

Without true passion, we rust over the years ...

We are looking for excuses in everything -

And age ... and appearance ... all this has to do with it!

And time flies and it is merciless!

And we keep saying - everything will settle down, okay ...

And we get married, get married ... sometimes,

Not knowing what we are doing to ourselves...

And love cries - you won't come back!

And everything could be decided by just one look ...

Presenter 2: You told some sad poems ... But today is a holiday! Let's have fun, be happy and fool around.

Host 1: Come on! I propose to warm up to play the game "Hold the snowflake"

Game "Hold the snowflake"

To play you need:

  • Cotton wool.

Preparation: lumps are made from cotton wool, resembling a snowflake. Game: at the signal of the leader, the participants begin to blow from below on the lump so that it flies like a snowflake.

The task is not to let the "snowflake" fall. The winner is the participant who kept the "snowflake" in the air the longest ....

(Note.TL, perhaps cotton is still a heavy material - for this competition you can take fluff)

The winner will be awarded some memorable souvenir.
Presenter 2: But we have not just a holiday! Today is the New Year! I propose to invite the one in whose honor this celebration is (Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden) Let's remember how we did it when we were in kindergarten and together we will call Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden!

All: Santa Claus! Snow Maiden!

Santa Claus: Hello guys, let's start having fun? (Yes!) I propose to sing a round dance and a song

(Potap and Nastya - do not tear a needle from a pine tree.)

Snow Maiden: We sang great! Now, let's play! For example, in a game called “I’ll go there I don’t know where!”

Game "Go there, I don't know where"

4 - 6 people are invited. Depending on the conceived and pre-prepared plates.
Chairs are lined up. Back to the audience.
Participants sit on chairs.

Signs are hung on the backs of chairs, such as Bedroom, Toilet, Institute, Shop, etc.
To each participant in turn, the presenter or the audience asks questions like:
Why do you go there?
What do you usually do there?
Do you love being there?
How often do you go there?
What is there? Etc.
Since the participants do not see the signs, they answer what comes to mind.
It turns out funny and interesting.

(Small souvenirs for all participants)

Presenter 1: Cool played! Did you like Santa Claus?

Santa Claus: oh, and I laughed enough!

Presenter 2: I suggest that everyone who has prepared the numbers, let them speak.

Ded Moroz and Snegurochka: Please!!!

(guys performance)
Snow Maiden: Well done all - they performed great! Accept New Year's souvenirs for your interesting numbers (gives presents)
Presenter 2: I want to invite you to play the game "Guess the melody"

Game "Guess the melody"

(the operator turns on the backing tracks in turn, and those present guess, you can only call a few people and only they will guess, guessing - prizes)

Santa Claus: Yes, you know the songs well! Can you solve my riddles?!

funny riddles

What is cooked but not eaten? (Lessons).
Why is the cat running? (On the ground).
Where does the cat go when it crosses the road? (On the other side of this road).
When is the best time for a black cat to sneak into a house? (When the door is open).
Under which bush does a hare hide when it rains? (Under wet).
How can you jump down a ladder ten meters high and not crash? (You have to jump from the bottom step).
Snow Maiden: Can you guess my riddles?! (Yes)
Which hand is more convenient to stir tea in a glass? (The one with the spoon).
How can you draw water with a net? (If the water turns to ice).
How many sandwiches can you eat on an empty stomach? (One, the second will no longer be considered on an empty stomach).
How many peas can fit into a glass? (None, peas can't walk).
If you throw a green ball into the Red Sea, what will it become? (Wet).
What dishes can not be eaten from? (From empty).

Presenter 1: What good fellows!

Presenter 2: I propose to play the game "Crocodile"

Game "Crocodile"

The class is divided into two teams.

One person from the team is shown an object or a sign with the name of the object. His task, without saying anything in words, but only by describing movements, is to show this object, so that the team can guess it. So several items are guessed in a row for each team. A certain time is given to guess all the items. Team wins with large quantity guessed items during this time. (participants get prizes)

Presenter 1: You are good at guessing! Let's guess now you our riddles!?

We will fight with ... (Evil)
For luck to continue
We will leave forever ... (Envy.)
So that there are rainbow changes,
It's time to give up ... (Treason.)

Presenter 2: For money to pour in heavenly manna,
We urgently need to get rid of ... (Deceit.)
To forget about discord and disputes,
Give up family (quarrels.)
In order for the circumstances to develop successfully,
We will not say out loud offensive ... (Expletive.)

Presenter 1: And now the disco! (disco is held)

Final words of the holiday

Host 1: I would not want to interrupt our fun, our holiday is coming to an end and I wanted to read you a few lines of verse.

I believe this New Year
It will bring a lot of happiness.
Good luck to us
Prepared by Santa Claus.
Hidden in his bag
What we longed for
There is a lot of health, faith,
And love sits, I guess.
Well, also, joy, laughter,
And, of course, success.
There is wealth and recognition,
Beauty and charm.
Everyone in that bag will find
What is expected of life.
Brings a lot of happiness
I believe this New Year!

Presenter 2: And the truth is that the holiday has come to an end, I don’t want it to end. I also want to read you a few lines!

New Year is a favorite holiday.
Have fun the whole country!
Christmas trees are full of gifts
The glasses are drunk to the bottom.
Bursting with treats
All family tables.
Each other's forgiveness
They ask for their sins
And by twelve, wishes
Hurry to guess.
They don't care about distance.
What a miracle, that rite!
People believe in Santa Claus
That dreams come true
They believe that a miracle is possible.
So believe soon and you!

Santa Claus: How I don’t want to leave, but I have to and I want to wish you

I wish you a New Year
Many years to live without worries,
To have a lot of money
The heart without love did not ache,
So that, contrary to fate,
You had both a stake and a yard!
So that leisure is not boring, -
Heaps of grandchildren and children
Well, what is most important -
The house would be full of friends!
Your home will be
Warm up with their warmth!

Snow Maiden:
Happy New Year with a new happiness,
Congratulations, friends!
Peace, joy, smiles,
I sincerely wish!

Host1, host2, Santa Claus, Snow Maiden: Goodbye, happy new year!!!
New Year's scenario for teenagers (from 10 to 15 years old) was written by "Belousova Julia" (13 years old)
From the Samara region Klyavlino.

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Good afternoon! All set, you can start. Well, what should we do with you first? What do they do when they meet? (hello). That's right, now we'll say hello, but ... not usually. Everything will happen like this: boys, you will greet me, as in Germany: "Guten Tag", and all the girls will say hello in French: "Bonjour". So hello girls! Hello boys! Wonderful!
Why are we all here? What holiday is coming? (New Year) Absolutely right. The most wonderful holiday, of course, after the birthday. What is the symbol of this holiday? Indeed, the most elegant is the Christmas tree. What is she dressed up with? I will name the items, if you agree, say "yes", if not, then "no".

Multi-colored crackers?

Blankets and pillows?

Marmalades, chocolates?

Glass balls?

Are the chairs wooden?

Teddy bears?

Primers and books?

Colored beads?

Are the garlands bright?

Snow from white cotton wool?

Backpacks and briefcases?

Shoes and boots?

Cups, forks, spoons?

Candy shiny?

Are tigers real?

Are the buds golden?

Are the stars shining?

But something we stagnated.
Let's warm up and do "Winter exercise".

Hands to heels and ears

On your knees and on your shoulders

To the sides, to the waist, up,

And now a funny laugh:

Ha ha ha, hee hee hee

How good are we.

Once - they clapped their hands,

Two - they stamped their feet,

Three, four - pulled up,

Together they took hands.

Five - we finish the counting

We start dancing.

(Rock and roll dance)

(Sounds of New Year's music. Ded Moroz and Snegurochka appear.)

Father Frost:
Here I am! Granddaughter, introduce me to the children.

Snow Maiden:
Oh, grandfather! Do you really think that the guys don't know you?

Father Frost:
Imagine! That's how it's supposed to be!

Snow Maiden:
OK then. Now I will make a riddle, and the guys will say the answer in unison. Hear guys? Who are we talking about?
Who comes to us in winter?
In a fur coat and with a beard,
Good look and red nose
Who is this? .....

You see, grandfather, everyone knows you.

Father Frost:
Yes indeed. In that case, hello kids! Here, meet my granddaughter...

Snow Maiden:
Hello children!

Father Frost:
Snow Maiden!

Snow Maiden:
Grandpa, we have known each other for a long time. Remember, we came to them for a holiday last year.

Father Frost:
Truth? That's what I look at - all the familiar faces. Although no! Those guys were a little smaller.

Snow Maiden:
A whole year has passed. The guys have grown up. Learned a lot, learned a lot.

Father Frost:
And that's right. Oh, I completely forgot everything. Old age is not fun! Remind me, granddaughter, what did we do at the holiday last year?

Snow Maiden:
We danced, sang, played games...

Father Frost:
Remembered! We played footbal.

Snow Maiden:
No! We played Christmas games.

Father Frost:
And what are these games?

Snow Maiden:
Well, come on, the guys and I will show you one game. It's called Santa's Mittens.

Father Frost:
My mittens?

Snow Maiden:
Of course, yours, whose else? Give them to me, please.

Father Frost:
But if I give them to you, I'll freeze.

Snow Maiden:
You can't freeze. Because you are Frost!

Father Frost:
Really! That's when I got really bad.

Snow Maiden:
Do you remember the rules of this game?

Father Frost:
What game?

Snow Maiden:
Oh! Guys, let's show grandpa how to play New Year's games! Do you agree?
Now I will give two of you Santa Claus mittens. As soon as I clap my hands and say "begin", you start playing, i.e. pass the mitten to a neighbor in a circle, and he will pass it on, and even further. You must pass the mittens all the time while I read the poem. And as soon as I say "stop", you have to stop. The one of you who has a gauntlet in his hands will be considered "frozen", i.e. it will turn into a snowdrift. To "unfreeze", he will have to complete a super-difficult task. It's clear? Then get ready...
Hey buddy don't yawn
Pass the mitt.
Pass it around
Pass it on to each other!
You will not have time to convey - You will suffer for a century.
You will turn into a snowdrift
When you hear the word "Stop!"

Snow Maiden:
Here, Grandfather, we have "frozen" all these children. And now they need to be "unfrozen".

Father Frost:
Put it in the oven or something?

Snow Maiden:
Well, that's just what it says. They need to be given a task.

Father Frost:
Which task?

Snow Maiden:
What do you want. For example, you can ask them to dance or sing.

Father Frost:
I can sing myself.

Snow Maiden:
Then suggest another task.

Father Frost:
What do I want?

Snow Maiden:
What do you want.

Father Frost:
Then I want them to shout loudly and in unison: "Long live the greatest and most powerful magician!" That is, I.

Snow Maiden:
Grandpa, this is indiscreet!

Father Frost:
So what, but I will be pleased.

Snow Maiden:
And let's tell them riddles about forest dwellers.

Father Frost:
Let's. I guess a riddle, and everyone says the answer in unison.

Who likes to rush through the branches?
Of course, red ... (squirrel)

In more often, head up,
Howling with hunger ... (wolf)

On a pine tree like a drum
Knocked in the forest ... (woodpecker)

Who knows a lot about raspberries?
Clubfoot, brown ... (bear)

On the fence in the morning
Crowed ... (rooster)

Daughters and sons
Teaches grunt ... (pig)

Above the forest, the ray of the sun went out ...
The king of animals is sneaking ... (lion)

Curled up in a ball, come on, touch it,
Prickly on all sides ... (hedgehog)

Snow Maiden:
They know how to solve riddles, but let's check if they can count ...

Father Frost:

Snow Maiden:
Attention guys, we are playing a new new year game"Snowflakes and Snowdrifts". You all become snowflakes and dance to the music. I announce to you: "All snowflakes are combined into snowdrifts in twos!" And then you should gather two by two and join hands, i.e. become a jerk. You can combine snowflakes in threes, fours, etc. Those who do not have time to find a mate will be punished - completing the tasks of Santa Claus.

Father Frost:
These are the ones who must complete my task. Can you do it like this:
- right hand pat on the head, with the left - slap on the stomach;
- with the right hand we turn to the left side, with the left foot - to the right side.

Guys, to thank Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden, let's write to them greeting card. I already have the content, only there are not enough adjectives. Suggest a few adjectives, I will write them in, and then we will read the card to Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden.

Children offer different words without knowing the text.

Ded Moroz and Snegurochka!
All ... children are looking forward to the arrival ... of the holiday - the New Year! We ... will sing for you ... songs, dance ... dances. We promise that we will only receive... grades. So, open your ... bag as soon as possible and give us ... gifts.
Respectfully yours...
boys and... girls from school 48.

Father Frost:
You sang songs and danced.
Santa Claus is happy with you!
But, friends, it's time to leave.
But you don't have to be too upset.
I'll be back in a year anyway!

Snow Maiden:
You collect rain and crackers,
Poems and songs, sonorous laughter.
And we for the year - gifts and toys,
Recall that there are enough for everyone.

We wish you health and joy,
So that life is without grief and worries!

Father Frost:
We wish you all Happy New Year!

Snow Maiden:
May the New Year be happy!