GOST 8736 93 sand for construction work. About the standard

GOST 8736-2014

Group G17




Sand for construction works. Specifications

ISS 91.100.15

Introduction date 2015-04-01


Objectives, basic principles and basic procedure for work on interstate standardization are established by the "Interstate standardization system. Basic provisions" and "Interstate standardization system. Interstate standards, rules and recommendations for interstate standardization. Rules for the development, adoption, application, updating and cancellation"

About the standard

1 DEVELOPED by the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Research and Design and Survey Institute for the Problems of Extraction, Transportation and Processing of Mineral Raw Materials in the Building Materials Industry" (FGUP "VNIPIIstromsyre")

2 INTRODUCED by the Technical Committee for Standardization TC 465 "Construction"

3 ADOPTED by the Interstate Council for Standardization, Metrology and Certification (Minutes of September 30, 2014 N 70-P)

4 By order of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology of November 18, 2014 N 1641-st, the interstate standard GOST 8736-2014 was put into effect as a national standard Russian Federation since April 1, 2015


Information about changes to this standard is published in the annual information index " National Standards", and the text of changes and amendments - in the monthly information index "National Standards". In case of revision (replacement) or cancellation of this standard, the corresponding notice will be published in the monthly information index "National Standards". public system - on the official website of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology on the Internet

1 area of ​​use

This standard applies to natural sands with a true grain density of 2.0 to 2.8 g / cm 3 and mixtures of natural sands and sands from crushing screenings intended for use as aggregates for heavy, light, fine-grained, cellular and silicate concretes, mortars, dry building mixtures, for the device of the bases and coverings highways and bases of runways and aprons of airfields, roadsides, production of roofing and ceramic materials, reclamation, landscaping and planning of territories and other types construction works. This standard does not apply to sands from crushing screenings of dense rocks.

2 Normative references

This standard uses normative references to the following interstate standards:

4.2.18 Sands should not contain foreign contaminants.

4.2.19 It is allowed to supply mixtures of natural sand and sand from crushing screenings in accordance with GOST 31424-2010 with the content of the latter not more than 20% by weight, while the mixtures must comply with the requirements of this standard.

(Amendment. IUS N 10-2015).

It is allowed to supply mixtures of natural sand and sand from crushing screenings in accordance with GOST 31424-2010 with a content of the latter of more than 20% by weight, while the mixtures must comply with the requirements of GOST 31424-2010. Sand from crushing screenings as part of mixtures, having a true grain density of more than 2.8 g / cm 3 or containing grains of rocks and minerals classified as harmful components in an amount exceeding their permissible content, or containing several different harmful components, is produced for specific types of construction works according to normative and technical documents developed in in due course and coordinated with laboratories specialized in the field of corrosion.

4.2.20 At the request of the consumer, the manufacturer must indicate the following sand characteristics established by geological exploration: - mineralogical and petrographic composition, indicating rocks and minerals classified as harmful components and impurities; - content of organic impurities; - true density of sand grains.

4.3 Radiation hygiene assessment Sands should be given a radiation-hygienic assessment, the results of which determine the scope of its application. Sand depending on the values ​​of the specific effective activity of natural radionuclides A eff apply:

A eff up to 370 Bq/kg - in newly constructed residential and public buildings;

A eff St. 370 to 740 Bq / kg - for road construction within the territory of settlements and zones of promising development, as well as during the construction industrial buildings and structures;

A eff St. 740 to 1500 Bq/kg - in road construction outside populated areas. If necessary, in the national standards in force on the territory of the state, the value of the specific effective activity of natural radionuclides can be changed within the limits indicated above.

5 Acceptance rules

5.1 Sand, enriched sand and graded sand must be accepted by the manufacturer's technical control service.

5.2 To check the compliance of the quality of sand, enriched and graded sands with the requirements of this standard, acceptance control and periodic tests are carried out.

5.3 Acceptance control at the manufacturer is carried out daily by testing a combined replacement sand sample taken in accordance with. During acceptance control, determine:

  • grain composition;
  • the content of dust and clay particles;
  • clay content in lumps;
  • the presence of contaminants.

5.4 During periodic testing of sands, the following is determined:

once a quarter bulk density (bulk density at moisture during shipment is determined if necessary) and the presence of organic impurities (humic substances);

once a year and with each change in the properties of the mined rock, the true grain density, the content of rocks and minerals classified as harmful components and impurities, the specific effective activity of natural radionuclides.

Periodic monitoring of the specific effective activity of natural radionuclides is carried out in specialized laboratories duly accredited for the right to conduct gamma-spectrometric tests or in radiation-metric laboratories of supervisory authorities. In the absence of geological exploration data on the radiation-hygienic assessment of the deposit and the conclusion on the class of sands, the manufacturer conducts a radiation-hygienic assessment of the developed rock sections using the express method directly in the face or in warehouses finished products(according to the alluvium map) in accordance with the requirements.

5.5 Acceptance and delivery of sand, enriched sand and graded sand is carried out in batches. A batch is the amount of sand specified in the supply contract and simultaneously shipped to one consumer in one train or in one vessel. When shipped by road, a batch is the amount of sand shipped to one consumer during the day.

(Amendment. IUS N 10-2015).

5.6 Sampling and preparation of sand samples for quality control at the manufacturer is carried out in accordance with the requirements.

5.7 When controlling the quality of sands, the consumer must apply the sampling procedure given in 5.8-5.11. If the results of the control check on the grain composition, the content of dust and clay particles and clay in lumps are unsatisfactory, the batch of sand is not accepted.

5.8 The number of incremental samples taken for the control check of the quality of sands in each inspected lot, depending on the size of the lot, must be at least:

with lot size 350 m3 10;
St. 350 to 700 m3 15;
St. 700 m 3 20.

From incremental samples, a pooled sample is obtained that characterizes the controlled lot. Averaging, reduction and preparation of the sample is carried out according to .

5.9 For a control check of the quality of sands shipped by rail, point samples are taken when unloading wagons from the sand stream on belt conveyors used to transport it to the consumer's warehouse. When unloading the wagon, five point samples are taken through equal intervals time. The number of wagons is determined taking into account obtaining the required number of incremental samples in accordance with 5.8. Cars are selected at the direction of the consumer. If the batch consists of one wagon, five point samples are taken during its unloading, from which a combined sample is obtained.

If conveyor transport is not used during unloading, point samples are taken directly from the wagons. To do this, the sand surface in the car is leveled and holes 0.2-0.4 m deep are dug at the sampling points. The sampling points should be located in the center and at the four corners of the car, while the distance from the sides of the car to the sampling points should not less than 0.5 m. Samples from the holes are taken with a scoop, moving it from bottom to top along the walls of the hole.

5.10 For a control check of the quality of sand supplied by water transport, point samples are taken during unloading of ships. In the case of using belt conveyors for unloading, point samples are taken at regular intervals from the sand flow on the conveyors. When unloading the ship with clamshell cranes, spot samples are taken with a scoop at regular intervals as they are unloaded directly from the newly formed sand surface in the ship, and not from the holes.

For a control check of sand unloaded from ships and laid on alluvium maps by hydromechanization, point samples are taken in accordance with, paragraph 2.9.

5.11 For a control check of the quality of sand shipped by road, point samples are taken when unloading cars.

In the case of using belt conveyors for sand unloading, point samples are taken from the sand flow on the conveyor. When unloading each car, one point sample is taken. The number of cars is determined taking into account obtaining the required number of incremental samples according to 5.8. Cars are selected at the direction of the consumer. If the lot consists of less than ten cars, sand samples are taken from each car.

If conveyor transport is not used when unloading cars, point samples are taken directly from cars. The surface of the sand in the car is leveled, a hole is dug in the center of the body with a depth of 0.2-0.4 m. Sand samples are taken from the hole with a scoop, moving it from bottom to top along the wall of the hole.

5.12 The amount of sand supplied is determined by volume or mass. Sand measurement is carried out in wagons, ships or cars.

Sand shipped in wagons or cars is weighed on truck scales. The mass of sand shipped in ships is determined by the ship's draft.

The amount of sand from units of mass to units of volume is recalculated according to the values ​​of the bulk density of sand, determined at its moisture content during shipment. The supply contract indicates the calculated sand moisture content adopted by agreement of the parties.

5.13 The manufacturer must accompany each batch of supplied sands with a quality document indicating:

  • name of the manufacturer and his address;
  • number and date of issue of the document;
  • name and address of the consumer;
  • lot number, name and quantity of material;
  • invoice and vehicle numbers;
  • grain composition of sand, enriched sand;
  • grain composition of the mixture of fractions or the size of narrow fractions (for graded sand);
  • the content of dust and clay particles, clay in lumps;
  • the content of harmful components and impurities;
  • the presence of contaminants;
  • bulk density and filtration coefficient (at the request of the consumer) in sand and enriched sand;
  • specific effective activity of natural radionuclides;
  • designation of this standard.

6 Test methods

6.1 Sand tests are carried out according to.

6.2 The filtration coefficient of sand and enriched sand used in road construction is determined by.

6.4 The specific effective activity of natural radionuclides is determined by .

6.5 The resistance of sands to the effects of harmful components and impurities is determined by the mineralogical and petrographic composition and the content of harmful components and impurities.

7 Transport and storage

7.1 Transport

7.1.1 Sand, enriched sand and graded sand are transported by rail, water and road in accordance with the rules for the carriage of goods in force for a particular type of transport.

7.1.2 Dry graded sand is transported in the form of individual fractions or their mixtures by specialized vehicles (cement trucks, capsules and other means of transportation that provide protection from moisture and contaminants). from 0.1% to 0.5% by weight, unless otherwise specified in other regulatory documents.

7.2 Storage

7.2.1 Sand and enriched sand are stored in the warehouse of the manufacturer and the consumer under conditions that protect them from contamination.

7.2.2 Dry graded sand should be stored in dry enclosed spaces or closed bunkers (silos), excluding the ingress of moisture and contaminants.

7.2.3 When shipping and storing sand and enriched sand in winter time the manufacturer should take measures to prevent freezing (shoveling, treatment with special solutions, etc.).

Annex A (mandatory). Permissible content of harmful components and impurities

The permissible content of rocks and minerals classified as harmful components and impurities in sand used as aggregate for concrete and mortar should not exceed the following values:

  • amorphous varieties of silicon dioxide soluble in alkalis (chalcedony, opal, flint, etc.) - no more than 50 mmol / l;
  • sulfur, sulfides, except for pyrite (marcasite, pyrrhotite, etc.), and sulfates (gypsum, anhydrite, etc.) in terms of SO 3- no more than 1.0%; pyrite in terms of SO 3- no more than 4% by weight;
  • mica - no more than 2% by weight;
  • halogen compounds (halite, sylvin, etc.), including water-soluble chlorides, in terms of chlorine ion - not more than 0.15% by weight;
  • coal - no more than 1% by weight;
  • organic impurities (humic acids) - less than the amount that gives the sodium hydroxide solution (colorimetric test according to) a color corresponding to the color of the standard or darker than this color. The use of sand that does not meet this requirement is allowed only after receiving positive results of tests of sand in concrete or mortar for durability characteristics.

The permissible content of zeolite, graphite, oil shale is established on the basis of studies of the effect of sand on the durability of concrete or mortar.

End of document

“Sand for construction work. Specifications” GOST 8736-93

When performing construction activities, construction sand is necessarily used, which is universal material. It is characterized by natural origin. Depending on the size of the sand fraction and the concentration of impurities, additional processing grinding, washing, drying or screening.

Natural sand obtained as a result of natural processes is a mixture of particles of mountain minerals that were formed as a result of the decay rocks with increased hardness.

Sands, depending on the method of extraction, are characterized by individual physical and mechanical characteristics that determine the strength, convenience of preparing a concrete solution produced on their basis.

Complex technical requirements imposed on the types of sandy raw materials is regulated by GOST 8736 93. Let's dwell on the types of compositions, consider the main requirements of the current standard.

Natural sand is an inorganic bulk material with a grain size of up to 5 mm, formed as a result of the natural destruction of rocky rocks

Varieties of materials

The sand used for construction work is different operational characteristics, physical and mechanical properties depending on the methods of obtaining, which divide the fraction into the following types:

  • material of quarry origin, obtained using special equipment, containing clay and mineral inclusions. An increased concentration of foreign impurities requires additional cleaning with water. The result is alluvial sand, which is distinguished by an acceptable price;
  • seeded sandy mass, which is a kind of quarry material. It is characterized by an increased cleaning coefficient, which is due to the use of special equipment for screening. Seeded sand is characterized by a reduced concentration of foreign inclusions. Building mortars, compositions for plaster, screeds are prepared from it;
  • river sand, extracted from reservoirs, washed in a natural way, which does not require special cleaning. It has a reduced concentration of foreign impurities, which allows it to be used as a filler for concrete mortar and a material used for plaster. It is characterized by an increased cost of obtaining;
  • quartz sand, produced by grinding a natural mineral - quartz. It is used for special technological purposes, the manufacture of glass products, putty mixtures, special building compounds, coloring components;
  • sand produced as a result of crushing fractions obtained by crushing hard rocks. The secondary product is characterized by increased strength and specific gravity. It is used as a filler for frost-resistant concrete grades. It is characterized by heterogeneity associated with an increased concentration of the dusty fraction.

The qualitative characteristics of sand and the degree of its suitability for certain works are based on a series of laboratory tests.

General provisions

Articles of the standard for sand apply to the following types of bulk materials:

  • natural origin, quarry or river. The material of inorganic origin is the result of natural processes for the destruction of rocks. Natural sand is obtained in the process of developing special deposits. The use of enrichment technology is allowed;
  • obtained by sifting crushed rocks. Raw material- screening of inorganic origin, obtained in the manufacture of crushed stone, as well as in the process of sifting fractions obtained during the enrichment of ores, minerals.

Sands that meet the standard are distinguished by a specific gravity of 2000-2800 kg / m3.

The provisions of the standard do not apply to the following types of fractions:

  • Sands sifted using special devices, differing in geometric dimensions and artificially divided into several fractions.
  • Crushed fractions up to 5 millimeters in size, produced by crushing rocky rocks on special crushing devices.


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Depending on which brand of sand is used, the material is used for the following purposes:

  • applications in the composition of porous, silicate, fine-grained, heavy concrete solutions as a placeholder;

For the construction of brick or block masonry, it is advisable to use a sand fraction of no more than 2.5 mm, and for sealing joints on prefabricated structures - about 5 mm

  • preparation of dry construction compositions;
  • preparation of special mortars intended for the arrangement of foundations, road surfaces;
  • fulfillment plastering works, laying bricks, blocks and screed bases.

Spheres of use of demanded building material different:

  • Industrial, civil construction.
  • Agricultural industry.
  • Road construction.
  • Glass production.

Size criteria

The document distinguishes two groups that differ in particle size distribution:

  • first class includes various groups fineness, starting with a fine fraction, 1.5-2 mm in size and ending with the composition obtained as a result of sifting crushed products, the fineness modulus of which is more than 3.5;

    Sand is classified by type and origin, the presence of organic or inorganic impurities, the composition and nature of the shape of the grains.

  • the second class is represented by an expanded range of sandy compositions, including a dusty fraction, the particle size of which does not exceed 0.7 mm, as well as all types of fine compositions, medium sand and fractions of increased size from 3.5 to 5 mm.
  • Each type, according to the requirements of the standard, has a corresponding particle size module, shown in the tables normative document. So, for example, medium-sized sand has a uniform particle size distribution with particles 2-2.5 mm in size.

    The document obliges manufacturers to control the size of the composition. This is done by sifting the material on a special sieve, followed by control of the percentage of the fraction that exceeds the size of the mesh cells installed on the sieve.

    The standard provides for the following percentages for different classes of large particles, the size of which exceeds 5, 10 mm, as well as grains smaller than 0.16 mm:

    • The composition of the first class is characterized by a reduced content of large inclusions, the concentration of which is in the range from 0.5 to 10%.
    • The material of the second class is distinguished by an increased concentration of inclusions increased to 10 millimeters, the proportion of which ranges from 5 to 20% of the mass.

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the upper and lower limits, and the sand is classified in terms of size to the lower of the adjacent groups.

The security of the standard values ​​for the content of grains with a size of less than 0.16 mm, as well as the content of dust and clay particles during acceptance control should be at least 97.5% for enriched sand of all types of the highest quality category, 95% for enriched sand of all types of the first quality category, 90% for natural sands and from screenings of crushing.

2.7. The availability of the values ​​of the sand fineness module established by the standard is characterized by the ratio of the number of replacement samples, the fineness modulus of which is within the upper and lower standard values ​​for a given group of sands, to the total number of replacement samples taken and tested during one quarter.

The availability of the standard values ​​for the content of grains less than 0.16 mm in size in sands, as well as dust-like and clay particles, is characterized by the ratio of the number of replacement samples, the quality indicators of which do not exceed the standard values, to the total number of replacement samples taken and tested during one quarter. At the same time, the provision of the content of grains with a size of less than 0.16 mm, as well as dust and clay particles in enriched sands of the highest quality category, established by the standard, is determined on the basis of statistical control in accordance with the mandatory Appendix 2.

2.8. For allowed paragraphs. 2.6 and 2.7 the number of replacement samples having deviations from regulatory requirements, the value of this deviation should not exceed 20%.

2.9. When checking the compliance of sand with the requirements of this standard, the consumer must apply the sampling procedure given in paragraphs. 2.11-2.13. If the results of the control check on the grain composition and the content of dust and clay particles are unsatisfactory, the batch of sand is not accepted.


2.10. The number of point (partial) samples taken for the control check of the quality of sand in each batch must be at least as indicated below.

Batch volume, m 3

St. 350 to 700 15

Point samples are combined into an average sample characterizing the controlled lot.

GOST 8736-85

2.11. To control the quality of sand supplied by rail, point samples are taken when unloading wagons from the flow of sand on belt conveyors used to transport it to the consumer's warehouse. When unloading the wagon, five point samples are taken at regular intervals. The number of wagons during unloading of which samples are taken is taken taking into account the receipt of the required number of point samples according to clause 2.10. Cars are selected at the direction of the consumer. If the batch consists of one wagon, then five point samples are taken during its unloading, which are combined into an average sample.

If conveyor transport is not used when unloading wagons, then, as an exception, point samples are taken directly from the wagons. To do this, the surface of the sand in the car is leveled and holes with a depth of 0.2-0.4 m are torn off at the sampling points. .5 m. Sand samples are taken from the holes with a scoop, moving it from bottom to top along the wall of the hole.

2.12. For the control check of sand shipped by water transport, point samples are taken during unloading of ships.

In the case of using belt conveyors for unloading, point samples are taken at regular intervals from the sand flow on the conveyors. When unloading ships with grab cranes, point samples are taken with a scoop at regular intervals as they are unloaded from the newly formed sand surface in the ship without the formation of holes.

2.13. For a control check of sand shipped by road, point samples are taken when unloading cars.

In the case of using belt conveyors for sand unloading, point samples are taken from the sand flow on conveyors. When unloading each car, one is taken away. spot test. The number of cars, during unloading of which samples are taken, is taken taking into account the receipt of the required number of partial samples according to clause 2.9. Cars are chosen at the direction of the consumer.

If the lot consists of less than ten cars, then the sand will be tested in each car.

If conveyor transport is not used when unloading cars, then point samples are taken directly from the cars. To do this, the surface of the sand in the car is leveled, a hole is torn off in the center of the body with a depth

0.2-0.4 m. A sand sample is taken from the hole with a scoop, moving it from bottom to top along the wall of the hole.


3.1. Sampling and sample preparation, as well as sand testing, are carried out in accordance with GOST 8735-75.

3.2. Sampling and sample preparation, as well as testing of rocks and gravel for strength, is carried out in accordance with GOST 8269-76.


4.1. The enterprise (quarry)-manufacturer is obliged to accompany each batch of supplied sand with a document on the quality of the established form, which indicates:

name of the enterprise (quarry)-manufacturer and its address;

number and date of issue of the document;

name and address of the consumer;

batch number and amount of sand;

wagon numbers or vessel number and invoice number;

sand size modulus;

the designation of this standard, and for sand, which was duly assigned the state Quality Mark, also its image in accordance with GOST 1.9-67.

When supplying sand from crushing screenings, the quality document also indicates the strength grade of the original rock or gravel. Sand indicators are entered into the specified document according to the test data listed in clause 2.5.

For sand supplied in accordance with clause 1.12, the quality document indicates the average grain density and the content of rocks and minerals classified as harmful impurities in accordance with GOST 23845-79 and GOST 24100-80.

4.2. Sand is transported in open railway wagons and ships, as well as in cars in accordance with the rules for the transportation of goods by the appropriate mode of transport approved in the prescribed manner and stored in conditions that protect it from clogging and pollution.

When transporting sand by rail, compliance with the requirements of the Technical Conditions for Loading and Securing Cargoes approved by the Ministry of Railways must also be ensured.

GOST 6736-85

APPENDIX 1 Reference


Natural sand - sand with a grain size of up to 5 mm, formed as a result of the natural destruction of rocky rocks and obtained during the development of sand and gravel deposits without the use of special processing equipment.

Crushed sand - sand with a grain size of up to 5 mm, made from rocks and gravel using special crushing and grinding equipment.

Sand from crushing screenings - sand with a grain size of up to 5 mm, obtained from screenings of rock crushing products in the production of crushed stone.

Enriched sand, crushed enriched sand, enriched sand from crushing screenings - sands with an improved grain composition, obtained using special enrichment equipment and supplied without separation into fractions.

Fractionated sand - sand, separated using special equipment into two or more fractions.

APPENDIX 2 Mandatory


1. Statistical control is used when assessing the quality of sand according to the established standard values ​​for the content of grains with a size of less than 0.16 mm, as well as the content of dust and clay particles.

2. Statistical quality control includes determining the arithmetic mean of the estimated indicator based on the results of testing replacement samples for one quarter and the coefficient of variation of the indicator values ​​for the specified period. The obtained arithmetic mean value of the indicator is compared with the table corresponding to the calculated coefficient of variation.

3. The average value of the estimated quality indicator with the corresponding coefficient of variation should not exceed the values ​​indicated in Table. 1 and 2 of this appendix.

4. The arithmetic mean value of the indicator X is determined by the formula


where X is the test result of a replacement sample; l - the number of replacement samples for one quarter.

5. The coefficient of variation v in percent is determined by the formula

6. Average values ​​of the content of grains passing through a sieve with mesh No. 016, corresponding to different meanings coefficient of variation, are shown in table. one.

Table 1

Variation coefficient v, %

The average value of the indicator. %, no more, at standard value

Variation coefficient v, %

GOST 8736-85

7. The average values ​​of the content of dust and clay particles, corresponding to different values ​​of the coefficient of variation, are shown in table. 2.

table 2

Coefficient of variation v t %

The average value of the indicator, %, no more, at the standard value

Editor V. P. Ogurtsov Technical editor N. P. Zamolodchikova Proofreader A. G. Starostin

Rented in emb. 12/16/85 Sub-, to the printer. 01/21/86 1.0 st. p. l. 1.0 kr.-ott. "0.99 ac.-ed. sheets. Tyr. 40,000 Price 5 kopecks.

Order "Badge of Honor" Publishing house of standards, 123840, Moscow, GSP, Novopresnevsky per., 3 Type. "Moscow printer", Moscow, Lyalin per., 6 Zak. 1550

UDC 691.223: 006.354 Group Zh17




Sand for construction works. Specifications

The Decree of the State Committee of the USSR for Construction of September 13, 1965 No. 146 established the deadline for the introduction

Non-compliance with the standard is punishable by law

This standard applies to natural sand and sand from crushing screenings with an average density of grains, including pores (bulk density) over 2000 kg / m 3, obtained from specially or incidentally mined rocks and waste from mining and processing enterprises and used as aggregates for all types concrete and mortar, as well as pavement and other construction works.

Sand made according to this standard must be used in accordance with the current regulatory and technical documents.

Explanations of the terms used in this standard are given in reference annex 1.


1.2. Sand is divided into the following types:

natural and enriched;

Official edition

from crushing screenings and enriched from crushing screenings. It is allowed to supply a mixture of natural sands and from screenings of crushing.

Reprint prohibited

© Standards Publishing, 1986

GOST 8736-85

1.3. By agreement of the enterprise (quarry)-manufacturer with the consumer, crushed and fractionated sands are supplied, the requirements for which are established in the technical conditions approved in the prescribed manner.

1.4. Sand should be characterized by the following quality indicators:

grain composition;

1.5. Sand from crushing screenings is also characterized by the ultimate strength of the original rock during compression in a water-saturated state.

The enterprise (quarry)-manufacturer of natural and enriched sands must have and report to the consumer, at his request, the following characteristics established during geological exploration in accordance with GOST 24100-80:

mineralogical and petrographic composition indicating rocks and minerals classified as harmful impurities;

indicator of the potential-reactivity of sand, determined chemical method(in the presence of reactive minerals and rocks in the sand);

description of the shape and nature of the surface of sand grains;

average density of sand grains.

If during geological exploration, at the request of the customer, additional characteristics of sands were determined in accordance with GOST 24100-80: voidness, specific surface area,

filtration coefficient, they must also be reported to the consumer at his request.

The enterprise (quarry)-manufacturer of sand from crushing screenings must have and report to the consumer, at his request, the petrographic characteristics and indicators of the physical and mechanical properties of the original rock, established during geological exploration in accordance with GOST 23845-79.

1.6. Grain composition

1.6.1. Sands natural and from screenings of crushing, depending

from the grain composition are divided into groups: increased

sizes, large, medium, small and very small.

1.6.2. Enriched sand depending on the grain composition

subdivided into groups: increased size, large, medium and small. Enriched sand from crushing screenings, depending on the grain composition, is divided into groups:

high size, large and medium.

1.6.3. For each group of sands: natural and from screenings of crushing, enriched and enriched from screenings of crushing

after preliminary sieving them on a sieve with holes of 5 mm in size to isolate grains of gravel (crushed stone), the sand size module M k and the total residue on a sieve with mesh No. 063 according to GOST 3584-73 must correspond to those indicated in Table. one.

Table 1

Large module

Total residue on sieve L 063 > % by weight




Over 3.0 to 3.5

St. 65 to 75

Aggregates for concrete, pavement materials

Aggregates for concrete and mortars, pavement materials

Very small

Aggregates for mortars

If, when determining the group of sand, it corresponds to one group according to the size modulus, and to the other according to the total residue on sieve No. 063, then the sand group is determined according to the size modulus.

In this case, the deviation of the value of the total residue on sieve No. 063 from that indicated in the table is indicated in the passport. 1 for the sand of this group.

Notes: 1. By agreement of the parties, it is allowed to supply sand with a fineness modulus over 3.5.

2. Very fine sand with a particle size modulus of 1.0 to 1.5 is supplied only by order of consumers for use in plaster mortars, as well as for use in a mixture with a coarsening additive as fine aggregates for concrete in areas where there are no sand deposits with fineness modulus over 1.5,

1.6.4. As fine aggregates for concrete, natural and enriched sands, sands from crushing screenings and enriched from crushing screenings of increased size, large, medium and fine, with a particle size modulus from 1.5 to 3, should be supplied and used in accordance with the requirements of GOST 10268-80, 25.

The grain composition of the fine aggregate should be as specified below.

GOST 8736-85

Total residues on control sieves, % by weight

20-70 . 35-90 . 90-100 . 10-0 . 1,5-3,25

Hole size ■control sieve, mm

Passage through a sieve JVb 016 Fineness modulus

In this case, only grains passing through a sieve with round holes with a diameter of 5 mm are taken into account.

The use of sand from crushing screenings and enriched sand from crushing screenings and their mixtures with natural fine and very fine sands as fine aggregates is allowed provided that the specified workability is ensured concrete mix without overspending cement.

By agreement between the manufacturer (quarry) and the consumer, during a feasibility study, it is allowed to supply sand for concrete with a particle size modulus of up to 3.5, as well as with a total residue on sieve No. 063 up to 75%.

As materials for pavement installation, natural and enriched sands, sands from crushing screenings and enriched from crushing screenings of increased size, large, medium and fine, should be supplied and used in accordance with the requirements of regulatory and technical documents.

Sands that meet the requirements of clause 1.6.7 must be supplied and used as aggregates for mortars:

medium, fine and very fine natural sands;

medium and fine enriched sands.

in natural sands and from crushing screenings of increased size, large and medium. . . , . . .10

the same, in small and very small ....... 15

in enriched sand of increased size, coarse

and average............5

the same, in small ............10

in enriched sand from crushing screenings.... 5

By agreement of the enterprise (quarry)-manufacturer with the consumer in medium, fine and very fine sands intended for mortars and road construction works, as well as in sand from crushing screenings intended for road construction works, the content of grains passing through the sieve with grid No. 016, up to 20% by weight is allowed.

1.6.6. The presence of grains larger than 5 mm should not exceed % by weight:

in natural sand. . . . -.......10

in sand from crushing screenings ........ 15

in enriched sand and enriched sand from screenings of crushing ............... 5

1.6.7. For the manufacture of building mortars (except for plaster mortars for the finishing layer), medium natural and medium enriched sands with a particle size modulus not exceeding 2.2, as well as fine natural and fine enriched sands, must be supplied and used. The content of grains larger than 5 mm in mortar sands should not exceed 0.5% by weight.

Very fine sand must be supplied and used for the preparation of plaster mortars for the finishing layer. The content of grains larger than 1.25 mm in sands used in plaster solutions for the finishing layer should not exceed 0.5% by weight.

By agreement of the enterprise (quarry)-manufacturer with the consumer, it is allowed to supply and use for mortars (except for plaster mortars for the finishing layer) medium natural sand and medium enriched sand, in which the content of grains larger than 5 mm does not exceed 5% by weight. For the manufacture of plaster mortar for the finishing layer, it is allowed to supply and use very fine natural sand, in which the content of grains larger than 1.25 mm does not exceed 5% by weight.

1.7. The number of dust-like and clay particles in the sand should not exceed the values ​​\u200b\u200bspecified in Table. 2.

table 2

Type of sand

Including clay content in lumps

% by weight.


oversized, large and medium

small and very small

Enriched: large and medium

From screenings crushing

Enriched from crushing screenings

In sand from crushing screenings, intended for road construction, and in natural very fine sand, intended for use in plaster solutions for the finishing layer, the content of dust and clay particles up to 7% by weight is allowed.

Sand of all types should not contain foreign clogging impurities.

1.8. Sand intended for concretes and mortars, when treated with a solution of sodium hydroxide (colorimetric test for organic impurities according to GOST 8735-75), should not give the solution a color corresponding to or darker than the color of the standard. The use of sand that does not meet this requirement is allowed only after special tests and a feasibility study.

1.9. Igneous, metamorphic or dense sedimentary rocks, as well as gravel, should be used to produce sand from crushing screenings and enriched sand from crushing screenings.

Depending on the strength of the original rock and gravel, sands are divided into four grades: 1000, 800, 600 and 400.

The strength of the original rock and gravel must correspond to that indicated in Table. 3.

Table 3

Igneous and metamorphic rocks used for the production of sand from crushing screenings must have a compressive strength of at least 60 MPa (600 kgf / cm 2), and sedimentary rocks - at least 40 MPa (400 kgf / cm 2).

By agreement between the manufacturer and the consumer, it is allowed to release sand obtained from screenings of crushing sedimentary rocks having a compressive strength below 40 MPa (400 kgf / cm 2), but not less than 20 MPa (200 kgf / cm 2).

1.10. Rocks and gravel used to obtain sand from crushing screenings should not contain weak differences in an amount of more than 10% by weight, and rocks with a compressive strength below 40 MPa

GOST 8736-85 Page 7

(400 kgf / cm 2), and gravel brand Dr24 - no more than 15% by weight.

With a higher content of weak differences, it is allowed to use only screenings obtained after the second and subsequent stages of crushing.

Rocks with a compressive strength in a water-saturated state of less than 20 MPa (200 kgf / cm 2) are considered weak.

1.11. The quality of the mixture of natural sand and sand from crushing screenings must meet the requirements of this standard for the quality of sands from crushing screenings.

1.12. Sand from incidentally mined rocks and waste from mining and processing enterprises, having an average grain density of over 2800 kg/m standards or specifications. At the same time, for each deposit or group of deposits, restrictions on maximum value average density and by the content of rocks and minerals classified as harmful impurities according to GOST 23845-79 and GOST 24100-80, as well as methods for determining the content of rocks and minerals classified as harmful impurities.

Limitations on the average density and content of rocks and minerals classified as harmful impurities are established on the basis of special studies, depending on the purpose of the sand and the operating conditions of the structures in which it is used.


2.1. Sand produced by the manufacturer (quarry) must be accepted by the technical control of this enterprise. The manufacturer (quarry) must guarantee that the sand meets the requirements of this standard.

2.2. Sand is supplied in batches. The amount of sand shipped to one consumer at the same time in one train or in one vessel is considered a batch.

When shipped by road, a batch is the amount of sand shipped to one consumer during the day.

2.3. The amount of sand supplied is determined by volume or mass. Sand measurement is carried out in wagons, ships and cars.

Weighing of sand shipped in wagons or cars is carried out on railway or truck scales. / The mass of sand shipped in ships is determined by the ship's draft.

GOST 8736-85

2.4. The recalculation of the amount of sand from weight units to volume units is carried out according to the values ​​of the bulk density of sand, determined in the state of natural moisture.

When wet technological processes sand production, the moisture content of the supplied sand and the bulk density used to convert the amount of sand from weight units to volume units are set by agreement between the manufacturer (quarry) and the consumer, taking into account sand2 mining conditions, quarry operating experience, geological exploration data, time of year, and also compaction coefficients of sand when it is loaded into vehicles.

2.5. Acceptance control of the quality of sand at the enterprise (quarry)-manufacturer consists of determining the grain composition, the content of dust and clay particles, including clay. lumps. Sand quality control according to the indicated indicators is carried out daily by one replacement sample according to GOST 8735-75.

The determination of the bulk density of sand is carried out once a quarter.

For sand obtained from associated rocks and waste from mining and processing enterprises, in addition, the average density of grains and the content of inclusions of rocks and minerals classified as harmful impurities are determined. These indicators determine in each case changes in the properties of sand, but at least once a year.

For the specified sand supplied in accordance with clause 1.12, the frequency of determining the average density and content of rocks and minerals classified as harmful impurities is established by industry, republican standards or

specifications, but these determinations must be made at least once a quarter.

2.6. The security of the values ​​​​of the sand fineness module established by the standard, indicated in Table. 1 for each group of sand, during acceptance control according to paragraphs. 2.6-2.8 must be at least 95% for enriched sand of all types of the highest quality category, at least 90% for enriched sand of all types of the first quality category and at least 80% for natural sands and from screenings of crushing.

It is allowed, upon agreement between the manufacturer and the consumer, the supply of sand, the values ​​of the fineness modulus of which are within the standard values ​​indicated in Table. 1 for two adjacent groups of sand, if the difference between the upper and lower limits of the fineness modulus does not exceed 0.5. At the same time, the above-mentioned various kinds sand requirements for the security of fineness modulus values ​​within

The standard applies to natural sand and sand from rock crushing screenings with a true grain density of 2.0 to 2.8 g / cm3, intended for use as an aggregate for heavy, light, fine-grained, cellular and silicate concretes, mortars, preparation of dry mixes, for the device of the bases and coverings of highways and airfields.
The requirements of the standard do not apply to graded and crushed sands.

Designation: GOST 8736-93*
Russian name: Sand for construction work. Specifications
Status: current
Replaces: GOST 26193-84 “Materials from crushing screenings of igneous rocks for construction work. Specifications” GOST 8736-85 “Sand for construction works. Specifications»
Text update date: 08.10.2010
Date added to database: 08.10.2010
Date of entry into force: 01.07.1995
Designed by: TsNIIOMTP Gosstroy USSR 127434, Moscow, Dmitrovskoe sh., 9
VNIPIISTROMSYRE 109028, Moscow, Pokrovsky Blvd., 6/20
NIIZhB 109428, Moscow, 2nd Institutskaya st., 6
Soyuzdornia of the Russian Federation
Approved: Ministry of Construction of Russia (28.11.1994)
Published: Standards Publishing House No. 1995
Standartinform No. 2009

GOST 8736-93






1 DEVELOPED by the institute VNIPIIstromsyre with the participation of SoyuzDorNII, NIIZhB, TsNIIOMTP of the Russian Federation

INTRODUCED by the Ministry of Construction of Russia

2 ADOPTED by the Interstate Scientific and Technical Commission for Standardization and Technical Regulation in Construction (MNTKS) November 10, 1993

State name

Body name government controlled construction

The Republic of Azerbaijan

Gosstroy of the Republic of Azerbaijan

Republic of Armenia

State Architecture of the Republic of Armenia

Republic of Belarus

Gosstroy of the Republic of Belarus

The Republic of Kazakhstan

Ministry of Construction of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Republic of Kyrgyzstan

Gosstroy of the Kyrgyz Republic

The Republic of Moldova

Ministry of Architecture of the Republic of Moldova

the Russian Federation

Gosstroy of Russia

The Republic of Tajikistan

Gosstroy of the Republic of Tajikistan

The Republic of Uzbekistan

Goskomarchitektstroy of the Republic of Uzbekistan

3 INTRODUCED from July 1, 1995 as the state standard of the Russian Federation by Decree of the Ministry of Construction of Russia dated November 28, 1994 No. 18-29

4 INSTEAD OF GOST 8736-85, GOST 26193-84




Sand for construction works.

Introduction date 1995-07-01


This standard applies to natural sand and sand from rock crushing screenings with a true grain density of 2.0 to 2.8 g / cm 3, intended for use as a filler for heavy, light, fine-grained, cellular and silicate concretes, mortars, preparation of dry mixes, for the device of the bases and coverings of highways and airfields.

The requirements of this standard do not apply to graded and crushed sands.

The requirements of this standard set out in paragraphs, , , sections and , are mandatory.


GOST 8269.0 Crushed stone and gravel from dense rocks and industrial waste for construction work. Methods of physical and mechanical tests

GOST 8735-88 Sand for construction work. Test methods.

GOST 30108-94 Building materials and products. Determination of specific effective activity of natural radionuclides

(Changed edition. Rev. No. 2).


The following terms are used in this standard.

natural sand- inorganic bulk material with a grain size of up to 5 mm, formed as a result of the natural destruction of rocky rocks and obtained during the development of sand and sand-gravel deposits without using or using special processing equipment.

(Changed edition. Rev. No. 1).

crushed sand- sand with a grain size of up to 5 mm, made from rocky rocks and gravel using special crushing and grinding equipment.

Graded sand - sand separated into two or more fractions using special equipment.

Sand from crushing screenings - inorganic bulk material with a grain size of 5 mm, obtained from rock crushing screenings in the production of crushed stone and from waste from the enrichment of ores of ferrous and non-ferrous metals and non-metallic minerals and other industries.


4.1 Sand must be manufactured in accordance with the requirements of this standard according to the technological documentation approved by the manufacturer.

4.2 Sand, depending on the values ​​of standardized quality indicators (grain composition, content of dust and clay particles), is divided into two classes.

4.3 Main parameters and dimensions

4.3.1 Depending on the grain composition, sand is divided into groups according to size:

I class - very coarse (sand from crushing screenings), increased fineness, coarse, medium and fine;

Class II - very coarse (sand from crushing screenings), increased fineness, coarse, medium, fine, very fine, fine and very fine.

4.3.2 Each group of sand is characterized by the value of the fineness modulus indicated in the table.

Table 1

Fineness modulus Mk

Very large

St. 3.5

Increased size

»3.0 to 3.5







Very small




Very thin

Up to 0.7

4.3.3 The total balance of sand in a sieve with mesh No. 063 must correspond to the values ​​\u200b\u200bspecified in the table.

table 2

Percent by mass

Total residue on sieve No. 063

Very large

St. 75

Increased size

»65 to 75







Very small

To 10


Not standardized

Very thin


Note - By agreement between the manufacturer and the consumer in the sand of class II, the deviation of the total residue on sieve No. 063 from the above is allowed, but not more than ± 5%.

4.3.4 Grain content 10, 5 and less than 0.16 mm should not exceed the values ​​indicated in the table.

Table 3

As a percentage by weight, not more than

St. 10 mm

St. 5 mm

Less than 0.15mm

I class


II class

Very large and oversized

Large and medium

Small and very small

Slim and very thin

Not allowed

Not standardized


in natural sand

in sand from crushing screenings

in natural sand

in sand from crushing screenings

I class

Very large


Increased size. large and medium






II class

Very large

Extra large, large and medium

Small and very small

Slim and very thin

Not standardized


Note - In very fine natural sand of class II, in agreement with the consumer, the content of dust and clay particles is allowed up to 7% by weight.

* For sands obtained during the enrichment of ores of ferrous and non-ferrous metals and non-metallic minerals of other industries.

4.4.2 Sands from crushing screenings, depending on the strength of rock and gravel, are divided into grades. Igneous and metamorphic rocks must have a compressive strength of at least 60 MPa, sedimentary rocks - at least 40 MPa.

Grade of sand from crushing screenings in terms of strength must correspond to that indicated in the table.

Table 5

Ultimate compressive strength of rock in water-saturated state, MPa, not less than

Gravel crushability in the cylinder








Note - It is allowed, by agreement between the manufacturer and the consumer, the supply of sandII from sedimentary rocks with a compressive strength of less than 40 MPa, but not less than 20 MPa.

The resistance of sand is determined by the mineralogical and petrographic composition and the content of harmful components and impurities. The list of rocks and minerals classified as harmful components and impurities, and their maximum allowable content are given in the Appendix.

4.4.4 Sand from rock screenings, having a true grain density of more than 2.8 g / cm 3 or containing grains of rocks and minerals classified as harmful components in an amount exceeding their permissible content, or containing several different harmful components, is released for specific types construction works according to technical documents developed in accordance with the established procedure and coordinated with laboratories specialized in the field of corrosion.

4.4.5 It is allowed to supply a mixture of natural sand and sand from crushing screenings with the content of the latter not less than 20% by weight, while the amount of the mixture must meet the requirements of this standard for the quality of sands from crushing screenings.

4.4.6 The manufacturer must inform the consumer of the following characteristics established by geological exploration:

Mineralogical and petrographic composition indicating rocks and minerals attributed to harmful components and impurities;


The true density of grain sand.

At A eff up to 370 Bq/kg - in newly constructed residential and public buildings;

At A eff st. 370 to 740 Bq / kg - for road construction within the territory of settlements and zones of promising development, as well as during the construction of industrial buildings and structures;

At A eff st. 740 to 1500 Bq/kg - in road construction outside settlements.

If necessary, in accordance with the national standards in force on the territory of the state, the value of the specific effective activity of natural radionuclides can be changed within the limits indicated above.

(Changed edition. Rev. No. 1, 2).

4.4.9 Sand should not contain foreign contaminants.


5.1 Sand must be accepted by the manufacturer's technical control service.

5.2 To verify that the quality of the sand meets the requirements of this standard, acceptance and periodic tests are carried out.

5.3 Acceptance tests at the manufacturing plant are carried out daily by testing a single-shift sample taken according to GOST 8735 from each production line.

During acceptance control, determine:

Grain composition;

Once a quarter - bulk density (bulk density at moisture during shipment is determined as necessary), as well as the presence of organic impurities (humic substances) in natural sand;

Once a year and in each case of changes in the properties of the developed rock - the true grain density, the content of rocks and minerals classified as harmful components and impurities, the strength grade of sand from crushing screenings, the specific effective activity of natural radionuclides.

Periodic monitoring of the indicator of specific effective activity of natural radionuclides is carried out in specialized laboratories accredited in accordance with the established procedure for carrying out gamma spectrometric tests or radiation metric laboratories of supervisory authorities.

In the absence of geological exploration data on the radiation-hygienic assessment of the deposit and the conclusion about the sand class, the manufacturer conducts a radiation-hygienic assessment of the developed rock sections using the express method directly in the face or in the warehouses of finished products (alluvium map) in accordance with the requirements of GOST 30108.

5.5 Sampling and preparation of sand samples for quality control at the manufacturer is carried out in accordance with the requirements of GOST 8735.

5.6 Delivery and acceptance of sand is carried out in batches. A batch is the amount of material that is simultaneously delivered to one consumer in one train or in one vessel. When shipped by road, a batch is the amount of sand shipped to one consumer during the day.

5.7 The consumer during the control check of the quality of sand should apply the sampling procedure given in - order. If the results of the control check on the grain composition and the content of dust-like and clay particles are unsatisfactory, the batch of sand is not accepted.

Lot sizeNumber of spot samples

Up to 350 m ............................................... ...................................10

St. 350 to 700 m .............................................. ..........................15

St. 700 m ............................................... ....................................10

From incremental samples, a combined sample is formed, characterizing the controlled lot. Averaging, reduction and sample preparation is carried out according to GOST 8735.

5.9 For a control check of the quality of sand shipped by rail, point samples are taken when unloading wagons from the flow of sand on belt conveyors used to transport it to the consumer's warehouse. When unloading the wagon, five point samples are taken at regular intervals. The number of cars is determined taking into account the receipt of the required number of incremental samples in accordance with.

The wagons are selected according to the instructions of the consumer. If the batch consists of one wagon, five point samples are taken during its unloading, from which a combined sample is obtained.

If continuous transport is not used during unloading, point samples are taken directly from the wagons. To do this, the surface of the sand in the wagon is leveled and holes 0.2-0.4 m deep are dug at the sampling points. Sampling points should be located in the center and at the four corners of the wagon, at the same time, the distance from the sides of the car to the sampling points should be at least 0.5 m. Samples from the holes are taken with a scoop, moving it from bottom to top along the walls of the hole.

5.10 For the control check of the quality of sand supplied by water transport, point samples are taken during unloading of ships. In the case of using belt conveyors for unloading, incremental samples are taken at regular intervals from the sand flow on the conveyors. When unloading the ship with grab cranes, point samples are taken with a scoop at regular intervals as they are unloaded directly from the newly formed sand surface in the ship, and not from the holes.

For a control check of sand unloaded from ships and laid on alluvial maps by hydromechanization, point samples are taken in accordance with 2.9 GOST 8735.

In the case of using belt conveyors for sand unloading, point samples are taken from the sand flow on conveyors. When unloading each car, one point sample is taken. The number of cars is determined taking into account the receipt of the required number of point samples. Cars are selected according to the instructions of the consumer.

If the lot consists of less than ten cars, sand samples are taken from each car.

If conveyor transport is not used when unloading cars, point samples are taken directly from the cars. To do this, the surface of the sand in the car is leveled, a hole is dug in the center of the body with a depth of 0.2-0.4 m. Sand samples are taken from the hole with a scoop, moving it from bottom to top along the wall of the hole.

5.12 The amount of sand supplied is determined by volume or mass. Sand measurement is carried out in wagons, ships or cars.

Sand shipped in wagons or cars is weighed on truck scales. The mass of sand shipped in vessels is determined by the draft of the vessel.

The amount of sand from units of mass to units of volume is recalculated according to the values ​​of the bulk density of sand, determined at its moisture content during shipment. In the supply contract, the calculated sand moisture content adopted by agreement of the parties is indicated.

5.13 The manufacturer is obliged to accompany each batch of supplied sand with a document on its quality in the established form, which must indicate:

Manufacturer's name and address;

Number and date of issue of the document;

Batch number and amount of sand;

Wagon and vessel numbers, invoice numbers;

Class, particle size module, total residue on sieve No. 063;

Specific effective activity of natural radionuclides in sand according to ;

Designation of this standard.


6.1 Sand tests are carried out according to GOST 8735.

6.2 The specific effective activity of natural radionuclides in sand is determined according to GOST 30108.


7.1 Sand is transported in open railway wagons and ships, as well as cars in accordance with the rules approved in the established manner for the carriage of goods by the appropriate mode of transport and stored in the warehouse of the manufacturer and consumer under conditions that protect the sand from pollution.

When transporting sand by rail, the requirements of the Technical Conditions for Loading and Securing Cargoes approved by the Ministry of Railways must also be ensured.

7.2 When shipping and storing sand in winter, the manufacturer must take measures to prevent freezing (shoveling, treatment with special solutions, etc.).



The permissible content of rock minerals classified as harmful components and impurities in sand used as aggregate for concrete and mortar should not exceed the following values:

Amorphous varieties of silicon dioxide, soluble in alkalis (chalcedony, opal, flint, etc.) - no more than 50 mmol / l;

Sulfur, sulfides, besides pyrite (marcasite, pyrrhotite, etc.) and sulfates (gypsum, anhydrite, etc.) are recalculated SO 3 - no more than 1.0%, pyrite in terms of SO 3 - no more than 4% by weight;

Mica - no more than 2% by weight:

Haloid compounds (halite, sylvin, etc.), including water-soluble chlorides, in terms of chlorine ion - no more than 0.15% by weight;

Coal - no more than 1% by weight;

Organic impurities (humic acids) - less than the amount that gives the sodium hydroxide solution (colorimetric sample according to GOST 8267) a color corresponding to the color of the standard or darker than this color. durability.

The permissible content of zeolite, graphite, oil shale is established on the basis of studies of the effect of sand on the durability of concrete or mortar.



(Deleted. Amendment No. 2).

Keywords:natural sand, construction works, sand from screenings of crushing, fractionated sand, crushed sands, grain composition

GOST 8736-93






1 DEVELOPED by the VNIPIIstromsyre Institute with the participation of SoyuzDorNII, NIIZhB, TsNIIOMTP of the Russian Federation INTRODUCED by the Ministry of Construction of Russia 2 ACCEPTED by the Interstate Scientific and Technical Commission for Standardization and Technical Regulation in Construction (MNTKS) on November 10, 1993. Voted for adoption:

State name

Name of the public administration body for construction

The Republic of Azerbaijan Gosstroy of the Republic of Azerbaijan
Republic of Armenia State Architecture of the Republic of Armenia
Republic of Belarus Gosstroy of the Republic of Belarus
The Republic of Kazakhstan Ministry of Construction of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Republic of Kyrgyzstan Gosstroy of the Kyrgyz Republic
The Republic of Moldova Ministry of Architecture of the Republic of Moldova
the Russian Federation Gosstroy of Russia
The Republic of Tajikistan Gosstroy of the Republic of Tajikistan
The Republic of Uzbekistan Goskomarchitektstroy of the Republic of Uzbekistan
3 INTRODUCED from July 1, 1995 as the state standard of the Russian Federation by Decree of the Ministry of Construction of Russia dated November 28, 1994 No. 18-29 4 INSTEAD OF GOST 8736-85, GOST 26193-84




Sand for construction works.

Introduction date 1995-07-01


This standard applies to natural sand and sand from rock crushing screenings with a true grain density of 2.0 to 2.8 g / cm 3, intended for use as an aggregate for heavy, light, fine-grained, cellular and silicate concretes, mortars, preparation of dry mixes, for the device of the bases and coverings of highways and airfields. The requirements of this standard do not apply to graded and crushed sands. The requirements of this standard, set out in clauses 4.4.1, 4.4.3, 4.4.7, 4.4.8, sections 5 and 6, are mandatory.


This standard makes reference to the following standards. GOST 8269.0 Crushed stone and gravel from dense rocks and industrial waste for construction work. Methods of physical and mechanical tests GOST 8735-88 Sand for construction work. Test methods. GOST 30108-94 Construction materials and products. Determination of the specific effective activity of natural radionuclides (Changed edition. Amendment No. 2).


The following terms are used in this standard. Natural sand is an inorganic bulk material with a grain size of up to 5 mm, formed as a result of the natural destruction of rocky rocks and obtained during the development of sand and sand-gravel deposits without or with the use of special processing equipment. (Changed edition. Rev. No. 1). Crushed sand - sand with a grain size of up to 5 mm, made from rocks and gravel using special crushing and grinding equipment. Fractionated sand - sand, divided into two or more fractions using special equipment. Sand from crushing screenings is an inorganic bulk material with a grain size of up to 5 mm, obtained from rock crushing screenings in the production of crushed stone and from waste from the enrichment of ores of ferrous and non-ferrous metals and non-metallic minerals and other industries.


4.1 Sand must be manufactured in accordance with the requirements of this standard according to the technological documentation approved by the manufacturer. 4.2 Sand, depending on the values ​​of standardized quality indicators (grain composition, content of dust and clay particles), is divided into two classes. 4.3 Main parameters and dimensions 4.3.1 Depending on the grain composition, sand is divided into groups according to size: I class - very coarse (sand from crushing screenings), increased coarseness, coarse, medium and fine; Class II - very coarse (sand from crushing screenings), oversized, coarse, medium, fine, very fine, fine and very fine. 4.3.2 Each group of sand is characterized by the value of the fineness modulus indicated in Table 1. Table 1

Sand group

Total residue on sieve No. 063

Very large St. 75
Increased size » 65 to 75
Large » 45 » 65
Average » 30 » 45
Small » 10 » 30
Very small To 10
Thin Not standardized
Very thin » »
Note - By agreement between the manufacturer and the consumer, in class II sand, the deviation of the total residue on sieve No. 063 from the above is allowed, but not more than ± 5%.
4.3.4 The content of grains fineness St. 10.5 and less than 0.16 mm should not exceed the values ​​specified in Table 3. Table 3 As a percentage by weight, not more than

Class and group of sand

Less than 0.15mm

Very large and oversized
Large and medium
Small and very small
Slim and very thin

Not allowed

Not standardized

4.4 Characteristics 4.4.1 The content of dust and clay particles in sand, as well as clay in lumps, should not exceed the values ​​indicated in Table 4. Table 4 In percent by weight, no more

Class and group of sand

in natural sand

in sand from crushing screenings

in natural sand

in sand from crushing screenings

Very large
Increased size. large and medium
Very large
Extra large, large and medium
Small and very small
Slim and very thin

Not standardized

Note - In very fine natural sand of class II, in agreement with the consumer, the content of dust and clay particles is allowed up to 7% by weight. * For sands obtained during the enrichment of ores of ferrous and non-ferrous metals and non-metallic minerals of other industries.
4.4.2 Sands from screenings of crushing, depending on the strength of rock and gravel, are divided into grades. Igneous and metamorphic rocks must have a compressive strength of at least 60 MPa, sedimentary rocks - at least 40 MPa. Grade of sand from crushing screenings in terms of strength should correspond to that specified in Table 5. Table 5

Strength grade of sand from crushing screenings

Ultimate compressive strength of rock in water-saturated state, MPa, not less than

Gravel crushability in the cylinder

Note - It is allowed, by agreement between the manufacturer and the consumer, the supply of sand II from sedimentary rocks with a compressive strength of less than 40 MPa, but not less than 20 MPa.
4.4.3 Sand intended for use as an aggregate for concrete should be resistant to the chemical attack of cement alkalis. The resistance of sand is determined by the mineralogical and petrographic composition and the content of harmful components and impurities. The list of rocks and minerals classified as harmful components and impurities, and their maximum allowable content are given in Appendix A. 4.4.4 Sand from screenings of rock crushing, having a true grain density of more than 2.8 g/cm 3 or containing grains of rocks and minerals , classified as harmful components, in an amount exceeding their permissible content, or containing several different harmful components, are produced for specific types of construction work according to technical documents developed in the prescribed manner and agreed with laboratories specialized in the field of corrosion. 4.4.5 It is allowed to supply a mixture of natural sand and sand from crushing screenings with the content of the latter not less than 20% by weight, while the amount of the mixture must meet the requirements of this standard for the quality of sands from crushing screenings. 4.4.6 The manufacturer must inform the consumer of the following characteristics established by geological exploration: - mineralogical and petrographic composition, indicating rocks and minerals classified as harmful components and impurities; - emptiness; - content of organic impurities; is the true density of the sand grains. 4.4.7 Natural sand, when treated with a sodium hydroxide solution (colorimetric test for organic impurities according to GOST 8735), should not give the solution a color that matches or is darker than the color of the standard. 4.4.8 Sand should be given a radiation-hygienic assessment, the results of which determine the scope of its application. Sand, depending on the values ​​of the specific effective activity of natural radionuclides A eff [1], is used: - at A eff up to 370 Bq/kg - in newly constructed residential and public buildings; - at A eff St. 370 to 740 Bq / kg - for road construction within the territory of settlements and zones of promising development, as well as during the construction of industrial buildings and structures; - at A eff St. 740 to 1500 Bq/kg - in road construction of the stump of settlements. If necessary, in the national norms in force on the territory of the state, the value of the specific effective activity of natural radionuclides can be changed within the limits indicated above. (Changed edition. Rev. No. 1, 2). 4.4.9 Sand must not contain any foreign contaminants.


5.1 Sand must be accepted by the manufacturer's technical control service. 5.2 To check the compliance of the sand quality with the requirements of this standard, acceptance and periodic tests are carried out. 5.3 Acceptance tests at the manufacturing plant are carried out daily by testing one replacement sample taken in accordance with GOST 8735 from each production line. During acceptance control, the following is determined: - grain composition; - content of dust and clay particles; - content of clay in lumps. 5.4 During periodic testing of sand, the following is determined: - once a quarter - bulk density (bulk density at moisture during shipment is determined as necessary), as well as the presence of organic impurities (humic substances) in natural sand; - once a year and in each case changes in the properties of the mined rock - the true grain density, the content of rocks and minerals classified as harmful components and impurities, the strength grade of sand from crushing screenings, the specific effective activity of natural radionuclides. Periodic monitoring of the indicator of specific effective activity of natural radionuclides is carried out in specialized laboratories accredited in accordance with the established procedure for the right to conduct gamma spectrometric tests or in radiation metric laboratories of supervisory authorities. In the absence of geological exploration data on the radiation and hygienic assessment of the deposit and the conclusion on the sand class, the manufacturer conducts a radiation and hygienic assessment of the developed rock sections using the express method directly in the face or in the warehouses of finished products (alluvium map) in accordance with the requirements of GOST 30108 5.5 Sampling and preparation of sand samples for quality control at the manufacturing plant is carried out in accordance with the requirements of GOST 8735. 5.6 Delivery and acceptance of sand is carried out in batches. A batch is considered to be the amount of material that is simultaneously supplied to one consumer in one train or in one vessel. When shipped by road, a batch is the amount of sand shipped to one consumer during the day. 5.7 When controlling the quality of sand, the consumer must apply the sampling procedure given in 5.8-5.11. If the results of the control check on the grain composition and the content of dust and clay particles are unsatisfactory, the batch of sand is not accepted. 5.8 The number of incremental samples taken for the control check of the quality of sand in each batch, depending on the volume of the batch, must be at least: Lot volume Number of incremental samples Up to 350 m3. ................................................. ............................... 10 St. 350 up to 700 m............ ................................................. ........ 15 St. 700 m .............................. ............................................... 10 a pooled sample characterizing the controlled lot. Averaging, reduction and sample preparation are carried out in accordance with GOST 8735. 5.9 For the control check of the quality of sand shipped by rail, point samples are taken when unloading wagons from the sand stream on belt conveyors used to transport it to the consumer's warehouse. When unloading the wagon, five point samples are taken at regular intervals. The number of wagons is determined taking into account obtaining the required number of incremental samples in accordance with 5.8. Cars are selected at the direction of the consumer. If the batch consists of one wagon, five point samples are taken during its unloading, from which a combined sample is obtained. If continuous transport is not used during unloading, point samples are taken directly from the wagons. To do this, the sand surface in the car is leveled and holes 0.2-0.4 m deep are dug at the sampling points. The sampling points should be located in the center and at the four corners of the car, while the distance from the sides of the car to the sampling points should not less than 0.5 m. Samples from the holes are taken with a scoop, moving it from bottom to top along the walls of the hole. 5.10 For a control check of the quality of sand supplied by water transport, point samples are taken during unloading of ships. In the case of using belt conveyors for unloading, incremental samples are taken at regular intervals from the sand flow on the conveyors. When unloading the ship with clamshell cranes, spot samples are taken with a scoop at regular intervals as they are unloaded directly from the newly formed sand surface in the ship, and not from the holes. For a control check of sand unloaded from ships and laid on alluvium maps by hydromechanization, point samples are taken in accordance with 2.9 of GOST 8735. 5.11 For a control check of the quality of sand shipped by road, point samples are taken when unloading cars. In the case of using belt conveyors for sand unloading, point samples are taken from the sand flow on conveyors. When unloading each car, one point sample is taken. The number of cars is determined taking into account obtaining the required number of incremental samples by 5. 8. Cars are chosen according to the instructions of the consumer. If the lot consists of less than ten cars, sand samples are taken from each car. If conveyor transport is not used when unloading cars, point samples are taken directly from cars. To do this, the surface of the sand in the car is leveled, a hole is dug in the center of the body with a depth of 0.2-0.4 m. Sand samples are taken from the hole with a scoop, moving it from bottom to top along the wall of the hole. 5.12 The amount of sand supplied is determined by volume or mass. Sand measurement is carried out in wagons, ships or cars. Sand shipped in wagons or cars is weighed on truck scales. The mass of sand shipped in ships is determined by the ship's draft. The amount of sand from units of mass to units of volume is recalculated according to the values ​​of the bulk density of sand, determined at its moisture content during shipment. The supply contract indicates the calculated sand moisture content adopted by agreement of the parties. 5.13 The manufacturer is obliged to accompany each batch of supplied sand with a document on its quality in the established form, which must indicate: - the name of the manufacturer and his address; - number and date of issue of the document; - batch number and amount of sand; - wagon numbers and vessel number, invoice numbers; - class, particle size module, total residue on sieve No. 063; - the content of dust and clay particles, as well as clay in lumps; - specific effective activity of natural radionuclides in sand in accordance with 5.4; - the content of harmful components and impurities; - designation of this standard.


6.1 Sand tests are carried out according to GOST 8735. 6.2 Specific effective activity of natural radionuclides in sand is determined according to GOST 30108.


7.1 Sand is transported in open railway wagons and ships, as well as cars in accordance with the rules approved in the established manner for the carriage of goods by the appropriate mode of transport and stored in the warehouse of the manufacturer and consumer in conditions that protect the sand from contamination. When transporting sand by rail, compliance with the requirements of the Technical Conditions for Loading and Securing Cargoes approved by the Ministry of Railways must also be ensured. 7.2 When shipping and storing sand in winter, the manufacturer must take measures to prevent freezing (shoveling, treatment with special solutions, etc.).



The permissible content of rocks and minerals classified as harmful components and impurities in sand used as aggregate for concretes and mortars should not exceed the following values: - amorphous varieties of silicon dioxide soluble in alkalis (chalcedony, opal, flint, etc.) - no more than 50 mmol/l; - sulfur, sulfides, except for pyrite (marcasite, pyrrhotite, etc.) and sulfates (gypsum, anhydrite, etc.) in terms of SO 3 - no more than 1.0%, pyrite in terms of SO 3 - no more than 4% by mass; - mica - no more than 2% by weight: - halide compounds (halite, sylvin, etc.), including water-soluble chlorides, in terms of chlorine ion - no more than 0.15% by weight; - coal - no more than 1% by weight; - organic impurities (humic acids) - less than the amount that gives the sodium hydroxide solution (colorimetric test according to GOST 8267) a color corresponding to the color of the standard or darker than this color. The use of sand that does not meet this requirement is allowed only after receiving positive results of tests of sand in concrete or mortar for durability characteristics. The permissible content of zeolite, graphite, oil shale is established on the basis of studies of the effect of sand on the durability of concrete or mortar.