The technology of laying a soft roof from bituminous tiles: step-by-step instruction. Self-laying roll roofing in a hot way How to install a soft roof

Surely, you will not dispute the fact that the roof is the main protection of the entire building. Thanks to modern roofing and its high-quality installation, a very long operating period can be achieved. A soft roof includes a lot of different products, but bituminous tiles and roofing felt are especially popular.

Favorable time for arranging the roof with soft materials

All soft roofing materials contain bitumen. Its elasticity indicators decrease many times at negative temperatures, therefore, using these products in the cold is not advisable. The optimum temperature for laying soft materials is 5 degrees above zero.

If the temperature drops below the permissible value, then there is a need for heating equipment. This, ultimately, will greatly affect the final price, but if there is a need for this, it is better to overpay than to engage in major repairs in a year. The fact is that when freezing, bitumen becomes very fragile and when the material is fastened, it can simply crack. In addition to mounting on the roof, there are places where it is necessary to slightly bend the material, for example, on skates or valleys.

Laying soft tiles

Bituminous shingles are small-sized elements that are laid on the surface of the slopes in the form of scales. Their slope should be more than 12 degrees, otherwise, during the first year of operation, you will find out what a leak is.


If you are at least a little versed in construction, then you know that the basis for roofing materials is the rafter system and the crate. As for the latter, it is divided into solid and discharged.

The unloaded crate is a system of wooden boards that are stuffed onto the rafter legs with a certain pitch. This value depends entirely on the materials used. The greater their rigidity, the smaller the step will be required.

In the case of a soft roof, a continuous sheathing is required. It can be equipped with boards, moisture-resistant plywood or OSB product. If you are using planks, then you will need to install a high-quality underlayment in order to level out all the resulting irregularities. The fact is that boards of the same size have some errors, and their arrangement on the same plane can lead to a difference in height.

For the base, it is best to take moisture resistant plywood or OSB boards. It is worth noting that when laying the elements on the surface, their moisture content should be no more than 20 percent. When installing a solid base, one must not forget about the arrangement of ventilation ducts. Do not fit the plates together tightly, leave a few millimeters, this is quite enough for natural ventilation.

The essence of ventilation

The rafter system is usually created from lumber. These products are of natural origin, therefore, under the influence of moisture and a positive temperature, microorganisms will multiply on their surface, which will ultimately lead to decay. In order to protect wooden elements, it is necessary to treat them with special solutions - antiseptics. If you decide that the boards are dry and there is no need to process them, then you are greatly mistaken. As a result of human activity, a very large amount of moisture is thrown into the air. Of course, this is not visible, but when it condenses, it immediately becomes clear that this issue should be considered more seriously.

High humidity in the living area from below is one of the reasons for the destruction of the roofing system and its materials. The fact is that the air warmed to room temperature rises to the ceiling, and as a result of condensation it passes through the thickness of the material, so moisture settles on the colder side. After the liquid has ended up in the attic, the process of evaporation begins and the humid air, finding no way out, begins to settle again on wooden elements and roofing materials.

Natural ventilation allows you to remove humid air from the room and thereby significantly extend the life of your roof.

For high-quality air circulation, it is necessary to create:

  • Ventilation ducts in the roofing pie
  • Leave sufficient clearance under the eaves
  • Clearances in the crate

In case the natural air circulation does not cope with its functional task and the humidity of the attic space remains at the same level, you will need to create artificial ventilation. This is done using devices called aerators and deflectors. They operate by differential pressure and are easy to install.

Underlay carpet

If you decide to build a roof yourself, and are wondering how to properly make a soft roof and at the same time meet all the requirements, then I advise you to use only proven roofing products and not skip any layers. One of them is underlayment. Many developers neglect this material and make expensive repairs in a couple of years.

The litter acts as a waterproofing material, therefore it protects the roofing cake from moisture. It is worth noting that even a small amount of liquid that got into the insulation boards sharply reduces its positive qualities by more than half and when they dry, the properties do not return.

IMPORTANT: The underlay may not be laid over the entire surface. This is possible if your roof slope is more than 18 degrees.

When partially laying the carpet, it is worth considering that the valley should be covered with 5 meters of material, and the ridge should be 2.5 meters. Typically, the fasteners for the bedding are nails or staples from a construction stapler. In the case of arranging places with high humidity, in addition to the main fasteners, it is necessary to use bitumen glue. It will give the connections a higher tightness.

In the case of laying soft roofing material on a roof with a slope of less than 18 degrees, the lining is arranged over the entire area. The flooring of this product can be carried out both longitudinally and transversely. If we consider the first option, then the overlap should be at least 15 centimeters, and in the second case - 10. For high-quality installation, it is best to treat all joints with bitumen mastic.

Installation of cornice and pediment strips

These elements are made of metal and placed along the eaves and gable overhangs. Their direct functional task is to protect the battens. Ordinary nails are used as fasteners. The distance between them is selected individually, although the standard value is 10 centimeters. For a high-quality connection of the planks with each other, the "overlap" method is used, it should be at least 2 centimeters.

Laying bituminous shingles

Soft roofs, in particular bituminous shingles, have several varieties for roofing. The finished plane will include eaves, ordinary and ridge tiles. All 3 types have their own shape and size.

  • Before installing the curtain tile, pay attention to the lower part of the element. It must have a protective film on it, which must be removed before laying. A well-laid material should not reach the edge by 1-2 centimeters
  • The device of the main tile, the so-called ordinary, should start from the middle of the overhang and lead to the ends. Fasteners are small nails, as a rule, their consumption is 4 pieces per element, but in windy regions of the country it is better to use more.

The first row of material is laid almost on the eaves, only a centimeter should remain from it, which does not reach the edge of the roof. The device of the subsequent rows is obliged to ensure the overlap of all seams, so that a semblance of scales is obtained. To do this work efficiently, you need to monitor the level of the cutouts in the previous row. This will create an even and beautiful structure throughout the entire plane.

  • After the installation of the previous types, they proceed to the ridge tiles. Since the material manufacturers do not manufacture this product, you will have to create it yourself separately. To do this, we cut the cornice element into three components in the places of its perforation. The material should be placed on the skate with the short side so that it covers both slopes as much as possible. Consumption of fasteners is identical with ordinary tiles. In addition to nails, it is better to glue the most important places with bituminous mastic.

IMPORTANT: For ease of installation and increase the quality of laying at the preparatory stage, I advise you to draw the entire plane of the roof with horizontal lines. It is quite difficult to align the rows of tiles by eye with complex roofing geometry.

Now that you understand how to make a soft roofing from tiles, you can proceed to the next type - euroruberoid.

Technological process of laying euroruberoid

Surely in your life you have met an ordinary roofing material at least once and you know how it looks. This material has been used in construction for a very long time. Its main disadvantage is considered to be a short service life, which is only 5-10 years.

Therefore, it was decided to improve this product in order to increase its performance. As a result, this gave rise to a new material called euroruberoid. I will describe below how to lay it on a soft roof.

Foundation preparation

As a rule, construction begins with preparatory work. In this case, at this stage it is necessary to create a stable and dry base that complies with all norms and rules. Roll materials are not whimsical to the base and a reinforced concrete slab laid at a slight slope is quite suitable for laying them. This is done for the natural drainage of moisture from the roof surface. It should be noted that euroruberoid can also be laid on a wooden base, for example, a solid crate or OSB boards.

IMPORTANT: If you are installing roofing material on a surface that already has bituminous materials, then their dismantling may not be performed. When the material is heated, they will be an excellent base for a new carpet. In the case when the laying takes place on a clean base, it must be treated with mastic.

Study the properties of this product carefully and do not start work before the applied layer is dry.

Laying technology and the nuances of this work

Some developers, before laying roll products, prefer to roll them out over the area so that they lie down and take the shape of a roof. I can say that this business is useless, because when the bituminous material is heated, it becomes almost liquid. This property allows it to blur and completely describe the contour of your roof.

Laying work should start from the bottom of the ramp, and gradually work upward. This allows the strips to be positioned with the correct overlap so that the water flowing from the surface cannot flow into the joints. Laying the material in several layers should be perpendicular to each other. This will avoid overlapping joints and increase the tightness of the plane.

The fusion process itself should take place in a calm atmosphere, there is no need to rush anywhere. Otherwise, the roofing material will begin to form folds, and if it does not lie tightly on the base, then condensation will accumulate in these places, which will soon render the material unusable. The lower layers should be laid with roofing material that does not have a protective layer, and the final carpet must have a mineral dusting. It will protect the surface from mechanical stress and direct sunlight.

IMPORTANT: When working with a gas burner, all safety precautions must be strictly observed. Knowledge of safety precautions will eliminate the possibility of most injuries.

Before covering a soft roof, you need to have some knowledge.

  • Do not overheat the surface of the roofing material. If this does happen, then you cannot continue laying it further. Cut off the damaged area from the roll and continue working with some overlap over the already laid strip. In case you do not understand to what state it is necessary to warm up the rolled materials, then a plastic film will serve as an indicator. When the pattern begins to blur, this is an indicator of the readiness of the product for gluing.
  • The resulting surface should not include areas of missing dusting, bumps and black spots. The absence of these points indicates a quality work done. As a rule, when covering large areas, it happens to lubricate the protective layer, therefore, to solve such problems, it is always necessary to have a certain amount of mineral dust on hand.
  • The overlap of the euroruberoid strips should be at least 10 centimeters. For ease of installation along the entire length of the material there is a special strip showing this distance.

Before covering a roof with a soft roof, you need to make sure that by unwinding the material over the surface, you can install it without any additional parts. If there is a need to cut the material along its length, then I advise you to do it in a twisted state with a saw.

The joints of vertical elements must go through a special processing process. Such places, as a rule, are the most vulnerable areas of welded roofs. For good sealing, the joints are coated with mastic to a height of at least 30 centimeters. If in your region of residence a large amount of atmospheric precipitation in winter is normal, then you should increase this value to the required value. The fact is that the snow accumulated on the surface can easily fall under the layer of roofing material, and the roof will begin to leak.

From the article, you learned how to properly cover the roof with a soft roof, and learned how to work with euroruberoid and soft tiles. I hope that the building you have created will last for more than one century, and a high-quality soft roof will protect it throughout this time.

To carry out the roofing work, a whole working team was required, since all the necessary measures took a significant amount of time and effort. The advent of modern materials of a new generation made it possible to significantly simplify these procedures.

Soft roofing surpasses many other materials with its technical and working qualities. It is one of the most requested configurations.

What properties does this material have?

  • Light weight reduces the load on the building in general and on the roof structure in particular.
  • Excellent sound insulation properties make even the sounds of hail or rain inaudible for the inhabitants of the building.
  • Tightness guarantees excellent protection of the house, walls and roof space from wind and moisture.
  • Wonderful appearance... Such a coating looks elegant and quite high-profile, not inferior in appearance to a natural one.
  • Significant terms of use... This coating has been in operation for an average of about thirty years. Naturally, it needs current repair and preventive maintenance.
  • Simplicity and ease of installation, as well as subsequent maintenance. Even one person can cope with the work, who will only need a few days to work.

What is this wonderful soft roof?

It is important to take into account that it is recommended to lay a soft roof on pitched roofs with an angle of inclination of more than eleven degrees. The maximum size of the tilt angle can be any, its value is not limited.

DIY roofing

As noted above, one person can handle the installation of soft tiles.

What materials and tools will he need?

  • Directly roofing material.
  • Trowel and paste for gluing.
  • High-quality sealant for the treatment of coating areas adjacent to walls and pipes, as well as for finishing joints.
  • A sharp knife.
  • Roofing nails and hammer.
  • Pencil and construction plumb line.
  • Planks for neat finishing of ends and cornices.
  • Gloves.

Preparation for laying a soft roof

What is the main difference between soft tiles and other roofing materials?

  1. The fact is that this type of roofing should creep onto a solid solid base.
    Suppose it is successfully mounted on a bar, and the gaps between the individual bars do not in the least worsen the quality of the coating.
  2. But it does not have a fixed rigid structure, like metal or like.
    It has to be mounted on special boards (oriented strand board), on a grooved or edged board, thick moisture-resistant plywood.
  3. In the event that a board is preferred as a basis for soft tiles, then it is better to buy it in winter and put it into business in summer. So experts advise.
    She will benefit from "resting" in a stack for a certain time, during which she will acquire the necessary moisture level. Ideally, it should be 20 percent. It is better to choose boards about 10 cm wide, it is more convenient to use material of approximately the same size.

Features of the device of a soft roof

Before proceeding with the flooring and strengthening of the roofing material, it is required to perform a number of mandatory measures to strengthen individual sections.

Roofing carpet device

This is a kind of non-woven cloth impregnated with a bituminous mixture and treated with a special dressing. It is located on the valleys, ends and eaves of the overhangs. It usually comes in the same color as the main roofing material.

  1. The canvas is carefully glued with an overlap of 15 cm horizontally and 10 cm vertically, from the bottom up.
  2. All joints of the product are well coated with mastic. The skates should have a 25 cm under-roof carpet, 50 from the sides of the valley.
  3. Eaves overhangs and ends are finished with a width of 40 cm.
  4. Secure the carpet with large roofing nails at a distance of 20 cm from each other.
  5. On the eaves overhangs, over the roof carpet, it is necessary to mount steel eaves strips.
  6. At the ends of the roof, special pediment strips are mounted and fixed.

Soft roof in winter. Requirements for installation

Regardless of whether the roofing is installed by one's own hands or by specialists, the working surface must always be clean and dry. This is an indispensable condition!

What else is important when laying a roof in winter?

  • It is desirable that all necessary work be carried out exclusively in relatively warm weather. Temperature readings should not fall below 5 degrees Celsius.

  • In the event that there is an urgent need to carry out work in the winter, you should apply special warm air heating pad... In addition, the roofing material stored for work must be kept for several hours in a room with a positive temperature (close to room temperature).
  • Freshly laid bituminous roofing needs warmth.
    Why does she need it? The fact is that on the inside, each shingle (a sheet of three to four separate tiled petals) is equipped with a self-adhesive lining made of. And although it (shingle) is fastened with nails to the base of the roof structure, its individual components are glued together under the influence of solar heat.
    They are also firmly soldered to the roof base.
    In cold weather, this is impossible, therefore, the reliability and tightness of the roofing will noticeably suffer.
  • In the process of laying bituminous roofing must be used from several different packages at the same time.
    This is required in order for a uniform alternation of shades of materials to occur. Standard packaging may vary slightly in color. Knowing this and specially combining material from different packs, you can get an original drawing. In addition, if repairs are required in the future, it will be easier to pick up pieces of a suitable color.

Ventilation for soft roofs

Installation of a soft roof is a multi-stage process that includes several stages. One of the first is to equip a reliable ventilation system. Professionals are well aware that poorly ventilated (or non-ventilated) roofing often causes rapid rafter damage.

Condensation accumulating on the roof, rot and mold, icicles and ice - all these unfavorable factors contribute to the rather rapid destruction of rafters.

How can you avoid this?

Special air vents and ventilation outlets under the eaves, as well as a predetermined gap between the tiles themselves and the base of the roof, provide excellent air circulation to the under-roof space. They also do an excellent job with the removal of water vapor.

DIY mastic for soft roofs

This polymer bitumen material is required for the outer layer of soft tiles. With its help, an elastic homogeneous coating is formed that can withstand mechanical and thermal deformation of the base. According to the technology, hot and cold mastics will be required to fix the roll material on the roof when decking.

Traditionally, cold compositions are used for the inner parts of the coating, while hot ones are used for coating the outer layers. Bitumen and roofing felt are cold types of mastics, roofing felt and tar are hot. The composition of the substance used, in addition to bitumen, must include a filler of a pulverized type or made of fiber. Ash, lime or gypsum is often used as a pulverized material.

The highest quality mastics contain polymers. You can buy a ready-made composition, and if you wish, it is quite permissible to make it yourself. There is nothing difficult about this.

Cold mastic:

  1. You will need bitumen and filler for this.
  2. You need to take two containers, in one of which you need to place two portions of bitumen, in the other a couple of portions of diesel fuel and one filler.
  3. At the same time, one and the other dishes must be heated to a temperature of 180 degrees.
  4. When the water finally evaporates from the container with bitumen, the contents of both mixes.

As a result of such actions, a cold remedy is obtained.

To make hot mastic:

  1. In bitumen heated to 200 degrees, the filler is carefully added in small portions. The process should take place at a temperature of at least 160 degrees, this should be closely monitored.
  2. After stirring evenly, the product is ready. You can also check its quality yourself.
  3. The composition heated to 60 degrees is applied to the ramp having an angle of 45 degrees.

If you get a solid mixture, then it will not drain from the inclined surface. After hardening, the product will remain even, without defects and.

Soft roofing technology

In the process of work, you should follow simple rules. In different rows, individual roofing sheets are best positioned in such a way that the joints are aligned. In other words, it is called staggering. This arrangement of flooring significantly improves the moisture-insulating qualities of the coating.

Each new layer should overlap the previous one with a good overlap of at least 8-10 centimeters. In those places where the coating comes into contact with pipes and other communications, as well as from the edges of the roof, curly trimming of the material is carried out. The roof edges are securely glued with mastic.

Around antennas, chimneys and other communications, it is not difficult to lay a roofing carpet in the event that everything is measured and calculated in advance, and the necessary markings are applied. The so-called pass-through elements must be ready, which are necessary for this. The joints of pipes and the roof itself are reinforced with a special under-roofing substrate, mentioned earlier, and then covered with the same mastic.

The process of installing a soft roof is relatively simple, it is quite possible to do it yourself, without the help of specialists.

Soft roofing is a good alternative to traditional roofing materials.

Its advantages over them: flexibility, ease of processing and low cost.

In this article, you will learn about where to start a roof device, as well as the advantages of this type of roof and the surface requirements for them.

What is a soft roof?

It is sometimes also called shingles or shingles. This is due to the fact that it is made from bitumen.

But do not be afraid and turn away from this roofing material - this is not roofing material, but a modern and popular (in some countries) material.

Soft roofing is much stronger and more durable than ordinary roofing material. Everyone knows that bitumen is a very unstable material: it breaks, melts and collapses.

However, thanks to modern developments, it was possible to achieve an increase in its resistance to negative influences.

TechnoNIKOL, the manufacturer of Shinglas soft roofing, guarantees from 10 to 55 years of perfect service.

Modern bitumen-based soft roofing is not prone to tearing, and high or low ambient temperatures do not cause its destruction.

Thanks to the introduction of modifiers (various rubbers), it was possible to add flexural strength and resistance to negative temperatures.

Owing to the technology of processing the bitumen melt with oxygen, the melting temperature was increased to 90-110 degrees Celsius.

Now, even in the strongest sun, the roof will not melt.

In addition, resistant and durable fiberglass is used as a reinforcing layer in the production of soft roofing. This improves its strength.

As the top protective layer, stone dressing is used, as a rule, basalt chips. It performs not only protective, but also decorative functions; for this, dyes are added to it.

Summarizing all of the above, we have a conclusion: a modern soft roof is a durable and beautiful material that is easy and simple to work with. Of course, if you know how. For this, there is an instruction that will help you figure out how to work with this material.

You can get acquainted with the rules of work on the video available here.

It should be remembered that laying soft roofs on roofs with a slope of less than 11 ° is highly discouraged. Since there is no guarantee that with such a bias it will fulfill its functions.

On such small slopes, it is worth using the deposited materials.

Getting started with installation

Since flexible roofing is easy enough to work with, independent installation is quite simple, which cannot be said about other types of roofing.

However, if you decide to carry out the work yourself, then you need to know how to do it.

After watching the video, you can see that the technology for laying a soft roof is different from the traditional ones, where sheet roofing materials are used.

Therefore, we will consider this moment in more detail. And from the very beginning - from the preparation of the foundation.

To work, you need a minimum set of tools: a hammer, knife, spatula, tape measure and a line for marking.

Consumables: galvanized roofing nails, with a wide head and mastic, for gluing roofing elements. TechnoNicol mastic.

Foundation preparation

The device of a soft roof does not have its own rigidity, unlike, for example, a metal profile or slate. Therefore, the roof surface must be solid and solid.

An excellent solution to this issue would be the use of moisture resistant plywood or OSB. The thickness of the sheets is selected based on the distance between the rafters.

The step of the lathing device also depends on the distance of the rafters, the larger it is, the more often the lathing is packed. Sheets of plywood or oriented strand board are fastened with self-tapping screws.

Be sure to scroll the edges so they don't wrap over time.

It is worth noting that the use of plywood or OSB, as mentioned earlier, is an excellent option, but far from the only one.

You can sew the roof with a solid edged or grooved board, 30 mm thick. Naturally, this option is longer and, in the case of using a grooved board, is more expensive.

But if there is a desire and opportunity, why not do it.

Please note that all of the above applies to a simple roof, but if an attic is being made, then the whole complex of work is carried out: insulation, hydro and vapor barrier, and only then, having stuffed a counter-lattice, a solid surface is arranged under a soft roof.

A ventilation gap is also required to remove the resulting moisture. Therefore, a gap is left in the cornice and slots are made in the ridge for aerators.

It is worth paying attention to the ventilation pipes. If the pipe is wider than 50 centimeters, then it is better to make a slope behind it.

This solution will not allow sediments to accumulate behind the pipe and they will be discharged unhindered. You can see how it looks in the video.


For example, consider the installation of a soft shinglas roof.

After preparing the base, work begins with the substrate, it is also called a lining carpet.

This is a roll material, which is an indispensable part of a soft roof and provides additional protection against moisture, and also makes it easier to work with roof elements.

The underlay is fixed with roofing nails and at the joints - with TechnoNicol mastic.

Roofs with a slope of less than 18 degrees are completely covered with a substrate. Roofs with a slope of 18 to 90 degrees are allowed to be partially covered.

With partial application of the substrate, only the following are covered: cornice, pediment edge, valley, hip, ridge, exit points of dormers and ventilation pipes.

For clarity, it's worth watching the video.

Continuous lining carpet device. Rolls rolls horizontally. They start from the bottom and go up. The horizontal overlap is at least 15 cm, the vertical one is at least 10 cm.

The joint is additionally glued using TechnoNIKOL mastic or any other mastic.

Partial lining carpet arrangement.

The roof is covered with lining around the perimeter and in difficult places - ridge, valley, and so on.

Use the full width of the backing material.

The lining is glued to the base and pierced along the edge with nails. The distance between the nails is no more than 20 cm.If the material joins, then the overlap is made at least 10-15 cm.

Complex elements such as valleys, hips, joints of ventilation pipes and dormers are carefully glued with the full width of the lining roll.

TechnoNicol mastic is used for better adhesion. In the lining on the ridge, slots are made for aerators.

After installing the carpet, eaves and gable strips are installed. They start with eaves. They are attached directly to the lining, fixed with roofing nails.

Then the pediment strips are similarly attached. The nails are hit at a distance of 15 cm.

Laying tiles

Remove it before installation.

Laying a soft roof (including with your own hands) begins with a cornice and a ridge. The universal ridge-eaves tile is fixed along the entire length.

The edges of this element of the roof are glued with TechnoNicol mastic and nailed with roofing nails. Beat nails at a distance of 15-20 cm from each other.

Then the guiding lines are beaten off with a coated lace for a reference point. Shingles are laid on them.

The color of the shingles may vary slightly.

So that it does not happen that one part of the roof slope differs in color from another, you need to open all the packages before starting work and use the elements from them in turn.

So the difference in color, if any, will not be noticeable.

After all, shingles from different packages will be mixed.

Installation of the first row of elements begins from the middle and alternately move in both directions. Each shingle, especially the extreme ones, is well glued with TechnoNIKOL mastic.

Roofing nails, with wide heads, are hammered in specially provided places. They are different for each type of tile.

Therefore, the instructions for the purchased roof definitely need to be read. When you reach the ridge, do not forget to leave the slots for the aerators.

When laying along the edges of the roof, the size of the tiles must be adjusted. This is done simply. Elements are cut to size with a sharp knife.

Similarly, soft shingles are cut when trimming dormers and ventilation pipes, valleys and hips.

To cut the shingle, a small sheet of plywood is used, which is placed under the element to be cut. It is necessary in order not to damage the already laid shingles.

The final stage

This includes the installation of a ridge and aerators. The latter are used for ventilation devices. The air moves upwards from the eaves, so the aerators are installed as high as possible.

Best of all in the skate itself. The method of fixing the aerators is the same as for roof tiles. The aerators are fastened with nails. After installation, they are covered with ridge tiles from above.

It is a guiding material, modified on both sides and intended for covering.

Synthetic, non-rotting or fiberglass fabrics (polyester, fiberglass, fiberglass) can be used as a guide material.

Preparation for the installation of a soft roll roof

The soft guiding roof covering is used as an independent covering mainly for surfaces with a slope of no more than 25 degrees.

  • Wooden base.
    Such a base should be two-layer: the lower layer of boards laid parallel to the laying of the roof, the upper one - at an angle of 30 degrees to the first. The base must be carefully putty and covered with a special mastic. The roofing material is attached to such a base with roofing nails, without the use of hot work.
  • Concrete base.
    The concrete base must be prepared by leveling. To do this, a cement-sand or asphalt concrete screed should be performed. All parts of the roof protruding above the main surface must be plastered at least 20-30 cm from the base. The screed must also be primed with mastic.

Roll roof preparation

The estimated amount of roll roofing must be properly prepared: all rolls must be rolled out on a flat surface, cleaned of possible contamination and left in this state for at least one day. Otherwise, high-quality installation will be impossible.

Preparation of the necessary materials

For gluing the roofing material, a special mastic is used, which can be prepared independently or purchased ready-made in a hardware store.

Standard bituminous mastic can be prepared as follows:

  • Cold mastic
    It is made of BN 90/10 bitumen - the cheapest, most reliable and widespread waterproofing material. As a filler, asbestos or wood flour is used, which must be sieved well through a sieve before use. The bitumen must be melted with the addition of gasoline or kerosene and kept melting until the foam stops forming. In this case, it is considered that unnecessary impurities have been removed. The consistency of the mastic should not be too liquid, but retain its astringent qualities. After cooling, the mastic is ready for use.
  • Hot mastic
    Its manufacture is more difficult, and its use is more dangerous for workers than the use of cold mastic. Bitumen is heated with gasoline or kerosene in a special vessel, preferably in a boiler (but not in a bucket!), After the foam stops appearing, it must be removed from the fire, add the selected filler (for example, highly crushed limestone), mix thoroughly and immediately use it in work. Gray smoke should come from the finished hot mastic.

Roof covering with soft guiding roll materials can be carried out both vertically in the direction from the bottom up to the ridge (if the roof has a slight slope), and along the direction of the slope, if the slope angle is from 15 to 25 degrees. The number of layers of roll roofing depends on the purpose of its use and the expected characteristics of the coating.

The first layers of the roof should be made of roll material with a lining purpose, and external (or one external) - from roofing. The roof layers are strictly overlapped from 5 to 15 centimeters. Modern roof guides have a special overlap edge.

Roof installation is carried out in the following order:

  • Application of the prepared mastic to the surface to be coated.
  • Alignment of the edge of the roll cloth and the starting point from which it will be rolled.
  • Unrolling the roll with parallel use of a gas burner.

Installation work should be performed by teams in the amount at least two people, one of which will roll out the roll, observing personal safety measures, the second will work with a gas burner.

The properties of the coating depend on the professionalism of the worker performing hot work, since if the burner is used incorrectly and the material overheats, it may become thinner. Therefore, it is extremely problematic to work with a gas burner without sufficient skills and should be entrusted to trained specialists.

After laying each layer of the roof, check the quality of the joints and in places of overlaps, walk with a special pressure roller, which will increase the reliability of the connection.

After completing all the work schematically the roof will look like this:

1 layer - primed base.

2 layer - bottom covering with roofing material.

3 layer - top coating with rolled working material with an exploited surface.

In cases if the installation of this type of roof is carried out on steep slopes, as a substrate for other roofing materials (slate, tiles), then the rolls are rolled horizontally, starting from the bottom of the roof and gradually approaching its ridge. the overlap of the sides of the waterproofing layers in this case should reach 15 centimeters.

Coating a wooden roof is carried out in the same manner, but instead of a gas burner, roofing nails are used.

Most importantly, when laying roofing material, workers must observe personal safety rules: use personal protective equipment, including safety footwear and overalls, as well as observe the rules for performing hot work.

The roof, covered with bituminous tiles, is aesthetic, durable, easy to use. Its great advantage lies in the possibility of self-assembly. There is nothing difficult in how to cover the roof with a soft roof with your own hands, since the weight of the material is small, the installation is carried out on an adhesive base with additional fixation with nails.

Currently, this type of coverage has become popular among property owners. The do-it-yourself soft roofing made of bituminous tiles has a very attractive appearance, it is distinguished by increased moisture resistance and a long period of operation.

There is a self-adhesive layer on the back of this roofing material. Thanks to its presence, the arrangement of a roof made of soft tiles with your own hands can be done in the absence of the appropriate skills.

Features of flexible roofing material

Soft tiles are tiles that have a curly edge. It is made of fiberglass, which is impregnated with polymer-modified petroleum bitumen. When arranging the roof, the material is laid with an overlap so that an imitation of a shingle coating is created, laid out of wooden chocks.

The fiberglass available in the composition of such shingles can be ordinary or reinforced polyester. During the manufacturing process, the material is coated on the outside with a special dressing made of basalt or stone chips, due to which the roof has a rough surface and a certain color.

The advantages of shingles include:

  1. Aesthetic appearance... Since the material is produced in a variety of colors and shapes, it is possible to give the house a harmonious image.
  2. Long service life... A soft roof can be used for at least 70 years and during this period the costs of its installation will pay off in full.
  3. Flexibility... Elastic products allow you to arrange soft roofs of complex shapes, with many decorative elements.
  4. Resistant to adverse weather conditions... The soft roof is able to withstand the effects of ultraviolet radiation, precipitation and other environmental factors while maintaining operational characteristics.

The technology for laying tiles is simple and therefore even a home craftsman can easily equip a roof from a soft roof with his own hands for a country cottage, country house, gazebo and other buildings.

Installation of soft roofing

Before making a soft roof with your own hands, you need to make sure there is a solid foundation. According to the installation technology of this material, work can be done under specific weather conditions.

  1. When installing at an air temperature of less than plus 5 degrees, the self-adhesive layer on the back of the tile cannot melt on its own. To do this forcibly, you will need to use a construction hair dryer or a gas burner. But the melting of bitumen will affect the timing of the installation of a soft roof.
  2. When this material is laid at a temperature in excess of the 25-degree mark, the self-adhesive layer begins to melt strongly and flow down the slope. At high temperature conditions, the deformation of the roofing occurs.
  3. If you carry out installation work in conditions of high humidity, this will negatively affect the durability of the battens, rafters and the tiles themselves due to decay.

The manufacturer's instructions for installing a soft roof with their own hands prescribe that this should be done exclusively at an air temperature of 5 to 15 degrees, when the weather is dry.

DIY roof lathing

First of all, you need to make a reliable crate. According to the technology of installing the soft roofing, there must be a solid base, which will give the soft roofing the required strength and rigidity.

The presence of the crate guarantees an even distribution of the load on the rafters, therefore it is made of three layers:

  1. Counter bars... It is built from wooden blocks 3–4 centimeters thick and fixed over the waterproofing along the rafter frame legs. This layer is used to create an air gap between the covering and the rafters.
  2. Sparse crate... This part of the base for soft material is made from an edged board measuring 20x150 millimeters. The elements are fixed perpendicular to the bars of the counter-lattice with an interval of 30–50 centimeters.
  3. Solid lathing... It is built from moisture resistant plywood, edged boards or OSB boards. They are laid solid with a small gap equal to 1-3 millimeters, which serves to compensate for the thermal expansion of the lathing.

Before laying a soft roof, wood elements must be made smooth so that they do not damage the shingles. It is better to use coniferous material with 20% moisture. To prevent the tree from decaying, the products must be treated with antiseptic compounds. To eliminate the risk of fire, the crate is impregnated with fire-resistant preparations.

Laying underlay carpet

There is a certain order of how to properly lay a soft roof. It is mounted on a solid crate. Before laying the soft roof, a lining bitumen carpet resistant to mechanical stress is placed on top of the base. It protects the roof structure from leaks and damage.

According to the installation technology of the underlay:

  • with a roof slope of less than 15-18 degrees, it is laid out over the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe slopes with a 15 - 20 cm overlap, so that moisture does not linger in the event of snow melting;
  • if the angle of inclination is more than 20 degrees, the lining is laid exclusively in places where precipitation can collect - such additional waterproofing is used to protect the joints of the soft roof on slopes with a vertical surface, valleys and ridge;
  • roofing felt cannot be used for lining, since it is fragile and will not last long.

In the opinion of professionals, products recommended by manufacturers should be used as a backing layer, since it is guaranteed to be compatible with the purchased tiles.

How to cover the roof with soft tiles

Installation should be done when it is calm and dry outside. When laying on a previously operated truss frame, first check the condition of the wooden elements and change those that have deformed or rotted.

Installation work is performed in a specific order:

  1. Using a previously prepared drawing of a soft roof, mark the surface of the slope with horizontal stripes with chalk, marking the location of the rows of tiles.
  2. Laying begins from the bottom of the slope, fixing the roofing with special nails. If the fastening is made thanks to a self-adhesive layer, you need to remove the protective film from the tile and press the product to the base. Nails are driven in at least 2.5 centimeters from the edge, flush with the surface of the tile.
  3. The next row begins to be done on the left side. Cut off 143 millimeters from the tile to the left, displacing the pattern diagonally.
  4. To start laying the third row, a fragment of 286 millimeters in length is removed from the product from the left edge so that the material pattern moves in a diagonal direction.
  5. After the completion of the work, the ridge and valley junction nodes with a vertical surface are drawn up with a ridge element.

To ensure the correct functioning of the roof made of bituminous tiles and to prevent the "greenhouse effect", a ventilation system should be installed and thereby exclude rotting of the rafter structure.