How to drain the swamp? Drainage channel. How to drain an area from water with your own hands

It happens that a summer resident gets a wetland for use. There is little joy from this, but you should not despair, because many effective ways fight against this disadvantage. Even the territory of the world famous Versailles was once an impenetrable swamp, and many botanical gardens, for example, in Sukhumi, are located where it was impossible even a hundred or two years ago.

Swampy areas

Many people try to deal with excess moisture by filling the area with brought sand or earth - this is a gross mistake that will not bring results. The swamp is very tenacious, being the most stable hydraulic system, so in just a year or two the land will become swampy again. For effective fight you need to resort to other, longer, more complex and costly technologies, but all the efforts are worth it.

The easiest way to get a beautiful front lawn

You've certainly seen perfect lawn in the cinema, in the alley, and possibly on the neighbor's lawn. Those who have ever tried to grow a green area on their site will no doubt say that this is a huge work. The lawn requires careful planting, care, fertilization, watering. However, only inexperienced gardeners think so, professionals have long known about an innovative tool - liquid lawn AquaGrazz.

To begin with, you need to decide on the type of swamp, because they are lowland and upland, and the differences between them are very significant, therefore, the methods of struggle are different. Lowland bogs are located in depressions of the relief, excessive moisture is observed due to the close occurrence groundwater... In such areas, the soil itself is very fertile, contains a large amount nutrients and even peat, but plants, and especially fruit and berry bushes and trees, do not grow well, disappearing in just a couple of years, therefore, to grow a real garden and vegetable garden, and not a flower bed with unpretentious annuals, you will have to make a lot of effort.

Garden pond

Plants disappear due to the fact that the moist earth does not allow enough oxygen to pass through, and the roots suffocate, and groundwater contributes to their decay. Also, toxic products (aluminum salt, nitrates, different kinds gases, acids) that prevent plant growth.

Lowland Swamp Drainage Methods

Drainage of lowland bogs is possible using the following methods:

Professional help

You can invite a team of specialists who, with the help of pumps, will almost instantly pump out all excess water from the site, significant drainage can be observed on the same day. But it is quite expensive, and besides, sometimes the problem of waterlogging returns.


The introduction of sand in equal proportion with the parent rock improves the quality of the soil, and air exchange is also enhanced. In order to improve the yield of the resulting soil, it is recommended to add humus to it, which will allow growing vegetables and greens on the site.


To effectively and permanently drain the swampy area, all experts recommend doing drainage or drainage. It is best done using a plastic pipe system with small holes in the walls. They should be laid in specially dug ditches about 60-70 cm deep for clay, 75-85 for loam and up to a meter for sandy areas. Drains need to be pulled out with a slope, so the water in them will not stagnate, but can drain into a sewer, a well or a reservoir, this should be the lowest point of the site.

Trees in a swampy area

It is most effective to use a herringbone-shaped system, in which small pipes collect excess moisture from the entire site and carry it into the main pipe, which removes water from the site. In swampy orchards, as a rule, there is already a common drainage ditch, in case of its absence, water can be diverted to the nearest reservoir. You can also dig a well, the lower boundary of which will be below the groundwater level, fill it with rubble, water will drain into it. With this integrated approach drainage of the site will be noticeable after a couple of days - a week. The drains themselves can be backfilled with earth, but for easier maintenance, you can fill them with gravel or rubble.

Open ditches

To remove excess moisture directly from the surface of the earth, you can make open ditches, the edges of which should be chamfered by about 20 degrees to avoid shedding, but this method is not used in sandy areas, since the ditches quickly collapse and the sand is washed out. This method of draining is very common and can be seen in almost every gardening facility. The disadvantage of this method is the gradual sprinkling, clogging of the watercourse with plant particles and debris, and water bloom, so these structures must be regularly cleaned with an ordinary shovel.

French ditches

In France, the drainage of wetlands is carried out using deep ditches filled with rubble. For the system to be effective, you need to either dig trenches and bring them into a well, or dig ditches to a layer of sand that will allow water to pass through. Such ditches are more aesthetic, they do not clog and do not bloom, but when they are clogged with earth, cleaning becomes very difficult. But the ditch can be disguised as a path, strewn with pebbles, rubble, or laid out on top of wooden cuts.


The technology of their work is similar to ditches, for this it is necessary to dig holes a meter deep, about half a meter in diameter at the lowest point and up to two at the top. They should be dug at the lowest points of the site, and then covered with rubble. All excess water will drain into such wells.

Dig a pond

After the construction of a decorative reservoir, excess water will drain into it and evaporate; soon there is a significant drainage of the site. For these purposes, the Cross Channel was built a long time ago in the French residence of the monarchs of Versailles - the effectiveness of the method is obvious.

Draining swampy areas

Planting trees

Some tree species are able to save a wetland from waterlogging. Most useful for these purposes are willows and birches, which can evaporate large amounts of moisture through leaf plates. These trees dry out nearby areas of the soil with high quality, however, it may take several years to completely drain the area. You can think over the design of the site in advance, initially planting only moisture-loving crops, and when the trees fulfill their task, go to the desired plant species.

Highly raised beds

To be able to grow vegetables and herbs, wetland owners must make high beds, so excess moisture will collect in the ditches between the beds, and the areas themselves will become noticeably drier. Moreover, there is such a pattern: the higher the site is raised, the more diverse crops can be grown on it. Many people think that it is impossible to farm in waterlogged areas, but it is enough just to look at photographs of a Dutch or Finnish vegetable garden surrounded by a complex system of canals to be convinced of the effectiveness of the method. Indeed, in these countries, with the help of technology and labor, almost everything is grown, also earning good money on this.

Imported soil

It is possible to raise the level of the plot with the help of additionally imported land, which, after plowing, will mix with fertile, but heavy swampy soils, as a result, the plot will become suitable for growing crops and very fertile, experts note that cultivated swampy lands do not require fertilization for several more years.

Come to terms

It is not necessary to deal with the marshland, it is interesting to beat the unusual moisture content of the summer cottage: dig a reservoir, plant it moisture-loving plants by choosing a traditional swamp corner design. In such conditions, lingonberry, cranberry, iris, volzhanka, hydrangea, rhododendron, spirea, thuja, chokeberry and cotoneaster feel great. Fern and girlish grapes... Perhaps you will like such beauty so much that you no longer want to change anything.

Arrangement of a reservoir

A raised bog is formed on watersheds, that is, hills, and does not depend on the level of occurrence of groundwater. Excess moisture in such areas is formed due to the fact that the incoming atmospheric precipitation is delayed, unable to seep below due to the waterproof horizon, most often it is clay. The soil of the raised bogs is not fertile and is rather acidic. To use such sites, it is necessary to reduce the acidity of the soil; for this, dolomite flour, slaked lime and chalk are suitable. Also, it is necessary to constantly import to such places fertile land and manure in order to get a plot suitable for growing vegetables in a couple of years.

Having become the owner of a swampy area, you should not despair, because if you know what and how to do it right, you can not only make this piece of land suitable for growing vegetables, berries and fruits, but also build on it country house... You just need to approach this important matter comprehensively, responsibly and wisely. From the foregoing, we can conclude that there are a huge number of ways to deal with a wetland area, but it may turn out that even these effective methods will not help, and then all that remains is to reconcile and equip such a site in the country. For this, there are a huge number of different effective ways, which will even help to decorate such a site.

I really love solving those puzzle questions that make the imagination work and focus the gardening experience. This is exactly the task for me - the organization of planting in a swampy area.

I understand that stones may fly towards the person who touched on this topic, but I will try not to “load in a swamp” problems, but to help in finding a solution. And the conversation should be started in a serious, substantive manner, for which it is necessary to collect information and generalize the existing positive experience.

Scientific reference

To understand the subject of discussion, I cite the scientific definition of a swamp, which is most often given on the net: " A swamp is a landscape area characterized by excessive moisture, high acidity and low soil fertility, the emergence of standing or flowing groundwater to the surface, but without a permanent layer of water on the surface. The swamp is characterized by the deposition on the soil surface of incompletely decomposed organic matter, which later turns into peat. The layer of peat in swamps is not less than 30 cm, if less, then it is swampy lands. "

So, by the layer of peat, you can easily determine whether your site is in a swamp or in a wetland. Of course, the water regime of the territory can change over time. And in many cases it is he who plays an important role in the life of our summer cottages.

By the way, many gardeners may not even suspect that their eternally damp is turning into a wetland. First of all, this is evident from the state of the vegetation: the lawn becomes sparse, the grasses grow in bumps, and marsh plants settle on the lawn. You can recognize them by their characteristic appearance: sedges, for example, have triangular stems ...

... and the rushes are round, hollow, like green onions:

There are real swamps riding(on watersheds) and grassroots, or lowland(in gradually overgrown reservoirs, oxbows of rivers). If you cut their soil like a puff cake, then the differences will be clearly visible:

The soil of lowland bogs is richer due to their abundant water and mineral nutrition (mainly due to groundwater). And raised bogs, which feed on atmospheric precipitation, have depleted soils, where there are very few minerals; the water in them is sharply acidic.

But there is also a transitional type of swamps, located somewhere between the two according to the state of the soil. Of course, in such different conditions and the vegetation will be different.

Can you make a garden in a swamp?

In those days, when summer cottages were organized, unprofitable territories were usually allocated for them, therefore, to this day, gardening amateurs and professionals often face the problem of waterlogging. Yes, and primordially inhabited lands can suffer from it.

But these are all difficulties, one might say, everyday and generally surmountable, and then our "technological" begin, very serious in essence claims to the site:

  • Many plants, especially woody ones, do not grow here; the possible assortment of landings is narrow, sometimes completely unknown.
  • It is impossible to build a standard house. and constantly require corrections for dampness: moisture rises from below.

There are solutions for all problems. Usually one of the main stumbling blocks is the material cost of the issue. But the age-old "know-how" and understanding of the nature of such a site are also important.

Approaches to problem solving

Experts and scientists will say that draining the wetland will help reclamation... Of course, here you cannot do without professionals and technology in most cases. Acting in an organized manner, the members of the dacha association (neighbors) will be able to jointly organize and sponsor drainage works. But sometimes there is no money, and then you can try to raise this difficult issue in a “herd”.

Sometimes the solution to the problem of temporary flooding is to clear the reclamation canal overgrown with grass or blocked by a heap of debris and plant residues... And sometimes you have to fight with neighbors who have built unauthorized structures or communications - sometimes you can't do without ships. A competent lawyer in a partnership is the key to solving the problem.

Drainage system

In a swampy area big problem may be the construction of a house or other structure. - modern solution the issue of drainage, sewerage.

At first, it is advisable to carry out an organized land reclamation the entire surrounding area(drainage of the lands of the dacha partnership with ditches, organization of a general drainage system, arrangement of a reservoir at the lowest point of the relief). The drainage system of the site should be organized after the construction of the house, but not postponing it for a long time. The level of complexity of the system depends on the specific conditions and capabilities of the owners. By the way, many are afraid that after installing the drainage system, the landscape will look unnatural. But I think good examples can inspire you.

Here is a dark, damp corner of the garden where the stream flows:

Agree, the "dry stream" looks much more profitable, more attractive, at the bottom of which special drainage structures with pipes are installed. A light pebble imitates water, and even lightens a previously rather gloomy area:

And on top of the drainage system (with special reservations and conditions that should be agreed with specialists), you can organize passage zones and paths:

But such work (at least - projects), of course, it is better to entrust professionals.

Swamp house

A house in a swampy area should also correspond to the nature of multilayer soil: pile, tape and slab foundations(the article tells about them in more detail). In my humble opinion, piles and waterproofing are the main helpers and salvation from excess moisture. This method is the most economical, quickly implemented. But first, it is necessary to carry out a study of the soil, identifying "quicksand" - swampy "pockets". It is better that professionals (geologists, surveyors) do this. Here is a link to a video with a render.

Research is carried out in the spring; for a small house - at least 5 m deep, and for a large one - at least 8 m. If no problems with the soil are found, work can begin on installing piles. There are some nuances here: piles are of various lengths, screw and driven; they should be set to solid ground, not freezing ground as in a normal, non-swampy area. Sometimes piles of different lengths are used for the same house, since solid soil can be at different depths. And yet, unfortunately, on such a site it is excluded, which will upset thrifty owners.

What grows and what we can plant

In lowland and raised bogs there are different plants, including very useful ones.

What is growing with us?

On low-lying swamps(with less than on high-rise, a smaller layer of black peat) can grow,. Calamus marsh, reeds, are not uncommon here.

Also here you can see a series, valerian, weeping grass (), poisonous hemlock, peppermint.

On raised bogs(with a thick layer of peat, poor soil with high acidity) less demanding plants settle: sometimes birch, cotton grass, sphagnum moss, cassandra, sheuchzeria, cuckoo flax.

In any case, you will have a poor one, which will have to alkalinize, improve. Perfect option- to import a lot clay soil, sand, and mix with peat. To neutralize the increased acidity, it is necessary to add dolomite flour(the amount depends on which plants are cultivated).

On such a site, all the plants that originally grow here, as well as most of the representatives of related species and their varieties, are successfully cultivated. Special attention, in my opinion, can be turned to varieties of cranberries, blueberries, heather, ornamental sedges.

What are we going to plant?

After reclamation has been carried out, the soil is partially replaced, its acidity is neutralized, plants can be planted on the site for moderately moist soils: marsh and Siberian, marsh, river gravilat, common cuckoo, volzhanka (aruncus), buttercups, black cohosh, rogersia, moisture-loving, decodon (these are different plants!), corduses, hemp-shaped steep,. You can even try to grow lysichiton, various orchids.

If there is a strong desire to equip the lawn, then you need to choose legumes and cereals that can withstand flooding (just keep in mind that they can be quite high): meadow bluegrass, fibrous wheatgrass, hybrid, common beckmania, reed grass, red fescue, shake grass, odorous spikelet , awnless bonfire, white and giant bent, large manna, reed canary, reed grass, blue sesleria, marsh rank, meadow foxtail, blue moth.

Fruit and berry garden in the swamp

And what to do if there is a desire to plant fruit trees? Of course, it is better to try varieties that have proven themselves in flooded conditions: small in size, respectively, with a more compact root system. Planting should be organized on small mounds (ridges, raised areas), fenced in with dug boards or stones to prevent soil creeping.

Of course, the species and varieties of berries growing in swamps and wetlands deserve special mention: cranberries and blueberries (certain species, varieties),. Seedlings of these crops are already frequently appearing in garden centers. Their agricultural technology in a swampy area is not difficult, and your dacha will have its own "chip" - the envy of friends and an example for neighbors. However, problems can arise with blueberries: they do not tolerate stagnant water, so you need to carefully monitor the drainage.

And also ...

Perhaps it is worth trying to "populate" the mycelium and grow mushrooms right on the site.

Moss cultivation technologies are of interest; the compositions created in this way look quite original on garden sculptures, vases, decorative stones and just on the ground.

In a problematic, waterlogged area, these narrow horticultural topics can be developed. But it is important to remember about essential features cultivation of any plants in such conditions: the growing season here will be somewhat shorter, and you will have to constantly monitor the acidity of the soil and the state of drainage.

Successful examples

There are few examples of swamp gardens, but they exist! They are the vivid role models. Recently I learned that in the center of Moscow, in the new Zaryadye park, a plot is planned to simulate a swampy area. It's incredibly interesting how the designers will work? This site will represent a tundra zone where there is virtually a continuous swampy area.

And the example of water gardens in the Moscow region is also indicative, where the theme of water, including swamp gardens, is. Even scientific institutions - botanical gardens - organize special plots where marsh plants are planted.

But the most stunning garden in the swamp is a park in Jinhua City. The scale of this project is astounding.

So we shouldn't be afraid either: it's better to make mistakes and find the only correct solution rather than sitting with folded hands and dreaming.

Choosing approaches to design

If we organize a garden at the dacha in a swampy area, then in choosing colors it is worth paying attention to the general light and warm colors... A variety of flowering and decorative leafy species are encouraged. It is extremely important to take care of the continuous decorativeness of the garden, which can partly be achieved thanks to the original layout of the site, the use of small architectural forms, interesting coatings and the pattern of the road grid. Correctly selected contrast of shapes, colors, textures of plants and buildings will certainly play its role.

If we are missing any element among the plant components, we can try to compensate for this by other means, for example, by painting the house; using garden decor; the installation of new lighting that changes the appearance of the garden; the organization of light paths, bright dumps.

A pond on such a site is not a luxury, it is just a logical given from nature! Having arranged it, we will create the atmosphere of a water garden, not a swamp garden, we will successfully "tie" everything small parts to the pond as the center of the composition. A variety of coastal, floating and aquatic plants can be used near the reservoir, among which, of course, their queen will certainly be -.

The choice depends on what kind of reservoir you have (area, depth, bottom character). But I think that it is during the design that you need to set a goal: to grow ... And then we rely on our material and physical capabilities.

Small architectural forms and can be both traditional (preferably - taking into account high humidity) and creative, shocking. For example, such:


By purchasing a piece of land, the owners make plans for building a house and planting plants. Suddenly it is discovered that the suburban area is located in a swampy area. The problem of draining the swamp immediately arises. It is interesting to know how this process is carried out.

Swamp on summer cottage requires draining

Dehumidification methods

Agriculture develops successfully when the moisture level does not exceed the prescribed norm. Excess water from the site is well eliminated by drainage.

There are the following ways to drain the swamp:

  1. Open. For its implementation, network channels are laid along the swampy area. The main and gross are connected to the main channel. They are connected to each other. The main role is played by the central canal, from which water flows outside the boundaries of the site.
  2. Closed. It is characterized by drainage. Particular attention should be paid to the layout and placement of slopes. For drainage, pipes made of cast iron, asbestos, and plastic are best suited.
  3. Combined. It is performed by combining the two methods and is especially popular in suburban areas. In this case, the heavy soil is selected before the beginning of the groundwater, and then fill the area using loose soil with a suitable composition.

Swamp drainage instructions

Before starting work, it is necessary to establish the cause of the waterloggedness. Therefore, a site survey should be carried out. After that, a three-dimensional plan is drawn up, according to which the swamp is drained.

Many are interested in the question of how to drain the swamp on their own. If you follow the advice given, everything will work out in the best quality:

Sand or any other type of soil will not solve the problem of draining the swamp

  1. The main thing, what is the result of the choice of dehumidification of your area is the method of drying. You should not dwell on the cheapest method, it can do harm, not benefit. Especially when it comes to the peat area. Therefore, there is no need to pour sand or other type of soil onto the swamp. This will not solve the problem.
  2. First, you need to dig trenches, the slope of which is done in one direction. It digs deep into the groundwater. In addition, the trenches have closed systems. The bottom is covered with rubble. After that, pipes with a drainage system with open holes lie in them.
  3. Drainage construction is the most effective method to dry up the swamp. The most popular are systems made with seams or slits. It is better to use a proven method than backfill the soil. This choice can be costly.
  4. Decorative ponds give a good drainage effect. According to the laws of physics, moisture accumulates only in the lake, after which it evaporates.
  5. Part of the problem can be solved by planting trees. Moisture is drawn into tree species in different ways. So, moisture from birch evaporates through the leaves. Therefore, you can see dry soil around it. When planting a birch on dry ground, you can observe that nothing grows around it. Wetlands are well suited for the adaptation of wild rose, dwarf willow. Plants having root system which develops at the top of the land is also suitable for such a plot.

Drainage of swamps with drainage

Do-it-yourself drainage on the site will give reliability and confidence. You won't need much difficulty. How is it done drainage system? A trench is being dug, the width of which should reach up to half a meter. The depth is influenced by groundwater. For moisture removal to be successful, you need to make a slope of at least one centimeter per running meter.

Roofing material is necessary to create waterproofing

The bottom of the trench is covered with brushwood. After that, waterproofing should be performed. For this, an ordinary roofing material is used. It can be taken both used and new.

Next, dry grass is placed. You need a lot of it, so you need to mow. In order not to have to fight with wild-growing grasses, it is necessary to mow until such time as they fade and have seeds. It is important to remember that the herb must be dry. It is covered with dry fine peat. Then the soil, dug earlier, is poured into the moat. When filling ditches, you should carefully tamp everything that is there. As a result of such actions, there will be almost no excess soil.

It so happens that the drainage area can be covered with mounds. Their comparison with the ground will take place after the rains. They will sit down a little, the surface will be leveled. This helps the owner to facilitate their work, to get rid of the bedding up of the soil.

An unnatural drainage system reduces the amount of groundwater, relieves the earth of the amount of methane, and makes it friable.

This is only the first part of the job. The second concludes the annual digging of the soil, produced by by hand... For large areas, motor-cultivators are used. In addition, sand and clay should be used when digging. They compact peat deposits. The soil also requires mineral fertilizers.

By adhering to the recommendations, the result will be an excellent earthen plot. For lovers of originality, you can eliminate the swamp if you transform it into a pond. It is necessary to deepen the required area, strengthening the banks of the pond, and ennoble the surrounding area.

Waterlogged soil on the site is always a problem. Unpleasant vapors, hordes of mosquitoes in summer, soaking of garden plants poison the life of lovers of countryside recreation. The swamp needs to be drained. How can I do that?

First of all, you should understand the causes of stagnant water in the soil. Depending on this, develop a strategy for dealing with this unpleasant phenomenon.

Reasons for waterlogging

It is not so easy for a specialist to figure out what caused the swamp. It is useful to explore the neighboring lands, to get acquainted with the surroundings. There are 2 main reasons for excess soil moisture:

  • The site is located in a lowland near a natural reservoir, the groundwater comes very close to the surface;
  • The natural runoff of water after rains is disturbed.

The first reason is less likely to be true - people usually do not take building plots in a swamp. Problems with insufficient water drainage are much more common. The root of the problem may be as follows:

  • there is natural source feeding a swamp, requiring clearing and drainage of water;
  • your garden plot located below the neighboring ones, all the water after the rain flows down to you;
  • structural features of layers and relief: a thick layer of clay is located close to the surface, which does not allow rainwater to be absorbed;

How to get rid of the swamp?

The first advice you will receive is to cover the swamp with sand or soil. This is the easiest, cheapest and most incorrect way. This method does not bring positive results, sooner or later the swamp returns to its the same mind... It is an unusually sustainable ecological system.

It is impossible to displace water with backfill. You will not be able to draw it out either. There is only one way to completely drain the swamp - to let the water leave the area. To do this, make drainages through which water will flow. It's good if she has somewhere to go, but it so happens that the site is below the neighboring ones or there are obstacles on the way of the running water (building, road). In this case, it is useful to choose a compromise option.

Here are a few good ideas, allowing to "dry" the swampy soil. Often these decisions are always the wisest.

Make a pond

Growing up, trees absorb and evaporate everything more water acting like a constantly running pump. If the soil on the site is heavy, clayey, then the roots of the trees, penetrating it in different directions, gradually change its structure.

If the site is large enough, then planting such natural dehumidifiers around its perimeter will be effective, and the efficiency will increase every year.

Make a catchment well and drainage

If the site is small and there is no place for a pond, then you can make a water intake well. It is a construction of concrete rings or a plastic container (this option is simpler and more practical). It is protected from clogging and silting with sprinkling and geotextile. They bring to the well drainage pipes to collect water from the site.

The water that collects there can be used for irrigation in dry times or pumped out and discharged through pipes into a natural reservoir.

The intake well is considered the best option for the area under which the clay layer lies, and the layer fertile soil on top of it is small. Rainwater in such a place does not go into the depths, therefore in spring and during the rains there is a swamp, in summer heat the soil dries up. Mosquitoes, silt, the smell of rotting mud - these are the delights of such a site. Growing anything is difficult. What does not dry out in the spring will dry out in the summer, but there is no benefit.

You can build a drainage system, including a water intake well and grooves for collecting water, yourself. The cost of such a facility is small and the benefits can be invaluable.

In the event that these measures do not help to get rid of the swamp, then only a specialist can help solve the problem. A full-fledged drainage system with all the work is not cheap, but this is the only way to get rid of waterlogged soil.

In our large country, swamps and wetlands occupy significant areas. On swampy soils, ordinary plants cannot grow and develop, which need oxygen all the time to feed their underground parts - roots and rhizomes. Standing, still water is quickly deprived of oxygen, and most plants die. Only those who have managed to adapt to life in the swamp survive - bog plants.

Meanwhile, in its own way chemical composition swamp soils are extremely fertile. They can receive high yields a wide variety of crops. But for this you must first drain the swamp. Then barren lands harmful to human health will turn into richest fields and pastures. Fat fields will sprinkle where only stunted marsh grasses and stunted shrubs have recently grown.

In our country, a lot of work is being done to drain and reclaim swamps. Agriculture the socialist countries have already received millions of hectares of new fertile land.
The drainage of bogs is now almost completely mechanized. Soviet scientists and engineers have created many wonderful machines that perform all the hard, tedious and monotonous work for people.

How are swamps drained?

First of all, you need to remove excess moisture from the soil, that is, give it a runoff. And the water should, of course, drain into the nearest river. Therefore, first of all, it is necessary to deepen and widen the bed of such a river, and in some places to straighten it. Here you have to remove the soil mainly from under the water.

Nowadays, floating and land excavators, as well as dredging installations, take out soil from the river.

Floating excavators are used in cases where the width of the river allows the excavated soil to be dumped onto the shore. This soil thrown out by the excavator is leveled with bulldozers.

Floating dredgers, depending on their performance, are used both on large and small rivers. The soil they extracted from the bottom of the river, mixed with water - the pulp - is pumped through pipes to the shore and poured over the surface of the soil. You don't need a bulldozer here.

But stagnant bog water will not flow into the river by itself, even after its channel has been deepened and widened. For the drainage, it is necessary to lay more channels over the entire area of ​​the swamp. First, they dig the main, that is, the main, channels, then the collector ones. The latter collect water flowing down from the swamp through a shallow closed or open drainage network and drain it into the main canal.

An open network of shallow drainage ditches serves to receive and drain surface water into collector canals, as well as to lower the groundwater level in the area to be drained.

As well as open network ditches when draining swamps, a closed network is used - drainages. They are boardwalk, pottery, fascinated, or mole. Board drainage is made from planks that are hammered together in the form of pipes rectangular section... A potter's pipe consists of pottery, i.e., burnt, clay pipes. Fashinny drainage - from brushwood of various tree species, cleared of leaves and small twigs. And finally, the mole is a system of underground canals that resemble mole passages.

Trunk and collector channels with a depth of 1.5 to 2.5 m are laid by excavators specially adapted to work on swampy ground.

Plow trenchers work on the laying of an open shallow drainage network of ditches. This is a highly productive machine: in an hour it can dig ditches up to 2 km long and up to 80-100 cm deep.

A trench for laying drainage is dug with the help of a bucket excavator or a plow trencher, then drainage is lowered into it and covered with earth from above.

Mole plows and mole-draining machines have been created for laying mole drainage. They are set in motion by a tractor specially equipped for work on swampy ground.

Immediately after the canals are laid, their slopes are reinforced with sod or sowed with herbs to avoid landslides and landslides.

But time passes, and open canals and ditches are gradually covered with sand or silt, overgrown with marsh grasses, become shallow, destroyed and, as a result, begin to drain water poorly, or even become clogged altogether. We have to periodically clean and repair them.

So the swamp is drained. All of it was covered with a network of large and small canals. Stagnant water, accumulated in the soil for years, flows freely through these channels into the nearest river. But this is only the first part of the work of ameliorators - this is how people who are engaged in radical improvement are called. natural conditions lands with an unfavorable water regime. Now the drained swamp needs to be mastered, prepared for sowing cultivated plants. For the repair and cleaning of ditches and canals, special cleaning machines are used: some for cleaning the ditches of a shallow drainage network, others for cleaning collector and main canals.

The first step is to clear the soil of small shrubs, stumps, bumps and wood debris. You cannot do much here with an ax and a shovel - this is a very laborious task.

A brushcutter mounted on a tractor easily cuts off bushes and small trees, removes hummocks.

However, hedge trimmers are beneficial to use in cases where the swamp is overgrown not only with shrubs, but also with small forests. If the shrub is without undergrowth, it is simply plowed deep into the ground. This work is performed by a bush plowing unit. Such a hydraulically controlled unit, driven by a tractor, consists of two parts: a hollow drum and a ski with a knife are hung in front of the tractor, and the plow body is behind. The drum, rotating, tilts the bush forward and presses it to the soil surface; the knife cuts the layer with rhizomes in a vertical plane, and the plow body wraps the layer and plows the bushes to a depth of 20 to 50 cm.

Grubbing tree stumps and removing wood debris is one of the most hard work in the process of reclaiming drained bogs. Stumps are uprooted with a straight pull of a tractor with hooks on chains or cables, or with a grubber, or a powerful bulldozer that turns out huge stumps, or with a grubber-collector.

After cleaning the drained area of ​​shrubs, stumps, bumps and wood residues, it begins to be prepared for agricultural use. It includes three processes: plowing, cutting and rolling.

Plowing of peat soils of a drained bog should be deep, with full coverage of the surface vegetation cover. For this, special swamp plows with a wide grip are used, which plow the soil to a depth of 50 cm, while wrapping the layer and embedding all the vegetation deep into the soil.

The layer of earth wrapped in a plow must then be loosened to the greatest possible depth so that oxygen can freely penetrate into the soil. Loosen up the formation disc harrows or special milling machines.

Then the surface of the drained bog is rolled - leveled with special swamp filling rollers.

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