Structure of transport logistics. What is transport logistics

Logistics comes from the Greek word logistike - the art of calculating, reasoning. The history of the emergence and development of logistics goes back to the distant past. The first logistician positions appeared in ancient Athens. During the period of the Roman Empire, there were logisticians or logistics servants who were involved in the distribution of products, the formation of reserves, and exchange between provinces. In Byzantium in the 1st millennium AD. The tasks of logistics were arming the army and supplying it with military equipment.
The first scientific works on logistics appeared in France at the beginning of the 19th century, author A. Jomini, a military specialist.
Logistics developed especially rapidly during the Second World War, when logistics was used to solve strategic problems and ensure clear interaction between the defense industry, supply bases and transport in order to provide the army with weapons and food in a timely manner. In the 60s, logistics gradually moved from the military to the civilian sphere, and then to production. At the end of the 20th century, logistics science included purchasing, transport, production, information, and sales logistics. Thus, logistics strives to maximally satisfy consumer needs with minimal costs for the manufacturer.
Logistics is the science of planning, control and management of transportation, warehousing and other tangible and intangible operations performed in the process of bringing raw materials and materials to manufacturing enterprise, in-plant processing of raw materials and supplies, finishing finished products to the consumer in accordance with the interests and needs of the latter, as well as the transfer of storage and processing of relevant information and corresponding financial flows. Logistics is the science of managing the movement of goods.

Transport logistics

Three secrets to optimal savings

Transport. One of the main issues at the stage of preparing the transportation of goods is the choice of vehicle. A simple law applies here: The heavier the load, the lower the cost per unit of weight. Sending several tons to another continent is much more profitable than sending a fifty gram box of matches using the same method.

It is logical that from this point of view, sea and rail transport are the cheapest, but cars and airplanes will require much greater costs. Therefore, sometimes it makes more sense to sacrifice time and save money by sending your cargo on a cruise by sea or land.

Volume. A considerable amount of fixed expenses passes from estimate to estimate. These are all the costs associated with the preparation and registration of cargo, accounting operations, transport downtime during loading and unloading, operation and, finally, concern for improving service and maintenance. All these costs are evenly distributed over the entire cargo, so the larger its volume, the lower the cost per unit of weight.

Route. The preparation and use of transport initially costs a considerable amount of money, which is then distributed over the entire cargo. Costs decrease as distance increases - The further the destination, the lower the cost per unit distance. That is why it is more profitable to deliver one cargo over a long distance than two over a short distance.

From logic to logistics

In any business, the main thing is to keep balance and look for best options in the area of ​​the golden mean. In the process of international cargo transportation, there are indicators and principles that can be sacrificed, and there are those for which it is still not worth cutting costs.

Transport logistics does not promise maximum savings and total budget cuts. She teaches you how to save wisely and professionally. Freight transportation can be fast- right on time. High quality- reliable, neat, with mutual pleasure from communication. Budget- rational, with a reasonable price and a reasonable balance between cost and efficiency.

Logistics of Automotive Transport

Road transport is often considered as an element of the logistics system with 100% reliability in performing its tasks, operating in conditions of certainty. However, this is not the case. One of the difficulties in implementing the logistics approach is that the Motor Transport Enterprise (ATE) is a “living” system that operates under conditions of uncertainty and risk.
Maintaining the reliability of this system requires large material and labor costs and determines the value of a number of logistics indicators (costs per unit of product shipped; costs per ton-kilometer of transported cargo; vehicle fleet utilization, etc.).

When representing transport logistics problems in a model, it is necessary to take into account that the development indicators of any production and economic system, in principle, depend on its two interrelated characteristics: state and functioning.
The state of the ATP is characterized as list number of cars, and their most important property - reliability.
System operation - current implementation in specific conditions external environment the possibilities presented by a given state for the implementation of the functions of the system for which it was created. The existence of these two interrelated characteristics of ATP predetermined the division of mathematical methods into methods used to solve particular problems of functioning, and methods that allow optimizing the state of ATP.

Functioning tasks include choosing optimal options organization of the transportation process, types and types of rolling stock, joint planning of transport, production and warehouse processes, etc.
Concentrating efforts to improve the efficiency of methods and models for solving only operational problems is a dead end. A theoretically effective management decision, taken for implementation without taking into account the possible state of the vehicle fleet, may not have a real practical effect and creates the preconditions for violating the fundamental principle of logistics - reliability.
When modeling the development of ATP, both its state and functioning, two approaches have emerged: deterministic-optimal and probabilistic-adaptive.
A deterministic-optimal approach to making management decisions in most cases provides a significant economic effect. With optimal planning, one obtains not just acceptable or permissible variants of plans, but the best ones relative to the accepted method of evaluating them. In this case, economic and mathematical models are widely used, which make it possible to select variable plan indicators from the conditions of the extremum of the adopted measure of its effectiveness (for example, profit maximization, cost minimization, etc.).

Optimizing both the functioning and state of the system is the main condition for achieving its highest efficiency. Another aspect is that it is impossible to solve the problem of developing transport logistics using one model, so it is necessary to divide this problem into a number of local ones that are part of the general system of transport logistics problems.
The most acceptable approach to modeling the development of ATP as an economic system is the probabilistic-adaptive approach.
The main characteristics of the probabilistic-adaptive approach to modeling enterprise tasks should be noted:

  • inclusion of all the advantages of the deterministic-optimal approach;
  • creation of human-machine planning systems that make it possible to more fully and effectively use the experience and intuition of specialists in the planning process;
  • taking into account a certain amount of uncertainty in our knowledge about the future, which determines the choice of the most adaptive plan options;
  • personification of the plan as a system of interconnected decisions;
  • consideration of organizational problems.

The need to combine a deterministic and probabilistic approach to solving problems of transport logistics is predetermined by the characteristic features of the problems of development of transport logistics. These include:

  • significant uncertainty of both future situations in which the object may find itself during its evolution, and uncertainty of the final effects of the decisions made;
  • incompleteness and significantly low reliability of the initial information, which is sometimes too large and aggregated in nature;
  • difficulties of a methodological and computational nature (taking into account fundamentally non-formalizable elements), which do not allow achieving complete adequacy of models to the real processes of development of ATP.

At the same time, transport processes that include an element of chance are not purely random. The role of the organizational component in them is high - maintenance and repair technology, operating schedule, etc. Therefore, formulas (models) developed only on the basis of a probabilistic or deterministic approach to transport processes often do not correspond existing system transport.

Adaptive behavior manifests itself in various developmental trends that reflect evolution specific system during its adaptation to environmental influences. The functioning of road transport is predominantly adaptive in nature. Modeling the development of ATP can be provided by a combination of normative and descriptive models that develop, on the one hand, decisions on active influences on the development of ATP, and on the other hand, describing the processes of adaptation of ATP in conditions of uncertainty and incomplete information. The development and implementation of a probabilistic-adaptive approach can ensure the implementation of basic conditions effective use methods and models in transport logistics, as well as methodological principles of analysis and synthesis of logistics systems, such as consistency, reliability, adaptability, sustainability, etc.
Having determined the place of transport logistics and its relationship with functional and resource logistics, as well as assessing the level of methodological support and approaches to modeling logistics problems, it is necessary to draw the following conclusions:
transport logistics from the point of view of functioning production systems can be represented by procurement, intra-production and distribution logistics of transport;
the most acceptable approach to combining methods and models for solving transport logistics problems is the probabilistic-adaptive approach.
The combination of methods and models for solving transport logistics problems should be based on a description of the development of the vehicle fleet as a sequence of phenomena in time using the apparatus of the theory of random processes, i.e. stochastic models.

Forwarder or carrier? Three secrets and international cargo transportation

Forwarder or carrier: who to choose? If the carrier is good and the forwarder is bad, then the first. If the carrier is bad and the forwarder is good, then the latter. This choice is simple. But how can you decide when both candidates are good? How to choose from two seemingly equivalent options? The fact is that these options are not equivalent.

Horror stories of international transport


It is not easy to live between the customer of transportation and the very cunning and economical owner of the cargo. One day we received an order. Freight for three kopecks, additional conditions on two sheets, the collection is called.... Loading on Wednesday. The car is already in place on Tuesday, and by lunchtime the next day the warehouse begins to slowly throw into the trailer everything that your forwarder has collected for its recipient customers.


According to legends and experience, everyone who transported goods from Europe by road knows what a terrible place the Kozlovichi VET, Brest Customs, is. What chaos the Belarusian customs officers create, they find fault in every possible way and charge exorbitant prices. And it is true. But not all...


Loading with groupage cargo at a consolidation warehouse in Germany. One of the cargoes is milk powder from Italy, the delivery of which was ordered by the Forwarder.... A classic example of the work of a forwarder-“transmitter” (he doesn’t delve into anything, he just transmits along the chain).

Documents for international transport

International road transport of goods is very organized and bureaucratic; as a result, a bunch of unified documents are used to carry out international road transport of goods. It doesn’t matter if it’s a customs carrier or an ordinary one - he won’t travel without documents. Although this is not very exciting, we tried to simply explain the purpose of these documents and the meaning that they have. They gave an example of filling out TIR, CMR, T1, EX1, Invoice, Packing List...

Axle load calculation for road freight transport

The goal is to study the possibility of redistributing loads on the axles of the tractor and semi-trailer when the location of the cargo in the semi-trailer changes. And applying this knowledge in practice.

In the system we are considering there are 3 objects: a tractor $(T)$, a semi-trailer $(\large ((p.p.)))$ and a load $(\large (gr))$. All variables related to each of these objects will be marked with the superscript $T$, $(\large (p.p.))$ and $(\large (gr))$ respectively. For example, the tare weight of a tractor will be denoted as $m^(T)$.

Why don't you eat fly agarics? The customs officer exhaled a sigh of sadness.

What is happening in the international road transport market? The Federal Customs Service of the Russian Federation has banned the issuance of TIR Carnets without additional guarantees for several years already federal districts. And she notified that from December 1 current year and will completely terminate the contract with the IRU as non-compliant Customs Union and makes non-childish financial claims.
IRU in response: “The explanations of the Federal Customs Service of Russia regarding the alleged debt of ASMAP in the amount of 20 billion rubles are a complete fiction, since all the old TIR claims have been fully settled..... What do we, common carriers, think?

Stowage Factor Weight and volume of cargo when calculating the cost of transportation

The calculation of the cost of transportation depends on the weight and volume of the cargo. For sea transport, volume is most often decisive, for air transport - weight. For road transport of goods, a complex indicator is important. Which parameter for calculations will be chosen in a particular case depends on specific gravity of the cargo (Stowage Factor) .

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When producing a product, every entrepreneur first of all thinks about its sale and obtaining the maximum possible profit. That is why he strives to cover as much space as possible in a short period of time, where this product will be relevant and in demand. When contacting any company, the customer may be faced with several proposals for solving the problem. In this case, choose correct option The basics of transport logistics will help for beginning entrepreneurs and individuals who decide to use cargo transportation services. It is knowledge of the basics of transport logistics that will help you choose the right company among competing companies to which you can entrust your cargo.

The history of transport logistics

Few people paid attention to the fact that logistics appeared in ancient times, when there were special servants who distributed products between different provinces, settlements, and people. The main meaning lies in the word “logistics” (logistike) - the ability to calculate, evaluate, reason. A striking example is the construction of trade routes for caravans with overseas goods. And yet, as an industry, the creation of transport logistics dates back to the Second World War. It was necessary to solve strategic problems, the purpose of which was the correct distribution of food and supplying the army with weapons and ammunition. Logistics was divided into several types, and transport was only a small part of it. Gradually, the meaning of the term changed and included the management of warehousing and product distribution. Each customer will know, having studied transport logistics, how to calculate the costs of cargo delivery, and what type of transport to give preference.

When developing a cargo delivery system in logistics, the following factors are taken into account:

  • cargo dimensions;
  • carrying capacity of the vehicle;
  • travel distance;
  • period.

The commercial success of a particular company or entrepreneur depends on how quickly the method of transporting cargo is selected, the route is calculated, and other participants in transport logistics are involved. Therefore, the goals and main tasks of transport logistics are to organize regular deliveries, maximize the use of the vehicle’s carrying capacity, and correctly select the cargo route.

Main stages of transport logistics:

  • selection of the optimal mode of transport;
  • estimation of expected expenses;
  • preparation of a package of documents;
  • loading and installation of cargo;
  • transportation;
  • unloading at the required point.

Transport logistics management for road transport can be combined with adjustments to the activities of another mode of transport.

Factors hindering the rapid development of logistics:

  • economic instability;
  • weak level of production base for the production of containers and packaging;
  • bad roads that do not allow the maximum permissible speed to be reached;
  • low level of production base.

But even with the existing difficulties, the importance of transport logistics is great and it is the future.

Basic concepts of transport logistics

The essence of transport logistics is briefly the following - to organize timely delivery of cargo to a specific area by a specific hour. In this case, you must complete the following tasks:

  • analyze delivery points and cargo properties;
  • choose the right type of transport;
  • select a specific carrier and other partners;
  • build a route;
  • constantly monitor the movement of cargo;
  • to form and ensure the unity of all “persons involved” in the cargo transportation process;
  • optimize the movement process.

Having mastered the concepts of transport logistics, each customer understands how important this is for further development companies.

Transport and warehouse logistics – “two sides of the same coin”

Transport logistics in Russia cannot exist effectively without a well-functioning warehouse accounting system. After all, it is the stock of goods in warehouses that allows you to get rid of serious downtime and disruptions in fulfilling a special order. Let's look at how it is organized transport logistics automakers in Germany. In this country, the automobile industry occupies a significant specific gravity, and affects the production activities of auto parts suppliers. Special systems for supplying the domestic market have been developed here, where the concept of “just in time” and “just one after the other” is applied.

The meaning of the concepts is the timely delivery of the necessary spare parts to production. And for enterprises where there are no warehouses, the logistics of supplying components is so precisely calculated that it delivers products exactly at the right time on the conveyor belt. All of Europe clearly works according to this principle and effectively solves optimization problems of transport logistics. For Russia, this model is not yet acceptable due to the relatively low level of production development. For efficient work transport logistics, special software products are being introduced that calculate routes for specific types of transport, volume of products, their weight and other analytical studies. Information Technology in transport logistics, they allow you to compare actual and planned routes, which clearly reflect deviations and allow you to identify unreasonable downtime.

1. Introduction

2. Transport logistics

3. Conclusion

4. List of references used


Logistics is the science of planning, control and management of transportation, warehousing and other logistics operations performed in the process of bringing raw materials and materials to a production enterprise, in-process processing of raw materials, materials and semi-finished products, bringing finished products to the consumer in accordance with his interests and requirements, as well as the transmission, storage and processing of relevant information.

Logistics is broadly consumer oriented. Its goal is to deliver products just on time with minimum costs for supply, storage, production, packaging, sales, transport, due to which the operating conditions of the entire economy are significantly improved. The main goal of logistics is realized by solving a large complex of problems.

Problems solved in logistics: global, general, specific.

Logistics combines such areas economic activity, such as logistics of supply, production, sales, transport, etc.

Transport logistics

Transportation is a logistics operation consisting of moving products in a given state using vehicles, starting with loading at the place of departure and ending with unloading at the place of destination. This logistics operation includes:

1. the process of transporting cargo to its destination. Delivery times depend on a number of factors, including the type of cargo, speed category, type of shipment;

2. bringing the goods to the buyer by shipping the appropriate type of transport. If the shipment agreement does not specify under what conditions and by what type of transport delivery is carried out, then the right to choose transport and determine the conditions of transportation belongs to the supplier, unless otherwise follows from the law, other legal acts, the essence of the obligation or business customs (clause 1 of Art. 510 Civil Code of the Russian Federation);

3. transportation of cargo to the terminal at the place of departure and from the terminal at the place of destination or from the supplier’s warehouse to the end consumer.

Transport is an important link in the logistics system. It must have a number of necessary properties and meet certain requirements in order to create innovative systems for the collection and distribution of goods. First of all, transport must be flexible enough to ensure the transportation process is subject to weekly or even daily adjustments, guarantee frequent and round-the-clock delivery of goods to scattered and remote points, and reliably serve the clientele in order to avoid business interruptions or customer shortages. At the same time, the transport must be able to transport small quantities of goods at short intervals in accordance with the changing needs of the user and the conditions of small-scale production.

The main tasks of transport logistics include:

· creation of transport systems, including the creation of transport corridors and transport chains;

· joint planning of transport processes on various modes of transport (in the case of intermodal transport);

· ensuring technological unity of the transport and warehouse process;

· joint planning of the transport process with warehouse and production;

· choosing the type of vehicle;

· selection of vehicle type;

· determination of rational delivery routes.

There are two groups of vehicles based on their purpose:

1. Public transport- is a set of industries in the sphere of material production that meet the needs National economy and the population in the transportation of goods, luggage, passengers and in the transportation of mail. The concept of “public transport” covers railway, water (sea and river), air, road and pipeline transport. Connection between public transport and industrial and trading enterprises carried out through access roads included in the industrial transport system. Rail transport and pipeline transport in most countries are considered natural monopolies and are subject to regulation by special government bodies. For other types of public transport in conditions market economy the most typical are oligopoly, i.e. structure of the transport services market, in which several large carriers, on the basis of informal agreements, control the bulk of the market. In accordance with Art. 789 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, transportation carried out by a commercial organization is recognized as transportation by public transport if it follows from the law, other legal acts or a permit (license) issued to this organization that this organization is obliged to transport goods, passengers and luggage at the request of any citizen or legal entity .

2. Non-public transport– intra-production transport, as well as vehicles of all types belonging to non-transport enterprises; are, as a rule, an integral part of any production systems and should be organically integrated into them. Accordingly, the organization of its work is one of the tasks of organizing logistics in the enterprise as a whole and is carried out in conjunction with solving the problems of production, procurement and distribution.

The key role of transportation in logistics is explained not only by the large share of transportation costs in the overall composition of logistics costs, but also by the fact that without transportation the very existence of material flow is impossible.

The following main types of transport can be distinguished: railway; nautical; air; pipeline

Each type of transport has specific features from the point of view of logistics management, advantages and disadvantages that determine the possibilities of its use in the logistics system.

Let's consider the comparative logistics characteristics of various types of transport, which should be taken into account when choosing a vehicle.

Railway transport. Advantages: high carrying and throughput capacity; independence from climatic conditions, time of year and day; high regularity of transportation; relatively low tariffs; significant discounts for transit shipments; high speed delivery of goods over long distances. Flaws: limited number of carriers; large capital investments in the production and technical base; high material and energy consumption of transportation; low accessibility to end points of sales (consumption); insufficient cargo safety.

The wagon fleet consists of passenger and freight cars. Freight cars are divided into universal (covered, gondola cars, platforms, tanks) and specialized, adapted for transporting a certain type of cargo (isothermal, cement, acid, etc.). covered wagons are used to transport valuable cargo and cargo that is susceptible to precipitation; gondola cars – for bulk loaded and timber cargo; tanks – for liquid cargo (gasoline, kerosene, milk, etc.). Heavy and large-sized cargo is transported in transporters with a lifting capacity of 400 tons.

Each type of car is characterized by its carrying capacity, capacity, tare weight of the car and other indicators. Loading capacity is determined by the amount of cargo in tons that can be loaded into a given car in accordance with the strength of its chassis, frame and body, capacity - the product of the length of the car by its width and height. The most important element The growth of the productivity of the rolling stock is the full use of the carrying capacity and capacity of the wagons. The degree of use of the carrying capacity and capacity of the car when transporting a particular cargo can be judged by the corresponding coefficients.

To carry out cargo, commercial and other operations Railway has freight stations that are equipped with freight devices and structures. Cargo station is a complex of track and cargo devices, technical and office premises designed to carry out relevant cargo and commercial operations. It carries out operations for receiving, loading and issuing cargo and luggage.

Sea transport. Advantages: possibility of intercontinental transportation; low cost of long-distance transportation; high carrying and throughput capacity; low capital intensity of transportation. Flaws: limited transportation; low delivery speed (long transit time); dependence on geographical, navigation and weather conditions; the need to create a complex postal infrastructure; strict requirements for packaging and securing cargo; low frequency of shipments.

The main indicators characterizing river and sea vessels are displacement, carrying capacity, cargo capacity, vessel dimensions (length, width, side height) and draft when loaded and empty.

To carry out loading and unloading operations, receiving and issuing cargo, organizing transportation and servicing the fleet, there are sea and river ports and marinas. Port called a coastal point that has convenient water approaches for ships, connected from the coastal territory with railway and trackless transport and equipped with appropriate structures, devices and equipment that ensure rapid loading and unloading of ships, wagons and vehicles, navigation services for ships, cultural and social services and equipment of ships.

Inland water (river) transport. Advantages: high carrying capacity on deep-water rivers and reservoirs; low cost of transportation; low capital intensity. Flaws: limited transportation; low speed of cargo delivery; dependence on uneven depths of rivers and reservoirs, navigation conditions; seasonality; insufficient reliability of transportation and safety of cargo.

The globalization of the economy is accompanied by unprecedented growth in trade. Global exports have grown 10-fold over 50 years and continue to grow at a faster rate than GDP. The daily volume of foreign exchange transactions exceeds $1.5 trillion, up from $15 billion in 1973. Under these conditions, the importance of the global transport network increases to its maximum. Transport serves as the material basis for production connections between individual territories, acts as a factor organizing the global economic space and ensuring further geographical division labor.

In the structure of social production, transport belongs to the sphere of production of material services. A significant part of transportation along the route of MP movement from the primary source of raw materials to the final consumer is carried out using various vehicles. The costs of performing these operations are up to 50% of the amount total costs for logistics. This determines the importance of optimizing the movement of MPs at the transportation stage.

Transport solves the following main tasks:

  • creation of transport systems, including the creation of transport corridors and transport chains;
  • joint planning of transport processes on various modes of transport (in the case of multimodal transport);
  • ensuring technological unity of the transport and warehouse process;
  • joint planning of the transport process with warehouse and production;
  • choosing the type and type of vehicle;
  • determination of rational delivery routes.

The initial data for choosing the optimal mode of transport for a specific transportation is the information:

  • about the characteristic features of various types of transport, their pros and cons;
  • about other logistics tasks related to the transportation of products, such as creating and maintaining optimal inventory levels, choosing the type of packaging, etc.

There are six main factors for choosing a mode of transport:

  • Delivery time;
  • Frequency of cargo shipments;
  • reliability of compliance with the delivery schedule;
  • ability to transport different loads;
  • the ability to deliver cargo to any point in the territory;
  • transportation cost.

Automobile transport. The scope of application of road transport in Russia is intracity, suburban and intradistrict freight and Passenger Transportation, as well as transportation over medium and long distances of small-tonnage valuable and perishable goods.

Advantages: high maneuverability and efficiency; regularity of delivery; less stringent requirements for product packaging compared to other types.

Disadvantages: relatively high cost of transportation (based on the maximum carrying capacity of the vehicle); urgency of unloading; possibility of cargo theft; possibility of vehicle theft; relatively low load capacity.

Railway transport. In Russian conditions, railway transport is most effective for transporting bulk types of cargo over medium and long distances with a high concentration of freight flows. Advantages: relatively low cost of transportation; well adapted for transporting various consignments of cargo in all weather conditions; possibility of delivering cargo over long distances; regularity of transportation; opportunity effective organization loading and unloading operations. Disadvantages: low maneuverability.

Sea transport. It is the largest carrier in international transport. Maritime transport mainly carries out external, export-import transportation (including all freight transportation in intercontinental traffic). Its role is great in coastal (inland) transportation for the northern and eastern coastal regions of the country.

Advantages: low freight tariffs; high carrying capacity. Disadvantages: low speed; strict requirements for packaging and securing cargo; low frequency of shipments; dependence on weather conditions.

Inland water transport. Inland water (river) transport is intended for the transportation of certain bulk types of cargo over medium and long distances, as well as for passenger traffic (especially suburban). However, in recent decades it cannot withstand competition with other types of transport and has practically turned into a specific type of technological transport intended for the transportation of mineral and construction materials.

Advantage: low freight tariffs; when transporting goods weighing more than 100 tons over a distance of more than 250 km, this type of transport is the cheapest.

Flaws: low speed delivery; low geographical availability due to configuration limitations waterways; seasonality.

Air Transport. According to its functions air Transport also refers to highly specialized: it carries out mainly passenger transportation over long and medium distances, although it is of great importance in transporting a number of valuable, perishable and urgent goods.

Advantages: high speed; Possibility of delivery to remote areas.

Disadvantages: high freight rates; dependence on weather conditions, which reduces the reliability of meeting the delivery schedule.

Pipeline transport. Pipeline transport is designed for pumping gas, oil and petroleum products. Pipeline transport, in contrast to the universal modes of transport described above, still remains highly specialized, intended for pumping liquids and liquids over long distances. gaseous products limited range: gas, oil and petroleum products.

Advantages: high delivery speed; the most cost-effective way to transport oil and gas. Disadvantages: narrow specialization; frequent emergency situations due to pipeline safety violations, theft of non-ferrous metals and equipment from along-route structures; unauthorized tapping into pipelines; acts of sabotage; increased danger of environmental and social consequences of possible failures and accidents: fires, explosions, environmental pollution, a great threat to the population, losses due to theft through unauthorized tapping into oil pipelines; science-intensity and capital-intensity of defect diagnostics, repairs, equipment modernization, reconstruction and construction of new pipelines.

Industrial firms that have entrusted part of their functions to transport enterprises specialize in their core activities to increase its efficiency and are ready to pay for the qualified services of third-party companies to carry out a number of LF. Industrial firms see their main benefit in this process - a reduction in total costs and especially a reduction in the fund wages. In addition, along with purely economic factors, cargo owners receive a higher degree of freedom of maneuver. Thus, increasing commercial flexibility is very valuable for industries operating in markets distributed over large territories and suffering losses from untimely switching of commodity flows in accordance with fluctuations in demand.

What is transport logistics

Transport logistics– this is the management of cargo transportation, i.e. changing the location of material assets using vehicles. Internal transport logistics deals with intra-production transportation, and external transport logistics deals with supplying enterprises and marketing their products. With the traditional approach to transportation, the information flow moves along with the material flow from the shipper, through the forwarder via vehicles, and then from the forwarder to the consignee. With this approach as transport logistics, another element is added to the system - a single transportation operator who manages the information flow and coordinates actions. Transport logistics- the main task is to ensure technical, technological and economic connectivity between participants in the transport process. Technical connectivity – consistency in the transport complex of vehicle parameters. Technological connectivity – involves the use of a unified transportation technology and non-transshipment communication. Economic connectivity is a general methodology for studying market conditions and constructing a tariff system. In addition, transport logistics has the following tasks: - creation of transport systems in transport logistics, including transport corridors and chains; - joint planning of transport processes on various modes of transport; - joint planning of the transport process with the warehouse and production process; - choosing the type of vehicle; - transport logistics also has such a task as “choosing the type of transportation”; - determination of a rational route. Transport logistics- principles - the main goal is to minimize transportation costs: - transport logistics contains the principle of maximizing the full use of the carrying capacity of rolling stock in logistics; - has the principle of multiplicity of the transported cargo consignment, order units, dispatch and warehousing; - transport logistics also includes the principle of container standardization; - the principle of economy of scale and distance of transportation is contained in transport logistics; - transport logistics also includes the principle of concentrating cargo flows on individual channels - distribution and rejection of uneconomical goods; - also cannot do without the principle of just-in-time delivery of goods.

Transport logistics is a system for organizing delivery, namely for moving any material objects, substances, etc. from one point to another along the optimal route. One of the fundamental areas of science about managing information and material flows in the process of movement of goods

The optimal route is considered to be one along which it is possible to deliver a logistics object in the shortest possible time (or within the stipulated time frame) with minimal costs, as well as with minimal harm to the delivery object.

Harm to the delivery object is considered to be a negative impact on the logistics facility both from external factors (transportation conditions) and from the temporary factor during the delivery of objects falling under this category.


    Selecting a vehicle type.

    Selecting the type of vehicle.

    Joint planning of transport processes with warehouse and production operations.

    Joint planning of transport processes on various types of transport.

    Ensuring technological unity of the transport and warehouse process.

    Determination of rational delivery routes.

All these tasks are solved interconnectedly, in a complex.

Against the backdrop of a permanently growing interest in logistics topics, more and more relevant educational programs have recently emerged - various trainings, courses, seminars, conferences, etc. Most of them include the theoretical and practical basis of transport logistics or are directly devoted to solving transport problems specifically. By communicating with students of such courses, you can get a general picture of the shortcomings of transport services (with the participation of external carriers), as well as internal transport logistics at the enterprise (with independent transportation).

When dividing the opinions of practitioners seeking to improve the transport logistics of their enterprises into thematic blocks, it becomes obvious that the main problems relate to:

    quality of transport services (if external transport companies are involved);

    deterioration of rolling stock and difficulties associated with its renewal;

    poor information support for transportation;

    a decrease in the competitiveness of Ukrainian carriers compared, for example, with Polish ones;

    difficulties in drawing up traffic routes (whether international transportation or distribution throughout the city);

    underloading of vehicles in terms of carrying capacity or useful internal volume of the body;

    cargo and vehicle insurance;

    difficulties in organizing transportation involving several modes of transport;

    lack of information about software products that allow to automate, simplify and speed up the execution of operations accompanying the transportation process, etc.

Now let's look at the specifics and development trends of these problem areas in more detail.

Quality of transport service

All large quantity enterprises whose activities are in one way or another connected with transportation (delivery of raw materials, customer service) decide to outsource all or part of transportation. This solution allows them to concentrate on their core business, improving the quality of work and improving their products, as well as entrusting transport logistics to professionals in this field, which ultimately improves the quality of transportation, and in many cases, reduces transport costs.

However, external carriers do not always provide quality services. This applies, first of all, to simple forwarding or transport companies, the former of which do not have their own rolling stock and work as intermediaries between the customer and the carrier, and the latter, while transporting goods with their own vehicles, practically do not try to optimize the transportation process itself. Although this could be done by collecting consolidated cargo from several senders, drawing up optimal routes, connecting a more efficient mode of transport at a certain stage of the route, etc. We can say that now there is a tendency towards the death of “simple” transport market operators and a transition to the unification of forwarding, transport and other transport logistics functions in one enterprise. For such integrated enterprises, the term “logistics operator” is often used, which fully conveys the systemic nature of their activities and a clear focus on the compromise between transport (and related) costs and the level of quality of services provided.

Depreciation of rolling stock

Here we should dwell not only on the problem of determining the optimal service life of vehicles involved in the transportation of goods, but also on the need to adequately calculate their depreciation.

It is known that there are quite a lot of methods for calculating depreciation, and at the moment each enterprise decides for itself which one to use, at least for internal needs (for example, calculating the cost of transportation or the residual value of transport).

The practice of enterprises that have their own vehicles on their balance sheets indicates the feasibility of various methods for calculating depreciation of vehicles when using rolling stock produced in the CIS countries and Europe, Japan, and Korea. Thus, for domestic brands it is recommended to make calculations based on 5-6 years of car service, while for “foreigners” this period can be doubled.

As for determining the optimal period for replacing a vehicle, one of the methods used in logistics is appropriate here, which takes into account operating costs that increase over time on the one hand and the gradually decreasing productivity and residual value of the vehicle on the other. This technique makes it possible to understand at what service life a car is more profitable to sell at its residual market value than to operate it with ever-increasing costs, including depreciation, the cost of repairs, etc.

Poor information support for the transportation process

Unfortunately, despite the apparent “informatization” and “computerization” of modern life, the flow of information accompanying the transportation process is still far from perfect. This also applies to communication with the driver (especially when he is in another state or at a border crossing), and monitoring of cargo during transportation, and monitoring the condition of the vehicle and its location.

This problem is felt a little weaker in domestic, Ukrainian transportation. However, even here there are cases of loss of communication with the car, which negatively affects the coordination of the transportation process, especially in cases of the need for urgent transmission or correction of information for the driver.

Declining competitiveness of Ukrainian carriers compared to Polish ones

Improved transport legislation, as well as the “blurring” of borders with EU countries, have made the transport sector in Poland quite attractive. This led to an increase in transport operators, which in turn caused increased domestic competition and a fall in tariffs. Thus, at present, with higher driver wages and more expensive fuel, Polish carriers offer equal and sometimes lower tariffs compared to Ukrainian companies.

In such a situation, we can recommend returning to the method of calculating the cost of transportation and starting not from the market price per 1 km, but from individual profitability. Then the work of the transport enterprise will not only become more transparent for the client, but will also make it possible to track how profitable this or that transportation is.

Difficulties in building transportation routes

Back in the days Soviet Union Transport workers used quite effective methods for drawing up optimal routes, both pendulum and prefabricated and distribution routes. This is the so-called transport problem - the need to find the shortest connecting network, the shortest path between two points on the territory, as well as draw up collection and distribution routes.

Unfortunately, with the transition to market relations, some chaos appeared in the design of the transportation process, and the mentioned methods for optimizing the transport process were forgotten.

At the same time, an increasing number of companies, faced with the problems of creating optimal travel routes, are ready to invest a lot of money in software that can automate the process of finding the most rational route. Although sometimes it’s enough to launch good old Excel to quickly solve a transport problem. This “semi-manual” method of determining the route allows you not only to obtain the optimal result, but also to easily analyze what a change in it will lead to if for some reason it does not suit the manager or customer.

Underload of rolling stock

The problem of insufficient use of the vehicle's carrying capacity is directly related to the frequent reluctance or inability to complete shipments from different shippers. But transportation of consolidated cargo brings great profit to the carrier, since for each owner of a part of such cargo, the cost of transportation is reduced insignificantly compared to what it would be if his cargo was alone in the car. This is because, although it is not economically justified, the basis of transport tariffs in any case is the mileage traveled by the vehicle. So the cost of transportation per 1000 km for the same type of cargo weighing 2 and 5 tons will practically not differ.

Of course, delivery of groupage cargo is associated with more problems than sending from one sender to one recipient, but it is more profitable, both for the sender (he will still save a little on delivery costs) and for the carrier (for him, the cost of transporting groupage cargo is significantly exceeds the cost of transportation from one sender).

Cargo and vehicle insurance

Currently, more and more shippers and consignees are trying to insure their transportation. Moreover, according to practitioners, insurance of the cargo, and not the vehicle with the cargo, prevails. Thus, in most cases, insurance is issued as a percentage of the value of the cargo (usually 0.15-0.25%), and upon the occurrence of an insured event, an insurance payment is made in the amount to which the damage to the cargo was caused. Usually the cost of damage is not fully compensated. In any case, the insurer and the policyholder are looking for the most acceptable combination of the cost of insurance and the amount of insurance payments, which is stipulated in the insurance contract.

Cargo insurance reduces anxiety about the transportation process, which usually has a beneficial effect on all participants.

As for vehicle insurance, it is used less frequently. At the same time, long-standing distrust of insurance companies as such is slowing down the process of distributing insurance for both vehicles and cargo.

Difficulties in organizing the interaction of several modes of transport

Given the existence of any possible means of communication in our country (roads and railways, seas, rivers, air lines, pipelines), road transport remains the most used. This is even more strange if we take into account the large territory of our country, because at distances of 700–1500 km, rail transport becomes much more economical than road transport.

Apparently, the prevalence of road freight transportation over all others is associated, first of all, with the mobility of this type of transport. So, firstly, it was easier for automobile transport companies to adapt to existence in a sovereign state, and secondly, this type of transport successfully carries out door-to-door transportation, which in most cases is inaccessible to others. As for transportation tariffs, competitors for automobiles are rail and water transport. However, the complexity of relations with the railway and different rules for transportation on different types transport lead to a refusal to work with “non-automobile” modes of transport, much less combine them. Also important is the fact that when different transport interacts, transportation times almost always increase. This is due to transshipments from one mode of transport to another, which are usually accompanied by short-term storage of cargo. So a slight reduction in the total cost of transportation is usually combined with an increase in delivery time and an increase in the complexity of organizing and controlling such transportation. It can be added that combined transportation is usually much more difficult to predict in terms of timing and possible risks. Here, the problems of information support are much more acute than in road transport.

Lack of information about software products in the field of transport logistics

Market software grows exponentially. More and more new programs that improve themselves allow us to simplify our lives. However, this also brings up the other side of the coin - it is very difficult to navigate the mass of software that floods the market. Everyone is already accustomed to the fact that, before we have time to install the latest program, we already see a release or demo version of a new one. So the desire to constantly update the software base is pointless and impractical.

When it comes to software for transport logistics, things are a little different. Unlike “warehouse” developments, there are much fewer of them on the market, reviews about them are very different, and there is no normal, objective analytics at all. Given the considerable cost of such programs, it is not surprising that their potential buyers are lost and gradually abandon the idea of ​​purchasing “until better times.”

So we can advise developers not only to work on improving their software packages, but also to “explain” to their potential buyers the advantages and features of this particular program in relation to a set of others. Then consumers will see the difference and be able to make the right choice, and it will be easier for manufacturers to find and define their niche in the transport logistics software market.

The essence and objectives of transport logistics

Transport logistics is defined as a field of activity covering three areas:

    the process of planning, organizing and implementing rational and inexpensive delivery (transportation) of goods (goods) from the places of their production to the places of consumption;

    control over all transport and other operations arising along the route of cargo using modern telecommunications, computer science and other information technologies;

    providing relevant information to cargo owners.

TO transport logistics tasks include:

    creation of transport systems, including the creation of transport corridors and transport chains.

Transport corridor- is part of a national or international transport system that provides significant freight traffic between distinct geographic areas. Transport chain- stages of cargo transportation over certain distances, over a certain period of time, using vehicles of one or more types of transport. All this time, the cargo remains unchanged:

    ensuring technological unity of the transport and warehouse process;

    joint planning of the transport process with warehouse and production;

    choosing the type of vehicle;

    selection of vehicle type;

    determination of rational delivery routes;

    ensuring technical and technological connectivity of participants in the transport process, coordination of their economic interests, as well as the use of unified planning systems.

Logistics services

Transport logistics- managing the flow of goods, information and other resources in the repair cycle between the point of origin and the point of consumption to meet customer requirements. Logistics involves the integration of information, transportation, inventory, warehousing, material handling, and packaging, and sometimes security.

Warehouse Logistics- a supply chain channel that adds value to the utility of place and time. Today, the complexity of manufacturing logistics can be modeled, analyzed, visualized and optimized by factory simulation software.

In business, logistics can have either an internal center (inbound logistics) or an external center (outbound logistics) covering the flow and storage of materials from the point of origin to the point of consumption. The main functions of a competent specialist, providing logistics services, include inventory management, purchasing, transportation, warehousing, consulting and organizing, and planning for these activities. Logistics professionals combine expertise from each of these functions to coordinate resources within an organization. There are two significantly different forms of logistics: each optimizes the smooth flow of material through a network of storage nodes and transport routes; other coordinates are a sequence of resources to carry out some project.

The term manufacturing logistics is used to describe logistics processes within an industry. The goal of manufacturing logistics is to ensure that every machine and workstation is fed the right product in the right quantity and quality at the right time. The concern is not the transport itself, but to simplify and manage the flow through value-adding processes and eliminate the "not valuing the addition". Production logistics and warehouse can be applied to existing as well as new plants. Manufacturing in an existing plant is a constantly changing process. Machines are exchanged and new ones are added, which make it possible to improve the production logistics system accordingly. Manufacturing logistics provides a means to achieve customer response and capital efficiency.

In many industries (eg mobile phones), batch size each is a short-term goal, allowing even a single customer's requirement to be fulfilled efficiently. Track and trace, which is a core part of manufacturing logistics - due to product safety and product reliability issues - is also gaining importance, especially in the automotive and medical logistics services industries.