Chinese Crested Downy. Chinese Corydalis downy features of the breed

The Chinese Crested is a miniature graceful dog that looks like a small horse. The name of the breed does not contain the word "naked", since Chinese crested dogs come in two varieties: hairless with hair on the head, tail and paws, and downy (long-haired).

The Chinese Crested is a miniature graceful dog that looks like a small horse.

There are countless myths and theories about the origin of the Chinese Crested Dog, but the only thing that is certain is that this is a very ancient breed. The description of the breed has been found since ancient times, there is evidence that it existed in the 3rd century BC, being considered a symbol of prosperity and well-being of the family. Many centuries later, Chinese merchants took their pets with them to other countries, in this way they got to Europe.

The bald crested breed appeared as a result of a mutation that led to the loss of wool in the animal. Similar mutations are also found on other continents (Mexican hairless dog, Peruvian hairless dog).

At the end of the 19th century, the breed was brought to England, but at that time no one was interested in the exotic appearance. By the middle of the 20th century, the Chinese Crested was preserved only by one breeder from the USA, from where 4 dogs of this breed were re-imported to the UK. From that moment on, the second life of this amazing species actually began, and foggy Albion acquired the status of the main breeding center for breeding CCS. There was also developed and approved the standard of this breed.

Is the whole house covered in wool?

Many people are afraid to have pets because they constantly have a lot of wool. The latest invention is a special glovethat will easily collect your pet's hair, and he himself will not mind. Watch our video on how to use this glove and how it can help you:

The Russian public got acquainted with this breed not so long ago. The first crested were brought to Russia in the late nineties. Due to its unique charm and unusual appearance, this breed immediately won universal love and recognition.

Behavioral features of the Chinese crested dog (video)

Gallery: Chinese Crested dog (25 photos)

The nature and characteristics of the breed

Representatives of this species are distinguished by friendliness and cheerful temperament, they get along well with other pets. Quite mobile and inquisitive. With their slender appearance and fragility, they are distinguished by good health. At the same time, this breed is self-centered: with a lack of attention, the dog is often nervous or very bored. This breed is very sensitive to rough handling.

High intelligence allows this breed to be trained in a variety of tricks: fetching things or standing on its hind legs, jumping over obstacles or climbing stairs.

The Chinese Crested Dog breed leaves no one indifferent, causing a storm of emotions from sincere admiration to bewilderment. There are two types of this breed:

  1. Naked crested. Differs in exotic appearance in connection with completely bare body. Wool cover with long hair present only on the head (tuft), on the legs (downy socks) and the tip of the tail.
  2. Fluffy crested. Fully covered with long and light fur resembling a veil. Downy dog ​​looks like an Afghan hound, only small size. Coat color varies from dark brown to blue, including spotted coloring.

The Chinese crested dog is graceful and miniature (height at the withers is from 23 to 33 cm, and the weight varies from 3 to 6 kg), with a moderately light bone structure. There are two types of constitution: the mobile deer type with light bones and the equine type, more stocky, with a relatively heavy body.

This dog breed has a well-proportioned body type. Color allows any combination of colors.

Chinese Crested Breed Standards

The crested dog has the following approved standards:

  1. Head. The structure of the skull is round and slightly elongated, but not heavy. Flat and narrow cheekbones. The muzzle is not sharp, but narrowed, with dry and thin lips. The transition from the forehead to the muzzle is small but clearly defined, with an equal distance from the transition to the base of the skull and the tip of the nose. The tuft starts at the transition area and falls to the neck. The nose can be any color.
  2. Eyes widely spaced, almond-shaped, medium size and almost black. Ideally, if the whites of the eyes are not visible, and if visible, then very little. The American standard also allows light eye color, if it matches the color of the dog. The eyes should not be excessively protruding.
  3. Ears large, standing upright, with a fringe along the outer line. The bottom line of the base of the ears should be flush with the outer corners of the eyes. The Chinese Crested Down Dog may have floppy ears.
  4. Jaw strong, with a regular bite without gaps, the teeth are located directly on the jaws, the upper ones tightly overlap the lower ones.
  5. Neck long, not wrinkled, merging smoothly into strong shoulders. Against the background of a wide shoulder girdle, it looks very graceful.
  6. Body. The forepart is characterized by straight, narrow and laid back shoulders. Elbows close to the body. The forelimbs are long and slender, with correct location under the hull. The body itself is flexible, the chest part is deep and wide, reaching the elbows, but not convex. The abdomen and groin line have a taut appearance. The back part has muscular rounded hips, an elastic lumbar region. The hind legs are set wide apart and extend beyond the line of the croup. The hocks are well let down. The paws of a Chinese crested dog are similar to those of a hare: narrow and long, with a specific elongation of small bones between the joints. Paws are straight, neither sloping in nor out.
  7. Tail smooth, without creases, tapering towards the tip, forming a sickle-shaped bend. At rest, it looks down, and when moving, it can rise above the line of the back. The Chinese hairless dog has long hair at the end of the tail, similar in shape to an open fan or plume.

Care and maintenance

Caring for Chinese Crested Dogs is a whole ritual, so this breed is chosen by those who have free time and desire to take care of a small pet.

At first glance, it seems that hairless dogs do not require close attention to keeping them at home, but this is not so. The Chinese nude undergoes a whole range of spa treatments: washing the skin, steaming and cleaning it, removing excess hair with depilation products, warming and nourishing massage with aromatic oils, masks for skin and wool.

Grooming for a downy crested dog is similar to caring for all long-haired animals: the main emphasis is on washing and maintaining the coat. It is recommended to wash at least 2 times a month so that the wool does not stray into tangles.

The Chinese Crested Puff Dog practically does not shed, all the hair is combed out after bath procedures. Wash with shampoo and use conditioner. After washing, the wool is thoroughly dried with a hair dryer, but the drying temperature should be slightly warmer than room temperature. If the Chinese downy does not participate in exhibitions, then it can be cut. Grooming a puff can completely change the appearance of an animal and make grooming easier.

A mixed diet is recommended for feeding: in the morning - natural cottage cheese of moderate fat content, in the afternoon - dry food, and at night - meat. Vegetables and fruits (tomatoes, bananas, grapes, dried apricots) must be added to all feedings. But sweet fruits should be given in moderation, because the high sugar content disrupts the metabolism, which leads to obesity.

Puppies are fed 3 times a day, and an adult animal 1-2 times a day.

Despite the fact that Chinese Crested Dog puppies are accustomed to the tray from a young age, it is advisable to walk with it several times a day. Walking contributes to its socialization and will allow you to realize the indefatigable energy of the animal, and also neutralize the danger of gaining excess weight. If the weather is inclement and cold, then the dog must be dressed to avoid hypothermia. You should also protect the animal from direct sunlight.

Distinctive characteristics of the Chinese Crested dog breed (video)

The cost of puppies

The Chinese crested dog is an expensive breed, so when choosing a puppy, you need to pay attention not only to how much the animal costs, but also whether there is time to surround the pet with attention, care and provide him with the right care.

The price depends on the type:

  1. Puppy Chinese crested downy species if there is a confirmed pedigree and good health, it will cost from 12 to 25 thousand rubles.
  2. Chinese crested nude due to its uniqueness and exoticism, it will cost from 25 to 50 thousand rubles, depending on the pedigree and compliance with breed standards. Original hairless dogs are very popular all over the world.

Since the price depends on the color, pedigree, external characteristics and other criteria, then the price range is quite significant: you can buy a good and faithful companion for 15 thousand rubles or an animal for breeding breeds - from 30 to 50 thousand rubles.

Attention, only TODAY!

The Chinese Downy Crested Dog is a variation of the Chinese Crested dog breed. The subspecies is called powder puff, that is, puff. This breed got its name because of the soft and very fluffy coat. Today, in Europe, the Chinese Crested dog breed is very popular, due to its small size. Even in a small one-room apartment, your living space will not suffer if you have a Chinese crested dog.

History of the breed

In China today, the Chinese Crested, whose breed history is not exactly known, plays the role of a symbol of the owner's wealth. By 1966, such dogs were considered lost. Only a few individuals were found around the world, which were taken to the UK. It was here that the standard was created, and the British got the right to be called its founders.

In appearance, the Chinese Crested resembles Mexican dogs, which gives cynologists a reason for heated debate. It was in Mexico that the remains of a dog that lived there more than 3,500 years ago were found, anatomically similar to the Chinese Crested. After 2000 years, at the beginning of the 16th century, such dogs appeared in China, but how is a mystery. There is a third version, according to which the Chinese crested appeared on the African continent.

Description of the breed

An accurate description of the Chinese Crested breed is difficult to make, because the variety of variations is quite large. These small dogs have a funny tuft on their heads. Its length may vary. The eyes of most animals are very dark, almost black. At the same time, there is almost no protein. Ears at bare rocks crested ones are standing and large, and in powder puff they are hanging. The teeth, like most hairless ones, are characterized by a scissor bite. The paws of dogs of this breed of hare-shaped are narrow and long, with miniature elongated carpal bones. There is a fluffy tassel at the tip of her tail. The hairless Chinese Crested has a very short coat, while the Downy Crested coat consists entirely of the coat (no undercoat). The weight does not exceed 6 kilograms, and the height at the withers is 33 centimeters. Color can be anything.


Smart and energetic, the Chinese Crested Dog has a docile and playful personality. She can easily live in the same area with other pets. Chinese crested and children are a great tandem. Both of them are always fun together. Surprisingly, these animals unobtrusively, but persistently invade the space of a person, placing him to themselves. They quickly become favorites of all family members.

If you decide to start training a Chinese Crested, you should start at the age of three weeks. Usually, special skills are not required from such dogs, it is enough that she be trained in “good manners”.

Care and maintenance

The main care of the Chinese Crested Dog comes down to caring for its coat. Of course, if we are talking about powder puff. It should be washed once a week with shampoo, and combed every two days. If you regularly care for Chinese crested, then molting and bad smell will not be.

Necessary Special attention give dog food, because it has high energy costs, and the fat layer is very thin. In order for the dog not to freeze, the food must be complete.

When walking in cold weather, the Chinese Crested should wear overalls.

Like other breeds, the Chinese Crested is prone to certain diseases, including keratoconjunctivitis, luxating patella, difficult childbirth, and Perthes disease. Often the Chinese Crested is allergic to food or cosmetics, so do not overdo it with them.

The Chinese Crested Down Dog is a breed of miniature dog.

China is considered the birthplace of origin, but according to various sources there is an opinion that representatives of this breed may come from Mexico.

This is evidenced by remains found during excavations, similar to this species.

In China, these dogs are still considered a symbol of happiness, love and home healers.

In Mexico, they were considered sacred animals, about which there were beautiful legends, they were one of the ten symbols of goodness.

Another name for this breed is powder puff or puff because of its fluffy and long coat.

This species is distinguished by its small size and calmly get along with the owners and other pets even in a small area, so they are very often brought into an apartment.

Easily adapt to both hot and cold climates. Dogs of this breed have good health, beautiful grace, mind, vigor, complaisant character. They breed easily and can take care of their offspring until adulthood.

Very friendly dogs, even if at first they do not show distrust towards strangers, then after a short time they quickly make contact and gladly pay their usual attention to a new friend.

They always easily find an approach to their owner, they carefully like to observe his habits and actions.

They have insight. If they see that the owner is busy with something, they will never distract him and will calmly find something to do.

Very playful. They can play with small children for a long time, treat them with patience and awe. They can never bite or scare, absolutely devoid of aggression. They bark very rarely.

They love communication and can hardly endure long loneliness, from which they can get sick, withdraw or fall into apathy for a while.

As for devotion, these dogs adore and become attached not only to one owner, but also to all members of his family.

They are easy to train, willingly carry out the main commands, capable of learning various circus tricks. You can teach to classes from the age of three weeks.

It is also noted that a dog of this breed likes to taste various objects. She has a well-developed chewing reflex, so that she does not get bored, does not spoil shoes or other things, you need to purchase various rubber toys for her, which they love very much.

The life expectancy of these dogs is approximately 10-12 years, but with proper care, care and attention of the owner, this figure can be much higher.

Puff dogs are small in size;

Eyes- dark shade, almost black, the eye protein is practically absent;

Ears- hanging;

Wool- long and soft, no undercoat;

Weight- no more than 6 kg, about 30 cm high;

Tail- high-set, long, in a calm state of the dog is lowered down, should not be bent;

Color- wool can be varied.

The color of the coat changes with age, but by the age of three months you can determine the color by the roots of the hairline. At birth, both hairless and fluffy puppies can be in the litter at the same time.

Puppies of the Chinese Crested breed are very active, do not sit still, and are significantly ahead of their peers of other breeds in development.

On the 8th-9th day of their birth, their eyes are already beginning to open, they start walking early, unlike other puppies.

When choosing puppies, there are a number of important parameters to consider.:

  • straight back;
  • strong bones;
  • scissor bite;
  • smooth belly, pink;
  • clean eyes, ears, nose without discharge.

The importance lies in caring for the beautiful, long coat of these dogs. The best way- Mandatory bathing with shampoo 2 times a week.

Now there are two types of Chinese Crested Dogs in the world, one of them is the Chinese Crested Hairless Dog, we all know it well. Let's just say dogs are deeply amateurish. The second type of Chinese crested dogs - fluffy chinese crested dog. These two types of dogs of the same breed differ, as you probably guessed, by the presence of hair on the dog.

As to why the dogs were left without hair, there are several versions. According to one of them, this dog once found a freezing child in the forest and, throwing off his hair, did not let the baby die. As you understand, this is just a beautiful legend, of which there are a huge number in China. In fact, the reason for the baldness of these dogs is quite different. The absence of hair on the body of a dog is the cause of a genetic mutation. Moreover, this mutation has been known in China since time immemorial.

History of the Chinese Crested Down breed

Chinese Crested Down Dog - the heroine of many stories and fables. We have already told you one of these stories, but there are many more. Here is another version of the appearance of this dog. There is a belief that Chinese crested downy dogs have mystical power, because they once accompanied the Buddha himself on his wanderings. At moments when the Buddha was not in danger, this funny dog ​​followed him, and when danger appeared on the way, the dog shed hair from its body, leaving it only on its head, and turned into a ferocious lion.

In this image, the dog saved the life of God more than once. Another story tells that chinese fluffy crested dog- is a person. It seems like in ancient times there lived two young people who loved each other, but the girl's father did not want to give her to a peer, because he was poor. He promised the girl to his old and very rich acquaintance. Then the young people went to the sorcerer and he turned them into dogs. Since then, they have been living in the form of funny dogs.

The third story tells that chinese crested dogs closely associated with other world. And they are responsible for the soul of their owner (it’s interesting to know where the soul of a modern blonde pumped up with silicone with Chinese crested in her purse is located) and at the moment when the owner leaves for another world, this dog goes after him and protects the soul of his owner at a terrible judgment.

Like these ones interesting stories, it is clear that they are all fictional and have nothing to do with reality. Actually chinese fluffy crested dogs live in temples and play the role of rat-catchers. And they also warn the monks with their sonorous barking about the approach of an intruder to the temple. These dogs have been known since time immemorial and in ancient times only very rich people could afford to have such dogs.

The most interesting thing is that now in modern China chinese crested dog- a sign of wealth and security. It is not her appearance or what she means that causes interest in this dog. In fact, the British are considered the ancestors of the Chinese downy crested dog. Unexpected turn, right?

And so it is, in fact. The fact is that by 1966, Chinese fluffy crested dogs had practically disappeared from the face of the earth, what this was connected with is not known for certain, but the fact remains that there are only a few individuals left in the world. According to some reports, there were less than 10 of these dogs left. The Chinese had no time for dogs, they had enough problems of their own, and the British took care of the problem of preserving the breed (they apparently had more free time, but fewer problems).

And all the remaining representatives of the breed were taken to England, where they began to breed them. After some time, the breed was restored. And thanks to the British, we can now admire pictures of chinese fluffy crested dogs and even see them live at exhibitions. Where these dogs came from, in general, no one knows, there is a version that they came to China from Mexico, although how they did it is not entirely clear.

Until recently, these dogs were generally unknown to us. They gained their popularity only at the beginning of the 21st century, when it became fashionable at glamorous parties to drag small dogs along with them. Now Chinese crested downy dogs are quite popular in Russia and other CIS countries. Not so long ago, a club of lovers of this breed of dogs was even registered. And just imagine that since the beginning of 2015, more than 600 puppies have already been registered in this club - this is only in Russia. The popularity of these dogs continues to grow.

Chinese crested down: character

Chinese fluffy crested dogs unlike other decorative dog breeds, they are silent. These dogs really do not bark much, they do not worry if the owner is not at home for a long time and do not bother the neighbors with constant howling and whining. But this does not mean that these dogs can be left at home unattended.

chinese fluffy crested dog- this is an excellent companion, she is always happy to spend time with you, if you do not have the opportunity to devote enough time to your pet, then it is better not to start such a dog. For this reason, dogs of this breed are not suitable for very busy people. It is very interesting that these dogs in big family they choose not one leader of the pack, but several at once.

A mystical connection is established between these people and the dog. There were times when a dog died from longing for one of the family members who went on a business trip. Therefore, contact with people is simply vital for Chinese crested downy dogs. In addition to excessive devotion, these dogs have another problem, they love to chew.

This can be just a nightmare for the owner. This problem is solved quite simply, you need your pet to have as many chew toys as possible. However, do not be zealous with toys that squeak during chewing - this can become even more bigger problem than chewed slippers and socks.

And also chinese crested dogs very easily adapt to a new place, make new acquaintances among animals. If you still have living creatures at home, then the Corydalis will quickly find them mutual language. These dogs also love to learn new tricks. They can easily be taught to jump on their hind legs, dance, imitate a dead dog (usually this command is called “bobby is dead”) and other funny tricks. The dog is ready to do everything, if only her dear owner would be pleased with her.

It is worth remembering that crested dogs- very fragile creatures, so families with small children are not recommended to have these pets. While playing, children can accidentally or intentionally injure your dog. Interestingly, for all their affection, these very subtly sense the mood of their master.

If you are busy, the pet will not bother, it will just settle down somewhere nearby and watch you or just sleep. One more hallmark crested furry Chinese dog is its ability to find something to do. If you cannot play with her, she will find something for herself - she will roll a ball of thread on the floor or rustle a package, in short, there are a lot of activities in the house. In their behavior, they slightly resemble cats.

Chinese Downy Crested Dog Care

If you don’t have problems with the character of a crested dog, then there will be a lot of them with the care, the dog’s coat requires the main care. If other breeds of dogs are not recommended to bathe often, then the Chinese Downy Crested Dog needs to be bathed about once every 5-8 days, and combed and combed every day.

If this is not done, then after a while the dog will have bad smell, and the appearance will be like that of Kuzi's brownie. You need to bathe the dog with special shampoos so that the coat has a beautiful shine and splendor. In addition, crested dogs should be regularly sheared. You should not do this yourself, it is best to contact a special salon where you will be prompted by the best and most fashionable Haircuts for Chinese Crested Downy Dogs. remember that in addition to the body, you also need to cut the dog's muzzle.

After cutting the muzzle, make sure that your pet's muzzle is treated with special creams and light cosmetic oils. In addition, wool still needs to be cared for by the pet's claws and teeth. Teeth should be brushed about once a week to prevent tartar build-up.

Tartar can cause your pet to have pain in eating food, the treatment of such a disease can be very long and costly, so it is easier to buy a toothbrush and special toothpaste.

Dog claws need to be trimmed about once a week, they do not have time to grind down naturally and grow back quickly. If you have never done this procedure, then it is better to contact a specialist to avoid injury to the dog. Even if you've trimmed dogs' claws before, arm yourself with hydrogen peroxide and cotton wool, you may need them.

Though chinese crested down dogs They are decorative dogs, they still need physical activity. It is best to receive these loads while walking on fresh air. Despite the fact that dogs have a lot of hair, low temperatures they do not tolerate well, so you do not need to stay in the air for a long time in cold period of the year.

Where to buy a Chinese Crested Down puppy?

If you decide for yourself buy a crested dog puppy, then before buying, be sure to look on the Internet pictures of chinese fluffy crested dogs, it may well be that after viewing these pictures your desire will disappear. Not all people like Chinese fluffy crested dogs in appearance, and do not forget that they can still be bald, and this is completely an amateur.

In addition, get ready to pay for a puppy from 12-45,000 rubles. Takova chinese crested downy dog ​​price. If you want a bald crested dog, then such puppies will cost much more. We also strongly recommend that you read before buying

The hairless Chinese dog is one of the most popular lap and decorative dogs in the world, famous for its wonderful and exotic appearance. Depending on the appearance Chinese crested are divided into two types. The first are hairless, that is, there is hair, but only on the limbs, tail and crown. Second dogs with soft veil-like coat. But it should be remembered that the long-haired Chinese Crested is less known and in demand in the world. The appearance of this hairless dog is very memorable, and the character is friendly and curious. Another miracle of nature is very affectionate, a naked Chinese dog loves its owner devotedly and free of charge.

The history of the origin of the breed

The fact that a hairless Chinese dog first appeared in China has not yet been proven. Some researchers suggest that this unusual breed originated from Mexico. After all, it was there, in 1500 BC, that the remains of a dog were found, the skeleton of which is similar to the skeleton of a Chinese hairless dog. The ancestors of representatives of this breed were observed in different subtropical regions, and why they are also called: Mexican naked, Egyptian naked, African, Peruvian naked, Indian Ramburh greyhound. We can only imagine how old this breed is, because it was bred by the ancient representatives of the Han Dynasty (206 BC - 220 AD).

For centuries, these small dogs in China have been known as a symbol of wealth for the wealthy and powerful. Behind the stories, ancient Chinese traders took this wonder of nature with them on their journey, and it is generally accepted that this is how the breed was distributed in different cities of the world. Thus, at the beginning of the 19th century, a dog of an ancient breed could be seen in America, Africa and Asia, as well as Britain and France. At first, a hairless dog was called "canis africanus", because of the fear of the cold, the dog could only live in warm climes. Interestingly, these wonderful creatures are very afraid of both cold and hot water.

In many countries of the world, this dog is considered a symbol of peace, kindness and love. There are many legends and stories around the Chinese Crested. It is believed that the dog has healing properties. It treats headache and toothache, treats colic, rheumatism, types of joint pain and even paralysis.

Breed Standard Chinese Crested Dog

  • Head: Straight, elongated with a slightly rounded skull, tapering slightly towards the nose. The transition from the forehead to the muzzle is little pronounced. The muzzle is narrowed, neat, dry, without pendulous lips. The nose protrudes and gradually narrows, it is small, possible different color; lips are thin.
  • Eyes: black, medium size; widely set; proteins are not visible according to the standard.
  • Ears: set approximately at eye level; large and placed vertically, can be hanging or standing.
  • Body. The neck is long with a beautiful posture that tapers towards the head. The body is proportional with a strong and level back, as well as a muscular and slightly rounded loin; the croup has a slight slope; the chest part is moderately wide and voluminous; the ribs are proportional and long, the bone of the ribs is rounded, but not flat.
  • Forelegs: Long and slender, set in proportion to the body. The shoulders are straight and narrow, fully laid back. The elbows are very pressed to the body. The pasterns are thin, but strong, neat.
  • The hind limbs are set wide apart. The thighs are rounded and muscular, the loin is strong, the columnar joint smoothly passes into the hock joint. The angle of the joints of the hind limbs corresponds to the level posture of the dog's back.
  • Tail: Set high, raised when moving. Long, but tapering towards the end. Quite straight, does not twist or bend.
  • Coat: Has no patches of hair on any area of ​​the body. The skin is very soft, smooth, warm to the touch. Areas with wool, have an undercoat and fluffy hairs.

Chinese Crested Dog Standard photo (dog from Sofiris Show kennel).

Chinese crested dog colors

In this breed, any color or any combination of shades is allowed.

Dimensions of the Chinese Crested Dog

  • Male: height 28-33 cm; weight 4kg.
  • Bitch: female height 23-30 cm; 3-4 kg.

Personality of the Chinese Crested Dog

Hairless dogs tend to be hostile and unpredictable. Chinese crested dogs are very patient, elegant, easy to train and wayward. They are wary of other animals and strangers, but not of their family members, whom they adore and idolize.
Hairless dogs make excellent mothers, they are good puppies and love to play with their babies until a late age. These are hardy dogs that are able to give a person all the devotion and sincerity of dog love.

Chinese crested dog breed video

The skin of naked dogs is very warm, there are stories when a dog crawled under a sweater or a blanket to comfort or warm its owner. In cold weather, this dog is best dressed in a warm coat. Not very beautiful, but a characteristic feature of this dog is an unreasonable loud barking. A hairless dog is well suited for people suffering from allergies.

Chinese Crested Dogs are quick to find common interests with children. There is a legend that once a little dog found a baby in the forest. To warm him up, she carefully pulled off her fur, and then ran after the people who came to help. Behind the legend, this is how the Chinese crested dog was born.

All photos show Chinese crested dogs from the Sofiris Show kennel, the address of its website can be found below, in the paragraph about buying a puppy.

Chinese Crested fluffy dog(puppy).

Despite their unusualness, Chinese crested cats are not demanding to care for. The only feature is that hairless dogs do not have to be combed (except on the tail, head and paws), but they will have to wipe their skin from time to time. In addition, in winter and in cold weather, such dogs must be dressed for walks, therefore, you will have to buy or sew clothes for the Chinese Crested. Also, a naked tupi needs sunscreen during summer walks, but a fluffy one does not.

Feeding the Chinese Crested Dog

In fact, feeding a Chinese crested dog is no different from feeding other breeds, so we recommend reading our earlier general articles on this topic:

  • ; - only they do not contain harmful ingredients, and the composition contains a sufficient amount of meat and a complete balance of other substances necessary for the dog's body., etc..

    Chinese Crested Dog Training

    Where to buy a Chinese Crested Dog

    And although the breed is not the most popular, in many large cities and their suburbs there are nurseries that breed it. The Give Lapu website recommends buying a puppy in a kennel, because you can get something different from what you expect on your hands (there are no guarantees of a purebred puppy). The price of Chinese Crested puppies is from 20 thousand rubles for bald ones from 15 thousand for downy ones.

    Chinese Crested Dog Kennels

    • Chinese Crested Cattery in Moscow - "Sofiris Show"
    • Chinese Crested Cattery in Kiev - "Elkati"
    • Chinese Crested Cattery in Minsk – “Orero Lovely”

    On the pages of our site you will find information about dog breeds, treatment for diseases, recommendations for care, reviews of ready-made feeds and reviews about them, as well as many other useful and interesting things!