Igor Ponomarev - Matrix method of thinking. Principles and techniques of mental work

© Igor Ponomarev, 2017

ISBN 978-5-4483-9918-3

Created with the intelligent publishing system Ridero

Bath Riddle

Logics: The one who is dirty goes to the bathhouse to wash himself. A clean person does not need to bathe - why should he go to the bath?

Serves as proof of correctness and correctness.

- A person's desires in life are often illogical.

Dialectics: The one who is clean goes to the bath.

He is clean because he regularly goes to the bathhouse.

Resolves contradictions where logic is powerless.

- Cannot serve as evidence.

Philosophy: Doesn't it matter which of them goes to the bath?

Raises relevant questions, but does not answer them.

- Is in isolation from real life for its own sake.

Postmodern: Perhaps anything and everything is acceptable.

Boundless Thinking: A third person goes to the bath, a fourth is waiting for him in the bath, and the fifth is already steaming.

Why are we sitting? Isn't it time for us to take a bath!

Goes beyond the boundaries of the situation, the context is important.

The result is a measure of thinking.

Who is this book for?


if you have diagnosed yourself


who is ready for their own reboot;


who are willing to share their knowledge


who wants to dominate, to be like "alpha";


development of female logic, mind and body;


product, people and business development;


who have already mastered dialectical logic;


to search for ideas, concepts and creativity;


for growth results and new achievements!

Are you ready for change?

This book describes the method of infinite thinking. This method does not guarantee you personal growth, but thanks to the 3x3 matrix and simple tricks, you can see the world in a new way and do familiar things in a different way. I offer you a method that will awaken your thinking, and exercises and techniques will take you to a new level of understanding and action. Awakening does not mean some kind of mystical enlightenment, it is the study of the real, real world.

The development of thinking is not solving logic puzzles or thinking about how the clap of one hand sounds. This is the consistent mastering and application of thinking techniques in study, work, business, in situations familiar to oneself, in real action. This book is the beginning of a real journey in which you can develop your thinking, discover new opportunities and implement them in your business.

Part 1

What's the name of this book

This book describes the emergence and application of the #Hyperthink method.

# Matrix thinking is a new paradigm that will change the idea of ​​thinking.

# Manifesto is an appeal to all people about the possibilities of thinking and future dangers.

#22 tricks are tools for doing intellectual work.

# Matrix method is thinking that goes beyond the limits of traditional logic.

# Caste in thinking is manifested even despite the fact that people speak the same language.

# Breakthrough thinking means the ability to take the leap to a new level of understanding.

# External thinking is not what is in your head, but what happens to you in the world.

# Infinite thinking is the ability to overcome the boundaries of the possible.

What is this book about?

Each cell in the table contains the corresponding principle on which Hyperthinking is based. This is not just a set of individual techniques, but a whole learning system that helps to speed up learning, increase results and create something new.

The structure of the book is one of sequential presentation of ideas and mastery of techniques, and if you want to get the benefit, then see Part 8 "Practice". You can find additional information on the website www.AptProLab.com where you can also get acquainted with the achievements of people who practice this method. For intensive mastering of the method, I invite you to the course "Hyperthinking", where everyone will find answers to their questions, will be able to hone their skills and achieve growth in their professional field.

Event organisation

I propose to start acquaintance with the matrix method with a simple situation. Imagine that you are organizing a seminar or a birthday party and you want to make sure everything is on a high level. A to-do list immediately comes to mind (you can call it “What to do?”), then a guest list “Whom to invite?”, a list of “Program”, etc. You can use a checklist to make sure you don't forget anything, or you can brainstorm and create a mind map. And you can try to make an event matrix!

The matrix form will allow you to organize the elements that make your event a success and find things we've never done before. If you wish, you can prioritize, analyze each item in detail and discuss disagreements with colleagues. The format allows you to concentrate on the main thing, collect success factors, note and correct errors in the planned actions.

Elements of Success

This method is one of the elements of success for those who set and achieve goals, solve problems and take responsibility, resolve conflicts and create something new. The development of thinking contributes to the understanding of one's abilities and expands the boundaries of possibilities. But success depends not only on intellectual abilities, but also on understanding the elements of success: health, personal qualities, sociability, relationships with other people, as well as professional competence. Market conditions and luck should also be taken into account, which, as a rule, are remembered at the last moment.

Don't rush to berate your thinking or buy a book in the hope that you'll get smarter and richer quickly. Thinking is only one of the elements of success, but it is the key element through which you can influence everything else and achieve success.

What don't you recognize?

I want to immediately warn you that I did not touch on the most popular topics in the book, over which millions of people are racking their brains.

I will not tell you how to create innovative idea, attract an investor and earn a million. You also won't learn how to increase website conversions or win Facebook friends in this book. And of course I can't tell you where to look and how to catch Pokemon. I am not suggesting that you buy anything, and I am not even going to encourage you to work with your head and create something.

Here I will not touch on many topical issues, but you can read the full version of the matrix method of thinking in the book "Hyperthinking" and there you will find answers to many key questions.

This book will not solve all your problems, but you can do it yourself if you use the tools and techniques of matrix thinking.

How to apply this book?

# Chance meeting Close this book, and when you are ready, this book will find you.

# The easiest- buy this book as a gift, and you will see for yourself that the method works.

# Reading at night- will allow you to improve your unconscious thinking during sleep.

# Chewing gum for the mind,– exercises for every day to keep yourself and your business in good shape.

# Directory- about how to master or apply thinking techniques in specific situation.

# Tutorial to build a knowledge system to ensure the growth of results.

# Model to build– conducting research and building your own concepts.

# Knowledge management in the organization: search, formalization, preservation and use.

# Your version! You can choose, or you can offer your own way - this will be your way.

What made you come to this section?
Do you feel like you don't treat yourself well enough?
What are your claims? Or who has a claim against you?

…Okay, it's not that big of a deal.
The main thing is this: if you feel constant self-doubt,
that's to blame just one of your inclinations. More precisely, not a tendency
and even dependence - dependence on someone else's opinion.
Everything. There are no other people to blame for your self-doubt in nature.

Yes, it is: there is only one guilty, but this is your enemy so powerful,
that it is simply dangerous to underestimate him. All your complexes, but in the load
all your fears, doubts, throwing and other self-doubt are
a direct consequence of the habit of looking back and focusing on someone else's opinion.
And you know...
Complexes, fears, doubts and throwing - these are all flowers.
And the berries - here they are: looking back at the opinion of the environment and striving
meet his (environment) expectations, you kill the uniqueness in yourself.
Yes, simply and almost voluntarily - you lose yourself.

How to get yourself back?

Start by constantly reminding yourself:

I was not created by people. I was conceived and embodied by God himself,
and each of His creations is perfect. And unique.

As a child, it never even crossed your mind to question it.
It was your solid knowledge. What are you saying you don't remember?
Then just look at the children and you will see: they are sure of their perfection.

And you had such confidence, that's for sure.
But then... Then this confidence was etched out of you.
This happened to almost all of us: we were put in a column,
cut their forelocks and explained the rules of the movement - they say, over there is a sample,
go there and go. Whoever does not rush is a white crow.

And those who did not understand or did not want to obey - in a corner. Or a belt.
This is how the habit of looking back and consulting is formed. general course friendly column.
And from this all my life I suffer and sigh: they say, how far am I from the “ideal”.

... I confess honestly, with dependence on someone else's opinion, with this simply painful
expectation of praise (or fear of censure) I lead in my practice
the most bloody battles - and I can not boast that I always win.
But when it happens, when my clients begin to truly appreciate
their uniqueness and finally stop looking around in search of
admiring (or condemning) glances - a rapid transformation takes place.

It's like a miracle. And you can do it - just stop looking at someone else's opinion.
And love your uniqueness. And turn away, finally, from the pattern by which
they try to mold people like plastic dolls.

…Just don't misunderstand me.

I'm not at all calling for falling out of society,
stop focusing on it and even more so go across it - in no case.
I want to convey this: allow yourself to be yourself, and allow others to be different.
To do this, from time to time say (better out loud) this phrase:

God created me. God created everyone.
Am I ready to criticize him?

This is a spell. Use it.

And to help this really effective spell
you can choose any of the presented in this section
sessions. During each of these sessions, I address
to your subconscious and give it this instruction:
remind you constantly what a nice person you are,
and that everything is all right with you.

Session "Liberation from matrix thinking" (30 minutes)

During this session, you will go through a very special ritual,
which, I declare responsibly, has magical power.

By accepting this ritual, you will have a completely different look at what happened to you in the past and what is happening right now. No, it will not happen against your will.

New vision (so I will call it) - yes, it opens, and it still happens, and with the feeling that some kind of veil has been removed. But for this to happen, for you to have a true view of what is happening, where you do not speculate, but literally see the true alignment of the events of your life - for this you need
your firm intention. It's like this: " Yes, I do have the intention to wake up to see myself and everything that happens in the true light."

You can take this session an unlimited number of times - until you realize that yes, it happened:
your consciousness has been freed from matrix thinking.

How will you understand it? There is one very accurate measure of freedom
from matrix thinking. Guess what? That's right: miracles. This is how (at first) you will call the fulfillment of what you ask for in your prayers.

Session " positive thinking» (59 minutes)

This session program is designed to form, develop and strengthen the ability to think positively - in any situation and under any circumstances.

The Positive Thinking session is a solution built on the strict principles of psycholinguistics. In essence, this is an appeal to your internal forces, to the subconscious, with the instruction to free the mental field from the restraining
and frankly destructive programs that prevent full perception, and thus provide the consciousness with a productive position, where the focus of attention
is automatically set on what evokes a positively charged feeling.

However, when there is a desire to take a session
several times - please, to your health.

Session-briefing "Training effective meditation» (43 minutes)

Meditation is a way to go beyond your limited
(everyone in a row) consciousness and learn about yourself SUCH that removes
all sorts of restrictions and gives reinforced concrete confidence that
that your powers and your possibilities are not limited by anything.

Tell me, can you meditate?

Well, yes, it is: meditation is not something there,
but a really serious skill that is being formed
based on certain rules that would be nice
observe - not just to sit / lie with your eyes closed, but really overcome the boundaries of your consciousness, and there,
beyond these limits:
1) find reliable solutions to their problems and
2) get clear answers to very, very many of their questions.

Session-program "I'M WHAT YOU NEED!"

Healing solution aimed at increasing self-esteem.
"I am what you need" is a program that includes
Practical guide
and audio session (57 min.)

Application of the program "I'm what you need!" in the recommended mode provides noticeable results, among which the most obvious are the following:
1. Change in attitude towards self in the direction of awareness of value
own personality;
2. Positive (and usually very visible) changes
in fulfillment and quality of life.
on the level of consciousness and on the level of the subconscious, it really works: it makes relationships with people more conscious, and therefore more careful, truly warm and open.

The method described in this book will allow you to change the way you think, go beyond the usual understanding and overcome the boundaries of the possible. The development of thinking will increase the quality of life, the efficiency of your work. The Matrix Method will help you take the first step towards new discoveries. Various creative methods, such as brainstorming, mind maps, visualization methods, design thinking, and other techniques discovered in the twentieth century, have become important elements on this way.

Bath mystery.
A task:
Two people are walking down the street.
One is black, the other is white.
Which one goes to the bath?
A) Black B) White
B) Clean D) Dirty
D) -

Logic: The one who is dirty goes to the bathhouse to wash himself. A clean person does not need to bathe - why should he go to the bath?
+ Serves as proof of correctness and correctness.
- A person's desires in life are often illogical.
Dialectic: The one who is clean goes to the bathhouse.
He is clean because he regularly goes to the bathhouse.
+ Resolves contradictions where logic is powerless.
- Cannot serve as evidence.
Philosophy: But does it matter which of them goes to the bathhouse?
+ Raises relevant questions, but does not answer them.
- Is in isolation from real life for its own sake.
Postmodern: Perhaps everything and everything is permissible.

Infinite thinking: A third person is going to the bathhouse, a fourth is waiting for him in the bathhouse, and the fifth is already steaming.
Why are we sitting? Isn't it time for us to take a bath!
+ Goes beyond the boundaries of the situation, the context is important.
+ The result is a measure of thinking.

Bath Riddle
Who is this book for?
Are you ready for change?
Part 1
What's the name of this book
What is this book about?
Event organisation
Elements of Success
What don't you recognize?
How to apply this book?
about the author
Part 2
Matrix price / quality
Thought Screens
HRM task matrix
Two Motivational Factors
Communication Matrix
Antilogic Matrix
Matrix "2x2"
Crucial moment
Formation of the method
Part 3
Elements of thinking
Why is thinking necessary?
Challenges to Thinking
Matrix response
Advantage of the matrix method
Professional Matrix
New dimensions
Source of new
Techniques of the matrix method
Part 4
Method features
Principles of thinking
Situations and decisions
Choice problem (dilemma)
Expanding the boundaries
Elements of thinking "2x2"
What to do with profit?
Features of thinking "2x2"
Possibilities of thinking "3x3"
Part 5
Characteristics of thinking
priority priority
Types of logic
Laws of formal logic
Laws of dialectics
Matrix logic
Thinking is action
Technological development
Part 6
ALEF # What to take on vacation?
BETH # What to buy?
GIMEL #Thinking Outcomes
DALET # How to publish this book
GAY # What is friendship?
BAB # What you need to know before choosing
ZAIN # open system for ideas
HET # What do you say when you meet
TET # Interaction of elements
Part 7
Nine Skills
Schools of strategy
Roles in the group
Development of the will
Laws of change
coup presentation
household situation
Incident in the office
Global problem
Part 8
LIFE # Good Manners
LIFE# Why do I have a beard?
WORK # Attitude towards work
WORK# Improving efficiency
SOLUTION# Feeling the problem
SOLUTIONS# Behavior and problem
MANAGEMENT# Manager Tasks
MANAGEMENT# Manager Roles
ORGANIZATION # Org. processes
MOTIVATION# Objects of motivation
MOTIVATION # Orientation
STRATEGY# Sources of advantage
STRATEGY# What is leadership?
BUSINESS# Success factors
BUSINESS# Business processes
THINKING# What paint?
THINKING# What is truth?
Part 9
Hyperthinking for Education
Hyperthinking for Business
Hyperthinking for Economics
This book will be supplemented
Traps of thinking
The effect of the method
Your benefits
To be continued.

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Thinking is the ability to operate with knowledge and information that consciousness stores.

In order to move smoothly to quantum (light) thinking, we first bring our habitual three-dimensional thinking to a higher vibrational level.

Since we are now expanding our consciousness, we also need to expand our thinking. First you need to replace energy structure- a matrix of three-dimensional thinking, in which the parameters and possibilities of our thinking ability were laid. In modern times, we need the ability to think many orders of magnitude higher. Thinking in the three-dimensional world was linked in a complex - mind, mind, brain, consciousness, Ego.

In the above connection, at the moment, thinking, even in a changed matrix form, will not soon be able to ensure the processes of thinking at the proper vibrational frequency. This is due to the physiology of our brain activity, mind control, which are interconnected and predetermine our thought processes based on old experience.

But still on this moment, in the process of entering the energies of the New World, we have the opportunity, together with the Divine plan, to replace the former matrix of thinking with the matrix space of multidimensional thinking. This matrix space is inherently made of crystalline energies that are energetically able to hold other vibrations and information codes of a much higher order.

I would like to recall the expression of Kryon "Don't think like a human". Here is this kind software embedded in this matrix space. This is such a striking thesis that it is difficult to more accurately indicate the inner content of the new thought processes. This is a fundamentally different structure and scheme of analysis, interpretation of information, since it is oriented towards the God-Man.

Gradually, the center of thinking will move to the zone of the heart space. Of course, today the scheme of constructing thinking is far from being ready for everyone to switch to new model thinking is heart thinking, but this program is now actively fitting into the spaces of humanity, and by the time the second part of the book is published, I believe that information about this will be posted for general perception.

In the meantime, let's remember once again how we worked with the expansion and transformation of consciousness. In this practice, the energy processes of expansion are well coordinated.

Therefore, I propose to first work out the topic of multidimensional cosmic consciousness, and when you feel well how it has spread to multidimensional cosmic spaces, dimensions, levels, then, using the same matrix scheme, ask that the matrix space of multidimensional thinking be spread and merged with your multidimensional consciousness. Harmonize and balance these two, ask for help to build them together in your spaces. As a result, you get a multidimensional matrix of thinking, which is energetically aligned with the spaces of consciousness. Such a combination will allow you to feel the cosmic knowledge of consciousness, and at the same time the ability to operate with this knowledge.

You perform these constructions according to the usual scheme of work with our practices together with the Divine Plan, having formulated such an intention - to carry out the process of replacing the former thinking matrix with an expanded multidimensional model of crystal thinking, to combine it with the spaces of your multidimensional consciousness, to balance and harmonize these components.

Very vividly feel your expansion, the environment of cosmic infinity, the merging with the grids of the cosmic multidimensional consciousness, the grids of thinking, your component in these grids, feel how your thinking expanded at the same time. Knowledge and the ability to use it are naturally present in your spaces, it has become your norm for life in the spaces of the New World.


We now live in times of intense transformations in our bodies, subtle spaces, the purpose and functions of many of our components are changing. Something goes away forever, something is transformed, the centers of any processes are transferred to other zones, global crystallization (crystallinity) of all our components occurs, and much more.

In topics related to the physical body, there is a separate chapter on the transformation in our brain. These are complex, very subtle processes, which you should completely entrust to the Divine forces and do not artificially stimulate according to your own understanding. The mind is not an assistant here, but quite the contrary.

Now the energy changes are such that the old system of thinking is no longer able, with its vibrational potential, to provide a full-scale and true perception and interpretation of the information received.

Therefore, get ready to form a new center of thinking - in the heart space. This chapter is for informational purposes only, activation details will be covered in the next book.

Such activation is possible on the basis of pre-training, which is connected with other interconnected new states of our spaces. One of them is the liberation of one's heart zone from heavy and traumatic energies, the restoration of the integrity of the Soul and Spirit, the liberation from the Ego as the ruler of our real life in the three-dimensional world. The control center is transferred to the heart zone.

In fact, thinking with the heart can be considered as the first step in the transition to telepathic communication.

Many have noticed how difficult it is to explain multidimensional energy processes and states in three-dimensional language. Communication between people in the world is hampered by language barriers. It is impossible for everyone to know all the languages ​​of the world. Therefore, any barriers and restrictions, including language ones, are now melting away. But communication begins to develop on a different wave - telepathic.

These topics represent the next stage of activations and processes, and will be proposed in more detail for independent work in the following outreach projects and another book.


In the conditions of the dissolution of the veil and the acquired right to build reality on the basis of freedom of choice, it is very important for us to accept and feel this freedom in all our spaces, freedom of action for any situations and relationships.

Our choice determines and builds the motives of perception and reaction to situations. In many ways, the stabilization of such inner freedom is helped to form the program “The System of Liberation” presented in the previous chapters. But, it creates the prerequisites for a more meaningful perception and manifestation of oneself as free in the realities of our life.

It is important for us to be like this in life. And this is a behavior pattern.

You can debate a lot and shift the responsibility for the choice to the outside world, which supposedly forces us to obey. But if you look deeper into the reasons for your compliance with the pressures of the outside world, it turns out that this is a disguised withdrawal from seeking and aligning other actions. Often, where we are obligated to do something, we are simultaneously organized some conditions for work, for a certain comfort in life. Therefore, it happens that situations in which we feel suppressed by someone else’s will, in reality, looking more broadly at the reasons for our agreement with such control from outside, we can see that we are simply satisfied that we were presented with something ready (for example, organized workplace and salary). Here, the person who provided us with the job balances the situation as he sees fit. Is there always a balance between our work and the salary we receive? If not, then everyone can look for another job. You can sit quietly, cry about the injustice of the employer, but do nothing specifically. And you can do otherwise - either raise this issue, discuss it after listening to the arguments, or simply look for another place. These are realities created by us.

This often happens in families. Especially where different generations interact a lot. Often relationships are built on mutual claims, confrontation and accusations.

And now look at any situations and processes - this is the presence of specific energies in which we live. The world around us and events line up in the same way as resonances and energy codes exist in our spaces. The magnetism of energy informatics in our spaces forms events, situations and relationships. A family where claims and strife form the main background of relationships can expect problems from the outside world, because the general energy of the family will attract the same energies that manifest themselves in undesirable events. Therefore, the golden rule is that we remove everything that we don’t like in the outside world in ourselves and in our living space.

Of course, our energy-information spaces have been formed for thousands of years. The experience of life in the conditions of opposition formed many attitudes, where freedom was limited by the framework of the system - family, social traditions, religious dogmas, social order, political power, and the like way of life. Even today the attitudes of the old world sit in us as resonators and magnets for the old states. They automatically contribute to building the world around according to the old scheme.

Therefore, to feel free and having every right to choose and build your own reality of your own choice is one of the basic settings for reality to finally begin to change. Of course, in order to build our realities and freedom of choice, we always form one of the basic principles - actions are carried out in the interests of the common good at a comfortable pace and volume.

This is due to the fact that even already unnecessary energy holds our energy structures and event spaces. Therefore, the intention of a comfortable pace contributes to the transformation of the circumstances of life with the restructuring of the accompanying circumstances of life. For example, if you are not satisfied with today's work, housing, family relationships, the processes of change will be launched without grand collapses. After all, if you sharply pull out the energy-informational construction of such spheres of life, then you can find out in the morning that there is no work anymore, the apartment has been taken away, the family has collapsed. Such rigid scenarios do not fit into the New World model. This would cause stress not only for you personally, but also for the family, whose members would be at a loss as to why they were kicked out into the street, or ended the relationship.

It is proposed to form a matrix space in order to stabilize information codes in our spaces, which will contain information about the perception of your multifaceted freedom. It is very important to feel this here. Because the energy of the astral and mental plane is being laid, which is the main element coloring this matrix.

We build the work according to the usual scheme - the feeling of merging with the Divine forces so much that we do not perceive ourselves as other than a multidimensional cosmic entity filled with divine energies, joy, wisdom, Love, divine dignity. Let's live free as gods, create like gods. Comfort, calmness and confidence create the basis for feeling your freedom in all manifestations of life in the new world. Such a sense of freedom contributes to a calm perception of the need to let go of all boundaries, protective shells, everything that we have built ourselves or imposed from the outside world. There are no fears that forced us to hide, to defend ourselves.

Feel inner satisfaction with your new state. Once again, feel the wonderful energy of this state. - freedom in the new world.

The matrix space will help to keep this energy informatics from dissolving. To fix a new sensation, you can remember this state for some time at an opportunity. It does not take much time, just remember this state and with an instant impulse joyfully feel it in your spaces of life – freedom. It is good that this becomes your natural state.


I borrowed this term from psychology, where the perinatal period is considered to be the intrauterine development of a person - from conception to birth.

Since any information states in our spaces for storing information are clothed in a matrix form that is capable of holding codes and programs, we will work through the prenatal period in the usual way, replacing the information content in the matrix.

The information that is stored in these matrices and our carriers of information about everything that happened to us also stores everything that we heard, that we experienced before entering this world. This information affects our behavior patterns in real life, the nature and style of building relationships, the ability to make decisions, set goals and objectives and achieve them, and may evade action. In different ways and for different reasons. Of course, one cannot say that the model of human behavior depends only on the information content of these matrices, that is, the period of intrauterine development, but this is still the first experience of knowing real life for the body, since the child hears and reacts to everything that happens in the world around him.

At the same time, let us remember that we always open any programs for all our incarnations, that is, we will simultaneously work with the perinatal matrices of all our incarnations.

First perinatal matrix- includes the development from conception to the first symptoms of preparation for leaving the body. To a large extent, this is a fairly comfortable and safe period. The child feels a connection with the mother, the familiar environment of life provides food and everything necessary for growth. If the relationship between the parents in the family is good, the child is desired, they communicate with him with love, then this is basically a calm period for the growing child. Stress can occur if parents are in a difficult situation, nervousness, trouble, tragedy that affect the overall family life. All this the child feels. If the issue of termination of pregnancy is discussed, these are also very serious fears and worries. Everything that happens in the surrounding world has an impact and is laid down in the information background of the matrix.

Therefore, together with the Divine forces, it is possible to replace the energy informatics of this period in terms of disturbing memories with a comfortable and calm information package. For those who have congenital health deformities or genetic hereditary diseases, you can request the replacement of another program - intrauterine development physical body. It makes sense at the very beginning of the formation of organs, systems, relationships and functions in the body to remove programs that contain distortions as much as possible. In part, such deviations were due to genetic programs of heredity. But now, when the generic karmic responsibility has been cancelled, the zones of collective responsibility are being dismantled, we have activated the liberation system, we can remove information codes containing hereditary diseases from this perinatal matrix.

Such a program of replacing the state of health should be carried out by everyone without exception, because to a greater or lesser extent, the generic aspects and heredity of everyone are absolutely in the cellular information. It doesn't always show up as obvious. hereditary disease, this may be unnecessary information of a different nature, which is not always clearly manifested by the disease. These may be unmanifested violations of functions or relationships in the body, subtle spaces.

The practice of work is usual - we relaxed and form a request for help from the Divine plan - to replace the existing energy-information complex in the first perinatal matrix of all our incarnated bodies. We place special emphasis on our current body. A new software package is being laid with an ideal model of the health of the body and all spatial processes.

Relax and let God's plan take over the process. As a rule, it is better if you do not strain your thinking, trying to understand what is happening with your mind.

Second perinatal matrix- here begins the preparation for the exit of the child from the mother's body. Suddenly, the comfortable and familiar environment changes, there is a compression of the child's body from all sides. Physically, these are the first pains, fear, misunderstanding. There comes the knowledge that it is necessary to act, the search for a way out of the current situation. Understanding that action is needed. This matrix contains the first fears of changed circumstances. But this is also the first experience that one cannot remain passive.

Since the New World is being formed on a completely new positive basis, the process of entering into life will occur without pain symptoms, without fears. Therefore, it is now so important for everyone to replace the information content of perinatal matrices, since they keep the memory of the model of coming into the world through pain and suffering.

As in the first matrix, ask for assistance in replacing the information content of the second perinatal matrix with another positive information package. Let there be understanding and conviction that a wonderful period has begun, that everything is happening comfortably for the child and mother. This practice goes through all incarnations, the processes of birth of all the bodies that have been.

Third perinatal matrix contains information about the progress of the child's body through the birth canal to the exit from the body. This is another information package that keeps fears of the future in our spaces, a memory that you get everything through incredible suffering and pain. For many, this is also the desire to return to the old safe past, because in many ways the actions of the child are determined precisely by the desire to find the comfort in which he was before the start of these cardinal processes.

And for many, births occurred with complications, add the intervention of midwives, who sometimes pull the child out of the mother's body. This is perceived as an alien terrible force that tears away from the familiar environment, breaks the connection with the mother. In a word, this matrix also contains a lot of heavy energies that leave an imprint on the model of behavior in life and attitude to the new.

Therefore, for some time there was a practice of doing a caesarean section without pathological prerequisites for this. It was believed that this would save the child from fears and pain during passage through the birth canal, then fears would not affect their future life. But there is another side to this, which was not taken into account by the authors and performers of such an idea.

This was the first experience for the child, who in later life taught to mobilize and act to achieve the goal. Medical statistics are such that children born by caesarean section are less independent, less adapted to living conditions, and more susceptible to diseases, including allergic ones. Often, when faced with the choice of acting to get what they want or giving up and retreating, they choose the latter. The percentage of drug and alcohol addiction exceeds the average, that is, they often look for ways to escape from the complexities of life.

Please note that you are working with the matrices of all the bodies that have been hit. When a pregnancy is interrupted artificially, it is actually a deprivation of life in the information of the first perinatal matrix. It could be artificially induced premature birth, attempts to corrode the fetus, deprivation of the life of a newborn, a variety of other difficult processes and events.

Of course, an insignificant part of the information about this period and all the related nuances related to this is presented. Therefore, when working with the replacement of the program - ask to remove all the accompanying unnecessary or negative aspects of all the matrices of your incarnations.

The new informational content of this matrix contains only the certainty that the process of moving towards a new life is going smoothly and the certainty that we can move in energy much more beautifully...

Fourth perinatal matrix- direct exit from the body. This is the first moment of perception of a completely different environment. For some reason I don't understand, this is considered a joyful program in the matrix. And let's delve deeper into all the information content of all perinatal matrices. The child, having lost a safe environment, began to advance and search for former comfort, hoping that he would find the familiar world. And leaving the body throws the child into an unexpectedly contrasting environment - under bright light, a different temperature regime, loud voices, there is no familiar shell of the mother's body, a completely incomprehensible environment, there are no familiar sounds. home which he is accustomed to hearing. What joys are there. This is probably the biggest disappointment on the path of moving through the birth canal and finding a familiar environment.

In the old days, they tried to give birth in subdued light. The child in the mother's body is in darkness, and here the bright neon light hits the eyes sharply. Perhaps this is one of the reasons that now many people have visual disturbances.

Temperature regime significantly different from the internal body temperature of the mother. Also a shock. Loud voices that hit the ears and scare. Open environment, separation from the mother's body. In a word, an extensive complex of surprises that were received instead of the expected cozy world. All together it affects the future life. The movement towards safety and comfort turned out to be completely different from what was the goal and purpose of activity. Information largely determines the model of behavior in the real world.

Therefore, this information will also be replaced. For those who have birth trauma, such a study is especially important. Many have disorders in the skeletal system, the structure of the skull, blood circulation in the brain, nervous system, other systems and organs of our body that store information or deformations. Let there be a replacement for ideal programs everywhere.

Often information about the prenatal period and birth is a source of various diseases and pains that medicine cannot always diagnose, it is not always possible to find drugs that will help cure this condition. After all, the causes of pain partially lie in the subtle space.

Therefore, we change the information in these perinatal matrix spaces.

When you're done, you'll feel like you've been reborn. With a very well-formed positive attitude, freedom and conviction, accept your new state, feel that the old information has left the spaces of all incarnations throughout the experience united into integrity.

Ask to replace the information states of all lives of all bodies, where events or processes were formed under the influence of information about fear, pain, disappointment, recorded in the previous perinatal matrices. This practice provides for the replacement of informational events, processes throughout the course of all lives, which contained the influence of generic fears of the future.

I believe that work with these matrices at one time cannot be completely done. See what's best for each of you.

Perhaps it is advisable to go through these different stages of entry into life during the day, then complete with a physically tangible new birth, to feel how your spaces of the body and the realities of life, your subtle plans have become free, fears of disappointments on the path to a new one have gone, information about pain has gone. and suffering of the body.

Feel like new world carries the joy of accomplishment, and actions give desired result, feel the unshakable confidence in yourself in this!

Happy birthday!


I am often asked where my knowledge comes from. I am simple I know.

Knowledge arises inside me, inside my true essence, inside the heart space, and besides, I am merged with planetary and cosmic information grids and a variety of Divine forces and their energies. Therefore, contact with various Divine entities is a natural process of cognition and perception of information.

With my subtle plans, my highest aspects, levels, I participate in the formation of various processes for the Earth and humanity.

I am constantly in this natural state for me, it is like the air that I breathe for me, without concentrating on this process on purpose.

There is nothing extraordinary in this. Almost anyone can come to this state of awareness.

In fact, the published material below is a methodology for the formation of your new self-identification.

Therefore, I suggest that you carefully, feeling, absorbing, the clear and deep meaning of the publication, absorb the energy processes of publication with all your components, feeling your merging with the diversity of the Supreme Divine Forces that are right next to you right now, building yourself anew and freeing yourself from what is already unnecessary.

Start by changing your perception of yourself.

THIS body of ours is a microscopic particle of our multidimensional cosmic essence that exists in many levels, dimensions, worlds, stellar civilizations in bodies and without them. These components of ours know perfectly well what and where they lived in Cosmic eternity, where our roots come from, interact and create in the subtle planes, know their purpose and abilities.

It remains for us to bring this understanding and awareness to a small part of our essence - this physical body.

Therefore, in the material world there is a well-known law “ignorance does not exempt from responsibility”. There is no such thing as ignorance. Everyone knows everything inside himself, therefore the violation of the law always occurs with an understanding of what is perfect, and from here comes responsibility on all planes - from the material world to the high Divine plans.

Of course, we all came into this incarnation with various tasks, we have different origins of birth in the stellar worlds of the Universe, different cosmic status and level of evolution in the Universe. This, of course, also determines our spiritual development and real life this body.

But most of all, our personal self-identification is influenced by our own work to free ourselves from a lot of energy informatics stored in our spaces, brought by us from previous lives, rethought, realized and exhausted its purpose. IT CAN AND SHOULD be removed from one's spaces with the help of Divine powers.

First, it attracts old resonances like a magnet - events, relationships, energies.

Secondly, the perception of the world the mind builds on the basis of old information, and this misinforms and misleads when interpreting the knowledge coming into your spaces with new energies.

Thirdly, it creates information overload, simply overflows your cup of perception, you choke on it and cannot fully perceive what is now coming into space for everyone.

Fourth, it hinders the fulfillment of its purpose.

New crystalline energies pouring generously onto the Earth carry new knowledge, information, abilities and talents that will shine in you as soon as you perceive your spatial multidimensionality, letting go of the image of an earthly person, and for many still the image of a man, a servant of God.

All limitations and barriers feel like that only within you. They were formed by thousands of years of learning experience through Darkness, in isolation from their Divine nature, searching for a way out of a variety of situations, gaining Light and, finally, returning and realizing their NATURAL DIVINE NATURE!

We are all ready for this - remember your nature. This is the basis for the perception of new knowledge, because the Divine plan is also constantly being improved and developed. Our vibrational and spiritual ascension constantly leads to the ability to perceive and connect to more high levels ascending vertical of Divine forces.

This is very important point in contact with Divine powers.

Let go with immeasurable love and gratitude to the old habitual contacts and perception of the Divine forces, Angels and Archangels, the Divine Hierarchies of the three-dimensional world and for the three-dimensional man, who helped with specific energies and energy processes in our changing world. Let go of the old images of the Saints, Christ, the Mother of God, all the forces of the Light of Goodness and Love, who have supported us for thousands of years in all moments of life.

We are already ready to accept their higher levels and new incarnations into our spaces and realities!

Spiritually improving, higher planes become available to us. Therefore, do not hold on to the old incarnations of the Gods. By this you delay yourself, and by keeping the old Divine energies in your fields, you slow down their evolution. But they are represented by specific Divine forces that will never forcibly take away their energy from you.

Within the space of the heart, you can reach the newest and highest Divine origins, concrete Supreme Divine Essences, and unite with them. There is no need to look for these connections in external spaces and bygone times.

Yes, of course they are there too, but their perception will pass through your mental and astral spaces, and the feelings and emotions, thoughts and worldviews of the old world will distort the perceived information, give it your personal coloring. This will be information about YOUR understanding of specific information, and not what Archangel Metatron had in mind, for example.

With the advent of crystalline energies on earth, the presence of many old energies and old knowledge in the spaces of people became very noticeable. Because against the backdrop of crystal newness and perfection, energies and methods that seemed so new just a few months ago are now perceived as something prehistoric.

In group classes at the School, we are so often surprised to realize that we need to remove from our spaces, as having already exhausted its purpose, what even in the summer seemed so fantastically new, attractive and powerful. And what then to say about the methods of more ancient times?

Attentive readers of publications have probably noticed that I very often repeat phrases about REPLACING OUR COMPONENTS and CREATING MYSELF AGAIN.

When you form such a task for yourself, the Supreme Divine forces that support you in all your endeavors accept this as your desire and begin to assist in this particular variant. For them, this is your meaningful decision that your entire structure should be updated, adopting a new energy-information package and content. With you, imperceptibly, at a natural and comfortable pace, quite real changes will begin to occur. The necessary connections with people who can really help you will begin to build, the necessary information will come, events will develop that will correspond to your new state.

As a result, the surrounding life around the whole circle of being will become completely different. At first glance, it even seems that a lot happened by itself. In fact, this is a huge organizational and energetic work of the Divine forces that assist and help us in various ways.

Now ask the Divine forces to help you form the "matrix space of your new self-identification." The form of the matrix is ​​usually formed as soon as such an intention is expressed. And now enter information codes there with your intention:

Crystal calmness, crystal confidence, crystal stability, boundless Divine Love fill everything in which you exist - from physical realities and this body to the entire multidimensionality of subtle infinity in the eternal always.

Feel, feel yourself like that, having already accepted your Divinity with all moments, events, spaces, realities…

You are already New, in the crystal space of the New World...

All spheres of life are filled with this life-giving crystalline energy…

You are a Divine multidimensional cosmic Essence living in many worlds at the same time (one of this many is life on this earth now)…



1. Completely eliminate alcohol, stop smoking, stop eating meat. You need to forbid yourself to go to fast food - never go to any such establishments. Absolute taboo. You need to feed yourself on your own, excluding significantly carbohydrate-containing foods. The biggest source of carbohydrates is sugar, you should eliminate it completely, the body will not feel the loss. Also forget about the existence chewing gum and give up toothpaste. The fluorine contained in it is detrimental to the pineal gland.

3. Talk to the carcass. The body is truly a holy vessel, given by the Lord. The body has a voice and a consciousness, the body knows its needs better than the mind. The body is complete and self-sufficient, it requires respect for itself. The desire to eat low vibration food suggests that the cellular structure of the body does not look right. You need to establish a connection with the elements of the body. All of them should become friends and helpers in the processes of cleansing the body. It depends on the elements how much it will be purified, restored, transformed to the state of truth. Talk to water while interacting with it. Water can be called upon to purify the lower bodies. Water wants to hear gratitude. No need to let your hair down and walk around like that. Hair is an antenna, and collects all the information, most of which is unnecessary and even harmful. Hair can be loose when communicating with the Highest, in the process of meditation.

4. Do gymnastic exercises every day. The complex can include light and calm exercises for practicing to the music of meditation. It is worth training with the use of aroma lamps and oils. All this will help open the chakras. Gymnastics, perhaps, will move into the stage of in-depth meditation.

5. Walk for about three hours in a quiet place where there is no matrix. Turn off vain thoughts, communicate with nature, think about breathing, focus on the correctness of inhalations and exhalations. Exclude yourself from the unnecessary tinsel of the shopping center, stadiums, concert venues, beer, pretentious places. Unnecessary, empty communication will again drag you into the matrix.

6. Analyze your own wardrobe. In operation, leave only practical things. They should be comfortable, free, made of natural materials. No pretentiousness. Leave the number of things in accordance with the possibility of demolishing them. No more. Jewelry to wear in limited quantities, the more jewelry the body wears, the more free energy channels are blocked, the fewer outlets for free current.

7. Remove a microwave oven, a TV set from your dwelling, do not keep all currently unused devices plugged into the network. There should not be a lot of wires, try not to create balls of them in the apartment. Mobile phone use only when absolutely necessary. With a computer, doing this, of course, is difficult for many. But, you can significantly limit the time you spend on the Internet by refusing to social networks, forums, online stores and other nonsense. The order in the house needs perfect - you need to throw out everything that you don’t have time or don’t want to use for more than two or three months. You need to throw out all the rubbish ruthlessly, without hesitation and doubting. Anything broken should be replaced or repaired. Leaking taps should not be allowed in the house, for example. Everything around should feel your love, so love.

8. Forgive everyone, ask for forgiveness from everyone - both those around you and uninvited guests in your own mind.

9. Communicate a lot with plants, animals and young children.

10. It is possible to reduce the time to work after some time, as the costs will be reduced after getting rid of the distortions.

11. Don't worry about age, you can just place the body at the point on the sphere where it felt the best. Then you need to fix this state and report it to the body.

12. Forget about anxiety as such. Being in eternity, did not cease to think about trifles.

13. Dive into creativity. It can be drawing, singing, dancing, literature, but not collecting, because life is a verb. The best thing to do is sand art.

14. Smile constantly and to everyone you can meet.