Sports entertainment "In the country of funny balls" for older and preparatory groups. Jumpers - the most fun simulators for children What is the name of the big ball on which they jump

An effective physical simulator that allows you to play sports at home is a gymnastic ball. How to choose the size? It depends on many factors that should be considered when purchasing this accessory. This one is very popular today due to its versatility, convenience, ease of use, as well as affordable price. In addition, these accessories are widely used both for classes with children and expectant mothers, who, even in a position, strive to keep themselves in good shape.

First, take into account the weight

Experts advise choosing a ball based on its own weight. The main thing - do not buy a cheap accessory that not only does not differ in quality, but most likely will not be very convenient to use. It is important that the fitball is resilient and durable - in this case, it will be able to support your weight.

And if you will do strength training, you need a durable and reliable one. How to choose a size? Remember that high-quality models are able to withstand loads weighing more than 300 kg. For children, small balls with a diameter of up to 65 cm are quite suitable, which have a sufficient margin of safety, and therefore are absolutely safe.

Second - material

A good fitball should be made of durable materials that have a good electrostatic effect. If the surface of the product is porous, then it will absorb dust, sweat. Therefore, it is important to check the smoothness of the material, its elasticity - there should be no wrinkles on the ball. Otherwise, know that you have a low-quality product that will not help you in sports activities.

How to choose the right gymnastic ball? Please note that the surface is clean, smooth, without protruding seams and bulges. The best materials are PVC and latex.


The size of the ball directly depends on the height of the athlete. It is noteworthy, but this sports equipment is suitable for both adults and children. The variety of configurations allows you to choose a gymnastic ball suitable for a particular person. How to choose the size?

So, based on growth, we need shells of the following sizes:

  • up to 155 cm, the fitball should be 45-55 cm in diameter;
  • with a height of 155-169 cm, choose balls with a diameter of 55 cm;
  • fitballs 65 cm are suitable for height 170-185 cm;
  • with a height above 186 cm, the diameter of the ball should be 75 cm.

Arm length

Professional instructors who teach Pilates or gymnastics suggest taking into account the length of the arm in order to choose the right gymnastic ball. How to choose the size in this case?

To determine this parameter, you need to measure the length of the arm, starting from the shoulder joint and ending with the tips of the outstretched fingers:

  • if the arm length is up to 55 cm, you need a ball with a diameter of 45-55 cm;
  • with an arm length of 56-65 cm, the fitball should be 55 cm in diameter;
  • with a length of 66-75 cm, the diameter of the ball should be 65 cm.

To understand if the product is right for you, you need to check the following: when practicing on a fitball in a sitting position, the angles between the body, thigh, lower leg and foot should be about 90-100 degrees.

Are all balls different?

We told you how to choose a gymnastic ball for height. But it is important to take into account some external selection parameters:

  • Balls can be with handles or in the form of "horns" - most often such models are chosen for children.
  • Products with spikes over the entire surface are covered with small balls that have a certain massage effect. It is advisable to use such balls in the treatment of certain diseases, as well as for children's massage. To make the fitball stable, it can have legs supporting the position from below.

For babies

Versatile and easy to use gymnastic ball. How to choose the size for newborns? In most cases, these parameters vary from 45 to 75 cm, but experts advise choosing a larger ball - it is easier for a child to fit on it. For classes with babies, you can use fitballs with a diameter of 55-75 cm. It is good if the models are supplemented with handles: they will help to follow the child, help him to hold himself. For an adult, the handle is an opportunity to control the ball, since otherwise it is difficult to grab it during exercises.

So how to choose a gym ball for a child? Let's take a look at some of the details:

  • the ball must be made of dense, elastic fabric and have a smooth surface;
  • when trying to compress, wrinkles should not form on the surface of the gymnastic apparatus, but if they exist, then the product is of poor quality;
  • the nipple must be soldered into the product so that nothing interferes with movement;
  • the gymnastic ball must have an anti-explosive feature, the marking of which is ABS. She talks about the safety of the exercise equipment.

A few final rules

How to choose a gymnastic To begin with, let's talk about the fact that classes with this sports equipment have become popular not so long ago. It was invented by a famous physiotherapist, and the fitball differs from a regular ball only in size. All models are used when performing exercises in gymnastics and aerobics. Today, fitness balls are widely used in the prevention of many diseases of the legs, back, and hips. They are especially effective in recovering from injuries. Despite the external simplicity of the accessory, it is universal, as it allows you to use almost all muscle groups during training, develops a sense of balance, flexibility, helps to improve posture and relieve fatigue.

When choosing, many are guided by the color of the gymnastic ball. Here psychologists are included in the work, since each color affects our nervous system in different ways. So, blue and green produce a calming effect, reduce pressure, yellow helps to improve mood and increase energy levels, and orange can relieve depression. If you have a weak immune system, then choose a red gym ball.

Operating rules

Fitball is a safe sports equipment that is easily inflated with a conventional pump manually or automatically. To make it last longer, use the ball only on a smooth and even surface so that there is no risk of causing mechanical damage. Store products in an inflated state away from sunlight.

Gymnastic balls are simple sports equipment, which nevertheless allow you to solve a number of tasks without leaving your home for this. They are absolutely safe, but subject to basic rules. The main thing - do not leave a child, especially a small one, alone with this projectile. Today, the most popular products of the following brands are Gymnic, Ledragomma, Azuni, Spokey, Torneo. By choosing the right gym ball, you can perform effective exercises at home without much effort.

Fitball is a popular gymnastic ball that everyone who has visited the fitness room at least once is familiar with. Experts advise everyone involved in aerobics and fitness to use this projectile in the gym and at home. This is a great way to improve coordination, give the muscles a uniform load, remove excess fat from problem areas, make the body slim, and the stomach flat.

Consider what types of gymnastic balls are, how to choose a fitball, pump it up and what exercises with it are most effective.

What is fitball - general information

Fitball is a durable and resilient large rubber ball for fitness and aerobics in the gym and at home. Another name for this gymnastic object is the Swiss ball. The correct choice of fitball largely determines the effectiveness of subsequent training. The ball must be appropriate for the athlete's height, weight and training goals.

The benefits of regular exercise with a big ball for fitness are multifaceted:

  • Development of agility, flexibility and coordination;
  • Correction of incorrect posture;
  • Prevention and therapy of the initial stages of degenerative and dystrophic pathologies of the joints and spine;
  • Efficient calorie burning;
  • Slim figure without the use of complex simulators.
  • The round shape of this gymnastic apparatus allows you to do exercises with a large amplitude, and the instability of the ball keeps the muscles in constant tone. In addition, the fitball is much cheaper than, for example, an exercise bike, stepper or treadmill, while not inferior to these devices in terms of efficiency. Even students and pensioners can buy a ball for home exercises. The ball is widely used to strengthen the pelvic muscles in pregnant women.

    A distinctive feature of aerobics with a fitball is the absence of excessive load on the lower limbs. This allows older people and those who have joint problems to do fitness. Even people with varicose veins and overweight can do Swiss ball exercises. In the latter case, you should, of course, control the load on the ball and choose the most durable and elastic model.

    Fitball exercises have a complex benefit: the press is strengthened, fat disappears from the abdomen and other parts of the body, the manifestations of cellulite on the hips and buttocks are reduced, those muscle groups that are usually not involved are included in the work. The Swiss ball is valued for its versatility, affordability and safety.

    History of creation

    The history of fitball begins in the middle of the last century. In 1960, the ball was used by Swiss physiotherapist Susan Klein-Vogelbach. At first, the simulator was used exclusively as a therapeutic tool for the rehabilitation of patients with spinal injuries. Then it began to be used to treat patients diagnosed with cerebral palsy.

    Later, doctors came to the conclusion that the Swiss ball can be used not only for therapy, but also for prevention. Regular exercises contributed to the strengthening of the muscular-ligamentous apparatus, contributed to the stabilization of weight. In the 90s of the XX century, the Swiss ball began to be widely used in gyms as a means for losing weight and body shaping. So aerobics with a fitball has become a popular fitness trend.


    There are several varieties of Swiss balls:

    • Fitball with horns- handles to maintain balance. Such models are especially loved by children: the handles allow you to jump on the ball while maintaining balance. A model with horns or brackets is suitable for inexperienced users.
    • Fitball with spikes, in addition to all the usual properties, has the additional qualities of a massager. This model is especially effective for fighting cellulite.
    • A smooth fitball is suitable for all users, but is most often used for pregnant women. Such balls can be used both for relaxation and for intensive training.
    • Special children's fitballs are usually appropriately decorated and small in size.

    There are also oval balls and donut-shaped models. Prices for the ball depend on the dimensions, design features, brand, equipment. The average cost of a fitball is from 500 to 2500 rubles.

    Choosing the right ball

    Where to buy a high-quality and durable gymnastic ball? You can buy this product in a regular sporting goods store. A good sales assistant will certainly help you choose the right fitball by choosing the variety that is most suitable in all respects, but it is better to determine the selection criteria in advance. Also, you can buy a fitball in the online store, having previously studied all the features and characteristics of various models.

    First, let's find out how to choose a fitball in size. It is relatively simple to do this: for clarity, tables have been compiled that you can focus on.

    Selection of the diameter of the fitball by height:

    Another selection method is based on the length of the arm, which is measured from the shoulder joint to the tips of the outstretched fingers:

    You can make sure that the model fits perfectly in the following way: in a sitting position astride the ball, the angles between the torso and thigh, as well as between the foot and lower leg, should be approximately 90 degrees. Experts advise inexperienced athletes to choose a ball a little less than the norm: in the event of a fall, the likelihood of serious injuries decreases.

    The main characteristics of a quality product:

    • Elasticity: when pressing on the ball, the palm should spring;
    • Strength;
    • Ideal surface - the seams on high-quality balls are completely invisible;
    • Antistatic properties;
    • A nipple perfectly pressed into the surface.

    Modern models are equipped with an “anti-burst” safety system: in case of an accidental puncture or cut, such a ball will not explode and does not injure the athlete, but will slowly deflate. When buying an imported fitball, look in the technical parameters section for the designation ABS (Anti-Burst System) - this means the presence of an anti-burst system.

    What weight the fitball can withstand under vertical load is usually indicated in the technical specifications of the model. However, modern balls from conscientious manufacturers are strong enough and can withstand any possible weight (up to 200-300 kg).

    The ball should be used on a smooth surface, protecting the projectile from mechanical damage. If a puncture occurs, it is necessary to make repairs: often the product kit includes glue, which ensures the resistance of the damaged area to rupture. It is better to store balls in an inflated state away from radiators and the open sun. In winter, the fitball should be transported in the passenger compartment, and not in the trunk.

    You can inflate the ball with a hand, foot, electric and any other pump with a nipple of a suitable diameter. You can purchase a special fitball pump, or you can not spend extra money and pump it up with the power of your own lungs, like an ordinary inflatable toy. Determine the degree of elasticity yourself - the ball should not be too soft or too hard.

    Before purchasing a fitball, it is better to consult with a trainer in a fitness room or study reviews about a particular manufacturer on the Internet. It is better not to buy unknown brands - sometimes even an expensive ball turns out to be fragile, slippery or too soft.

    If you do not want to find a marriage in the form of a puncture or tear at home, do not be shy - ask the seller to inflate the ball right in the store. Along the way, you can evaluate the elasticity and dimensions of the product, as well as the condition of the surface: it must be uniform, without swelling and depressions.

    The ball can be used not only for fitness training: it is an excellent tool for relaxation and prevention of osteochondrosis. You can use the ball instead of a chair - sit on it at the computer or in front of the TV.

    The desire of the active part of the population to lead a healthy lifestyle has led to the emergence of such a popular area of ​​physical training as fitness. It is especially in demand among the beautiful half of humanity. It is no coincidence that the concentration of fitness clubs in large cities has almost equaled the number of traditional establishments such as beauty salons, hairdressers, nightclubs or gyms. And an indispensable attribute of any modern fitness club is a fitball - a kind of inflatable ball, characterized primarily by its large size.

    The first such projectile was patented in the 50s of the last century by the Swiss doctor Susan Klein-Vogelbach. She used big ball for treating patients suffering from some forms of cerebral palsy. It was in her honor that another name was assigned to this projectile - the “Swiss ball”.

    What is another name for large fitness balls? In the West, the term “exercise ball” is often used, we can sometimes hear how fitball is called resistball or medicine ball, although the older generation knows the last name as a heavy small ball used in physical education classes.

    When it turned out that the fitball is able to develop and improve such qualities as coordination, flexibility, mobility, the invention began to spread first in purely medical institutions, and then in health institutions. Being made of a material that can flex at the point of contact with the human body, this ball has proven to be an ideal tool for those who do aerobics, migrated to fitness centers. So if you are asked what the fitness ball is called, you can confidently answer - fitball. Such a ball will fit well into the context.

    Fitball: benefit and harm

    If we talk about the characteristic areas of use of the fitball, we can distinguish two main areas: medical and wellness.

    In the first case, it has been proven application efficiency large inflatable balls in the treatment of the following pathologies:

    • phlebeurysm;
    • problems with knee/ankle joints;
    • diseases of the spine;
    • violations in the work of the vestibular apparatus.

    There are much more indications for the use of fitball for recreational purposes.

    weight loss

    This projectile has such a large number of various exercises that it is able to use almost all muscle groups, so this Swiss is a fairly popular remedy for those who are eager to lose weight.

    Preparing for childbirth

    Another modern field of application of the fitball is prenatal programs that develop flexibility in pregnant women, increase skin elasticity, develop pelvic floor muscles, thereby greatly facilitating childbirth and postpartum recovery of the body.

    Retirement age

    The Swiss ball is also popular among pensioners: classes on a large elastic ball help protect joints and serve as an excellent prophylactic against cardiovascular diseases.

    First years of life

    In the smallest fitball is able to develop coordination, promotes the correct formation of posture and is a means of stimulating metabolism.

    When exercising using a fitball, there is no static load on the legs, which allows you to unload the musculoskeletal system.

    Having a general health effect, the fitball is suitable for use by all categories of the population, regardless of age. It is no coincidence that this ball is recommended for classes with babies, starting from the age of three months. This simulator has almost no contraindications: these are people suffering from diseases of internal organs and having a herniated disc. However, with such diagnoses, any physical activity is contraindicated. The only harm that a large inflatable ball can cause is falls from unprepared persons, but this is not a problem if the classes are held on a soft surface.

    Top offers for today:

    Classification of fitballs

    According to the degree of load on the body, fitballs are divided into:

    1. Classic (round shape);
    2. oval;
    3. Half-frequent (balance-steps);
    4. Chair with fitball

    Round fitball, characterized by minimal stability, refers to most difficult in the development of shells of this type. At the same time, the shape of the ball is ideal for training coordination, the development of most muscle groups. For those who are afraid of falling, a round fitball can be equipped with special clamps that prevent the ball from rolling.

    Oval fitball much more stable, so it can be used as a more versatile simulator, allowing you to significantly expand the list of available exercises.

    The most sustainable a kind of fitball is considered a balance-step, having the shape of a hemisphere. From the point of view of improving posture, it is in no way inferior to the classic ball, in terms of the variety of strength exercises it is ahead of the round fitball, but it trains coordination of movements worse.

    The chair is a novelty that many have not seen yet. This very interesting invention. Sitting in such a chair, you involuntarily sit more evenly, improving your posture, and also keep your balance, including a variety of muscles in the work. Without noticing it, you improve muscle tone.


    There are also fitness balls with handles, which are usually chosen by beginners, pregnant women and for young children. By allowing you to stay in a stable position, they facilitate adaptation and are considered a transitional model.

    Another variety, a fitball with horns or pimples, is used to prevent and treat cellulite, having a healing massage effect. These balls are not suitable for people with sensitive skin.

    Fitball selection

    This question is of interest to almost all beginners, and there is nothing surprising in this: differing in weight and height, they want to choose a projectile that will be as convenient as possible to use and will bring the greatest benefit to the body.

    How to choose a fitball by size?

    To choose the size of the fitball for height, in any store you will be provided table with relevant recommendations(it is usually present on the label of the ball).

    Here are the most commonly used ratios:

    • people up to 155 cm tall should choose a projectile with a diameter of 45 cm;
    • for owners of height in the range of 155-164 cm, it is preferable to buy balls with a diameter of 55 cm;
    • with a height of 165-174 cm, a fitball with a diameter of 65 cm will be ideal;
    • people with a height of 175-184 cm should use a 75 cm machine;
    • for those whose height exceeds 185 cm, balls with a diameter of 85 cm are suitable.

    Many manufacturers offer instructions on how to choose a fitball for height, in which these indicators may differ slightly, but the general trend is captured: the greater the growth, the larger the fitball.

    The choice of fitball by weight of a person

    An equally important indicator is the weight of someone who intends to purchase a Swiss ball. Some conflicts are possible here: if you know how to choose a fitball by height from the corresponding table, then in terms of weight, manufacturers indicate only the maximum allowable load. And if the buyer has a short stature and at the same time weighs a lot, the declared value may be less than required. In such cases, you can pay attention to models from other manufacturers, in extreme cases, you will have to buy a ball of a slightly larger diameter.

    Those who are overweight should look for fitballs equipped with anti-break function. Such shells are marked accordingly (in English, these are the abbreviations BRQ or ABS, which means Burst Resistant Quality and AntiBurst System, respectively).

    The quality of the projectile is the main thing

    If you do not know how to choose a fitball according to such an indicator as quality- do not hesitate to ask a sales consultant, or better yet, find out ahead of time using the Internet. The level of comfort of the projectile and compliance with your dimensions should be checked right in the store: sitting on a fitball, like on a regular chair, make sure that between the torso and thigh, thigh and shin, as well as in the shin-foot ligament form a right angle. If such a ratio is not observed, such a ball will not suit you, since when exercising on this simulator, the loads on the joints will be quite significant. And, as we remember, the benefit of the fitball will be maximum if your musculoskeletal system is unloaded.

    Now you know how to choose the size of a fitness ball, but there are a few more important criteria that you should pay attention to.

    Ball elasticity

    One of them is elasticity, which characterizes load on the body during workouts. A more elastic ball will require more effort from you to maintain balance, a soft fitball will provide minimal stress. Press slightly with your hand on the top of the projectile: the deflection of the ball with an average elasticity will be approximately 2-3 centimeters, for a hard projectile - 1-2 cm.

    Choose a color

    The color of the fitball does not affect the quality of classes, but important in terms of aesthetic perception. It has been proven that bright balls contribute to the development of a positive attitude, but if you are purchasing one for home practice, it would be useful to choose a color scheme that would be combined with the interior of the room in which the fitball will be stored.

    Here is an example of the advice of psychologists:

    • red color increases energy;
    • the blue ball has a calming effect;
    • orange fitball gives a positive attitude;
    • brown projectile harmonizes emotions.

    cost factor

    If we figured out the question of how to choose the size of a fitball, it makes sense to dwell on the discussion of the cost factor. For many, it is the price that is the decisive argument when choosing a particular model. As practice has shown, far not always cheap fitness balls are of low quality, but still preference should be given to well-known manufacturers, with whom we will introduce you:

    • Polish balls from the company Spokey they are highly durable and cost between 1150-1600 rubles, depending on the size and the presence of an anti-fracture function.
    • German company Togu offers an extensive range of fitballs of all possible sizes in the price range of 1000-2200 rubles.
    • Italian manufacturer Ledragomma is considered a pioneer in this field and produces shells, the material of which is protected by a patent. The cost of these simulators lies in the range of 900-1500 rubles.
    • Taiwanese company Alex differs in products with an excellent ratio of quality to price, lying in the range of 800-1200 rubles.
    • Since 1963, the Italian company has been producing fitballs. Gymnic, in which the price range is approximately 800-1000 rubles.
    • Another young company from the Apennines, Torneo, managed to establish itself as a manufacturer of high-quality fitballs worth about 700-1000 rubles.
    • Bright, colorful balls are produced by the Taiwanese manufacturer Azuni, which offers products in the price range of 600-1000 rubles.

    Of course, this list can be continued, but this information will help you figure out how much a fitball of acceptable quality costs. In any case, comparing prices for this projectile and other common types of exercise equipment (treadmills, ellipsoids, exercise bikes) will at least be incorrect, but as for the benefits of using a fitball, disputes are quite appropriate here. In any case, for thousands and thousands of adherents of a healthy lifestyle, fitball has been and remains a favorite projectile.

    Fitball for babies or a big ball for gymnastics - what is it? And how to choose it? From 1 month it is recommended to start gymnastics with a child. Including, swing it on a large rubber ball.

    How to choose a fitball for babies?


    We need a big ball - a jumper, or, as it is now called, a fitball.

    The diameter of the fitball must be at least 50 cm. The larger the diameter of the ball, the longer it will be suitable for the child for gymnastics.

    Most often, a ball with a diameter of 55 - 75 cm is used for training with a baby.


    Fitball for babies can be with a handle (horns) or without. I find that a fitball with a handle is more convenient. If you place the child with his head to the handle in the position on his stomach, he learns to grab it and hold on. First you have to put the handle of the ball into the hands of the child. Then, he will learn to hold on to her himself. When rocking on the back, the handle creates support for the head and prevents the child from slipping on the ball when moving forward.

    For an adult, a handle helps to control the ball, without it it is more difficult to do it. If necessary, fitball for babies can be turned upside down. Then, the child will practice on a smooth surface, and it will be more convenient for you to limit the range of motion of the ball using the handle. In addition, a ball with a handle or horns is always more popular with children. After all, the fitball will be for the child not only a sports equipment, but also a favorite toy.

    Massage fitball

    Fitball for babies can be smooth or with “pimples”. A ball with "pimples" or rather soft rubber balls over the entire surface is called a massage fitball. When practicing on such a ball, an additional massage effect is created. It improves blood circulation in the muscles, which is very useful for the child.

    You can check the strength of the ball: a quality ball must withstand a weight of 200-300 kg. This is indicated on the packaging or in the instructions. It is necessary to pay attention that there are no burrs and seams on it. For children, this is important, they have delicate and vulnerable skin. The nipple must not protrude.

    The balls come in different colors, here the choice is yours. But if it is possible to choose a ball for a child with a bright large picture, choose - the child will like such a ball more.

    Preparing for classes

    If the fitball for babies is pumped up too much, it will slip on the floor when swaying on it. And the child can slide off the ball. But, if - too weakly - the child will "fall" into it, like into a feather bed, and the desired effect will not be achieved. Therefore, the ball must be inflated so that it gently springs when patting it with the palm of your hand.

    Many experts recommend covering the ball with a diaper during classes, and laying the child on it. This is possible in the first month, while the range of motion on the ball is small and the baby is swayed only on the stomach. When the amplitude increases, the diaper begins to slide over the ball, gather into folds, and interfere with classes. Therefore, it is better to practice without a diaper. But, at least once a week, wash the ball. And before use, wipe it with a dry clean cloth.

    If you do not like the direct contact of the child's skin with the rubber of the ball, you can wear a bodysuit for the duration of the lesson (the bodysuit has no seams on the back and stomach).

    Gymnastics on the ball

    Classes with a child on a fitball are now in vogue. It is allowed to start them from 2 weeks, when the umbilical wound heals. But you shouldn't be in too much of a hurry. It is best to start from 1 month and combine gymnastics on the ball with other types of gymnastics and massage.

    From 1 month, gymnastics on the ball in the position on the stomach is allowed. The child can and should be laid out with his stomach on the ball and rock it back and forth, left and right, then in a circular motion clockwise, then counterclockwise. This helps to strengthen the muscles of the back and neck, helps the child learn to hold his head, and develops the vestibular apparatus. At the same time, the abdomen is massaged, which promotes digestion.

    They start with movements of small amplitude, as the child gets used to gymnastics on the fitball, the amplitude is increased.

    Smooth swings with a small amplitude and slight vibration during movement contribute to muscle relaxation, and sharper movements with a large amplitude - muscle contraction and increased tone. During classes with a child, you can alternate smooth and sharper movements, large and small amplitudes, light and stronger vibration.

    The first time classes should last 1-2 minutes. Then increase the duration of classes to 3-5 minutes. It is recommended to practice on the ball 4-5 r / d.

    From 3 months, gymnastics includes swaying on the ball in the supine position. This helps to strengthen the muscles of the abdomen and the front surface of the body, helps the child learn to sit and sit on his own. The direction of movement of the ball on the stomach is the same as on the back.

    When resting on the feet - the child should stand on a full foot - this is preparation for walking.

    When resting on the palm, the eye is trained and the muscles of the hands develop. It is recommended to lay out toys in front of the child so that he learns to grab them - this trains the accuracy of hand movement.

    You can see other pictures and videos about our fitball classes. This site describes and shows only the simplest exercises on the gymnastic ball. But they are enough for a good physical development of the child in the first year of life, especially if they are performed regularly several times a day and combined with the exercises of ordinary children's gymnastics and massage.

    Fitball for babies or a large gymnastic ball.