Team building training (workshop for teachers). Training session for the rallying of the teaching staff

Psychological training for teachers

The training aims to unite teaching staff, development of communication skills, emotional stability, self-confidence, a friendly attitude towards each other. Performing training exercises, teachers learn to understand each other. The training motivates teachers to self-improvement, reflection, mastering the mechanisms of communicative competence.

Training objectives:

Formation of a favorable psychological climate

Finding similarities among group members to improve interaction between them

Development of the ability to work in a team

Group rallying

Awareness by each participant of his role, function in the group

Improve the communication skills of teachers

Increase your mood for good luck, happiness, kindness and success.

Necessary materials:

Sheets of format A - 4 according to the number of participants, simple pencils, felt-tip pens, suns, stars

Calm music for relaxation

Course of the training:

1. Training rules:
A single form of addressing each other (by name).

Communication based on the “here and now” principle.

Confidentiality of everything that happens.

Sincerity in communication.

respect for the speaker.

2. Content of the training:

Music sounds. Participants of the training enter the hall.

Dear colleagues! Today we will talk with you about the psychological climate of the team, as well as the importance of team cohesion.

The psychological climate is the interpersonal relationships typical of the work team, which determine its basic mood.

In one climate, a plant may flourish, in another it may wither. The same can be said about the psychological climate: in some conditions, people feel uncomfortable, tend to leave the team, spend less time in it, their personal growth slows down, in others, the team functions optimally and its members get the opportunity to fully realize their potential.

Building a psychological climate, team cohesion is the most important thing not only for the administration, but also for each member of the team.

The climate is called favorable if the atmosphere of goodwill, care for everyone, trust and exactingness reigns in the team. If team members are ready to work, show creativity and achieve High Quality, working without control and bearing responsibility for the case. If everyone in the team is protected, feels involved in everything that happens and actively enters into communication.

3. Broom . Ancient parable

One old man had three sons. And they couldn't get along. The old man really wanted his sons to live in peace after his death. He decided to teach them this.

One day, the father called them to him and asked them to break the broom in half. At first the eldest son tried, but no matter how much he tried, nothing happened. The same failures befell the middle and junior. Then the father untied the broom and asked each son to break several straws. This, of course, they succeeded with ease.

Then the father said:

- It's the same in life. If you are together, then no one will break you, and individually you are just as easy to defeat as breaking a couple of straws.

Today at the training we will see how we can work together.

Exercise 4. "Greeting"

Teachers are invited to stand in a circle, introduce themselves and describe themselves, name a few of their qualities.

Exercise 5 Test: "Qualities of your temperament"

Exercise 6 "Compliment"

This exercise is from Eric Berne's "stroke" theory. The word "stroking" reflects the child's need for touch. Bern noticed that as adults, people still tend to touch each other, as if confirming their physical existence. Coming out of childhood, people find themselves in a society where physical contact is strictly limited, so you have to be content with replacing this need with other forms of “stroking”. A smile, a short conversation, or a compliment are all signs that you have been noticed, and this gives us joy.

The purpose of the exercise: creating a positive emotional attitude towards the interlocutor, mastering the compliment technique.

Task: come up with a compliment that matches personal qualities interlocutor.

In a circle, we will compliment the neighbor on the right, and now the neighbor on the left. Well done.

Exercise analysis:

1. What difficulties did you encounter while doing this exercise?

2. Were there any pleasant moments in the exercise, which ones?

Exercise 7. I invite you to the circle.

You can easily and quickly line up according to your height. And I'll ask you to line up by hair color: from the lightest to the darkest: And now - in alphabetical order, but do it silently. (Options - by eye color, by date of birth, etc.).

(music plays)

Well done, now get up like a train and imagine that it started to rain. You will stroke each other on the back, depicting raindrops. And now the rain is intensifying, the downpour has gone, now the drops of hail. The rain stops, the sun comes out.

Exercise 8 Breathing exercises

In our work very often there are such moments when we feel a breakdown, nervous tension. This exercise can be done independently and it is very effective.

Usually, when we are upset about something, we begin to hold our breath. Releasing the breath is one way to relax. Breathe slowly, calmly and deeply for three minutes. You can even close your eyes. Enjoy this deep, leisurely breathing, imagine that all your troubles disappear.

Exercise 9. (music sounds) for relaxation

Take the most comfortable position. Close your eyes.

Imagine yourself floating above the ground. In flight, you rush up. Look to the right, to the left, up, down... You see stars, tongues of pale bluish nebulae... Find somewhere near you a bright blue planet. This is Earth. Notice how the sun glistens and breaks into many sparkling dots as it reflects off the surface of the oceans. Feel the joy and love, like a person who returned to his beloved home after a long absence. Start your descent towards the surface... It is pleasant for you to soar above the Earth, and you are happy to look at the dark blue ocean, shining with white spray, and the dark green fields of forests, and white bedspread clouds, and the horizon going into the distance, and the stars surrounding this magnificent ball... Look, enjoy... This is the place where you are loved and appreciated. Happiness and Joy to you!

Open your eyes. Raise your hands up - inhale, lower your hands - exhale. Thank you.

Exercise 10 "What I've Learned"

Purpose: reflection

I learned….

I have learned that….

I was surprised that…..

I like it,………

I was disappointed that….

11. Parable. The world is as you see it

A young man approached the oasis, drank water and asked the old man who was resting near the spring:

- What kind of people live here?

The old man himself asked the young man:

- A crowd of egoists with evil thoughts, the young man answered.

- You will find the same here, - said the sage.

On the same day, another young man went to the source to quench his thirst after a difficult journey. Seeing the old man, he greeted him and asked:

- What kind of people live in this place?

The old man answered the same question:

- What kind of people live where you came from?

- Beautiful! Honest, hospitable, friendly. It hurt me to part with them.

- You will find the same here, - the sage assured.

The person who heard both conversations asked:

- How could you give two such identical answers to different comments?

To this the old man replied:

- Each of us can only see what is in our hearts. He who has not found anything good wherever he has been will not be able to find anything else either here or anywhere else.

Psychologist commentary.

Everything that surrounds us is a reflection of our thoughts. We look at reality through the filter that we ourselves are. We ourselves choose in what light to see everything that happens around us - in positive or negative.

Even though each of us different character, temperament, appearance, I want to wish us respect for each other, think in the same direction, success, self-confidence and peace of mind!

Colleagues, I wish you only good luck,

To be able to do any task,

So that money is in abundance all the time

And honestly you are at school to work!

Pay - decent, fate is excellent,

Health - without measure, and life - decent!

I also wish you, of course, a career,

So that you will certainly go up the stairs !!!

Task: complete unfinished sentences

Task: complete unfinished sentences

I have learned ___________________________________________________

I have learned that_____________________________________________________

I was surprised that _____________________________________________

I like it___________________________________________________

I was disappointed that ______________________________________

Task: complete unfinished sentences

I have learned ___________________________________________________

I have learned that_____________________________________________________

I was surprised that _____________________________________________

I like it___________________________________________________

I was disappointed that ______________________________________

Task: complete unfinished sentences

I have learned ___________________________________________________

I have learned that_____________________________________________________

I was surprised that _____________________________________________

I like it___________________________________________________

I was disappointed that ______________________________________

Task: complete unfinished sentences

I have learned ___________________________________________________

I have learned that_____________________________________________________

I was surprised that _____________________________________________

I like it___________________________________________________

I was disappointed that ______________________________________

Task: complete unfinished sentences

I have learned ___________________________________________________

I have learned that_____________________________________________________

I was surprised that _____________________________________________

I like it___________________________________________________

I was disappointed that ______________________________________


Explanatory note

Relevance. Group cohesion is a necessary condition for the effectiveness and efficiency of group work. Only a close-knit group contributes to the self-disclosure of the participants and allows an open confrontation of opinions, which, combined with a constructive attitude towards criticism, is one of the means of correcting attitudes, changing the behavior and positions of the participants. Group cohesion is promoted by: rivalry with other groups; properly organized joint activities in the direction of the adopted goals and the solution of personally significant tasks for the participants; meeting the personal needs of the participants associated with group activities; friendly atmosphere in the group; positive relationships and sympathy between the participants; their expectation of undeniable benefits from participation in the training; the prestige of the group and its leader; positive motivation of participants, etc.

Thus, when a comfortable microclimate is created in the group, its members gain confidence, strive to work and create. Games are one of the most effective ways creating such an atmosphere.

Program goal: development of team cohesion.


    Getting to know each other.

    Finding similarities among group members for improvement. interactions between them.

    Group rallying.

Forms and methods of work:

A set of exercises designed for educators. It consists of 10 meetings. The duration of the meeting is 45-60 minutes.

Trainings are held in the afternoon. The program involves working with a group of 6-10 educators.

Trainings are held 1-2 times a week. Cycle duration - from 1 to 3 months. Trainings are held in a separate spacious room.

Expected results:

    Teachers get to know each other better.

    The quality of interaction between educators will improve.

    The performance of the group will increase.

    Teachers will develop the ability to work in a team.

    The psychological climate in the team will improve.

    The cohesion of the teaching staff will increase.

Thematic planning


Meeting tasks

    Getting to know each other.

    Getting to know each other.

    Create group health.

    Development of interpersonal sensitivity and mutual understanding.

    Development of the ability to work in a team.

    Development of interpersonal sensitivity and mutual understanding.

    Development of the ability to work in a team.

    Group rallying.

Diagnostics of team cohesion

Method name


1. Evaluation of the SEC according to A.N. Lutoshkin

Desk book practical psychologist. In 2 books. Book. 2.: Working with adults: textbook. allowance / E. I. Rogov. - M: Publishing house VLADOS-PRESS, 2008. - 383 p.: ill. pp. 106-108

2. Determination of the Seashore cohesion index

Fetiskin N.P., Kozlov V.V., Manuilov G.M. Socio-psychological diagnostics of personality development and small groups. - M., 2002. C.179-180.

Methodology Determining the psychological climate of the group

For a general assessment of some of the main manifestations of the psychological climate of the team, the psychologist can use the map-scheme of A. N. Lutoshkin. In it, on the left side of the sheet, those qualities of the team that characterize a favorable psychological climate are described, on the right - the qualities of a team with a clearly unfavorable climate. The degree of manifestation of certain qualities can be determined using a seven-point scale placed in the center of the sheet (from +3 to -3).


You should first read the sentence on the left, then on the right, and then mark with a “+” in the middle part of the sheet the assessment that best corresponds to the truth. It should be borne in mind that the ratings mean:

3 - the property indicated on the left always appears in the team;
+2 - the property appears in most cases;
+1 - the property appears quite often;

0 - neither this nor the opposite (indicated on the right) property is manifested clearly enough, or both are manifested to the same extent;

1 - quite often the opposite property appears (indicated on the right);
-2 - property appears in most cases;
-3 - the property is always shown.

The team is dominated by an optimistic, businesslike mood.

A pessimistic, unbusinesslike mood prevails.

In relationships, a benevolent, friendly attitude is manifested.

In relationships, conflict, aggressiveness and antipathy are manifested.

Mutual understanding, mutual arrangement between microgroups is shown.

The groups are in conflict with each other.

Team members enjoy spending time together.

The team shows a negative attitude towards closer communication.

The person in the team is supported.

Failures and successes leave others indifferent or may cause envy, etc.

The team is dominated by approval and support.

Comments and criticism are in the nature of overt or covert attacks.

The team has a collective opinion. It is customary to respect each other's positions.

In the team, everyone considers his opinion the main thing. Is impatient with the point of view of others.

In difficult situations, there is an emotional unification of the team, support.

In a difficult situation, quarrels and mutual misunderstandings arise.

Shared achievement or failure is experienced by all or many as personal.

Achievements or failures do not find a significant response from its participants.

Friendly attitude towards newbies.

They show hostility or indifference towards newcomers.

The team is willingly distracted by the needs of the organization.

It is difficult to organize a team to work together.

In the team there is a fair attitude, social security.

The collective was divided into "privileged" and "neglected".

Team members show a sense of pride in their organization.

The praise and encouragement of the team are treated indifferently here.

Characteristics of the SPK

    SEC is stable, favorable. 5.5 - max

    Satisfaction with their profession, relationships with colleagues is manifested. Protracted conflicts are unlikely. No hidden groups.

    SEC is favorable, unstable. 4.6 - 5.4 inclusive. Instability due to internal contradictions. This should be the subject of a leader's work.

    SPC of the middle level. Problem. 3.8 - 4.5. There are problems in the psychology of the team, both in the sphere of interpersonal relations and in business area. This affects the reliability, efficiency of work, especially in extreme situations. Explicit or hidden groupings.

    SPC is unfavorable. 1 - 3.7. Most employees are dissatisfied with the content of their activities, work goals, relationships.

Determination of the Seashore Group Cohesion Index

group cohesion- an extremely important parameter showing the degree of integration of the group, its cohesion into a single whole - can be determined not only by calculating the corresponding sociometric indices.

    How would you rate your belonging to the group?

    1. I feel like a member of it, part of a team (5).

      Participate in most activities (4).

      I participate in some activities and do not participate in others (3).

      I don't feel like I'm a member of a group (2).

      I live and exist separately from it (1).

      I don't know, I find it difficult to answer (1).

    Would you move to another group if the opportunity presented itself (without changing other conditions)?

      Yes, I would very much like to go (1).

      Would rather move than stay (2).

      I don't see any difference (3).

      Most likely would have remained in his group (4).

      I would very much like to stay in my group (5).

      I don't know, it's hard to say (1).

    What is the relationship between the members of your group?

      Worse than in most classes (1).

      I don't know, it's hard to say (1).

    What is your relationship with management?

      Better than most bands (3).

      Approximately the same as in most teams (2).

      Don't know. (one)

    What is the attitude towards business (study, etc.) in your team?

      Better than most bands (3).

      Approximately the same as in most teams (2).

      Worse than in most teams (1).

      Don't know (1).

Levels of group cohesion

    15.1 points and above - high;

    11.6 - 15 points - above average;

    7-11.5 - medium;

    4 - 6.9 - below average;

    4 and below - low.

Encounter 1


    Getting to know each other.

    Finding similarities among group members to improve interaction between them.

    Formation of trust in the group

1. "Training name"

Instruction: We have a lot of work to do together, and therefore we need to get to know each other and remember each other's names. At the training, we are given a great opportunity, usually inaccessible in real life - to choose a name for ourselves. After all, it often happens that someone does not really like the name given to him by his parents; someone is not satisfied with the form of address that is familiar to others - let's say everyone around calls the girl Lenka, and she wants to be addressed as "Lenochka" or "Lenulya" or especially unusually and affectionately, as mother addressed in childhood. Some like it if they are called by their patronymic, without a name - Petrovich, Mikhalych. And someone secretly dreams of beautiful name, which is worn by his idol. There are people who had a funny nickname in childhood and would not mind if they were addressed that way even now in an informal setting. You have thirty seconds to think and choose a name for yourself and write it on your badge. All other members of the group (and leaders too) will refer to you only by this name during the entire training.

2. Rules of our group

Instruction: Each group may have its own rules, but the ones below can be considered the main, most typical ones. Now we will discuss the main ones, and then we will start working out the conditions for the work of our group.

Communication based on the "here and now" principle. Many people tend not to talk about how they feel, what they think, because they are afraid of seeming ridiculous. They are characterized by the desire to go into the area of ​​​​general reasoning, to engage in a discussion of events that happened to other people. The mechanism works psychological protection. But the main task of our work is to turn the group into a kind of three-dimensional mirror in which everyone could see the most diverse manifestations of their character, behavior, the ability to be self-critical and respond correctly to criticism, to better know themselves and their personal characteristics. Therefore, during classes, everyone only talks about what worries them right now, and discusses what is happening to them in the group.

Personification of statements. For more frank communication during classes, we refuse impersonal speech, which helps to hide our own position and thereby evade responsibility for our words. Therefore, we replace statements like: “Most people think that…” with “I think that…”; “Some of us think ...” - to “I think ...”, etc. We also refuse unaddressed judgments about others. We replace a phrase like: "Many did not understand me" - with a specific replica: "Olya and Sonya did not understand me."

Sincerity in communication. During work, we only say what we feel and think about what is happening, that is, only the truth. If there is no desire to speak sincerely and frankly, it is better to remain silent. This rule means openly expressing your feelings towards the actions of other participants and towards yourself.

Confidentiality of everything that happens in the group. Everything that happens during classes is not disclosed under any pretext. We are sure that no one will tell about the experiences of a person, about what he shared. It helps us to be sincere and promotes self-disclosure. We trust each other and the group as a whole.

Determining the strengths of the individual. During classes (during the exercise or its discussion, in the process of completing assignments or studies), any of us strives to emphasize the positive qualities of the person with whom we work together. Each member of the group must say at least one good and kind word.

The inadmissibility of direct assessments of a person. When discussing what is happening, we do not evaluate the participant, but only his actions and behavior. We do not use statements like: "I don't like you", but we say: "I don't like your way of communication." We will never say: "You bad person”, but simply emphasize: “You did a bad deed.”

As many contacts and communication with different people as possible. Of course, each of us has certain sympathies, we like someone more, it is more pleasant to communicate with someone.

But during the lessons, we strive to maintain relationships with all members of the group, and especially with those whom we least know.

Active participation in what is happening. This is the norm of behavior, in accordance with which at any moment we are really included in the work. We actively watch, listen, feel ourselves, the partner and the team as a whole. We do not close ourselves, even if we heard something not very pleasant in our address. We do not think only about our own "I", having received a lot of positive emotions. We are always in a group, attentive to others, we are interested in others.

respect for the speaker. When one of the comrades speaks, we listen to him attentively, giving him the opportunity to say what he wants. We help him, showing with all our appearance that we listen to him, are happy for him, we are interested in his opinion, his inner world. We do not interrupt and are silent until he finishes talking. And only after that we ask our questions, thank or argue with him.

3. "Lamb's head"

Instruction: Now let's introduce ourselves to each other. Let's do it in such a way as to immediately and firmly remember all the game names. Our presentation will be organized as follows: the first participant calls his name, the second - the name of the previous one and his own, the third - the names of the two previous ones and his own, etc. The last one, therefore, must name all the members of the group sitting in front of him. Names cannot be written down - only memorized. This procedure is called "Lamb's Head". Why? If you, calling your partners, forgot someone's name, then say "sheep's head", of course, meaning yourself, and not the one you forgot. An additional condition - calling the name of a person, be sure to look into his eyes.

4. "Attention"

Instruction: All participants in the game are invited to perform the same simple task - by any means, without resorting, of course, to physical impact and local disasters, try to attract the attention of others.

The task is complicated by the fact that all participants in the game are trying to complete it at the same time. Determine who succeeded and at what cost.

So, all participants in the game are trying to attract the attention of as many players as possible.

In conclusion, it is calculated who attracted the attention of the largest number of participants in the game.

5. "Gifts in a circle"

6. "Wishes"

Instructions: Group members express a wish to each other for the day. It should be short, preferably one word. You stand next to the person to whom you are addressing the wish, and at the same time pronounce it. The one to whom the wish was made continues the baton.

Encounter 2


    Getting to know each other.

    Finding similarities among group members to improve interaction between them.

    Formation of trust in the group

1. This is my name.

Participants sit in a circle. Invite the player to your right to stand up from their chair and state both their full name and the name they would like to be called in the group. Then the speaker should say something about his name. He can, for example, try to answer questions such as:

    What does my last name mean?

    Where is my family from?

    Do I like my name?

    Do I know who chose him for me?

    Do I know what my name means?

    Would I like to be called by another name?

    Who else in the family bore this name?

Each participant decides for himself what to say and how to comment on his story, but the speaker needs to keep within 2 minutes. Having finished speaking, the speaker sits down again. A game
goes around the circle counterclockwise.


    The speaker stands in the center of the circle.

    The host walks with the player in a circle and talks about his name.

    The speaker goes into a circle and chooses a participant to whom he would like to introduce himself. He tells him about what associations his own name evokes in him.

2. "Are we similar?"

At first, the participants randomly walk around the room and say to each person they meet two phrases, beginning with the words:

You are like me in that...

I differ from you in that...

Another option: in pairs for 4 minutes, have a conversation on the topic “How are we similar”; then 4 minutes - on the topic "How we differ." At the end, a discussion is held, attention is drawn to what was easy and what was difficult to do, what were the discoveries. As a result, it is concluded that we are all, in essence, similar and at the same time different, but we have the right to these differences, and no one can force us to be different.

3. "Partner Introduction"

Instructions: Now we will split into pairs. We will act according to the algorithm.

The first stage of work is that everyone independently draws an image, answering the question "Me and my profession." You have 5 minutes to complete the first step.

Second stage: you tell your partner about yourself and your drawing. Tell each other about yourself as much as possible.

The third stage of work will be the introduction of your partner to the group. Therefore, try to get as much versatile information about your partner as possible. I would like you to reflect in the presentation the following important questions:

    How do I see my profession?

    what I value in myself;

    my pride;

    what I can do best.

4. "First impression"

Instructions: In the upcoming interaction, each of you will meet all the participants in a pair interaction. When meeting at my command, you will do the following:

1. Exchange workbooks.

2. In the partner's notebook in the table, write (briefly, one or two words) your impression of him in the following positions:

a) "resource" - what, in your opinion, is his strong resource as a person and business partner;

b) "point" - due to what qualities of him could you control him in the negotiation process ("pressure point", "control button").

3. Exchange workbooks again.

4. Make the transition to meet the next partner.

Thus, in your notebook you will collect a piggy bank of opinions about yourself that arise during the first contact.

The exercise is performed silently. You do not need to write a lot (this is not an essay or a characterization). You also don't have to think long and hard about the words. First, your impressions are anonymous. And secondly - and this is more important - the first impression of a person is formed in the first 10 seconds. And that's what matters to us. Give each other a gift. For many, it may be unexpected, but this makes it even more valuable. We will see that different people see us differently, this must always be taken into account. And this is the main result of our work in this exercise.

Performing the exercise, you must follow two rules:

1) refrain from looking at the notes in their notebooks until the end of the exercise (so as not to switch attention);

2) transfer notebooks and move to another partner only on the coach's commands (so that the exercise goes smoothly and quickly).

5. "Find a couple"

A piece of paper is attached to each participant's back with a pin. The name is written on the sheet fairy tale hero or a literary character who has his own mate. For example, Crocodile Gena and Cheburashka, Ilf and Petrov, etc.

Each participant must find their “other half” by interviewing the group. At the same time, it is forbidden to ask direct questions like: “What is written on my sheet?” Questions can only be answered with “yes” and “no”. Participants disperse around the room and talk to each other.

The exercise takes 10-15 minutes.

6. "My neighbors"

The purpose of the exercise is to help participants get to know each other better.

Instruction: Standing in the center of the circle (for starters, it may be the leader) offers to change places (change seats) to all those who have common feature. For example, he says: "Change all those who were born in the spring" - and all those who were born in the spring should change places. At the same time, the one who stands in the center of the circle should try to have time to take one of the vacant places, and whoever remains in the center without a place continues the game. After completing the exercise, you can ask the participants:

How are you feeling?

How is your mood?

Isn't it true that we have more in common than differences?

7. "What I wanted to be"

Each participant is asked to write on a card for three minutes who they wanted to be as a child and why. Then the anonymous cards are given to the host, who shuffles them and distributes them again to the participants in random order. Each participant must "get used" to the received image of an unknown author, read out what was written, guess whether his opinion has changed now that he has become an adult. If it has changed, why? The rest of the participants listen carefully and ask questions.

8. "Balloon"

Instructions: I ask everyone to sit in a large circle and listen carefully to the information. Imagine that you are the crew of a scientific expedition returning in a hot air balloon after completing scientific research. You conducted aerial photography of uninhabited islands. All work completed successfully. You are already preparing to meet your family and friends, you are flying over the ocean, and 500 - 550 km are left to the ground.

But suddenly the unexpected happened - for unknown reasons, a hole formed in the shell of the balloon, through which the gas that filled it comes out. The ball starts to drop rapidly. Thrown overboard all the ballast (sand) bags that were stored in the gondola for this occasion hot air balloon. For some time the fall slowed down, but did not stop. Here is a list of items and things that remained in the basket of the ball:


First aid kit with medicines

Compass hydraulic

Canned meat and fish

Sextant for locating by the stars

Rifle with scope and ammo

Sweets different

Sleeping bags (one for each crew member)

Rocket launcher with a set of flares

Tent 10-seater

oxygen bottle

Set geographical maps

Drinking water canister

Transistor radio

Boat rubber inflatable

Five minutes later, the ball began to fall with the same, very high speed. The entire crew gathered in the center of the basket to discuss the situation. You need to decide what and in what order to throw overboard.

Your task is to decide what and in what sequence should be thrown away. But first, make this decision yourself. To do this, you need to take a sheet of paper, rewrite the list of objects and things, and then, on the right side next to each item, put a serial number corresponding to the significance of the item, arguing something like this: “I will put a set of cards in the first place, since it is not needed at all, on the second is an oxygen tank, the third is sweets, etc.”

When determining the significance of objects and things, that is, the order in which you will get rid of them, you need to keep in mind that everything is thrown away, not a part - all candies, not half. When you make an individual decision, you need to gather in the center (in a circle) and begin to develop a group decision, guided by the following rules:

1) any member of the crew can express their opinion;

2) the number of statements of one person is not limited;

3) the decision is made when all the crew members without exception vote for it;

4) if at least one person objects to the adoption this decision, it is not accepted and the group must look for another way out;

5) decisions must be made in relation to the entire list of objects and things.

The time available to the crew is unknown. How long will the fall continue? It largely depends on how quickly you make decisions. If the crew unanimously votes to eject an item, it is considered ejected, and this may slow down the fall of the ball.

I wish you successful work. The main thing is to stay alive. If you can't agree, you will break. Remember this!

Lead recommendations. It is necessary to explain in great detail to the participants all the rules and describe the situation in which the crew found themselves. In this case, you can show your own imagination, based on the characteristics of the composition of the group. It is necessary to answer all questions, but not suggest a way out of the situation. It must be found by the participants themselves. During the work, the host does not interfere in the discussion process and does not answer questions from the participants, but only monitors the implementation of the rules, especially voting.

Time for the game - 20 - 25 minutes. But you can also increase the time if the group is very sluggishly involved in the discussion, especially at the initial stage. You can reduce the time to 17 - 18 minutes if the group is immediately very actively involved in the work. If the group managed to make all 15 decisions with a 100% vote, congratulate the participants and ask them to think about the reasons for successfully coming out of such a critical situation.

If they could not make all 15 decisions in the allotted time, then the host announces that the crew has crashed and asks them to think about the reasons that led to this disaster. Analysis of the results and the course of the game can be carried out immediately after it is over, or it can be done at the next lesson, giving the opportunity to more deeply understand the reasons for success or failure, analyze mistakes and try to come to a common opinion.

Encounter 3


    Getting to know each other.

    Create group health.

    Development of interpersonal sensitivity and mutual understanding.

    Development of the ability to work in a team.

1. Who is this?

The members of the group sit in a circle. Each participant calls his name. Then invite the players to look at all the members of the group and remember what they look like. One player leaves the circle and stands with their back to the group. One of the members of the group begins to describe one of the participants: “The height of this person is about one meter seventy ... he has black low shoes on a high platform ... sitting on a chair, he holds himself very straight ...” (Description can be arbitrary in form and content). The player, standing with his back to the group, tries to guess who in question. If this succeeded, then the one who was guessed becomes the leader.

2. "Message for you"

The exercise is performed in a circle. Each participant is invited to convey some kind of greeting phrase or other pleasant message to a member of the group sitting in a circle opposite him. He sends this message through the participant sitting to his left. For example, he says to a neighbor: "Tell Sveta that I am very glad to see her." This participant, in turn, informs his neighbor on the left: "Alexander tells Sveta that he is very glad to see her." He sends the message further clockwise. When the message reaches the participant sitting next to Sveta, he informs her:

You received a message from Alexander, he is very glad to see you. In the same way, Sveta sends a short response message to Alexander in the opposite direction, that is, counterclockwise.

After some time, all participants are involved in the action, passing messages to other participants or waiting for a message to come to them.

After the last answers have reached the addressee, and this is noticeable, the leader asks who did not receive the message, and asks the group to restore justice.

At the end, all participants in unison say THANK YOU. The exercise well charges the participants with positive energy and forms the mood for further work.

2. "Self-presentation"

The exercise is performed in a circle. Participants are invited to take turns (in a circle) to tell the rest of the group the following information about themselves:

    place of work (study);

    the two best traits of his character.

And also tell an interesting episode or a memorable event from your life. The facilitator and other members of the group can ask additional questions to the introducing participant. It is better to introduce the norm of asking questions to the leader by personal example. By asking open-ended questions, the facilitator demonstrates to the introducing participant that he is interested in the information received and helps him to open up more fully.

4. "Self-portrait"

The exercise is performed in a circle. Each participant needs to describe themselves (orally) in the third person. For example: Sergey is a tall man, 25 years old, his weight is almost in perfect proportion to his height. He has dark hair, brown eyes. He wears glasses and looks. After short description appearance, it is necessary to proceed to the description of character traits.

Group members can ask questions aimed at clarifying details, but also asking about a third person. The facilitator should manage the self-description and questioning process. Questions should be to the point, show interest in the person and are focused on obtaining additional information.

5. "On the ice"

Chairs are placed in a row in an amount equal to the number of participants. Each participant stands in a separate chair.

Instruction: “Your task is to place the whole group on the smallest number of chairs (of course, standing). At the same time, you can’t get off the chairs on the floor. ” After the participants begin to “accumulate” (usually in the middle chairs), the host removes the vacant ones. At the last stage of the procedure, the facilitator can "stimulate" the process by removing the chair from under the feet of one or another participant, if he is already standing on the common chairs with his other foot.

A rather noisy and shrill procedure (if girls take part). The end result is a complex composition. But you should not hold the participants in this position for a very long time, otherwise it may crash to the floor with a roar. The end result may not be what you wanted.

Moreover, the facilitator should insure the process of the “disappearance” of the participants from the chairs and, if necessary, unravel this “tangle”, freeing the participants.

At the end, it is useful to organize the procedure “Who felt what?”, Giving each participant the opportunity to speak.

6. "Terrible secret"

The game is played in a circle. One of the participants tells a "terrible" secret about himself in the ear of his neighbor, for example: "Sometimes I like to pick my nose!" The neighbor relays this message in the same way further in the circle, changing the phrase to read: "One of us sometimes likes to pick his nose!" In this form, the phrase goes around in a circle, and the second player, having let the first phrase go to two or three participants, sends a secret about himself after him. All phrases are transmitted in a circle in the variant: "One of us ...". Each secret goes through a circle and is returned to its owner. After the transfer of secrets is completed, the participants discuss what secrets they have learned:

It turns out that we snore, we pick our nose, we bite our nails, we love to sleep... What a horror!!!

Then all the participants say in chorus:

And we won't say anything about it!

7. "Applause in a circle"

Encounter 4


    Development of interpersonal sensitivity and mutual understanding.

    Development of the ability to work in a team.

    Group rallying.

1. It's higher!

This exercise can be performed by two participants in a pair, or by groups of four to six people each. To begin with, everyone is divided into pairs. Let each player choose a partner of approximately the same build as him. Later, members of the group, differing in weight and height, will also be able to play this game, and this is important, since people begin to perceive adequately, without prejudice. physical features others. Partners sit on the floor in front of each other so that their toes touch. Then both extend their arms and grab the partner's hands. Basic Action: Players begin to pull each other strongly and in synchrony, while moving up until they are on their feet.

Although the description of the game looks quite simple, for many this exercise is fraught with great difficulties. Encourage the participants and invite them to think about how they will solve the problem together. Point out to the players that not only in this exercise, but also in various life situations, strength is often less important than a well-thought-out strategy.

Ensure the safety of participants. The floor should be covered with a carpet, there should not be any solid objects, furniture nearby. Also, players should be at a considerable distance from the wall. Tell participants to hold hands very tightly during the exercise.

2. "Erudite"

Set aside chairs and tables so that participants can move freely around the room. In addition, you will have to pre-make cards with letters. Every player needs them.

Write on the cards the letters of the alphabet from A to Z (the letters Y, Y, Y can be excluded). Also, draw an * on four cards. The card with the star is the joker and can be used like any letter. For a group of more than thirty people, you can prepare additional cards with vowels and other frequently used letters (for example, A, E, O, I, P, M). Each participant receives a card with a letter. Rules of the game. When you say “Start!”, each player within a minute finds three people with letters, from which (together with his letter) you can make a word. Explain the purpose of the joker. The one who got this card will quickly find partners! Once the four players have formed a word, they must line up in the appropriate sequence, pick up the cards and wait. After a minute you say "Stop!". This means that everyone freezes at the place where your signal catches him. (When working with a very large group, a whistle, bell, drum, etc. can be used to announce the start / end of the round.) Walk from one group to another and invite the “fours” to chorus and shout out their word loudly. You can thank the groups for their successful work.

As soon as the "fours" shout out their words, say "Start!" again, thereby starting the second round. The old "quartets" disintegrate, and each player must reconnect with three other people in a minute and form a new word.

Play five to eight rounds so that each player has a chance to participate in the creation of the word.

3. Break through the circle

4. "Typewriter"

5. "Package"

Participants sit in a circle, close to each other. Hands hold neighbors on their knees. One of the participants "sends the package" by lightly slapping the leg of one of the neighbors. The signal must be transmitted as soon as possible and must return in a circle to its author. Variants of signals are possible (different number or types of movements).

6. "Tangled chains"

Participants stand in a circle, close their eyes and hold out in front of them right hand. When confronted, hands clasp. Then the participants extend their left arms and again look for a partner. The facilitator makes sure that everyone holds the hands of two people. Participants open their eyes. They should unravel without opening the hands (only changing the position of the hands is allowed so that the hands do not dislocate). As a result, either a circle is formed, or several linked rings of people, or several independent circles or pairs.

7. "Meeting the eyes"

All participants stand in a circle with their heads down. At the command of the leader, they simultaneously raise their heads. Their task is to meet someone's gaze. That pair of players who succeeded leaves the circle.

8. "Applause in a circle"

The facilitator invites the group members to stand in a circle. Then he offers the game "Applause in a circle": "we did a good job today, and I would like to invite you to praise each member of the group with applause to your neighbor on the right." Then the group members applaud everyone, and so on.

Encounter 5


    Development of interpersonal sensitivity and mutual understanding.

    Development of the ability to work in a team.

    Group rallying.

1. "Wax stick"

One participant goes to the center of the circle and falls back with their eyes closed. Another (others) catch him at the very last minute.

2. "Blind walk"

Instructions: Invite your partner to take you on a "blind" walk, where he should provide you with a variety of objects so that you can experience the shape, size, texture, temperature and other characteristics of real objects using your kinesthetic and auditory abilities.

If you want to reduce or suppress the rational-verbal activity of the brain (its left half), you can try to count in direct or reverse order while everything else is going on.

3. "Any number"

The leader calls by name of any of the players. He must instantly name any number from one to a number equal to the number of participants in the group. The host commands "three - four." At the same time, as many players as the number named must stand up. In this case, the player who called this random number can stand up himself, or can remain seated. The host stops the game after two or three successful attempts.

4. "Answers for another"

Participants take a large sheet of paper and divide it into three parts with vertical lines. At the top of the middle column you need to write your game name. Above the left column - write the name of the person sitting on the left, but through one person. Above the right column is the name of the person sitting on the right, also through one.

Instructions: So, now there will be questions. You don't need to write them down. Number the questions and write down the answers you think your partners are giving. Don't rush, try to get used to inner world the person on whose behalf you have to write. In the middle column, you are responsible for yourself. Answer briefly and definitely.

Possible list of questions:

    Your favorite color.

    Your favorite male name.

    Your favorite female name.

    Do you have sympathy for domestic animals? If so, who do you prefer: dogs, cats, birds, fish or someone else?

    Your favorite pastime.

    What genre of films do you prefer?

    Musical preferences.

5. "Three degrees of trust"

The group is divided into two equal parts. One half of the participants stand in a circle, close their eyes and take each other's hands. Participants from the second subgroup are located behind them. The first degree of trust: those who are inside, the degree of trust: the same, but without holding hands. Third Degree of Trust: People in the inner circle turn 180 degrees with their eyes closed and fall face outward. At each trial, the people in the outer circle change places.

6. "Silent and speaking mirror"

The facilitator invites a volunteer to enter the circle, who will “look in the mirror.”

Instruction: Your task is to guess which of the group members came up from behind only by “reflection in the mirrors”. One "mirror" will be alive, but silent: it will be able to explain to you who is behind your back, only with the help of facial expressions and gestures. The second "mirror" is a speaker, it will explain what kind of person this is, without naming him. Choose your “mirrors” from the group.

"Mirrors" stand next to the wall. The main player is in front of them. All other members of the group are located behind him and silently approach him from behind. Reflection in the "mirrors" occurs in turn. At first, a silent “mirror” works. If the main player did not guess the person behind his back, then the speaking “mirror” enters the game and pronounces only one phrase. If the player again does not guess, then he again reflects the silent "mirror" and so on. The player's task is to guess the person behind his back as quickly as possible.

7. What's in nothing new"

Instructions: Look at each other carefully. Try to see everyone, paying attention to how this person looks today, what condition he is in, how he manifests himself. We will have 3 minutes for this. Then a three-minute pause. And now you will throw the ball to each other, while telling the person to whom the ball is addressed what you saw in it that was new compared to yesterday. Be careful and try not to miss anyone.

8. "Wishes"

Encounter 6


    Development of interpersonal sensitivity and mutual understanding.

    Development of the ability to work in a team.

    Group rallying.

1. Mirroring

Instructions: Complete four simple tasks, or rather, simulate their implementation. The tasks are as follows:

    sew on a button;

    we are going on the road;

    we bake a pie;

    we perform at the circus.

The peculiarity of these tasks is that you will perform each of them in pairs, and the partners will stand against each other, and one of them will become a mirror for a while, that is, it will copy all the movements of its partner. Then the partners switch roles.

2. "Feelings"

Instruction: Let's see who can name more words denoting different feelings. Take turns calling the words and write them down on a piece of paper.

Information for the facilitator: You can conduct this exercise as a competition between two teams or as a group brainstorming session. The result of the group's work - a piece of drawing paper with words written on it - can be used throughout the lesson. In the course of work, new words can be added to this list - this is a dictionary that reflects the emotional experience of the group.


    Which of these feelings do you like the most?

    What feeling do you think is the most annoying?

    Which of these feelings do you know best (worst) of all?

3. "No mask"

Each participant is given a card with a written phrase that does not have an ending. Without any preliminary preparation, he must continue and complete the phrase. The statement must be sincere. If the other members of the group feel false, the participant will have to take another card.

    “I especially like it when people around me…”

    "Sometimes people don't understand me because I..."

    "I believe that I..."

    "I feel ashamed when..."

    “It especially annoys me that I…”

    “What I really want sometimes is…” etc.

4. "Color of emotions"

The leader is chosen. On a signal, he closes his eyes, and the rest of the participants think of some color among themselves, for starters, one of the main ones is better: red, green, blue, yellow. When the driver opens his eyes, all participants, by their behavior and emotional state, try to depict this color without naming it. The driver must guess what color it is. If he guessed correctly, then another driver is selected, if not, then the same one remains.

5. Break through the circle

Group members hold hands and form a vicious circle. Based on the results of the previous lessons, the facilitator determines for himself which of the group members feels least included in the group, and invites him to be the first to start the exercise, that is, to break through the circle and penetrate it. Each participant can do the same.

6. Typewriter

Participants are given a word or phrase. The letters that make up the text are distributed among the members of the group. Then the phrase should be said as quickly as possible, with everyone calling their letter, and in the intervals between words, everyone clap their hands.

7. Wishes

Instructions: Group members express a wish to each other for the day. It should be short, preferably one word. You throw the ball to the person to whom you address the wish, and at the same time say it. The one to whom the ball was thrown, in turn, throws it to the next, expressing his wish for today. We will be careful to ensure that everyone has the ball, and we will try not to miss anyone.

Encounter 7


    Development of interpersonal sensitivity and mutual understanding.

    Development of the ability to work in a team.

    Group rallying.

1. Count to twenty

Participants disperse around the room. They should be evenly distributed throughout the room and in no case form a row or circle. As soon as everyone finds a comfortable place for himself, he closes his eyes.

Purpose of the exercise: the group should count from one to twenty. (With a small number of players, it is enough to count to ten.) The following rules apply: one player cannot name two numbers in a row (for example, four and five), but during the game each participant can name more than one number. If several players call the same number at the same time, the game starts over. Participants do not have to agree on the strategy of the game in advance. You can't talk during the mission.

If the game is not going well, encourage the participants so that they do not feel too tense. You may need to make the players laugh from time to time, because this game is very difficult.

Let the game continue for as long as the participants get off the displeasure. In some groups, the participants even forget about the time and do everything in order to succeed.

2. Rhythm transmission

The group sits in a tight circle on the floor or on chairs. Participants easily hold each other's hands. Each one squeezes the hand of his neighbor on the right once. Now tell the players something like this: “Clenched hands is the signal we will use in the game. The game starts when I shake hands with my neighbor on the right. When he feels a squeeze, he must pass it to the right of his neighbor. So the handshake goes from left to right in a circle until it returns to me. For the first time, we can work very slowly and calmly. You can take your time to pass the handshake on."

When the first round is over, you can invite the participants to close their eyes and play like this. From round to round, offer to slightly speed up the pace of the game.

At the end, the participants should strongly squeeze the hands of both their neighbors and then open their eyes.


"Multiple pulses": after you have sent a handshake, send a second one after it. This will encourage the group to concentrate even more.

In a group of twelve people, you can send about five “impulses” before the first handshake returns. In a larger group, even more impulses can be fired at the same time. Check how many impulses are actually returned to you. Try to simultaneously send an impulse in both directions.

3. "The blind and the guide"

The exercise is best done in small groups (4-6 people). It is useful to divide the group into at least two subgroups so that one of them plays the role of observers.

One person is selected from the subgroup who will play the role of a guide. The rest of the participants are guided blind. Participants line up in a column one by one, at a distance of at least a meter from each other and take one hand on the rope stretched along their column. After that, they are blindfolded. The beginning of the rope is taken by the guide standing at the head of the column. The task of the guide is to lead the group along the specified leading route without uttering a word. This rope is the only means of connecting him with the participants, and the participants with each other. (The guide is sighted.)

Before the start of the movement, the leader, with the help of a subgroup of observers, makes a "small" mess in the room in order to complicate the route of the group's advancement. To do this, tables and chairs are rearranged in the room, some of which turn over or fall down in a heap, etc. After everything is ready, the leader leads the guide by the hand along the route: climbs over the chairs with him, crawls under the tables, squeezes between the shifted cabinets etc.

The task of the guide: passing along the route, lead his "blind" group. He has to pull the rope up or down, to the right or left, thereby indicating the direction of movement to the person following him. That, in turn, overcoming an obstacle or a turn, must lead the participant walking behind him.

(The "blind" participants can talk to each other, but this does not help them much, since they still do not see the obstacle, so they cannot describe it properly.)

After passing the entire route, the subgroup of the blind and the subgroup of observers change places.

At the end of the procedure, a discussion should be held, giving each participant the opportunity to speak. It is useful to discuss which role was easier and which was more difficult, and to summarize the most effective management strategies. At the same time, a subgroup of observers reports on their observations and, if possible, will determine the most attentive guide and the most intelligent blind.

4. "Siamese twins"

The exercise is performed in pairs. Partners in a pair stand side by side, shoulder to shoulder and foot to foot so that each of them
was in contact with his partner's shoulder and foot. Each pair is declared "Siamese twins" and their two inner pairs of legs are considered "fused" for the duration of the game. The task of each pair is to make
as many steps as possible without splitting up. Participants need to walk, supporting each other and making sure that their "common inner leg" does not fall apart. The number of steps taken by each pair is counted, and the pair
change partners. It is advisable that each participant try to walk in pairs in this way in turn with all members of the group.

During the discussion, it is necessary to give each participant the opportunity to speak, talk about strategies for synchronization with a partner and exchange impressions. It is possible to summarize the most successful ways synchronization with a partner.

5. "Mafia"

The essence of the game. The participants are explained that they are all members of the government of a peaceful and beautiful city. But among them, respectable residents, there will be several people who, hiding behind the guise of a respectable person, will actually be representatives of the mafia who want to seize power in the city. The main task of government members is to identify these people. Moreover, members of the mafia, according to all the laws of the genre, must hide their criminal roots in every possible way and behave naturally, like respectable people, taking part in the search for criminals. At night, the mafia will have the opportunity to carry out insidious murders of government members. The game will end when all members of the mafia are identified and executed or the entire government is destroyed.

The game is played in a circle. First you need to determine who is who. To do this, cards are made, the number of which should be equal to the number of participants, and several of them are marked with a cross (approximately 20-25% of the total number). (Instead of cards, you can use playing cards.) The cards are shuffled and distributed to the participants. Those participants who got cards with a cross will be members of the mafia. Naturally, participants must hold their cards in such a way that no one can see their contents. Participants must follow the instructions that they will receive during the game and follow all the commands of the host of the game. Master command sequence:

The city is asleep. All participants close their eyes

The mafia woke up and met. Members of the mafia open their eyes and look at each other.

The mafia also fell asleep. Mafia members close their eyes.

The city has woken up. Everyone, including the "mafia", open their eyes.

The host announces to the participants that the mafia has appeared in the city and now all hope is on them, members of the government. Moreover, the mafia is now also among them and is preparing its insidious plans to seize power and destroy all the people they do not like.

The task of the group is to identify these "mafia elements" in their ranks and execute them until they destroy them all one by one.

The group starts a discussion, analyzes the behavior and words of each participant. At the same time, participants express their assumptions, for example: “I believe that the mafia is .... The facilitator asks the participant to justify their

assumption: “Based on what information exactly do you think that Sergey is a mafia?”. If the participant cannot do this and refers to intuition, then the facilitator should be reminded that the “life” of a person depends on this accusation, and suggest that they still try to present their assumptions in detail. This fills the game with psychological content. As a rule, the participant manages to formulate what exactly caused suspicion.

Mafia members naturally take part in the discussion process, trying not to compromise themselves in any way.

If the group is sluggish in the discussion, then the facilitator can invite each participant (in a circle) to express their assumptions and suspicions. After the circle of suspects has been determined, the presenter proposes to vote for each separately.

Before voting, it is necessary to give the last word in your defense to each person in respect of whom the vote will be. The outcome of the vote often depends on this speech. As a member of the mafia, the person who votes for will be "executed" more participants.

If the group was not mistaken, then the host congratulates the group on the fact that they executed one of the members of the mafia. Otherwise, he sympathizes with them because they executed a respectable citizen. After that comes the "move" of the mafia.

At the command "The city fell asleep", all participants close their eyes.

When the victim is identified, the host invites the mafia to also close their eyes and says: “Morning has come. The city has woken up. But one person didn't wake up. And points to the victim. "You fell victim to the mafia."

(In some versions of the game, the “victim” is given the opportunity to make one last guess about who killed her.)

After that, the discussion continues. The killed people do not take part in the discussion and, when the city falls asleep, they close their eyes together with everyone else.

Then the procedure is repeated. The surviving members look for the second suspect, give him the final say, and vote. The suspect with the most votes will be executed. Then follows the move of the mafia, which "shoots" one of the respectable citizens.

The game continues until all mafia members are executed or all civilians are killed.

6. "The Sheriff and the Killer"

The game is played in a circle. Cards are produced in quantities equal to the number participants. On one card the word "sheriff" is written, on the other - "murderer". The rest of the cards are blank. Each participant draws a card without showing it to others. The presenter asks to open only the participant who got the "sheriff" card. From now on, all participants, except for the sheriff, must remain silent. The Sheriff is informed that there is a killer in the group. His task: to find this man and execute him.

The night has come. All participants close their eyes.

The killer is awake. The participant in the role of the killer opens his eyes and quietly gestures to the participant - the "victim" who will be declared killed. In this case, any player can become a victim. The only amendment - to "kill" the sheriff, you need to spend two moves.

The host announces the morning and reports the name of the “killed” participant or the injury of the sheriff. All participants open their eyes. The victim participant moves slightly out of the circle. From this point on, the sheriff comes into play, whose task is to find the killer and save the remaining people. At the same time, he can approach any player, look into his eyes, and can ask questions. The player can only respond non-verbally. Participants who got blank cards are also interested in the sheriff finding the killer, as they may become the next victim.

After some time (3-5 minutes), the presenter asks the sheriff to pronounce his sentence on the criminal and tell the name of the executed player, whom he considers the "murderer". If he guessed right, the presenter congratulates him and the game ends. If not, he reports that he killed a respectable citizen, who is also moving out of the circle. After that, night falls again and another player dies at the hands of the "killer". By this time, the participants are already beginning to worry about such lawlessness. They are given the opportunity to re-elect the sheriff if they so desire. To do this, each participant writes on a piece of paper the name of the player he nominates for this role, and gives it to the leader. The player whose name is proposed wins the election. large quantity players.

It's time for the Sheriff. The game becomes more emotional. Some players are literally bursting with words that they want to express, but do not have the right to.

During the game, the sheriff executes the suspects, the "killer" is also on the alert. The group is literally melting before our eyes. The game continues until the "killer" is found and executed or all players are killed. More often, of course, the killer is found, as the circle of suspects decreases along with the decrease in the number of surviving players. Therefore, in large groups, to complicate the game, you can choose several "criminals".

At the end of the game, a discussion should be held, finally giving the participants the opportunity to speak.

An interesting option is also in which participants can talk and answer questions from the sheriff. You can choose the option yourself in accordance with the goals of your training and the characteristics of the group.

7. "Applause in a circle"

The facilitator invites the group members to stand in a circle. Then he offers the game "Applause in a circle": "we did a good job today, and I would like to invite you to praise each member of the group with applause to your neighbor on the right." Then the group members applaud everyone, and so on.

Encounter 8


    Development of interpersonal sensitivity and mutual understanding.

    Development of the ability to work in a team.

    Group rallying.

1. Exercise "Putanka"

Everyone joins hands, standing in a circle and begins to get confused. When everyone got confused, and it turned out one big "confusion", you can imagine that the whole group has turned into one huge beast. Now it is urgently necessary to determine where his head is and where his tail is. (“Who will be the head? And who will be the tail?” The host asks). When the beast has oriented where its right and where its left is, it must learn to move in all directions, including backwards. And then, the beast must run, and maybe even “eat” someone that got along the way.

Discussion: What sensations and emotions did you experience while completing the task?

2. Exercise "Train"

Participants represent the "train", standing in a column and putting their hands on the shoulders of the person in front. All but the first close their eyes. This "train" needs to pass through the obstacles that other participants represent. With a small number of players playing part of the obstacles can be depicted with the help of chairs.

The task of the “train” is to proceed from one wall of the room to another, on the way, be sure to go around 3-4 obstacles in a circle (the leader indicates which ones) and without colliding with the rest. Obstacles depicted with the help of other players (it is desirable that those that need to go around in a circle are just one of them), when the “train cars” approach them at a dangerously close distance, they can make warning sounds - for example, begin to hiss.

The game is repeated several times to give everyone the opportunity to be both in the role of obstacles and as part of the "train".

If there are many participants and the size of the room allows, you can make the game more dynamic by running two “trains” at the same time.


    Who liked to be the “locomotive”, “cars”, obstacles more; what is it connected with?

    What emotions did anyone have while moving as part of the “train”?

    What real life situations can this game be likened to?

3. Exercise "Count to ten"

“Now at the start signal, you will close your eyes, put your noses down and try to count from one to ten. But the trick is that you will count together. Someone will say "one", another person will say "two", a third person will say "three" and so on +. However, there is one rule in the game: only one person must say the word. If two votes say "four", the count starts over. Try to understand each other without words.


    What happened to you?

    If it didn't work, then why?

    What strategy did you choose?

4. The game "Car with character"

The whole group must build an imaginary car. Its details are only well-coordinated and diverse movements and exclamations of the players. You can't talk during the game. Ask one volunteer (player 1) to come to the middle of the circle and tell him: “I want you to start doing some repetitive movements now. Maybe you want to alternate between stretching your arms up, or stroking your belly with your right hand, or jumping on one leg. Any action is good, but you have to keep repeating it. If you want, you can accompany your movements with exclamations. When player 1 decides on his actions, he becomes the first part of the car. Now the next volunteer can become the second part. Player 2, for his part, performs movements that complement the action of the first player. If, for example, player 1 looks up, strokes his stomach and at the same time says “Ah” and “Oh” alternately in between, then player 2 can stand behind and every time player 1 says “Ah”, spread his arms, and at the final "Oh" jump once. He can also stand sideways to player 1, put his right hand on his head and at the same time say "Ay", and for his "Ay" choose the moment between "Ah" and "Oh". When the movements of the first volunteers are sufficiently coordinated, a third player can join them. Each player must become a new part of the growing machine and try to make it more interesting and multifaceted. Everyone can choose a place for himself where he could settle down, as well as come up with his own action and exclamations.

When all players are involved. You can let the fantasy machine run for half a minute at the pace the group has chosen. Then suggest that the speed of work increase slightly, then slow down slightly, then start to stop. Eventually the car will fall apart.

Game discussion:

    At what point did you become part of a machine? Why?

    How did you come up with your actions?

    What happened when the car speeded up or slowed down?

    How did the fact that you were not allowed to talk to each other affect your work?


Participants, breaking up in fours or fives, can depict real-life mechanisms, units, machines: an alarm clock, a coffee grinder, a motor, a glider. Players can build a machine that allegorizes a conceptual concept, such as a machine for love, war, peace, and so on.

4. Exercise-game "Tick-tock"

Participants give each other a sound transmission: “tik” - to the right, “tak” - to the left in a circle. "Boom" - means a change in the direction of sound transmission. Any participant in the game has the right to change the direction of the transfer.

5. Typewriter

Participants are given a word or phrase. The letters that make up the text are distributed among the members of the group. Then the phrase should be said as quickly as possible, with everyone calling their letter, and in the intervals between words, everyone clap their hands.

6. "Wishes"

Instructions: Group members express a wish to each other for the day. It should be short, preferably one word. You throw the ball to the person to whom you address the wish, and at the same time say it. The one to whom the ball was thrown, in turn, throws it to the next, expressing his wish for today. We will be careful to ensure that everyone has the ball, and we will try not to miss anyone.

Encounter 9


    Development of interpersonal sensitivity and mutual understanding.

    Development of the ability to work in a team.

    Group rallying.

1. Exercise "Cars"

Participants stand one after another, put their hands on each other's shoulders, close their eyes and try to move along the line of motion of the leader, who drives the wagons in zigzags.

Discussion: exchange of impressions about the “train trip”.

2. Exercise "Penguins"

Penguins live and hunt in a flock, and during winter storms and colds they are saved by huddling together in a large heap. It is always warmer in the center of this heap, colder on the periphery, but almost everyone survives harsh conditions. How do they do it? Now you are becoming a flock of penguins, your task is not to freeze. At the signal “Start”, everyone wanders around the room, and after the “Storm” command, everyone abruptly huddles together.

Clue: The penguins on the edge freeze and try to get in, while the penguins in the center try to get out.

3. Exercise "Balls"

The participants, united in triplets, receive the task: first, inflate 3 balloons as quickly as possible, and then make them burst, squeezing them between their bodies. At the same time, you can not step on them, use any sharp objects, nails, clothing details.

Discussion: exchange of impressions.

4. Exercise "Drawing on the back"

Participants are randomly divided into three teams and lined up in three columns in parallel. Each participant looks at the back of his friend. The exercise is performed without words. The facilitator draws some simple picture and hides it. Then the same picture is drawn with a finger on the back of each last member of the teams. The task is to feel and convey this drawing as accurately as possible further. At the end, those who stand first in teams draw what they felt on sheets of paper and show it to everyone. The presenter takes out his picture and compares.

Participants are invited to discuss in teams the mistakes and findings that were made during the exercise. Draw conclusions, then, taking into account these conclusions, repeat the exercise. In this case, the first and last members of the teams change places.

Discussion: in a general circle.

    What helped to understand and convey feelings?

    How did the first and last members of the teams feel in the first and second cases?

    What prevented you from doing the exercise?

5. Exercise "Crocodile"

All participants are divided into two teams, and each team comes up with a word or phrase. After that, in each team, a person is selected who will show the hidden phrase, someone else's team, his own. During the explanation, it is forbidden to say anything and point to any objects, it is only allowed to show images and parts of speech (drawing a wavy line - definition). The essence of the game is to guess the phrase faster than your opponents.

Discussion: exchange of views.

6. Exercise "Applause in a circle"

The facilitator invites the group members to stand in a circle. Then he offers the game "Applause in a circle": "we did a good job today, and I would like to invite you to praise each member of the group with applause to your neighbor on the right." Then the group members applaud everyone, and so on.

Encounter 10


    Development of interpersonal sensitivity and mutual understanding.

    Development of the ability to work in a team.

    Group rallying.

1. Exercise "Funny count"

The host calls any number that does not exceed the number of people in the group. The named number of participants stands up. Synchronization must be achieved in the exercise, participants should not confer.

the exercise allows participants to feel the other person, to understand his thoughts in order to more effectively complete the task.

Discussion: why did the task fail at first? What helped you complete the task?

2. Exercise "Turn in jumps"

Participants disperse in space so that the distance between neighbors is at least half a meter, and stand facing in one direction. Further, on the conditional signal of the leader, everyone simultaneously performs a jump in place. When jumping, you can turn in any direction by 90, 180, 240 or 360 °. Everyone decides for himself where and how much to turn, it is impossible to agree on this. Each next jump is made at the next signal from the position in which the participants landed earlier. The task here is to ensure that after the next jump, all participants land with their faces turned in one direction. The number of attempts required for this is recorded.

The psychological meaning of the exercise: Such a task cannot be successfully completed as long as the participants approach it without being guided by the actions of the neighbors. And in this case, it is possible to successfully predict the actions of others only based on the perception and prediction of the intentions of others. In addition, the game serves as a good warm-up, allows you to activate the group, relieves tension.

Discussion: Is it possible to successfully complete this task, acting on the principle of “every man for himself? Obviously not. You can try very hard, but nothing will work if you do not try to understand the intentions of your neighbors and do not convey your intention to them. But how to do it?

3. Exercise "Puzzles"

The participants are divided into teams. Each team gets a puzzle. The task is to collect it as quickly as possible.

The psychological meaning of the exercise: participants in a playful way learn effective interaction in a team, learn to distribute roles, to improve the quality of work, while it is important that they are united by a common goal.

Discussion: Was it difficult to do this exercise in a team? Why? What does it take to work more effectively in a team?

4. Exercise "Who is faster?"

The group must quickly, without words, build, using all the players on the team, the following figures:

  • triangle;

  • bird hutch.

The psychological meaning of the exercise: coordination of joint actions, distribution of roles in the group.

Discussion: Was it difficult to complete the task? What helped you do it?

5. Exercise "Building a circle"

Participants close their eyes and begin to randomly move around the room (you can make a buzz at the same time, like disturbed bees; this avoids conversations that interfere with the exercise). At the prearranged signal of the leader, everyone stops in those positions where the signal caught them, after which they try to stand in a circle without opening their eyes and without talking, you can only touch each other with your hands. When everyone takes their places and stops, the host gives a second prearranged signal, according to which the participants open their eyes. As a rule, it is not possible to build a perfectly even circle.

This exercise creates a very good conditions to observe the facilitator's behavioral styles of the participants. In addition, it can be used for express diagnostics of group cohesion.

The psychological meaning of the exercise: The exercise is aimed at developing the skills of coordinating joint actions, uniting the group. In addition, it allows you to develop the skills of non-verbal communication and self-regulation.

Discussion: What gives this game? Why perfect circle didn't work right away? It is necessary to make it clear to the participants that in this exercise the overall coherence of their actions is important.

6. Exercise "Gift"

Host: “Let's think about what we could give your group to make interaction in it even more effective, and relations in it more united? Let's say what each of us gives to the group. For example, I give you optimism and mutual trust.” Further, each of the participants expresses what he would like to give to the group. "Let's reward ourselves for a successful swim with applause!"

The psychological meaning of the exercise: A ritual that allows you to complete the training beautifully and on a positive emotional note.

7. Wishes

Instructions: Group members express a wish to each other for the day. It should be short, preferably one word. You throw the ball to the person to whom you address the wish, and at the same time say it. The one to whom the ball was thrown, in turn, throws it to the next, expressing his wish for today. We will be careful to ensure that everyone has the ball, and we will try not to miss anyone.


    Andreeva, G.I. Social Psychology. – M.: Aspect Press, 2001.

    Bolshakov, V.Yu. Psychotraining. Sociodynamics, exercises, games. - St. Petersburg: 1996.

    Vachkov, I.V. Fundamentals of group training. – M.: Os-89, 2000.

    Makshantsev, R.I., Makshantsera, A.V. Social Psychology. M.: INFRA-M, 2001.

    Myers, D. Social psychology. - 7th ed. - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2007. - 794 p. - (Series "Masters of Psychology").

    Monina, G.B., Lyutova-Roberts, E.K. Communicative training (teachers, psychologists, parents). - St. Petersburg: Speech, 2007. - 224 p.: ill.

    Ovcharova, R.V. Practical psychology in elementary school. - M., 1998.

    Psychological training in a group: Games and exercises: Tutorial/ Auto-stat. T.L. Buka, M.L. Mitrofanov. - 2nd ed. – M.: Psychotherapy, 2008. – 144 p.

    Samoukina, N.V. "Games that are played...". Psychological workshop. - Dubna: Phoenix +, 2000.

    Samoukina, N.V. Practical psychologist at school: lectures, counseling, trainings. - M.: INTOR, 1997.

    Starshenbaum, G.V. Training of practical psychologist skills. - St. Petersburg: Speech, 2008. - 416 p.

    Fetiskin, N.P., Kozlov, V.V., Manuilov, G.M. Socio-psychological diagnostics of personality development and small groups. - M., 2002.

    Vopel, K. Group Cohesion. Psychological games and exercise. Per. with him. – M.: Genesis, 2010. – 336 p. – (All about the psychological group).

    18 training programs. Guide for professionals / Under the scientific-ed. V.A. Chiker. - (Psychological training) - M .: Speech, 2008. - 368 p.

    Handbook of practical psychologist. In 2 books. Book. 2.: Working with adults: textbook. allowance / E. I. Rogov. - M: Publishing house VLADOS-PRESS, 2008. - 383 p.: ill.

Commandments of a close-knit team

    Show genuine interest in other people. Let the people with whom you communicate feel that they are interesting to you.

    Remember that in any language for a person there is no sound more significant and more pleasant than the sound of one's own name.

    Be a good listener.

    Encourage others to talk about themselves.

    Talk about things that interest your interlocutor.

    Smile more often.

    Find the source of love and connect to it. Charge from it like a battery from an outlet.

    Love yourself. How you think of yourself and treat yourself is how people will think of you and treat you.

    Learn to imagine yourself in the "skin" of another and look at the world through his eyes.

    Learn to trust people.

    Don't expect too much from people at once. Be patient. Do not stop sowing friendliness.

    Do something nice for people. Give gifts, give compliments. Do not criticize, do not exalt, do not condemn. Be honest and sincere in assessing the worth of people.

    Cause positive emotions in people through humor, jokes.
    Try to hear and understand others, contribute to the creation of a friendly and cohesive team.

    Respect the opinion and choice of a colleague. Learn to forgive small flaws - with whom it does not happen!

    Being an integral part of the team, remain a bright, extraordinary, creative person.

    If the team is not what you want it to be, start changing it from yourself.

    Start each day by asking, “What can I do today to benefit the group?” After answering the question, take action.

    Everyone is talented and so are you! Show your abilities. Participate in staging holidays.

    Responsibly treat the implementation of instructions for the benefit of the team, but do not become its draft force.

    Be active in the common cause and make it enjoyable and important for everyone.

    Remember that the joy of life depends on its diversity. Learn to enjoy work, leisure, success and difficulties.


Group cohesion is a prerequisite for creating a comfortable microclimate in the team. Group cohesion is promoted by: positive emotional condition teachers, friendly atmosphere in the group; positive relationships and sympathy between the participants, mutual understanding. Thus, when a comfortable microclimate is created in the group, its members gain confidence, strive to work and create. Team building training is one of the effective ways to create such an atmosphere.

Program goal: increasing team cohesion


  • Improving the emotional state of teachers
  • Promote positive relationships, mutual understanding between teachers
  • Removing the emotional stress of teachers

Course of the training

Teacher-psychologist: Good afternoon! I am glad to welcome you to our training! Today we have the opportunity to relax a little, relax, play, learn a little more about ourselves and our colleagues, and most importantly, become a little closer to each other.

Exercise "Let's say hello"

Psychologist: At the beginning of our meeting, I propose to say hello, but we will do it in an unusual way. First of all, we need to break into pairs (teachers form pairs). If you hear 1 clap - we greet with our hands, 2 claps - we greet with our shoulders, 3 claps - we greet with our backs. During the task, we remain silent, only parts of our body greet. When I ring the bell, your task is to find a new partner.

Magic hat game

What can make a meeting enjoyable? (statements of teachers). Any meeting will be pleasant, heard a compliment. We will pass the hat around while the music is playing, when the music stops, the one who has it left puts it on and compliments the one sitting on the right. It is necessary not only to receive a compliment, but also to return it. A compliment is accepted in a certain form: Yes, it is! And I also ... (a positive quality is added) and the compliment returns to the speaker.

Exercise "Recognize the drawing"


Each of us received a compliment. A compliment improves mood, allows you to look at yourself differently. Draw, please, in 5 (10) minutes your portrait, how you see yourself in the team or how you want to see yourself. Drawings do not need to be signed.

After completing the work, the trainer collects the drawings in a common pack. Then he takes each drawing out of the pack, pins it to the board or flipchart (you can run the drawing around before this so that everyone can look at it closer) and discusses it with the group on the following questions:

  • What is this person like?
  • Who could it be?

Exercise "Flower"

On each flower is written a statement that needs to be completed:
I'm proud…
Most of all I want...
The person I admire is...
Most of all I love…
I'm dreaming…
Three places where I lived ..
Three things I like...
Three things I don't like...
My hobbies…
You still don't know about me that I am..

Exercise "I'm just like you"

Teacher-psychologist: The previous exercise led me to the idea that we are all different, but in some ways we are similar. I have a ball in my hands. The one who gets this ball throws it to any teacher and, addressing by name, explains why he is the same: I am the same as you, because ... ". The one to whom the ball is thrown expresses agreement or disagreement and throws the ball to the next one.

Exercise "Learn by touch"

Psychologist: Do you think we have learned enough about each other to know each other without words? (statements of teachers)
I suggest that one of you now enter the center of the circle, sit on a chair, place your hands on your knees, palms up, and close your eyes. We all, in no particular order, will walk up to him and put our hands in his palms. The person sitting on the chair must understand whose hands they are. Each time we will clap our hands if the approacher is named correctly, and "no in case of mistake."

Exercise "Heart of the team"

Teacher-psychologist: Each team has its own heart. I propose to create the heart of our team. To do this, write the name on a piece of paper and fold it. This is necessary so that each of you can draw lots with someone's name. Come up with a friendly pleasant phrase to the one whose name you have drawn by lot. Take a small heart and write on it what you have come up with. And now, look what a big heart I brought. It will become the heart of our team after we glue all the small hearts on our big heart (teachers glue small hearts to the music)

Exercise "What I've Learned"

Teacher-psychologist: Our training for today is coming to an end. I would love to get feedback. Let's light a candle and pass it around. Whoever has the candle in his hands says that he liked it, what surprised him, that he found out what was most important to him.

List of used literature:

  1. Aralova M. A. Formation of the team of preschool educational institutions. Psychological support - Moscow: Sfera, 2005. - 60 p.
  2. Vachkov, I.V. Fundamentals of group training. – M.: Os-89, 2000.
  3. Monina, G.B., Lyutova-Roberts, E.K. Communicative training (teachers, psychologists, parents). - St. Petersburg: Speech, 2007. - 224 p.
  4. Psychological training in the group: Games and exercises: Textbook / Ed. T.L. Buka, M.L. Mitrofanov. - 2nd ed. – M.: Psychotherapy, 2008. – 144 p.
  5. Samoukina, N.V. "Games that are played...". Psychological workshop. - Dubna: Phoenix +, 2000.
  6. 18 training programs. Guide for professionals / Under the scientific-ed. V.A. Chiker. - (Psychological training) - M .: Speech, 2008. - 368 p.

Ksenia Lebedeva
Team building training (workshop for educators)

(workshop for teachers)


1. To form a sense of community, and integrity in collective.

2. Prevention of professional burnout teachers.

3. Promote efficiency pedagogical process.


2. Host (educational psychologist)

Conduct form: workshop

Scenario plan

Good afternoon dear colleagues! As an epigraph for today's meeting, I chose a poem "Free Talk":

Let's talk?

About miscellaneous and other things.

About what's good

And not very well.

You know something.

And I know something.

Let's talk?

Let's talk.

Suddenly it will be interesting.

Interpersonal relationships at work have a multifaceted effect on a person's emotional state. From the well-being of the emotional and psychological climate in team depends whether a person will feel comfortable in the workplace, how productive and high-quality his work will be. Therefore our workshop we will spend with the aim of even more cohesion, emotional liberation, the diversity of our working days and getting positive emotions.

1. Greeting:

As you know, any meeting begins with a greeting, I suggest you say hello to colleagues in an unusual way:

"Greetings with elbows"

Target: Establishing contact between participants, destroying the usual stereotypes of greeting, developing creativity.

After the participants take their starting position, they are invited to the signal (ringing a bell) greet as many of those present as possible by saying this: "Hi, how are you" and touching each other with elbows.

Well, here we are with you and greeted each other. And now we would like to know why you came to this training and what do you expect from it.

2. Game "Why are we here today?".

For teachers it is proposed to get pieces of paper from the basket on which comic answers to the question are written "Why did I come to training» . And read them.

3. Game "Magic Glasses".

Participants stand in two circles facing each other. Leading: “I have magic glasses through which you can see only the good that is in a person, even what a person sometimes hides from everyone. Let each of you try on these glasses, look at your colleagues and will try to see as much of the good in everyone as possible, maybe even something that he did not notice before.

4. Game "Airplane"

Teachers are divided into pairs. Pairs of participants take each other by the hand and make a paper airplane with their free hands. At the end of the game, ask questions: Was it easy to complete the task? Have you tried to agree with each other, distribute who will do what and complete the task together?

5. Game "Confusion"

The participants of the game become in a circle, holding hands, then they begin to get confused. When everyone is completely confused, it will turn out to be one big "beast". After "beast" formed, the facilitator should ask questions "Where is the beast's head?", "Where is the beast's tail?", "Where is the beast's right?", "Where is the beast's left?". When all questions are answered, the beast should start moving. He must go 5 steps forward, 5 steps back, the same number to the right and left. Then he must run a few meters (depending on the size of the room where the game is held). This game will help improve the mutual understanding of its participants.

I invite you to join the game "Associations". This game will help you look at yourself from the outside, and find out what character traits you have. Perhaps you did not even suspect that you have such traits!

6. Game "Associations"

A driver is selected who leaves the hall for a while. Remaining members "guess" any of the people here. The driver is invited and asks questions type:

If it were a tree (house, flower, weather, curtains, book, dog, what would it be?

Participants think, trying to imagine this person, and answer, For example: It would be a birch growing in an open field. The driver tries to understand which of them fits this definition.

7. Game "A heart team»

The contour of a large heart is drawn on the paper. Teachers are told about what is the heart team. But it is still empty, not filled, one might say lifeless. There is no sound of heartbeats yet. Let's fill this heart (positive wishes are written on small hearts to our colleagues, then they are glued to the contour of a large heart). Then they are read aloud. Now the heart team is filled, and can beat in unison with yours. Listen (click your fingers once, then hit your palm on your chest once, another snap of your fingers and two palm claps on your chest, etc.)

Final part.

Reflection training. Exchange of ideas, thoughts and feelings on a given topic. Summing up the results of work within the framework workshop.

Thank you for your attention until we meet again.

Training for the rallying of teachers in kindergarten

"Together - we are force"

Dear colleagues! Today we will talk with you about the importance team cohesion and about a comfortable psychological climate. The psychological climate is interpersonal relationships typical of the work environment. team, which determine its main mood. The climate is said to be favorable if collective there is an atmosphere of goodwill, care for everyone, trust. If members teams are ready to work, show initiative, creativity and achieve high quality, working without control and bearing responsibility for the cause.

Dear colleagues what do you think the word means « rallying» ? Rallying is an opportunity to become a single whole for the achievement of specific goals and objectives. After all, how good it is when you are understood and supported by your colleague, it is good to hear and help when this help is needed, how to understand each other well even without words. Close-knit team achieves many peaks and victories

- Cohesion it is a coincidence of interests, views, values ​​and orientations of the participants team; atmosphere of psychological safety, goodwill, acceptance; active, emotionally rich joint activity aimed at achieving a goal that is significant for all participants

Target training: team building and building effective teamwork.

Tasks training: the formation and strengthening of a common team spirit through gathering of a group of people; development of responsibility and contribution of each participant in the decision common tasks; team awareness.

Course of the training:


Today we will take part in training, with the name "Together - we are force".

In every training has rules. Let's make our own rules...

Here and now (during training we only talk about what worries everyone right now, and discuss what is happening to us right here).

Addressing each other "you" I speak only for myself. All statements must come from name: "I consider.","I think."

Invalidity of judgments.

The right to speak and the duty to listen


rule "stop".


Educational psychologist: Let each give his "warmly" in a circle, slightly squeezing and unclenching the hand of a nearby participant.

Exercise 1: “My name is…I do this…” Target: introduce the group members to the ritual of greeting, the inclusion of participants in the work. The exercise can be done sitting or standing. Each participant in a circle calls his name and shows some kind of movement with words: "I do so...". Each subsequent participant repeats first all the names and movements of the previous ones, and then already calls his name and shows his movement. Thus, the last participant must repeat the names and movements of all the other members of the group.

Discussion: What was easy, what was difficult?

Exercise 2: "Talking Hands"

Target: evoke a sense of trust and psychological comfort in a given group of people.

The members form two circle: internal and external standing facing each other. The host gives commands that the participants perform silently in the resulting pair. After that, at the command of the leader, the outer circle moves to the right by a step. Variants of instructions formed couples: Say hello with hands.

Fight with your hands.

Reconcile with your hands.

\Show support with your hands.

Pity your hands.

Express joy.

Wish good luck.

Say goodbye with your hands.

Discussion: What was easy, what was difficult? Which of them found it difficult to silently convey information? Who is easy?

Exercise 3:

Target: removal of aggression. Throwing the ball to any person, call him by name and talking: “You and I are similar in that…”. (for example: that we live on planet Earth, we work in one team, etc. e.)

Discussion Q: What emotions did you experience during the exercise? What interesting things did you find out?

Exercise 4: "Bees and snakes"

Educational psychologist: I want to invite you to play a game called "Bees and Snakes". To do this, you need to break into two approximately equal groups. Those who want to become bees, go to the windows, those who want to play in the team of snakes, go to the opposite wall. Each group must choose their own king. And now I will tell you the rules of the game. Both kings leave the hall and wait until they are called. I will hide two items for the kings to look for in the hall. The king bee must find "honey" - this sponge. And the snake king must find the "lizard" - this pencil. Bees and snakes must help their kings. Each group can do this by making a specific sound. All bees must buzz. The closer their king comes to the honey, the louder the buzz should be. And the snakes must help their king with hissing. The closer the snake king approaches the "lizard", the louder the hiss should be. Now let the kings come out so I can hide the honey and the lizard. Bees and snakes can take their positions. Pay close attention to how far your king is from the target. Then you can easily help: Buzz or hiss loudly as it approaches the target and softly as it moves away. You are welcome, remember: During the game, you are not allowed to speak.

Discussion: What was easy, what was difficult? What stage was the most interesting?

Exercise 5: Breathing exercise "SEVEN CANDLES"

Target: relaxation. - Sit comfortably, close your eyes, relax. You are calm, comfortable and comfortable... You breathe deeply and evenly... Imagine that there are seven burning candles at a distance of about a meter from you... Take a slow, deep breath. Now imagine that you need to blow out one of these candles. Blow as hard as you can in its direction, exhaling the air completely. The flame begins to tremble, the candle goes out... You take another slow, deep breath, and then blow out the next candle. And so all seven ... ”The exercise is best done to calm, quiet music, in a darkened room.

Discussion: How did the state of the participants change as they completed this exercise? Where in real life situations can it be useful to own such a technique?

An exercise "Monotypes" Participants apply gouache colors in random order on the glass. Then prints are made on a sheet of whatman paper, and the picture is brought to completion with felt-tip pens. Painting discussed: how the names coincided, what feelings arose when you saw the work, did you like to draw.

Target: positive ending training, reflection.

Let's reward ourselves for successfully participating in applause training!

And now in a circle answer such questions: What was important for you today? What feelings did you experience?

The final stage: "Parting".

Educational psychologist: Thank you all for participating! It was very interesting and pleasant for me to work with you.

“It is usually easier to change individuals,
collected in a group
how to change everyone
of them separately
Kurt Lewin
In any team
(educational, industrial) arises
issue related to group cohesion.
This question is important because the level
team development, degree
its cohesion depends on the effectiveness
work of the institution, as well as psychological
the comfort of every member.

The purpose of the training is to unite the team and build
effective team communication.
Training objectives:
Increase team cohesion;
Increase mutual understanding between teachers;
Increase the self-esteem of teachers;
Formation of a favorable psychological
climate in the team;
Awareness by each teacher of his role, functions in the group;
Development of the ability to work in a team;
Increase your mood for good luck, happiness, kindness and success.

"Cohesion -
this is an opportunity for
team to become one
for specific
goals and objectives. All We Need
in support, and we will receive it
we can only in our group!
After all, only united
the team achieves a lot
peaks and victories!

Commandments of a close-knit team
Show genuine interest in other people. Let the people with whom you communicate feel that they are for you.
Remember that in any language for a person there is no sound more significant and more pleasant than the sound of one's own name.
Be a good listener.
Encourage others to talk about themselves.
Talk about things that interest your interlocutor.
Smile more often.
Find the source of love and connect to it. Charge from it like a battery from an outlet.
Love yourself. How you think of yourself and treat yourself is how people will think of you and treat you.
Learn to imagine yourself in the "skin" of another and look at the world through his eyes.
Learn to trust people.
Don't expect too much from people at once. Be patient. Do not stop sowing friendliness.
Do something nice for people. Give gifts, give compliments. Do not criticize, do not exalt, do not condemn.
Be honest and sincere in assessing the worth of people.
Cause positive emotions in people through humor, jokes.
Try to hear and understand others, contribute to the creation of a friendly and cohesive team.
Respect the opinion and choice of a colleague. Learn to forgive small flaws - with whom it does not happen!
Being an integral part of the team, remain a bright, extraordinary, creative person.
If the team is not what you want it to be, start changing it from yourself.
Start each day by asking, “What can I do today to benefit the group?” After answering the question, start
Everyone is talented and so are you! Show your abilities. Participate in staging holidays.
Responsibly treat the implementation of instructions for the benefit of the team, but do not become its draft force.
Be active in the common cause and make it enjoyable and important for everyone.
Remember that the joy of life depends on its diversity. Learn to enjoy work, leisure, success and difficulties.

Cohesion exercises allow trainees to
feel like a cohesive team. Trainings
team building traditionally includes a large number of
cohesion exercises, they raise the tone of the group, increase its
commitment and focus on results, which in turn
increases the effectiveness of the training. Cohesion exercises
in a short time turn a disparate group into a single one,
well-coordinated and well-functioning mechanism. For this they are appreciated.
High-quality cohesion exercises have been selected for you,
enjoy well-deserved popularity among trainers and practitioners. These exercises will help you participate in effective
and interesting training.

Dear colleagues!
Choose a training name for yourself,
write it.

1. Exercise "Square" (5-10 min.)
Purpose: to feel each member of the group.
Exercise progress
Stand in a circle and close your eyes. Now without opening your eyes
turn into a square. After the square is built,
don't open your eyes.
Is everyone sure that they are squared?
There are usually a few people who are unsure about this. Square
really should be even. And only after absolutely everything
agree that they are standing in a square, offer to open their eyes,
be happy for a good result and analyze the process.
You can also build into other shapes.
During the exercises, participants experience strong emotions and make mass
conclusions, so after each stage you can arrange a small
a discussion where you can say wishes to your colleagues for improvement
Most main question here: how the task could be done
better and faster?

2. Exercise "Collage"
Time: 40-45 min.
Purpose: to unite the team and get to know each member of the group better.
Materials: drawing paper, glue, color pictures of animals.
Exercise progress
The teaching staff is divided into 2 groups, teachers sit down for
tables, and they are offered whatman paper, glue, draw color pictures
animal (can be used) stencil. From the suggested pictures
each member of the group chooses the animal corresponding to him, as
he sees and feels himself in this team. By choosing which
the animal will be drawn, each arranges and sticks them on the drawing paper
how he feels his position in the team. After completed
work, each participant (optional) supplements his pictures with a background
using pencils.
Issues for discussion:
Why did you choose this particular animal?
Do you feel in a team, like this animal?
Were there any difficulties during the exercise?

3. Exercise "House"
Goal: awareness of one's role in the group, style of behavior.
Time: 15 minutes.
Resources: cards with the image of furniture, household items, etc.
Course of the exercise: participants are divided into 2 teams.
The facilitator gives instructions: “Each team should become
complete home! Each person must choose who he will be in
this house - a door, a wall, and maybe wallpaper or an object
furniture, flower or TV? The choice is yours! But don't forget
that you should be a complete and functional home!
Build your own house! The psychological meaning of the exercise:
Participants think about what function they perform in
this team, realize that they are all needed in their “home”, that
promotes cohesion.
How was the discussion in teams? Can you immediately identify
their role in the "house"? Why did you choose this particular role? I think,
You all understood that every part of your “home” is important and needed in it,
each has its own specific function, without which the house cannot
be complete!

4. Exercise "Group drawing in a circle"
All participants are given one sheet of paper and pencils (felt-tip pens,
Task - having conceived a picture (any image), draw only one of it
element, after which the sheet is passed to the neighbor on the right. Thus,
each participant receives a piece of paper with one element.
The task is to draw one element and pass it to the neighbor on the right. Drawings
are transmitted until the circle is closed. Integrity is discussed
resulting paintings and attractiveness. Exercise allows
develop empathy of participants, the ability to see the position of another, in
holistic action develops team cohesion.
Sign the sheet to find out whose it is.

5. Exercise "Ideal world"
Materials: 2 sheets of drawing paper; markers in different colors.
Venue and starting position of participants: teachers
divided into 2 teams, equal in number of people. Teams
arranged in such a way that when discussing the task,
interfere with each other.
the first team to draw a picture "Ideal team";
the second team to draw a picture of "Ideal Colleague", and
present the pictures to the whole team.
Time: The group has 10 minutes to complete the task.
Presentation of paintings is carried out by 1-2 people from each team,
arguing your vision of an ideal world, no more than 2 minutes

6. Exercise "Associations"
Purpose: This very simple and interesting exercise will help each participant
training to clarify for themselves the concept of "team".
Group size: 8-15 people
Time: 10-15 minutes
Instruction: Colleagues, our training is called team building. I propose
everyone to clarify for themselves the meaning of the concept of "team". exercise that
we will now conduct with you, it seems to be simple, but it is not quite so. you in it
see when you see how interesting and unexpected can be
views of our colleagues on many issues.
1. Take pens and paper.
2. Your task is to hear my question and write down the first images associated
with him that came to your mind:
If the team is a building, then it ...
If a team is a color, then it is ...
If the team is music, then it is ...
If a team is a geometric figure, then it ...
If the team is the name of the movie, then it ...
If a team is a mood, then it ...
3. Conduct a survey of participants on the associations that you named ...
Outcomes of the exercise:
What did you like about this exercise?
What answers were the most interesting for you?
What answers surprised you?
What does this exercise tell us?

7. Exercise "Russian Post"
Each participant of the training will write a telegram,
congratulations, wishes on the form, indicating instead
Full name description of the appearance and character of the other
participant, and reverse side letterhead will draw
his portrait. All forms are folded into the mail
box, then you have to guess to whom it is addressed
message. Determine who from the group will collect them

8. Exercise "Gift"
Purpose: positive completion of the training, reflection.
Time: 3-5 minutes.
Description of the exercise:
Psychologist: "Let's think about what we could give to your group,
so that interaction in it becomes even more effective, and relations in it -
more united? Let's say what each of us gives to the group. I,
for example, I give you optimism and mutual trust.” Next, each of
participants expresses what he would like to give to the group.
"Let's reward ourselves for our successful work with applause!"
The psychological meaning of the exercise: A ritual that allows you to complete
training is beautiful and on a positive emotional note.

Recommendations for teachers on creating a favorable
psychological climate in the team:
Develop in yourself such a quality as tolerance for other people,
colleagues, pupils. Intolerance leads to the accumulation of aggression,
which at any moment can spill over into innocent people, including
number on relatives.
Avoid criticizing others, better really try
understand the other person's behavior.
Learn to relieve emotional stress after a working day;
deal with emotional burnout.
Rejoice in the success of your colleagues, then with your success, you will
who to rejoice.
Avoid unnecessary competition. Set yourself up for real
Find time for entertainment, hobbies. Meet colleagues at
informal atmosphere - it contributes to cohesion.
Lead healthy lifestyle life: do not forget about the benefits of physical
loads, walks on fresh air and wholesome food.

“Our training has come to an end.
I want to ask you, what new did you learn today?
What did you find useful for yourself and for the group?
Well, all the gifts have been presented, the games have been completed, the words have been spoken. All of you
They were active and worked well in a team. Don't forget that you are
a single whole, each of you is an important and necessary, unique
part of this whole!
Together you are strong!
Thank you all for participating!”
The employees of the DOW are a close-knit team,
living under one motto:
"Our job is love with