What dreams of silver? Dreams about precious metal, or what dreams of silver.

Silver - metal, which has long been attributed not only healing, but also magic properties. It raises the Association with Health, Cleaning, Fortress. What dreams of silver, if you believe dreambooks, modern and compiled in the distant past? The answer is necessarily recovered if the owner of sleep recall all its details, including seemingly insignificant.

What dreams of silver: Miller's dream book

The famous psychologist Gustav Miller proposes to perceive night dreams, in which this noble metal appears as a warning. What dreams of silver, if you believe his interpretation? It is possible that the dreams of excessive importance gives money, forgetting that they, unfortunately, do not guarantee happiness.

Also, Miller attaches great importance to what form makes metal in a dream. If the sleeping silver is sleeping, such a vision does not promise good. It is likely that the dream has a goal whose achievement is not possible, empty experiences are not excluded in the near future. If, in a dream, his owner may soon encounter serious financial problems. How soon they will be allowed - it depends on it.

Decorations, baubles

And silver, if decorations created from these metals appear in a dream? Most compilers famous dreams Recommend to regard their appearance in night gold as a good sign. Most likely, the dream has a strip of luck, he will be waiting for well-being in professional and personal spheres.

IMPORTANT AND THAT MAY The decoration has been silent during a night rest. If a we are talking About the owner of sleep is waiting for a pleasant conversation, communication with an interesting interlocutor. Entrepreneurs Such a dream can fill unexpected support, finding sponsors for a new project. What dreams of silver, if we are talking about a bracelet made from this metal? Such a dream, on the contrary, does not foresee anything good, as the bracelet is associated with the jackets, obstacles.

The appearance of silver segue in night Gresses is good. Lovely dream predicts reciprocity, careerists can safely count on a profitable deal. The silver ring promises the power that a person will soon acquire over his chosen one, it is important to use this power in good kinds. If we are talking about wedding ringSeen in a dream, his appearance can fill the dream not only family idyll, but also financial profit, friendly help.

Manipulations with decorations

If a person in a dream not only sees, but also wears earrings, bracelets and chains, what dreams of silver? Decorations, put on the body, warn that the owner of a dream is different that can harm him. Special attention to such dreams should be given to men. Men's representatives who wear silver decorations in Night Gresses (any), threaten conflicts in real life. A quarrel can happen to colleagues or bosses, as well as with a beloved woman. Avoid conflict is easy, it is enough to carefully choose words.

A dream in which a person loses silver jewelry, is also considered a bad omen. In real life, the owner of the dreams will have to lose something important, parting with an expensive person. See the product in the mud, drop it into dirt - similar plots inform about the presence of enemies that can harm. If a person holds a decoration in his hands, what dreams of silver? The ring in his hands says that the owner of sleep should not be relying on the return of the old debt. To keep other silver jewelry in a dream means that the reality of the dreams will be drawn into the lawsuit as an plaintiff or the defendant.

There are other explanations to what is dreaming silver. The chain, which a man in his dream receives a gift can fill the disease. If the owner of a dream knows the donor, it is possible that it is difficult to get sick to him. However, the disease does not necessarily prove to be serious, possibly easy inwine.

Dishes, cutlery

What dreams of silver, if the dishes are made in a dream? Preizers of dreams never came to a common opinion on this. Some of them are convinced that the person who dreamed of the dishes created from silver and gold will soon be cured of severe illness. Others believe that such dreams come as the prediction is not excluded that the married quarrel will lead to the manual design. It is also an opinion that the silverware, which appears in night Gresses, promises wealth, honors in real life.

Table silver, located on the table, can be granted to guests, a visit can be unexpected or long-awaited, will bring much joy.


What dreams of finding silver in the chests? The famous Nostradamus predictor gives global importance to such a vision. If you believe it says, chests, topped with silver or gold coins, predict monetary reform, which will lead to shocks in the state.

Many dreams of silver in the form of money that appears in night goldes regard as a kind omen. Sleep's owner will soon be able to feel the taste of glory, his reputation will improve. Other changes are possible, thanks to which the human standard will increase. Victory, large winnings - such events are waiting for people who consider in their dreams silver coins. Interestingly, improving the financial situation will happen by itself, efforts for this will not be required.

Dream Khasse

What dreams of silver, if you focus on Hasse's predictions? A person should remember the size that silver coins had in his night gold. If they were big, you can safely hope for a quick offensive of happy times. Little, on the contrary, predict disappointment, to achieve the man's goal will not be able.

The dream in which the reduced silver coins is observed in the negative value. If you believe Hasse, the owner of a dream should be prepared for significant losses that can be not only monetary.

Good luck

What dreams of finding silver? Many compilers of dreams are confident that the finding of silver items in a dream promises promotion in real life. Human efforts will finally be appreciated by the authorities. However, finding a lonely lying coin, you should not be happy. It is possible that reality will have to say goodbye to a significant amount of money as a result of unforeseen incidents.

Excellent if there is a dream of silver deposits in his Gresses. Such a plot promises him happy marriagewhich will not be overshadowed by quarrels. They may hope for a romantic adventure, big love.

Muslim dreamnik

What dreams of silver woman:

See silver - to get the property permitted.

Dream of flowers

See silver in a dream means:

See money.

Small dream book

Sleep Silver in the dream interpretation is extruded as:

Silver, seen in a dream, warns you that you can get into a strong dependence on money, and this will be an obstacle to fortunately. The dream in which you found silver coins, means that I will show too much attention to the disadvantages of other people, forgetting about your. Silver products symbolize anxiety and unsatisfied desires.

Dream Nostradamusa

Silver dream means:

Silver - the symbol of the good, the moon.
To see a piece of silver, which is taken out of the ground - this dream means that in July 2003 a new field will be opened, which will bring much income.
To see the bridge, stitched from silver, is a symbol of doubtful good luck, the union purchased for money.
To see silver coins with the image of the Moon - the forever of the visits of creatures, about which no one knew anything, but which have long served signals to the ground.
See the many chests, full of silver, - a dream that foreshadows a multi-level reform of monetary signs.
See a huge boost that protects the pile of silver is a symbol of the fact that in 2001 or 2013 an archaeological discovery will be done great importance and consequences it will have international importance And makes changes to the textbooks history of ancient civilizations.
To see the silver bayonets, which are fenced with a parisade, is the foresight of the growing aggression among the underdeveloped countries associated with overpopulation and the desire to conquer new territories.

French dream book

Silver sleep value:

If in a dream you saw silver, - in reality you are waiting for trouble. Read in a dream silver - sign large winwhich waiting for you. Collect silver - this is a dream that foreshadows the vicinity of the fate, which will fall on you, but do not break your spirit.

Dream of Zhou-Guna

What does it mean if a woman is dreaming silver:

See - big luck; Silver Cup - the birth of a noble son.

Esoteric dream book

What can silver be dreamed of:

In the dishes - to the disease. Copy - this disease is later. In the jewelry - the disease is loved ones, specifically those who give or those who find out in a dream. In other cases, silver is physical indisposition.

Dream Miller

Silver, in a dream means:

Silver in a dream serves as a warning: do not need to rely too much for money, seeking genuine happiness and satisfaction.
Find a silver coin - evidence of a shortage of other money. It is possible that you are too often hurrying with the conclusions for your own soothing.
Table silver in a dream foreshadows excitement and unsatisfied desires.

Dream Miller

If the girl dreams silver, then that means:

See - up to-fighting genuine happiness, you should not rely only on money;
Find a silver coin is a cash;
Table sil-ro - unsatisfied desires.
Also, see coin, cutlery.

Dream Khasse

Why dream of silver woman:

In big coins - happy times; In small - hope will not turn; molten - loss

English Dream

Silver in a dream from English dreams

To see himself in a dream a collector of small silver coins foreshadows some suffering; If coins are large, then you have completed a very profitable case. Pay for something silver or to receive them a fee for the goods sold by you - a dream, a thriving trading. Held in a dream by silver vessels - the head of poverty. In reality, you will have to come to terms with clay dishes, unless you can buy it at all. In a dream, it turns out that your silver turns out to be a fake, - a sign warning you about the hypocrisy of the person you sincerely love.

Slavic dream book

Silver in a dream from Slavic dreams

Hold in hand - litter with debtors; throw - contempt.

Dream Interpretation Alphabetic

Silver in a dream from Dream Interpretation Alphabetical

Find a silver coin in a dream foreshadows the luck and all kinds of change for the better.

Lose silver chain With a pendant - to mutually, get a gift - you will love and adored. The silver bracelet means a lot of fans and everything is not in your taste.

To see in a dream silver dishes - wealth in the house, carry it to the pawnshop - lose heartfall. There is from table silver - to unsatisfied passions, give it - will provide a service for the service, buy - happy change.

Cigar, cigarettes

Look in the dream interpretation of the symbol smoking

Dream Interpretation Simeon Prozorova

Silver in a dream from Simeon Symeon Symeon

See silver in any form - exclusively happy Son.. Silver coins collected in large quantities, foreshadow colleagues and good luck in any start. To see the chest filled with silver coins - get an income place. Pay silver for purchases - your word will be the main thing in solving a complex financial problem. Getting silver for surrender - to an unexpected luck. Perhaps win the lottery or get an unplanned award. Use the devices from silver at lunch - such a dream promises family well-being and prosperity in the house. Clean silverware - influential friends will help solve your problems. Silver jewelry - to the arrival of long-awaited guests, which will bring you many amazing gifts. We put on the belt of silver or the thing in which there are silver items (buttons, buckles), - soon get a gift that you have long dreamed of. Silver bars will shoot for a long and strong friendship with a rich and generous man.

Imagine that you have a lot of silver - and silver dishes, and jewelry, and coins, and ingots.

Dream of 20th century

Silver in a dream from Dream interpretation of the 20th century

Symbolizes money and cash spending. This is transient joy or sadness.

To see in his dreaming things made of silver: often says that some kind of purchase or acquisition will fly to you in a penny.

At the same time, buying beautiful silver things: a sign of a successful investment of money.

It is possible that you will have some possible to save and multiply your personal savings.

Silver mine in a dream: foreshadows a profitable case.

Since ancient times, it is known that silver is a virgin and pure metal. This precious material is associated with the Moon, which has secret forces and knowledge. Wearing silver jewelry contributes to the development of natural intuition and paranormal abilities.

Silver merges with human energy and cleans it. It also contributes spiritual development. Things and decorations made of this metal absorb the external negative and destroy it. That is why silver items become natural talismans of many people.

Some often dream of a silver suspension or pendant. So what is the dream of silver and items made of precious metal, even if they attribute to them extraordinary and to some extent mystical properties?

Dream Interpretation - Silver

The most common values \u200b\u200bare:

  • inner Light;
  • spiritual connection;
  • joy;
  • friendly relations;
  • occasionally tears.

Mystical metal foreshadows diseases and family troubles. Therefore, if in a dream you saw silver needs to do everything possible in reality to eliminate the exercise of the omen. Gem metal - a kind of warning.

The table set in a dream means the emergence of unrest, impracticable desires. If the dreams found a silver in a dream, then there is money difficulties. Also, such a dream may be a kind of warning for sleeping: it is impossible to make hasty conclusions in real life or solve cases of ambulance hand.

Chain, as well as silver figures can dreamed of a friendly conversation in reality. Silver decorations are diveged - get a chic gift.

If the dreams in a dream, and not in reality acquires silver, then a betrayal awaits him. The underlined metal is broken in large coins - happy times will come. Small coins - impossible hopes, molten metal - loss. Stop cooking from silver, rubbing it about something - to the disease.

Self-melting precious material in a dream - slander to your address. Find silver and gold - a sign of rapid movement on the service staircase. A frowning person dreams of a jewel to quickly recovery.

Ring from the metal under consideration is an extremely favorable sign. The dream is awaiting a stable life period, as well as a lot happy moments. « White stripe"Will not overshadowed with problems and alarms.

To see the ring on the finger - in reality the strengthening of love or friendly relationships. Silver wedding ring - joyful and prosperous living together, full apartment obedient and healthy children. See the bracelet - not the most favorable forever, beware of the trick from others.

Adverse silver signs in a dream: What should be saved?

  • Lose in a dream Ring of precious metal - in reality should be careful and more careful. There is a loss of something more valuable.
  • Get as a gift chain of silver. This Son. is a kind of warning. You must stop doubting the feelings of a person closest to you: he loves you with all the soul. Losing the decoration under consideration - the dreams persistently does not notice the events taking place for his back.
  • Get a metal in a dream - in real life Beware strange people: You may be painful.

Silver - lunar symbol, sign of welfare. That is why almost all the dreams in which silver items are found, often interpreted in a positive line. Dream interpreters believe that this symbol helps to gain wisdom and internally.

Silver from ancient times is considered magic, magic metal. It is silver bullets that murdered vampires and shuddered, silver dishes disinfects a significant number of bacteria, the water in a silver flask retains freshness without a plump fragrance. In many houses drinking water Keep in banks and jugs with a silver spoon.

Such water is considered useful for the stomach. Silver decorations help keep health and darken in case of problems. It is believed that silver protects against envy and bad eye. Pure silver has these qualities, but not fake, the so-called sterling or Chinese. We will analyze what dreams of silver for the main dreams.

Basic silver values \u200b\u200bin a dream

This metal symbolizes selflessness. Consumables against unclean. If you are afraid of vampires or torment you scary dreams - Order a chain of real silver with simple decoration - Silver bullet or four hundred. For the price of silver decorations are also available to a high school student, saving on breakfast. But this does not mean that silver dreams of poverty. Rather, to moderation. Silver mercilessly to greed, envy and destroys them with the same enthusiasm as other evil.

Silver tracks, lunar bridge, city with silver spiers - these dreams general interpretation The deception you follow is not wanting to see anything but false reality. In fairy tales, silver bridges and tracks satisfied elves. For greedy people, trails were organized, destroyed by fake coins, for which a person confidently and happily walked to his death, choking happiness and delight. Be careful if you see similar signs in a dream, do not enter into unearthly feelings or irreplaceable wealth.

Silver is considered moon metal. At the same time, the Moon has two meanings - the exposure of diplomas and sweet deception. A rough lie will be exposed, but only in order to change the beautiful and destructive mirage. To see in a dream at the same time the moon and something silver - we wonder the sophisticated cunning.

Cookware, cutlery - Fake poison. This refers to a verbal poison, lies, flattery, slander. Buy yourself a silver spoon. You can even small, coffee. Such an amulet will some extent protect against evil languages. It is believed that the spoon will darken from poison, or if there is a person who hates you nearby. Remember the expression "be born with a silver spoon in the mouth"? It is associated with tradition to give a silver spoon for the birth of a child in wealthy families. Treat yourself to reality.

Chains, decorations - you have faithful friends. Perhaps you are not paying attention to them, the dream is reminded of this.

Clean silver items in a dream - perhaps to illness. If you touch the dream to decorate or the subject of everybody, and it immediately shines clean light - the fate you smiles slyly, use. Any enemies will be powerless and, quite possible, they themselves will choose bile from envy.

What does silver mean by dream

To see silver in a dream - the beginning of a new business in which you will be unheard to carry. But not too rely on luck and charm. Constantly check the soil under your feet. At the moment when you lose control of reality, everything can fly as shock.

Miller's dream book calls for not too trusting the feeling of omnipotence, which often appears as a result of dreams with silver. This feeling is deceptive. Evaluate your strength real.

Female dream book pays special attention Pair decorations - bracelets, earrings, cufflinks. Paired items suggest mutual deep feelings. On the other hand, if you are attracted by loneliness - in a dream you will see pendants, single magic items, silver mirrors.

Paired cups, dizzers on a dozen persons mean the possibility of big and strong family. Lick a spoon or other cutlery - lose or weaken family ties. During the period of quarrels, the loss of spoons and forks in a dream is particularly relevant. If you dream that knives disappear, even fruit - someone knew the unkind.

Medele's dream book also pays special attention to dishes from a noble metal. In her opinion, boilers, buckets, bowls and cutlery symbolize reliability family focus. What the British say "My Home is my fortress." Medea draws attention to the decorations in the form of thin chains, chains and bracelets. Perhaps this is not only protection, but also shackles. Almost all silver items have a dual meaning in a dream. What value applies to your life - depends exclusively from you.

By the dream of Nostradamus, to discover treasure coins - to monetary reform and revision of finance. Detect silver core - find an inexhaustible source of joy.


See silver - complex sign. Probably you are under protection of light forces. You are not afraid of gross attacks, novels, flattery. At the same time, you will need an excerpt and sanity, so as not to succumb to Charm deception. Be careful not to believe the mirages, bowl, too sparkling prospects. Do not lose a sense of reality.

To check is not easy, but you need this test to truly believe in yourself. You are waiting for interesting and exciting adventures. It is not necessary to sit still and wait for the Mirage in front of you. Act yourself, implement your most insane dreams. Go to the edge of the light or open your own business. Start your game in which you yourself will specify the rules.

Walk to date with the development of Taro "Map of the Day"!

For proper divination: focus on the subconscious and do not think about at least 1-2 minutes.

As you will be ready - pull the map:

Large dream book Natalia Stepanova

What dreams of a woman silver

What dreams of silver - silver in a dream warns from the excessive worship of the Golden Taurus. Do not lean too much for money if you want to achieve genuine happiness and satisfaction. To see in a dream that they found a silver ring - an explicit testimony of a lack of money. You too often hurry with the conclusions for your own calm. Table silver in a dream foreshadows excitement and unsatisfied desires.

ABC Interpretation of dreams

See a dream about silver, what does this mean?

Silver - dreaming silver items (except for money) are identified with the mind and sparkling thought. Money is associated with deception and disappointment. See silver dishes - to honors and wealth. Silver figures, chains - to a friendly conversation, smart conversation.

Dream of Freud.

Sleep analysis in which silver dreamed

Silver - If you have dreamed of some silver products, it means that soon you will receive a gift for which you have long been dreamed of.

Dream of the XXI century

Silver in a dream to what dreams

Silver - silver in a dream - a symbol of big, but passing joy. Silver utensils dream of power and influence, silver chain - to gaining friends, silver money to tears.

Dream Wander (Terentia Smirnova)

Interpretation of silver from your sleep

Silver - transient joy or sadness, in the next interpreter you can find out what this dream will dream.

Vintage french dream book

Silver - Interpretation Digesions

Silver - if you dream in a dream Silver - I will be waiting for trouble. Read in a dream silver - a sign of a big win, which will be waiting for an appearance. Collect silver - this is a dream that foreshadows the vicinity of the fate, which will fall on you, but do not break your spirit.

Dream Miller

What dreams of silver in a dream

Silver - silver in a dream serves as a warning: do not need to rely too much for money, seeking genuine happiness and satisfaction. Find a silver coin - evidence of a shortage of other money. It is possible that you are too often hurrying with the conclusions for your own soothing. Table silver in a dream foreshadows excitement and unsatisfied desires.

Meaning of sleeping devices (Muslim Dream Interpretation)

Silver - to see silver in a dream - to get the property permitted.

Dream Interpretation Miss Hasse

Silver as an image in a dream

Silverware - good material conditions; Buy - experience a big change; get a gift to a man to provide a big service; Have for sale - to rely on good earnings.

Silver - in large coins - happy times; In small - hope will not turn; Molten - loss.

The meaning of sleep on the noble metal (according to Nostradamus)

Silver - the symbol of the good, the moon. To see a piece of silver, which is removed from the ground - this dream means that in July 2003 a new field will be opened, which will bring much income. To see the bridge, stitched from silver - a symbol of doubtful good luck, the union purchased for money. To see silver coins with the image of the Moon - the forever of the visits of creatures, about which no one knew anything, but which have long served signals to the ground. See the many chests full of silver - a dream that foreshadows a multi-level reform of monetary signs. To see a huge boa that protects the pile of silver is a symbol that in 2001 or 2013 an archaeological discovery of great importance and consequences will be made, it will have international importance and makes changes to the history of the history of ancient civilizations. To see the silver bayonets, which are fenced with a parisader - the foreigners of aggression among the underdeveloped countries associated with overpopulation and the desire to conquer new territories.

Esoteric dream book

Silver in night gold

Silver - in the dishes to the disease. Stop this disease themselves. In decorations, the disease is loved ones, specifically those who give or the one who find out in a dream. In other cases, silver physical indisposition, your dream is interpreted.

Silver - melting it in a dream - to slander in your address. Find silver at the same time with gold is a sign of emergency promotion. When the whole deposits of silver were dreamed - you are destined to marriage. A man similar to the dream of Sulit Watching to individual whose parents are high-ranking people.

Silver for small vellis dream book

Silver (see money) - tears, sadness; Hold in hands - a litigation with the debtor; trading - winnings; throw - contempt.

Sonner Simon Kananita

Silver in a dream to what dreams

Silver - in large coins - happy times - in small - hope will not turn - melted - loss

Silverware - good material conditions - buy - to experience a great change - get as a gift - to provide a big service - have for sale - count on good earnings.

Meaning of sleep about old dishes (Gypsy Dream Interpretation)

Silver dishes - to see in a dream means grief and misfortune; To trade it foreshadows state correction; See the money article.

Intellone dream

What to expect if you have seen silver

See sleep silver hold in hand - litter with debtors; Lose or throw contempt.

Siberian Healer Dream Interpretator

What does dream sleep with silver taking into account the date of birth

In the spring to what dreams in a dream to eat on silver - to get an unexpected message about the native man.

If in the summer in a dream dreamed of it on silver - to condemnation by side; Buy silver - to betrayal - this is the meaning of what this dream is dreaming.

In the fall, what a silver thing was dreaming - to betrayal.

In winter, what dreams of buying silver means that you will betray someone. There is from silverware - to unexpected profits.