Interpretation of dreams boy. What dream of a child is a boy? General interpretation

A child in a dream symbolizes an object that requires special care and attentive relationships. If a young woman dreams a little boy - it talks about readiness for motherhood. Depending on the actions, the appearance of the child, the relationship of the dreams with it, the interpretation of sleep changes. A newborn baby in a dream - to emergency pregnancy for a childless woman, for a girl in a position - a harbinger of light labor. Alien baby dreams of issues in family relationships. It is not necessary to scare and dreaming of a baby's death is just a harbinger of a difficult period in personal life.

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    Interpretation of sleep about a small boy

    Dreams about children most often cause positive emotions. The baby in a dream never comes simply, it is always of particular importance for the dream. By dreams, the appearance of a child foreshadows changes. It can be both changes in life and in mental state.

      For an accurate interpretation of the dream seen in a dream, a dream plot should be restored: what a baby was what was done where other important details were.

      Popular situations in a dream:

      • Birth of a child. See how your own childbirth in a dream is a good sign. For unmarried - to the rapid conception of the baby, for pregnant women - to easy childbirth.
      • Wearing someone else's boy in hand. Hold a child - should be careful and follow the condition of your health. It is recommended to undergo a complete examination to identify possible diseases.
      • Baby feeding process. Feed crumbling breasts - get an increase in work, achieve the desired goal. If the kid eats milk from a bottle - to positive events in his personal life.
      • Walk with baby in stroller. Such a plot foreshadows the joyful news associated with the replenishment of the family.
      • Death Krochi.. Such a dream does not foreshadow the tragedy, you should not be afraid. This is only a warning from making mistakes on a personal front. You should analyze your relations with a partner and not act.

      There are dreams, where a neighbor child or kid of friends is in the role of a son. For a dream, this vision foresaw an unpleasant incident. Do not make important decisions in the coming month.

      If the guy drew a little boy, then he thinks about creating a family and is ready for his fatherhood. For a married man, the appearance of a boy in a dream is a projection in real life: he saw his future son.

      What dreams of a girl - interpretation of dreams

      Infant appearance

      If the boy in a dream has beautiful features and a comfortable smile - this is to wealth and financial well-being. Disfigured appearance promises troubles and conflicts with close people. If an unmarried girl is unpleasant to look at the crumb - to big problems. Redhead children ignite deception and betrayal, so you should be as cautious and not trust people. The crispy kid is a harbinger of sincere and strong feelings. Blondes will dream of luck, so a dreaming can trust such a dream and buy a lottery ticket. Fortune will definitely turn to her face. Baby with dark hair foreshadow fun and joyful events.

      Interpretation of dreams about a child

      Depending on the actions of a little boy, sleep will have different meanings:

      • Dancing - romantic acquaintance is expected.
      • Crying - to disagreements with lover and to a possible break of relationships.
      • Pisets - to get a cash remuneration and presence at a solemn event.
      • Laughs - a joyful event is expected, a pleasant surprise from his beloved.
      • Draws - a new acquaintance will be wrapped by the acquisition of a reliable and faithful friend.
      • Sings - to a funny celebration and excellent pastime, if a child has a nice voice, and if an unpleasant - to a sad event.
      • Holds - problems, quarrels with relatives, conflicts at work.
      • Screaming is low self-confidence, a sense of own inferiority.
      • It is talking - it should be a little patience and listen to the advice of friends.
      • Playing - to creative development and self-realization. Favorable time to find work.
      • Bathes - spiritual enlightenment, cleansing from sins, rethinking life values.
      • Ries - a dreamy tries to escape from trouble in real life. It is necessary to analyze the current situation and decide on the choice.
      • Embankments - unmarried Girl such a dream reports readiness for motherhood, a woman with a child throws longevity and pride for his son.
      • Rolling - a lot of difficulties should be overcome to achieve the goal, but the final result will be positive.
      • Burst - there are problems and everyday troubles.
      • Sleeps - to carefree and easy life.

      If the dreamy has dreamed that she was shy in a newborn baby - it symbolizes harboring the household in the near future. Uninvited guests can come, so general cleaning should be held.

A difficult dream, which predicts different people inexpensive incidents and changes in their lives. Usually, the boys will shoot at the beginning or completion of some business or enterprise, as well as trouble, but there are special dreams that are literally for a long time or several days, depending on the plot.

However, there are not a lot of prophetic dreams, therefore it is not necessary to believe that the night vision will be literally not worth it. If you want to understand what the baby boy dreams to you, pay attention to exactly where it appeared in your plot of sleep and what happened later. This is how the dream book interprets similar night paintings.

General value

Old Book Birthday Son or Just the appearance of a stranger male baby interpreted to troubles and trouble. However, modern sources write that the boy in a dream predicts you the first successful step to the implementation of some ideas and plans. Pay attention to his age, where and how it appeared in your dream.

To interpret the birth of the Son is depending on your plans for the future and reasoning about what should be fulfilled. Many women have a child dream not only to the beginning of a new relationship, the completion of some kind of business, but also to the implementation of the maternal instinct.

Therefore, it is very possible that the newborn baby during the year will appear in your life. It all depends on how much you want to become a mother.

Men see the boy often predicts return to their own childhood. It is possible that on a visit you will communicate with the child, play with him or learn something.

Modern books write that you can look at some problem not by the eyes of an adult, but as it were from the position of the child. Please note whether you have a little boy or almost a teenager.

But in some situations, the Son means self-realization of a person or the opportunity to implement his children's dream.

Children's dreams

What dream of a little boy is a male baby? Soon it is waiting for some kind of trouble, hassle or burning with kids. Some boys, such a dream predicts the pregnancy of the mother or older sister and the emergence of the younger brother's soon, but it does not always happen.

The boy predicts the boys or the appearance of a person, a friend or classmate who will behave like a small and mix around.

A well-dressed boy of your age, which you envy in a dream, predicts you a quarrel with a reputable person. Perhaps you and in life someone will envy or feel deprived due to the fact that everything will be easily achieved easily unlike you.

To see the boy - new in your class - to the fact that you may have a new interest in something or a dream will come true. Hooligan boys, coarse and cruel, can show your fears before meeting with such personalities.

What dream boy girl dreams? Dream Interpretation writes that the baby is chest or a little older predicts some troubles, unpleasant affairs or complications in relationships. In some situations, such a night vision means that soon the kid will be replenished in your family.

If you have dreamed of a boy from 2 years old and older, then there is a quarrel in the yard or the arrival of some kind of child, which will bring mess in your room, and you will have to clean up a lot.

The peer predicts you unexpected complications at school. It is possible that the boys will go around or you suddenly have an interest in some school subject.

To see a little boy in a familiar adult woman - to news. A new classmate will dream of trouble in school or some incident. Various complications predict girls hooliganny boys, extortion or valuable things engaged in blackmail.

What do teenagers see

What dreams a little young boy who worries all the "charms" of the transition period? In life there may be some complications, conflicts with adults and troubles.

However, to see a child in a dream of 7 or 9 in a dream, that is, before the beginning of adolescence - means a hidden reluctance to grow up and become a man. Some books indicate that some family members are still considered to be small, which is fraught with a different kind of conflict.

So after this plot wait for complications and quarrels in the house. If the boy talking benevolently and you were satisfied with the result of communication and negotiations, then you can solve some of your problems that took place in childhood. Newborn baby, as a dream book writes, the guys dream of a surprise, pleasant or not.

What do similar dreams mean girls or girls? Usually, if a little child is dreaming, it may be the result of imagination, the formation of a system of values, including having a relationship to motherhood and the sexual side of life.

In some maternal instinct is more pronounced, others are weaker. However, the individuals that have already begun to meet with guys, dreams of babies and infants predicts pregnancy or fear of this state.

If the girl sees in a dream that she was born a little boy, then in reality she will be very afraid to "fly". Or pregnancy will happen during the year or two if the picture of sleep was bright and quite realistic. But more often a small, newborn boy or child up to a year means some matter, idea, the first step to which has already been made.

What dreams of girls or young unmarried women

If a pregnancy is equivalent to a disease or extremely unfavorable circumstance, then for some girls older is welcome, even if there is no husband nearby.

In general, if the birth of a baby was gracious, it predicts you troubles, in some situations - the approach of real pregnancy or the beginning of some business.

The boy dreams of what you do what they expect, or you can prove yourself in some important life sphere.

A girl who does not plan maternity, why dream newborn and male infants? This dream predicts you trouble at work, in activity, as well as troubles and breakdowns, especially if small kids scream strongly.

If you dreamed of a child someone else's, but you know who his parents, then he will take you a lot of trouble and trouble. A girl who doubts whether it is pregnant or not, any children's things or babies and all that is connected with them, they say that the test is likely to be positive.

However, such dreams do not come true in people endowed with a rich imagination and fearful pregnancy outside of marriage. They may so be afraid that newborn boys and girls, the maternity hospital, pacifiers and dairy mixes for children are clearly like them, but it will be colorful, although empty sleep.

If the boy dreamed of a mature and ready for motherhood lady, then the desired pregnancy will come in her life. Although, if there is no prerequisites for her, and you see your baby in the maternity hospital or in the cradle, then we fear some unpleasant surprise. If the newborn children dreamed of a pregnant woman, then a dream predicts her some kind of proposal or unexpected money.

Dreams of mature personalities

Little boy, but not the infants you saw in a dream predicts creative people to successful completion of some kind of business. Twin means profit, receiving interest from debt or joy in the house.

Children of the preschool age, which you see in kindergarten or nursery, show the troubles, bustle and cycle of events that do not affect anything interesting, not allowing to focus on dreams and aspirations to certain goals and plans.

Find in a dream baby and pick it up - a good sign. It means that your life will be filled with a certain meaning, and you can choose the case and realize yourself in activities.

However, if a donated boy had some problems, including with behavior and psyche, fear trouble. Most likely, your idea will be implemented, but will bring more complications than the desired result.

Looking for other people's children - to headaches. If a child ran away from you in a dream, and you need to report for him in front of my parents, then the dream book writes that you make some kind of mistake or will be accused of what was not.

Some sources of information indicate that you will have any regret and experience. However, do not register yourself - it is possible that someone just wants to harm you.

Dreams of a pregnant woman and her spouse

Dream Interpretation writes that a little boy who has not yet appeared, but he breeded you in a dream, predicts the woman's birth of a son. The same predict dreams in which you see puppies, merchants, kittens and animal male people.

The kid who grows and heels himself means for a pregnant woman good luck and pleasant news. However, in some situations, a little boy opens the veil of the future before his mother. This dream may be proposed.

Future to see in the dream of his newborn son - also a favorable sign, if the kid is healthy and strong. A boy, as the dream book writes, predicts you happiness and joy.

Sick newborn baby dreams to complications. However, the dream in which the boy recovers is, is always favorable and says that everything in your life will be fine.

Dream Boy dreams beautiful - So you can count on a good "Kush" and a profitable Delz. Red The boy is a clear sign of what is lucky on a romantic field.

Sick A child in the dream interpretation says that for the success of your event, you will have to take care of even minority at first glad's glad. See a boy dead - So, in connection with which you built grandiose plans, it is not destined to get.

Crying The boy dreams - the case in which you have invested some and efforts or funds will suddenly seem to you no longer so profitable and appropriate.

According to the dream pisser The boy means that in your life something will appear, which will facilitate your suffering and will make a less serious existence.

Dreamed baby boy on hands - In the dream book, this means - to find good luck, to become the owner of the desired thing or wait, finally, the cherished incident, which was dreamed of. Baby boy on his hands dreams of an important event that gives you very tempting prospects, but also requires some investments. Keep a little boy in the hands - waited, let it be not a grand case, but it was lined with all the soul.

Two boys Dreamed in a dream - two favorable offers, two successful events, two good events. Similarly, you can interpret if you had a three-child male genus, four and so on. Many boys see in a dream - you just lucky! Happy randomness and planned pleasantness are suiced, like out of abundance.

Pregnancy The boy (pregnant, pregnant to be) dreams of great and well-deserved profits.

What did a boy doing in a dream

He speaks - Favorable news that will be very significant for you.

Died - Your plans are collapsed overnight, and nothing to do with it is not possible.

"See little boys in a dream who threw stones into me." To be accused of some misdemeanor, subjected to persecution, harassment. But not by the malice of human, but in naughtness and from the herd feeling "for the company."

Describe - Wait for relaxation. Your works and efforts are not in vain, will soon be easier. Rushed - The conceived case will be profitable. Financial well-being.

Dreamed baby boy hugs In a dream, a pleasant sense of security when everything that happens to you is all for the better.

Child born Boy (Birth) - By dream interpretation, this is such - a new excellent idea or a prospect, dressed and then appears. The girlfriend gave birth - the merit will not be yours, perhaps a friend, and maybe even rivals. Mom gave birth - accept the advice from the mother, the parental is bad will not advise, every word will be on the weight of gold. In a dream, the boy's childhood see is to take steps, albeit not lungs, in the name of future benefits.

What did you do in a dream

Adoption The boy (adopted) is to pick up a foreign left project, "bring to mind" started by someone.

According to the dream give birth to A boy in a dream - in the future there are difficult times, when the desired one will have to work in the sweat of the face. Baby child to give birth to a pregnant dream of a dream promise prosperous childhood. Through the interpretation of dreams to give birth to twins boys - your attention and forces will be required to two important areas, at least the task will be heavy, you can fulfill with honor to execute, after which a considerable award awaits you. Walk twin boys - work in the name of interdependent benefits. Hanging a boy and a girl - you did not expect such a pleasant surprise for their efforts.

"What does it mean in a dream: I dreamed that the boy gave birth. The child did not see, but the pregnancy and childbirth of the boy (in a dream he knew that it was not a girl) right in every detail. " Now you have a very difficult period when you have to work as an illusory dream of a reward or enhanced service, but you will get you desired or not - it is not yet known.

In a dream feed The boy means to take steps over a career ladder, make successful transactions. Breasts feed the boy (breast milk) - no cost will be in vain, each investment will be rewarded with interest. To feed the baby boy (breast child) in the dreams - to invest in a very promising event, often it is about career and business.

To find A boyfriend - suddenly stumble upon a profitable solution to his problem.

Boy child nurse In a dream - revealing the reward for selflessness and humans. Bathe - Confident steps to the outlined and desired goal. You are doing everything right now.

See games with a boy ( play) - time to enjoy, risk and flirting.

Kiss With a boy in a dream - for a girl means that it wakes up the need for a closer relationship with the opposite sex. Kissing a baby boy - to enjoy a lucky pore lifestyle. Now you have a very favorable period.

Save The boy is to show nobility, to help neighbor, make a good deed, which in the future you will start. Beat The boy is to make an unworthy step, severely offended weak. Be at the near future attentive, do not allow for injustice.

Dream Baby, Kid, Boy If it is a breast child, then in a dream it indicates anxiety, care, weakness and fatigue from the bowl of ignorance. And the boy who has achieved maturity is a joyful news. To dream of a healthy baby - fortunately and getting rid of problems. To see a sick baby - to trouble. Who will see what keeps the child on the hands of the child, will acquire property. If a child was born in a dream a child was born, then his hassle and care would appear. If in a dream you teach the child to the Qur'an or something good, then you can repense deep in your sins. Islamic dream book

Dream Boy If in a dream you seem to be born a boy is a sign of the coming wealth and life comfort. If the boy was born from someone else - such a dream foreshadows the appearance of selfish interest in relationships with the nearest relatives. A handsome boy with a cute, smart face expression - a sign of extraordinary prosperity, happiness and all of the best. If, in a dream, your boy fell ill - it became, in reality he will always have a good health and an otnaya appetite. Seeing a crying boy means that you will have reasons for anxiety about the status of your financial affairs. Seeing the playing boys predicts you a dual position when other you seem better than it really is, but it will not be on your hand. Drawn, an aggressive boy who offended your child is a sign of future troubles and a cunning trick that you prepare imaginary pleasures. Beating in a dream of a boy or punish - a warning in reality to keep your feelings in a situation where any inaction is better than any action. To see a boy who has fallen under the car in a dream - in reality to survive fear, fright or anxiety for members of his family. Dead boy in a dream - a sign of deep sorrow. Dream Interpretation from A to Z

Dream Boy Boy (famous or unfamiliar): Individual himself, when he was a boy this period of his life or part of his personality. Archetype of a developing self with immaturity, but the potential for further development. Animus archetype development (bad or hyperactive boy). Psychoanalytic dream book

Son boy Boy. If you dreamed a little boy, then a surprise or unexpected news are waiting for you. A pregnant woman such a dream says that she is attended by rapid childbirth. If in a dream you played with a boy, then in your life there comes a bright period, very fruitful in the spiritual plan and stable in material relation. Creative people who have seen such a dream waiting for a tide of inspiration. If you dreamed of a crying boy, then you have to show care and attention towards your family, and especially to your beloved person. If you have dreamed of an unfamiliar boy, but in a dream you perceive it as your son, then you are waiting for disappointment in love and distrust of the opposite sex. Large dream book

Dreaming boy Gypsies say what to see in a dream of a small boy: the right sign of future luck, both in business and family life. If a older boy, entering into teenage, is a sign that hard work will bring you a great reward. Gypsy dream book

Interpretation of a dream boy Boy: joy, fun for a woman: money and adding property to see fighting boys: pupils are invested in a dirty case: happy plans Sonner Simon Kananita

Dream Boy Boy is Matahe, boredom; Undeveloped infantile part of the person's personality in the form of weakness, doubts, insecurity. In female dreams - additionally: feelings to the son, fears, care and alarms about him. Dream Interpretation Master Dreams

Dream Boy For men: Sleep is very favorable, he promises to fulfill your desires. Play in a dream with a boy means finding the meaning in life and achieve success in work. If you see yourself a little boy, sleep foreshadows peace in the family.

Sometimes we really want to reveal yourself as carefree as in childhood. And someone may in dreams to see children or themselves in childhood. What will the dream book tell us: Baby Boy in Night Greeks - Is this a favorable sign?

In most people of the world, a boy in a dream means that in the near future some good events will occur: a good news will come, cash flow will increase, the social position of the dreaming will be strengthened. However, more detailed interpretation will depend on the plot of sleep and specific parts of the vision. Recall exactly how it happened to see a boy in a dream.

  • You could dreamed the birth of a child.
  • Was it a newborn or older child?
  • Do you like the image of a child who was present in your dream?
  • Baby was alone or in your dream were twins?
  • Maybe you yourself were a boys in a dream?
  • Or in your vision you adopted the baby?
  • When exactly, what day did you come in a dream in a dream?

Sumy to remember these details, you can more accurately interpret what the boy dreams exactly to you now. The birth of a child in a dream in the general sense means the upcoming changes. A small boy, a newborn, dreamed of a good business development, career and service affairs, and finance sustainability.

If a woman gave way to a dream that she is not a boy in hospital walls, but in his home, it foreshadows love and mutual understanding in the house, the prosperity of the family. What dreams of a boy who was born from another woman? This vision promises good news and dating with useful people.

True, as a big dream book says, the boy whose birth was having planned to have children to have children, can foreshadow the conception and the appearance of a male child. Take a dream in a dream when a pregnant woman is permitted by a boy, which means that in reality you will get an important news from the person, with whom I have not supported the contact for a long time.

Little children - great progress

Male is associated with the continuation of the kind and family case. Therefore, even if the newborn is a favorable sign: You may have to wake up because of some moments in a career or business, but success will not bypass you.

A girl who wants to marry, a baby dreams to tell: to obtain the desired act, it is necessary to take carefully, gradually, very cleverly and in no case go across. If the baby dreamed of a man of a creative profession, this is a "birth" promotion and the embodiment of a new idea.

If a breast-child breastfeeding breast breast was given in a dream, - in reality you act correctly in organizing your affairs and financial processes. But if the chest child dreams of a person who cannot have children (elderly, young or lonely at the moment), it foreshadows that fate will be responsible for someone's fate.

To see in the dream of a small boy, whom you keep in your arms, reflects how you will cope with things in the near future. To rock a pretty butuze in the hands - for the sake of well-being will have to be patted, but these concerns will be on the shoulder. To see that your baby is sick in your hands, - for the successful implementation of your plans you need maximum caution and diligence.

What dreams older boy? Gypsy dream book writes if a boy was hardened in a conscious age, then to achieve material well-being will have to work diligently. Playing boy dreams of a suggestion about changing work. Drawing boys starred - among your friends there may be a "wolf in sheep skins", it is better to show vigilance.

If the boy has a dreaming, the boy likes, then the problems will take you by the side, "Islamic dream book says. When an adult woman or a man is starving a boy and a girl, such a vision promises serious troubles on the housework. But the results of such works will please you.

The girl sees a boy in a dream, which she likes, - It is worth remembering what exactly happened in a dream. If the boy liked in the Greeks you called for a date, perhaps a dream anticipate real events.

If the adult girl dreamed that she became a boy, then perhaps it was already "got" talking about that it was time for her to marry. And a man who saw himself in the night of gold a child, on the interpretation of a psychological dream room or needs to rest, or simply does not want to grow.

Male twins dreams of doubling (if twins) or even tripling (if triples) good omen. A business project or creative idea will not only be implemented with shine, but during the work you can get the support of relatives and friends. In the event that the twins in the dream of unhealthy, in the implementation of the plans will be notable, but overcoming obstacles.

Adopting a male child - such a dream has two sufficiently different interpretations. Adopt the boy means that you are literally a magnet for good luck and good deeds. According to the second version, adopt the boy - means an ambressive ambulance and desired change.

An adopted parent's parent in your dream was someone else - in affairs it is worth building a strategy based on tough competition. To see the child who was adopted by the poor people in the night gold, "you will have a solid patron, who will have serious support in your business.

"Weekend" sleep

In dreams about children, it is important when they come to you. The most "speaking" visions are the dreams from Monday to Tuesday and from Saturday to Sunday. If a male child has seen at the beginning of the week, try to remember all the details. Vision on the night from Monday to Tuesday is able to suggest how your life will develop in the near future. The power of all visions with the "Plus" sign increases at this time. And you need to determine correctly what should be done first, and what cases can wait. If the dream was not the most positive, you need to correctly distribute your strength to achieve the desired reality.

The vision with the boy came to you on the night of Saturday on Sunday? Mobilize your inner forces, because the development of events - even very good - can be rapid, and you need to be ready for this. What is stated in a dream on this night can also carry a very important meaning for sleeping meaning. If, after the sleep seen at the weekend, you have not the best impression - you should not be upset: perhaps your body simply tells you what you need to relax.