Where to hang or put icons in the house - advice. Family icon

Most people have a special, reverent attitude towards icons - images of saints, the Lord and His mother. It often arises on its own, regardless of whether a believer comes into contact with them or not. This is due to the special energy emitted by this or that pictorial image. In Russia, there has long been a tradition to have icons passed down from generation to generation to representatives of one family, one kind.

Family icon is a multifaceted concept. These could be images that are in the family for more than one generation, are, as it were, amulets of the clan, protectors of its representatives. Such an icon is usually inherited by the eldest child in the family. Or it is transmitted through the female line. Or it remains with one of the male representatives - the successor of the surname. Such a family icon can carry the image of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, the face of the Mother of God or the Savior, etc. With it, the parents bless the bride and groom for a long and joyful marriage. By praying in front of the image, someone in the family receives healing or other important help. Over time, the family icon becomes the very relic that helps to preserve peace in the house and harmony between husbands and wives, children and parents, the ancestral memory of the ancestors - grandfathers and great-grandfathers. Hence, the attitude towards it as a priceless shrine. And the loss of it is perceived as a fatal omen of future troubles for the entire family.

The term "family icon" also has another meaning. This is the name of an image painted by a master to order and depicting all the saints who patronize members of this family. In Orthodoxy they are called "saints of the same name." And the more people there are in the family, the more saints you can see on the icon. Moreover, it can depict guardian angels of grandmothers and grandfathers who are no longer alive. What is the purpose of this? Such an image has tremendous power, because it is connected to the Christian egregor by many "sensors". He unites the whole family, helps to resolve conflicts and controversial situations. The older the image, the greater the sacred meaning it acquires. And the icon itself is extremely important for family well-being. Its peculiarity is that in front of this color "picture" people pray not only for themselves, for the successful resolution of their own needs, but also for their loved ones, their health, well-being, happiness. Therefore, at the head of the image, the artist drew either the Savior, blessing the flock, or the Mother of God with a veil protecting her children. There are many other options for the composition of a family icon.

The keepers of our hearth

But what if you do not have an inherited image, but you want to have your own home amulet? What other family icons exist? First, with the Mother of God of Kazan with the Child, as well as with Christ himself. It is they who give parental blessing, they symbolize harmony, fidelity and peace. The Mother of God represents the mistress of the house, the Savior - the owner, the Infant - their children. also belongs to the family, very strong and significant, miraculous. This image helps those who ask for love, happy marriage, are in search of their soul mate.

It is also recommended to have the images of the Seven-Gun, Three-handed, "Softening Evil Hearts", "Mother of God Unfading Color" as family ones. The first two are usually hung above the front doors and opposite them. They protect the entire house and its inhabitants from evil and filth. Before the latter, they pray for the preservation of the family, especially if the spouses are on the verge of divorce. It is desirable to have the image of the Mother of God the Healer, so that physical and moral health in the family is at the proper level. They ask her that this or that started business ends happily.

In general, there are about 100 icons in Russia that can be used as family icons in order to protect the well-being of a kind with their help.

Prayers for all occasions.

In difficult everyday situations, people turn to God. The Almighty hears their sincere prayers and helps those who ask. For God to help your trouble, you should properly address him and his helpers. You will learn about saints and prayers from this article.

What saint and icon protects the house from fire, protects from thieves and enemies

One of the obligatory attributes of the Orthodox religion is the icon. She is the image of the image of the Saint. Of course, a believer can always turn to God when he needs it.

But sometimes it can be difficult to concentrate your thoughts on prayer. The icon is the symbol that helps the Orthodox to tune in to the connection with the Lord. The icon that was not consecrated in the church is just a piece of furniture. But the consecrated one is a powerful talisman that protects your home from adversity.

It is important to know what kind of icon needs to be placed in the house in order to protect it from robberies and disasters. Reliable shield from fire and lightning the following icons serve:

  • Saint Nikita of Novgorod - protects from evil energy. It also removes fears and cleans human souls. You need to place it in the main room.
St. Nikita of Novgorod
  • Burning Bush - it also protects people who work with fire or weapons.
Burning bush

It is customary to ask the Force before the faces about the protection of one's home and material property from theft and robbery:

  • St. Theodore Tyrone the Great Martyr - it is recommended to place an icon if thieves and dishonest people live near you.
Theodore Tyrone
  • Mother of God "Sign" - protects against robbery.
Icon of the Mother of God "Sign"
  • St. John the Warrior - helps to find thieves and find stolen goods. You need to hang the image above the front door.

John the Warrior

Icons will help against the evil eye of unkind people, envious people and the thoughts of enemies:

  • Seven-arrow - depicts the Blessed Virgin, whose body was pierced by seven arrows, symbolizing the suffering that she had to endure. You can also pray to this icon for human mercy. They hang it opposite the door to the dwelling. It is believed that people with unkind thoughts will not be able to cross the threshold of the dwelling where this shrine hangs.
  • The Ostrobramskaya icon of the Mother of God is a strong amulet against corruption and the forces of the dark. Also appeal to her asking for peace. Helps to avoid family quarrels.
Ostrobramskaya icon of the mother of God

Do not forget that the icon is not the Most High himself or the holy saints, but only their images. Therefore, turn to prayer not to the icon, but to the saint depicted on it. Priests always say that the icon is worshiped, but not worshiped. You need to worship the Heavenly Father.

As a talisman, the icon works only in those cases when your faith in the Lord is strong.

IMPORTANT: Place the amulet icons correctly on the eastern wall of the house.

In the old days, this is exactly what they did. Now, given the modern layouts of our apartments, it is allowed to hang images of saints in other places. You just need to follow the main rules:

  • choose a place for the icon from where the whole room is visible. Wash and cross it.
  • the place for images is selected once, do not move them unnecessarily.
  • before installing the icon, go with it through all the rooms.
  • do not hang pictures or other decor between the icons on the wall
  • do not place them near a source of noise (TV, stereo system)
  • you can decorate shrines with flowers or embroidered towels.
  • do not store icons in closed drawers or cabinets
  • you can put candles next to it, an icon lamp

Prayer to protect the house

In various situations, believers ask God or the Saints for protection. Such an appeal, in fact, is a prayer, which can be mental or said aloud.

This is an attempt by a person in moments of weakness to receive help from the Higher powers. Sometimes, leaving our home, even for a short time, we are seized with anxiety for its safety. What can we say about situations when we are leaving for a long time?

In order to save their home from unkind people and disasters, they use a prayer-amulet. It also helps to get rid of negativity and unfavorable energy at home. You can turn to the Almighty or to the Saints who protect the home:

  • go to church.
  • write notes for the health of your family.
  • put candles in front of the images of the Son of God, Nicholas the Pleasant and the Blessed Matrona of Moscow.
  • type holy water.
  • purchase candles (12 pcs.).
  • in your house, light them near the icons.
  • read a prayer.
  • wash your face and household members with water from the church.
  • spray the corners of the dwelling with the remaining water.

The following tips will also help protect your home from negativity:

  • invite a priest to the house to sanctify the room.
  • try not to quarrel or swear in the house.
  • when you leave home, bless it.

Family icon - the keeper of the home, helping in love and family life

It is believed that icons should be in every home. In difficult life situations, the images of the Saints help people.

By turning to icons, it is easier for a believer to cope with unfavorable circumstances. The family icon brings special grace. It is believed that a strong family can be based only on a single faith and spiritual closeness.

Family Icon - Joseph, Mary, Jesus

The family icon is passed down from generation to generation, and is a spiritual shrine of the family. The tradition of having a family icon goes back to the times of Ancient Russia. Such an icon can depict:

  • the heavenly patrons of family members.
  • saints especially revered in the family Family can also become an icon, which is associated with any auspicious events in the family and miraculous events, or an ancient shrine, preserved by all generations.

To have a family icon that has protected more than one tribal knee means to have a powerful amulet for your family. Such a shrine is endowed with a special, very strong positive energy.

Not all families have such shrines. You can choose an icon that will help you create and maintain a strong loving family. Traditionally, the keepers of the family hearth are icons with images:

  • Murom miracle workers Peter and Fevronia - despite all the trials, they managed to keep love. Having died in different monasteries in the same day and hour, after death their bodies were together.
Peter and Fevronia
  • Saints Joachim and Anna - the parents of the Most Holy Theotokos. The icon is considered the patroness of childless married couples.
Joachim and Anna
  • Holy Martyrs Adrian and Natalya - undergoing torture in the name of faith, Adrian died, and Natalya died on his grave.
Adrian and Natalia
  • Saints Samon, Guria and Aviv - patrons of married women. The icon helps to guide the family in the right direction and bring harmony to family life.
  • Blessed Virgin Mary "Fadeless color" - keeps peace and love in the family, reconciles in moments of quarrels and disagreements.
"Fadeless color"
  • Mother of God "Unbreakable Wall" - removes trials and troubles from the family. Helps return the unfaithful spouse to the family.
"Unbreakable Wall"
  • Saint Matrona the Blessed - a faithful helper in family matters, will help to find a way out of a difficult situation.
Matrona of Moscow
  • Iberian Mother of God - helps to avoid conflicts and abuse in the family.

icon of the Iberian Mother of God

Place icons in the house - patrons of family happiness. They will help to maintain good relations in your family, love and respect for each other, soften quarrels, and help in difficult days.

Prayer for family well-being and happiness

For each person, family, relatives are the most important component of life. Disagreements and quarrels between loved ones inflict deep spiritual wounds and take away strength.

Sincere prayers that are addressed to the Heavenly Father or the patrons of the Saints will help to preserve well-being, love and happiness in the family. You can pronounce it in your own words. The main thing is sincere faith and Divine love in your heart and soul.

The icon bringing good luck and prosperity to the home, family

It's good when our loved ones are happy, and the family lives in stable prosperity. Sometimes it happens that luck seems to turn away from us, and no matter how hard we try, we cannot get out of difficulties.

Icons depicting Saints will help to overcome family problems and bring prosperity to your home:

  • Saint Spyridon the Wonderworker of Trimyphus - an assistant in material and housing problems. They pray for this icon for a successful sale or purchase of a house if there is not enough money to purchase important purchases.
icon of St. Spyridon of Trimifuntsky
  • Holy Great Martyr Tryphon - in the old days they prayed to him during a famine. This image will serve as a reliable shield against damage to property, financial problems · John the Merciful - helps to gain stable wealth and material well-being
icon of the Holy Great Martyr Tryphon

Prayer for prosperity and money and luck

We all know that money is not the most important thing in life. However, no one wants to end up in poverty. And we all want monetary stability and financial well-being.

In order to avoid difficulties in money and attract good luck to life, you can ask God or your Guardian Angel. Use these prayer words:

With requests for prosperity, the Orthodox often turn to the Saints:

  • Spiridon Trimifuntsky
  • Wonderworker Nikolai
  • Tikhon Zadonsky
  • Xenia Blessed
  • John the Merciful

The most powerful icon for diseases that helps in health

We do not think about health until we or our loved ones are struck by an illness. Unfortunately, even the latest advances in medicine cannot overcome some diseases. And believing people ask for healing from the Higher powers.

In Orthodox iconography there are a number of miraculous healing icons that are especially revered among the people. There are many legends about how the images of the Saints helped to get rid of terrible ailments and even blindness. What icon should you turn to to ask for health for yourself and your loved ones?

  • The image of Jesus Christ is considered the most important icon that helps with sickness and suffering. The Savior himself experienced terrible physical torment, so he understands the pain of the asking person
  • The icon of the Mother of God "Quick to Hearken" is one of the most healing icons. Known among the people for its miraculous healing ability.

Icon of the Theotokos "Quick to Hearken"
  • Image of Saint Panteleimon - he is one of the strongest patrons of people who experience physical suffering. His image is able to protect even from the most terrible diseases. They also pray to the Saint when a difficult operation is ahead. Healing icons are placed near the sick person's bed and turn to them with prayer every day.
St. Panteleimon

Prayer for Healing and Health

In case of illness of your own or your loved ones, use the Divine power of words. Pray to the Lord or the Holy Great Martyrs for patronage over you and for health.

Believe, Heavenly healers will hear everyone asking and suffering. They provide their help, relieving physical torment and bestowing fortitude.

Prayers for the health of a sick person are truly powerful. He needs to be baptized in the church. You can pronounce prayer words in the Temple or at home, referring to the images.

The saint who protects children

The clergy say that children have the special care of Heaven, since they are still defenseless and pure before the world. A child baptized in a church has its own Guardian Angel. Take care of him too Savior and Most Holy Theotokos.

Among the Orthodox Saints, there are those who especially patronize small children. This is due to the peculiarities of their actions in earthly life. The main patron who protects children is the Saint Stylian of Parthagon.

Stylian of Parthagon

From an early age, he was distinguished by the desire for holiness. Having reached adulthood, he distributed property to the poor, took monastic vows and settled in a cave. After divine grace descended on Stylian, he began to heal the sick. He especially devoted his life to the treatment and spiritual education of children.

In addition, Saint Stylian was considered the patron saint of babies who were just about to be born. Women suffering from infertility call for his help and ask him to give them children. On the icons, Saint Stylian is depicted with a baby in his arms. Revere him November 26.

Such heavenly patrons also protect children from evil forces and misfortunes:

  • Wonderworker Saint Nicholas
  • Holy Martyr Neophytos of Nicea
  • Holy Child - Martyr Gabriel of Bialystok
Gabriel Belostoksky

The saint after whom the child is named Icons depicting these helpers of God should be placed in the child's room. Church ministers draw attention to the fact that these images are not a talisman for a child. Help is sent by the Almighty through the prayers of the Saint, to whom you turn through the icon.

Prayer for the health of the child

The most powerful prayer is, of course, the mother's prayer for the health of the child. Because there are no thoughts and words more sincere than the mother's prayer for her child.

When a child is ill, loving parents are ready for anything to make sure the illness recedes. However, do not forget that praying for your children is not bargaining with Heavenly powers.

Often, in sorrowful moments, we give God any vows, if only he would help in the healing of our relatives. And when the recovery happened, we forget about the promised.

Prayer for the health of the child should be deliberate, devoid of thoughtless vows. After all, the Heavenly Healer helps us without asking for anything in return. It is customary for the Orthodox to pray for the health of children:

  • Jesus the Savior
  • Blessed Virgin Mary
  • Healer Panteleimon
  • Blessed Matrona of Moscow

You need to pray for the recovery of children correctly:

  • decide which Saint you will pray.
  • go to church and write a note about the child's health.
  • put candles in front of the icons of the Savior, the Mother of God and the Saint.
  • in prayer, first ask for forgiveness for your sins and weaknesses.
  • ask to heal the servant of God (name) from the illness, so that his soul does not torment with suffering.
  • when praying for a child under seven, say "God's baby."
  • collect holy water.
  • read the prayer at home with your hand on the child's head.
  • wash it with holy water.
  • it is better to pray several times a day, even when you are just thinking about your child.

There are many canonical prayers for the healing of children. They can be found in Prayer Books or the Internet. But know, when you ask the child for healing, you can speak in your own words, it is not necessary to memorize the texts.

God will hear you anyway, because prayer comes from the heart. The clergy say that the Lord is merciful to the words of the mother, so you can pray to Him for an unbaptized child.

Icon of the patroness of women for marriage

Almost every girl in the world wants to start a family by marrying a good man. In the Orthodox understanding, the goal of marriage is not only the birth of children, but also spiritual unity. Therefore, you should not hesitate to ask the Lord for marriage.

The desire to meet a worthy man in order to live with him in love is natural and natural. Sometimes believing girls or her parents go to churches and monasteries where the relics of the Saints or miraculous icons are kept. There they offer their prayers, asking Heaven to arrange their love life.

Often with such prayers they cry out before the icons:

  • Great Martyr Paraskeva Pyatnitsa - for a long time she is considered the main patroness of girls of marriageable age. The martyr is not only a healer from various ailments, but also helps girls to marry for love. In the old days, an icon with the image of Paraskeva stood in every home and helped women in marriage.
  • The Fedorov Icon of the Mother of God - this miraculous icon is revered as a reliable patroness of young virgins for marriage.

  • The "unfading color" of the Most Holy Theotokos helps to choose the right husband.
  • Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker - they turn to him in many difficult life situations, he also helps to arrange a happy marriage.
  • Andrew the First-Called - it is recommended that the parents of the daughters pray before her so that they are chaste and happily married.

Andrew the First-Called
  • Matrona of Moscow is the comforter of the hearts of the lonely and the keeper of the family, helps young maidens find family happiness.
  • Saint Seraphim of Sarov - helps women get married at a mature age.
Saint Seraphim of Sarov

The words of prayer pronounced on a holiday are especially powerful. Protection of the Virgin. Many girls are waiting for this day in order to ask the Heavenly Forces for marriage. They pray about this before the face of the Mother of God.

Before contacting the Intercessor, you should prepare:

  • let go of resentments, forgive those men with whom you have no relationship.
  • bathe, cleanse yourself not only spiritually, but also physically.
  • clean your home, your home should be harmonious.
  • ask your parents for their blessings. · Say the words of the prayer.

You can also turn with prayer to other Saints who are close to you in spirit. You don't need to know any special words.

Ask about what worries you: about the desire to get married, about the fear of loneliness, about how you see your future husband and marriage with him. At the end of the prayer, do not forget to thank the Saint for his help and for what you already have in your life.

Among believers, the prayer for marriage to St. Joseph is considered very powerful:

Prayer to Joseph

Remember what is rewarded according to our faith. Miracles happen more often than we think.

The most powerful icon in the world

In the Orthodox world The most powerful is the icon of the Mother of God "The Tsaritsa" (Greek Pantanassa). It is a small image dating from the 17th century. This icon is in Greece, in the Vatopedi Monastery, on the Holy Mount Athos.

Since the beginning of this century, this miraculous shrine began to stream myrrh. It depicts the Most Pure Virgin in crimson robes, seated on the Throne. In the hands of the Mother of God is a baby, the Son of God, holding a scroll. And in the background are two Angels.

This image of the Mother of God has a powerful healing power. The miraculous properties of this shrine are known throughout the world.

She helped many people get rid of terrible diseases, including cancer. Also, people who pray for their children, if they become alcoholics and drug addicts, turn to her.

Three obligatory icons that every home should have

There are a large number of icons depicting the faces of saints. This is due to the fact that there is a great variety of human needs and needs.

Each Saint is endowed with a certain gift for his labor or suffering. People turn to them with prayers.

There are no restrictions on the number of icons in the house. You can place as many shrines as you see fit.

However, don't get too carried away. After all, a person's faith is measured not by the number of icons, but by his thoughts and actions.

Kazan Mother of God
  • Holy Trinity Life-giving (as a symbol of unity and love).

The Holy Trinity

It is believed that they should be present in the home of all Orthodox Christians. But some clergy say that images are required Son of God and Mother of God.

They are taken to the wedding, and then left in the house as guardians of the family hearth. And the third icon is chosen by the person himself. It could be a face:

  • Saint Panteleimon the Healer.
  • Nicholas the Wonderworker.
  • The saint in whose honor you or family members were baptized.
  • Saint who is your Guardian Angel.

Strong Orthodox prayer-amulet to all saints for help, in gratitude, for all occasions: text

There are a great many Orthodox prayers: about health, marriage, from the evil eye, etc. In difficult times we read them, turning to the Heavenly Helpers.

And there are “universal” prayers, amulets for all life situations. The effectiveness of their words is strengthened by time. Learn these prayers yourself and teach them to your children. Explain that prayer is fellowship with our Lord.

A very strong amulet prayer, a real "shield" even in very dangerous situations, is this:

Also protects the person from trouble, a dashing appeal to his Guardian Angel:

Prayer to the Guardian Angel

Prayer Request 12 apostles for help:

The culture of the Russian Orthodox world is one of the most beautiful on Earth. It is also a strict set of canons that educate in their followers both spirituality and fortitude. An Orthodox icon is painted according to certain rules. Icons occupy the most honorable places in the house, and the main revered icons traditionally exist in Orthodox families. We will talk about one of them today. It is an icon for family well-being.

Several variants of icon painting are called "family" icons. This is a family heirloom, that is, within the clan, such values \u200b\u200bare characterized by images on the icon of saints patronizing family members. Icons for the family are very beautiful, they are made in accordance with the ancient canons, which the master icon painters passed on as a shrine to the young generations of masters. The family icon may also contain the image of the Mother of God and Christ, with them the father and mother bless the married children for a happy family life, the same icons are used at the wedding of newlyweds.

What is the family icon made of

Planks made of natural linden wood are good for the icon. Its cost is sometimes very high, but the execution technology also provides for the use in materials for the base of a special soil (levkas), consisting of chalk mixed with an animal, sometimes with fish, glue and linseed oil, linseed, 23-carat gold leaf, real mineral paints made of semiprecious stones, which makes the icon literally come to life in the depths of colors, shine in the glare of gilding and embossing.

Traditionally, the family icon passes from the older to the younger generation. Often these are icons depicting saints whose names are borne by the newlyweds. In the believer's surname, the family icon, the keeper of the hearth, occupies an honorable place in the red corner; it is the main icon in the house. Icons of other saints are usually placed next to it, above it - the Mother of God, the Savior, Nicholas the Wonderworker, the Guardian Angel.

Who is depicted in the family icon

Usually, the icon - the keeper of the family hearth is painted to order, it is unique and unique, it is necessarily handmade. The so-named patrons of the young family - the Mother of God, the Guardian Angel, Jesus Christ or Xenia of Petersburg at the head of the icon - are depicted as defenders and keepers of the family from misfortune and sorrow. If the icon is painted on the occasion of the wedding of a couple, then two saints are also depicted on the icon. If the icon is written as a family heirloom with the patron saints of the ancestors, there may be many saints on such an icon, even the heavenly patrons of those who have already passed away into the Kingdom of Heaven.

Differences between religious painting and icon painting

The regulation on icon painting prescribes that the family icon, the keeper of the hearth, must be painted according to the rules. After all, icon painting is different from religious painting. And if the power of prayers near the icon and its power are comparable to the flow of protective energy, then the picture obtained through artistic religious painting does not carry such power. It remains a masterpiece and a piece of art, but not a religious value. In turn, the family icon is the guardian of the young family, to whom they pray and ask for help from their saints depicted on it.

How are the images of saints on the icon

Typically, a family icon for a young family includes two patron saints who are depicted standing separately from each other, and above them is one of the above images of the Almighty, the Virgin or the Guardian Angel. Sometimes, if it is required to place a larger number of saints on it, a highly revered figure descends to the center of the icon and becomes the central figure on it, and all the other saints are facing it from the fields of the icon (they are called "field-bearing"). Or a family icon looks like this: in the center they leave the figures of the saints mother and father, and the saints of their children are made in the field. Families are also depicted on such icons, that is, all the same-named saints, patrons of all family members, are present on it. One of the first icons for the family is the Romanov family icon, which was written with the aim of canonizing all the great martyrs of the Romanovs, but some versions of this icon are contrary to the norms, which today causes debate in the clergy about the legitimacy of using such an image as an icon.

Family icon rules

Any icon can be Orthodox only when it meets the dogmatic, canonical, iconographic and even historical requirements in compositional design and competent artistic performance.

The icon - the keeper of the family hearth has characteristic features of any other Orthodox icon:

Compliance with the hierarchy of all the saints depicted in the icon.

The color scheme is restrained or light colors.

The icon as a symbol of eternity and the oneness of man with God cannot be interpreted in its own way, it is impossible to create a plot on the icon, depicting any detail in a different perception. According to the rules of the VI Ecumenical Council, the rules of icon painting also emphasize that the image should not appear in the features that emphasize the beauty - faces, figures should be modest and not give the impression of "charming eyesight, corrupting minds." And the real craftsmen who have a special artistic taste, knowledge of religion and history, whose skill leaves no doubt, are allowed to write family icons.

Family heirloom - spiritual heritage of ancestors

The ancient Russian tradition, when the icon for family well-being passed from generation to generation, is just as relevant today, because for those who honor their roots, morality and spirituality are a way of life, not a desire to correspond to fashion. A beautiful icon painted individually is the protection of the home and the whole family by the power of prayers to the saints depicted on it.

The Orthodox faith calls the family a small Church, where all members of the family are a single whole, and separately - each has his own responsibilities. In the likeness of the Church of Christ, which is one body of Christ, with the head - the Lord Jesus Christ. Respectively family icon is an image of special spiritual unity and patronage of heavenly mentors for all household members. It is the family icon that helps family members to unite for joint prayer, when everyone prays with a single spirit for family well-being.

The custom of having a particularly revered icon in the family, passed down from generation to generation, and called a family icon, goes back centuries. The traditional family icon involves the image of the heavenly patrons of family members. It is allowed to depict the patron saints of ancestors who have already passed away - the founders of the clan. Therefore, such icons are sometimes called "generic". The family icon could depict saints especially revered in this family, even if no one bears their names, for example, the patrons of the city or area where the family lives. Some families honor the heavenly patrons of the profession, for example. Saint Nicholas the Miracle Worker of Mirliki is considered the patron saint of sailors. The images of these saints can also be present on the family icon.

There are other options for family icons. If a miraculous event in the life of the family is associated with the icon, or the icon is a parental blessing for marriage, such an image becomes especially revered in the family. The younger generations are blessed with them for all important events: for military service. on a long trip, to create a family, etc.

These can be icons of the Savior, the Mother of God, the Twelve Great Feast, or some saint. If the family has an old icon. For many years surrendered from generation to generation - such an icon is also called a family icon. Examples of such icons can be found in the works of Russian classics.

Why do we need icons anyway? The Holy Fathers did not ignore this unique phenomenon of church life - Orthodox icon painting. Their understanding of the meaning of the icon helps to tune the mind and heart for the perception of holy images and for prayer.

“Icons are required by our nature. Can our nature do without an image? Is it possible, remembering the absent one, not to imagine him? Didn't God Himself give us the power of imagination? Icons are the answer of the Church to the crying need of our nature. "

“An Orthodox Christian turns his face to the holy icons of the Savior, the Mother of God, Angels and various saints in order to clearly show his faith in their presence, in their closeness to himself; in holy icons - they realize, realize our Orthodox faith, and without holy icons we seem to hang in the air, not knowing to whom we are praying. Praying to the Lord, the prophet David said: “Seek out His Face; Your face, Lord, I will seek "

“The Lord is all in every place; therefore He is all on the icon, and the face of the Savior on the icon must be looked at as a living Savior. " Holy Righteous John of Kronstadt /

"Depict with paints according to Tradition, this painting is as true as the Scripture in books, and Divine grace rests on it, because what it portrays is holy." Saint Simeon of Thessaloniki

To any icon, including a family one. cannot be treated as a talisman or amulet. This is an expression of purely pagan ideas about the world - deifying matter. The icon conveys spiritual reality, the spiritual appearance of a person. The icon of a saint is not a portrait of him, although a portrait resemblance is present in every icon-painting image, just as an icon telling about the event of a great holiday is not a genre painting. The iconographic image shows us the prototype of the ideal humanity. By pictorial means, this can only be expressed in symbolic form. Everything on the icon is a symbol - the pose of the saint, his gestures, clothing and its colors. For example, the Mother of God is often depicted on icons with her hand pressed to her chest - this is a sign of heartfelt empathy.

Two hands raised upward express a prayer for peace. A hand outstretched forward with an open palm is a sign of obedience and submission. This gesture can be seen on the icons of the holy martyrs. This is how St. The Monk Martyr Grand Duchess Elizabeth - with one hand she holds the church, and holds out the other with her open palm forward. The icon painting is a story about the feat of her life.

The iconography of family icons allows for a great variety. Patron saints are usually depicted in full growth - this is a family icon in the traditional sense. On such icons, they often write in the upper part of Jesus Christ blessing or the Mother of God with the Child Christ, or covering with the Intercession. Another version of the family icon, when the Mother of God and Child is written in the center, and the patron saints of family members are depicted in stamps in the margins - in small "windows" on both sides of the Mother of God.

Family icons represent a spiritual relationship. After all, it depicts saints who in earthly life could be separated by many millennia, cultural and national differences, but now in the Kingdom of Heaven, they are in love, in unity, and Divine radiance.

According to the Savior, a lasting home can only be founded on a spiritual stone - Christian faith. Family ties grow stronger and deeper when they are reinforced by spiritual closeness - one faith, a single view of important aspects of life. Sometimes, one glance at the icon is enough for the irritation to subside in the soul, so that the quarrel that broke out without a trace passes without a trace, without which the family life even among people who love each other cannot do.

The family icon, passed from family to family, as a shrine, as a spiritual connection between generations, was especially revered in Russia. After Baptism, the infants were brought to the family icon, as a sign that new members had arrived in the home Church. Before such an icon, they prayed and asked for blessings for deeds, children were blessed for study, adults for service, for marriage. Our believing ancestors did not start any business without prayer and without God's blessing.

Family icons are painted to order not only for their family, but also as a gift to loved ones. Before buy family icon , it is necessary to find out which saints are the patrons of family members.

If you are at a loss with the definition of a patron saint, we advise you to read the article Name at Baptism in the information section. You can also go to any Orthodox church and consult a priest.

"Angel" in translation from Greek means "messenger, messenger". His task is to convey God's will to people. Guardian Angel is a protector and helper of a person in overcoming difficulties. It promotes spiritual growth and the successful passage of life.

The Guardian Angel does not always manage to positively influence a person. Refusal of faith, a tendency to aggression and anger destroys the spirituality. In a person's life, changes for the worse begin to occur - troubles, illnesses, failures.

The Icon of the Guardian Angel helps to visualize the image. Helps to start communication with your light spirit. Through prayers, a person is able to restore the lost connection with his protector, to embark on the path of goodness and purification.

What is the Guardian Angel for?

Guardian Angel is an intermediary between man and God. He is a messenger of good thoughts and communicates through an inner voice. For Christians, the Guardian Angel is a protective spirit. The clergy claim that only those who have passed the baptismal ceremony receive the Guardian Angel. Therefore, they try to baptize the newborn as early as possible so that he has his own protector.

The Guardian Angel warns of dangers, helps to avoid temptation. The miraculous salvation of people who survived disasters, intuitive insights or prophetic dreams - this is how the Guardian Angel protects his ward. He will never harm a person. A daily prayer to the Guardian Angel will help you find a common language with him, overcome life's difficulties. The Holy Fathers advise you to talk with your bright spirit, ask him for advice or help.

The more faith a person has, the closer the Guardian Angel is to him. If a Christian does not listen to his inner voice, then a bright spirit can leave him. Then troubles and diseases appear in a person's life. The Christian is deprived of his personal protective spirit.

Guardian Angel Icon

In Orthodoxy, a bright spirit is attached to a person in order to take care of him, to help spiritual development. The Guardian Angel communicates with his ward through his inner voice and intuition. Warns him of the danger that has arisen, inspires good deeds.

The Guardian Angel never transmits God's will through third parties. Only through direct communication, in prayer or internal dialogue, contact with a bright spirit is possible.

The Guardian Angel icon can be worn on the body or in the home iconostasis. She protects a person day and night. The home icon will protect the home and promote peace in the family. To listen to yourself, to avoid troubles will help the Guardian Angel. Body-worn icons will protect against misfortunes, accidental accidents. The defender does not interfere with the main life path of a person.

Features of the Guardian Angel icon

The Guardian Angel icon has symbolic features. In iconography, each object or gesture has its own meaning. A feature of the icon with the Guardian Angel is the "eye in the forehead". The third eye is a symbol of clairvoyance and intuition. There are other elements required when writing guardian angels.

  • The wings symbolize the speed of the Angel, his ability to move from the real world to the spirit world.
  • The staff means the messenger of God, his spiritual mission on earth.
  • A mirror and a rod - a ball with a cross - in the Angel's hand help to see danger and warn a person about it.
  • Toroki - golden ribbons in hair - symbolize communication with God and obedience to his will.

The "Guardian Angel" icon gives invisible protection. Its meaning lies in benevolent instruction, creative enlightenment. It helps to walk the spiritual path in harmony with oneself and the world around us.

Guardian angel and patron saint

It is necessary to distinguish between the Guardian Angel and the patron saint. The latter is selected by name and date of birth. A patron saint is a real person who has gone his own way and is canonized (for example, Alexander Nevsky, Seraphim of Sarov).

Names at baptism are chosen in honor of the saint, whose birth occurs in the same period as that of a newborn. All days of veneration of patron saints are marked in Orthodox saints. The birthdays of a person and his patron, identical in name, are located side by side (up to 8 days).

Nevertheless, the patron saint is also called the Guardian Angel. And his birthday is an angel's day. For the patron saint, there are prayers, icons, akathists. The icon of the Guardian Angel by name also protects other people with the same name and date of birth. A person can choose a patron saint himself or receive his protection after baptism.

The Guardian Angel is not a real person. This is a bright spirit that does not have a name and gender, but has personal qualities. Each person has one Guardian Angel. On icons he is depicted with white wings. There is a hierarchy of ethereal spirits. It includes seraphim, cherubim, archangels, angels. For the Guardian Angel, their morning and evening prayers, canons are written.

How to pray to the Guardian Angel

Prayer in front of the icon helps to visualize the light spirit, to tune in to spiritual communication with him. The clergy recommend listening to your inner voice, because it is at this moment that the light spirit speaks to the person.

The prayer rule for a Christian contains daily prayers to the guardian angel. They are small and easy to remember. Prayer to the Guardian Angel is pronounced thoughtfully, with love. It can be written on a piece of paper and carried around as a talisman.

Morning prayer will protect you from negative influences for the whole day, help avoid conflicts, and set you up for good deeds.

Evening prayer will protect the sleeping person from the invasion of unclean forces. Will facilitate prophetic dreams or warnings.

There are different prayers to the guardian angel. They can be pronounced in any life situation that requires advice or the help of a bright spirit.

  • Prayer for success in business.
  • To find happiness.
  • To protect against misunderstanding.
  • Abundance on the table.
  • About prosperity in the house.
  • For protection from enemies, ill-wishers.
  • About healing.
  • To protect against accidents.
  • Thanksgiving prayer.

Spiritual protector icon for a child

One of the most revered is the Guardian Angel icon for a child. It will help to cope with fear, save you from harm, protect you from danger. The icon can be placed next to the baby's bed to avoid diseases and the evil eye. The child can be explained that he has a heavenly protector who will help in troubles and failures.

It is in the house that the icon should be. The Guardian Angel, the meaning of which for a child is to prevent negativity, will save you from many troubles. Children's energy defenses are weak, so an evil look or an unkind word can be harmful. The Guardian Angel protects the baby from trouble.

Icon of the patron saint for the child

If in the Orthodox calendar there are several patron saints with a date close to the child's birthday, then you can independently choose the patron you like. You should familiarize yourself with his life. Find out why and for what he was canonized.

For example, the icon of St. Cyril (Guardian Angel) has several variants in its iconography. It may depict Cyril of Radonezh or Cyril of Alexandria.

There are other patron saints with this name. Their days of celebration fall on January 31, February 8, 17, 27, March 22, 31, April 3, 11, May 11, 17, 24, June 22, July 22, November 20, December 21.

Icon "Guardian Angel Kirill" will help boys and men with an identical name. When choosing a patron saint, you can start from the date of birth or from his life story. In Orthodoxy, spiritual kinship is more appreciated. If the biography of the patron saint impresses, then it is not necessary to adhere to a specific date of birth.


In addition to guardian angels and patron saints, there is also an intercessor icon. It can also be selected by date of birth. However, each image has its own meaning, and then the intercessor acquires great value in a specific life situation.

The intercessor icon and the Guardian Angel are called to protect the home, family, and specific people. They are addressed in grief, illness. They ask to save relatives and friends from misfortunes, to save a family, to prevent the anger or hatred of other people.

It is most convenient to choose an intercessor icon and a patron saint according to the horoscope. We should not forget that not only help should be asked from the heavenly powers. But also to thank them for the successful completion of affairs, invisible help, protection.


Saint George the Confessor, Sophrony and Innokenty of Irkutsk will help. Icon of the Kazan Mother of God. Prayer before her will protect you from visible and invisible enemies, give strength, and help with eye diseases.


The patron saints are John the Theologian, Stephen and Tamara. The icon of the Iberian Mother of God and the "Help of Sinners" will help in healing from diseases, grant forgiveness and repentance. They bring consolation in despondency and grief, sorrow and illness. Patron saints confer understanding on spouses.


You should ask for protection from the icon of the Vladimir Mother of God, images of the "Burning Bush", "Seeking the Dead". Patron saints - Alexei Moskovsky and Constantine. You can pray for the health of children, the safety of marriage. About healing in fever, toothache. Intercessor icons will help to educate drinkers and people who have renounced the faith.


The icon of St. Cyril (guardian angel), "Joy of All Who Sorrow", the Kazan Mother of God will help. Miraculous images bestow physical and spiritual healing. Delivered from pride and the sin of unbelief. A patron saint will help in sorrow and trouble.

a lion

Elijah the Prophet, Nicholas the Pleasant will be protected in everyday difficulties. The intercessor icon "The Protection of the Most Holy Theotokos" grants strength and patience. It will help in the awareness of sinful deeds, guide you on the path of truth and goodness.


Patron saints - Alexander, Paul, John. Icon-intercessor - "Passionate", "Burning bush". They will help in grief, misfortune. Grant healing, consolation. They will help in knowing yourself, your spiritual path.


The patron saint is Sergius of Radonezh. Protects the icon of the Pochaev Mother of God, "Exaltation of the Cross of the Lord", "Burning bush". Protect the house from fires, unkind people. They will bring spiritual revival, the joy of repentance.


Saint Paul, the Guardian Angel, will protect and help. Icon - intercessor of the Jerusalem Mother of God, "Quick to Hearken". They will heal from cancer, bring comfort and forgiveness. Help pregnant women, protect small children. They will point the way in confusion and bewilderment.


Protected by Nicholas the Pleasant, Saint Barbara. The icon of the Tikhvin Mother of God "The Sign" strengthens the relationship between parents and children. Protect against diseases, prevent the baby's evil eye. Give the long-awaited baby to desperate parents.


Saint Sylvester, Seraphim of Sarov - heavenly patrons. Icon-patron "Sovereign" will help to find truth and love, heal from diseases. Gives peace and tranquility in the family, country. Reconcile enemies, strengthen family ties.


Protected by Saints Cyril, Athanasius. Icon of the Vladimir Mother of God, "Burning Bush". They will help in healing with cardiovascular diseases, protect against enemies and slander. They will keep the house, get rid of quarrels and abuse.


Milentius of Antioch, Alexy - patron saints. The icon of the Iberian Mother of God will help in intercession before God, will give consolation in sorrow and trouble. It will help in difficult life circumstances, increase the fertility of the earth.