Archive: how to make a request related to the restoration of family ties and the creation of a family tree.

Individuals and organizations, as well as authorities (such requests, as a rule, are of an official nature) and persons residing abroad (such requests are called consular), can make a request to the archive regarding obtaining this or that information. In addition, the archives are not always asked for information concerning a particular individual; they also often request historical documents. This is done by those who need them by occupation, for example, screenwriters, writers, scientists. Archival documents are often used in the writing of dissertations or scientific papers. In the case when documents are needed for writing a scientific work, in addition to a passport and an application for their provision, you will also need a document from the organization where the applicant studies or works, confirming his status and subject of work.

How to make a request to the registry office

Full name of the applicant

  • applicant's address and passport details
  • the address of the closest registry office to the applicant
  • required document
  • Full name, to whom this document should be issued
  • date of entry
  • purpose of obtaining a document
  • Re-issuance of documents by the registry office is subject to a state fee: for example, today a certificate from the archive will cost 50 rubles, and a new marriage certificate - 100 rubles. How to make a request to the registry office for marriage via the Internet A request to the registry office via the Internet is most often made by potential newlyweds who want to book the date of marriage registration.
    To make a request to the registry office about marriage via the Internet, you must use the services of the site of state services of your region. Such services provide an opportunity to choose a convenient date and time of the wedding, provided that it is not busy.

How to make a request to a registry office in another city?

I was puzzled - how sideways my ex-husband and I belong to the Kursk region, if we have never been there. I called my registry office - it turned out that they had the certificate, and by mistake they almost sent me to the Kursk region.

I came to the registry office, wrote an application for the issuance of this certificate. The certificate was issued free of charge - they do not take money for registration of a pension.

Making a request To make a request to the archive, you need to make a free-form application, since there are no strict requirements on this matter (although some institutions offer their own form to applicants). But there are a number of points that must be reflected in the document.

So, in the "header" (it is written in the upper right corner of the sheet) we indicate:

  • to whom the request is sent (you can specify the name of the organization and the full name of its head);
  • Name and address of the applicant;
  • contact phone number of the applicant;
  • outgoing number, details of the institution, legal address (these data are indicated if the request is submitted by a legal entity). This is followed by the name of the document: "Application", but you can write it like this: "On receiving an archive certificate."

How to make various requests to the registry office and archival institutions


But I always write by paper mail, then the chances of getting an answer are even greater. But if by e-mail, then it is best to send a scan of the request with a signature, then in second place is the application in the Verdov attachment, and there in the heading "to the head of such and such a registry office", then in the middle "Application", then "Please provide ..."

I also put the outgoing number of the letter, but this is my quirk. In paper form, they answered my inquiries, which I wrote in free form.
Best regards, Sergei. Top il16 Beginner Posts: 47 Registration: Nov 22 2009Rating: 11 December 25, 2009 8:40 ## mod970 And yet this is still only "IMHO", which coincides with the opinion of a few ... especially those who are used to sitting on a chair and emphasizing their importance ... I wrote about this above. One of the options for this resolution of the issue could be a massive digitization of archives, starting with the books of civil registrations.

Communication with the registry office archive on the territory of the Russian Federation

Such a form, for example, was given to me in the Orsk city registry office. It is valid and valid. The request is sent to the registry office at the place of birth, death, marriage registration.
The document comes to your district or city registry office, where you, having paid the fee, take the certificate you need. Remember, no one will send you an extract to the postal address! Sometimes you do not know where to make a request, this should not become an obstacle for you, because many government services can redirect you to one or another office, organization.


My advice to you: do not be afraid, write, someone will answer, because the search is a long, painstaking business that requires patience and many years of work. Sometimes the overall picture is made up of very insignificant details.

After the name should be indicated:

  • what the request is about (here it is important to clearly, concretely and understandably state the essence of the issue, as well as indicate the time and territorial framework, which are very important, for example, when searching for relatives);
  • the reason for the information requested;
  • the address to which the response to the request should be sent (this can also be email);
  • the date of the request;
  • signature of an individual, executive officer or director of the institution (if the request is submitted by the organization). How do I submit a request? A request to the archive can be submitted in several ways: in person (bring an application and register it by providing your passport), send it by registered mail with a notification, via the Internet (in the latter case, a notification from the archive about the receipt of the request will be sent to the e-mail address).

How to make a request to the archive about relatives? archive request - sample

Ryazan region Tishkins, Schepelevs, Lazarevs, Avdeevs. From the Tambov region Morshansk district Klimakins, Kostnikovs.

From Moscow region Molchanovs Top NoTA Forum long-liver V. Novgorod Posts: 779 Registration: 4 Aug. 2009Rating: 521 January 3, 2010 14:59 ## iozhka iozhka wrote: [q] An extract from the registration book is NOT a reference? If you request an extract, will it be the most informative? In principle, you can request in any form (certificate, repeat certificate or formulate a request in "free form"), but the answer is sent, as a rule, in the form of a certificate (or rep.

But the certificate does not completely duplicate the record from the book, they will give out the information that corresponds to the information in the certificate of the requested period. So, unfortunately, you shouldn't really hope that you will be told everything that is written in the registration book ...

There are exceptions, though.

In order to obtain a repeated certificate of state registration of a civil status act or another document confirming the fact of state registration of a civil status act, you must personally or in writing apply to the civil registry office at the place of registration of the civil status act. If the first copy of the civil status act has not been preserved, a repeated certificate of state registration of the civil status act shall be issued by the executive authority of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation, which contains the second copy of the civil status act record.

In this case, if the state registration of the civil status act was carried out in the civil registry office of the Kurgan region, the repeated document is issued by the Civil Registry Office of the Kurgan region.

To the registry office from the last name, first name, patronymic of the resident (s) at the address, an identity document series No. issued by "" d. APPLICATION Please issue a repeated certificate of marriage / divorce (underline the required) last name, first name, patronymic at the time of marriage / divorce and surname, first name, patronymic at the time of marriage / divorce Place of state registration name of the registry office Date of state registration "", a / z No. The document is required ""

signature Or like this: Form No. 18 Approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of October 31, 1998 No. 1274 In the registry office from the surname, name, patronymic of the resident (s) at the address, identity document series No. issued ""

How to correctly make a request to the registry office via the Internet to an email address

Objections of the type - "YOU are aware of what a TITANIC work it is!" and "How much money is needed for this!" I consider it inappropriate. The age of high technologies ... Anyway, we will soon come to this.

The question is about the timing only because of the all-round resistance of disinterested persons who will lay their bones in order not to do this. mod970 I just can't imagine that people who are engaged in pedigree will rush to the registry offices without permission to make changes, delete and erase in books 75 or 90 years ago ... And even more so that everyone will rush there.

Even in spite of the growing interest in the search for their roots, there is no need to talk about some kind of boom when crowds of citizens rush through the archives and registry offices. Moderator's comment: two posts running in a row, with a gap of seven minutes, are combined. Top iozhka Beginner Moscow Posts: 47 Registration: 18 Dec.


The main thing is the correct design requestand. To do this, in the upper right corner, indicate the position, surname, name, patronymic (if known), under them, but on the line below - the address of the official to whom you are sending the document. On the next line below, under the first two: the name, patronymic of the sender and his residence address, indicating (if the sender is an organization, then all these details are already on the registration stamp).

Main part requestand from the text reflecting the essence of the appeal: what kind of information or document is required by the sender. The text is preferably concise, competently, reflecting the essence of your appeal in a written speech that is understandable to the recipient. At the end of the text, put the date, signature, transcript in the form of instructions and initials, seal (if any).

TO requestattach the necessary documents, or better their copies. In special legal matters, photocopies certified by a notary public must be enclosed.

It is necessary to decide on the type of sending the document. If it is written postal poisoning, then the letter must be certified (better with notification). When sending requestand by fax (citizens can use the service at the main post office) it is better to clarify the details of the employee who received the shipment. When sending (by e-mail) - call the organization back and make sure that the document is registered with the office.


It is worth considering the fact that making a request to another city and receiving an appropriate response to it is not a quick process, requiring a certain amount of time.
Upon receipt of requests, the contractor is given 10 working days to respond. If, nevertheless, after a reasonable amount of time, taking into account the postal delivery, the sender does not receive a response, then in this case there are two ways to follow up: go to court or the prosecutor's office, or send a second request. In this case, you need to refer to the data on when the first request was made and indicate that the letter was sent again.
For an untimely response, an official shall be subject to an appropriate disciplinary or administrative penalty. Be sure to keep all documents and receipts to confirm your actions.

Helpful advice

In the case of a fax, it is necessary to send the addressee and the documents attached to the request, and to the e-mail - their scanned images.


In organs REGISTRY OFFICE the act books are stored, which consist of the first copies of civil status records. Such books are kept at the place of registration for 100 years. After this period, the act books are transferred to the state archives.

If it is necessary to obtain information from the act book or a duplicate of a previously issued certificate, to the authorities REGISTRY OFFICE you can contact request... The simplest situation is when you yourself can appear in the organ REGISTRY OFFICE, which stores the assembly book with the information you need. In this case, it will be necessary to provide identity documents and the right to receive relevant information (for example, if a woman has lost a certificate of, it will be necessary to provide, except

When it becomes necessary to restore lost documents or restore lost information, the question arises, how to make a request to the archive... To request the information you need, you need to know the exact procedure for contacting this institution. What is this procedure, in what sequence to carry out the actions, we will tell in this article.

Briefly about archives

Typically, an archive is a government agency that is designed to store data under certain conditions. At the same time, the security of the content of the documents is guaranteed. The tasks of the archive are not only to store data, but also to provide information at the request of government agencies or individuals.

The archives have existed since time immemorial. As soon as the development of civilization reached a certain level, the emergence of archival work gradually began. Today it is known that archives existed not only in medieval Europe, Ancient Greece and Byzantium. Historians have archival documents of Ancient Rome, Assyrian state, Egypt, Babylon. At different times, the archives were divided into central and regional, overlords and vassals, church and even individual families.

Archives of our days

Today archives are formed according to the departmental and state principles. That is, information is collected within a specific department or within a specific territory.

Based on this, archives are usually divided into:

Community, private, public;
city, municipal;
historical, current, state, government, federal.

Any person, organization, including authorities, can make a request to the archive. In the latter case, the request to the archive will be of a service nature. Foreign citizens from abroad can also make a request to the archive. In this case, it is called consular.

By the way, a request to the archive can be made not only for personal data, but also for historical documents. Usually historians, writers, screenwriters, scientists are interested in such documents. In the latter case, if information is needed for a dissertation, in addition to a passport, it is necessary to provide a document that confirms the topic of the work and the status of the interested person.

Where and how to make a request to the archive

Where to go and how to make a request to the archive depends on what kind of information you need. For example, if you need personal information about a citizen, you can contact the district registry office archive. But it should be borne in mind that data is stored there for no more than 75 years. At the end of this period, they are transferred to the regional archive. To resume an entry in the labor book, you must submit a request to the archive to the territorial or State military, if we are talking about a military man, or the Central Naval, if we are talking about a seaman.

In any case, the search for the necessary information should always start from the central city archive of the person's place of work or stay. Many archives today provide online data retrieval services.

Types of archive requests

An archive request can be one of three types:

social and legal - consular, official, private persons, aimed at obtaining information to observe the interests and rights of organizations and individuals;
genealogical - to establish kinship, clarify the history of the clan or family;
thematic - a request to the archive regarding a certain fact, event or topic.

The procedure for processing requests is enshrined in Federal Law No. 125-FZ "On Archival Affairs in the Russian Federation". In accordance with it, a response to a request to the archive must be given no later than 30 days from the date of application. In some cases, the period may be extended by another 30 days. But in this case, the archive employee is obliged to notify the requested person in writing about the extension of the period.

There are times when a request is made to the wrong archive. Then its employees are obliged to redirect the request to the correct address within five days. The applicant is also notified of this in writing.

Making a request

Now let's move on to the question of how to make a request to the archive. To get the information you are interested in, you need to write a corresponding application. There is no fixed form for this document. But some establishments offer sample archive request to filling. It is written in free form. But at the same time, the application must contain certain information.

The header indicates:

The name of the archive and the full name of its head;
address and name of the applicant;
his contact phone number;
if the request is given by a legal entity, then the outgoing number of the application, the details of the organization and the address.

Then the word is written in the middle "Statement"... After that, you can write a detailed request to the archive. Here you should indicate the following information:

State information about what kind of request it is, and indicate the time when you need to receive this information;
explain why and why information is needed;
email or postal address to which to send a response;
date of request;
applicant's signature and seal, if the request is made by a legal entity.

An example of an archive request:

How to submit a request

It is not enough to write a request to the archive correctly. You also need to submit it correctly. You can personally come to the archive with your passport and application and submit your application. Or send it by registered mail. Today it is also possible to submit a request via the Internet. In this case, you are required to send a notification of receipt of the request by e-mail.

What to get in return

Upon request, the archive does not issue the original document, but provides a special form of help, which contains all the data in accordance with the request. They can also provide an archive extract, which will provide the content of the document. You can also get an archival copy of the document.

If the information was not found, the applicant is notified by letter and given recommendations for finding information. Overall, the question is how to make a request to the archive, the solution is simple - just go to the required archive with a statement.

If you want to know how to make a request to the archive about relatives or ancestors, then this publication is definitely for you. Population inquiries are divided into three types: social and legal (references on work experience, etc.), thematic (biographical information about a person) and genealogical. For the first two types, separate materials are provided, and here we will consider in detail the question of how to make a request to the archive about ancestors. There is a link to a free download of samples of several forms at the end of the article, but we recommend that you read the explanations before submitting to increase the likelihood of a positive answer with ancestor information from a government agency. For those readers who want to save time and nerves, we suggest ordering a genealogical request to the archives of relatives in our family research bureau. As part of this service, for a nominal fee, we will compose a competent text and inform the exact coordinates of the archives where you need to send the application. Next, read the interesting nuances of relationships with employees of reading rooms and document storage departments, since, in most cases, it is they who work with requests about relatives that come from citizens.

Before making a request to the archive about ancestors, pay attention to an important psychological factor when communicating with representatives of regional organizations, where documents over a hundred years old should be transferred from the registry office. The founders of the site, the site, searched for relatives in more than fifty regions of the country and, taking into account these statistics, it was revealed that most of the staff of the state archives are educated and intelligent people. According to employees, it is not in their interests to delay the processing of archive requests, since the sooner they help the applicant, the sooner they will begin their immediate duties. It is worth considering the fact that the income from solving problems on requests for relatives (and this is a paid service) goes to the treasury, and not to any particular performer. Due to the fact that replies to requests to the archive about ancestors do not relate to the main activity of employees, your application may be rejected without explaining the reasons for the refusal or with the provision of a formal unsubscribe. On some Internet resources of federal institutions it is written like this: "The archive does not process requests of a genealogical nature about relatives due to the strong employment of specialists."

The situation is different with civil registry offices (registry offices). They are obliged to respond to a request to the archive about relatives. Applications are radically different, someone is interested in marriage or its dissolution between senior family members, others are looking for a birth or death certificate of a relative. Legislation changes from time to time, which is why the exact procedure for executing requests to the archive about ancestors should be found out at the time of contact. The institution may require proof of relationship with a person or a certificate of her death. For example, in the course of one of the studies of the genus, an employee of the document storage department in the registry office clarified that it is allowed to request information only about the dead, and only children can do this without additional permits. People are expected to recover the evidence in person or through authorized representatives. That is, the grandson, with living parents, will not receive a positive result for a request to the archive about third-generation relatives (grandparents). If the father or mother cannot search for data, then they must issue a power of attorney with a notary in the name of the executor, which can be anyone. However, as already mentioned, the current algorithm of actions becomes known in a specific situation during the period of its occurrence and depends on the degree of kinship of the citizen sending request to archive about ancestors, with the desired person. There is logic in strict rules. Few of the readers will be delighted with the fact that some stranger freely "delves" into the biography and relations of their relatives or conducts a study of the history of the family, trying to find compromising evidence for mercenary purposes.

How to make a request to the archive about family relatives

After clarifying the basic concept of the approach to communicating with archivists, let's move on to the essence of the topic of publication on the genealogical site Livemem. How to make a request to the archive about relatives so that it is not ignored and executed as soon as possible? First, determine which city archive or registry office you need to contact with your application for finding an ancestor. The choice of institution for sending a request for relatives depends on the type of task (restoration of certificates or obtaining information) and the date of the event (birth, marriage or death). According to the standards, if a hundred years have not passed since the creation of the document, then it should be kept by the territorial bodies of the registry office. But it is known from the practice of our family research bureau that "younger" civil registration records are also found in the repositories of regional archives. That is, when you are interested in family documents of Soviet origin, then a request for relatives should be sent to the registry office at the place of the event, and if they have already been transferred to the federal archives, you will be informed about this in a reply letter. Government services are developing a centralized electronic database with relevant information about citizens, therefore, it is possible that soon it will be possible to send inquiries about ancestors to local organizations.

Considering the case with a request to search for facts about relatives from the church's metric notebooks (predecessors of books with acts of civil status, which were an official document ~ until 1917), it is worth paying attention to the fact that it is necessary to do the opposite. Initially, request information about ancestors from the federal archives, depending on the region where the event occurred, and if the records were not transferred to them for storage, the applicant will be redirected to the registry office. Note the tangled confusion with areas where borders sometimes changed within the framework of the administrative-territorial division. There are ambiguous situations when a village (village, city) and the parish of its church, for example, in 1850 belonged to one province, and in 1851 - to another. This means that church registers with family history of ancestors for a given locality can also be kept at two regional archives. There is a chance that the citizen will not be informed about this, and the request will be answered with a classic "not found" reply. If you have doubts about the thoroughness of processing a request to the archive about relatives, duplicate the letter to the institutions of neighboring cities, where books with records of ancestral rituals in disputed territories could be sent.

Now we will explain directly the procedure for filling out an archive request for searching for information about ancestors with writing the correct text accompaniment. Let us consider the situation using the example of a genealogical request to the state archive, since in the case of the registry office, the actions are quite similar, and the forms we have prepared from the link for free download at the end of the publication do not need additional explanation. A request to the archive about relatives can be conditionally divided into three blocks (as in the sample in the first photo): where the appeal is sent, its essence and who sent it. We must say right away that all parts are required to be filled in, if at least one is missed, then with a probability of 99% your application will be rejected. Before, how to request an archive about ancestors, go to the institution's website or ask by phone whether the employees are engaged in their implementation in principle. And if the work with citizens' appeals on the topic of searching for data about relatives is underway, find out in what way it will be more convenient for the archive to accept the application - by e-mail or by traditional letter. When requests are processed only on physical media (in writing), it will not be superfluous to complete the parcel with a second envelope. Alas, according to archivists, sometimes it is because of the lack of own means of delivery that inquiries about relatives can be ignored (the smaller the archive, the more modest the budget for communication about the family's ancestors).

As for the content of the document, you need to know the following nuances. The archive, where the request about the family's ancestors is sent, and the sender are located in a visually uniform space - in the upper left corner. In this case, the application must be sent to the name of the director. You will find the exact name and current leader on the institution's website. This part of the request for information about relatives looks like this: "To the director of the state archive of such and such a constituent entity of the Russian Federation (region, republic, region, etc.), his last name, first name, patronymic (on a new line)." Next, enter your full name on the form. the applicant, his actual residence address (where you can receive correspondence), as well as contact information (phone number or e-mail, or better both). For obvious reasons, employees will not accept anonymous inquiries to the archive about family members and appeals without specifying means of feedback.

How can you write your statement to increase the chances of a positive outcome? We consider it necessary to refute the widespread myth, which says: "the more detailed the essence of the request to the archive about the ancestors is, the higher the probability of getting an answer with information from relatives." This approach is relevant when interacting with private genealogists or specialized organizations like our family research bureau "Keepers of Family Secrets". But with government agencies, everything should be the exact opposite. The more clearly and concisely the task is formulated, the more chances are to achieve from the archive a solution to the question posed and the consideration of a request for relatives in a short time. You should not write an essay about respect for ancestors, only indicate the exact facts: place with date of birth, locality, name of a relative, degree of relationship, as well as the type of record. You can write approximate data, but this will increase the cost and time of execution of a genealogical request to the archive about ancestors, and in some cases will make it impossible to find information about relatives. At the end of the archive request, note that the interest is related to the restoration of the pedigree and you agree to pay for the work. Try to fit the essence into 3-4 lines.

A competent appeal to the archive with a request to restore the history of ancestors looks like this: "I ask you to find in the register of births (or death) of my great-grandfather such and such (his last name, first name, patronymic) for X year in a village (village, city) N. In the absence of metrics, I would be grateful if you would inform us about the safety of revision tales, confession statements and other genealogical sources for the specified period. " When you are interested in the ceremony of marriage of ancestors, then simply replace the phrase about birth with the corresponding text about marriage. Employees of archives do not welcome vague wording and large-scale inquiries about relatives in the form of "conduct a genealogical study of the genus" or "I want to know the genealogy of my surname." The solution of such tasks is rather difficult, and the archive is unlikely to undertake them, since the genealogy of the family is not a profile direction of its activity. In informal conversations, archivists note that polite and cultural communication additionally motivates people to perform well, which, in principle, is quite natural. On individual websites of institutions, in the section with the rules for processing applications, they write: "requests to the archive about relatives containing obscene expressions are not considered." It's scary to imagine what kind of population you have to deal with. Do not lose face, do not defame the memory of your ancestors and behave yourself with dignity!

Date and sign at the bottom of the form. That is, you need to print the document, sign and scan it (if we are talking about sending by e-mail). We draw the attention of our readers to the fact that there is no point in duplicating the sending of a request to the archive about relatives, since a new request will appear at the end of the queue and create an extra burden on employees. Better, send a question to the institution: "I ask you to clarify the stage of execution of my request from date Y, the applicant is such and such." Regarding the timing, we would like to highlight the fact that the archive can take a few days or several months to complete the work. There are confirmed cases on the Internet when the answer had to wait even 10 months. However, in fairness, we note that for archival inquiries about ancestors prepared by the site specialists, the result usually comes within 1-2 weeks, which once again confirms the importance of correct design and a clear statement of the problem. Taking into account all our advice when preparing an application, you can make a correct request to the archive about relatives and get information about family members. By the way, we recommend ordering a detailed research plan from our genealogical bureau, which will significantly facilitate the implementation of the search for ancestors, as well as increase the efficiency of the time spent and invested funds in restoring the pedigree.

download typical requests for ancestors to archives and registry offices (185 Kb; format: docx).

If you have any additions - let us know in the comments, we will make a useful resource together!

All rights reserved, copying of the text is allowed only with the placement of a link to the site

If you need to restore any information about relatives or obtain information of a different nature, you need to write and send a request to the appropriate archive. But how do you make a request to the archive? I must say that there are certain rules in the archives for processing requests from citizens, so when creating a request, you need to follow a few fairly simple rules. Now I will tell you how to compose a request to the archive in such a way that it is accepted for consideration and, most importantly, that a positive response is received from archival workers, although it must be admitted that the archives may not give an answer to many requests. What to do in this case - read in the last chapter of our article. Also, for your convenience, some materials are presented in the form of lists.

Types of requests

For those who have not yet encountered archive requests, it will be useful to know that there are three types of requests to archives:

  1. thematic - associated with obtaining information on a specific problem or topic (biography of a specific person, historical information about something, etc.);
  2. social and legal - related to ensuring the legitimate interests and rights of any person or organization;
  3. genealogical - inquiries on the history of a family or clan, or on the establishment of kinship.

In addition, social and legal inquiries are also divided into three types:

  1. from individuals or legal entities;
  2. consular requests: from persons residing abroad;
  3. of a service nature: from various authorities.

How to write a request to the archive

  • First of all, the request must contain information about the sender. If you are an individual, then it is enough to indicate your last name, first name and patronymic, and if you represent an organization, then indicate its name and legal address.
  • Be sure to include your return address in the request text, because otherwise the archive staff will simply not be able to physically send you a response.
  • It is very important to formulate your question as clearly and clearly as possible. If you are collecting data about your ancestors, do not describe your family history in detail, and also give up vague wording in your wish. The thing is that there is a regulation for working with requests and appeals from citizens and organizations, according to which, first of all, the request goes to the archive management. It is the leader who determines the classification of the request: thematic, socio-legal or genealogical. And then, by the nature of the request, the manager transfers it to the appropriate department for execution. Therefore, the more vague your wording, the more the likelihood of incorrect (of course, for you) determining the nature of your request, and, accordingly, the appointment of its executor increases. A fuzzy request will be sent from department to department, and you can wait a very long time for a response.
  • Be sure to specify the scope when requesting: time (chronological) or territorial. This is especially important if you are looking for people with a common last name. In this case, it will simply not be possible to find all your namesakes. Therefore, indicate the time period, as well as the territorial framework, so that the search for relatives will be crowned with success.

Where to go

Many are also interested in which archives with which requests to apply. If your question is related to general civil information (for example, dates of birth or dates of death, dates of marriage), then the regional registry office archive will help you. Just keep in mind that all records are stored in it for 75 years. To search for older documents, you need to contact the state regional archive, where the registry offices transfer all documents after the specified period. To obtain data on a relative's working career, contact the archives of the relevant organizations or the Russian State Military Archive - Russian State Military Archive, if it concerns the military. To search for information about sailors there is TsVMA - Central Naval Archive. It is better if you already have information about the number of the unit where the person served, as well as the approximate years of his service in the corresponding troops.

Documents and services

In addition to family and personal information in the state. archives, you can also receive information about various historical events and even work with many historical documents. In the case when you collect information for the preparation of any scientific work, you need to take in the scientific institution where you work or study, a special document called "Attitude". The relation will indicate which scientific organization sent you and the subject of your request to this archive. If you apply to the archive on a personal matter related to the search for information about relatives, then you will only need a passport and an application, the form of which is usually issued by the archive employees themselves. In addition, when working in the archive, please note that in addition to free services (work in the reading room), there are a number of paid services that are not provided for by the rules for working in the archive. So, a fee may be charged for the preparation of archival references by the employees of the archive or for an accelerated period of preparation of various documents, scanning or photocopying services, etc. And what a sample request to the archive looks like, you can see here in this article: "If you came to the archive ..." - here you will find various requests and you can even see the answers of the archive workers at the requests of citizens and organizations. And one more question that often arises from people who turn to various archives. The question concerns the terms of consideration of requests. Here you can only answer in this way: there are no specific deadlines for a response, unless otherwise provided by the order adopted in a particular archive. But in principle, you may not receive an answer to your request at all, therefore, two or three months after sending the request, it is reasonable to send another one.