A non-living person gives fruit in a dream. Dream interpretation: why is the fruit dreaming? Why do you dream about fruits on trees

Dream interpretation of Medea

Fruit - embody dreams of sexual relations, the joys of love, enjoying nature.

According to Freud, elongated fruits - are phallic symbols.

Tender peaches - a hint of female sexuality.

Beautiful, ripe fruits - fortunately, love affairs and health.

Spoiled or unripe fruit - complication in personal life.

Freud's dream book

Most fruits, with a few exceptions like banana - symbolize the bulges of the female figure, that is, the breasts and buttocks.

Picking or eating fruit - symbolize sexual intercourse.

Large, beautiful and ripe fruits - symbolize a woman with a good (not flat) figure.

Woman who saw fruit in a dream - not satisfied with her figure.

The man who saw fruit in a dream - is attracted to women with pronounced forms.

The girl who saw fruit in a dream - trying to better understand his body and feeling insecure about his attractiveness.

The young man who saw fruit in a dream - seeks to get to know this beautiful, but still distant object faster and closer.

Various exotic fruits - symbolize your craving for women of other races.

Rotten fruit or fruit with a wormhole - symbolize diseases of the genital organs.

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Hope of Winter

Fruits in a dream is a symbolic reflection of your desires, as well as the possibilities to realize them.

Different fruits - have different meanings, which are described in the corresponding articles.

In general, strong, ripe and not too heavy fruits - portend you reliable success.

Fruits with thin skin and loose or too juicy pulp is a sign of temptations and disappointments.

At the same time, juicy fruits with a strong and beautiful skin in a dream - portend you joy.

Unripe fruits - warn you that your haste could damage your plans.

D. Loff's dream book

Fruit is a symbol of femininity, fertility or decline. However, in some cases, this symbol can also be viewed through the prism of the concept of FOOD. Therefore, it is important to determine under what circumstances the fruit was dreamed. Have you offered fruit to anyone, or, conversely, has someone offered fruit to you? Perhaps the appearance of a certain fruit in a dream is related to its recent appearance in your real life?

Dream interpretation for the whole family

If you dreamed of fruit on a tree, among the foliage - it means you have a future ahead of you, which can only be envied. You will be successful, especially in business.

Unripe fruits - a symbol of your frivolity and haste. At the same time, you need to wait a bit for your dreams to begin to come true.

If you eat fruit in a dream - depending on their taste, either pleasant events (sweet fruits) or sorrows and experiences, repentance (sour, bitter fruits) await you.

Buying or selling fruit - symbolizes activity in business, which is not always able to bring the expected profit.

Dream interpretation for bitches

See ripe in a dream - good luck and prosperity.

Eat fruit - short-term pleasures and dubious luck.

Buy fruit - the deal will take place, but will not bring the expected benefit.

New family dream book

Seeing in a dream the fruits ripening among the leaves - you can safely count on prosperity and a secure old age.

Green fruits

If a young woman dreamed that she was eating some kind of fruit - she may lose her inheritance.

The dream in which you bought or sold fruit - means large, but not particularly profitable deals.

I dreamed that they saw or ate a ripe fruit - luck and pleasure received will be unreliable.

In general, there are fruits in a dream - an unfavorable sign.

Modern combined dream book

If you see fruits in a dream ripening among the foliage - such a dream usually predicts a brilliant future for the dreamer.

Unripe fruits - a sign of rash actions and unsuccessful attempts.

If a young woman dreams that she is eating green fruits - in reality, a moral fall and loss of inheritance awaits her.

Eat fruit is usually a bad omen.

Trade Fruit - a sign of a troublesome but unprofitable business.

See or eat ripe fruit - means an uncertain future and unreliable pleasures.

Seeing a fruit dealer in a dream - predicts that in reality, trying to quickly improve your affairs, you will make unprofitable deals.

Eastern female dream book

Ripe fruits - dream of well-being, green, immature - to failure and illness.

The newest dream book by G. Ivanov

There are fruits - to a detailed dialogue with a person with whom you are connected a lot.

Dream interpretation of birthday people in May, June, July, August

Buy rotten fruits at the bazaar - means that you are very gullible, and everyone uses it.

Dream interpretation of Simon Kananit

Fruit - large offspring; orchard - a happy marriage.

Women's dream book

See in a dream the fruits ripening among the leaves - a sign of prosperity and success in the future.

Unripe, green fruits - means vain efforts and rash actions.

There are fruits in a dream - an unfavorable sign. A young woman has such a dream - portends a moral fall or material loss.

Buy or sell fruits - to large, but unprofitable transactions.

General dream book

You dreamed about fruits, but you cannot remember which ones - a great offer awaits you.

Wash fruit - to a profitable offer, but do not ponder it too long, otherwise it may be too late and luck will turn away from you.

Rotten fruit - a sign of disappointed hopes.

If you dreamed that you bought fruit - you will have to pay dearly for your happiness.

In a dream, you were given or treated with fruit - one of your friends or relatives will help you in business.

Sell \u200b\u200bfruit - to luck.

If you dreamed that you gave someone fruit - in the near future you will help one of your close relatives or neighbors.

Eat fruit - to great deals.

In a dream, you threw away the fruit - luck can change you.

If you dreamed that you were picking fruit - know, your luck is in your hands.

Dream interpretation Denise Lynn

Fruit trees is a great sign that you will reap the fruits of your labors and your fertility in life.

Dream interpretation of the White magician

To dream of a laid table on which a wide variety of fruits are in abundance - to the fact that in the near future you will have to plunge into the sea of \u200b\u200bcarnal pleasures. Do not be afraid of your feelings, try to give them the fullest possible outlet. Throw away all doubts and fears - enjoy life. Do not reject the feelings of others so that you do not regret later.

If in a dream you buy fruit - in real life, you crave a love affair. But don't rush. Try to understand your feelings and desires, take a closer look at those around you and, once you are convinced of the seriousness of a person's intentions, you can respond to his feelings.

If in a dream you hold out a fruit to someone - in reality you will take an active part in the fate of this person. If this is a member of the opposite sex, then, most likely, you will start an affair with him, which can lead to marriage. However, in this case, you should take the initiative, if you do not, the romance will end in nothing.

If you give the fruit to your friend - soon you will try to arrange his personal life. Maybe you will contribute to his acquaintance with the subject of passion or find him a worthy match. In any case, your intervention will prove beneficial.

Pluck fruit - a dream suggests that now a bright streak has come for you in life, everything will work out for you without the slightest effort on your part. Even the most fabulous dreams can come true. Do not waste your time and try to take advantage of this favorable moment for you. By the way, this time is the best suited for the arrangement of personal happiness. It is possible that a recent acquaintance will develop into a stronger union and lead to marriage.

English dream book

Fruit dreams - are interpreted depending on what kind of fruit you dreamed about.

But to see in a dream many different fruits, both English and imported - means an unlimited increase in wealth, a pleasant marriage with a wealthy spouse, a large and happy family.

Various fruits - have different interpretations in dreams.

Italian dream book

Fruit - positive symbol. A kind of criterion of truth in relation to our behavior.

The more delicious, beautiful, natural, edible fruit - the more positive is the result of our relations. It is a symbol of the growth of positive human activity.

Dream interpretation of lovers

If you dreamed that you were eating fruit - so you will know the joy and excitement of meeting a pleasant man who will give you love, affection and tenderness.

Chinese dream book

Walking among the fruit trees - there will be material profit.

There are many fruits on the fruit trees - says that children and grandchildren are in good condition.

Psychoanalytic dream book

Fruit growing work - a prolific period of life. The late and most mature phase of an individual's life (the appearance of fruit after flowering trees). Sexuality.

Symbolic dream book

Fruit - are gifts of nature to man as a result of his efforts (or a gift - wild fruits).

Fruit in a dream, as a result of labor - are very symbolic depending on how they look (green, rotten, overripe, artificial ...) the meaning will be appropriate, direct.

Eat the fruits - means to reap success.

Fruit - can symbolize joy, reward, love, knowledge, as well as troubles or failures, quarrels and partings (for example, in the image of an "apple of discord").

Blooming orchard - one of the happiest stories - a symbol of future happiness.

Vegetables - in general, carry more negative connotations of meanings. For example, vegetables growing on the ground and underground convey the corresponding meaning in a dream as well - like hard or useless labor, lack, loss, sorrow (rotten, withered vegetables). In some cases, vegetables are able to symbolically act as pleasure and order.

And such plants as radish, horseradish, onions (onions) - too unambiguously indicate the severity, causticity, grief of the events experienced in the future (or protection from colds).

Culinary dream book

Ripe fruit - to prosperity in the future.

Green fruit - a sign of vain efforts and rash actions.

Modern universal dream book

The dream in which you see fruit - a sign of abundance. We can be fertile in our thoughts, relationships, professional activities. Sleep symbolizes a period of abundance, a time for results. The abundance of what makes you happy in life now? Are you happy to reap the fruits of your labor?

Pay attention to what you do with the fruit in your sleep. If you eat fruit - perhaps this means that your body needs the nutrients it contains.

If a fruit in a dream causes excitement in you - perhaps the dream is a warning about the forbidden fruit.

Pay attention to what kind of fruit you eat - and think: you have a dream just during the ripening period of these fruits or not; this will determine how harmonious you are with nature.

Erotic dream book by Danilova

Fruit presented in all its variety on the dining table in your dream - symbolize the anticipation of something new and very pleasant. You are probably expecting an expensive gift from your partner soon. However, it may be a long-awaited meeting after a long separation, a desire to enjoy all the joys of love and sex.

Eat any fruit in a dream - a sign that your cherished desires will come true.

Esoteric dream book

See fruit, eat - to strengthen the strength of the spirit, optimism, energy, which will bring success in different areas of life.

Dried fruits - you succumb to pessimism, but it is in your power to perk up again and from a failure to turn into a prosperous person.

Ukrainian dream book

When you wake up, look out the window. Say through the open window: “Wherever it is night, there is sleep. All good things stay, all bad things leave ”.

Open the tap and tell the dream to pouring running water.

Wash your face three times with the words "Where the water flows, there the dream goes."

Throw a pinch of salt into a glass of water and say: "As this salt melted, so my dream will go away, it will not bring harm."

Turn the bed linen inside out.

Don't tell anyone your bad dream before dinner.

Write it down on paper and burn this sheet.

Fruit is a symbol of femininity, fertility or decline.

Seeing fruits ripening among the leaves in a dream, you can safely count on prosperity and a secure old age.

Green fruits mean that your labors will be in vain.

If a young woman dreamed that she was eating some kind of fruit, then she could lose her inheritance.

The dream in which you bought or sold fruit means large, but not particularly profitable deals.

If you dreamed that you saw or ate a ripe fruit, luck and the pleasures you receive will be unreliable.

In general, eating fruits in a dream is an unfavorable sign.

Ripe fruits dream of prosperity in the future.

Overripe fruits are a sign of vain efforts and rash actions.

Interpretation of dreams from the Psychological dream book

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Dream interpretation - Fruits

To see a laid table on which a wide variety of fruits are in abundance: to the fact that in the near future you will have to plunge into the sea of \u200b\u200bcarnal pleasures.

Do not be afraid of your feelings, try to give them the fullest possible outlet.

Cast aside all doubts and fears if you are buying fruit: in real life, you crave a love affair.

But don't rush.

Try to understand your feelings and desires, take a closer look at those around you and, once you are convinced of the seriousness of a person's intentions, you can respond to his feelings.

If you hold out a fruit to someone: in reality you will take an active part in the fate of this person.

If this is a member of the opposite sex, then, most likely, you will start an affair with him, which can lead to marriage.

However, in this case, you should take the initiative, if you do not, the romance will end in nothing.

If you give the fruit to your friend: soon you will try to arrange his personal life.

Maybe you will contribute to his acquaintance with the subject of passion or find him a worthy match.

In any case, your intervention will prove beneficial.

Plucking fruits: a dream suggests that now a bright streak has come for you in life, everything will work out for you without the slightest effort on your part.

Even the most fabulous dreams can come true.

Do not waste your time and try to take advantage of this favorable moment for you.

By the way, this time is the best suited for the arrangement of personal happiness.

It is possible that a recent acquaintance will develop into a stronger union and lead to marriage.

Interpretation of dreams from

The dream book has long been helping people decipher the images of dreams, makes it possible to understand themselves and slightly opens the veil of secrecy over the dreamer's future. The interpretation of dreams, images, colors that we observe in a dream is a complex science, but the dream book is designed to find answers. Remember that the meaning of dreams cannot be underestimated, because it is the voice of your subconscious mind. Therefore, in our article we will introduce you to different interpretations about fruits.

Why do you dream of fruits?

Fruit is a delicacy that pleases with a variety of varieties. To find out why this or that plot is dreaming, first you should pay attention to the variety that you often saw in a dream, or the one that you remember best. A large number of dream books provide a personal interpretation for each of them. And also great importance is given to other properties, this is an attractive appearance, ripeness, juiciness and the place where it is located.

As a rule, fruits are interpreted as an auspicious symbol, a messenger of prosperity, good luck, devoted love and great happiness. Very often, dreams and their interpretations help the sleeper to better understand himself, his feelings and emotional state. Also, the interpretation of dreams can serve as a clue in accepting and setting life priorities, so we need to find out what fruits are dreaming of and what sign they symbolize.

Did you dream about a fruit?

  • Surely the most common dream about fruits is the one in which you eat them. And as a rule, this dream is very good and means that well-being and health will soon come in your life. If a sick person dreamed of fruit, it means that he will soon recover and be cured of his illness. If you see them hanging on a tree and you want to pick them off, expect your income to increase.
  • For girls who dream of a prince, such a dream promises an unexpected meeting with the future groom.
  • If you saw wormy or spoiled fruits in a dream, this means someone else's anger at you. Remember who in your environment is least trustworthy, and it is better to stay away from such a person, otherwise expect trouble.

What do such dreams portend?

  • If you dreamed about dried fruits, then you are subconsciously unhappy with your husband or wife. Probably, there is still a wedding ahead of you, which will not bring the long-awaited happiness and pleasure. If you dreamed about dried fruits - troubles and problems, so it is better to prepare for them in advance.

  • Peeled fruit in a dream is a bad sign, meaning a quick loss. You need to do everything necessary to protect your business from losses, and your loved ones from problems.
  • If in a dream you are presented with a fruit basket, a quarrel with someone is possible. Moreover, if you received a pear as a gift, then this is a deception, if oranges are a conflict. If apples are accepted as a present, this is a sign of seduction, it is possible that someone secretly wants you.

Interpretation of dreams: fruits

  • Fruits are the personification of dreams of sexual intercourse, the joys of love and enjoyment of nature.
  • Delicate peaches indicate female sexuality.
  • Ripe fruits mean happiness, love and health.
  • Spoiled or immature - difficulties in personal life.
  • Wormy ones are meanness, betrayal, an unexpected catch.
  • Large fruits mean good luck and success, small ones mean unjustified hopes.
  • Buying ripe fruits in a dream is profitable acquisitions, successful deals that promise good rewards.
  • To treat someone is a temptation or flirting in reality. If you were treated to, then succumb to someone's charm.
  • Collecting fruits from a tree (plucking, shooting) is a success and a reward in the near future, picking from the ground is troubles and small difficulties, but everything will end well.
  • Washing the fruits is love games and pleasure.
  • To eat (eat) - succumb to temptation.
  • Seeing a dream where the fruit is on the table is a successful completion of a deal or agreement.
  • If you dreamed of a fruit salad, it means that they will try to seduce you with a profitable offer, it can be beautiful words and romantic actions.

Freud's dream book

Next, we will find out why fruits are dreamed of according to Freud's dream book. A phallic symbol is seen in oblong-shaped plants such as a banana, and since ancient times it is considered a sign of fertility, wealth and courage. Therefore, to see him in a dream is good luck.


If you see in a dream a lot of fruits, both English and imported, it means that your condition will increase. Also, you will enter into a successful marriage and start a happy family.


I had a dream about apples - well-being. Green and immature - failure, disease.


As the Islamic dream book says, fruit in a dream portends a person receiving what he needs so much. Both the poor and the rich, if they see this symbol, will improve their financial situation in the near future. Fruits of yellow color mean a quick cure for the patient. If a lonely person dreamed of fruits, this means that soon he will have a family, and children without children will be born.

Overseas fruits

  • Why do you dream of fruits according to N. Grishina's Noble Dream Book? Exotic fruits are seen as a symbol of positive change in the near future. Very soon, an object will appear in the dreamer's destiny that will inspire and give strength for further achievements.
  • If a pomegranate is dreamed of - sex appeal, and soon victories on the love front will be observed. Moreover, you will keep your reputation unblemished and avoid financial costs.
  • If you had a dream with plenty of fruit on the table, you will soon plunge into the sea of \u200b\u200bcarnal pleasures. If you want a love relationship in real life, then drop all doubts and enjoy the moment.
  • The Chinese dream book of Zhou-gun interestingly explains what persimmons dream about. This fruit has a tart taste and combines sweetness and bitterness. Likewise, in real life, the sleeper will have to experience both: illness, and after recovery; parting and then reuniting again.

Miller's interpretation

If you see fruits growing on trees in the garden, shining through the leaves, - to well-being and prosperity for many years. In addition, this symbol portends personal happiness. If you are single, then you will soon meet your soul mate. And those who have already met fate will have a romantic period in their relationship, in other words, a second honeymoon.

According to Miller's dream book, tangerines mean the following. If you have eaten fruits, then you should analyze your relationships with other people. Better not to trust them so openly, otherwise you may run into problems. If a woman had such a dream, this is a betrayal of her spouse.

See fruit in a dream

  • To contemplate the fruits that ripen among the leaves means that you are provided with prosperity and a prosperous old age.
  • If you have dreamed of green fruits, then you are waiting for vain efforts and meaningless actions.
  • If a girl dreamed that she was trying some kind of fruit, then she is on the verge of losing her inheritance.
  • A dream where you bought or sold fruits means that large, but not particularly significant transactions are coming. If you dreamed that you were eating a ripe fruit, your luck and joys in life will be unreliable. In general, eating fruits in a dream is an unfavorable sign.

Dream interpretation: fruits

  • Apricots - strong health and wealth.
  • Oranges are the upcoming entertainment. Eat - you will have a good time.
  • Grapes are a holiday, fun, celebration. Use - you are satisfied with your work and in general with yourself.
  • Cherry: black - a loved one will deceive you, red - you can trust your beloved (beloved).
  • Pomegranates mean that there is sexual power in you. There is a pomegranate - a quick sexual victory.
  • Pears are an unexpected invitation to a party. Melons of any kind represent water travel.
  • Figs are on a tree, an unexpected meeting with a foreigner who will bring you a lot of good things, including in business. If you eat figs, you will gain new knowledge.
  • Strawberries are sudden wealth, both at home and in business.
  • Lemon symbolizes struggle. It also means that you will connect your life with a person who has a complex character. If you are squeezing lemon juice, you will have financial difficulties in the near future. Sucking on a lemon is a lawsuit against you. Drinking lemon juice is not a trial by your will.

  • Olives are a symbol of sexuality. Black fruits - it means that you have an intimate relationship with a familiar person ahead of you. Green is a close relationship with a person you don't know, but will soon make friends with him.
  • Nuts represent a conjugal idyll. There are nuts of all kinds - to indulge your sex cravings. Peeling - a highly paid job awaits you, which can provide all your desires and needs.
  • To see peaches in a dream - travel by plane.
  • Plums are an eternal friendship. Someone whose loyalty and loyalty you have doubted will demonstrate loyalty to close friends.
  • Green apples - changeability in friendship. Ripe red fruit denotes a camaraderie you can count on and count on. Baked apples or in a pie - high hopes will be followed by bitter disappointments.
  • Had a dream about apples - this is a good sign that symbolizes friendship, sincerity and good health.

If you dreamed of tangerines

  • According to the modern dream book, there is a tangerine, which means that you are disappointed in the people around you.
  • If you treat small children in a dream, this is a good attitude towards your person.
  • To douse yourself with juice is a nuisance.
  • A pregnant woman sees in a dream a blossoming tangerine tree - the birth of a healthy baby; if a girl - then the marriage will be successful.
  • If you follow the culinary dream book, a large number of tangerines means a guest's visit. Most likely, they will be a distant relative who will bring valuable gifts with them.
  • Seeing ripe tangerines hanging on a tree is a success and a successful solution to your plans.

Why do you dream of red fruits?

Any dream book interprets red as an auspicious sign, meaning a love adventure and productive cooperation:

  • For a woman, a dream about scarlet fruits promises a quick pregnancy.
  • For a man - acquaintance with a beautiful woman in the near future.
  • According to Miller's dream book, red fruits in a dream and green foliage are an auspicious sign.


We found out what fruits are for. And in the end, I want to say, no matter how accurate the interpretation of sleep is, the dream book cannot predict your future one hundred percent. It is worth remembering that the last choice is always yours, behind your actions, thoughts and heart. And the interpretation of dreams only suggests the right direction.

Collection of dream books

Why do Fruits dream in a dream based on 32 dream books?

Below you can find out the interpretation of the "Fruit" symbol for free from 32 online dream books. If you did not find the desired interpretation on this page, use the search form for all the dream books of our site. You can also order a personal interpretation of sleep by an expert.

If in a dream you buy fruit - in real life, you crave a love affair. But don't rush. Try to understand your feelings and desires, take a closer look at those around you and, once you are convinced of the seriousness of a person's intentions, you can respond to his feelings.

If in a dream you hold out a fruit to someone - in reality you will take an active part in the fate of this person. If this is a member of the opposite sex, then, most likely, you will start an affair with him, which can lead to marriage. However, in this case, you should take the initiative, if you do not, the romance will end in nothing.

If you give the fruit to your friend - soon you will try to arrange his personal life. Maybe you will contribute to his acquaintance with the subject of passion or find him a worthy match. In any case, your intervention will prove beneficial.

Plucking fruits - a dream suggests that now a bright streak has come for you in life, everything will work out for you without the slightest effort on your part. Even the most fabulous dreams can come true. Do not waste your time and try to take advantage of this favorable moment for you. By the way, this time is the best suited for the arrangement of personal happiness. It is possible that a recent acquaintance will develop into a stronger union and lead to marriage.

Dream interpretation horoscope

Fruit is a passionate date.

Dream interpretation Denise Lynn

Fruit trees is a great sign that you will reap the fruits of your labors and your fertility in life.

Dream interpretation for the whole family

If you dreamed of fruit on a tree, among the foliage - it means you have a future ahead of you, which can only be envied. You will be successful, especially in business.

Unripe fruits - a symbol of your frivolity and haste. At the same time, you need to wait a bit for your dreams to begin to come true.

If you eat fruit in a dream - depending on their taste, either pleasant events (sweet fruits) or sorrows and experiences, repentance (sour, bitter fruits) await you.

Buying or selling fruit - symbolizes activity in business, which is not always able to bring the expected profit.

Dream interpretation for bitches

See ripe in a dream - good luck and prosperity.

There are fruits - short-term pleasures and dubious luck.

Buying fruit - the deal will take place, but will not bring the expected benefit.

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Hope of Winter

Fruits in a dream are a symbolic reflection of your desires, as well as the possibilities to realize them.

Different fruits have different meanings, which are described in the respective articles.

In general, strong, ripe and not too heavy fruits - portend you reliable success.

Fruits with thin skin and loose or too juicy pulp is a sign of temptations and disappointments.

At the same time, juicy fruits with a strong and beautiful skin in a dream - portend you joy.

Unripe fruits - warn you that your haste could damage your plans.

Dream book by David Loff

Fruit is a symbol of femininity, fertility or decline. However, in some cases, this symbol can also be viewed through the prism of the concept of FOOD. Therefore, it is important to determine under what circumstances the fruit was dreamed. Have you offered fruit to anyone, or, conversely, has someone offered fruit to you? Perhaps the appearance of a certain fruit in a dream is related to its recent appearance in your real life?

Dream interpretation of birthday people in May, June, July, August

Buy rotten fruits at the bazaar - means that you are very gullible, and everyone uses it.

Chinese dream book

Walking among the fruit trees - there will be material profit.

There are many fruits on the fruit trees - says that children and grandchildren are in good condition.

Dream interpretation of Simon Kananit

Fruit is a great offspring; an orchard - a happy marriage.

Dream interpretation of a modern woman

See in a dream the fruits ripening among the leaves - a sign of prosperity and success in the future.

Unripe, green fruits - means vain efforts and rash actions.

There are fruits in a dream - an unfavorable sign. A young woman has such a dream - portends a moral fall or material loss.

Buy or sell fruits - to large, but unprofitable transactions.

Dream interpretation of Fedorovskaya

You dreamed about fruits, but you cannot remember which ones - a great offer awaits you.

Picking or eating fruit - symbolize sexual intercourse.

Large, beautiful and ripe fruits - symbolize a woman with a good (not flat) figure.

Woman who saw fruit in a dream - not satisfied with her figure.

The man who saw fruit in a dream - is attracted to women with pronounced forms.

The girl who saw fruit in a dream - trying to better understand his body and feeling insecure about his attractiveness.

The young man who saw fruit in a dream - seeks to get to know this beautiful, but still distant object faster and closer.

Various exotic fruits - symbolize your craving for women of other races.

Rotten fruit or fruit with a wormhole - symbolize diseases of the genital organs.

French dream book

Fruits in a dream - promise short-lived grief, which will be replaced by joy and self-confidence.

Ukrainian dream book

See fruits or vegetables - failure.

Universal dream book

The dream in which you see fruit - a sign of abundance. We can be fertile in our thoughts, relationships, professional activities. Sleep symbolizes a period of abundance, a time for results. The abundance of what makes you happy in life now? Are you happy to reap the fruits of your labor?

Pay attention to what you do with the fruit in your sleep. If you eat fruit - perhaps this means that your body needs the nutrients it contains.

If a fruit in a dream causes excitement in you - perhaps the dream is a warning about the forbidden fruit.

Pay attention to what kind of fruit you eat - and think: you have a dream just during the ripening period of these fruits or not; this will determine how harmonious you are with nature.

Esoteric dream book

See fruit, eat - to strengthen the strength of the spirit, optimism, energy, which will bring success in different areas of life.

Dried fruit - you succumb to pessimism, but it is in your power to perk up again and from a failure to turn into a prosperous person.

Erotic dream book

Fruit presented in all its variety on the dining table in your dream - symbolize the anticipation of something new and very pleasant. You are probably expecting an expensive gift from your partner soon. However, it may be a long-awaited meeting after a long separation, a desire to enjoy all the joys of love and sex.

Eat any fruit in a dream - a sign that your cherished desires will come true.

Online dream book

The meaning of sleep: Fruit according to the dream book?

Fruit, as the dream book says - are a sign that your future will be very successful.

More interpretations

If they are not ripe - this suggests that your actions will not lead to the desired result.

Ate them - you should not be in vain to reassure yourself.

I dreamed that they were selling fruits - you will work hard, but the result will not be very pleasant.

You got rid of them - this suggests that success may leave you.

Collected them in a dream - you are still on horseback, so do not hesitate.

Video: Why Fruits Dream

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Dreamed of Fruits, but the necessary interpretation of sleep is not in the dream book?

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    Hello, I had such a dream: at first I packed my things in a bag, arranged everything neatly, there were a lot of things, there was also an elevator, I went back and forth and also collected some things in one pile. And then I found myself among some courtyards, saw a lot of fruits, I was even treated to one, it was very tasty, but there was no time and money to eat more, I was in a great hurry, everything ran. and then I cried from longing and sadness in my soul and ran on. I looked at my tickets, I had to get to some city, and I was very afraid of being late.

    I was on the sports ground, there was a volleyball net and everything was in green, yellow and orange colors. I saw my friend. When he approached, a little girl ran up to us and handed me a sweet-smelling fruit) It was green and looked like a mango on the outside and an avocado pulp, but it tasted like a papaya with melon. The fruit was broken and I gave one of the pieces to my friend. It was so delicious ... Then I moved to an acting studio (my life has absolutely nothing to do with theater or films), but my friend, mentioned earlier, graduated from art school with acting skills. The auditorium was quite spacious, but few people sat at the lecture. The teacher was a woman of 50-55 years old with an exquisite taste in clothes, she was an example of imitation of Coco Chanel.
    After that, I moved to the audience for baking a variety of cakes. I decided to make a strawberry sponge cake and cream from walnuts, prunes and dried apricots, I used condensed milk and something from walnuts. The jury rated it 8 out of 10.
    Then I went to the sea, it was terribly hot, there was my biology teacher from high school. She felled the beds. And that's all. Thanks. I hope for the interpretation of sleep)

    I dreamed that they picked up a lot of apples, fruits, vegetables for me, a middle-aged man carried them, and I followed him. There was something personal in this dream ... in terms of personal life., Relationships. Dreamed of poop)))))))) Then apple stubs, village, straw. ….

    Guests must come, for what reason I cannot say. I'm in a hurry, getting ready, but when the guests come and there are many, it turned out that the tables were not set. I start cutting bread, arranging tarlkas and then suddenly I remember that there are fruits in the refrigerator and I cut them - apples, oranges, pears, a lot. I'm in a hurry to set the table. I remember the smell of coffee

    My boyfriend, with whom we parted, unexpectedly found himself in my house and brought a big new bicycle and fruit as a gift. At the same time, he said that all the grievances were gone and we are together again.

    Hello Tatiana! I dreamed of a large exotic fruit with needles brought by my friend. It had to be cooked and cut, as a result, only a small part was edible ((And then I found out that with him a friend brought in a lot of insects that wanted to bite me and I crushed them, crushed them and seemed to crush everyone))

    Hello!!! My name is Inna, I had a dream. As if there was a glade, there was not a large tree growing on it, under this tree lay cherry plum, approximately like a walnut, it was yellow and looked very juicy ... I did not eat it ....

    i’m in my old house, in the kitchen, eating half a banana, and I feel that a cockroach has jumped on my leg, I shake it, I go into the pantry, open the sink and see the fruits (ripe apples and a semi-rotten banana) left over from the funeral of my dead mother. Then I go back (it was the kitchen) and I see small holes in the floor, there are a lot of different cockroaches coming out from there, and it seems to me like an underground flood so they come out from there. I'm trying to kill them with a firecracker, one tarantula (at least I thought so ) jumped in my direction, but I did not pay attention to him and then dodged those cockroaches, with the fear that that cockroach would attack me. Please, interpret my dream.

    I saw that I was in my kitchen, it was with peeled wallpaper and it was terribly dirty around. I saw a bag of oranges, and thrusting my hand into it, pulled out one of them. It was terribly rotten, green and gray. I instantly let go of him and looked at him for a long time.

    fruits lay on our staircase in front of the door, neighbors bought them for themselves, I opened the box, showed it to my ..., with the words: see what people eat? the owner of the fruits explained where they can be found and we went there ...

    In a dream, my dead mother took me into a currant bush. And plums grew there. I ate them. They were delicious. Then she took me into the thick of it. Where there were fruits and sweets. And she put me in a big bag that suddenly turned out to be suitcases

    I opened the refrigerator and took out fruit and sorted it out. The fruits were different. I got a lot. When I was sorting through the bananas, I found that they were rotten and put them in place ... I don't remember any further ... time passed and someone gave me 3 packs of money (five-thousandth bills) because I was very happy with them ...

    Good afternoon! I dreamed about the late father, but he said that it was not him, but that he was from a parallel world and had come to give me things, from the late father, they say he wants to give them to me, there were fruits in the package, I took a huge bunch of bananas in my hands, divided there were two of them and began to think that a lot of time had passed since death and the fruit would not have survived so well and then the bananas began to darken, spoiled a little, but on the whole they were good, help me figure out what it is ...

    Food means on the bus with a friend. We get off at the bus stop, something falls over me. Trying to lift it, I step into a knee-deep puddle with one foot and fall into the mud. All clothes are dirty. The weather is slush and sun. I get up, after a while I understand that above me is a plum, from which the fruits are falling, and next to me is a tree with multi-colored fruits, large and ripe, but on each fruit there is one small bug. I reach up to the second tree and pick one fruit. I ate, did not eat - I don't remember. Then the wasp flew under the sleeve of his jacket and sat on his arm. He crushed it (did not have time to bite) and threw it away. Then woke up

    i was in the market for yellow juicy fruits, pineapples or mangoes, something like that, and I took them everywhere and ate them, they were very juicy and sweet, the fruits were different, but mostly large and already prepared for food.

    I carried, rather dragged, a plastic bag with sugar, 15-20 colograms. Sugar began to break in some places, sugar began to spill out in heaps. In Nutri sack, sugar contained very ripe and beautiful fruits, incl. Mango, pears. I could not resist and, as if stealthily, ate a piece of a very tasty and sweet pear. Woke up the call, the sleep was interrupted

    i dreamed of a lot of people, water, everyone noted something, I ate fruit, then two men came for me, I was happy, the conga were leaving with us, the children, and then everything changed dramatically in my dream I ran away from the guy, cried, hid, many doors and locks, but I could not close them, some giants were dreaming

    Hello! I had a dream, I seem to be in a store, I walk past some department and see a full bowl with very large, ripe raspberries, mentally I think what kind of large raspberries foreigners have, I really want to try, but I hesitate, because of the feeling that to do this it is impossible. Behind the counter I see a man who was going to do something with raspberries (I don’t remember), and as I understood that he would need to buy raspberries. Then I move my gaze further, I see cut pineapples, I walk on and see already large rows with many different products, and as if I need to buy something, but money, either little or no, and then I don’t remember.

    I was in a semi-dark room, it looks like in some kind of karaoke bar, small multicolored beams of light and music circled around the hall, I was there from my friends from the university, they took turns on stage and sang songs. From these songs I felt a sad, sincere mood, when it was my turn to sing, I went to the bar and asked the bartender to include for me a minus one touching love song of the group dispatch of mods, he refused, I asked why, and he just threw up his hands answered that does not want to. After that I heard screams, I turned around and saw that the people in the hall were running around the room in panic and hysterics, my frightened friends ran up to me and one of them told me that something terrible was trying to break into the building, some unknown darkness or monsters and we must run, unlike them, I was calm and only because of a sense of solidarity ran with them. I think we were on the first floor then. We opened a door, saw a staircase behind it and ran up it, passing through many floors. Out of the corner of my eye I saw some kind of approaching shadows, some kind of darkness. When we got to the top floor, we saw the door and entered it. That room turned out to be a kind of meditation room, the floor, walls and ceiling were made of wood, it looks like there were some kind of Japanese decor. In several rows, people in beautiful robes of warm colors of different colors were sitting with their backs to me, they sat motionless in the lotus position and meditated, a man walked between them who watched them, it looks like he was some kind of spiritual teacher for these people. He didn't notice me right away. But at one point he turned back and saw me, at that moment he turned into some kind of large creature that looked like a bear (if a bear, then rather a panda breed), he stood on his hind legs and shouted to the sitting people to get out, and they immediately got up and ran away. From that moment on I felt that I was not a welcome guest, he said something in a menacing voice to me in raised tones, at the end he said something like, since you are here then give me what I need, only I did not understand what exactly, he just stood there and calmly, silently looked at him. After that, a small creature shining like a light bulb ran out from behind my back, at which point it seemed to me a little dog, which, on my behalf, would have given him some kind of wooden instruments that looked like spoons, after that the bear calmed down and looked at me with a penetrating, thoughtful look, then he smiled, called me to him in a friendly way, and I saw that on the floor where those people had been meditating before, there appeared a pool covered with a thin, patterned multi-colored glass-mosaic, he lowered his hands-paws down and broke the glass with them, under which it was filled to the brim with all sorts of ripe round fruits, they emanated a barely outgoing white vapor and a pleasant aroma, then somehow a basket appeared in my hands, and he began to put half of the tank into it the best fruits in my opinion, leaving only green apples. This is where the dream ends.

    They were picking fruits in the garden, a friend helped me or, say, gave me a treat, full of hands, they fall, raise, fruits, apples and peaches, ripe beautiful. I'll make a reservation right away, an acquaintance of a friend's husband, I do not like him.

    i was laying the table at which I was sitting, half sitting, imposingly, the table was laid richly ... they acquired bright colors and a full fruit bowl was offered to me with fruits and grapes ripened with them, poured by the sun ... I tasted the grapes

Fruit has always been considered a symbol of wealth, abundance, fertility. And in our dreams, the image of certain fruits is very favorable. But in order to understand why you dream of looking at fruit or eating, you need to recall all the attendant circumstances of your vision, as well as the feelings that you experienced in your dreams.

Despite the fact that the fruit in a dream is generally a very auspicious symbol, there are some stories that should be regarded as a warning or advice. To understand whether the fruits in your dream promise a comfortable life or warn about something, you need to evaluate not only the appearance of the fruits themselves, but also what actions you yourself performed with them.

Seeing an orchard in bloom in a dream, says the Symbolic Dream Book, is one of the most auspicious signs that promise joy and prosperity in the future.... If the fruits have not yet ripened, then sleeping with them is a warning: you should not rush, it is better to do it slowly but well.

In a dream, the most auspicious symbol is fruits growing on trees among lush greenery, provided that the fruits are already ripe or are about to ripen. Ripe fruits on the branches mean that the dreamer will increase his fortune. The Islamic dream book says that to see ripe fruit or ripening fruit in the garden in a dream is a sign of an early marriage or marriage.

According to the Symbolic Dream Book, fruits in their night dreams must be explained first of all, based on their appearance: ripe and juicy - a good sign, rotten or spoiled by pests - this is a warning that business may be a failure. Green fruits or - a signal that you should not rush to implement your plans, artificial fruits - advice that you should not replace your true feelings and desires with attitudes dictated from outside.

fruit plate

A modern man is used to seeing fruits not so much in the garden as on counters and markets, but also on the table at home. Therefore, in a dream, fruits are often not growing on trees, but in situations related to eating or buying them. But in our dreams we can also dream of unexpected plots that in reality we ourselves could not even imagine.

  • For example, in a dream, you can see fruits on the table, prepared for eating.
  • You can buy fruit from a store or market.
  • Suddenly, in your dreams, you can find yourself in the role of a fruit dealer.
  • Together with fruits, vegetables can be seen in dreams.
  • You can pick fruits in the garden.
  • Or, along with the fruits usual for our latitudes, see exotic fruits.
  • A fairly frequent plot is the one in which the dreamer had a chance to eat fruits.

Let's look at what all these plots are conceived, and why fruit is dreaming in a given situation. To dream of fruits washed and laid on in different dishes, according to the interpretation of the Magic Dream Book, means that soon you will have the opportunity to enjoy carnal pleasures. The interpreter believes that you should not restrain yourself with ridiculous prohibitions, but, on the contrary, you need to get maximum pleasure from the current situation.

If in a dream the fruits were beautifully laid in a fruit vase, the Psychological dream book believes that the dreamer will be awaited in reality by encouragement for the good deeds he has previously done. It can be a reward for a job well done, and a sign of attention from a person you once helped, or meeting friends with whom you have not seen for a long time.

According to the Erotic Dream Book, a dream with fruits prepared for a meal means that the sleeper is waiting for some pleasant surprise from his partner - for example, a valuable gift. Also, this vision for lovers or loving spouses can mean an ardent and passionate meeting after a long separation.

If, among the ripe and high-quality fruits, there are rotten ones on the table, such a dream warns: it may seem to you that everything is fine between you and your partner, but in fact a wormhole has crept into them somewhere. It is better to see the “foulbrood” in a relationship in time than to regret bitterly that they did not do it on time. To see unripe fruits on the table - a dream suggests that you are probably rushing the situation too much, and your partner is not yet ripe for the rapid development of your romance.


Why dream of the fruits you buy? Most interpreters believe that buying as well as selling fruits - such a dream portends business activity. However, you should be very careful when concluding deals - at first they may seem extremely attractive, but in fact they will not bring any benefit to the dreamer.

The magic dream book has its own opinion on this matter: if you dreamed of buying fruits, it means that in reality you yearn for a new romantic relationship. The interpreter advises not to rush things, but to assess the seriousness of the intentions of the one to whom you have sympathy. The dream book advises to rush into a love affair only when you are convinced that your feelings are mutual.

Seeing that you are treating someone with fruit means that you want to somehow influence the life of that person. If a woman dreamed of fruits with which she treats, it is likely that in reality she will have a love relationship with this person. However, if you want a romantic story to grow into something more, you have to take the initiative.

For a man to see that he is treating with fruits, sleep has a similar meaning. Giving fruits or treating them to your friend or girlfriend means that you want to help this person in arranging his personal life. Perhaps thanks to you, his acquaintance with the "second half" will happen.

However, if among the fruits that you treated someone to, suddenly there were rotten or insect-tainted fruits, do not rush, think again. Otherwise, you can make a mistake, and your actions will not lead to the planned result.

If, along with the fruits on the trays of the merchant, in a dream you saw vegetables, then the vision takes on a slightly different shade. As the Symbolic Dream Book writes, vegetables in night dreams to a greater extent mean rather hard work for a modest remuneration. If the vegetables were not the first freshness - withered or with foulbrood - such a vision warns against vain troubles, the visible result from which you are unlikely to wait.

Juicy vegetables in your dreams - or - can symbolize the orderliness of your life in reality or portend some kind of pleasure. If you had to see bitter vegetables - such as onions or black radish - this image calls for caution in your actions, so that later you will not bitterly repent of them.


Why dream of fruits that you pluck from trees in your dreams? Seeing yourself in a dream, busy collecting a rich harvest, means that fortune has turned to face you. Collecting fruits means that you can make even your wildest dreams come true.

The magic dream book says that if you dreamed of harvesting fruits, then in reality the near future is the most favorable in order to start arranging your personal life. However, if among the fruits there are rotten ones, be careful, for not all that glitters is gold. If, along with ripe fruit, you picked unripe fruits, the interpreter advises you to postpone the implementation of your plans for a while.

If you saw berries along with fruits, dream books advise you to consider the meaning of each of them separately. However, a rich berry harvest, according to Miller's dream book, promises an improvement in business.

Picking ripe berries - a dream means that soon you will have an interesting acquaintance. Sweet berries in night dreams portend a "white streak" in life, but sour or bitter ones mean that not the best times are ahead.

Why do you dream of exotic fruits brought to us from afar? Exotic fruits are an image of positive changes in the dreamer's life. most often in night dreams they mean fertility, lemon symbolizes money, and pomegranates are attractiveness for the opposite sex. Pineapple in a dream means that soon a love adventure awaits you, and if you ate pineapple in your dreams, in reality you will have a happy chance.

You cannot remember what kind of fruits you dreamed of eating, but did you like their taste in a dream? This means that you will spend time in pleasant company. I dreamed that you ate dried fruits - you need to take care of your health and mood. And there are sweet fruits - for fun.