How to properly fire up the oven. How to kindle a stove with raw wood - without special tools

Since ancient times, a wood-burning stove has been, perhaps, and remains the main source of heat in some corners of our vast country deprived of civilization. With the transition to coal heating, natural gas and electricity, new types of modern heating appliances. But furnaces are in demand, their active operation continues.

Conditions for keeping warm when using stoves

Modern man meets a wood-burning stove in his country house, personal plot and in the bath. How to properly fire up the oven? What do you need to know about fuel? How to keep warm? By answering these questions, it will become clear that using the oven is not so difficult.

You just need to adhere to certain rules of use and operation, observing them, the oven will last a long time:

  • constantly maintain the furnace in working order;
  • raw materials for kindling must be dry;
  • to exclude the appearance of condensate during the heating of the furnace.

To keep in working order several conditions must be met: every year an inspection and Maintenance most convenient in summer. Pay close attention to the appearance of new cracks inside the chimneys and take measures to eliminate them. Two to three times per heating season purify chimney and a soot chimney. Avoid gaps in brickwork walls. When burning fuel, smoke is formed, which settles on the walls and chimneys in the form of soot. A large layer of soot reduces the heat transfer of the stove, and requires an unreasonably large consumption of firewood. Heat is lost - when the furnace is opened with the door open, when cracks appear in the walls of the furnace around valves and other furnace appliances, when the integrity of the internal furnace partitions is violated, when a large amount of air enters through the blower.

The best fuel is dry fuel. It is advisable to start harvesting firewood in spring-summer period when there is a large supply of time to dry the wood. The harvested wood should be sawn into small blocks so that they enter the furnace furnace. Then split the logs into logs (approximately up to 8-10 cm across). It is better to store them in a "woodshed" (barn) or under a canopy. Firewood is placed in a neat woodpile. This method of storing fuel will ensure complete drying of the wood, saving space and the ability to easily take firewood to kindle the stove. It is irrational to heat the stove with wet wood. Firstly, it is impossible to heat the stove to the required temperature, secondly, damp firewood does not burn well, and thirdly, when wet firewood is burned, steam is formed, settling on the walls of the stove in the form of condensate. An "explosive" mixture of soot and condensate leads to damage to the brickwork of chimneys. When harvesting firewood, it is necessary to pay attention to the types of wood, because. different types When burning, wood emits an unequal amount of heat. The most common types in middle lane are: birch, spruce, pine, aspen. Preference should be given to harvesting birch, since the heat transfer coefficient is much higher than that of spruce species.

Algorithm of actions when kindling the furnace

- Before each kindling with a poker, clean the lower grate from accumulated ash. Clogged with ash grates impede the access of oxygen, which affects the combustion process.

- Open the shutters, valve, view and the door of the furnace furnace.

- Sometimes when kindling the stove starts to smoke. So, the cooled chimney must be warmed up warm air. To do this, kindle a torch, shavings or paper.

- When kindling, do not use flammable combustible materials in order to avoid a fire.

- Before you start laying dry firewood in the firebox, for kindling, you should cut a thin torch (from spruce wood) with a knife, you can use paper, thin cardboard (cardboard cells from under egg packaging burn very well), chips or birch bark. Lay this material in the form of a slide, and start laying thin logs on top.

- Firewood is stacked in the form of a cage or in rows. Logs must be placed next to the furnace door on the grate. The firebox should not be hammered to the top so that the particles
the fuel was burned before entering the chimney. This will ensure uniform ignition from all sides and quickly warm up the stove.

- When the logs flare up, close the firebox of the furnace with a door, and open the blower. With a tightly closed firebox, the stove warms up faster, the heat lasts longer.

- With such stove appliances as a view, latches, a blower door, the flame of burning firewood is regulated, covering or, if necessary, slightly opening. It is necessary to monitor their serviceability and timely repair or replace them completely.

Definition of thrust. The draft in the furnace is determined by the color of the flame. The white color of the flame, accompanied by a hum, shows that the draft is very strong. Covering the blower door and dampers reduces air infiltration into the oven. A golden yellow color indicates that the traction is normal. A red flame with dark streaks indicates poor draft. Due to weak draft, smoke can go inside the building and cause smoke. Open the dampers and the blower door, thereby increasing the flow of air into the furnace.

- In case of severe burnout, periodically move the logs with a poker to remove voids through which cold air can enter.

- While stirring the coals and firebrands with a poker, move them to the center of the furnace. This will reduce the draft and help keep you warm.

- The appearance of flames on the coals of blue color is a sure sign of carbon monoxide emission. Coals should be raked closer to the door. Close the firebox tightly, and do not close the pipe valve for about ten more minutes to ensure the full release of carbon monoxide.

- As soon as the blue light disappears on the embers, you should close all the valves, close the pipe view. This will keep you warm for a long time.

Carbon monoxide dangerous, poisoning them can lead to death. Therefore, the furnace should be heated during the daytime.

It takes about an hour to two hours for the oven to heat up properly. Compliance with these simple rules when firing wood stove will help to keep warm for a long time and heat the room well.

Video of the correct firing of the stove with wood

When deciding how to kindle a stove with dry or damp wood, coal, it is important to take into account the features of the heating unit. A few simple tricks will help you quickly achieve a steady flame and heat the room.

Kindling the stove with wood provides for the following sequence of work:

  • open the chimney valves, check the draft by bringing a lit match or paper to the firebox. The flame should be drawn towards the chimney;
  • prepare the furnace, clean the grate, remove the accumulated ash from the ash pan;
  • two dry logs are laid, leaving a gap between them for a seed of dry wood chips and a splinter, which also includes crumpled paper or a little birch bark. Another 2-3 logs are laid obliquely on top;
  • the blower is left open and the seed is ignited with a match or lighter, the door of the combustion chamber is closed. When the flame flares up, a characteristic buzz will appear, then you can cover the blower;
  • 10-20 minutes after ignition, loading of fuel in the form of an additional portion of logs will be required. The remains of the seed are leveled with a poker and firewood is laid on the burning coals in an amount not exceeding 2/3 of the volume of the combustion chamber.

When laying logs in the furnace, you need to leave a gap between them for air to enter. Depending on the required intensity of burning, a new portion of firewood is added at intervals of 40-60 minutes or a little more. The total time of kindling takes no more than 3 hours.

What wood is better to use

It is recommended to use dry hardwood as fuel for the stove. Non-coniferous wood does not contain resins, does not emit a lot of smoke and soot when burned, unlike pine and spruce species, it allows you to maintain the required combustion temperature.

When deciding how to properly heat the stove with wood, take into account the calorific value and combustion features different breeds wood:

  • Pine firewood is distinguished by a high combustion temperature, which is caused by a high content of resinous deposits in the hollow structure of the wood. The calorific value of pine fuel is 4.3 kW/h. One firewood storage meter is capable of generating 1.6 MW of thermal energy;
  • spruce smokes and smolders when burned, contains less resin than pine. One spruce firewood stacker emits 1.4 MW of heat when burned;
  • maple, poplar and linden quickly burn through, they are not able to provide a sufficient level of heat. These types of wood are not the best fuel option if you have to decide how to quickly fire up the stove in winter;
  • oak is characterized by a high density of structure, which determines its excellent calorific value. The warehouse meter of oak logs, when burned, emits thermal energy equal to 2 mW. Ash and beech have similar characteristics;
  • birch firewood is distinguished by a high combustion temperature; as a fuel for a stove, it is valued more than previous types of wood resources. For good heat, ensure sufficient air flow into the furnace.

How to melt the stove in the house to clean the chimney? To remove soot and resinous deposits from internal surfaces, aspen wood or alder is used. The stove is heated well, bringing the intensity of combustion to a characteristic buzz in the pipe.

How to light a stove with raw wood

The procedure for kindling the furnace with raw fuel includes the following steps:

  • from several raw logs of the usual size, you need to chop flat segments, some of which then need to be split and prepare a splinter for ignition;
  • prepare the seed: small chips are folded in a firebox with a hut with birch bark or crumpled paper in the middle, and larger fragments are placed on top;
  • with a fully open blower, the seed is ignited. After some time, thinly chopped blanks gradually begin to be laid first, and later larger fractions of raw wood. When the firewood begins to light up, you can cover the blower;
  • after the coals appear, small poles can be placed in the firebox. When the stove is hot and the heat is strong and even, you can load regular logs and close the blower.

In the people, to speed up kindling on damp wood, they use vegetable oil and salt:

  • Poleshki are poured with oil before kindling. A couple of tablespoons of oil helps to double the ignition rate of raw firewood;
  • the stove will light up faster and stronger if coarse salt is generously poured over the logs before ignition.

In no case should flammable substances in the form of gasoline, kerosene or other flammable compounds be used to stimulate kindling.

How to light a stove with charcoal

To kindle coal, prepare a seed from dry wood. When the flame flares up well, a small layer of coal is poured over the firewood. Further, the thickness of coal fuel is increased to 15 cm. It is not worth immediately filling coal with a thick layer, as this is fraught with low combustion intensity.

In the case of kindling with wood, the heating in the oven is maintained at 300-350°C, rarely this value rises to 450°C. When using coal fuel under certain conditions, the air temperature in the furnace can vary in the range of 1000-2000°C.

Trial ignition of the furnace after construction

After laying, the oven is dried natural way lasting 2-3 days. Then the process of forced drying begins, which provides for a furnace for 1 hour, not at full capacity. Trial ignition is carried out using a small amount of dry wood from thinly chopped poles, wood chips and shavings. The oven is heated 2 times a day, the forced drying process lasts 3-6 days, depending on the size of the structure and the complexity of the brickwork.

A trial firebox after construction allows you to check the quality of the stove and identify possible design flaws. If the work of forced drying is done correctly, this will give the clay composition strength, but the elasticity property of the masonry will be preserved.

How to fire up the oven after a long period of inactivity

With prolonged downtime, draft is most often disturbed, which is associated with the presence of a barrier in the chimney in the form of a mass of cold air. It is possible that the pipe is clogged with fallen leaves or other small debris. For this reason, the draft must be checked, then a test ignition is carried out to identify violations in the system. To do this, the valves and the blower are opened, a small amount of crumpled paper is burned in the combustion chamber. In this case, a warm stream slowly rises up the chimney, it helps to remove the barrier from the cold air mass.

When deciding how to melt a Russian stove after a long downtime, it should be borne in mind that a sharp increase in temperature in the firebox is fraught with cracks in the brickwork. They heat slowly, allowing the walls to heat up gradually. When the brick becomes warm, you can switch to normal mode and add firewood at the desired frequency.

How to heat the stove in winter

In the off-season, kindling is carried out every 2-3 days, depending on the heat capacity of the furnace. In winter, they usually heat in the morning and evening to maintain the required temperature in the house. Do not occasionally add firewood in small quantities and stretch the process for a whole day.

If the stove is heated daily in this mode, this is fraught with violations in the integrity of the brick base, since the masonry needs to cool slightly and recover.

None of us is able to predict weather changes or our own inattention. Therefore, questions about how to kindle raw wood in the stove, or build a fire in the forest after rain, occur quite often. What can be done in such a situation? Let's figure it out. Of course, kindle wet wood much more difficult than dry ones, but “difficult” does not mean “impossible”. The first step is chopping wood into smaller pieces. Small pieces of wood will dry out faster and flare up, which cannot be said about large logs. And quickly and effortlessly chop raw wood a tool designed specifically for splitting - “kolundrov” will help. The wood splitter is a handy and functional tool for spectacular splitting of firewood, torches or wood chips, which will attract the interest of guests. The tool is easy to use and completely safe - it will not be difficult even for girls and the elderly to cope with it.

How to light a fire with raw wood

Since the inside of the log remains drier than the outside, very small chips must be made from it. When working with birch firewood, you must first remove the birch bark from them. Left on the workpiece, it will not dry out and will not flare up under the influence of fire, but being separated, on the contrary, it will ignite much faster.
  • We make a small pedestal from newspapers, put chips on it in a hut.
  • If there is birch bark, we put it inside the hut along with newspapers.
  • We sprinkle the finished structure with a little fine salt - this wonderful adsorbent will collect some of the moisture and dry the chips faster.
  • After carrying out all these procedures, the structure can be set on fire.
  • If the wet chips do not catch fire from the newspapers the first time, we simply repeat the entire algorithm.
  • The chips will dry out more and under the influence of heat they will flare up better.
  • When the fire starts, put more firewood on it. At the same time, it is important not to block the supply of oxygen to the fire.
  • When the flame becomes smoother and more confident, you can put more firewood. The main thing is not to overdo it - you do not need to lay too many logs at once and block access to air.
  • The largest parts should be laid only when a lot of good coals have already accumulated.
Dealing with raw firewood, it is important to monitor the intensity of the flame. If it becomes too weak and the heat is not enough for the next batch of logs, the fire will simply go out. Now that it's clear how to light a fire with raw wood should be avoided in the future.

Important little things

In order not to resort to such "tricks", it is best, of course, to prepare firewood in advance. Bring some of the logs into the house and dry by the stove. Salt will also help here. Ready-made firewood covered with salt will dry out and become usable much faster than if it had dried naturally. Auxiliary combustible materials can also be used to light a fire in nature. Firewood, both dry and raw, is poured with diesel fuel, kerosene or gasoline, after which it is set on fire. Alternatively, you can soak a rag in a flammable liquid and put it between the logs.

The stove fire is not to be taken lightly. Following several simple principles, you can kindle the stove easily and safely for yourself and your loved ones.

We clean the ash pan and the grate from the ashes. This will allow air to flow better to all the firewood. With the blower tightly closed, open the oven door. If you open the door together and blew, smoke with fire at strong wind will go to the house. Crumpled paper and newspapers should be placed on the oven grate. Then there are chips that need to be prepared in advance.

Now it's the turn of the wood. They should lie on top of the paper. Birch firewood burns best, but pine, linden and spruce can be used. Firewood must be used dry, approximately the same size, with a diameter of 8-10 cm. Leave about 20 cm from the ceiling of the firebox to the firewood. Light the newspapers with a match. You can use special gas cartridges for ignition. But combustible mixtures easily deform the furnace. Close the oven door, open the blower. When the firewood flared up, so that the heat would not evaporate, because the stove had just begun to melt, open the blower not very much so that there was little air. You can put 2-3 aspen logs at the end of the firebox with birch firewood, they will help get rid of burning tar and soot.

Never place flammable objects near the oven. Leaving the oven unattended for a long time is not recommended.

Despite the spread of stove structures designed to operate on liquid and new biological fuels, the demand for wood-burning units remains. The traditional concept of solid fuel heating has a lot of advantages, but also requires compliance with special rules. Taking into account the nuances of the operation of the furnace will not only increase the safety of the structure, but also make the heating process more efficient. How to heat the stove correctly is an ambiguous question and, depending on the type of construction used, provides for different approaches.

Preparing the stove for heating

In classic furnace designs, when preparing, you have to deal with three main components. This is directly a combustion chamber, an ash pan and a chimney system with a blower. The combustion chamber must be thoroughly cleaned so that the remnants of the previous session do not interfere with the ignition process. In addition, the excess mass of ash will interfere with the ventilation necessary for oxygen access. The ash pan itself is also subjected to clearing. As a rule, this is a small compartment, which is desirable to service immediately after the completion of the process. On the question of how to heat the stove correctly, Special attention given to chimney and blower systems. Initially, both channels must be open so that the very possibility of providing the chamber with oxygen necessary for combustion remains. As for the smoke outlet, the shaft damper, which goes from the combustion chamber to the outlet through the roof, should be slightly opened.


By the time the preparatory operations are completed, the full estimated volume of firewood should be prepared, which will be used throughout the entire heating process. At the very least, you need to responsibly approach the preparation of the primary kindling mass. It, as a rule, is ¾ of the possibility of a full load of the camera. But it is important not so much to calculate the volume of the initial bookmark for ignition, but the very quality of firewood. Often, questions about how to heat the stove correctly are caused by the difficulties of the first ignition. Its quality is influenced by many factors - from the function of the blower to the effectiveness of the kindling fire. But the most important thing is the presence of flammable materials in the bookmark, which can be paper or birch bark with thin branches. The main thing is that the base for ignition is dry. There is another nuance. Even in the case of successful ignition, the dry part of the bookmark can be quickly used up, eventually not starting a confident combustion process. This will be avoided by thin torches, turning into full-bodied logs. That is, the first bookmark should contain the whole range of wood material of different sizes.

Traction test

The mechanism of operation of the smoke channel and blower, as a rule, remains hidden from view, so its effectiveness is sometimes ignored. Moreover, even if the channel is opened, there is no guarantee that it fully meets the oxygen needs of the focus. This system clearly seen in cast iron and steel structures. The question of how to correctly heat a metal furnace from the point of view of sufficient supply of air masses comes down to estimating the brightness of the flame. An experienced stoker determines the adequacy of the oxygen supply by the color of the fire. So, White color indicates that the channel is too open, and the valve should be slightly closed. Conversely, a bright yellow hue indicates that the focus receives a normal flow of oxygen.

What should be observed during the firing process?

When the ignition has successfully taken place, care should be taken to prepare the next batch of firewood, but now completely consisting of whole logs. At the same time, firewood that is too large in diameter should not be laid in small-sized chambers, hoping that the fire will cope with them. For more efficient combustion, it is recommended to split them in half. Now you should answer the question of how to properly heat the stove so that the maximum heat energy goes into the room. The fact is that just large logs leave large coals that smolder for a long time. In the midst of the heating process, there is little sense from such pieces, since their heat will be hidden by the incoming cold air. Therefore, if possible, they should be carefully removed and stored for subsequent sessions. Also, in the process of servicing the furnace, it is important to turn over low-burning logs in a timely manner. In such operations, it is important to achieve a uniform distribution of fire throughout the space of the entire chamber.

Firebox Completion

Responsibility for uniform distribution flame on the burning material rises as the process is completed. It is desirable that maximum heat be squeezed out of embers. To do this, you can increase the frequency of coal overturns - this will not only contribute to the transition of fire to new areas not affected by it, but also provide a greater flow of oxygen. When the blue weak flame changes to white, you can close the chimney channel.

How to heat the stove in the bath?

The main feature of many sauna stoves is the presence of a direct chimney. The fact is that curved and complicated channels in residential buildings contribute to long-term preservation of heat due to larger area contact warm gases with the material around them. So, bath structures are more often performed with straight-through outlets, which contributes to increased safety. This is especially true for metal structures. Therefore, in search of an answer to the question of whether with a metal stove, you need to rely on the nuances of working with a direct chimney. What does this mean in practice? First, you should be prepared for the rapid burning of bookmarks. A plentiful supply of air in this case is inevitable, and therefore the smoldering processes will be fleeting. Secondly, it is important to more effectively turn over the embedded and burning mass so that large unburned coals are not obtained at the exit.

Features of the furnace in metal furnaces

Usage metal structures common not only in baths, but also in ordinary houses. Such units are compact in size, so they can be installed even in a living room with a fence of a small area. Accordingly, another question arises: "How to properly heat a metal stove if it is installed in the house?" General rules fully apply to cast iron and metal models, but there are some restrictions on ignition. Experts do not recommend the use of flammable liquid mixtures to stimulate the primary flame. Many homeowners abuse these tools, which is detrimental to the environment. Even with an actively working chimney, it will not be possible to completely eliminate harmful fumes from the room, so watering the bookmark with kerosene or gasoline should be abandoned. Alternatively, you can use special alcohol tablets. They burn easily and for a long time, which will allow you to easily ignite - this option is especially valuable if we are talking about raw wood.

How to properly heat a brick oven?

Brick, stone and concrete structures differ in impressive size and, accordingly, require great effort from the stoker. The igniting mass must be larger and more solid in order to start a thorough process of heating the entire structure. It will take more time to ignite - about 1 hour. Further, each complete bookmark can take about 2 hours. Fireplace designs require even more resources. When deciding how to properly heat a fireplace stove, it is important to take into account the special function of this structure. Such designs differ in that, in addition to heating, they also provide for the possibility of demonstrating an open flame. Therefore, it is necessary to carry out operations on laying and changing logs with special care. If a closed ordinary stove allows the stoker to be distracted for a while, then it is advisable to be near the fireplace throughout the entire furnace session.

How to properly heat a long-burning stove?

To understand the features of servicing units operating on the principle long burning, you should familiarize yourself with the effect of a divided combustion chamber. In such structures, not only the combustion of firewood occurs, but also the gas that comes out as a result of their smoldering. But there is another important difference. Such furnaces involve the supply of oxygen in smaller volumes, which leads to a long combustion process. For the stoker himself, this means that firewood will need to be laid not every 2-2.5 hours, but at intervals of 4 hours. Otherwise, the rules of care are the same, but with a more careful approach to the regulation of the chimney channel.