Why grapes spoil on brushes. Grape clusters dry: causes and methods of struggle

Loss of appetite is the body's signal of failure. A healthy person always needs food as a source of energy. Therefore, such a symptom should be taken responsibly and find out its causes. Of particular concern is a decrease in appetite that lasts more than ten days.

Causes of poor appetite in adults

A person may lose interest in food due to several factors. But all of them have a negative effect on the body.

Loss of appetite due to illness

Appetite decreases when various diseases appear:

  • discomfort on the part gastrointestinal tract. They can be both inflammatory and infectious;
  • diseases of the heart, lungs, liver, kidneys;
  • diabetes and thyroid disease;
  • rheumatoid arthritis and other autoimmune diseases;
  • influenza and SARS;
  • oncology;
  • neurological and mental disorders.

Wrong diet

The appetite of a person who is losing weight can also be significantly reduced in case of an irrepressible desire to get rid of it in any way. excess weight. An ill-conceived diet based on a small amount of calories exhausts the body.

A person fixates on the fact that eating more food is a serious crime. Uncontrolled and prolonged use of widely used methods of rapid weight loss can lead to anorexia, when any food causes painful rejection.

Wrong fasting technique

The popularization of the so-called "miraculous" fasting, which supposedly heals and relieves even incurable diseases, often leads people to acquire additional problems, including loss of appetite. Most often this happens when they are treated on their own, without the supervision of a nutritionist.

Protest starvation, uncontrolled by specialists, also brings painful consequences.

Eating at different times, as well as eating low-quality foods or eating in fast food chains can lead to the production of toxins in the body. Their action weakens a person and ultimately impairs appetite.

With this method of nutrition, the situation is aggravated by the imbalance of the diet. Typically, protein intake is reduced and fat and carbohydrates are increased. Essential vitamins and minerals are often missing.

Digestion may be upset, and in the future, metabolism will also be disturbed.

Chemical drugs

Appetite-reducing side effects of certain medications:

  • antidiabetic;
  • anesthetics;
  • antibiotics;
  • painkillers;
  • cold medicines, etc.

Harmful and taking potent drugs without medical advice. But usually after a certain time this effect disappears.

Due to strong feelings caused by the departure of loved ones, troubles at work, domestic quarrels, a person often gets into a stressful state, which is fraught with a lack of appetite. Prolonged exposure to such situations can lead to depression, which is also characterized by refusal of food. Antidepressants prescribed by a specialist can help.

In addition to the above, there are a number of other reasons for the decline in interest in food. Suppress appetite nicotine, alcohol, drugs, excessive amounts of fatty foods, sweets and carbonated drinks. These factors include low physical activity, prolonged use of herbal infusions.

Health hazards and possible complications

The absence of the necessary substances coming from food is first manifested by poor health, a pronounced violation of the nutritional balance.

  1. People engaged in physical labor complain of fatigue.
  2. Reduced brain activity in students.
  3. Drowsiness, dizziness, then exhaustion of the body are observed.

Psychopathological disorders in those who lose weight cause anorexia. Now this disease is often neurogenic in nature. In advanced cases, the body cannot absorb food, muscles atrophy, and all systems fail. Possible death.

If you do not want to eat for more than two weeks, you need to contact the clinic. Specialists will determine what causes this reaction of the body.

What to do if you have no appetite

If the decrease in appetite is caused by irregular meals, you should start eating more often, but little by little. The body will get used to the regular production of enzymes to digest it. During this period, you should refrain from snacking.

There are several other ways to get out of the painful state of food aversion.

Physical exercise

Physical activity on fresh air promotes the awakening of appetite. Even after a normal walk, a certain amount of energy is consumed, which must be replenished with food.

  1. Not complicated gymnastic exercises in a room with an open window also stimulate the appetite.
  2. It is important to ventilate both bedrooms and workrooms more often.
  3. It is necessary to walk on weekends, as well as in the morning and evening, and in any, even rainy weather.
  4. Need to drink more water especially if physical activity increases. Indeed, sometimes it is dehydration that causes loss of appetite.

Infusions of plants with healing properties increase appetite,
if taken correctly - 30 minutes before meals. With emotional breakdowns, teas are brewed with peppermint, chamomile, lemon balm, dill.

Bitter infusions of calamus or dandelion roots, wormwood leaves, yarrow, blackcurrant, plantain can restore appetite. Before using them, you should consult your doctor. Almost every plant has some contraindications for use.

  1. Juice from the leaves and stems of yarrow, mixed with honey, drink three times a day, one teaspoon.
  2. In the spring, salads are made from dandelion leaves.
  3. An infusion of two teaspoons of crushed dandelion rhizomes is obtained by pouring 200 g of them cold water and left for 8 hours. Drink 50 g 4 times a day.
  4. Grind one teaspoon of wormwood and pour 200 g of boiling water. After 30 minutes, the infusion is ready. Drink three times a day, 20 g 20 minutes before meals.

plant food

Good appetite stimulants are some familiar vegetables and fruits:

  • onions and garlic are in the lead. Onion activates intestinal motility and strengthens the stomach. Garlic helps with depletion of the body;
  • radish juice;
  • citrus;
  • grape;
  • peaches;
  • apricots;
  • bananas;
  • sour apples;
  • sauerkraut.

spices and spices are also on this list. Use in reasonable quantities:

  • pepper;
  • horseradish;
  • mustard;
  • anise;
  • fenugreek;
  • rosemary;
  • ginger;
  • cinnamon.

Appetite enhancers

If the appetite has not decreased due to illness, the attending physician will prescribe drugs that will help to cope with this problem. In addition to medications, a course of taking vitamins will be useful. These can be various multivitamin complexes, but it is desirable that they contain a high percentage of the most necessary: ​​C and B 12.

The presence in multivitamins of such a useful mineral as zinc is welcome. Its deficiency leads to a decrease in the sense of smell. And this feeling is very important for increasing appetite.

An effective food additive in this process is yeast. They contain a whole complex of vitamin B.

In order to systematically arouse the desire to eat, it is strongly recommended to give up smoking or at least reduce the number of cigarettes smoked. In addition, it is desirable to adhere to the daily routine.

One of the main motives to sit down at the table is its beautiful table setting, as well as deliciously prepared and nutritious food. When exiting a crisis, it is desirable to eat foods rich in proteins.


Prolonged loss of appetite is a serious health threat.

Appetite may long time be absent due to illness, irregular diet, stress, medication, non-compliance with dietary rules and therapeutic fasting.

Loss of appetite threatens to disrupt the processes in the gastrointestinal tract, metabolic disorders, irreversible changes in the body.

You need to eat regularly, increase physical activity, use infusions medicinal plants, vegetables, fruits, herbs, prescribed drugs.

In contact with

Having a good appetite is the most important sign of human health. This means that his body is functioning normally, and all metabolic processes occur without failure, as needed. Appetite itself is a universal physiological reaction of the body, which can be characterized by the most common desire to eat something.

If a person's need for food decreases, then in this case, violations of biorhythms and even vital activity may occur. Often, older people are faced with the fact that their need for food is greatly reduced. This condition should not be considered normal and close your eyes to the problem. The consequences of not wanting to eat right can lead to quite serious complications. Therefore, it is worth understanding in more detail how to increase the appetite of an elderly person. Sometimes it is enough to have activities that will be carried out at home. However, often in order to correct the situation, you need to contact an experienced specialist and undergo a course of treatment with medications.

Why Appetite Decreases

An apathetic attitude towards food can occur if a person suffers from diseases internal organs such as the intestines, stomach, or liver. This often occurs against the background of malfunctions in the endocrine system, diabetes mellitus and a general decrease in the efficiency of the thyroid gland. The development of oncological diseases, senile dementia, and helminthic invasion can provoke an ailment.

Also, a decrease in appetite is observed in those people who suffer from mental disorders and are in an unstable state. emotional state. Some can provoke apathy for food medications or a course of chemotherapy that a person has undergone. Often, those who have been abusing alcohol and smoking for a long time begin to refuse food.

In addition, the appearance of poor appetite can be the first signal of future problems in the cardiovascular system. Often, refusal to eat occurs during seasonal colds or autoimmune pathologies.

What causes loss of appetite

If we talk about how to increase the appetite of an elderly person of 89 years old (younger or a little older), then it is worth noting that it is quite logical to refuse food will lead to the fact that the pensioner will lose a lot of weight. The body will not receive the necessary energy, and this will provoke a breakdown and general weakness. The work of all systems will gradually slow down human body or individual organs. Most of all, the lack of food affects the performance of the brain. He must receive the required amount of trace elements daily, as well as nutrients.

If the refusal to eat is delayed for a long time, muscle atrophy and problems with the musculoskeletal system may occur. It is possible that the first signs of an anorexic state will appear. Many may be surprised, but a huge number of elderly people suffer from a similar problem. At the same time, the patient can absolutely not complain about anything, but at the same time continue to lose weight, since he simply does not want to eat.

How dangerous is this condition?

If you do not take any measures and urgently decide how to increase the appetite of an elderly person, then the problem will worsen, and this can lead to lethal outcome. In order to resolve a serious issue, it is recommended first of all to contact an endocrinologist, a psychotherapist and a gastroenterologist. Based on diagnostic data and a complete examination of the body, specialists will be able to choose the best complex type of treatment.

How to improve appetite

To begin with, it is important to understand that all the centers that are responsible for hunger and saturation of the body are located in the human brain. This means that very often the problems are connected precisely with the psycho-emotional state of the pensioner. Therefore, experts recommend as often as possible to draw images of food in the subconscious.

For example, you can imagine how a particular dish is prepared. At the same time, you need to think about every detail of the cooking process. For example, how a pleasant aroma disperses in the kitchen. It is necessary to draw in detail in the head the meat that is in the oven and is covered with a delicious crispy crust. It is worth mentally cutting off a piece from it and putting it in your mouth. It is important to evaluate your emotions and feel how tasty and juicy the meat turned out.

Such incentives are one of effective methods how to increase appetite in an elderly person. This method allows you to provoke a desire to eat something.

Nutrition Features

Doctors also recommend switching to the so-called fractional nutrition. This means that you need to eat small meals, but often. In this case, the digestive system will not be too overloaded, this is especially true in situations where you need to increase the appetite of an elderly person after surgery. Often, it is after surgery that some apathy for food appears. If it lasts a couple of days, that's fine. However, in the case when a person refuses food even after a week period, it is important to take measures. After all, a timely response will help prevent trouble.

What foods increase appetite in older people

First of all, the necessary centers of the brain are stimulated by the use of sweets. And if a person refuses to eat cakes, sweets or chocolate, then it is worth offering him a sweet soda as a temporary alternative. Of course, there is no benefit in such drinks and treats, but when a person does not eat anything at all, then extreme measures have to be taken. But it is important to consider, when it comes to how to increase the appetite of an elderly person with diabetes, that this method will not work at all. If there are no problems of this type, you can continue to experiment with food.

Also, stimulation of taste centers occurs if a person eats salty foods. Therefore, it is worth including nuts, crackers, pickles and much more in the diet. However, all these foods can adversely affect the state of the body of an elderly person. Therefore, more emphasis should be placed on healthy food.

In this case, there are several foods that increase appetite in older people. For example, bananas have an excellent effect, White bread, ginger, grapes, potatoes and oranges. It would not be superfluous to offer the patient some rose hips, sea buckthorn or black currant. These products not only provoke the desire to eat, but also have big amount vitamins. For example, berries contain a large amount of ascorbic acid, which is necessary for a weakened body. Doctors often recommend drinking it in tablets. But why, if there is a natural product?

What vitamins can increase appetite

These supplements are very effective. If foods that increase appetite do not work in older people, you can try taking a course of vitamin B12 and C. However, you should first consult a specialist.

If we talk about the action of the vitamin, then, for example, B12 is able to normalize the metabolism of carbohydrate and fat types. In addition, this supplement helps to prevent stress or depression. B12 has a positive effect and maintains the tone of the whole organism. Ascorbic acid helps stimulate appetite. Also, this vitamin has a positive effect on the work of other systems and organs of an elderly person.

What herbs can

If you study how to increase appetite in an elderly person folk remedies, then you can allocate a large number of funds that can alleviate the condition. For example, many use seasonings. The best effect has Bay leaf, horseradish, basil and dill. Such spices are recommended to be added to food. In some cases, you can give them directly before meals.

Such herbs are able to break down fats and improve the digestion process. You can also make anise star tea for an elderly person. Additionally, it is recommended to prepare infusions on the root of dandelion, wormwood, centaury.

Is it possible to improve appetite with color therapy

Everyone knows that depending on what shade the walls in the house are painted, we can talk about the psychological and emotional state of a person. Each color has its own effect, so it would be logical to assume that such therapeutic measures will help in solving the problem under study. Many may be skeptical about this method. However, when looking at ways to increase appetite in an elderly person, it will be useful to familiarize yourself with this information.

For example, red can increase heart rate and blood pressure. All this leads to a significant improvement in appetite. Orange has a positive effect on the brain, activating it. Thanks to this, those centers that are responsible for the appearance of a feeling of hunger are turned on.

Yellow is considered a symbol of joy, so it will help in a situation where a person is under stress and simply cannot eat against this background. It is also recommended to give preference to the green color - it is a symbol of all living and fresh. Hue perfectly stimulates digestion and increases appetite. However, all these measures are recommended if the problem has appeared relatively recently. When a person has been in a bad condition for a long time and already has signs of anorexia, a more serious approach is required. It is best to book an appointment with a specialist.

Contacting a doctor

If, against the background of loss of desire, there is old man began to lose a lot of weight, then in this case you definitely need to visit a doctor. It is possible that the presence of poor appetite indicates a serious pathology. In order to exclude it, it is necessary to conduct a complete medical examination, which will help to understand why the patient refuses to eat. This is especially true when it comes to how to increase appetite in an elderly person after a stroke. Indeed, after such stressful conditions for the body, the activity of the brain can be disrupted. This may even lead to the need to introduce food artificially.

Diagnostic measures

First of all, you need to take a blood and urine test. It is possible that the problem lies in diseases or unstable liver function. Only a decrease in appetite appears against the background of the development of diabetes or hormonal imbalance. In the process of urine analysis, a specialist will be able to identify a possible infection associated with the functioning of the kidneys. Additionally, an x-ray is performed, thanks to which it will be clear whether the patient has pneumonia or lung cancer. Also, in the process of diagnostic measures, a procedure called ultrasound (ultrasound examination) is often used, various tests, which show how the liver, kidneys, thyroid gland and many other organs function.

If you delay too much with a trip to the doctor, you can allow a serious depletion of the body. The functioning of the systems will be disrupted. The rest of the consequences are easy to guess. Therefore, in this situation, the doctor may even resort to medication.

How to increase appetite in an elderly person: pills

In such situations, first of all, drugs are used that increase the secretion of gastric juice. They provoke increased salivation, which is the first call to eat. The prescribed tablets should be taken exclusively in the dosage and for the time indicated by the doctor.

It is important to note that in order to increase the appetite in an elderly person, a variety of drugs can be prescribed. However, most often doctors prefer Elixir Pernexin, Periactin, Apilak. Iron supplements are also often prescribed. For example, Ferrum or Fenyuls. Additionally, dietary supplements may be prescribed.

The process of restoring appetite in an elderly person

If we talk about how long it takes for a pensioner to want to eat again, it is worth noting that it all depends on the reason that provoked such a state. For example, if an elderly person has been diagnosed with dementia, then artificial nutrition cannot be dispensed with. In this case, the so-called gastronomic tube is introduced into the body, and all the necessary nutrients are supplied in the form of a high-calorie mixture. Often the appetite disappears on the background of surgical intervention. In this case, antibiotics are considered the most effective and fast-acting.

A healthy appetite is a sure sign of a properly functioning organism. What to do if he disappeared?

Do not ignore the "alarm bell" of your own body, understand the causes and eliminate them as soon as possible.

Let's talk about what may lie behind the reluctance to eat and what to do if there is no appetite.

Appetite - causes of violation and ways to solve the problem

In the general sense of the word, appetite is identified with the feeling of hunger: one of the basic reactions of the body, inherent in any living organism.

To live, you need to eat, and how and when to do it, the brain signals with the help of feelings.

Appetite encompasses and satisfies the three goals of nutrition:

  1. Getting energy
  2. Supply of vitamins and minerals
  3. The pleasure of eating

All of the above are equally important for a healthy body.

The first and second are the key to physical well-being, and for you can not do without the third.

Decrease or loss of appetite or hypo- and anorexia is a serious problem that can occur in a person of any age.

It is not always a cause for concern, but it always requires you to listen to yourself and understand why the body decided that it did not need food.

Not always unwillingness to eat indicates health problems

Loss of appetite as an independent problem

Hypo- and anorexia can develop without accompanying symptoms.

It is caused by the following factors:

Unhealthy Lifestyle

Bad habits affect the normal functioning of internal organs and lead to loss of appetite.

A sedentary lifestyle reduces our need for food, as energy is practically not wasted.

The solution is simple and complex at the same time - go in for sports, give up bad habits, and eating behavior will normalize.

wrong lifestyle and bad habits sooner or later they will make themselves known


Weather-sensitive people experience decreased appetite during difficult weather periods.

One day, even those who do not suffer too much from its changes are at risk of falling under the influence of the weather, because in summer the body usually needs less food.

At this time, his main task is to maintain a normal water balance - you need to drink more fluids, and your appetite will return when the heat subsides.

Reaction to medication

A number of drugs have a noticeable decrease in appetite among the side effects, so never take pills without a doctor's prescription.

Excessive dieting

When dieting, people ignore the feeling of hunger, and it can simply turn off. Be sure to consult with a nutritionist, select diets that are suitable and do not follow them for longer than the prescribed period.

Stress, experiencing strong emotions, or burnout syndrome

Losing your appetite for a day because of excitement is normal, but make sure that such cases do not become a habit.

Loss of appetite can also be caused by reduced physical activity.

Lack of appetite in the elderly

If an elderly person has no appetite, you do not need to immediately wonder what to do.

If in general there is no deterioration in health, the reluctance to eat is not accompanied by other symptoms, this is only a manifestation of age. The older we get, the less energy the body needs.

Child refuses to eat

Many parents start to panic if the child has no appetite. What to do in such situations? I like Dr. Komarovsky's advice: don't force children to eat.

A healthy child, having walked up, spending energy, must beg for food himself, and only then it is worth feeding him.

This works well for ages 2 and up.

Do not force your child to eat

What if there is no appetite for a younger child who still cannot properly communicate his needs to his parents?

Stick to the right one, make sure that the baby is full during the meal and do not encourage snacking - even if they provide you with an hour or two of peace.

If loss of appetite is the main problem that worries you, it will be easy to solve it.

Give up bad habits, try to improve your lifestyle and get busy.

She will calm the frizzy nerves, and will return the desire to have a bite, and will delight you with taste.

To prepare, take two teaspoons of lemon balm herb, brew half a liter of boiling water, cover with something and leave to infuse for four hours.

Half an hour before the planned meal, drink half a glass, sweetened with honey if desired - you will notice the result very soon.

Loss of appetite as a symptom

Loss of appetite can sometimes indicate more serious troubles.

As a rule, such cases are easily identified by the presence of accompanying symptoms: if anorexia is a symptom of a serious problem, it will not come alone.

Wild garlic is considered an excellent means of combating poor appetite.

Consider common diseases:

  1. Colds, SARS and other infectious diseases. If you or your child has a fever, snot, cough or other cold-flu symptoms, and no appetite, don't worry - lack of appetite in such diseases is completely normal. He will return with improved health.
  2. If the lack of desire to eat is accompanied by intense nausea, vomiting and/or diarrhea- most likely, you were poisoned. Intoxication, no matter what caused it, is a very serious problem: do not wait until it "passes by itself" and call an ambulance.
  3. Diseases of the digestive system and internal organs can cause the complete disappearance of appetite. Abdominal pain is usually an accompanying symptom. It is important not to start the case and go to the gastroenterologist in time.
  4. Interruptions in the work of the endocrine system. You will need to be attentive to yourself, since the rest of the symptoms can be easily attributed to stress, fatigue, and many other factors. In order not to miss the onset of diseases associated with the endocrine system, regularly take blood tests for thyroid hormones.
  5. Depression, work problems nervous system, mental disorders. In this case, you need to look not so much for physical as for emotional symptoms. Constantly low mood, indifference to everything, or, conversely, periods of increased activity and euphoria, accompanied by loss of appetite, may be evidence of serious nervous disorders. Go to a specialist for advice.
  6. And finally, the most difficult option is oncology. If you have no appetite, feel sick and dizzy, have chronic weakness, contact a specialist immediately. These symptoms are not to be trifled with.

Try a simple and delicious decoction of lemon balm and honey

Tip: If you are unsure about one or more of the symptoms, visit a general practitioner or consult your family doctor. He will help you figure it out and direct you to a specialized doctor.

What to do if your pet refuses food

The people were dealt with; now let's talk about those cases when the pet's appetite disappeared.

Understanding that a cat or dog has no appetite is simple: the bowl has been untouched all day, and the pet is behaving unusually, showing lethargy or unusual activity. What to do?

The only thing you can do at home if a cat or dog has no appetite is to make sure you offer your pet.

Sometimes our four-legged friends understand long before us that some product is spoiled, and refuse to eat it.

This also happens as a reaction to unusual food or even.

If the animal has stopped looking at food with interest, take him to the veterinarian

For example, my cat ignored rabbit-flavored canned food for days on end, although all the other products of this manufacturer were dying with a bang behind their ears. Everything is individual.

If you have established that the reason for the lack of interest in food does not lie in the food itself, then there is only one answer to the question “what to do”: urgently take your pet to the veterinarian!

Animals are the same little children

Explain that the cat/dog has no appetite, how long this has been going on and what you have done.

After examining the animal, the doctor will determine the cause and prescribe the appropriate treatment.

Tip: do not try to diagnose a pet yourself!

Some useful tips what to do if there is no appetite, you will learn from this video:

Loss of appetite, medically referred to as anorexia, can be caused by a variety of conditions and diseases. Some of the conditions may be temporary and reversible, such as loss of appetite from the effects of medications. Some of the conditions may be more serious, such as from exposure to a cancerous tumor.

Not everyone can boast of a normal (healthy) appetite. In most cases, people suffer from an appetite disorder, followed by malnutrition or overeating. However, external signs: excessive thinness and excessive fatness are not the only problem that arises in this case. Loss of appetite is an alarming signal that indicates serious changes in the functioning of the body. Recently, cases of loss of appetite and uncontrolled weight loss have become more frequent, which have a negative impact on health.

How dangerous is loss of appetite?
To understand how dangerous a poor appetite can become for a person, it is important to realize the very need for food. Food is the link between the human body and environment. In addition, it performs a number of important functions: plastic, energy, protective, bioregulatory and adaptive-regulatory, which are involved in the reproduction and construction of new cells, serve to cover energy costs, increase the body's resistance to disease, take part in the formation of enzymes and hormones, contribute to normal activities different systems organism.
There is another function of food - signal-motivational, which is to stimulate appetite. The desire to eat (in the lane with lat. appetite) appears when there is a decrease in the concentration of nutrients in the blood. In other words, it is appetite that regulates the intake of required amount proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals.
In the part of the brain (hypothalamus) there are two centers that are responsible for satiety and hunger. A decrease in blood glucose levels gives a signal that the body needs nutrients, while the entry of the active substance (cholecystokinin) into the blood signals satiety. Thus, loss of appetite can disrupt the nutritional balance - the correct ratio of nutrients in the body, including essential ones (proteins, vitamins, minerals).
Interestingly, in animals, as in ancient people, the concentration of nutrients decreases in the process of hunting, so the need for food increases when food is obtained. AT modern world, a person no longer needs to get food in the truest sense of the word, so people eat food with the appearance of appetite.

Consequences of poor appetite
Of course, a poor appetite, at least once in a lifetime, happens to every person. Our body is wise and capable of self-healing, therefore, with a short-term decrease in appetite, nothing terrible will happen. But the systematic refusal of food long period time, has extremely negative consequences for the body, can cause "starvation" of all organs and tissues, including the brain.
With a balanced rational diet, the food ration corresponds to the gender, age, occupation and weight of the person. Thus, the nutrition and appetite of children preschool age different from the nutrition of schoolchildren and students. And the food of an adult, depending on the type of activity, should bring replenishment physical activity or expended mental labor. In the same way, it is important to take into account some features of the nutrition of the elderly, nutrition in the post-rehabilitation period, during pregnancy, etc.
If the child does not have an appetite, the baby may not receive biologically valuable substances, vitamins, macro and microelements necessary for its normal growth and development. Poor appetite for students and people with mental activities, reduces brain activity. With a decrease in the appetite of those who are engaged in physical labor, an increase in fatigue is noted. It is hard to even imagine what a bad appetite of a nursing mother for a baby can turn into. Exhaustion of the body, weakness, dizziness, drowsiness - all these are consequences of loss of appetite.
Refusal to eat for a long time can cause a serious illness - anorexia. The disease manifests itself partially or total loss and appetite and is caused by psychopathological disorders. Especially wide use in last years received anorexia nervosa. In the course of the disease, the patient manifests a persistent desire to correct the "excesses" of the figure. In a neglected state, with anorexia, muscle atrophy occurs, disturbances in the functioning of the musculoskeletal system are noticed, the functions of entire systems and the work of individual organs are disrupted. A person rejects food for so long that it is no longer absorbed by the body.

What to do: lost appetite?
Appetite control is one of the most important characteristics when following proper nutrition. Decrease in appetite is equally important for health overweight and arousal of appetite when exhausted.
In most cases, we suffer from eating poor quality food and overeating, so there are a huge number of recommendations, available methods and methods that tell how to reduce appetite. To be brief, they all boil down to the fact that it is necessary to eat low-calorie foods, exclude the use of sweets and flour products, fried and spicy foods, foods that stimulate appetite, and exercise intensively. The availability of information will help you choose the right diet or the most suitable way for weight loss.
For people suffering from a lack of weight, it is necessary to provide an increase in appetite, that is, to arouse the desire for food. If the appetite is gone, you do not need to despair, but you should not put off solving the problem either.

Any persistent symptoms of lack of appetite should be evaluated by a qualified gastroenterologist.

loss of appetite nausea

With heart failure, loss or change in appetite or nausea may occur. Some people feel heaviness in the stomach, even if they have eaten very little. They may also experience pain or tenderness in the abdomen.

These symptoms are often due to a buildup of fluid around the liver and intestines that interferes with digestion. If you notice any changes in appetite or digestive problems, this may mean that heart failure is progressing and you should contact your doctor or nurse.

Loss of appetite and nausea are also common side effects some medicines.

In order not to risk your own health once again, do not trust folk methods and see a doctor.

Weakness loss of appetite

Lack of vitamin B causes loss of appetite, weakness and apathy, increased irritability, insomnia, weight loss, vague dull and sharp pains, mental depression and constipation. In children, this often results in growth retardation. In cases of severe thiamine deficiency, beriberi disease may occur. Since B is necessary for the normal functioning of the nervous system, its deficiency manifests itself in the loss of ankle and knee reflexes, neuritis or muscle weakness of the legs, calves and thighs. The psychological symptoms of deficiency include impaired peace of mind, poor memory, unconscious fears, stiffness and persecution mania.

The relentless tendency of a person to self-destruction of his body remains a mystery of scientists all over the world. Contrary to common sense, an almost perfect mechanism human being, is destroyed due to improper lifestyle and nutrition. Often shameless intemperance in food gives rise to a brutal appetite. On the other hand, despite the natural appearance of appetite, a person rejects food, preventing the body from receiving nutrients that are so necessary for normal life. Here are the main reasons that cause poor appetite.
Disruption of the gastrointestinal tract (GIT)
Gastritis, cholecystitis, dysbacteriosis can be accompanied by pain, toxicosis, weakness, which often leads to poor appetite and severe exhaustion.

Wrong diet
With irrational nutrition, when the desire to lose weight is accompanied by debilitating diets that limit or exclude the consumption of a certain category of foods, a decrease in appetite is one of the problems that arise. Rapid weight loss, develops into uncontrolled weight loss and without the intervention of qualified professionals, can lead to complete or partial loss of appetite (anorexia).

There are several ways of fasting, which, as a rule, are accompanied by a long or one-day refusal of food. It should be noted that, subject to all the recommendations and under the supervision of nutritionists, therapeutic fasting is beneficial. However, non-compliance with the conditions and rules of fasting, the presence of diseases in which fasting is contraindicated, can lead to a complete loss of appetite. Fasting should include the voluntary refusal of food and as a protest.
The result of improper treatment and the use of harmful products

Long-term use of drugs, herbal infusions or strong drugs, without the advice of doctors or in connection with an erroneous diagnosis, is one of the causes of poor appetite. Refusal of food can be the use of narcotic substances, smoking, the abuse of means for weight loss, the use of low-quality medicines.
Improper (irrational) nutrition
Untimely eating, as well as poor quality food, lead to the formation of poisons and toxins, which lead to a breakdown and loss of appetite. In addition, dietary intake must be right combination food products different groups(vitamins, proteins, fats).

Psycho-emotional state
One of the reasons a person refuses to eat is psychological and emotional disorders associated with the loss of loved ones or animals, quarrels and other troubles. Often, the resulting depression and feelings of inferiority, the cause of isolation and refusal of food.

Since the loss of appetite leads to weight loss, a timely visit to the doctor will help to avoid problems such as exhaustion or anorexia.

temperature loss of appetite

In most cases, all this occurs during the poisoning of the body. After all, infectious poisoning always has symptoms of incessant vomiting and diarrhea, and with all this, weakness of the body is observed, constantly throws into a cold sweat. But if vomiting is accompanied, then at the time of all this you will need to drink somewhere around two liters of water in order to cleanse your intestines from infection. But after all this, you need to take the patient to the infectious disease department of the clinic. After a series of droppers and gastric lavage, the acid-base balance is restored in the body. And with all the weakness of the body, it will let go a little. The patient in case of poisoning will need to sit on strict diet and take special antibiotics to subside all infections that provoked the disease.

But if a patient has malignant histiocytosis, then it is accompanied by weight loss, and also with it there is an increasing weakness and rises heat. But it also often causes diarrhea.

But with stomach diarrhea, symptoms such as fever, diarrhea, weakness of the whole body, and dry mouth also occur. But there may even be dizziness, loss of appetite and bloating that will turn into a sharp pain.

But diarrhea is very dangerous for the body, because during dehydration of the body, the water-salt balance is disturbed, which, if left untreated, can lead to death. Vitamins we need, such as calcium and magnesium, which are very necessary for the normal functioning of the body, are removed from the body.

After all, every hanging temperature and diarrhea, which leads to weakness of the body, is not an ideal state of a person.

On the contrary, it is considered not a very useful condition, because any infection in the human body can lead to a number of different diseases. And all these symptoms should be treated only under the supervision of a therapist. Because proper treatment can prevent dehydration of the body and the loss of salts and essential minerals from the body, which contribute to the proper and efficient functioning of the body. Because not every disease can be cured independently and at home.

Loss of appetite in a child

Picky eating can persist in school-age children

Parents very often believe that their children are finicky or capricious in matters of nutrition. Indeed, in a study of eating behavior in young children, it was shown that up to 50% of parents consider their children to be picky eaters.

Although picky eating does not last long in some children, in others it becomes an ongoing problem. According to one study, in 21% of cases, parents characterized their children at the age of 4-5 as picky eaters. In another study, it was found that picky eating in some children persists until the age of 9 years.

Typical picky eater behaviors include:

They eat very little;
so much for certain types of food;
eat few fruits and vegetables;
refuse to try new types of food;
interrupt or delay food intake.

Excessive pickiness in nutrition can lead to gaps in your child's diet:

Fastidious children often receive significantly less protein and energy than children with normal appetites;
in addition, finicky children are often deficient in certain vitamins and minerals when compared to children with normal appetites.

Potential dangers observed in children with constant food whims and poor appetite:

Differences related to nutrient intake;
reduced consumption of fruits, vegetables and fibers;
reduced consumption of certain trace elements;
growth disorder;
mental retardation.

Tips: how to cope with a child's picky eating habits and improve appetite:

Try not to distract the child while eating: eat in a calm environment;
take a neutral position in relation to the behavior associated with food: avoid excessive praise, criticism, stimulation and coercion;
feed the baby at regular intervals and avoid "snacking" in order to increase the child's appetite: feed him at intervals of 3-4 hours and do not give anything in between;
limit the duration of the meal: the meal should last 20-30 minutes, and if the child does not eat, 15 minutes;
use products according to the age of the child;
introduce new foods one at a time and offer the same food to your child up to 5 times before you agree that he will not eat it;
encourage the child to independent nutrition;
accept that while eating, the child conducts additional research characteristic of his age.

How to know if a child is in danger

Talk to your child's doctor about picky eating behavior. This is especially important if the child:

Loses weight or has stopped gaining weight;
growing slower than expected
looks tired or lacks energy;

Dear parents, do not risk the health of your children, consult a doctor.

Symptoms of loss of appetite

Loss of appetite is partial or complete failure from eating. Loss of appetite is a defensive reaction of the body. This reaction is expressed in slowing down the process of digestion in order to prevent the ingestion of substances that can interfere with recovery. Loss of appetite can be a symptom of a serious illness.

Not only diseases lead to a decrease in appetite, but also the intake of various medications: preparations containing digitalis; antibiotics; cold medicines containing FPA (phenylpropanolamine); painkillers; medicines for diabetes; anesthetics; drugs for chemotherapy.

Loss of appetite may be a symptom of the following conditions

Addison's disease (Bronze disease)
Still's disease (Chronic polyarthritis in children)
Still-Shoffard disease (Juvenile rheumatoid arthritis)
Typhoid fever
infectious diseases
Gastroesophageal reflux disease (Gastroesophageal reflux)
Dementia (Dementia)
peptic ulcer (stomach ulcer and duodenum)
seasonal affective disorder
schizoaffective disorder

Treating a disease at an early stage is always much easier and faster, so don't put it off until tomorrow, see a doctor now!

diarrhea loss of appetite

Normally, a series of undulating muscle contractions propels food through the digestive tract. If they become too fast, the large intestine cannot absorb as much liquid from food as it should. This leads to diarrhea.

Diarrhea can be acute or chronic; the frequency of loose stools can change from day to day and varies from person to person. The stool may be bloody, contain mucus or pus, or both.

Simultaneously with diarrhea, a person usually experiences pain or cramps in the abdomen, he may have nausea, vomiting, weakness, loss of appetite. Depending on the causes of diarrhea, the type of stool and other symptoms vary.

Diarrhea and other symptoms of acute intestinal infection
suddenly occurring exclusively loose stools;
strong smell stool
painful and sensitive abdomen;
poor appetite;
weight loss.

Diarrhea and other symptoms of colon cancer
bloody diarrhoea, interspersed with pencil-thick stools;
abdominal pain;
loss of appetite;
weight loss;

Diarrhea with sore bowels
In this case, diarrhea may alternate with constipation and normal stools.
painful, tender, or bloated abdomen;
stomach upset;

Diarrhea and other symptoms of ulcerative colitis:
recurring bloody diarrhea containing pus or mucus;
spasmodic pain in the lower abdomen;
mild fever;
loss of appetite;
sometimes nausea or vomiting.

Since diarrhea can mean not just an upset stomach, but a very serious illness, do not self-medicate, but consult a doctor immediately.

Loss of appetite and weight

A healthy appetite is a sign of good health. But even minor physical or psychological problems can affect the appetite of a healthy person. Loss of appetite may be related to various factors ranging from digestive problems to serious illnesses. In this article, we will look at the causes and treatment of loss of appetite.

Causes of loss of normal appetite.
1. Serious illnesses liver: chronic renal failure, cirrhosis.
2. Serious diseases of the cardiovascular system, acute heart failure.
3. Pneumonia, HIV, hepatitis, kidney infections, influenza.
4. Inflammation of the intestines, alimentary canal or pancreatitis.
5. Endocrine problems, low level thyroid hormone, diabetes.
6. Some types of cancer - blood cancer, stomach cancer, colon cancer.
7. Autoimmune diseases - rheumatoid arthritis and scleroderma.
8. Certain medications, antibiotics, anesthetics, chemotherapy, diabetes medications.
9. Drugs digitalis, demerol, morphine, sympathomimetics - for example, ephedrine.
10. Mental disorders Key words: anorexia nervosa, depression, schizophrenia.
11. Pregnancy.
12. Certain types of dementia - for example, Alzheimer's disease.

In addition, some bad habits also cause loss of appetite: drinking non-alcoholic sweetened drinks or sweets between meals. Sometimes excessive consumption of "heavy" meals rich in saturated fats can cause loss of appetite. Apart from this, there are many more reasons. And in some cases, it happens that it is simply impossible to identify the cause.

Diagnosis of loss of appetite.

If there is a gradual loss of appetite, accompanied by weight loss, a medical examination is necessary - these symptoms can signal serious health problems.

During a medical examination, a series of tests are performed to find out the causes of poor appetite. With the help of a blood test, it is determined whether the cause lies in hormonal imbalance, diabetes, or liver disease. Urinalysis can detect kidney infections. A chest x-ray can reveal lung cancer or pneumonia. Among the medical procedures that diagnose the causes of poor appetite, the most common are:

Full blood test,
HIV Test,
examination of the abdominal organs,
testing of kidney, liver function,
barium enema,
study of thyroid function,
Analysis of urine,
x-ray of the upper gastrointestinal tract,
pregnancy test.

Consequences of long-term lack of appetite.

If a lack of appetite persists for several weeks, the result of this may be an exhaustion of the body, a lack of nutrients necessary for its normal functioning. Many of the consequences depend on the cause that caused the loss of appetite. So, diabetes can lead to disruption of the functioning of various internal organs (kidneys, nervous system, eyes), and cancer can lead to death.

Treatment for loss of normal appetite.

Much of the treatment depends on the cause of the condition. As a rule, appetite is restored after the disease that caused poor appetite is completely cured.

If the loss of appetite is associated with pregnancy, then, as such, no treatment is required, after a few weeks the appetite will recover itself.
If the loss of appetite is caused by nausea, then drugs such as ondansetron or promethazine are mainly used for treatment.
If the loss of appetite is caused by appendicitis, surgery will be required.
People suffering from dementia are prescribed high-calorie nutritional mixtures, and even artificial nutrition through a gastrostomy tube.
If the loss of appetite is associated with a low level of thyroid hormone, special hormone replacement drugs are prescribed.
If the cause of the lack of appetite is infectious diseases, treatment is carried out with antibiotics.
The main methods of cancer treatment are radiation and chemotherapy, surgery.

Getting rid of bad appetite at home.

At home, the inclusion of nutritious meals, snacks, and drinks rich in proteins in the diet will help to cope with loss of appetite.
Yeast, together with the vitamin B complex, is one of the most effective nutritional supplements. Green vegetables are also very good at stimulating the appetite. The lack of the mineral zinc affects the sense of smell and touch, and this negatively affects the appetite of a person.
You can stimulate your appetite with herbal infusions if you drink them half an hour before meals. With loss of appetite caused by emotional problems, herbal decoctions based on chamomile, lemon balm, dill, peppermint should be used. Healing properties These herbs will help not only calm the psyche, but also stimulate the appetite.

Since there can be many reasons for loss of appetite and weight, we still advise you not to self-medicate, but to undergo an examination program.

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