River maidens. Mermaid Stories Scary Mermaid Stories

Who has not heard of mermaids and nymphs - half-woman half-fish, most often living in the depths of the sea? It would not be an exaggeration to say that the entire world folklore is permeated with their images. Traditions and stories about mermaids also exist among those peoples whose history is not connected with the expanses of the sea. In this case, the habitat of strange creatures is called rivers and lakes. And in all ages, naturalists and historians have thought about whether mermaids are really purely mythical creatures, or in ancient times on our planet there really was a small, but reasonable kind of people - amphibians.

The origins of the first legends about the charming inhabitants of the underwater kingdom date back to ancient Babylon. The most interesting thing about them is that, along with female fish, representatives of the male amphibian very often appear here - newts. We must not forget that the powerful Babylonian deities worshiped by the ancients are also half-fish outwardly, including the sun god Oanness.

Strange as it may seem, but one of the sensations of our century is connected with the name and appearance of Oannes. In the 30s, French scientists in West Africa discovered one of the oldest tribes on earth - the Dogon, who managed to exist for several thousand years in complete isolation from the civilized world. At the same time, the Dogon shocked researchers with their fantastically accurate astronomical knowledge, which surpassed even modern science. The priests of the tribe explained that the knowledge was passed on to their ancestors by space aliens who arrived from the star Sirius and had the appearance of amphibians. The chief of those who arrived, Oannes, became the supreme deity worshiped by the Dogon...

But back to earthly mermaids. There is a small island off the coast of Scotland, completely covered with small gray-green pebbles, which are called "mermaid's tears" here. This name is associated with a touching legend about a mermaid who fell in love with a young monk and visited him in the monastery of the holy brotherhood of Jonah. According to legend, the monk taught the mermaid prayers, and together they begged God for her soul ... But she could not leave the sea and eventually sailed away from the island forever, bitterly mourning her fate. The legend dates back to the 6th century and is unique in a certain sense against the general background of “mermaid folklore”. After all, it speaks of love, and the vast majority of legends about the inhabitants of the sea and river depths clearly tell just the opposite.

Decidedly in all sea parables and legends, mermaids and sirens are not only seductive, but also insidious creatures, luring sailors into their nets with singing and wonderful music, “bewitching”, lulling them to sleep with the sole purpose of destroying them. Sailors consider even a fleeting meeting with a mermaid who has just flashed on the horizon a bad omen: whoever sees this sea seductress will certainly drown very soon!

But not only sailors are witnesses and participants in meetings with the mysterious inhabitants of the depths.

...On a warm summer day in 1890, teacher William Moira was walking along the beach in the Scottish county of Caitneess. Suddenly, on a rock jutting out of the sea, he noticed a creature resembling a woman. If Moira hadn't known that it was very dangerous to swim behind a stone, he would not have paid much attention to her, but then he began to look closely ... In front of him was a creature that he never believed in - a mermaid! After a few seconds, she slipped into the water and did not show up again ...

The Master hesitated for a full twelve years before finally deciding to write to the London Times about this meeting, giving a clear and dry description of the mermaid and expressing the hope that his letter might help to confirm "the existence of a phenomenon hitherto almost unknown to naturalists, or reduce skepticism of those who are always ready to challenge everything that they are not able to comprehend.

The rumor about mermaids in all ages has been so. stable and widespread, which, of course, did not bypass Russia. Emperor Peter 1 was also interested in them. So much so that he turned to the person who wrote a lot about them, the Danish colonial priest Francois Valentin. Here is what he answered the Russian emperor after a long list of testimonies obtained during a thorough study of those who encountered unusual creatures: “If there are any stories in the world that are trustworthy, then these are in particular. The fact that some do not believe in them means nothing; there will always be people who deny the existence of Constantinople, Rome, Cairo just because they did not have to see them ... ”As for our century, evidence of clashes with mermaids has certainly become much less. The reason for this (if mermaids really exist) may be the environmental pollution of rivers and seas, which contributes to the extinction of the amazing creatures of Nature, and the significantly increasing speed of water vehicles: in the era of sailboats, sailors had much more time to look at the sea, and means more opportunities to see its inhabitants…

And yet we will give one more story connected with the beginning of the second half of our century. On January 3, 1957, the traveler Eric de Bishop sailed on his own model of an ancient Polynesian raft reconstructed from Tahiti in Chile. Suddenly, the watchman on the raft behaved very strangely: he shouted that he had seen an incomprehensible creature jumping out of the water onto the raft. Balancing on its tail, this creature with hair like the finest algae stood right in front of him. Touching the uninvited guest, the sailor will receive such a blow that he sprawled on the deck, and the creature disappeared into the waves. Since the sailor's hands were left with sparkling fish scales, de Bishop did not doubt the veracity of what had happened. The existence of mermaids is not at all doubted by the majority of modern residents of the coasts of large rivers, including Russian ones. At the end of the 60s, I happened to participate in a folklore expedition, part of the route of which ran along Transnistria and the coast of the wild Carpathian river Prut, which, despite the prevailing shallow water, is famous for unexpected whirlpools. Fishermen - not only professionals, but also amateurs - are reluctant to talk about mermaids: after all, in those parts, a meeting with them is considered a bad omen. Still, I managed to talk with some fishermen in sufficient detail. The most amazing story was told to us by a certain Mykola - a gloomy, gloomy old man who lived alone in a dilapidated mud hut, clinging to a cliff on a whimsical bend of the Prut. It was not by chance that we “came out” at Mykola: in the nearest village we were told a strange and implausible story of his loneliness.

Many years ago (he was already a fisherman, he had just buried his mother, but he did not differ in an unsociable disposition then) somehow in the middle of summer, at dawn, Mykola went fishing in a secret, deaf place that few knew. Wandering along the shallows to the previously chosen boulder, from which he was going to fish, Mykola was forced to suddenly stop: to his amazement, he saw that someone was lying on the sand between him and the stone. Coming closer, the fisherman froze: it was a mermaid!

This is how he described her to us during our meeting with him: short, about a meter and a half, fragile, upper half of the body - with very white skin, hair almost to the waist, greenish-gray, similar to fine algae, an elegant, regular face with excessively large, dark, pupilless eyes... In these eyes Mykola saw something resembling, as it seemed to him, a plea for help. “She seemed to have fainted, that is, she was in a swoon,” the old fisherman explained.

Without thinking twice, Mykola decided to give the mermaid "first aid". Overcoming fear, he threw off his robe, put the "smothered" on her, trying not to inhale the strong and strange aroma coming from her body and causing nausea, and then took the river guest ... to his hut. There was only one bed in his dwelling - he laid a fantastic find on it. The mermaid did not resist: apparently, she simply could not. “Looks like she was already dying,” Mykola explained seriously.

According to him, he sat next to her for almost two days, and did not notice how she died, because the mermaid, after the fisherman laid her on a human bed, never showed signs of life. But in ca. at some point, Mykola saw that her huge eyes were covered with a dull film, and realized that it was all over ... The aroma emanating from the mermaid began to disappear, and with it came a strange state into which he fell, losing track of time.

What kind of state it was, he could not or did not want to explain, only briefly muttering: “Yes, I saw different things ...” The old man did not look like a dreamer. In addition, there were people in the village who claimed that they themselves had seen Mykola’s amazing find from a distance: many looked into his hut in those two days, but no one dared to go inside. "He himself would be some kind of gloomy, and after that he remained - an inhuman."

Obviously, the old fisherman noticed our distrust of his story. Because, after hesitating, he led us to the mountains, behind his hut. A beech forest began there, and, deepening about fifty meters into it, we saw under one of the trees a small, well-groomed grave mound... On it, instead of an Orthodox cross, there was a small figure of a mermaid roughly carved from wood... This figure and the mound were forever imprinted in my memory together with the mysterious and gloomy history of Mykola.

It is interesting that in all the "mermaid" legends, regardless of the place and time of their occurrence, the same qualities are attributed to the inhabitants of the underwater world. Apart from the aforementioned deceit and unfriendly attitude towards people, what are they?

First of all, these are the properties that today we would call extrasensory: starting with the clearly hypnotic singing of the Indian river Apsaras and the telepathy and magic abilities of the ancient Babylonian amphibian gods, and ending with the convictions of sailors and fishermen that a mermaid is able to fascinate and completely subjugate a person with her eyes. . The magic of mermaids cannot be called good or "white", sailors testify - with rare exceptions - to their unfriendly attitude towards people. If we take into account that the home world of amphibians is underwater, and remember what environmental damage man has caused and is causing to this world at all times, then there is no need to be surprised here ...

It is not known what the Russians eat, but, according to several records dating back to the 17th and 19th centuries and supported by the testimony of quite serious people, they do not eat not only fish, but also smaller marine life. This means that they are not carnivorous and do not destroy their fellow habitats - another good reason not to feel sympathy for people, knowing our manners ... The documents of the centuries mentioned mentioned several cases when people managed to either catch or find on the shore a woman who did not have time to disappear along with ebb mermaid. In particular, one of them, having placed in a barrel of sea water, tried to feed something - down to the smallest shrimps - but to no avail. Having lived in captivity for about three days, the mermaid - she was blond - died.

According to the descriptions, the inhabitants of the underwater world can be on the surface, but the period of their stay in the air is strictly limited. In accordance with the available records in ship logs of past centuries, all captive mermaids invariably died much faster than amphibians available to scientists.

Finally, the resemblance to humans is not limited to the shape of the upper half of the body. These creatures are undoubtedly rational, because the deceit in which they have been accused for centuries is also a property of the mind! And if these creatures are indeed not the product of a rich folk fantasy, but representatives of a “neighbor” civilization that once really existed and is disappearing today, it’s a little insulting that they categorically do not want to be friends with us. After all, mankind has always dreamed of finding brothers in mind!

True, at the same time, we are much more likely to try to look into the stellar depths of space than into the mysterious underwater world of the Earth, forgetting that we live, in essence, on a planet little known to us ... So, not only we, but also possible representatives of Homo amphibius - the inhabitants of the enchanting underwater kingdom ...

My grandmother told me this story last summer. When I heard this, it became a little incomprehensible to me and many questions arose ... In general, she told me about a terrible mermaid living in a lake not far from her house.

Once, when her mother asked her to go for a walk with geese around a big mountain, this lake was located just on it. My grandmother agreed and immediately went there for a walk, as it was getting late. And so, when she walked all the geese and was about to return, she heard strange music, it seemed to come from a music box, playing an old melody that had long been loved by everyone! Grandmother decided to check what or who is playing this music. She took all the geese back to the farm and decided to return, but when she left, she was detained and she decided not to go there, but to go tomorrow!

The very next day she could not make up her mind to go there. Therefore, after the disco, she called her friends to go with her, because she was afraid ... And when they began to approach, three of them left and only she and four more remained. They climbed the mountain a little higher, it was made of sand, which surprised them very much! Then they raised their heads up and saw that almost the entire area was covered with watermelons. And they decided to pick up a little ... Which they did.

And finally, all the guys climbed to the very peak of the mountain, there was a small lake, or rather a swamp, but not a single frog croaked in it, not a single reed grew! They came closer and saw that it was all covered in foam! And then a wonderful melody began to play, someone got scared, and someone began to listen ... They all sat down behind a small bush. And they saw that something was rising from the water, it was vile at first glance, they looked more closely and saw a woman coming out, all covered with hair from head to toe.

It was a shock! Then the children decided to run away, because this monster was terrible, it moved its tongue like a snake and made terrible sounds, its arms twisted like snakes, and its eyes were simply huge and glowed green-red.

My grandmother opened her mouth at what she saw. This little mermaid, as she was later called, moved her head violently and hissed when she was completely out of the water. Absolutely everyone ran out of the bushes back home!

And the next day, the parents of these children rushed there to look at it, but nothing happened, even the foam almost disappeared! What then happened that night, no one knew, but in the memory of those children it remained forever, like my grandmother!...

And all this was revealed only in late winter, when children and parents were no longer afraid of anything. One man got drunk and rode horses through the village and somehow he drove up this mountain. The lake was covered in ice and snow. And then he fell onto the ice in front of everyone and everyone saw that his wagon seemed to heat up to 1000 degrees and under it the ice began to melt like scalded. The man was screaming loudly, and the horses were screaming in terror. Although that wagon was wooden, but after, when the ice melted, not a single piece of wood surfaced, the corpse was not found ...

In the summer of the next year, these same children began to poke huge sticks into the river bank and never found it, because it was not there - the end of the bottom of this damn lake-river or swamp! ...

A lot of time has passed since then, the lake has disappeared, but if you come to the area at night, you can still hear that charmingly frightening music of the box!

18.01.2017 15:52
Mermaids are characters of Slavic folklore. Now we treat them with some skepticism, but our ancestors believed in them and took them very seriously.
According to beliefs, mermaids live in rivers, in forests and fields, and therefore for our great-grandmothers who lived in villages close to nature, meeting with them was not such a rare occurrence, and everyone heard stories about mermaids. Now we live in a modern world, and many of us live in city apartments, which are far from dense forests and mysterious lakes. But who knows what really lurks in these places? Maybe our great-grandmothers were not so storytellers after all?
In this article of the women's online magazine "100 Worlds" we will get acquainted with some stories about mermaids that have come down to our days from folklore.

Mermaid on the field

There was a crossroads on the outskirts of a village that had a bad reputation. One of the roads led directly to the city, and people walked along it to the monastery to pray. And it was this place that the evil spirits chose - they say that everything happened here. And first of all, evil spirits molested those who went to pray - they tried to lead people astray from the true path.
Somehow a man was walking alone into the city, he wanted to get there before dark, but it didn’t work out. It was already getting dark, and the moon appeared when he reached the crossroads. He sees a young girl sitting by the road, all alone. She brushes her hair and cries.
He approached her and asked what happened. She told him that she was going to the monastery and got lost. The man did not leave the beauty in trouble and promised to take her away, anyway, because they are on the way.
They went on together. He knew the road to the monastery perfectly, but some miracles - an hour has already passed, but the road still does not end. The man began to get nervous, and the girl cheered up - she goes to herself and laughs, she sings songs. She began to flirt with him, but only you can’t touch her with your hand - she walks so quickly and deftly that you can’t catch up with her.
They approached a field where heaps of harvested rye were laid out, and she suddenly took and darted over the heap and again began, as it were, to cry. The peasant began to look for her, and her voice is heard now behind one, then behind another mop - and she is nowhere to be found.
So he searched for her until dawn, forgetting where he was going. A mermaid took him out of the city, thirty miles away - only in the morning he came to his senses.

The story of a mermaid in a bath

Once a man went to the bath to wash himself. It was winter, and the time was already late, the night was twelve o'clock. He's gone and he's gone.
His wife was worried - why was her husband gone for so long? I went to the bathhouse to look for him, but he was not inside.
He looks - and traces lead from the bathhouse, straight to the river. She followed the tracks and saw that her husband was sitting on a stone in the middle of the water, completely naked. And in the yard - winter, snow all around!
She asked him how he got there and why. And he said that a mermaid came to the bathhouse and called him to follow her, and for some reason he followed. The mermaid darted off somewhere, and he still sits naked in the cold. The wife began to say: “Amen”, and “zaamina” - he woke up and got up. However, how can he get out? Around the cold water, and the depth is great. He doesn't know how he got there, but he can't go back without outside help.
The wife of friends had to call for help, to pull her husband out. People threw him a rope and managed to pull the poor fellow back to the shore.
But it’s not for nothing that they say that a bathhouse is a bad, unclean, terrible place ...

The misfortune of the rude fisherman

Somehow one fisherman put a net on the lake, but he was not lucky. A day passed, two - and no fish. On the third day he got angry - he removed the nets, spat into the water and cursed.
He came home and suddenly began to get sick with an unknown disease. His strength began to leave, and it is not clear what is sick. His wife went to the sorceress, she gave her the charmed water and told her to wash herself. Yes, it's all to no avail. The wife, as she came home in the evening, fell asleep from fatigue. And she dreamed that the door to their hut opened and the mermaids entered. And they ordered her not to give this water to her husband and not to help him - they were offended by him, because he spat on their wedding table!
The wife woke up and saw that their lambs, which were standing in the stall at the house, were lying dead - their legs were pulled out. And then her husband died, and there was no way to help him.
Here is such a scary story about mermaids! They say that mermaids are angry, touchy people. And you can’t spit in the water, and you can’t swear too - that’s how you can invite trouble ...

The story of the captivity of the mermaids

Since ancient times, there was a belief in Russia - you can’t curse anyone, otherwise mermaids can come after the damned and drag them to their lair.
Once the tailor quarreled with his wife and in his hearts sent her to the jesters. At night, around midnight, the woman went out into the yard for a small need - and did not return back.
They searched for the missing tailor's wife for two weeks, but no one saw her. Then people began to pray for her and give alms to the poor. And so, a few weeks later, at midnight, a cart rolled up to their house - it threw something off the cart, and drove away.
The tailor looks - and this is his wife, thin and exhausted. And the woman said that after her husband sent her to the jesters, she went out into the courtyard - and there some otherworldly force surrounded her and dragged her away. They dragged her to the river and dragged her into the water, right into the nest of joker mermaids.
So she lived with them for several weeks. She said that mermaids live like people - they sew, eat, start families. Yes, only at night they crawl out of their nest and walk around the villages - look out for where people sit down without prayer, laugh at a meal and throw food on the floor. They look at whose doors and windows have not been “aminated”, and to whom it is possible to enter the house. They go and steal children, as well as those who have been cursed by relatives.
At first, mermaids did not offend a woman. But then, when her relatives began to pray for her, they began to starve her and mock her. But relatives prayed for their soul - then they returned the woman home.
These are the creepy stories about mermaids! However, they have their own morals, don't they?
Do you believe in mermaid stories?
The article was written using materials from the book about Russian folklore "Guardian Angel, Tempting Spirit and Brownie".
Anastasia Cherkasova, women's site "100 Worlds"

Real stories about mermaids

There is no people who would not mention stories about mermaids. All mermaids share many of the same traits, but also many differences. For example, East Slavic mermaids are drowned girls, or brides who did not live to see their marriage. There are also unbaptized children and cursed people among them. Mermaids of this type tried with all their might to drag young guys to the bottom.
Mermaids of French origin differed from their relatives in that they had not a fish tail, but a snake tail, as they descended from newts and reptiles.
In the Middle Ages in Europe, the northern waters were inhabited mainly by ugly mermaids with a huge head, wide mouth and large tail. In the south, on the contrary, there were pretty girls who sat on stones or rocks and combed their long hair. Mermaids have a reputation for drowning: they lure men with their singing, drag them underwater, and tickle them to death.
According to the Scandinavian version, seals are the ancestors of man. For this reason, any man who wished could marry a mermaid, having previously hidden her second skin. Scottish folklore still keeps the love story of an earthly man and a sea nymph. Their family life was wonderful until one day the child discovered the mother's true skin and showed it to her. Out of desperation, she threw herself into the water and hid from the earthly world forever.
Ukraine also has rich folklore. One Carpathian legend is noteworthy.
A lonely old man went down to the river to catch fish. Approaching the cherished place, he saw a mermaid lying on the ground. Her eyes were full of immense sadness and sadness.
The old man could not pass by and decided to take her to his home. A day later, a numbness came over the old man, which did not leave him even after the death of the mermaid. After a while, the man was buried, and a mermaid monument was erected on his grave instead of a cross. Since then, this story has become a legend and passed from mouth to mouth, someone believes in the existence of mermaids, someone does not, but no one remains indifferent.

A real story that happened not so long ago

Once my girlfriend told me a real story about mermaids that happened to her future husband.
It happened last summer. The young man's name was Igor. He was a dashing guy, young, healthy and handsome. Then he just graduated from the institute, and, having received the long-awaited title of a veterinarian, by the will of fate he was thrown into one of the villages, not far from the city, so to speak, to practice and gain experience. It was a very picturesque place on the banks of the river, which was surrounded by an ancient beautiful forest. As in any village, there were legends associated with the river. Many people said that two mermaids of extraordinary beauty with incredibly long golden hair lived in that river. As soon as it gets dark, they swim to the shore, and, sitting on the rocks, comb their long hair.
Igor, of course, knew about this story, but refused to believe in it. One evening after work, he decided to swim in the river. He called his friends with him, but they, chuckling, flatly refused to go, arguing that they were very tired, and were afraid to go to that place at a later time, because the legend of mermaids did not seem such an invention.
Igor had little faith in village mysticism and decided to go alone. The sky was lit up by the full moon, and the forest with the river was quite clearly visible. To reach the river, one had to pass through a small patch of woods along a bumpy path. Having gone almost to the end, Igor suddenly heard women's voices. Doubts crept into his soul and he stopped.
The guy knew perfectly well that not a single girl from the village would have dared to come to the river bank at night. But maybe there was a brave one among them who decided to go now ... Igor nevertheless began to go down to the water, when he suddenly saw two young girls.
The guy, suspecting nothing, already wanted to greet them, when he suddenly heard splashes of water, and then he saw long fish tails instead of girlish legs, with these marvelous tails they beat on the water, splashed and laughed loudly. His doubts were dispelled instantly. Now he understood that the old legends of the village were nothing but the truth.
The mermaids had their backs to the guy, and he hoped to get away unnoticed. But as soon as he took a step, one of the mermaids turned sharply at the sound, and glared at him intently. This made him numb. But he immediately sighed with relief, because looking closer, he noticed that the beauties - mermaids actually turned out to be city girls who came to the river, and their chic tails were nothing more than bathing suits. Igor was at first somewhat confused, he so wanted to see a miracle, but soon realized that these "mermaids" were not mythical creatures, but real ones. What could be more beautiful than a miracle presented to his eyes: against the backdrop of the sun drowning in the river, mermaid girls were swimming, and their tails flickered and shimmered with thousands of sparkles.
But the most interesting thing is that one of the mermaids turned out to be my friend. It was she who managed to bewitch with her chic mermaid tail this excessively curious young man.
Do you want to become the heroine of such a fascinating romantic story?! Choose your favorite mermaid tail in the online store http://hvost-rusalki.ru and go on an adventure!

Scary stories - the whole truth about mermaids first hand, photos. - I'm a mermaid!

The instinct to kill in some cases prevails over reason. This is especially true in situations where a person is faced with something hitherto unknown, and for which there is no explanation.
This happened off the coast of the small English town of Exter, as the English magazine Gentlemen's Magazine wrote about in 1737. When the fishermen began to pull out the net with the catch, they noticed that some unknown sea creature was trying to get out of it. Without thinking twice, the sailors beat the unknown creature with sticks. Nothing could stop the embittered men, even human groans and cries of the sea creature dying from the blows. After the sailors dealt with an incomprehensible creature, they saw that the creature had a human appearance, only the nose was more flattened, and the lower part of the body was a tail like a salmon. The length of the humanoid creature was about 130 cm. His body was even put up for inspection in Exter, where they came from the neighboring county to stare at the monster.
It is difficult to call what happened on the coast of Mauritius with the English sailors of the Halifax just a hunting instinct. The consequences of the meeting of these sailors with mermaids were written with horror by the Scots Magazine in 1739. Seeing the mermaids left by the tide on the shore, the men rushed to the defenseless creatures and beat them to death, despite their plaintive wailing and crying. However, they did not limit themselves to killing the unfortunate, but roasted and ate them, subsequently praising the taste of the meat of these harmless marine inhabitants.
In fairness, it should be noted that European explorers and discoverers, finding themselves in the forests of Central Africa, wrote in their reports about the strange gastronomic preferences of the natives, who often catch mermaids in nearby water bodies and eat their meat. The church was actively interested in this fact, discussing the question of whether, in this case, the natives can be considered cannibals.
Photo: Mermaid lies on a stone.
In most cases, mermaids were exterminated not only for the sake of tasty meat, but just like that, for fun. An example of this is the case that occurred in Ireland in 1819. Somehow, people gathered on the seashore saw a mermaid splashing in the water, which the waves of the surf brought close to the coast. While most of the onlookers were just watching her, one of the spectators decided to shoot this strange inhabitant of the sea. Without thinking twice, he took aim, and a shot rang out. The mortally wounded mermaid screamed piercingly and disappeared into the sea.
A similar incident happened in 1892 in the Orkney Islands near the small village of Diernes. As always, fishermen were engaged in catching crabs in this area and accidentally noticed a mermaid in the sea nearby. The same mermaid was seen by people on the shore. One of the observers hurried to shoot her, after which several people who wanted to get her swam after the shot prey. However, the shot mermaid could not be pulled ashore, as her body went under water.
A mermaid displayed at a fair in Paris in 1758. The drawing is made from nature.
There were cases when such sea creatures were killed not purposefully, but solely by mistake. This happened near the coastal city of Boulogne in France in the 17th century. The sentry stood at his post on the fortress wall, guarding the city at night. Suddenly he heard a suspicious rustle near the wall and called out to the disturber of the peace. There was no answer, and the sentry fired in the direction from which suspicious sounds were heard. In the morning we managed to see the one at whom the sentry shot. The upper part of the torso of the slain creature resembled a man, and the lower part of the torso replaced the tail like that of a fish. A strange creature killed by chance ended up on land at low tide and, trying to get to the water, began to move. Scientists of that time became interested in this creature. They sketched him and made a detailed description of the structure of his body. In one of the scientific books of those years, you can find a detailed description and drawing of an accidentally killed sea creature. It is interesting that the author of the description draws a conclusion about the origin of man from such creatures.
In Russia in the old days, the attitude towards mermaids was much more respectful than today. Fear and surprise were replaced by wary hostility.
Photo: Mermaid combing her hair
Eyewitness accounts just testify to such cases. In one village, grandmother Nazaryevna told how a visiting hunter Sobolev saw a mermaid on a stone in the middle of the river, combing her hair with a comb, and shot her. And when they approached this stone, the mermaid was no longer on the stone, she hid under water, but they saw a golden comb left there. He was thrown into the river after the mermaid.
Even more striking in its heartlessness is the story of a rural policeman. It was very insulting to him that he dropped the entire clip into the mermaid, but did not hit her. Somehow this policeman had to pass at night near the pond in Potylikh. There he met a mermaid. She sat peacefully in the pond and looked at the person passing by. The policeman was indignant that he was not afraid of him, and let's shoot. And the mermaid managed to dodge the bullet by diving, and so she disappeared into the pool. Later, this policeman flew in from the authorities that he shot the clip in vain. And his annoyance took that he didn’t hit the cunning mermaid.
In the Chita region in the village of Dunaevo in the seventies of the last century, one of the inhabitants of this village, a certain Safonov, killed a mermaid, took her out of the pond and began to show and tell everyone that she had a head, body and hands like a woman, and instead of legs a fish tail in scales.
In Russia, mermaids were not favored because they were different from people, they were different. They were considered unclean, therefore they were killed. One of the researchers wrote about the attitude of people towards mermaids in Russia a hundred years ago: “In contrast to the cheerful, playful and fascinating mermaids of Little Russians, Great Russian mermaids are evil and vengeful creatures.”
That is why it is best to kill this evil spirits.
More evidence of the existence of mermaids can be found by clicking on the link.

Village stories. The story of a mermaid

Once our village was large and prosperous, it was written about in newspapers, the chairman of the collective farm was awarded several times for excellent work. There was a church, a school, a library, and a club in the village. There was also a river, although it still exists, where women wash clothes in the old fashioned way, people bathe. But once the river was very large and fast, it is rather big today, but until the 70s, when either a factory or a plant was built in the nearest city, the river was simply huge. Well, where there is a river, there are drowned people.
Grandmother Masha, who lived all her life in this village (and before her, 5 generations of the family lived there), often told us the legends of the village. He will make tea, put pies on the table, a small lamp on the table so as not to burn excess electricity, and tell stories to me and my sister Masha. It’s already dark outside, only stars, we children are sitting at the table, handicrafts are in the hands of grandmother. Further from her words:
“Here you like to run to the river, now she, our beauty, is small, a man can swim quickly, but before, when I was as old as you, the river was three times deeper, much wider. Here is the place where the beach was made today, here it was under water. The river was fast, the current was strong, few people could swim across it. There were also whirlpools in the river, just in the middle. A lot of people drowned. Every year there are three dead people, no less, and even more. Foolishly, of course, sometimes they drowned. The little kids went, and they swam far away, so they drowned. But what is strange is that every year 2 girls drowned. All beautiful, unmarried. Why do you think so? Old-timers say that Marinka took them.
She lived for a long time, even when the master was here, the grandfather or great-grandfather of the last master, whom the Red Army men hanged in the old master's stable. The gentleman was cheerful, not evil, but he loved the girls very much. He will choose a prettier girl for a walk, bring him to the estate. And in the morning he will give her beads, gifts and a little money - for a dowry. Well, if the girl liked it, then she stayed with the master, and when the master got tired, he let her go home and gave her money, and he could also give chickens or a piglet, well, or a cow. It was at the next walk that he met Marinka. They say that she is a relative of our neighbors, the Torosyats (from the surname Torosenok).
Marinka lived with her master for a long time. Not less than a year, she fell in love with him, they say, although the master was not yet thirty, he was handsome and cheerful. He built a hut for Marinka's new family, gave them cattle, sent his brother to the city to study. Moreover, Marinka swore that he would not start more girls, he would live with her alone. Well, the girl believed him. She's only sixteen years old. He lived with her for another six months, and then, apparently, Marina got tired of him. On a walk I saw Alyonka from the Tsarapin family, and brought her to the estate! Marinka himself did not say anything, forbade her to go to him, but ordered to give money, a cow, a couple of piglets, and give away all the outfits that she had lived with him. They loaded it all onto a cart, put the weeping Marinka, and drove her to her village.
But in the morning she ran to the estate, threw herself at his feet, weeping, wailing, recalling his words about love. Well, what about the barin? Laughed in her face. “You,” he says, “are my servant, a village girl. I gave you a dowry, I will marry you to a widowed blacksmith. And now she's gone!" And Marinka, like rabies, attacked him, shouting to him: “Life is not sweet to me without your love! I'll go and hang myself!" The master laughs, the yard men grabbed Marinka, dragged from the yard, and she continues to scream, they say, I will drag all the beautiful girls with me, not with me, so with no one!
That same night she hanged herself near the river. They say that just on a branch of a tree, which is near a large stone.
They grieved about it, and forgot about it. And three months later Alenka Tsarapina drowned. The master was not particularly sad, he took Dunka Kuzminskaya for himself, lived with her for two months, and then she became ill on the river, she seemed to be a healthy girl, but she died. Then Manya Petrova, with whom the master lived all autumn, drowned. And then came the turn of Valya Smirnova, then Katya, then three more girls ... That's how a couple of years and drowned all the master's girls. And at night, they say, they saw Marinka on the river bank, walking, crying, she became a mermaid. She drowned the girls.
People were already afraid to let their daughters and sisters go to the festivities, and the master then left for the city, for St. Petersburg itself. There he got married and brought his young wife to the village. With the departure of the master, the girls stopped drowning, the locals decided that Marinka had calmed down.
Our master seemed to live well with his young wife, but he began to apply himself to the bottle. They say that he will come to the river in the evening, get drunk and start talking to the river, asking for forgiveness. So they found him dead.
Yes, Marinka doesn’t drown girls anymore, after all, the lady then ordered a funeral for her. But sometimes, they say that you can see it near the river. True, I didn’t see her, but they say that she shows herself to young guys if they walk and deceive girls.
After this story, my sister and I often secretly ran at dusk to the river to see Marinka, but we never saw anyone.

Mermaid Stories - RealFear.ru


It was summer, my grandmother was still young and unmarried. She was returning from work with other girls, and they decided to swim in the lake. Everyone ran, but the grandmother did not go, but simply sat down near the shore, without explaining why. In fact, she saw mermaids sitting near the lake, but she was not afraid of them, as she was already used to them. And so, one girl began to sink, it is not clear why, she stood near the shore and as if some kind of force was pulling her down. Grandmother ran up and pulled the girl by the hair (it was impossible to do otherwise), pulled her out of the water, she did not understand what was happening to her, dragged her to the shore, she sat, was silent and did not answer the questions asked. You see, she was very scared. My friend’s grandmother also said that you shouldn’t be afraid of mermaids, otherwise they will come and drag you into the water, you can’t refuse anything to a mermaid, no matter what she asks, and only sinless people can see a mermaid. The story is real. In general, a friend told many stories that happened to her grandmother, but for now I will publish one.


Many have heard myths about mermaids calling sailors to certain death, and everyone knows the fairy tale about the beautiful little mermaid who saved the prince. Until the following events, I, like most people, considered these legends to be fiction, but now I know that both of these stories have some truthful roots.
It all started in the distant nineties. The Soviet Union collapsed, and private business began to develop in the vastness of our vast country, and, of course, the accompanying banditry, cruel and merciless. I, like many in those years, was often engaged in driving cars from Vladik. This business was very dangerous, and I never traveled alone. But, having already decently accumulated experience and knowing the route well, one day I decided to go on a trip without a partner. But, as the famous saying goes, "the greed of the fraer ruined."
It was summer, on the eve of Ivan Kupala, the weather was quite hot. I successfully bought an 88 Nissan and, satisfied with the purchase, returned back. I only stayed overnight at trusted places, and it could be said that everything was going very well, until I got to one small town, where I decided to have a bite to eat at an open-air diner. A brazier, a bar counter and a dozen plastic tables under umbrellas. Since I had already been here once, I felt safe and, sitting comfortably away from everyone, leisurely savored a freshly prepared barbecue to the songs of the Mirage group, which sounded from two large speakers to amuse the customers. Suddenly, a motorcycle with two bikers flew into the territory of the diner, demolishing a couple of empty tables and frightening the few visitors who began to scatter screaming. A gun barrel flashed in the passenger's hands, and a short automatic burst sounded, probably intended for the owner of the establishment. A man in a white shirt with several bullet wounds fell lifelessly on the bar. Bottles crashed to the floor, and a powerful bike with a squeal turned around and, cracking with a silencer, sped away at high speed. In a state of shock, I sat for a while, gaping my mouth and staring after the bikers.
“Help,” a crying female voice said, breaking my stupor.
Turning around, I saw a waitress sitting on the ground. Her entire left leg was covered in blood. Jumping up from my seat, I rushed to help, my example was followed by a couple of men. Running up, I quickly pulled the belt out of my trousers and, having examined the wound, began to provide first aid.
Someone call an ambulance! I shouted, pulling the leg of the girl trembling with fear, which in the meantime was trying to calm the second man.
“Already called,” the guy running towards us from the telephone booth shouted in response.
Stopping the bleeding, I smiled at the girl.
“Well, everything is fine, you will live, just a scratch,” I said to cheer her up, to which the waitress, sobbing, only nodded in response.
Leaving the girl for the guys helping me, I went up to the shot man, around whom several people were already spinning, but he was clearly dead: one of the bullets hit him right in the heart. The ambulance and the police arrived fairly quickly. The waitress, accidentally wounded by a ricochet, was taken to the hospital. And I, like the rest of the witnesses, had to go to the police station to testify, where we had to hang around until the evening. Since my car was in the police parking lot, I didn’t really worry, although I didn’t feel joy from this adventure. In the investigator's office, I stated my version of what happened, and the typist documented my words.
– May I go? I asked, signing the protocol.
“A couple more minutes,” the investigator replied dryly and began to rummage through the papers.
“Ksyushenka, please make a copy of these documents,” the investigator turned to the typist and handed her my passport and some other papers.
A little overweight, but a pretty girl took the documents and went out into the corridor.
I began to look at the walls of the office in anticipation. My eyes were drawn to a large black and white photograph of a very beautiful girl. On her neck, I noticed a small heart-shaped pendant, most likely made of a non-precious stone.
- What kind of girl is this? I asked the investigator from nothing to do.
The policeman glanced at the wall of photographs.
“These are the missing,” he replied gloomily, then, rubbing his eye, he continued. - She's been missing for a year now. Pretty sad story. Apart from her mother, she has no one. The poor woman could not find a place for herself for the first six months. She upholstered all our thresholds, and then she died of a heart attack, right here, at the exit from the police station, she fell, even the ambulance did not have time to arrive.
- And what, no leads? I asked.
The mother claims that one biker harassed her all the time. But he has an alibi, fake, of course, most likely, his friends cover. And all the likely witnesses are silent, as they took water in their mouths. We, of course, do everything in our power, but what can you do here especially, there is no corpse, there are no witnesses, capercaillie, in general.
After his words, a typist entered the office, I took my documents, took a pass and successfully left the police building.
It was already getting dark outside, and I did not want to stay overnight in this town. I got into the car and in half an hour left the city. I rode in silence, without music, constantly replaying the events of today in my thoughts. But most of all I thought about that girl from the photo. Her image stood before my eyes: long blond hair, large beautiful hair, a sweet kind smile. From these thoughts, I felt uneasy, to the point of tears I was offended by what was happening in the country. In the end, I got tired of this oppressive atmosphere, and I decided to turn on the music to unwind a little, but before I could press the radio button, a girl in a black leather jacket, lying on the road, appeared in the headlights on the road. I slammed on the brakes and twisted the steering wheel, the car skidded and swerved with a screech. Quickly opening the door and getting out, I ran to the girl. Falling on my knees in front of her, I turned her around, but instead of the expected bloodied face, a maliciously smiling vulgarly painted physiognomy turned towards me.
- Gotcha, fraerok! the biker said.
Jumping to my feet, I wanted to run to the car, but there were already three bandits standing there. Then four more came out of the forest and began to surround me. The decoy girl got up from the ground and, approaching my car, lounged on the hood in anticipation of the performance.
- Guys, take the car, just don't hit! I didn't say very confidently.
"Don't worry, you'll die quickly!" - said one of the bandits, and in his hands flashed the blade of a switchblade knife.
The bastard lunged, but I successfully blocked him and punched him hard in the face. From the blow, the bandit, tangled in his legs, involuntarily stepped back a few steps, greatly amusing his comrades, who began to make fun of him.
“Well, that’s it, bitch, don’t expect an easy death,” the bandit said angrily, spitting blood.
In anticipation of the inevitable, I took a fighting stance, mentally telling myself that I would not give up just like that.
- Well!!! Who is next!? - I shouted, looking around, so as not to miss a new attack.
After my words, the ring quickly closed, and blows rained down from all sides. I don’t remember exactly, but it seems like a couple of times I managed to embed someone else. I don’t know how the beating ended, because in the process I lost consciousness.
When I woke up, my hands were tied to something, just like my legs. Everything swam before my eyes, but the full moon was still clearly visible in the sky. Struggling, I tried to figure out what was going on.
“Oooh, I woke up, look, I’m still alive,” staring at my face with his vile mug, said the one whom I managed to slap.
- Maybe cut? – asked the second.
- Nooo, today is the night of Ivan Kupala, let him dive that we are some kind of animals, to cut a person like a pig.
After his words, the second bastard whinnied loudly. Then the bandits picked me up and dragged me to the cliff. As I later found out, this cliff led to a deep local lake, which used to be a quarry. With a huge noise and splash, I fell into the water, a large stone tied to my feet quickly pulled me to the bottom.
I strongly resisted, trying to free my hands, but nothing worked, these bastards knew how to knit knots. Having plunged several meters, my cargo rested on the coastal bottom next to another poor fellow tied to a cobblestone, but already in a half-decomposed form. Probably, the bandits got rid of the bodies in this way here. Strength began to leave me, I incredibly wanted to take a breath, which meant death, but the opposite did not bode well. I held on as long as I could, I don’t even know why, but, as it turned out, it was not in vain.
Something flashed before my eyes. Then, in the dim moonlight penetrating the water column, I clearly saw the face of the very girl from the photograph: I will never confuse her beautiful smile with anything. She quickly approached me and kissed me on the lips, which made me feel light and calm, and the water became clear, almost like air, and it seems that I even breathed. Everything that happened next was like a dream. The knots loosened and I was freed from my ballast. She held my hand, and we swam somewhere, the cool water pleasantly caressed my exhausted body, and my gaze was immersed in its insane beauty. Now it’s hard for me to say whether she had a tail like a mermaid, probably, but for me it was not something unusual and surprising. Most of all I wanted to meet her eyes again, to see her beautiful blue eyes. And when she turned to me, my heart skipped a beat, I watched her blond hair develop in the moonlight, and I felt like the happiest person, she was amazingly beautiful. It was the most perfect being. And on her neck was the same pendant in the shape of a heart.
When I fully came to my senses, I was already on the shore. But her voice still lingered in my ears, her beautiful gentle voice. “Bring them to me, bring them all to me,” she said. And as if spellbound, feeling no fear, no pain, no doubt, I got up and headed for the road. I knew exactly where to go, although I had never been here before. Having got out on the highway, I went along it. Soon a roadside cafe appeared, on the territory of which some kind of rock music played loudly, and the sounds of a cheerful feast were clearly audible. And in her parking lot were bikers' motorcycles and my car.
Under the cover of night, I made my way to my car, smashed the side window on the driver's side with a cobblestone, opened the door, quickly shook off the fragments and took out a spare set of keys from under the seat. Starting the car, I taxied out of the parking lot, then put it in reverse gear and, pressing on the gas, rammed the parked motorcycles, which crashed to the ground with a crash. And to be sure, in order to be heard, I continuously honked. After a few seconds, bikers began to jump out of the cafe. I put my hand out the window and gave them the middle finger, then once again banged on motorcycles and gave them the “gas”. In the rearview mirror, I watched the scum pick up their fallen bikes and give chase.
I didn’t want to get too far away from them so that they wouldn’t lose sight of me, although when they started shooting, I really regretted it. With bated breath, I listened to how the bullets that reached the target pierced the skin of the car, but it was no longer possible to come off.
I drove like crazy, but they were not careful either. Finally, I got to the right turn and turned onto a gravel road. Stones from under the wheels, like a machine-gun burst, flew into my pursuers. Not sparing the suspension, I flew, without slowing down, over all the bumps and potholes, until I drove to the very shore of the lake, to which the mermaid brought me. I braked hard, stopped the car and got out. The moon shone on the smooth surface of the water, and not far from the shore she swam, beautiful as a goddess, a perfect girl. She sang, she sang so beautifully. I no longer thought about the pursuers and did not think about the consequences, I didn’t give a damn about everything, I just wanted one thing - to be with her. As if hypnotized, I went to meet her, to her beautiful voice, to her marvelous song. But as soon as my feet touched the water, I stopped, or rather, I was stopped. They were two men, with very pale skin, in wet torn clothes, covered with algae, their eyes were completely white, they held me in a stranglehold and did not let me go to my goddess. Bikers began to pass us, I watched them enter the water and go towards it. I envied them, I wanted to go with them, I wanted to go to her, no matter what the cost, but they held me tightly, not allowing me to escape. And the bikers went on and on until they completely disappeared into the water. Everything went dim before my eyes, I involuntarily lowered my eyelids and lost consciousness.
When I woke up, it was already morning. I was lying on the very shore, my car and bikers' motorcycles were standing nearby, and my hand was tightly squeezing something. I brought it to my face and unclenched my fist, in the palm of my hand lay the very pendant in the shape of a heart, made of some kind of green stone. Looking at him, I clearly began to remember how I had a dream. A dream in which I was sitting in the same diner where it all began. The bright sun was shining on the street, music was playing, happy people were walking around, then she came up to me and sat down next to me, and I, as if spellbound, admired her beautiful face. She took my hand and, putting something into it, said:
“Go home, Sasha, and never come back here again,” then she got up and kissed me on the lips, and then everything was in a fog.
I took another sad look at the lake, then put the pendant around my neck, got into the car and drove home.
I drove the rest of the way without much incident. He did not tell his family about what had happened, so as not to worry them. And with the business of hauling cars tied up. A year later, I met a beautiful girl, whom I soon married. Now I have my own business, a loving wife and adult children. But even many years later, on the night of Ivan Kupala, I wake up covered in a cold sweat, and in my head I hear her wonderful voice, which irresistibly pulls me back to that lake. And only when I squeeze the pendant given by the mermaid in my hand, I gradually feel better, and I again peacefully fall asleep.

Mermaid Stories

In July 1992, a young Moscow programmer, Igor Peskov, went fishing in the Tver region with his dog named Sakur. He took a pocket receiver with him and learned from one of the radio programs that the next night, which he was to spend on a lake near the village of Rozhdestvennoye, coincided with the beginning of the Mermaid Week. It's midnight. The receiver suddenly died down, but the fire, despite the abundance of firewood in the fire, began to fade. A moment later, Igor heard a bell ringing, although the nearest church was at least forty kilometers from the lake. This made the fisherman wary, for he could not find any explanation for what had happened. Sakura suddenly became worried and began to howl. “Very little time passed, and suddenly the space above the lake lit up with an unusual blue light,” says Igor. “It seemed to me that some kind of force hypnotized me. I clearly saw all the surrounding objects, seemed to be perfectly aware of everything that was happening, but at the same time I was unable to control my actions. Something drew me to the lake. I entered the water and suddenly felt like I was wrapped in seaweed and pulled to the bottom. I began to sink and could not find the strength to resist. At that moment, I heard Sakura barking. His voice literally brought me back from oblivion. I began to resist desperately and, as it seemed to me, saw the contours of a human figure under the water. After a little while, I felt free from the fetters and rushed to the shore. I called out to Sakura, who was still in the water. Finally he swam to shore. With my help, he got out of the water. His whole neck was covered in blood."
This story was told by D. Pogodin: “There is an artificial reservoir in Togliatti, where we often gather with friends. Once, when we arrived there, we found two ambulances on the shore. We learned about the incident from one of the guys. He, along with two friends, was going to swim. Before they had time to enter the water, they heard a mysterious and alluring voice. They turned around and saw a fat, fat, jelly-like woman in the water. And her voice had a magical effect on one of them. Despite the fact that they tried to keep him, the guy quickly went to the mermaid. In order to somehow save him, another young man threw a stone at her. She hissed like a cat, but much louder and more terrible, and then went away. The consequences of the improbable meeting were dire. The guy who was beckoned by the mermaid immediately fell down and had an epileptic attack. Prior to that, he was completely healthy. And the other, who threw a stone at her, could not say anything. As we later found out, the second one recovered quickly, but the first one spent a long time in the hospital.”
A source

History of the Mermaid

It was a long time ago. In a small village where everyone knew each other. It was midnight. A guy was walking along the shore of the lake, suddenly he heard splashing in the water and beautiful melodic singing. It was a young, beautiful girl. The guy came closer to the lake and started talking to her:
- Do you want to get sick? Get out of the water!
The girl silently turned and looked at him.
- Who are you? What is your name? I haven't seen you here before...
“Angela,” the girl replied. - I'm a mermaid.
And suddenly she smiled enigmatically.
- My name is Oleg. Can you get out of the water?
- In general, we are forbidden to do this, I can be severely punished.
I would love to walk with you and talk
- Is that a problem? - the girl answered, chuckling, - Go along the lake along the shore, and I will swim not far from you.
And so they talked all night. When the first roosters sang, the girl suddenly began to get nervous and said that she had to go. The guy asked if they could meet again. The girl, agreeing, nodded her head and disappeared under the water. The next night, the guy again stood on the shore and waited for the arrival of that same girl. History repeated itself. The next night, when they saw each other, they struck up an interesting conversation. Angela said she was allowed out of the water... But not for long. The guy was very happy. When they walked along the shore, holding hands, she handed him the medallion and said that it was a gift. The guy squeezed it tightly, then put it around his neck. When it began to dawn and the first roosters sang, the girl again said goodbye to the guy, this time kissing him, and dived into the water. After a while, Angela carefully stuck her head out of the water and looked to see if the guy was gone. After she made sure that he was not around, she got out of the water, went to the stones, took out her outer clothes from there, and when she returned to her grandmother's house, she thought:
“It’s good that my parents sent me to my grandmother for the summer ... I haven’t seen her since I was born. How fortunate it all turned out that my sisters called me home, but I did not want to and remained in the water. How lucky I am that I decided to play the guy who walked along the shore, saying that I am a mermaid ... I am very lucky that I met him ... I think that tomorrow I should tell him the whole truth. I think I fell in love with him."
Arriving home, the grandmother was no longer sleeping and asked where she had been all night. (Angela left the house when her grandmother went to bed and came before she woke up). And where did the medallion with her photo go... The girl decided to share her joy about her new lover and told her the whole story. Grandmother asked what kind of guy this was, asked him to say his name and describe his appearance, because they all know each other in the village. The girl described him, but the words of her grandmother shocked her: “You know, dear, I would not meet with him anymore ... And in general, I would not ... He went missing a year ago.” The granddaughter did not believe her grandmother and ran around the village to ask about the guy. Panic broke out in the village, and everyone went to the lake. They searched for traces of the guy for a long time, but to no avail. Suddenly, some grandmother asked: “Where were you swimming when you saw this guy for the first time?” The girl pointed to a very inconspicuous place near the stones. Suddenly, a skeleton with the remains of a body and matter floated out of the water ... And Angela's medallion hung around the neck of this skeleton ...

Mermaid - Stories about the strange and incomprehensible


This story was told to us by a good friend of our family, a serious man who has 2 higher educations and a doctoral degree behind him. His story does not look entirely believable, but I have no reason not to believe this man. To believe or not to you personally - decide for yourself.
That year, Uncle Kolya, a friend of our family, invited us for a week or two to his country house, which served as their family's dacha, in particular, because we did not have our own at that time. Their dacha is located in the village. Bodakva Poltava region. The places are great! To the great happiness of us kids, the beautiful Sula River also flows there, where we all ran to swim.
Our noisy company spent the first few days on the beach and barbecue, and closer to the weekend, Uncle Kolya and my father were going fishing.
Early in the morning everything was ready, but Uncle Kolya could not wake up my dad and went alone. On a boat, he swam far enough from the village, to where the river is virgin, untouched. The trees there close up right above the water, and the river itself is quite deep, dark and cold.
Next, I will tell the story from the words of Uncle Kolya himself:
“I swam away from those places where ours, rural ones, fish. He tied the boat to a tree with a rope so that it would not be blown away by the current, but he swam closer to the middle of the river. I threw several fishing rods at once, and climbed for a thermos with tea, it was cold in the morning. While I was taking out the thermos from my backpack, I felt something thrash against the bottom of the boat. He looked at the floats - silence. He thought that he was hooked on a snag, although he noted that it was strange, because the river in this place is deep, and no sticks are visible from under the water. After a while, the boat caught on something again. This time I was sure that there could not be any driftwood there, because it would have been visible, and I was just watching the floats. In general, I leaned over the edge of the boat and only saw how the tail of a hefty fish went deep into the depths. We do not have such healthy ones. I didn’t have time to recover from the shock, as a woman’s head appeared from the water, right next to the boat! The young lady grabbed the side of the boat with her hands and smiles! And I'm sitting in my tracks, and I can't take my eyes off! She pulled herself up a little, and her tail appeared out of the water! Just like from a children's fairy tale - “a man from above, a sturgeon from above” (Ukrainian)! I was scared out of my wits! He threw his fishing rods into the water, grabbed the oars himself and, not like a cellar, flew towards the village! For some more time, she swam nearby, and then either fell behind, or simply sailed away ... I don’t remember how I swam to the beach! I didn’t pull out the boat, I left it there along with all the things, but I ran home!”
When Uncle Kolya returned from fishing, he was as pale as chalk and his hands were shaking. My dad then wanted to return to that place, look, and he hoped to catch fishing rods dear, but Uncle Kolya flatly refused! He never went fishing in those places again, and he rarely swam and not very willingly!
Anticipating possible comments, I want to note that Uncle Kolya never drank alcohol, never smoked. Therefore, it is impossible to write off what you saw for delirium tremens and the green serpent.
Sula River (photo is not mine, I apologize to the author for using it)

Scary to be a mermaid | CREEPYSTORY

My little daughter always asked me the question "Mom how to become a mermaid?" I told her different fairy tales, legends, myths, about mermaids before going to bed, she listened to me very carefully, and then calmly fell asleep. We couldn't walk past the store without buying her favorite mermaid. There were a lot of books about mermaids, it even somehow alarmed me that she was no longer interested in anything except mermaids. I thought that with age it would pass, but when we went to school, she even managed to put her favorite doll with her in a briefcase. Once, my father and I were even called to school on this occasion. That our Larisa does not listen, and does not delve into the lessons, she plays her mermaids, it’s just as if the whole world consists only of them. And once when I came home from work, I did not find Larisa in my bedroom, and there were no curtains on the window, shreds were lying everywhere, hearing a splash in the bathroom, I went there. This picture opened before me, my daughter is in the bath, it’s not clear on her feet that, then, as it turned out, she made herself a mermaid tail. Her hair is loose, she lies with her legs wagging as if it were a tail, and she sings songs. This is where my patience ended, I had to somehow explain to the child that this is a myth, mermaids do not exist, I was frightened by the state of my daughter. I threw away all her coloring books, I wanted to throw away all her books, all her dolls, but she begged and begged me not to touch only her dolls.
In the evening, a friend came to me, and I emotionally shared my fear for my daughter. To which she advised me to take my daughter to a psychologist. Have a conversation with her, and be like a course, maybe that will help. Having signed up for these courses, we began to attend them, I don’t know what happened behind the door, my daughter always came alone. At home, it became very noticeable that Larisa pushed aside books about mermaids, in place of this, there were school textbooks. For another month we were like these courses, and toys became not interesting to us, only one of her favorite dolls was still there. In the last year, the psychologist called me to his office, saying that such a problem would not arise again, but her favorite doll should not be touched. She then refuses to do so. In front of her, Larisa stopped asking me to tell her various stories about mermaids, I was very glad about this. And a year later, we completely forgot that we once had a problem with mermaids. Only one doll remained lying on her bed, and that from which Larisa began to be separated very often.
A year after everything, we went to rest on the sea. It would be better than this holiday, never was. We returned from vacation, without our beloved daughter. As it turned out, our girl turned out to be more cunning than all of us, she simply deceived everyone that she was no longer interested in mermaids, she kept everything in herself, and even circled the psychologist around her finger. Arriving at the sea, she was so glad and even uttered the following phrase aloud: “What is it, I will meet with you”, only now I understand what Larisa had in mind. At night, my little, but very smart girl, very quietly left the house, we did not hear with her father how she could go outside at all, Larisa was generally very afraid of the dark. I still can't believe that it was all for the sake of meeting a mermaid. But our beloved daughter never returned to the house. I felt something was wrong, waking up I found that Larisa's bed was empty, immediately jumping out into the street, my daughter was nowhere, I ran to the shore, shouted to Larisa, but it was useless, she was nowhere. With a frightened look, I returned to the house, and on the table lay a piece of paper written by Larisa’s hand, “Mom, I learned how to become a mermaid, you just need to put on your tail and dive where the mermaids live, and they will take me with them”, not believing what I read, I screamed as much as I could, my husband stood and understood that Larisa could not be returned. And in the morning they found the body of Larisa, and she was wearing exactly the tail that she sewed at home. Our vacation was so fatal for our family.


This story was told to me by my mother, and her grandmother, that is, my great-grandmother, told her at one time. My great-grandmother lived in a village where all sorts of devilry often met. Several times a day one could encounter something incomprehensible and inexplicable. Well, here's the story itself.
The well in the village became out of order, there was no water, but none of the villagers had time to fix it. But a few meters from the outermost house there was a large lake, the water there was clear, like glass, but no one had ever swum there (apparently, that's why it was like glass). There were many rumors about this lake, it appeared in those places much earlier than the first house of the village. There was not a drop of water in my great-grandmother's house, and it was very stuffy outside, so my great-grandmother's mother sent her to that same lake for a bucket of water. Grandmother quickly reached her destination. The place was beautiful, the surface of the water reflected the bushes and trees growing along it and the blue, clear sky. My great-grandmother froze in amazement, she had already forgotten why she came to this lake, she did not want to go anywhere from here. She could have lived here forever, she thought.
Two women passed by, they shouted something very loudly. From this cry, my great-grandmother seemed to wake up from a dream. He looks, and she is up to her neck in the water and something is pulling her farther and farther, as if a strong current is pulling her into the depths. This made her uneasy, goosebumps covered her whole body, she involuntarily screamed. Two women passing by reacted quickly, ran to the scream and helped her to the shore. The women waited for the great-grandmother to draw water and escorted her home.
Arriving home, great-grandmother told her mother everything, but she just shook her head, looked into the bucket, and there was only dregs instead of water ... Her mother was very angry.
“Where did you get such dirty water from? FROM THE PUDDLE? she wondered. “Go back and bring normal water, you spent half a day fooling around, but you couldn’t bring water!”
Great-grandmother went again to that lake, it was already a little late, and fear did not leave her for a second. She reached the lake, stood near the shore and scooped up water, the weather was calm, and suddenly a dirty oak leaf fell into her bucket from nowhere ... If you bring such a bucket home, mother will be completely angry, she thought. She entered the water up to her knees, swung her bucket, peered into the transparent surface, and two eyes were looking at her from the water, and her face was inhuman - it is difficult to describe what it looked like, but it approximately resembled the face of a monkey. Then great-grandmother felt something similar to very thick hair wrapped around her legs. Well, at least, she was not at a loss, as she would give a bucket in this face - and ran home. The last thing she heard after was a very strong splash of water and a deafeningly nasty moan.
Arriving home with an empty bucket, she found a neighbor visiting her, who had lived in this village for a very long time and had seen a lot in her lifetime. The neighbor, having learned where my great-grandmother came from, looked at her mother, opening her mouth:
“Have you completely lost your mind? Are you sending your child to die? Everyone knows about the mermaid pool but you!”
Grandma was surprised. MERMAIDS? But in fairy tales they are beautiful girls, with pleasant voices!
“Listen to more fairy tales,” the neighbor said. “That’s why they are fairy tales, to decorate reality ... And the appearance of mermaids is very scary, their faces are far from human.”

Mermaids have been written about for thousands of years, and they are still incredibly popular in modern movies and TV shows. Almost every culture had its own versions of mermaid legends. Sometimes they are sirens who try to lure people to their deaths at sea. At other times, they go out of their way to be friendly and they even want to become human.

Today, virtually everyone agrees that mermaids in ancient times were most likely a figment of the imagination of sailors or, by mistake, they were named manatees, seals, and dolphins. However, this does not make these legends less fascinating, because who knows which legend about mermaids exists and which is fictional.

1. Tears of a mermaid

There is a small island in Scotland, the coast of which is littered with small gray-green pebbles, the locals call them "mermaid's tears". This name is associated with a legend about the love of a water maiden and a young monk, the mermaid visited her beloved in the monastery every day. The monk taught the girl prayers, and together they asked God to give her an earthly soul, prayed for the strength to leave the sea. But the requests were not heard, the mermaid could not leave the sea, unable to withstand the test, she sailed away from the island forever, bitterly mourning her fate. The tears that rolled from her face turned into pebbles, which now strewn the Scottish coast.

2 Mermaid Jealousy

The legend tells a story that once happened in the county of Caithness (Scotland). The mermaid and the young count fell in love, as a sign of this, the sea maiden gave the young man diamonds, gold and silver, which she found on a sunken ship. The count accepted the gifts, but after a while he gave some of the jewelry to another girl with whom he had an affair. And he forgot about the mermaid.

This act caused jealousy and anger in the soul of the mermaid. Once, when the young man went out to sea in his boat, she swam up to him and told him about the countless treasures hidden in the bay. The young man, at the mention of wealth, forgot about the past and could not think of anything else. At that moment, the mermaid miraculously put him to sleep and directed the boat to the nearest cave.

Waking up, the young man found that he was chained with golden chains to a rock, and the wok

3. Curse of Ondina

This is an old German legend that says that the mermaid Ondina fell in love with a knight named Lawrence, and the love was mutual. Knowing that having once renounced the essence of the mermaid, Ondina would lose immortality, she nevertheless married her beloved. At the altar, the knight swore an oath in which he swore allegiance to her: "The pledge of love and fidelity will be my every breath when I wake up in the morning."

A year later, their first child was born, but over time, the husband began to lose interest in his once beloved. One day, Odina found out that Lawrence was now swearing her love to another woman and cursed him: “You swore with your morning breath! Now know - you can breathe while you are awake, as soon as you fall asleep, the breath will leave your body!

Even now, the “Curse of Ondina” is called the sleep apnea syndrome. People with this disease are able to breathe only during waking hours, and survive thanks to the respiratory apparatus.

4. Keask

Keask is a mermaid from Scotland, half woman and half salmon. Legend has it that if a sailor can capture a keask, they will receive three wishes. They were known to lure people to their doom, like most Siren legends. If you didn't befriend the mermaid, the only way to kill her would be to destroy their shell.

like seal maidens, they can marry mortals by shedding their outer fish shell. Like swan maidens, they can flee from their husband by restoring the sheath removed, but nevertheless, just like silks, they always show interest in their human offspring, protecting them during storms or guiding them to a better catch. So, for example, it is believed that all famous pilots descended from such marriages.

The dark side of the nature of Keask is revealed in a fairy tale published by George Henderson in the book "The Celtic Myth of the Dragon", where the sea maiden swallows the protagonist, but his beloved lures the mermaid ashore by playing the harp, and the hero flees. Then the keask swallows the harpist herself, in order to save which, the hero has to go through the classic fairy tale series: in order to finally defeat Kiesg, you need to destroy her outer shell, also called “Separable Soul” - “separate soul”. And it is stored in an egg, which is hidden in a fish, which is in a duck, which is in a ram, buried under a house, standing in the thicket of the forest on an island in the center of the lake. Mackenzie, in Scottish Folklore and Folklife, suggests that the maiden of the waves may once have been a sea spirit to whom human sacrifices were made.

If a sailor managed to find true love with a mermaid, she would transform into a human woman and walk the earth. In addition to three wishes, she gives good luck for later life. Some Scottish families even claimed that their lineage was descended from a mermaid and a man.

5. Chilean royalty at sea

In Chile, the mythological king of the sea was called Millalobo, who was half human, half sea lion. Unlike most legends about mermaids, where these creatures were simply magically born, he was, unfortunately, the child of a human mother and a sea lion father.

Millalobo married a human woman and they had a son named Pincoy, and two daughters named Sirena and Pincoya. Sailors describe seeing the merman Pincoy when they were lost at sea, and he helped bring them back to shore. His sister, Pincoya, had long blonde hair and blue eyes. Fairy tales describe her as the most beautiful woman in the world. She sits on a rock, or dances. If it faces the sea, it means that the fishermen will find a lot of fish this year. If she comes ashore, it means that they will fight to find food.

It's just that, like many ancient royal families, there's no way they've got kids when it comes to continuing the mermaid gene pool. Not Game of Thrones, but Pincoy and Pincoya are not just brother and sister… they are also husband and wife. According to one legend, Pincoya was seen emerging from the sea holding a child.

6. Triton

You probably recognized the name as Triton Ariel father Mermaids. Disney borrowed this character from Greek mythology, the Lake God Tritonis. Triton was the son of Poseidon, and in his hands he held a shell that he can use as a horn, as well as his magic trident.

According to legend, the sailors got lost on the lake, and Triton helped them by creating a piece of land, which is now called the island of Fira. The sailors had the opportunity to rest while Triton explained to them how to return to the open sea.

Of course, not all Triton cases were positive. When cattle go missing or sailors die at sea in a storm, many assume that Triton was at fault. The people knew they wouldn't stand a chance if they tried to go head to head with God, so the best thing they could do to appease his anger was to drink a cup of wine for him on the shore as an offer of peace.

7. MAMI Wata

Mami Wata is an African mermaid goddess who is seen as a compassionate healer, and the mother of all aquatic creatures. Tales of her spread throughout the continent, and eventually brought to the Caribbean. There they observed MAMI wata in lakes, rivers and on the ocean. She was often seen holding a water snake around her shoulders. They say she can transform into a woman, a fish or a mermaid, depending on her mood.

Today, people are still fascinated by the legend of Mami Wata. Figurines and souvenirs with her image are sold in souvenir shops. There are even religious groups under her name to glorify the goddess, then the individual follower is called “child of Mami wata.” They claim that "MAMI wata" is the name of a group of ten water deities. Followers claim that they see Mermaid MAMI wata in their dreams and she calls them to undergo a spiritual cleansing.

8 Mermaid Finfolk

In Scotland and Ireland, "finfolk," were believed to be mermaids who lived in an underwater kingdom called Finfolkenheim. On the island of Hildaland, they appear for a moment before disappearing, making it impossible for humans to find them. Finfolk were werewolves, so they can transform from fish to full human, or swim like a mermaid. The stories that Finfolk men and women were very beautiful attracted people. If they managed to find a person as a lover, they could suck the youth out of them and live forever. So if someone was kidnapped or if the sailors were lost at sea, then they blamed Finfolk, who they believed were captured as sex slaves.

However, if the Finfolk married within their own species, then the "finwife" was destined to take on the guise of an elderly woman in order to find work on the land to earn silver to keep them alive. They described the signs of a "finwife" as an old, unmarried woman who raised cats and practiced witchcraft. Obviously, this is just one of the many ways people have tried to accuse lonely old women of being witches throughout human history.

9. Two tails of a siren

Have you ever wondered why Starbucks has two tailed mermaids as their logo? The original image comes from 7th century Italy. It was one of many illustrations in the Otranto Cathedral in Italy, which is located on the Mediterranean coast. The mermaid was included next to images of biblical stories like the Tree of Life, as well as images of the Egyptian Sphinx and Alexander the Great. It was meant to represent the exchange of religions, philosophies and ideas that were exchanged during the Middle Ages. Some believe that she is based on the legend of Melusina, a French water spirit who is said to have turned into a human woman or a siren with two fish tails.

Over the years, many artists have copied the image of the two-tailed siren. Starbucks claims they were inspired by a 16th-century Scandinavian woodcut of this mermaid. Apparently the reason why they chose this image as their coffee logo is because they wanted their coffee to be as seductive as a mermaid.

10. Iary

According to Brazilian legend, Iary was a brave, intelligent girl living in the Amazon. She was a warrior who could fight better than her own brothers. She was so well liked and respected in society that the accomplishments of her brothers paled in comparison. Their envy was so strong that they killed her and threw her body into the Amazon River. The goddess of the moon felt sorry for her and she brought her back to life like a mermaid.

Becoming a mermaid, Iara spent the rest of her days to take revenge on the man. Every time a person drowned in a river, people put it down to the Iars. Later, a man named Jaraguari stumbled upon Iara and they fell in love. He told his mother about a beautiful mermaid he met while fishing in the Amazon River and he decided to join her in the underwater life. Some believe that since then, her evil spirit has finally found peace.

11. Jamestown Mermaid

You may remember John Smith from the story of Pocahontas and his involvement in the colonization of Jamestown, Virginia. During his journey by sea, he claimed to have seen a beautiful woman with green hair floating next to a boat. As she dived underwater, he noticed that she was in fact a mermaid.

Admittedly, this has been the subject of heated historical debate, with many people believing that John Smith never claimed it in public, and writers telling stories about their journeys of creative freedom. Even so, it wasn't just travelers during the colonization of the New World who claimed to have seen mermaids. Today, these sightings are considered an erroneous description of manatees.

12. Dutch Mermaid

In 1403, a dam in the city of Kampen in the Netherlands cracked, opening it to the sea. The water started flooding in the river. After making repairs, citizens from Kampen claimed that they saw a mermaid swimming in the city's river. At first, people were frightened, but the woman continued to swim without touching. The humans ultimately decided to capture this woman and bring her back to earth, where she transforms into a human with two legs. She couldn't speak, but they took her away and forced her to go to church and become a Christian. She tried to break free and jump into the water several times, but someone always stopped her.

Some historians believe that this was a woman who was never a mermaid at all. She was deaf and dumb and enjoyed swimming very much.

13. Jiaoren

In Chinese folklore, Jiaoren are not just beautiful mermaids. They were very skilled craftsmen who could weave a beautiful white cloth called “dragon yarn” that could not get wet. It is said that if a mermaid cried, her tears turned into pearls. During the Jin Dynasty, one story tells the story of a mermaid who came out of the water and decided to sell dragon yarn to a man.

If someone was kind to her and gave her a place to stay, she would thank them, cry into the jar, filling it with precious pearls. Throughout history, there are several accounts of high society people claiming to own canvases made from dragon yarn made by a mermaid.

For more than a hundred years, mankind has been trying to get the only correct answer to the question: do mermaids exist? As always, society was divided into two camps. Some shout that it's all just fiction, and the facts do not prove anything. Others firmly believe in the existence of mermaids. Evidence of the existence of these mythological creatures has been collected since the 19th century. In this article, we will figure out whether mermaids are a myth or truth?

Who are mermaids?

Before you begin to analyze the evidence for the existence of mermaids, you should figure out what kind of creatures they are. You can find descriptions of mermaids in legends, myths, and even in ordinary children's fairy tales. You can even find descriptions of eyewitnesses that date back to the 17th and 18th centuries. However, those who did manage to meet these unique creatures describe their appearance in completely different ways. And not only the appearance is different, you can find different names, different descriptions of character traits and behavior. For example, in European countries the word “mermaid” will be familiar, while the Greeks call these mythological creatures “siren”, and the Romans firmly believed in the existence of nymphs. What is the truth about mermaids?


If we turn to a mystical point of view, then in the understanding of magicians, a mermaid is an accumulation of energy, a spirit of water, whose ability is to fulfill desires and help others. There are a lot of myths and legends about mermaids. But such a mermaid is just a bunch of energy, an incorporeal creature that controls the water element. However, the mythical creatures found by people in the expanses of the ocean also differ from the heroes of myths and fairy tales. Scientists have put forward a version that several species of so-called mermaids live at the bottom of the sea. Of course, they don't look much like the beautiful characters in their cartoons. Some experts put forward the theory that man descended from these sea creatures, because life originated in the ocean. The debate about whether mermaids are a myth or reality unfolded serious.

This version has not yet received a full scientific justification, but history is rich in examples and eyewitness accounts that confirm their existence. Many are also of the opinion that the fact that mermaids attack when they meet people is true.

They exist?

So the myth of the mermaid or reality? The best proof of their existence is documented. The first mention of mythological creatures dates back to the 12th century and belongs to the Irish chronicles. The description says that the creature had the body of a woman, but instead of legs there was a fish tail. It was called the word "margigr".

The next mention appeared only in 1403 in Holland. In the book of Sigot de la Fond "Wonders of Nature" a rather atypical situation is described. After a terrible storm, a strange girl was thrown ashore from the water. She was covered in mud and algae, and instead of legs - a fin. The book says that people took the girl to the city, taught her how to do housework. The siren spent 15 years on land, among people, but she never began to speak their language and tried to return to the water at every opportunity, but this never happened. Soon the siren died among ordinary people.

Mentions of the 17th century

The next significant mention, which is ready to answer the question, are mermaids a myth or a reality, dates back to 1608. On June 15 of this year, two men set off on a journey led by the famous navigator G. Hudson, where they discovered a living mermaid. Two sailors with fire in their eyes convinced everyone around that they saw a siren with black long braids, a naked bust and a huge fish tail. However, none of the sailors could confirm the words of the two men.

A new storm of discussions in the 17th century was caused by the found archives about the amazing guy Francisco de la Vega Casara. He lived in Lierganes and was distinguished by his ability to swim excellently. The legend says that a sixteen-year-old boy went swimming and fell into the abyss. He was sucked in, and people could not find the boy. After some time, the sailors found a very strange creature at the place where the guy went missing. It was still the same guy, but his skin was snow-white, and scales grew on some parts of his body. On the limbs of the boy, membranes grew, but he himself could not talk, as before, but only made sounds incomprehensible to human hearing. The creature was distinguished by incredible strength, but he was nevertheless caught and taken to the temple, where the rite of exorcism was performed on the guy. For three weeks the young man was subjected to the rituals of expelling demons, and only a year later he was returned home to his mother, who immediately said that her son was not at all human. Two years later, the guy was able to escape and disappeared into the sea.

Evidence of the existence of monsters in the XVIII-XIX centuries

In 1737, a new wave of discussion of the existence of mermaids began, because another piece of evidence appeared. The new story took place already in England, where the fishermen, along with the day's catch, pulled a strange creature onto land. Frightened by the sea monster, the sailors immediately killed him, and those who were on board claim that the sea creature groaned like a person. Waking up from fear, the fishermen found that in front of them was a male siren. The appearance of the creature was intimidating, but remotely the mermaid was very much like a person. Siren's corpse was used for a long time as an exhibit in a museum in Exeter.

The year 1739 was also significant, in the Scot's magazine an article appeared that told that the sailors had caught a real mermaid, but there was no significant confirmation of this fact, since the sailors had to cook and eat the captured sea creature.

The discussions returned in 1881, because on October 31, a Boston publishing house released the news that people had fished out the body of a strange creature. was a woman, because the entire upper body looked like an ordinary person, and everything below the waist was covered with scales, instead of legs - a fin. And this was far from the last case of the nineteenth century, when sailors managed to catch a siren.

Mermaids in the USSR

In the Soviet Union, the situation was more complicated, and the story of the appearance of a mermaid on the shores of Lake Baikal was kept secret for a long time. In 1982, combat swimmers were trained on the western shore of the lake. It was here that the unusual was found One of the tasks for the swimmers was to go scuba diving to a depth of 50 meters, and it was there that unusual creatures were found. In length, they reached about three meters and were covered with scales. Scuba divers are firmly convinced that these were not people, as the creatures moved much faster and without swimming suits and special equipment.

The squad leader decided that the swimmers needed to make contact with the creatures, and prepared a brigade of 8 people. All scuba divers were well equipped and prepared for the task. But the mission was never completed: as soon as the detachment approached the siren and attempted to throw nets at the creature, it seemed to push them to the shore of the lake with the power of thought. After the incident, all members of the operation fell ill with decompression sickness, three of them died two days later, others remained disabled.

Strange monsters in the USA

Strange stories and the territory of the United States did not bypass. For example, an interesting case occurred in 1992 in the village of Key Beach, Florida. Eyewitnesses say that near the shore they noticed unusual creatures with a human upper body, and the lower part was like that of a seal. When people made an attempt to come closer to see unusual creatures, they quickly disappeared to the bottom of the sea. Some time later, the fishermen took their nets out of the water, but they were cut, and the catch was released.

An unusual exhibit is presented in the museum of the city of Tombstone. It represents the body of a creature, the upper part of which is quite similar to the human. Hands, shoulders, neck, ears, nose, eyes - all this was in an outlandish creature. Locals claim that they often catch such creatures in their fishing nets. The best proof of the debate about whether the mermaid is a myth or reality is a photo. However, their reliability is questionable.

Mermaids: myth or reality?

It is actually very difficult to answer the question of whether these unusual inhabitants of the sea exist. Dragons were also considered to be ancestral legends until complete dinosaur remains were found. As for mermaids, they really could exist, but due to the fact that they often came across to people, a person could completely destroy their kind. Some scientists believe that sirens are just a variety of dolphins. You can argue about the real and mythical existence of mermaids for a long time, you can sacredly believe or reject. But the fact remains that people still meet unusual creatures. It is possible that high technologies and activities that people have bred, including in the depths of the sea, make these sea creatures hide in the depths of water bodies.