Phlegmatic: a description of temperament. Who are phlegmatic people? Human psychology Report on biology about the phlegmatic

Temperament is fundamental in the development of character in an individual. There are 4 main types of temperament - choleric, melancholic and phlegmatic. Each has its own distinctive features.

A phlegmatic person is a person with a calm character. And also inherent in him: an increased need for comfort and safety, the presence of order in any things, perseverance, organization and hard work.

The nervous system of the individual is highly stress-resistant. This is a person who does not like conflicts and prefers to calmly settle any quarrels. He prefers to work in the same place, because he does not like strong changes of location. It is difficult to anger such a person, he is extremely calm. Emotionally, the individual is constant: emotions are always constant, not changeable, like a choleric person. It is extremely difficult to surprise such a person, and if it works out, then not for long.

Phlegmatic in psychology

In the psychology of relationships, it is considered a loyal and devoted partner. Always comes to the rescue, does not refuse support. A phlegmatic woman will be a faithful companion for a man. She will devote all her time and attention to her family and husband. Comfort, order and love always reign in the house. A phlegmatic man is a monogamous man. Emotions are not his element. He expresses his feelings through actions. She will always provide support and protection to her companion.

A phlegmatic person on Wikipedia is considered the most reliable person. He will always come to the rescue, support. Due to the avarice of feelings, he is more devoted to work - hardworking. However, a phlegmatic person has a number of disadvantages:

  1. Lethargy... It occurs under unfavorable conditions for life.
  2. Laziness... Sometimes a person has an extremely pronounced phlegmatic state. It arises from strong internal feelings and conflicts.
  3. Decreased activity... Appears when the scene changes.
  4. Emotional state... This condition occurs with psychological trauma.
  5. Slowness... Most are greatly irritated by the slowness of the phlegmatic. This state appears in him during brain activity. For a long time and a lot he thinks and decides the issue in such a way that he does not have to leave his comfort zone.


A phlegmatic person has peace of mind and the ability to avoid conflict and stressful situations. This is due to the fact that such a person always has a stable assessment of himself and his qualities in general.

Often a phlegmatic person is distinguished by an adequate assessment of himself. This is evident in work and daily life. The individual adequately assesses his capabilities, does not try to reach a new level in any area. It is difficult to force a person with normal self-esteem to do what he cannot do. He is comfortable under the circumstances that are under his control.

In work, a phlegmatic person with average self-esteem behaves calmly, balanced. He tries to complete all assigned tasks. Loves praise. Thanks to the positive assessment of their work by their colleagues, the efficiency increases, however, the mood is not particularly affected. People who work with a phlegmatic person can entrust him with any secrets, because he will always listen and keep everything secret. He willingly helps his employees if they ask him. Purposefulness, perseverance, love of order and unwillingness to change makes him an excellent shot for any employer.

In addition to people with adequate self-esteem, there are also those with low self-esteem among phlegmatic people. Such individuals are rather stingy with emotions. There is a reluctance to conduct a conversation and find yourself in the center of events. A distance from society begins, excessive laziness and indifference to everything. This condition can be easily confused with depression. However, a person with low self-esteem needs support and praise... Thanks to these criteria, the desire to do something is developed in order to receive praise.

Phlegmatic - introvert since childhood

Any type of temperament manifests itself from childhood. Some children are too active, others are dreamy or too emotional. One thing can be said about a child whose predominant type is phlegmatism - not problematic, calm.

The kid develops well, enjoys exploring the outside world. These children develop habits for a very long time. They can sit for hours in one place, sleep well, and have no problems with appetite. From an early age the child is independent and will not cause problems for parents.

There is another side to this coin. Phlegmatic children, accustomed to home comfort and a calm lifestyle, can have a hard time going through age-related changes associated with social life - kindergarten, school and other institutions. Excessive calmness and sluggishness often develop into a problem early in development. Such features are not always perceived correctly by peers and adults. This leads to poor adaptation in a new social circle.

More often than not, the phlegmatic introvert has only one good friend.... Often this person is choleric or sanguine. The choleric person does not allow to relax, stimulates the phlegmatic person to work. A sanguine person is a person with whom there is something to talk about. These two types will easily find a common language due to the perseverance of a phlegmatic person and its features are to be able to listen.

Features of phlegmatic people

Phlegmatic people are different from other people. They are wise beyond their years, although they speak little... Most often this is due to the fact that they have a complex thought process in their heads, during which a large amount of water is thrown away, only a semantic text remains. Therefore, they speak briefly, sometimes long and in fragments, but always to the point. Due to their tendency to laziness, such people always do their job well.

They find a way out of any situation in order to subsequently prevent its reappearance. They are distinguished by a high level of intelligence, which helps them to find short ways to solve the assigned tasks. Love attention but don't show it. And very clean... The presence of order in a phlegmatic develops a sense of security, stability. Phlegmatic Wikipedia is an inquisitive person and will be able to answer almost any question.

Suitable professions

A phlegmatic person is a responsible and hardworking person. It is characterized by such qualities as perseverance and love of constancy. Such people are well suited for quiet professions:

  • Accountant
  • Economist
  • Jeweler
  • Veterinarian
  • Editor

Perhaps working in a laboratory or in a technical department may be appropriate. Thanks to perseverance, love for small, painstaking work is manifested. So, the profession of an agronomist or a programmer is well suited.

Phlegmatic people are people with whom it is always calm and easy... They will easily find a common language with everyone, but they will be able to trust only one person - the one who will always support and will not turn away from him, because not everyone succeeds in this.

The phlegmatic type of temperament is a leisurely, calm and passive personality with a lack of inclination to emotionally react to any incidents. This person always has an even mood, in any situation he remains balanced and calm. And in life, a phlegmatic person values ​​constancy and monotony.

Description of temperament

This type of personality, as a phlegmatic, psychologists often call the "golden mean" among other temperaments. His restraint and calmness turn out to be infectious for an overly active sanguine person, allow one to abstract from the melancholic's exaggerated requests, to suppress the harshness and emotionality of the choleric person. The silent and calm type of phlegmatic is able to create balance in a company or team.

It is easy to single out a phlegmatic person from the crowd by describing his appearance: restraint, seriousness, emotionlessness, lack of facial expressions. These people in any way try to bypass conflict situations, are not characterized by the adoption of rash and rash decisions. Sometimes, in order to avoid conflicts because of their peacefulness, phlegmatic people are ready to give in in an argument, just not to find themselves in an awkward and oppressive position. In the phlegmatic type, the main character trait is poise, equating to innate characteristics. Therefore, in any crisis or stressful situation, they remain calm and calm without any effort.

Often, representatives of the phlegmatic temperament type are introverts, they are most comfortable being alone with themselves. This does not mean that the phlegmatic person is completely closed personality due to the peculiarity of his temperament. Sociability is still present in the character, it is more developed than that of melancholic people. Therefore, in the company of friends, this person will also be comfortable and interesting to be. These people value a calm, quiet and measured life, full of predictable things. It is the planned charter of life that will bring positive emotions and real pleasure to the phlegmatic type. People around him like him for his docile nature, the ability to find a compromise. Most of the actions of a phlegmatic person are based on such moral values ​​as disinterestedness, philanthropy, and mutual assistance.

Character traits

The temperament of a phlegmatic person has the following basic characteristics:

  • inertia;
  • equilibrium;
  • slowness;
  • perseverance;
  • restraint; softness;
  • low level of activity.

The habit of keeping all feelings and resentments in oneself does not allow phlegmatic people to complain to others. The phlegmatic person is not very talkative, but he can be recognized by slow speech with pauses, he usually speaks in a quiet voice, gestures and facial expressions, even when describing any unusual, saturated events, will be minimal.

The abilities and inclinations of a phlegmatic person, a serious approach are manifested both in relation to personal life, the choice of the environment, and work. Therefore, in his work he shows perseverance and a serious attitude, concentration, he completes all the work he has begun, fulfills his duties as accurately and evenly as possible. If he needs to assimilate new information, this will take a long time, but the effect will remain for a long time and in full.

The child is phlegmatic, whose characteristics are balance, equanimity and calmness from childhood has a stable nervous system. However, he is deprived of a high speed of reactions; this skill can be trained from childhood. The temperament of phlegmatic is those people who will think for a long time before making a decision, weighing all its pros and cons. They have stable interests, they do not tend to quickly switch attention from one object to another, since this reaction will occur somewhat slower. Since childhood, this person hates various speed assignments. In adulthood, this property is retained for him. He needs a little more time than other people to complete the tasks.

What are the features of the type

A phlegmatic person can be identified in society by the following characteristics:

  • usually shows restraint and composure;
  • the ability to constantly control oneself, calmness;
  • consistent in his plans, deeds and actions;
  • shows attentiveness, caution and prudence;
  • is distinguished by the ability to wait, great endurance;
  • does not participate in empty chatter, is more often silent;
  • leads a calm and measured conversation without increased emotionality, pronounced facial expressions;
  • in everything he tries to save energy and strength, does not give himself up to the cause completely;
  • loves consistency and orderliness, lives according to a created routine, always tries to plan his day;
  • calmly perceives criticism in his address, reacts to comments with indifference;
  • not ready to instantly change your occupation and life in general;
  • with those around him, he develops an even, favorable and calm relationship.

If a person has half of the listed properties, then with a high probability his type of temperament is phlegmatic.

A phlegmatic person is reluctant to admit people into his personal life. However, if you decide on this, then it will be even more difficult for him to let the person go. Depending on the type of temperament of the phlegmatic person, the best compatibility will be with the choleric person. The emphasis is on the fact that opposites attract. A choleric person will give his energy to a phlegmatic person, in response to receive a calm, quiet haven. If two phlegmatic people converge, then sooner or later they will become bored with each other. If a phlegmatic person gets compatibility with a sanguine person, then this union can be called the most successful possible. Since the first one will receive not just a huge boost of energy, but positive emotions, activity and humor. The phlegmatic and the melancholic have the most difficult relationship, which will constantly irritate the partner. The melancholic will not be able to put up with the emotionlessness and indifference of the partner, the phlegmatic will be disgusted with the "whining" and "snotty" of the chosen one.

Advantages and disadvantages

Like all other varieties, the phlegmatic type of temperament has its advantages and disadvantages. The weighty advantages include:

  • high efficiency, allowing to form excellent relationships in the team;
  • non-conflict and stress resistance;
  • the ability to respond appropriately in any situation;
  • the ability to wait for an opportunity and patience;
  • slow but persistent pursuit of goals;
  • calmness and emotional stability, allowing you to create a comfortable environment for yourself and other people;
  • a serious approach to any business or task;
  • high level of reliability, you can always rely on this person.

However, the personality of an imperturbable phlegmatic is endowed with certain shortcomings, including:

  • difficulties in accepting changes, as well as adapting to them;
  • problems in establishing connections and contacts with other people;
  • a tendency to develop apathy or lethargy;
  • inertia, which often acts as a barrier to a person's self-realization;
  • emotionality and stinginess for open reactions make a person often turn away from the world and others.

The temperament of a phlegmatic person with such pluses and minuses by its nature is not an orator and a leader leading people. However, there are exceptions. Sometimes it is in the descriptions that inertia and lethargy are exaggerated, but in character they appear little. The phlegmatic type will find it more comfortable to stay at home, wrap up in a blanket, watch your favorite movie or read a book. But this does not mean that the phlegmatic is too fearful or alienated from the world. It's just that he likes such an activity, just like a sanguine person attending a noisy party or a choleric person jumping with a parachute.

For a man

A phlegmatic man is prone to long reasoning and total self-control, his actions, deeds and judgments are governed by a cold mind, but not intuition. Eternal companions are quietness and tranquility, which are its peculiar charm and an attractive highlight for women, which a man hardly suspects. Ideally developed self-control is characteristic of a man's phlegmatic person. If you rush this person, he will be nervous, although he will not rush either. His life passes at a measured pace. Among other men, he is distinguished by excessive seriousness, maximum concentration, restraint. He, as if, is the opposite of a cheerful, perky and overly active sanguine person. He tries not to enter into discussions, it is easier for him to remain silent, to step aside. But, if others ask, he will express his opinion without problems. Rarely does anyone manage to see the emotional manifestation of a man with a phlegmatic temperament type.

For woman

A phlegmatic woman is usually a strong, restrained, self-confident, emotionally stable person. Unlike most women, she does not rely on intuition, but on prudence and her mind. Never fall into the category of frivolous women who make decisions in a second. For a man, she is difficult to access, makes the strong half seek their own location and attention.

A phlegmatic person is a sluggish woman, but at the same time filled with charm and charm. This is a tough nut to crack with just a glance. Thoughts and feelings are deeply hidden, this makes her mysterious and enigmatic. It is difficult to guess a girl by her emotions or facial expressions, since she is almost always restrained and the same. These women are able to manage their anger, and this also happens not on some emotional level, but following a delicate calculation. She will weigh for a long time, think whether she should be angry, and after evaluating all the pros and cons, she only makes a decision. Men tend to choose the names of such women for marriage, as they very rarely throw tantrums.

  • How to recognize a phlegmatic person?
  • Phlegmatic Problem Solving
    • Relationship with a phlegmatic person
  • Work for the phlegmatic
  • Conclusion
  • About phlegmatic, we can say that he is calm, like a boa constrictor. This is the most emotionally stable and peaceful, but at the same time slow type of temperament among all.

    Many consider the phlegmatic to be slow-witted and lazy, but he has a lot of advantages. If choleric people move the world forward, then it is phlegmatic people who help him not to fly into a ditch at sharp turns. They are quiet hard workers you can always rely on.
    And although representatives of this type do not grab stars from the sky, everyone loves them, since phlegmatic people are adherents of peace, compromise and stability.

    The phlegmatic type of temperament may seem boring. But it is much deeper and more interesting than we are used to thinking.

    The phlegmatic is calm, inert and slow. The main emotional background of this cutest person is always the same: neutral-positive and serene. He is patient with the shortcomings of others and tries to maintain peace and tranquility around him.

    If someone tries to come into conflict with a phlegmatic person, he will make every effort to find a compromise and reduce the quarrel to naught, but not humiliate his dignity.

    It is almost impossible to piss him off, but this calmness is like the silence of a sleeping volcano. A phlegmatic person can endure a hundred years, but if smoke begins to curl over his head, run away.

    In his reasoning, the phlegmatic is guided not by emotions, but by facts and calculations. This means that it is difficult for them to manipulate and force them to make decisions based only on feelings. First, he will carefully weigh everything and think it over, think over the possibilities of success, analyze the risks and only then come to the final version.

    Because of this, it is difficult for a phlegmatic person to sway, but if he has taken up something, he will bring the matter to the end. Where choleric people quickly cool down, and melancholic people are disappointed, the phlegmatic person will “quietly” pave the way to success.

    Usually phlegmatic people are introverts, a little withdrawn and uncommunicative. This is due to the fact that they simply cannot keep up with the fast types of temperament and, over time, decide to go their own way - albeit slowly, but conveniently.

    Nevertheless, they willingly communicate with representatives of different types and tend to adapt to them. If friends-instigators are sympathetic to the phlegmatic and do not scoff at his slowness, he begins to accelerate a little and adopt the properties of other people.

    A man with a phlegmatic character can be considered a gift for a woman who dreams of a reliable life partner. He will not throw jealous tantrums or suffer on the couch over global injustice.
    A phlegmatic person will regularly go to work and earn money, always come home on time, meekly eat the same soup and calmly indulge women's whims.

    He will build a family home with solid foundations, walls and a roof. His wife can be 200% sure that her husband will not go to the left and not get involved in a dubious scam.

    But if you dream of romantic surprises, enchanting adventures and constant novelty in bed - this is the wrong place. A woman looking for emotions in a relationship will quickly get bored with a phlegmatic person. He does not like anything new, is conservative and at the same time stubborn. You offer him to taste the crocodile meat - and the spouse again demands soup.

    Another disadvantage in relationships is the inability to express feelings. He will not give flowers or whisper affectionate words, but with him you can live to old age without any special excesses.

    Phlegmatic woman

    A phlegmatic woman is a destroyer of stereotypes about the fairer sex. No “female logic”, no frivolity, no whims, no mood swings - you will not find anything of this in her. She will not want something unknown and demand from her beloved that he would get a star from the sky this very minute.

    All her feelings are concentrated in the brain - she will think ten times before giving her heart to the chosen one. Therefore, a candidate for a hand and heart will have to show perseverance and patience - it is not so easy for a phlegmatic girl to make a decision.

    She becomes attached to her loved ones forever and will do everything possible to preserve the family. Her family will be fed, shod and dressed.

    But a phlegmatic woman cannot give warmth and love. Not because she does not know how to love - this property is as strong in her as in everyone else. She just is not able to show her love to others. More precisely, these manifestations are difficult to read in the usual language of feelings. Cleanliness in the house and delicious meals, attention to the health of the husband and children - this is a demonstration of love.

    How to recognize a phlegmatic person?

    As mentioned above, the meaning of the word phlegmatic is associated with phlegm. Hippocrates believed that a person consists of four fluids, equally distributed throughout the body, and the predominance of one of them becomes the reason for the formation of one or another type of temperament. Phlegm is mucus, phlegm, fluid associated with cold, illness, malaise, sluggishness, and lethargy.

    Such is the phlegmatic person: his movements are slow, he rarely speaks, unhurriedly, and pauses. There is neither anger nor delight on his face. It seems that he is not interested in anything and nothing touches him, but this is only an appearance.

    The phlegmatic person is unfazed and it is difficult to piss him off. In a team, he is not the soul of the company, but everyone loves him for his complaisance, responsibility and goodwill.

    If you recognize these traits in yourself, but are not sure of your type of temperament, then you can take the phlegmatic test.

    Phlegmatic Problem Solving

    When the phlegmatic person and the task find themselves face to face, they first get to know each other for a long time and feel each other in order to understand whether they are on their way. A representative of this type of temperament, before cutting, measures not seven times, but all thirty.

    He will calculate all the opportunities and risks, study all the available information and only then get down to business.

    A phlegmatic person is like an icebreaker in the Arctic - it is difficult to fire up or make him maneuver. But the knight of patience will pass where the rest will freeze into the routine or break against obstacles.

    He tends to go back to a difficult problem and try different solutions until he beats it or retires. The phlegmatic person is meticulous and methodical, he meticulously handles every little thing so that it is included in the process, and even shines.

    If you have such people under your command, entrust them with the most difficult and boring work, which restless choleric and sanguine people cannot cope with. This work can be related to calculations and include many small, but important nuances. Do not worry, not a single screw will disappear from the rocket for a phlegmatic person.

    Phlegmatic: the pros and cons of temperament

    A representative of any type of temperament can be successful in life if he knows how to get along with his merits and demerits.

    The pluses of the phlegmatic type of temperament include the following qualities:

    • Emotional balance, calmness;
    • Peacefulness, striving to smooth out conflicts;
    • Stability in views and affections;
    • The phlegmatic always completes what he starts;
    • Deep and thoughtful study of information;
    • Good memory and analytical mind.
    • Among the shortcomings of temperament are the following:
    • Slowness;
    • Poor adaptability to new things;
    • Lack of initiative and inertia;
    • Stubbornness;
    • Conservatism;
    • Inability to express emotions, which is why the personal sphere suffers.

    If you treat a phlegmatic person with love and respect (including yourself), you can turn all the minuses into pluses, or at least neutralize their negative influence.

    Relationship with a phlegmatic person

    It is very easy to build relationships with a phlegmatic person, because he is non-conflict, does not require much attention, and is not inclined to aggressively defend his territory.

    He will not be able to manipulate, because he has an analytical mindset and understands everything perfectly. But if you're not trying to abuse his kindness,

    a phlegmatic person will always meet halfway, smooth over sharp corners, take care of his neighbor and substitute his monumental shoulder.

    The difficulties of communication lie in the fact that the phlegmatic person is emotionless and it is difficult to understand whether he loves you or simply suffers. He is one of those who feel good and alone with themselves. If you invite a phlegmatic person for a walk, he will agree with quiet joy. If you do not call, he will sit down at the book with no less enthusiasm.

    Sometimes it may seem that he does not need you at all, but this is not so. Phlegmatic people are constant in their sympathies, and if they are already with you, then this will never change.

    It takes a lot of work to get him to end the relationship. But if it happened, then once and for all.

    How to raise a phlegmatic child?

    For parents, such a child is real gold. He is quiet and calm, does not rush around the house, does not play pranks, does not arrange fights at school. He is prone to a lonely and withdrawn lifestyle and will enjoy drawing more than playing with peers.

    But he also has features that parents will have to adapt to. It will take a long time for your baby to learn something or complete an assignment.

    If you rush him and get irritated, this will lead to disbelief in himself and even more isolation.

    A phlegmatic person is rather lazy and apathetic in life, and it is rather difficult to get him to do something, especially if this is an unknown occupation. But if you were able to persuade him to get down to business, be sure - everything will be done in the best possible way.

    It is important to teach such a child to correctly time the time, switch between tasks and not be afraid of the new.

    Socialization is also important, because he will not voluntarily agree to this - you need to gradually bring him “into the light”, acquaint him with peers. Think up games for your child where you need to demonstrate emotions - phlegmatic people also have a problem with this.

    Although a phlegmatic person slowly assimilates knowledge, they remain in his head for a long time. If you are patient, you can raise a real academician.

    Work for the phlegmatic

    Taking into account the peculiarities of this type of temperament, you can choose a profession suitable for phlegmatic.

    They are hardworking, meticulous and methodical to the point of stupidity, and this is what makes phlegmatic people great workers. Such a subordinate is always a wonderful rear for the boss.

    Phlegmatic people rarely become leaders, because they are reluctant to take the initiative, they are more comfortable in secondary roles, they have to consciously develop the qualities of a leader. But if a phlegmatic person has achieved career heights, then the team gets a fair, balanced, organized and attentive boss.

    Phlegmatic professions are most suitable, where accuracy, hard work and responsibility are important. Least of all are those where you need to improvise a lot, quickly solve acute problems, often communicate with strangers and speak publicly. He is poorly given creative professions, but in matters of technology, research and complex routine work, he feels like a fish in water.

    The best professions for a phlegmatic are:

    • Jeweler.
    • Corrector.
    • Engineer, developer.
    • IT sphere.
    • Working with mechanisms (assembler, repairman, adjuster).
    • Operator, dispatcher

    A phlegmatic person needs to be prepared for choosing a profession from childhood. If he finds a job to his liking, he can achieve great success.


    Perhaps, while reading the article, you remembered someone you know with these traits. Yes, it is a little slow and sometimes resembles an anchor lying at the bottom. But take care of him - a phlegmatic person knows how to value friendship and will not leave in trouble the one who is truly dear to him.

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    Temperament is a stable set of individual innate personality traits. Traditionally, four types are distinguished: sanguine, phlegmatic, choleric, melancholic. This article will focus on who a phlegmatic person is, what traits are characteristic of him, whether his compatibility with other types of temperament is possible.

    Key Features

    Qualities that are characteristic of a phlegmatic person:

    • slowness;
    • equanimity;
    • constant mood level;
    • imperceptible expressions of their emotional experiences;
    • poor facial expressions;
    • difficulty in switching activities;
    • difficult adaptation to a new environment, conditions;
    • constancy of feelings;
    • slow development of new forms of behavior;
    • lethargy, indifference, laziness are possible.

    A phlegmatic person, thanks to his strong nervous system, is emotionally stable. At the same time, his mental processes also have inertia, which does not allow them to experience and express strong overwhelming feelings. A person who has this type of temperament usually assesses himself adequately, is confident in himself, while without bragging and self-confidence. Sometimes, under unfavorable circumstances, he can underestimate his abilities and feel insecure.

    You can recognize a phlegmatic person by his restraint, not particularly expressive facial expressions, avoidance of conflict situations. These traits can manifest themselves positively, turning into pluses, but sometimes his peacefulness leads to the fact that he chooses the path of least resistance and avoiding those situations in which his help or expression of his own opinion is required.

    A phlegmatic person is usually an introvert. At the same time, he is more sociable than melancholic, and does not mind spending time in a quiet company. He does not expect surprises from communicating with other people; he likes a measured, quiet life.

    An introvert (from German introvertiert “turned inward”) is a person who, by his mental makeup, is focused on his inner world and is not inclined to long-term communication. The extrovert, on the other hand, is directed towards objects in the outside world. It is generally accepted that the sanguine and choleric are extroverts, and the melancholic and phlegmatic are introverts.

    A phlegmatic person is a good listener who does not interrupt or criticize, speaks to the point.

    However, the positive aspects of a person can in some cases turn into disadvantages. So, a person with a predominantly phlegmatic type of temperament tends to accumulate negative emotions, which leads to periodic "explosions".

    Another weakness is low adaptability to changing conditions. This affects the fact that he is afraid to take responsibility and is afraid of making mistakes.

    Lack of emotionality and seeming indifference are other disadvantages that characterize this type of temperament. A person, in the opinion of others, often lacks passion. In those cases when the choleric person will loudly be indignant and shout, the melancholic will cry, the phlegmatic person will only shrug his shoulders, keep silent or calmly express his point of view.

    Famous phlegmatic people known in history are the fabulist I.A. Krylov, physicist I. Newton, field marshal M.I. Kutuzov, as well as British Prime Minister W. Churchill. In the literature, there are well-known phlegmatic characters, a detailed description of which is given by the authors. For example, Porthos, one of A. Dumas's musketeers, Sobakevich in "Dead Souls" by N.V. Gogol, Pierre Bezukhov in "War and Peace" by L.N. Tolstoy.

    In childhood

    This is a child, about whom they say "gift" - from birth, parents practically do not know any troubles with him. He is calm, sleeps well, does not require constant presence in the arms of adults, and is a little capricious.

    The main features of a phlegmatic person - inertia and sluggishness - can manifest themselves from infancy. A perfectly healthy child may not roll over, sit or walk for a long time, which becomes a cause for concern for parents.

    Having matured a little, the baby surprises with his poise and peacefulness. He often plays on his own without requiring the presence of his parents.

    However, his craving for stability can go sideways - the child has a hard time getting used to kindergarten and hardly begins to communicate in a team. Often a phlegmatic person is slow, which can irritate educators and become a reason for the ridicule of classmates.

    A child with a predominantly phlegmatic type is an introvert, prefers to communicate with only one friend... If he finds a suitable playmate, then he becomes a devoted and conflict-free companion.

    He does not like to participate in competitions, especially in speed, but he is prone to painstaking work and can cook for a long time some complicated crafts, collect constructor sets and puzzles. At the same time, if his participation in any event is required, he will prepare for it with all responsibility and will not let anyone down. Since childhood, he is laconic and surprises adults with his "childish" prudence.

    Parents need to maintain his self-esteem, because under unfavorable circumstances (ridicule by peers, indicating slowness, coming up with offensive nicknames), she can easily fall. A phlegmatic child needs a positive assessment of his strengths: dedication to friendship, caution, high-quality performance of any work.

    Labor activity

    A person with a predominantly phlegmatic type of temperament has a good working capacity that does not fall for a long time.

    Accuracy, attentiveness, perseverance and the ability to cope with routine work are the main positive features that a phlegmatic person can boast of. The profile of the profession most suitable for this person describes the areas where methodical implementation of instructions is required.

    Despite the fact that the phlegmatic person prefers to communicate a little, he is capable of work, in which communication with other people is inevitable. However, these should be professions that do not require improvisation, the ability to lure or persuade the interlocutor, as well as public speaking. At the same time, with the desire and perseverance of the person himself, he can master them - the stable type of his nervous system contributes to this. Therefore, if he as a profession aims to choose psychotherapeutic activity or become a sales manager, then he can succeed.

    In study or work, a person who has a phlegmatic temperament may experience some difficulties due to:

    • long "swing";
    • slow inclusion in work;
    • slow pace of activity.

    A phlegmatic person is not a leader by nature, rarely show activity, prefers to use proven methods in his activities, but he finds a common language with colleagues. He's hard to climb, but if he takes up work, he does it thoroughly and to the end.

    If a phlegmatic person occupies a leadership position, then he can be called a fair and thoughtful boss. However, if he has little to communicate with subordinates and not enough to demand, the management of the enterprise or firm may get out of his control.

    The most suitable professions for a person with a predominantly phlegmatic type of temperament:

    • athlete;
    • accountant;
    • economist;
    • jeweler;
    • corrector;
    • dispatcher;
    • laboratory assistant;
    • database operator;
    • engineer;
    • System Administrator;
    • programmer;
    • some medical specialties;
    • nurse;
    • veterinarian;
    • dog trainer;
    • highly skilled worker;
    • agricultural worker;
    • librarian;
    • clerk;
    • restorer;
    • archivist;
    • florist.

    It is best, if in doubt, to choose a profession together with a psychologist who specializes in career guidance. With its help, a person will not only receive a description of his profile, but will also be able to understand what kind of work will be optimal for him.

    Family relationships and temperament compatibility

    It is not difficult to get along with a phlegmatic person, because of his peacefulness. His poise, which even an explosive choleric person cannot shake, is a guarantee of compatibility and a good, happy life together. At the same time, he will not allow himself to be manipulated.

    A man or woman with a predominantly phlegmatic temperament usually realistically evaluates their life and relationships. They rarely express a romantic mood, which the partner does not always like. But they are patient and rarely scandal.

    The phlegmatic is a wonderful parent who is loved by children for understanding and justice. Controlling your emotions also promotes productive communication with your children and ensures compatibility with them in everyday life and attitudes.

    A woman who is married to a phlegmatic spouse can really feel like she is behind a stone wall. The calmness of the husband, even in critical situations, has a beneficial effect on the relationship.

    The phlegmatic girl is balanced, methodical and accurate. The partner can reproach her for indifference and laziness, although this is not always the case.

    A phlegmatic person can get along with a person of any type of temperament.... Paired with him, the choleric feels good, who calms down in his presence. Two phlegmatic people create a good tandem due to the fact that both have a strong type of nervous system. In some cases, relationships in phlegmatic – melancholic couples may become problematic due to a high level of inertia, passivity and “phlegmatic – sanguine”, since the latter often claims the partner's inability to openly express his feelings.

    Psychologists give advice on how to communicate with a phlegmatic person. It is not necessary to demand from him quick decisions and actions, and it is worth considering that he is "heavy on the rise." All plans and events must be notified in advance. You cannot try to "re-educate" this person - this is not only useless, but can also harm the relationship with him.

    Who are phlegmatic people? These are people with whom it is often easy and simple to get along. You can be sure that if they have chosen someone as a partner, they will be devoted to him. The confidence emanating from these people often infects those around them. The characteristic of a phlegmatic person is not complete without weaknesses (inertia, laziness), but with the persistence and desire of the person himself, this does not become a big problem for him and other people.

    Reading time: 3 minutes

    A phlegmatic person is a type of person's temperament with a balanced nervous processes. A phlegmatic person calmly refers to any life processes, without unnecessary energy consumption or excessive emotional manifestations. He is balanced, assiduous, able to scrupulously and conscientiously perform painstaking work. A phlegmatic person is characterized by slowness in making decisions, but if he has to execute them, then he shows strong persistence.

    Phlegmatic characteristic of a person. The representative of this temperament hides very well what is going on in his soul. Often, even the closest people cannot figure out what the phlegmatic is experiencing, because his face displays calmness and neutrality of reactions.

    The temperament of a phlegmatic person is characterized by a calm and stable disposition, which is associated with the inertia of his nervous system. It is very difficult to unbalance a phlegmatic person, for this something really impressive has to happen. But due to the fact that an unbalanced state is not characteristic of the phlegmatic type, such a person is not in it for too long. Individuals who are dominated by phlegmatic temperament are always loyal friends and faithful spouses.

    The nature of the phlegmatic is docile, so it is easy to get along with him. A phlegmatic person is characterized by a poor ability to adapt to new conditions, orders, circumstances, because his views on life are conservative. A phlegmatic person loves loneliness and appreciates it for the fact that in it one can reflect on being, to dream. Before even taking a not too risky step, the phlegmatic person will think many times and only then will he or not take it. Such a person is prone to the manifestation of stable behavior, therefore his every action gives off a certain stereotype, but he is quite satisfied with what he is.

    The temperament of a phlegmatic person is really unique, since people of this type can get along with almost everyone, both with an irritable choleric person, and a constantly cheerful sanguine person, as well as with a dreamy melancholic.

    The character of a phlegmatic person is quite stable, since he does not tend to adopt qualities from other temperaments, but he can infect others with his confidence.

    You can talk about phlegmatic as about - he rarely expresses what worries him, tries not to give out the true mood, while he is quite capable of listening and understanding the feelings of another person. phlegmatic is usually adequate or slightly underestimated.

    Who is a phlegmatic

    Phlegmatic characteristic. This is the most sympathetic, pleasant and calm person, therefore, many in the circle of their friends entrust the secret exclusively to this person. Individuals of phlegmatic temperament like to be in a state of security, so they can work effectively only in the place where everything goes according to plan without incident. Perhaps sometimes they attach too much importance to safety and are overly wary of all kinds of trouble, but in some cases it can even save them and their loved ones' lives.

    Due to the fact that the desire to help people is inherent in the character of a phlegmatic person, such individuals show strong concern for their own family. If the husband is a phlegmatic in the family, then he will definitely help his wife with household chores. He even almost gladly starts work, because he knows that with his help he will facilitate the task of his wife. A phlegmatic wife tries to give her family all her love so that everyone feels needed.

    Both men and women of a phlegmatic type of temperament are very pleasant and sweet people, since they are ready to help others, which is very highly valued by those around them. It is rare to find a phlegmatic person who would raise his voice to another person, or become the initiator of a quarrel. He prefers to yield to another person, so as not to spoil relations with him and not resort to swearing. You can rely on a phlegmatic person in almost everything, he will try to do a favor at the highest level, he will never take his words, promises back, so he is considered the most reliable person. If the phlegmatic person is also praised for his desire to help, if he receives feedback, then he performs the work twice as quickly and efficiently. Due to their soft nature, phlegmatic people sometimes become victims, who only need to find someone to bring down their own, and the phlegmatic person, in turn, will never swear in response. You can sometimes even observe an unusual phenomenon - a phlegmatic person loves to obey other people, which is often used by choleric or sanguine people. But you can't call him weak.

    The phlegmatic person is characterized by the fact that he loves to observe order in everything, in him he sees calmness, security and stability. The feeling of perfect stability is manifested even in the fact that they are able to carry through their whole life the only model of behavior learned in childhood.

    Clutter deprives the phlegmatic person of a sense of comfort. Therefore, he says that, why should he change the order, if everything suits him and gives him comfort. Everyone who is in a close relationship with a phlegmatic person knows and respects his characteristics. Only a person with malicious intent is capable of disrupting the order and stability of a phlegmatic person, knocking him out of a rut and removing a sense of security from him.

    For a person with phlegmatic temperament, the description of appearance is reduced to the fact that his style and general external features express his conservative views. You will never find a true phlegmatic in flashy clothes, he loves neutral colors, a minimum of accessories. His external data is not memorable, a person of this type can ask a passerby on the street what time it is, and if you ask a passerby to describe the appearance of this person, he will simply be confused and will not be able to remember a single facial feature.

    Such a person always has clean, ironed and washed clothes. Shoes are always polished. Before each exit from the house, a phlegmatic person examines his clothes very carefully so that by chance some thread does not peep out there or a button is missing. But this is only for strangers, and those who know the phlegmatic often communicate with him, consider him an interesting person.

    It is because of the love of order that the compatibility of a phlegmatic person with a sanguine person is not possible. If there is a mess in the house and the sanguine person does not notice him, then he sometimes pisses off the phlegmatic person. But in order not to lead to a conflict, he will silently remove it.

    It happens that in families there are children with opposite temperaments with their parents, then often funny situations arise between them. If the parents are phlegmatic and their child is also phlegmatic, then they are happy, they are not overjoyed at this. Because such a child is just a fairy tale. He is very obedient, assiduous, he does not have such problems as can often be found in other children. These families are interested in spending time together, so they are very strong.

    Phlegmatic description of suitable professions. Among the professions, two options are distinguished: a stable job that requires constant effort and diligence (scientists, accountants, financiers) or a field in which help is provided to people (medicine, psychology, sociology).

    Some companies specifically determine the type of employee's temperament, since they are looking for a phlegmatic person. He is appreciated for his scrupulous attitude to work, for the fact that he does not get tired, even if he has a lot of things to do. People of the phlegmatic type are priceless workaholics, if only the work was in place, without moving. They are very happy if their routine is constant work, repeated day in and day out, which brings security and peace of mind.

    For phlegmatic people, leaving the comfort zone is the worst thing that can happen to them. That is, the best order of things for them is the world around them, in which nothing changes. Therefore, people of a phlegmatic type can work in one place all their lives. They also don't like to travel. If, nevertheless, they agree to go somewhere, then they try to choose such conditions so that they remind them of their home as much as possible. For example, they rent an apartment, and it is unbearable for them to spend the night in a tent. They eat the same things as at home, it is hard to get them to try something exotic.

    If a favorite store or cafe that the phlegmatic has visited is closed, he is extremely upset. A life in which everything is predictable, stable and calm is the best for them. Any changes lead phlegmatic people to anxiety. In a work collective, people of the phlegmatic type are quite active, they participate in all events in order to keep up with their colleagues. They can only be in the spotlight by mistake, and they don't want to hear about public speaking. Phlegmatic people are more observers than activists. They like to watch the behavior of sanguine people who attract a lot of attention. For people of phlegmatic temperament, the opinion of other people is important, although everyone loves them anyway.

    The phlegmatic person is respected for his poise and prudence, especially in a stressful situation, when everyone around him falls into, he remains calm and begins to calm others. Such personalities help others to come to their senses faster, know how to give advice, even their very presence sometimes instills confidence.

    The phlegmatic woman is slow in action, but she does her job with special diligence. In general, she starts any activity with perseverance and perseverance.

    A woman of a phlegmatic type of temperament has a low, quiet and confident voice, a slow gait. She always looks flawless and often other women begin to envy her. In the profession, a woman of a phlegmatic type prefers monotonous work, in particular such specialties as a therapist, accountant, business man, botanist.

    Phlegmatic characteristics of the child

    A phlegmatic child is characterized by the fact that he is calm, balanced and unperturbed. His acquaintance with the world is gradual, measured and unhurried. If someone wants to help him, then he rejects this help and tries to cope with difficulties alone. It is this early behavior that determines future behavior.

    A phlegmatic child loves to be given a task over which to sit, think and reflect. Even at the age of four, such a child plays chess with pleasure, begins to read books, solve puzzles. If you need to take it for a while, you can just give a book with different pictures. He can sit over one of them for hours, look out for new elements, colors, name the characters depicted. He simply adores listening to stories, especially bedtime stories.

    A phlegmatic child loves to talk, he is especially interested in conversations with adults, although they mostly boil down to the latter's monologue. Sometimes the parents of a phlegmatic child are worried that their child starts to speak late. In fact, he can talk, he is just waiting for a certain moment.

    A phlegmatic child is mostly calm, the only thing that can piss him off is a speed task that needs a quick reaction. To complete this task more successfully, he will need a spare time. Proceeding from this, in classes with a child, you need to observe regularity and adapt to his pace. Not trying to speed it up somehow, this will only negatively affect the quality of the task and can cause it in the child.

    A child of a phlegmatic type of temperament has a balanced nervous system with low mobility of nervous reactions. During early childhood, such a baby is not capricious, sleeps a lot, rarely cries and does not require much attention. Such a child is “quiet,” even if he expresses some kind of reaction: laughing or crying, he does it quietly.

    A phlegmatic child can be nervous only because something changes in his environment, some orders, regime, surrounding objects; people to whom I'm used to. He needs time to get used to any innovation. Therefore, children of a phlegmatic type of temperament do not get used to kindergarten and school well. Because their usual daily routine is changing and they have to meet new people.

    If in kindergarten a child of phlegmatic temperament comes across an activity with which he is already familiar, he will perform it as diligently as at home. Over time, he gets used to certain rules and becomes a model of behavior. The only obstacle in communicating with peers for a child is his decreased activity, slowness, in comparison with other children.

    The movements of a phlegmatic child are stingy, heavy, because of them he looks clumsy. A big mistake in raising a child is strict requirements for him, especially if they go beyond his level of development and natural abilities. Expression of dissatisfaction or the manifestation of relatively inactivity, sluggishness of the child lead him to stress. Some parents believe that with their threats and shouts they can somehow push the phlegmatic person, make him faster. But, unfortunately, they do not at all understand that by such actions they cause an inhibitory reaction of the child, that is, instead of acting faster, as the parents expect, they begin to behave even more slowly.

    If a child is sometimes forced to behave faster than usual, for example, in order to be in time somewhere, then he must make a lot of efforts, which provokes mental stress, which will then result in.

    A popular mistake of parents is the desire to protect the child from various activities, from everything for which he has to make an effort. So, parents rush to help the baby if they see that he is doing something with great effort. Thus, the child may never learn to be independent and even a little energetic. He develops self-doubt, a desire to avoid everything associated with mobility.

    Parents should organize the conditions for the development of a slow child, as confident and independent. It is necessary to gradually give the child tasks to complete, so if he has reached the same level of development and mastered the basic techniques, then you can proceed to his further training.

    The main rule that must be observed in raising a phlegmatic child is not to rush. Adults should understand that a child who plays sedentary games, who does not fuss for no reason, moves slowly and generally prefers to sit still - this is not an "ideal child", this is a child who, if not taught to be active, will have problems communicating with peers and adults, which can ultimately affect his acceptance in the environment, when hiring, relationships with colleagues and with individuals of the opposite sex.

    There are certain techniques to identify the temperament of a child. A psychologist in a kindergarten or school owns these techniques and is able to help parents find out what kind of temperament their baby has and will give the necessary recommendations.