Palmistry line of the heart with three branches at the end. Palmistry

The lines on the hand reflect the qualities of a person and the direction of the development of life events. This relationship between lines and human destiny was noticed in ancient times. The lines on the left palm show the person's past and events planned by fate. The lines on the right hand show the current state of events and changes that have occurred in the fate of a person. Let's consider in detail what the line of the heart shows? claims that it is associated with a person's emotions.

Where is the heart line in the palm of your hand? It is located just below the fingers of the hand and crosses the palm from the little finger to the thumb. Palmistry considers two types of heart lines - spiritual and physical.

The physical line starts at the little finger and ends at or between the middle and index fingers. It has an arched shape. People with this sign on their hand are able to express their feelings in a beautiful artistic form, they know how to notice the beauty of the world and do not lose their presence of mind even in the most difficult circumstances.

These people do not know how to hide feelings, they always act openly and honestly. They cannot be broken by life's hardships - internal energy reserves help to recover in a short time and again feel the joy of being in full. They are sensitive to others, can have empathy and even the ability to telepathy. They are charismatic and energetic people.

The line of the spiritual heart runs in a strictly straight direction, without forming curvatures. These are closed people who are not able to openly express their thoughts and feelings. They will never emotionally sort things out, arrange scenes of jealousy or openly conflict with ill-wishers. People with a spiritual heart are also capable of romantic feelings, but they are not able to express them in a beautiful way. This often leads to internal conflict, which can lead to crazy actions.

What is the meaning of the end of the heart line in the palm of your hand? It can end at the middle and ring fingers, or it can last all the way to the little finger. Consider the options:

  • the line ended between the middle and forefinger - a person of a realistic warehouse, his inner world is balanced;
  • near the index finger - a suspicious and vulnerable person, capable of making an elephant out of a fly;
  • near the middle finger - before you is a complete egoist who does not know how to take into account the interests of the people around him.

The bifurcation of the heart line denotes a complex spiritual organization of a person, a contradictory nature. If the line has three branches at the fingers, you have a loving and emotional person in front of you. If he can remain faithful to the chosen one of the heart, this will bring great luck in life.

The double line speaks of the presence of a caring and loyal partner in a person's life. Are there signs of compatibility of partners? Yes, this is a complete coincidence of the direction and shape of the lines of the heart in both partners.

Line icons

Ideally, the heart line should be clearly visible, straight and deep. There should be no signs and intersecting lines on it. This characterizes a happy destiny, harmony in relationships with the opposite sex and a healthy circulatory system.

However, the emotional sphere of a person is always subject to changes, experiences and instability. This will be indicated by signs located directly on the line of the heart, or located nearby:

  • islets;
  • chain;
  • breaks;
  • crosses.

One of the signs is an island or a whole chain of islets: they indicate problems in the emotional life that a person has experienced. Large islets indicate periods of deep depression and emotional instability.

For example, if the islets were located at the beginning (at the little finger), this indicates a turbulent and unstable love sphere in youth. Sometimes the line can even out and become clearly outlined at the middle finger - this shows that in adulthood the emotional sphere has come to balance and outbursts of violent emotions are in the past.

The chain is a sign of a rich and intense emotional life. A person reacts violently to any problems and can make his life unbearable. A line interrupted in several places indicates loss of love and separation from loved ones.

Islets should not be confused with a chain. The chain consists of small links and resembles a real metal chain. It indicates the emotional mobility of a person. It is common for people of this type to quickly get carried away with something and quickly lose interest. The islands speak of a tendency to dramatize events - they look like large links in a chain.

What is this sign and what is it talking about? The belt of Venus is another line running parallel to the heart and fingers - it is located between them. This sign indicates a subtle sensitive nature of the creative type. If the belt of Venus consists of several parallel thin lines, this shows the hysteria and eccentricity of a person - he is unbearable.


Is it possible to determine character along the line of the heart? Yes, you can. To do this, you need to carefully consider the direction of the location and the place where the line ends:

  • even and straight - a kind, open, generous person;
  • goes down from the mound of Mars to the line of life - an irritable nature, always dissatisfied with everything;
  • connects with the life line - a person is overly gullible;
  • connects with the head line - the person is not shrewd and smart enough;
  • goes up to the hill of Jupiter - a person is inclined to lofty ideas;
  • short and deep - cold and stubborn nature;
  • very bright and deep - a person is ruled by feelings, not reason;
  • subtle and barely noticeable - a person does not know how to enjoy life.

If thin processes extend upward from the line of the heart, this indicates a frivolous attitude towards love relationships - a person is more attracted by flirting than devotion to a loved one.

If the processes are directed downward, a person does not know how to build a love relationship and wastes his strength in vain.

Is it possible to determine the tendency towards homosexuality by the line of the heart? For this, the tubercle of Venus must be well developed, and there must be several islets near the middle finger.

Studying the character of a person by the signs and lines on the hand will help you find the right approach to him and avoid conflicts.

For beginner palmists, the lines on the hand, which are best visible, can become the most informative. One of these contours is the line of the Heart in the palm of your hand, which is responsible for the spiritual side of human life.

Heart line meaning

This trait is also called the Soul line. She is responsible for the emotional sphere, includes the sensory perception of the world and the love relationship of a person throughout his life.

Also, the Heart line is directly related to the corresponding important organ that pumps blood, and can reflect its physical condition. The contour of the Soul can tell about a person's temperament, his relationship with people, the ability to show his feelings. There are times when the Heart line on the hand is missing. Then they talk about callousness, sometimes cruelty of a person. He has lost the ability to love, sacrificing it for his own benefit, and acts as a tyrant in relation to the people around him.

The Soul Trait is closely related, which is located on the edge of the palm closer to the little finger. It is a kind of decoding of what kind of love story a person in a couple will have to go through. A good contour of the Heart shows that the marriage will be successful, the partners will remain faithful to each other, love, respect and mutual understanding will come first in the family.


Ideally, this trait starts at the edge of the palm under the marriage line and the little finger and runs through the palm under the fingers, ending closer to the other edge of the palm. It is parallel on the arm. In palmistry, the distance from the line to the fingers and the direction of the contour can also tell about the features of the heart sphere of life.

  1. A line passing in close proximity to the bases of the fingers means that a person is looking for a partner for himself with the same level of spiritual development. In a love affair, couples are more likely to prevail in a cooperative relationship, two fulfill a common pleasant plan. But a person can be absolutely happy.
  2. The contour of the Soul starts from the little finger and ends on the inner one - the benefit in love is important for a person. He is not looking for a soul mate, but a beautiful and effective addition to his collection of "home, car, work". The owner of such a line has strict requirements for a partner and can break off relations if he does not obey him.
  3. The line of the Soul is located in the middle of the palm and crosses it in half - this speaks of a romantic person, devoted to his feelings, ready for a feat for the sake of the object of his adoration. The main thing for the owner of such a line is love, it can become his life principle. In friendly relations, such a person is sociable, loves to cooperate and give advice, help.
  4. If the line of the Heart is located between the outer hill of Mars and then the person is more interested in receiving sexual satisfaction. He behaves like a hunter, and the object of his adoration becomes a victim, he is obliged to fulfill all his whims in strictness.
  5. If the line of the Heart begins on the hill of Mercury and ends between the hills of Jupiter and we can talk about the vulnerability and resentment of a person. He can be sociable and positive, but in reality the owner of the trait is closed and prefers to live in his inner world.
  6. The contour, which ends at the hill of Saturn, will tell you about the problems hidden from other people. Such a person is impatient, wants to receive everything and at once, not only in love. Jealousy and insecurity, covered with selfishness, make him arrange scandals for his beloved, provoke groundless suspicions.
  7. If the line of the Heart reaches almost to the index finger, a person is characterized by his love for harmony. He is sensitive to art and beauty, trying to balance everything in his life. He loves order, because in the family and in relationships he often takes on many responsibilities that he should not fulfill.
  8. The line ends between the index and middle fingers - this indicates the success in the affairs of the heart of its owner. He knows what he wants, accepts the imperfection of a partner, tied the knot of a happy marriage once and for all his life.
  9. Starting on the hill of Apollo and ending on the inner hill of Mars, the line endows its carrier with exceptional talent. If a person develops his abilities, he will be successful. But often he sacrifices his love to talent and recognition.
  10. The short, curved outline that connects the hills of Jupiter and Saturn represents an elegant, reserved and detached person who hides his tender and vulnerable soul behind a mask. The owner of such a sign is capable of sincere and tender love if he trusts his object of love.
  11. The line of the Heart, bending to the side, will tell about an impulsive, addicted, cheerful and mobile person who loves to surround himself with luxury goods. He will choose a partner in a relationship that can satisfy his needs in the accumulation of expensive things.
  12. Bending to the devil testifies to the leadership qualities of its owner. Often such a person occupies leadership positions, is quite successful. She knows how to compliment and take care of the object of sighing, but with the family she can behave like with subordinates.


When analyzing the Heart line, palmistry takes into account not only the peculiarities of its location on the hand, but also other characteristics. There are two most common types of traits - physical and mental. The first contour is long, well defined, ending in a curve closer to the index finger. Its owner is extremely quick-witted, and after a defeat in love, he quickly bounces back, is ready to continue to perform feats. He knows how to express feelings and does not hesitate to do it, easily shares warmth, tenderness and care. A soul trait is a straight horizontal line that does not bend at the ends. It is difficult for the owners of such a sign to frankly express their feelings and emotions, they are prone to mental suffering, often follow the lead of feelings, ignoring common sense, but they really need freedom.

Display variations

The following features are characteristic of the Heart line.

  1. speaks of the high intellectual level of its bearer. He is constant in his affections, looking for a partner who is equal to himself, and tries to create strong and harmonious relations with him. He is an experimenter, capable of being a gentle lover.
  2. The Heart Line in the form of a chain is present on the hand of a person who is modest in thoughts and indecisive. He rarely expresses his thoughts out loud, prefers to listen, is a good subordinate. His parents are often building his career, and the beloved or beloved will have to wait some time until such a partner decides on a relationship.
  3. The line of the Heart, branched at the end at the outer mound of Mars, can mean love, and the number of branches means love. On the left hand, such a sign speaks of a person's deep feeling for a partner.
  4. The combination of the contour of the Soul with speaks of the irascibility and incontinence of their bearer. He is cunning and stubborn, but is able to achieve a high position in society due to his flexibility. Often becomes a participant in quarrels, because he does not tolerate different points of view.
  5. The strokes going down from the line of the Soul tell about the inconstancy of their bearer. Often he has several objects of love and cannot choose one in any way. This is a bright person, always stands out with something special from the rest.
  6. The bright line of the Heart with transverse clear lines means the creative nature of their owner, who is able to rely on the will of fate. Harmony of feelings and emotions is important for him, but often people do not understand his high creativity, which makes a person withdraw into himself.
  7. The presence of several vertical stripes rising to the fingers characterizes a person endowed with mental flexibility and intelligence. Due to his charm, he attracts people to him, which provides him with good mutual support and help.

Branches on the contour of the Heart

One or more additional lines can often be observed extending from the line of the Soul.

  1. One branch, directed to the hill of Mercury, symbolizes the purposefulness of a person. He knows what he wants and improves the business he is doing, bringing it to the highest level. Due to his qualities, he achieves a high position in society and wealth.
  2. An offshoot to the Apollo Hill appears in a person who is successful in all spheres of life. In the second half of his life, great love awaits him, which will make him even happier.
  3. A kind of fork under the index and middle fingers is inherent in managers. Such people achieve their goal for a long time and persistently. They show feelings for a partner only in private.
  4. The triple fork, located close to the hill of Jupiter, promises many difficulties in life for its owner, which he can easily overcome due to his courage and moral potential. He understands the feelings and emotions of people, helps in life dramas, which allows him to surround himself with good friends.
  5. The bifurcation of the line on the hill of Saturn speaks of a person's ability to overcome obstacles in unusual ways. In fact, it becomes a kind of hobby for him due to his activity and originality.
  6. Forking in the region of the hills of Saturn and Jupiter manifests itself in a person with a large supply of vital energy, which helps him to be successful. He will be able to help others to rise to the same level. The love that visited him in his youth will warm him all his life.
  7. The branch to the head line characterizes a person who is successful in all areas of life. But for him, happiness is wealth, which often leads to misunderstandings and conflicts between partners.


Separately, we can highlight the situations when the heart line crosses the gap.

  1. A broken outline in the middle indicates that the person has arranged his life well, is very successful in business, but has problems with emotional self-expression. Due to his suspicion, he is unstable in plans and opinions, it is difficult for him to adjust his behavior in accordance with the situation.
  2. Interrupted in several places, but a bright line characterizes a person as an imperfect family man, incapable of strong falls in love, but due to his docile nature and kindness, he does not enter into conflicts with a partner.
  3. One gap under the hill of Apollo means an unusually developed physically person, able to use his strength and dexterity in fights and battles. The owner of such a sign is very serious, has a specific sense of humor, but due to his goodwill, he makes many friends, who sometimes drag him into unpleasant situations.
  4. A small gap on the contour under the hill of Mercury will tell about the exceptional tenacity of its carrier. He can become a good leader, because he has organizational skills and charisma. Such a person always achieves results both in his career and in love.


As with every line on the palm, various signs can be present on the contour of the Soul. Considering them in combination with the main characteristics of this line, we can talk about a particular event in a person's life, circumstances and possible consequences. These symbols can be called:

  1. on the line: their meaning is disappointment in love due to a rash and sudden decision when choosing a partner;
  2. means parting with a loved one, but the suffering will be short-lived, and soon the person will be able to fall in love again;
  3. on the contour speaks of the desire of its owner for spiritual development, he has a high level of nobility, endurance and self-control;
  4. means trauma caused by some event or unsuccessful, devastating relationship;
  5. the lattice is a sign that a person is not able to maintain a long-term relationship, quickly cools down to the object of love;
  6. dots or moles indicate a high concentration of their carrier on the emotional sphere, passion.


The Heart Line is one of the most in palmistry. It shows a person's attitude towards himself, others and a great feeling of love, as well as his luck in the professional field. But no matter what the features in the palm of your hand say, it all depends on the personality, and only she can change something in her life.

The heart line on the hand is very important, it is responsible for the emotional component of a person's life, interaction with other people. The line is located in the upper third of the palm. It begins at the edge, below the tubercle of Mercury, stretches to the index and ring fingers. The length, thickness and shape of the branch vary. The point of its ending, interaction with other signs is of great importance. Without the analysis of this important branch on the hand, not a single fortune-telling in palmistry is possible.

Two types of heart line

They begin to study the line of the heart on the hand by determining its type. On this basis, you can say a lot about the character and mental disposition of a person. Palmistry distinguishes 2 types of cardiac branches:

  • physical;
  • spiritual.

When determining the type, attention is paid to the shape and flow of the line, the points of its end. It also happens that there is no heart line on the hand at all. Rather, it completely merges with the branch of the mind. Such a hand is called a monkey. A person with such a pattern either completely subordinates emotions to the mind, or, conversely, is guided exclusively by feelings.

Physical line of the heart

Such a branch bends or rounds, ends between the index and ring fingers or at their base. What does the physical line of the heart mean? A person with this pattern in his palm is open, he knows how to express his feelings and emotions. Shocks go through easily, quickly comes into shape. He knows how to show sympathy, empathize.

Spiritual Heart Line

The spiritual line of the heart is horizontal and perfectly straight. It stretches from one edge of the palm to the other with little or no curvature. The owner of such a hand is a secretive person who does not know how and does not want to show his emotions. Often such people are very romantic natures, their feelings prevail over reason. But it also happens that they are cold, calculating and selfish.

Among the owners of the spiritual line of the heart, there are monogamous people and owners. They deeply experience failures and successes, but do not show this, therefore they often suffer from heart disease and nervous breakdowns.

Main characteristics of the heart line

As already mentioned, the line of the heart begins at the edge of the palm, and ends between the ring and middle fingers with different variations. Like other branches on the arm, it is characterized by the following main parameters:

  • length;
  • thickness;
  • depth;
  • Form.

A long line of the heart says that a person is emotional, comprehensively developed. He has many hobbies, he does any job with deep feeling. Such people know how to empathize, come to the aid of others. The short line of the heart, interrupted in the middle of the palm, belongs to a conservative and restrained person. Its owner is guided in life by logic, not feelings. It happens that he becomes dependent on someone else's opinion.

A broad line is a sign of indifference, a slow emotional reaction to certain events. Such people are slowly aroused, but can experience stress for a long time. A narrow line indicates frequent mood swings, energy and nervous instability.

The deep line of the heart in the palm has a special meaning. People with such a pattern are truly sensual and emotional.

If the line is narrow, its owner has an explosive character. When the streak is wide, a person is prone to very deep and long-lasting experiences. An inconspicuous, superficial line is a sign of a meager spiritual world, intolerance. The owner of such a line of heart does not know how to sympathize, listen to other people, and seek compromises. A double line is a good sign: a faithful and loving spouse will appear in life.

Heart line ending options

Palmistry on the heart line especially carefully reads the meaning of the endings. On this basis, you can learn about the character of a person, his attitude to life, other people. There are several ending options:

  • The line of the heart in the palm ends below the index finger. The owner of such a branch is energetic, a little fussy, ambitious. He carefully chooses friends and life partners, often makes high demands on them. Rarely gets attached to people, does not let him close. The feelings of such a person are superficial.
  • The branch ends under the ring or middle finger. Such a pattern is characteristic of egoists who think only of themselves, pay little attention to the feelings of others. They are promiscuous in relationships, make casual acquaintances that do not last long. Holders of this type of heart line are sexy, but they prefer a short-term physical connection, rather than an emotional union.
  • The line of the heart is clear and ends between the index and middle fingers. Here is a sincere and honest person you can trust. He appreciates real feelings and strong connections, is faithful to his principles, knows how to help others. Such people have happy marriages, they have excellent relationships with parents and children.
  • The fork at the end is typical for people with a complex mental organization, capable of comprehensive analysis and complex assessments of any events. If one twig ends under the index finger, then you have a very kind and a little romantic person in front of you.
  • The fork is on the line of the heart, and its tips reach the base of the index and ring fingers. The owner is a leader by nature, he does not accept a subordinate position. When the fork has a more pronounced intersection with the middle finger, its owner is fixated on himself. If it is more in contact with the index, then the owner is ready to cooperate, but only in a leadership position.
  • A branched, with several endings line of the heart in the palm of your hand is characteristic of positive and emotional people. Sometimes such a sign at the end is called the "lucky mark". Its owner enjoys the love of all those close to him, he has an excellent relationship with the opposite sex.
  • The line of the heart goes down and ends on the branch of the mind. This means that its owner is energetic, proactive and successful. But he measures success only by material profit, does not trust people, even those closest to him.

If the flow of the heart strip is even, without convolutions, bends, then its owner is distinguished by constancy, loyal to the family, relatives, loved ones. If the line is winding, this is a potential traitor. Even family people with such a heart line on their hand are looking for love adventures on the side.

Interaction of the line of heart, head and life

To read the fate of the hand, it is very important to know how the two nearby stripes of the head and heart interact. One of them is responsible for the intellectual component of life, the other for the emotional one. Character and destiny depend on how the two energies influence each other. The options are as follows:

  • Elongated line of the heart with a short line of the mind. This option is characteristic of emotional and sincere people, for whom the emotional side is more important than the rational one. Often, the owners of such a hand are short-sighted, they live in the present.
  • A shortened heart branch with a long head line. The picture is typical for pragmatists, accustomed to rationally look at life, with stingy feelings. They are always guided by logic, not feelings, sometimes they are too selfish. Their spiritual energy is weak, but it is completely compensated by mental abilities.
  • When the heart line connects to the head branch, the emotional and mental realms are very dependent on each other. Reckless actions are peculiar to man. At the same time, he cannot completely let go of his emotions. If there is only one branch, an impulsive decision will be made, which will significantly affect fate.
  • A straight and clear line connecting two branches. In men, this is a sign of amorousness. In women, such a sign often means affection for people of the opposite sex. They remain loyal to their chosen one even when he pushes them or changes them.
  • If the lines of the heart on the palms converge partially with the branches of the head, then their owner is always guided by emotions when making decisions. This does not allow him to achieve success in life, since feelings often prevail over reason, forcing him to perform spontaneous actions. The situation is aggravated by the lines crossing the branches.
  • The space between the branch of the head and the heart is shaded, there are dashes crossing both stripes. The owner of such a picture is a very vulnerable person who often suffers from loneliness. If the gap is clear, the owner of the palm is prone to individualism, does not know how to interact with the team.
  • The gap is shaped like a lyre. Such a drawing means that its owner is very conscientious and responsible. He knows how to compromise in small things, but in matters of principle he shows unusual firmness.
  • The space between the branches resembles a square. Excessive compliance makes a person betray his principles and suffer after that. He easily succumbs to other people's influence.
  • A small space between the two branches, they go almost like a double line. The owner of the hand is shy, indecisive, overcomes problems with difficulty.

Sometimes the heart line and the life line can interact with each other. They are connected by strokes or long processes. Such a drawing means that its owner is very much attached to his parents. Often this prevents him from building a personal life, his own family. When these two branches are connected by multiple strokes, you have a very secretive personality, hiding from everyone his true nature.

Palmistry: Heart line. Love experiences



Palmistry line of the soul - hearts (part 3)

Interaction with other lines and hills on the arm

The meaning of the heart line in the palm of your hand largely depends on how it fits into the overall drawing. If the line is located high, under the fingers themselves, then the owner is a passionate nature. He seeks to match the ideal, looking for partners to match himself. The low position of the branch is characteristic of stubborn, emotionally cold people. If the hills in the palm of your hand are well developed, you have a very religious person in front of you.

What does palmistry say about the heart line and its interaction with other branches. Let's look at some examples:

  • The line connects the hill of Jupiter under the index finger and the hill of Mercury under the little finger. Here is a hunter of the opposite sex. He has numerous love affairs, but very short-term. If such a line also branches, the person is very amorous, deeply feels every relationship, but does not know how to love for a long time.
  • Branches to the mound of Mercury. This means that the owner has a real goal, he is ambitious, achieves success and wealth thanks to talent and hard work.
  • A process leading to the tubercle of the Sun. Lucky trait, such people are lucky in everything. If then the dash branches out, this is a talented and multifaceted person.
  • The straight line of the heart reaches the hill of Jupiter and there it branches into many branches. The owner of the palm is very talented, courageous, knows how to deal with life's difficulties. Even other people are charged with his energy.
  • Bifurcation at Saturn's tubercle. Good ability to deal with difficulties, overcome unexpected obstacles on the way.
  • Branches from the heart line go to the fingers. A sign of an intelligent, flexible and charming person. People are drawn to him, come in search of support and advice.
  • The branch of the heart is connected to the Apollo trait (good luck or the Sun), forming an angle. Such people have many friends, they are very sociable, but there is always a risk that they will miss a real faithful companion in life.
  • Combination with the Belt of Venus. It is typical for hot-tempered and irritable people who do not perceive other people's opinions.
  • The intersection of the lines of fate and the twigs of the heart speaks of a person's suspiciousness, excessive sentimentality. He is ready to defend his ideas, even if they are initially untenable. If the branch of fate descends from above, rests on the heart and does not go further down, then its owner will have a good personal life, the marriage will be happy.
  • Multiple dashes and ramifications going down or crossing a branch. It means a frivolous character, inconstancy, a tendency to deceive and fail to fulfill promises. The picture is enhanced if the intersection is connected to the gap.

Any branches and interactions with other branches on the hand should be read very carefully, because such lines are barely noticeable. It is best to consider various examples of the heart line in the photo and video, or seek clarification from an experienced palmist.

Heart line signs

Heart line marks are very important. They warn of difficult turns of fate, mental and emotional turmoil, serious dangers. Some signs can play a protective role. It also matters where the signs are located. Let's take a closer look at this issue.

The gap

Any break on the line of the heart indicates uncertainty, mental throwing. If he is in the middle, doubts and suspicions have no basis whatsoever. The life of the owner of such a palm is quite successful, but the inner discomfort does not leave him. Multiple gaps that cross the entire strip are a sign of a good, calm, but a little boring person.

A branch torn under the Apollo tubercle is characteristic of impulsive people who find themselves in various unpleasant situations. At the same time, they are quite capable of coping with them successfully. If the gap is under the hill of Mercury, the owner of the line is a good leader, assertive, but often too kind with his subordinates. Tears on a man's hand characterize a womanizer, on a woman's - they speak of disappointment in love.


Lonely island on the line of the heart - separation in love. If after the mark the line continues, remains clear, the mental trauma can be dealt with. If it breaks off, the heartbeat will be fatal, the owner of such a palm will be lonely all his life. If there are multiple islands on the line of the heart, it means that failures in your personal life will haunt your whole life.

A continuous chain of islets on the line of the heart, reminiscent of rice, speaks of a tacit and closed personality. Such a person is a good performer, but the lack of initiative and leadership qualities complicates his career, complicates the path to success.


Strokes crossing a branch or passing through it can tell about a person who is looking for harmony in everything. He is fond of art, music, has a fine mental organization. But such people absolutely lack the will to win, the desire to change their destiny, they prefer to go with the flow.


A trident or triangle warns of vision problems. Sometimes the owners of such a sign are too promiscuous in people, they are often deceived or used in their own selfish interests.


Multiple crosses above our heart line speak of suppressed feelings and emotions. Often this happens due to outside influence. When there is only one cross, located on the very line, its owner can achieve a lot in the scientific field, but for this he may have to sacrifice his personal life, put an end to his family.


Palmistry interprets the meaning of the star in different ways. In some cases, she says the mark portends serious heart disease. In others, happy marriage and family life. If a line begins with a star, its owner strives for perfection, reaching the top. He has the strength, ability, self-control for this, he copes well with any difficulties.


A small dot on the line of the heart indicates disappointment in personal life. If there are multiple points on the line of the heart, it means that you will not be lucky in love for a long time. This will lead to mental anguish. Sometimes people, after such suffering, become callous, withdrawn into themselves. A mole has similar properties. She also warns of heart problems.


A rhombus or square on the line of the heart can indicate disappointment in love. Fortunately, the wound will heal very quickly and will not affect later life. Sometimes the square protects against the adverse influence of other signs. It all depends on where it is located. If it's just on a branch, the defense is very weak. If he takes a bad branch into a kind of circle, its influence is reduced to zero. Sometimes the rhombus on the hand resembles a heart. This means that true love awaits you. True, building relationships will have to go a long way and overcome many difficulties.

Decoding fate along the line of the heart

The heart line and deciphering fate along it require more analysis than just examining the branch and signs on it. You need to know which hand to read the prediction on. The drawing on the left palm speaks of karma that has been given to a person from birth. It can only be changed by a serious effort of will. The picture on the right hand is more subservient to us. The lines and signs on it speak of how we influence our own lives.

Time on the line of the heart can leave its mark. Signs appear here that speak of disappointment in love, emotional stress, mental throwing. The marks may disappear if we can fix the problem. In order to be ready for any twists and turns of fate, it is important to calculate the time of this or that event, your approximate age at that moment.

Dating on the heart line is easy. The line corresponds to 75 years. It is conventionally divided at first into 3 segments, 25 years each. Then each of them is divided into 5 more sections. It is hardly possible to guess the event more precisely, because palmistry is not such an exact science.

The heart line is associated with relationships with people, but nothing in the world is absolute. You can always influence yourself, fate and the world around you. You need to be above your own weaknesses, negative predictions. In the end, you can find a way out of any situation. If you strive upward, towards light and perfection, believe that failures will not break, even the most unfavorable karma will change.

The heart line is responsible for the sphere of feelings in a person's life. The length, the number, the sharpness of the lines, their curves and the shapes they form - all this matters. Therefore, if you are an inexperienced fortune teller by hand, you should be very careful and accurate.

In the article:

The basics of fortune telling by the line of the heart

The heart line is the first line from the side of the fingers. In most cases, it starts under the little finger and ends between the index and thumb. Rarely, but there are people who do not have a similar mark. As a rule, they are emotionless and dry, feelings do not play a big role in their life. Those who have this mark is thin and almost imperceptible, too, are guided mainly by reason, and not by emotion. They know how to keep themselves under control, and you won't get an outburst of negative emotions from them. However, expressing positive feelings is also not very good. A person whose line is interrupted is usually frivolous and fickle. The same one with whom it is deep and clearly delineated, proud and jealous.

There are two types of markings: spiritual and physical.

"Physical" people have a rounded heart line at the end. They are not afraid of their experiences and share them with others. Sometimes they are annoying and tactless, but it is impossible not to succumb to their special charm. People of the "physical" type easily recover from the blows of fate, react to everything with optimism and a smile. They charge loved ones with their energy.

The “spiritual” ones have a straight and even line. They are afraid to talk about their feelings, which is why there is a stereotype that they do not exist. In fact, "spiritual" people have a very subtle sense of the world around them. It is because of this that they are forced to protect themselves from him. But for close people they make an exception, although again they need more freedom and loneliness than others.

The end of the line of the heart

The place where this trait ends plays a very important role in palmistry. Ideal is the location of the tip between the zone of Jupiter (index finger) and Saturn (middle finger). Thus, a balance is maintained between the inner and outer world, the feeling of one's “I” and attention to the world of other people. A person with such a mark, as a rule, is successfully realized in all aspects of life, does not suffer from mental illnesses and complexes.

In the case when the mark ends in the zone of Jupiter, this indicates that such an individual is very vulnerable and believes in high ideals that do not withstand the test of reality. If the line of the heart approaches the Saturn zone, then this symbolizes the selfishness and capriciousness of the owner. They do not burden themselves with thoughts of others and consider themselves the crown of creation.

It often happens that we observe a split at the tip of the line. This is a sign that a person has a complex and multifaceted nature, and tends to view the problem from different angles. It happens that the branching happens not in one, but in several places. This indicates good luck in a love relationship.

Additional marks

Rarely, but it occurs when there is another dash between the fingers and the line of the heart. It has the name "Belt of Venus". It occurs most often among creative people and those who cannot imagine their life without adrenaline. An individual with such a trait is unstable, sometimes suffers from neuroses, is very emotional. Does not tolerate boredom and monotony. It is capable of making any day bright and unforgettable, but it is difficult to be constantly close to such type of people. They pour out their energy into creativity, they are often talented. It is very important for them to have a reliable friend by their side.

Heart line connects to life line

There is also an option where a thin line is visible near the very tip of the mark, which is directly parallel. This is a sign that this person will have a happy marriage for life. In general, a union is considered harmonious when both partners end in a trait in the same zone. This is also hinted at by a double line. When your mark consists of two dashes, one of which hangs over the second, then this portends an imminent opportunity to meet your old love and resume a long-standing relationship.

Triangle on the line of the heart

The case when a trait of heart bends to, suggests that you had some kind of unpleasant experience in the past that you do not like to remember. Nevertheless, he made you stronger and wiser. The triangle that forms the heart line symbolizes an imminent purchase or construction of a house. May also denote marriage.

If a heart line comes very close to the head line, but does not touch it, this speaks of you as a very changeable personality. Your mood can change from good to bad and back in just a matter of minutes. You should learn to manage your own emotions. If the line of the heart connects with the dash of the head, then this speaks of the owner as a very unbalanced person. He always hesitates and doubts, unable to make a final decision. Sometimes it can even lead to mental illness.

Square on the line of the heart

If the dash is presented in the form of a chain, then you have a weak character. Other people push you around, take advantage of you. You love loved ones and are looking for recognition, which they use for their own purposes. Once you realize this and stop letting others humiliate you, life isn't such a bad thing. In the event that a square can be seen somewhere on the mark, this means that in difficult times you will have reliable protection and support. Trust yourself, your feelings and premonitions, and they will show you the right path.

If there is a break on the line under the hill of Apollo, then you do not really value relationships and are able to part with a loving person because of a mere trifle. You value yourself and, and this is partially justified, since you are really talented and smart. But if you continue to put people in nothing, then you will be completely alone. Remember that humility adorns everyone. If the gap is under the hill of Mercury, then a person with such He can achieve a lot in the financial sphere. Nevertheless, sometimes this love can go beyond all limits and turn into mania. Control your stinginess, otherwise it may cost you love and relationships.

There are several perpendicular lines on the mark - you are haunted by failures in love. You don't know why this is happening or when it will end. Don't worry, a little patience and faith and everything will work out. If the line branches out towards the ring finger, then it is a sign that you have a friend you can always rely on. After a while, you will know true love and realize yourself both in a professional capacity and as a family.

The case when the branch stretches to the hill of Mercury suggests that, thanks to your economy and reasonable spending, you will gradually accumulate a fortune. Also in your life there is a beloved partner who will inspire you to reach new heights. If the line forks between the index and middle fingers, then after the tumultuous development of events, there will be a period of calm. This is a time for relaxation, reflection and introspection. Think about what you want from life and a partner, and put this knowledge into practice. Do not put pressure on your soul mate, show sensitivity and the ability to compromise.
If the trait begins with a triple ramification, then you are a fair and honest person. You know what is good and what is bad, and you do not allow yourself to make agreements with your conscience. These qualities will be judged on merit. You will receive honor and respect, as well as material rewards for your work. If the mark bifurcates in the Saturn zone, then this is a happy omen. You are not afraid to go against the opinion of society, and you yourself decide your attitude to this or that issue. You are a strong and energetic person, both physically and spiritually. They are prone to adventures because of the love of danger and risk.

There are lines that are called main lines. In this list is the line of the Heart, which is also on the list of the main ones, since it determines the fate of a person. It is used to judge the feelings of the owner of the palm, his heartfelt affairs. Palmistry in its outlines also tells about the nobility, the strength of his spirit, affection.

Finding the Heart line is easy

Line appearance

They read the future and learn about a person by their right hand, but two hands are important. Palmistry claims that the right hand talks about a realized personality, shows a person as he is. A prediction can also be made on the left hand, but it will be inaccurate, since the potential of the personality is shown on the left hand, what is in it from birth. This applies only to right-handers; for left-handers, everything is exactly the opposite.

Finding the line of the Heart on the palm is simple: it starts at the edge of the palm, and then passes under the hills of the fingers on the hand.

Thickness and length

Look carefully at how it looks on the hand, at its beginning and end. If the line is clear, deep, then this person is generous. In addition, he is characterized by constancy and loyalty. The Heart Line will talk about sexual relationships.

If this line is not on the hand, then the owner of the palm does not believe in anything, he is treacherous, godless, heartless. But this is not common, it is usually present. If the owner of the palm has become an exception, inevitable troubles await him. Misfortunes can start unexpectedly. If there is a line of the Heart, but it is weak and thin, then this person is cold, he does not experience strong feelings, including in love relationships.

If it is short, then the owner of the palm achieves the reciprocity of a loved one using violence. Palmistry says that the length of the Heart line depends on the amount of love that this person can hold in the heart.


And by the degree of its curvature, the amount of energy concentrated in the heart chakra is determined... If she is strongly curved, then palmistry calls her "feminine", since these features are inherent in girls. But it happens to men too. If it is too bent and looks up, then this person does not know how to hide his emotions, his face immediately shows what is happening in his soul. Feelings rule him, he does not listen to reason.

When choosing a spouse, he will agree to marry only if they have true love. He is also close to moral principles, he believes that there is friendship. Romance comes first for him.

Perfect line

Palmistry tells that there is such a thing as "ideal line of the Heart". It is smooth, with an even tone, solid. Its beginning is at the very edge of the palm, and the end is between the index and middle fingers, as in the photo.

This mark provides a balance between giving and receiving love. The owner of the palm is generous, generous to everyone, kind-hearted. He is balanced and objective. At its end, a branch is clearly visible, there are two or three of them. They show that the owner of the palm is harmonious, the senses and mind are balanced in him. His love is strong, stable, he is characterized by constancy, he can enjoy intimacy.

The views of this line

Palmistry distinguishes two types of the Heart line. Let's talk about them in more detail.


If the Heart line ends either on the index finger, middle finger, or between them, its end is slightly rounded, it is called physical (see photo).

The owner of such a palm knows how to beautifully talk about their feelings, express them correctly. He does not like to hide his emotions, that is, he is open. Everyone has unpleasant moments. But the owner of such a palm quickly recovers from troubles and can again enjoy life. He doesn't despair. He is also caring and genuinely loving.


If the line of the Heart is horizontal, not rounded, it is called spiritual (see photo).

Such a person does not talk about his emotions. He will suffer in silence, instead of sorting out the relationship. Often, romantic feelings in such people prevail over reason. They are very sensitive, but also freedom-loving. The fact that they do not show emotion does not mean that they are insensitive. Outwardly, they seem calm, which easily misleads other people, but inside they have strong feelings.

Do not start frank conversations with him. But he can be trusted with a secret, he will not blabber. If he finds himself in an unpleasant situation, he will not express dissatisfaction. But somehow all the boiling feelings will splash out. They are the owners, but they also have real, deep feelings. They are monogamous, ready for anything for another person, if he agrees to be with them. If the line of the Heart is depressed, then he is unceremonious and cruel in love, therefore, violence is not excluded.

End of line

Palmistry pays great attention not so much to the beginning of the Heart line, but to its end. Most often, her beginning is in one place, and the end is in different ones.

  • At the finger of Saturn. If the line of the Heart ends on the hill of Saturn, then he does not give in to feelings, all his actions are dictated by the mind. He seems sympathetic and benevolent, but this is only an appearance. If there is a branch or fork on the line, its meaning is that it has recoil energy.
  • It ends at the finger of Apollo. It is very short and ends at Apollo's (ring) finger. He completely surrenders to bright and emotional hobbies, which quickly pass. His senses take precedence over reason. He both idealizes his partner and is jealous of him. But often men with such a hand are carried away by a beautiful body, and women are mercantile, that is, the beginning of a relationship does not bode well. An affair with the owner of such a palm will be stormy, but a long-term relationship will not work if it does not change.
  • It ends at the finger of Jupiter. Long, slightly curved line that ends below the index finger. The owner of the hand is egocentric, narcissism is not alien to him (Jupiter symbolizes the ego). It is also a sign of a strong and bright personality that attracts people with its charisma. People are drawn to him like a magnet. The owners of such a palm love to be in charge, not only at work, but also in their personal life. They are passionate, jealous lovers. To keep them close to you, remember - no psychological pressure, otherwise there will be a huge scandal. They are fighting for their freedom, but they treat their partner as their property. A distinctive feature is that they often teach others how to live and are offended if their words are not listened to. If there are weak people around who need support, they show their power, indulge their pride. They also inspire admiration for their sophisticated wardrobe and beautiful body. They love to receive gifts, to bathe in the attention of others. The desires of these people are in the first place, and they will not be modest at all.
  • It ends between the finger of Saturn and Jupiter. This is the best option - a balance between your own ego and the desires of other people. This is a person with realistic views. He cannot have unfulfilled expectations, since there are no exaggerated requirements.
  • The Heart Line bifurcates at the end Two dashes at the end - he has a complex mental organization. There is a unique ability - to consider the problem from all sides, comprehensively. According to other sources, if the fork is under Jupiter's finger, this means that the owner of the palm has a wonderful character, success in a romantic relationship awaits him. Sometimes the branch is not one, there are three. The wearer of the palm shows a lot of emotion in their relationship. Palmistry also calls this sign a sign of luck. But only one who was able to create a family or a strong relationship is called lucky.

Interaction of lines of Heart and Head

The lines of the Heart and Head are responsible for opposite traits, but they are closely interconnected, since the mind and feelings cannot exist without each other. The position of these lines in relation to each other can also tell a lot.

  • If between L. Hearts and L. The mind has a short distance, the owner of the palm has a passive life position, he is secretive. He prefers loneliness, does not like noisy companies where you need to express your feelings.
  • If between L. Hearts and Mind are a considerable distance, then this person thinks outside the box, he has a wide outlook. You won't be bored with him, but you can't predict his behavior either.

To get your opinion about this person, compare l. Hearts and L. Uma. If l. The heart is larger and more noticeable compared to L. Uma means this person has a great need for love. If l. The mind is more expressive, longer and deeper, then everything is in control of the mind. If l. Uma and L. Hearts are connected by a line of her meaning - mind, feelings are balanced.
