What is the astral plane and how to enter it? How to get out of your body? How can a person communicate with the astral world.

The world in which most people usually live often seems to us the only and inevitable. However, some phenomena and events observed in the surrounding world make us seriously doubt this certainty.

Moreover, there are daredevils who claim that the world familiar to us is rather an illusion, and the only absolute reality is a kind of mysterious transcendental space - the astral.

From an esoteric point of view, the astral is that eternal real substance on which the illusory manifestations of the reality we observe depend. Term "astral" with long time ago used by alchemists and occultists, but not recognized by traditional scientific institutions. This word comes from the Greek αστέρι [asteri] - "star".

The astral is called the subtle energy world, which is the original reason for the existence of an illusory appearance, which we used to consider an unshakable reality.

Finding an exit to the astral is much easier and much more difficult than it might seem at first glance. From the point of view of mystics and esotericists, we do not need to look for this way out at all - we are all initially in the astral plane and have never left it. What we see around us every day is actually a picture of the astral world, greatly distorted by the errors of our imperfect perception.

Some consider the astral to be a kind of "other world", but this point of view is not entirely correct. Adepts of occult teachings argue that we all really exist in the astral plane, and the so-called "reality" is just an appearance, a faint reflection of the real world. In the literal sense, it is meaningless to talk about going to the astral: either we are all already in it, or the astral world is just an invention of a handful of eccentrics who have completely lost touch with reality.

Nevertheless, for all its seeming absurdity, the concept of entering the astral plane is not completely groundless. Most likely, going out into the astral world means going beyond the bounds of the all-embracing illusion familiar to every person, which we ourselves created for our own peace of mind, like a child hiding his face in a pillow so as not to be afraid of the dark.

Exist whole line ways to liberate our perception and find ourselves in a state that allows us to engage in direct contemplation of "absolute reality", rethinking the origins of everyday reality and the system of interconnection between its elements.

These methods are based on various techniques meditation, which everyone can master if they wish. All the information necessary for this today is easy to find on esoteric sites.

Traveling in the astral plane can radically change the quality of our lives. It is not difficult to guess that by acting directly on the fabric of reality, one can achieve a serious influence on its reflections. Trying to influence objects and events within the framework of our familiar picture of the world is like manipulating shadows from real objects and events.

Traveling through the astral, a person gets the opportunity to enter into communication with and directly comprehend the very essence of things. Acting in this way, one can achieve true power, which allows one to change everyday reality at one's own discretion and bypass many of the laws that operate in it.

However, you should not urgently drop current affairs and go to the astral plane to solve all pressing issues right there. Magicians and clairvoyants unanimously warn us that traveling through the astral world can be fraught with serious danger. We have not fully comprehended the laws of even the world familiar to us, not to mention the astral plane. The entities living in this mysterious space are much stronger and more cunning than people, they are able to play with the human consciousness, as with a rag doll, unquestioningly obeying their incomprehensible will.

In order to emerge victorious from the confrontation with numerous astral beings It takes years of practice. In addition, the astral traveler will need a firm and unambiguous understanding of their own goals, otherwise any journey through the astral world may end in the most unpredictable ending.

Be patient and consistent: first you should master the simple and understandable rules of the human world, and only then go into the unknown wilds of the astral.

How to enter the astral plane, get unforgettable impressions and find out what is inaccessible to other people? There are special techniques that will help you get out of your body and learn how parallel worlds work.

In the article:

How to enter the astral plane - rules and safety precautions

Before you try to get into the astral, you should realize that you can do it almost every night. There are special, astral dreams. It is known that during dreams the subtle astral component of a person is able to travel through various dimensions. This is possible and unconscious, however, on what the probability of falling into the astral in a dream depends is unknown. But it is known that this can be done consciously.

As in the case with, subconscious exits to the astral in a dream can become more frequent after reading the relevant literature. But, if you want to know how to enter the astral own will, and not when your subconscious wanders, you will have to learn the rules and techniques.

The rules of behavior in the astral plane can protect you from the dangers of parallel worlds. If you follow them, travel will be safe and interesting. The consequences of non-compliance with these rules can be nightmares, the appearance of a poltergeist and subsistence of entities, as well as serious energy losses.

It is undesirable to engage in astral practices during a thunderstorm or other weather disasters. A storm or thunderstorm seriously affects the astral plane. In addition, lightning can cause harm not only to the physical body, but also to the astral one. As a last resort, you should not travel to places that can be struck by lightning.

During illness or poor health, you can read about how to go into the astral plane. But putting what you read into practice is not worth it. Deal with physiological problems first. During illness astral body weaker than usual. Your natural defenses against the entities inhabiting other worlds will be practically non-existent. For the same reason, you should not practice exiting the body into the astral if you are tired or stressed. The practice is also undesirable after a conflict or quarrel. A calm, balanced state is much better suited for this.

It is undesirable to go into the astral in a room in which there is someone other than you. Ask household members not to disturb you, turn off phones and TV. Nothing should distract from trying to separate from the body. Clothing should be comfortable, preferably made from natural materials.

It is sometimes recommended to follow a vegetarian diet the day before the techniques are performed. However, this rule is purely individual. If the absence of meat dishes has a positive effect on the results, you need a diet. If there is no relationship between the diet and the results of practices, fasting is unlikely to help you.

Separately, it is worth mentioning the position of the body. Of course, you should be comfortable. Uncomfortable posture should not distract you from trying to separate from the body. Do not cross your arms and legs, this interferes with any magical work if we are talking about the first attempts. The best position is lying down or sitting in comfortable chair. Start with this, perhaps with experience, determine the best body position.

The first stage of astral travel or exit from the body is relaxation and stopping the internal dialogue. There are many relaxation techniques, choose the one that suits you personally. Regarding stopping the internal dialogue, an individual approach is also needed here. Before starting the training, give yourself the idea that after relaxation you will leave the physical body and rush into the astral. It is also advisable to formulate the purpose of the trip in advance, otherwise, under the impressions of the new world, you will simply forget about it.

For the first time, it is not recommended to leave the room or apartment. Explore the world gradually, everything will come with experience. Magic Circle Experiments physical body it is also better to postpone, because even a personally created protective energy ball can interfere with an inexperienced astral traveler. But this is not a reason to remain without protection - you can use salt, protective amulets and other things, but remember that sometimes they interfere with leaving the body.

The main obstacle for beginners is fear and other vivid emotions, such as surprise. Often, astral travel ends precisely on them, after which the astral body returns back, and quite abruptly. Getting rid of vivid emotions when leaving the body is possible only with experience. The fact is that that part of the astral body that remains in the physical attracts back traveling in the astral, because fear considers it a threat. The "rough" astral shell of a person performs protective function during astral travel.

If you can’t get into the astral, don’t be discouraged. Few people get it right the first time. Some people need a few days to get an out-of-body experience, and someone will spend about a year. If unsuccessful, try again the next day. Sooner or later you will see what the astral world is like and who lives in it. Most likely, this will happen when you least expect success.

How to get into the astral plane using the astral rope method

A visualized rope will help to carry out a trip to the astral, but this is not about the same silver cord, which links the astral component to the physical body. Not everyone sees and feels it. You may not even notice his presence at all. In fact, the connection with the physical body does not depend on it, it is only its thought form embodied in a visual image. No matter how far you get in the astral reality, the part of the astral body that never leaves the physical will pull you back.

The essence of the astral rope method is to visualize a rope that starts from the ceiling and goes straight to you. After you have imagined it, cling to the rope with your hands, which the astral body also has. The goal is to feel your hands wrap around the rope, feel its texture, and begin to pull up. Climbing a visualized rope is perhaps more difficult than climbing a normal one. You cannot move during the procedure, you must be completely relaxed.

Concentrating on mental movement along an imaginary tightrope is necessary in order to leave the physical body. You must understand that this subtle astral body carries out movements, or rather, tries to do so. You may feel a vibration throughout your body. There is no need to be afraid of this, this is a sign of success - you are already beginning to understand how to get into the astral world, and you are doing everything right.

What is good about this technique? She suggests concentrating on just one simple action - trying to climb the rope, leaving the physical body. This exercise is great for beginners.

The first trip to the astral plane - exit from the body

If you imagine a rope that stretches from the astral and can become your vehicle from the physical body, you fail, there is another technique. It is also suitable for beginners. This is an out-of-body meditation - you will need to relax and try to evoke the sensations that take place during separation from the physical body.

So, before you enter the astral correctly, take a comfortable position in bed or on an armchair. Relax, arrange yourself so that the uncomfortable position does not distract you from meditation. stop internal dialogue. Concentrate on your breath. Watch your inhalations and exhalations, try to make them more even and deeper than usual.

When breath control is achieved, be aware and feel your entire physical body. Listen to the sounds around you, feel the atmosphere around you. Then direct your attention to the inner self. Be calm, but tune in to the expectation of the first exit into the astral.

It's just preparatory stage. After it, move on to trying to leave the physical body. Do not strain your attention, try to move into the astral slowly, without sudden movements and thoughts. Your mind should be relaxed but focused on leaving the body. You are allowed to think about how you want it. You can concentrate on the area between the eyebrows, where the third eye is located, or the ajna chakra. It is believed that it is from there that the astral body begins to leave the physical.

Concentrate on the area between the eyebrows and imagine getting up from a chair or bed without moving until you can feel a vibration or something like a tickle. Make these sensations distinct, rush towards them. They are always accompanied by an exit from the body. Just surrender to them, continuing to mentally get up from your chair, and soon you will realize that you have entered the astral plane.

There may be a sensation of falling down. Many feel it while falling asleep. Such sensations accompany immersion in astral dreams and, in fact, the astral. Don't resist the illusory fall and you can have an out-of-body experience.

What to do during the first trip to the astral plane

So, you managed to figure out how to enter the astral for a beginner. You left the body and new world is waiting for you. But do not rush to immediately start researching it. Astral is not as safe as you might think. First you have to get used to the new world and understand how to behave there.

What can you do in the astral plane if you are there for the first time? Try moving around in different ways. Perhaps you will pass through the walls, but this does not always work out and not for everyone. In order to leave the room or wander around it, you only need to think about it. Increase the distance from the astral travel home gradually, in accordance with your experience, so as not to make problems.

To return back, command yourself to return to the physical body. It takes a fraction of a second. Even random thoughts about him contribute to the return back. Do not be afraid that you will not be able to leave the astral plane. It is much more difficult to stay in it than to get lost.

Exit to the Astral Phillips Osborne

1 What is the astral?

What is an astral?

Range of the astral world Ethereal vision Your astral senses Astral frontiers Soul and body: built-in fuses Astral substance: one and only Astral whole

The astral world or plane represents a very wide spectrum of reality. In its highest manifestations, it brings us closer to supersensory perception, the highest forms of spirituality and releases the energy of thought. At its lower levels, it is so close to the physical universe that it is not easy to point out the dividing line unambiguously. It includes our astral bodies, our souls - components of the individual psyche.

Etheric vision in ordinary consciousness

The lower levels of the astral world are sometimes called "ether". Very many people can, without leaving their physical bodies at all, use "etheric vision" - the ability and power to see colors, shapes and living beings, albeit of a lower, but still astral level. With practice, you will almost certainly develop the power of this vision. This is a matter of skill. It has nothing to do with sharpness or other aspects of your physical vision. And it has nothing to do with human virtues. Sometimes people who claim to be able to see non-material beings and non-material phenomena are treated as if they were saints or extraordinarily spiritually gifted. In fact, the only virtue required to realize etheric vision is mindfulness and open-mindedness.

Definitely, the level of someone's involvement in the astral (the ability to feel it and be aware of these sensations) is determined by the state of internal readiness. But this state can also be developed, and our possibilities increase in proportion to the knowledge of what we are striving for.

Feelings and sensations in the astral consciousness

When you are outside the limitations of the body, you continue to hear, see and feel everything that surrounds you. Each manifestation of being is real and tangible at its native level. What you feel, responding to reality, is transformed by you into your usual representation - into visual images, sounds, smells, tactile sensations. If you travel astrally on the level of the material world, you will see it as it is at that very moment - if you so desire; although you will most likely want to perceive the past of the world and its possible future - that is, something that is difficult to get from ordinary, earthly travels. As an astral being, you will be able to walk straight through walls or closed doors without any difficulty, and no matter how solid and impregnable these barriers seem.

At the same time, when you move out of the body, you may come across some high astral boundaries, into which there is no entrance - since they, being as astral as you are, but more astrally dense (carrying more astral potential), are really solid on the astral level.

body and soul

Do not take the following statement too literally (it is true): "you", thinking consciousness- this is the point of connection, the point of focus in the unity of the body and soul. Both the soul and the body have hidden, separate spheres - territories in which they lead their lives, pursue their own goals outside of your control and without your attention - you simply do not have information about this.

When you, the thinking consciousness, travel out of the body in search of adventure and experience, what part of the soul is temporarily separated from the body? All your sensations are practically indistinguishable from the sensations of the physical body. So isn't the astral body completely separated from the physical body, isn't your living soul completely leaving the body?

No, it's not. You can count on your breathing and heart activity to continue while you are away, and you wandering consciousness, however far and thrillingly difficult the journey may be, will never lose the thread of the way back. Like an action movie hero, you always return home safe and sound. This is possible due to the protective functions that the part of your astral body that remains "at home" - with the physical body - performs.

Traveling light

At the same time, your consciousness does not enter the astral world alone and defenseless. He needs - to you what is required is a certain amount of astral substance in order to accumulate impressions and information. It serves as a link between physical nervous system and soul.

That astral substance that travels with your consciousness will inevitably contain something that arises in the instinctive, emotional area of ​​\u200b\u200byour soul - namely, some of your usual feelings and reactions. This helps the astral traveler to feel completely and completely himself.

Fortunately, any more or less healthy person has enough astral substance to travel astrally without depriving his own body of the astral provision of physical life. It should also be known that the astral body itself constantly emits small amounts of astral matter and is replenished again from external sources. A person of outstanding mental health, even without great bodily strength, spreads so much astral substance around him that the people around him notice this: “energy is in full swing”, “a cheerful person” - they comment.

Perhaps projecting consciousness from the physical body for the first time, you are using more astral substance than is necessary. The more practice you have, the more "easy" you will go on astral travel. The substance of the soul is remarkably elastic, capable of incredible expansion, so a small portion of it is enough to give the experienced astral traveler the fullness of sensations, and much more than the sense organs of the physical body are able to give. It also gives us endless possibilities knowledge.

Astral substance: one and only

The part of the astral body most closely associated with the physical body is described by the term "gross astral", according to its high density. Gross astral matter as such is not normally used in any way for projection purposes - it can be used by chance, as a beginner, or for specific tasks - this is how mediums do to provide physical visibility to a clairvoyant "audience".

However, this does not mean that gross astral matter is fundamentally different from other types of astral matter. The air at sea level is essentially no different from the air at the top of a mountain. The air at sea level is denser, but if the wind blows this air to the mountain peaks, it will become as rarefied as any other air at that height. The astral being is much more elastic and circulates faster than air. Thus, to say that the gross astral substance, as a rule, is not used in the travels of an experienced person is not to say that such and such part of the astral body is not used, because in fact the astral body cannot indicate the parts of which it consists - it is indivisible. This refers simply to the state of astral matter "engaged" in the journey, as opposed to the state of "static" matter.


There is only one kind of astral substance. It is always the same. A number of interesting conclusions can be drawn from this fact.

Each organ of your physical body - eyes, nose, ears, and so on - contributes to the astral body, that is, has a correspondence in the astral body for itself. This does not mean at all that different parts of your astral body perform strictly defined functions, like the corresponding parts of the physical body. The astral body as a whole - or any part of it - is capable of recognizing anything that can be seen, heard or otherwise perceived by the physical senses, plus, of course, the entire field of its own, purely astral sensations.

And this is very good.

Astral well-being - for everyone

This means that people who are physically deaf, or nearsighted, or otherwise disabled in bodily capacity - mildly or severely, it doesn't matter - cannot experience the same limitations in astral travel.

Of this one may have to insistently convince oneself: it is often only by force of habit formed in physical life that people are sure that they cannot do this or that in the astral life either. They may need determination and some experience in the astral world to break the habit. When they do manage to do this, their pleasure from astral walks naturally increases incomparably. Whether this alleviates the feeling of inferiority from physical limitation, or even the physical defect itself is somehow reduced - one way or another, the spell of awareness of astral freedom can significantly improve the quality of earthly life of such people.

This applies even in cases of amputations. Your true astral body is whole, strong and healthy, it is made up of freedom, will and energy.

Yes, of course, in astral travel you can meet crippled people, mutilated with scars, etc. This may mean that they still have to achieve the realization and realization of their true astral freedom and independence from bodily infirmities. It may also mean that they began to consider these shortcomings as insignia or specific traits, identifiers, and unconsciously prefer to travel wearing them.

Nevertheless, it should always be remembered that in the astral world no one is bound by any physical limitations whatsoever.

This is truly captivating…

The property of being all-pervading and all-encompassing, the high receptivity and sensitivity of the astral substance give travelers other excellent opportunities. Each experience will be profound not only because there will be a certain newness of sensations. Information about the phenomenon is the sum of sensations of the sense organs plus something else. This "something" in the astral journey will not escape you.

If you, for example, hear astral music - there is incredible, amazingly magical astral music, and you can and should listen to it, since it is there - you do not perceive it only with your flawless astral ears. You can concentrate on exactly hearing it with your ears, because that is the way you are used to listening to anything, but in reality you will listen to music with all the stuff of your astral "vehicle", i.e. with all of yourself, which went on an astral walk.

The same goes for astral odors, subtle yet beautifully refreshing, which physical people try in vain to describe in terms of earthy floral scents. One of the reasons for the healing power of these odors is that they are not simply inhaled, but absorbed with all their astral substance.

It is the same with all other sensations - their forms are subject only to your will and attention.

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Many spiritual practices in one way or another affect such a concept as "astral". Ideas about it can vary greatly. Numerous books, articles, people who wrote them, can mean completely different things by this state. Therefore, it is not easy to explain to an uninitiated person what the astral actually is. If you stick to the most common version, then this is when the spirit can travel freely. The human body remains in place.

What is the astral: the difference from a lucid dream

There are many misconceptions about this term. This is due to its long-standing origin and several times distorted meaning. Many confuse the astral with the so-called without seeing the difference between them. And yet the boundary between them is essential. Mainly because the astral allows you to go beyond the physical body and find yourself in the non-material world. While actions in dreams, regardless of the degree of awareness of what is happening, occur only in our head.

In fact, the brain recreates certain situations, people and beings that can seem very real. But they are all a kind of projection of the subconscious. You can compare them with sets of pixels in computer game, which are perceived as full-fledged characters, but they are not. However, lucid dreams can be used as a starting point for diving into deeper levels of the subconscious and subsequently - to enter the astral plane.

It must be understood that the terminology in this case is a very fragile thing. The boundaries between what the astral is and what it is not at all are often too blurred. Sometimes it's hard to separate one from the other. The complexity of the phenomenon and the still insufficient development of science in this direction do not allow us to study it thoroughly. After reading several books on relevant topics, each person usually forms his own, individual opinion about what the astral is.

Focusing on what is happening helps the imagination of the sound that accompanies your movement around the room. For example, you can imagine that it is tied to the leg tin that rumbles with every step. Or listen to the sound of your steps, breathing, etc. If at the last moment, with a start, you wake up, try again until you find yourself in a lucid dream. You can get into the astral from here through the door, which causes indefinite excitement and a feeling of uncertainty. You can also find an empty hole in the floor and jump into it.

extreme way

You should know that not all ways to enter the astral are safe. There are those who are better not to practice without proper preparation, or even completely abandon them. For example, an emergency method with pressure on In this case, the person lies down and quickly, deeply breathes until his eyes are clouded. When this happens, you need to stop breathing by taking the last exhalation. You can do the rest of the steps yourself, but for some reason it's best to have someone else help you.

He should press hard on the solar or cardiac plexus of the recumbent. It is important not to miss the dangerous moment here, as there is a serious risk. If this happens and the heartbeat does not recover within three minutes, you should immediately proceed to first aid: do a heart massage and because of its danger this method is one of the most unwanted.

Astral is a concept that implies a whole world inhabited by various entities, subtle matter and thought forms. Souls live in this space, here you can meet the dead and the unborn, get in touch with the thin shells of living people. In addition, some independent entities that can be hostile live here. Traveling to the astral plane is considered a rather dangerous undertaking, precisely because of the risk of meeting with the local unfriendly inhabitants who can cause harm. In addition, an inexperienced traveler risks not returning from this space, losing track of time. Despite all these risks, novice and experienced magicians actively send their astral bodies into this space - to perform certain actions, or simply for the sake of travel. What can be done in the astral plane? It is possible, for example, to influence the astral bodies of other people by removing negative programs. At a reception with a healer, he can go into the astral plane in order to examine the person's aura in detail, find out what curses or negative programs he has, and so on. The bottom line is that the astral plane makes it possible to learn and see everything without exception, and the question of the information content of this space depends only on the experience of the practitioner and his training in these matters. In general, the astral world can be considered similar to the material world, but changed at a certain angle and existing outside of time and space.

The astral body is the emotional body subtle body that every person has. It can also be damaged as a result of an attack, which necessarily affects the physical well-being of a person. But correct behavior in this complex world allows you to minimize risks.

How to enter the astral plane, and what is needed for this?

People who are just thinking about the possibility of going to the astral plane and making the corresponding trips are keenly interested in how you can get out of your body at all. This is worth talking about in detail, as well as about precautions, and many other aspects of astral travel.

In some cases, a person can fall into the astral in an involuntary way - for example, many people who survived clinical death or to whom, they testify that they saw their body from the side, met with deceased relatives, passed through a pipe or funnel. This is possible when the physical body is turned off - the astral comes out and begins its travels. But you can also leave your body arbitrarily, and having mastered this skill, having mastered it to automatism, you can do it without difficulty. There are certain methods and actions that help to learn how to enter the astral plane and make travels in it.

The main goal of the student at first is to learn how to turn off the body. There are many ways to do this - turning the rosary during meditation, mantras, shamanic chants or monotonous beats of a tambourine. Gently chanting the mantra fa-ra-on helps to leave the body. Used for this purpose and various smoking, relaxing the body, many other ways. For many people, the easiest way to get out of the body is in the process of deep meditation, it can be performed in any comfortable position, there are no strict requirements here. the only important point it becomes necessary to leave the body in safe place. It is also worth getting rid of all irritants in advance that may interfere with completing current affairs in order to rid the mind of obsessive worldly thoughts. Only by losing control of the physical body can one successfully leave it and gain control of the astral.

As a rule, the exit to the astral space is accompanied by the same passage through a tunnel, a labyrinth, a road. After that, a way out of the body is discovered, it is possible to change your astral body according to your desire - for example, to become a bird, not a man. Turning yourself into something weightless simplifies the task at first, it becomes easier to perceive what is happening. You can just exit the world, or to any of the Gates, of which there are seven in total - they have their own color, one of the colors of the rainbow, and the darker it is, the more difficult it is to pass through. It is also worth noting that dark doors lead to the most dangerous worlds, where at first it is better not to get, and in the future you should not come without a goal. However, this is all in the future. At first, it is important to learn how to control your astral body, and you should not go far. The first practices should be carried out without leaving your own room, and only then, with increasing confidence, you can try to explore your house, the surrounding space from this angle.

Returning to the physical body is also an important task, the implementation of which should be thought about in advance. In some cases, it is worth returning to it immediately - for example, when confronted with dangerous entities that attack you. It is worth creating a mentally connecting thread that will connect your bodies, physical and astral, this will simplify the task. You don’t need to touch your physical body, it just rests at this moment. And in order to be transported to any object out of your line of sight, you just need to think about it, and it will appear in front of you. You should not set global goals for yourself on the move, adapt gradually, and you will gain confidence.

What does the astral look like?

The astral world is changeable by its nature, because it is filled with thought forms. Before each person, he can appear in an individual format. In total, 4 degrees of his visualization are classified, and here everything again depends on the experience of the traveler, on the level of development of his abilities. An unprepared person can see, or rather feel, only space, some blurry contours of what is in it. At the second level, it is possible to make out black and white clear contours, but instead of sound, there can only be fragmentary speeches or screams. At the third level, it is already possible to distinguish colors, but there are still problems with sound. And on the fourth it is already possible to fully, with sound, perceive the picture of what is happening. For some people, perception is formed well on the go, others have to work on this problem, but with experience and new immersions in this space, perception usually improves.

astral experiences

On the physical level, the main experience of a person plunging into the astral is usually paralysis, numbness of the body - everyone has to deal with this, and in fact, this is normal. As for experiences within the framework of consciousness, it is worth examining the issue in more detail. It is worth remembering once again that the astral world is the world of emotions, experiences, and in order to achieve not even success, but your own security, you need to be in a state of confident calmness. Numerous entities of this world that can harm you feed on human emotions, and primarily fear. In addition, here you yourself may encounter the thought form of your fear. You can't be afraid, you need to remain calm. If you cannot overcome the fear that has arisen for one reason or another, leave this place, or even return to the physical body.

Dangers - what is important to avoid

Someone aspires to the astral plane in order to talk with souls. However, it is worth knowing that such a practice is extremely dangerous; this cannot be done without deep preparation. If someone tries to talk to you, at least they can intentionally confuse you. And besides, you run the risk of simply losing track of time, this is dangerous. Also, attempts to move something, change something are associated with dangers - do not do anything extra, this can affect the real world in the most unpredictable way.

When meeting with your own fears, remember that you gave birth to them, this is a reflection of your thoughts in the astral world. Remain calm, always remember that you can return to your room, to your body. The same applies to encounters with dangerous creatures that are trying to attack you.

Such a meeting may well take place, although it cannot be said that the astral world is densely populated by them. If such a meeting did occur - again, do not panic. You can fight them if you stay calm, you can just take their energy and continue your journey freely. Or, if you can't handle the fear, just go back into your body, once you get back there, the fear will subside.

In addition, the astral has its own protected zones. This is a completely man-made protection that many people order for themselves. famous people, because you are by no means a pioneer in this world. If you rush to, for example, a celebrity, then in the real world you will have to face bodyguards, fenced private areas, and so on. In the astral world, you can simply be destroyed, and therefore it would be better to avoid careless visits. You need to behave in such a way that no one perceives you as an aggressor. Calm confidence is the best emotion, which in itself will be the best protection for such trips.

Entities inhabiting the astral plane

As already noted, the astral is inhabited, and one can meet in it not only souls and thought forms. This world lives according to its own laws, the laws of the human world are alien to it, and this applies to all entities living here. These creatures feed on human energy, and they are interested in humans primarily as an object of food. They cannot generate their own energy, but a person does it successfully - he perfectly transforms the energy of the material world into emotional.

It can be extremely unpleasant to meet with an astral spider, outwardly resembling an ordinary spider, but much larger in size. When it enters its network, consciousness is ejected and leaves space, returning to real world, however the astral body itself remains, chained to the web - and the entity drinks from it vitality. There are soil-dwelling knoxes, predators that shoot tentacles out of the ground. There are beaters or tornadoes that have their own mind and can cause a lot of problems that will affect the physical body, and even when a person is not in the astral plane - this essence will cause nausea and headaches, attacks of weakness, and other symptoms that can knock you off your feet .

The most dangerous creatures are considered rakats with their enormous strength. Their task is to protect those zones of the astral where people cannot go, that is, these are the guards. When approaching the lower levels, they will cause the strongest fear, which is impossible to cope with - the waves of fear can spread over a great distance, and here you need to immediately return to your body so as not to risk the psyche.

Search for people in the astral plane

If you go to the astral plane in order to search for a person, it will not be difficult to find him. As with any object, you just need to think about it, or maybe remember what it looks like, and you will be able to observe it. You can find all people - living, dead, unborn. When meeting with a living person, you can diagnose his aura and see many useful things. As for the dead, one must understand that recently deceased people sometimes still do not understand that death has occurred, and they should not be shocked if they do not understand this yet. Those who died a long time ago can become dangerous interlocutors, it is important not to let yourself be misled, or dragged into too long a conversation. Time moves at a different pace here, and you can stay here too long if you let yourself be dragged into long conversations. Also, you should not follow the souls inviting you to see something, to visit some other worlds, because such trips can end with no return.

Realities of the first practices

The first practices of astral travel with an exit from the body always cause a storm of emotions. You can be very frightened already in the first moments of leaving the body - after all, these are new sensations, this is the need to learn how to control the movements of your own astral body. A banal flight to the ceiling of your own room and observation of the physical body below can cause shock, or vice versa, delight. First of all, you need to learn to control your own emotions, then the astral body. Control over emotions in the first exits is difficult for many, but it is very important. By practicing even short astral trips that are short at first, you can quickly master the primary skills you need for further travels, and then it will be easier.


So, the astral is a special world, similar to the material world of people only externally. It opens up a vast field of possibilities for the seeker, which should be used wisely. Rejoicing at the first successes, never forget about the safety rules, because with the continuation of practice you will most likely have to repeatedly face certain difficulties, and even dangers. What happens in the astral world is reflected in the world of people, and vice versa - you should never forget about this, as well as the fact that thoughts tend to materialize. It is the astral world that can clearly show you how this happens - here you can instantly get what you just thought about. Control emotions and thoughts, act wisely!