Lyarvy. Astral beings...

If you want to know if you have a brownie in your apartment, the signs indicated in this article will definitely help you find out if the forces of light are protecting your house or not.

In the article:

It is believed that there is a brownie in every residential building. If several generations of the family have lived in your house, you can be sure of his presence. Most likely, he was also familiar with your grandparents, helped them to lead a life and live in harmony. People with developed energy well feel the presence of brownies.

Brownies usually come to new houses and apartments themselves, and they can also be called from their old place of residence. The last option is difficult, since brownies receive a “registration permit” for housing. If they leave for new house from the native apartment where the parents live, they do not take the brownie with them.

There are several types of spirits that live in houses with people. A neighbor can either be a house spirit that protects the place and the people with whom he lives, or an evil and restless poltergeist. from the good is not too difficult.

Many are interested in whether brownies and other spirits live in high-rise buildings and especially on high floors? In fact, they live not only in private homes, but in all existing types houses and apartments where people live.

Types of brownies

There are three types of entities that can live with a person in the same house. In fact, there are many more of them, but this classification is enough for most people to understand what kind of spirit shares their home with them - evil or good.

First a variety is a brownie in its classical representation, which was known to our ancestors. That is, this creature is not from our world, the purpose of which is mutually beneficial coexistence with man. It protects the house and those who live in it from evil spirits and troubles, helps with household chores and takes care of animals. In return for this, the brownie receives respect, food and a roof over his head.

Almost all spirits of this type are considered kind, because it is in their own interests to have positive energy in the room. The better the family lives, the better such an entity feels. Some believe that only such brownies have their own families, wives and children.

Second a variety is the dead, working out their karma. You should not be afraid of them, usually they are very peaceful and have a positive attitude towards those in whose house they live. They are left by higher powers in the role of brownies, if during their lifetime they paid too much or too little attention to their home and family. These are people obsessed with order, lazy in everyday life, not paying attention to children and parents. Their goal is to correct their mistakes by helping another family live happily and keep the household in order.

This is also a good spirit. His influence on the house depends on who he was in life. For example, an entrepreneur who is punished for spending too much at work
and hardly visited the family circle, can help you succeed. But at the same time, he will guide you towards a reasonable balance between family and work. Signs of the presence of good spirits in the house are identical, regardless of whether they belong to two different species.

The third the species cannot be called a brownie, but it is often mistaken for one that has an evil character and harms the place in which it lives. These are entities of various origins who had the opportunity to take advantage of the fact that you did not have a brownie and took his place. Unlike him, they need negative energy, and they do everything so that it accumulates in your home. He will not bring his family to death, because then he will have nothing to eat, but it is not worth the risk. In this case, yours in any way acceptable to you.

These three types can be divided into two - good brownies and evil ones. They show their presence in different ways.

How to find out if there is a good brownie in the house - common signs

The presence of a good brownie in an apartment is always noticeable if you listen to yourself. Their habits are usually very similar. If you don't have pets, but you hear footsteps at night that sound like a medium-sized dog, it's most likely a brownie. One should not be afraid of these sounds, they only mean that the spirit guarding the house checks whether everything is safe in the territory subject to it, and is engaged in other duties. This is evidenced by rustling, crackling and other night sounds.

Cats and dogs see brownies and can even play with him. If you are interested in how to find out if there is a brownie in the house, watch your pet. Cats may begin to purr for no apparent reason, which means that the brownie scratches them behind the ear. Sometimes they play together, because brownies, like young cats, love to play very much. From the outside, it looks like a cat is chasing and playing with someone invisible. If the cat behaves strangely, and at the same time he is not scared, and does not show aggression, there is definitely a kind brownie in your house.

Dogs play with good spirits much less often than cats. Usually they just look at something invisible, without reacting to the owners. If the dog does not show aggression and fear, then everything is in order. They love these entities and children, especially infants. Watch to see if your child is hanging out with someone you can't see. It is believed that children can see brownies.

Brownies are very fond of sorting out the dishes in the kitchen. If it rings for no apparent reason, then you have a good spirit. He can steal candy and other sweets if you leave them in a conspicuous place. Particularly prefers the essence of candy without wrappers. If she has kids, they may scatter or rearrange your child's toys.

If you are not afraid to sleep in the dark in your house, it means that you subconsciously understand that someone cares about your safety. Some even clearly feel that there is some kind of entity that protects the house and its residents. Brownies, subject to a good attitude, chase away nightmares or wake them up during them, and also not let the beginning of the working day oversleep.

They often tell you when guests will arrive or your family members will return to the house. Notice if you have a premonition before a knock on the door or a phone call.

In an apartment in which a good spirit lives, it is pleasant not only to sleep at night, but also to be. You are happy to return to your home, in your family a good relationship, and even if a quarrel flares up, everyone quickly calms down and adequately resolves the dispute. You should be friends with a good brownie, leave him treats and toys, thank him for his help and care. Sometimes they show discontent, but it will still be different from the manifestation of evil spirits.

How to find out that there is an evil house spirit in the apartment

In principle, it is impossible to call an evil creature a brownie, but they are often confused, so this classification is considered correct at the present time. If such a creature is in your apartment, it will be uncomfortable to sleep without light. Even adults in such conditions may be afraid to stay alone in an apartment, especially after dark, which adds strength to dark creatures.

Quarrels and scandals, excessive drinking and other sources negative energy are present in a living room exclusively simultaneously with an evil spirit, which is often confused with a brownie. Sometimes, if people live “wrongly”, a good brownie is offended and leaves, and evil spirits come to replace him.

Frequent illnesses of all family members are another sign of the presence of something bad in the house. It is unpleasant to be in an apartment in which evil lives. Perhaps you don't feel like going home after a day at work? Try to clear the apartment of negativity. It also affects the desire of friends and neighbors to come to visit you. It is uncomfortable to be in an apartment whose residents are adjacent to evil spirits, usually people want to quickly leave for their native walls.

Any evil entity that lives in your house should be driven away and a real brownie should be called, which will protect it from further attacks of evil forces.

How to find out if there is a brownie at home - simple ways

Checking if there is a brownie in the house is very simple. Try leaving him some treats chocolates no wraps. Do it at night. Of course, brownies do not eat in the conventional sense, they need that energy and good wishes that you leave with the treat. But at least sweets in the morning will lie differently than they did in the evening. Sometimes they really disappear.

It is known that the spirits of the house are very fond of playing cards. True, with whom they play, is still a mystery. Leave a deck of new cards in a secluded place, and after a while look at how they lie. Usually the cards are turned upside down or slightly scattered. You will notice if someone has played them. They do the same with beads, old jewelry and other household toys. If you leave them for the brownie, after a while it will be noticeable that they were played with.

You can also watch other treats left by the brownie. The amount of milk, honey or porridge in his plate may decrease. This is a good sign. If you know how to use the pendulum, then over the food that was given as a treat to the spirit, it will show a lack of energy, because the brownie feeds on it.

Brownie's provocation

If you really want to know if you are next to a brownie, you can provoke him to show himself. This suitable way if your brownie has a quiet character and does not manifest itself in any way.

Brownies spend most of their time in the kitchen. Most often, this is where their favorite places are located. Therefore, this place is usually chosen for provocation. The cold season is not very suitable for this, it is better to choose late spring or summer. In the cold, brownies do not show themselves too actively and sleep most of the time. Engage in provocation better than that who is recognized by all members of the family as the owner of the house. Most often this is the oldest man in the house. If you live alone, then you have no other candidates.

So, late in the evening, before going to bed, a provocation is made for the brownie, after which he simply cannot help but prove himself. No special preparatory activities she does not require. On clean paper, write with any paste:

I am the owner of the house.

Put this note in the center kitchen table and place a glass of water on it. Everything except the sheet and the glass should be removed from the table for this night, and even before you put down the glass and put the note. After that, turn off the light and go to bed.

Have you ever thought that someone else lives in your apartment with you. Yes, it can be relatives, husband or wife, children, parents, friend or girlfriend. But besides them, something else shares the same space with you, absolutely different, inhuman, invisible to the ordinary eye…. No, I'm not trying to frighten you, scare you with “horror stories”, telling fantasy stories.

In every house, in every apartment, well, not counting those in which it was recently held, in addition to representatives of the human race and the animal world, there are many different forms of otherworldly life: ethereal and astral creatures and clots, the density of which is so low that they are practically invisible to humans .

When a person has good health, high spirits, strong character, energy leakage is not always noticeable. It is most tangible when diseases overtake him, here the otherworldly inhabitants simply tear us apart. In old houses, where the rite of purification of space has never been held, there is always a heavy atmosphere, conducive to illness and weakness. It is almost impossible to restore strength and have a good rest here, just as it is impossible to get a good night's sleep.

Inhabitants of living spaces

In this article, I will not consider representatives subtle world that have been in it since the beginning of time and have a long history. A person is familiar with them, most often, thanks to fairy tales from childhood (brownies, courtyards, kikimors and other creatures). Let's consider those closer to the human biofield and bringing the greatest harm to it.

Negative energy clots

They are in almost every house where a person lives. Their size is from three millimeters, these are shapeless formations of subtle energy matters, which can be based both in the human field itself and find a comfortable place in the house.

Where do they come from? Everything is very simple. A person is prone to expressing emotions, often negative ones. And in our world, according to the law of conservation of energy, nothing disappears without a trace, but only transforms into something else. Similarly, a negative expression of attitude towards something, loud screams, swearing, discontent, claims expressed in a fit of passion and aggression pour into space, and naturally, they do not disappear anywhere, but are transformed into accumulations of negative energy. The more often, for example, scandals occur in the house, the more these clots are formed.

You probably noticed that in some houses there is a very tense situation. It is called "tense", as it is directly related to the energy brought to the limit, ready at any time to break out with another scandal.

Negative clots are akin to protozoa, amoeba and ciliates. However, with a large accumulation of them in the living space, it becomes simply impossible to live normally in it. A person, getting into one of the cloud clusters of such clots, feels constrained, tense, irritated. And no matter how hard he tries, he will also express negative emotions for any reason. Since the law of similarity works here - like attracts like.

The expression of negative emotions normal person- it is always a loss of energy, it is always the depletion of the biofield, its weakening protective functions and, as a result, poor resistance to stress, infectious and viral diseases.


Unclean forces, namely demons and devils, have been present in our lives since ancient times. These beings have their own purpose, their task is to tempt a person to various misconduct, to breed negative thoughts and ugly actions. They have their own hierarchy, the junior ranks are dirty and cause a lot of everyday troubles, and the elders can even push to kill.

The demons begin to act very carefully, initially they do not come close. They slowly drip onto the brain, first on trifles, and when the victim gets used to them and begins to do what the creature whispers to them, they become bolder and take a more solid place in the human biofield. The presence of a demon or a trait can be clearly seen in the diagnosis, the person himself sometimes understands that he is under someone's influence, and sometimes remains in the dark and is sure to the last that he has had bad character, he is unlucky in life, and he builds his own life.

But, perhaps, this is not the most dangerous thing in the influence of evil spirits, and it is not so terrible that a person succumbs to temptations. The other is worse. Demons are just the first step in the destruction of one's soul, the first step leading to the degradation of the personality and the gate for a stronger opponent of human life.

We have not yet been able to figure out what it depends on, but such a fact can be traced. If a person constantly violates God's commandments, succumbs to temptations of various levels, no matter if he does it physically or only in his thoughts, then either devils or entities come to the place of demons-tempters.

The only thing that is clear is that it is much easier to send devils to the place where they came from than to fight entities - you need tight control over your actions, emotions, thoughts, feelings from the outside, for the complete destruction of an entity, if it has several session courses, if the entity is in the house, it is not difficult to remove it, it is difficult to keep your house clean and not grow a new entity.

energy essence

This is a wide class of creatures that, like people, evolve over time, becoming "smarter" and more sophisticated. But today we’ll talk specifically about those that are born thanks to a person. Yes, yes, specifically to a person, since there is a category of entities that he creates and nurtures like a beloved child, namely the most conscious being on our Earth.

How does this happen? As mentioned above, at first the space is filled with clots of negativity, which are the product of negative emotions, actions, and moods. The more often a person releases one type of negative energy, the more negative energy with certain characteristics becomes. For example, a person is constantly angry and irritated for any reason, with these emotions he expresses his attitude towards everything in his house. The ejected negative energy is transformed into an incorporeal negative in the form of clots, with the arrival of new portions of this type it gradually condenses, increases, and with the accumulation of a certain mass, a certain “intelligence” begins to emerge in it. That is, once negative clots become "smarter" and to receive new portions similar energy they themselves begin to provoke a person to actions leading to the desired release.

Over time, constantly growing, the essence begins to demand more and more portions of the negative. It is very difficult to be in such a house, there are constant quarrels, squabbles, scandals (this is still in best case), and not only between those living in it, but even the guests do not withstand such pressure from the outside and, for reasons they do not understand, begin to get annoyed at the slightest provocation, become aggressive and express negative emotions.

In parallel with the essence of aggression, the essence of fear can also develop, fueled by negativity from a person who suffers aggression from someone living next to him. In some cases, if the programs of fear, phobias and fear worked in this person before, the essence of fear grows much larger and stronger than the essence of the aggressor. And sadder is the fact that it is the essence of fear that will lead the aggressor to return negative energy in order to receive his portion from the other side.

Only cleaning the premises will help to get rid of these entities, and you cannot cope with this on your own, you need a professional esoteric approach of a specialist working specifically in this direction.

This article lists far from all the otherworldly inhabitants of our dwelling, only the most frequently encountered, or rather, located in almost every house, are indicated.

Each house has an individual energy that can protect residents from negativity. However, dangers associated with the presence of otherworldly forces may lurk in the house.

Signs of the presence of otherworldly forces in the house

1. You begin to notice the presence of foreign objects, things, shadows in your home. You can see out of the corner of your eye dark spot, moving in space, notice the distortion of the reflection in the mirror. If you have witnessed strange movements, glow and other manifestations more than once, it means that some energy substances have chosen your house.

2. Frequent mood swings, which you did not notice before either for yourself or for your household, also indicate the presence of alien energy. Usually these are unconscious fears, fear, apathy. This sign does not always indicate otherworldly residents, but it makes you think that not everything is in order with your home. Perhaps this is how negative energy manifests itself, accumulated in large quantities.

3. Many have noted that they feel chilling touches that cannot be seen. It also happens that a person feels as if someone touched him with the edge of his clothes, with his hand, feels breath on his skin. These indescribable feelings speak directly to the settlers in your home.

4. Active and energetically strong otherworldly entities are able to move objects. If in your house at night you hear the noise of opening doors, the clinking of dishes and other sounds that are not related to real action household, then your house is definitely in the power of entities. For example, it can specifically move and even hide objects in order to lead you to the necessary conclusion. This may be a warning of danger or an expression of dissatisfaction with your actions. If objects move before your eyes, it means that the poltergeist needs to tell or convey something to you. It is unlikely that you will be able to get rid of him until he can convey his thoughts and feelings to you.

5. Temperature changes at home indicate an otherworldly presence, if you feel a sharp cold snap, chills, "goosebumps". Cold is not associated with the season and drafts. You can feel a rush of icy air in a warm room with closed doors and turned off cooling devices. Hostile entities often contribute to a sharp increase in temperature, and then you will experience a fever, you may be thrown into a sweat.

6. Often, otherworldly forces can manifest themselves with sound. Most often, a person begins to hear other people's voices in an absolutely empty room, whispers, laughter, steps and creaking floors. If you go to the source of the noise, you can find the entity that decided to manifest itself in this way.

7. Entities most often manifest themselves at night. While sleeping, you may feel heavy, difficult to breathe, and short of breath. If the lack of oxygen occurs during the daytime, then most likely there is a restless soul in your house. In this case, you should resort to the services of a priest who will help her find peace.

8. A person who is faced with the presence of otherworldly forces, catches himself thinking that he is being monitored. Most often, this is an obsessive sensation of looking in the back. Some people are able to see and feel more than others. Try to examine the space around you: perhaps you will see what causes you this unpleasant feeling of someone else's heavy gaze.

9. A frequent occurrence in the presence of otherworldly energy in the house are strange dreams about people and events that have nothing to do with you. Many noted that they saw people who tried to communicate or tell something, showed strange objects or showed aggression. Often, after looking through old family albums, they found an ancestor who vaguely resembled a person who came to them in dreams.

10. Smells are a sure sign of an alien presence. They can be anything, but most often they are unpleasant and cause negative emotions. If neither you nor your neighbors are the source of such "aromas", then your house is attacked by entities. Aggressive perfumes most often "bring" with them the smells of decay, dampness and mold.

To protect yourself and your home, use proven amulets and amulets and do not forget about cleaning the house with a candle and holy water. High power will help you get rid of unwanted presence and return peace of mind and peace. Take care of yourself and don't forget to press the buttons and

Larva and other entities of the Astral

We live in a three-dimensional world, most people do not know (or do not want to think about it) about the existence different forms Astral entities.

Entities are living beings from another dimension who, for some reason, ended up in our world. Essences are various kinds, shapes and images and are able to appear in almost any form.

In religion, entities are usually called "demons" and "possessors", and the person to whom they moved in is called "possessed" or "possessed."

The Church believed that possession occurs in two of its manifestations - when demons live in people, as a second personality, and the personality of the demoniacs themselves is in a suppressed state, and when the human will is enslaved by passions. In everyday life, passions often take possession of people, and sometimes make their actions uncontrollable. The most common example of this is irritation. Therefore, as long as the devil has something of his own in a person, he subdues him, and, to some extent, this person is possessed.

In the relatively recent past, the church actively resorted to the expulsion of "evil spirits" from possessed people. Moreover, they usually had a poor understanding of what exactly was happening at that time on the spiritual plane - with the help of special rites, the priest expelled the essence out, and he was essentially not bothered by it. further fate. Only a few knew (or assumed) that an exiled entity, if only it could be possible, penetrates the field of another person, with vibrations suitable for it.

A variety of entities are able to penetrate into the field of people, both highly developed destructive ones and entities that have no consciousness at all. Let's move on to the consideration of more common types of entities, the description of which is found in different sources.

Larva (Thought forms)

Often "Larvas" are called "Thought Forms". This form of entities is the most common. It is known that the human If a person thinks about something all the time, and at the same time in detail, in all colors, in the imagination, draws the object of his thoughts, while creating some kind of energy structure, which is surrounded by a shell (or field). It is a simple organism (energy amoeba) that can live on its own and has a basic self-preservation instinct.

To survive, the larva needs food, and this is human energy. Thinking, a person puts energy into thought, fueled by it, the larva becomes even more material. A well-formed thoughtform can cling to the consciousness of another person, taking energy from many sources and continues to grow.

Extraneous thought forms can be perceived by people as intrusive thoughts or "inner voice. Not all people can distinguish where this or that idea comes from - from their own consciousness or from the outside world.

Also of note are the energy structures of the Spells that are built into the energy cocoon, which are a kind of Thought Forms. Spells can be created by people who have special knowledge capable of expanding consciousness, influencing and influencing the world. Spells are protective, strengthening and destroying human energy.


Demons are a strong and dangerous entity with a pronounced negative focus. Feeling their presence is possible very rarely - basically, this can only be done in special days. Demons need the energy of pain and suffering, therefore they always accompany conflicts, wars, various forms bullying and torment. Quite often they are the initiators of situations that arise as a result of direct or indirect manipulation of possessed people.

Demons can possess people if they have the appropriate risk factors. For example, a person committed some very bad and serious act, the negative energy of which caused damage to his spiritual integrity and spiritual barriers. In this case, the demon is able to move through the human race along with the karma of the race.

Another example is if people are oriented towards Evil, if they are sincerely, consciously, purposefully and systematically directed towards evil, looking for means of committing evil, and causing evil to others. In this case, demons enter people through their evil-minded mind and help them to do evil, thereby providing themselves with food.

The third example is that for a long time a person is persecuted, he is an outcast for the people around him, he endures bullying and accumulates in himself a thirst for opposition and indignation. The "energy of retribution" concentrated in his field can open the way for the demon in his energy structure, and the consequences of such an implementation are large-scale and rather sad. Demons can endow a possessed person with destructive abilities.

In Christianity, demons and demons are credited with the qualities of human passions, greed, gluttony, flattery, voluptuousness, deceit, etc. In the Esoteric understanding, demons are multidimensional entities that exist outside the perception of our ordinary world and have their own consciousness.

Falling into one of the above states, a person tunes in frequency with the corresponding essence, and attracts it to himself. Vibrations that catch the essence are usually low-frequency and this happens unconsciously.

Aether creatures

Neutrals are entities that consider a person not in terms of receiving energy replenishment, but in more highly organized interests. For example: for the sake of obtaining some evolutionary experience with the help of this person; for the sake of performing certain missions, etc. These entities are able to endow people with unusual abilities - such as clairvoyance, telekinesis, etc. In this case, it is necessary to understand and distinguish that this is not the person himself, but a skill or habit manifested by an outside spirit with the help of a possessed person.

Alien Souls, Elementers

Sins and base thoughts weaken the protection of a person, and the Soul opens up to demonic influence.

Sometimes strange things happen in houses and apartments, which can be quite difficult to explain. Have you ever thought that these are pranks and there are intrigues brownie in the apartment. If you notice that things often go missing and are in places where you could never put them, if the light in the apartment sometimes turns on or off on its own, or you just feel the presence of someone you cannot see, it is quite possible that that these little dirty tricks can be arranged for you by a neighbor invisible to the naked eye.

In this article, we will help you figure out if there is a brownie in the apartment or some other entity. Yes, yes, it's a brownie. It sounds pretty crazy, but in our crazy world, it's impossible to deny such a phenomenon. After all, how many still remain unexplored worlds that we cannot explain and see. You should never deny anything, because it is precisely because of doubts in established and generally accepted facts that humanity moves forward. Therefore, before believing in anything, think “what if ...” and let your imagination continue the thought, and who knows where such thoughts will lead you.

If you are sure that a lamb has appeared in the house, do not be afraid. In fact, hairy neighbors are very friendly creatures that can't do much harm, unless of course it's actually another dark entity. Such demons can bring evil into the home and feed on fear, only imitating the signs and behavior of the lamb. How to identify there is a brownie in an apartment or house and what to do, how to behave? Let's figure it out.

Famous types of brownies

In order to figure out who hairy friends are, we will tell you about the most common types of brownies that are often found in people's homes and apartments. It happens that people confuse their Guardian Angel with evil spirits. To make sure that your good neighbor exists, you can leave sweets and cookies in the kitchen (preferably on the floor) and if you notice the loss or change in the location of sweets, then there can be no doubt that your house is guarded. Do not offend or insult your invisible neighbor.

Brownies do not like quarrels and swear words. Types of brownies are very different. Do not deny the existence underworld, if you have not seen a live prankster, photographs and pictures of lamb, real otherworldly creatures are hard to notice and recognize. Try not to resolve conflicts with screams and tantrums, and then your little friend will become the real keeper of your home.

classic brownie

The first and most common type is the classic one. Such pranksters are helpers of a person and do no harm, helping the owners in everyday affairs. Such neighbors feed on the remnants of energy, do not confuse with vampirism, since such creatures love it when their owners feel good. If the owners are happy, then the invisible friends are also happy. Such little men can breed, which is often shown in cartoons and films. Such neighbors attract happiness, wealth and health.


Do not be afraid, because often such brownies are people who were left in this world for a bad attitude towards the family and for not spending enough time with their loved ones. Such people prefer not to give themselves away and remain in the shadows, helping with good deeds and attracting happiness and prosperity. They are tall and do not feed on human energy. They take care of all family members and their well-being in order to rehabilitate and return to their afterworld where they belong. These are stronger than ordinary brownies, and they can significantly and more strongly influence life. For example, if during his lifetime he was a successful businessman or entrepreneur, he will gladly teach you all the tricks and subtleties of this business without you noticing.

Evil entities

In fact, these otherworldly creatures cannot be equated with lamblets, since they bring only harm, feeding on energy, but it is worth mentioning the demons so that you can recognize who you are dealing with. Such evil creatures settle in a house where there are a lot of scandals and negative energy, pain and suffering. Since they feed on this terrible energy, they try to make life even worse. Such creatures enter the apartment when there is no brownie in it or they kick him out.

Signs of presence

Determining the presence of a brownie in your apartment, as well as the type that lives with you, you can determine by the signs written below.

The classic drummer usually manifests itself in the following behavior:

  • House nocturnal creatures, which is why their presence remains invisible. They stay awake at night and make theirs for too in dark time days.
  • Do not look for pictures, you will not be able to find real images. Brownies, like any other otherworldly creatures, are a bundle of energy. Appearance depends only on personal imagination and associations.
  • Their steps are like those of a small dog. If you listen to the rustle at night, you will definitely hear the sound of footsteps.
  • If you have pets, they will not be afraid of the little neighbor, but quite the contrary. If a cat suddenly starts to purr or look at the wall or ceiling and meow for no reason, be sure that she does it for a reason.

  • Brownies love to sort out the dishes in the kitchen. If you hear the dishes moving and crackling, do not be afraid. Most likely, the little friend of everything puts everything in its place.
  • Look around and look at your apartment. If it's clean, even though you don't clean it all that often, it's probably just as little help from a little neighbor that makes life easier.
  • If sweets disappear in the house and cookies run out very quickly, know that this is also the work of a little neighbor who is more of a sweet tooth. Do not hide sweets and sweets, the neighbor will be pleased that you are feeding him, and he will take even more and more thorough care of you and your home.
  • If you notice that your toys and pillows are sometimes not in the position you left them in, this could also be a sign of a bug.

Signs of the presence of a house spirit (the spirit of a deceased person) may be as follows:

  • If you have a dog and she often looks into the void, not responding to commands and calls, this may be a sign of the ghost of a deceased person.
  • Out of the corner of your eye or awake, have you ever noticed fuzzy human silhouettes, but they never caused a feeling of fear and tension.
  • You are not afraid of the dark, you feel comfortable falling asleep without light in the dark. You feel calm and content, as if some power is protecting you.
  • You cannot quarrel and get angry for a long time, you feel how quickly you calm down, as if someone takes away all the anger and fills you with joy and good mood. You feel great and know how to properly plan the day and manage to do household chores.
  • Sometimes the solution to difficult and troublesome problems comes to you in a dream.
  • When you have nightmares, you wake up with a jerk and then fall asleep and you don't have bad dreams anymore.
  • You often receive signs of impending failure and danger.
  • Your thoughts and the thoughts of other family members coincide, as if you can sometimes read each other's thoughts.

Define evil spirit very easy, carefully study the following signs of its presence:

  • For unknown reasons, you feel fear. You are afraid to be alone with yourself in an empty apartment.
  • You are afraid to fall asleep in the dark. When you close your eyes, you are visited by terrible thoughts and images.
  • You and your household quarrel over the slightest trifle.

  • You and your household are often sick, coughing and snotty all year round.
  • You feel very uncomfortable in your apartment or house, you do not invite guests and friends do not visit you.

In this case, immediately and be sure to contact the person. which will help exorcise the evil spirit. Otherwise, he will finally break you down, make you unhappy and sad person, and even worse, lead to death.

Take the test

Were there fortune-tellers, healers or psychics in your family?