Popular resorts on the world map. The best beauty resorts in Russia

The first seaside resorts in the world arose in the 18th century in England and were designed for the aristocracy and the middle class.
In the 19th century, this innovation was adopted by continental Europe. The best seaside resorts on the Baltic Sea, Baden-Baden or Bohemian spas like Karlovy Vary soon became a meeting place for high society.

In Russia, the fashion for seaside and medical resorts also appeared in the 19th century; Sochi and Pyatigorsk are famous examples.
In medicine, the best resorts in the world are understood as a certain territory in which there are natural healing factors, special technical devices for their therapeutic use (for example: beaches, pump rooms, parks) and there are medical and preventive institutions - sanatoriums.
The medical science that studies the use of natural factors for the restoration (medical rehabilitation) of human health is called balneology.

Resorts are divided according to the presence of resources of natural healing factors:

Climatic - have healing air (aerotherapy - high mountain, forest, steppe, desert, etc.), sun (heliotherapy) and sea / ocean (thalassotherapy).
- balneological - they have medicinal waters for external and internal use (hydrotherapy), therapeutic mud (piloid therapy) and therapeutic oil (ozokeritotherapy, naphthalon therapy). Abroad, the concept is used - SPA-resorts, which is a synonym for balneological resorts.
- with special factors, for example, treatment with koumiss.

List of resorts in the world

Abkhazia Republic 9

Abkhazia is an independent Republic of Abkhazia, according to the constitution of Georgia - the Abkhazian Autonomous Republic - a region in the western part of Transcaucasia, on the southeastern coast of the Black Sea, is actually a partially recognized state of the Republic of Abkhazia.

Australia State 3

Australia, officially the Commonwealth of Australia - a state in the Southern Hemisphere, occupying mainland Australia, the island of Tasmania and several other islands of the Indian and Pacific Oceans; is the sixth largest state in the world.

Bulgaria Republic 7

The Republic of Bulgaria is an independent state in Southeastern Europe, in the eastern part of the Balkan Peninsula. It occupies 22% of its area. The country was named after the ethnonym of the people - the Bulgarians.

Brazil Federative Republic 6

Brazil, officially the Federative Republic of Brazil, is the largest country in South America in terms of area and population and the only Portuguese-speaking country in the Western Hemisphere. It is in fifth place among the countries of the world in terms of area and fifth in terms of population.

Vietnam Socialist Republic 8

Vietnam - the Socialist Republic of Vietnam - is a state in Southeast Asia, located on the Indochina peninsula. It borders Laos and Cambodia to the west and China to the north.

Greece Republic 9

Greece - self-name - Hellas, the official name is the Hellenic Republic. A state in southern Europe, on the Balkan Peninsula. In the north it borders with Albania, Macedonia and Bulgaria

Georgia state 2

Georgia is a state located in Western Asia and the Middle East, in the western part of Transcaucasia on the eastern coast of the Black Sea. Georgia borders Armenia and Turkey in the south, Azerbaijan in the southeast and Russia in the east and north.

Dominican Republic 7

Dominican Republic - the official name is the Dominican Republic. The capital of the Dominican Republic is Santo Domingo. The Dominican Republic is located in the east of the island of Haiti, as well as on several islands

Egypt Arab Republic 11

Egypt - the official name is the Arab Republic of Egypt. Egypt connects northeast Africa and southwest Asia. The length of the country from north to south is 1025 km., from east to west - 1240 km.

Israel State 10

Official name: State of Israel. Jerusalem is the official capital of the country. However, only Israel itself, the United States and some Latin American states consider it the capital.

India Republic 12

The official name is the Republic of India. The head of state is the president. The capital is Delhi. The population is about 931 million people. India is a multinational state. Hindustanis are the most numerous

Spain Kingdom 9

Spain - the official name is the Kingdom of Spain. The name of the country comes from the Phoenician expression "ishpanim" - "coast of rabbits". The total area is 504.8 thousand sq. km.

Italy Republic 16

Italy - the official name is the Italian Republic. The country is named after the ethnonym of the Italic tribe. Parliamentary republic with a presidential form of government. State in southern Europe.

Cambodia Kingdom 6

Cambodia - the official name is the Kingdom of Cambodia. Cambodia is located in Southeast Asia, in the south of the Indochinese Peninsula. In the west and northwest it borders with Thailand, in the north...

Cyprus Republic 9

Cyprus - the official name - the Republic of Cyprus - an island nation in the eastern Mediterranean Sea. In 1974, the island of Cyprus was divided into Turkish and Greek parts, when the Greek military junta tried to annex the island to Greece, and Turkey, under the pretext of maintaining the independence of the island

China People's Republic 6

China - literally: "middle state" - the official name of the People's Republic of China (PRC). China is located in the eastern part of Eurasia, on the western coast of the Pacific Ocean

Maldives Republic 8

The Maldives is the official name of the Republic of Maldives. 700 km. southwest of Sri Lanka, in the equatorial waters of the Indian Ocean, the island state of the Maldives stretches in a narrow strip

Malta Republic 8

Malta - the official name is the Republic of Malta. The name comes from the ancient Phoenician "malat" - harbor. Malta - an island nation in the Mediterranean Sea - 90 km. south of Sicily

United Arab Emirates 6

United Arab Emirates (UAE) - occupying an area shaped like a rhinoceros horn that protrudes into the Persian Gulf from the northeastern end of the Arabian Peninsula

Russian Federation 27

Russia (Russian Federation) is located in the east of Europe and the north of Asia. The northernmost point on the mainland is Cape Chelyuskin (Taimyr Peninsula), on the islands - the north of Rudolph Island in the Franz Josef Land archipelago

Thailand Kingdom 8

Thailand - official name - Kingdom of Thailand State of Southeast Asia, located in the southwestern part of the Indochina peninsula and in the northern part of the Malay Peninsula. Bordered on the east

Tunisian Republic 1

Tunisia - the official name is the Republic of Tunisia. State on the Mediterranean coast of North Africa. In the north and east it is washed by the Mediterranean Sea, in the west and southwest it borders

Republic of Turkey 10

Turkey is the official name of the Republic of Turkey.
A state located partly in the southwestern part of Asia, partly in southern Europe.
The main part of the country's territory falls on the Anatolian Peninsula (Peninsula of Asia Minor) between the Black and Mediterranean Seas.

Bad ecology, health problems, stress... To improve your health and rejuvenate, doctors advise you to go to resorts with such sources of health as salt grottoes, thermal waters, therapeutic mud and more, where you can not only relax, but also cope with chronic illness.

You can do this by visiting the best health resorts in the world. Thanks to such a trip, you will not only see a new country and get acquainted with an interesting culture, but also have a good rest and improve your health.

Montecatini Terme (Italy)

The picturesque area of ​​Tuscany has the famous Italian thermal resort of Montecatini Terme, which is located between the Tyrrhenian Sea and Florence. The resort is interesting for its mineral springs with medicinal waters, springs with iodine waters (used for balneological procedures and mineral baths), thermal mud, which includes volcanic clay.

The resort of Montecatini Terme can offer 11 thermal centers, which are designed to carry out all types of medical procedures, as well as drinking courses.

The most popular spa treatments are various types of massages, mineral water drinking courses, mineral baths, mud compresses and body wraps, acupuncture, Aqualux course, cryotherapy and beauty programs.

Szechenyi Bath (Hungary)

In the center of the Hungarian capital is the popular Széchenyi bath, which is the hottest and largest thermal bath in Europe. The healing water of the bath has a temperature of about 77 degrees Celsius.

Here you can get an effective thermal water treatment or just relax. The bathhouse has three huge outdoor pools: a standard swimming pool, a surprise pool (the most favorite among vacationers) and a hot one with radon.

In addition, in the building of the bathhouse you can see many mini-pools with waters of different temperatures, baths, saunas, pools with romance and whirlpools. For example, one thermal pool is equipped with music, it is dark in it and you can’t see others, and the ceiling is strewn with stars like the sky.

Karlovy Vary (Czech Republic)

The largest thermal spa in the Czech Republic is Karlovy Vary, which has 12 healing springs, the temperature regime is 41-73 degrees Celsius.

If you decide to go to Karlovy Vary, then an excellent rest, recovery and good mood are guaranteed, because everything is provided here so that the vacationer receives a lot of good impressions, treatment and feels the full enjoyment of the rest. It is thanks to this that this resort has been quite popular among tourists for a long time.

Frantiskovy Lazne (Czech Republic)

Frantiskovy Lazne is located 65 kilometers from Karlovy Vary and is the smallest spa town in the West Bohemian triangle. The resort is popular mineral springs with a huge content of sulphurous-ferrous mud and carbon dioxide.

A very effective treatment at this resort is women's diseases, as well as circulatory disorders. Therefore, people with this kind of disorders should go to these places, where the best specialists and a healing atmosphere will do their job.

Baden, Austria

The resort of Baden is very fond of the creative intelligentsia of the world, it is located near Vienna and is known for its sulphurous water sources.

The above sources of Baden are a real panacea for many diseases. They have city baths, which have turned into a large health complex. With prolonged bathing, sulfur enters the body through the skin and has a healing and healing effect, and also speeds up metabolism.

More ancient Romans noticed the healing properties of water located in Baden, however, Frederick III led to world recognition, appointing this glorious town as his summer residence in 1804.

Bad Ischl, Austria

Among the salt springs, near Salzburg in a picturesque area is located old Austrian mountain and balneo-mud resort Bad Ischl. This place has long been considered the summer residence of Franz Joseph I and his wife (Austro-Hungarian emperor).

The resort has such healing resources as sulfuric and salty thermal waters, mineral mud and Glauber's salt. A person suffering from any disease or just wanting to improve their health will be comfortable here and will get a good result.

Baden-Baden, Germany

In the warm embrace of the Black Forest, among the miraculous thermal springs and centuries-old firs, the resort of Baden-Baden is located.

Due to the high quality of service - in clinics, sanatoriums and health centers the best specialists and equipment, a variety of procedures, This healing resort has become popular with tourists. In addition, Baden-Baden is located against the backdrop of picturesque nature.

The main focus of this resort is restorative rehabilitation procedures, treatment of diseases of the blood, nervous system and respiratory tract, as well as body cleansing. Tourists who have visited this resort admire the results and recovery processes.

Carinthia, Austria

Carinthia is located in the south of Austria and borders with Italy. Traditionally, this land is famous for its ski slopes, but there are also wonderful recreational areas. Continue to gain immense popularity local terms, which are located on the slopes. The main advantage of this resort can be called the fact that here in addition to skiing, you can get medical treatments.

Albena, Bulgaria

Many tourists know Bulgaria with its balneological centers, the largest of which is located right in the Dobruja Hotel in Albena. Despite the fact that the rooms here are snapped up at lightning speed, guests of other hotels can also get the procedure. But do not forget that this resort is slightly overpriced, because it has long been in demand among Europeans.

Budapest, Hungary

Everyone who has a rest in Hungary, without fail, wants to get to the old Budapest baths. All 27 baths here work on a permanent basis, in 13 of them the water is curative. Drinking springs, grottoes, saunas – there are dozens of ways to improve your health in Budapest.

One of the main attractions of the city is the eponymous bath and Mount Gellert. In addition, in these places you can go to the Szechenyi baths, located on a very hot spring of Europe (the water that escapes from the ground reaches +77 degrees Celsius). If you want to please not only your soul, but also your body, improve it a little, then feel free to choose this resort. After relaxing in such a wonderful place, you will gain vitality, a surge of energy and a great mood!

On this page you will find all the information about resorts of the world. For visitors to our site, we have made an interactive map with resorts by continent. By selecting a specific resort, you will be taken to a page with a description of the country. For example, choosing Turkey, you will be taken to Turkey resorts map. It is also important to note that for ease of use world resort map broken down by region.

All resorts in the world can be divided into several areas:
1. Resorts of Europe- the most famous and closest resort for Russians, which covers many countries. One of the most common resorts among tourists from Russia is located in Europe. Traditionally, European hotels are distinguished by a high level of comfort and quality of service. Resorts in Europe have different price levels: from cheap hostels to expensive five-star hotels. Depending on the country you can travel to, the price level will also differ. European resorts can be visited in summer if you want to go to the sea and in winter if you need comfortable ski resorts.

2. Resorts of Turkey, Egypt, Tunisia. Most Popular Resorts among tourists from Russia. A large number of hotels offer meals All inclusive. Each country can be divided into resort areas that differ in sea, comfort level and, of course, prices. The holiday season begins in these countries in spring and ends in autumn. For winter, these resorts are not very suitable. Summer is very hot, so we recommend that you do not travel to the resorts of Turkey, Egypt and Tunisia in hot July, as vacations can seem like torture.
3. Resorts of Asia. The resorts of Asia, which are gaining popularity among Russians, are favorable for visiting during the winter period, the so-called "dry season". Asian countries (Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam, Indonesia) are characterized by the fact that it is always warm here, but they distinguish between the rainy season and the dry season. From the end of October, just the most favorable season for recreation begins, it ends in the spring (approximately in April). Asian resorts are characterized by hotels of mostly low cost (of course, there are exceptions), as well as low cost of food, so in these hotels the most common types of food Bed & Breakfast or Room Only. For residents of Russia who live in the European part, a flight here can be quite long and expensive, while taking into account the fact that Asian countries are in a different time zone.

3. Resorts of the Indian Ocean. These resorts include the Seychelles, Maldives, Sri Lanka and India. If the Seychelles and the Maldives are paradise islands, the weather of which is suitable for relaxing on the beach all year round, then Sri Lanka and India are more similar to the countries of Asia described above. India is a very peculiar country, a trip to which cannot be compared with a trip to Turkey. The Seychelles and the Maldives are island resorts that are more suitable for a secluded holiday, there are no attractions on the islands, but only the ocean. Holidays in Sri Lanka will indulge in beautiful nature and will appeal to those who love surfing.

4. Resorts of America. Least of all, tourists from Russia fly to rest in the resorts of America. Countries such as the Dominican Republic, Cuba and Mexico delight with beautiful scenery, beautiful ocean and good weather. The main difficulty when traveling to the countries of America is remoteness, a long flight, and, as a result, high prices for tours. Depending on the resort, here you can find the same as in any other place, and maybe even more. So in Cuba there are vacation spots for poor tourists, and the Dominican Republic is somewhat reminiscent of Turkey. Resorts and hotels in Mexico are ready to meet wealthy tourists and give them an unforgettable experience.

Everyone determines for himself which resort is the best for him and where to go.

Summer holidays are hard to imagine without a vacation at the sea or ocean. Two-thirds of the planet is covered with water, and choosing a beach resort is quite difficult, because the choice is very large. CNN presents the best beach resorts located on all continents, when creating the list, not only the presence of a beautiful beach was taken into account, but also the architecture, services, hotel environment, etc.



Four Seasons Resort Sharm El Sheikh, Egypt

The hotel has 4 swimming pools, diving, snorkeling in the Red Sea; building architectural traditions of the Middle East. As with all Four Seasons hotels, there is a fitness center, spa and restaurants to choose from.

Address and website: One Four Seasons Boulevard, P.O.Box 203, Sharm El Sheikh, South Sinai, Egypt; +20 693 603 555; www.fourseasons.com/sharmelsheikh

Prices: from $290

Fregate Island Private, Seychelles

Celebrities love to stay on Fregate Island, it’s easier to hide from the paparazzi here. There is only one hotel on the island, which can accommodate 40 guests, there is a spa, fishing; the accommodation price includes meals (you can eat at any time in any place), a butler, a guide around the island and water sports.

Address and website: Fregate Island Private, PO Box 330, Victoria, Mahé, Republic of Seychelles; +27 21 556 9984; www.fregate.com

Prices: from $3 369

The Majlis, Kenya

Kenya is better known to tourists as a safari hunt, but the coast here is no less attractive. The Majlis opened at the end of 2009 and has quickly become one of the top resorts. The hotel building is a mix of Italian culture and Swahili, decorated with coral stones, carved wood and traditional African art. The rate includes boat trips, kayaking and surfing.

Address and website: Ras Kitau Bay, Manda Island, PO Box 502, Lamu, 80500, Kenya; +254 20 712 3300; www.themajlisresorts.com

Prices: from $435

The Palms, Zanzibar

The resort has only 6 villas in the traditional style of the area, with a thatched roof, but at the same time luxurious. Each villa with a terrace, two bedrooms, a living room, views of the Indian Ocean. A great getaway for romantic couples, with massage services for two, kite surfing, boat trips and diving. Prices for all inclusive.

Address and website: The Palms, Zanzibar; +254 020 269 9796;

Prices: from $1 028

White Pearl Resorts in Ponta Mamoli, Mozambique

Mozambique is not one of the most visited countries in the world, there are no crowds of tourists. Guests are delivered to Ponta Mamoli by helicopter, placed in villas overlooking the sea. Tourists can ride horses along the coast, watch dolphins and turtles, etc.

Address and website: Ponta Mamoli, Zitundo, Mozambique; +27 35 592 8100/1;

Prices: from $360


Hyatt Regency Hua Hin, Thailand

There are plenty of great beach resorts in Thailand, but Hyatt Regency Hua Hin stands out for two reasons: the local spa has been highly rated by experts for the second year in a row; The resort has the longest coastline on Hua Hin. The territory of the hotel is decorated with picturesque gardens, swimming pools, a waterfall, a jacuzzi, etc.

Address and website: 91 Hua Hin-Khao Takiap Road, Hua Hin, 77110, Thailand; +66 3 252 1234; www.huahin.regency.hyatt.com

Prices: from $207

Jumeirah Dhevanafushi, Maldives

At the resort, tourists are offered only suites and overwater villas, which are very popular, because from the villas you can admire the corals and tropical fish swimming in the clear water.

Address and website: Gaafu Alifu Atoll, Maldives; +960 682 8800;

Prices: from $845

One&Only The Palm, Dubai

The resort is located at the very end of the artificial island and tourists are brought by water taxi. The hotel has a restaurant run by two Michelin star Yannick Alléno.

Address and website: West Crescent, Palm Dubai; +971 4440 1010;

Prices: from $997

The Legian, Bali

The Legian resort offers beach holidays, but lovers of shopping and active nightlife will also have fun. Hotel after renovation; The restaurant will delight gourmets.

Address and website: Jalan Kayu Aya, Seminyak Beach, Bali 80361, Indonesia; +62 361 730 622; www.ghmhotels.com

Prices: from $600

The Nam Hai, Vietnam

The best resort in Vietnam, Nam Hai, is located in the south of the China Sea. Each hotel room has a patio, indoor and outdoor shower, coffee machine. The hotel has three swimming pools, a private beach, villas with pools and a butler…

Address and website: Hamlet 1 Dien Duong Village, Dien Ban District, Quang Nam Province, Vietnam; +84 510 394 0000; www.thenamhai.com

Prices: from $800



Set on the Aegean Sea, this multi-level hotel is surrounded by olive groves and consists of 36 cottages. Each house has its own swimming pool, fireplace, outdoor and indoor showers. Guests are offered excursions to historical places, horseback riding, yachting.

Address and website: Bülent Ecevit Cad., Demir Mevkii, Göltürkbükü, TR-48483 Bodrum, Turkey; +94 77 774 3500; www.amanresorts.com

Prices: from $1 000

Finca Cortesin, Spain

Finca Cortesin offers guests accommodation in 67 luxurious suites, each with its own garden or terrace, swimming pool, living room and 4 bedrooms. The golf course has been renovated and hosts international competitions.

Address and website: Carretera de Casares, Kilometer 2, 29690 Casares, Malaga, Spain; +34 952 937 800; www.fincacortesin.com

Prices: from $630

Hotel du Cap-Eden-Roc, France

This multi-level hotel enters the cliff and overlooks the Riviera, is very popular and has been known since ancient times. The 19th century villa has been converted into a hotel with 118 rooms furnished with antiques. There is a saltwater pool and terraces made in the style of a deck on a ship.

Address and website: Boulevard JF Kennedy, 06601 Antibes, France; +33 4 9361 3901; www.hotel-du-cap-eden-roc.com

Prices: from $626

The Romanos, Greece

The Romanos is an eco-development winner on the coast of Messinia. The hotel has a golf course, rooms with swimming pools, a spa center (4,000 mkv); two separate children's centers for kids of different ages with different programs.

Address and website: Navarino Dunes, Costa Navarino, 24001, Messinia, Greece; +30 272 309 6000; www.romanoscostanavarino.com.

Prices: from $405

Turnberry Resort, Scotland

The Turnberry Hotel opened over a century ago on the rocky coast of Scotland. The estate occupies the territory. More than 3.2 kilometers and overlooks the sea. The rooms in the hotel have been renovated for several years, this is an ideal place for lovers of char, because the fields of Ailsa are covered with legendary glory.

Address and website: Maidens Road, Turnberry, Ayrshire, KA26 9LT, Scotland; +44 165 533 1000; www.turnberryresort.co.uk

Prices: from $650


Boucan Hotel & Restaurant (Hotel Chocolat), St. Lucia

The Chocolat Hotel, or now the Boucan Hotel, Britain's famous chocolate maker, opened last year. The hotel is located at an altitude of 30 meters above sea level with breathtakingly beautiful views of the Piton Mountains and the Caribbean Sea. Of course, hotel guests will be able to get acquainted in detail with the history of chocolate, its production, etc. Spa lovers are recommended chocolate massage and other sweet treatments.

Address and website: Rabot Estate, PO Box 312, Soufriere, St. Lucia; +1 800 757 7132; www.thehotelchocolat.com

Prices: from $350

Four Seasons Resort Hualalai, Hawaii

Hollywood stars love to stay at the Four Seasons Hotel. The resort will also be convenient for families with children; for the latter, a special program with various entertainments is offered. There is a children's pool; yoga, outdoor spa, golf, etc. 72-100

Address and website: Kaupulehu Drive, Kailua-Kona, Hawaii, United States; +1 800 325 8000; www.fourseasons.com/hualalai

Prices: from $545

Musha Cay, Bahamas

Musha Cay is one of 11 islands owned by the "wizard" David Copperfield. The resort can be rented, although you will have to pay $ 37,500 per day for pleasure (all-inclusive - 12 people). Each of the five guest houses has its own beach; you can take a motorboat to the neighboring island.

Address and website: Musha Cay, Bahamas, Caribbean; +242 355 4040;

Prices:$37,500 per day.

Parrot Cay, Turks and Caicos

The Caribbean resort, located on a private island, offers guests active recreational activities such as surfing, catamaran riding, etc. The local spa and yoga beach are quite popular.

Address and website: Box 164, Providenciales, Turks and Caicos Islands, British West Indies; +649 946 7788; www.parrotcay.como.bz

Prices: from $500

Wickaninnish Inn, Canada

It's hard to believe that one of the best beach resorts in the world is in Canada, but there is still a place to look. In western British Columbia, the Wickaninnish Inn is surrounded by pine forests and rocky shores. The owners of the hotel chose this place because they like to watch the storm. And guests can enjoy panoramic sea views while sitting by the fireplace, enjoy walks around the area and swim in a deep bath.

Address and website: 500 Osprey Lane, Box 250, Tofino, BC, Canada, V0R 2Z0; +1 250 725 3100; www.wickinn.com

Prices: from $515


Hayman, Australia

The Great Barrier Reef offers plenty of resorts, but Hayman stands out from the rest. The hotel has 234 rooms, a saltwater pool seven times the size of an Olympic standard, and a heated pool. Guests of the hotel can explore the barrier reef in different ways: on a seaplane, on a cruise ship (with underwater cabins with portholes), in an apparatus for studying the underwater world, by helicopter, by boat, and of course diving and snorkeling.

Address and website: Great Barrier Reef, Queensland 4801, Australia; +61 7 4940 1838; www.hayman.com.au

Prices:$907 per person for three nights.

Lizard Island, Australia

Remote Lizard Island is located in the north of the Great Barrier Reef, at the 24 Beach Resort. Thanks to the rich and picturesque underwater world, many tourists spend more time in the water than on land. Diving and snorkeling are the main attractions. The rooms are simple but comfortable. Prices for all-inclusive.

Address and website: Lizard Island, Great Barrier Reef, Queensland, Australia; +61 3 9426 7550; www.lizardisland.com.au

Prices:$1 470

Saffire Freycinet, Australia

This is one of the best resorts in Tasmania with views of the Hazards Mountains and the ocean, a modern and comfortable hotel. The price includes a canoe trip, wine tasting, a visit to an oyster farm.

Address and website: 2352 Coles Bay Road, Coles Bay, Tasmania, 7215, Australia; +61 3 6256 7888; www.saffire-freycinet.com.au

Prices: from $1 847

Te Tiare Beach Resort, French Polynesia

Getting to French Polynesia is not easy, but the efforts made are replenished. The resort has 17 sea view bungalows with balconies from which to watch the sunset. Activities: diving, shark hunting, snorkeling, cooking classes that teach the art of cooking traditional Tahitian dishes, etc.

Address and website: BP 36 Fare, 98731 Huahine, French Polynesia; +689 60 60 50;

Prices: from $450

The Wakaya Club & Spa, Fiji

Wakaya is a 9 square kilometer private island within a resort of 10 cottages (140 sqm), with private gardens and outdoor showers. Included in the Accommodation Rates: Meals, drinks (minibar), two scuba dives per day, a personal golf and tennis coach and as much water as you can drink. For each guest, 12 staff members are calculated, for those who wish, a picnic on the beach can be organized and, of course, complete privacy is guaranteed.

Address and website: Post Office Box 15424, Suva, Fiji Islands; +679 3448 128;

Prices: from $2 400


Estancia Vik Jose Ignacio, Uruguay

Estancia Vik combines ranch, beach and high art all on 16 square kilometers of the Uruguayan pampas. The hotel rooms are decorated with paintings by local artists and not only, there is a gym, exhibition halls with paintings and sculptures. You can also take polo lessons and a host of other sports activities.

Address and website: Camino Saiz Martinez, Kilometer 8, Jose Ignacio, Maldonado, Uruguay; +598 94 605 212; www.estanciavikjoseignacio.com

Prices: from $500

Kenoa Resort, Brazil

The Bahia region is famous for having some of the best beaches in Brazil. Kenoa Resort is located near the nature reserve, the hotel is built from eco-materials. Guests can enjoy the local nature and cuisine that even gourmets will appreciate.

Address and website: Rua Escritor Jorge de Lima 58, Barramar, Barra de Sao Miguel, Alagoas, Brazil; +55 82 3272 1285; www.kenoaresort.com

Prices: from $575

Ponta dos Ganchos, Brazil

Ponta dos Ganchos is located on an island to the south of Brazil, the hotel consists of stone and wooden houses in the tropical jungle overlooking the sea.
The main location of the Special Villa Emerald, with a private jetty, a huge swimming pool, a dry sauna.. In the evenings, guests are offered a barbecue on the beach with fresh seafood.

Address and website: Rua Eupideo Alves do Nascimento 104, Ganchos de For a Governador Celso Ramos, SC CEP: 88190-000, Brazil; +55 48 3953 7000;

Prices: from $643

Posada de Mike Rapu, Easter Island

Posada de Mike Rapu has no television, but you can go to the volcano, ride a horse on the beach, go diving, visit the famous basalt figures. And you can relax in rooms overlooking the Pacific Ocean, lying in the bath with hydro-massage. Prices for all inclusive.

Address and website: Te Miro Oone s/n, Isla de Pascua (Easter Island) 2770000, Chile; +56 2 395 2800; www.explora.com

Prices: from $3,360 for 3 nights.

The Cliffs Preserve, Chile

A 10 kilometer coastal strip, Cliffs Preserve guests can choose from bird watching, horseback riding, hiking, penguin/whale watching, fishing, white water rafting, and a helicopter ride over the Andes.

Address and website: Decker 1031, Puerto Varas 5550479, Los Lagos, Chile; +56 65 439 512; www.cliffspreserve.cl

Prices: from $4,200 for 4 nights.