Sklifosovsky Nikolai Vasilievich - biography. Russian Scientist Director of the Imperial Clinical Institute

Nikolai Sklifosovsky is famous. Nikolay was born in 1836, in the Kherson province.

He went to college to graduate. Here Nikolai entered the local university at the Faculty of Medicine.

After graduation, Sklifosovsky worked in Odessa, in a city hospital. At first he was an intern, and then he became the head of the surgical department of the hospital. In 1863, the scientist defended his doctoral dissertation.

Three years later, Nikolai Vasilyevich was sent on a business trip to Europe, to learn from the experience. For two years, he studied medicine closely in England, Germany and France. Here he saw all the advanced achievements of science.

I got acquainted with the recently appeared antiseptic, general anesthesia. All this Sklifosovsky brought to Russia. Until now, operations could last a long time, a person could die from pain shock, in addition, people often died from infection, and the introduction of antiseptics dramatically reduced mortality during operations.

While on a business trip, Sklifosovsky took part in the Austro-Prussian War as a military doctor. His note on medical practice at the front was published in the Medical Bulletin.

Nikolai Vasilievich developed new approaches to surgery. Frequently attending anatomical courses, he came to the conclusion that one can dissect only what one sees clearly and clearly knows. Any section should only be performed on the basis of a confident knowledge of human anatomy.

Sklifosovsky often went to war. As a military doctor, Nikolai visited the Franco-Prussian and. Nikolai presented his impressions, experience and knowledge gained there in the field of medicine on the pages of the Military Medical Journal. main topic the article "From observations during the Slavic War of 1876", was the transportation of the wounded. He also expressed the opinion that in some cases the wounded should be operated on the spot, not sent to the rear.

In 1880, Nikolai Vasilievich became the head of the faculty surgical clinic of Moscow State University. Nikolai held the position for the next 14 years. Nikolai Sklifosovsky became a real innovator of Russian medicine. He was the first to perform goiter surgery, gastric excision, treated tongue cancer with preliminary ligation of the lingual artery, urinary hernia surgery and removal of the larynx.

The scientist was not afraid to perform the most varied and complex operations. I was constantly improving my skills, constantly looking for new ways to solve the most difficult tasks... Nikolai Vasilievich was the first to introduce medical history in hospitals. This allowed doctors to obtain additional patient data.

The Russian scientist died in 1904. Nikolai Vasilievich left a big mark on the history of medicine, his name is known not only in Russia, but all over the world.

There is no person in Russia who would not have heard this surname. This is not surprising - Nikolai Vasilyevich made a real revolution in world medicine.

Two faints

At the very first operation he saw, the student Sklifosovsky fainted at the sight of blood. But the student endured the second such lesson calmly, and by the end of his studies he showed such outstanding results that he turned out to be one of the few students who were asked to take exams for a doctorate degree.
The second known physician fainting was for the opposite reason. Usually, after classes in the operating room and wards, Sklifosovsky went to study topographic anatomy and operative surgery. The equipment in the section was very poor and there was no ventilation at all. But the student eagerly studied anatomy and sometimes sat up to complete exhaustion. Once he was found lying near a corpse in a state of deep fainting.


One of the most prominent European doctors of his time was, nevertheless, modest. It is known that he refused the post of chief physician in Odessa, which he was offered almost immediately after graduating from the academy. Sklifosovsky wanted a permanent practice as a surgeon and worked as an intern in the surgical department of a city hospital.

After 25 years, he will give up celebrations on the occasion of the anniversary of his medical practice - no celebrations, no commemorations. True, the entire surgical world and hundreds of rescued patients will still bombard him with letters and telegrams, of which there will be about four hundred.

Doctor of all wars of the 19th century

Sklifosovsky was an active surgeon in almost all European wars of the 19th century. In the Austro-Prussian War of 1866, the surgeon gains invaluable experience. After he participated in the Franco-Prussian war in 1870, then in the Slavic-Turkish war in 1876, and again in the Russian-Turkish war in 1877, where the professor volunteered.
Sklifosovsky's participation in these wars made him the ancestor of modern military field surgery. Thanks to his labors, antiseptics were used in Russia, instruments were disinfected, and millions of patients avoided blood poisoning and other postoperative complications.
Sklifosovsky was one of the first to use hot disinfection of instruments. He invented the surgical connection of joints, the so-called "Russian lock", or "Sklifosovsky castle".

Colleagues envy

The stories of fast takeoffs are usually silent about the enemies, about those who are jealous and put a spoke in their wheels. But about the path of Sklifosovsky, we know not only that it was direct and impetuous, but also how difficult it was at times for the young doctor. In 1871 he was called up to the Department of Surgical Pathology at the Medical-Surgical Academy in St. Petersburg. The doctor is still young, but already in 1878 he was entrusted with the head of the surgical clinic of Baronet Villiers. Many members of the academy are against admitting Sklifosovsky to it. After all, he is young, and he has some kind of innovative ideas ... This is what Dr. Vladimir Kovanov writes in his book about Sklifosovsky: “The clinical surgeons Dr. E.I. Bogdanovsky, I.O. Korzhenevsky, who saw their own rival in the young, growing doctor. Supporters of old traditions, contrary to common sense, going against the new, progressive trend in surgery, openly opposed the introduction of an anti-putrefactive method of healing wounds. "
Another example is Professor Ippolit Korzhenevsky, a surgeon of the French school, who ironically spoke at a lecture about the Lister method of disinfection: "Isn't it funny that such a large person like Sklifosovsky is afraid of such small creations as bacteria, which he does not even see!"

Pursuit of death

Thousands of lives were saved by Sklifosovsky, and yet death haunted him: not in the operating room, but at home. The history of the Sklifosovsky family is tragic: his young wife died at 24, leaving him with three small children. From his second marriage, Sklifosovsky had four more children, but of these seven, three died. One son, Boris, died in infancy, the other, Konstantin, died at the age of 17 due to kidney tuberculosis. And then the oldest - Vladimir - dies, but not because of illness, but because of politics. As a student, Vladimir joined a secret terrorist organization and received an assignment from it to kill the governor of Poltava. The young man could not dare to do this, because this governor was a close friend of their family. But he did not dare to return "empty-handed" either. As a result, Vladimir chose the third path: he passed away on his own, committing suicide. This event greatly influenced his father, he left his job and took up gardening on his Poltava estate, where he soon died. But even after his death, the history of his family did not "straighten out". His other son, Nikolai, was soon killed in the Russo-Japanese war. Another, Alexander, disappeared in the Civil War.

Murder of wife and daughter

When the Bolsheviks came to power in Russia, the widow and children of Sklifosovsky received a paper from Lenin, which stated that the family of the famous doctor should not be "touched". But for some reason this paper did not save them, and the already paralyzed Sophia Sklifosovskaya and daughter Tamara were brutally murdered in 1918 for being "relatives of the general." The Bolsheviks did not understand that the rank of general was bestowed on Sklifosovsky for his participation in the wars as a doctor who treated all the wounded, regardless of position.
Of all the seven children of the great surgeon, only the eldest daughter Olga survived to old age. Immediately after the revolution, she emigrated from Russia.

Women doctors

A woman doctor is now common, but exceptional in the 19th century. At that time, none of the authoritative doctors even raised the question of whether a woman could be a professional doctor, let alone a surgeon. But Sklifosovsky looked at it differently. During the Russian-Turkish war, in addition to helping the wounded, he also led a group of women doctors who chose the surgical specialty. This was a real breakthrough for that time.
“We are sending gratitude for the fact,” writes the woman doctor, “that you insisted on an equal educational qualification for us with male doctors and supported us with your high authority in the most difficult moment the first performance in the practical field, giving us independent medical activity at the theater of the liberation war, "- such a telegram was received by the doctor on the 25th anniversary of his professional activity.

Sklifosovsky Nikolai Vasilievich - (March 25 (April 6) 1836 - November 30 (December 13) 1904) - Professor Emeritus, Director of the Imperial Clinical Institute grand duchess Elena Pavlovna in St. Petersburg, the author of works on military field surgery of the abdominal cavity.

He was born near the city of Dubossary, and graduated from high school in Odessa. Sklifosovsky decided to become a doctor in childhood, so after graduating from high school, he went to Moscow and entered the medical faculty of Moscow University. There his medical specialty - surgery - was defined.

The gathering of Russian land is over ... and the period of childhood, imitation and cultural borrowing is over. We paid a fatal tribute to historical apprenticeship and entered the rut of independent life. We have our own literature, we have science and art, and we have become active and independent in all fields of culture, and now, with the exception of some monuments from the era of the historical period of our history, we have almost no evidence of what we have experienced ... The people who had their own Pirogov, has the right to be proud, since a whole period of medical science is associated with this name ...

Sklifosovsky Nikolay Vasilievich

Returning after graduation to his homeland, Sklifosovsky worked for several years as a zemstvo doctor, and then entered the Odessa city hospital, where he soon became the head of the surgical department. All his free time he improved his surgical skills, and after three years he defended his doctoral dissertation. But even then he believed that he still did not have sufficient knowledge and experience.

In 1866 Sklifosovsky went on a business trip abroad. For two years, during which he managed to work in England, France and Germany, Nikolai Vasilyevich got acquainted with various surgical schools and studied the features of the organization of medical care in different countries Oh. It was at this time that he drew attention to the work of the famous surgeon Lister, who was the first to substantiate the need to sterilize surgical instruments and the operating field. Now it is difficult to imagine that back in the middle of the last century, most surgeons considered it completely unnecessary and even harmful!

The reports made by Sklifosovsky at several medical congresses attracted the attention of specialists. He was one of the first to develop a practical technique for surgical disinfection. When the Austro-Prussian War began, Sklifosovsky received permission from the Austrian government and went to the front. After the conclusion of peace, he returned to Odessa, but, as it turned out, not for long, because the Franco-Prussian war began and he again had to go to the front. True, a few months later he returned to Russia, but this time to Petersburg, since he was invited to the Medical-Surgical Academy - the only thing educational institution in Russia, where they trained military doctors.

In St. Petersburg Sklifosovsky worked for five years, after which he again went to the Balkan, and then to the Russian-Turkish war. There he worked together with the remarkable surgeon N.I. Pirogov, who gave a brilliant review of the professional training of his colleague. As a consultant to the Red Cross, Sklifosovsky had to combine the work of a surgeon with many-sided organizational activities. During heavy battles near Plevna and at the foot of Shipka, he sometimes did not interrupt his work for several days in order to provide assistance to everyone who needed it. Later it was calculated that more than ten thousand wounded passed directly through his hands.

After returning to Russia, Sklifosovsky became a professor at Moscow University and head of a surgical clinic. This was a bold step, since the clinic was in a state of disrepair at the time. But Sklifosovsky energetically got down to business, and soon the clinic became one of the best medical institutions in Europe. Sklifosovsky was one of the first not only in Russia, but also in Europe to introduce hot processing of instruments and medical linen and achieved almost complete absence of postoperative complications and infections. Many serious illnesses, which most doctors considered incurable, were defeated only thanks to the efforts of Sklifosovsky.

A whole town was soon built around the medical clinic on Devichye Pole, again with the direct participation of Sklifosovsky. To design it, the scientist created a public committee, which brought together the leading experts of his time. The program of hygienic measures Sklifosovsky developed together with F. Erisman, who laid the foundations of medical hygiene. And in order to receive the necessary funds, he had to go to St. Petersburg several times to see the Minister of Health.

However, Sklifosovsky did not calm down even after he set up his clinic. He undertook to promote the latest scientific achievements among practicing doctors and for these purposes created the Society of Russian Physicians. On his initiative, periodic congresses of surgeons began to be held in Russia for the first time. But the XII International Congress of Surgeons, organized by Sklifosovsky, had the greatest resonance. It took place in Moscow in 1897. It was attended by prominent scientists from many countries of the world, including the outstanding German physiologist Rudolf Virchow. Having visited the Sklifosovsky clinic, he said in an interview: "You are at the head of an institution that other peoples of Europe envy!"

This man made a huge contribution to the development of medicine, developed methods of treatment and diagnostics, raised a generation of excellent doctors who continued to develop his ideas. Now the name of Sklifosovsky (doctor, scientist, leader) has become a household name. There are even sarcastic ways of using it, and this is already a sign of popular recognition.

Doctor of Medicine Nikolai Sklifosovsky in the nineteenth century was a representative of the medical elite Russian Empire in the global community. His textbooks, scientific works, patents for inventions were very popular both at home and abroad. Studying the history of medicine, it is important to know the biography of the pillars of medical science, since their experience helps to educate new generations of Asclepius' followers.

Historical cut

The era in which Nikolai Vasilyevich had to live and work was rich in events. The kings amended the laws, the country was in a fever from constant reforms and changes. Not everyone agreed with them, even if in the long term everything should have turned out in the best way.

The active work of the doctor Sklifosovsky coincided with the abolition of serfdom, Stolypin reforms, the emergence of the ideas of Marxism and socialism and, of course, the ever-increasing development of capitalist relations in the Russian Empire.

Unfortunately, all the changes that were made did not find support among the general population and were received with hostility. In addition, a large number of soldiers who devastated the country fall into this period. The tsarist government did not want to change along with the people, which made it unpopular and brought the time of the coup closer.

Childhood and youth

Nikolai Vasilievich Sklifosovsky was born in a small farm located near the town of Dubossary, located in the Kherson province. This event took place on March 25 (or April 6 according to the old style) in 1836. The father of the future doctor was an impoverished nobleman, Vasily Pavlovich Sklifosovsky, who worked as a clerk for the Dubossary quarantine service. If now you ask to show on the map where Sklifosovsky was born, then no one will be able to do this, since the farm was absorbed by the rapidly expanding city and was lost between its districts.

His family was large - only twelve children, so the boy was brought up in Orphanage... It was difficult for the parents to support so many offspring, so the older children were sent to boarding schools for training, where the state clothed them, fed them and provided them with housing. The boy learned early what loneliness and orphanhood are. The only joy was the craving for knowledge, especially for the natural sciences, history, literature and foreign languages... Soon he set himself a goal - to get out of poverty, and for this he had to study even more diligently.

After graduating from high school, Sklifosovsky leaves for Moscow and enters Moscow University at the recently opened medical faculty. It is within the walls of his alma mater that he understands that he wants to devote his whole life to surgery. After the final exams, the young doctor returns home and starts work in But this does not satisfy him. And a few years later, he decides to move to Odessa, where Nikolai Vasilyevich is offered to head the surgical department in the city hospital.

Sklifosovsky devoted all his free time to science and the development of surgical skills. Such persistence helped him in just three years to defend his doctoral dissertation on the topic of operating oncological patients.

Trip abroad

Three years later, in 1866, at the age of thirty, a young scientist, a successful doctor Sklifosovsky leaves for a long trip abroad. During this time, he manages to work in several European countries - Germany, England and France. There he meets with other surgical schools, studies new methods of treatment and organization of medical care, adopts the experience of senior colleagues in the workshop.

His journey began with the Pathological Institute Virchow and the clinic of Professor Langenbeck, which are located in Germany. He was involved there as a military doctor, worked in the infirmary and at dressing points. Then he went to France, where he studied with Professor Clomart and trained at the Nelaton clinic. The business trip to the UK ended with Professor Simpson.

In the course of his studies, Sklifosovsky pays attention to new methods of processing surgeon's instruments and sterilization of the operating field, which have not been carried out in Russia before. At that time, doctors were of the opinion that disinfecting yourself and everything around you before the operation was not only unnecessary, but even harmful. At that time, Lister's works were too revolutionary, and not every doctor was ready to take them into service.

Work in the capital

Doctor Sklifosovsky returns to his homeland in 1868, inspired and filled with new progressive ideas. He publishes a series of articles and textbooks on the knowledge gained in Europe. It bears fruit. In 1870, Nikolai Vasilievich was invited to work at the Department of Surgery at Kiev University.

But his scientific activity does not stop there. He continues to deliver reports, drawing attention to his revolutionary ideas and trying to integrate them into Russian reality. His method of disinfecting medical instruments was ahead of its time and was considered one of the first in the empire.

At this moment, the Austro-Prussian war begins, and Sklifosovsky volunteered for the front as a field doctor. After the truce, he returns to Odessa, but he fails to live there. After a short period of time, a conflict flares up between France and Germany, and the professor goes to the front again. And again he returns, but not home, but to St. Petersburg, to teach at the Medical-Surgical Academy and train young military doctors.

The quiet period lasts only five years. Then Professor Sklifosovsky again leaves, first to the Balkan, and then to the Russian-Turkish war, where he meets Nikolai Ivanovich Pirogov. But, in addition to working as an ordinary surgeon, Nikolai Vasilyevich had to perform administrative work as a consultant to the Red Cross. Sometimes he could not rest for several days in a row to help everyone who needed him.


Nikolai Vasilievich Sklifosovsky returns to Moscow after the signing of the peace treaty. There he is offered the position of head of a surgical clinic to combine with teaching at the university. It was bold decision, since the hospital he was to deal with was in a very deplorable state.

Fortunately, any business the professor took on flourished under his leadership. Therefore, the clinic soon became one of the best in the country, and then in Europe. He installed autoclaves and dry-heat ovens in it for processing the instruments and linen of surgeons. This made it possible to minimize complications after surgery and blood poisoning, which were not uncommon in those days. Serious illnesses such as sepsis were defeated by the efforts of Sklifosovsky.

He always tried to bring a creative thread into his work, develop himself and transfer knowledge to his students, if they have such a desire.

last years of life

Sklifosovsky's biography is replete with interesting events, but here last years his lives were rather bleak. Due to a stroke, he had to leave his post of professor at the university, transfer the clinic to the care of a receiver and retire to his estate near Poltava. There he underwent rehabilitation, restored motor skills, and subsequently began to practice gardening.

Unfortunately, the light period was short-lived, and Nikolai Vasilyevich died soon after. It happened on November 30 (or December 13 according to the old style), 1904. He was buried in the village of Yakovtsy, not far from the place where the battle with the Swedes took place in 1709.

Contribution to science and medicine

It is difficult to imagine how many useful innovations have appeared in domestic medicine thanks to Sklifosovsky. His biography is replete with adventures of varying degrees of danger: here and internships abroad, and participation in all the wars of Europe at that time, and life in several cities of the empire. He tried to analyze all this amazing experience and use it for the benefit of his patients and colleagues.

Lister's sterilization method, which Sklifosovsky brought from a business trip, divided surgery into two large periods: before and after the application of knowledge about asepsis and antiseptics. Before that, patients died from various septic complications: phlegmon, gangrene, sepsis and others, but with the introduction of the idea that the doctor's instruments and hands should be clean, the number deaths decreased significantly.

Thanks to the development of military field surgery, the range of medical interventions has expanded, since general anesthesia has been introduced into ordinary practice. This made it possible to increase the duration of operations and improve the technique of their implementation. Sklifosovsky was the first to perform a laparotomy (opening of the abdominal cavity) for therapeutic purposes, and the patient survived. For the level of medicine at that time, it was a great risk and a great success.

Doctor's modesty and curiosities

Despite all the achievements of Nikolai Sklifosovsky, when he was a green first-year student, he fainted at the very first operation, as far as he was struck by the sight of blood. But that didn't stop young man... He was able to overcome his fear and by the end of his studies he was considered one of the outstanding students. He was asked to take an exam for a doctorate.

The second case of loss of consciousness is also associated with surgery, but the reason for it is already diametrically opposite. The diligent student had been studying anatomy in unventilated sections for so long that one day he was found deeply swooning right next to a corpse.

The modesty with which Sklifosovsky lived and worked is also surprising. Immediately after graduating from the institute, he was offered the position of the chief physician of the Odessa city hospital, but refused, arguing that he wanted to gain more experience, and left to work as a zemstvo doctor, and then as a simple resident in this very hospital.

After a quarter of a century of his professional activity, Nikolai Vasilyevich will not celebrate his anniversary, he will ask not even to congratulate him on this date. But grateful patients, students and colleagues from different countries still sent him hundreds of letters and telegrams.

The doctor of all wars of his time

Military field surgery was significantly developed thanks to Pirogov and Sklifosovsky (who can be considered a student and successors of Nikolai Ivanovich). This happened because the young doctor was not indifferent to the fate of the people involved in the theater of war. And he didn't care if they were his compatriots or not.

As a volunteer, he went to the front in 1866, 1870, 1876 and 1877. Four different wars gave Sklifosovsky invaluable experience, which he was able to apply not only in practice, but also to educate a generation of military doctors thanks to the opportunity to teach at the Medical Academy in St. Petersburg.

In addition, after working as a field surgeon, Nikolai Vasilyevich invented new way joints of damaged joints, called "Russian castle".

The envy of fellow workers

As often happens, having made a huge contribution to medicine, Nikolai Vasilievich Sklifosovsky acquired not only admirers and grateful patients, but also envious people. His career developed rapidly, he was at the forefront of science and tried to stand up for people and homeland more than for himself. But even such unselfishness does not always get a response in the hearts of people.

On the path of a young and talented doctor, obstacles were constantly encountered, which history is silent about. The scientific community of that time did not really like Sklifosovsky and did not want to accept him into their ranks. When, after returning from the front, he began to run a clinic in St. Petersburg, many saw him as their rival. Receive a good place at such a young age it was considered bad form then, and even to have a scientific degree - and even more so.

The adherents of the old school actively denied Sklifosovsky's innovative ideas, criticized his methods and made fun of him. The famous surgeon of that time, Ippolit Korzhenevsky, in his lectures ironically spoke about the Lister method and argued that they were ridiculously afraid of creatures that a person could not see.

Death as his eternal companion

There were interesting facts in the life of Nikolai Vasilyevich Sklifosovsky that were not related to his professional activities. As a doctor, he saved thousands of people from death, but she still followed on his heels. Not in the hospital, but at home. As soon as a young doctor gets married, the newly-made wife suddenly leaves this world, leaving three small children in his care. In order to give them a full-fledged family, Nikolai Vasilyevich remarried.

From the second marriage, four more children appear in the Sklifosovsky family, but three sons also die early: Boris in his earliest infancy, Konstantin at 17 (from kidney tuberculosis), and the death of the elder Vladimir is connected with politics. Also in student years the young man began to get carried away with revolutionary ideas, so he joined an underground organization that was engaged in subversive activities. Wanting to check the new team member, he was given the task of killing the governor of Poltava, a close friend of the Sklifosovsky family. But the boy could not decide on such an act, so he decided to die on his own, without waiting for a comradely court.

This is what caused Nikolai Vasilyevich's stroke. After the tragedy, he lived for several years as a recluse on his estate and soon died too. Unfortunately, two of his other sons were killed in the subsequent war, and after the Bolsheviks came to power, the professor's wife and daughter were shot as "members of the general's family," although the government ordered not to touch the Sklifosovsky family.

The last surviving daughter Olga, immediately after the appearance of the Land of the Soviets, emigrated from Russia and never returned to her homeland.

ambulance named after N.V. Sklifosovsky in Moscow

"Sklif", as doctors good-naturedly call it among themselves, is the largest center for the provision of emergency medical care in Russia today. It was founded in 1923 on the basis of a home for disabled and elderly people. The almshouse was built on the initiative of Count Sheremetyev and was named the Hospice House.

After the October Revolution, the hospital was suspended to reopen in 1919 as a city ambulance station. Four years after the reorganization, it was decided to open the Institute emergency care and give him the name of Professor Sklifosovsky.

During the Great Patriotic War, Sklif worked as a military hospital, received severe wounded from all fronts, and was also engaged in scientific activities.

For 2017 at the Research Institute of the SP named after I. N.V. Sklifosovsky, there are more than forty clinical divisions, 800 doctors and scientists work here. More than seven thousand patients from all regions of the country are treated every year.

Saint Petersburg State University

Faculty of Medicine

Abstract for the course in the history of medicine on the topic:

"Nikolay Vasilievich Sklifosovsky"

The work was carried out by a 1st year student Natalia Shcheglova


Main part

  1. short biography
  • Childhood
  • Education
  • The main stages of the life of N.V. Sklifosovsky
  1. The discoveries of N.V. Sklifosovsky
  2. The main works of N.V. Sklifosovsky
  • Teaching locations
  • Teaching methodology N.V. Sklifosovsky
  • Treatment of the sick
  • Attitude towards students
  • The students of N.V. Sklifosovsky
  1. Participation in hostilities as a military field surgeon
  2. The personality of N.V. Sklifosovsky
  3. Social activities of N.V. Sklifosovsky
  4. Participation in the perpetuation of N.I. Pirogov



Illustration sheet


Nikolai Vasilievich Sklifosovsky is one of the most famous, skillful and active doctors and scientists in Russia. His whole life was devoted to medicine, the discoveries made by Nikolai Vasilievich moved her forward, and the operations performed by Sklifosovsky with amazing skill saved a large number of lives. I consider him an example of a true doctor - a person devoted to his work, fearless, courageous in search of new ways of treatment, sensitive in relations with patients and students. It is no coincidence that the Research Institute of Ambulance in Moscow bears his name - saving lives and health, discovering new methods of performing operations carried out by this research institute were also the goal for Nikolai Vasilyevich, whose life serves as proof of the existence of the best human qualities - dedication, devotion and compassion so I chose this person's life and work as my research topic.

short biography


N.V. Sklifosovsky was born on March 25, 1836 on a farm near Duborossy, Kherson province, into a poor noble family. According to the statistics of that time, it is known that out of 178 children born, 100 died before the age of one year. It was at such a difficult time that N.V. was born. Sklifosovsky. The family had 12 children, Nikolai was the ninth child. Father could hardly make ends meet. We lived, literally, from hand to mouth. But honesty, conscientiousness, the fulfillment of one's duty was inherent in everyone in the family. In 1830, during an outbreak of cholera and typhus, my father carried out important assignments related to measures to eliminate them. But at the same time he paid attention to his family and children. They were drawn to knowledge. Father himself taught them to read, introduced them to reading, but he had no idea of ​​giving children an education, especially higher education. At the outpost, among the military servants during the epidemic, there were also Russian doctors, who drew attention to the inquisitive Nikolai. The need forced the parents to send some of their children to an orphanage in the city of Odessa, where Nikolai was also brought up. His mother's stories about his father's work during the cholera epidemic instilled in him a love of medicine. The young man's dream was to enter the medical faculty.


Received secondary education at the 2nd Odessa gymnasium, graduated with a silver medal.

In 1854 N.V. Sklifosovsky entered Moscow University "on state support".

The discoveries of N.V. Sklifosovsky, operations first performed by Sklifosovsky

One of the first Nikolai Vasilievich began to produce laparotomy, ovariotomy- these operations marked the beginning of the development of "abdominal" surgery.

Of particular interest is Sklifosovsky's statement about the harmful effects of cooling the exposed surface of the peritoneum and rough manipulations during surgery. According to him, cooling causes a reflex on the vasomotor nerves of the abdominal cavity, which leads to cooling of the limbs and the entire surface of the body, as well as blue mucous membranes and a weak threadlike pulse, which can cause death of the patient. Sklifosovsky pointed out that operations with opening the abdominal cavity should be carried out in rooms with an air temperature of at least 16-17 degrees, and the surgeon should handle the patient's tissues carefully and avoid injury.

Sklifosovsky was among the first surgeons to perform a gastrostomy on March 8, 1879. In the articles published on this issue, Sklifosovsky examines in detail the indications and contraindications for this operation, and also dwells on the details of the operation: the difficulty of finding the stomach, the imposition of a double suture, the operation in 1 step.

During Sklifosovsky's activities in Russia, liver and biliary tract surgery... He was among the first to operate on the gallbladder.

In the article "Ideal cholecystomy", published in the newspaper "Doctor" for 1890, N.V. Sklifosovsky describes in detail the indications and contraindications for surgical interventions for diseases of the gallbladder and ducts.

Sklifosovsky imposed anastomosis between gallbladder and small intestine, proving the possibility of bile entering the intestines, bypassing the excretory bile duct.

In 1885 I.K. Spizharny at a meeting of the Pirogov Surgical Society reported a case when the echinococcal bladder of the liver opened into the bronchi of the right lung. In this case, Sklifosovsky first carried out transpleural approach to the tumor with rib resection and ensured, after opening, wide drainage of the bladder.

Sklifosovsky has a great merit in the development of bladder surgery techniques... Suprapubic excision of the bladder, first performed by Franco in 1560, was considered too dangerous a way to perform surgery. Sklifosovsky proved the advantage of this method over others, described in detail the course of the operation and the suture technique. Suprapubic opening of the bladder with subsequent suture according to the method of N.V. Sklifosovsky long time remained the main type of surgery for stones and tumors of the bladder.

One of Sklifosovsky's works describes 4 cases of tongue removal in total cancer... At that time, surgeons did not perform such an operation, fearing severe bleeding and difficulties in approaching the root of the tongue. Nikolai Vasilievich developed a new surgical approach to the root of the tongue with preliminary ligation of arteries in the Pirogov triangle on both sides, which makes the operation bloodless. He also pays attention to the technique of removing the tongue - dissection of the lining of the neck, subperiosteal separation of the muscles of the floor of the mouth, etc.

Sklifosovsky among the first operations (1874) performed the operation of excision of the goiter, which marked the beginning of the development of surgery thyroid gland.

Sklifosovsky developed and proposed specially designed apparatus allowing maintain anesthesia during the whole operation - upper jaw resection with cancer.

Operating on the upper jaw with congenital cleft palate, Sklifosovsky was the first to use local anesthesia with cocaine solution.

An outstanding innovation of N.V. Sklifosovsky is the proposed by him method of bone surgery for false joints(this method entered the literature under the name "Russian castle" or "Sklifosovsky castle"). To keep the ends of the femur in direct contact with the fracture site, a median cut of both ends of the bone is made, then at the end of the first cut, a second cut is made in the transverse direction; the sawn halves are removed, and the surfaces at the ends come into contact with each other. They are fixed with 1-2 metal seams.

The works of N.V. Sklifosovsky

Peru N.V. Sklifosovsky owns more than 110 scientific works dedicated to the most diverse sections of surgery:

a) gynecology (which at that time was the department of surgery and was just beginning to practically dissociate itself from it); N. V. Sklifosovsky devoted his dissertation and a number of works to this section;

b) new methods of operations, first used in Russia(goiter operations, gastrostomy, cholecystostomy, bladder suture, cerebral hernia resection);

v) bone and osteoplastic surgery: resection of joints, jaw, operations for false joints;

G) military field surgery.

A short list of works by N.V. Sklifosovsky:

  1. « O circulatory tumor". Dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Medicine, Odessa, 1863; Science articles:
  2. « On the question of Pirogov osteoplastic removal of the lower leg»," Military Medical Journal ", 1877, May;
  3. « On the wound of the peritoneum ", ibid, July;
  4. « From observations during the Slavic war of 1867-1877. ", Ibid., November;
  5. « Thyreotomia with neoplasms in the laryngeal cavity», Ibid, 1879, March;
  6. « Dissection of the tumor of the uterus, both ovaries»," Medical Bulletin ", 1869;
  7. « Transport machine in the wagon for transporting the wounded. Transportation of the wounded from the battlefield. Our hospital case in the war", In the same place, 1877;
  8. « Gastrostomy with narrowing of the esophagus ", ibid., 1878;
  9. "Excision of the tongue after preliminary ligation of the lingual arteries", "Doctor", 1880;
  10. « Is excision of the abdominal (pressum abdominale) possible in humans? The use of iodoform in surgery ", ibid., 1882;
  11. « Suture of the bladder at suprapubic section ", ibid., 1887;
  12. « Excision of a liver tumor», Ibid, 1890;
  13. « Hernia of the meninges. Removal of a hernia sac by excision"," Chronicles of the Surgical Society in Moscow "

N.V. Sklifosovsky in the implementation of advanced methods and methods of treatment into practice

Sklifosovsky was among the first to use antiseptics, and then asepsis, and he hotly promoted antiseptics in scientific societies and at congresses.

Nikolai Vasilievich contributed to the spread and popularization of gastric resection.

Teaching activities

Teaching locations: Kiev University, Medical and Surgical Academy in St. Petersburg

Method of teaching: Nikolai Vasilievich, more than anyone else, saw the existing gaps in the teaching of practical disciplines and tried to fill them with personalshowing the technique of not only complex operations, but also the performance of simple surgical procedures... Students admired his skillful techniques when examining patients or performing highly complex operations in hard-to-reach areas.

NV Sklifosovsky willingly taught students various research techniques and the rules of caring for surgical patients. However, he always emphasized the needstrictly guard the psychethe patient from unnecessary excitement, especially at the time of examination, but not to the detriment of clarifying the nature of the disease itself. Sklifosovsky advised his students: "Cut only what you see." One of the reports contains the following words: "Professor Sklifosovsky lays the basis for the operational technique mainly 2 provisions - to dissect only what you see or can feel quite clearly, and then to do any section on the basis of knowledge of anatomy."

Treatment of the sick: he knew how to win over patients, causing them a sense of boundless trust and faith in medicine. He, modest and demanding of himself, always sensitive and responsive, knew how to cultivate these qualities in his students. He did not like rudeness or liberties in relation to the patient. A strictly businesslike atmosphere reigned in the clinic. He did not humiliate anyone, did not bully, always treated with exquisite courtesy, emphasizing his respect for a person, regardless of his position.

Relations with students: Nikolai Vasilyevich devoted his free time practical work with students. For example, on days free from lectures, or on Sundays, he made rounds of patients with students. At the same time, the curators present on the tour were obliged to report on their patients. Sklifosovsky emphasized the superiority of Russian students who, during their studies, mastered the skills of communicating with patients, over foreign students who were encountered in patients only at lectures.

The Sklifosovsky Clinic was a favorite place for students: they could independently bandage their patient, assist in operations, and carry out night shifts.

Sklifosovsky's students: from those who graduated from the residency at the clinic of Nikolai Vasilyevich, many scientific and practical figures in the field of surgery came out: Spizharny, Sarychev, Yakovlev, Dobrotvorsky, Chuprov, Sakharov, Vilga, Rezvyakov, Kormilov, Yanovsky, Krasintsev and others.

Participation of Nikolai Vasilyevich in hostilities as a military field surgeon

N.V. Sklifosovsky participated in 4 major wars in Europe as an ordinary surgeon and hospital consultant.

Sklifosovsky took part in hostilities since 1866 (Austro-Prussian War). As a young physician, he joined the active army to study military field surgery. The result of his stay in this war was an article published in the "Medical Bulletin" for 1867 - "A note on observations during the last German war of 1866".

In 1876, Nikolai Vasilyevich was appointed a consultant in surgery to one of the Red Cross infirmaries in Montenegro, where he stayed for 4 months. He presented his memoirs in a work published in the Military Medical Journal for 1876 under the title From Observations during the Slavic War of 1876. Sklifosovsky's observations of the course of gunshot wounds to the abdominal and thoracic organs are of great interest. An important fact, noted by Sklifosovsky - not all gunshot injuries to the chest are life-threatening. He notes that such wounds are dangerous in cases of bone fracture and the penetration of fragments into the bullet canal, since fragments of the ribs forcefully penetrate into the lung tissue, destroy it and cause the development of suppuration - empyema. The presence of outflowing blood in the pleural cavity complicates the course of the wound process and accelerates the formation of inflammatory phenomena. Pyothorax Sklifosovsky describes as follows: “Immediately after the wound of the chest, hemoptysis is found right through, a picture of blood effusion into the chest cavity sets in. A few days later, a feverish state is shown and a picture of a purulent accumulation in the chest develops. " He points out that the appearance of pus in the chest is associated with the nature of the gunshot wound and the complications that lead to the development of infection.

Sklifosovsky attached great importance to the creation of peace for the wounded for a favorable outcome of chest wounds.

The rich knowledge of Nikolai Vasilyevich and the experience he acquired found wide application in the Russian-Turkish war of 1877. The strict hygienic regime developed in the clinic, Sklifosovsky tried to transfer to the organization of hospital business in the war; as a result, the number of patients with infection in Nikolai Vasilyevich's departments was significantly less than in other departments. After the end of the campaign, Sklifosovsky appeared in print with a number of interesting works: « In hospitals and dressing points during Turkish War », « Our hospital case in the war», « Transportation of the wounded and sick by rail», « Tarantass machine in the wagon for transporting the wounded».

N.V. Sklifosovsky and S.P. Botkin were ardent supporters of the approach of medical care to the wounded, which was reflected in the activities of forward and main dressing points.

The personality of N.V. Sklifosovsky

NV Sklifosovsky left a glorious memory of himself as a prominent teacher with a high culture and erudition, educator of youth, an ardent patriot of his homeland. The clinic he headed was a wonderful school for students, scientists and many thousands of doctors who flocked here for improvement from all over Russia.

N.V. Sklifosovsky was a real patriot. He zealously defended the interests of the Russian people in the struggle for the prosperity of Russian science. For example, thanks to the intervention of Sklifosovsky, it was possible to establish the priority of the Russian doctor Vladimirov over the German Mikulich in inventing a new method of osteoplastic surgery on the foot.

Excellently educated, fluent in several languages, possessing great self-control and self-control, he was an empathetic and sympathetic doctor.

During hostilities, he infected everyone around him with unparalleled diligence, instilled courage and fortitude in them, made them meekly endure all the burdens and hardships of frontline life. Eyewitnesses tell how this outwardly elegant and well-groomed state general in an impeccably clean tunic was able to stay for several days without food and without sleep, being continuously at the operating table, in the dressing room or in the sorting rooms of the head hospital.

Nikolai Vasilievich enjoyed great respect and love not only among doctors, but also among wide circles of the Russian intelligentsia. This popularity was a consequence of his high merits as a clinician-surgeon, scientist, lecturer and public figure.

Some considered Sklifosovsky a proud and inaccessible person. In fact, a very gentle and warm-hearted person was hiding under the external severity.

N.V. Sklifosovsky was an advanced Russian scientist who put scientific and public interests above personal ones.

Social activity

NV Sklifosovsky was the editor of the first special scientific surgical journals of that time in Moscow: "Surgical Chronicle" and "Chronicle of Russian Surgeons". On the publication of these magazines, he spent significant sums of his own funds. Congresses, meetings of scientific societies and journals have greatly contributed to the development of surgical thought and the education of surgeons. N.V. Sklifosovsky's great talent as an organizer and public figure manifested itself during the preparation and holding of the XII International Congress of Physicians (August 7, 1897, Moscow), N.V. Sklifosovsky was elected its president. He was aware of the enormous scientific, political significance of the International Congress of Physicians, which first met in Russia. This congress demonstrated to the entire scientific world the strength and significance of Russian science. Foreign doctors were able to see with their own eyes the achievements of Russian medicine. The myth of their alleged superiority over the Russians was dispelled.

Nikolai Vasilievich put a lot of work into organizing and building a new clinical campus on Devichye Pole in Moscow.

It is no coincidence that at the final session of the Congress the famous Rudolf Virkhov, who at that time enjoyed indisputable authority, referring to N. V. Sklifosovsky, said on behalf of the foreign delegates of the Congress: “We met here the President, whose authority is recognized by representatives of all branches of medical science, a person which with full knowledge of all labor medical practice also combines the quality of a doctor of the soul, has a spirit of brotherhood and a feeling of love for all mankind ... We met here young people - strong, smart, fully prepared for the progress of the future - the hope of this great and valiant science. "

N.V. Sklifosovsky was an ardent supporter of female education in Russia. Thanks to the participation of Nikolai Vasilyevich at the Medical-Surgical Academy, "Special women's courses for the education of scientists midwives" were opened, where women could receive higher medical education.

Nikolai Vasilievich's participation in perpetuating the glory of Nikolai Ivanovich Pirogov

On the eve of the opening of the International Congress, the grand opening of the monument to Pirogov took place. This monument was erected thanks to the initiative and energy of N.V. Sklifosovsky, who personally achieved the "highest permission" for the installation of the monument, and was erected with collected private donations, and not at public expense. Concerning Pirogov's merits, N. V. Sklifosovsky said: "The principles introduced into science by Pirogov will remain an eternal contribution and cannot be erased from its tablets as long as European science exists, until the last sound of rich Russian speech stops in this place .. . ". This was the first monument to a scientist in Russia.

Sklifosovsky spoke in the press in defense of Pirogov's osteoplastic operation, which was met with unfriendly foreign surgeons.

Research Institute named after N.V. Sklifosovsky

Institute of Emergency Medicine. N.V. Sklifosovsky was founded in 1923 on the basis of one of the oldest Moscow hospitals, opened in 1810 by Count N.P. Sheremetev as a Hospitable House. Research Institute of Emergency Medicine named after V.I. N.V. Sklifosovsky Research Institute for Emergency Medicine is a large multidisciplinary scientific and practical center for emergency medical care, emergency surgery, resuscitation, concomitant and burn injury, urgent cardiology and acute poisoning. In total, more than 40 scientific departments have been formed at the institute, more than half of them are clinical, which correspond to the profile of the most common urgent pathologies. Large scientific and practical potential of the staff, modern equipment allows us to successfully develop new and improve existing methods diagnostics and treatment of emergency conditions, which makes it possible to treat patients with the most severe and complicated acute surgical diseases and injuries, to consult and transfer patients from other medical institutions to the institute for treatment. Every year, the Institute receives qualified assistance, on average, 52,000 patients from different regions RF, 22,000 patients are hospitalized. In addition, mobile teams of specialists in neurosurgery, endoscopy and endotoxicosis provide advice and specialized assistance to hospitals in Moscow.

The institute employs 820 researchers and doctors, including 2 academicians and 2 corresponding members of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, 37 professors, 78 doctors and 167 candidates of medical sciences. The institute has 922 inpatient beds, of which 114 are intensive care beds. More than 20,000 different operations are carried out on the basis of its branches throughout the year. 25,000 patients receive emergency outpatient care. There are one-, two-, and five-bed rooms with all conveniences.

At the Research Institute of Emergency Medicine named after V.I. N.V. Sklifosovsky, over the past 10 years, the educational and clinical department has been successfully functioning, in which up to 200 clinical residents are trained annually in the following specialties: Ambulance; anesthesiology and resuscitation; cardiology; clinical and laboratory diagnostics; neurosurgery; pathological anatomy; psychiatry; obstetrics and gynecology; radiology; endoscopy; toxicology; thoracic surgery; traumatology and orthopedics; ultrasound diagnostics; physiotherapy; functional diagnostics; surgery; radiology; cardiovascular surgery. Postgraduate and doctoral studies have been opened in the following specialties: cardiology; traumatology and orthopedics; surgery; neurosurgery; anesthesiology and resuscitation; cardiovascular surgery.

The editorial and publishing department prepares for publication and publishes the works of the institute.

The Institute, in addition, has a rich scientific and medical library.

The Department of External Scientific Relations is responsible for coordinating scientific research outside the institute, within the framework of the activities of the Interdepartmental Scientific Council for Ambulance of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences and the Problem Commission for Emergency Surgery of the Interdepartmental Scientific Council for Surgery of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, and also searches and processes scientific information, works in the field of the history of medicine.

Over the past 10 years, about 235 case studies have been carried out to improve the quality of diagnosis and treatment. 62 monographs, about 4100 scientific articles and other publications were published, including 86 collections of works. The staff of the Institute also wrote a large number of chapters and sections in books published by other institutions. 43 patents and certificates for inventions were received, 32 rationalization proposals were accepted for use. 140 dissertations were defended, including 25 doctoral dissertations. The implementation of the results of scientific research into practice has a positive effect on the improvement of medical work.

The growth in the level of scientific research led in 2001 to the creation at the Institute of the Dissertation Council for the defense of doctoral dissertations in the field of surgery, anesthesiology and resuscitation, traumatology and neurosurgery.

To improve the professional level of doctors, more than 100 scientific and practical conferences and seminars were held, more than 130 information and methodological documents were published.

An important role in solving scientific and practical problems and in coordinating scientific research on the territory of the Russian Federation is played by the Problem Commissions of the Scientific Council for Emergency Medicine in the field of combined trauma, cardiology and clinical toxicology and the Problem Commission for Emergency Surgery. Research results are analyzed in the Department of External Scientific Relations. This significantly accelerates the introduction of advanced achievements in medical science.


Nikolai Vasilievich lived a wonderful life. As a real doctor, he was a moral example for those around him - without attention to his desires and needs, he was ready to fulfill his duty at any time of the day. As a real scientist, he was not afraid of anything, or rather, he was looking for ways to eliminate undesirable consequences. His brilliant mind was busy all his life with solving problems of scientific and practical medicine, teaching students and creating better conditions for the life of society. Nikolai Vasilyevich was a real, true patriot who glorified his homeland and people. A fearless, strict scientist, attentive, understanding doctor - Nikolai Vasilyevich was a man we are proud of and whose memory we honor today. E8% E9_% E3% EE% F0% EE% E4% F1% EA% EE% E9_% ED% E0% F3% F7% ED% EE-% E8% F1% F1% EB% E5% E4% EE% E2 % E0% F2% E5% EB% FC% F1% EA% E8% E9_% E8% ED% F1% F2% E8% F2% F3% F2_% F1% EA% EE% F0% EE% E9_% EF% EE % EC% EE% F9% E8_% E8% EC% E5% ED% E8_% CD ._% C2 ._% D1% EA% EB% E8% F4% EE% F1% EE% E2% F1% EA% EE % E3% EE