Warranty world brief content. About the wonderful new world

The effect of this novel-antiwopia occurs in the fictional world state. There is a 632nd year of stability era, Ford's era. Ford, created at the beginning of the twentieth century in the world's largest automotive company, revered in the world state for the Lord God. It is called it - "Lord our Ford." In the state, the rules of technocracy. Children are not born here - fertilized artificial way Eggs are grown in special incubators.

And they are grown in different conditions, Therefore, completely different individuals are obtained - alpha, beta, gamma, delta and epsilons. Alfa, as it were, the people of the first grade, workers of mental labor, Epsilons - the people of the lowest caste, capable of monotonous physical work. First, the embryos are kept under certain conditions, then they appear on the light of glass bottles - this is called opening. Babies are brought up in different ways. Each caste is raised in front of a higher caste and contempt for the caustac. Suits for each caste of a certain color. For example, alpha walks in gray, gamma - in green, episylons - in black.

Standardization of society is the main thing in the world state. "Community, the sameness, stability" is the motto of the planet. In this world, everything is subordinate to the feasibility for the benefit of civilization. In a dream, the truths are inspired in a dream, which are written in them in the subconscious. And an adult, facing any problem, immediately recalls some kind of saving recipe that is remembered in infancy. This world lives today, forgetting about the history of mankind. "History is a solid nonsense." Emotions, passion - this is what can only prevent a person. In the Dorudowan world, everyone had parents, father's house, but it did not bring anything to people, except for unnecessary suffering. And now - "Everyone belongs to everyone else." Why love what experiences and dramas? Therefore, children from early age Character for erotic games, learn to see in the creature of the opposite sex partner in favor.

And it is desirable that these partners can change as often as possible - after all, everyone belongs to everyone else. There are no art here, there is only an entertainment industry. Synthetic music, electronic golf, "Synosoids - movies with a primitive plot, depending on which you really feel what is happening on the screen. And if for some reason you have deteriorated the mood - it is easy to fix, you need to take only one or two grams of Soma, a light drug that will immediately calm and cheer. "Soma Gram - and there is no dram."

Bernard Marx - Representative top class, alpha plusik. But it differs from his fellow. Thirdly thoughtful, melancholic, even romantic. Hil, tried and does not like sports games. It is rumored that he in the incubator for the embryos accidentally injected alcohol instead of a blood substitute, so he turned out to be so strange.

Linajna Kraun - Beta Girl. She is pretty, slim, sexy (about such "pneumatic"), Bernard is pleasant to her, although much in his behavior it is not clear. For example, it is mixed, that he is embarrassed when she is in the presence of others discussing the plans of their upcoming entertainment trips with him. But go with him to New Mexico. In the reserve, she really wants, especially since the permission to get there is not so easy.

Bernard and Linane go to the reserve, where wild people live as everyone lived to Era Ford. They did not taste the benefits of civilization, they are born from real parents, they love, suffer, hope. In the Indian village of Malparaiso Bertrand and Linane meet a strange savage - he is unlike other Indians, Belokur and speaks English - True, on some ancient. Then it turns out that John found a book in the reserve, it turned out to be Tom Shakespeare, and learned him almost by heart.

It turned out that many years ago, the young man Thomas and Linda girl went on a tour of the reserve. Thunderstorm began. Thomas managed to go back to the civilized world, and the girl did not find and decided that she died. But the girl survived and found himself in the Indian settlement. There she gave birth to a child, and she became pregnant in a civilized world. Therefore, I did not want to go back, because there is no shame worse than becoming a mother. In the village she was addicted to Meskal, Indian vodka, because she had no soma, which helps forget all the problems; The Indians were despised - she, according to their concepts, behaved alleviately and easily condensed with men, because she was taught that copulation, or, in Fordowski. Ural use is just a pleasure available to everyone.

Bertrand decides to bring John and Linda to the Maudnai world. Linda to everyone inspires disgust and horror, and John, or a savage, as they began to call him, becomes fashionable wonder. Bertranda is instructed to acquaint the savory with the benefits of civilization, which do not amaze it. He constantly quotes Shakespeare, who tells about things more amazing. But he falls in love with Linain and sees a beautiful Juliet in it. Linaine flashes the attention of the savage, but she cannot understand why, when she invites him to do "mutual use," he comes into rage and calls her the harlot.

Challenge the civilization of the savage is solved after he sees a lindon dying in the hospital. For him, this is a tragedy, but in the civilized world to death they are calm, as a natural physiological process. Deeze with cavity to get into the chamber to dying on excursions, entertain them there, fed sweets - everything so that the child is not afraid of death and have not seen in her suffering. After the death of Linda, the savage comes to the point of the distribution of the Soma and begins to be violently to convince everyone to abandon the drug, which thumps the brains. A panic is hardly able to stop, bypowing a queue of COMSU. And the savory, Berran and his friend, Helmholts, cause one of the ten mainstreamers, his fortiesatpu Mustafa Monda.

He clarifies the dick that in the new world sacrificed art, genuine science, passions in order to create a stable and prosperous society. Mustafa Monda talks about that in his youth he himself was too interested in science, and then he was offered a choice between a reference to a distant island, where they collect all the devive, and the post of primarily. He chose the second and rose to protect stability and order, although he himself perfectly understands what he serves. "I do not want amenities," the savage answers. "I want God, poetry, true danger, I want freedom, and good, and sin." Helmholz Mustafa also offers a link by adding, however, while the most asserts are going to the islands interesting people In the world, those who do not satisfy the belief, those who have independent views. The savage also asks on the island, but his Mustafa Monda does not let go, explaining this by what he wants to continue the experiment.

And then the savage itself leaves the civilized world. He decides to settle in the old abandoned aircraft. For the last money, he buys the most necessary - blankets, matches, nails, seeds and intends to live away from the world, growing their bread and praying - Is Jesus, the Indian whether God is Ponfu, whether the cherished keeper of Eagle. But somehow someone. Randomly passing by, sees the hill to the hill of passionately bichal of the half-risk savage. And again the crowd of curious, for which the savage is only a fun and incomprehensible creature. "We want bi-cha. We want bi-cha! " - Chains the crowd. And then the savage, noticing in the crowd Linain, with a cry of the "liberter" rushes with a beach on her.

The next day, a couple of young Londoners come to the lighthouse, but by entering inside, they see that the savage hanged himself.

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Oh obvious new world

The effect of this novel-antiwopia occurs in the fictional world state. There is a 632nd year of stability era, Ford's era. Ford, created at the beginning of the twentieth century in the world's largest automotive company, revered in the world state for the Lord God. It is called it - "Lord our Ford." In the state, the rules of technocracy. Children are not born here - the eggs fertilized by an artificial way are grown in special incubators. Moreover, they are grown in different conditions, therefore completely different individuals are obtained - alpha, beta, gamma, delta and epsilons. Alfa, as it were, the people of the first grade, workers of mental labor, Epsilons - the people of the lowest caste, capable of monotonous physical work. First, the embryos are kept under certain conditions, then they appear on the light of glass bottles - this is called opening. Babies are brought up in different ways. Each caste is raised in front of a higher caste and contempt for the caustac. Suits for each caste of a certain color. For example, alpha walks in gray, gamma - in green, episylons - in black.

Standardization of society is the main thing in the world state. "Community, the sameness, stability" is the motto of the planet. In this world, everything is subordinate to the feasibility for the benefit of civilization. In a dream, the truths are inspired in a dream, which are written in them in the subconscious. And an adult, facing any problem, immediately recalls some kind of saving recipe that is remembered in infancy. This world lives today, forgetting about the history of mankind. "History is a solid nonsense." Emotions, passion - this is what can only prevent a person. In the Dorudowan world, everyone had parents, father's house, but it did not bring anything to people, except for unnecessary suffering. And now - "Everyone belongs to everyone else." Why love what experiences and dramas? Therefore, children from early age are involved in erotic games, learn to see the essence of the opposite sex partner in favor of enjoyment. And it is desirable that these partners can change as often as possible - after all, everyone belongs to everyone else. There are no art here, there is only an entertainment industry. Synthetic music, electronic golf, "Synosoids - movies with a primitive plot, depending on which you really feel what is happening on the screen. And if for some reason you have deteriorated the mood - it is easy to fix, you need to take only one or two grams of Soma, lung Drugs, which will immediately calm you and rave. "Soma Gram - and there is no dram."

Bernard Marx is a top class representative, an alpha plusik. But it differs from his fellow. Thirdly thoughtful, melancholic, even romantic. Hill, punched and does not like sports games. It is rumored that he in the incubator for the embryos accidentally injected alcohol instead of a blood substitute, so he turned out to be so strange.

Linajna Kraun - Beta Girl. She is pretty, slim, sexy (about such "pneumatic"), Bernard is pleasant to her, although much in his behavior it is not clear. For example, it is mixed, that he is embarrassed when she is in the presence of others discussing the plans of their upcoming entertainment trips with him. But go with him to New Mexico, to the reserve, she really wants, especially since the permission to get there is not so easy.

Bernard and Linane go to the reserve, where wild people live as everyone lived to Era Ford. They did not taste the benefits of civilization, they are born from real parents, they love, suffer, hope. In the Indian village of Malparaiso Bertrand and Linane meet a strange savage - he is unlike other Indians, Belokur and speaks English - True, on some ancient. Then it turns out that John found a book in the reserve, it turned out to be Tom Shakespeare, and learned him almost by heart.

It turned out that many years ago, the young man Thomas and Linda girl went on a tour of the reserve. Thunderstorm began. Thomas managed to go back to the civilized world, and the girl did not find and decided that she died. But the girl survived and found himself in the Indies of the Skome village. There she gave birth to a child, and she became pregnant in a civilized world. Therefore, I did not want to go back, because there is no shame worse than becoming a mother. In the village she was addicted to Meskal, Indian vodka, because she had no soma, which helps forget all the problems; The Indians despised her - she, according to their concepts, behaved allegedly and easily converged with men, because she was taught that copulation, or, in Fordowski, mutual use, is just a pleasure accessible to everyone.

Bertrand decides to bring John and Linda to the Maudnai world. Linda to everyone inspires disgust and horror, and John, or a savage, as they began to call him, becomes fashionable wonder. Bertranda is instructed to acquaint the savory with the benefits of civilization, which do not amaze it. He constantly quotes Shakespeare, who tells about things more amazing. But he falls in love with Linain and sees a beautiful Juliet in it. Linaine flashes the attention of the savage, but she cannot understand why when she invites him to do "mutual use," he comes into rage and calls her a harlot.

Challenge the civilization of the savage is solved after he sees a lindon dying in the hospital. For him, this is a tragedy, but in the civilized world to death they are calm, as a natural physiological process. Deeze with cavity to get into the chamber to dying on excursions, entertain them there, fed sweets - everything so that the child is not afraid of death and have not seen in her suffering. After the death of Linda, the savage comes to the point of the distribution of the Soma and begins to be violently to convince everyone to abandon the drug, which thumps the brains. A panic is hardly able to stop, bypowing a queue of COMSU. And the savory, Berran and his friend, Helmholts, cause one of the ten mainstreamers, his fortiesatpu Mustafa Monda.

He clarifies the dick that in the new world sacrificed art, genuine science, passions in order to create a stable and prosperous society. Mustafa Monda talks about that in his youth he himself was too interested in science, and then he was offered a choice between a reference to a distant island, where they collect all the devive, and the post of primarily. He chose the second and rose to protect stability and order, although he himself perfectly understands what he serves. "I don't want any amenities," the savage answers. "I want God, poetry, really danger, I want freedom, and good, and sin." The Mustafa Helmholz also offers a link, adding, however, while the most interesting people are going to the islands in the world, those who do not satisfy the belonging, those who have independent views. The savage also asks on the island, but his Mustafa Monda does not let go, explaining this by what he wants to continue the experiment.

And then the savage itself leaves the civilized world. He decides to settle in the old abandoned aircraft. For the last money, he buys the most necessary - blankets, matches, nails, seeds and intends to live away from the world, growing their bread and praying - Is Jesus, the Indian whether God is Ponfu, whether the cherished keeper of Eagle. But once someone, she accidentally passing by, sees the hill on the slope of the hill of passionately bike herself a half-risk savage. And again the crowd of curious, for which the savage is only a fun and incomprehensible creature. "We want bi-cha! We want bi-cha!" - Chains the crowd. And then the savage, noticing in the crowd Linain, with a cry of the "liberter" rushes with a beach on her.

The next day, a couple of young Londoners come to the lighthouse, but by entering inside, they see that the savage hanged himself.

The action takes place in the fictional world state. There are 632nd Era of Stability, Ford Era. Ford, created at the beginning of the twentieth century in the world's largest automotive company, revered in the world state for the Lord God. It is called it - "Lord our Ford." In the state, the rules of technocracy. Children are not born here - the eggs fertilized by an artificial way are grown in special incubators. Moreover, they are grown in different conditions, therefore completely different individuals are obtained - alpha, beta, gamma, delta and epsilons. Alpha - as if people of the first grade, workers of mental labor, Epsilons are the people of the lower caste, capable of only monotonous physical work. First, the embryos are kept under certain conditions, then they appear on the light of glass bottles - this is called opening. Babies are brought up in different ways. Each caste is raised in front of a higher caste and contempt for the caustac. Suits for each caste of a certain color. For example, alpha walks in gray, gamma - in green, episylons - in black.

Standardization of society is the main thing in the world state. "Community, the sameness, stability" is the motto of the planet. In this world, everything is subordinate to the feasibility for the benefit of civilization. Everyone lives today, forgetting about the history of mankind. "History is a solid nonsense." Emotions, passion - this is what can only prevent a person. In the Dorudowan world, everyone had parents, father's house, but it did not bring anything to people, except for unnecessary suffering.

Bernard Marx is a top class representative, an alpha phase. But it differs from his fellow. Thirdly thoughtful, melancholic, even romantic. Hill, punched and does not like sports games. It is rumored that he in the incubator for the embryos accidentally injected alcohol instead of a blood substitute, so he turned out to be so strange. Linajna Kraun - Beta Girl. She is pretty, slender, sexy (about such a pneumatic), Bernard is pleasant to her, although much in his behavior it is not clear. For example, it is mixed, that he is embarrassed when she is in the presence of others discussing the plans of their upcoming entertainment trips with him. But to go with him to New Mexico, the reserve, she really wants, especially since getting the resolution is not so simple.

Bernard and Linane go to the reserve, where wild people live as everyone lived to Era Ford. They did not taste the benefits of civilization, they are born from real parents, they love, suffer, hope. In the Indian village of Malparaiso Bertrand and Linane meet a strange savage - it does not look like other Indians, Belokur and speaks English - True, on some ancient. Then it turns out that John found a book in the reserve, it turned out to be Tom Shakespeare, and learned her almost by heart.

It turned out that many years ago, the young man Thomas and Linda girl went on a tour of the reserve. Thunderstorm began. Thomas managed to go back to the civilized world, and the girl did not find and decided that she died. But the girl survived and found himself in the Indian settlement. There she gave birth to a child, and she became pregnant in a civilized world. Therefore, she did not want to go back, because there is no shame worse than becoming a mother. In the village she was addicted to Meskal, Indian vodka, because she had no soma, which helps forget all the problems. The Indians were despised - she, according to their concepts, behaved alleviately and easily condensed with men, because she was taught that copulation, or, Fordowski, mutual use, is just a pleasure available to everyone.

Bertrand decides to bring John and Linda to the Zamograd World. Linda to everyone inspires disgust and horror, and John, or a savage, as they began to call him, becomes fashionable wonder. But he falls in love with Linain and sees a beautiful Juliet in it. Linaine flashes the attention of the savage, but she can't understand why, when she invites him to do "mutual use," he comes into rage and calls her a harlot.

Challenge the civilization of the savage is solved after he sees a lindon dying in the hospital. For him, this is a tragedy, but in the civilized world to death relate to death, as a natural physiological process. Children from early age will be found in the chamber to dying on excursions, entertain them there, fed their sweets - everything so that the child is not afraid of death and have not seen in her suffering. After the death of Linda, the savage comes to the point of the distribution of the Soma and begins to be violently to convince everyone to abandon the drug, which thumps the brains. Panic is hardly able to stop. And the savory, Berran and his friend, Helmholts, cause one of the ten mainstreamers, his forework Mustafa Monda.

He clarifies the dick that in the new world sacrificed art, genuine science, passions in order to create a stable and prosperous society.

And then the savage itself leaves the civilized world. He decides to settle on the old, abandoned aircraft. For the last money, he buys the most necessary - blankets, matches, nails, seeds - and intends to live away from the world, growing bread and praying - Jesus Lee, Indiani to God. And again the crowd of curious, for which the savage is only a fun and incomprehensible creature. "We want bi-cha! We want bi-cha! " - Chains the crowd. And then the savage, noticing in the crowd Linain, with a cry of "Lentarian!" Run with a beach on her.

The next day, a couple of young Londoners come to the lighthouse and, entering inside, see that the savage hanged himself.

When you read the book with hobby, you do not care about remember all the main events and names of the heroes. Therefore, after a couple of years, you remember only something remotely resembling the plot. To encourage memory to answer, we suggest you familiarize yourself with short retelling Works. And for a complete understanding of the stated events we advise you to read from the "Ligor".

Thirty-four-storey building - "Central London Incubativity and Educational Center", where the sign is hanging, which says: "Community, the sameness, stability." Inside there is a fertilization hall, where three hundred employees bowed heads over special microscopes. The director leads a lecture regarding the current century: 632 Era Stability - Ford Era, at the same time showing the process artificial fertilization From test tubes.

Next, students who have come to study the process described above lead to eggs from which the so-called "races" appear: Alpha, beta, Gamma, Delta and Epsilons. The Director explains that for the sake of such "stability", many employees need great attentiveness in the upbringing of such "children".

For example, Alphas are the highest links - mental workers who create technologies; Epsilons are the lower grades that are created only for severe physical work (they specifically give less oxygen in order for their physiological indicators to differ from the structure of higher castes). However, "races" will be determined not only by internal content, but also by external - color of clothing. Detailed process The birth that Mr Ford shows is that the embryos appear from special bottles - this is called opening.

Foster and director decide to go to the above department together with students.

Chapter Second

The director opened the door to the "Young University. The halls of the Nepavlovsky formation of Raolecs. " Mr. Foster remained on the other floor. The whole room was a big kindergartenin which the nanny rules.

The director gives the team to nanny to bring "sliders", nanny bring big carts in which children are dressed in Khaki - the color of the delta. Then he gives the team to bring the children to a stand with books and flowers. Children rushed to beautiful covers, but they were leaked to the current. The procedure was repeated, more kids were not crawled to cherished flowers and books.

The director explains this measure to the need that the Delta since childhood is learning to love nature and literature. On their aesthetic and mental development should not "spend the time of society", because the delta must perform certain functions, and in their list is not intellectual and creative activity. In other words: if you have any love for plants, the delta begin to use the transport to go to nature - it's going economic costswhich "suffered the previous society". The director rejoices from such a smart decision to secure society from "unnecessary consumption".

Next, the hero tells how the worldview of each caste is formed. The director decides to tell a certain parable of Ravimnivic - the Polish boy, who heard the inclited radio receiving the transfer B. show at night, who broadcast the transfer B. Shaw, and repeated everything in the word on the word english language - So discovered the principle of memorizing information in a dream: hypoptee. The students were in an obvious surprise from the heard history, as the concepts of "mother, father, birth" for them were considered obvious fantastics and moreover - an unpleasant topic.

The director tells the student with the subtlety of the open method: children in a dream give such information, which is then assimilated by them as proper, as an unbreakable truth, so they don't even think about moving to another Casta, for they are all better than others.


Behind the building was a special park for young children playing a strange game, throwing the ball on a special ring that rotated it and returned back. The detector with students saw in the bushes of 7-year-old children playing sexy game. The director told the "Historical Nearby", which is that before - before the era of Ford - sexual games for children were prohibited, and until the 20th age, they were not allowed to enter into sexual relations - this statement caused a storm of laughter and stormo "Oh,". The company approached his fortiestality Mustafa Mord - a black-haired man of medium height.

Thought 4 hours. Voices began to be distributed from the receivers: "The first shift is over." Henry Foster and the assistant of the main predeterminer went to Bernarda Marx - a specialist from the Department of Psychology.

Mustafa MOND - Soldier Western Europe, one of ten, began to explain to students of the "Basics of Life": "History - nonsense", "live in a family and have a house" - terrible.

At the same time, the betamine of Linain Korun rose to the 17th floor and found itself in the "women's dressing" with vibrationacuum massage apprets. He said hello from Fani Korun, who worked in the closure hall; Their names coincided, as the billion inhabitants accounted for 10,000 names and surnames.

Linane and Fani talked about the fact that Fani prescribed pseudo-separation, and since she is a brunette with a wide pelvis, she needed to do it 2 years earlier, and not in her 19 years old. Fanie found out that Linane is still with Henry Foster. 4 months - already a long time, this, according to Fani, "already indecent." Linane said that the director patted her in berries today, Fani was pleasantly surprised by such a strictest decency.

Monday at the same time explained to students that the Lord of their Freud revealed the danger family life: She carries only suffering. Unitouch and one in love - a closedness and a narrow course, which is why everything is allowed in the era of Ford! Stability is the key to success, because only stability moves society.

The conversation of Fani and Linane went about Bernard, it turned out that he is an alpha plusik - the highest caste. Fani did not understand the attachment of Linane to Bernard, since he was considered strange due to the general standards due to private "loneliness." It was rumored that he mistakenly spoiled genetics in a test tube, so infallible. Meanwhile, Bernard, having heard the instructions about Linane from Phoster, was angry with the order of attitude towards a person, as to the "boiler", which everyone betrayed.

Chapter fourth

Having met in the elevator with Bernard, Linaina suggested him to go together in New Mexico, but he was confused and sharpened. Epsilon-minus came to the elevator, constantly repeating the word "roof", from the dynamics they were ordered to descend down - it caused laughter.

Henry Ford waited for Linain in his office. They moved to the car and flew over London. Located in Stoke-Podzh, and went to play golf.

Bernard opened the doors of his hangar compartment and asked Delta-minus to roll his hertoplan. He was always difficult to talk to the lower castes, since he himself was like them - external characteristics. It was 8 centimeters below alf, and hence probe.

Landing on the roof of the Institute of Sense Technology, where the newspapers "hourly radio" for higher castes, "Gamma Gazeta" and Delta-Mirror, Bernard went to Watson's Helmholtz - a beautiful alpha-advantage, lector-teacher. They spoke about their unhappy life, and about it, as you know, it was impossible to talk about it, because everyone had ideal for generally accepted standards.

Chapter Fifth

While Linane and Henry flew back, they discussed happiness to be defined byulates. For example, if there were no epsilons, there would be no physical work, which means there would be no technical side of the service, and this is an important part of the standardization. At the same time, Epsilon cannot know what it means to be non-epsilon, in the psyche of each race laid certain ideals. This is the highest manifestation of justice.

They landed onto the roof of a forty-story building, where Henry lived, had dinner and went to the updated abbey, where the music was playing. Dancing lasted all night, 3 doses of the Soma were adopted (drugs that immersed a person in happiness).

Bernardo once every two weeks, on Thursdays, it was necessary to be present in a union gathering: he listened to the song of unity, danced in the dance, drank me.

Chapter Six

The first day of Linane and Bernard passed very strange: Bernard did not want to fly to Luxembourg because of the crowd, did not want to take to take to him, which Linaina was offered to him - "Mom Am! - And there is no dram. " This hypopic wisdom was not at the hero, he was tired of the template fellow citizens.

While they flew over La Manchel, the conversation rose between them. What if Bernard was not psychologically programmed? What could he do? Linaina replied that she was truly truly, but the terrible things that Bernard says, they scare her.

After landing in London, the next day, Bernard went into the office to the director signed, but looking carefully on a regular leaflet, which he was on a signature, the director saw the words "New Mexico". He was extremely surprised about this reservation, but he thought about the age of Bernard - he was 20 years old. Then, he began to tell about the fact that he also wanted to look at the savages, and his desire was carried out, but during this journey his girl was missing, which could not find. Bernard expressed his regret and in vain - this circumstance was angry by the director.

He was taken to speak Bernard that he was not pleased with his information about his contribution. " The director followed the reputation of the Center's employees, and therefore - Bernard was warned. As soon as he came out, the director began to write something.

Bernard told about this story with Helmholtz, but he did not praise Bernard and did not even say anything, because, on the basis of the words of a friend, he came out the winner - and this is boasting.

On the "Blue Pacific Rocket" Linajna and Bernard went to their journey. For skipping needed a special visa from the reservation keeper, but he was infinitely talking about savages, still give birth to children and preserving the "primitive" religion. Bernard and Linane "Released" from the Guardian, and then a message was received that a new psychologist is looking for a new psychologist, and he himself is sent to Iceland (there was a district where all the disgruntled exiles lived). He accepted 4 tablets soma and got acquainted with the excursion.

After the edge of the island, they landed in the village of Malpaasaraiso.

Head seventh

After a long and tedious road with an Indian, from which "smelled", according to Linana, Bernard, with his companion saw a bright young man, unlike the savages playing the drums, which, by the way, really liked Linane. Bernard decided to get acquainted with him closer.

It turned out that this blond Yunets was born and grew up in the village, and the old English on which he was talking, he knows from the book of Shakespeare, which he found in his reservation. Young man who invited them to the "hut", called a certain linda. The spectacle of Bernard and Linanes appeared a fat bright indian, which had no front teeth. She was immensely happy to see "civilized people."

Linda - so called the stranger - explained to the names of the guests that once, once for a long time, she and her satellite was lost in the jungle, that's just he came out, but she was not. She was in the Indian village, where there was a "full antisanitarian" and where everyone belonged to only one person, so she, with his "faders", which she laid a society immediately did not like the village. However, she found a man, got pregnant and gave birth to a child, which, undoubtedly, was considered a shame in civilization. She snapped with this thought and addicted to Indian vodka, which she asked her loneliness.

Chapter Eighth

Bernard, walking with John - so the name of the young man - decides to ask about his memories. John tells Bernard about life with Linda and how she was unhappy. Once, a high man came home to her home, who pulled the Linda from the house, while John remained completely alone. Together I went home to home: then the water change the water, then the Linde was to help, but after such visits they beat the woman with sticks, and the poor lady did not understand what she did wrong.

The boys teased John and Linda, sang songs and composed noby. At the age of 13, he saw a book on the floor, which, according to Linda, brought Pope. John said that he wanted to kill the pope after saw him on the bed with Linda, but despite 3 strikes with a knife in the pope, he could not fulfill the started.

After it was beaten by stones at the age of 16, his time, death, God was opened on a steep cliff. " Bernard realized that John was as alone as he, and then he wanted to take them with Linda with him, to which the young man exclaimed: "On a wonderful new world, where such people live!".

Ninth chapter

While Linda took the dose of Soma, Bernard managed to fly to the custodian and call Mustafa to settle some questions. Mr. Monda was extremely interested in scientific research "Two individuals", which Bernard was going to bring to society. The keeper agreed and permission to this "Operation".

While Bernard was at the Guardian, John managed to be disappointed in the upcoming trip, because he did not find Bernard at his own place, so he began to look for Lina. He saw her half-naked on the bed and fell in love. Bernard flew on the car to pick up the whole company. John still decided to go.

Chapter Tenth

In the fertilization hall, where the company was invited, Mr. Ford and director discussed the unheard of violation of the generally accepted standards of Bernard. As soon as the culprit of the celebration appeared, the director at all fully announced his decision on the dismissal of Bernard from his post, which he expressed his indignation. He now had a trump card in the face of "savages", because he found them. The hall is painted.

Linda immediately recognized her Thomasik, who was the director who threw it in the "terrible world." The young man acknowledged his father in him, but his "Father!" Forced the whole room to laugh, while the director was completely confused and ran away.

Chapter eleventh

After the scandal, everyone dreamed of seeing John, but not a lindon, which caused rejection with his external, unusual for civilization, view. Linda dreamed of being near the TV, soma and other inaccessible to her away from home wonders and, at the insistence of Dr. Shaw, she lay down to his room for a long time.

Bernard was blinded by success and ran to tell Helmholtz about his 6 girls who are delighted with him. A friend did not share his happiness, he only said that he was sad from this. Bernard also enjoyed glory, while in his hands was a trump card - John. He was ordered to show the divine all civilized society, however, John was not going to take to take a lot, watch movies that made him watch Linane, and laugh with students over religion.

After the next refusal of John from the night with Linana, she took a great dose of Soma.

Chapter twelve

Morning began with a knock at the door of John. Bernard stubbornly asked him to go to the guests, and especially the Kenterbeian archipers, with whom he dreamed of dinner and, thus, consolidate the status. However, the savage refused to meet people whom he did not want to see.

Linaina was absolutely suppressed by the fact that "not like John". Archipershop refused Bernard, inviting Linain with him. Bernard buried Gorky and after accepted 4 Tablets of the Soma.

Bernard woke up from the visit of John, who told him that now "he is similar to the former Bernard." He decided to restore friendly relations with a hemgolian who accepted him particularly welcome that Bernard wounded. It turned out that hemgolts was also in conflict with the authorities because of his poem about "night privacy."

Hemgoltz meets a savory, and they talk about Shakespeare, retreating John.

Chapter thirteenth

Linane, having met Henry at work, behaved strangely, abandoning the night with Henry. He advised her to go to the doctor, what Linane was angry with himself from hero because of his instructions about the reception of the Soma.

John in his room was waiting for Helmholtz to declare him about his love for Linane, but he stood on the threshold, and she. The savage admitted to the girl in his feelings and hinted in every possible way to marriage, which was adopted in their reservation. The heroine, kissed him, took off his clothes - it caused an unprecedented attack of anger from the beloved. He squeezed her hands, shouting about the fact that she was "harlot". Linane ran into the bathroom.

The phone rang, heroine heard John scared that someone is seriously ill and is in death. He ran out of the room. A frightened girl passed to the elevator.

Chapter Fourteenth

Linda was in a special chamber, where the fragrant was fragrant. The sister was surprised by a savory visit, which sought to see the patient. However, when he said that Linda is his mother, she began to be noticeably embarrassed.

John came up to the bed of a woman, she recognized his face and smiled noticeably when he began to sing the songs, who fell asleep in childhood. But here in the ward came the endless flow of twins, staring at the lindon. They called her "fatty", and John docked one too dockering baby. Sister strictly setting banned it, as children are now passing the stage of death.

Linda ceased to recognize the Son, she all the time repeated "Pop", which made the savagery to shake her in the hope that she would understand that she was not a pope next to her. The heroine died, horror remained in her eyes, and John began to cry bitterly. At that moment, the sister asked: "Who to give chocolates, children? "

Fifteenth chapter

Overlooking the street, the savage saw the crowned people who stood in line for a cat. It was then that he understood that "Linda lived and died slaves, the rest should be free, the world needs to be perfect." He began to confin all the fact that Soma is poison, then the distributor began to look for someone's number in the phone book.

Panic begins after the words of the savage that their whole life is illusion. The people barely managed to calm down, then came-off on the voices of Bernard and Helmholtz, together with John, send to Mustaf Monda. Police detained them.

Chapter sixteenth

In his office, Mustafa Monda asks a savory about why he does not like their civilized society, to which John answers Shakespeare verses. It turned out that Monda also knows Shakespeare, the young man does not understand where and why. Mustafa Monda explains that he creates the rules and violate them itself. In his opinion, the famous author is the past, old, and society needs stability and novelty. The hero says that for the sake of universal happiness, they sacrificed with art, and now people have everything that they dreamed of: there is no fear of death, there is no old age, but there is a lot of entertainment.

MOND explains that if there were no alpha, gaps and epsilons in the world, instability would be created, and so they could not allow. And if any problems arise, they give them to them. Also Mustafa Monda said that in his youth, he was given a choice: to go to the island of dissenters and surrender to science or become a primary, and he chose the second. Thus, the hero also donated to many for the sake of order and stability.

After a long conversation, Mustafa recovered in the reference of the Helmholtz, and John forbade departure in order to "the experiment continued." Bernard also begged not to touch him, leave everything as it was, because he was very afraid of links. For the sake of achieving the goal, he even announced that his comrades were to blame, and not he. He shake the whole conversation from fear for his fate. As a result, Monda gave an order to calm him in pairs of Soma so that he would sleep and accepted his lot. Helmholts retired him.

Head seventeenth

After the "friends" of John retired, they left alone with Mustafa. Mustafa Monda explained John that the Society also sacrificed the religion, and that God exists, but he will not talk about it, since this god is old, and the new one does not reach, because God is not changing, but people. For in the past, he showed himself as described in the Bible, and now - its absence.

John was not agreed with this, as a person tend to believe in God because of loneliness, to which Mustafa replied that there was no loneliness in their civilized society as well as heroism and nobility. Since in them from birth already the definite behavior program is already laid - this allows them to be happy.

Savage declares that it has the right to a full life. Mustafa does not hinder him.

Head eighteenth

John came to Helmholtz and Bernard and said that he was "poisoned by civilization" and he urgently needs to leave her. Friends gather on the road to the island, now Bernard accepted his fate with dignity and even apologized for his cowardice in the Monda Cabinet. Skar forgave him. He was asked to the island again, but he was not allowed. Then he decided to find a place in London, where he could retire. They said goodbye.

John begins to live in an abandoned aircraft on his latest money that allows him to buy everything necessary for life. Savage engaged in agriculture, I believed due to self-keeping and began to beat himself to beaches to be expelled from myself.

But one day he, half agen, see people passing by, and all starts first: the crowd, screams. He becomes the hero of television, the cameras and reporters are hunting for them. The end comes an end. He again became a game monkey.

Once the crowd of Zevak came to him, who wanted to see what the beat looks like. John, seeing in the crowd Linain, really becomes like a real savage, who rushes on her with a beach in his hand. He beat the girl, but soon understands how he morally dropped.

A day later, Londoners want to see a savory again, but they see John's hanged body. He committed suicide.

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About the wonderful new world

The effect of this novel-antiwopia occurs in the fictional world state. There is a 632nd year of stability era, Ford's era. Ford, created at the beginning of the twentieth century in the world's largest automotive company, revered in the world state for the Lord God. It is called it - "Lord our Ford." In the state, the rules of technocracy. Children are not born here - the eggs fertilized by an artificial way are grown in special incubators. Moreover, they are grown in different conditions, therefore completely different individuals are obtained - alpha, beta, gamma, delta and epsilons.

Alfa, as it were, the people of the first grade, workers of mental labor, Epsilons - the people of the lowest caste, capable of monotonous physical work. First, the embryos are kept under certain conditions, then they appear on the light of glass bottles - this is called opening. Babies are brought up in different ways. Each caste is raised in front of a higher caste and contempt for the caustac. Suits for each caste of a certain color. For example, alpha walks in gray, gamma - in green, episylons - in black.

Standardization of society is the main thing in the world state. "Community, the sameness, stability" is the motto of the planet. In this world, everything is subordinate to the feasibility for the benefit of civilization. In a dream, the truths are inspired in a dream, which are written in them in the subconscious. And an adult, facing any problem, immediately recalls some kind of saving recipe that is remembered in infancy. This world lives today, forgetting about the history of mankind. "History is a solid nonsense." Emotions, passion - e ....